#there will be a white day hajime that matches this btw
koziku · 7 months
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⛓️♥️ | Happy Valentine’s Day <3🍴
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nan0ka · 2 months
Heeeeeyyyy can't wait for the next chapter!!!!! Ume so lovely 😭🫶
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summary. a little dance in the rain, isn't that the most romantic? but you can't dance. and neither can he.
content. highschool au, fluff, slowburn, childhood friends to lovers, umemiya may seem ooc, little angst.
wordcount. 3.2k words.
author's note. how can I not update if a lovely reader asked for it? <3 btw this story is also online on watty ( and it has 12 chaps ). my name on wattpad is the same »-NAN0KA«.
❨📁❩ ← previous. ❨🗂️❩ → masterlist. ❨📁❩ → next.
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One drop of water lead to the next one. And then it multiplied to thousands of water drops. The clouds were crying once again. But it's nice. It felt pleasant. You leaned against the bed frame and simply closed your eyes, listening to the rain landing on your window, sliding down easily. The nightsky still shines with the moon, accompanied by the stars. A rather breathtaking sight.
“I never craved attention, until I tasted of yours.”
Not a second passed and you opened your eyes, almost immediately. You had a picture of him clearly in mind. A face, you've never seen in those seven years with him. Knitted eyebrows in jealousy, you assume. It matched his downturned, stunning blue eyes. But it was an ugly emotion for such a pretty face. Still, you're sure. Sure you saw a face no one has ever seen before.
The time you closed your eyes was the moment you could imagine the scene again. How he pulled you in for hug. Your arms around his well-built torso. His hand gently caressed the back of your head, following the strands of your hair to the tip. His warmth engulfed you into it's depths. His familiar yet odorous scent reached your nose. The thin fabrics of your uniform and his separates your bodies.
Your ears felt hot. Really hot. What's wrong with you? These past days are getting more difficult to live like a normal person. Suddenly someone hastily rang your doorbell, which lead to you flinching by the unexpected sound. You breathed out, calming down your heart before you stood up from your bed and hurriedly made your way to the door. The rang didn't even stop once.
"I'm coming, i'm coming!" you exclaimed, your hand around the handle before pushing the door open.
Only to be greeted by your white haired friend. Your eyes widened as they followed the water drop gliding down to his chin, eventually falling off the tip. It looked like he had been drenched in water. Maybe he was. But you looked behind him, just to see that the once calm rain, rained harder. You don't need to puzzle long enough to understand why he was soaked in water.
"Hajime, are you insane?" were the only words that left your lips once you regained your voice after a minute or two of speechlessness.
"Don't think so." he answered. He meant it serious. But then his usual loopy smile returned.
"Come in." you forced him into your apartment by grabbing the wet sleeve of his jacket. "It's raining and night. Why would you only wear this..?"
A chuckle left his lips. It sounded rather like an amused one. As he stepped out again. "I just wanted to see you." he explained, ready to leave again. "I thought you would go out and find your inspiration to draw— Long story short, I was worried you'd try something stupid again and get hurt ahahaha..." he rubbed his neck, his laughter trailed off as he smiled at you so happily.
You would never understand what's going on in his mind.
"Look what I drew." he took out a sheet of paper, folded in two. "If you need inspiration, then just ask me. This is just an ugly doodle. Don't judge me please, I'm still learning. Oh! And when you're done, then show me!"
Speechless, you took the piece of paper. "I'm assuming you're leaving again?" you raised an eyebrow. "You'd get sick if you leave now. Don't you live a little further away? To think you walked from there to here. You're silly, Hajime." you didn't open the note, not yet. "You're staying here. You can even sleep over. But you're not going out until the rain stops." you grabbed onto his wrist with your free hand.
With that being said, you pulled him into your apartment again with a firm voice, no room objection. "Wait here for a second, I'll get you a towel and some clothes." you turned your back to him and ran into your bathroom, then rushed into your room to search for your biggest pullover, shirt and comfortable pants. After finding something you immediately made your way back to Umemiya.
