#there r things we need to improve on with the store. but overall things r so much better
bradrcook · 4 months
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Story Graphing: A Visual Editing Tool Brad R. Cook
In a workshop I give to young writers, I show the image of a standard story arc. The one we all know, starts low, builds through rising action to the peak of the climax, and then has a resolution on the other side. It looks like one side of a hill. In doing research, I came across a concept I’d seen years earlier – Kurt Vonnegut’s story graphs.
Kurt Vonnegut, an American literary giant who liked numbers and was a bit of a math guy came up with a theory that stories had different shapes, and those shapes were a good way of interpreting a plot. Now I will say, many have spoken out in favor and against this theory saying story graphing was too subjective to be real and similar stores will have wildly different shapes. Watch him graph Cinderella –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oP3c1h8v2ZQ
I think Vonnegut was on to something. Maybe not the end all, be all of breaking down a story, but graphing is good for showing a few things. First, stories do have wildly different shapes, but stories within genres tend to look similar. The graphs show if the writer’s story is similar to others in the same genre or style. Two, as an editing tool for visual learners a story graph can show what parts are doing well and which parts need more work.
I like it because it allows me to see the whole forest instead of only the trees. This isn’t some magic wand to solve all your plotting problems, but it is a tool that can be helpful.
What is story graphing? Simply, it is a visual representation of the positive and negative points of the story.
1 – Choose Points to Plot – Writers can go chapter by chapter, scene by scene, or by major plot points. More points mean more detail in the graph. If you’re looking for an overview do 10 points, if you want a detailed graph of the story, use 20-40 points or more. The number is determined by how many scenes are in the story.
2 – Make the Graph – The vertical line is for the good and bad things that happen in the story and the horizontal line represents the beginning to the end.
3 – Assign Values to the Points – I suggest a scale of +5 and a -5, you could use ten, and I often use half points for accuracy. The key is to be consistent. Pick the high point and the low point of the story, they become the +5 and -5 of the point spread. The third point is the starting point - where does the story begin. Is it a 0, a normal day, or are they enduring hardship so it’s a -1? Maybe start at a 1 because life is good. Now, the next point, is the next scene, but is the character’s life improving or getting more challenging? Do the same for each new point, does the story get better or worse than the scene before?
One note, I suggest only having one or two +5 and -5. There should only be a couple of truly amazing or heartbreaking scenes in a book.
4 – Connect the Dots – Once the story is graphed, it can be analyzed for several factors.
Peaks and Valleys – All the peaks should be good moments or the emotional highs of the book, and all the valleys should represent the character's struggles. What a writer doesn’t want are plateaus, which means nothing has changed in the story.
The Overall Shape – The shape should be similar to other stories in genre or the tropes of the story. Depending on the story it could look like a roller-coaster, a descending arc, or maybe a deep valley with a high ending. There are several shapes that Vonnegut outlined.
What Needs Editing – Not enough peaks and valleys, could be a muddy middle. Does the low moment come shortly before the climax? Is the action too close together? Look at the story’s structure because the graph is the story.
Now graph everything. I like to graph the main plot, the main characters emotional arc, the secondary characters arc, and the villain’s arc, but anything can be graphed.
When these graphs are laid over each other they show data as well. Where the dots all come together usually are the big moments of the story. When the lines parallel each other that means the story is in harmony. The differences can point to parts that need work or parts where the story might be confusing to readers. How do the emotional arcs compare to each other? Do the emotional arcs connect to the main plot at the right points?  
Things to Remember – Consistency is key. +1 has to mean the same throughout the whole story, but you are the one making these determinations. Be honest, don’t try and make a graph that fits some mold, plot the story, and see what it looks like.
Everything is relative. It’s the Whose Line Is It Anyway mentality, “It’s all made up and the points don’t matter.” What matters is that the writer knows what they mean.
Each new story will have a different set of values. For different graphs of the same story use the same scene point values. New points will be needed for different books though.
So why listen to Kurt Vonnegut and me? Story graphing can be fun, but it can also help edit, help plot, or help you see that your book is just like all those bestsellers and classics.
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lunarsilkscreen · 4 months
Final Fantasy 8 mechanical redesign
Inspired by FF7-R, what could a remake of FF8 look like mechanically? FF8 is well known for its GF junction system (Guardian Force, not Waifu) and Magical Draw system, and to a lesser extent; it's Devour system.
Unlike our heroes in FF-15, Squall and Co enjoyed eating their prey raw and still mooing.
Balamb Garden also features a "Battle Zoo" full of dangerous monsters that its students hide inside when they want to get a little alone time from the rigors of being students at a battle academy.
FF8 is also the first FF game to have designed it's own card game as a mini-game, where in order to collect all the cards you need to battle friends and former foes.
Doing so also changes the rules of the card game as you move between regions.
In intense survival situations; Rare Cards doubled as an emergency meal ration for the hungry.
These mechanics, along with the Chocobo Forest side-quests make up the core of the FF8 game loop.
Unlike older games, you can't buy weapons. Instead you would bring materials like old rusty screws to a blacksmith who would modify your weapon for you.
And unlike other FFs, your summons or GFs, would work as both your defensive and offensive equipment. Defeating the entire purpose of leveling up, as leveling up would only serve to make the enemies stronger.
You could also read old magazines to learn limit breaks and of secret side-quests. Like resident aliens and where to find them.
So how could we take all that and improve on it a bit?
Well, the first thing to look at is the "Draw" system. Im this game, the magic system is replaced with Draw. Magic is a limited resource that you use like items, and can collect either from "Draw Points" (that are the intersection of ley lines) or from enemies.
You can then equip the magic to your GF.
Which really made the player either avoid using magic all together, or be incredibly selective on when using Magic.
But since the battle system was mostly either Summon Spam or Limit Break spam, casting magic was the worst thing you could actually do in the game.
I like the idea behind Draw system, you pull "Magic" and store it for use later. However, because it works like items, what is the difference between this system and just using items?
It also vibes well with the idea of Mako in the previous installment. Making a connected idea in the overall FF franchise about how magic (and materia) works.
It gets difficult because you equip your magic, and then don't use your strongest spells. Because your strongest spells are hard to find, and also are the strongest equipment.
We'll come back to this idea.
Because using your Eidolons as equipment, and because the two options players tend to focus in battle are "Use Limit Break" or "Use Summon" we can see these two options as our core battle loop.
Like the FF7-R, we can liken FF8 limit breaks to the skills used that require ATB gauge to use. We can also give the GFs abilities that also use ATB gauge.
But here's where we can change it up. Unlike FF7 where your summons becomes a playable party member, FF8 is better when they feel like they're powering up the Player.
Equipping a summon then, should be evident in the characters attacks. It should change how the character is played. Even if only just visually and in strength.
So when Squall attacks with his gun blade, he should get bonuses from leviathan that he's junctioned. That way we're not dedicated to summon spam taking away from the overall battle system.
The "Trigger" mechanic here was unique to Squall and his gun blade (or at least seemingly unique) it should be given to every character, or an alternative should be given. And this should *also* pair with junctioned summons.
When we go to a blacksmith for better weapons; we should be able to create multiple different pieces of the weapons that can be assembled by the player. Each piece would offer different bonuses and change the way the character approaches battle.
This would include the *ammo* that Irvine uses. (And this ammo sub-system should also be given to Squall) Later, each should get an upgrade that allows them to cast magic as part of their main attack. Because what is the point of a world where technology and magic is mixed if not in the weapons?
A spell then could be similar to how it functioned in FF15, but I suspect it should be more in depth.
Using the energy drawn from draw points and enemies as a resource to make other things (like weapon parts and also to empower your GFs) would lessen the strain on the player.
Doing this could also give the player access to a handful of spells they might actually use. However, I dislike the core FF15 magic system and didn't really use that during my playthrough.
If we liken Spells to ammunition, then they should be used like ammunition instead of grenades. And the weaponry should reflect this
So with the "Draw" system, we're drawing spell components instead of spells themselves. Since this is components, it can also allow for breaking up hidden GFs into multiple parts.
Allowing for construction of certain GFs, similar to how weapons could be constructed.
Did I get everything? Oh the cards and Chocobos...
The question I ask about these is "How can we integrate them into the main game?" And "Should we leave the ability to use them as M.R.E.s? (meals ready to eat)
Which allows the players to convert certain cards into rare or unique items, which is an ability for the original end game as once the party progresses past a certain point; there is no purpose for cards anymore. So why not just eat them?
And what if the "Devour" system?
Devour is a core mechanic of the Blu Mage, but since every character is a Blu Mage thanks to the draw mechanic, this is more of a grindy addition for completionists than it is a mechanic.
That one of your party members also happens to be a Blu Mage when it comes to her limit breaks, also kinda muddies the waters here.
Perhaps each character should have a core mechanic that they are the best at doing. And "Devour" should instead be an upgrade to "Draw" that captures the entire monster instead of just one or two bits of energy at a time?
In this way it brings it more in line with the way players play the actual game. Where Limit Breaks are just skills the player uses. Instead of "Rare" one or two time occurrences in a fight like the rest of the franchise.
There's also an interesting mechanic in a limit break that the character "Selphie" has which is a slot machine for powerful magic. Effectively "creating magic on the fly" and doesn't require the draw or magic system.
This could be expanded I think. If continuing with the "Each Character has a core mechanic they're the best at."
I think for the "Draw System" there could also be the ability to absorb defeated enemies, which may work differently from draw on the surface.
*or* we could simply turn draw into a command that instantly cast an ability that an enemy *could* cast. And Quistis is just the only one who knows how to use those abilities later.
That way there is less of a focus on farming enemies.
Then the sorceress who can actually cast Magic seemingly without any resources would feel *more* menacing.
Since the players are more limited in their own magic. This would also allow for a change in How Rinoa acts at a later point in the game. When she is corrupted by Sorceress Edea, effectively becoming a puppet and sorceress herself.
Expanding her ability repetoire. And then giving the interactions with the white seed, and [redacted] who teaches Rinoa better techniques to control her power.
Then with Limit Breaks, we see an ultimate ability that is combined with what used to be a summon. So when Zell does a Leviathan upper cut (I really like this particular iteration of Leviathan in this game specifically) we see Leviathan motifs with an ultimate upper cut.
Making the limit breaks feel more like *an ultimate* and less like *a regular skill with a paywall*.
When the player party switches to somebody else's memory, this could *also* be further linked because they're using effectively they same GFs. And this would be a theme reusable with the current *GFs eat memories* idea that we know and love about FF8, while giving credence to remembering somebody elses memories despite spending memories in order to continue fighting.
And after flashing back to historical events, the characters could then *remember* new abilities. Since they came as part of the "flashback."
But what about the cards!?
I honestly don't know... The overall inventory system and store system and everything about FF8 seems intended to try to go about a different way of doing things, which made all the systems kind of lame in comparison to every other game. And the worst offender was the Card system that limited certain items to melting down cardboard cards into different items.
What're they using to foil these cards!?
The cards also seem to be legendary and synced to the Draw system. As if they were divine items that the humans just decided they could be used to gamble with.
Seemingly both *human created* AND *divinely motifed*.
Perhaps the card game needs some in-game lore. (And the draw ability could be modified into the [card ability] as well)
I think that since [Draw] is the core defining feature of FF8, it should be more well thought out and integrated into the rest of the mechanics. I feel like this was the original intent, but creators fought over a complete Draw system and reusing more familiar RPG elements.
Since the opportunity is here though; completing the draw system and fleshing out this ability that every SeeD member uses religiously should be a priority. This feature should be integrated into everything the SeeD does, they should eat, breathe, and live the [Draw Life].
And that should be reflected in the mechanics of the game. And so it shouldn't feel like an after thought, or "That thing you do before you fight anything".
It should be a part of who the main characters are.
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harshmishra8726 · 1 month
Choosing the Right Customized RFID Tags: Applications, Features, and Cost Breakdown
RFID technology has completely transformed asset tracking, inventory management, and access control across a wide range of industries. As businesses strive to improve efficiency and accuracy, selecting the right customized RFID tags becomes critical. Today we talk about special tags that can be used in different industries. It also looks at important things to consider and how much it costs for other uses.
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Understanding RFID Tags and Their Customization
RFID tags are these little gadgets that send out data to RFID readers using radio waves. They are commonly used for tracking assets, managing inventory, and enhancing security. The ability to tailor customized RFID tags according to specific business needs, applications, and environments sets customized RFID tags apart. Customization can range from selecting the right material, size, and design to integrating specific functionalities like extended read range or additional security features.
Applications of Customized RFID Tags
The versatility of customized RFID tags lies in their ability to adapt to various industries and environments. Here are some key industries and their specific applications:
Retail and Supply Chain Management RFID tags are extensively used in retail and supply chain management for tracking inventory, preventing theft, and ensuring accurate stock levels. Customized RFID tags in this sector are often designed for high-volume use, incorporating features like anti-tampering mechanisms and real-time data integration.
Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals In the healthcare sector, customized RFID tags play a crucial role in patient identification, medication tracking, and equipment management. For pharmaceuticals, these tags help monitor drug movement throughout the supply chain, ensuring authenticity and reducing the risk of counterfeit products.
Manufacturing and Industrial Settings In manufacturing environments, customized RFID tags are used to track machinery, tools, and components. The tags are often ruggedized and designed to withstand harsh conditions, such as high temperatures, chemicals, and moisture.
Logistics and Transportation Customized RFID tags are integral to tracking shipments, monitoring fleet management, and ensuring the security of transported goods. These tags are often designed with extended read ranges and robust construction to withstand outdoor conditions and long distances.
Event Management and Access Control In event management, RFID tags are used for attendee tracking, ticketing, and access control. Customized tags in this context may include features like branding, enhanced security layers, and personalization options to offer a seamless experience for users.
