#there better be videos of Yuzu’s performance!!!!!
Is the Yuri On Ice Movie finally happening????
Is MAPPA finally bringing their first HIT! (TM) anime out of the dungeon they’ve stuck it in but continuously baited fans of for years????
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rainanami · 3 months
The ramblings of someone who wrote a lot about Asagiri Gen and doesn't know where else to put it (Mostly Aus and Shipping Plot ideas for fic)
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All of these ideas are about a year old at this point. I embellished some of my old writings just to make each idea stand a lil bit better on their feet. This honestly will be a lot of shipping just because I was on the ultimate kick for shipping SenGen and SaiGen.
Senku believes he's talking to Gen(A ghost) who only appears after school in the science lab. But Gen is actually helping Senku pass on into the afterlife with Taiju and Yuzu's help. For this au I wanted I remember really liking the idea of Senku not yet feeling at peace until he finished a project, but what frees him is the feeling of true companionships with Gen.
Gen is an assassin that was assigned to kill someone at a fancy party but he ends up getting entranced by a scientist and he dances with him. Halfway through the party Gen gets his orders and what his target looks like. And its Senku
Gen is getting into acting so he asks his only mostly stoic friend to just stand there and watch as he practices his lines. Senku agrees ro help him but Gen has been rehersing a love confession scene for like 3 hours and whenever they make eye contact Gen giggles. Until Gen ends the session with saying "Okay Im ready now for the real deal"
Senku is a deranged detective and Gen is his new partner that makes trouble with him. When I wrote this I was watching and reading Ron K.
Senku learns that Gen can see red strings of fate. He knows that his and Gen's are connevt but that Gen has tried multiple times to cut off his own finger
Sai is a popular developer that somehow managed to get to work with the Asagiri Gen as a voice actor! Surprised by his range Sai asks Gen to do other voices and he agrees. Until these two stop hanging out just for work.
Gen and Sai get to talk about the modern world. But what surprises Sai was the fact that Gen couldn't play video games cause of his busy schedule. So Sai remakes Minecraft dedicated to Gen.
The first time Sai got to see Gen was on a TV screen. The second time was in a live stage performance. The third time was reviving him into the stone world. Sai has to keep secret that he was a total fanboy of Gen's! All while Gen gains a little crush on this fucking nerd.
Sai being a newbie detective and Gen is a conman
Gen can see red strings of fate but never had one himself. Until one day he meets Sai
Sai sends letters to Gen as his secret admirer but they play it like a game to see if Gen can guess whose the sender is
Au where Sai is really into a card game and one day he joins a forum where a troll player uses extra rare cards to use in his magician act and upsets everyone while Sai is impressed
Sai as a prince and Gen as a jester who falls in love
Gen is a vampire and Sai is fully willing to become one
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yuzu-all-the-way · 2 years
Hello! I just found out about hanyu yuzuru, so I guess that makes me a baby fanyu now haha, and I was wondering if you know any videos or sites of where to start to get to know about him more , thank you!!
Hi! I'm so happy you found out about Yuzu. It's unusual for skaters to gain new fans after they've gone pro. So, that's your first indication that Yuzu is a very unique skater and person.
(I strongly encourage people who see this post and have more resources to add, to either reblog or comment!)
Here's how I started to learn more about him:
1. Planet Hanyu - it's a forum that has a huge video archive (accessible if you sign up). There's a section called Yuzuru's journey with documentaries and interviews and competition footage + the new content after he retired. It's the most complete thing I can think of. There are also sections by year, competitions and ice shows.
However, the first step I took when learning about Yuzu was by reading this page from the forum: The Great Glittering Glossary. It's a comperehensive break down of lingo about Yuzu and it also helps you understand more about him.
I would also add Planet Hanyu's Twitter account - they make regular posts - and their #OnThisDay tag is very helpful to find vids and links with Yuzu content
2. The Yuzuru Hanyu wikipedia page. Yes. It's a very good, detailed resource, constantly updated, and very reliable. His page has the status of Good Article (see here what it means)
3. For more recent stuff (starting with 2019), I highly recommend the Axel with Wings blog. It's a team which works on providing subtitles and they also have some articles translated.
4. Frankly, the most important part for me, it's watching his competition programs - I watched on YouTube all his competitive programs at all competitions he participated. And what I could not freely find on YT because of geo-blocking, I found in the video archive of Planet Hanyu. The best way to understand his excelence, also, is to watch full competitions (or at least the group he participated in competitions). He will definitely stand out. But you can't gather info about him like this, except about his skating and how he expressed himself through it.
5. Google a lot. You find something in the Glossary that's unclear or a reference about an interview or something not linked, look it up. Chances are Google will spit out a Tumblr link that has fan-translations of content not available on the Planet.
6. His various ice show performances. Different from competitive programs (sometimes) and they allow Yuzu the freedom to express his artistry much more than competitions did.
I hope this helps. Learning about Yuzu is an on-going process, it never really ends. I began learning about him in February (shortly before the Beijing Olympics). Up until March/April, I was still finding "new" info. Even now, from time to time, there's old stuff about him that I find out - like yesterday I learnt he sometimes ate at McDonald's.
Keep an eye out on these Twitter accounts for fast translations of Yuzu content - this is not an easy way to learn about Yuzu since Twitter is a pretty messy place for archiving. Nevertheless, if you plan on keeping up with current content about Yuzu/featuring Yuzu, these accounts are great.
1) Marika
2) Lae
3) LGeorgin
4) SweetYuzu
5) Tsukiyomi
6) Sarah
7) This one is a bit more organized and recent: YuzuruHanyu_Eng
Update: ^YuzuruHanyu_Eng have set up a DaikyMotion acc to post from now on. Check their twt page for more info about the change.
(Also, curate your timeline very well - there are a lot of antis and sometimes drama that's better left out).
Of course, don't forget about Yuzu's YouTube Channel, opened on 7th August and also give him a follow on Twitter & Insta. News about his first self-produced solo ice show, Prologue, will be shared on those platforms (you can find the links on my pinned post).
I truly hope this helps and that you enjoy your journey as a Fanyu.
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andmaybegayer · 1 year
Last Monday of the Week 2023-08-21
If we're being honest, the first show I go to in Europe being a South African band is probably the only way I was going to get the ball rolling.
Listening: Ruff Majik is doing their Europe tour so I dragged a friend along. If I had a nickel for every psychedelic surf rock fantasy themed band from Pretoria I'd have two nickels. The two accompanying acts were Rocky and his Bootlegs, and Olaf Olafsonn and the Big Bad Trip.
Rocky was apparently doing their first show, solid performance although they did make the decision to spend five minutes in the middle of a song doing sonic landscape bullshit on their pedalboards and then come back in with a dubious closer. That's what we go to live shows for though so I can't complain. Literally cannot find hide nor hair of these guys online, which is a shame because I liked some of their stuff.
Olaf Olafsonn and the Big Bad Trip is a metalish themed psychedelic rock band who performed in some really good masks. Do you like really stupid loud guitar and a synth in there for some reason? This is for you. I do not yet speak Czech so I did not catch the names of any of these songs. Here's something I picked at random.
And Ruff Majik, I'm finally going to link their song "She's Still A Goth" which they are so so proud of. It is incredibly self indulgent. It is not by any means their best song.
Reading: Finished up The Will to Battle, moving on to Perhaps The Stars. The Will to Battle went in broad strokes as I expected, it's the build up, but it is of course still weird as hell. I enjoy the closer look at the despair that surrounds the Utopians, and the reveal that Mycroft has been hallucinating a cast of corpses at all times really makes me wonder what was fictitiously cut from the earlier books by 9A.
I'm sure that Palmer has at least a good chunk of the pre-edit version of those histories written out somewhere. I am much less clear in my vision of what Perhaps the Stars might be like.
Watching: I will link this video of a guy building a nightmare capacitor bank and popping a 500A fuse.
Dudes Rock
Making: 3D printing on hold until I get a sealed bag to store the filament I bought, because my house is so extremely humid all the time and I don't want to ruin a kilogram of filament. I'll invest in a dryer at some point but for now just having sealed dry storage is a must. I've been sketching a lot of designs out though, direct air coolers for my laptop, mounts for taps, filter holders and other camera stuff, etc.
I also started writing a program to help me generate components for building frames out of rod stock and 3D printed mounts. I found a hobby shop within easy reach that stocks steel, aluminium, carbon fibre and brass rod and tube stock which is so extremely handy.
Playing: Breath of the Wild- Yuzu handles emulation admirably. I suspect that being less good at the controls is helping me enjoy the cooking system more. If I was good at this I could probably Dark Souls a lot of these fights, the parry mechanic is pretty robust. Instead, I floundered at the face of the Moderate Test of Strength and, instead of Dark Soulsing it, I went away and decided it'd be more fun to hone my skills elsewhere and come back with better gear, more control, and some extra hearts.
I set up gpu-screen-recorder to do replays which has so far yielded these two.
Tools and Equipment: Ikea Bags are pretty handy. They're the biggest bags that fold flat that you can probably easily get. I use one now to handle shuttling laundry from my washing machine to the line, which is way more convenient than the old collapsible bucket I used to use, while also being smaller.
I also used an Ikea bag to haul my 3D printer home from the post office when the courier couldn't find my address for some reason. It's less than a kilometer but it would have been miserable to heft 10kg of box with no handles.
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bphantom01 · 1 year
ARC V MONTH DAY 2 - Kahyoreigetsu
A/N: Uhh this is so very late and rather rushed, but here’s my take on @arcvmonth day 2 - a fanfic of the girls having a sleepover of sorts. This is at least a 15 min read btw.
Pairs: Anything between the girls is platonic.
Warnings: None. Expect some OOCness & ridiculous moments.
It's been a year since the war ended. Even better, a week ago, Yuzu, together with Yuya, were separated from their counterparts.
It would've been terrible if they weren't…
Anyway, tonight, Yuzu invited Serena and Rin for a sleepover at her and Ruri’s room.
Since after the war, that's where all the other three lived, as they—-together with Shun—were adopted by Shuzo with Yuzu and Ruri sharing a room and Rin and Serena sharing another.
As for Shun, they made a whole place for him in part of the attic upstairs, amd he was fine that way. 
Anyway, back with the girls, Yuzu, had already planned everything that she wanted to do with them for the night: play board games, video games too maybe, duel, watch a movie…
She could tell that it was gonna be a fun night
“So Yuzu, what're we doin’ first?” Rin asked, biting into a chip.
All four were gathered on two large shikibutons that were spread over the floor, which was also where Rin and Serena would each sleep later.
“Rin, stop eating on the bed; it might attract ants,” Serena muttered as she had a  table duel with Ruri.
And by the look on her face, it was getting intense.
…also that she was losing.
“I'll make sure not to leave any crumbs, so don't worry.”
“Alright, then.” Serena went back to focus on her duel.
“Well, Rin,” Yuzu finally said, rummaging through her shelf, “we'll first be playing something…”
She pulled out a small cardboard box which, as soon as it hit the ground, made a sound that came when wooden bricks hit each other.
“Jenga!” Yuzu went on.
“Ooh, I've heard of it but have never played it before, so I'm totes down,” Rin uttered, taking another chip.
“I won, again!” Ruri declared cheerfully while Serena pouted; she lost a good three times to Ruri now. “Yuzu, I'm in too, by the way.”
“Sure, but what about her?” Yuzu asked, motioning to Serena.
Ruri sighed. “She's a bit… Salty right now, so I'm not su—”
“I'm joining!” Serena announced suddenly. “And I'm not losing to anybody.”
“Well, okay then. Just let me set the tower up…” Yuzu sighed.
She opened the top of the box and placed her hand on it to prevent it from falling when she flipped the whole thing upside-down and placed the thing onto the table before she took her hand off and gently removed the box after. 
“First time I've seen anyone do that,” Ruri complimented, nodding.
“It's easier and more convenient this way,” Yuzu explained. “Also, before we start… The person who loses to this will have,” she smiled, “consequences.”
“Tell!” Rin prompted, moving closer to the group.
“The loser… They'll need to perform a prank call,” the former finished.
“Then I'm game! I'm sure I won't lose this time!” Serena assured.
Rin and Ruri agreed as well.
Yuzu nodded. “Alright, then! Let's start… We'll do this in rotation. Since I set it up, I'm going first, then Serena because she's at my right, then Rin, and last, Ruri, before me again.”
She went on, “Of course, the rules are pretty basic: take a block from anywhere in the tower—except the top, of course—and place said block on the top, and be sure to turn it 90 degrees from the block from the bottom of it. BUT whoever lets the tower fall loses. Anyway, let's begin!”
Yuzu started by tapping on a block at the center of two others softly. Sensing that it was loose, she gently pressed it out to the other side and placed the block at the top.
“See that? It's easy. But, remember, the loser—or the one who makes the tower fall over—will have to prank call someone.”
The other three nodded, and the game officially began.
It started off as quite a friendly game, taking and placing the blocks of wood and exchanging turns…
Until literally just about four minutes later.
The whole thing was almost a skeleton now, and it looked as if it was about to fall any time.
The whole room was quiet, save the sound of the air rushing from the AC.
And the tense atmosphere made the room feel even more chilly than it was.
It was now Ruri’s turn, and poor she was the first to witness what people would do to win Jenga.
She was lightly tapping on a loose block at the bottom when Serena went, “Oh. Oh. Oh. It's so gonna fall.”
“Stop it,” Ruri scolded, very gently trying to take the block off.
“Boo!” Rin yelled, making Rin almost stumble her hand. “Ack!”
And the tower…
Ruri held her breath,
Yuzu froze—literally,
The skeleton of wooden blocks stood very, very still.
Ruri gasped a breath of relief, and with a swift pull, she got the block needed out.
Now, the only thing she had to do was place it on top.
She gulped; she thought it was over, but then there was still that.
So, with utmost care, she placed the block gently.
The tower didn't fall.
“Woo!” Ruri yelled, taking in the sweet breath of relief once again.
“Nice one, Ruri!” Yuzu yelled, raising her hand and hitting a block from the tower.
They immediately shut up, and Serena yelled, “Timbre!”
“Oh, come o—” Yuzu complained as the tower fell.
“Yuzu lost, Ruri won,” Rin concluded. “And, Yuzu, as you said: prank call.”
Yuzu groaned. She just HAD to mess that up. “Alright, fine… who should I call?”
“Hm… Yuya,” Serena stated bluntly.
“…what? No,” Yuzu protested. “Plus, he knows my voice.”
“Ah, but he won't!” Rin said. “Here's a voice changing device. As its name suggests, it will change your voice.”
Yuzu sighed. It was… Ironic that she had to suffer the consequence of something she started. “You sure it'll work?”
“Yep! Yugo and I have used it before, so don't worry,” Rin assured.
“Okay, here I go, I guess.” Yuzu took Ruri’s duel disk—the one she originally had in Xyz, not the Fusion one—and plugged the device in, as that was one disk whose number Yuya didn't yet know.
After that, she went on and typed his number, which was followed by a ring.
Not long after, he answered. “Hello, this is Yuya Sakaki. Who's this?”
Yuzu thought of what to say. Hm… Maybe she should act as if someone was kidnapped.
So, with the mic, she started. “Good evening, Yuya. We've called to inform you that we have someone you care for with us. We've kidnapped Yuzu Hiiragi and taken her hostage.”
“Wait, what!? What proof do you have?”
Yuzu put the mic down and, while covering her own mouth to muffle her voice, screamed, “Yuya! Help me, Yuya!”
Beside her, two of other girls giggled silently, while Ruri was contemplating on whether this was a good idea or not.
“Yuzu! Oh, come on! Again…” They heard Yuya sigh. “Okay, then, what do you want?” They heard him get off his bed.
Yuzu picked the mic up. “Well, a bargain, of course. 5 million yen in exchange for Yuzu—”
She and her sisters shut up when they heard Yuya saying quietly, to whom they guessed is Yugo beside him, “Yugo! Can you track this number?”
Oh no. They forgot that all the Yu’s are currently sharing a room.
“Rin! Can you do something about that?” Yuzu asked in a whisper.
“Oh, yes, but it will… Take a while—hacking is not as easy as they make it in TV.” Rin got up to take a laptop from her and Serena's room.
(A/N: i only have very lil idea of how hacking works so this is… Random.)
She got back and opened her makeshift computer. “Alright. I should be good in a few, as both Yugo and I have done this kind of thing before.”
Yuzu nodded and, taking the mic, went on with the call. “Oh, by the way, we have Ruri, too!”
Ruri followed what Yuzu did earlier to muffler her voice with her hands and said, “Yuto! Are you there!? Yuya, please, call Yuto!”
From the other side of the call, Yuto got up from his place on a couch, yelling, “Ruri!?”
And, in the attic where Shun resided, he jumped out of his bed, ran off the ladder, and slammed the door to Ruri and Yuzu’s room open. “RURI! Are you alright!?”
