#there was this one part where he said that he didn't know why movie theaters didn't do weekly serial movies like they used to
louismygf · 6 months
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just recently watched this is us with my college friends
#tbqh i found it kinda boring 😭#the louis clips were so not enough#ive watched some clips online prior to actually watching it (for the first time might i add)#one of my friends had a cousin who was crazyyy ab 1d so she dragged her out to the cinema to go watch it when it came out and in 3d lol 😭#the 3d schtick is so funny 2 me lmao 😭#my friend recalls freaking out in the movie theater bc she was a major niall fan at the time. she said 3d niall was so close 2 her face lol#anyway. ab how i watched some clips online prior#i was actually waiting for the louis n his sisters part or the one where he visits his school or smth#my friends.... they literally don't know a thing ab louis personality-wise so they didn't really get much from it#UGH i should download aotv and make them watch it that was way more interesting (but idk? smth about it feels like it's made for fans only?#but... i'll suggest it the next time we get together 🙏🏼#anyw back to my review.#simon cowell's face was a jumpscare what can i say. it was so evil how nicole scherzinger was just. completely written off#im from the future i Know things#<- and like. about this. i felt kinda bad being cynical about the movie when i know my friend is Still an ot5 at heart#i think i broke her 13-year old heart a little 😭#it's so weird how the movie keeps singling out zayn about him getting kicked out or him talking solo music etc kskdj. feels v pointed Lol#they really just documented the 1d-mania & madness they ensued huh.... i think 2 of my friends (bts fans) weren't as impressed LOL 😭#they kinda flamed their performances and stage outfits which is. yeah i agree. kpop idols do WAY more than just.... that (1d) kskskd#i guess i'll make them watch the extra clips next time (o haven't seen all the clips yet i think)#OH and 😭 why was martin scorsese in the film that was hilarious#didn't have a lot of realness to it. is what i thought of the film. yeah. this is(N'T) us ✊🏽😔#maybe... i am too much of a hater#i liked... the... um. it's hard to highlight things i liked ab the film when im Not a 1d fan 😭 like im a louie ONLY idgaf ab 1d 😔#the part ab louis audition.... im sorry babie the editors did u dirty but it was so funny........😭#<- though i imagine it solidified people's (wrong) opinions about him :/
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pennyserenade · 2 years
i read that autobiography cary grant did for himself in 1963, and this part has haunted me since i read it three or so days ago:
I dreaded the bustle of packing backstage that last night, as I have at the finish of every show or film I’ve been associated with ever since. I am always content to stay doing what I’m doing wherever I’m doing it; only circumstances seem to propel me on. I seldom leave anyone or anyplace of my own conscious volition. When the meal or party or association is over, and the people or person close to me are no longer there, I seem unwishing to move; without urge to change the situation, even though it could be for the better. Perhaps death is like that. Perhaps it is better on the other side of death; but I’m in no hurry to get there to prove it.
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Y'know, there's this gripe I've had for years that really frustrates me, and it has to do with Love, Simon and people joking about it and calling it too-pg and designed-for-straight-people and all the like. (A similar thing has happened to Heartstopper, but that's another conversation.)
I saw Love, Simon in theaters when it came out my senior year in high school. I saw it three times, once with my friends/parents on opening night, once with my brother over spring break, and once with my grandparents.
On opening night, the air in the room was electric. It was palpable. Half the heads in there were dyed various colors. Queer kids were holding hands. We were all crying and laughing and cheering as a group. My friends grabbed my hands at the part where Simon was outed and didn't let go until his parents were saying that they accepted him. My friend came out to me as non-binary. Another person in our group admitted that she had feelings for girls. It was incredible. I left shaking. This was the first mainstream queer romance movie that had ever been produced by one of the main five studios, and I know that sounds like another "first queer character from Disney" bit but you have to understand that even in 2018 this was groundbreaking. Getting to have a sweet queer rom-com where the main character was told that he got "to breathe now" after coming out meant so much to me and my friends.
But also, from a designed-for-straight-people POV (which, to be frank, it was written by a bisexual author and directed by a gay man, this was not designed for straight audiences), why is it a bad thing that it appealed to the widest possible audience? That it could make my parents and grandparents see things in a new light? My stepdad wasn't at all interested in rom-coms but he saw it with me because it was something I cared about and he hugged me when we came out of the theater. My very Catholic grandparents watched it with me and though my grandpa said he still didn't quite understand the whole 'gay thing,' all he wanted was for me to be happy and to have a happy ending like Simon did. My Nana actually cried when Simon came out and squeeze my hand when his mother told him he could breathe.
And when Martin blackmailed Simon, my mom, badass ally that she is, literally hissed "Dropkick him. Dropkick him in the balls" leading to multiple queer kids in the audience to laugh or smile. Having my parents there- the only parents, by the way, out of my group of queer and questioning friends- made multiple people realize that supportive adults were out there. That parents like those in Love, Simon do exist in real life.
When people complain about Heartstopper not being realistic or Love, Simon being too cutesy, I remember seeing Love, Simon on opening night. I remember my friend coming out and my stepdad hugging me and my mom defending us through this character. I remember the cheers that went through the audience when Bram and Simon kissed and the chatter in the foyer after the movie was over and the way that this movie made me understand that happy endings do exist.
Queer kids need happy endings. Straight people need entry points to becoming allies. Both of these things can come together in beautiful ways. They can find out about more queer culture later, but for now, let them have this. Let them all have a glimpse at a better, happier world. Let them have queer joy.
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aidaronan · 2 years
"First movie you ever saw in theaters?" Steve lounged opposite of Robin on the couch in his living room, the stereo on low, spitting out Madonna on the local radio station.
"Oh, that's easy." Robin bit off part of a licorice. "Freaky Friday. I remember because I was terrified for weeks that I'd end up switching places with my mom and have to, like, balance a checkbook or something."
Steve laughed, separating m&ms in his hand. "You still don't know how to balance a checkbook, do you?"
"Like you do." Robin playfully glared at him. "Okay, here's a good one. First kiss."
Steve ate the sole blue m&m first, a grin spreading across his face because he usually lied about his first kiss, but he didn't have to. Not with Robin. "Camp Stronghold when I was nine. We met up in the boathouse after lights out to trade contraband."
"Contraband, huh?" Robin raised her brows.
"Candy. I swear my parents loaded me up like I was going to prison. 'This is as good as cash in there, Steven.' I think my dad wanted me to network or something. Because, you know, I was totally gonna start a small business with a group of eight-year-olds."
Robin snickered. "And the kiss?"
"Ah. I didn't actually want candy. I just wanted this kid to like me so bad, and I didn't know why until we were there in the dark tripping into each other because we couldn't see. I had all these butterflies, and we were standing close enough that I could feel the heat off his sunburn in the air." Steve could still picture it. The way he couldn't see more than a few inches in front of his face. "Then he kissed me, just this quick peck on the lips before he turned tail and ran. I left the boathouse with a Snickers and one massive first crush."
"Did anything else happen?" Robin asked.
"No. It was the last week of camp and I think he freaked himself out over it. I don't know. He didn't even really say bye to me after we climbed off the bus to meet our parents. Never saw him again. I honestly never even thought to get his name."
"That sucks."
"Yeah. I just hope he's doing okay, you know? That he's got people in his life that make him feel like he's allowed."
Robin looked at him softly, reaching out to give his ankle a squeeze. "Hey, you never know. You might run into him again someday. Maybe he's your soulmate or something."
"Please. I think you're pretty obviously my soulmate." Steve nudged Robin with his foot. "But I guess he could settle for 2nd place."
"Oh, there's a toast for sure." Snacks tumbling off her lap, Robin reached for her can of Coke on the coffee table and raised it as high as she could reach. "To both of us finding our 2nd places."
"Cheers to that." Steve thrust his own Coke into the air.
It felt like a big cosmic joke that Steve would be in a boathouse when he realized who Eddie Munson had been all that time. Eddie had looked so different when he'd transferred into Hawkins that Steve had never even given him a second look, not during their shared classes, not during any of those cafeteria tirades. Not during the numerous occasions where he gave the kids rides to D&D.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait!"
It was the eyes that finally pulled back the curtain and cut away all those in-between years. Steve had never been close enough to clock them, but he couldn't deny them now. Not at such close range, Eddie holding a broken bottle against his neck, trembling with so much fear that Steve worried he might actually use it.
Dropping the oar from his own shaking hands, Steve said the only thing he could think to say.
"Well, this brings back memories."
Eddie didn't respond, the fear in the air drawing out every second, making it feel infinite. Behind them and in another universe, Dustin said a bunch of stuff Steve barely heard for the pounding in his ears. He watched beads of sweat roll down Eddie's forehead and waited for something to give.
Like clouds fat with rain, Eddie finally broke open, tension draining out of him, arm and weapon dropping to his side. He exhaled a shaky breath, maintaining eye contact, his expression too complicated for Steve to fully read.
Steve was about to say something else when Eddie finally spoke, cocking his head to the side and leveling Steve with a look.
"And here I spent all these years thinking you forgot."
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The part where Jeremiah’s like if I start kissing you I’m scared I won’t be able to stop or something like that! Chills
My Jeremiah stuff keeps flopping, why are you doing this to me...
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Under the moonlit sky of the golf course, everyone was getting ready for bed. Steven and Taylor had gotten tablecloths and cushions from the debutante ballroom. It wasn’t as comfortable as a real bed, but it was better than sleeping on the grass. At least it was summer. And thank god it wasn’t pouring rain.
Not feeling tired yet, you decided to walk around. These past nights, your dreams have been haunted by bright blue eyes and a sweet smile, as if pressing you to make a move on Jeremiah Fisher. You shared a kiss on the boardwalk last summer and didn’t stop thinking about it all year. It was embarrassingly pathetic.
Talking about Jeremiah, you spotted him by the golf cart, folding tablecloths to make blankets. A smile curled on your lips and you walked toward him. 
‘’Hey, Jere.’’ 
‘’Hey,’’ he returned, short and dry. 
A frown drew between your eyebrows. ‘’Do you want to go inside and finish the movie?’’ 
‘’Not really. It’s kinda late.’’ He continued folding the tablecloths, completely ignoring you. 
‘’Oh. Okay.’’ You nodded, understanding. It was late. ‘’If you ever need a place to sleep tomorrow night, you can come to my house. I’m sure my parents—’’ 
‘’That’s very kind of you, but no thanks.’’ 
You lowered your eyes at the grass, watching it slip between your toes in your sandals. You were trying to be kind, but he obviously didn't want your help. 
He was still upset about the house and his aunt and dad teaming up to sell it, but there was something else. Something related to you. 
Last night, on the boardwalk, he was sweet and touchy and even gave you some of his candy he and the boys won. Now, he was a different person. Cold. Distant. It’s like he didn’t want to talk to you, to be with you.
You could only think of one thing related to you that Jeremiah could be acting strange over. 
‘’Is it because of the kiss we shared last summer?’’
You hadn't talked about it since it happened and kisses often make things awkward in friendships.
Jeremiah shook his head. ‘’It’s not that,’’ he said. ‘’I…I liked the kiss.’’ 
‘’Then why do you keep pushing me away? Since you arrived in Cousins, you’ve been so confusing. You almost hold my hand in the theater and now you push me away like I have plague. I can’t decipher those mixed signals, Jeremiah. I'm not a detective, I'm a teenage girl.’’
With a deep breath, Jeremiah looked directly into your eyes. ‘’Because when I’m alone with you, all I think about is kissing you and if I kiss you, I don’t know that I can ever stop.’’
His words hung in the air, mixing with the crickets' chirp, a confession of feelings you were not expecting to hear tonight — or ever. Your heart started beating faster in your chest, realizing that you had been wrong about Jeremiah. He wasn’t giving you mixed signals because he was playing with you, he was giving you mixed signals because he was scared of his feelings for you. 
You opened your mouth to speak, but Jeremiah spoke first. 
‘’Life has been really hard these past months, but I never wanted to push you away. I wanted to call you after our kiss, I wanted to ask you on a date and hold your hand and kiss you again. But I found out about my mom and I couldn’t think about anything else,’’ he admitted, his voice soft and earnest. 
You looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of insincerity, but you didn’t see any. 
‘’When I saw you at Rosie’s, I was so happy.’’ A genuine soft smile tugged at his lips, thinking back to two days ago. ‘’Seeing you face to face is much better than through your instagram.’’ 
You raised an eyebrow at him. ‘’You stalked my instagram?’’ 
Jeremiah covered his face and groaned, embarrassed. ‘’Is that all you picked up?’’ 
You uncovered his face and intertwined your fingers with his. ‘’No, but it’s an interesting anecdote. I didn’t know you were the type of guy who stalked girls on social media.’’ 
‘’I’m not!’’ he defended, regretting saying that now.
‘’I know.’’ You chuckled. ‘’I’m just teasing you.’’ 
A sense of warmth and comfort enveloped the two of you, the tension that had been lingering between you dissipating. Although all of your friends were sleeping a few meters nearby, it felt like there was no one else in the world but the two of you. Especially when you looked up into his eyes. It’s so easy to get lost in their beauty and forget everything else.
Jeremiah let out a small laugh, relieved that you were taking his confession and embarrassment in good spirits. He looked down at your lips, thinking about the last time he tasted the vanilla cupcake lip gloss on them. Were you still wearing the same? It probably wore off by now, but Jeremiah was dying to know if you tasted the same. 
Taking a small breath of courage, he leaned in closer, closing the distance between you and gently pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was soft and tender, Jeremiah’s hand coming to cup your face gently while yours reached his shoulder to pull him down to your height. 
When you broke apart, you smiled against his lips, dying to kiss him again. ‘’Do you want to set your blanket next to mine?’’ you suggested, glints of hope in your eyes.
