#there was also the dead god that followed them and targeted anyone unaffected by his requested sacrifices but thats a whole other thing
fallowfield · 2 years
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dark are the strangers that sleep on the train there's blood on their cots and bones on their plates
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snowdice · 4 years
Road Trips and Missing Persons (Part 5)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Patton & Virgil, Virgil & Deceit, Logan & Patton, Emile & Remy
Characters: Patton, Virgil, Deceit, Remus, Roman, Logan, Emile, Remy
Summary: Patton was just getting groceries. The next thing he knew, there was a knife at his throat and he was an unwilling uber driver. Virgil’s on the run after the murder of his dad, and it’s not just his paranoia that’s telling him he’s being chased down. He has to get somewhere safe, somewhere he can trust, and all he has is a couple of stories from his dad and a name: “Green Bellow Foods and Dispensary.”
Notes: Secret Agents AU, knives, carjacking, kidnapping, murder mentioned, guns mentioned, pepper spray, blood mentioned, drugs mentioned (more to be added)
This is a fic I’ve been writing on study breaks that you have probably all already seen at this point. I’ve affectionately named it the Goblin Brain Fic because it’s helping my brain actually get motivated for studying. I’ve slightly edited it for wording and grammar, but not for content from my previous posts. Feel free to send in asks to direct it because I’m not 100% sure where this is going and you can help decide if you feel so inclined! You can see the process I went through to build this at this link.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 My Master Post
Emile hummed a quick tune as he pulled into the grocery store parking lot near his apartment. He’d just finished his last session of the day with Kai and Remy had asked that he watch Virgil this evening after work and possibly this weekend, so Emile was picking up something to cook for dinner before heading over there. He was going to grab ingredients to make Virgil’s favorite dinner, spaghetti and meatballs (well his actual favorite dinner was pineapple pizza from the local pizza joint, but Emile wanted to serve the boy something at least somewhat healthy for once in his life.)
That in mind, he went straight to the pasta aisle. While contemplating which of the spaghetti noodles he should grab, he noticed a man with a cart also perusing the aisle. He glanced at the contents of the man’s cart. “That’s a lot of cheese there friendo,” he commented.
“I’m trying to make homemade macaroni and cheese,” the man divulged with a smile.
“That’s always fun,” Emile replied, smiling back himself.
“I’ve never done it before. Do you have any suggestions for noodles?”
“Hmm… how about shell ones?”
“Ooo, like the boxed Velveeta shell macaroni, but better!” He enthused. “Aw! They have mini ones!” He snatched the box excitedly. “They’re so cute!”
“They are,” Emile agreed as he finally selected the whole wheat store brand spaghetti and slid it into his cart.
“Thanks for the suggestion! Have a nice day,” the man said and turned to leave.
“Bye!” Emile called after him.
He then continued on his quest, grabbing pasta sauce and a lot of fresh vegetables to sneak into the canned sauce as well as to leave in his brother’s home with the hopes that either his brother or his nephew might actually eat something healthy for once if it was right there. (Doubtful, but Emile could hope.)
He then spent an inordinate amount of time, debating which popcorn to get. Emile was thinking tonight would be a good night for movies with Virgil, and Virgil’s favorite snack was popcorn. He really should get the less buttery one, but he knew that Virgil liked buttery popcorn more. Perhaps he should compromise and get plain popcorn, but that one healthier ranch flavored powder topping that he liked. Decided, he grabbed the popcorn and the topping and went to exit the snack food aisle. “Hey,” a man with a mustache drew his attention away from his task. “My friend lost his little brother in the store. Have you seen a younger teenager walking alone around here? We think he might have gone to the snack food aisle.
Emile frowned. “Nope I haven’t seen anyone. I hope you find him soon.”
 “Thanks,” the man said already distracted with looking around again.
“Maybe try the front desk,” Emile suggested. “They could call over the intercom.”
“My brother’s already there,” the man replied waiving the suggestion off. “But thanks.”
“Well good luck!” Emile said as the man walked away towards the back of the store.
