#there was one 3d art program ive messed with in the past that was kinda like that but i dont remember the name and it also felt...
mbat · 8 months
i find it weird for a reason i cant place that of all the art mediums ive dipped into, 3D modeling has always been the hardest to get any grasp on. like, every 3D art program is so unintuitive and confusing, and you cant even just fuck around and find out with most of them.
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askfallenroyalty · 2 years
if youre still answering art tip questions, how do you visualize scenes? like, i know the emotions of the scene, i know what movements the characters make, but whenever i try to put that into a comic format, all of their positions are either face front or back view. ive been trying to break the habit since forever now to draw different angles with characters, but not knowing how to move the 'camera' is really frustrating, since you want every shot to be unique to the scene. do you have any tips on perspective and focus? both with characters themselves and what to focus on in panels?
expand your visual library O:
i'll be honest, when characters are just talking -I very much struggle with the same "characters stand and talk" issue. I worry about repeating the same paneling over an over. This is a normal worry within long form comics where, frankly, mundane scenes that don't call for much "action" or anything intresting.
I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing though. You have to have these "drab" sections to pace out the impactful ones, otherwise if it's just bam bam bam interesting stuff going on every page, you'd be lost in a sea of noise. Just like in composition, you need balance.
For when you do need to spice things up, look into shot composition for film or read Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud (I recommend all 3) they're THE textbooks on making comics... while also being comics.
but yeah usually I'll switch from front facing to profile view and zoom in /out the camera. I always aim to have something note worthy in every comic -never waste the reader's time with pointless fluff. It doesn't have to be plot or anything significant, it can just be a joke. As long as it's something. The cat comic really pushed the envelope on this but personally I find it funny in it's anti-joke kinda way.
I don't care if you think you're funny or not, just trying for a joke every page is worth doing. I don't think I'm a funny person -but damn if making this comic hasn't had me laughing constantly at my own jokes. UT really inspires me to just throw shit at the wall and see what joke lands. ALL stories need jokes. You need levity. this might sound like odd advice but i recommend adding more comedy to your comics, it'll add a lot of life and composition to it just on the nature of being unpredictable.
working on your storytelling (past comedy) will influence how you direct scenes as well.
In this scene: Chara and Asriel are separated by a panel border and never look at each other directly -they are literally not seeing each other eye to eye. The one time this method breaks is when Chara makes their declaration for Asriel to stay home -but then Asriel runs off, again separated by a panel and leaving Chara to their own panel alone.
Comics are a visual medium with it's own specific language and strengths. It can be like storyboards and be directed like film, so learning camera angles, visual symbolism, color theory etc. will help your paneling. If you have the time or the right program (I use Clip Studio, which has 3d models but you can play around with blender which is free) mess with 3d models of characters or rooms. See how literally moving a camera changes how you view scenes.
I guess the last piece of advice I have is just... be experimental! Every now and then, try something new and weird. When we met Goat Chara I gave their second panel an awkward close up where it's from Flowey's perspective. It's a visual gag you'd blink and you'd miss it, but it also helps establish that yeah, this is Chara, they're in your face with a snoot now instead of a human one with a nose. Normally, I wouldn't be caught dead shoving a camera into someone's face as a drawing, because it's awkward and a general rule of thumb is never draw a character 100% full straight on forward unless it's for a visual reference or for 3d modeling.
Tumblr media
)You do that to accurately create the character symmetrically and to rig the 3d model btw)
this is not how people stand (unless it's for the meme) IRL. people move around and they don't face each other like robots on a grid, you know? give characters something to do, even if it's just to play with their hair or scratch their face. The comic pages are static but the character's aren't, they're going to move around and express themselves.
Hope this helped anon! have fun making your comics ^_^
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forgesanddoves · 6 years
5 Things Tag Post
tagged by @kashimalin
5 things in my bag:
1. my laptop
2. my pencil box that i have yet to cover in badges
3. an umbrella even though i really dont need one
4. hairbands that i swear keep multiplying somehow
5. the 3ds i stole borrowed from my brother when i moved
5 things in my room: (the one back home because my new room is still kinda bare)
1. my wall of art prints that ive bought from cons over the past 5??? years
2. random photos i have on my mirror
3. a giant box of second hand art stuff i got from my senior back when i was still in art school
4. my collection of mooncake boxes... i have......... so many....
5. glow in the dark stars all over my walls!!!!
5 of my favorite things:
1. ALL my plushies
2. literally anything and everything @kashimalin sends me
3. the slytherin wax seal set i got for my birthday years ago
4. my comfy black hoodie thats been there for me during harder times-
5. my precious tablet that i should stop neglecting;;;
5 things I’m currently into:
1. C y b i r d
2. kingdom hearts which i need to continue playing once im home
3. idk ive been having fun with board games lately-
4. cute letter sets-
5. learning to cook so i can survive-
5 things on my to-do list:
1. grocery shopping because im nearly out of food
2. actually draw for once
3. get a headstart on my programming assignments maybe?
4. learn japanese!
5. .......maybe clean my room a little- its been two weeks and its already a mess
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