Jeremiah nodded. ‘’If that’s okay with you.’’
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup
TSITP taglist: @msmarvelknight  @maritaleane @dingus0401 @idontknowwhatimdoing777 @nomorespahgetti @lomlolivia @5sosbands @bloodyhw @depthsofdespairr @a-band-aid-for-your-heart @gilbertscurls @brandirouse86 @leilani-nichole @Veescorneroftheworld @papayaboyluvr  @bchindureyes @bellysbeach  @slytherinambitious @darylscvmdumpster​ 
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miimo96 · 9 days
Thoughts on Madoka magica walpurgisnaught rising Trailer 2
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AAAAAHHH OMG WE'RE SO BACK! Oh my god juat look at my 2 Lovebirds ^^ not even 2 minutes in and Already the animation Looks absolutely Beautiful and I can't stress this enough but just seeing Madoka and Homura dancing again hand and hand just makes me all warm and Fuzzy inside AHHHHHH ^w^
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What's this, NEW Characters!? 👀 I'm guessing these are probably either magical girls who almost became witches or people from the side series Madoka magica Record, either way this is already looking to be the most Unique outta the franchise, Also yay Cheese/bebe/Nagisa is back ^_^
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Can we all just appreciate how Madoka magica Never fails to make its scenery ABSOLUTELY Beautiful, Like I don't even know what this is but just WOW, I already get the feeling we're going to be getting some more biblical or symbolic representations here, And all for it >_<
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Uh oh, Looks like someone didn't heed Homura's Warning, I'm guessing that's probably why She looks like that, knowing her she probably either tried stopping Homura and tried fixing things back to way it was, and as punishment got Seriously messed up, word of advice Sayaka, Next time don't MESS with Homura ^^
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YOOOUUUU!? Why is HE back!? OMG NO Get this mother f$%ker Outta her NOW! GET OUT! GET OUUTTT!! I already get a bad feeling with him being around, I get that Homura Needed him to whatever the hell she needed him to do but No I just can't with him and judging from what I'm seeing, he's looking pretty better than Last time!? What the hell man!?
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Omg I SO can't wait for this movie, already 2025 is Looking like a good year, and I gotta feeling I know how this Thing is going to end, and it I'll be with be with me crying in a theater for 10 EFFING MINUTES, that and maybe Homura and Madoka MIGHT end up becoming Gods together, because I feel like that's the only way this movie can end; Homura's whole deal is that she believes that Madokas whole sacrifice Wasn't what she Really wanted, she believes that even though Madoka sacrificed herself to save everyone else, it isn't what SHE really wanted in the end, if ya wanna know what I'm talking about check out rebellion and watch the scen with Madoka and Homura having a heart to heart, the part where she's braiding Homura's hair ^^ Anyway with Homura having that mindset now We get to the point of where we are now, but the thing IS, yes while what Madoka said is True, it wasn't really the mindset she had going in when she sacrificed her existence, to Save all magical girls; she was Fine with doing this and being alone if it meant saving her friends, ESPECIALLY even Homura, Because what she was doing with Time travel previously, was technically Cursing her, basically Madoka sacrificed herself to save Homura, not just the other magical girls, in the end, it was all for Homura.
Homura believes that what she is doing, is for Madoka's sake, when in reality, it's actually hers, Because she couldn't handle being Alone, she ended up going against Madoka's wishes, and Reset the world once again, with the excuse "That it's what Madoka would've wanted" Homura's whole character arc is that she's Selfish, she'll do ANYTHING to be Madoka, even if it means Destroying the world, *sigh *I wish I could word this better but I think the Only way this series could end, is if both of them end up becoming "Gods" let me explain. Since neither of them is willing to give the other one up, and pretty much always ends up sacrificing themself for each other, i think the only way we really could see this series end on a "Happy" ending, is if the 2 of them both end up becoming Gods, and remake the world into THEIR Image; that way none of them is Alone and they don't have to suffer anymore, they can BE the creators of their New world and have each other by their side, since they basically represent 2 halfs of Yin and yang, from the colors of their outfits, (Madoka's being light, Homura's being Dark,) to their personalities, (1 being Selfless the other being SELFISH,) they can basically act as the Law and Order of their New world, and run things how they see fit, both being the embodiments of Oder and Chaos. I think that would be a pretty good way to send things off and in my opinion, would really be a cool ending for these 2 character's arcs, Since they've already been through so much it would only make sense for this would be their ending, It would be an ending that's not completely Heartbreaking, but is just Bittersweet, they won't get to live together in the real world, but they WILL have each other, and I think the thing that really proves this and that sent me down this rabbit hole to begin with, was the end credits of Rebellion, Where it depicts 2 girls, (That look VERY similar to Madoka and Homura) walking hand and hand off into the Abyss, which to me is a metaphor for the afterlife or where ever the heck magical girls when they're taken by the Law of cycle, possibly representing those 2 becoming GODS together, basically Sharing the same fate and running the world as they see fit.^^
Anyway yeah, Totally can't wait for this Movie , Oh i feels SOO Good to be back baby ^^ See ya in 2025
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padsmoony04 · 2 years
For the very obvious reason that there aren't many fanfics or stuff related to Jack, I've decided to share with you how I think he is like, so i hope you enjoy it :)
Disclaimer: sorry if there are any grammatical error, english it's not my first lenguaje. Remember most of this is made up.
Jack Champion it's like...
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First things first, he's a theater kid. He has said it in a few interviews so I'm going to a assume that he probably (most likely) also like musical theater and that goes to the other theory wich is that he likes Hamilton, and it's also most likely that he has a couple (multiple) of the songs in he's playlist.
I wish I could also said that he's a swiftie, but I big part of me says that he's not a fan, but what I do think is that he does likes a few song's, like the mainstream one, for example shake it up, you belong with me, etc, etc, etc.
He's a fan of old school rock or old school music, like the beatles, queen, Fleetwood Mac, Michael Jackson and anothers. I meanly assume this for the fact that he's favorite song it's lest groove.
A true gentleman and no one can tell me other wise, that boy was raised by he's mom and he's mom alone, so I just know that he's sweet mother teach him how to be respectful to women and to treat them as equals.
He's a little dorky, but in a cute way. I mean have you seen the interviews..? Lmao.
Jack very confident: do you know what blowing a raspberry is? 😏
Bailey laughing her ass off: that's the definition!
Jack: What?...
Bailey: That's the definition..! *still laughing*
Jamie: But I still don't know what it is! 😀
The way that I have seen how he's friendship with Trinity is, I'm going to say that he's a really gentle boy and honestly really sweet.
Also he does a lot of dad jokes or better said bad jokes. I mean, I saw a video of him when he was younger saying "do you know why the chicken cross the road?... to prove it wasn't chicken!".
He's very carismatic but I also feel that he has a shy side.
He loves to cuddle (something that he also said).
I have a theory that he's the type of boy that, when he has a crush, he does a lot of silly things to make he's crush laugh.
He didn't like scary movies until he was sixteen, but that doesn't mean he can get scared easily with some of those movies now.
My next assumption is that when he likes something he turns it in he's whole personally (and no, I'm not projecting wdym?)
He's a Scorpio, so I just know for fact that he doesn't have patience, like at all, and also he has a short temperament.
Loves dogs and cats, but I feel he's more of a cat person.
He definitely had that fase where he used to film videos for his "YouTube channel" like almost all 2000's babies did.
Cookie lover, don't ask me why I think this he just gives me the vibe.
Obviously he's a marvel fan, and he's favorite superhero it's Spiderman (and something tells me that when he got the role for spider he's brain associated the word immediately with the superhero)
He's Favorite holiday is Halloween.
He also gives me the vibe that he's a ride or die type of friend.
Definitely the one how's always joking around in he's friend's group.
When he gest nervous he laughs.
A completely softie.
Nature lover.
He said that when he gets older he would like to settle down and have a family of his own, and live close to nature in a really calm place.
He prefer small towns rather than big cities.
He gives the impression that if he gest a girlfriend/boyfriend (to not assume directly what he's attracted to) he would follow them averywhere like a little puppy.
Probably would like to post things about he's partner, but not too much to not over share with the internet.
Also a little bit clingy as well.
He also looks like he would used the pet name "baby" a lot.
He cursed almost all the time, but like unconsciously, it just comes from him naturally. And when he's not supposed to curse and can find himself to stop doing it he would cover he's mouth with both of he's hands (something that it's really cute if you picture it).
Even though he's carismatic, he would get all shy and smiley when someone gives him a compliment.
Anyways! I think that it's it! Hope you guys like and enjoy my little theories about the lovely boy Jack Champion <3.
If you have more ideas about him don't be afraid to share it, I would love to know what theories you have about him.
And again, sorry if there are any grammatical errors :)
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6rookie-writer0110 · 9 months
Lovely Night
Zendaya x Male Reader
Request: zendaya x male reader. both are on euphoria, during a shoot zendaya gets jealous of reader and maude (lexi), where they have a steamy scene, zendaya gets asked to leave set so they Can finish.
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You are an actor on the show called Euphoria. Your character is well-liked, you play a rich jock who is dating Lexi. Behind the scenes, you and Maude get along great. You have done some interviews with Maude and always make each other all the time. But you are mostly happy that you go to work with your girlfriend Zendaya. You met Zendaya at an audition for a movie, but you didn't get the part. But at the time, you and Zendaya flirted with each other then became friends then lovers.
On set, you are reading your lines and Zendaya is talking to other people. You and Maude have to do a steamy scene. The director yelled action, then you two started to act. Zendaya is starting to feel jealous because you have to kiss Maude and semi-get her undressed. Maude takes off your shirt and she touches your chest then you start to kiss her on the lips then you start to grind on her.
“Where are you going?” Hunter whispered.
“I will be in my trailer,” Zendaya said.
She did go straight to her trailer. She was mostly on her phone on the internet to kill time.
During the scene, you had to get your clothes off. Then the scene was over, and you grabbed your robe and Maude did the same thing.
“Where is Z?” You asked.
“She got jealous and went to her trailer” Hunter whispered.
“Oh,” You said.
“Don't worry, I told the others she went to take a nap” Hunter said.
“Thanks,” You said.
Hunter is the only person that knows, you and Zendaya are dating. You head to her trailer and you knocked on the door because it's locked.
“Hey it's me, can I come in?” You asked.
She got up and opened the door.
“Hey,” You said.
“Hey,” Zendaya said.
You follow her inside then you sit next to her on the couch.
“Did you feel jealous?” You asked.
“Yeah, I didn't want to watch you and Maude make out,” Zendaya said.
“I don't have feelings for her, I only want you,” You said.
“I know, Y/n. But I couldn't help I feel jealous and I definitely didn't want to sit there and watch you do a sex scene” Zendaya said.
You kissed her cheek.
“You are the only one who has my heart” You smiled.
“Shut up” Zendaya giggled.
You hold her hand.
“Well to be honest my character would love to Bang Rue, maybe you could air the possibility of a threesome to the producers between C/N, Rue, and Jules,” You said.
You and Zendaya start to laugh.
“You can't be serious, Y/n” Zendaya smiled.
“Oh, I'm serious. I think it would be an interesting storyline and I wouldn't have to kiss Maude which that would make you happy” You smiled.
She leans in and kissed you on the lips. You and Zendaya are smiling at each other, then you start to kiss her back. You and Zendaya cuddle on the couch, her head is on your chest. You and Zendaya are just talking about random stuff and making each other laugh.
✫ ✫ ✫ ✫
You go with Zendaya to her movie premiere Dune. But the relationship is a secret so you arrived first at the theater she arrived with Timothée Chalamet. You are inside and Zendaya stands next to you
“You look handsome,” Zendaya said
“Thanks, my girlfriend picked out my suit,” You said.
“She has good taste. Are you okay?” Zendaya said.
“Yeah. Why do you ask?” You said.
“You seemed jealous when I had to do an interview with Timothee,” Zendaya said.
“I didn't like him flirting with you,” You said.
“He wasn't flirting with me, Y/n. He just made me laugh but it didn't mean he was flirting with me. It's cute that you are jealous” Zendaya smiled.
“I wasn't jealous,” You said.
“Y/n, it was obvious. Are you going to stay the night?” Zendaya said.
“Yes,” You winked.
After the movie premiere, you go to her place. You will stay with her for a few days before you leave to film in another country. She is in bed then she pulled your hand, so you would cuddle with her. She lies on top of you and you wrapped your arms around her, then she places her hand on your cheek. Then she starts to kiss you and you two start to smile at each other.
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dietmountaindewbae · 9 months
I hope you're doing wellll,,,I'm missing u girl
Could you do more of those Teacher Alex x reader fics?? i just love that kinda scenario sorry 😭😭
Small question too,where do you get those pictures for the story banners? I got kinda curious
Hope you're doing well!! take care ♡♡
xx. lights, camera, action
alex turner x reader
Tumblr media
word count: 9428
summary: Alex (tbhc!) is your theater teacher, and you earned the part of Juliet for your final play at high school, but he isn't so glad about it, he thinks you lack emotion, and today at private rehearsals you get your chance to show it.
warnings: spitt*ng, chock*ng, slapp*ng, spank*nd, denial of org*sm, teasing, age g*p, roughness, manipulat*on
song recommendation: put me in a movie by lizzy grant
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You crawled out of your bed waking up extra early to get to school, the classes went by in a daze, you knew by lunch maybe the time would go by quicker, and you went through today's lines over and over in your head during lunch, memorizing them so you didn't make a single mistake at saying them. Mister Turner wasn't so glad you somehow managed to get Juliet at the school play, people said you deserved it, and your audition was the best of them all, no stuttering, no doubting, but Mister Turner didn't make you feel like you did, because he said you missed a crucial thing, he just made you feel helpless and dumb whenever he stared at you with a scowl or he looked away while you were saying your lines, in your head you asked yourself over and over 'what am I missing?'. He never told you what you were doing wrong.
