#there better be containment agreements around this bc how am i supposed to do pack integration with a young puppy
darkwood-sleddog · 4 months
CDC's new dog import laws coming in August sure are....something.
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angeltrapz · 3 years
ALSO your takes on this lil Strahm/Adam thing we’ve been discussing?? hi???? tht dynamic makes me insane i love it sm + am very excited 2 hear more of ur thoughts 💗
I'm answering this one first bc!!!!!! It makes me insane too like I cannot stop thinking abt it. I am Trying 2 put together a fic abt it!!!
Okay so. I think that Adam and Strahm are similar in several ways, and yet not at the same time. Adam is accused of being apathetic by Jigsaw, right? But we're obviously shown that it's not exactly the case; if anything, Adam's supposed apathy is a shield to protect who he really is: someone who cares deeply, maybe more than he should; someone intensely thoughtful, someone willing to keep things from people if he knows it'll hurt them while also functioning as self-preservation (not showing the polaroid to Lawrence, hiding the fact that the trash bag contained both the hacksaws AND the pictures he took), someone who altogether simply cannot truly be defined as apathetic at his core. His projected persona, however, is a completely different story - Adam is angry, bitter, jaded. And yes, he is angry, bitter in regards to his circumstances, jaded in a way that comes from a life spent living paycheck to paycheck if he could even manage that regularly. We've seen his apartment. This dude struggles. Apathetic, no, but angry? Oh, absolutely.
Strahm is... slightly more complicated. HIS projected persona is one of cool indifference, no nonsense, someone purely analytical and maybe a bit of an asshole about it. The thing is, though, is that deep down, Strahm also cares deeply - just look at how he reacted to Perez being injured + having to call her mom, when he destroyed that office room - it's just harder to get out of him. His projected persona hides someone whose emotions run just as hotly and strongly; his are just more well-hidden. He is impulsive, intelligent, result-seeking. Strahm doesn't seem like someone who allows himself to just feel things very often, and when he does, the blowout can be a fucking mess (for example, showing up to the packing plant BY HIMSELF, operating on adrenaline and rage alone).
I think, other than Perez perhaps, Adam just may be the first person to understand Strahm in a way that no one else has even attempted. Adam might be the first person who manages to see past that indifference, who embraces the writhing emotions underneath it because he gets it. And Adam is absolutely one of the very first people to look at Hoffman the way he and Perez did - after all, Adam is present in Strahm's hospital room when Hoffman pays him a visit and tells him to back the fuck off, and after the man leaves, the first thing he says to Strahm is "It's him, isn't it?"
Because he sees it too. He'd been in Hoffman's presence for all of around five minutes and he'd seen it too.
And just how world-shattering can that simple revelation be? For the first time, Strahm has someone other than Perez on his side. She's gone, there's nothing he can do to bring her back, but here is someone else who sees what he sees, feels what he feels, in a strange echo of the test that brought Strahm and Perez into this whole fucking mess. Here is someone who has no reason to agree with him, no prior pressure put upon him and someone who Strahm feels wouldn't simply agree with him on that basis anyway (as you've touched on before), and yet Adam sees it too.
I feel like, in the tensely energized space the two of them share in that room after Hoffman leaves, that is one of the very first times Strahm feels seen. He doesn't feel the need to keep his shields up, and it's liberating, in a way. He feels like he can breathe around Adam. For reasons even he isn't entirely sure of, Strahm feels safe here. He can be himself, even if that self is angry, bitter, jaded. Who better to understand that than Adam Faulkner-Stanheight?
It's a feeling that only increases after they're discharged from the hospital. There's no real reason for the two of them to stay together, no obligations (except the fact that Strahm saved Adam's life, but Strahm doesn't hold that over him & Adam doesn't stick around purely because of it), and yet they do. It's two weeks after they're sent home that Adam shows up at Strahm's apartment, shaking softly and looking so fucking miserable that Strahm couldn't even dream of turning him away - after all, he gave him the address. An unspoken agreement, an offering of companionship.
