#basically stop fucking tagging ships as romantic if they end up being completely platonic
kurokoros · 2 years
I hate you cross-tagging! I hate you pointless love-triangles! I hate you fics that shove in multiple love interests just to get as many readers as possible! I hate you writing that develops more/better chemistry between the ship that ultimately doesn’t work out!
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I typically don’t do asks (I've only ever gotten a few), but a recent one got my gears turning and I wanted to reply.
(This is a secondary blog, so I can’t answer asks in the usual way.)
Your post about the retcon is so fucking good, I wish every critter saw it and actually thought about how shitty it was done, but then their belief in the cast and show would probably start cracking.
Thank you for liking the retcon post. I’ve seen various people in the tags thank me for making that post and have said that it’s helped them ‘feel less insane’. None of us are insane. We are not delusional. We didn’t experience a mass hallucination. These things happened, and they’ve been thoroughly documented. Hundreds of hours of material over the course of three years.
The people who should read that post won’t ever see it because I have all those assholes blocked lol. If they did manage to find it somehow, I know they would just mock it, as they’re wont to do with any of our criticisms. They’re so far up CR’s ass, they’ve convinced themselves that a retcon didn’t happen. Even shoving the literal definition of the word in their faces wouldn’t wake them up.
It's just so fucking weird to see how the group is acting now, and I'm pretty sure we're never gonna get a Laura&Marisha episode picture and a TM episode with those 2 for the rest of the campaign. It feels like when a non-canon wlw ship gets big on a TV show and suddenly the actresses can't be seen or interact with each other anymore🙄 it's the same fucking pattern and like you, I thought I wouldn't have to deal with this on a d&d show.
I specifically want to address the “It feels like when a non-canon wlw ship gets big on a TV show and suddenly the actresses can't be seen or interact with each other anymore” because I’ve thought about that pattern too. (Not so much with Marisha/Laura ‘cause them being on TM together is already a rare combo. If they don’t appear much or at all going forward, I don’t think it’s because of this, though it really wouldn’t surprise me. But, I have been thinking about that specific pattern in regard to their characters.)
I can make a comparison between this situation and what happened with the show A/gent Carter and the way the ship Cart/inelli was handled.
I know that might sound weird, but stay with me here lol...
I want to make it clear that I’m not comparing the relationships at all. Cart/inelli did not have nearly the same amount of build-up and depth as Beaujester, (or quite frankly, their level of possibility.) What I am comparing is the creators over-the-top reactions to these characters being shipped so hard and the extreme measures they went to in order to ‘remedy’ that.
The ship included P/eggy Carter and A/ngie Martinelli. The show was set in New York. Angie was a waitress (who wanted to be an actress/be on Broadway) at the diner that Peggy frequented. They ended up talking quite a bit and became fairly close. That ended up kind of becoming the core relationship in the entire first season, and LOTS of people started shipping it.
At the time, no one was calling us crazy or delusional. At most it was, “This is ABC! They’re not gonna pair her with a woman!” and of course the obligatory “But Peggy’s not gay!”. But no one was calling us names or being generally cruel. And anyone who tried it was ignored because everyone else drowned them out. The ship became extremely popular on Tumblr and Twitter. Both actresses were very positive and supportive. They regularly liked/retweeted romantic Cart/inelli fanart on Twitter. Even one of the female writers on the show got behind it too. It was asked about frequently at conventions and no one booed or rolled their eyes. The questions were never dismissed or made into a joke. (Honestly, this was one of the better overall fandom experiences I’ve had on here.)
And all of us were super excited for S2. Not just because of all the support, but because they had ended S1 with Peggy and Angie moving in together. Peggy had purchased, either it was a really fancy apartment or house (my memory is fuzzy on this), and she literally asked Angie to stay with her. Needless to say, that fueled the flames even more.
But despite the actresses and at least one writer being on board, between S1 and S2, something shifted.
Clearly, the showrunner and/or the execs, took a look at all of this and deemed it a ‘problem’. When S2 finally came around, suddenly everything was different. Instead of both of them living together in New York, instead of it being an organic (I’m beginning to hate that word) continuation from where they left off, Peggy decided to move to Los Angeles to do work for some agency out there or something, and Angie stayed in New York. It’s never explained why. It’s never explained why a woman who so badly wanted to be an actress would NOT want to go to LA, where Hollywood is. LA was never mentioned in S1. There were no hints that Peggy might want to fly out to the West Coast at some point. She seemed perfectly happy in NY, basically setting up house with Angie.
And they didn’t even ease into the change. They just got rid of the character. The actress was bummed about it and Cart/inelli fans tried to put pressure on the showrunner/writers to bring Angie back, which the actress completely supported, but even that fell on deaf ears. So, Angie was simply no longer an entity on that show. Conveniently removed. All the excitement we had was crushed. And of course, the second that Peggy got out to LA, she suddenly had a very obvious male love interest. What a surprise.
The showrunner/writers were not subtle about what they thought about our ship and us. They made the most extreme, nonsensical writing decision in order to permanently separate these two characters. Because, hey, that’s the only way to get the shippers to STOP, right?
This was what I was reminded of when I started seeing the turn that post-hiatus CR was taking. It ended up being a weird combination of kneejerk erasure (BJ) and heavy-handed overcompensation (BY).
But of course, CR is not a TV show, it’s D&D. And they can’t force one of their PCs to just disappear, so what do they have to resort to? Not interacting.
We all know how severely neutered Beau and Jester’s general relationship has become. It’s clear to me that both Marisha and Laura felt they had to do that. They had to suddenly have their characters stay away from each other as much as possible so they could prioritize Fjord and Yasha, and speed-run into romances with them. They started acting as if either of them giving the other one ounce of affectionate attention (like they had been doing so often and so naturally before), would be breaking some sort of hidden ‘relationship code’. Almost like if they ever hugged again, the studio would go down in flames.