Rehearsal began and your heart was beating so fast you could feel your ears warm, and your mouth started to get dry, today you had to practice Act 2 Scene 2, meaning, one of the hardest scenes you had to do, the balcony scene.
"Cut!" Mister Turner said as you were holding Charlie's hands, the boy who played Romeo in your class, you were glad it was him, he was your buddy. The teacher walked up the stage and rolled his shirt sleeves, crossing his arms and standing like a tall tree.
"What did we-" He stopped at Charlie, glanced at you, and sighed, looking at you with disapproval.
"You've got to stop being so stiff, you love him!" He yells and it echoes through the whole stage and in your heart, "You better start acting like my Juliet otherwise I'll cast someone else, 'cause yer not makin' the cut" He saw your bottom lip trembling and your eyes and cheeks turning red.
"But I-"
"I could understand that you're young, and you're innocent and pretty, whatever you think you are, but so is Juliet and it amazes me that you can't do something as simple as letting go," Your eyes began to water, "So you're going to do this or what?" He asked you with his hands on his hips, and you stayed silent, your eyes glassy and about to let the tears roll down your face.
"I am you girl" That's all you managed to say before you went running out of the stage to cry, why was he so rude? Other days he was just sarcastic and let you do whatever, but today he was furious at you, and you just wanted to do things right to avoid him yelling at you like today.
After 10 minutes in the bathroom, you found the whole place empty, "I asked 'em to leave, I need to work with you" He walked up to you with his hands in his pockets, and from his left pocket, he took out a handkerchief, and gave it to you to wipe your tears.
"Thank you," You said, as you grabbed the handkerchief.
He sat down on the piano's chair, legs and arms crossed, and he sighed "I notice that this scene and Act 5 cause you problems, care to tell me why that happens miss?"
"I don't know" You whispered, he closed his eyes slowly, and nudged his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Right.... you don't" He crosses his arms, "Have you ever felt love? And I'm not just talking about that type of fraternal love for your friends or your mummy and daddy, I'm talking about the real deal, raw love" You thought about it and nodded your head slowly, he eyed you up and down, "Think about this love for a boy, that could never be blessed, because your family and his family despise each other so you see him in secret, but one day you make a plan to stay with him for good, and it fails, both of you die for each other because the other one cannot bear to live without the other, and it impacts people when they find out the truth about this suicidal love, a young girl and boy, that loved each other so much it made them... kill themselves"
"I understand-"
He cuts you up, "No you don't" He jumped on the stage with you.
"Imagine I am the one that you're madly in love with, we meet and we dance" He took your hand and closed his fingers with yours, his other hand gently holding your waist, he wasn't so far away from the truth, you look straight into his eyes, they're filled with darkness as you begin to dance, you could feel something inside you rise, that you once didn't allow to do, fighting itself with you, he pressed you closer to him, "Lay your head, and relax... you're still tense... c'mon, it's ok"
You did as you were told, you put your hand by his chest as he rocked you, he danced very well, and that made you feel a little dumber and unuseful, "I'm sorry if I'm not doing it right... I have never danced like this before" He smiled at you, a true sweet and gentle smile.
"Well, what else haven't you done before?" He asks you, making you blush at the thought, "I know there's a rule by society that you shouldn't be alone with me, out of respect we shouldn't have a friendship, but we are at late hours of school, so fuck it" You both chuckled at the same time, "You can trust me" He said with confidence and you nodded.
"I-... haven't been with anyone, haven't kissed anyone in a while, I've never had a boyfriend but I do like boys a lot, when I try to flirt it's just-," You sigh, "So, I guess I can't say these lines because it makes me think it would be so embarrassing for me to act in love when everyone thinks I'm just playing a princess as a joke,"
"Tell 'em to piss off" He spat, "Are yeh going to be my Juliet or not?" He asked you sincerely breaking up the closure.
"I-I mean" You stuttered taking a step forward, making him get angry just like last time, and he sighed, he was disappointed.
"Go home" He orders walking away from you but you stop him, pulling him back close to you.
You were growing angry and desperate, you needed him to know that no other girl could give more than you, could be as willing as you, "I want this, truly! I want you to put me in this play! As your Juliet, I won't allow any other girl, they won't take this as seriously-"
"That doesn't matter, show me you can do it and I'll keep you, but if you don't-" He pointed his fingers at your face, you wanted to cry again, but instead, you did let go, had set free of any chains or thoughts that you said weren't appropriate, in love everything is right, being selfish is right, being scared it's alright too, so you were bold, and pecked his lips, the touch and feel of your lips lingering, his eyes become as dark as the night and that tiny kiss quickly turned into a hungry and sloppy tongue kiss from his part, gripping your arms too tightly, you swear that you can feel the bruises.
You kissed until you felt your lips were about to fall off, your little cherry gloss was all over the corners of your mouth and sticking in his lips, "I am your girl" You panted.
He puts his hands behind your hand, caressing the front of your hair, and clasping it to the side, his face is so close to your neck that his breathing was tickling you, he memorized the smell of your perfume and gently laid a kiss on your skin, you swallowed the lump in your throat, he looks at you with a smile, a perverted one, and you didn't understand why'd you like it so much.
"You've got such a sweet little face that any man wishes to provoke only evil, lips so pouty and plump, you only wish to kiss them until they're bleeding," He folds your lower lip down with his thumb, and you smiled, as he slowly puts his fingers inside your mouth pushing your teeth to make a hole for him to dig in your warm mouth, he was amazed by the way your tongue instinctively moved around in circles on his fingers, you smiled feeling both ashamed and excited, "You know what you're doin' aren't you?" His fingers squished your face hard, you pulled back but he pulled you in.
"What do you want from me?"
"To understand why every time I yell at you you look at me as if you wanted me to yell at you more, to at least say something to you, you worked hard to get me attention, and now you have it, I've always watched you push yourself to be perfect, but when do you let go? Where do you start and where do you end? Do you even feel?... I have so much fun trying to figure you out, little girl" He pushed your hair to the side, "You're beautiful, you know that?"
You nodded and looked at him weary-eyed, he knew you were lying he could see it in your eyes and the way your chin twitched, there was no hiding from him, "Make me feel beautiful" You asked him caressing his shoulders, "I just wanted you to see that I could do it"
"You always were, I knew it from the moment I saw you, that you and I are alike, that you should be with no one else but me, you know you need me, you do" He assures you with great pressure, you smiled and nodded your head, this is what you wanted from the beginning. Him. You smiled at him, and he pressed you up against him, hand on his cheek as he caressed it, and he kissed you with a passion that made you sigh, his lips touched yours with love and tenderness as if he was deeply in love with you. His arms hug your waist, and your hands caress his soft long hair, your fingers twisting around the end of his brown hair, his beard lightly tickling your cheek, your heart flutters when you feel him smiling and his hand cups your cheek, you get so deep into the kiss losing yourself entirely in his arms, focusing on the noises of your mouth when you kissed him, the taste of his lips, his nose on your cheek and his hand that gets lower to your hips, you moan into his mouth by picturing what could happen next, you felt it in your core, something in between your legs was getting so wet, palpitating even.
"I really like you-" He lets go of your hand and takes a few steps away from you, you raise your eyebrow at him, puzzled.
"I want you to go home and think about this, I won't touch you, or kiss you anymore, not until you've shown me that you're capable of earning and demolishing that role, show me what you're made of" You look at him so confused about what had happened, how could he kiss you, and say that you were the same as him, that he liked you and then tell you that you still didn't convince him, you went back home running to cry unto your pillows, had no one to talk about what happened because you wanted it to happen again, people would look at you like an absolute mad person, you wanted him to touch you again, to rock you against his body, you wanted him to want you again.
During the last few rehearsals for the show you were doing good, but you kept pushing yourself to make it better, Mister Turner seemed to pay more attention to you but he kept talking to other girls and staring at you as you looked at him with your eyebrows furrowed, it was a whole week of running back home with tears in your eyes, and at night your mind couldn't stop creating scenarios of your and him, you touched yourself over and over again, he made you love him madly with a few kisses and simple words, but after tomorrow when the play launched this suffering would be over.
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You went to get ready two hours before everyone was there, they were still setting up the stage while you were out in your long and folded ancient dress, hair, and makeup ready, lines memorized like a bible that you prayed into every night, "Hello" A voice echoed thru the room, it was him with his thick Yorkshire accent and voice, approaching you slowly.
"Hi," You said back, he stood behind you, looking at you through the mirror of your vanity, he stared at you like a perfect painting, and your breathing got stuck in your throat when he leaned forward to your ear.
"Thought you'd be here earlier... come with me little girl" He ordered grabbing your wrists and pulling you up, you swallowed down a big lump in your throat and he walked you inside his office, you shut the door behind you carrying your dress in your hands to keep it clean, "Sit down" He pulled out a chair for you and his hands lightly caress your hair, twisting in his index finger the shape of your curls, he grabbed your hand signing you to stand up, and he cupped your cheek, your turn your head to the side and closed your eyes as you feel his lips on top of yours, you thought he would kiss you just like the day that your lips touched his, and his fingers would be inside your mouth feeling how warm and tiny it was, you whimpered as he pulled back, you felt both embarrassed and a bit turned on, because you remembered yourself at night, touching yourself like an idiot to a faint picture of him.
"You know why you're here, right?" You said no with your head, "I want you to remember what it's like to be sent to heaven and dragged down to earth, I want you to feel the despair for another kiss, would you do anything for another kiss?"
"Yes," You firmly answered, "I need it, please... I need you so bad" His eyebrow twitched at the way your voice sounded so desperate.
"Unpatient, aren't we?" He giggled at you, opening the door of his office for you to leave, you went outside with your head to the floor "Give me your everything, and I'll see you after the play is over"
You had convinced yourself to give your best for him, convinced yourself about your true love and admiration for him, you would do anything to please him, anything to make him smile at you even for a split second, you'd do anything to make him love you, and to make him stay with you, because that's all that you wanted, for him to keep you like a bunny in a cage.
"You're such a good girl you know that? I mean it" He raised your chin with his finger, and you nodded your head again, "And you'll make me proud right little girl?" You said yes with your head, "Good"
And indeed the show was a success, everyone threw you roses at the end before the curtains closed, you tried to put a picture to your emotions through the way you spoke, added more emotion to what you said, and how you said it, you were confident from start to end, and you made some people cry with the way your love for Romeo simply got more complicated to come true, and at the end when you die you hear a standing ovation coming from the chairs, you wait for the curtains to close and you run to hug Alex, pushing him to a dark corner to kiss him with a passion, your lipstick smudging his lips and biting down aggressively on his bottom lip.
"I'm so proud of you bunny, you're the best... my little princess, my Juliet" You blush hard and he sends you running back to the stage to let the curtains open, flowers landing at your feet, your mom and dad standing in the front row clapping as loud as they could.
In the end, everyone took pictures with you, your name being praised was echoing through the room, and some hints of jealous mothers talking about how their daughters would've been just as good, but then Mister Turner walked across you with a smirk splattered on his face. You smiled at the camera and convinced your mother to let you go out to dinner with some friends just so you could be alone with the man you cherished the most.
After the people had disappeared through the halls you quickly took your clothes off in the changing room and then, all of a sudden, you jumped when you heard a loud knock on the door.
"Who is it?!" You said with fear.
"It's me," He says, "I'm coming in" He pushes the door open and you cover yourself up with your dress as best as you can, hiding your body, he comes in with roses and a big gift box with a baby blue bow wrapped around it, he smelled like his cigarettes. His eyes room down your body, and your scared puppy face, he drops the flowers and begins to kiss you hard, you smile to yourself when you finally taste his bitter cigarettes, "Let go of the dress bunny, tonight you're mine, say that you are...." He begs as he whispers to your mouth, you drop your dress to the floor, you wore a white see-through long corset and a thin cotton pair of matching panties and knee socks, he smiles at the look at your body, running his hands down your curves, and gently kneading your ass, "Let's go to my office"
"But I am-" He picked you up like a bride and covered you up with a rope that was hanging next to you.
"Don't worry, no one will see us" From the changing rooms to the stage he walked down some steps and swung open the door of his office, sitting you down at his desk, locking the door, "Get that rope off, let me see you put a little show for me" You stood up from his desk, and he leans over it with his legs crossed and hands behind his back on the desk. He looked just like a king wearing his all-black suit, ready to rule your world.
You stood up, letting the rope fall to your feet, and you do a little spin so he could see your everything, and he didn't miss a single spot as you turn, the little dimples in your back, the curve of your breasts and ass, you skin smooth and soft as velvet, your eyes glimmering in the darkness, the shyness within you, you put your everything on him, "Come here little one" He orders and you follow like a puppy.
"Yes?" You ask him sweetly.
"Sweetheart, I ain't gon' lie to you my love, I think you did spectacularly, and I'm proud of you for listening to me, but I know what you're missing, I know exactly what you're missing, and it's something I'm missing too..." You look at him strangely, what could he possibly miss? you lacked everything while in your eyes he was like a god.
"You're missing me, and I'm missing you, no one would understand you and your feelings better than me, no one could be able to see your potential better than me, but would you be able to bear with me?" You smile brightly as his hands turn you to gently undo the bows at the back of your corset, leaving you only in your pair of white panties and knee socks.
"Yes, I can," You said, he pushed your hair to the side over your head, a wave of your hair falling in beautiful honey-colored curls, he kissed your mouth softly, running his soft fingers against your lips like a soft feather. Cupping your face with your index and middle, mesmerized by the delicate features of your face, so pure, so weak, so innocent.
"You're gonna behave? I need you to say it" His eyes were dark and lustful.