Gee, it took him almost 40 minutes to get groceries, he realized when he glanced at his phone in the checkout aisle. He shouldn’t let himself get that distracted.
Once he’d paid for the groceries, he took everything to his car and shoved them in the backseat. Right as he was about to stick the key in the ignition, he got a text message from his secretary.
‘Kai forgot his phone in your couch again, but your office is locked. Are you able to swing by really quick to let him in?’
He texted back ‘Sure! I’ll be there in 5.’ He wasn’t going to keep Kai away from his phone for the night and it wasn’t like the groceries he’d grabbed were extremely time sensitive. So, he drove back to the office.
Kai seemed thankful for his willingness to drive all the way back even if his ‘thank you’ was rather distracted as he was already typing something on his phone the moment after Emile handed it back to him.
He said goodbye to Kai and to his secretary and hopped back into his car intending to drive to Remy’s house. He’d just started the car when his phone started to ring.
“Yello,” he said cheerfully.
“Emile,” the serious voice greeted on the other end of the line. “This is Logan Sanders.”
Emile sobered immediately. “Hi Logan. Is something wrong? Do you have a patient for me?”
“No, actually,” Logan said. “It’s… about your brother.”
Emile froze. “What about my brother?” he asked. “Remy is on light duty.”
“He was yes,” Logan said. “However, there was a complication.”
“What type of complication?” Emile said and a bit of anger came to his tone unbidden.
“He was specifically targeted,” Logan said, and despite the calm way he spoke, Emile could detect the distress in his tone. “I’m very sorry, but he’s dead.”
“Oh, god. What about Virgil?”
“That’s the other thing,” Logan continued. “As soon as I heard of Mr. Gates death, I dispatched an agent to his home for protection, but when he arrived, his son was not there. There were signs of a break-in, but the perpetrator’s car was still there, and my agent believes Virgil fled the scene and was followed on foot. My agent is currently searching for him…”
“There’s a ‘but,’” Emile concluded.
There was a slight pause, just enough to tell Emile he wasn’t nearly as unaffected as he was pretending to be. “I haven’t heard from that specific agent in over half an hour.”
“Okay,” Emile gulped, suddenly feeling sick to his stomach. There were hundreds of explanations for that, but many of them were bad. “Okay. I’ll go look myself since I know him and where he might go. I’ll,” his voice cracked a bit. “Call you if I find anything.”
“Alright, and I’ll…” but whatever Logan was going to say was lost as a hand touched Emile’s shoulder.
Emile screamed and tossed his phone as he accidently slammed his elbow into the car horn making it blare.
“Calm down! It’s just me,” said a voice.
“Frickin Frozone shitake mushrooms terrible tigger fish paste and cabbages, Remington!”
“You could curse like a normal person, Emile.”
“And you could not break into my car like a normal person,” Emile shot back turning around in his seat to face his older brother. “I’ll presume you’re not dead then.”
“Aw, were you worried about me?” he asked.
Violence is never the answer. At least that’s what he told his patients. Emile punched his shoulder the best he could from this angle. It clearly didn’t hit too hard as Remy just laughed.
“Sorry, Em,” he said reaching forward to ruffle his hair. Emile slapped him away.
“What happened?” he asked.
“Mega Bitch Ex decided she wanted me shot in the head and I decided I didn’t want that.”
“What does that mean?” Emile asked.
“It means,” Remy answered. “I faked my own death and while she thought I was dead,” he dug something out of his pocket and dangled it in front of him. It was a flash drive. “I stole this.”
“What is it?”
“Super-secret spy business.”
“All that matters is she really shouldn’t have it and Logan will be very happy I got it away from her.”
“Speaking of Logan…” Emile had dropped his phone when Remy had surprised him, and the call had ended. He picked up the phone. “I should call him back.”
The phone was slapped out of his hand the second his picked it up.
“What the kriffing kriff Remy?”
“Please just say fuck. I beg of you,” Remy groaned. The phone starting ringing again from its place on the floor. Doubtlessly it was Logan since the last thing he’d heard was Emile screaming like he was being murdered.
“I need to answer that, Remy,” Emile said with a frown.