The very obvious fact that they went to these lengths, to me, proves two things...
One, it proves the retcon even more, because you can tell that the way they behaved with each other DID in fact change. The frequency of interactions and the way those interactions would play out. Whenever they interact now, it seems like they’re trying to keep it as short, thin, and almost comedic (to the point of goofiness, and not in a good way) as possible. Their engagement seems half-assed and dull. The sounds of their voices, their facial expressions... completely sanitized. Even all the physicality they had is gone; the touches, the hugs, the cuddling. Every single aspect is different and they absolutely did that intentionally. This had to happen because they needed to dupe the viewers into believing that despite overall interest waning, their threadbare connections to Fjord and Yasha are more important, and were always more important then their connection to each other, that we all watched them steadily build. (And watched them pick up steam from about ep70 onwards.)
And two, that whole intentional decision to cut themselves off from each other, proves to me that their interactions pre-hiatus were indeed tinged with ‘something extra’, that was more than just friendship. They both recognized it and that’s why they pulled back so hard. That’s why soft touches and hugs and cuddling are no longer ‘allowed’. That’s why quiet, heartfelt conversations are no longer ‘allowed’. Because if there was absolutely nothing there, if they didn’t see/feel any romantic chemistry simmering underneath, and it was all just platonic BFF stuff, why would they suppress their behavior so drastically?
I think that all of this really does cement what I said in my retcon post: That there are disingenuous patterns being used here that I’ve seen far too often in media. In A/gent Carter, it was a character separation, in CR it was a character dynamic separation. Both done on purpose, to make the shippers shut up, and to push a different plot.
One is scripted, the other is unscripted, but the situations feel disgustingly similar, don’t they?
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buckskinblues · 5 years
This isn’t writing advice per se (more like formatting), just things that I take for granted knowing that when I come across I realize that not everyone does, in fact, know about when it comes to writing. You don’t have to pay attention to it or follow it. Just take it as me rambling pointlessly if you want (or even me being a big old meanie). I’m focusing on fanfic because if you’re serious about working on OG writing I...really hope you already know these things and I mention things specific to using tags and all that (I also focus on Ao3 rather than any other site since it’s the best and also the only site I use for posting anything).
First off, if you don’t use paragraph breaks. Fuck you.
Stop using “~” at the end of sentences to denote someone saying something in a “singsong” way or whatever. Stop using it in general. It looks bad and it breaks immersion because it’s not any sort of capitalization or formatting that is usually used so it can be jarring and also just looks stupid as fuck. The dialogue itself, the dialogue tags, and the context are all you need to carry the mood and convey feeling. Anything else is you trying way too hard. (The “~” is a tilde and is used in some other languages over letters to change the pronunciation and it’s also used in math/engineering to mean something about numbers...so basically if you’re writing in English you shouldn’t be using it because there is shit all reason to do that).
Either capitalize correctly for titles or don’t capitalize at all. Stylistic choices only work if you’re consistent about it, otherwise it looks like you don’t know what you’re doing rather than making a deliberate choice. And yes, even something as small and simple as the title can come across this way. It’s the first thing people see when they come across the story so it’s important it doesn’t look dumb as hell just to capitalize the first word and none of the others. It looks like you typed it out on your phone and auto correct got the first word but not the others. This is only for titles though, if you forego using capitalization in the body of your work just know you’ve committed a grave sin against humanity--you’re damned if you’ve done this for a chaptered work and not just a “stylistic” choice in a drabble.
Stop using...those letters that are from different alphabets and symbols you pasted from unicode or wherever else. It’s not aesthetic. Some phones and computers may not read them and they’ll just be square blocks. They’re hard to read for some people. They represent completely different sounds in the alphabets/languages they’re supposed to be used in. Just...stop doing it.
Don’t mix two different characters’ dialogue in the same paragraph. Each person gets their own paragraph. This is how people know who is talking when there are sometimes just one dialogue after the other without anything else to tell who is who, besides the fact it alternates. Paragraph breaks.
Epithets. Stop using them. Pronouns exist for a reason and context works wonders. “The blond haired agent, the doctor with glasses, the grumpy hitman...” it gets old when you use such things to refer to a character more than their names, especially when you’re using epithets in dialogue tags. And it’s especially unnecessary when they’re the only character in a scene or the only other character being referred to by another who’s speaking. (Also when you use the same epithet multiple times, all the time...I wanna die). Very low level children’s books use epithets often because children are just learning about things and have the attention span of a goldfish. But I hope you have faith your audience is above a kindergarten reading level. The only time I ever use epithets is when a character’s name isn’t revealed yet to the main POV and there really isn’t any other way to get around referring to them until it is. Though you can skip doing that if they’re literally the only other person the main POV could possibly be interacting with. And you don’t want to do this for very long because it wears out its welcome fast. It’s okay to use character’s names to refer to them...that’s why they have names.
Do not do things like “!!!!!!” or “?!?!1!!” Just one exclamation will do. You can use “?!”/”!?” but don’t like...repeat it a bunch of times. Like...I get it, they’re surprised.
Is this a chapter story or a script? Are you writing a play? If you use: Character A: Blah blah blah. Character B: Wah Wah Wah! Consider...not doing that. I mean, DO do that if you’re actually writing a script...but you have no excuse for not knowing how dialogue is actually supposed to be formatted in stories because...I mean...you have read right? It’s the same in every book and story. The bar is low here. It’s not obscure knowledge. Children’s trade books use: “Blah,” Character A says. You have no excuse for not doing the same.
Walls of tags. Ugh. Walls. Of. Tags. Again, I gotta say. Fuck you. Tags are for categorization but you still want to keep them as simple and clean as possible. I’ve legit had to scroll past a wall of tags that took up so much damn space they were all that was on the screen. Do. Not. Do. This. Everyone hates you for it.