You smiled and said, "I'm going to behave"
"You're my angel" He whispers to you, and when he leans forward you turn your face away from him, a kiss landing on your shoulder, he giggles and puts his hand on his hip, still mesmerized by your body and your figure, and you smiled, "Like what you see?"
"Enough with the silliness," He says to you, and you do as he tells you, and approach him slowly, once your face is resting in between his hands, he is still fully dressed, and you can feel how soft and warm his clothes were, you hug him and he runs his hands down your body, wrapping your legs around his torso and laying down at his desk, "Open your legs for me babe" He drawled, as he leaves a trail of kisses down your tender skin, his hands slowly massaging your breasts, you sigh as his thumb pressed down at your ribs and tummy, his lips trailed down to your belly, your fingers slowly slide into his hair, scratching it and pulling on it as he tears your panties from your pussy.
"Please..." You sigh.
"That's the prettiest cunt I've ever seen, so tiny and so fucking tight" His mouth was parched and he opens it widely to kiss your pussy, his tongue rimming in circles inside your hole, making your legs quiver and pull his hair, "So fucking good..." His tongue flicked and circled your clit in a gentle and teasing way, you were losing control over the noises that spilled out of your mouth, and then he cut you up entirely, leaving you breathless, you leaned in forward and you watched him licking your pussy lazily, and you grunt. His hands feel the soft material of your knee socks that he went crazy for.
"Please... I need more, please" You whimper as he started to suck and kiss your clit again, you let out girlish moans from your mouth, "Oh god-"
"Quiet down, won't you?" He spat on your clit making it impossible for you to keep your cool as you watch him devour your pussy with hunger and carnage, you whined and cried in silence, bitting down on your hand until your teeth sunk into your skin, your lower abdomen was tense and you felt something come out of you, and Alex sucked and swallowed down every single drop of your release as you came, but he kept going, it had become too much for you to handle but he put the flame back up, your hand gently tracing circles on his scalp while the other trailed down in between your legs, doing circles on your clit, you closed your eyes feeling in your room once more, moaning his name and feeling your skin cover in goosebumps, and he observed you, your fingers desperately rubbing your clit as your hips rock against your touch, "Fuckin' 'ell... you don't need me anymore"
"What?!" You quickly opened your eyes, his eyes glimmering as he had seen you get so carried away, "No, I'm-" He brushed away the little dust off his knees, "Wait, no I'm sorry, I just-"
"You just what?" He spat, "Care to tell me? You think you can please yourself better than I can?" You furrowed your eyebrows, "Cause I don't think you know what I can do to you, what I can show you"
"And what can you show me, Mister Turner?" You asked with a grin on your face, "You left me hanging for more, I needed to ease it somehow," You whispered, he dragged you closer to him by your legs, caging you right in between his arms.
"You have an attitude, don't you?" You raised an eyebrow.
"You said we're alike, didn't you?" He hummed as a yes biting down on his lip, "Seems like you don't even know me," You purred, he liked you, he liked that you didn't submit as easily, that you gave a fight before you did.
"I do know you, I've been inside that tiny little virgin hole of yours," He said with a smirk, you looked at him through your lashes.
"Is that so?" You whispered, and he hummed as a yes, "Not entirely"
"I see you like it the hard way, don't you?" He flipped you to be on your back, spreading your legs open as he takes out his belt, you waved your ass at him spanking it, blushing on your own because of your cheekiness, you tried to be as wild and fun as you could, "You naughty fuckin' bitch" You heard the sound of his zipper, "Just a warning..." He pulled your long hair to raise your head, and he said between greeted teeth, "I'll show you what hard is, and if you won't be able to handle it-"
"Give me all of it," You said, he threw your head back and forced himself inside you, your walls stretching painfully and you grunt and weep as you feel the burning, your pussy wasn't ready for such a fucking stretch, him and his massive cock, so thick it made your eyes water but your mouth to scream from the pleasure, he left your mouth and probably your pussy gape, his hand pressed down flat on your lower back, pounding your pussy profoundly, your nails scratching his wooden desk.
"Too much for you little one?" You gasped as he pounds you, the feeling of his cock between your legs growing a bit easier to bare with every thrust, "You took it well... you must be a little fucked up... right here" He taps harshly on your head.
"Aren't you?" He only made things harder for you, he kept pushing himself deep inside you, you were crying nonstop as your mouth was wide open but making no sound at all, just little chocked moans, you were feeling a tight knot forming in your lower abdomen, and he made you feel closer to coming undone beneath him but then, he pulled out of you like a sword into your limbs, "Wait... w-what happened?"
"You're being a cocky little fuck, now if you're gonna keep misbehaving like that, you're gettin' nothing, and I'm gonna leave you empty and wanking in your bed thinking about how good me cock feels, now... are we going to behave or are you just going to keep acting like a little fuckin' brat?" You smiled at him and laughed at his face, he pinched your cheeks together, "Do you think I'm takin' a piss or what?"
"It's just funny watching you get so angry" You kept laughing uncontrollably, his face in a big frown, jaw locked, nose trails opening wider with every exhale, his lips pushed together.
"And it's gonna be even funnier to watch you get punished since that's what you want, isn't it?" You answered with a smile, he pushed you away, slapping you so hard it knocked you to the floor, you looked at him scared, your smile had faded away, "You like learning the hard way, I'm gonna teach you a lesson, look where your mouth has gotten you little one... come up here" You flinched back when he tried to help you get up but you accepted his help since your legs couldn't work properly.
He carries you in his arms and lays you down on his leather couch, "I'm sorry, I swear I'm gonna be good now"
"You know swearing is bad, right? You must keep your promises, otherwise, I won't trust you, and believe me, you're giving me plenty of reasons to not," You looked away and bit your bottom lip, "Are you going to behave?... and I'm not gonna ask again"
"Yes" You stated, "I am"
"Atta girl" He kissed your temple, "But saying that you are doesn't mean I'm not going to punish you, you can't make fun of me, you hear me?" His voice is so demanding and scary, you look him in the eye and nod your head, he stands up and unzips his pants, enjoying the view of your body and your stare on his, you stretch and your rips pop out, and you move around in the couch, watching him take out from his boxer his swollen and wet cock, it was red and twitching, veiny and thick, you swallowed, "That's what you're going to do, and after you swallow me cock I'm gunna cum in your face and I'll think about what's gonna happen to you later, understood?"
"Understood" He pushed open your mouth as wide as possible and put his knee next to your head, "I'm making that throat wider just for me cock to fit in," He forced his cock inside your mouth, and you had a coughing fit and splashed saliva all over your face, but he kept reaching deep inside your throat until he settled in, and pushed his cock out and back in slowly, no matter how much he wanted to provoke pain on you he didn't want to hurt you after all.
"Ah!- I can't" You choked and your eyes watered as you gagged, he pulled out of you and you coughed loudly.
"Toughen up," He said and threw your head back, pushing his cock inside your mouth and fucking it, you felt the bone in your throat rail up and down as he kept fucking it, and you heard sick and obscene noises coming out from the bottom of his throat while you fought the need to let your fingers wander down to your pussy, the noises were so rich and spectacular that you kept your self in place, imagining him biting down on his lip and the taste of his soft cock on your mouth was delicious, it made you wet, never in your life would you think sucking a boy's cock would be a turn on, but this wasn't a boy, this was a man, enjoying himself thanks to you.
You kept coughing and spitting saliva but he used it to his advantage, smothering all of it on your face, destroying your makeup completely, the tip of his cock was soft and hot while the rest of his meat was warm and palpitating, his balls touching your chin, you couldn't resist it, you wanted to touch them, and when your fingers came to lightly pinch them he let out a low grunt, and you felt something was leaking out from him, he pulled out of you quickly, "Are you?-"
"Shut the fuck up" He patted your cheek signing you to open it, and this time you grabbed his balls with confidence, playing with them a little in your hands, "Oh fuck!" He moans and thrust his hips inside you just as if he was fucking your pussy again, for him you were a massive hole he could use to dump every fluid that came out of him, "Keep grabbing 'em... harder" You squeezed him a little bit more but it was right about enough for him to pull out and cover your face in his warm cum, you watch everything come squirting out of him, every warm drop that landed on your face was smothered in your face, "You love it huh? you like your reward bunny?"
"I do," You said licking the corners of your mouth.
"Turn," You laid on your chest and he got on top of you, sliding his cock in, "Got so wet from suckin' it hard" He digs your head to your cushions, suffocating you into the leather, and he continued his assault to your body, fucking it with no mercy, your walls accommodate and squish him inside, to keep him just like he was, the friction of his dick, the feeling of his veins on the walls of your hole coursing you to see blurry and your mouth to drool, you feel in heaven as you feel yourself slowly start to finish all over him, and he harshly drags his cock back denying your orgasm.
"Alex, please! I'm begging you" You weep.
"Didn't say you can cum yet..." He panted.
"You're asking too much Alex" He dragged your hips back and propped your ass up, kneading it and spanking it until your ass cheeks felt warm and tender for him to grope, and your eyes were bloodshot, the taste of salt in your mouth from your stinging tears.
"You think that's too much?!" He yells into your ear, you drown out a scream and he spanks you hard again, "Come on little girl! Thought you said to give you everything, thought you were strong enough" You cry out into the couch, "You're weak and pathetic" He saw you weeping into the leather, your eyes swollen and your whole body shaking like a little puppy, he puts you down gently, hugging your body to make you lay down on his lap.
"I hate you" You felt both used and somehow loved in a very strange and significant way, it was like people say, tough love, you hug him tighter and tighter, and he runs his fingers through your cheeks to clean your tears.
"You know I do this because I love you" You heard the honesty in his voice, he looks at you with utter tenderness and sweetness, his fingers crossed your hair to your ear, "Do you love me?"
"I love you" You whispered, no matter what he did to you, what was harder to love him was to hate him, he was the first man to ever truly kiss you with passion, and you always wore your heart on your sleeve, he understands you, he shows you how much he likes you, he desires more than just your body.
"You're ok, quiet down now" He rocks you into his arms, naked, exposed, weak, "Do you know what I'm doing to you?"
"Fucking me up" You hear him chuckle and deny it over and over with his head.
"Making you mine" You smile at him, "You're mine, me girl, no one else's, you don't belong to anyone else... just me, I need you to say it"
"I don't belong to anyone else just you" You affirm. He nudges his nose with yours, pecking your lips sweetly.
"That's good, so good..." He sighs as his little pecks turn into hungry kisses, both of your desperate for more than just teasing, he pulls you on top of him and stands up, you secure your legs around him while your arms hug his shoulders, and you can feel his slippery and warm tip in between your legs, sliding inside your hole, you moan and bite down on his shoulder as he thrusts his cock inside you, balls slamming on your pussy as he thrusts in and out of you, the sounds and the feeling were delightful, all piling up on you, it wasn't just the noises that came out of his mouth, it was him entirely that turned you on, how hard he was grasping your body, and you watched him with his eyes firmly fixed on yours with his lips parted as he feels so close from feeling so warm, and tight inside you, feeling your hole contract around his cock, it felt so good for him, so good he was crazy for more, you were in awe as you are eager to see how his cock enters your pussy, you only get wetter as you watch your bodies collide into a sweet satisfying melody.
"Fuck! I'm so- close..." You warn him as if something inside you were about to detonate, explode, you lose control over your body, your head feeling lighter and lighter as you push on your abdomen hard to squeeze out every bit of your juices and smother it all over his cock, "Does that feel good?" You pant.
"You haven't got a clue" He chokes out, "Oh... I'm gonna cum too"
"Cum inside me, please" You whine and beg, like a bratty child for on ice cream, "Fill me up, please"
"I can't" He grunts as he digs his cock deep inside you, "It's not a good idea" His eyes search for hope in yours, you kiss him deeply caressing the back of his head with your fingertips, he relaxes and you buck your hips forward, fucking yourself into his cock.
"Don't you want to?" You whisper to his lips, "Don't you want to dump your cum inside me?" He hisses as you jump on his cock again and again, he bites down on his lip until they turn pale, "Don't pretend like you don't" Your tongue licks his bottom lip and you nibble on it gently, your walls push him deeper in, getting tighter and tighter as you feel him getting more worked up, "Dump it inside me, I want it bad, please Mister Turner" He moans into your mouth, you let your tongue slip inside it, warm and tasty, he keeps it open with his thumb to spit into your mouth. You feel him get rowdy, and his skin is covered with goosebumps, drenched in a cold sweat, his balls tightly pressed up against your pussy until he was buried deep inside your hole and his cum covered up your walls in a warm coat of his cum, his pupils dilated, and you smiled as you felt it leaking out from your pussy, you hugged him tightly as he peppers your head with kisses, you feel pure bliss "Thank you" You whisper to his ear.
"You're fuckin' insane, you know that?" He gave you a smudgy kiss on your cheek.
"But you love it, don't you?" You both giggled to each other, his forehead pressed against yours, the tip of his nose brushing yours.
After cleaning up your body gently and making sure you weren't bleeding, he carried you back to the dressing rooms, he settled you down in your chair and you began to clean your face, your eyes wide open as you saw yourself in the mirror, the makeup that you spent so many hours in was completely trashed, there was eyeliner and mascara everywhere but in your lashes and eyes, your lipstick smudged all over your face and even down on your neck, your throat felt bruised and it was a bit hard to swallow, then you heard him coming inside the room with the same box he carried an hour ago and a cup of water, you snatched the mug from his hands, "Drink up babe"
"Thanks," You say to him, "What's that?" You smiled taking the gift from his hands.
"I knew you were going to do great, so I bought summat for you" Inside the box there was a tiny bunny plushy, and a little china doll dressed just like Juliet, deeper in, you take out a beautiful baby blue dress.