The girls were surprised at the sudden intrusion and they all gasped. Yuzu had to put the call on hold.
“Oh Ra… Nii-san! You scared us,” Ruri exclaimed. “Yes, I'm all right. We were just prank-calling Yuya, which ended up pranking Yuto and Yugo, too.”
“Oh.” Shun actually felt… Embarrassed. “Sorry, then. Do your best with pranking Yuto.”
“We will,” Ruri assured.
“Yuzu’s pretty good, to be honest,” Serena commented, pointing to her.
“Yeah. The guys actually seem like they were falling for it,” Rin laughed, typing on her keyboard.
“Hey, you know, mind if I join?” Shun asked. “I'm gonna be fun, promise.”
“Well,” Yuzu began, “It's a b-girls-only sleepover—”
“So, I'm sorry, Shun,” Ruri interrupted. “Maybe next time?” she suggested, getting up and closing the door slowly.
“Oh, come on, please…?” Shun continued, begging. “Sigh, never mind, then. But I better be included next time!”
“Maybe!” Ruri said, finally closing the door.
“We almost got caught,” Yuzu sighed. “But it's fine. I'm gonna call them again.”
And it went on.
In the Yu’s house, the boys, excluding Yuri, were now thinking of ways of how to get the girls back.
Then, Yuto noticed something. “Wait…” he muttered, leaning closer to the screen of Yuya’s disk.
The number, it was…
It was Ruri’s!
It was possible that the “kidnappers” were using her disk, but there's also another possibility of…
“I don't know who this is,” he said into the disk, “but… Ruri, please be honest, are you… Prank calling us?”
The girls were silent. But Yuzu thought to just end their suffering. Sighing, she spoke without the voice changer. “I've had my fun so—this is Yuzu, by the way—yes. It's a prank, don't worry.”
They heard Yuya and Yuto sigh happily on the other end.
Rin then went on to explain to Yugo how she made a program to prevent him from tracking them as well as giving Yuzu the voice-changing device, which resulted in the guy giving compliment after compliment about how great Rin was.
This lasted a few minutes until she found a way to make Yugo stop and end their call ultimately.
“Okay, what do you all think we should do next?” Yuzu asked. “Hmm… Serena, what do you sugge—”
“She got interrupted by a pillow to her face.
“Pillow fiiight!” Serena screamed, tossing more pillows to Rin and Ruri.
“Hey—! Of course…”
For the next thirty minutes, they had a pillow fight.
At some point, allegiances were formed: Fusion and Standard, Synchro and Xyz; alternatively, youngest siblings vs. older siblings. (In order of eldest to youngest w/ the girls only: Ruri, Rin, Serena, Yuzu.)
The Rs (Imma call em that) had the upper hand, as they found some old toy guns from Yuzu's closet and were using those to their advantage.
“That's cheating!” Serena growled, her bandana now tied onto her head like she was some rebel.
“And we'll admit it!” Rin smiled, firing another dart in their direction.
“Here, Rin, a bullet.” They heard Ruri say, and saw Ruri giving Rin another dart.
It wasn't fair anymore. Ruri and Rin made use of the shikibutons and pillows, making some fort sort of thing, while Yuzu and Serena only had the beds.
“Hey… Yuzu, let's make use of the blankets!”
“Good idea.”
They lifted the blankets to their front and began to walk to the other two.
Ruri and Rin’s bullets had no effect anymore, and when Yuzu and Serena were close enough, they put the blanket down and slammed pillows onto the others’ faces, but they did it too hard and they fell.
“Okay, you win! I can't breathe!”
“We give!”
“Haha! It worked!” Serena said proudly and let Rin go.
Yuzu also stopped pushing the pillow to Ruri’s face. “Hah…”
They both fell to the ground.
All four were a bit sweaty now, and they decided to do something less rough: play “Truth or Dare”.
“Nah, shit, anything but that,” Serena grumbled.
“We will play and so will you,” Ruri chastised.
“Fine, then.”
Yuzu stepped up. “I'll ask first.”
The other three nodded.
“Hmm…” she eyed the three in front of her. “Rin! Truth or dare?”
“Uhm, truth?”
“Alright, do you like Yugo?”
“WHAT!? Oh, come on! Dare, dare!”
“You chose Truth, though,” Ruri brought up.
“I know,” Rin growled. “So please stop adding fuel to my burning fire.”
Yuzu grinned. “Alright then. I… DARE YOU TO TELL US HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YUGO!”
Rin pouted. “Sigh. Okay, he’s… He's nice.”
“Go on.”
“And, well-he’s cute too, I guess, especially when he just-just begs me to let him do something stupid and makes those adorable blue puppy-dog eyes. Yeah.” She put a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. “I… Like him, I guess.”
“And she admits!” Serena exclaimed.
“Geez, I do! And you're fuckin’ next.” She glared at Serena.
Said girl instantly shut up.
“Serena,” Rin began, “Truth,” she smirked, “or… Dare?”
Serena was in a pickle right now. She knew both choices were not good… And no doubt it would be something about making her kiss Yuri the next day or the like.
“Uh… Pass.”
“Nah-uh. No passes in this game.”
“Please! I'll do all your chores for a week!”
“TRUTH, OR DARE!?” Rin repeated.
“Dare!” Serena finally said cowardly. Rin was much too persuasive for her.
“Alright, I dare you to… Tell us if you have any feelings toward Yuri!!” Run cackled.
“Just the second round and it's already intense,” Ruri sighed. “Should we stop them?”
“Nah,” Yuzu said, eating some chips.
“NO! FUCK NO! ANYTHING BUT THAT…!” Serena begged. “Seriously! Why is it always the boys…?”
“Ugh, you know what? Fine.” Rin thought of something else. “I dare you to… hm… dab for 3 minutes.”
Serena looked at her boredly. “You’re kidding.”
With a sigh, Serena got up and surprisingly dabbed way cooler than they expected.
“Oh, wow, not too shabby,” Yuzu commented.
After the three minutes ended, Serena sat down. That somehow still felt embarrassing even if it was just the three other girls
She then looked at the two who still weren’t asked yet: Ruri and Yuzu.
Ruri looked eager to be next, while Yuzu, noticing Serena was looking towards her direction, looked away.
“Fine, Ruri. Tru—”
“TRUTH!” the aforementioned girl yelled without hesitation.
Serena was shocked at that. “Uhm, okay. Have you and Yuto ever made out?”
Ruri shot a glare at her, making her sit straight. “Yes.”
“Woah,” the other three said in sync.
She was then bombarded with questions like: “When?” “How?” “Does Shun know??” and “What does it feel liiikke?”
“Okay, stop! I was only dared to answer that specific question, so I’m not answering any more,” Ruri said calmly.
At that, the questions stopped to a halt.
“Anyways, Yuzu! You’re the only one left.”
“Sigh, it’s fine. I knew it was bound to happen.” She shrugged.
“Yeah,” Ruri nodded, “now, truth or dare?”
“Dare.” Yuzu sat straight. “Alright, go ahead now! I’m ready for anything!”
Ruri thought for a while.
“Ah! Call the last person you texted, and only bark at the phone!”
Yuzu gaped, then she accepted her fate with a face-palm. “Augh, fine…”
She went on to check her messages.
Of course, the last person was… Yuya.
‘This is gonna be crazy,’ she thought before pressing the call button.
At last, Yuya answered, and everyone else was silent. “Hey, Yuzu. What’s up? Enjoying your sleepover?”
“...woof, ruff.” She-she just wanted to melt into a pool of liquid right now. She facepalmed.
“Bark bark, borf.”
“Yuzu, what’s wrong? Why are you barking?”
“Arf arf! Bark woof bark.” She felt like she sounded like a damn chihuahua at the first part.
Eyeing the others, Rin looked like she was gonna burst any minute, and to stop herself, she buried her face into a pillow.
And as laughing was psychologically contagious, Yuzu had to breathe hard so as not to burst out herself.
“Yuzu, what's going on!?”
“WO-HOOEEERFFFFF, ppffffft…” She had to look away and cover her eyes. “Pfffffvvvvt—!”
Ruri looked like she was gonna die. Tears caused by laughter dropped from her face, and she literally just fell to the floor laughing while covering her mouth.
Serena, meanwhile, did not really get what was happening and just sat there at the side silently.
“Yuzu, you were dared, weren’t you?” Yuya guessed.
Everyone fell quiet.
“Might as well bark too! Woof worf, amirite?”
“It’s off! The dare is off…!” Ruri yelled in laughter. “Oh, dear Ra…”
“Y-y-yeah, I was dared,” Yuzu revealed. “It was actually fun, though.”
“I knew it, haha! Why always me though…”
“Mhm. You guessed it right. And maybe it's ‘cause you're special,” Yuzu said, giggling.
“Alright now, that's enough before you both flirt,” Ruri said.
“Oh, right. Bye, Yuya!”
“Night, Yuzu~!”
“Aaand that's enough,” Ruri warned, even if her face looked kind.
“Okay, sheesh…” Yuzu ended the call.
After a while, the girls finally decided to go to watch a movie to help sleep.
Three of 'em were now watching as a pack of microwavable popcorn rotated in the microwave, as well as listening to the satisfactory sound of the corn popping in it.
“Movies aren’t the same without popcorn,” Yuzu muttered.
“I agree,” Serena added. “And cheese flavor is best.”
“Girls, you don’t have to stare at it the whole time,” Ruri said.
“But we have to!” Yuzu insisted. “Plus, it’s better this way.”
“Sigh, fine…” Ruri walked back to the room.
When she got there, she saw Rin going through some movie recommendations in a browser.
“What're we gonna watch?” Ruri asked, sitting down beside her. “Also, you can't exactly find everything in like Netflix only, so I don't recommend looking for stuff from random places.”
“Oh no, it's fine. We'll be watching… Illegally, from those pirating sites throughout the web. And don't worry, we won't be tracked—I'll make sure of that.”
Ruri nodded. She wouldn't normally be fine with anything that mentions "illegal," but for now, she won't mind.
“The other two still downstairs?” Rin asked.
“Yeah… For some reason, they are very fascinated by rotating microwave popcorn,” Ruri stated, amused.
The door slammed open. “Guys! It's finally done!” Yuzu declared, a bowl of popcorn in her hands and Serena beside her with some juice boxes and cans of soda.
They then spent the next almost two hours watching “Puss in Boots: The Last Wish”, for some reason.
The night then went on well for the girls.
Though, after the movie, there was an instance of a not-so-friendly tag duel (on a table, not with their disks) which somehow ended in some Uno match…
But alas, it ended way better than Yuzu expected it to, and she was happy to know that the girls were as well, and especially that they all had a blast.
Now, while hoping none of the others were gonna draw on their faces (they may be girls, but they're still quite the unpredictable bunch, especially Ruri—they never let her kindness fool them), they had to go and rest through sleep and get ready for what the next day may bring.
A/N: I may or my not post this on ao3. Ah well. If anyone notices a mistake I make, please tell. Constructive criticism is also ok.
See yall. -01
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
lmaoooooo florent and kranz (krorent??? kraflo????? idk but yeah them), and ofc our sane ship, jirogetsu.
Kids Meme - Not Accepting ♥
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► Name: Yuzu Ugetsu-Fuji ► Gender: Female ► General Appearance:
Yuzu stands at 5'6 fully grown, short cut strands with blue highlights. Blue eyes from her birth mother and fair skin. Thin lips and a rounded face, she's mastered the skill of making herself look as androynous without really trying the more she grew. Slender and firm, she's got long arms and short legs but still masters her talents in dancing and performing.
Her fashion consists of the classic tomboy garments, big jackets over slender fitting shirts and baggy pants or chinos. Bucket hats seem to be her true calling even if Ugetsu is against them.
She's a faster learner also, making her fashion years a whirlwind of tends but over time she's settled down from throwing things together to actually be rather personal with her style.
► Personality:
Passionate in looks, fashion and music. Yuzu took the world by storm - a beautiful healthy baby adopted by two very happy parents in a loving relationship. The duo, adopted Yuzu from the Hospital after the Mother who gave birth to her agreed to allowing them to take the offspring. The Mother, a great friend of Jiro's and a frequent customer at his Izakaya, have been in talks since she became pregnant. She wasn't ready - didn't want a family like this, was about to start University thus as she was too far gone for an abortion, Jiro gave her the option.
Allow him to have the baby to love and take care of so she could continue with her life.
It was a long talk, a longer planning, with Ugetsu in his arms and conversations spread over the months. It was finalised to the day. Jiro and Ugetsu got to hold their newest little angel and from there, the world was shaken by the storm that she was.
Yuzu was not a quiet child, rambustious and a creature known as a gremlin. She knew how to make Jiro bend to give her sweets, how to annoy Ugetsu just enough before he explodes to where she runs off. She plays the violin with the grace of an ogre and eats with her hands. Many a times, did Jiro laugh until he cried in his silent bubble but it was shared with Ugetsu's own laughter and hers soon joining in.
Yuzu grew with ease, tomboy through and through, scrapped knees, grass stains, loud and no fear in jumping over rocks in a river. She grew with ease, boys for friends over girls, lived in luxury of her own room, dogs in and out from Jiro's adoption and rehoming training but mostly with the freedom to learn herself through her hobbies. Yuzu thrives of being herself and her parents did little to hinder that.
► Special Talents:
Her talents recede in fashion and dance - Jiro's ballet medals peaked her interest as a child and knowing the scene, Jiro dismissed the focus to instead take her to children dance classes where they try out all styles. Yuzu instantly got into the break dancing and JPOP style of dances.
Ballet was fun for a while but after a few videos on youtube at how strict things could get, she never presued it and Jiro only offered some advice about it. Knowing that her Dad messed up his knee from the practice and rough conditions, she was steered away with a hope it wasn't something they were too passionate about. Luckily - Jiro's words got through to her and her passion moved to dancing more freely.
Her dancing took her to a new height during her teens to that of a Dance Studio for backing dancing in music videos.
► Who they like better: Strangely Ugetsu, she likes to hang out with him in quiet times and just listen to him play his violin whenever he does. ► Who they take after more: Jiro, his playfulness rubbed off on her thus they both know how to press Ugetsu's buttons to make him crumble for affection and attention. ► Personal Head canon: Yuzu and her birth mother are in contact after a while and it was rather nice to meet in person once in a while. Yuzu understood her Mother's views and doesn't judge her too harshly but asks if they can be in touch all the time which was agreed. Jiro and Ugetsu enjoy the time they share and have no worries of said Mother wanting custody again. ► Face Claim: Shogo Yamato from Paradox Live Visty
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► Name: Leon Krantz ► Gender: Male ► General Appearance:
Long hair, shameless about it too. Blond-ish brown at it's darkest. Reaches his mid-back. Wide eyes with red irises, hidden with contact lenses though since it's a hassle to explain them. Pale skintones with pigment patches of whiter-then-white on his back and shoulders. All legs!
You could say Leon's a beauty like no other, turning heads and making folks want to take out their cameras for a snap. He is gorgeous through and through with a soft halo of gold around him at all times, though he won't explain why that is. He's a magnet for attention in the best of ways but also bothered by it too.
He is rather tall, around 5' 11 without thick heels and often walks as if he is going down the cat walk out of habit.
► Personality:
Like Florent, he is an airhead - a little out of it in sorts of what he should really be involved in. More often than not, Leon will not know what's going on in the world if he isn't literally there to see it in real time. Almost a famous blindness to issues that don't have anything to do with him and he'll make sure people know about it when he does clock on.
He isn't stupid, just a level of 'dumb' that makes people ask if he's okay when he's not at all paying attention to a literal bar fight behind him or something of the likes. It's not that he wasn't aware of the things happening, just that he has an endless fearlessness to it all - especially if it is dangerous in any nature.
That being said, when he does observe, he looks into every darn detail, able to easily pick things and people apart from the smallest of issues he found in their person or the surrounding happenings. It's rather vile how quickly his mind can fixate, and his words wrapped in bored venom could tear someone down to the bone.
Still, overall, he's a pleasant person to be around. Elegant and rich, just a person that'll buy you a thing without a thought more for money as he's rich out the ass and just wants to hang out whilst also being that friend that'll turn up first to help out in a situation he's noticed or been called to come help in.
► Special Talents:
Vampire and Seraphim, what is he? He doesn't really know personally. But he's something strange, he doesn't need to feed on blood if ever, but he holds everything about a vampire in his veins. Florent once made a comment about his white patches being where his wings should have been and it's never left his head since. Krantz just says be safe.
► Who they like better: Both, he was rather cherished as an offspring, held by Krantz the most but spoken to more by Florent. The family they made was pretty weird in all reality, but the love was there under the obsession on both sides. ► Who they take after more: Florent ► Personal Head canon: Leon is a Vampire that feeds on Faith. Thus, his blood intake never triggers, but his hunger increased tenfold around those with a strong faith. He consumes that faith, making them either loss it all or renew it with more prayer. ► Face Claim: Jooyoung KI from K's Secret
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rebelwhodoesntknow · 4 days
Obligatory Aikatsu disclaimer for the people who aren’t following me for that. Okay moving on!