Speaking of tags: / is for romantic and/or sexual relationships and & is for platonic friendship. Do not mix up the two. Do not use both. If it’s a slow burn from friends to lovers you still only use /. If there’s no romance at all use &. Do not put “platonic but can be read as--” no. It’s up to you, the writer, whether it’s platonic or romantic so use the tags correctly.
Request booklets uwu. I hate those. I hate them because it’s a shitload of different fandoms, a wall of tags, and (usually) little to no actual content. You’ll get one-shot collections in the fandom tag when there isn’t actually any content for that actual fandom in it. It’s Ao3, it’s an archive. If you want to take requests make a Tumblr blog. In general I’m of the belief that one-shots should be...one-shots. On their own. There are lots of reasons for this. You can add a summary for what the one-shot is about instead of just giving the audience a title and shit all else. You can put it in the proper fandom tag without pissing off people who come across the “collection” and there be nothing for their fandom actually. The only time it makes sense is if the one-shots are all happening in the same universe and to the same people and they stand alone because they’re not chronological but they’re still in the same timeline for the same people. A series is fine. But it’s essentially like someone crosstagging here on Tumblr and using as many tags as possible to get attention.
If you have a chaptered story that follows a specific plot...do not add one-shots or AUs of that story to the that story. Perhaps that may not make sense but there is nothing more infuriating than thinking the story is updated when it’s just something tacked on, a one-shot or something, that interrupts the story and pisses you off because you don’t care you want to find out what happens next. If it all happens in the same universe, put it in a series. But don’t clog up the actual story with diversions. This has happened and while I really liked the writer’s stories I was fucking pissed as all hell. When I saw an update I thought the cliffhanger would be resolved, but no, it was a one-shot...
Use an author’s note for introductions or extra information NOT the body of the work. Please and thank you. Similarly you can add a tag or edit the summary to say the story is on hiatus or will be left unfinished until further notice.
Gender-neutral smut...it doesn’t work.
It’s okay to write OOC. Just like...warn people if you KNOW it’s really OOC.
It’s okay to character bash, honestly. Just warn people you’ll be doing it and that you know it’s petty but you hate writing about them in a positive way. For the life of me writing Sakura (from Naruto) was always a pain in the ass for me, so I understand. Just be self-aware about it and warn people so that they can’t come crying about it. (The power of “well, I did warn you...” is strong).
The relationship tags are only for the MAIN relationship(s). Background ships can be put in additional tags or vaguely mentioned in the author’s note. But please don’t make people think a ship will be more prominent in a story than what it actually is.
Stop using quotes for summaries when they don’t actually tell the readers anything. Summaries are for letting people know the basics of what they’ll be reading about so they know if it interests them. A vague quote from some famous person says absolutely nothing. Quotes can be used to great effect at the beginning of chapters or the end to drive home a theme or add a nice touch but they aren’t summaries on their own.
Use whatever tropes/cliches you want. Seriously. Especially if it’s fanfic. Just do what you want as far as actual content. If you enjoy it that’s all that matters.
So essentially write about whatever you want but remember the formatting is important. Basic capitalization and grammar that isn’t immediately terrible is important. Categorizing properly is important. These are things that really aren’t all that hard, seriously. Once you learn about doing them you just...do them.
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soulswimmr · 6 years
Thoughts on s6~
Putting it all under a cut because I can’t not talk in lengthy paragraphs. Feel free to shoot an ask/message if you want to talk about s6, too
Ok wowie, good season. There were noticable weak points, but I’ll address those along the way. First let’s talk about the 
It was good. It was surprisingly good. The hidden altean thing where they bold faced put that Lotor was responsible for hundreds or thousands of deaths teeters way out of kids’ show territory. They were not fucking around with that. The fact that they made it clear that the plot was not just paladins vs Galra (esp with Lotor wanting to do away with the Galra), but more along the lines of paladins vs lotor vs generals vs sendak vs so on and so forth makes it not just more complex, but stacks the odds against voltron and adds good suspense. Clone shiro was incredible. It was everything i’ve been waiting for. 
The fight scenes, inside and outside voltron (cough cough KeithvsKuron) were breathtaking. Everything about Krolia was very well put together. THE ANIMATION WAS BREATHTAKING. 
On that note (and dipping into characterization a little bit), they kinda layed it on thick with Lotor romanticizing Allura. He was too goody goody and it made the betrayal lose a little impact (aside from the whole mass murderer thing). there’s a difference between that and foreshadowing. 
Idk why the huge timeskip with Keith and Krolia stuck on that mission bugged me a little, but it did. A timeskip makes sense and is a cool tool to use for the fam to get to catch up, but it just felt. Strange. Two years is a long ass time. Keith was completely unaffected seeing the team again. One could argue that this was bc of the mission, or Krolia teaching Keith how to be a member of the blade and have Super Mission Focus, but still, for Keith to have that much almost-off camera development and not be at least startled to see voltron again was weird. I love my mom to pieces but two years alone with her and eventually I’d go a little nuts.
That last point brings me right into characterization, and unfortunately this one is gonna be a little more on the critical side. For the most part, characterization/character focus was well balanced this season. But there were some Moments.
Everyone on team voltron developed, and it was arguably best executed this season than any other. We got to see some great Coran moments, where he really felt like a member of the team. Hunk having a no-nonsense teacher, even just for like 15 minutes lol did him good in terms of communicating with their new allies. Hunk is a people-person, and it shows very well. His camera time wasn’t 100% food related all the time, in fact, barely ever. Bravo.