Adam has been thinking. He and Strahm, they're tied together in more than one way, aren't they? Not just their shields and safeguards, not just the similarities in their true, deep-down emotions, not even having been targeted by Jigsaw and surviving things they shouldn't have - they've both lost people. Strahm is never getting Perez back, and Adam? Adam bonded with a man in that bathroom who shot him and told him he'd come back, but never did. He never looked back. His other potential saviour, Amanda Young? Her idea of rescue was a plastic bag over his head, but even she couldn't commit to the idea. She left him there, too. He's not getting Lawrence back, he knows that. Jigsaw took something, someone, from both of them. So, he proposes, what if we did something about it?
(Strahm still thinks about when they first met, when Adam told him he loved him. He can't help it, of course he thinks about it; knowing Adam was delirious with blood loss and a dizzying combo of dehydration and starvation and infection didn't cut into the feeling the earnest declaration gave him, even if it should've. Adam stuck around when he didn't have to. He wants him here.)
They've lost everything. Adam, his peace of mind, the uncertain semi-stability of his life, functionality in his arm, one of the first people he'd made a genuine connection with. Strahm, his best friend, his colleagues' trust, the safety that came with observing the case from a distance. They have nothing and yet they have each other. They both want Jigsaw to pay for what he's done to them and the people they care about, and the innocent people they never even knew. Why shouldn't they?
Like you said, I don't think they get in the coffin. I agree with you and I think that Adam is the catalyst there, the one voice of reason that drags Strahm away from certain death before he even has the chance to get ensnared permanently in Hoffman's web. They don't even listen to the tape. They just hightail it. And it's outside of that building, chests heaving and hands shaking, that it all kind of sets in for Strahm: he could've died. Hoffman could have killed him like he wanted and he would've walked right into it had he been alone. Adam, completely unconscious of the gravity of Strahm's revelation, had turned around and saved his life, repaid a favour he didn't really owe but wanted to fulfill.
And again, like you said, it's not really a favour, is it? Not when instead of laughing in an expelling of nervous energy Adam leans up and drags Strahm down by the lapels of his jacket and kisses him hard, grip white-knuckled and short breaths huffed through his nose. No, there is the same kind of reverence to be found in the way that Adam cradles his face in his trembling hands and breathes out "You're alive," as the kind that could be heard in that first I love you. There's nothing else that Adam has to say for Strahm to understand. He just pulls him close because he needs this, too. He has spent so long living his life as someone who doesn't need tenderness, doesn't need people to care about him, feels safer in isolation than anything else, and now he doesn't feel the need anymore. He is changed, in this way, but Adam accepts it readily, and though Strahm can't say it back when Adam finally slumps against him and breathes out "I love you" against his shoulder, no fever or delirium to compromise the meaning, he feels it all the same.
They understand each other, hold each other. They have work to do, and lots of it - Hoffman's going to be rampaging in a blaze of enraged glory soon enough, knowing that Strahm (and, by extension, Adam) got away, and they're going to need a plan - but right now, they can breathe. Right now, all either of them needs is knowing the other is alive, that they'd made it through something that for all intents and purposes was meant to kill them. Strahm can't just walk away. Adam knows this; he doesn't think he can, either. Two people who are more similar than they could've ever dreamed, brought together in one of the worst ways imaginable and yet in a way that has served as a lifesaver - not Jigsaw, fuck that. They want to live. For themselves, for each other, for everyone who didn't make it out. For the people they can't get back.
It's a kind of understanding that's entirely foreign to both of them, but as they hole up in Strahm's apartment after, huddled close on the couch because neither of them can sleep and they're trembling for reasons other than just the caffeine buzz of coffee, it's one that they can learn to adapt to. They can do this. They're going to save lives. They're going to do this hand-in-hand. They have each other's backs, without the shadow of a doubt.
And, really, is that not love?