So you know how I questioned why the livestream performances contained the whole song instead of just a portion of it? Well the Aikatsu Academy channel just posted two new performance videos, both of which only did a verse and chorus like every other Aikatsu series in existence!! So why in the world did they do the longer ones in the first place?
Either way, the two videos were Akogare Sky and Never Give Up, both of which featured Pairin as the center, lending more credence to my theory that she is the true main character here. She leads all the transformations, too.
Akogare Sky as a song has definitely grown on me and will probably be added to my Aikatsu playlist soon. The stage was still very uneventful and no auras or appeals were seen, rip. You can definitely see how they’re making the choreo work with the models when compared to Never Give Up, but it doesn’t look bad! It feels like they’re getting better with more fluid movements at points.
Never Give Up was always a song that I wasn’t a fan of, lol. The repeated ‘never give up’ with the pronunciation (I’m sure Yuzu was trying her best) always killed it for me. That aside, I think everyone sounded vocally strong here!! Mieru’s voice continues to grow on me, (she sounds good in any type of song and it’s cool to hear) and Meh sounded like she had a better handle on things. The stage and choreo itself really displays the limits of what these models and environments can do, though, especially when you compare it to the Stars performance. It’s just kind of stiff and uneventful. Again no auras or appeals, rip. At least they look like they’re having fun!
I do wonder if the Academy girls will ever do runway-style lives or not. I was thinking about it because their skirts in Never Give Up reminds me of the Resort Cancer skirt, and I wondered if they would ever do Otona Mode as a performance. All I can think is that if they want to keep using old songs and stages, they’re going to run out of non-runway ones eventually… but I also don’t know if I trust the models or environments to really work with it.
From what I’ve gathered, their next big event is a brand muse festival, so maybe they will start getting new coords after they each have their own brands? Maybe they’ll have appeals after that too! I have a crack theory that they didn’t want to animate base appeals like Cute Flash if they were just going to be swapped for brand appeals later, so they’ll start doing appeals once they’re in their brands. Plus if they’re designing new brands with new appeals they can work with the models more, though I suppose designing new type appeals could have done that as well…I’m probably wrong though. Either way, I’ll keep staying tuned!!
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figurelifeflirt · 10 months
2022 Rostelecom Finals entry #9
Side note: This Yuzuru marriage business. I saw a lot of tweets about how, now that Yuzu is divorced, people are questioning his sexuality. LEAVE THE GUY THE FUCK ALONE. I am a huge Yuzu fan. Just like everyone else though, he deserves some privacy. Just because he’s a celebrity, it doesn’t mean that people can lay his sex life on a platter and examine it.  I love Yuzu, not caring what his sexuality is. Being a yuzu fan, a good yuzu fan, is about loving Yuzu for the joy and elegance he brought to this sport.
I hate seeing Yuzuru’s privacy disrespected. And If I were him, I would just say goodbye and good riddance to social media.
Moving on
Junior women short program
Natalia Lagutova
Thoughts: I was very surprised to see her. Based on her performance in the earlier Rotselecom events, I didn’t think she scored high enough but regardless, I think she should feel very proud to have made the cut. The scoring margins are very slim.
Victoria Morozova
Thoughts: I don’t know what the technical term for this is but this program was the start of the video having a little hiccup where the picture starts to look like popcorn. It’s very sad because normally, Victoria is lovely to watch and quite the star.
Alisa Dvoeglazova
Thoughts: we are still having a malfunction with the video quality. So, I don’t feel like I can give an accurate review. Sorry Alisa.
Alina Gorbachhyova
Thoughts: I didn’t know that much about her before her little “missing” scandal. And now looking back, she looks exhausted. I hope they have had the time to figure out a better coaching strategy for her. If anyone has no idea what I’m talking about, google her name. The articles should pop right up.
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 2 years
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Yuzu on Sunday Charge 25/9/2022
Summarizing from tweets by @axelsandwich:
- Yuzu says his hometown is his pride and he wants to do the best with them
- it's Yuzu's 24th skating year, he remembered the earthquake and felt that he is here today because of the support of the ppl who also went through hard times
- during a video showing his journey from Beijing to becoming a pro skater Yuzu said that at the time of the Olympics his focus was to jump and acknowledge the 4A, but that he thinks he is not the same as in Beijing and still wants to accomplish more as a pro skater (basically)
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- they showed when he played in the film: Yuzu said it's embarrassing, he was too nervous and he couldn't do the lines and he decided to not do it again; maybe only if he could play himself
- talking about SharePractice: Yuzu thinks that his warm-up routine could help other skaters and that fs is a sport where hard parts are hidded to the audience, so he wanted to show that the sport side of fs to the fans
- he plans on doing activities in Sendai ; ice rink Sendai has helped him a lot for example in hosting SharePractice
- Yuzu plans to release a new video in October for his YouTube channel, he practically manages the channel including comments and setup and camera himself
- Yuzu wants to be a pro skater who will also do quads and competitive like layouts, different from most pro skaters who jump mostly triples or doubles, for this he needs lots of stamina as when you do an ice show yourself you have to do multiple programs a day unlike in competition where you have 2-3 performances at maximum
- Yuzu wants a "new show" : he focuses on one program with all his emotions but he wants to increase the number and also collaborate more with the music
- about not being limited by competition rules: Yuzu agrees for example he can repeat the same kind of jumps
- for Yuzu becoming a pro skater means that he raises the level from an amateur to a pro-skater
- they show Yuzu Miyagi Sports with baseball Rakuten Eagles: it's the team Yuzu once did a pitch for in 2010 - Yuzu said his pitch was embarrassing as his father is a baseball coach and he could do better
- basketball news, where Yuzu left a supportive message - Yuzu says he can't do basketball
- talk about Shohei Otani, who did a historic thing (lol none of us fans follows baseball I fear😅) : Yuzu says Shohei Otani is amazing and refers to the time as "living in the Otani generation" while the host says Shohei Otani says "living in the Hanyu generation"
- Yuzu says he hoped he was able to convey his appreciation for his hometown
- Yuzu says that no matter the sport foundations are very important
(there was some more talk about the weather, covid etc. normal stuff usually aired in that tv segment not specified towards Yuzu)
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sugar-petals · 4 years
Treats For You (M)
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↳ PAIRING: yuzuru hanyu × reader
↳ PLOT: You tend to a nervous Yuzu the night before a skating competition.
↳ WORD COUNT: 9k | one shot | domestic au, smut
↳ WARNINGS ⚠️ pwp, dom/sub, feeding yuzu treats, pegging, some very wet oral (m giving), cum play, oh lord it gets graphic, fingering, crying, mommy kink, yuzu’s crazy back arch, rough sex, masochism, aftercare, some asthma talk
↳ CARO’S NOTE: inspired by this juicy gif. PS: since i usually post for other fandoms — if you’re unfamiliar with yuzu, visit this intro post. 
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Just two minutes after you switch off the light, he starts fidgeting. 
Repeatedly, all while messing around with his pillow. Soon enough, the blanket you share becomes all disheveled. 
You turn your head towards the window to check. All as usual. The blinds are perfectly drawn to shut out the moonlight. Meanwhile, the humidifier infuses the air in gentle ten-minute intervals. Not even the heater is bumbling tonight. Yuzuru keeps on rustling beside you, still. Some of his plushies fall off the bed, one after the other.
Of course he can’t sleep. It’s daunting, no precaution ever helps. The blanket couldn’t be any more crumpled up at this point.
„I’m so nervous,“ he finally sits up another minute later, causing the duvet to lift. A little sigh follows.
Eventually, you turn in the sheets yourself, now facing him. Or rather, what you can vaguely make out as his crouching silhouette.
„Hey,“ you mumble from your left side of the bed. „You watched all of the performances from last month.“ You pat Yuzu’s pillow, hoping he would sink down on it again. „At least twice. Or more.“
God knows for how many hours he stretched in front of the TV on his spongy blue yoga mat, reviewing mountains of footage with a furrowed brow worthy of a restaurant critic.
Every jump and every turn, analyzed over and over. Down to the millimeter. Even the costume got its fair share of scorn. Too wide there, this detail on the collar could be different, that part gets in the way while doing spins.
„It’s all— I don’t know what I’m lacking these days.“
The silhouette doesn’t look like it’s headed to lie down again for the time being. You reach toward your bedstand’s squiggly designer lamp. After fumbling about in the dark, you find the bulky switch at its bottom. On goes the light again. Perhaps a bit too bright, both of you squint hard.
„It’s not like you’re dropping to second place anytime soon.“
Given how you thought you could call it a day before Yuzu started to fidget, maybe your voice is not fully resonant yet. It still carries a little unspoken ‚…right?‘ with it. 
As soon as you finish the sentence, you feel how he can pick up on it already. The humidifier dryly comments by puffing out a cloud of lavender steam.
„I don’t really know,“ Yuzu retorts twisting, going into a deep shrug. He is completely sunken now.
„Looks like a simple big hug won’t do, hm.“
Yuzuru ends up nodding. It’s more knowing than admitting. But you don’t like the sense of resignation that comes with it, at all. The problem goes a little deeper than just motivating him with the stats he ironically already knows, times better than you, even.
It’s been going on for the entire day. The last time he made such a grouchy face at his videos was around Christmas. Back then, he couldn’t quite get the jumps right at the start of his routine. But now? His scores are just fine. Not to mention the jumps.
„I didn’t think you were lacking,“ you say. „You just fell once during training.“
And that was because he was fooling around during a break, not in the serious exercises.
„Sorry for bothering you,“ he buries his face in the blanket, beginning to ruffle his hair all over the place. Frustrated Friday-evening-Yuzu always does that, but the energy doesn’t seem to go anywhere this time.
The murmur of his stomach isn’t hard to miss either. You lay your hand on Yuzu’s back.
„Is it because you didn’t eat?“
You wonder what he had for dinner.
Only more guilty stomach growling reaches you as a reply. Figures: He skipped it, and lunch, too. His breakfast was so frugal, you don’t even remember whether he had his milk or not. 
Yuzu was already pacing around in the living room at that point. Recalling the tricky parts of the upcoming choreography, treading his feet into the carpet, humming the steady rhythm of his skating program.
„Maybe I’m turning into a snickers diva,“ a muffled little comment emerges from where his chaotic hair sticks out from the duvet. At this point, his face is all buried there.
„I mean. If you allow me to baby you…“
Three minutes later. You rub your eyes, shift from leg to leg. The kitchen floor is as cold as ever so you regret not putting on socks. Meanwhile, there’s no problem raiding the fridge. 
You could go to the grocery store five times a day and buy everything Yuzu’s mouth waters over — it’d still be stacked to the top. Snacks, veggies, particular sports drinks in weird blue colors, Japanese pickled plums, gyoza left-overs, salad, various fizzy drinks, mostly lemonade.
It’s like that with any food. Out of sight, out of mind. He won’t bother getting up from the yoga mat if he’s fixated on the TV.
After making two distinct picks and checking whether the fridge door closes properly, then bustling at the sink with a towel, you trot back to the bedroom. Equipped. In the meantime, Yuzu has recollected his plushies from the floor, gently aligning them next to his pillow. 
They’re all in their strictly defined place again. You enter just the second after he’s arranged them in the usual half-circle order, centered around his favorite, all-time friendly-eyed Winnie Pooh bear.
„Will you look at that,“ you plant your little kitchen conquests onto the bed, rousing approval noises from Yuzuru who sparkles right at the box and plate you brought along. The grouchy face dissolves, curiosity takes its place. His food reactions will always be the cutest to you.
„From the market. Wasn’t too expensive.“
Freshly doused in the sink, plump and very ripe.
„And rice cakes!“
Truth be told, there couldn’t be a bigger comfort food on his list and you shamelessly exploit the very fact.
„Every competition has a victory meal. Here, fruits first.“
After plopping down on the mattress yourself, you pick up one, then two strawberries. Immediately, Yuzu’s little upturned mouth opens wide as if a tiger baby was yawning. 
He chews more eagerly than you thought. If you pass him pretzel sticks while he reviews things on the TV, he barely eats one or two of them.
„I like these,“ he swallows, prying for the next fruit in your hand already. „Sweet!“
„Tastes best with cake,“ you rearrange your sitting position, making sure to park your cold feet next to Yuzuru’s very warm ones. His toes are readily brushing against yours, Yuzuru perhaps not even noticing they do. He’s too fixated on the little cakes. In all things he does— focus incarnate. He can’t help it.
„Yes, I wanna try!“
You rummage in the packaging you brought along, draw forth a first treat. A second one you set aside on the plate. Tiger baby opens his mouth even wider, in goes the first chunk of the rich delicacy. Lord have mercy on his stomach, it’s 11:15 PM. But what’s normal to him, anyways.
Ten more minutes pass. After the strawberry box is two thirds empty and three juicy rice cakes have embarked on their last journey, Yuzu looks a lot more content than before, even if his bedhead arguably makes him look like a mad scientist. Junior professor Yuzuru Hanyu, escapee from his genius lab that exploded in a blaze of smoke. 
You take it as your task to brush the outlaw strands back into their place with your fingers after pulling out a wet wipe — those with the way too astringent citrus flavor— from your bedstand, cleaning your hands off the rice. It’s not like your hands aren’t sticky on the regular.
To your satisfaction, Yuzu looks like a swaying cat, nestled into his blanket. With no more stomach growling audible, gladly. You put the plate on the bedside table, lean forward to kiss his belly, and shoot him a fracture of an ambiguous gaze.
„So… Fancy getting even more stuffed?“
„Sure! Is it a surprise?“ Yuzu looks around, presumably searching for more food you brought along.
The pure soul.
„Well, we already had dessert.“
„Oh, right! But, what’s the food, then?“
A little pause follows. Yuzuru couldn’t look any more thrilled. You decide to go with it.
„You’re too innocent,“ you lower down your pants by an inch, thumbs demonstratively hooked into the hem. You raise your eyebrows into a question that he cannot miss. „If you want. You might wanna grab your spray first, though.“
Only the last part fully registers in Yuzuru’s expression that finally goes from curious to… sheepish. He caught on.
Asthma spray at 11:30 PM is a cue he’s gotten familiar with over the last four months. Not in a million years did he think he’d ever have to use it late at night. Whatever decision process is rattling through Yuzu’s brain right now, it’s a fast one, though.
„Ha— okay!“
„Alright, Yuzu.“
„Just once second!“
Food round number two, it is. You kick off your pants and underwear but make sure they don’t land any place where plushies are. Yuzu is already busy at the other end of the room, visibly at work with shaky hands, browsing the cupboard with meds next to the window.
Now that he’s double nervous, you curse your idea, but remind yourself of the last late-evening time Yuzu had his head between your legs. ‚I dunno, I was just concentrated‘ are the words that stuck with you after asking him how on earth he kept his breath for what felt like 45 seconds. 
Whatever masochist devil has been driving him, it gave your boyfriend skills you never even knew were possible to have out of absolute nowhere. Not to mention how easily it distracted him from anything else in the world.
Maybe that focus is an effect easy to replicate, you think. Anything that can take his mind off the competition tomorrow is worth trying.
Carefully, you move over to the right side of the bed. Then, recline on Yuzu’s pillow — on his explicit wish two months ago, you meticulously keep that tradition — and feel surrounded by plushies already. 
Back then, Yuzu insisted that he shouldn’t be the only one watching out for you when you’re having sex. And that the pillow just smells really good of your hair afterwards. So there you lay, feeling all kinds of horny. Given that Yuzu is already returning to the bed, swiping his hair off his forehead. Looking very refreshed, letting his breath play. Sexy.
And there it goes already. The I dunno, I was just concentrated gaze. You arrange your legs wide enough for Yuzu to settle in the middle, him still sitting upright. His hands are still shaky when they reach around your outer thigh, but his eyes don’t lie to you in the very least.
„Your breath alright?“
A little nod, but he doesn’t heed the question for any longer. There’s gladly nothing that his lung doctor can’t figure out. You count on that, but asking doesn’t hurt.
Meanwhile, Yuzu’s eager eyes are already drawn downwards. Getting bigger and bigger. The surprise he had anticipated in fact now dances over his face, flighty and polite, but nonetheless apparent to you. He’s smiling, and it looks shy in the light of the bedstand lamp.
„I, ah…“
It’s as if he hasn’t seen you naked before, every time. For whatever reason, Yuzu always reverts to virgin mode with his first glance. You admit it’s flattering and amusing alike, but also — leaves you with Hitchcock level suspense. 