Pidge of course got her own arc, but it was still a GREAT moment when she admitted to having the coding on Shiro’s arm uploaded and on hand just in case. It was CHILLING when she made eye contact with Kuron before he took off. This is, imo, how Dreamworks should’ve handled other characters who didn’t quite have the spotlight in previous seasons. Not a whole lot of moments, but when they were there, they had impact. I hope they continue to do this.
Do I even need a section for Keith? Holy shit. My boi finally accepting his role as Black Paladin and so much more. :’) I won’t elaborate because c’mon, it was in part, a Keith-centric season
Same for Allura. She really is the heart of Voltron. We got to see a lot of sides of her. 
Lotor being a psycho bitch but still having genuine feelings for Allura?? good shit
LANCEY LANCE. Bless him, Dreamworks is doing their best. In terms of his relationship with Allura, seeing him going from meaningless flirting to serious heart to hearts and a team player was fantastic. BUT I have some grievances, here we go.
Lance got a mini-arc and it was great, and he very clearly grows and changes, this is great! However, regardless of ships, seeing it centric to a romantic relationship, and basically being a rebound for Allura was ahhhhhhehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh eh. 
Pidge and Hunk teasing Lance about his crush was normal, and them pretending to be Lotor and Allura was adorable and hilarious, but Lance was really hurting and when they didn’t stop and just walked out, I???? What. That, to me, is out of character. Hella out of character. Lance is their friend, and they should be?? Friendly??? I was mad @ them
Finally, as much as I love broganes and the great arc they had, they’ve had a tremendous amount of camera time. We’re well away that they’re practically inseparable. What I really wanted to see was the whole team being involved with finding out about Operation Kuron. With Lance seeing Real Shiro in the astral plane, I was really on board with him pulling aside Keith when he came back and be like “ey dude I saw some fucked shit”, and them rescuing Shiro together was a theory I was personally super into. Was kind of disappointment that we didn’t see the relationship between Shiro and the other team members deepen a little more.  
If you don’t want to read about ships feel free to stop here and thanks for reading!! Message me if anything I said caught your eye.
First of all, daaaaaaamn that Allurance.
I’ve shipped allurance for a while now, more casually than other ships, so to see Lance change and mature and support Allura while Allura started to show that she really values Lance meant a lot to me. It’s good to see Lance grow up a little. For everything that they were this season, forced was most certainly not one of them. Their relationship felt organic.
However, it was not without flaws. I can’t help but feel like Lance was treated like a rebound, and was almost too? supportive??, and it was telling when Allura was talking with the mice, upon them snITCHIN ON LANCE DAMN MICE, she frowned sadly. I have to wonder if she actually returns his romantic feelings. And I do like the ship a lot, casually and aesthetically. But at the end of the day, what I was hoping to see was a really solid friendship. I think from here they don’t need to be straight up romantic. Their relationship is no doubt one of the strongest in the show, but I think it would be an incredible writing path to keep their friendship, because allurance has been hinted since episode one, and I think it’s almost?? Too easy for the writers to turn it romantic. I think Allura and Lance are a great team and very compatible for friends, but uhhhh read on.
I’ll just address the elephant in the room and come clean, yeahhhhh I like klance and yeeeaaahhhhh I would have really liked to see some more content this season, so sue me lmao. 
If I’m gonna be really blunt about my feelings, I feel like klance is a fantastic direction for Dreamworks to take. I feel like it would be good writing to make klance endgame. Why? Because it’s the path of least resistance. That’s why so many people like it. Keith and Lance were so salty at the beginning, but the crew made an effort to show that in moments that were particularily tough, they have loads of potential and can be very good for each other, romantically or platonically. It’d be harder to write, it’d take time, but I think it’s a worthwhile pairing. And there are definitely some moments that are super disruptic to both Keith and Lance’s development when they, Lance especially, straight up regress in their development and fight for no reason. I think it’s unfair, and it almost always makes me go “wait I thought they were starting to get along better??”. Now that Allurance is a thing, I’ve stated in another post that, because it would be strange for Lance to have two romantic arcs, it’s pretty unlikely that klance will actually happen. Do I think they teased us? Yeah. Do I think they straight up qbaited us? Not really. In the end, my biggest hope is that they continue to develop Keith and Lance’s friendship and don’t abandon the really strong potential they have together. Don’t let them regress, Dreamworks.
I’m not gonna address she/th (or tag it, because who goes into the tag looking for someone to say IM NOT A FAN OF XYZ JUST THOUGHT U SHOULD KNOW) too much because I’m personally not a fan. There’s so much about their relationship associated with “brothers”, and Keith looking up to Shiro that it just doesn’t rub me right in terms of romance. I had to wonder if they aged Keith up two years to justify possible future she/th?? if it happens I’ll be bummed, and I think the random aging up is kind of a cop out, but hey, it’s their show.
RIP Lotura. I stopped shipping it and figured out Lotor was a hoe after his third Dramatic ‘Let’s Bring the Universe Together’ Speech to appeal to Allura’s sense of duty. It’s a shame tho, I was really digging it at the end of season 5
Thanks 4 coming to my ted talk, get in my ask and discuss w/ me ovo
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pandoraspuxis · 7 years
I’d like to address the following: Stop reducing Jalec to labels such as racism, incest or abuse. First of all, just because 1 of every 100 jalec shippers criticizes Magnus for his ethnicity doesn’t mean all shippers do. Second of all, almost all jalec shippers ship malec, so no one criticises EVER at Magnus. Third: most jalec shippers ship jalec as a mid-ship, i.e. a ship that should have happened BEFORE their respective endgames so to solve issues and close cycles. 