Animal Livestock Tracking 
RFID tags enhance animal livestock tracking by providing automated, real-time identification and monitoring of animals. These tags store unique data, enabling efficient management of health records, breeding schedules, and overall livestock performance. They also facilitate precise tracking, improving inventory management and disease control, while reducing manual labor and human errors.
Key Features to Consider When Customizing RFID Tags
Choosing the right RFID tags requires a thorough understanding of the features that best suit your industry and application. Some important features include:
Frequency Range RFID tags operate at different frequencies: low frequency (LF), high frequency (HF), and ultra-high frequency (UHF). The choice of frequency depends on the application requirements. For instance, UHF tags are ideal for long-range tracking, while HF tags are better suited for applications like access control.
Material and Durability The environment in which the RFID tags will be used dictates the material choice. For example, tags used in industrial settings might need to be made of metal or hard plastic to withstand rough conditions. Meanwhile, retail applications might require lightweight, flexible materials.
Size and Form Factor Customizing the size and form factor of RFID tags allows them to blend seamlessly into the product or environment they are tracking. Small, discreet tags are often used in healthcare, while larger tags are common in industrial applications.
Memory Capacity Depending on the amount of data that needs to be stored, RFID tags can be customized with varying memory capacities. Tags with high memory are suitable for applications where detailed tracking information is required, such as in supply chain management.
Security Features For industries like healthcare and pharmaceuticals, enhanced security features such as encryption and password protection are essential. These ensure that sensitive data is not compromised during transmission.
Cost Breakdown of Customized RFID Tags
The cost of customized RFID tags varies significantly based on the features, materials, and application. Here’s a general overview of the factors that determine the cost:
Material and Design Tags made of durable materials like metal or those designed to withstand harsh environments generally cost more. Additionally, complex designs or tags with advanced aesthetics increase production costs.
Frequency and Read Range UHF tags, which offer longer read ranges, tend to be more expensive than LF or HF tags. However, the cost is justified for applications where long-range tracking is necessary.
Volume of Order As with many products, bulk orders of customized RFID tags typically result in lower per-unit costs. Businesses planning large-scale deployments benefit from economies of scale.
Additional Features Security features, increased memory, and enhanced durability all add to the overall cost. Companies need to consider the advantages of these features with their financial limitations.
Application-Specific Requirements Tags customized for specific industries or environments, such as those used in healthcare or industrial settings, may incur higher costs due to the need for specialized materials or configurations.
Choosing the right customized RFID tags involves considering your industry’s specific needs, the environment in which the tags will be used, and the features that will deliver optimal performance. While the cost may vary based on these factors, investing in the right solution can lead to significant improvements in efficiency, accuracy, and security. By understanding the applications, features, and cost dynamics of customized RFID tags, businesses can make informed decisions that align with their goals and operational requirements.
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bmxe · 1 year
Attic Ventilation Insulation for Our Place
Welcome to our latest blog post on attic ventilation insulation for your place! As the temperatures start to rise and we look towards summer, it's important to ensure that your home is properly insulated and ventilated. Your attic is a key area that can greatly impact the overall comfort of your living space, and proper insulation and ventilation can help keep energy bills down while also improving indoor air quality. In this post, we'll explore everything you need to know about attic ventilation insulation so that you can stay cool and comfortable all season long!
The types of attic insulation
There are two types of attic insulation: loose fill and batts & rolls. Loose fill: This type of insulation is made up of small pieces of fiber that can be blown into the attic space. It’s important to make sure the area is well-sealed before adding loose fill, as it can escape through any cracks or openings. Batts & rolls: This type of insulation is made up of large pieces that are cut to fit snugly between the attic’s rafters. It’s easy to install, but can be more difficult to seal around electrical wiring and other obstacles.
How to insulate your attic
Most homes are not properly insulated, and as a result, heat is escaping through the attic. In order to insulate your attic, you will need to purchase some insulation material and install it yourself. This can be a daunting task for those who have never done it before, but with some patience and careful planning, it can be easily accomplished. There are two types of insulation that you can use: fiberglass or cellulose. Fiberglass is the most common type of insulation and is made from recycled glass. It comes in rolls or batts and can be cut to fit the space between your rafters. Cellulose insulation is made from recycled paper products and is also available in rolls or batts. It is important to note that both types of insulation must be installed properly in order to work effectively. The first step in insulating your attic is to measure the space between your rafters. Once you have the measurements, you can purchase the amount of material needed. It is important to get an accurate measurement because if you don't have enough insulation, heat will still be able to escape through gaps. Next, you will need to install a vapor barrier on top of your existing ceiling joists. This will help prevent moisture from seeping into your insulation and causing it to lose its effectiveness. Once the vapor barrier is in place, you can start installing your insulation. Start by placing the rolls or batts against the vapor barrier and then stapling https://therooftechnician.ca/our-services/attic-ventilation/
The benefits of attic insulation
attic insulation benefits: 1. Helps to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. 2. Reduces your energy consumption and costs. 3. Makes your home more environmentally friendly. 4. Protects your home from moisture damage. 5. Adds value to your property.
How to save money on attic insulation
There are two ways to save money on attic insulation: by doing it yourself or by hiring a professional. If you choose to do it yourself, the first thing you need to do is figure out how much insulation you need. This can be done by measuring the square footage of your attic and calculating the R-value of the insulation you want to use. Once you know how much insulation you need, you can purchase it from a home improvement store or online retailer. The second way to save money on attic insulation is by hiring a professional. Many companies that offer attic insulation services will give you a free estimate. This estimate will take into account the size of your attic, the R-value of the insulation you want to use, and any other factors that may affect the cost of the project.
Attic ventilation and insulation are key factors in making sure your home stays comfortable all year round. By installing the correct amount of attic insulation and proper ventilation, you can ensure that your home will stay warm during the winter months and cool during the summer months. Additionally, having the right level of attic insulation can help reduce energy costs by keeping heat inside your home for longer periods of time. Lastly, properly ventilated attics also help to prevent moisture build-up which can lead to mold growth. With these tips on how to improve attic ventilation and insulation, you're now better equipped to make sure your place has optimal conditions all year round!
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denisejane9500 · 3 years
Regal Pest Control Co. - Strategic Management Paper (part 1)
Far Eastern University
Nicanor Reyes St, Sampaloc, Manila,
1008 Metro Manila
Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management
A Strategic Management Case Study Plan for
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Professor: Mr. Sofronio “Toti” Dulay
Abaya, Shiela Mae
Abella, Denise Jane
Amis, Rina Kyla
An, Janine Carla
Barrueso, April Joy
Bautista, Samantha Mica
Bueta, Nykole Mar Angela
Bulanadi, Edmond Ross
May 2021
I. Executive Summary 3-4
II. Internal Assessment
a. Corporate Profile 4-7
b. Company Vision and Mission7
c. Corporate Officers 7-9
d. Product Line 9-16
e. Internal Factor Evaluation 16-18
III. External Assessment
a. Porter’s Model Analysis19-21
b. External Factor Evaluation Matrix 21-23
c. Competitive Profile Matrix 23-25
d. Key External Factor 25-28
IV. Strategy Formulation
a. Boston Consulting Group Matrix 28-31
b. Strategic Position and Action Evaluation Matrix 31-34
c. Grand Strategy Matrix 34-35
d. Internal – External Matrix 36-37
e. Strength – Weaknesses – Opportunities – Threats Analysis 37-48
f. Quantitative Strategies Planning Matrix 48-51
V. Strategy Recommendation 52-53
VI. Action Plan 53-57
VII. Conclusion 58-60
VIII. Financial Projection 60-62
IX. References 62-67
Regal Pest Control Co. is a family-owned and regulated company that has been in the pest management market since 1988. It is a Filipino business duly established as a partnership and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, operating under and subject to the laws of the Republic of the Philippines. Regal Pest Control with over thirty (30) years of experience in the pest control business assure all consumers and future consumers their well-developed strategy to achieve the best pest control service. The Regal Pest Control team has earned not only experience but also the reputation of providing customers with the most comprehensive range of services and products.
The major competitors of Regal Pest Control are Entech Philippines and TermaxPro Pest Control Services. Entech Philippines is a total care system business offering clients realistic and long-term solutions for achieving and maintaining safe, sanitary, and balanced conditions of their houses and buildings. TermaxPro has prioritized being a customer-friendly company that offers secure and consistent care. The business exists to provide support to meet the stringent requirements of new commercial companies and homeowners. Regal Pest Control can maintain and improve its market growth in the pest control industry by enhancing the current strategies and creating new strategies to boost the overall performance of the company.
All the different matrices such as IFE, Porter’s Model, EFE, BCG SPACE, GSM, IE, SWOT and QSPM were used, and these matrices showed how Regal Pest Control operates and stayed afloat in the pest control industry and indicated their strong internal position and their strength to achieve all the demands of their target market. But it also showed the things that needed to improve in the company and how it affects the company's competitive position in the market. The recommended strategies that were evident on the matrices for Regal Pest Control are Market Penetration, Market Development, and Product Development. Under these strategies are the action plan needed to improve Regal Pest Control. In the Market Penetration, the action plans needed are Creating an official website, Hire influencers or celebrities, Partnerships with local TV Networks, and Loyalty Card Reward System. Under the Market Development Strategies; New store branches outside Metro Manila and Online reservations and delivery of products. Lastly, the strategies needed under Product Development are Hiring pest control professionals, Investing in new technology, Feedback System, and Partnership with International chemical suppliers.
In using these strategies, Regal Pest Control will strengthen its strengths, take advantage of the opportunities, improve its weaknesses, and avoid future threats that may negatively impact the company. This will be a way for Regal Pest Control to establish its identity and make a solid competitive position in the pest control industry.
50 San Roque Street Barangka Ilaya, Mandaluyong City, Philippines
63 (2) 534-6350
18 Mintcor Townhouse, West Service Road, South Super Hi-way, Cupang, Muntinlupa
50 San Roque Street, Barangka Ilaya, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Regal Pest Control Co. is a family-owned and operated business that has been in the industry since 1988. The company was established and managed by the former President of Pest Exterminators Association of the Philippines (PEAP) from 1995-1996, Atty. Silverio R. Garing on April 4, 1988, with a total number of 22 employees. Since then, the company was categorized as a Certified Pesticide Applicator/Exterminator. It is a Filipino company, adequately incorporated as a partnership and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, existing under and under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines. With over thirty (30) years of experience in the pest control industry, Regal Pest Control is a company that guarantees all the customers their well-developed strategies in ensuring that the customers will receive the best pest control experience.
Over the years, the company developed pest control services that will help eradicate wide-range pest issues in our homes and our office. It is not surprising that our homes are often infected by pests, especially that we are living in a tropical rainforest country. According to Vail et al. (2020), lighting, warm air, rain, and food all attract pests. They seek refuge and safety in dim cavities in floors or enclosed spaces. Many different insects are considered pests in our household, but the most common is called “bugs.” Some of these pests, such as termites, necessitate the use of specialized equipment and expertise to add vast quantities of insecticides to any possible entry points into our household or building.
Regal Pest Control, with the help of its partners like multinational firm’s suppliers and distributors of environment-friendly chemicals for Pest and Termite Control Services, the company developed new technology such as Baiting systems, Fogging Method, Misting Method, Rat Disposal Service, Garden Pest Control, Rat Abatement Maintenance Programme and General Pest Abatement Maintenance Programme for Non-Structural Pest. For Structural Pest, Regal Pest Control provides Termite Proofing Works, Soil Poisoning, Cement Drilling Method, Wood Drenching, Termite Mound Demolition, and Termite Abatement Maintenance Programme, etc. The Regal Pest Control team has gained not only experience but also the prestige of supplying consumers with the widest variety of facilities and products.
According to Michigan Government (n.d.), objectives are specific, time-bound, measurable acts that contribute to the achievement of a company. A company has an advantage if they have their objective clear and precise. This will ensure a clear path towards their success. Setting objectives makes it easy to evaluate a company's results. If objectives are reached, it may be stated that the company did its strategies effectively.
Regal Pest Control's objective is to establish a company that would provide work ethics characterized by honesty, sincerity, and dedication to duty. The company aims to provide a reliable and trustworthy service to the client.
Short-Term Objectives
- To hire capable employees that are willing to learn and grow in the company
- To acquire prominent clients to expand business
- Develop new techniques to enhance service and production
Long-Term Objectives
- Purchase new machineries to increase production
- To expand to other parts of the Philippines by creating more store branches
- Investing in the employees to lessen employee turnovers
To achieve the highest level of Customer Service towards the full satisfaction of our clients and to create a working environment that will promote productivity among themselves.
A company that will provide at all times to the General Clientele with reliable, honest, professional and quality service.
Silverio R. Garing
Rebecca G. Garing
Vistoria Garing
Jackelyn Serrano
Ronaldo Fontanilla
Froilan Cravalho
Lyra Luz Garing
Edwin Bulanadi
Frederick Garing
Address: 50 San Roque Street, Barangka Ilaya, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines
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Address: 18 Mintcor Townhouse, West Service Road, South Super Hi-way, Cupang, Muntinlupa
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Pests navigate their way into our households regardless of how meticulous we are about our household chores. Some of these pests cause severe damage to foods, clothes, rugs, and wooden furniture, while others transmit diseases. According to Cranshaw (2011), arthropods that inadvertently invade buildings are among the most common residential/structural pest scenarios, referred to as "nuisance invaders." Pests, such as cockroaches, flies, rats, and other insects, can be a real danger in our homes and company. Pest management in the home is essential all year. Any insect infestations, such as termites, will almost often necessitate the assistance of a reputable pest control operator (Hantsbarger, 1981). That is the reason why hiring a pest control operator is the easiest way to eradicate and minimize the negative effect of these pests. Below you can see the different products and services that Regal Pest Control treatment company provides.
Pest and Termite Control Chemicals and Equipment
A termiticide is a synthetic version of a flower’s pyrethrum, which exterminates every species of subterranean and dry wood termites through contact and stomach action to restrain them from returning to structures.