“You can’t. It’s too risky.”
“You literally just said you stole it for Logan. Why can’t I just answer the phone, say Remy’s fine actually, and he has a super-secret spy flash drive to give to you?”
“Because you don’t say shit like that over the telephone,” Remy told him while starting to wiggle his way into the front seat. “We’re going to take this thing to Logan in person and no one can know I’m alive until then.”
“I know you’re alive,” Emile pointed out.
Remy grabbed Emile’s phone when it stopped ringing and hit the power button to turn it off. He stuck it into his pocket. “Family doesn’t count,” Remy said. “…Also, I needed a ride.”
“Are you really going to keep my phone hostage this whole time and also what happened to your car?”
“It… uh… blew up,” Remy said. Emile stared at him blankly. “Yeah… so, anyway.”
“What do you mean it blew up?” Emile asked.
“I said ‘anyway.’”
“Saying ‘anyway’ doesn’t mean I just magically forget what you just said.”
Remy waved that off. “Anyway,” he said again. “We’ll have to pick up Virgil and … do something with him. I’m not leaving him home alone during this.”
“Right. I assume since you’re not dead that Virgil isn’t actually missing,” Emile concluded.
But instead of agreeing and telling Emile where Virgil was to go pick him up, there was silence. “Virgil is what?”
Want to read more? Click below!
Part 6
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fairymoved · 7 years
current character bios
Evelyn Grant
A recent college graduate who seeks a story to inspire her new life as an occult blogger after spending most of her days pampered by her wealthy parents in Southern California. With a fresh conspiracy on her hands and a muse found in the mysterious magic wielding women only known as witches, Eve is prepared to get her scoop in exchange for a few quick freelance bucks. But as she dives deeper into the dark, hidden secrets looming over Los Angeles and its inhabitants, she realizes she is in for much more than she had originally planned.
Yumi Ferris
A witch of thieves who lives in infamy for her dealings with the Black Market and the history of violence and shady bargains that come with it. Snarky and secretive on the surface with a colorful history with Evelyn Grant, Yumi is not the easiest person to trust, let alone approach. Yumi has already had a long streak of getting into business with the worst of people and somehow coming out on top, but her most recent gamble with a mysterious client may be more than she can pull off without losing something in the process.
Demetri Simmons
A god of intoxication who just recently received the honor of being bestowed the gift of eternal life, eternal fame, and eternal influence over the entirety of the Black Market to the end of days. Demetri is more than eager to abandon his past life in exchange for one of glory and praise from humanity, planning to throw endless parties to celebrate his godhood, but even he finds himself unable to escape a creeping fear and loneliness all the luxuries in the world can’t keep away.
Adrian Steel
A crow harpy and current familiar of Yumi Ferris, Adrian is an eclectic artistic mind often overshadowed by a dim and gullible one. Though eager to pursue his short-lived profession as a familiar, Adrian is also personally driven by his need to create extravagant works of art for the viewing pleasures of humans everywhere. Varying from insultingly simple to grand and abstract, Adrian’s projects make for some fascinating landmarks around the city, despite often detracting from his duties as Yumi’s assistant.
Lea Mari Ismail
A powerful but kind nature witch who lives in a magically altered stretch of land known as The Citrus Desert. Lea Mari is an immensely talented and wise figurehead of witchcraft that dates back to experience “as old as the Earth itself.” While unaffected by time due to her eternal bond to the Earth, Mari has years upon years to hone her craft while never making the mistake of getting too attached to her fading friendships.
Cyrus West
An occult hunter who makes a living killing and often times poaching more dangerous oddities for pay from a-mysterious- organization-who-must-not-be-named or whoever is capable of affording his services. Despite a grisly job description, Cyrus is a rather levelheaded and friendly man and only ever seeks out targets that are an active threat to society, even getting along with most witches that summon them in the first place. But there isn’t much that Cyrus won’t do with a paycheck on the line.