There he stands. With that brightest smile stretched on to his lips. The dim light over your heads let his features shine. Sometimes, you forget how pretty his eyes are. Or that little slit over his left eyebrow. His mouth is a pale pink. And his nose is cute. He's stunning. You don't wonder why he's popular with the ladies. You're surprised he hasn't had a girlfriend yet. Really shocking, right?
"Here." you handed him the towel first. "You can change in the bathroom. Want some hot tea?"
"I feel like a nuisance." he chuckled once again. Ah. His voice sounds pleasant. And every time he laughs, it felt like he's blessed by nature itself. "Yes, please..."
"Maybe because you are one? Now change in the bathroom before you get sick." you rolled your eyes.
"Yes, ma'am."
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
 "[name], I searched for a reason to see you." he said randomly as he placed his elbow on the table to lean his head against his palm for support.
"I figured." you sipped your tea quietly and layed your leg over the other one while maintaining eye contact.
"How?" his little smile grew with every second passing. He's in delighted to see you sitting across him.
At that question, you only raised an eyebrow before sighing out with closed eyes. "Maybe because I know you." you opened your [e/c] eyes again to look at his face. He isn't shocked. He's still happy. "It's crazy. Crazy how you would still walk here to my place just to see me, even though it's raining that hard." you tilted your head to the side and lightly knitted your eyebrows in confusion.
"So, am I the first one?" he asked. Why does that even matter?
"Mhm. Why do you care?" now it was your turn to ask.
"Because..." he paused before searching for a reason. "Don't know. But does it sound greedy if I told you that I want to be your first's?"
"First's what?"
"Silly question for smart woman." he holds up one finger, his expression is serious. You can't take him serious at all. "First one to write a song for you. First one to learn something for you. First one to draw you. I don't know— just first's."
For a moment, you can just stare. And then you opened your mouth. No sound leaves your throat. So you fall silent again. "Oh!" he gasped before quickly getting his phone out. "How could I forget! I wanted to show you my phone case." he turned around his phone before showing you a picture. Oh. It's the where he gently pressed his lips against your forehead. But you never send him that picture.
Did he stole your camera? You stared at him, while he still smiled, probably not even knowing what he did wrong to make you feel embarrassed. You don't even think he has some shame when it comes to love or something like that. "Woops." you muttered, 'accidentally' kicking leg under the table. But he continued to smile. His smile didn't even falter one bit. He knows what he's doing.
Even if Umemiya Hajime doesn't seem like someone who teases their partner or friend, he actually would. He definitely would. He's indeed a sly one, you can tell. Does it feed his ego if he sees you blushing or flustered? You breathed out, a little frustrated, while your gaze was fixated on the phone case. You must admit, this photo was pretty cute in your eyes. But you won't say that out loud.
It was quiet. A comfortable silence. Was it the atmosphere or was it the moon shining through the window? All you heard was the rain hitting the window. You lifted your eyes from the phone case and looked outside. It doesn't look like the rain will stop anytime soon. As a matter of fact, it looked like it would rain all night. Then your eyes went to the clock, which hung on the wall.
"Let's dance."
As soon as those words left his lips, you immediately turned to him again, pretty dumbfounded. What? "Here? Right now?" you blinked, tilting your head slightly to the side as you furrowed your eyebrows. This man never fails to make you speechless, sometimes even amazed. "You're joking, right? Or is this one of your mood swings again?" you want to laugh. He never has mood swings. Okay, that was a lie now.
"If not now, when?" he sulked. This old child.
"Yeah, no. Forget this idea real quick." you sighed. "You don't even dance."
"For you, I will."
"I know you would. But I wouldn't. I can't even dance, Hajime. And I'd constantly step on your toes." you shook your head dismissive about that idea. "And I'd rather not dance here."
"How about we dance in the rain?"