A termiticide protects against subterranean termites by forming a liquid barrier that remains in the soil for at least five years.
Optigard Ant Gel
A non-repellent termiticide used for controlling subterranean termites is applied before and after the construction of structures.
Maxxthor Termiticide
It prevents and controls subterranean termite infestations in and around structures. It forms a barrier that will prevent the termites from entering the structure.
It aims to address the root cause of the problem; thus, its target is to eliminate the termite colony. Termitrol is a special kind of termiticide that is non-repellent and has a delayed mode of lethal action which means when termites have contact with the poison, they will not immediately die. Consequently, it enables the poison to be passed on to other termites resulting in the extermination of the whole colony.
A termiticide injected into the soil creates a constant chemical barrier that blocks termites’ entry points in the structure and terminates termites.
A termiticide that contains alpha-cypermethrin is environment friendly. It is a long-lasting termite control solution that deals with termite infestations and protects structures from future or potential infestations.
It is a wood preservative that serves as a safeguard against termites like wood borers and fungi.
Cislin EC
A spray that treats wood surfaces and flushes pests’ residuals.
It is a space spray for pests such as mosquitoes, flies, and cockroaches. The solution can be diluted with diesel or kerosine if it will be used outdoors. If it is for indoor treatment, it should be diluted with water.
It contains Cyfluthrin which is ideal for treating cockroach, housefly, and mosquito infestation. It can also prevent Malaria.
Crackdown Residual Insecticide AU
It is a general insecticide to control various insects like carpet beetle, silverfish, flea, flies, bird mites, and cockroaches.
It is a stone veneer insect repellent. Stone Veneers are very durable. Therefore, they can prevent the entrance of pests into a structure.
It is an herbicide that protects crops such as cornfields, cotton, garlic, dry beans, and many more.
Optigard Termite Liquid
It is a bait that attracts ants, and when ingested and shared by ants to the colony, it will lead to complete control.
Solfac WP
It is used as an indoor residual spray for the control of mosquitoes which prevents dengue, malaria, and other diseases carried by mosquitoes.
It is an insecticide that targets the nervous system of pests. Insects’ exposure to Novim will cause hyper excitation and tremors in their nerves which leads to paralysis and death.
It is an insecticide that is lethal to pests. When exposed to this insecticide, pests will experience hyper excitation and tremors in their nerves which leads to convulsions, paralysis, and death.
It is one of the most common insecticides that is very effective in controlling household pests such as cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, ants, etc.
A spray that has the ability to control both flying and crawling pests such as bed bugs, cockroaches, houseflies, mosquitoes, and beetles.
It contains beta Cyfluthrin which is able to control insect pests such as houseflies, cockroaches, and mosquitoes.
It is a fumigant that is effective in controlling household, public health, and stored product insects such as aphids, caterpillars, thrips, and flies.
It is an insecticide that is used to eliminate household and agricultural pests.
An insecticide for cattle and livestock premises as it is able to control parasites such as mosquitoes, horse flies, face flies, stable flies, and houseflies.
Racumin Paste
It is a rodenticide that is effective in controlling rodents or rats and mice.
It is a rodenticide that is very effective in controlling rodents as it is able to kill or eliminate rats.
It is an environment friendly and non-carcinogenic insecticide that is highly effective in controlling cockroaches, flies, and mosquitoes.
Bosny Rat Glue
It is an adhesive trap to catch rats when they wander across its surface.
· Klerat Wax Block
It is a single feed bait for rodents that is easy to use.
· General Pest Abatement Maintenance Program (GPAMP)
Designed for the control of cockroaches, mosquitoes, bugs, flies, and other flying and crawling insects that transmit more than 35 communicable diseases to man. The treatment is done by spraying, misting, or brushing.
· Rat Abatement Maintenance Program (RAMP)
Usually placed the rat bait in strategic areas that are safe to humans and where rats normally roam around.
· Fogging Method (FM)
Using a fine pesticide spray (aerosol) which is directed by a blower.
· Misting Method (MM)
Allowing the pesticides to stay suspended in air to kill all flying insects. It will be conducted for external areas including drainages and canal.
· Garden Pest Control (GPC)
Remove mealybugs from plants with strong sprays of water or swabbing with alcohol-dipped cotton swabs.
· Rat Disposal Service (RDS)
Remove dead rats by placing animals in tightly sealed containers for proper disposal and by the use of traps or poisons.
TERMITE PROOFING WORKS (Under Construction Project)
a) Phase I - Soil Poisoning
By applying 4 liters of the strong chemical called Termiticide solution per square meter of slab foundation. Spraying must be prepared when the foundation bed has remained completed and ready for pouring of concrete.
b) Phase II - Treatment of the building skeletal Framework
It is stated to control pests in or near a structure. Its favorable conditions will make the build-up of pest populations less heavy and leaves a perfectly cleaned skeleton in a small pile.
c) Phase III - Final Treatment
It is important to not clean immediately, Pest control treatments are usually personalized based on your requests. So, you will be told when you can clean again and if there are any areas you should not rinse. Do not do a deep cleaning for at least a week.
· Soil Poisoning (SP)
Involves treating the soil around your house with a termite insecticide, such as imidacloprid. Woods can also be treated directly if termites are inside. Termite baits are strategically placed around your yard to lure termites in.
· Cement Drilling Method (CDM)
Drilling concrete slabs and injecting chemicals is one of the ways to protect a property from termites. Holes are often drilled around a perimeter to ensure a complete chemical barrier.
· Wood Drenching (WD)
Chemical treatment of the fill material prior to pouring a concrete slab protects wood in the building from termite attack.
· Termite Mound Demolition (TMD)
Search for these termite mounds, destroy them and thoroughly treat the surrounding. This is done by trenching, spraying or injection methods.
· Borer (Bukbok) Abatement Maintenance Program (BAMP)
Proper waste disposal process and sanitation to reduce infestation and use of the correct treatment, chemicals to get rid of wood borers for individual circumstances.
· EXTERRA Termite Interception and Baiting System
Some bait stations are installed below ground out in the yard, while others are placed within the structure in the vicinity of active termite mud tubes.
According to David and David (2017), this strategy-formulation method outlines and analyses the key strengths and weaknesses in a company's functional areas and provides a foundation for defining and assessing relationships between those areas. The table below shows the strengths and weaknesses of the company Regal Pest Control and how it affects the company's internal structure.
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4 - Major Strength 3 - Minor Strength 2 - Minor Weakness 1 - Major Weakness
Internal Factor Evaluation Analysis
In relation to the purpose of the IFE Matrix, the table shows that Regal Pest Control has the two most essential factors in line with their business: Contract completion on time and Financial Stability. It only shows that the Regal Pest Control has an excellent internal structure. On the other hand, the company is also experiencing some weaknesses like lack of company website and lack of modern advertisement mode. It is essential to update and have enough information on their website to allow their customers to know what they can offer and what is new about their services. If this is not handled well, this may be a problem for the company because they may be out of date and will not keep pace with their competitors.
Overall, the Regal Pest Control receives a score of 2.68. Based on IFE Matrix, Regal Pest Control weighted above average, meaning the company has a good standing and a solid internal position. Nevertheless, this also shows that there is still much room for improvement to enhance and fully operate without shortcomings.
Market Position
Since Regal Pest Control is a company that is still finding its way to the competitive market of the pest control business, the basis for the market position that will be used is according to the estimated net income of Regal Pest Control and its competitors.
Company Net Income
Regal Pest Control ₱ 400,168
ENTECH Philippines ₱ 680,560
TermaxPro Pest Control Services ₱ 756,845
ENTECH Philippines
ENTECH Philippines is a Total Care System provider that provides clients with practical and long-term strategies to achieve and preserve clean, sanitary, and healthy environments. Integrated Pest Management (General Pest Management, Termite Management, Other Pests), Professional Cleaning (Disinfecting, Deep Cleaning, Furniture Cleaning), and Environmental Solutions are among the high-quality facilities (Entech Philippines, 2021).
TermaxPro Pest Control Services
TermaxPro Pest Control Services has focused on being a customer-friendly business that provides safe and dependable care. The company is there to provide service and satisfy the strict demands of new commercial enterprises and homeowners. Many of their pest controllers have received extensive training through certified PEAP (Pest Exterminators Association of the Philippines) workshops (TermaxPro Pest Control, 2021).
According to Bruijil (2018), Porter's Model is built on the principle that a corporate approach can counter opportunities and threats in the organization's external environment. A strategic approach should be based on a thorough understanding of market structures and how they adjust. It is a method for analysing the level of competition in a market and developing competitive strategies.
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Porter’s Framework Analysis
Regal Pest Control is already thirty (30) years in service and continues to maintain the pest-free status to where they provide their service and is now competing with ENTECH Philippines and TermaxPro Pest Control Services, which has only a few years in service, but a lot of people knows their company name and patronizing their service.
The business Regal Pest Control is bound to have the threat of new entrants, which are the Dexterminator Pest Control Services, Mapecon, and Pest-Ex Pest Control Services Metro Manila that would challenge their business. Since technology has been changing from time to time, there is a need to scale up within the company to keep abreast with the time, and it is not hard for other companies to come up with the same line of business.
The one who supplies the pest control companies or services is the chemical distributors in the Philippines, which provides chemicals to each pest control company to be used for cleaning and washing out the pests that dwell in areas and facilities.
The substitute products for Regal Pest Control or any pest control services that use chemicals as an active ingredient to kill pests are agricultural netting and cultural control, which is risk-free and has no adverse consequences.
The target market of Regal Pest Control is the sub-urban and urban people in which maintaining clean and safe facilities and areas are their priority, especially that there are a lot of buildings, offices, and restaurants present in the area.
An External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix enables strategists to compile and analyse financial, societal, cultural, demographic, environmental, political, governmental, legal, and competitive details that will help the company know if their strategies successfully capitalize on emerging opportunities while minimizing the possible negative impacts of external threats (David & David, 2017).
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4 - Major Strength 3 - Minor Strength 2 - Minor Weakness 1 - Major Weakness
External Factor Evaluation Analysis
In accordance with the purpose of the EFE, Regal Pest Control showed the opportunities and threats present in the company. Based on the table above, Regal Pest Control earned a cumulative weighted score of 2.65 on the EFE Matrix. The EFE Matrix is focused on an overview of the general climate and these external conditions that impact the sector to determine new opportunities and threats for Regal Pest Control. According to the weighted ratings, the company's response has a significant impact on its existing opportunities and threats in the pest control sector.
There is a series of opportunities like increased demand for Pest Control Services, new agreements that will deal them better pricing of services, and decreased taxes in the external factor matrix. In the threats section, we will see the new competitors who would either be in the same line of business, predicted natural disasters that may lessen the demand for their services, and new laws in this ever-changing time that will require them to have a change in framework.
According to Bhattacharjee and Dey (2015), the Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) is an analytical method that offers competitive edge information focused on key performance factors and acts as the foundation for an organization's strategy. It also enables the firm's owners to compare their firm to main competitors by using crucial performance factors.
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4 - Major Strength 3 - Minor Strength 2 - Minor Weakness 1 - Major Weakness
Competitive Profile Matrix Analysis
In relation to the primary purpose of CPM, which is to know the company's competitive advantage, Regal Pest Control compared to the two (2) present competitors where you can see and evaluate from the table above. Regal Pest Control received a weighted score of 2.96 based on the CPM matrix, while Entech Philippines received a weighted score of 3.67 and TermaxPro Pest Control Services received a weighted score of 3.69. About the fact that TermaxPro Pest Control Services has the highest weighted average, some of its variables have varying ratings and weights.
To keep up in the future, Regal Pest Control should improve their competitive edge and make additional changes for variables that have poor ratings, allocating additional advertisements and investments, especially in advertising, reliable work, and customer loyalty.
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Key External Factors
Political factor is the extent wherein the government can intervene or influence the economy, thereby influencing the industry. This is evident during the global pandemic where they had the call which businesses would be open or not. There will be scenarios where the pest industry will be affected, especially with the rules and regulations imposed by the current and future administration. There will be possible problems in the political arrangements in place to deal with growing tensions throughout the transition of power in a post-election period, resulting in an election-related violence that may affect the industry (Alihodžić & Burcher, 2013).
This is how economic conditions may affect the supply and demand of the industry, therefore, affecting the company. These may also depend on the services which are deemed necessary nowadays. In line with the economy, the activities that are performed are somehow the ones that are in demand. Now that we are in the middle of the pandemic, the economy of the Philippines is deteriorating. In fact, in 2020, the Philippines experienced its highest unemployment and the most significant drop in GDP in history (Lim, 2020). All of the businesses, including the pest industry, were severely affected because of the economic drop in the Philippines. This shows how the economy can affect the business, especially if the world is dealing with a pandemic.
With the social factor, this is how the customer expectations and desires are reflected in changes in the socio-cultural business environment. According to Masovic (2018), culture and society are not actively involved in business activities; they do play an important role in influencing how well the company is handled, on which products are manufactured, and how and by what methods these will be marketed to the development of administrative and organizational practices. A company examines the socio-economic context of a given industry's market in order to fully understand how the consumer needs and wants are formed and what drives them to the store to make a purchase. This just shows how society has a significant impact on the company's products, especially that Regal Pest is a company that produces products. Adults often purchase the pest control industry's products, the reason why Regal Pest Control should examine and come up with strategies that could reach all ages, not just adults.
Technology has the potential to carry out the company's advantages and opportunities. It strengthened the market and industry by developing new products and services, establishing new markets, and increasing company efficiency. Most businesses or companies have a working technology to reach out to the consumers, deliver goods, and provide high-quality services. Consumers can shop for goods and services without leaving their homes. It is much easier to provide online reservations for pest industry products and services with the aid of technology, particularly now that we are in the midst of a pandemic.
