#and in both fics the reader insert has more interaction and chemistry with A
kurokoros · 2 years
I hate you cross-tagging! I hate you pointless love-triangles! I hate you fics that shove in multiple love interests just to get as many readers as possible! I hate you writing that develops more/better chemistry between the ship that ultimately doesn’t work out!
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threeconsecutivefs · 4 years
Heather: Daichi x Reader
Ooh, first song fic.  Man i have like five drafts in store, why am I making another one.  
Summary:  You’ve been in love with Daichi since your third year, but the love is unreciprocated.  Things go south and you’re left alone.
Warnings: Angsty, jealousy? hell yeah.  Like, one curse word.
Notes:  I think it’s gender neutral.  If it’s not, just tell me!  Also, there are weird things in the midst of them.  Don’t want you to get too sad :)
(I want to just sit in his lap and be embraced by all of his 4 thicc limbs... no more, no less.)
Word Count: 1.8K words, 9.4 characters.
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I still remember
Third of December
Me in your sweater
You said it looked better
On me, than it did you
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“(Y/N), aren’t you cold?”  Daichi asked as we walked home one autumn evening as he began to slide his bag off.  “Where’s your coat?” 
“I didn’t think practice would go on for so long, Daichi.  If I did, I would have definitely brought a sweater.  And before you say I should have gone home, I... kinda got mesmerized by your practice.”  I smiled softly at him with my arms holding each other.
“Here,” He took his team jacket off and draped it upon my body. “I’ll walk you back to your place.  You can give it back to me when we get there.”
I blushed and grinned while sliding my arms through the jacket.  It was already warm, and I could have just fell asleep in the middle of the road.  The jacket should have smelled sweaty, but in reality, it smelled really nice.
“It looks really good on you,”  He smiled down on me as he patted my head. “Better than it does on me if I do say so myself.”
Only if you knew
How much I liked you
I know he doesn’t see me the way I see him because it’s blatantly obvious when I see him look at her.
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But I watch your eyes, as she
Walks by
What a sight for
Sore eyes
Brighter than a
Blue sky
She's got you
While I die
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“Kageyama and Hinata are really getting better and better every pra-”  He paused and stared at the doorway, and none other than Yui Michimiya, the girl who has him smiling whenever she walks by.  As he moseys on over to her, I can’t help to feel a twinge of sadness.  He’ll drop everything for her.  She likes him too.  From the way she gets flustered around him or connects with him through volleyball,  it’s as plain as daylight.
I tuck my head into my arms because he likes her, and she likes him.  It’s the perfect scenario.  But slowly inside, I can’t help but wish to be in her place.
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Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half, as pretty
You gave her your sweater
It's just polyester, but you like her better
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Why should I feel so heartbroken?  It’s not like I’ve ever been an option.  She has charm, looks, and everything else I don’t.  Now when we go have lunch, she joins, and they both look 70 times happier.  He’s not as stern and she’s not as awkward anymore.  They suit each other.
We become friends, and the three of us hang out together all the time.  But now there’s only one sweater for two people.  I shouldn’t have expected the special treatment to continue.  The two of them become less flustered around each other as their chemistry continues to grow.  It was only a matter of time before it was them on the bike and me in the sidecar.  (A/N: This is giving me Hagrid’s motorbike vibes, and now I can’t stop laughing.)
“Michimiya, are you chilly?” Daichi asks in his deep and caring voice as he slides his jacket off of his shoulders.  “You should have dressed warmly today, it’s barely even 50 ºF(10 ºC).”
“I’ll be fine!  Won’t you be cold too? I don’t want you catching a cold before your practice game tomorrow”  She looks up at him and smiles, but as a breeze slowly makes its way through us, she shivers.  
He covers her with his jacket, zippering it up so she can’t move her arms.  As she stomps her foot in fake frustration.  “Don’t worry about me, I’ll just jog home so I can keep myself warm.”  He grins and grabs the sleeves of the jacket as he drags her off into the distance. 
I stand there, watching the two as they run around and laugh, like a mother watching her child run off with a friend at the playground.  After spacing out for a moment, I sprint to catch up with them.
They reach her house, and they bid their goodbyes, but when she asks about his jacket, he tells her she can keep it.
I stand across the street, watching the scene play down as I begin to amble back home.  He was so much kinder to her.  Letting her keep his jacket hurt more than it should have.  I tell myself that it’s just an act of kindness, no more, no less, but deep down, I know otherwise.