"To get sick again? No, thank you." you sighed once again. This man would never give up. Once he has an idea he wants to do, it'll never get out of his head again. You just know.
"Promise, it will be fun! It's a one time thing, you know!" seems like he's really convinced by that idea.
"Sure, sure." you clicked your tongue.
"Oh, how about you just stand on my feet while I guide you!" his face lit up.
"I'm too heavy for you."
"Are you doubting my strength?"
Now he had a point.
"To make sure I heard you correctly, you want to dance with me? Even though you and I can't dance? In the rain? And you want me to stand on your toes while dancing?" you summarized.
"Why do you only have the most terrible ideas?"
"Hey! It's not that terrible!" he pouted.
"Why do you have such ideas in mind?" you groaned before nodding. "Okay, let's do it."
Not one second passed as he stood up with a beaming aura. "I knew you couldn't resist my charms!" he grinned, you could only deadpan. "Let's go." Umemiya walked to your side before giving you a hand. You stared at it, thinking again if it's a good idea or not. You breathed before slowly reaching out for his hand and placing yours on top of his, so he can pull you up to your feet.
As soon as you stood, he turned his back to you and began to spring out of the apartment. "W-Why so fast?!" your eyes widened, you almost missed to grab the keys that are at the entrance as he quickly opened the door. You slammed it shut, not having enough time to close the door gently, so the neighbors won't complain. "H-Hajime, slow down!" you cried out, still surprised by the pace.
"Umemiya Hajime!"
He stopped. Almost tripping over the air. He looked back with an apologetic smile while you breathed out. The two of you are standing in the stairwell, about to run down the stairs. Well he was about to while you stopped. At that rate you probably would have stumbled. "I'm sorry, I got excited ahahaha..." he apologized with a closed-eye smile. "Please don't get mad at me for..."
"For?.." you trailed off and knitted your eyebrows in confusion.
Well, for a short while. Umemiya approached you from the side before taking you bridal-style, his one arm behind your back and the other under your knees. "—For this!" he laughed and began to run down the stairs with you in his arms while you shut your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck. Why was he so excited about the dance in the rain?
"I'm gonna kill you one day!" you shouted. When was the last time you yelled?
"Then I'd be happily ever after!" he answers.
"Not funny!"
"But I'm not joking!"
He jumped down the last three flights of stairs, stopped in his tracks to let you down on the floor again. You let out a shaky breath and held onto his arm. You couldn't deny, Umemiya is a bit of a crazy guy. But his kind and outgoing personality hides this face. Sometimes he just comes up with the stupidest ideas and make them come true. How does the saying go? It's the thought that counts.
"We're steps away from our goal. Come one." he whispered excited. Our goal? He meant his goal.
"Change of mind. I'm not doing this."
You watched the heavy rain horrified. But before you can turn away, Umemiya took your hand and rubbed soothingly the back of it with his thumb. "Naw... Look how close we are." he points to the rain that was near you. The only thing that covers your head are the stairs over you. "Haven't you told me once that you love the rain?" he questioned, averting his eyes from the rain.
"I do. I love the rain. But I hate getting wet." you closed your eyes.
Suddenly—he just pulled you with him with ease, walking towards the rain. "I should've never let you into my apartment." you wanted cry. Well you did. On the inside. He set a foot on the wet floor, turning to you with a smile. Your sleeve is getting wet, while you stayed under the 'roof'. "I will regret this." you muttered and followed him. "But I also would regret not joining you."
"Yay!" he cheered.
Umemiya lead you a little further before stopping and turning to you. "Now..." he paused, letting your hand go. His left arm was behind his back and he offered his right one, while his left foot was infront of the other. He faked a cough. "May I invite you to a dance, m'lady?" he asked and bowed down. Suddenly, you both were nobles in an empty ballroom, wasting your time for a little dance.