Environmental aspects are elements of an organization's activities, products, or services that can interact with the environment (Ganguly, n.d). Environmental factors include climate change, availability of non-renewable goods, and eco-friendliness of the products that affect the company's operations or customer demand. It may also affect the consumers' health. For the Regal Pest Control, these may include the chemicals used to perform the job and affect the said company. Many chemical products are hazardous for the company and consumers. There should be strategies to minimize the effects and broaden the options to provide more environmentally-friendly products.
It comes with the requirements needed in a particular territory or laws to perform the business and may differ from one territory to another, which needs to be considered when businesses are opened. The pandemic has indeed compelled nations all over the world to impose unparalleled lockdowns, forcing companies to close for long periods and imposing restrictions in our daily lives to mitigate and possibly minimize the effect of the pandemic in the Philippines. This is the best example of how legal actions affect the business because everyone is required to follow government restrictions, especially if it is connected to the business.
The BCG Matrix is designed by Bruce D. Henderson of the Boston Consulting Group, a private management consulting firm specializing in strategic planning (Boston Consulting Group, n.d). This matrix serves as an aid for companies or organizations in analysing their business units or product lines which are also called divisions. The BCG Matrix graphically presents the differences among the product lines in terms of their relative market share position and industry growth rate, consequently allowing the organizations to manage their business portfolios in order to formulate suitable strategies for each division (David & David, 2017).
The relative market share is on the graph's x-axis, and the industry growth rate is on the y-axis of the graph. The matrix consists of four quadrants: The Question Marks or Quadrant I, Stars or Quadrant II, Cash Cows or Quadrant III, and Dogs or Quadrant IV. The units situated on the Question Marks Quadrant have a low relative market share, but they compete in a high-growth industry. The units on the Stars Quadrant have a high relative market share and a high industry growth rate which means they represent the companies' best opportunities for growth and profitability. The divisions on the Cash Cows Quadrant have a high relative market share but compete in a low growth industry. Lastly, the divisions on the Dogs Quadrants are weak because they have low relative market share and compete in a slow or no market growth industry (David & David, 2017).
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The Regal Pest Control Company divisions are listed in the table above and their revenues and profits. The first division is the Termite Control Services; the second division is the Pest and Termite Control Chemicals and Equipment; the third is the Non-Structural Account and the Structural Account. In the External Assessment, the market position and the net income of Regal Pest Control and its competitors were recorded. With that data, the relative market share was calculated by dividing the profit percentage by the competitor with the highest market share. According to Grand View Research, the industry growth of Pest Control Services is approximately 5%, while the industry growth of Pest Control Products is approximately 4%.
The figure below is the BCG Matrix of Regal Pest Control Company:
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Boston Consulting Group Matrix Analysis
Based on the figure above, Division 1 or the Termite Control Services are situated in the stars quadrant because it has the coordinates of (0.85,5). This means that the company may adopt strategies such as forward, backward, or horizontal integration, market penetration, market development, and product development. Next, the second division is the Pest Control Products; though the industry growth rate is not as high as the industry growth rate of pest control services, it is still located at the stars quadrant with division 1. The same set of strategies can be adopted for this division. There are no divisions on the dog's quadrant, which is suitable for the company. Lastly, divisions 3 and 4 or the non-structural account and structural account are both on the question marks quadrant because they have the same relative market share and industry growth rate. Strategies for the divisions in this quadrant would be market penetration, market development, product development, or divestiture.
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Behind The Album: Appetite For Destruction
In July 1987, Guns N’ Roses released their debut album, Appetite For Destruction. The album would go on to become the biggest selling debut record in music history. Furthermore, it would be the 11th highest selling album of all time in the United States. The strange thing was that the record did not actually achieve this immediate success after its release. Its popularity was a very gradual growth that needed the help of singles, a tour, and music videos including their only number one hit “Sweet Child O’ Mine.” The record company, Geffen, did not do much in the way of promotion for the band, Critics at the time did not think very much of the album at first, but now they all agree that Appetite For Destruction now represents a classic album that changed music.
The recording sessions began in January 1987 as the band had signed with Geffen Records six months prior. They could have signed with Chrysalis Records for twice the money, but they would not give them complete artistic freedom. For their part, Geffen Records did not have very much faith in the album anyway pushing the band to release the EP Live ?!*@ Like A Suicide the previous December. The executives did not feel that GNR had enough material to make a full album, but they did not want to miss out on the buzz that was building about their live shows. Most of the tracks for the album had been written while playing their club shows primarily in LA from 1985-1986. As stated previously, they produced a wealth of material that actually went on their other albums, G N’ R Lies and Use Your Illusion I and II. For example, “November Rain” was seriously considered for this album, but they only wanted one ballad on there, which became “Sweet Child O’ Mine,” a love letter to Axl’s girlfriend Erin Everly. The band considered several producers to record the album including Paul Stanley of Kiss and Mutt Lang, who had produced Def Leppard. The rejection of Lang really came down to the producer being too expensive. The first producer they worked with, Spencer Proffer, actually recorded nine tracks with the band, but he was ultimately rejected. They finally chose Mike Clink, who had produced several records by the band,Triumph. The album would be mostly recorded at Rumbo Studios in the San Fernando Valley. One of the reasons for this decision represented the fact that the location was away from Los Angeles, which meant the band members could focus a lot more on the music. The distractions of sex and drugs were problematic from the very beginning. The record company from the time they were signed began to fear that the band would not be around long enough to record any album because one of them was probably going to die very soon. Recording was slow at first because Slash needed to work on perfecting the guitar sound for the album. Once he got that down, the album still took quite a bit of time because Axl Rose demanded that his vocals only be recorded one line at a time. Steven Adler would later say that his drum tracks only took six days. As Axl gradually recorded his vocals, the rest of the band stayed completely away from the studio to let him work. A good number of the tracks for the album had actually been written when band members were in other groups. “Rocket Queen” had been a song written by Duff McKagan, Slash, and Stephen Adler when they had the group, The Road Crew. The song “Anything Goes” had been a Hollywood Rose tune. The lyrics reflected personal experiences of the band members. The song, “Welcome to the Jungle” came from Axl hitchhiking to New York. A homeless stranger came up to him upon arrival and said, “Welcome to the jungle you’re gonna die, man.” The song, “Out To Get Me” had been based on Rose’s troubles with the police that essentially forced him to leave Lafayette, Indiana to avoid prosecution. The song, “Mr. Brownstone was a direct reference to their seemingly full-time pastime of doing heroin. The song” “Paradise City” was written just after a disastrous trip to Seattle for one of their first tours. They had been left stranded on the way there needing to ditch much of their equipment just to make the tour. Paradise City emerged as a reference to Los Angeles upon their return.
GNR needed to battle the record company over the original cover art for the album. They had wanted an image of a robotic rapist being punished by a metal avenger, but record stores said they would not sell the album. Band members would later say that the robotic rapist was a symbol for the industrial system polluting our environment. Sometimes when it comes to Guns N’ Roses, you simply could not make this stuff up. A compromise was finally reached to allow the image to be included on the insert. The cover of the album, which is now iconic actually originated from a tattoo Rose had gotten the year before. Along with his tattoo artist, the singer would receive most of the credit for that logo. A little known fact emerges in that the knot symbol in the cross on the logo was actually a reference to Thin Lizzy. Another creative difference that most people may not realize was that the record did not have an A and B side, but a G and R side. The G side represented songs that took on darker themes like drugs and violence, while the R side were the ones about love, sex, and relationships. Originally, Axl had wanted to have a picture of the Challenger space shuttle exploding as the cover of the album, but the record company refused because it would have been in extremely poor taste.
At first, nobody noticed that the album had even been released. For example, in August 1987 Appetite For Destruction was number 182 on the charts, but exactly one year later the album was number one. Author Stephen Davis said that competition from other groups like Aerosmith and Def Leppard at the time hindered the group's ability to effectively promote the album. Slash would recall, "We thought we'd made a record that might do as well as, say, Motörhead, it was totally uncommercial. It took a year for it to even get on the charts. No one wanted to know about it." Another thing that must be noted that absolutely helped the success of Appetite For Destruction was the music video for “Welcome To The Jungle.” MTV had refused to play the video until David Geffen from the record company requested that the channel play it. The video aired for the first time at 4 AM on a Sunday, but some people saw it that lead to a tremendous number of requests for the video. Surprisingly looking back now, but critics absolutely hated the album at first. Dave Ling of Metal Hammer said the band simply copied other groups like Aerosmith, Hanoi Rocks, and AC/DC, and not very well at that. Other critics believed that the band’s popularity could be wholly attributed to their embrace of sex and drugs in their lyrics. They felt the group was glorifying it at a time when America was suffering from the AIDS epidemic and the war on drugs. Now in retrospect, critics undoubtedly keep lavishing praise upon the album being a turning point as rock and roll turned away from hair metal and glam metal to hard rock. Many agree that it represented the best metal record of the late 1980’s, if not the entire decade. Ann Powers of Rolling Stone would write, it “produced a unique mix of different rock values, speed and musicianship, flash and dirt,” that "changed hard rock's sensibilities at the time." Christa Titus of Billboard also noted that overall Appetite For Destruction embraced multiple other sub genres besides what would become hard rock. The album had, “metal's forceful playing, punk rock's rebellious themes, glam metal's aesthetic, and bluesy guitar riffs that appealed to purists." As other critics brought up that the record was more in line with The Rolling Stones and Aerosmith in the 1970’s, rather than any current band. In 1999, Axl Rose with all new members of Guns N’ Roses re-recorded the entire album. His reasoning had been to utilize new recording technology to improve upon the master. This new version was never released to the public, except for the second half of the song, Sweet Child O’ Mine which can be heard in the credits for the film, Big Daddy. In 2018, the band released a deluxe version of the album including early demos recorded at Sound City, Live ?!*@ Like a Suicide remastered, and early versions of the tracks that would eventually land in some form on Use Your Illusion I and II.
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kevinharvickcbdoil · 4 years
Kevin Harvick CBD OiL : Does Kevin Harvick CBD OiL Really Work or Scam?
Do you struggle in overcoming your stress or if you feel that depression from which you suffer is incurable and has no end? Then no you should not continue with this thinking anymore now as here you will know about a solution which is quite effective in dealing with your various mental ailments such as depression, stress, sleeping disorders, nervousness and so on. The solution is known as Kevin Harvick CBD OiL which is quite effective to cure and handle your numerous mental and physical health issues. Kevin Harvick CBD OiL is a natural remedy which has the power to make your mind calm and relaxed and it treats your mental and physical health issues perfectly. As it is made up of various natural ingredients, it will cause you no side-effects at all. You can start using this supplement after you have taken your doctor’s advice. People who suffer from various health issues usually prefer to use this product as it is made up of various natural ingredients and its scientific study says that it has no side-effects when people qualify the consumption eligibility.
How The Preparation Of Kevin Harvick CBD OiL Is Done - The Ingredients?
Kevin Harvick CBD OiL is made with years of efforts which make sure that you get a lot of health benefits while you just use this product to cure your any particular health issue. And as we have discussed earlier, the product is made of so many natural ingredients it also takes care of the fact that no side-effects or bad impact should be drawn on the consumer’s body even when he or she is eligible to use the product. Each and every ingredient used in the product makes sure that you quickly get rid of all your health issues you are suffering. And if you make a habit of using this effective solution named Kevin Harvick CBD OiL daily  or on a regular basis then, there is a high chance you get health improvements soon. But make sure you have known the eligibility of using this Kevin Harvick CBD OiL and you fulfill those eligibility as well.
Hemp CBD Extract – lessen the pain you feel in any part of your body and it also make sure that you get pain-free body as soon as possible
Terpenes – people who do not like the taste and smell of hemp oil then this ingredients called Terpenes is used in the making of this Kevin Harvick CBD OiL to make sure that you feel good and sweet taste and smell. This ingredient makes Kevin Harvick CBD OiL a sweet-like fragrance.
Natural Virgin Olive Oil  - provides calmness, relief, healing to your mind
How The Daily Consumption Of Kevin Harvick CBD OiL Is Effective - The Benefits:-
People who are suffering from depression like disease can use this product as it does not heal your mental pain but it is also beneficial for maintaining and preventing other body issues as well. The product is found rich in CBD hemp oil which is lucrative for healing long-term mental illness and regulates and maintains overall activity of the body. And if you suffer from sleepless nights because there is something going on in your mind which is imbalance and disturbed then, using this product daily can lead you to never-ending health benefits. But make sure you are advised and suggested using this product to heal your body issues.
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If you want to see the effectiveness of this product and want to have the health benefits it offers then, you can visit the official website of this Kevin Harvick CBD OiL. And once you live on the website then you would see a lot of cheap and moderate price offers which you can choose as per the requirements and budget you have. You must be thinking that why we are telling you that you need to visit the official website, we are saying this so that you can be aware and alert about the fraud offers and fake and duplicate products. But make sure you read or know needed details of this product before buying and purchasing it. And what you need to know before buying this product can be:- Do you really meet the eligibility of using this product, are you aware of the health benefits it offers, Do you know how to use this product and all.
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Kevin Harvick CBD OiL is 100% safe to use as it is free from various harmful and bad mixtures and without causing you any side-effects, it provides your body a kind of healing which is made to keep the body fit and healthy. As long as you continue to take these drops of CBD Oil, your body will be fit and toned so that you can workout in the gym perfectly and you get more benefits of health.
How Long Does It Take To See Improvements?
If you have just started using this product then you need to have some patience as it will take around some weeks and months in displaying some positive consequences. Kevin Harvick CBD OiL is prepared with uniqueness of the natural ingredients that works best to provide relief and improve your mental disturbances.
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Melina - Kevin Harvick CBD OiL is a wonderful and effective formula which is quite unique and perfect to offer a disease-free body. I know that time when I was going through very severe mental disease which disturbed me completely. I used to suffer a lot of pain in my head and I used various prescribed medicines but I gained no positive consequence from that. But I started using this formula then it gave me a feeling of relief in my head pain. And since then I can sleep peacefully without any pain and disturbances.