Fourth: it isn’t incest. Yes, a Herondale married a Lightwood in the 1800s, but the connecting genes are more deluded than anything. Yes, Maryse and Robert took Jace in but they NEVER treated Jace as their own son (bookwise and showwise), Jace was taken like a child they took in, was he loved? Yes. Did Jace see them as family? No. Jace doesn’t understand the concept of family much until he faces it through Clary, and showwise, once Alec yells at him to tell him they are his family. Jace said to Clary “they are like my brother and sister”. LIKE not an absolute. And it is his way of telling Clary Izzy and I are nothing and I’m single ;). One Alec’s side it is the fucking same, it isn’t until that moment that he switches the chip. He never saw Jace as a brother, his guilt wasn’t because he wa his brother it was because a) he was a man and b) he was his parabatai and best friend. He felt the guilt that comes with falling in love with someone of your own gender, as those who have experience this know. IT isn’t an easy moment, you find yourself not fitting what the overall community tells you it’s normal (for a boy to like girls, for a girl to like boys). His feelings for Jace are a sexuality struggle, not a familiar one.
Yes, they’re calling each other brothers now. Now that they’ve moved on Jace has moved on with the idea of his father as his only family. He’s assumed the Lightwoods are the closest he’s had to a family, and he’s finally seeing it now. But remember one thing: when two people are together, the family of your loved one is also your family. And Alec is calling Jace brother because he’s finally moving on (and because his mother, Maryse, who took him in, acted as if she had turned her back on him), moving on what he feels for Jace which isn’t yet erased regardless of Magnus (first episode, parabatai lost, Malec date to point out minor points where his feelings for Jace were addressed). 
That doesn’t mean they completely see each other as siblings. And more importnatly: it doesn’t erase that there was a moment where they didn’t. Where Alec who first saw Jace as a kid, had already made hearteyes at him. It was then when he developed his crush for him. He fell in love later, but he already liked Jace as more than a friend when he was 12 and Jace 11 (which let me remind you, that’s not childhood but the beginning of teenage for boys and when feelings begin to develop). 
Just because Alec is with Magnus, Jace wo’t stop being Alec’s first love. Just because they’ve moved on CANONLY with their feelings (apparently, at least, since EVERYONE minimally logical accepts Alec still has feelings for Jace) doesn’t erase whath appened before. And Jalec shippers, WE ship Jalec:
Platonically: Always, never going to stop. They love each other in a deeper way than romantic love or familiar love. They’re parabatai. That will never cease, even in death, they’ll be ruined at the lose of the other. No matter how much you butthurts try to erase this.
Romantically: Season 1 and before. And in all those settings where fics are done, where rps are done, the romantic feelings were reciprocate and thus they actually developed a relationship. Or those aus in which Magnus and Alec break up (like it’s going to happen because their break up is canon) and Alec solves his feelings for Jace and they are however briefly and try out because AUs are to be experienced and experimented
Lastly, but not least important: STOP BRINGING INCEST INTO THE POOL WHEN YOU SHIP WINCEST WHO IS 100% INCEST AND 100% BIOLOGICAL INCEST. Unlike These two, the Winchester ARE and SEE each other as siblings as family. Ship what you want, but stop telling people to stop shiping what YOU don’t approve for idiotic reasons (or well, for morals that can’t separate fiction from reality or the idea that absolutely everything done in fantasy romanticizes it)
Also, remember what I?m saying here: 80% of Malec shippers ship JAlec. And 80% of Jalec shippers ship Malec. Why? Because Alec’s feelings matter. What Alec felt for Jace matters, and the idea of a world where he didn’t have to struggle with rejection and never had to feel not enough or not good until Magnus appears (and even after Magnus appers because he’s immortal and has been wth even more people than Jace has) matters. Alec and his feelings for Jace matter. And all the possilbities for his different ways of achieving happiness matter
Also, really, it isn’t racism. It isn’t choosing the white over the asian, it is choosing Alec’s first choice as a possibility. Maybe SOME do it out of racism. But surely NOT ALL. 
Long Live Jalec. Long Live Malec. Long Live Clace. Long live CANON AND NON-CANON RELATIONSHIPS THAT RESPECT CHARACTERS TRAITS. If you want to attack shippers, go to those that ship Alec with females erasing his sexuality. Or those that place Magnus asexual erasing his bisexuality. Or those that rule63!Magnus and still ship her with Alec. 
Also, about abuse. Yes, book Jalec can be seen as abusive. As well as Malec, Clace, Sizzy, and basically every relationship there, since abuse is part of the teen atmosphere of all those relationships in the books. But not showwise. And most of Jalec shippers are show shippers. Because the show and Dom and Matt made it that wy. Because Dom and Matt’s chemistry is extremely good and undeniable, and for once, TWO MALE ACTORS AND TWO MALE CHARACTERS CAN BE SHIPPED BECAUSE THEIR SEXUALITIES MATCH (Jace might identify as straight, but he’s just as bisexual as Magnus is and no matter how much you fight it, it is the truth, and ending with Clary doesn’t erase that possiblity, no straight man on earth mentions homoerotism like he does to Simon after the biting, no straight man on earth feels offended because he’s not seen like the prettiest by another male, and no straight man looks at Simon Lewis the way he does). FOR YEARS I’VE SEEN CLEAR STRAIGHT CHARACTERS BEING SHIPPED JUST BECAUSE OF THE CHEMISTRY OF THEIR ACTORS, AND THERE WAS NO WAY OF JUSTIFYING IT SO PEOPLE KEPT CREATING AND MAKING UP HEADCANONS, BUT JALEC HAS ALL THE CHANCES TO HAVE EVER HAPPENED IF ONLY CC WASN’T SO ANTI-LGBTA (”but she has gay ships and ...”Yes, she does, and she had them out of presence the moment they got together, we never saw Magnus and Alec, it was all secret escapes, and when they kissed publically she had them leaving on vacation so to have them out, and on the new books i’m seeing the exact same thing except maybe with a bit more fanservice so showing them more not to mention all those rumors that say she’s planning on killing Alec). 
