#antler queen Natalie
milf-lover42 · 1 year
It’s time to give everyone the image that convinced me Natalie was antler queen before season 2 even began. @laszlo-writes and I jokingly said one night during a theorizing session “wouldn’t it be so fun if Natalie was antler queen??” And we ran with it. In 30 minutes we collected most of the proof we needed and actually convinced ourselves we were correct. And we rewatched season one specifically looking for proof before season two dropped. All of season two was watched with AQ!Nat as our viewing lens, and it paid off.
But this image was the most crucial to me. There were tons of things we pulled from. But this. This was It for me.
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Everyone gathered around the fire. Natalie facing the camera, Lottie facing Natalie with her back to the camera, and everyone else facing Natalie and 1/2 to the camera. Lottie positioned as a worshipper - the first - and Natalie center stage, with those who would be her followers around her.
With tree branches shaped like antlers behind her. Not real antlers. The wilderness’s own likeness of antlers. An arguably more powerful image than any of the times real antlers were framing someone’s head.
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And this was all I needed. Everything else was icing on the cake, but this was the only piece of evidence I needed to believe it was her all along. The one with the most guilt, because she was the only one that was immune while everyone else risked death.
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noahsartt · 23 days
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officially cannibalistic cult in the woods season (my time to shine)
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yelloowcars · 6 months
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Heyy! I've been working on these ones, and I finally finished them today :)) This is mostly based on my own research and the way I perceive them 🥸
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lottienathive · 9 months
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lottienat plus antlers is something that's so personal to me
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oh Natalie I love u idc ur cursed by your fate and can never escape your unjust death
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cinematicnomad · 1 year
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YELLOWJACKETS ▸ 1.01 pilot || 1.07 no compass || 2.09 storytelling
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smukcers · 1 year
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the last supper
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lesbianlotties · 1 year
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feeling completely normal about this parallel
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Theory: The Wilderness saved its two Antler Queens long before the plane crash
There are signs of a supernatural influence surrounding the girls even before the plane crash. In 1x06, we see a flashback to Lottie as a child. She starts randomly screaming in the back of her parent’s car while they’re at a red light. She is presumably seeing something terrifying that hasn’t happened yet, as she does out in the Wilderness. Her screaming results in her father being distracted and not going when the light turns green, and then a car crash happens right in front of their car; a car crash that Lottie and her parents would have been involved in if it weren’t for Lottie’s screaming (a car crash that likely would have resulted in Lottie’s death).
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I think this is the first example of the Wilderness being present before the plane crash. The Wilderness gave Lottie a vision to protect her; to save the life of its future Prophet.
Then, we have the strange (and unlikely) death of Nat’s father. Nat’s dad somehow trips on the stairs and accidentally pulls the trigger of the shotgun right as the barrel was under his chin. How was his hand even on the trigger in that situation?
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I’m thinking that, similar to how the Wilderness saved Lottie’s life by preventing the car crash, it also saved Nat’s life by making that freak accident happen. Nat’s life was definitely in danger in that scene with the way her father was charging at her with the gun. I think him tripping and the gun going off was the Wilderness intervening.
This is not the only time the Wilderness may have been with Nat before the plane crash. At the bonfire the night before the crash, Nat has a hallucination of Misty standing ominously at the edge of the party before disappearing. Nat has tears in her eyes when she sees her, as if she’s feeling strong fear or sadness that she can’t explain.
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Karyn Kusama, the director of the Pilot episode as well as 2x09 “Storytelling” (the episode where Nat dies), stated in an interview that this scene is extremely important for Nat’s character. In my opinion, this scene is the Wilderness warning Nat that Misty will be the one to kill her one day. Nat also has a flashback to this scene right before she jumps in front of Misty’s syringe, as if she’s realizing what that bonfire hallucination meant now 25 years later as she’s about to die by Misty’s hand. Lottie said that Nat was always the Wilderness’s “favorite,” so maybe it has been with her, protecting her and warning her, all along.
Maybe I’m thinking too much, but I definitely think the Wilderness has been looking out for its two Antler Queens, Natalie and Lottie, as well as priming them to fulfill their roles out in the woods. The car crash incident is the catalyst for a lifetime of meds and treatment for Lottie, and the death of Nat’s father is extremely traumatic for her. The Wilderness not only saved Nat and Lottie’s lives, but it also created a darkness in them through these traumatic events that is necessary to fulfill their eventual roles as Antler Queens.
Unless you don’t believe in the supernatural angle, then you can take this with a grain of salt✌️
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hartanddoe · 4 months
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the-bee-graveyard · 6 months
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“It was just us!”
“Is there a difference?”
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yelloowcars · 6 months
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Been working all week on these ones!!!
Think I'm gonna get them printed on a shirt, I'm still not sure 🤠🤙🏼
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heartz4shauna · 6 months
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like so
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hauntsthenarrative · 5 months
Blessed be the Daughters of Cain
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Bound to suffering eternal through the sins of their fathers committed long before their conception
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Blessed be their whore mothers, tired and angry waiting with bated breath in a ferry that will never move again
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Blessed be the children, each and every one come to know their god through some senseless act of violence
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Blessed be you, girl, promised to me by a man who can only feel hatred and contempt towards you
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I am no good nor evil, simply I am, and I have come to take what is mine
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I was there in the dark when you spilled your first blood
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I am here now as you run from me still
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Run then, child
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You can't hide from me forever
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midsommar (2019) dir. ari aster / yellowjackets (2021-present) cr. ashley lyle & bart nickerson
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Ashley Lyle said that the girls are “thriving” in the Wilderness in season 3. Okay hear me out I think this is because of Nat’s leadership (at least at first). I think the girls are thriving because leadership ends up coming very naturally (although unexpectedly so) to Natalie. She’ll delegate, plan, keep everyone’s heads up. She’ll be pragmatic and grounded while also leaning into the spiritual/supernatural element that they all need (we saw her crack a little bit and start believing in it too after Javi’s death so I think she’s going to start “listening to the Wilderness” more now). We know she has great survival instincts and maybe now that’s she has been forced to shed that whole “I don’t care about anything” act she’ll find a newfound sense of confidence and motivation.
She’s discovered a purpose and drive that she never had before the plane crash. This is what makes her spiral into drug addiction after they’re rescued, because, as she says in the Pilot episode, she “lost her purpose.”
Nat is the most directionless in the adult timeline because the Wilderness, and being a leader (a queen) out there was her direction. She’s lost without it.
If I’m wrong just forget I ever said this y’all👀
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