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boobootheclownfool · 4 years
Rough Nights
sawamura daichi x reader warnings: night terrors word count: 2200+ A/N: this is very fluffy and wholesome and makes me extremely happy inside. It gets kinda deep at some points bc I was writing this when I was feeling the exact same way as y/n and got in my feelings ( ˘•̥ _•̥ ˘ ) sadly it didn’t work out the same as this but you know what it is what it iz. I hope you enjoy reading ( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ ) Snow cascaded down from the sky at an alarming rate. The wind was blowing through the giant pine trees, and the combination of the two made it impossible to see more than a hundred metres into the distance. I blew into my cup of cocoa, steam blowing back into my face. Even if we weren't able to go outside, I was still content here. Surrounded by those who I hold dear.
Every winter holiday, we would travel with our family friends, the Sawamura's, up to the mountains. We had a house up here, where we could stay and hide away from the rest of the world, even if it was only for a couple of weeks. Due to our lives being so busy this was the only time out of the entire year, except for maybe a couple of dinners, we were able to catch up. I treasured it a lot, seeing as I would consider Daichi Sawamura to be one of my closest friends. Maybe I felt him to be a bit more than that, but I could never tell him. I wouldn't want to ruin the relationship we have built throughout our lives. I could never do that.
When we were children, we spent our time up here outside. The days consisted of snowball fights and snowmen. We'd spend our time covering the backyard with snow angels, each pair doing different activities. At night the fresh layer of snow would cover it up, and we'd spend the next day doing it all over again.
However, as we got older, our time outside slowly got shorter. As the workload of middle school began, then high school, and now college, we barely have time to run around like we used to. Instead, we would move a table to the living room, so we could stay cosy in front of the fire as we worked, and watched our younger siblings do what we used to.
With age, feelings began to grow. Feelings nursed each day as I spent every second with him. Feelings that grew consistently until it was time for us to go home again. It was a painful yet magical cycle, every year they simmered until we would see each other again, and then they boiled until we were separated. Because of this, even at the age of twenty, I had never had the time for anyone else. In my mind, no one could compare.
I think the part that was the most painful was the fact that I was too afraid to talk about it with him. It just seemed impossible. He was like a fantasy that I got to see once a year, someone who could do no wrong. What would happen if I shared my feelings with him? I was scared, scared that if I told him how I truly felt the feelings wouldn't be reciprocated and it would hurt what we already have. I suppose this is how it is when you build a friendship with someone only during good times. How are you able to rock the boat when neither of you knows how the other person reacts under that kind of pressure?
I sipped my cocoa, closing my eyes in pleasure at the creamy taste.
"You alright there?"
Daichi Sawamura was humorously staring at me from across the table. The table scattered with an excessive amount of paperwork. College work.
I groaned. "I would say I'm anything but alright at the moment." I glanced down at the essay I had stopped writing mid-sentence as I got lost in the outside world and my thoughts. Is it wrong that I wanted to set it on fire? I despised this unit.
"Now, now, it can't be that terrible, can it?" Daichi stood up from his chair and moved around to my side of the table. "Let me have a look." Sure enough, the man who wasn't even studying the same course as me was able to understand the content better than I had. Instead of doing his own work, he helped me complete mine until the only light illuminating the room was the glow of the fire and everyone else in the house had made their way to bed.
"I think I'm going to sleep," he had yawned. "I'm exhausted, and I really want to be able to go skiing tomorrow without falling asleep standing up." His arms extended over his head as he leant back in his chair, face scrunched in a tired stretch. The white, long sleeve shirt he wore had lifted just slightly to reveal his lower abdomen, and I watched as his muscle rippled.
Lowering my eyes back down to my now completed paper, I gulped, before looking around in search for any other coursework to do. The thought of going to bed right now flustered me to no end. You're probably wondering why? Well, my younger sister had convinced our parents to allow her boyfriend to come away with us. The only catch? They were not permitted to share a room. Daichi was kind enough to allow him to sleep in his room. Do you see where I am going with this? We don't have any spare rooms in the house. He has to sleep in my room.