Wish I were Heather
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Watch as she stands with
Her holding your hand
Put your arm 'round her shoulder
Now I'm getting colder
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Two years later, they begin dating.  There was never a time they were apart.  Daichi in the police academy and Yui in the local college.  We shared an apartment, two rooms, one for me, one for them.  On Fridays, we watched movies– or more like I watched movies.  They watched each other.  Sitting on the couch with your arm resting on her shoulders and her hand in yours.  I sat on the ottoman at the side of the room.  If he was happy, so was I, no matter how much I yearned to be in her place.
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But how could I hate her?
She's such an angel
But then again, kinda
Wish she were dead, as she
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 She’s wonderful in every way.  Her smile, her laugh, what’s not to like.  They’re in love, and I can’t do anything about it.  She super sweet and caring to me, even though we don’t talk all too much.  I can’t help but smile around her too, but at the same time, I wish she was dead.
“(Y/N)?  You there?” Daichi calls through my door.  “Lunch is ready if you’re hungry.” He knocks on the door again.
Curled up in my bed, I smile at the sound of his voice while tears roll down my face.  I sit up and wipe the tears off my face, but when I try to reply, I’m barely able to choke out my words to him, “Mmhmm... I’m coming.”  Gazing at the rain dripping down the window, I sniffle and get up in order to go eat, but before I can do that, Daichi comes in, only to see me looking miserable
“Hey, hey... are you ok?”  He questions, walking over to sit next to me on the bed. “You look like you’ve been crying for the past hour.  You never come out to spend time with us.” As he brings me closer to his chest, I can’t help but feel worse inside because it’s obvious that he sees this only as a platonic action.
“I really don’t want to talk about it,” I responded, pulling myself away from him.  Unfortunately, that triggers the inner dad in him and he continues to push me to tell him.
 “I don’t want to tell you!”
“It’ll make you feel better, bottling your emo-”
“OK FINE! Fine. I’ll tell you.”  I snap and stand up abruptly.  Daichi stares with wide eyes, taken aback by my sudden actions.
“I love you... So much.”  I plop on the floor, “And not like a platonic, ‘We’re friends, and we love each other as friends.’ kinda thing.  It’s gotten to the point where I can’t stop feeling hurt whenever you’re with her” Cue the frantic handwaving, “And I know you don’t feel the same way, it’s been obvious since our third year.  Wow...  heh... this felt really good to let out.”
Daichi is beyond stunned, almost as if he was told that he was going to a father.  I couldn’t help but laugh awkwardly at him.
“I- I... WHAT?”  His eyes were practically popping out of his head, and honestly, that was probably the best reaction he could have given me.  But as soon as he said that, he walked out of my room, and closed the door behind him.  
A couple of days passed, and he didn’t say much, even if I tried to crack a couple of jokes.  (Insert this face)
“I mean, it’s not like you need it more than Oscar the Grouch does” 
I began to crumple even more because of this.  After a week, he had done enough for me to realize he didn’t want to talk to me.  Movie night?  Sitting with Yui in a passionate kiss.  Lunch?  A discussion of their day.  Hangouts?  I wasn’t invited.  If I chimed in, I was ignored.  
I might as well be on a show called, “What Not To Do When:  Confession Edition” 
(Gonna cut the song short here)
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Wish I were Heather
Wish I were Heather
╚═══*.·:·.✧    ✦    ✧.·:·.*═══╝
Fury flowed through my veins as I punched the pillow laying on the couch.  
“I WISH I WERE HER.  FREAKING PERFECT IN EVEN IF SHE FUCKS SOMETHING UP.  NO MATTER WHAT SHE DOES, IT’S WONDERFUL.  I TELL HIM ONE THING- GODDAMMIT.  GODDAMMIT, GODDAMMIT, GODDammit...”  My voice trailed off as I saw Daichi standing at the door.  With tears flowing down my face, I look at the man as he looks at me with the same face he did when I told him.  
“Why do you look at me like that?  Why is it that every time that we even remotely interact with each other you look at me like that?  It’s like you never expected this to happen!”  I wipe my tears with my sleeve and storm up to him. “Why isn’t it plain as day?  You EXPECT me to be perfectly fine after days- DAYS of you looking at me like a stranger and ignoring everything I say?  That’s not how I work, and you know that!  I told you I didn’t want to tell you, and you poked and prodded at me to tell you, and when I told you, you left.”  I weakly punched him in the chest. “I wish I were her.  I wish you would look at me like you do at her.  But that’s never going to happen because you’re infatuated by her.”
╔═══*.·:·.✧    ✦    ✧.·:·.*═══╗
Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater
It's just polyester, but you like her better
Wish I were
╚═══*.·:·.✧    ✦    ✧.·:·.*═══╝
“Why would you ever do that? There’s no reason for you to because all I am is a pebble beside you.  I don’t even exist at this point to you.  I wish I were-”  Daichi stepped out of the way to show her standing behind him.
(A/N: I had no idea how to end thisssss.  I’m dying rn.)