And im sorry for that last paragraph, it looks messy, but I can’t avoid my passive-aggressiveness towards CC. Even if I am indifferent towards her, I’ll never forget the abusive elements nor the fact that she chose to NOT explore same sex parabatai but is doing it with a straight one. 
AGAIN: If you don’t ship Jalec is fine. If you don’t ship Malec is fine (weird, but fine). what isn’t fine is telling people to not ship things that are respectful in the way they ship it. Yes, again, some aren’t. Some Malec shippers are really disrespectful towards any other shipper (such as Clace shippers when it doesn’t affect Malec). Some Jalec shippers are really disrespectful towards Malec ones. But not all. 
Shipwars begin with you take the voice of those that want to fight. Most shippers don’t want shipwars. Most shippers want respect and peace and most shippers don’t have a ship, they have an ARMADA. I have one. I ship Malec, I ship Jalec, I ship Clace, I basically ship everything on that show romantically (specifically talking about the show now) but Alec and Clary and Izzy and Jace (and well, a few more, like Luke and Clary or Magnus and Clary, I can’t ship those for many many reasons but hey if you do *shrugs* i don’t mind). 
So, really, let people ship what they want. You don’t like Jalec? Then don’t check the tag. Blacklist it, ignore it. Like everyone does. This place is filled with teenagers and adults alike, and sometimes, Adults behave more like teenagers than the teens do. So, seriously: you don’t like it, you don’t check it. That’s all.
Stop attacking. Stop insulting. Stop calling shippers sick for shipping something you don’t approve.
P.S. If you’re going to comment on how it is incest, again, seriously, check the character’s point of view and not YOURS, that i the most important aspect, check the character’s point of view. And if you still think it is incest, well, let me tell you one thing: incest isn’t as bad as it is painted, it’s just a morality topic, a topic that was brought as negative in the fight of classes as it was what high classes used to keep their money just like celibacy in church appeared only to protect the church’s patrimony and not as part of any religious call.
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captainharunanase · 8 years
When you justified with the term fanart, that you can basically do whatever you want, I agree with you. BUT the recent new stalker *cough* cozy-hovel *cough* commented more than one IR fanarts with very piss-weak comments like "you're delusional" or "not gonna happen". Not worth this person's time but keep a look out, I got the receipts and I've counted.
Very true. I have seen that particular idiot call anything IR-oriented as “delusional” but here’s the kicker–all those IR moments are legit scenes from the manga. How can any IR scene, that Kubo himself drew, be delusional? Despite how people interpret them, an IR moment is STILL an IR moment.
Long-ass post under the cut because I want my IR lovelies to enjoy the tag and not have to be bombarded with my super long semi-meta post.
Anyhoo, a few examples here just to make my point.
Ichigo went to SS to save Rukia himself–no one forced his hand. And regardless if it’s “seen” as romantic or not he still saved her AND thanked her for stopping his rain (i.e. depression). Orihime even admits Rukia changed his world and is his most important person. That’s legit there no matter how you translate it.
How is that delusional? We all read it. Saw it. Heard it from Ichigo himself. Major IR moment.
Ichigo feels down about his inner hollow and all that jazz until Rukia shows up and literally cheers him up. Doesn’t matter if it’s romantic or not. It happened. It’s there. Even Orihime is grateful to her for doing something even she could never do. That’s an IR moment.
How is that delusional? Kubo showcased it in full view. No tricks, no double-meaning. It’s right there.
Ichigo saying goodbye to Rukia at the very place he gained his powers from her when they first met. His and hers facial expressions displaying such sadness and melancholy over their farewell. How their humans friends were also sad for the both of them in seeing this happen to them.
How is that delusional? It’s right there. It’s an IR moment that Kubo took the time to draw with such great emphasis and detail there’s no way people can mistake it as anything but a semi-private sad goodbye moment between them.
And when Rukia returned at Ichigo’s lowest moment in FB Arc? Where Ichigo was in the very pinnacle of despair and desperation and fear and hopelessness? Where every single human bond (minus his dad and Uryu) he had in his life had been utterly ripped apart and distorted and used AGAINST him to show how weak and easy it was to turn on him and betrayal him? How even though Uryu and his father hadn’t betrayed him–he still DOUBTED them at first until he was reassured by them that they were on his side?
Yet the moment he saw Rukia–even with a blade stabbed through his chest FROM BEHIND–he automatically trusted her? Was fucking relieved to see her? Didn’t doubt his Shinigami friends when they appeared to aid him? Or that moment where even Byakuya, having gotten cut by Tsukishima’s blade, still was on Ichigo’s side because of his faith in him–through all of the actions Ichigo’s done for his sister and Soul Society? How Ichigo finally regained his resolve back from her, again, and literally showed Ginjou that his despair had changed into his strength through her? And the very fact Rukia would have died for Ichigo–again–when Tsukishima tried to kill him from behind? The look on his face when he saw it about to happen?
How is any of that delusional? We saw his depression after losing his powers. We saw him try to find a way to get them back. We saw him struggle with his Fullbringer so he could try getting his Shinigami powers back. We saw his human bonds break and his doubts against everyone until Rukia showed up. He didn’t question her. Kubo literally wrote “these bonds will never break” about IR. This is literally a fact from Bleach. There is no bias or twisting the truth.
Romantic, platonic, and so on does not matter here. Kubo made that moment important to the both of them and ONLY them. That is the truth. There is no asspulling or imagining it. This is literally not up for debate. It’s literally a highlight to illustrate that his bond with Rukia will never break despite the ending.