Our parents have decided that we're old enough and responsible and that they wouldn't have to worry about anything happening. And whilst they're absolutely right in saying that nothing was going to happen, it didn't mean it wasn't going to slowly kill me inside that Daichi was sleeping in the same bed as me.
Not being able to find any work to start at that moment, I simply nodded my head in agreement. That we did, in fact, need to go to bed if we wanted to be functioning humans tomorrow, and began to pack away all of my loose pieces of paper. I couldn't say anything; I was too nervous.
Daichi, who had already packed up his belongings, stood from the table, and cheerfully smiled at me, "I'll see you in a minute then!" He walked out of the living room, humming.
Realising that I wasn't breathing, I released a big sigh before hitting my forehead against the edge of the table dramatically. "Stupid." I had to get a grip on myself before I made it even more apparent.
I took a ridiculously long amount of time to get ready for bed. Trying to build up as much courage as I could, before I walked into my bedroom. My eyes immediately landed on Daichi, sprawled out over the covers, his phone in his hand. Thankfully, he was fully dressed in black tracksuit pants and an old volleyball tournament shirt. I don't know if I could have handled his typical sleeping attire, and I was glad he'd thought of how comfortable I would be.
Noticing my arrival, he sat up and smiled. "I was waiting for you," Tilting his head to the side, he gestured to the bed. "How do you want to work this?"
I clapped my hands together before walking over to my closet, trying to contain my nerves. "Mum keeps all of the spare pillows in here! I thought we could create a little wall of something?" I reached up toward the top shelf of the closet, trying to grab the pillows which were just slightly too high up for me to grasp. I became very aware of the cold air on the back of my thighs and silently cursed at myself for wearing pyjama shorts that were just a little bit too short.
I turned around to Daichi with a pout, and he laughed at me before making his way over to help.
Eventually, we managed to create a wall of pillows down the centre of the queen-sized bed. I flipped off of the lights, before quickly running back to the bed and jumping underneath the covers with a squeak. One thing that always scared me was the dark.
Daichi chuckled softly, "Goodnight, (y/n)-chan."
I was glad it was dark so he couldn't see how red my face must have been. "Goodnight, Daichi-san." I closed my eyes and breathed slowly, trying to distract my mind from any thoughts that shouldn't be there.
My breath hitched in my throat, and I woke up gasping for air.
I had a reoccurring dream, one that I would only get when we were away on this particular trip. When we were younger, around nine or ten, Daichi and I would often go exploring in the forest that surrounded the holiday house. Except, one time we got lost. It grew dark, and eventually, our parents found us. I've had dreams about it ever since, my imagination running wild with what could have happened to us.
Panicked, I tried to slow my breathing down to a regular pace but to no avail. I felt like I was choking on air.
A hand began to stroke my hair. "Are you alright?" I could feel the vibration of their voice right in front of my face like I was pressed into someone's throat. That was enough to stop air from entering my lungs altogether. I tensed up but immediately relaxed when their fingers made their way to my scalp, slowly beginning to rub.
As I calmed down, I became more physically aware. I noticed that I was indeed wrapped up in Daichi's arms. Legs tangled together, my face pressed into his neck. He had one hand wrapped around my waist, the other softly stroking my head. It was so soothing that I couldn't bring myself to do anything about it. I didn't care about what happened to our pillow wall; I wanted to stay like this forever, bundled up in his warmth, listening to the soft sounds he was making to soothe me. The scent of rosewood intoxicated my mind as I inhaled deeply. I felt him bury his nose into my hair, drawing in a large breath before his chest slowly moved up and down in an even rhythm. My mind relaxed even more, and I drifted into a tranquil sleep just as a pair of lips pressed tenderly against my forehead.
I was woken again, but this time not from a nightmare. A loud rumbling sound ripped through my left ear and I jumped in shock, accidentally bumping Daichi in the process. He let out a loud groan.
"Jesus Christ," I managed to whine out, clutching my ear. "Do you keep a train up there?"
A sleepy laugh sounded from Daichi which made me melt on the spot. He pulled me closer into the warmth of his chest. "Mmm, maybe I do. Sorry about that." He began to press small kisses against my ear and on the top of my head before I felt his breathing start to slow down, and he slowly dozed off again.