Yuzuru has proven himself to be an expert in summoning a beginner’s zeal, an almost childlikeness. That keeps you on your toes and promises an intensity that routine and pragmatic energy management could never give you.
After letting his eyes linger a little more, his lips become visibly impatient. He’s already licking them. You’d promised food, and he takes it seriously. That Yuzu’s fingers stroke rather weirdly at your thighs does not escape your attention either. They’re practicing.
„Help yourself, touch.“
The stroking ceases. Yuzu doesn’t hesitate to reach down with his left. How he touches you sends a row of tingles down your legs. His fingertips are amazingly dainty and soft. He explores. Then, soon keeps on caressing about, leans his head forward, all still from his seated position. It doesn’t take too long until he goes straight to getting you off with his right hand.
„This is, wow,“ he mumbles to himself, already immersed in rubbing your clit. Going in circles, taking his time. Alternating between index and thumb.
„Yeah. That’s the spot,“ you shift in the pillow, eventually finding a good position to relax. You exhale, focus on his hand.
„So smooth,“ Yuzu traces his joining left hand up and down your labia.
„Maybe someone wants a taste?“
You were right that he would forget practically anything else. The yoga mat worry brow is blown off his face. Substituted by— appetite.
„Not just maybe, actually.“
Spreading your legs a little more is invitation enough to have Yuzuru lower his head onto your pubic bone, tongue already searching for its favorite place. Your fingers gently interlace in his hair as soon as he starts sucking. Keeping his bangs out of his eyes.
How unafraid to bury his face he is you soon get to witness. You can feel the bridge of his nose glide from lip to lip, and the feathery light brush of his lashes at the base of your inner thighs. 
Yuzu’s tongue has always been cheeky, but today, it feels particularly adventurous and slippery. He can’t help but fumble about with his hands simultaneously. Beginner’s zeal, you knew it’d come.
The bucking of your hips comes too naturally to be controlled. Nor does Yuzuru know just how to hold his head back from thrusting. This little shit. Whatever is in those rice cakes, it made him a new level of keen. Soon enough, his tongue has riled you up plenty, and his focused eyes have become entirely monotone. Only preoccupied with one thing and one thing alone. 
Just how much he dedicates his attention has to be a thing for the books. You feel like blowing up and moaning like crazy at this point, but manage to at least puff out. He knows you’re way too close. There’s a little smile you feel in the way he eats you.
„So that mouth gets a cum filling,“ you twist your fingers out of Yuzu’s wild hair. It’s all tangled again. The return of the mad professor. He has all the space in the world to bop his head as much as he wants now. One, two, three plushies fall over and tumble around the mattress. He doesn’t notice.
The warmth between your legs has been growing ceaselessly. Now, ready to brim. With Yuzu’s agile tongue slipping back and forth over your clit in erratic intervals, you feel like losing your mind with every lick. The way his lips excite you gives off the lewdest sucking noises. All wet, and resolute like a chess player not to drop you off that high. 
He keeps his laps consistent, leans in more, and eventually— tips you off the edge with a fast sequence of letting his tongue dip under the hood of your clit. And letting it stay there, all until your legs start twitching. You groan out.
Yuzu gets a big. Fat. Cum filling indeed.
Your breath goes short, you grab his shoulders. Growling, cursing. Trying to ride the wave, but the contractions catch you harder than you thought. You can practically feel how much you ooze out and ruin his face. 
Bratty he is, Yuzuru forms his mouth all kissy and pecks your clit through every throb. Until the shockwaves subside, letting your shaking thighs off the hook eventually.
Too fucking intense. The surge of pleasure keeps on making your mind hazy long after your orgasm is over. To add fuel to the fire, Yuzuru rubs his belly, as if he just had two happy meals for the price of one.
Pulling off, his face is all bright and slobbery in its remaining smile. His lips are cum-glazed, and more than just plain sweat trickles down his nose. Nothing better than a facial right in front of twenty plushies. Who knew Winnie the Pooh himself would ever be eye witness to Yuzu’s sporty head game. 
Friendly bear he is, it doesn’t seem to bother him. From unsuspecting comfort teddy on Yuzu’s lap 23/7 to live-action porn audience. First row, no popcorn though, but HD sound quality and claims to free spit. The guy is living his absolute best life, isn’t he.
„You… growling. That was pretty hot,“ Yuzuru says. His jaw is hanging all loose and most of his speech is slurred. Yuzu looks all satiated. In your mind, you pat yourself on your own shoulder. Boyfriend corruption: almost complete.
„Like being spoiled? I want you to clean that up.“
Yuzu squeaks out giddy in reply. A moment later, he goes back to lean down again, swallowing and licking up cum from your drenched, swollen lips. His slurping noises are indulgent, wet, and desperately slutty. He succeeds in cleaning you up, but keeps on messing up himself even more. Yuzuru delights in rubbing his whole face into your dripping pussy until his eyebrows are sticky, his lids and cheeks are damp, and you feel capable to get up from the pillow.
Despite not being underneath the blanket, you notice that your feet aren’t that cold anymore.
He sits on the bed like a mermaid, huddled close to you. Normally, he would visibly sort his thoughts like that, but now, all he does is blink and nuzzle up against you with his forehead. 
Settling, Yuzuru doesn’t seem to know where to put his hands and you take it as a chance to pepper them with kisses. The back of the hand, the palms, the wrists. It calms you, and it calms him.
You feel entirely drenched, refreshed and relaxed at once. How Yuzuru cuddles against your legs makes your heart warm, and the moment is blissful.
One lavender steam cloud later, you feel like moving again. Maybe there are two restless people in this relationship. The thought of it is funny.
„We could go on a little more,“ eventually, you pat his head. „With something different if you want.“
„Do you still have energy?“ he asks. His breath is somewhat slowing already. It feels hot against your leg.
„More than before, actually.“
He sits up. Looks like you surprised him again. Little does Yuzu know how much he shakes you up.
You nod, twirling at his bangs now.
„I have an idea. So… you remember what’s been waiting in a box for a month.“
You can tell he knows exactly what you mean. No doubt he didn’t take very long to recall it, either. That tells you something.
„Can we use it?“
That answer was fast.
„It’s what I’ve been thinking.“
„We’ve been putting this off but I’m still curious.“
And your guess was correct. It’s definitely been on his mind.
„Yeah, you’re right.“
Promptly, you direct your eyes to the bedroom cupboard to your far left. The one containing various kinds of skating blades in slender packagings, tracksuits in dark colors, fan presents, and mail orders. Among them, a larger jet black box—
That neither Yuzu nor you dared to open given it was a product of a reckless button click at 2 PM.
Admittedly, after Yuzu passed you a way too expensive bottle of sake that he got for his birthday. Since he’s allergic to alcohol, somebody thought she could give it a sure try instead. Pouring $200 into the sink would have been the better option.
Said black box soon sits between the two of you, wide open to reveal the truth of what sake can do.
„Oh man. What have I done.“
That button click comes back to bite you big time.
„This looks, I think, realistic—?“
At least on the surface.
Of course, you drunk fool had to order the ‚sculpted, real-life imitation‘ version. You couldn’t be any more embarrassed. No more alcohol in this flat, that’s for sure. What else to do but take it in stride now that the box is already open, though.
„I uh, think so. At least with the veins.“
„It’s… it is really big.“
At least three times Yuzu’s flaccid size if you don’t hallucinate right now.
„I don’t know how I’m not gonna tear you apart. How many inches are these, 12? My drunk self is too ambitious.“
Maybe you shouldn’t have used that word and said ‚reckless‘ instead. Because ambition surely and habitually triggers a prancing and posing Shia LaBeouf shouting ‚do it!‘ in Yuzuru’s athlete brain. You can see it in his eyes and already regret thinking out loud.
„We can still try.“
„If that’s a good idea or not we will probably see,“ you begin to inspect the contents one by one up close. „I think I bought a weapon.“
„Now I know why they call guns a strap,“ Yuzuru equally peaks over the edge of the box, looking like his future just flashed before his eyes.
„Next time I pass the sake to your coaches or something,“ you end up pulling out the red harness kit that glaringly lays on top of the contents. All looking very adjustable indeed. „That’s what my midnight fantasy seems to look like.“
Yuzu snakes his hand into the box himself now. Pulling out a transparent, orange-pink 13 oz bottle with a bubbly-looking fluid inside. Gaudy stuff, but a generous amount.
„Mister Lube. My new best friend,“ he says, laying the bottle aside and then pulling off his black PJ shirt. Although he strips quite leisurely, you can tell that Yuzuru is a little tense in his torso. That you will attend to in a minute, you think. But beforehand, you let your eyes roam for something else.
„They probably have something to clean it with in there as well. Let me see.“
You find that even if you might have ordered all this pretty tipsy, the toy set does have its quality. Just before you want to ask Yuzuru to warm up, he visibly ponders, then cleans his pajamas off the bed to make space for a little area.
„If you don’t mind, I stretch my muscles,“ Yuzuru puts aside a couple of plushies, too, but keeps Pooh close, assuming his typical pre-training stances.
He knows himself. That’s good.
„Tell me if you need help for the thigh stretching.“
In the meantime, you ease into the red kit and arrange the box contents on the bed. There seem to be fifteen things going on at once. If this would be public in the slightest, you believe the two of you must look like a bunch of eccentrics to anybody who’d watch you.
Ten minutes later, Yuzuru might just be in Olympic shape, has downed almost half a liter of spring water in one go. You know that he could probably deliver a quintuple jump on the spot if he wanted. The strap-on is all assembled, clean, and you have stored away the practically empty box of sake sinnery.
„I’ll skate cross-eyed and cross-legged tomorrow,“ Yuzu stares right at your crotch, face buried in his palms. Only his eyes peek through the fingers. „Godspeed to my ass.“
You sure as hell won’t disagree. This strap is a threat.
„I don’t know why I had to order supersize out of all possible things. You need a prayer circle after this. Where’s Mister Lube?“
„Here, over here,“ Yuzuru passes over the bottle, shaking it.
„I’ll relax you as good as I can, okay. Before I get arrested for possession of weapons without a license.“
And annihilating Yuzu’s insides with that XXL dick that he sure as hell doesn’t just want halfway in. Lord have mercy. You can only shake your head at yourself for buying this.
„Honestly though. Does it really fit in?“
Yuzu leans his face toward your hip, now on all fours, taking the sight in. He still can’t believe his eyes.
„We’ll see. Let your body decide, not your pride okay,“ you poke the tip of the strap-on into his left cheek. Hoping that it takes away some of the tension, at least. „And you can still tap the mattress.“
„Okay. Tap the mattress.“
He nods quite avidly. Same protocol as always. No spoken safewords, only something that Yuzu can make use of with his reflexes. Speech? Nothing you can both count on as soon as horniness kicks in. 
You tried that for the first two weeks and quickly settled for tapping instead. Especially because Yuzu likes to have fingers in his mouth every so often.
„I mean. You just did like five splits, didn’t you. Warm-ups always help. If your ankle doesn’t fall off?“
That mini workout was more than just impressive, in fact. And still, you eye Yuzuru’s notoriously injured foot. The slim little fella has a long history of recovery behind him.
„The ankle is decent, the usual stuff.“
„I wish we had a smaller toy to start out with,“ you scratch your head. That might be the one thing that’s been missing from the box. „We still have Mister Lube, anyway. Watch this,“ you pick up the orange bottle, flipping the cap open. „It’s actually scented! Worth ruining the bed if you ask me.“
On goes the fluid, you rub it all across the length of the dildo. Must be cherry flavor or something. Yuzuru sure makes big eyes.
„I knew I could count on Mister Lube.“
„Yeah, we use lots. And I’ll be very gentle.“
The cherry scent is gladly much less tacky than the bottle itself, not too artificial-smelling either. You squeeze out a second load and distribute it over the strap-on just to be sure. Yuzuru’s breath goes faster.
„Can I ask something beforehand?“
„Go right ahead.“
„I wanna suck first if you…“
Who knew. The lube probably made his mouth water.
Being honest, you think that it might be a good idea to get this going. Better than blowing his pretty back out right away and making a mistake, even if he is much less tense now.
„I don’t mind, Yuzu. You already have some chapstick on, right? Here.“
You level your hips to line up with his mouth more easily. You can tell that Yuzuru, after some heavy blinking, eventually braces himself. There’s nothing more telling than his tunnel vision plastered all over his face. His eyes, lids heavy, are hypnotized and seem darker. Yuzu’s bedroom gaze is the best in the world.
„Okay, I’ll start.“
A first kittenish lick. A second. A third. Then, brave lips — enclosing the tip. He audibly nips and swallows.
A few more licks, and repeat. Mister Lube seems to taste pretty good. You bless the shady company that manufactures the black box of sin for once. 
You let Yuzu explore, pump his hand around the shaft, lick from all directions he fancies. Compared to his wrist, the dildo doesn’t really fall short in diameter, but with Yuzu’s face up close you are relieved it’s not a complete David versus Goliath match. 
Soon enough, he musters the courage to open his mouth a little wider, cramming a bit more in than just the tip. You can’t deny you’re getting turned on again with the way he slurps and hums around your dick. With the minutes, he becomes bolder, moving his head.
Even if the lube gathers at his chin and seeps down to the bed, he keeps on sucking, now with a first pearl of sweat lingering on his forehead already. You’d never think it’d make him break a sweat. To be fair, he just did fifty jumping jacks in the warm-up.
„Want me to move?“
Two nods. You glide in, let your hips do the work how they want to. You don’t trust your online shopping choices, but your tempo, at least. Yuzuru is making all choked up noises trying to gobble up all the girth he gets, his fingers entangled in your harness. It keeps him in a steady place.
You can work from that, angle a few superficial thrusts into his mouth to get the saliva flowing. The blotch on your bed is already pretty nasty. The slow pace is apt enough to fill Yuzu’s mouth with spit bubbles that begin to foam out bit by bit.
After two more minutes of light back and forth, Yuzuru pulls off to speak.
„Please do it stronger. I don’t mind being hoarse.“
Not a second later, all he does is slurp up a very dripping shaft again. With difficulty jamming it in past the first few inches, but determined, anyway. You didn’t expect anything else.
Yuzu’s lips and eyes are all glossy by now. The portion of lube-infused spit has accumulated at his jaw already, soon to travel down to his throat. 
Stronger, he says. Why not.
„Okay, get ready.“
An abrasive jab follows a shallow one. If it wasn’t for the lube, your dick would scrape right down his upper throat. But this way, the first dip goes in with sufficient slip and slide, not leaving Yuzu with too much dick in his neck for long. All your strap-on does is bounce right back.
What you do hear is Yuzu’s gag reflex… claiming its rights. Still understated, but nevertheless there. After three more thrusts, you decide to stay about halfway balls deep, watching Yuzuru squirm, even try to shove in about an inch more by pressing his head forward. His breath is clean and deep through his nose. You put a checkmark on the my-boyfriend-has-asthma list in your mind.
„You look good with a dick in your mouth.“
What is supposedly a ‚thanks‘ ends up as gargling and choking. Yuzuru starts getting wet eyes at this point. Even a little bow of his head is something that doesn’t slip past your attention. Mannered guy, isn’t he. 
That praise makes him do the horniest noises is also something that you make a memo of. Along with seeing how it’s rendering him all aroused. You’ve seen those neck veins and red chin spots come out plenty of times to know.
A couple more thrusts are not a bad option, you decide. Although it seems that Yuzuru had the idea to hollow out his cheeks that very moment. The vacuum first makes your cock plunge in a little too fast than intended, then naturally pulls Yuzu’s head forward once you move your hips back again. 
It’s why the second thrust catches him off guard, flattening his lips and making your dick slide into his throat with air going in. Yuzu ends up choking hopelessly. It doesn’t look like he’s retreating his head in the very least, however.
Instead, you feel his hands grab at your either hip to secure himself in place. A glance from above, slightly angled sideward, shows you just how hard and throbbing Yuzu’s own dick is, tipping against his stomach. 
Once again, you make an impressed-my-dear face that he doesn’t overlook. His cheeks go hollow again and he keeps up the indulgent speed. Increasingly getting rougher and more pain-craving. Messier. Desperate. 
Yuzu opens his mouth wider not to have his teeth get in the way. It’s serious business now. His throat makes the most disgusting, grunting noises. Oh. Shit. Yuzu’s greed and sloppy lips make your body burn up. Soreness is the very least he’s headed for.
„Wow, Yuzu. Wow.“
It’s not something you didn’t know already. This man is without a singular doubt a lunatic. You whisper more praises to him, your hands grabbing hold of his head to sustain the movement rhythmically. 
Yuzu’s gag reflex has proven to only rebel every other thrust so you can pound away, at that time already giving up even the mattress that must be sopping wet to its core with Yuzuru drooling all over it. Too late for a towel altogether but fuck it.