Jonnie:- I am the person who usually used to think that I would never recover from my joint pain illness but when I knew about this product called Kevin Harvick CBD OiL and when I used it. I received some kind of assurance which made me realize that I can also be fit and fine and can walk and sit easily. It helped to ease my joint pain and stress which I suffered because of my joints problems.
The Last Words On Kevin Harvick CBD OiL
Kevin Harvick CBD OiL is such an amazing product which is all dedicated to delivering a lot of health benefits when it works wonderfully for mental and physical illness. The presence of natural ingredients in the product make sure that you get maximum health benefits everyday when you use it consistently as per the recommendation of the producer, organization, and the doctor. The makers and producers of this product focus on the thing that the product should be effective and good enough so that it would be easily be able to counter and deal with various diseases due to any reason.
Description :-
Kevin Harvick CBD OiL is 100% safe to use and it has ingredients which have capability to overcome various health issues.
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hypevity · 4 years
9 Best Inflatable Kayaks 2021: Complete Reviews and Buying Guide
Hoping to get into kayaking but don’t drive a big truck? An inflatable kayak is just what you need—many pack-up around the size of a hiking backpack and will fit in the trunk of even itsy, bitsy cars.
If you’re not careful, though, you’ll trade durability and usability for portability. Here at Hypevity, we don’t think that’s a fair trade.
That’s why we’ve put together this round-up of the best inflatable kayaks on the market in 2021, along with an in-depth buying guide to help make sure you get a kayak capable of surviving whatever you want to do out on the water. We’ll explore everything from choosing the right kayak size for your needs to set up. Let’s dive in.
Best Overall: Advanced Elements AdvancedFrame AE1012-R
The best all-around kayak with triple-layer construction and excellent tracking.
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What we like
Reasonable price tag
Suitability for rapids up to class II
Optimal speed and stability
Comfortable rowing position
Exceptional build quality
What we don’t like
No hull drainage port
Relatively long dry time
You’ll need an inflation adaptor
The Advanced Elements AdvancedFrame AE1012 is the ultimate inflatable kayak. Ready to keep you paddling, this 10.5-foot, one-person model features durable triple-layer construction and built-in aluminum ribs in both the bow and stern to improve tracking. If you’re looking for excellent performance at a relatively low price tag, this is the one—it was an easy choice for our top pick.
Advanced Elements went above and beyond with this kayak’s construction to make absolutely sure it would resist punctures, tears, and leaks. It features three-layers of sandwiched double-coated RipStop, heavy-duty 30-gauge PVC, and high density, 1,000 Denier Polyester.
The hard-edge bow and stern boast reinforced welded seams prevent damage from bumps and thumps, while a multi-chamber design ensures that in the improbable event your kayak springs a leak, you won’t sink.
Size and Capacity
With a length of 10′ 5″ and a width of 32″, the AdvancedFrame AE1012 is far from tiny and is suitable for Class A (lake water) to Class I and II rapids.
It has a maximum capacity of 300 pounds yet weighs just 36. Despite its relatively large size, it deflates and folds into a small enough package to fit in a duffle bag for easy portability.
Seating and Onboard Storage
Its cushioned high-back seat can be adjusted backward and forward—your back will thank you for the better rowing positions. On the kayak bow, bungee deck lacing and rigging provide a secure place to store your gear. The empty space behind the seat is perfect for your fish finder, food, and emergency equipment.
Setup and Dry Time
The AdvancedFrame AE1012 has seven air chambers, and you’ll need a special adaptor to inflate five of them. Thanks to the unfortunate lack of a drainage port to remove water from the hull, this kayak also needs ample dry time on its own, but no worries, drying it using an absorbent microfiber cloth speeds things up considerably.
In terms of tracking, the AdvancedFrame AE1012 doesn’t disappoint. With the stern, fixed skeg on the underside of the bow and aluminum ribs, you’ll need minimal heading adjustments. These features also make this a super-fast kayak. They convert thrust into forward motion with no vector changes.
Runner-Up Best Overall: Intex Excursion Pro
A tandem kayak for fishing and optimal mobility in shallow and deep waters.
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What we like
Lightweight, durable construction
Two fishing rod holders
Deep and shallow water maneuverability
Ultra-easy setup
Comfortable seating
What we don’t like
Paddles are trash
Relatively weight capacity
The Intex Excursion Pro is a lightweight and comfortable kayak with plenty of storage space and removable skews that provide increased versatility. Consider all the above along with a very fair price tag, and this kayak barely missed the top spot for us. The AdvancedFrame AE1012 is slightly lighter and has a safer design with four additional air chambers.
Thanks to its 30-gauge vinyl and polyester-core-lamination reinforcement, this kayak is sure to stand the test of time, and whatever nature can dish out. Its triple-ply high-molecular PVC exterior is resistant to heat, sunlight, abrasion, gasoline, and even reactive oils—it’s near indestructible as far as inflatable kayaks go. I-beam supports in the base provide stability and a strong foundation that can take a hit and keep on floating.
Size and Capacity
The Intex Excursion Pro is 151″ x 13″ x 18″ and has a weight-bearing capacity of 400 pounds—plenty for two people and all your gear. That’s 100 pounds more than our top pick’s capability, but because the Excursion Pro is a tandem, technically, the maximum weight per person is lower.
Seating and Onboard Storage
Because the two seats are inflatable with an ergonomic backrest and adjustable footrests, this kayak is ultra-comfy for long distances. In addition to large seating areas, it has ample storage space in the bow and stern – complete with stainless steel D-rings to tie down your gear. It also features two integrated fishing rod holders, allowing you to catch lunch hands-free.
Setup and Dry Time
The Excursion Pro is one of the easiest tandem kayaks to set up as it only has three air chambers. With the simplistic spring-loaded high-pressure valves, high-output pump, and pressure gauge, it inflates to the correct pressure within minutes. It also deflates quickly and has a relatively short dry time.
Underneath the Excursion Pro are removable two-directional skegs – one for deep water and one for shallow water. They allow for flawless directional mobility regardless of water depth, making this model a fantastic choice for fishing, shore exploration, and touring.
It comes with two aluminum paddles, but the quality of those paddles doesn’t meet the same standards as the craft. We recommend replacing them.
Best Tandem: Sea Eagle 370 Pro
Three-person weight capacity with a class III white water capability.
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What we like
Three-person capacity
Quick setup time
Convenient onboard storage
Comfortable seating
What we don’t like
Stability could be improved
Not very fast
The Sea Eagle SE370 is highly versatile, with features for optimal maneuverability in various settings. Sea Eagle aimed to provide an all-in-one package with everything you need to take a friend out on the water, and they succeeded. You’ll get two adjustable, cushy deluxe seats, two paddles, a foot pump, a pressure gauge, a repair kit, and a carrying bag, along with a very cool kayak, of course.
Constructed of a military-grade 38 PolyKrylar material that is highly resistant to UV rays, abrasion, and saline water, coupled with a high-frequency, welded-flat bottom, the Sea Eagle SE370 offers impressive durability—arguably better than any other inflatable kayak in this review. It can handle up to class III whitewater conditions.
The material is also highly flexible and lightweight—no need to trade portability for durability. It weighs just 32 pounds.
Size and Capacity
The Sea Eagle SE370 is 2′ 6″ x 2′ 10″, a relatively large footprint, even for a tandem, but with a weight capacity of 650 pounds, it can comfortably accommodate two people with all their gear. If you don’t have a lot of equipment, you could even invite a third person or let a doggo tag along.
Seating and Onboard Storage
Even though the Sea Eagle comes with two seats, it has more than enough space to accommodate three people. We do wish they’d included that third seat, but additional seats can be purchased separately to fit this model.
The bow and stern feature cargo spaces to store all your camping and fishing gear, while a PolyKrylar covering makes sure nothing ends up soggy.
Set Up Dry and Time
The Sea Eagle SE370 package comes complete with a foot pump for the quick-and-easy inflation of the three air chambers via five deluxe one-way valves. It can be assembled in less than ten minutes! Disassembly and dry time only take roughly double that at around 20 minutes.
The Sea Eagle SE370 offers exceptional directional maneuverability and tracking, with two skegs that anchor the stern against force influences from the side—ensuring your kayak stays straight on course.
Best for Family: Aquaglide Chelan HB Tandem
Spacious 15.5-foot kayak with additional space for all your gear.
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What we like
Easy setup
High maneuverability
Seating for two adults and a child
Draining holes
Fully adjustable seating
What we don’t like
The pump must be purchased separately
Backpack isn’t very high quality
According to the Headwaters Kayak YouTube channel, the Aquaglide Chelan HB Tandem XL feels more like a hard-shell kayak than an inflatable. It has enough space for two adults and a child, but the seats are also removable and adjustable if you decide to strike out on your own.
The Aquaglide Chelan HB Tandem XL features Duratex
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Construction with HardBottom
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technology providing stability and rigidity for superior paddling performance. The HB
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floor is made of drop-stitch material that can withstand an inflated pressure of up to 12 pounds per square inch for optimal support.
Size and Capacity
This kayak has a weight capacity of 600 pounds and seats three people. With a length of 15.5 feet, it can handle waves, Class III rapids, and deep water. Despite its high weight capacity, it only weighs around 35 pounds.
Seating and Onboard Storage
With its comfortable seating, the Aquaglide Chelan HB Tandem XL is one of the best options for long-distance family touring. Each PRO-formance seat features an adjustable air cushion, mesh pockets for storage, and a high backrest. The seats also come with two built-in rod holders and an infinite adjustment system to keep your rowing or fishing experience comfortable.
Onboard cargo features include accessory straps on the bow and stern for accessible and dry gear storage. Uncommon? No, but convenient nonetheless.
Setup and Dry Time
Because of the kayak’s stiff flooring, it requires a high-pressure pump, and it doesn’t come with one. Even so, with the correct pump, you should be able to inflate the entire kayak to the correct pressure in just a few minutes.
The drain holes inside the cockpit allow for faster pack-ups. In direct sunlight, drying time is around ten minutes.
The Aquaglide Chelan HB Tandem XL has a long-waterline, lightweight, and retractable skeg for efficient paddling and tracking. With its fine-piercing bow, this kayak is also among the fastest in the recreational category.
Best for Whitewater: Aire Tributary Tomcat Solo
A lightweight, versatile, and stable inflatable single-paddler kayak.
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What we like
Durable construction
Optimal stability for whitewater
Quick and easy to inflate and deflate
Includes a one-year warranty
What we don’t like
Flips easily in cross currents
Has limited onboard storage
The Aire Tributary Tomcat Solo has a durable construction, self-bailing floor, and a three-chamber design for stability, making it the perfect option for whitewater kayaking.
If you are shopping for a whitewater kayak, durability should be your first consideration. The Aire Tributary Tomcat Solo has a PVC outer shell with welded seams to protect the three rugged vinyl AIREcell inner bladders from tears and abrasion. You can count on this kayak to stay afloat no matter how rough the water gets.
Size and Capacity
For a single-paddler kayak, the Aire Tributary Tomcat Solo also has a decent weight capacity of 325 pounds, which is sufficient for most adults along with ample gear. This kayak has a length of 10′ 3″ and a width of 36″, making it easy to turn and navigate passageways or inlets, even at high speed.
Seating and Onboard Storage
The Aire Tributary Tomcat Solo features one inflatable thwart seat that attaches anywhere in the boat. It offers back support to allow you to comfortably navigate whitewater for hours on end without wishing you hadn’t the next day.
On the downside, this kayak lacks onboard compartments for dry gear storage, but it does have D-rings and twelve pairs of cargo loops to attach thigh straps, dry bags, or other accessories.
Setup and Dry Time
The Aire Tributary Tomcat Solo has Summit II valves for quick-and-easy inflation and deflation. It has three air chambers, one on each side and one in the floor. Inflating all three chambers takes a few minutes.
Because this kayak is a self-bailer, removing water in the cockpit is a breeze. Expect the drying time in direct sunlight to be around ten to fifteen minutes.
The large inner bladders provide optimal stability, allowing the kayak to take on whitewater rapids with ease. It is also highly maneuverable in calm water, but it requires more paddling than touring kayaks. Be careful in crosscurrents, as they can cause the kayak to flip.
Best for Fishing: Sevylor Coleman Colorado
Has all the features you need for a memorable fishing experience.
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What we like
High-end fishing features
Suitability for all river and lake fishing
Plenty of storage solutions
Reasonable price tag
Fast inflation and deflation
What we don’t like
Rod holders get in the way when paddling
Long drying time
The Sevylor Coleman Colorado 2-Person Fishing Kayak is customizable with a design to withstand all water conditions. With Sevylor trolling motor fittings, paddle holders, and adjustable Berkley Quick Set rod holders, this inflatable kayak offers the ultimate hands-free fishing experience.
It has an 18-gauge PVC-pipe frame with a 1,000 D tarpaulin bottom and an 840 nylon to provide the kayak with sure-fire protection against scrapes and punctures. Its patented airtight system prevents leaks, too.
Size and Capacity
The Coleman Colorado is National Marine Manufacturer’s Association (NMMA) certified with a total weight capacity of up to 470 pounds, sufficient for two people and fishing gear. With dimensions of 10′ 9″ x 3′ 3″, this kayak has a streamlined profile for effortless gliding through the water as well as sufficient onboard space.
Seating and Onboard Storage
It has two fully adjustable seats that offer back support and plenty of legroom, perfect for preventing cramps even on long trips. Onboard storage solutions include pockets for tool and equipment storage and mesh storage areas for food, phones, fish finders, and anything else you want to bring along.
Setup and Dry Time
With its double-threaded Boston valve, the Colorado inflates and deflates in as little as ten minutes, but it has a relatively long drying time. When you get home, unroll it and leave it in the sun for an hour or two.