"It's gorgeous!" You threw yourself into his arms, hugging him tightly, and he kissed your now clean face, "Oh! I love it so much" You kick your feet into the air and he spins you around like a little girl.
"Put it on doll, so I can take you out" You smile at him brightly and as you grab your things to change in the other room, before you left he stops you, "Do it here," He sits down on the chair you were in and watched you try on the dress, it fitted you like a glove.
"Wait, where are my panties?" You ask him with genuine curiosity, "Aren't they at your office?"
"Already cleaned it up, I just found your bra" He looks down at the floor and then at you, spreading his legs as he looks at how beautiful that dress fits your little silhouette, ruffled at the top and the ends of the dress shaped like a flower, you fix your hair and your knee socks, you put on nude heels that your mom told you to wear with your other change of clothes, "You look like a doll, babe" He pats his thigh for you to sit in, and you do, wrapping your arms around him.
"Where are you takin' me?" You ask him with a silly but bright smile.
"It's simple but I think you're gonna be pleased with the place"
He helped you carry your bags out, sneaking out of the school together, and running outside to the parking lot, you grabbed your tiny purse and your big makeup bag in your hands, and you heard the alarm go off from his black and shiny Cadillac, private catholic schools seemed to pay him very well, after all, he was the very best of the teachers here, he had fame, and money, thought at your school whenever he wasn't busy doing plays in Europe, or Broadway, you wanted him to see your potential, and whenever he yelled at you, you couldn't help but love him more, he opened the door of his car for you, and buckled you in place, you smiled and felt your heart speed.
"Thank you for the dress, I love it... you shouldn't have-"
"Don't say that, you know I'll do anything for you doll" He took off from the school, you smile to yourself but quickly snap back to reality when you see the reflection of your face with no makeup, you quickly curl your eyelashes in place and flick your wrist as you brush your mascara wand to your eyelashes, praying to not stain your eyes, you feel his warm hand land on your knee, you turn to look at him, he's busy driving thru the  streets, and your feel in a dream with that brilliant man's presence, you finish your makeup as fast as you could to quickly fix the mess that was your hair, into a beautiful half up and down, letting some baby curly hairs fall on your face, you line your lips pink and pat some lipstick on your lips and gloss to make them plumper.
He glances at you and smiles brightly, "Is something the matter?"
"No, I just think you look lovely" You put your hand over his, and he turns up the volume of the radio, Lana del Rey on the station, and you smile brightly the whole road, his hand little by little sneaking up your thigh until it felt dangerously close to your inner thigh, you blush hard.
"Mister Turner..." You say to him, he snaps his eyes back at you, he digs his nails into your flesh, and your hand strokes his cock gently, he spreads his legs open and you smirk, feeling just a little control over him.
"I think I'll just have you for dinner if you keep goin'," You bite down on your lip, your hand pulled back to his knee.
"That isn't such a bad idea, is it Mister Turner?" You tease, and he sighs, smiling to himself.
"You can call me Alex babe doll, it's alright with me" His hand grabs yours to kiss your knuckles, and his thumb caresses them.
"Ok, Alex"
He made a turn and you arrived at your favorite dinner, it was almost half empty, you leaned over to kiss him deeply, "Surprise!" He giggles.
"How'd you know?" You were amazed, not many people knew about that dinner, just your close friends and you, it made you wonder how he managed to know that. And what else does he know about you? he got out of the car, fixing his coat and hair before he opened your door, unbuckling your belt and taking your hand for you to take a gentle step out of his black Cadillac.
"I've got me ways babe doll" He kissed your temple and grabbed your purse, locking the car and sitting down at a booth next to you, the purple and pink lights deem as a romantic melody the old jukebox the restaurant had rocks you, the dinner was 60's themed, and the nice old lady looked at you and Alex strange, sitting so closely together, you looked so little, and he looked too old for you, he almost looked like your dad or... more like a daddy.
"What can I get you?" The lady with a notepad and pen in her hand asks.
"What would you like angel?" He asks sweetly, putting his arm around you, his hand landing at your bum as you sit cross-legged and you lean in closer to him, your fingertips tapping on your chin.
"A classic burger and some fries... and a strawberry milkshake please... and you Daddy?" You joke, watching the lady's face go pale, and Alex's eyes get dark, a smirk on the corner of his lips.
"I'll get the same as her too, and a vanilla shake" You both kindly smile at her, and he looks at you with the brightest smile.
"Yes?" You ask sweetly and innocently, blinking repeatedly.
"I like the sound of it, daddy..." He says referring to what you said, "Keep callin' me like that princess" He kisses you on the side of your head, gripping your thigh.
"You can be my daddy, right Alex?" You both lean in to kiss each other losing track of time, and the same lady with grey hair comes back, she cleaned her throat to grab your attention and she puts down your milkshakes at the table, you smile at her kindly and receive your milkshake, Alex sunk his finger into your shake, and you grab his wrist sucking his pinky clean. The lady runs back to the kitchen.
"I love you" Your bodies close the minimal space that was between you, you watch him smile and lean in forward and close his eyes to kiss you tenderly, you get deep into the kiss, and he pulls you in to sit on his lap gently by putting his hand on your waist, you feel the butterflies come alive and you giggle when his long beard tickles your chin and your nose, "What's so funneh?" He pecks your lips.
"Your goatee tickles me" You chuckled and pecked your lips and you both turned your heads as you heard the elderly woman have a little stroke when she saw you kissing your man, she was shocked, and she just left the food on the table and left, "Hungry?" You slide the plates with the warm food and give a bite to your delicious hamburger.
The rest of the night you spend it talking about everything, his favorite films, his favorite directors and writers, his new big ideas that you were excited about, and he kept wondering about college on your side, "I think you're meant for summat great my love" He says as you gently wipe his face with a napkin.
"I don't know what to do with my life... honestly, it's ridiculous, everyone tells me to study whatever I want but then they tease the idea of med school, and I'm curious about it but that doesn't mean I like it" You ramble about what your parents tell you in your head, but talking to Alex was a relieve, he seemed to always choose his word wisely.
"Why don't you come and live with me? Leave this town, you don't need to worry 'bout anything else if you stay with me, no hurries, no pressure..." Your mouth falls open, you don't know if this is reality or if you are in a daze, "After your graduation, I'll talk to them 'bout the idea of you living with me,"
"Don't play with that" You spoke to him very seriously, and he sounded serious too, "You mean it?" You asked, almost feeling tears in your eyes.
"You're only 18, why do people think you must have the world figured out? Leave this town, come to live with me in LA, and we can find the perfect career for you my darlin' I'll put you in the best college, and I'll take good care of you..." You kiss him deeply, you love that man like nobody can.
"I love you Daddy" You peck his lips with love.
"Finish your meal little one," You hum as a yes and while you were eating and finishing off your meal, you remembered you had strict catholic parents who thought you were having dinner somewhere else with your best friends, and you were about to have your head cut off if you didn't finish your meal in... you glance to your clock, "Shit" You mutter under your breath.
"What?" You finish your meal stuffing your face.
"I 'ave to hurry up" You muffled, your mouth full with your fries, he chuckled at the sight of your cheeks full, he couldn't stop laughing and you smiled, "What? If you don't get me home now I'll get locked up for good in my room"
"You look like a bunny just like that" You roll your eyes at him, and he glances at your clock, "We still have an hour and a half left doll, what's the matter?"
"I'm being serious, if I'm not at my door at the time my mom told me, she will leave me outside in the cold, freezing my tits off"
"I'll warm them up" He gave you a sneaky kiss on your neck.
"Bastard" You tease.
Mister Turner paid the dinner and gave a generous tip to the old lady who simply looked disturbed, Alex pinches your bum on the way out and buckles you in as you sit on his leather seats, he drives fast, turning the volume to the top as the strokes play in the radio, he does a quick stop at a pharmacy near your house, you wait for him inpatient, he only took 5 minutes to come back with a little plastic bag on his hand.
"Got you some pills, and these" He gifted you, your first box of condoms, and you blushed hard.
"W-Wait, I can have these at my house, it's too dangerous" You would get exiled if your mom were to find them.
"It's ok, don't worry, I just don't wanna take risks" He explained the use of the plan B pills, you promised to take it, and he drove back to your house.
You stared at it from the window, the lights of the living room were on, which could only mean that your mother was waiting for you on the couch, you sighed and stared at him with puppy eyes, "I don't wanna go in"
"We still have 30 minutes to spare" His eyebrows wiggle making you giggle, "I could go for some dessert"
"Mmm, I don't think it's a good idea, we won't make it back on time" He puts his hand on your inner thigh, you look at his hand massaging your thigh and then back at him.
"I'm not talking about that type of dessert" You sigh as his lips kiss your mouth slowly, putting you in a trance, his mouth tastes like sweet vanilla with a pinch of saltiness, and his tongue slips in as he tastes sweet strawberries and whipping cream, your heartbeat goes thru the roof as his hand sneaks in between your legs, you had forgotten you weren't using any underwear, "All ready for me"
"Mmm... fuck me Daddy" You moan into his mouth, pushing yourself back and crawling to the back of his car, you push your dress up, and spread your legs open, he had the nicest view of your pussy, dripping and glimmering.
"Gunna make it a quickie then" He jumps to the back, and you lay flat on your chest, pushing your hips up, arching your back, chest on the seats, "Eager, aren't you?" You hear him getting ready for you, spitting on your pussy hole and spreading his spit and your wetness all over your pussy. You moan loudly as his tip enters you, sliding in, and hitting the right spot at the first thrust of his hips, "Shut the fuck up, you're gonna wake up the whole neighborhood" He takes out from his pocket your pair of lost panties.
"You had them this whole time?!" You were amazed, you didn't think he would keep them, "You're a perv" You joke.
"But you love what this perv does to your pussy," He licked your earlobe, pushing your panties inside your mouth, "I was gonna get a good taste of that, rub it all over me cock, have it as my little souvenir" You rolled your eyes as he locks your arms behind your back, grinding his hips, railing your pussy, slapping his meat against your ass, he heard you say something he couldn't quite figure out, he took out the panties from your mouth, "What did you say?" 
"Do you do that to other girls?" He stops,'fuck'  You scream into your head, you were getting so close,  you regret ever saying something but you also wanted to know. 
"You just have something, little one, something that just makes me want to keep you, want to have you in me pocket," Sounds like he's obsessing over you, he gets more aroused, and you feel him getting harder inside you, "I wanna have you at all times in my bed since you're always crawling around me head, and cumming inside you... fuckin' hell, making that tight little cunt all mine, hell... I would hold you hostage if I had to"
"Then make it yours again, Daddy," He bucked his hips back pushing your panties back inside your mouth, rimming his cock on your pussy, those noises coming from his mouth were terrific, just enough to make you see stars, his veiny hands turning into fists as he slides back inside, his strong arms contracting, you close your eyes, feeling his cock twitching and loading up your cunt with his cum, and he finished you up, making you cum desperately all over him, he crashes on top of your body, and you sigh feeling only his weight, his heart beating just as fast as yours, his lips brushing against your ear, "That was fast" You muffled.
"I committed to it" You both giggle, and he pulled out of your pussy, watching his cum drip out of your tight hole, he's in awe, at how that little hole could be filled up with that much, he was fascinated, "For fucks sake..." He was getting worked up again, but he couldn't keep you for longer.
He quickly grabs a tissue and helps you clean up his mess again, taking out your panties from your mouth, and gently tossing them in his chair to keep them, his hands brush your hair back and tighten up your hairdo, you smile at him getting out of the back of his car helping you out, the cold air hits your face, and so does the cold reality, you sneaked your bags to your front door, running up the steps leaving your bags there so it could be easier for you to throw yourself into his arms for a last goodbye, he picks you up from the ground with no effort, his arm around your waist and his hand gripping your bum, making you both laugh, and you kiss him, hard, breaking away from the kiss with such sadness, "I'll miss you"
"Better start packing your bags babydoll," You already pictured your life with him, and before you left you made sure to exchange numbers, laughing at him because he didn't know how to do it, he made sure twice to have your number before you left, at exactly the time your mom asked you to be home you opened the door of your house.
"Hi," You said breathlessly.
"Hello," She says looking at you strangely, "Why is your face all red? And who gave you that dress?! I told you to not-" You took a step back the moment she tried to pull on the ends of your dress, you felt your heart about to spill out of your mouth.
"No, no, Mom, I swear I bought it with my friends before we went to dinner" You smiled, "One of them wanted to get something from the mall so we all went, and I just liked the dress" She scans your face, clearly you were feeling tense since you couldn't just walk away from her but eventually she let you go, still not trusting the words that came out of your mouth but when does she ever, you were glad Mister Turner was kind enough to keep the box while you hid his presents in your bags, Jesus, you didn't know what would your mother do to you if she were to find out what was beneath your dress.
That night you got a few sweet messages from Alex, you couldn't get him out of your head, what would your life be like with him, you felt a warm feeling in your stomach, a tight knot you always felt in your tummy, was now gone, and he makes you the happiest girl, and you would make sure to keep him the happiest man.
Sorry for not updating in a bit, had a rough couple of days, but happy New Year's everyone, I have a lot in store for you and me this year, hope you enjoy this wrap with one of the most claimed shots of all, Mister Turner has came back, lots of love from your girl. I hope all of your wishes and manifestations come true this year!
And to answer your question I get all of the pictures from pinterest and tumblr, here is my pinterest in case you wanna check it out!
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cellarspider · 6 months
27/30 The Measure of a Movie
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We return to this movie that’s trapped me in a five minute scene for three whole days, Prometheus.
Content warning for death of a man who didn’t look convincingly alive in the first place, death of some extras.
So, David has just followed his orders from Weyland, and hit a hungover Engineer with a demand for eternal life.
