#there he is eating ‘once upon a time in mondstadt’ as if that isn’t gonna give him a heart attack
paimonial-rage · 11 months
hi! this is the anon that made an ask about diluc and xiao~ i'll be straight with you, i loved them!!!
first off, i really, really really, really love how real and accurate your analyses feels!!! your point of view of how characters are just feels so real and fleshed out, and what i love about them is that you're not afraid to give the characters some flaws.
i really loved how you presented diluc on this one. despite it being obvious that he's a serious character archetype, i just feel he gets misinterpreted a lot when it comes to relationship headcanons. in some fics he feels too smooth (almost to a level where you'd expect kaeya to be), and i love the way you presented his awkwardness and stiffness which i definitely relate to lol.
as for xiao's, i just like how you added a detail that made him feel soft for me. not the uwu kind of soft, just... it really painted him as a gentle soul kind of person.
i do get your sentiment about his karmic debt not making it into real life au's. i kind of expected him to be depicted as having some kind of chronic illness that puts him in a lot of pain from time to time.
thank you so much for this!!! ♡
Aaaaa thank you so much!!
Honestly I would say that, especially for this recent bunch of characters, Hoyoverse has been doing a great job at giving them personality. But even with the older characters, they drop hints here and there about the kind of people they are, so it’s really fun to analyze them as a whole.
I have to agree the same with Diluc. While I don’t doubt he can be smooth, I feel this is something that would come more with time with a reader that teaches him that it is okay to relax a bit. As a whole, once you get past his cold exterior, Diluc is portrayed as a proper, yet awkward person. At the same time, he’s not cruel. He willingly donates to Razor’s brew, he goes with the gang to the Golden Apple Archipelago, he invites the Traveler out to have dinner at the Dawn Winery. He is undoubtedly warm. He just has a hard time showing it.
And as for Xiao, I just personally feel that he is a soft person. Like you said, not in the uwu sort of way, but it shows clearly in just the way he is. Like he agrees to accompany the Traveler to Liyue Harbor despite not being comfortable around people, he finds Hu Tao amusing, the other yaksha felt free to draw on his face when he was sleeping… He’s a soft person.
And yeah, I expect the same for having a karmic debt equivalent in real life aus. Like a lot of his character is him staying away from people due to the effect that his karmic debt can have on them. That karmic debt is a ticking time bomb that even almost exploded quite recently had Venti not been there for the latest Lantern Rite. It just seems like an essential thing to have for him.
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randomrosewrites · 3 years
The aftermath of the tempest
Pairing: Kaedehara Kazuha x GN reader Summary: Many, many years after Kaedehara Kazuha fled from Inazuma, a lot of things have changed, but his past burdens remain. Or, Kazuha has settled into his new life in Liyue, but still desires his home across the ocean. Words: ~2.7K Tags: Fluff, established relationship, Kaz and reader have a kid, gn pronouns for reader, kaz gets emotional at some point, implied beigguang as well
a/n: What's this? Rose is actually writing??!!
Read it on ao3!
The young girl furrows her brows, front teeth catching her lip as she stares at the board. She's in deep concentration, barely paying any mind to the sweets or the apple cider (poured within a much too expensive cup) beside her.
Her opponent, on the other hand, is the opposite, holding a cup of tea within her palms, white steam drifting from the cup the same colour as her hair. A mystical smile on the woman’s face gives nothing away.
The young girl places a hand on a chip. Then hesitates, thinking a moment more before making a move.
The woman sets her cup down, ruby eyes scanning over the board before she lifts a jewelled hand, moving chips across the board in great succession.
"And with that, I believe I win," Ningguang says. "You did very well this time."
The young girl pouts, trying to hold back the tears in her eyes.
"Oh, don't tear up. It's alright," Ningguang produces a handkerchief and holds it out.
The girl takes it gratefully, hiding her face in the cloth. "Uh- huh."
Ningguang exhales. Children are so delicate, like the petals of glaze lilies. "How about you go to the other room? I'll clean up here."
The girl nods, and slides off her chair. "Can I take my juice?"
"Of course, you may. But remember to hold it carefully."
She nods.Holding the cup carefully with two hands, she slides open the silk screen and enters the next room.
Your head turns at the sound, looking up from your spot by the window: perched upon a lounge chair, feet up. You smile and gesture for the girl to sit beside you. She sets her cup down and crawls next to you, burying her face in your chest.