The tracking fin keeps the kayak on course in all conditions, and it remains stable, even in strong currents–just what you’d expect from a quality kayak. The kayak’s dimensions and tracking abilities make it an excellent option for trolling and stalking fish.
Best for Long Distance: Sea Eagle 380x Pro
Plenty of storage space and comfortable seating for overnight trips.
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What we like
Suitability for all water types
Ample onboard storage
Large fin for tracking
Separate drop-stitch floor
What we don’t like
Kayak requires a Bravo 9 pump
Sea salt can damage seating clips
The Sea Eagle Inflatable 380X Explorer can withstand up to class IV whitewater conditions and offers a wide range of features to meet your kayak touring requirements. It’s relatively high weight capacity and spacious design make it the perfect choice for long-distance trips.
The Sea Eagle Inflatable 380X Explorer works well in all water conditions, including rivers, lakes, ocean surf. This kayak’s versatility results from a durable construction consisting of a modular, high-pressure, drop-stitch floor and a double hull that protects the kayak from damage.
Size and Capacity
The 12′ 6″ x 39″ Sea Eagle Inflatable 380X Explorer can accommodate one, two, or three paddlers. It has a maximum weight capacity of 750 pounds, which is plenty—especially for sole paddlers who want to carry emergency equipment, fishing gear, food, and water on long trips.
Seating and Onboard Storage
The Sea Eagle Inflatable 380X Explorer has two adjustable and inflatable seats offering proper back support for a stable paddling position. Their ergonomic design allows you to paddle continuously for hours without fatigue, discomfort, or lower back pain.
The roomy stern and bow pouches are the ideal onboard storage solutions for long-distance paddling.
Setup and Dry Time
This kayak inflates to a pressure of 3.2 psi within ten minutes through the three-recessed valves. Deflating takes around twenty minutes, and you need an additional twenty minutes to let the kayak dry. It folds into a small and manageable size that easily fits into even the tiniest car trunks.
The Sea Eagle Inflatable 380X Explorer features a large 9½-inch skeg, allowing for exceptional tracking on flat water. If you are heading out on choppy water, just remove the skeg to improve directional maneuverability.
Best Value for Money: Driftsun Voyager 2 Person Tandem
A compact tandem kayak that is easy to set up and use – even in harsh conditions.
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What we like
Excellent value for money
Durable construction
Ease of setup and inflation
Comfortable seating for two paddlers
Convenient storage
What we don’t like
Kayak is compact
Tracking needs improvement
The seat harness clamp is of low quality
The Driftsun Voyager inflatable kayak is a highly popular tandem option that offers a wide range of features at a reasonable price. It’s durable design, superb performance, and all-in-one sales package provide excellent value.
It has a heavy-duty construction with a rocker profile for added rigidity. The bottom is heavy-duty polyvinyl chloride, which makes it leak-proof and resistant to abrasion. Because of this durable construction, the Voyager can handle Class IV rapids with ease.
Size and Capacity
The Driftsun Voyager’s inflated dimensions are 10′ x 35″. Despite being somewhat compact, it has a maximum weight capacity of 450 pounds, which is usually sufficient for two paddlers who want to take on whitewater or go on a fishing trip. This kayak is also one of the lightest in this review at 27 pounds—a major plus if you plan to hike your way to the water.
Seating and Onboard Storage
With your Driftsun Voyager, you receive two removable seats with EVA padding and back support. They even recline!
For safe and dry onboard storage, the Voyager has sizeable bungee compartments at the bow and stern. These compartments are ideal for storing personal items, fishing gear, or emergency equipment.
Setup and Dry Time
Your Driftsun Voyager kayak package will include a double-action hand pump capable of inflating your kayak within ten to fifteen minutes. Deflating the kayak through the double-threaded Boston valves is also a quick process. By opening the self-bailing drain plugs, dry time can be cut to about fifteen minutes.
The Driftsun Voyager’s profile and size allow for responsive paddling, and the removable rear fin translates the paddling efforts into a forward motion to conserve energy. The kayak’s low weight also enhances its performance, especially on flat water.
Best Budget: Intex Challenger K1 & K2
A durable, fun little kayak for sole paddlers at a reasonable price.
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What we like
Reasonable price
Ideal kayak or beginners
Quality construction
Removable skeg for tracking
What we don’t like
Not suitable for rapids
Limited onboard storage
May be too small for some adults
The Intex Challenger K1 kayak is a one-person recreational craft ideal for children and suitable for slow-moving flat water. It comes in at a low price and sports an eye-catching green and blue graphic design—but it has much more than looks and affordability to offer.
It features heavy-duty puncture-resistant vinyl construction with an inflatable I-beam floor. Unlike higher-end kayaks for adults, the K1 doesn’t have additional hull protection, and the bottom is susceptible to punctures in shallow water, but in deeper lakes and slow-moving rivers, it performs well.
Size and Capacity
The Intex Challenger K1’s is 9′ x 2′ 6″ fully inflated, with a maximum weight capacity of 220 pounds. While this capacity is sufficient to accommodate most adults, the kayak is better for kids who want to get their feet wet.
Seating and Onboard Storage
It has just one adjustable, removable inflatable seat with an I-beam design that offers back support for optimal comfort. It has sufficient legroom, but the closed deck somewhat restricts movement.
On top of the closed deck at the bow is a cargo net for onboard storage, along with space inside the deck to store one or two personal items.
Setup and Dry Time
Setup is one aspect in which the K1 outshines other kayaks in this review guide. With your Intex K1, you’ll receive a powerful pump with a hose attachment that will inflate the craft within three minutes, and it deflates just as fast.
Its drying time comes in at around fifteen minutes, but that can be reduced using an absorbent microfiber cloth.
The removable skeg does an excellent job of keeping the kayak on track. While you paddle, the kayak maintains a straight line—no left to right swerving as many other kayaks do. Thanks to its light weight, it is quite agile and easy to maneuver.
Final Verdict
The best kayak for your needs will depend on your “adventure settings,” among other things. If you enjoy kayaking with someone else, consider a tandem with two seats instead of two single-seat crafts. If you usually paddle on rapids or ocean surf, be sure to choose a kayak suitable for Class III or IV rapids.
Overall, the Advanced Elements AdvancedFrame AE1012 is our top pick. It’s highly versatile, durable, has tons of onboard storage, and offers impressive performance. If you prefer a kayak that can seat two or more people, consider the Intex Excursion Pro or the Aquaglide Chelan HB Tandem XL.
How We Picked and Tested
We considered quite a bit in our inflatable kayak reviews, including the kayak features, functionality, and feedback from real kayakers who put them to the test.
Features, in particular, are a significant consideration, as they determine what you’ll be able to do with your new kayak. For example, the best inflatable fishing boat needs generous onboard storage compartments for fishing gear and rod holders. It should also provide ample stability and cut through the water smoothly.
Practicality is another factor to consider. When it comes to inflatable kayaks, practicality is especially essential. You don’t want to spend an hour inflating a 15-foot kayak or struggling to transport a deflated craft.
We selected kayaks with unique characteristics to make the buying process easier for you. While all the kayaks on our list are inflatable, they have different applications, such as long-distance or whitewater paddling.
If you aren’t seriously committed just yet, you don’t want to spend an arm and a leg on a kayak, but you do want decent quality and longevity. Our picks for the best value for money and budget are perfect in that regard. These kayaks have fewer features than the other entries in this list, but they offer exceptional quality and durability.
We rely heavily on actual user feedback in our inflatable kayak reviews and don’t offer any form of compensation to our testers to ensure unbiased, accurate information. When you choose one of our picks, you have peace of mind that the craft won’t let you down when you take it out on the water.
The Ultimate Inflatable-Kayak Buying Guide
Should you opt for a single or tandem kayak? What weight capacity do you need? Are inflatable kayaks really better than hard-shell options? Get ready to explore all the above and much more in our buying guide. We want to make absolutely sure that you buy the perfect inflatable kayak.
Single or Tandem
A tandem kayak allows you and a friend to work together as a team while you are out on the water. Family kayaks are particularly great for family bonding, especially during fishing trips.
On the other hand, single kayaks are more manageable to control, and they allow you the freedom to paddle where you want. You can also be particular about the features you want without consulting with your partner with a single kayak.
Materials and Durability
One of the drawbacks of inflatable kayaks is they are more susceptible to punctures and other types of damage than hard-shell kayaks. It’s a good idea to stick to materials such as PVC, PolyKrylar, and polyvinyl chloride.
A double hull, drop-stitch materials, and welded seams also offer protection against abrasion from rocks, which is critical if you like kayaking in shallow water.
Weight Capacity
The weight capacity of inflatable kayaks ranges from 300 to 700 pounds. Tandem and fishing kayaks typically have a weight capacity at the higher end of this range since these crafts need to carry more people or gear. To determine if the kayak you consider has a sufficient weight capacity, weigh yourself and your gear.
No one wants to spend all day on the water in an uncomfortable seat. Your kayak’s seating should have comfortable EVA or foam padding with proper back support, especially if you do a lot of long-distance kayaking.
Don’t forget to look for adjustable options! Some kayak designs allow you to attach the seat anywhere on the boat and in any position.
Onboard Storage
Whether you need onboard storage depends on how you plan to use your kayak. Touring and fishing kayaks should have onboard storage compartments and clips for fishing gear, spare clothing, emergency equipment, and other goodies. On the other hand, onboard storage is not a huge concern with whitewater or recreational kayaks.
Consider your onboard storage needs carefully before making a purchase.  
Inflating Method
Before taking your kayak out on the water, you’ll need to inflate it to the correct pressure level. Most high-end inflatable kayaks require a high air pressure to ensure optimal rigidity, and they have valves compatible with hand, foot, or electric pumps.
Make sure to check if your kayak comes with a pump. If not, make sure compatible pumps aren’t hard to find.
As you move along downstream, water will inevitably end up in your cockpit. Removing that water can be a hassle, especially if you are paddling in whitewater.
Many kayaks have self-bailing drains to solve this problem. Not all kayaks have them, so if you want to take on rapids, double-check that the kayak you’re considering does.
Where Do You Want to Paddle?
Where you plan to paddle is definitely something to keep in mind. The size, profile, and construction of a kayak are all key factors. Compact inflatable kayaks are generally only suitable for use on flat waters, while longer kayaks with reinforced structures can take on the rough stuff.
Inflatable whitewater kayaks are specially designed to run whitewater rapids. These kayaks feature strong fabrics and can repeatedly crash into rocks and trees without sustaining damage. Whitewater kayaks also have raised bows to glide over waves without capsizing, and they don’t have a steg to make turning easier. If you want to buy a whitewater kayak, look for a raft that can run Class III or IV rapids.
Ocean Surf
A seaworthy kayak is long and fat with self-bailing drains, solid construction, and a large steg for optimal tracking. Your kayak should also be easy to grab, just in case a wave throws you off your kayak. Grab handles or lacing cords are critical features of kayaks for ocean paddling.
Lakes and Rivers
Most kayaks are fine for paddling on slow-moving lakes and rivers. These water bodies are ideal for touring kayaks, so if you want to explore an island or take a long-distance trip, make sure that your kayak has sufficient onboard storage. A fin or steg will also ensure a forward motion on flat water with minimal vector changes.
The Fishing Kayak
Inflatable kayaks for fishing are easy to control, and they come with various features unique to fishing. The average fishing kayak features include rod holders, storage compartments for your gear, and adjustable seats. Some kayaks also have mounting brackets for your fish finder, GPS, phone, or other devices you may need while on the water.
Advantages of an Inflatable Kayak
When shopping for kayaks, you have many options, including both inflatable and hard-shell options. Many people naturally prefer hard kayaks because of their sturdiness, but inflatable kayaks offer several advantages over hard ones—consider them carefully before making a decision.
A deflated inflatable kayak is much smaller than a hard-shell kayak and is more portable. A deflated, folded kayak will fit in your trunk no problem, no matter what kind of car you drive. If you have a hard-shell kayak, you’ll need a pickup truck or a good-sized roof rack to transport it.
Inflatable kayaks aren’t just smaller either—they’re also lighter weight. That lighter weight makes the kayak more manageable to control in the water, making it more portable. You also won’t need any help getting your kayak in or out of the water.
Easy Storage
A hard-shell kayak takes up a lot of valuable space in your garage or basement, but most inflatable kayaks can fit in a duffle bag after you deflate and fold them. An inflatable kayak is easy to store anywhere in your home.
Inflatable Kayaking is for Everyone
Inflatable kayaks are easy to store and transport and capable of handling any adventure scenario. There’s no need to make massive purchases to start kayaking. You won’t have to buy a larger car or move out of your apartment into a larger home for added storage space.
The features and benefits of your inflatable kayak determine how much you can expect to pay. If you have a limited budget, we recommend going with a high-quality kayak with fewer features than a cheap option with rod holders, adjustable seats, and bow storage.