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Naturally, this doesn’t go well! Particularly as, stated previously, Shaw is also concurrently screaming at the Engineer in a language they don’t understand, and Weyland ordered a security NPC to hit her. 
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Frankly, this is one of the most relatable facial expressions the movie’s shown me thus far. This big bastard expected to be waking up two thousand years ago, on a mission to kill humans for their moral failings. And then they wake up and the little suckers are everywhere.
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As said before the PIE ate me, the original intent was for Weyland to declare himself a god for creating David, a perfected version of humanity. And there is a very brief moment here between the Engineer and David. 
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A tiny little glimmer of hope for this weird, fucked-up little android, that he might be accepted for what he is. Saved from the Last Judgment for being a good little guy who only killed someone the Engineers wouldn't have liked anyway. The chance to start anew.
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The Engineer’s expression may indicate they're slightly sorry for what they do to David, but that doesn't stop them. He’s the robot Son of Man, because the movie’s religious themes have been so over the place, and being fully human and fully divine is not a selling point to his current audience. The “human” part seems to be the sticking point. In fact, this may be part of why the Engineers decided to destroy humanity in the first place–if they didn't get ahead of their wayward children, then humans might attempt to imitate their creators, imparting their bad ideas on to whole new forms of life in the process.
Of course, we don't know what the Engineers planned in the first place. We don’t actually know if humans were the intentional result of what the Engineers were doing. Anything Homo sapiens-y could have potentially been a mistake. Maybe they were trying to recreate themselves! Maybe they really liked Australopithecus!
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Regardless, their behavior has not convinced the Engineer to change course. In fact, the Engineer seems to be noping out extremely hard, starting by ripping David’s head off and beating Weyland to death with it.
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David wanted to see Weyland die, but seeing it so up-close was probably not as planned. I was struggling not to laugh in the theater, because. Really, how are you supposed to take this?
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The last security guy also dies after trying to shoot the Engineer, so they sure added to the movie. Doctor Frankenstein also dies due to aggressive yeeting, which I will admit is a little harsh, state and local law in the US tend to list desecration of human remains as a relatively low-level felony. See, this is why you should’ve had the Prometheus classed as a diplomatic mission, then she could’ve gotten immunity.
In amongst the chaos, there is one little quiet-ish moment of the dying Weyland, muttering to David’s severed head: 
“There’s nothing.”
“I know. Have a good journey, Mr. Weyland.”
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You know, marketing and discussion around this movie said that it touched on big themes, like “where do we come from” and “what happens when we die”. This, as far as I can tell, is the only thing the movie has to say on the latter. Well done, we’ve got that one sorted. Or rather, the movie did, I distinctly remember having not a single clue what Weyland was saying. When David said “I know”, I didn’t.
Totally unrelated, here’s a quote from Damon Lindelof, who took over writing on the movie:
Blade Runner might not have done well [financially] when it first came out, but people are still talking about it because it was infused with all these big ideas. [Scott] was also talking about very big themes in Prometheus. It was being driven by people who wanted the answers to huge questions. But I thought that we could do that without ever getting too pretentious. Nobody wants to see a movie where people are floating in space talking about the meaning of life [...]
Yes. Truly, nobody wants to see that. Wise words from one of the writers of Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013). Truly, there has never been a science fiction fan who’s wanted that.
[Video description: A clip from Star Trek: The Next Generation s02e09, The Measure of a Man (1989). Picard is defending Data’s right against an order to submit to disassembly so that more Soong-model androids can be mass-produced. The scientist wishing to do so asserts that Data is not sentient, and Picard challenges the scientist to prove that Picard is sentient, and asks the court to carefully consider the precedent they might set if they determine Data has no rights, and then thousands of him are created.]
This is what could be. Right here. Four and a half minutes of courtroom drama in a dull room, debating the definition of sentience and the meaning of creating new forms of life, earnestly defending the rights of a man in body paint and funny-colored contacts. It brought a tear to my eye.
I don’t feel like saying anything more about Prometheus right now, but we’re almost done with the thing.
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Shaw books it, and the Engineer, apparently, does not care to follow her. There’s more important things to be doing, like getting the terracide back underway, and making another Alien reference.
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I don’t hate this. It’s a little Iron Man in how the exoskeleton folds around them, but it’s still nice to see this used as an actual, weird-ass flight suit and restraints. And it was something neat to keep my attention. At this point I was just shrugging about the looming threat to humanity, thinking “y’know what, this has been a pretty reasonable response, all things considered.”
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So, with that level of investment in the safety of the characters, obviously I was on the edge of my seat waiting to find out how they’d stop the ship.
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I wasn’t, actually, I was wondering how the fuck Shaw, a few hours post-caesarian, managed to run so goddamn fast. She ends up on top of the ship’s hangar as it’s opening. This mostly affords us set-up for a moment that did make me wince:
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I’m pretty sure surgical staples aren’t built with dramatic leaps across crevasses in mind.
Anyway, Janek decides to sacrifice himself and the Prometheus, which Vickers is not a fan of, given that she’s standing right there. She’s given forty seconds to get suited up so she can eject and survive with her Chekhov’s gu–I mean, her life boat quarters.
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The other two crew members decide to sacrifice themselves too, because power of friendship or something, I dunno. Their only character traits were “call out stuff on monitors” and “occasionally make bets with each other”.
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Is it bad that I felt a bit sad that they manage to stop the ship? That’s probably bad.
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I’m saving the dumb thing that comes after. That's for next time.
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Citations for alt-text rambles:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3FsASNavdU&list=PL100AFFA291934352 be aware Gandahar is 80s French SF, and therefore you will definitely see female-presenting nipples. Also, Penn and Teller have voice roles in the dub for some reason.
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moonisneveralone · 3 months
Y'all I'm saying this with the biggest love for y'all, but do not bond too hard with a fictional character over your trauma. Especially not in this fucking series. Maybe if it's a closed medium like a movie where similar themes are explored in a way that cathartic to you that can work, but you don't know where they're taking this character and what they will have him do. So keep a layer of seperation.
I'm saying this cause I kept seeing people say things like there was hesitation in Armands eyes when Louis told him to get in the coffin.
I think the confusion has multiple levels. It is ambiguous.
People want to be protective of Armand, especially because of his history with slavery and sexual violence. That is absolutely fair. While for honesty sake I'm still in the I don't trust Armand camp, I still feel like much would be lost in my enjoyment of Assads acting ability and the series overall if I just thought of him as cartoonishly evil. To me he's a dangerous being that finds a way, while insisting on being a mercyful being. Mercy and willfulness will bring forth a specific kind of cruelty. That's what I think. So feel free to take my opinions with a grain of salt if you believe Armand completely.
But there are two things that people assume about the dynamic Louis and Armand have in Paris that I take issue with.
First is that it was solely Louis who basically forced Armand into the role of a submissive. I do not think so. The scene where Armand tells Louis about himself works twofold. On one hand Louis is supposed to understand it as an inivitation. Armand is showing himself to vulnerable to gain Louis trust. He's also showing Louis that their relationship will be different from the one he had with Lestat. But I think the ground work for the d/s dynamic is Armand asking Louis who he is. Remember that is what Armand says he does. He finds the vulnerability. That is what convinced Louis to chose Armand, which is what Armand wanted. However Armand is still clearly the one in power (which is how a dynamic like that should work). Louis can't make him do what he doesn't want to do. Armand has denied Louis when he wants to. Another clue to the fact that their dynamic definitely has rules in Paris is the Paris version of "Are you asking me or making me?" that Armand immediately apologized for. Opinions may differ, but I think he's well aware that Louis asked him and did not want to play in that moment. So Louis definitely also has boundaries. They've not talked about it like I imagine a well adjusted couple would do nowadays, but they have shown each other what lines not to cross.
Okay the get in the coffin scene. A lot of people have said there was a hesitation on Armands part. I did not see it personally. I would love to know where that idea comes from.
One thing seems to be that it was around the coven. Armand himself said he has fucked most of them and some at the theater. Santiago was getting head mid conversation some episodes ago. Supposedly Armand and Lestat fucked in the Opera with Nicki watching. I doubt that he seriously had an issue with the idea in genral.
What I saw in that scene was the equivalent to "Come to bed love" "I still have work to do" "I am wearing the thing you like" cue pushing the Laptop of the table running. The look that Armand gave Louis after he said face down in the coffin read as horny contemplation to me if anything. Working his jaw that way and looking Louis up and down just a moment shy of licking his lips and letting his tongue cartoonishly roll out his mouth. That's what I saw. Even if we were a little squeaked out by Armand not immediately consenting,
I think it's very normal to deny yourself pleasure you're generally open to in the face of responsibilities. To me it was a very "You're right it can wait." or "You know what? That's more fun." type of energy.
I have a lot of things on my mind as to why that didn't translate. Some people have openly talked about relating to Armands trauma and therefore being uncomfortable. I think to people with certain traumas this type of play can be very triggering and therefore should be approached with caution. It is still important that you know when your perception of things is bleeding into how you're picking up on cues in a fictional story though. That's why I said it's a little dangerous to get too attached.
Louis and Armand are toxic for multiple reasons, but to me personally the kink aspect is the least toxic aspect. To be honest if it were a healthy relationship and that was what both of them needed to feel safe and secure in the relationship I would be down for that. Truely go of kings. But I can't say that, because that's not what's going on and it's not that kind of show.
People have also said that Armand is retraumatising himself with the dom/sub dynamic. I think if anything him trying to keep a crushing hold on Louis is the more traumatising aspect. Fully knowing he is mot loved as he should be, but chosing to stay with Louis. Slowly draining Louis of everything that fascinated Armand about him, everything that Armand seems to like in a man until Louis is just as grey as the walls of that Penthouse is doing worse things to his psyche than any play ever could. That's my honest opinion. Because again sexually or not Armand will still do what he wants. Either himself if he can uphold his powerful benovelence or through a distructive force of his choosing. There is a moment where the relationship stopped being a relationship and became a job to him. Someone said that Armand never moves on without something new in mind. Maybe that's what it is. That he wouldn't know what to do with himself yet. He's waiting for the other shoe to finally drop.
Also one of the writers DEFINITELY did this nad wanted us to know it was an option. Girlies who like their writing and wanna spice things up this is your time.
TDLR I have nuanced reasons to believe Armand definitely wanted to get backshots in that codfin while he read.
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ahiddenpath · 11 months
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning
I just got home from seeing the Japanese audio/English sub. This is not a review, and I doubt I'll feel the same way about it in a few days, because I'm all up in my emotions and I haven't had a think on it. So here is nothing more or less than my visceral, 100% subjective reaction.
Extreme spoilers beneath the cut, spoilin spoilin all day long. Also cussing and blaspheming, apparently I like to keep it classy.
My head is a boiling vat of pudding.
As the film ended, someone screamed, "Toei why you gotta do us like that?!" Someone else yelled, "Jesus Christ I did not need that in my life." As we filed out, another gem: "They had a digital god in this one, and they still didn't unfuck Kizuna." (That last one, I think, while funny, was not relevant. This wasn't about the older kids, they had their turn and several more, lmao).
Some notes:
-Genuinely I was not prepared for a horror. Or child abuse. I love horror games! I watch them nearly daily! Did you know I have only once been more upset/disturbed by a horror video game than I was by this movie?
Did people take their kids to this? Like, that seems totally reasonable to me, taking your kid to digimon!!! Jesus cHRISt!!!!
-I thought my bar of, "I want to see the 02 kids grown up and interacting," was so, so low. I thought my bar could not be lower. But this was Lui's story, not theirs. And this is Toei's story, not mine, so I have to accept that... They wrote what they wanted to. But yeah, the bar I thought was low was not cleared.
-SOMEONE HELP ME, Himekawa is older than Lui. Himekawa's group, they were the first Chosen. Right??? Does the time line not shake out here??? Himekawa was probably about 10/11 when she was Chosen, and she's a full ass adult in Tri??? So, like, I guess the question is, how much older is her group than Lui at age 4? Are they at least 6 years older???? But- God what age would that make- God damn let me get the chart. Shit, I'm lost. Help??????
Shit I liked:
-Lui's second birthday scene
Not the original scene where Lui meets Ukkomon. This is the second birthday, his 8th birthday, where they sit in a dark room full of presents and treats. Ukkomon mentions Lui's parents and friends. They enter the room and proceed to not say a single ducking word while Ukkomon and Lui talk and talk and talk, and it is the creepiest and most atmospheric shit I have seen. Holy shit!!!!
Obviously, the audience already knows shit is fucked up with Ukkomon, but at this point, ooooooooooooooooo baby that tension is HIGH.
-Power in the hands of children
Ukkomon is, like, seconds old when he meets Lui. Lui is 4 and extremely disenfranchised, even for a 4-year-old. Lui wishes for what he doesn't have. Ukkomon devotes his whole self to those wishes.
What happens when a 4 year old meets a baby genie? When that much power is in the hands of the innocent?
You don't want to know, trust me. Lowkey wish I didn't know!!! Christ on a bike!
As much as we love digimon and the Chosen and all of that, it's always been messed up how much power they have, and how much responsibility. It's so much pressure, it's so high stakes! It was really cool to see Toei explore how sideways all of this could go, literally at any moment.
-A few character moments
Honestly that part where a girl is chatting up Ken and Wormmon is visibly pissed is, like, my favorite thing in this movie. Oh! Also I loved seeing the international Chosen, that was so great. The gut scream of WALLACE/WILLIS in the theater when he appeared!!!!!!
My husband said he liked how there was a command center in Imperialdramon's head. I think that was actually some kind of... plane??? Made by Ukkomon??? I have no idea. You know, the place where Ken and Daisuke are accused of flirting.