"How did your game go, Haruko?" You ask, combing her hair free of tangles.
Haruko shakes her head and a sniffle escapes her. "I lost."
You hum sympathetically, “I'm sorry. There's always next time. You and Lady Ningguang were playing for a really long time! Good job."
Harukao's grip loosens a smidge. "Thank you."
The screen door slides open again and Ningguang steps through. The material of her gold dress drags behind her as she walks, the movement smooth as water. She has a familiar treat nestled in the palm of her hands, a famous Liyue sweet candy.
You nudge Harkuo gently. She lifts her head, crimson eyes widening when she sees the candy. She scrambles out of your lap.
Seeing them side by side, Haruko looks more like Ningguang’s daughter than yours. Their eye colour and hair are almost identical. But Ningguang has high cheekbones and a sharp jaw, whereas Haruko has round, filled in cheeks, like her father.
"For you," Ningguang offers it to Haruko. "As thanks for an excellent game of checkers."
Haruko takes the candy with an excited beam on her face. "Thank you, Aunt Ningguang!"
“You are most welcome.”
With the candy, Haruko’s sadness about losing the match is all but forgotten. She rummages through one of the cabinets by the wall, pulling out a colouring book (A collection of cartoon-like Rex Lapis drawings in his dragon form) and the crayons that are specifically kept there.
Many years had passed since the first golden house went crashing into the ocean after the battle with the Ancient God Osial. But the loss only pushed Ningguang to rebuild the new one, bigger, more elegant, and efficient than the last.
Currently, it was parked atop Mount Tianheng, overlooking the harbour. It was fancy, the walls a rich cream and the floors polished dark brown. Some things had to be kid-proofed (especially when Haruko was younger and Beidou insisted on bringing her to visit.) But now, she’s old enough, and familiar enough with the building, that you’re not worried. Not even by the koi pond that circles the living room.
Ningguang plants herself across from you on the couch as Haruko begins to colour in Rex Lapis’ tail. “She’s growing bigger and bigger every day.”
You nod in agreement. “I swear, she’ll be taller than her father soon enough.”
Ningguang laughs. “Sooner or later.”
Haruko’s finished two drawings and is on the third when you look outside the window to the Port of Liyue harbour, glimmering with the midday sun. The familiar outline of the Alcor’s sail and ship dots the horizon. You stand up.
"Are you finished with your juice, Haruko? We're going to get ready soon."
She perks up. "Is dad here?"
You smile at her. "Yes. Almost. You want to be the first to greet him, don't you?"
She nods adamantly, hurrying to put away her things in their proper places.
"There are some ingredients in the kitchen if you'd like to prepare a lunch before you depart," Ningguang suggests.
“Thank you,” you say to her, before turning to your daughter. “What would you like to make?”
She thinks for a moment. “What do you think dad would like?”
“Hm. Anything that isn’t fish,” you make your way to the kitchen, Haruko following closely behind. “After a month at sea, I think he’s sick of fish.”
Lunch made and packaged, you and Haruko begin the long walk down to the Port. Steps of green plaustrite appear as you walk. They used to frighten Haruko terribly. Now, though, she loves the way they appear under her feet and disappear when she steps off.
“Watch your steps,” you remind her. Though you trust Ningguang’s architects, you want her to be careful.
“Uh-huh,” Haruko says, half-listening. She’s always distractible on these types of days.
Kazuha isn’t a frequent member onboard the Alcor anymore, but occasionally Beidou will plead with him to accompany her. She says his anemo vision makes cutting through enemies so much easier.
Kazuha will go on month-long voyages with the Crux, maybe two months if he feels like it, but refuses anything more. He doesn’t want to spend time away from you or your daughter.
By the time you arrive at the docks, you’re sweating and the Alcor is pulling into the harbour. Haruko hops up on a dock anchor, waving to the ship.
A deafening honk sounds from the ship, making Haruko laugh. Then again. Then once more. Honk honk honk honk-
Jeez, Ningguang can probably hear the boat from Mount Tianheng.
Haruko stands back just enough so that the sailors can tie the boat off and lower the gangplank, then she’s rushing onboard the ship. A woman hops down from the wheel, holding out her arms as Haruko leaps into them.
“Auntie Beidou!”
“Hiya Haru!” Beidou grins, swinging your daughter around in a bear hug, long brown hair flying everywhere. “How have you been? Jeez, you’re getting tall!”