Maya Madan
A struggling love goddess who owns a love hotel in Los Angeles as a last attempt to acquire a following. A hopeless romantic and advocate for sparking lasting relationships between her clients, Valerie is an excellent matchmaker with a keen eye for business and pink, but even she knows that her deadline is coming and the time for a new heir is quickly approaching. Despite years of spreading her love all over the world, Maya is forced to make a decision if it means keeping love alive.
Elizabeth Sanders
A wistful but violent sea witch who resides somewhere near the Pacific Ocean, rarely ever communicating with humans beyond sinking their ships, ruining their fishing trips, and drowning them if they don’t paddle back to shore in time. Elizabeth has singlehandedly put people off from going to the beach for years though as to why remains a mystery and has earned her the ire of fellow witches who are left oblivious to her motivations.
Caroline Cortez 
A ancient witch goddess that is rumored to be the origin of all magic to witches who worship her. Despite an intimidating presence, Caroline is a civil and pleasant woman who has walked the earth for what is hinted to be eons of time. A terrifying abomination to some, a mother figure to many, and a sign of the encroaching apocalypse to exactly one person-no matter the title, Caroline’s power goes unquestioned by all those who have the honor and horror of meeting her themselves.
Lauren Blanchet
A local art dealer to the public and a witch that specializes in hypnosis in private, the widow of the late Marcus Blanchet is a complex character to anyone who may know her. Stunningly beautiful, charming, and intelligent, Lauren rarely ever needs her abilities to put people under her control, even if it makes things much easier. Despite her popularity with humans, Lauren has earned the scorn of most of her kind due to her unorthodox methods of using witchcraft on an unsuspecting public.
Naomi Grey
A dove harpy and college student who is the recurring familiar of Lauren Blanchet, making her one of few of her kind contractually bound to serving a certain witch willingly. As a practical and headstrong young woman, Naomi is a reliable accomplice, able to perform the most challenging of tasks with ease and still have time for her schoolwork. But Naomi seems to be sticking around with Lauren for other reasons beyond the promise of payment.
Anna Lewis
A seraphim angel who, after the disbandment of heaven, lives among humans as a therapist and open-minded lover to all who step in her office…or anywhere close to her, for that matter. Always harboring interest in humanity and the concept of sin, Anna takes any opportunity she can to dive into the minds, and down the pants, of the most troubled humans she can find. Anna is taking her time on earth rather well, though admits to feeling bored for the long stretches of time she knows she’ll be spending without the ability to access her true self again.
Calypso DeMolay
An equally well-respected and feared archangel, head messenger, and former member of God’s council who now reluctantly lives on earth after heaven’s disbandment. Despite her less than favorable position, Calypso has taken advantage of her keen understanding of humanity to become a worldwide success story and is known now as the mastermind behind a series of popular self-help books. But after years spent trapped on earth, all the wealth and admiration in the world has yet to fully satisfy her and Calypso sets out to do what she believes God cannot.
Beatrice Song
A vulture harpy from South Korea who is hired to work for Calypso as a secretary and all-around private assistant. As a woman of organization, cleanliness, and business, Beatrice strides as a loyal but bitter right hand woman to Calypso’s larger than life ideals, always ensuring that the angel stay afloat and stay wealthy. But Beatrice wasn’t only hired for her sharp intellect, but rather her spotless record as an infamous predator only known as the “Night Vulture”.
Allison Ford
The daughter of Father Ford and the most popular nun of the Catholic Church, Sister Allison Ford is a young lady of questionable behavior and diet. With the church she was raised under going into bankruptcy, Allison has only the witches that fill the town in secret to blame and begins to secretly doubt the faith in both her religion, herself, and her father who is too overwhelmed to give her any proper attention. That is until she discovers a newer, brighter future ahead of her that welcomes her with wings wide open.
Elijah Ramirez
A young deacon who works at the Catholic Church, currently in the midst of trying to make money to keep it from closing its doors forever. Through a humble and private person, Elijah lives out a dangerous profession behind the scenes as a demon exorcist who does odd jobs for those requesting his special skills. Though an average human with an abnormal quirk for communicating with the dead and forgotten souls of the world, Elijah never felt the need to flex his physic muscle to impress people and rather to provide services for the sake of community and payment.
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