Yet Kubo not only tried to dismantle and discredit 15 years of buildup between IR through the last arc, but in trying to do so made the ending seem extremely OOC and off-putting to the majority who expected actual substance not shallow and hollow imitations of what they once loved and cared for for 15 years. I’m not talking about ships. I’m talking about the 180° character assassination and the horrendous gaping holes in his story. He had 10 more years left for Bleach. What he does instead is a 10 year jumpskip with literally no explanation of any major plotlines except Rukia being captain and some characters are around and about but who the hell knows what they’re even up to because it was wasted on ships of a future generation Bleach never once hinted on or was expected to be about all…along?
If Kubo wanted to pull a Naruto he should have actually read it because Kishimoto definitely talked nonstop about past, present, and future generations so much I’m surprised few people find THAT ending odd yet say Bleach was always supposed to end this way? Really now? I definitely know people that think that way only cared about ships and not the integrity of Bleach.
I don’t care about canon ships or if Ichigo somehow fell in “love” with Orihime 3 years later after the final arc. Same thing with Rukia to Renji. What I care about is facts and evidence supporting it.
Which there literally is none in the manga.
The only evidence that Ichigo felt for Orihime had only ever been friendship. What she felt for him was more than that–that is a no-brainer. Her feelings for him is a fact. His feelings for her? Never saw romantic proof. And I didn’t ship IR or any ship seriously until the FB arc. But even I knew, if Ichigo had to be with someone based off who he was closest to in terms of who actually understood him best–I assumed it would be Rukia. It made logical sense based off all the mutual compatibility and the semblance of how Kubo was always furthering their bonds and demonstrating their importance to each other through not only other characters but through Ichigo’s and Rukia’s actions for one another.
Even when he was trying to separate them in the end you could tell how he had to actively alienate them to even give a small glimmer of hope to make the canon ships somewhat passable. But all he did–since he never properly handled IH/RR correctly with equal mutual reciprocation from Ichigo to Orihime and Rukia to Renji–is make the majority of his audience feel dissatisfied with how strange they were acting. He had plenty of time to make those ships important but he chose not to. It wasn’t until he was getting the plug pulled that he suddenly cared about them. Yet in doing so was too little too late. He was reaching the end of his serialization and instead of closing all the loose ends and trying to end the final battle as best as he could. He chose to focus on a faulty shipping path instead of the story’s own dire need of a proper closure.
Rukia ignoring Ichigo? Renji giving him a speech to lift his spirits that he’s never done before? Tsukishima giving him powers? Rukia and Ichigo barely interacting or even acknowledging each other? So on and so forth?
That is actually also not delusional. We don’t deny it happened. It’s there. We see it. Those are moments meant to dissolve IR importance at the last second. This is Kubo stating if Bleach ends so does IR.
But it really didn’t. He never actually goes through with it.
Ichigo and Rukia still are the same when they are together. Albeit still not IC fully yet it’s undeniable that while 686 spewed some ooc talk about courage–IR still had a moment. They are still the definition of Bleach regardless how you see them as.
That is fact. That is truth. It’s there. Kubo made sure to remind us. Even with all he’s done, Kubo still had to make IR important because it started with them and now ended with them.
Lil Kaz and Lil Ichka didn’t change that even if they “inherited the love and destiny” their respective parent had for each other to them. If anything I don’t hate or blame the children for that. They are merely the byproduct of a man who has been proven to have lost Bleach’s true purpose and integrity years ago and now has nothing left to show for it.
This is not a delusion or made up. This is fact. It happened. It’s there. We all universally read the death of Bleach together. We saw how it failed to capture the essence of what made Bleach–BLEACH. The ending IS a failure. The sales project it, the Japanese fans express their displeasure, the negative reviews and reactions received are not made up or imagined, the daily fact Kubo has yet made a formal interview or even attempted to write a post-script to answer our questions is proof he no longer wants anything to do with his own work.
He was coerced to draw for his own post novels and he even stated he wanted no part in them. All talks of post Bleach is done by third parties and any small snippets of him are done by others literally quoting what he’s told them–not to us his fans. The "bonds" we see in the newest novel? He literally stated they were "never seen in the original manga." Antis say he didn't have "time" because of the cancellation but he had 15 years for IR yet no time for the "intended" ships he apparently wanted? What an asspull and last ditch effort to screw himself over.
That is definitely not delusional. Never in my years of being a part of this world of manga and video games have I ever heard of a creator taking such great lengths not to address or even talk about his work post-conclusion. Kubo is not talking and will most likely not talk about his thoughts on his direction towards the end of his series for a good while.
And to all those that actually enjoyed the ending, despite evidence to prove how much of a complete debauchery it made the characters out to be and the storyline put into utter jeopardy and disrepair, congratulations you’ve played yourselves.
You’ve literally proven not only do you not care about the foundation of what made Bleach what it used to be (the characters, the story, and even the bond between IR–honestly don’t care if you ship them or not) but also the very fact you rejoice in the thought that IR has "sunk" (uh-huh yeah sure) simply because it THREATENED your ships. You only care about how much of a hassle their bond was that you knew the only way Bleach would be great TO YOU is if IR was destroyed in every way, shape, and form. Regardless whether it was Kubo trying to ruin any potential romantic bond or even their platonic one–you are HAPPY at the thought Kubo tried to disprove them in any way you think he could.
Now that’s delusional. It actual never came to fruition or able to stop IR from being IR. Kubo literally could not be bothered to care to try and go through with even that. He tried, yes, but he took it all back at the end with his. “Thank you Ichigo and Rukia…” and his “won’t this make you cry if you’re a fan of Ichigo and Rukia?” These tidbits he insists on saying over and over are facts.
Your positive reactions of Kubo trying to disassemble IR and how you all have in turn tried to dissuade us to stop criticizing Bleach is as transparent as your blatant hate for Rukia and her importance to both Ichigo and Bleach.
