#there are like two x reader fic series in the [REDACTED] tag
kurokoros · 2 years
I hate you cross-tagging! I hate you pointless love-triangles! I hate you fics that shove in multiple love interests just to get as many readers as possible! I hate you writing that develops more/better chemistry between the ship that ultimately doesn’t work out!
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thewriteflame · 3 years
Valentines Questions Game
Thank you @megarywrites for the tag! These are going to be fun to answer ^^ I will be focusing on my two main WIPs (The Revenged and And They Were Roommates) otherwise this would get really long
1. Which of your characters have some romantic chemistry?
The couples obviously... Shuntala and Nahuel (Natala? Shunuel?), Jayme and Nim (Nayme), Cris and Laith (Craith)... Shuntala and Athanian also have some romantic chemistry but [redacted]
2. Which of your characters do you think readers will ship?
I hope they ship the endgame couples but I feel there will be a lot of Jayme x Takashti (Tayme) fics and art. Takashti x Cris would be a rarepair. There would be an avid Tynis x Takashti fandom, probably. I can also see Cris and Nim being shipped. ATWR is the kind of series that tumblr would love and argue about. Shuntala x Athanian might cause some wars. Shuntala x Marlia would probably be rather popular too. .....Shuntala and Takashti are two very shipable characters it seems......
3. Which of your characters are slated to be endgame?
Nayme, Craith, Saira x Cyrail, and I could include Natala here too right? Right?
4. Are there any established relationships in your WIP? If so, how did they meet?
Established before the story even starts? Besides minor characters who are married there's Saira and Cyrail. Cyrail has gone to the same school as Saira since they were little and he used to be friends with her cousin, Takashti. And I guess one would argue that Nayme is established because they act like they are married. Jayme moved next door to Cris who was already close friends with Nim because they went to the same school. He went with his mom to meet their neighbors and a bond was quickly formed between the three five year olds and the mothers.
5. What’s your dream love confession scene between your characters?
There's one for Natala in The Revenged. It's sort of lowkey and full of teasing. One of the conflicts in ATWR involves Nayme not confessing to each other so.... I've had several ideas for them one of which is a sweet scene where Jayme takes her on a ferris wheel (he hates heights but she loves romantic things like that) and finally confesses but I think it might end up coming out during a heated argument I love Craith's scenes. They just agree to go on a date together and start dating and are very quickly joined at the hip. Cris who has zero filters blurts out "I love you, marry me" after Laith does a really sweet thing for her. Romcom couple of the century.
tagging @emelkae and @the-finch-address if you haven't been tagged and want to do it!
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eeveevie · 5 years
author interview
thank you @elfrooted​ for tagging me :) 
Name: technically, as my blog states, [redacted]; writing name here is eeveevie, Ao3 is speedgriffon
Fandoms: I am not bound by any fandom Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Mass Effect, Star Wars...random TV shows and pop culture in general? But I don’t write for everything. 
Where You Post: As far as writing goes, I post everything here and cross post it to Ao3. I have other social media but its not fandom orientated. 
Most Popular One-Shot: Payback, With Interest (NSFW Cullen x Aurelie Trevelyan ; oh how I miss the days of 2015 tumblr looking at those notes ;_____;
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: You mean my only multi-chapter fic story? (Cries in rare-pair). The Way You Make Me Feel (Modern AU Alistair x Evelyn Cousland) ; something I was going to re-master and then kind of...didn’t. 
Favorite Story You Wrote: Hands down I still love what I did with TWYMMF as much as I could’ve improved it, as it was the first chapter fic I ever completed. There are a LOT of things I would do differently now (plot wise and trope wise) but hey I also have developed as a writer so *shrug*. I’m also fond of all my rare-pair fics that never see the light of day. 
Story You Were Nervous to Post: The first chapter of Shadow and Light - entering RarePair land is always treacherous; also I was coming out of a long writing hiatus. I think posting anything for a pairing I’ve never written for is a little nerve-wracking for me. I want my readers to be interested and my characters to sound different from one another. 
How You Choose Your Titles: Titles hard. 
Complete: lol wut? Since I post a lot of one-shots, I consider a lot of my fics “complete”. But I group them in series--so they are ongoing. 
Incomplete: Unfortunately, I have a few fics that have been left unfinished. I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to them again. 
Do You Outline? Yes. I have WIP maps and string ideas together by piecing together dialogue, random phrases, sentences and setting. I have notes on my phone, sticky notes and work laptop and have to compile them together into a finished product. 
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: Prompts I usually write in one sitting, though I will typically jot down a few lines of ideas here and there when I get them so I don’t forget about it as I work on other stories/things. Bigger projects will probably getting back to my WIPs from 2019 I didn’t get around to like The Lover, The Thief which I really want to post before the end of January. 