A sigh escaped your lips as you role played with him. "It would be my pleasure, my lord." you followed in suit, pretending to wear a dress as you bowed down with a hand placed on top of your chest. You gave him your hand, a sign that he can look up now. And he did. But he was still bowing as he gently pressed his lips against the back of the wet hand. Your cheeks were painted in a cute reddish color.
"If I may..." he whispered and stood straight again, his intertwined his right hand with your left one, while putting the other hand behind your lower back.
The rain was the music. It hit your body softly, your hair is getting wet and sticks on your face while your pyjama stuck onto your body like a second skin. It feels weird. And it irritates you a little. But you can manage, you guess. It's not bad, because you're not the only one getting wet. And maybe even sick later on. Your right hand finds itself on his shoulder again as you slowly stepped on his feet.
"I'm sorry..." you apologized quietly.
"No need to apologize, m'lady." he smiled.
"Drop me and you're dead."
"Language." he chuckled amused. "I would never dare to intentionally let you fall. I couldn't afford to dirty your »dress« with mud, my lady."
With that, he easily took a steep  forward. Then to the right. Making a little spin. Taking steps back. Moving so effortlessly around like you weighed nothing. But with every step you were afraid that he would loosen his grip around you. You closed your eyes. One long lunging step backwards again with the right foot, just to draw the left foot back to close the distance.
Umemiya Hajime was actually good in dancing. Did he learn beforehand? Or what did he do to be so skilled? Did he drink some kind of dancing potion? In this heavy rain too. Actually—you forgot for a while that it was raining as he moved around in circles. You opened your eyes again and stared up to him. "Having fun?" he asked, breaking the silence between you.
Slowly but surely, you nodded. It wasn't that bad. Only because he could dance. Because he could guide you while doing so. And he was good at it. "Could you step off my foot for a moment?" he whispered and took a step to the left again. "Just for a moment please." he plead. "Trust me. I'll show you something." and he smiles at you. How could you say no? He knew you couldn't when he smiled at you like that.
"Asshole." you cursed again, putting your trust into him. You quickly got onto the floor, trying to follow his steps.
But not for long as he placed his hands around your waist, just to lift you up and spin a round. "Since when did you learn how to dance?" you asked and were on his foot again, finding space on his shoulder again. "I thought you couldn't dance. I think I've been lied to my whole life." yeah, you probably were. He doesn't look surprised by the question.
"I learned just for you. I hoped you'd ask me one day, yet the day never came, so I took matters in my own hand." he explained with a cheeky grin. "And when I sat there on your chair, I had the need to dance in the rain with you."
"You learned how to dance for me?" you blinked.
"Am I the first one?"
"That relieves me. That was actually also my goal. I was pretty worried."
The longer you stared at him, the harder it was to surpass your laugh. "Pfft—" oh it slipped. You began to laugh as he still danced. The rain became lighter. "You were worried that you wouldn't be the first one to learn how to dance for me?" you asked. It sounds silly. But you guess, silly is his second lastname. It must be. You couldn't help but to laugh at the fact again. "Y-You're strange..." you stuttered slightly.
"I know. But I think i'm only being strange when i'm with you." he sweatdropped. "That's what Hiragi said! Still, i'm not that strange."
"Sure, you aren't." you rolled your eyes jokingly, a smile formed on your lips. "If I get sick because of this, you need to take care of me again, understood?"
"Yes yes, m'lady."
He stared at you again. The smile on your lips suited you perfectly. If only you smiled more. In this moment, he could die happily. You're smiling, because of him. And even laughing. He deserves an oscar for this. "Gosh... You're so beautiful." before you could react, he stopped to wrap his arms around you, burying his face into your neck, just to breath your scent in.
"I never thought I'd get this attached." he whispered. "Thank you for making me happy every day."
You stayed silent. Not even one noise left your lips. Even though it was raining heavy and you're wet all over the body, your throat was dry.
"My love... You worth every drop of it."
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- NAN0KA [ july 18th, 2024 ]
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