“Good! Aunt Ningguang said she misses you.”
Beidou’s grin widens. “Has she, now?”
“Beidou,” you greet sweetly. (Walking on board with much more restraint.) “It’s good to see you’re well.”
Her eye softens. Haruko slowly slides out of her arms. “The same to you. I thought you guys were coming to meet us tomorrow?”
Your house, the one you and Kazuha have, is right on the border between Mondstadt and Liyue. It’s far from the port but it’s quiet, nestled by the beaches of Yaoguang Shoal.
“Well, Ningguang offered us to stay last night, so we did. Haruko wanted to see her dad as soon as possible.”
“Ahh, I see. Well, good to see you again.” Beidou turns to Haruko, mischievous smile on her face. “Your dad’s gonna be thrilled, watch this.”
She cups her hands around her mouth and shouts, “Kaz!”
High up on the mast, a tuft of white hair pops out from the crow’s nest. You smile and give a wave. The tuft disappears, and quick as the wind, the man reappears, hastily scaling down the mast.
He jumps the rest of the way and rolls to his feet, brushing white hair from his eyes, and is promptly tackled by Haruko, nearly losing his balance.
“Daddy!” she squeals.
“Haruko,” Kazuha grins, hoisting her up to rest against his side. “It’s been so long. How are you?”
“Good, dad. How was your trip? What did you do? Did you see any scary monsters?”
“Scary monsters, hm, I may have encountered a few.”
“You gotta tell me over lunch – can we eat it in the bird's nest? We made lunch for you!”
“Crow’s nest,” Kazuha corrects gently. “And really? Wow. Did you help make it?”
“Uh-huh! But I’m not telling you what it is; it’s a surprise! You’ll have to open it like a present.”
“That sounds lovely, Haruko. Thank you.”
You walk up to them and press a kiss to Kazuha’s cheek. “Hi, Kaz.”
“Hello, love,” Kazuha purrs, leaning into your touch. “You look stunning.”
Beidou guaffs, Haruko’s nose wrinkles. “Ew.”
(She used to scream at Kazuha to stop whenever he’d recite sappy love poems to you, covering his mouth with both hands so he’d stop talking. It always made you laugh.)
You pull away from Kazuha and save your daughter and Beidou from your ‘gross’ affections. “The journey to Inazuma ok?”
His eyes briefly harden. He smiles tightly. “It was alright.”
There’s a hidden we’ll talk about this later in his voice, unnoticed by Haruko. She wriggles and Kazuha sets her down.
“Can we climb the mast now?”
Kazuha takes her hand, “Ask the captain.”
“Auntie – Captian Beidou, can we climb the mast please?”
Beidou ruffles her head. “Of course you can, kid. Keep an eye out for me on there, yeah?” Then to Kazuha. “I gotta run some errands on land. If I’m not back by the time you’re gone, thanks for everything.”
Kazuha raises a brow. “Might those ‘errands’ have anything to do with that golden brocade you bought?”
Beidou just waves and grins, trotting off the gangplank and jogging towards the Jade Chamber.
The crow’s nest is really only meant for one person standing up, much less three adults and one child, but you make it work. Haruko is obviously given the best seat, you’re squashed beside her, and Kazuha balances on the edge of the nest, legs dangling over the air.
“Why can’t I do that?” Haruko asks as you unpack lunch.
“Because it’s dangerous. Your dad’s very experienced and can catch himself if he falls.”
You’ve seen it happen many times before. Kazuha losing his footing or grip, that split second when he fell and your heart stopped. Then the gust of air that followed, propelling himself back up to safety.
“Once you’re bigger, you can do this,” Kazuha says.
Haruko huffs. “You always say that…”
He chuckles and pats her head. “We just want you safe, is all.”
You pass out bowls and chopsticks around. Kazuha helps affix a chopstick holder to Haruko’s (she’s getting better, but it’s still a challenge to her.) Haruko insists Kazuha close his eyes as you pour out lunch.
“Ok, you can open them!” she says once things are all set.
Kazuha opens his eyes. A steaming bowl of Jueyun Guoba rests in his hands. Juicy cuts of ham, crisp Jueyun chilis, and the rich aroma enough to make your mouth water.
“Ta-dah! What do you think?”
“Oh, Haruko, it looks divine. You made this?”
“Yep! Hurry and taste it!”