Do You Accept Prompts? Oh hell yeah. Contrary to what it seems, just because I’m super into writing one or two pairings, I can be prompted for anything I’ve written for in the past. Because challenges are fun. 12 prompts in a row for one character can be draining, no matter how much I love them. 
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: After I write “The Lover, The Thief”, I will be excited to write the yet to be titled Proposal series (a series of unfortunate proposals) that showcase Brynjolf’s disastrous attempts at getting Fiona to marry him. Don’t worry, it ends well. Oh, and maybe a mystery noir for Mads. 
tagging @lechatrouge673 @lucyrne @rhetoricalrogue @ivisite @out-of-the-embers @tamlinn @ladynorbert  also @ladymdc and @glaiveulric (gurl come back here !!!!) 
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Cool Asks for Fic  Writers [based on this post] 
asked for by this lovely anon (probably @the-chapmania​, but I can’t say for sure 🙄😂💖)
1. Describe yourself how you would describe a character you’re introducing
(side note, I almost never introduce characters in a paragraph or block of text, I usually let dialogue and speaker tags do that for me- unless it’s an explanation of relationship or exposition, but I will do my best~)
She walks around looking like she has a secret- not like she killed someone or anything scandalous like that, but as if she wants to say something, yet never actually says it. Maybe she’s afraid of the consequences. Or maybe she simply doesn’t know what she wants to say in the first place.
2. Is there any specific ritual you go through while/before/after your writing?
....opening my laptop? I mean, no not really :’)
3. What is your absolute favorite kind of fic to write?
SATIRE *jazz hands* 😂 Or realistic romantic comedy
4. Are there any other fic writers you admire? If so, who and why?
Too many. I generally gravitate toward uniqueness of the story and how well written it is.
5. How many words can you write if you sit down and concentrate intensely for an hour?
If I’m inspired? Or “in the zone?” Probably about 700 if I’m not trying to edit it. Max of like 1k.
6. First fic/pairing you wrote for? (If no pairing, describe the plot)
When I started exploring BTS fanfiction, the first pairing I wrote for a story you’ll never see was a reader x [REDACTED]. So because Bloodstone was the second thing I wrote and I actually posted it, I’ll just point you in that direction if you’re curious 😂
7. Inspiration, time, or motivation. Choose two.
Inspiration and time. It is my opinion that motivation comes stems from inspiration. So you can’t have motivation without inspiration (because then WHAT will you write?) and how frustrating would it be to have inspiration and motivation but no time to write something (me right now)?
8. Why do you choose to write?
Because I get ideas screaming in my mind and they need to be let out. It also allows me to escape from the real world to a place that I can have some degree of control over what happens.
9. Do you ever have plans to write anything other than fic?
YES! I actually have something written that I am very proud of but it’s a little... heavy and I don’t think anyone would want to read it 😅😞
10. What inspires you the most?
Inspires my writing? Feelings. My feelings. Toward things. It’s very vague I know but for example, my extreme discomfort of Jungkook’s blond hair caused me to write all of the sin that was Goldilocks.
11. Weirdest thing you’ve ever written/thought about writing/etc.?
I will now be calling it “The Fauna Series” which includes (but will not be limited to) A Very Tragic Boy with Enormous Wings; Deer in the Headlights; and Bunny Boy.
12. A fic you wish you had written better, and why?
At this point I think I’ve come to accept the fact that not everyone will be happy with what I write but I am happy with it... so I think I’ve written everything how it was supposed to be written. And that’s all I can ask for 😊
13. Favorite fic from another author?
It was kimtrain’s shifter AU stuff but unfortunately she deactivated 😞 #FluffGoals
14. Your favorite side pairings to put in?
15. Your guilty writing pleasure?
Uhhhhh.... Error 404 answer not found 👀
16. Do you have structured ideas of how your story is supposed to go, or make it up as you write?
I think we can all agree I make stuff up as I go along. Except Bloodstone. That one is carefully planned out~
17. Would yo describe yourself as a fast writer?
Fast writer, very slow editor. It’s actually not my writing that I take the most pride in, but my ability to revise things.
18. How old were you when you started writing?
When I was 8 😊 writing seriously? Sophomore year of high school. I was probably like 14? Maybe 15?
19. Why did you start writing?
My friend was doing it (we had a very unhealthy cult like relationship). She would bring journals around everywhere she went, so I started doing the same. Once I hit high school writing was just a way for me to relax 😂
20. 4 sentences from your work that you’re proud of
(All random quotes from Goldilocks)
“Is that just a ploy to touch my boobs?”
“If you guys are done making butt jokes, I’d really like to watch this movie.”
“Oh how cute. You think I want an apology.”
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