Yuzu takes the choking well. He’s leaking spit all over, surrenders to your hands. Even if he doesn’t manage to deepthroat the entire length of the dick, he manages an awful lot of inches. By now, he’s gotten the hang of not letting too much air in. All while relaxing his muscles. 
Beautiful hums, chokes, little whines. Too bad your phone isn’t close by. Recording this has to be your very next bucket list entry. You’re glad he asked about this.
You go on thrusting for a few more times until you feel your hips going tired. Once his nose starts getting all runny, you naturally slow down even more. Eventually, you help Yuzuru pull his head off. His lips are all puffy.
„B—woah,“ it’s all he can moan and splurt out, and you help him wipe the glob of saliva and snot from his chin with your sleeve. 
Your pajama shirt might be ruined, but not as much as Yuzu’s tonsils. Who knows just how many times you were deep and fast enough to make them throb from all that friction. Seven, eight times? His food for tomorrow can be a light soup at best. Not even you were as sore after riding and sucking every last drop out of his dick last Monday. 
You’re glad he has the rice cakes going through his system right now. Poor onlooker Winnie the Pooh is probably traumatized by now. There’s only so much crazy dicksucking a bear can handle watching. And still, he gazes at the two of you— in good spirits as ever, cheeks big and bright. In a way, he looks like Yuzu in this very moment.
„How you like it?,“ you softly caress his pinkish lips. „I need to know how many stars to leave on the website.“
It takes a few moments until he can form words again. His speech is fast. He’s still staring at the dildo.
„It was in so deep and, and on my tongue. The dick veins, I could feel them. They were like, like, it was massaging my lips. And I almost thought I could swallow it.“
You raise your brows. Lord knows how deep your cock was inside his brain, but he still picks these things up.
„Attention to detail. Nice.“
Maybe 4.5 stars are a fair deal. At least for throat fucking. The rest — remains to be seen.
„Did I do well?“
His eyes widen. The question is genuine. It’s not something you’d think he would ask. Whenever he trained, he would always rely on his own judgment.
„Ask yourself first, you were the one feeling it.“
That’s not the answer he expected, and he ends up getting red cheeks.
„I liked it,“ he stammers. „Was really hot.“
„It’s what I saw, too. Good job, babe.“
He’s blushing even more now.
„Ah— I think I tried my best.“
You smile and cup his slobbery face. So you’ve taken his throat virginity in the most spit-heavy way possible. He looks cuter than ever.
„Listen. You’re a champ. If I could, I would cum deep inside of you.“
„I think, that would be romantic,“ his wet lips break into an upbeat smile. Yuzu’s eyes get all crinkly.
„You bet.“
A big doting kiss for Yuzu’s forehead is the only thing your brain can conjure up at this point, so you briefly lean down to do it. Maybe Shia LaBeouf is not just exclusively at home in Yuzu’s imagination. 
What you have to admit is that Yuzu’s overflowing athlete’s spirit has easily taken over your hips. You didn’t think you could move properly for that long. Maybe you still have some energy reservoirs left.
„And, and now?“
„I can stuff you with more dick. Up to you. Mister Lube didn’t run out yet. And if Pooh still likes watching.“
By instinct, Yuzuru’s hands snake behind his back to grip his ass, stroking what he knows is your delightful next target. You can tell by his eyes that there are a thousand scenarios going through his head.
„Pooh likes this… very much. He’s never seen something like that before. I think he is curious.“
It doesn’t take a Sherlock’s mind for you to know that he means— himself.
„I mean. I was surprised. If that monster fits into your little throat,“ you add, „anything is possible.“
That’s the final straw.
„I’ll do it,“ he says, moments later on all fours, face lowered and then rested sidewards on the bed, spreading his ass cheeks. Decision making when it comes to strap stuff is Yuzu’s forte, you jot that down in your invisible sex life journal. Not one bit of hesitation. By the looks of it, a very twitching entrance is waiting for you.
Testing period is over.
„Alright. I got something to drive home.“
Now that you think of it. If his ass is already only half as naughty as his mouth, you’ll need the help of a higher power.
„Shit. I think, it relaxes.“
At the expense of your mattress and blanket getting even more greasy with lube, you ease in the tip after massaging it into his sphincter. Yuzu’s ass still has to deal with that new sensation given how his leg muscles are going all bonkers. But indeed he’s grown receptive.
„Comfy like that?“
„Attention, just a little tweak before I go on. Here.“
You softly press down on his spine with your palm entirely flat, and his back obliges immediately. His arch is leaving you breathless. 
Yuzu’s head and chest are snug and soft against the bed while his ass is far, far up. He smiles seeing you venerate his back, he didn’t miss your reaction in the least. No surprise a third of your cock gets sucked into his ass just moments later. It caught you off guard.
Judging by Yuzu’s little yelp and his eyes rolling back, the way you went right into him has found pleasure. The bedposts creak a little because Yuzuru’s legs are shivering. As is his voice.
„I love it, I lo-, please, my, my ass!“
„Can I move?“
„Yes, please!“
The arch did the trick. You love your boyfriend. What follows is a slowly plunging series of rewards, ten, eleven times, pulling at his gripping asshole until it surrenders into going loose. Yuzuru has almost accommodated a third of the length you’re engraving into his ass. You’ll definitely keep using that brand of lube.
„Here, babe. I got a present for your prostate.“
Yuzu is making your favorite lawless face when you hit the spot, controlling the base of the dildo with two your fingers going around it like a cock ring. He looks as if someone just handed him a trophy too big to carry. From his perineum, a thread of lube comes dripping down with a squelching noise. The poor sheets. It’s another virginity taken.
In the meantime, Yuzu grabs hold of the duvet with unsteady hands. His entire torso is nothing but a shaky mess. So erratic. And sweaty. And docile. And beautiful. You want to award him plenty, your little present from above, the jittery boy underneath you.
Pounding away and making him grit his teeth is worth heading for a mean cramp, you don’t care. Watching how your cock is plowing in and out of him at jerky angles with the absolute lewdest, bubbling noises recompensates for anything. 
Yuzu’s rolling eyes have become spaced out and teary, making him look like a crying saint about to enter the golden gates of heaven. Who knew angels had black hair.
With every stroke, his ass becomes every bit accepting to the point of almost glaring open to let you thrust in. Thank God. You compliment yourself on not falling short of the arguably lofty promise to relax him. Moaning Yuzu’s little ass is swallowing it all. 
By the time, his rectum is going hollow and sticky, welcoming every move of yours by giving you ample right of passage. During some thrusts, you don’t even see his sphincter hold on to the dildo at all. His ass is almost as dilated as his loose mouth itself. Your thrusts are working on their own again at this point. What instinct is propelling you, who knows. 
You love the sight and the happy squeals. You tease him with more speed. Not without effect, your hips lunge and aim deep all the more. You penetrate him far enough to start an excavation for ancient relics next Monday. With the tempo increasing, so does the chesty volume in his voice.
„It’s,“ he cries out, „in my belly! Ah! Ah, shit! Shit...“
You see Yuzu let go of the duvet with his left hand. It promptly darts way down to his abdomen where his fingers grope around.
„I can feel it,“ he whines, „It’s rubbing there, it’s a big bump!“
You sure won’t deprive your own hand from that sensation and reach right down, too. Which means leaning forward— and stuffing your strap even harder into his guts. Yuzu gasps out loud. Both your hands meet fondling about, cupping the sensitive area in search for the imprint of the dildo.
What Yuzu says is not understated. His slender little belly is all bulged out in the bottom quarter. Since he’s so thin, it’s almost scary how much your cock just dents him out and twists around.
„Jesus, Yuzu,“ you let your hand roam next to his, even lightly squeezing the area. It’s what really riles him.
What you thought was the maximum for him to take turns out to be nothing but a mere start. Yuzu is so obsessed to feel the bulge more that he starts bucking his ass onto your cock with the most unbridled voice cracks.
You can’t lie. His moans make your jaw drop. His usually so controlled body on the ice is now wrecking and writhing itself to get more dick. 
A thin line of sweat goes on a pilgrimage down his spine already. He impales himself more, gyrates his hips more, whines out more. You wonder how he keeps it together and doesn’t spritz all his cum over the bed and the floor tiles.
It’s the sheer force of will. Always hungry for the next level. You can’t help but admire how enduring he is. And that’s just the first time.
Yuzu’s feet have become agitated on the sheets, responding to every thrust by dangling and swishing around. Yesterday, his right ankle was all stiff and even a bit swollen. Now, it’s moving all over the place. Looks like doggy style is putting all the tension off the ligaments. It’s something else you take deliberate note of.
After five more thrusts and hearing his whimpers getting all drawn-out, eventually, you retreat for a break, letting your cock rest on his left ass cheek. Yuzu inhales, gathering himself. He looks at you with big, glazed bambi eyes. Maybe even a bit incredulous.
„Am I, am I gaping?“
You don’t have to check twice to know.
„All lose. If you knew how far I can see inside of you. Hole new world.“
He can’t hold eye contact now.
„Naughty, huh. But I like what I see.“
Goddamn great ass. You firmly smack Yuzu squarely across his right butt cheek. He twitches, clenches, bites his lips more. They tremble.
„Ah! You tease!“
„Want me to put it in again?“
Wild nodding. Looks like Yuzu’s usual voracity on the ice does an easy, albeit not entirely seamless transfer to bed, too. He still ogles what is about to stretch him out again with due respect. He still can’t fathom something this massive was inside of him, you can tell.
Once you start moving again, you notice his feet and thigh muscles violently jerking. His prostate has gotten all sensitive. Probably all spongy and large by now.
You decide to angle yourself differently and take a deep breath. Impossible to draw this out any longer. From the vicinity of Yuzu’s pillow, you grasp the Winnie Pooh plush toy and maneuver it into his awaiting embrace. He holds it tight in an instant.
With impatient hands, you fumble around the bed for the lube bottle until you find it next to his right foot. Two, three, four generous squeezes onto his asshole, not very accurate at all. Several fine, oily traces end up trickling down his inner thighs. You don’t even bother closing the bottle properly anymore. Too much adrenaline.
„Grab those sheets and Pooh, Yuzu, grab hard.“
„I got it!“
„Time I fuck you up. If you’re ready?“
„Yes, make me cum, make me cum! Please break my ass,“ he’s whimpering. So badly. „I want it! I want it all inside.“
Mister Lube has a last job to handle.
Yuzu has crammed three fingers into his mouth once you get a hold of his hair and deliver the last hard movements. He takes the blows all babbling and sucking himself off. How his ass is not completely falling apart by now is a miracle of nature. Or maybe, just the blessing of his daily training.
The room is heavy with the scent of sweat and cherries. He’s loosened his core so much that sliding in is not a question of you avoiding a cramp anymore, but technique. You feel focused to zero in and not miss the sweet, tender spot. It makes him mewl the first time you push your dick tip right into it. 
The second time, his eyes get big and fluttering.
„Please. Please, hurt me,“ he salivates, then eventually, grabs his plush harder. „Hurt me bad. I’m really begging you.“
Fast to oblige, you claw your hands around his waist and pull his body backwards. The ten nails digging into him are only the last needed set-up. The last jab comes in crisp, landing a severe and punctuated shock. Yuzu’s ass smacks up hard at your loins. The pain quickly snakes right up his spine and leaves his face contorted.
„Oh fuck…!“
Small, shaking Yuzu cums like fifty fireworks going off at once. Not even releasing his screams into the duvet really helps to mute out the heaviness of the first waves. You keep your cock right in place and let it buffer into his prostate at will. 
Yuzu’s legs kick and tangle under you like pasta in boiling water. He cries and groans and curses, and cries out even more. You can see his entire back muscles at work now, going like clockwork. His moans each sound so ecstatic, it registers as a different language to you. He spirals far into his orgasm, sobbing, and it looks beautiful.
„Amazing, Yuzu.“
His semen lands all over his sternum and the sheets, shooting out in several bursts, one more pumping than the other. It’s almost as if all that strawberry juice converted nicely into a blotchy, white fluid. 
His dick is still tensing up completely sensitive. Releasing cum, up until his legs stop going all over the place. Yuzu doesn’t let the sperm cool for twenty seconds that he already reaches down to pick it up, jerking his cock a last dozen times, only to bring to his mouth what his fingers collected. He sucks up all of it.
„Delicious, baby?“
„So nicely milked.“
His relished expression. You imagine that this must have been how the gods first tasted nectar.
While he licks away, Yuzu goes limp head to toe with you carefully pulling out your dick. Inch by inch. Not pulling. Only gliding.
Once you’ve removed the tip, he collapses into a sniffing, giggly puddle of serotonin. Crying, even when you lend him both your hands to lay his face into.
He’s so gorgeous. 
Breathing hard, sweaty, drooling and messed up. His body is so steamy and loose, splayed out all the way before you. His entrance has turned all pink so beautifully. Hot. As. Fuck.
Most psychologists would envy you for being able to gaze this far into Yuzuru Hanyu’s innermost clenching being. How his ass is going to close until tomorrow’s competition, you don’t know. 
Time to pray he won’t digest these savory cakes too fast. Then again, he didn’t eat properly at all. His body is probably soaking up all the fruit and rice in their entirety. 
You pat his lower back gently, making sure to lay him down into a sleeping position already. Pooh is right by his side. Yuzu’s legs are still so dangly.
He’s really let go completely. You’ve not fucked his ass, but his soul.
You want to thank him for trusting you so much. Beside the shady black box manufacturer. 
The bed is a glorious mess.
Removing the strap-on harness makes you feel just how loosened your own limbs have become, too. Come to think of it, this might be your new heavy-duty workout. None of your friends know you do this kind of cardio involving the best ass in the whole city as your personal trainer.
Yuzu’s butt has turned you into a drenched, wobbly homo sapiens that will probably look in the mirror by tomorrow and proclaim herself a bodybuilder from those sheer muscle burn gains. 
When the two of you show up at the rink tomorrow, you both need hunky guys carrying you in by the armpits or something. 
And the whole world will wonder how Yuzu’s wonky ankle magically recovered overnight but he can’t sit.
Changing the duvet at quarter past twelve with an unmovable Yuzu on top of it seems like a thing of the impossible. It’s soiled, it’s sweaty, it would probably make it to the first page if a reporter ever got hold of it. 
But you take it pragmatically and opt for sleeping on Yuzu’s cleaner side of the bed intertwined. It’s surprisingly dry there. Big laundry day tomorrow, anyway.
The only thing you manage to do is reach for the window to open and to grab a glass of water from the bedstand to share. He’s chugging the remaining half down in one go. His hands? Oh wonder.
More than steady.
He calmed completely. After he puts down the glass, you scoot closer to him.
„Your foot — better?“
„Oh? I didn’t even think about it.“
He wriggles his left leg back and forth underneath the blanket, then concludes with a surprised face:
„It’s turning pretty well? I think you hit a nerve. Maybe you should split me in half more often.“
He shrugs. Yuzu’s serious face while saying that so dryly makes you laugh.
„Looks like it,“ you draw out the open lube bottle from beside you, finally closing the lid. „Do you… need a towel?“
„I just need you. I have to be disgusting for once.“
„I’ll scrape that all off tomorrow before we leave. Hot shower, five tons of shampoo. I’ll be breaking out the stuff you clean your skates with if I have to.“
That makes Yuzu chuckle. In fact, he beams a little.
„Sounds like something to look forward to.“
„I hope you can walk, anyway. Is it painful?“
Your biggest sorrow at this point. Taking his mind off was easy, but now he’s got boneless legs. Your conscience nags you for dicking him down out of all possible things.
„You have your weapon license now. I gotta admit… the last one…“
…was ass destruction 3.0, you complete his sentence in your mind. It’s nothing a normal human being could have stomached. „I’ll manage, though. I still feel my legs.“
„God, how does he do it.“
A smug „He’s Yuzuru Hanyu, that’s how, aw yeah!“  is what you imagine God’s answer to sound like. But instead, all you get is a little smile. Very well, from the little God in your bed.
„Pooh did this. When I squeezed him, I knew I could take it.“
He reaches to the middle of the bed. Five consecutive head pats for the bear plushie and Yuzu looks content already.
„Winning medals with just one working ankle is the same as doing it with a demolished ass to you, huh.“
„It’s not demolished, it’s improved and overhauled,“ he smiles. „Never felt any better. It was really good how you did this.“
It’s his strangest sport philosophy yet. But if you know one thing, it’s that Yuzu’s bizarre body hacks have gotten him the podium every time. You can already see him asking for another strap round before your mind’s eye. Before the next competition, at least.
„You honestly blow my mind.“
„And your dick, tomorrow night,“ goes Yuzu’s cheeky winner grin. There it is. Insatiable how you love it. You already feel the need to google ‚hip thrust strengthening exercises’. 
Maybe, if science advances to that point one day, you honestly clone yourself so double your capacity. And so that you can spitroast him. Maybe you order another dildo from the website and pin it to the wall, anyways.