Stuff I didn't like
-It was half flash back
I'm being a little harsh here, because stuff other than flashbacks happened in the first 46 minutes, but... I checked my phone after the final flashback (not counting Lui jumping into Ukkomon in the end). I was 46 minutes into a roughly 90 minute film. I'm not against flashbacks in principle, and I tend to like new characters, but... This just wasn't what I hoped for in a movie about the 02 kids. I accept that this is 100% subjective.
-It was too damned fucked up for my tastes
Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus H Christ!!!!!
Okay, so first of all, I generally am of the opinion that a lot of recent media has substituted trauma for substance. It's easy to make an audience pity/relate to/feel protective of a character by showing them suffer.
Lui wetting himself was so disturbing for me- in children, that's often a sign of ongoing abuse. I could easily be reading into it, but that combined with the range of age of his bruises (and he had more fresh contusions, too, they start red and turn purple and brown and eventually a yellow green) hinted that this wasn't some one off occasion caused by a sudden spike of stress. That was Lui's life. And he really might have frozen to death that night, if not for Ukkomon.
In a way, if I'm right and not just reading into things, this scene was well done. But also, like... I just don't enjoy the substitution of trauma for gradually making us care about a character and understand what they've been through. It seems like some kind of heavy handed short cut, and it usually has the opposite effect on me- thrusting me out of the narrative and making me distrustful of it.
Or maybe I'm just distancing myself, because I genuinely get so upset.
And don't even get me started on the scene where Ukkomon dissolves. I was not ready for that shit. It was just too much for me, I'm sensitive, lmao!
-I'm not sure what I think of the Chosen reacting to Lui's story
I kind of felt like the Chosen were oddly hard on Lui? They weren't actually, in reality they encouraged him to find a resolution with Ukkomon and reminded him that relationships go two ways.
But, like. Could someone have, like... Idk I was really waiting for someone to cry or hug Lui or reassure him or something? Instead it was like, "Poor Ukkomon. He tried so hard and you relied on him too much!"
And my visceral reaction to that was, "UKKOMON KILLED AT LEAST ONE OF LUI'S PARENTS AND MADE THEM MEAT PUPPETS FOR YEARS, JESUS!!!! AND YOU WANT LUI TO GO SEE UKKOMON AGAIN?!?!?!?!?" Like, that whole thing was literally a nightmare??? But Ukkomon was an actual whole ass baby god, and then again, as my husband put it, "Ukkomon did what CPS wouldn't." Lui needed help, stat.
I'm gonna need some time to sort how I feel about this. I can say that, as I watched, I felt like the emotional tone was really off for the last half of the film. All I could think about was the horror, and any time someone criticized Lui, or even told him to go see Ukkomon, I was just like- MEAT. PUPPET!!!! MEAT!!! PUPPET!!!! (Did those kids that Ukkomon made Lui's friends also die?!?!?!). Literally, snow was falling and the Chosen were playing, and my head was like, MEAT. PUPPET!!!!
There's no walking back that emotion, at least not in a 40 some minute window. Not for me, personally. I'm probably going to have nightmares. If I knew going in that this was a horror, I'd be fine with that. But gdi I though I'd see my blorbos having good times mixed with a plot.
Instead, nightmares.
-Lui's final scene with his mother
Lui tells himself, "This time, when I go back in time... I won't rely on Ukkomon for everything" (paraphrasing). He sees his mother inside his memory of his 4th birthday. He says to her, roughly, "Lui loves you, please remember that."
And magically, the mom is kind to him that night.
Now, to be fair, even disastrous relationships can have good times. Maybe it would have been just that night that was better. But there was this feeling of, "Oh, if I just talked to my mother when I was 4 years old and horrifically abused, it would have been different."
That just isn't how that works. If I had to guess, the film is just supporting communication. But god, don't ever point back to the child victim like that. Too bad that 4 year old doesn't know how to communicate with his abusive caregiver! Things might have been different!!!!!
I'm sensitive to this kind of thing, so it's totally possible I'm fixating too much on this or blowing up the importance of this moment. But yeah, not a good emotional reaction to that.
In summary: this was not the film I wanted. In fact, it's a film that will stick on me like a burr, but like. In a bad way? But also it did have some killer ideas. Ukkomon has to be one of the most interesting things to hit Adventure in years. So much power in the hands of an innocent, so disastrous so very fast.
My brain is still pudding. Time for some nightmares. Good night, I hope the film didn't distress you if you saw it! And my sympathies if you took your children, the biggest of oofs (how could you have known??? You couldn't have).
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elderemorune · 4 months
Beautiful IF.
This evening, my wife and I went to see a movie. This isn't anything unusual, we love the theater, and will take any excuse we can to go when she has time. Last we were able to get out just the two of us, it was to see Lisa Frankenstein, which I wholly recommend by the way. It was great, feminist as fuck, and frankly (see what I did) fun as hell.
But that's not why I'm here tonight.
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Tonight, we're here for John Krasinski's IF.
IF is a movie that's part of a rare genre. The Family Film. You know, the kind that came out when millennials were children, like The Addams Family, or Hocus Pocus. A movie made for everyone to enjoy.
Now this is probably confirmation bias, since most of the fandoms I'm in are serious business, or at least they think they are, and such most of what I watch is grim, dark, or otherwise edgy. I won't deny being an edge marquis, I've been one since middle school and I'm not stopping now!
This movie, simply put, is beautiful. As we start to see more and more art about fighting (or subliminally supporting) fascism, it's like we shy away from beauty and instead want to focus wholly on how dark things are for us. And with a constant barrage of messaging like that, it's hard to stay hopeful, easy to stay mad.
Then we get a movie like IF. It takes a look at life through the most hopeful lens it can, a kid's. I don't want to get too into the story because my roommate reads this and I want them to see this as blindly as they can, but I'll tell you this: IF wants you to know that it's okay to be a kid.
But what does that mean? To be a kid? Is it to engage in wild flights of fancy where you imagine great, impossible things like an elephant made of cotton candy? Is it using play to cope with hard times? To be innocent? What is innocence anyway?
IF isn't trying to answer those questions at all. All IF cares about is that you know that it's okay to be a kid, no matter what.
For a super spoiler-free quick rundown, IF follows the adventures of Bea as she tries to help place imaginary friends (IFs) with new kids and find a new sense of purpose. Imagine (heh) Foster's Home for Imaginary (heh) Friends, but age Mac up a year and have her partner be a big furry purple guy (Hey! Like Eduardo!) named... Blue? Is this possibly an... GASP! AN EASTER EGG RIGHT THERE?! The big difference is that imaginary friends can't really be seen by anyone, except Bea and this other guy, Calvin. We'll talk about him later.
So let's talk about the rest of the movie, because there's not much more I can say without spoilers.
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Just look at this man. He's distinct. You know EXACTLY what he's about, who he is, everything you need, just from looking at him.
And the same holds true of every other IF that you see (and don't) on screen. The team that worked on them did an immaculate job, perfectly capturing a child's imagination and how they see the world around them in these funny lil guys. Like how Blue is purple because his kid was colorblind, so he looked blue TO HIS KID, and how the robot IF was the kind of thing that a kid fond of taking things apart might imagine as their friend. Their personalities are all so clear, and when they're on screen they really steal the show.
Speaking of theft, let's talk the casting. Cailey Fleming plays Bea and gosh is her performance just the tops. Her first onscreen part was as young Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens (which I didn't watch because I just don't care much for Star Wars). This is the first place I've seen her work, and I one hundred percent believed she was actually John Krasinski's daughter.
Who, by the way, plays her dad. A lovable goofball who tries to find the fun in everything, he's sick (though we're never told with what) and is in New York for surgery. It's a big one, apparently, and there's a chance he won't wake up from the anesthesia, but he's determined to make it through. Really, what can I say about Krasinski's acting that fans of The Office haven't already said? This guy is the kind of dad I want to be when I eventually have kids.
Steve Carell voices Blue, the big purple IF on the poster. Sure, I guess if I had A critique of this movie, it's that it's another Steve Carell Funny Voice(TM) but fuck off, I had fun and it was clear he loved the project. I loved Blue, I thought he was funny and so sweet, and he was just so goddamned lovable that I genuinely had no notes.
Last, and he'd probably say least, Ryan Reynolds plays Calvin, a very handsome gentleman who can also see the IFs like Bea can. He started the effort to rehome IFs with new kids, but hasn't had much success at the time the movie starts. He's a bit of a curmudgeon, pessimistic that anything they do will work, and refers to his ability to see them as a curse, but he still does everything he can to help Bea place IFs in new homes. While still your typical wise-cracking Ryan Reynolds character, it was interesting to see him playing a character who's not about diving into things headfirst, instead giving us a more timid person who would really rather be asleep.
The cast all worked exceptionally well together. As I said, I came out of this movie truly believing that Fleming was Krasinski's daughter, and the chemistry between her and Reynolds was amazing. They really felt like friends, and I never once felt like their relationship was weird in any way. Carell and Fleming were also delightful together, with Blue serving as wonderful comedy relief.
Lastly, I guess is the score, right? I'm new to caring about this, so forgive me if I forget an important part.
Music was done by Michael Giacchino, who's score was frankly perfect. He captured the vibe perfectly, and I can honestly think of no higher praise for a film score. In particular, there was a scene that really hit me, and if the Adagio of Spartacus and Phrygia hadn't been the song used, I'm not sure I'd have cried near as hard.
So that's it. IF. A beautiful movie, a poignant message, and something that I think everyone could benefit from seeing.
Because what IF it's right? And it IS okay to be a kid?
That means anything is possible, doesn't it? What IF you COULD have a cotton candy elephant? Or a small army of Bionicle robots who are fiercely loyal to you as you lead them across Mata Nui to expunge the darkness? (Don't tell me you didn't do this. If you had Bionicle, you did this.)
What IF?
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jahnavisurenda-21 · 6 months
Haikiyu!||Wakatoshi Ushijima X Reader||Movie Date||Part 1.
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A movie date with Ushijima, turns out to be a more beautiful memory than you could've imagined.
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Formal dates with him were rare. Almost nonexistent.
It was easy to see why at least Tendo saw it, like it was a clear blue sky, you had a very shy outlook on dating Ushijima, and sometimes, even though you know behind Ushijima's stoic and indifferent expressions he was a total sweetheart, but, despite this, Tendo could understand your hesitance and how easily you would get flustered when talking to your boyfriend.
His stare would be intimidating, like he was seeing all the inner turmoil going behind that smile of yours, or how awkward it felt. Sometimes, you felt like you were interviewing him, and he was the least interested, Tendo knocked your forehead that day with his fingers,
"You know Wakatoshi is just clueless about the relationship, he is genuine, so he just says everything to your face, I mean the man reads all the advertisements in magazines, so you can tell he needs some help with this." Tendo told you when you came to visit the team during their big match, "But. He really is trying, even if it means just looking at you blankly or staring you to death."
You chuckled, "I want to go to the theaters with him, but, I don't exactly have a thesis of what movies he likes, he doesn't watch Sadako also." You exclaimed, "And this movie I want to go is just like Sadako."
"If you give him minor hints he'll be figuring out what they mean for the rest of his life, so just tell him, he'll go out with you anywhere." Tendo assured, maybe it was how confident he sounded, that you clutched your backpack harder where the tickets were,
Everyone was getting ready to play, while you went out to Ushijima, "All the best." You said surprised you didn't stutter, before trying to reach his cheek, with much effort you kissed his cheek, still feeling a swarm of warm butterflies' dance in your gut. How nerve-wracking.
Ushijima nodded, before he went to join his team Tendo rushed to him bumping his shoulder at his heavy ones, "Can't you at least smile at her? You're going to make her think you don't even care."
"I care for Y/n." Ushijima said curtly, "This is the reason she even has to contemplate asking you to the movies!" Tendo said in a hushed whisper,
"She wanted to ask me to the movie?"
The game progressed and of course in the qualifiers, Shiratorizawa had heavy attacks, which overwhelmed the other team, your boyfriend played his A-game as usual, and you could sometimes see his iris light up with a new feeling which was different from his usual indifference.
When the game finally ended, and Shiratorizawa emerged victorious the more hyper members cheered, before exiting the room you decided to meet them in the locker room, your phone chimed three times before you logged and checked the texts,
"I told Ushijima you wanted to go out to the movies with him. It was in the heat." Your heart raced when you read the first text, and now you were scared to read the other two, clam down. You tried to tell yourself it was not uncommon to ask your boyfriend for a movie date!
"Come to the locker room, chill nothing will happen." "What did he say?" You typed with shaky fingers, "We'll find out"
It was what it was, the situation where Tendo impulsively told Ushijima that you wanted to go to the movies instead of you, was so... unromantic.
You sighed when you knocked the door, maybe to hide your own heavy breathing and extremely cold fingers, and your heart skipped another beat when Ushijima opened the door, you met his blank face with yours slightly twisted in concern, before Tendo could come and prep you with some pep talk he created, Ushijima blocked the entrance with his broad shoulders, and frame before he stepped outside and closed the door behind him, he took your nervous hand in his before walking towards the vending machine.
He didn't say anything until he got you, your favorite Litchi mocktail before you both seated down, you sipped on savoring the sweetness with just the right amount of salty tinge,
18. "Thank you Ushi this is my favorite!" You said smiling, already feeling a wave of relief washing over you,
19. Why didn't you tell me?" Ushijima started, "Are you afraid of me?" He asked, Your mouth parted, he was really direct which you love you really do but sometimes you would get more flustered, "No... you don't scare me." You assured, 20. Ushijima stared at you again, but this time your eyes locked on to his, you couldn't always keep shying away from his gaze, but only this time you realized how his gaze was a lot more softer, or had it always been this way and only this time did you realize because you decided to stare so you could capture his olive colored irises and how when the light hit him it turned a lot more lighter, and his eyelashes which were longer than you thought so,
21. "Then why does Tendo need to ask me that you wanted to go to a movie with me?" His question was right in a certain way, your initial hesitance or the erratic heartbeats seemed to simply fade away, to a feeling of adoring him even more, simply because he was asking you this, he was really trying, "What if you don't want to? What if I plan a date and you don't like anything? the movie? the food? or even the place? what if you feel like I don't know you at all? What if you simply don't like it and it's a waste of time?" You asked all in a single breath all these lingering doubts which you wanted an answer,
22. "But I like you. I will like the dates we go on because it's with you. You shouldn't feel so much when wanting to go out with me, I don't mind where you want to go, I'll like it, I know I will, don't worry."