This definitely felt like a dream to me, and maybe that's why we were both so okay with it happening. The reality of the night was different from the reality of the day. At night you could get away with anything. There were no boundaries. People were different, more confident in the dark. I nuzzled my face against his neck, gently placing a soft kiss right underneath his ear before I drifted off again.
The feeling of hair being pulled behind my ear roused me from my slumber. I could feel the light shining against my eyelids, making it almost painful as I opened them. Immediately, Daichi pulled his hand back like he'd been caught.
It was a picturesque scene, the curtains had been slightly drawn, and sunlight was peaking through, beaming from behind Daichi like he was an angel. The sight brought a small smile to my face. I'm not sure when, but we had separated ourselves, and he laid on the other side of the bed."Sorry about that. I didn't mean to wake you," he murmured out, scratching behind his ear as though he was embarrassed. His biceps flexed as he did so, and I couldn't help but blush as I remembered those exact arms had wrapped around me so intimately last night. My heart rate sped up.
Neither of us said anything for a while. We just laid there in peaceful silence. Breathing in slowly, I drew in the scent of rosewood. I closed my eyes in ecstasy, and hummed happily. It may have been the most delicious scent I had ever smelled in my life.
I flickered my gaze back to Daichi. I was too nervous about bringing up what had happened last night. So many questions ran through my brain. Did this mean he felt the same way I did? Or was he just trying to comfort me? What does this mean now?
Somehow, I blocked them out. They were ruining the moment. All I wanted to think about and all I was going to think about was how lovely it felt to be wrapped up in his arms.
A realisation came over me. I didn't just want to remember it. I wanted to experience it every night for the rest of my life. A sense of motivation seemed to take over my brain, and I opened my mouth, ready to confess.
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marshallunspoken · 8 years
look at these good parents lol
Marshall Lee: [So Marshall Lee is just hanging out, I guess. Hanging out minding his own business. And yeah, maybe he knows. Maybe he's heard the excitement of Clover screaming earlier that she had a doctor's apoitment, and sure maybe he's curious about it all, but whatever. So maybe he's expecting to see the girl around, as he always does, but it's not like he's waiting around for her. nope. totally not a marshall lee thing to do at all.]
Clover: [Guess what? Clover's coming in from her doctor's appointment, all excited. And yes, she's been alone. She wanted to go alone. She told everyone it was just so the big news would be a surprise for Roy, but no, she just wanted to do it alone. And boy, she's ecstatic, like, really crazy happy right now. So, she's heading back to her dorm, I guess? And she's gonna pass Marshall, really unaware he's there just because she's got excitement tunnel vision, and she just wants to get back to her room and jump around excitedly.]
Marshall Lee: [so he just watches her walk on by... yep. I'm sure there's a "hey clo....." but it's ignored. and he's honestly taken aback and offended like df? but still for some odd reason he is completely curious as to why she just passed him up. so he makes his way to her door and knocks once, but actually just barges in. his eyes land on a jumping Clover, and he just watches her at the door way. laughing, too because what a cutie.] So it went well then?
Clover: [There's a yell when her room is barged into, because w h o a. But when she recovers, the big, pretty Clover smile is back on her face, and she nods excitedly.] Yeah, really well.
Marshall Lee: [is that a smilE on Marshall Lee's fACE? yeah, because his frIEND IS ECSTATIC, and woaw.] That's good. Happy for you. [a tiny round of applause.]
Clover: [And, really, she can't keep herself contained, and no, nobody else knows yet besides her, but wahey.] They told me what the baby is.
Marshall Lee: You mean other than a bump?
Clover: [There's a lil eyeroll.] Well, yeah.
Marshall Lee: So is there going to be a little Roy running around? Or a little Clover? [he's just curious, there's a shrug. he doesn't care. really. he doesn't mhm.]
Clover: [She smiles real big again, and perhaps her hand is subconsciously moving to her tummy, just maybe.] It's a girl.