„Must be Mister Lube who did all of this.“
„I want to buy more of it tomorrow. Any other groceries we need, anyway? I’ll be cleaning the floor, too. I hope I’m not too worn-out after skating.“
„We’ll do one thing after the other, alright. There are still rice cakes left for breakfast, those will get you through the day.“
You’ve seen how much of an energy burst the cakes gave him. 
„I really like those,“ he mumbles, then nuzzles into the pillow, sucking in your hair’s scent. Oh, it’s the moment you waited for. „Snickers diva… happy.“
A very cheery, puffy face slowly comes to rest beside you now, hair going in all directions. Infallible and ever-returning: Professor Yuzu’s explosive hairdo. Pooh is all clingy at his chest. A little worn from all the squeezing, but still with an amicable chuckle. You smile from ear to ear. It’s the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen.
You kiss Yuzuru’s little nose and lips until he’s making sleepy sounds. Either this is a late-night mirage created by your very moan-tested ears, or he is actually purring. You make sure the Pooh plush resting at his chest faces him correctly, then clear away the remaining strawberries, shut the window, arrange the blanket, put on your pajamas properly.
The humidifier whirrs in the background while tiger baby does one last big yawn before drifting off. In a matter of two minutes, maybe even less than that. 
Just as you reach toward the bedstand to switch off the light, Yuzu’s hand curls into your shirt from behind. You turn, he is all dozed off. Not one leg fidgeting. However, talking in his sleep with his hand nestled into your PJs.
„Big hug please, Pooh mama.“
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© 2017-2020 submissive-bangtan. all rights reserved. do not repost.  for entertainment purposes only. all portrayals fictive.
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seimeiorigin · 3 years
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The Point: The skater’s face is the part of the performance that sucks you in and makes you feel – the part that grabs you and invests you in how well they do in their performance. 
Dear Figure Skating TV Camera Operators
The work you do goes un-noticed. Stated. Fact. Acknowledged. I know this because up until this weekend I have never really paid attention to what you do. You do your thing and we can see our figure skaters. That’s all there is to it really. So, this message goes out to you for two reasons.
First, on behalf of all of us fans, thank you for choosing video and image for your career. Thanks for the technical skills and abilities that enable you to know where to focus your camera, when and why. Thanks for all the knowledge you have accumulated over many years that contributes to knowing how to cover the ice. Thanks for being so familiar with the sport that you can anticipate where skaters will be during certain parts of the program. Thanks for trying to marry the speed of the skaters with capturing a moment in time. Thanks for the drive you have to be the best, show the best and produce the best content you can. I know it’s not just a job to you – it’s a skill, an ability and pride in a product produced to the best of your ability.  We would be nothing without you – you are one of the most essential groups of people in the figure skating world. You are important.
As a long-distance fan of figure skating (I live in the southern hemisphere), I have come to realise how important you are to my viewing experience. Might I please suggest a couple of things from a fan perspective that you might consider to increase our enjoyment?
1.       When Yuzuru Hanyu skates to Hana Wa Saku (or any other gala program), the most important part of the whole four minutes is Yuzuru’s face. Yuzuru’s emotions are spread all over his face for the world to see and it is THIS that makes the audience invested in his performance.  If Yuzu’s face could be more often seen during the performance it would really make a fan’s experience so much better. 
2.       World Team Trophy – The whole thing about the team experience is focusing on the team experience. Undoubtedly because of Covid we did not get the full experience this year but in future I hope we can see more of the interaction between team mates and other teams, perhaps off and on the ice so those at home feel like there is a comraderie and competition between the people performing.
 3.       Signature moves. When a skater does their signature move the camera often seems to be behind them. Very understandable because they move so fast. I wonder if there is a way that the camera people could perhaps anticipate this and figure out a way to see the best aspect of the move? (for example, Yuzuru’s face instead of his bottom when he is hydroblading). Perhaps by watching some previous performances and storyboarding the best camera angles?
This collection of thoughts and suggestions focuses on the off-rink Cameras and camera people.It would be re-miss of me not to mention Jordan from On Ice Perspectives.
Jordan and his team have given us a delightful, interesting, and new way of seeing skating that is very enjoyable. My first on ice perspective was Yuzuru’s Parisienne Walkways and it blew my mind. After watching it many times (and the WC Gala) I can now say that there are some discerning things as a fan that I think would add to the on-ice experience:  I want to see Yuzu’s face! I want to see his sexy smile during the pistol pose and a full-on face shot when he combs his fingers through his hair. I feel like the camera is constantly moving away from these moments and we only get a slight glimpse of what is on his face. More often than not we see his side or back - perfectly understandable because of the technicalities of obtaining the image. Don’t get me wrong, both are very nice sides of Yuzu and I am definitely not complaining 😉
Again, whether the camera is on the ice or off of it, the focus comes back to the skater’s face because it is the part of the performance that sucks you in and makes you feel – the part that grabs you and invests you in what they are doing.
So, please forgive me if it feels like I am telling you how to do your job, but please, would you consider a greater focus in future on showing us how the skater’s expressions and emotions?
Thanks 😊
EDIT: Point in case : SOI Blinding Lights. There is no way that 18 mins of slow mo video would be a thing if we did not see Yuzu's face. Yuzu knew it so he arranged multiple cameras for us to see his face.
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Continues ~with Wings~ Day 1 / Talk with Johnny
Translation post 35
Original language: Japanese (except Johnny’s comments)
Translator’s note: This is not a word-for-word translation. I paraphrased some of the things said in the broadcast to clarify the main point.
Day 1 28:32-42:48
(After Jeff Buttle finished skating "For Forever")
PA announcer: From here, we are going to present to you an entertaining talk section between a guest skater and Hanyu san. What kind of talk will they have? Can't wait to hear it! Now, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, Yuzuru Hanyu!
(Hanyu goes on stage while Let's Go Crazy is being played)
Hanyu: OK. Hello, everyone. (Laughs) You know, this makes me so nervous.
(Audience laugh)
Hanyu: I am really nervous... Uhm, fortunately, this time, so many... well, not so many, but great skaters have kindly gathered here for this show, and we have this talk session, so I would like to interview skaters that I love to interview. This is such a section. So, please watch this thinking that I am reporter Yuzuru Hanyu. (Laughs) Now, let me introduce our guest, Mr. Johnny Weir!
(Johnny goes on stage dancing to Lady Gaga's Poker Face)
Hanyu: (After exchanging a hug with Johnny) Thank you. (Gladly) He gave me a nice hug.
(Audience laugh) 
Hanyu: (In English) Please sit down.
Johnny: (To the audience) Konbanwa. (=Good evening) Hehehe. Arigato gozaimasu. (=Thank you so much)
(Johnny, Hanyu, Kaori Niimura (MC and interpreter) take their seats)
Hanyu: OK.
Johnny: Don’t be nervous!
Hanyu: I am, already. (Laughs) OK. (Opening a notebook on his lap) Now I would like to throw questions I would like to ask one by one!
Johnny: Special interview book, Yuzu kun?
Hanyu: Yeah! (After hearing Johnny's words through Niimura san) Hehehe. Hahaha~. OK, first question. What do you like most about figure skating, Johnny san?
Johnny: The thing I like most about figure skating is the ability to take my audience away, away from everyday normalcy, away from bad things, even away from good things. I like to transport my audience with me when I’m performing because, for me, it’s my happy place, and it’s my honor and joy to be able to skate for my fans, for my audience. My favorite part about it. And also it’s very fast.
Hanyu: (Nods with a big smile)
Hanyu: (After hearing Niimura san’s translation) I agree. Wow, great answer. Uhm, is figure skating a sport for you? Or is it art?
Johnny: Both. Hehehe… For me, I of course like the artistry of skating. It’s what made me interested in figure skating when I watched Oksana Baiul won the Olympic Games. Her artistry, her costuming, and the ability to make the world stand up is what caught my attention with figure skating. Of course, I love to jump, I love to spin, but just… the ability to perform to music and show people your heart is the most attractive thing of figure skating to me.
Hanyu: (After hearing Niimura san’s translation) Now you mentioned Oksana Baiul senshu... or Should I call Oksana Baiul san? Is there anyone, including non-figure skaters or animation characters that you admire as your hero, idol, or role model?
Johnny: So, I have a long list… When I just started to skate, my heroes were Irina Srutskya san and Evgeny Plushenko.
Hanyu: (As Niimura san is translating) Wow. I didn't know that...
Johnny: And of course, through my carrier, I have admired so many celebrities, and singers and actors, but the people that I most admire, I think, are Christina Aguilera, and Lady Gaga because they are individuals, they are unique, and they let their talent speak for them.
Hanyu: Uh-huh.
Johnny: (After Niimura san finished translating) And now that I am an old lady... (Laughs) I have to watch some skaters to make myself want to go practice and want to train because life is so busy now. Thus for me, I need some inspiration. So, of course, I watch videos and listen to the songs of my heroes. But now, to make me excited to go skating and to practice, I watch Evgenia Medvedeva and Yuzuru Hanyu.
(Audience applaud while Hanyu is bowing down feeling awkward)
Hanyu: (After Niimura san finished translating) Thank you so much. Well, er... As you know, the theme of this show is "Continues," and uh... now I heard that Johnny san used to admire Pluschenko san... and Srutskya san as well. I, of course, have my own list of skaters I admire, and Plushenko san is one of them, and after Johnny san went up, I mean, grew up and became one of the skaters I could watch on TV, I got fascinated by Johnny san's performances. I think it is amazing that we have such a connection, and it gave me goosebumps.
Johnny: Arigato, Yuzu kun.
Hanyu: Goosebumps... Oh, it has already been translated. (Laughs) OK. There is a thing I found intriguing in your comment, so... although I have prepared cue cards and questions, I am going to skip them. You mentioned Lady Gaga, and I would like to ask a little more about it. "Poker Face" was played here a while ago. When you pick a piece of music for your program, do you choose it by yourself, or is there someone who inspires you to pick it?
Johnny: I always choose my music. I am this kind of character where I have to be in control of every piece of what I present to the world, because, in my opinion, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. (Listens to Niimura san as she translates his comment) So when I choose music, it can be a very long process. Sometimes I would be driving my car and sometimes comes on the radio, and I’m like, “(Gasps) I have to skate to that!” but usually, the music that touches my heart are the pieces that I use, and then… when I am able to skate with my heart, my audience can feel that. So, whether it’s Poker Face or Ave Maria, everything comes from my heart, and that makes my performances so much more interesting for me to skate every day.
(Johnny and Hanyu wait for Niimura san to finish her translation. As she gets close to the end of translation, they applaud her for her skill and effort since the comment is very long)
Hanyu: (As Niimura san finished her translation) Wonderful.
Johnny: (To Niimura san) Such a long translation. I am sorry. (Laughs)
Hanyu: (To Niimura san) Do we still have time?
Niimura: Yes.
Hanyu: We do? OK. So... you make your programs getting inspirations from many things. When I see you performing such a program, I get the impression that beauty and passion coexist in your performance. This impression intensified after you turned professional. (Wait a moment for Niimura san to catch up and finds out that she is also waiting for him) Uh... Hehehe... Well, actually, during practice sessions, Johnny san devotes much time to jumps as well. He attempts 3A too. I have said this once in a press conference, but I strongly feel that all the techniques, including jumps, are the essential components of expression and artistry, and I wonder what jumps in a program means to Johnny san. I love Johnny san’s programs so much, and I think they will hold even without jumps, but only with spins, steps, and his performance, so I wonder how Johnny san position jumps in his skating.
Johnny: Arigatou. (Laughs) Uh… for me, I still practice all of my jumps because I think life is a continuous struggle to be better than yourself, and every day whether it’s as an athlete or as a person, to be better than the day before. So, that’s why I still practice all of my jumps. For the performances, I do, sometimes, easier jumps because it’s important for me to make sure the show is good, and now that I am professional, I have that ability to, sort of, do this. I don’t need to do so many quads. (Looks at Hanyu and nods, touching Hanyu's arm)
Hanyu: (Returns nods and laughs)
Johnny: Hehe... And uh… Yeah, what drives me to be better every day is the fact that I can be better than the day before. So for me, the performance needs to be very artistic, and I want people to laugh and cry, whatever the feeling I want them to be with me on the ice, and uh… it’s the emotion that drives me.
Hanyu: (Nods deeply and listens to Niimura san's translation) I see... (Applauds)
Niimura: (Off-mic) It's about time. 
Hanyu: OK. Thank you so much. Although I have so many things I want to ask you, looks like time is up. I am so sad to have to end this section, but Johnny Weir san, thank you so much! (Bows)
Johnny: (Bows to Hanyu) Arigatou gozaimashita. (To the audience) Arigatou gozaimasu.
(They stood up and leave the stage)
PA announcer: Thank you very much. That was a fun talk. Everyone, please give a big hand to Hanyu san and Johnny Weir san again! Thank you, Johnny! Thank you, Yuzuru!
Continues to “Continues ~with Wings~ (4) Introduction of Minoru Sano”
Other posts on Continues ~with Wings~
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kittyprincessofcats · 5 years
Okay, I finally have time to write this down, so let’s into it.
- First things first: Keegan, Junhwan, Jason and Boyang were amazing. The entire last group was really enjoyable to watch and you could tell they were all giving it their best. Well done!
- Now let’s talk about Yuzu: What can I even say? That skate was absolute perfection. From start to finish, I couldn’t find a single thing wrong with it. I’d say that was even better than at the Olympics.  And the way he so clearly felt the music... This skate was pure magic. I could watch this over and over and not get tried of it. (If only the commentator would be quiet during the performance... is there a video without commentary somewhere?)
- Yuzu helping the little girls collect all the Poohs was so adorable. I just love him.
- Now for the less pleasant part: the judging. Not that I want to complain about a WR score... but I do want to complain about a WR score. I mean, only 111.82? Really? Is it just a Yuzuru Hanyu thing to get a WR and still be robbed? I really want to know what the judges thought was wrong with this performance. How did this not deserve at least 113? How did any of those jumps not deserve +5s across the board? He literally fulfilled every single GOE bullet. What more do some of them want for +5; does he have to break into song in midair? Same for the other elements. What could have supposedly been done better here? And the PCS? How was anything here worth less than straight 10.00s?
- And honestly, it’s suspicous how long the judges needed to have the scores ready. According to the commentator it was over 5 minutes. What were they doing for so long? There wasn’t really anything in this program that needed such a long review, so unless there were technical issues it seems like they were just trying to find something they could deduct points for. Not a good look on them.
- That said, I am happy for Yuzu. Congrats on the 19th WR of his career!
- (Gotta say, I laughed when the commentator said one of the judges got hit on the head with a Pooh XD)
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yuzu-all-the-way · 2 years
Fantasy on Ice Makuhari 2022 Day 3 - Impressions
After a full day, I have finally processed what I've watched - FaOI Makuhari 2022 Day 3 - live broadcast.
From the previously released photos of Day 1, I had such high expectations to have sooo many camera-focused Yuzu moments - while that did not come true, the center-Yuzu shots we got were so endearing. I was smiling so hard from the campiness of it all, starting with the traditional FaOI introduction.
(It's going to be a long post, so read more below - media included).
Back when I was "learning" about who Yuzuru Hanyu is, I stumbled upon recordings of previous FaOI & other ice shows - I distinctively remember there was this one video where the announcer introduces Yuzu, and he starting jumping when the announcer goes "Yuzuru" - and lands on "Hanyu". I was never able to identify from which ice show that was - and while the intro music of FaOI was playing and moment for Yuzu got closer, I kept on thinking maybe he does it now. AND YUZU DID! "Yuzuru" *jumps* "Hanyu" *lands*. (Sound On)
I was smiling so hard. And then that camera-work. Thank you, Yuzu, for making even the people behind the screen feel seen (I haven't realized until now that the people watching the cinemas saw a huge Yuzu doing this.)
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The whole J-Disco number was so fun to watch and in the panned out shots my eyes kept drifting towards Yuzu's spot - not necessarily because I was specifically looking for him, but because he seemed to put his heart and soul into that choreography, as always. He simply was more into it that everyone else. Oh, that MJ circle-moonwalk thingy at the beginning of Afternoon Parade ... so smooth, so cool.
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The other skaters were all so fun to watch, but, not gonna lie, Nobu killed it with his Kinky Boots program. Kaori was such a joy to watch, Mai too with her killer 2Ts. Keiji, loved both his programs. What the hell was that Swan parody thing? How am I supposed to watch Notte Stellata now without flashbacks to this parody?!
Yuzu's Real Face! The moment I've been waiting for since the first pics dropped. That program is so wild and crazy and angsty and full of great moves and expression even though it's rough around the edges - but the beauty of it lies in its rawness. Not gonna lie, that water cup moment felt a bit underwhelming because he poured it on his hair instead of face, but it's okay, it was still iconic. (And what do you mean, Yuzu, that you had no idea what would happen when you poured water on you like that?? That us, poor fans, would simply nod along and move on from it?? You knew very well we'd go crazy!)