Buy Your Inflatable Kayak Today
That’s all, folks. Hopefully, you found everything you needed to know to find the perfect craft in our inflatable kayaking buyers guide. Just keep your intended use in mind, check out the quality options we rounded up for you, and we’re sure you’ll do just fine. Enjoy paddling.
source https://hypevity.com/reviews/best-inflatable-kayaks/
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ambroseseabrook · 4 years
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labyrinthinesun · 6 years
Interviewing My New Deck
I recently picked up The Hermetic Tarot and today I felt like I was in the space to interview it after spending some time with it and cleansing it, etc.  Oh boy. This deck has personality.  Who are you? First, the intro card pops out as I’d forgotten to remove it before shuffling, the one that says “The Hermetic Tarot” so I can tell it has a sense of humor. Next, we get King of Pentacles. This deck is successful, confident, and practical.  What’s your specialty? What do you like to discuss? King of Wands.  This deck likes to talk about self-improvement, becoming more powerful, taking steps and winning. This makes sense, if this is the deck’s general personality, it would want to encourage me have similar outlooks.  What would prevent us from getting along? Reverse Queen of Cups.  Not listening to my own wants and needs, not paying attention to my inner self and intuition. This also makes sense in the context of the other cards, this deck seems to be about self-empowerment so far.  How do you like to be cared for? Knight of Cups. To feel welcomed and comfortable, recognized and at home.  How often do you like to talk? King of Cups. This a question I asked because my previous deck was very hard to get in the right mood to talk, I felt. It went back and forth a lot. To me, this card symbolizes diplomacy and compassion as well as intuition so I think this deck is fine with communicating regularly.  What will you teach me? Reverse Ten of Swords.  I thought this one was a very interesting card. In some decks, it can mean running from your problems but also that pain and sadness is coming to an end. In the context of the Hermetic Tarot, according to the booklet it came with, it means beneficial things and improvement. This fits with my life and the overall theme of this reading so far. How will you help my Great Work? Chariot. Chariot is one of my birth cards - Tower being the other. If you boil it down further with my birth date and numerology, the Chariot would come out on top if we were looking at just one single birth card. I found this to be very profound. This deck will help me power forward, drive down the correct paths, and help me be triumphant in succeeding in my Great Work - what that is, I don’t know yet, but I’ve been focused on making plans to find out.  Here’s where it starts getting even more interesting. What do you think you’ll like about me? The Devil. This one was really strange to me, but then I did some research as what it may mean of the context of this deck and it started coming together. I interpret this as my ability to embrace darker things, my own passions, innate want for exploration, and my expression. I think the deck sees this potential in me, to be more expressive, passionate, and embracing of magick. Not necessarily black magick of course, but this deck gives me a very ceremonial vibe, not the type of deck I’d necessarily go to ask “is she still my friend? am I going to have a good day at work?”. This deck wants to assist me in furthering my Ceremonial magick. Ultimately, I feel good about this interpretation. I was worried at first and asked for clarification “Five of Swords” which of course made me more curious, but then I realized it was telling me to calm down and not come to conclusions as I had done. I did some more draws with this question and ultimately the answer interprets out to: Be mature in communicating with this deck and it will be very helpful and a very valuable resource - got it.  What do you think you won’t like about me? The Hanged Man. I have a lack of independence, I don’t always do my own will, I let life pass me by and I feel/act helpless and also, sometimes, don’t take responsibility for things that are my own fault. This is all true with me, sometimes. Do you think we’ll work together well? Reverse Knight of Wands.  Don’t be impulsive (and jump to conclusions, as this deck had warned during The Devil part) and we will have a fun relationship built on learning and storing/using energy. We will work well together if I take my time with this deck. Listen to it, meditate, schedule time to look at the cards, research, and relax and enjoy - no major pressure, this deck is here to help,, I don’t have to be perfect with it. Sounds good! How do we work together well? Nine of Swords. This was really odd - I believe it means if I let this deck help me move on from fear, negativity, and past experiences, things will work out. This could make sense, because with my last deck, I often felt nervous and conflicted when I used it. I feel more comfortable with this deck already. In the context of the reading, I can see this pairing well with the R Knight of Wands interpretation so it makes sense. This deck has a whole lotta personality. I can tell it’s very intelligent - I asked my husband what he thought of so many court cards and he stated his guess would mean that the deck is very sentient (as court cards usually represent people). I am so excited to work with this deck, y’all. I’m blown away.
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The GPU "Nice Place" For Gigantic Data
The GPU and MapReduсe fusion has become the main topic of some investigating this is certainly noteworthy are discovering their ways into popular used in GPU circumstances, states Guptа. Αzіnta methods president and recommend for making use of GРUs to improve information which can be extensive, Ѕuleiman Shehu believes that GPUs can change extensive information exploration by substantially quickening thе handling of information exploration formulas. The major issue with R, as numerous when you look at the huge area so it has no pаrallelism around it bring mentioned, are. One other issue is that a lot of in the roentgen work іmрlementatіons can just only end up being performed as different cases оn multіcore or group devices as mentioned іn portion speaking about the difficulties of roentgen in extensive surroundings. By having an individual that will be effective that Gupta states zec miner minergate supporting, nevertheless, this “ѕweеt area” has been progressively abused with newer plugins аnd capability in order to make roentgen much easier to incorporate having a GPU—and with all the current efficiency importance. In accordance with Gυpta, it ought ton’t are available as being a wonder that statіstіcѕ-based methods to information exploration like roentgen are perfect suits for GРU processing. As you can easily see through the Linpack standard reviews (not forgetting NVIDІA’s surge that will be fairly amazing the HPC ranking), overall performance may be the identity of ΝVIDIΑ’s video game. Even though they don’t eѕchew the necessity of the top facts hype, specially among program and processor chip providers, Gupta claims driving GPU velocity is certainly not about devices during the plaсe—it’s that will be initially fixing υnique applications difficulties. “Іf you appear during the set of ISVs being employing large facts аnd GPUs, you’ll look at interest of GРUs was greater and strong. As well as a little research this is certainly crucial for GPUs in huge information statistics surroundings that Gυpta reported broadly, he indicated with a fascinating usage instances.
Although this is an advantage for all the user, there are numerous kinks that have to be resolved, which Gupta claims an professionals this is certainly inner tо statistics was resolving. These professionals aren't just plυgging aside end-tο-end possibilities that induce a workflow that will be comprehensive а extensive facts statistics ecosystem, therе’s attempting to tackle a vital I/O problem. Outside the “over-performаnce” on the GPU nodеs, ΝVIDІA are seeing how a popularization this is certainly latest of is quite marrying GPU apрroachеs. One can possibly argue thаt МapReduce has become innovative with its capacity to pulling some difficulty out from the deνelopеr’ѕ waiting line by eliminating the necessity to just be sure to calculate intricate issues for a maker that will be unmarried. Rather, МaрReduce maps a irritating difficulty into items before providing іt straight back with a decrease to aggregаte the outcome. It is not only in regards to the simplifiсation, states Gupta. Whenever in conjunction with the spеeduр on GPU nodes, the overall performance enables definitely better reliability making use of extra difficulty that will be algorithmіc program are designed for.
Althοugh GPU speed is really a subject this is certainly fairly little-disсussеd assessment on the media hype аroυnd in-memory sources and appearing program frameworks, it isn't as a result of not enough studies оr collection of need situations. In reality, relating to Sumit Guptа, older supervisor in NVIDIA’s Teslа GPU tall Efficiency processing team, GРUѕ posses seriously offered beуond their unique standard base in medical HPC stores. The Teѕlа supervisor contributed information аbοut some business that will be significant that are utilizing GРUs because of their large-scale information exploration projects, and chatted shortly about ѕome fascinating GPU-bоosted social media marketing work the government happens to be discovering. Brand new frameworks for dealing with the “Three V” components of large information (volume, type and speed), like MаpReduce—not tо discuss older solutions to facts exploration (roentgen, as an example) aren't driving GPU bakеrѕ into latest area, Gupta shows. In the middle within this “nothing brand-new method that's the din arοund larger information, Gupta claims that exactly what makes GPUs perfect for extensive statistics in past times keepsn’t moved much. Gupta stresses that GPUs go into the machine this is certainly underlіng whatever is actually operating on an individual nodе operates quicker.
Cаn thе KingMiner exploration spyware combat influence cryрtо possessions beyоnd Monerο? Co-worker, the KіngΜiner may be the newest wearing a digital tsunаmі of cryрto mining spyware problems throughout the seasons this is certainly previous. Initial recognized by cyber protection professionals аt Сhеck aim computer software this spyware has the capacity to morph once it's got penеtrated the mark host … thus producing detection and minimization much harder than their prеdecеssоrs. See aim states thаt ΚingMiner largely targets Microѕoft SQL and IIS machine applications for the true purpose of mining Mоnero. The chance of KingMinеr to fully capture 100% of GРU/СPU powеr for the specific method is an actual and existing threat while Monerо merely positions twelfth in market price amοng cryptocurrencies relating to СoinMarketCaр. Important thing matter: really does KingMiner have the capacity to push beyond Μonero and go up thе cryptocurrency edibles mine аnd sequence for Βitcoin funds, Ripple, Еthereυm and eventually Bitcoin? We think thіs circumstance this is certainly worѕt-case extremely not likely. Nevertheless, offered KingMіner’s destructive achievements the opportunity of ‘copуcаt’ malware code with all the comparable mоrphing potential continues to be a possibility this is certainly significant. Today show а review!
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TUA 1x02 Thoughts
This episode is a lot slower than the first one, with fewer scenes and longer ones. Not a lot actually happens in terms of moving things forward.
In the apocalypse plot, we start and end on a flashback. At the open, Five uses his powers to travel through time, ending up just after the end of the world. At the end, we skip back to continue that moment, and him finding the bodies of his siblings in the mansion’s wreckage. In the middle, Five recruits Klaus to help him try to get information on the owner of a glass eye -- who, it turns out, has not yet appeared to claim it in this timeline, but will evidently cause the end of the world. There’s also a hint dropped of Five’s additional time-traveling, the 1958 unsolved murder. 
In the Who Killed Sir R plot, Luther and Allison switch places. In their first conversation in this episode, she thinks that he needs to let go of his theory. Luther finds that Diego has an alibi and concludes that Sir R’s death was natural after all (dude, like no one else would have wanted to kill him?!), but in the meantime Allison has been given a new lead by Pogo, in the form of the mansion security tapes, and now she thinks there was foul play. 
Most of this episode’s real estate is used introducing subplots:
Subplot 1: Hazel and ChaCha arrive in the timeline, torture the tow truck driver, and shoot up a department store in an attempt to kill Five. Cinematic as all hell, but I feel like people persistently trying to shoot someone who can teleport gets old. I won’t be spending much time on these two.
Subplot 2: Patch and Diego. My love for Det. Patch is unreasonable, and I will not hear a word against her. They have a classic comic book vigilante / legal authority argument. (The writers appear to be on the vigilante side in this debate.)
Subplot 3: Vanya and Leonard. Everyone who has ever watched anything, ever, gives him the hairy eyeball. 
That said, the whole point of this show (for me) isn’t the plot, but the family interactions. We get:
Vanya and Five. Her wanting to be supportive, him later on bare-faced lying. Her being the first one he called for, in the end of the world. 
Five and Klaus. Why Klaus? Because he would do it without asking why, at least not until afterward? Allison would have been the obvious choice, except she’s not supposed to be using her powers anymore. (Finding ways to limit the effects on the plot of characters with mind control abilities is hard, yo.) We see a new aspect of Klaus; he’s not dumb, he can improv, and he’s not concerned by physical pain. (I feel it’s important to bear in mind that he went through the same kind of training as a child that the rest of them did; he just hasn’t kept up with it.)
Luther and Allison. The singularity of their connection is leaned on hard, along with his overall isolation. Luther seems deeply surprised that she wants him to meet his niece. She has this other deep relationship -- which she wants to share -- he doesn’t have any. 
Klaus and Ben. Just the merest introduction, but yay. 
Diego and Luther. Luther is a tough character to like (a lot of fandom seems to hate him), which, okay, because I feel like he was set up that way on purpose. He’s the only one of the family to feel any sentimental connection to the house, to have any positive emotions connected to their father. He’s trying to do what he thinks is right, but his communication skills are apparently nonexistent -- most of what he said to Allison in their last talk, he should have said to Diego, except Diego obviously doesn’t want to hear it; he’s not helping with the whole “I expected the worst from you and oh hey look what I got” attitude. 
There is a lot of talk around the subject of growing up, of moving on. Luther never really left home, unlike the rest of them. Patch thinks Diego is living in a fantasy, and he ought to join the real world. (Although he’s making a better go than most of his siblings at having an actual life, that is a very low bar.) Allison says that Vanya can’t blame her problems on anyone else as an adult, but I think there’s a strong implication that she’s talking to herself a lot in that conversation. 
A little uneven as episodes go, but not bad.
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chedsaildesign · 2 years
How to Choose a Sail designer
You're best off picking up to around six candidates that make the kind of sails you want and remaining with them. In remembering them, you'll have to ponder different elements. If you're an unshakable, serious hustling enthusiast, you could do well with one of the public foundation social occasions, particularly in case you are perfect at it and inclined to add to their victory list. In case you're not excessively fanatical, you could further develop a more unassuming, neighborhood association that has acquired reputation for getting the silver in neighboring events. They'll will undoubtedly offer you incredible assistance, since any solitary client is plainly more important to a little outfit than a tremendous one. Nonetheless, make an effort not to basically guess that the expense ought to be significantly lower at the close by space.
If you are not locked in with hustling, you in all probability have a greater choice of Sail designer
who will do a genuinely extraordinary occupation for you. You could regardless have to endeavor a foundation, particularly one that has a space close to you, but you should remember that the immense associations, by and large, assisted that way through their commitment with hustling. If you are a cruiser or agreeable sailor, you could get ensured the world anyway not passed a ton of on past the white triangle.
For by far most, it justifies contemplating a part of your local lofts, for essential solace. Any excess things being same, it conveys benefits to buy locally. The several bucks you could save by leaving town can get promptly eaten up in freight and travel, would it be smart for you have an issue.
Interpreting Price Quotations
Sooner or later, you'll get together the articulations on the sails you need. But assuming you've been undeniable about the particular sails you really want, you may be overwhelmed by the clear choices promoted. You may in like manner be surprised by the assortment in costs for sails of a given task, and it is easy to reach misleading outcome about the cost of sails consequently. Any expense explanation you get should consolidate essentially the size and weight of the sail, as well as the expense. In focusing on costs from different sailmakers all through late years, we've seen that there is little understanding in any event, with respect to how gigantic a 150-percent genoa is on a very standard boat, and on occasion, we've seen references for sails that were apparently something almost identical, yet which were refered to on a variable of in overabundance of 10% of the normal district! Along these lines, be as careful in evaluating the costs you get as you guess that your sailmaker ought to be in arranging your sails.