Marshall Lee: Thank t h e lord. [and he doesn't believe in prayers but his hands are brought together bcs heckie yes no more little roys running around.]
Clover: Be nice~. [like, boy, I just told u before anybody else, and I know why you're thanking the lord, and while warranted it is not nice.]
Marshall Lee: Congrats, I mean. [ and so he walks right up to her for a high five. is that nice enough?]
Clover: Thank you! [And since she's so ecstatic with happiness, she skips right past that high five, and pulls him into a hug instead. Fight me!]
Marshall Lee: Oh-- [so oKAY he hugs her back, and a little too lightly.] A girl tho. If she's anything like her mother, she's going to be a real crazy lady. mHM
Clover: [She pulls back and gives him a look like 'i said be nice'.] She's gonna be perfect.
Marshall Lee: [so he just nods in agreement, because yep that was perfection in his eyes right there.] Crazy, and perfect, probably with those fake eyes, and... well... and...
Marshall Lee: [no he's not gonna say it
Marshall Lee: ]
Clover: [There's another softer, but still Clover pretty, smile.] And whaaaaat~?
Marshall Lee: [he just shrugs, and pulls away from that hug, because that big pretty smile is wayyyy too dangerous. kay.] Oh, just nothing.
Clover: Hmph. [turn that into a Clover pout, because deflecting Marshall is a pain.]
Marshall Lee: So, how do pregnant lady's celebrate good news anyways? Should I buy a 12 pack of Mountain Dew? [trying to make a joke. t r y i n g.]
Clover: I can't have caffeine, so I have to decline. [she grimaces, because why god a life without Moutain Dew.] But I've never been pregnant before, so I don't know how I'm supposed to celebrate.
Marshall Lee: Bummer. [there's a small shake in his head.] Well.... what would you like to do instead? Anything you can think of? Think of it like a present from me, I guess....
Clover: [She thinks for a minute.] You could always buy me food. I /am/ eating for two, after all~.
Marshall Lee: That's right, you are~ [he chuckles.] What's the little one craving? Hm?
Clover: I can't say for sure, but probably mcnuggets. [she shrugs with an adorable lil grin.]
Marshall Lee: Probably. Alright, alright. Probably mcnuggets. So let's go, then.
Clover: Yaaaaay, you're awesome~~~. [because give Clover food, and she's a happy girl. Especially mcnuggets while pregnant, yes gAWD. she's on her way out, yay.]
Marshall Lee: [and so in the back of his mind, a happy Clover is way better than a pouting Clover, and since he was unable to actually tell her that her daughter would be just as beautiful as she was, mayyyybe this would make up for it. so she's out the door, he's out the door, and they're walking] I'm really happy for you, by the way. A daughter's real exciting, she's going to be precious.
Clover: Yeah, I'm really excited. And, like, there's something about knowing what she is that makes it feel even more real and stuff, and it's weird, but it's also really cool. Like, I have a human in me? What???? It's mine??? It's so weird.
Marshall Lee: You know. It is pretty cool. Never thought I'd say that. She's all yours, tho and, well, and his. But mostly yours for now, I guess? [there's a grimace at the his, yuck. eye roll] And I'm sure you're going to spoil her loads, and well, you're going to be a great mom. I know it.
Clover: [There's probably a matching grimace when Marshall says 'his', ngl. But she recovers pretty quickly.] Really? You think it's cool? I wouldn't have pictured you the type to think parenthood sounded cool. [eyebrow raise, because is Marshall not like I think? mmm.] Thank you. I hope I'll be.
Marshall Lee: I'd be lying if I said I wasn't freaked out at first. But seeing you, and your excitement, I don't know. I'm excited for you.
Clover: Maybe you can babysit sometime. See how much you really like it~. [there's a smirk, because she's joking hard.]
Marshall Lee: I'd never. No way. Especially for date night with Roy. [ annoyedddd af]
Clover: Not for date night, stupid. [Literally, every time he brings up Roy, there's an internal eye roll.] Maybe you can just come and play with her sometime then. When she's with me, or whatever.