About the elements from the program - that besti squat is on equal footing if not above the casual spread eagle (for reference, here).
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Yuzu's 3A is a monster jump and when performed with anger, it is the king of jumps. That pistol lunge, I so wish we'd seen it from the front and not the back (damn it, Asahi TV cameramen, do a better job). Once more I've been reminded that Yuzu has amazing spins.
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That ending pose and the change in attitude - whiplash!!
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I felt a change of energy from him when he came back for the finale - and noticed that there was no black bracelet on his right arm. I swear that everytime I saw that bare wrist I kept wondering why my gaze was drawn there. Turns out, Yuzu tossed his bracelet along with the infamous water cup, but all good - he found it afterwards, we have photo confirmation of that.
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The finale, even with the bracelet-hiccup, was fun to watch - Kaori: a ray of sunshine - the artist's voice was so good and it was fun to watch the light choreography. Still, those feather things - they remind me of Furbies for some reason. Oh, and check this out: I swear I almost did one heart in return.
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I did not want the show to end - but it ended in the best possible way: 4T3A2T1Lo1Lo1Lo (the loops with rippon arms -> they are now called Yuzu-fairy jumps).
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Yuzu fist-bumping everyone, his cuteness when he did the heart arms with Elladj was killer. And, of course, the traditional ARIGATO GOZAIMASHITA! What an experience.
I am so looking forward to the next live broadcast and to the recorded ones as well. My first time watching FaOI and it paid off!
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yuzusorbet · 5 years
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A beautiful and moving fan account of GPF Torino 2019, by a fan who lives in Turin, Italy.
Yuzu is in my town. Yuzu is in my town. I can’t quite believe it: I’m having breakfast and can’t quite believe it, I go out and can’t quite believe it, I get on the subway and… yes, I start to believe it, since I’m surrounded by Poohs. So many Asian women, so many Skate Canada/FaOI/Continue with Wings bags. When I get off, I can feel the thrill: in less than one hour, I’m going to see Yuzu live! In my town! As soon as I reach the Palavela, I meet other fans: some I met last year in Helsinki, some I never met before, but it doesn’t matter. Here we are, all for Yuzu, all with Yuzu, hoping and feeling and praying and focusing for him and with – and that’s something so strong that all the differences between us – country, age, social/economical/cultural status – disappear. It’s just so beautiful (and important) to be here, together, when Yuzuru is skating at the Grand Prix Final. At last. I find a good seat – mine is not bad, but there are better places where I can settle down and watch the practice – and wait for Yuzu. The arena is not totally full but there are many people here anyway: (nearly) all for Yuzu? A roaring, thunderous shout is the answer: YES! And Yuzu has just appeared… alone. Where’s Brian, or Tracy, or Ghislain? Nobody knows, at the moment. He puts his beloved Pooh on the balustrade, then waits for the Zamboni to resurface the ice, and finally enters the rink: he bends down, touches the ice, and takes off. Yes, I can’t find another way to tell what he does: does he skate? For sure. Does he dance? Definitely. But he flies. The impression is there’s always some room between his blades and the ice, an inch of air allowing him to just float. And the noise he makes on the ice is just so different from the noise made by all the other skaters… you could close your eyes and tell when Yuzu is skating just listening to him. But of course it’s so mesmerizing to watch him: when you see him live, you catch something that you can guess even watching his videos, but that is so strong and obvious here. You can call it aura, or charisma: something so overwhelming that I feel blessed and hypnothised at the same time. The practice goes by very fast. Yuzu skates… what to say? He fell a couple of times; he pops a couple of jumps (one at the beginning of Origin run-through); his skating is so graceful, though, and solid, and pure, that no fall and no popped jump can damage its beauty at all. Moreover, he had so many outstanding moments: all his 4S and 4T and 3A; the 4T-euler-3F sequence; an unusual 3A-3A sequence; the 4Lo he lands (majestic)… and the 4Lz he lands (royal)! Really: as soon as I understand he’s going to jump a 4Lz, I cross all of my fingers and clench my teeth and… and he jumps. Cleanly, beautifully. Never underestimate Mr. Hanyu: I’d better remember Brian’s words. Finally, he cools down. A slow Italian song, Di sole e d’azzurro (“Of sun and light blue”) by Giorgia, is filling the arena. Yuzu gets in tune with it and starts his usual sequence: grand pliés, arabesques, ports de bras… in this moment, he really looks, he is Baryshnikov on ice. I don’t know how he can do it, but he’s able to fill my heart with fire and calm at the same time. Maybe it’s “just” beauty, or poetry. Maybe it’s “just” love.
How hard it is to write today, I’m not even sure I should. I drink some more tea and check my watch: it’s 11 pm. I should work a bit. Maybe writing will heal my heart a bit, though, so okay, let’s start. Let’s go back to Thursday. The day of the short program. I reach the Palavela at 6.15 p.m. I was here for Yuzu’s practice in the morning – and it was so good: my favourite training outfit (black and grey shirt), some stunning jumps (the 4Lutz!), the impression that he’s floating in kind of a bubble of brightness – and now I’m back. There’s no queue and I get quickly into the arena. There are Chinese fans providing small banners to cheer for Yuzu. There are people gathered at the Edea stand, taking picture by a big poster of Yuzu. There’s an Italian man (a volunteer from the Palavela staff, I’d say) giving out pictures of Yuzu, with a long queue of ladies in front of him. And there are so many Poohs, everywhere. I just love this context, this atmosphere, but I can’t ignore the tension that is slowly making its way inside me. A couple of hours and Yuzu will compete. I can’t wait to see him, but at the same time I don’t want to see him. I want to pay my most heartfelt tribute to the most amazing skater in history, but I know I’ll quake with fear. How can I feel like that for someone I don’t even know personally? I think about that bubble of brightness, the sound of his blades, the grace of his arms, the fire in his eyes: of course I can, for someone like Yuzu.
Time to reach my seat and watch the opening ceremony. Time to wait for Yuzu. A presenter who speaks a bad English  – and I wait for Yuzu. Some famous Italian skaters who perform nicely – and I wait for Yuzu. The pairs’ short program – and I wait for Yuzu. Some more minutes. And here he is, for the warm-up. Still alone with his Pooh. Since yesterday , the rumours about Ghislain’s absence are never ending – he had an accident, he’s got problem with his visa, what kind of visa does he need to come to Italy?? – but they end now. Yuzuru is there, and when he takes off his Japan jacket and reveals his costume, he looks like a dream from my childhood: my mother would read me a fairy tale before sleeping, and when I closed my eyes I would think (or dream already) of princes and castles and singing birds and starry nights… and in this very moment, with his costume sparkling like a constellation, Yuzuru is  almost the incarnation of that enchanted realm I envisioned when I was young and innocent, and so happy. And I would probably lose myself into that dream, if I wasn’t aware of the fact that the short program is going to start. Yuzuru will be the last one to take the ice. Before, I watch the other five skaters: Boyang Jin, Dmitri Aliev, Alexander Samarin, Kevin Aymoz – and, of course, Nathan Chen. He’s good but not perfect: his 4Lz looks pre-rotated, the exit from his 3A is a bit problematic, the second jump of his combination is short and definitely not effortless. But he scores more than 110 points. Just a handful of hundredths behind Yuzu’s record. What, how, why? I look at Eleonora, an Italian fan sitting by my side, and I know that my face must show the same feelings displaying on hers: awareness and wistfulness. It’s the same old story, isn’t it? As long as Yuzuru and Nathan do not compete directly against each other, Yuzuru’s scores are way higher than Nathan’s; but as soon as they share the same ice, the scoring system seems to turn upside down. Yuzu, oh, Yuzu … He’s on the ice, taking his starting position. The first note of Otoñal fills the arena – nothing else can be heard, not even the occasional coughing here and there. Yuzu, oh, Yuzu, please… Some steps, some transitions, 4S. Natural like a leaf floating in the tranquil stream of a river. Twizzles, 3A, twizzles. Pure harmony. We all wait for the last jumps, the combination. 4T… and no triple. No triple. Manuela and I look at each other. What score will these judges award to this program? To two perfect jumps, and a perfect step sequence, and perfect spins, and an obvious mistake? The answer comes soon: 97.43 points. 13 points behind Nathan. Can Yuzu still win, with these judges? Because I still haven’t look at the protocol, but it’s clear that he didn’t get the points he deserved for the Salchow, the Axel, the spins. And I’m quite sure that, even if he had been perfect, he would have earned something like 111, or 112 – no more than that. And I am sad. And angry. And I need to talk, to talk a lot, like every time I feel sad and angry. It’s a good thing that I’m not alone in front of my PC but amongst hundreds of fanyus, so we can share our sadness, our anger, and talk, talk a lot: while my friend Paolo and I walk to the subway station, while we find out that the subway isn’t working at the moment, while we call a taxi, while we share the fare with two Germans and a Japanese… …but as soon as I get off the taxi and start walking home, all my sadness and anger calm down. They don’t disappear; they just shrink to give room to something  – someone – much more important: Yuzu. I wonder how he’s feeling  now. Mad at himself, disappointed, too tired to feel anything else than an urgent need to just go to bed and sleep? And Ghislain is not there… Oh, Yuzu, how I would like to do something for you; something useful, not only feeling this dull pain in my chest and complaining about the scores. If only I could, I would give you a hug – to comfort you, to protect you. Or maybe I would take your hand and take you to the Po river. It’s quite close, you know? And there’s a beautiful park, called Valentino, with meadows descending gently  to the water. We would watch the river flow for a while, talking only if you wished to, then I would take you to Fiorio. Have someone told you about this ancient café in the centre of Turin? There are old huge mirrors, armchairs in red velvet, big rococo chandeliers, and a creaking wooden floor; we could sit there, order a hot chocolate or their famous gianduia (hazelnuts +chocolate) ice-cream; and for a few moments, for only a few moments, you could close your eyes, savour that new, creamy taste on your tongue, and forget about those damn 13 points, that damn combo… but probably you don’t want to forget, do you? You want to understand what happened, and why, and plan what you have to do now. Just don’t spend the whole night watching your SP again and again, right? Oh God, I sound like an old auntie. I open the door of my apartment. Sadness and anger are like a faint but constant throb in my stomach. Will I be able to sleep, tonight? I’m not sure, but it’s not so important. What’s important, is that Yuzu can sleep, and Ghislain arrives in Torino, and the judges come to their senses. Have sweet dreams, Yuzu, my wonderboy.
Fear. Joy. Worry. Fury. Emotion. What a day, the third day of the Grand Prix Final.  And yet, it was supposed to be a quiet day, for us fanyus: no competition, only some practice. When it comes to Yuzu, though, quietness looks scarily like a storm, and there’s nothing we can do about it: there’s no way to be even remotely prepared to all the ideas, visions, plans and dreams that cross Yuzu’s mind and that he chooses to act out. That’s why I’m more or less calm, when I get to the Palavela. “More or less” because I had a tough night: I kept on tossing and turning in my bed, thinking about the short program, constantly grabbing and turning off my phone – eager to read anything the web could provide me about it, and scared by possible haters and nasty posts.  So now I’m still sad and angry, but also too tired to have very strong feelings: sadness is a dull, feeble pain in my chest, anger a whisper that I try to ignore. I queue, get inside, talk with some friends. A few minutes, and Yuzu appears. Alone with Pooh: so Ghislain hasn’t arrived yet. Gosh, it’s all so wrong. The scores, the absence of Yuzu’s coach… we are in the middle of the Grand Prix Final and there were a bunch of bad omens already. No, I don’t want to be so negative. Yuzu needs to feel, to breath optimism and trust. Think positive, Alessandra; for the sake of Yuzu, think beautiful, think glorious! But it’s Yuzu, the one who’s beautiful and glorious. I always loved all kinds of practices and rehearsals: when some ballet company comes to my town, I always try and ask permission to attend a class, or some rehearsal. I love to see a work in progress, and all the commitment and efforts that artists, dancers and athletes put into their performances. No costumes, no lights, sometimes not even music: just the focus, sweat and love needed to succeed. When practicing, Yuzuru is like that, of course, but he also has – is – something different. The way he can look incredibly focused – and actually a bit dangerous – and turn suddenly into a playful child. The long talks he has with himself. His ability to ignore all the people watching him, just to thank everyone with a deep bow. His unexpected smiles, his gloved fingers pointing here and there while he’s planning and calculating who knows what. The lightness of his warm-ups, the grace of his cool-downs. When you watch him practice, it’s like watching a painter create a masterpiece right in front of you: his (sometimes bizarre) rituals, his methods, some surprises, the development of his work – art coming to life stroke by stroke, bit by bit: and you realize how big the privilege is to witness greatness in the making. So, warm-up. Jumps. No spins (has Yuzu ever done a spin in any practice?). Run-through. Other jumps. And then. He has just tried a new sequence for the free skate, 3A3A; so, when he skates in my direction, I think that he will try that sequence again: oh yes, he’s preparing an Axel. Then he throws himself into the jump and pops it, landing heavily on two feet. Ouch, I hope it was not painful as it looked… he skates around the rink, then again in my direction. Does he want to try the Axel again? He throws himself into the jump and pops it, landing heavily on two feet… Wait. He’s not popping his jumps. He’s jumping like this on purpose. And he jumps so high. Okay, his Axels are always very high, but now he’s really taking off as if he wanted to touch the roof with his fingers! I turn to Lys and Giovanna, who sit behind me. We look at each other, knowingly. Yes. Yuzu is practicing the 4A. As if he wanted to confirm what we’re thinking, he throws himself into the jump again, but this time he doesn’t pop it: he rotates it. One rotation, two, three, four… he lands before completing the last half turn, crashing on the ice. A collective gasp runs through the audience, someone screams, I grab and squeeze Lys’ calf in my hands. Oh God, Yuzu, stop it. Oh no, Yuzu, don’t stop it, let me see it again. No no no, on the contrary, don’t do it, be careful. Well, be careful but try once again… and he tries: another jump, under rotated as well, another fall. The audience is hypnotized. Someone shouts, someone cries, but it sounds like nobody could break the silence surrounding Yuzu. He seems alone now, as if no skater was in the rink but him. He skates in my direction again, and I count every second, one two three four five, until he jumps again. One rotation, two, three, four… and a half. Four and a half. Then he lands and crash on the ice again. But he made it. He has just jumped a quad Axel.
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And the Palavela explodes. Shouts, cries, applause, people standing, people frozen in their seats, people scared, people happy, people who don’t fully understand what happened, but we all sense the truth: today, we were so lucky to witness history in the making. The practice is over, and Yuzu exits the rink followed by the loudest applause ever – and the longest too: our jubilation began way before he took his bows. When he disappears, everybody starts talking about his 4A. Someone’s almost mad at him (“I hope his mom is going to slap some sense into him!”), someone’s reverently astonished (“Have you seen the height of that quad? How much it was, about 95 centimetres?”), we all look on the edge of a nervous breakdown. It was supposed to be a quiet day, wasn’t it? But we should have known better than this. Because it’s Yuzu, and Yuzu always wants to climb higher walls, to aim for wider goals; to go beyond the horizon of what is possible for us, normal human beings. And this is one of the reasons why he is who he is; this is one of the reasons why we love him so much. There are winners, but he’s a champion. There are athletes, but he’s a history maker. And I left the Palavela with tears in my eyes, vibrant love in my heart.