(Masterlist) (Part 2)
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Dunno if we’re allowed to send multiple asks for the follower celebration thing, but I was wondering— what was your inspiration for “Heart of the Sea”? (The pairing, the setting, etc.)
You most certainly are, darling. Ask away to your heart's content. 😊 The only restriction is the number of drabbles I can do, as it takes a while for me to finish those.
As far as my inspiration for this fic, it was a culmination of a few things.
I had been reading a siren!Sebastian/Claudia Phantomhive RP @rxseandscythe and @rotcon had posted on here. This is what initially got my two brain cells volleying this idea around, though at the time it was going to be a reader insert one shot. An AU where Sebastian is a breathtakingly handsome mythological creature who lures unsuspecting humans to their demise is rather fitting to his canon demonic nature. But no matter what scenario I worked up for the one shot idea, I could never find one that worked to my liking. So I tabled it until a more fitting scenario presented itself.
This artwork
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The nature of this pose in media is typically used with the intention of creating sexual tension between two characters. Given Bard’s expression, I'm sure he's doing this to get the butler’s attention because nothing else is working, but it hints at the chemistry these two have (and that it's not just a one-sided seduction on Sebastian’s part).
3. The few delicious Sebard one shots I read as a result of said aforementioned artwork. They continued to open me up to the possibility that a "relationship" of sorts could develop between the two.
4. Posts on here from @amanitus, @luci-on-the-moon, and you, which further spurned my interest in this rare pairing.
5. The fact that I love both these characters. Sebastian is appealing because...well, honestly, he's a pretty complete package. He's got the looks, the charm, and the brains. While Bard reminds me of a "good ol' country boy". Hard working, strong, and intelligent in his own way. Plus, honestly, they're both hot. So sandwich them together and I'm all 🤤
6. I've also never written a m/m fic before. I've always wanted to, but I would always chicken out, mainly because I don't have experience with it and I want to be respectful and accurate with how I render the relationship, especially the sex. But finally I was like "F*ck it, let's do this!" and here we are, lol. 😂
I chose the time period because it's another one I've always enjoyed. Life, in a lot of ways, was simpler. But that simplicity also led to isolation, which is one of the themes I wanted to capture in this short story. I don't think it could've worked as well or easily in a more modern world. Technology and social media probably would narrow Sebastian’s hunting grounds quite a bit and he would be resigned to strictly hunting sailors, naval personnel, and oil rig workers. Plus this is a time period I've never written for before, so I wanted to try my hand at it.
I chose the setting of a lighthouse because, again, it's isolating which continues to fuel Bard’s loneliness, depression, and PTSD. Plus it makes him choice prey for Sebastian. Sirens cannot take on large groups of humans, so they have to lure their prey, single them out, which is much easier to accomplish when they've already isolated themselves. Isolated people are also easier to lure because they crave companionship and see a kindred spirit in the siren. Also, being a lighthouse keeper allows Bard constant and easy access to the sea.
Thank you so much for this ask! Even though it's going to be short compared to Wicked Game, I am really enjoying working on this project. And thank you for being a dear an beta-ing it! Your feedback has been instrumental in helping me improve my writing in general and is a big reason why this story is so good. 😊 And I'm so thankful it's allowed me to interact with you more. You're awesome! ❤❤❤
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gavillain · 5 years
5, 6, 35, and 40 💕
5. Favorite pairing?
I have something of a three way tie: Hades/Maleficent, Loki/Doctor Doom, and Jafar/Captain Hook (OUAT). They all are different flavors of fabulous villain ships, and I love writing for them all. Hades/Maleficent was my first real ship, and it’s the one that I’ve written overwhelmingly the most, and it is the most enduring. Doom/Loki was my first major gay ship, and it was the ship that I have edited the most videos for and the ship that I edited my first gay videos for, making it sort of the first way I could express my sexuality online. Jafar/Hook, by contrast, is much newer to me, but it has become one of those ships where a magic chemistry happened that made them irresistible to me to write, and because it effectively re-energized my love for two characters who meant something to me but through outside forces were slipping from my grasp. 
6. Least favorite pairing?
I actually answered this one before. Answer is Hook/Emma Swan from OUAT. Hate it. It’s gross and boring and there’s better options for both.
35. OCs, reader inserts, or canon character pairings? 
Canon character pairings. OCs and reader inserts aren’t done well enough often enough to get me to give them a try without them being written by a trusted author. I like canon characters and exploring their interactions way more.
40. Imagine yourself 10 years in the future; do you think you’ll still be writing fic?
Well I’ve been writing fic for the past ten years, and I don’t see myself stopping now XD It’s a great outlet to express myself that I want to keep up if I can.
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