23. "So how'd it go?" Tendo immediately caught you just after you returned to the room, Ushijima had gone to get changed, while the others were in the waiting room, you explained everything to him,
24. "See I told you he's hopeless, who'd ever know all of that if he hadn't told it to your face? and why is your face so red? I do understand He might have that effect on you--" "He kissed my forehead!" You squealed making the team turn to you, Goshiki came to you, "Ushijima kissed your forehead?" He repeated, in shock.
25. You just finished showering, before drying out your hair, your nightly ritual was simple sit down on the bed with your tea, while you enjoy your latest romance novel, but today was nothing short of a romantic scenario with a big, intimidating man, you removed the tickets from your bag in silent anticipation and tingles, this worked out.
26. Day after tomorrow you would get to see the movie, with your boyfriend, in the theater.
"Hey, how do you plan on watching the horror movie? You refused to even see Sadako alone?" Your phone chimed with the message,
"I'll manage, I'm not alone." You replied,
"Whatever, you couldn't ask Him out on your own." Tendo reminded,
"Hush, I'll ask him next time."
27. Setting your phone down you stared at the ceiling, in awe and giddiness, another chime on your phone, you reached to check it out,
28. Under the label 'Ushi' you read the simply two words, "Good night, I'll see you Tomorow."
"Good night, Ushi."
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corvuserpens · 3 months
Saw the trailer for the new The Crow movie with Bill Skarsgård and...
Well, it looks cool and fun at least, so I'll definitely sit my ass at the movie theater for the first time since Black Panther: Wakanda Forever came out, but I can't help to feel like making it a "remake" of the original 1994 film (bless Brandon Lee and may he rest forever in peace) with some MASSIVE changes (RIP to my girl Sarah and Cool Dad Sgt. Albrecht, they deserved better) was a bit of a missed opportunity? Because look, it's like this
say whatever you will about the quality of the sequels, and whether you liked them or hated them is entirely your business and valid either way. I mean, I only watched City of Angels once and barely remember it, it was that good. Never managed to catch Salvation (read the plot) and watched Wicked Prayer a couple of times (David Boreanaz and Danny Trejo were in that movie, HAH!) and I'm basically neutral about it because THAT was practically a remake of the original but in a different setting with different characters, the plot beats were the a carbon copy.
In summary, the tradition with this unloved obscure franchise is that with every movie, the story changes. You have a new cast, a new city, new villains, and the only constant is that someone is brutally murdered along with a loved one, and their soul can't rest, so the crow that carries them to the next life allows them to come back to right the wrongs before moving on. And independently of how successful the storytelling was, they at least tried to do something different each time (except for Wicked Prayer): City of Angels was about a father being brought back to avenge the murder of his son and Salvation was about a guy being wrongly accused of the murder of his girlfriend and coming back from being executed to solve the mystery of her death and avenge himself and her. And this new film is just--
Oh we have two cishet people who are in love and get murdered and they're both just called Eric and Shelly and this isn't supposed to be a reboot, it's just the same plot as the '94 movie and the main characters are different people but have the same names as the two lovers from the original and we're gonna ramp up the supernatural element even though knowing so little about it is what made the original so mysterious and tight in its themes and instead of our titular Crow looking like "a Nine Inch Nails member" he'll look "like a rapper on SoundCloud" (quoted from a great YT comment btw). Oh and Eric and Shelly are delinquents so we can toss some poorly construed redemption arc, just to spice things up a little.
Just ?????? WHAT?? That's IT????
Ever since the rumors of a new Crow movie started traveling around the internet, I was hoping they would really try and make something interesting with it because this is a kind of universe (I hate that term, fucking Marvel) where there's strict rules, true, but within its boundaries you can get really creative! Like why not have a female Crow, for a change? It's always been a male playing the part! Why not an LGBTQ+ Crow, like hear me out:
how about a lesbian couple who were super in love and happy but got murdered by homophobes one night so one of them is brought back to exact vengeance so brutal, vicious and graphic even the devil would get chills (and the anti-LGBTQ+ fake fans in the audience would shit their pants)?
And I didn't have to think too hard about that one! It's basically the original plot but with lesbians! You get a female Crow AND a LGBTQ+ Crow in the same film!!
And it doesn't have to be about lovers being murdered either, like I said City of Angels was about a father and his son, in Salvation the guy got wrongly executed for the murder of his gf, why not have a daughter coming back to avenge her mother? Why not a friend coming back bc they can't rest after they and their BFF were gunned down? Why can't it be total strangers who hit it off after meeting for five minutes and have a "wrong place, wrong time" scenario going on??? How much better would that be?
So many possibilities, but nooooooo, we gotta go with the tired Sad White Boy (no shade on Bill Skarsgård) loses his One True (Straight) Love plot and he has to be conventionally attractive (and get jacked up when he's brought back bc yeah, I mean in the original Lee's character looked exactly the same pre and pos resurrection, his only superpower was that he couldn't be killed but whatever) and look badass while killing all the bad guys. BORING. Oh and 2024's Shelly is a black woman who gets murdered, don't think I didn't notice that casual racism.
Since we're on that note, why not have a black Crow???? Or a Mexican Crow??????? I realize that in Wicked Prayer Jimmy Cuervo maybe was supposed to be Mexican, but he was still a white man (with Mexican heritage, I'll give it that) so we're back to the same white-people only club! I realize there are white Mexicans, but that's not the point, the point is to give brown skinned people the chance to play a main role where they get to be badass too! Just..... AHHHH.
Listen. Anyone who truly knows me is aware I'm a big romantic bimbo. I LOVE a good love story that ends in tragedy or in bittersweet terms bc the couple are so in love and true love never dies (see what I did there, fellow Crow fans?). But nothing is gonna beat Brandon Lee's movie in that sense, that's why I love it. What buggers me the most is that, from what I've been told, the director and writers wanted to make an adaptation more faithful to the graphic novel (which I have not read YET! I recommend Into The Depths video if you wanna know more about the author James O'Barr and his story, which is a very sad one indeed) that started it all, and yet it doesn't look like it will be any more faithful to said graphic novel than the '94 movie! Like, if you're gonna bullshit about it, at least make up a better excuse.
Hhhhhhhhhh. Hollywood's gonna Hollywood, right? Joke's on me expecting better.
TL:DR The Crow (2024) is trying to be a remake of The Crow (1994) when we already have a remake (The Crow: Wicked Prayer (2000)) instead of trying to make something new and it's silly, but I will still go watch it bc at least it looks fun to look at. And there's a bit of poetry in knowing this new flick will release 30 years after the original, ig.
Rant over.
Bloopers: try to guess how many times I ended up writing Wicked Grace instead of Wicked Prayer bc I'm back on my Dragon Age era lmaooooo.
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Silk Ribbons, Euronymous│2
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Desc: Euronymous x Latina reader, continuation of Silk Ribbons.
Warnings: none
3:15 PM l AUGUST 25th
Euronymous was nervous. He's never nervous and his friends knew this, so seeing him pace behind the counter while biting his finger nails was...odd. 3 pm you were supposed to meet Euronymous at his store for a date, but 15 minutes have passed and still a no show worrying him that you stood him up. "Hey come on man she's probably just late" and Faust was right. The door of the record store swings open with Fabio and you're right behind him rushing him in, out of breath. "So so so sorry Fabio here lost his shoes and we couldn't find them but they were under his bed the entire time" Your rambling on while walking towards the counter but it was like Euronymous couldn't hear the words coming out of your mouth, too emerged seeing your hair down without the ribbons. Instead a ribbon was laced around your neck and tied in a bow.
"Compórtate bien, okay?" You tell Fabio he was nervous hanging out with Euronymous's group and you were too. It took hours of convincing you to let the guys babysit Fabio at the record store while you and Euronymous were out, but in the end you agreed. Fabio assures you with a nod and a pinky promise he would be on good behavior when you were gone. Now looking up from Fabio to Euronymous, he looks like he's in a trance still not over how lovely you looked with your hair down.
"Le haces daño y te mato" You say to Faust leaving him dumbfounded, and before he could even ask you were already leaving the store with Euronymous. "Uuh" Faust let's out before awkwardly looking at Fabio not knowing how to talk to the kid.
"So new hairdo?" Euronymous asks, bringing up the sudden change with your hair while walking you to his car. "Thought I should change it up for today. Why? You don't like it?" "No- no no, I-I like it. It's, different." At this point Euronymous is cursing at himself seeing how awkward he's being already, but hearing you giggle next to him relieved a part of him. "M'lady" He says before opening the passenger door open for you, even if he was awkward he was still very sweet towards you. "Thank you kind sir" you go along with him making him smile. Now in the driver seat of his car he's fumbling with his keys trying to find the right one, obviously he's nervous. Euronymous has never taken a girl out on a date, let alone got to muster up the courage to ask one out..until you came.
3:37 PM
Euronymous chose the movie theater for your guy's date...cause that's what all the guys in the movies he has watched have done. Any movies besides horror didn't interest him but he wanted you to have fun so he proposed you guy's watch a rom-com, but when you saw Child's Play 2 was in the theater you lit up. Asking Euronymous if you guys could watch it instead like a kid made him chuckle. "You sure you could handle it?" "Pfft you think I'm scared of a 3 foot doll I could just kick away?" God he's in love.
Meanwhile in Helvete...
Fabio was sitting under Euronymous's loft while also watching movies of his own, the TV filling the awkward silence between him and the guys. The front door opens disrupting the guy's focus on whatever they were doing, and in comes walking Varg. "Hey where's Euronymous?" He asked confused seeing his presence missing, Faust doesn't answer instead he nods towards Fabio and Varg understood perfectly. Watching Fabio and the TV he was watching, cartoons playing lowly. "Hey kid" Varg called out catching Fabios attention "Turn it up." was the only thing Varg said before putting his attention back to the cartoon.
5:01 PM
Walking out of the movie theater your giggling with Euronymous joking about the movie, you guys seemed to share a love for horror. "Now what would YOU do if your foster parents brought you the doll that killed your parents?" you asked curiously for his answer "Are you kidding me? I would burn it the second I see that thing." "You can't burn something that looks like it's already been through seven house fires and a good beating, god that thing is ugly" You reply to his answer, and immediately you guys are laughing again. You aren't paying attention but Euronymous laughs die down seeing your smile full on display, making that feeling in his gut he's felt before around you almost explode. Euronymous stops in his steps now a serious expression displayed on his face, and you take notice stopping your tracks now standing face to face with him.
"You know you look pretty with all these silk ribbons" He says after a minute of staring. You can't say anything but smile at the sudden compliment, looking down at your shoes shyly before looking up at him and kissing his cheek quickly. Taking him by surprise but he watches you turn around and walk towards the car, touching the spot you kissed before smiling and following you.
Euronymous didn't understand the feeling in his gut, all he knew was it made him feel good and he felt good when he was around you. Even if he met you only a couple of days ago he felt like he didn't need any of that first introduction bull crap with you, he feels like he actually knows you, and that felt good. To know someone so kind and genuine for such a little time but loving them as if you have forever.
5:23 PM
Entering through the record store's door with Euronymous's leather jacket around your shoulder like a romance movie cliche, probably because Euronymous was following a movie cliche. Staying up the night before watching a romance movie to get an idea of how to act, he's never been on a date so getting pointers from a cringe romance was his idea. He didn't wanna be like those guys in the movie though, and he definitely didn't want you to think he was some flirt. He wanted you to see him as him. His awkward self who doesn't know how to start conversations or even hold one for that long, even if he could do both of those things with you he just wanted you to like him for him.
The record store was filled with loud ominous music coming from the TV, a horror movie was playing and all the guys plus Fabio were sat around the TV emerged in the movie. Euronymous puts his finger up to his lips signaling to stay quiet before slowly and quietly making his way to the counter. The movie was playing a tense build up scene and Euronymous knew when the scare was bound to happen, so he stealthily got up on the counter waiting for the right moment. You didn't try to stop him wanting to see everyone's reaction. So once the scare did its thing Euronymous jumped off the counter yelling, prompting the guys to scream on the top of their lungs and Faust falling off of his seat. "YOU DICK." Varg yelled coming down from the adrenaline "Hey I saw the opportunity and took it." Euronymous says chuckling. "Fabio es hora de ir" You say to a disappointed Fabio "Pero quería terminar la película'' he groaned not wanting to leave. "Puedes terminarlo la próxima vez" You reply trying to convince him, "Puedo venir mañana?" he asks hoping for a yes. "He's asking if he can come by tomorrow to finish the movie" You turn to Euronymous "Yes of course he can- well as long as he brings his sister along"
"Well then I guess I'll see you tomorrow, fabio vamonos" Your out the door and Euronymous just watches you leave before feeling a pair of hands on his shoulders making him jump. "Soo? Did you guys make it to third base?" Faust asks waving his brows "It's none of your business" Euronymous replies annoyed before walking away. "He definitively got to third base look at him" The guys are howling now.
I need to clean the place up for tomorrow. Euronymous thinks wanting tomorrow to go well and a small clean up from the guy's mess is the first step.
note: kinda not that proud of this one but this is as best as it gets 😭
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