So here I am, not really ready for… how should I call it? The showdown? Maybe. Who are the main characters in this fight, though? Yuzu and Nathan? Yuzu and the judges, more likely. And I’m not sure it’s going to be a fair fight. No matter if the knight in his shining armour has a marvellous sword made of an outstanding technical value and of wonderful components: his opponent can be petty and play dirty, and only in fairy-tales Good always triumphs over Evil. The free skate is about to begin. The morning has been long and tiring already: we all had to queue in the dark and in the cold before Yuzu’s practice at 7 am (thank God I met some friends, like Petra and Astrid, so that I could talk a bit and I didn’t have to queue by myself, alone and anxious), then there was a collective scream when Ghislain made his appearance in the arena (he’s here! He’s here! FINALLY!!), then… well, then there was Yuzu’s practice, and watching Yuzu live is always an unique experience, no matter what he’s doing: it’s like when you’re a child and for the first time you see something unknown which surprises and bewitches you – Peter Pan is on stage and Tink is going to die, unless you clap your hands and shout: “ I do believe in fairies!”, full of emotions and on the brim of tears… After the practice I went home, walked my dogs, worked a bit: everything just to keep anxiety at bay. Now I should be tired, and probably I am; but I’m too nervous, and I have too much adrenaline running in my blood, to feel tired. I just want to see Yuzu skate. I just want to see Yuzu happy with his performance. I just want to see Yuzu win? Of course: because I want him to be happy, and I know how important for his happiness it is to win; because he’s the best skater in the whole world, and I’d like him to be acknowledged as the king he is. But CAN he win? I’m afraid not. I’m afraid that he can win only if Nathan falls, more than one time and quite hard: not just with his hands or his knee on the ice, but with his whole body… is that what I want? Do I really want Nathan to fail so badly? I wish I could instantly say: no, of course I don’t want it. But I must confess that I can’t, and I hate this unfair scoring system for this reason too: because it awakens the darkest part of me, and pulls out of me my worst feelings and thoughts. I’ve seen so many figure skating competitions, and I’ve always hoped that all the skaters could skate clean – may the best win! Since the 2018-2019 skating season, though, as the new scoring system showed more and more its limits and its unfairness, I found out how hard it is for me to go beyond my own limits, to be fair and good. So, while I’m waiting for the skaters to make their appearance in the arena, I try to think “May the best win”, but I’m not convinced. Nathan, I’m sorry, but could you please fall? Not too hard, okay, but could you undoubtedly, unquestionably fall? Or at least make several obvious mistakes, so that the so-called judges can see who’s the real king of figure skating? Oh, God, I hate myself. I have no time to blame myself, though: the music signalling the beginning of the competition suddenly resounds in the whole arena, louder than ever, and the lights go down. While the speaker is announcing what we’re about to see, there’s a collective start: the skaters are gathered just outside the rink. In the dim light I can’t tell who’s who, I just see some distant heads, but I recognise Yuzu immediately. I can’t see his features very well, but I could recognise him even if he was amongst a thousand people in the dark.  The simple way he stands is so peculiar. So elegant. And when he enters the rink for the warm-up and bows to the audience, he looks so noble and proud: he’s aware that all eyes are on him, all hearts are with him. Is this awareness giving him strength? Or is it a burden? In a moment like this, when there’s so much at stake for him, I would like – I would need – how I should behave to help him as much as possible. Screaming his name until I lose my voice? Clapping my hands politely and nothing more? If only I could know the answer; if only I could be of use for you, Yuzu… …and the warm-up is over. Already? Yes, already. And I cannot watch the first four skaters, not really, because I’m waiting for Yuzu, and skater after skater my heart beats faster and my hands get sweaty and cold. I’m so full of fear, and anticipation, and love. May the best win: may Yuzu win. And there he is. So handsome that watching him I feel my eyes burn like when I try and look at the sun. May Yuzu win. So dear to my heart that I want to see him but somehow I can’t stand seeing him, so I put a hand on my eyes and watch him through my fingers, just like a child watching a scary movie. May Yuzu win… 4Lo: perfect. 4Lz: perfect as well. 3Lz: perfect again. 4S: per-fect… I’m watching the competition live so I can’t see how the judges are scoring each element of Yuzu’s skate, and I don’t know whether it’s a blessing or a curse; anyway, so far he’s been outstanding, the judges have to give him very high GOE… 4T+euler+3F. Step out, maybe the 3F was a bit under rotated? Come on, Yuzu. 4T+…2T. He’s tired. But the quad was fantastic. Come on, Yuzu, you can do it, only the sequence 3A+3A is missing… alright, here comes his trademark, the counter back, and then… single Axel. Okay Yuzu, it’s okay, just go on, go on! Last spin. Final pose – and Yuzu can’t take it anymore, he’s so tired that the final pose lasts for less than one second, then he puts his arms and forehead on the ice, gasping for air. This is not an asthma attack, right? For a moment, I gasp for air too. Then Yuzu stands up, and bows to the audience, and I go wild like everyone else here, I scream, I cry, I throw my Winnie the Pooh on the ice, I clap my hand, I lose any awareness of myself – lost as I am in Yuzu, burning with pride and emotion. Yuzu, you made it. Five, five perfect quads, and one was that fated 4Lz. Okay, your skate wasn’t completely clean, but it was so special, and so much more than a simple “skate”: it was so full of humanity, and struggle, and glory. It wasn’t just a performance: it was a tale, and how beautifully you told it. How unforgettably.
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Yuzu and Ghislain sit in the Kiss&Cry forever. Considering that picking up all the Poohs took a long while, it’s clear that the judges are having trouble with Yuzu’s score. Why? Why? The first answer coming to my mind flows directly out of the worst part of me: because they are probably looking for elements they can underscore. Oh no, please, no… “The score, please,” the speaker says. And here it is. 194 points. Technical score, 100.36; PCS, 93.64. This is not a score. This is a joke, and I can’t stand it anymore. Because I know, I simply know that Nathan will not only win, but he will set a new world record, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the judges give him higher PCS than Yuzu’s. I’m sorry, usually I’m not so mean; right now, though, I just can’t sit here, be polite and show any kind of sportsmanship. Those so-called judges have just humiliated the most amazing person in the whole world, and I can’t stay here and watch them play their foul game anymore. So I stand up and run out, and to hell this competition and its rules and everything. As soon as I’m in the hallway, I meet other people: some Asian women who don’t want to talk, and two girls from Los Angeles. They’re even angrier than me, and for the three of us it’s a bit soothing to share our indignation and to spit out all the rage we are feeling. If only our rage could be useful, somehow… it isn’t, though: in a few minutes we get to know that, of course, Nathan won, and that, of course, he set a new world record. So I was right, and I couldn’t be less proud of my foresight. Waiting for the victory ceremony is hard. As my friend Jacqueline and I queue at a café, rage gets less and less burning, turning into a heavy burden of bitterness. Will there ever be a way out of this shameful situation? A squad of incompetent (corrupted? Hopefully not) judges, an International Union doing nothing to promote fair competing and judging, and Yuzuru paying the biggest price. The whole queue, the whole Palavela is talking about it, but what for? We can’t change anything. We can only go back to our seats and cheer for Yuzu, make him feel how much we are proud of what he has achieved today – because that’s the truth: no matter how much the judges underscore him, no matter how many times they make him lose a competition, he’s the greatest skater of all time. It’s his technique that coaches refer to when they need to teach their skaters how to do a perfect jump/spin/transition; it’s him the one who always tries new combinations, new moves; it’s him who forced the ISU to change the rules in order to keep up with his greatness; it’s him who yesterday – just yesterday! – showed us that the 4A is possible. Only. Him. Time for the victory ceremony. And what a weird ceremony is this one. Not a single clap for any representative of any skating association, from ISU to the Italian Federation. People clap their hands for Kevin and Nathan, that’s it. For Yuzu, instead… for Yuzu, there’s an acclamation. This is not only a tribute to what he did here: this is a declaration of love and, at the same time, a battle cry. Yes, Yuzu, we love you, and we stand by you, and we will fight as much as we can to make those “experts” - those idiots who presume they have the right to judge you and humiliate you – acknowledge your magnificence. Our battle cry is so loud and never ending that Yuzu himself is astonished, overwhelmed, and points to Nathan as if he was saying “Thank you, but look, he’s the winner”. You are right, Yuzu: Nathan is the winner, yes.  In our hearts, though, you won  so much more than a competition. You came here, you fought your limits and fears (the 4A, the 4Lz, 5 quads plus transitions plus skating skill plus musicality plus grace), and you prevailed. You’re not only a king: you are a warrior king. The arena is full of signs with the writing “Unfair judgment”. For the first time at a competition, I hear boos from the audience. Okay, Yuzu. Let the battle start.
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It’s 9.30 a.m. and the Pellerina looks peaceful and welcoming. It’s a big park in western Turin, and I came here with my dogs to find some rest. After four days of Grand Prix – four days of Yuzu – I feel like a kaleidoscope: full of whirling colours, hypnotic spirals, and surprising patterns. It’s amazing, but it’s exhausting too. There are three ponds here, a big river and so many trees, and birds. I think you’d like the Pellerina, Yuzu; maybe you’d like all of my town. Its numerous parks, the long tree-lined avenues, the creamy colour of its buildings from the XVIIth and XVIIIth century. I would have loved to be your guide, allowing you to take a break from the mad, unfair competition that this GPF has been. I can’t even start to imagine how much tired you are, and it would have been nice to take you out – it would have been magic to see you here, walking under the trees, looking at the ducks in the ponds, smiling while my dogs play and run freely… but you prefer to stay at the Palavela, don’t you? Walking around the rink where Plushenko won in 2006, looking at the Olympic rings on the wall, chatting with your fellow skaters. Are you rehearsing for the gala? I hope you’re having fun. I check my watch: 10.15; it’s time to go. The gala will begin at 2 p.m., but I want to get to the arena at about 12 and spend some quality time with my friends. Actually, surviving the rollercoaster of this GPF would have been much harder, without all the lovely fanyus around me. Yesterday, after the medal ceremony, some members of our fan group met at the Edea stand inside the Palavela; it was so crowded and narrow and noisy, but ranting all together about the judges, praising Yuzu and taking pictures were exactly the things I needed to forget my sadness for a while, to turn my anger into good energy. Then Jacqueline and I went to Eataly, a famous restaurant and supermarket, and drank our bitterness away, turning quickly from being fans to being friends (and a bit drunk). Then… Eleonora, Petra, Linda, Shuko, Rory, Mara, Astrid, Barbara, and many others with whom I talked so much, inside and outside the Palavela, and stuck together through hope and rage, pain and love. Paolo, my faithful travelling (on many subway trains) companion. Lys and Carolina, who spent countless hours talking and crying and hugging and laughing and cursing with me. All the unknown fanyus in the audience, when we melted into one body with thousands of voices to scream out loud our love for Yuzu. It was a treat, and an honour, to meet so many beautiful people, and I know that as soon as the gala is over – as soon as I say good-bye to them all – I will feel empty, somehow, and alone. I drive back home, feed my dogs, then I’m ready to go to the Palavela for the last time… for the last time? I can’t quite believe it: from tomorrow on, I won’t see Yuzu every day. This week has been tough, but so intense: the thrill of the competition, for sure, but most of all the spell that Yuzu put on anyone watching him. His commitment, the 4A, his beauty, the stunning comeback of the 4Lz… I’m bewitched. And I’m pampered too, now that I’m (almost) used to see him so often: me wants Yuzu every day! The queue is endless as usual – I wait for my turn, apologizing silently to all the people here for how very badly this event was organised – but finally I’m able to get in.  With other fanyus, I wonder which exhibition program Yuzu is going to skate: Haru Yo Koi? Yes, Yuzu must be so tired, he will rather skate something not too physically straining. Masquerade? Well, many of us would love to see it live… some time before the gala, though, we find out that he’s going to skate Notte Stellata. Oh yes, it makes sense: he’s in Italy, in an Olympic venue, of course he has chosen the Italian song he skated to in Pyeongchang. Now that I think of it, it’s always like that with Yuzu: we always try to guess what kind of music/program he will choose for the new season/an exhibition and he always surprises us, even though his choices are perfectly sensible. And I must confess that any choice would be great for me: I’m quite sure I could watch Yuzu doing cross-overs for half an hour and I wouldn’t get bored. Notte Stellata… I never saw it live. Will it be an experience as strong as it was seeing Haru Yo Koi in Helsinki? Yes, it is. So much that, after seeing it, I will forget all the other performances. So much that, while seeing it, I cry. Usually I’m not the crying kind, but watching Yuzu float like a swan on a frozen lake brings tears to my eyes. Yesterday, after the free skate, a friend of mine wrote me this message: “Each movement seems to take him beyond the limits of his human body and to emanate grace and elegance, filling your eyes and lingering in the air even as he glides into a new step”. I also think of what the Olympic commentator said about this program: “With one delayed single Axel and one triple Axel, Yuzuru Hanyu, double gold medallist, just gave a masterclass on what figure skating actually is”. Yes, that’s what figure skating actually is. Going beyond one’s physical limits on a quest for grace, elegance, and beauty. Giving goose-bumps and tears to each and every witness of this travel from what’s known to the unknown, from sport to art. What figure skating actually is, is Yuzuru Hanyu. His last spin goes on and on, even if there’s not music anymore, just like Yuzu will go on and on: in our memory, in our heart, in the history as well as in the future of this sport. And while I scream at the top of my lungs, and clap my shaking hands, I thank Yuzu: for these five days in Turin. For how alive and privileged I’ve felt. For showing me that there can be greatness even in defeat. Ganbatte for Japan Championships and for the rest of your skating season, Yuzu, but don’t worry: somehow, you are always, always, the winner.
--written by Alessandra Montrucchio (in Yuzuru Hanyu International Fan Group on FB), re-posted here with her permission. Pics belong to original owners.
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yuzurk · 4 years
「  How’s this? 」 ⇢ RK Heartz Audition Solo ⇢ Small step for her career, huge leap for the Yuzu
“ impatience wasn’t her motivation. more so the adventure and hunger for new challenges. ”
When the announcement came, it was almost like her and Gahyeon had a telepathic conversation. They waited until they were home because there was no need to wake sleeping dogs if things hadn’t been discussed and talked about. The two were quick to jump to a conclusion though: they’d try out. When Gahyeon had first opened up about feeling restless and lost, Yuzu had just waited for a new opportunity. Thankfully it seemed like sphere was still looking for girls and so the debating began.
Yuzu was thankful to the opportunity but she also had taken three tries to get into the company and she was still worried about the stigma following her for being song jieun’s cousin. she wonders if following her cousin’s path and moving to sphere would only fuel the comparison but gahyeon and her were a team. 
they had promised to stay together so they’d go together.
the theme was perfect for them as well! a girl crush concept was exactly right up their alley and yuzu was all too eager to run her ideas by her roommate and allow them to hype each other up for this. the song choice gahyeon had chosen for herself was perfect for her, that was for sure. yuzu was confident in her own choice as well she only hoped she was good enough for them to consider her. 
among the royal girls she was the newest girl and she had no idea who else would apply for this kind of opportunity. she had been turned down once by the other ceos during the mgas and mustering up the courage to put herself out there again was a lot. she had practiced hard since coming to royal. her dancing was decent at worst and her singing and rapping skills had improved massively.
she was a legit triple threat now.
setting up the camera in the practice room after thoroughly preparing this song, she adjusted the taped on mic she had purchased from her own pocket solely for this audition. having a knack for technology it came in handy that she could provide high quality content for her audition alone. satisfied with the set up she checked a last time if the video was running before taking a step back with a smile. “good day, sphere staff -nims I’m Choi Yena and will submit this video as my audition for heartz,” she begins with a bow of her head before beaming a bright grin at the lens that really was more that of an adorable munchkin than a girl crush potential. 
“To highlight my variety of skills I shall present you a triple threat performance with “how’s this”! Please enjoy,” she rounds off her introduction, the streamer antics still laced into her speech a little. 
She comes quiet then, looking down at the ground and waiting for the song to start. The video itself had been cut of course but except for perhaps Yuzu standing a millimetre off to the left there was no indication in her expression or posture. 
As the song began it was like a switch had been swapped. All her adorable smiles and gentle voice was gone and replaced by strong, raspy vocals and charismatic movements. Going from cute to girl crush in a matter of seconds was after all a strength of hers many had called her out for before. She had planed to deliver and deliver she did. A one take audition that had taken several tries to get right as shown by the way her bangs were slightly sweaty in the take she decided to use for her final cut. 
Yuzu loved the song. It was bratty, it was confident and it was teasing but most of all it was cool and she could make heads turn with this. She even let a smirk slip into her performance here and there, adding a wink where she saw appropriate and licking her fingers for that extra touch of ~swag~. It was obvious she felt beyond comfortable in the concept and had no issue falling into it and executing it.
Movements sharp and guided with purpose, she managed to keep her vocals steady for the most part as well. Having good stamina and practice under her belt surely had made her a much better performer than what she used to be when Baek Jiyoung saw her at the mgas last. Also seeing her perform during the last eval she knew that Yuzu’s talents extended beyond being a good performer to playing an instrument as well and having a gentle voice that worked with acoustic covers as well. They hadn’t after all won that trip for no reason. The more she danced the more confident she became, running a hand through her hair or doing a hair-flip just for that extra flare of OOMPF to really drive that girl crush vibe home.
She wanted this. For herself and for Gahyeon. They wanted this together and even if they applied separately, Yuzu gave 210% to not hold her best friend back so they could both debut under this new group together. With also Minhee eonni in mind, the desire to make it was even stronger. She’d show everyone this time that she was more than just a funny entertainer. She had improved and she had come to slay and she wasn’t letting anyone off easy.
Eyes fierce as she dropped into her finishing pose the female breathed heavily and let herself rest for several seconds before rising back to her feed and inhaling one last calming breath to steady her voice again.
“This concludes my audition. I hope you enjoyed my performance and will seriously consider adding me to your project. I promise to not disappoint if given the chance,” the girl rounds up with another bow before tapping forward towards the camera with a giddy squeal. The last part she decided to leave in if only to accentuate her duality and variety again.
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