Kazuha takes a bite, closing his eyes. “Delicious. So tasty. Captain Beidou should hire you as a chef, or better yet, wanmin restaurant should hire you.”
Haruko grins ear to ear, “Hehe, thank you.”
As you all eat, Kazuha tells you all about the adventures from his trips. How he saw the most beautiful of flowers, or how he fought a translucent glowing eel, Captian Beidou cooked it up and ate it, how she was sick for three straight days afterwards.
Haruko listens to him intently, staring at Kazuha with such a light in her eyes that makes your stomach flutter with pride.
You snuggle closer to Haruko, wrapping an arm around her. The three of you like actual crows, tucked high away, safe from the clutches of the outside world.
Haruko wears Kazuha out that day.
She seems to want to do everything Kazuha missed for the past month in a single day. You told her she needn’t rush – Kazuha wasn’t going away any time soon - but that didn’t deter her in the slightest.
You soak your feet in the icy ocean and search for seashells in the sand. You catch crystal flies in the old ruins, delighting in the way Haruko’s face lights up when the yellow wings fade, leaving just the core. You scale one of the many stone cliffs just to enjoy the view as Kazuha plays a tune from a passing leaf.
On your way home, you get some mora meat from a vendor and share the remaining candies from Ningguang as the sun dips below the horizon. When Haruko’s eyes begin to droop, Kazuha carries her on his back the rest of the way home.
Kazuha brushes the hair from her face, kissing her forehead delicately. “Good night, my starlight. May your dreams be as sweet as shooting stars.”
“Poetic,” you murmur, barely containing a laugh.
Kazuha’s eyes gleam as the two of you tuck the covers tight around Haruko, kiss her once more for good measure, then gently close the door on her bedroom.
Finally, alone, Kazuha wastes no time in wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his head against your shoulder and sighing.
“Tired, pretty boy?” you ask, a lilt of mirth in your voice.
Kazuha hums in agreement, releasing you to intertwine your fingers. He gazes at you, eyes-half lidded, and presses a smattering of kisses to your hand.
“Shall we go on a walk?”
You glance at Haruko’s bedroom.
“Don’t worry,” Kazuha reassures you. “The wind will watch over her.”
You’re tired, but you’ve also missed Kazuha enough to fight off your slumber. You both wrap up, then make the walk down to the sandy pools of Yougung. The full moon is high in the sky, the breeze cool against your skin.
“Things are still bad over in Inazuma,” Kazuha begins, softly. The wind almost carries his voice away. “It’s gotten better. The vision hunt decree is struck down. Some visions have been returned to the people, but things are still very tense over there…It’s not a place where I want to bring our daughter…”
You squeeze his fingers tightly. It’s felt like ages since you first met Kazuha, when he was just a spry young man onboard the crux. His hair was shorter, he still wore bandages over his arm to hide his injuries from escaping Inazuma.
Now, he lets his hair loose. He wears more Liyue-style clothing. His right hand – the one in your grasp, has healed. Though the physical pain has left, the scars remain.
“I miss my homeland,” Kazuha croaks. “I love what I have with you – I love our home. But a part of me feels forever trapped in Inazuma. Longing for it. I-” He shakes his head, speckles of crystal tears forming in his eyes. Your heart aches at the sight.
“It’s alright, Kazuha,” you wrap your arms around him, rubbing his back. “I can’t begin to understand what that feels like…but I can be here to help you.”
“I just fear-“ he chokes, gripping your shirt. “I fear I’ll never be able to see it again. I’ll never get to bring Haruko to see the cherry blossoms that bloom in spring, or let her feed the cats that roam the islands like wanderers.”
Though you want to, though every part of you wants to assure him he’ll see it, you can’t promise him that. He knows it as well.
You comb your fingers through his hair as his tears stain your shirt. “If that’s the case - If things never get better in our lifetime - then we will make the most of it. Nothing lasts forever. Inazuma will one day change.”
You pull his head from your shoulder to meet his eyes. They’re red and puffy. You rub your thumbs over his cheeks, wiping away tear tracks.
“But no matter what, we’ll see it through together.”
Kazuha covers your hand with his, leaning into your touch. “Thank you, love. I am forever grateful that I get to spend my life with you.”
You rest your forehead against his, pressing forward just enough so your lips touch.
“Forever,” you murmur. “And then beyond where the wind lies.”
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