The truth is you all would gladly sacrifice the whole essence of Bleach if it meant IR was never meant to be. That is literally how far you antis have gone. You all would gladly see Bleach fall than admit without IR your ships would sail worry-free.
In truth, it’s not even the real IH/RR fans that are delusional it’s the anti-IR fans that are severely misinformed and delusional.
They see any IR moment and have to assume it’s unimportant because it threatens them. They need to assume it’s only platonic and can only be seen that way because it makes it easier to then steal IR material for themselves and call it romantic for their ships. They believe in their minds that IR fans are delusional because we hated the final arc of Bleach over ships and nothing else. They wholeheartedly think we are all inherently wrong because we didn’t read Bleach “right” and we’re the delusional ones.
All of these assumptions and accusations of IR fans are ironic as fuck because there had been nothing but proof and receipts from our side proving how insecure and pathetic their attempts at garnering our attention and their need for us to validate them since August of last year.
They want us to feel threatened by this ending, by Kubo’s attempts to assassinate his own series, and by admitting somehow and in some twilight zone that their way was the true way.
Their delusions are grand I’ll give them that but their transparency and smell of desperation reeks of instability and fragility.
I have never felt threatened by IH/RR or by any ship for that matter. We all know IR is the pinnacle and definition of Bleach.
Love them, hate them, and ship them or not there is no delusion about them. When you think of Bleach they are the sum of it. They are what made Bleach great. And through them, we had many other great things and characters born from those two’s interaction that fateful night 15 years ago. That is fact. It happened. We all read it. No denying the two main characters of the story creating the very basis and foundation Bleach once stood upon proudly. Now? All we remember is the horrible ending of endless loopholes, incomplete retcon plotlines, MIA characters, OOC overturn of remaining characters, and still underdeveloped half-sided ships meant to take seriously with a finale of two small children that somehow was the conclusion needed to finish Bleach in all it’s now faded glory?
The delusions pro-ending fans take to ensure they are proven right with as little to no evidence as possible to dictate this is how we all as a collective whole must see it as is anything but delusional.
Now, if Kubo cared and catered to the ending correctly by talking about it and making interviews and just admitting the truth “yes I wanted everything to happen EXACTLY like this for x and y reasons because this and that.” Then yes we’d all would have seen it. It would have happened if he did it. We couldn’t have denied it even if we tried.
But no, we get nothing but vague “I intended it from chapter 1…” and “I only wanted the kids to meet…” the “it” in question is vague and had been never clarified so anything we assume ranging from ships to just Ichigo losing his powers and staying in the human world can be what he meant. The kids bit is also strange because while he states he wanted the kids to be a part of Bleach (how? Well not sure except from what we got in 686 obviously) but he doesn’t specify WHY he wanted the kids to meet.
As a roundabout way for IR? To illustrate the IR bond through mini IR 2.0? To show the love IR had for each other through their kids? Wanting them to go through the same trials and tribulations IR did for some sadistic twist of fate? To try and do a failed Boruto rehash? To try and save his series? To make the kids the ones to break the tragic love stories by ending up together whereas all the other romances didn’t? He didn’t specify and I honestly doubt he ever will.
Nor do I honestly care about him or his lackluster post ending bullshit.
I care about Bleach in its entirety. I care about each and every character–even the ones in the last arc. I care about the narrative and what used to be the true purpose of Bleach in Ichigo’s incompleted Hero Journey. I care immensely about the dishonor he has done to Rukia and her shinigami world. I care deeply at what he’s done to both IR and even Orihime and Renji. I care ferociously about Uryu’s mistreatment and isolation. I care strongly about Chad’s lack of importance in the end and how much disrespect Kubo has done to the rest of his characters and story.
I will always put Bleach first and IR second. Good thing they are at times one and the same when it comes to their tragic fall from grace.
Give me true mutual 100% irrefutable fact that I’m wrong about both Bleach and IR and maybe MAYBE I’ll reconsider my analysis and interpretation of this major work I’ve literally been a part of since the very beginning 15 years ago when I was a preteen. Tell me, my understanding was always wrong when I didn’t even fully ship IR because I believed with my whole being that IR is just IR any way they wanted to be for Bleach didn’t need ships to make it great so long as IR’s bond pulled through.
Tell IR fans how delusional we are when the jokes on you antis on how shallow you have been proven to care about Bleach where even tons of non-shippers like I used to be can see through your bullshit and has since joined sides with the anti-ending fans as well as IR fans on criticizing the fuck out of this shamble of what used to be a great top 3-tier manga.
So yes, Anon-san that anti fool can crosstag and complain and whine about how the majority of the Bleach fandom is “delusional” and “salty” and etc.
Doesn’t change the fact that the majority of the fandom is pissed and will always be outraged and feel betrayed over the disaster that Bleach has become and no amount of bitching insignificant, incompetent, disrespectful crosstagging little shits will ever find the validation they so desperately crave from the majority that will forever loathe both them and the ending Bleach never deserved.
But thanks for keeping track of their actions, it’s great to know how much they prove their own stupidity while we continue to simply bask in all of Bleach–both good and bad parts.
Sorry for the long length. But it’s just irksome to see assholes like that one pretend to care about Bleach and call us fake fans.
How delusional can they be, amirite? Guess we’ll just have to keep our epic-ness at full blast per usual to spite them since they just can’t help getting their arses roasted every time they try to use their emotional opinions as facts while we just drown them with contextual evidence as truth and just sip our deliciously hot scathing tea in the aftermath.
Because I do love me some tea after a good roast. Don’t you? Good bitter pity and disgruntle pettiness from their end is always great in my cup after washing my hands of their tears.
Oh, no I just realized I might have offended crosstaggers with my “delusions” of grandeur!!! *fake gasp*
Oh wait!!
I also just realized I don’t fucking care. Whoops~
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