The quickest strategy for standing out characteristics is from take a gander at cost for every square foot for sails of given weight and improvement. Be cautious with any reference that gives sail districts frightfully not exactly equivalent to most of answers you get, and preceding enduring such a reference be sure the sailmaker is working with the right numbers. To be sure, even the best are not safe from blunders of this sort. Dependent upon the size of your solicitation or possibly the season you will require the sails, you could well benefit yourself of exceptional cutoff points.
Most sailmakers will offer an inspiration to present your solicitation during their room season on the explanation that it is more intelligent to work for a little advantage than not to work using any and all means. In the Northeast, the refund season is overall October through December, the particular dates varying beginning with one space then onto the following. Something like one space we know offers a sliding refund, greatest in October, fixing to tiniest toward the year's end. A store of around half will, as a rule, be supposed to create the solicitation, with the assets receivable when the sails are done. It is continuously viewed as typical to make the markdown reliant upon brief portion of the balance, as well. You may moreover have the choice to swing a markdown on volume if your solicitation is adequately huge.
Adding it Up
No discussion on buying sails would be done without notice of significant worth. Clearly, every sailmaker sells certainly the best quality, so it truly relies upon the buyer to choose for himself which best quality sails are fitting for him. Not all sails are made something almost identical, in actuality. Cost is a manual for quality, fundamentally to the extent that you are likely not going to buy the best sails at the most negligible expense. Clearly, only one out of every odd individual requirements or necessities absolutely awesome, and the monetary arrangement esteemed refund sailmakers emphatically have a spot in the best market in the event that the best thing you hold onto any longing to say with respect to your sails is that they didn't cost a ton. If best implies "speediest to you, be prepared to finish luxurious expenses to see extreme eliminates that could go of style fast. For a large number individuals, best is unpretentiously esteemed and expected to drive the family sloop on the
family venture for no less than 10 seasons, without driving crosscountry for organization. For a couple, best is essentially great: particularly made, extreme, strong toward the ocean in horrible environment, repairable on board in far away places, quick, of obviously fine creation and cut, and not humble.
Ultimately, you have as phenomenal an effect in getting extraordinary sails as the sailmaker himself, considering the way that finally, you seek after the crucial decisions. Giving the right and good information, finishing up which of the various decisions you want, and picking a sailmaker you feel sure will do his absolute best to serve you with things legitimate to your use all are matters for you to decide. It's your money.
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rwise · 6 years
Irrationally Successful - how to make a rational benefit work in irrational categories
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What we know we ought to do and what we actually do are very different things in the lives of humans. Everyone who has ever tried to improve themselves learns this humbling truth. 
People who make big and positive changes in their lives often say that the secret is to trick yourself into making these changes. If you focus your energy on avoiding what tempts you, then you’re still focused on the temptation. You need to find something else to wrap your busy mind around. It’s better to spend your energy on a new good habit than it is to “white knuckle” your renunciation of a bad one.  
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Knowing that something is better for us is pretty much useless. We have to fall in love with the change we’re making. Emotion drives us far more deeply than knowledge.
Why wouldn’t this also apply to brands as well? 
If you have a new and improved version of something that involves making a sacrifice, wouldn’t you also try to trick your prospect into seeing it as something they must have on its own terms?  
But many marketers lose sight of this. They are earnest and well-intentioned. They want to talk to consumers the same way they talk about their product or service inside their own organizations. “This is such a good idea. Everyone will be so much better off when they see how good it is. Isn’t that great? We are a force for good in the world.” 
Well-intentioned…but potentially deluded. 
Let’s look at five campaigns which all got stellar results by ignoring the rational argument and instead “tricked” their consumer into buying into it.
1. “Keep Texas Beautiful” becomes “Don’t Mess with Texas.”
Among the different states of America, Texas has one of the feistier cultural identities. In fact, it’s looked at to this day by the rest of the country as a swaggering, loud and assertive culture. And Texans take that in their stride.
But this was not on the minds of the Texas Transportation Authority. They were looking at their highways strewn with trash in the 1980s and they were deeply ashamed of their pitiful state.
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They got a sizeable budget to run an anti-littering campaign. Signs would go up on highways and appeal to Texans, proud of their state’s natural beauty, that would say “Keep Texas Beautiful.” 
And they even got an ad agency, one of Texas’s best, GSD&M to agree to create the campaign.
They conducted research into who has the highest rates of littering. The research turned up a prospect they called “Bubbas”: young men 18-35, masculine, brash, gun and pickup truck owners. They loved their state but didn’t connect with the idea of “Keep Texas Beautiful.” To them, it sounded like their grandmother talking and they weren’t thinking of their grandmother as they barreled down the highway with an empty beer bottle in their hands.
GSD&M conceived of a completely different message. “Don’t Mess with Texas.” And their target loved it. It has an implicit “F@*k You” to anyone who doesn’t “get” what Texas is all about. It appealed to their pride in order to compel them to make a humble behavior change. 
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When GSD&M presented the campaign, their client, still not really understanding the strategy, directed them to add the word “Please” before “Don’t Mess with Texas” so that it wouldn’t be rude. Fortunately, the agency prevailed and such a tragic mistake never happened.
Result: within 4 years, the campaign reduced littering by a staggering 72%. 
2. Las Vegas: “More than Gambling” becomes “What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas.”
Las Vegas was one of the top vacation destinations in the U.S. but it wanted more. The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority looked at how their city stacked up in the minds of vacation decision makers compared to cruise lines, Caribbean resorts, Hawaii and Cancun. Their research showed that the number one equity for Las Vegas was gambling and not everybody wanted to go somewhere just to gamble.
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“We need a campaign that says there’s a lot more in Vegas than gambling,” they told their agency, R&R Partners. “Show people our modern airport, all the great entertainers we have in town, the superb hotels and fine dining, the spectacle of the beautiful desert and surrounding mountains. Find a catchy way to say, “Vegas is more than casinos,’ there’s your brief.”
But R&R Partners ignored the implicit direction to “clean up” Las Vegas and instead showed the client their research into what Vegas meant to people who went there: feeling more free to be someone they couldn’t be at home.
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They came up with the idea of “What Happens Here, Stays Here.” They sidestepped the rational message of “more than gambling” and instead talked about Vegas like it was an anonymous club, some kind of “Eyes Wide Shut” experience. It neither talked about nor ignored gambling. Gambling became a subtext in a different kind of drama, one of escaping the normal boundaries of everyday life.
Result: the campaign grew holiday traffic to Las Vegas by 26%.
3. Miller Lite: from “beer with no carbohydrates” to “Tastes Great! Less Filling!”
There’s a reason it’s called a “beer belly.” For beer, such a marvelously comforting and sociable beverage, is loaded with carbohydrates. Drink 2 or 3 every day, and soon you’ll be sporting your own distended gut.
So the first drinkable beer with reduced carbohydrates should have made its owner a fortune, no?
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No so fast, Gablinger’s Beer taught us. This was a good tasting beer that went out and told male beer drinkers, “Here’s a beer with essentially no carbohydrates.” And they pointed out, “It won’t fill you up.” But it bombed. And its flop convinced Anheuser Busch, the owners of the leading brand Budweiser to stay away from this category because its research showed that “real men don’t drink light beer.”
The category’s No. 2, Miller Brewing Company, saw AB’s reticence as an opening. They could do better than Gablinger’s and if they played their cards right, create a new sub-category and benefit from first mover advantage. They created a brand called Lite, which at first was kept separate from the Miller brand but, once successful would be integrated and known, as it is today, as Miller Lite.
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Their agency, McCann at first, then Backer Spielvogel, came up with a way to position Lite beer as a brand “real men” could drink. They hired a whole bevy of famous athletes, ones known for their masculine charisma and jokey persona, and place them in old-fashioned pubs, taverns and corner bars. They would then engage in a favorite drinking pastime which is divide into teams and have a spirited argument. But this one wouldn’t be about which city has the best football team. It would be about what makes Lite beer so good. “Tastes great!” one team would shout while the other team would fire back, “Less filling!”
Now the “less filling” part of the proposition spoke to the primordial beer drinker. When you’re having a good time with your buddies, like the guys in the ads were clearly doing, why would you only drink one beer? With Miller Lite, you could keep on drinking and not feel heavy. It sounds stupid when it’s spelled out and you’re not even conscious of it when you watch the fun. But the message is planted. It’s not a “considerate” or “progressive” way of drinking beer. It’s a license to enjoy beer even more.
Result: Miller created the single biggest new category of beer in 50 years and established market dominance in this space. It would take the overall leader, Budweiser, more than ten painful years to catch up with Miller Lite and get its “fair share” for Bud Light.
4. Whole Foods Markets: from “health food store” to “Whole Paycheck.”
The story of Whole Foods Markets is not about an ad campaign but about a positioning created through the shopper experience.
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In the 1970s, the first “health food stores” began to appear on college campuses and in neighborhoods with high concentrations of liberal-minded creative class. They were independent retailers who eschewed the colorful and manipulative-looking displays that mainstream grocers used. They would only sell foods that were rationally good for you, sold in sincere but unadorned packaging. Their shoppers were not there for hedonistic pleasure but to connect with their higher selves and affirm their belief in lives of health and sustainability.
In the 80s many progressive brands began to realize that there would be a fusion of the “fancy foods” and “health food” and began to make packaging with more of a sense of artisanal pleasure. And the first chains began to appear – including Whole Foods.
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Whole Foods rode the trend and maneuvered into market dominance by making the shopping experience more beautiful and pleasurable than mainstream groceries. Having a Whole Foods store in your neighborhood became a badge of pride for the creative class everywhere. And Millennials began to jokingly refer to Whole Foods as “Whole Paycheck” for they knew that the experience of shopping there was so intoxicating you would not only buy much more than you had planned you would spend more just for the pleasure of bringing home absolutely perfect olives, cheeses and breads.
Result: the market leader in an entirely new space and one of the single most profitable grocery chains that has ever existed.
5. Durex: from “think about STDs and unwanted pregnancy” to “turn off to turn on”
The rational argument for wearing condoms is so powerful yet many men who should be wearing one aren’t. Having sex, for men, is a game of confidence. Anything that deflates the mood immediately drains away the spirit which propels lovemaking. Which is why the rational argument doesn’t work. It compels the executive brain to contemplate consequences at precisely the moment when the executive brain needs to be silent and let the reptilian brain take over.
So talking about a brand’s performance in comfortably preventing STDs and unwanted pregnancy is not going to create a strong consumer bond with the brand.
Which is why Reckitt Benckiser invests in campaigns which avoid the rational benefit of condoms and instead celebrate the joy of sexual intimacy. 
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The enemy is their latest global drive is not disease and unwanted pregnancy, it’s our mobile phones. The insight is that the mood for sex takes time to develop and if we’re all wrapped up in our texts, emails and Instagram, we never get there. Hence the slogan “Turn Off to Turn On.” (And the theme of “PLAY” for their mobile activations at music festivals perfectly fits this.) It’s ingenious, really. Suddenly, we’re thinking tenderly about real intimacy, without getting too high-minded about it (this is a condom after all). And we’re not thinking at all about the supposed rational benefit of condoms.
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Result: Durex has achieved number one market share globally.
Putting it work for your brand
So what do these case histories teach us about being “irrationally successful?”  Four rules of thumb stand out:
Check your brand purpose at the door. It’s great that you’ve got one. It gives your brand motive and soul. But be careful not to wear it on your sleeve and forget about the importance of being relevant and creative. Dove made that mistake with its “all shapes and sizes” packaging and it backfired. Pepsi did it with Kendall Jenner and the same happened. Having a brand purpose doesn’t give you an all access pass to your prospect’s interest and acceptance.
Understand why people use your category. What are the deep drivers? Have you studied these as deeply as the problem you’re trying to solve? How do these deep drivers relate to their own identity? Miller Lite knew that beer drinking was all about male bonding and their campaign celebrated that. Las Vegas figured out that a holiday is all about feeling free and found a way to embed its own unique proposition in that feeling.
Look at how your rational proposition connects with the deep drivers. Miller Lite let beer drinkers enjoy drinking even more. Texas made littering into a desecration of tribal pride. Vegas celebrated the escapism of gambling but made into something much more. How might you achieve a similar effect for your brand?
Embed your proposition in culture. Durex made the Internet the enemy, not STDs. “Turn Off to Turn On” has pop cultural resonance. Same with “Don’t Mess with Texas” and “What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas.” It’s not enough to be relevant. You can be relevant and still be boring. Creativity is the key here. And it takes creativity to see the connection between your proposition and something happening in local or global pop culture that your brand can capitalize on. Look for it and you’ll find it.
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pejuangcod · 3 years
The next DASS Solution
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What are your average returns?
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24/7 Online Support: Koinomo will be providing around-the-clock Live Chat on the website & Telegram community for investors in case of any assistance needed regarding their Investments with Koinomo.
Koinomo Token (KMO)
KOINOMO Token or “KMO” token is a Binance Smart Chain (BSC) based free-floating asset, with its own monetary policies. KMO acts as a native currency of the Koinhomo ecosystem.
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Token Name: Koinomo
Token Ticker: KMO
Network: Binance Smart Chain
Total Supply: 10,000,000 KMO
For more information about KOINOMO, click the link below
WEBSITE: https://koinomo.finance/
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/koinomotoken
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Koinomo/
TELEGRAM GROUP : http://t.me/Koinomoannouncement
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/koinomo/
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@koinomo
REDDIT: http://reddit.com/r/koinomo
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNEarsppiq4rj669RkaonNA
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/koinomo
Author: pejuang cod
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2699227
BSC Wallet Address: 0x407920277aF25FEeCE0560e7e288397c93B2835c
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