Marshall Lee: A better option. Yes. I can deal with that.
Clover: Seeing you with a baby would be funny. [there's another grin. she's all smiles right now, apparently.]
Marshall Lee: [And so he was unfazed as the car pulled up to the drive thru window. He was too busy thinking of the idea. Him, with a baby. And while that normally would irk him, and send nasty prickles up his spine, he pictured it. For once, he thought about him, holding Clover's child in his arms, and he couldn't help but to smile.] Yeah... funny. [So the voice on the intercom interrupted them and he ordered some food yikes bye.]
Clover: [food is ordered, and food is with the pregnant girl now, and she's happily eating said food. but hey, she's gonna fish for info now. Just watch her.] Do you think you'd-- ever want kids, or???
Marshall Lee: [he steals some fries. or maybe he ordered himself some as the eater for two needs all the sustenance she can take, but he ponders the question. Thinking real hard, and before, before Clover getting knocked up by Roy, he would have said no. In fact, he was glad the child wasn't his, as it were a possibility. but no. h hadn't want any children then but now....] I don't know. Sure. With the right person, I guess. [eating salty goodness.]
Clover: Mm. [she nods, contemplating. Would she fall under that category, if Marshall knew the truth? Probably not. But being open to the idea at all? A step up, for sure.] I think... you'd be a pretty good dad.
Marshall Lee: Me? Oh... no. Nah. [he shakes that idea off real quick.] I don't know the first thing about babies, or children or anything.
Clover: Neither do I.
Marshall Lee: But, you're...
Marshall Lee: No.. you're like excited and happy and... reading about it. and stuff.
Clover: I still don't ~know~ anything about being a parent.
Clover left the chat
Clover joined the chat
Marshall Lee: So... so what are you saying?
Clover: I'm just saying... you don't have to have any knowledge beforehand for me to think you'd be a good dad. That's all. [she looks down at her fries, tbh.]
Marshall Lee: So then... [huff] what do you think makes a good parent? Hm?
Clover: Caring enough to try, I guess.
Marshall Lee: Well... I'd try. I guess.
Marshall Lee: [shrug]
Clover: Then... you'd be a good dad. [shrug, eating fries, trying to be nonchalant.]
Marshall Lee: [he's just gonna quietly eat his fries.] I neither agree or disagree I guess.
Clover: You're not allowed to disagree with me~.
Marshall Lee: [eye roll aF] For now I do.
Clover: [Clover pout.]
Marshall Lee: I'm just sayiNG, I won't know until it happens to me.
Clover: Til then, you just have to believe it~~~
Marshall Lee: Fine. Fine. okay. Fine. [he fakes a Clover pout ha.]
Clover: You can't pull a pout on someone that trademarked the pout.
Marshall Lee: I do what I want, woman. [eVEN MORE EXAGGERATED POUT HER WAY.]
Clover: It doesn't work, stupid.
Marshall Lee: -______________- k.
Clover: Don't make that face at me.
Marshall Lee: -__-
Clover: I'll get out of the car.
Marshall Lee: No don't. It's not safe
Clover: Then stop making that face~
Marshall Lee: Stop making UR face.
Clover: I can't.
Marshall Lee: Samsies~
Clover: Liar.
Marshall Lee: You're welcome for your nuggets btw. :D
Clover: ... Yeah, thanks for that. They're great.
Marshall Lee: [Thumbs up]
Clover: You're the best~~~~
Marshall Lee: No you, tbh.
Clover: I didn't buy you any mcnuggets.
Marshall Lee: No but you made me realize something [shrug]
Clover: What?
Marshall Lee: That I could be a good dad. If I wanted.... you know. [shrug again aF.] I mean sure I don't like it but I guess you're right. As you always are [EYE ROLL, and parked car they are back home.]
Clover: Yeah, I always am. [smiley smile]
Marshall Lee: Yeah... yeah... w/e.
Clover: [she just giggles.]
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