#there’s something so scary abt knowing you forgot smth but no idea what
dahldahlbills · 8 months
there is something my brain keeps trying to remember… and it’s giving me so much anxiety bc it feels important…
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fairycosmos · 2 years
I’ve never had a proper paranormal experience and low-key don’t believe but this is a kinda random ghost story lmao but one time when I was in Louvre I was in a hallway off from the Mona Lisa just chilling and looking at a painting when a guy came up to me and said smth in french which obv I couldn’t understand but then immediately he just sped walked away and I remember the only thing I remember of him was that he was dressed in a red cloak but at the time I was just like oh well weird french guy and forgot abt for months and then one day I remembered it and just thought haha what if it was a ghost and looked up ghosts of the Louvre and there is literally a ghost called the red man that haunts the Louvre 😭 so I have no idea if it was just a coincidence that he happened to be dressed in red or if he really was this ghost but yeah that’s always creeped me out bc I’m like wth did he say to me in french
the louvre.....what a sexy setting for a fucking chilling to the chore experience lmfao 😭 no, that is insane. bc it's the fact that you didn't even know anything about a red man and yet ???? maybe it was just someone who was familiar with the lore of the place fucking with the guests for fun. like imagine he said something totally normal to you in french HAHA and the speed walking away as well...........literally so perplexing and funny and scary and i need to watch something funney to take my mind off it LOL........ty for sharing <3
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thisisegregiouuuus · 2 months
ok i know this is stupid but i need to talk abt it
theres like 2 scenes in the shining that make me laugh, and obviously theyre not supposed to make me laugh like theres honestly nothing funny abt them from a normal perspective but it still makes me laugh </3
first of all, the scene where jack had just been accused of hurting danny, and he gets all angry abt it like a kid who just got told off for doing something they didn't do, and so he's walking down the hall to the gold room and it's so stupid, he does this specific motion with his hands where he clenches his fists and like slams them down aggressively into the air in this downwards motion, IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT but its so stupid that its funny to me, like in that moment he legit seems like a kid who's pissed at his mum for yelling at him LMAO (also just wanted to clarify i didnt find the idea of him hurting danny funny at all, just the way he behaved after being accused, like a literal kid going thru a temper tantrum was funny to me)
and then this other scene THAT LITERALLY ISNT FUNNY AT ALL but i still find it funny for some reason, when jack gets trapped in the kitchen cupboard thing (i forgot what its called) and he starts talking to grady whos on the other side of the door, and while grady's all like 'bro...u cant do this ur not fit for it' jack just slowly holds his head with his hand LMAO, like idk its just funny to me for some reason, like the way he slowly does it and he's all like 'shit, damn it.. i messed up...' lol
idk i just find dumb random things that aren't funny, funny. theres probably like 2 other scenes i laughed at but i cant remember rn
also i guess while im talking abt that i also wanted to mention the kind of cartoony-ish way of jack when he starts to like go insane and stuff, like idk how to explain it but the way he behaves, his facial expressions, his body language, it seems cartoonish to me, which like idk, makes him a little funny and unserious but still scary altogether.
also idk if this makes sense but in some cases in horror movies or smth im not usually scared if the villain is a human, like its just some psycho whos a killer, bc for me personally when im trying to sleep at night, my brain is more likely to be like 'quick! put the flashlight on ur phone rn, pennywise or any other weird alien/monster creature is abt to eat you!' instead of warning me that there's like idk a killer in my room or smth. idk how to explain it, like in some cases i am scared of human villains but im usually more scared of the supernatural demon monster ones if that makes sense, IDK!!!
but the other day it was night and i had to go outside to the garage to grab smth from the fridge and when i was walking back to go back inside the house i legit got so scared bc my brain told me that jack torrance was abt to emerge from the darkness and kill me w his axe, the way he did with mr halloran, and i got freaked out </3 i also got freaked out when my brain made me beleieve he was in my room..there might be smth wrong w me
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uniformbravo · 7 years
ramblin abt my ocs (a lot)
i think im starting to care abt my ocs again, which is good bc it seems like every time i go hard in a fandom for a while i get extremely apathetic abt my own characters (bc the ones im obsessed w/ at the time seem to outshine them in every conceivable way and make them look painfully boring in comparison), so im glad the current wave of those feelings is finally starting to wear off bc god
anyway i’ve been thinking about some old ocs lately (like from when i was 13/14) and i wanted to look into them some more so i pulled out the notebook that had their story, which was coincidentally the one that silan & sythra are originally from and wow it turns out there was actually a legit explanation for their alternate eye colors?? 
i know i’ve gone back to find this story before too (quite recently actually) so idk why i didn’t already know this, i think i literally just keep forgetting every time fkdfksjd
tbh it’s probably because it doesn’t apply anymore because ok their original story had a whole cast of characters with super powers (i’ve talked abt it a little before), and originally their Thing was that they could read each other’s minds, which is kind of still how they work now but the other thing they could do was share their literal sight? here’s the actual description from the story
If they are apart, they can do something called sight division, where they can choose to see what the other is seeing. It’s like because their eyes are opposite colors, they can match their missing eye with the other’s and share the sight.
like it makes sense and it’s a pretty cool idea tbh? and idk how i forgot about it but somewhere down the line their psychic relationship developed past the point of something like sight division even being necessary, like
in may 16th, the story i transferred them to after this, the link’s concept changed from simply being able to read each other’s minds to being a constant connection between them- it’s not a conscious decision they make to “read” what the other is thinking, they’re just always there in each other’s heads, aware of what is happening with the other person at all times 
but even then the story would often have them mentally speaking full sentences to each other as a means of communication, whereas now it’s evolved even further past that; the current idea is that they are two separate entities that share the same mind space, constantly influencing and being influenced by each other’s thoughts, feelings, natures and personalities to the point that the line between the two of them distinguishing who’s who would be more accurately described as a gradient
so the concept of “sight division” has been rendered completely obsolete at this point because why would they need to share their sight when they literally know exactly what is happening with the other person at every waking moment of their connected lives
the reason for their eye colors became merely symbolic at some point between the original story and may 16th (i probably just forgot about the sight division & didn’t ever go back to check tbh) and the idea i’ve had ever since was that it was just a physical manifestation of their mental link; sythra’s eyes are originally blue and silan’s are originally brown, but because of the connection it’s like they have a little piece of each other within them, ergo the switching of their left eyes
that’s the explanation i’ve been using this whole time & i thought that’s how it always was, so reading the original concept kind of blew my mind & made me a little sad that i can’t use it anymore bc honestly??? good post op
anyway i rly want to do more with silan & sythra bc i feel like they have a lot of potential and i’ve had some cool ideas for them in the past, so maybe i’ll develop those more hmmm
i think i’d have to migrate them into another story separate from may 16th to really explore them, though. which is kind of a scary thought because may 16th is my baby, but. i think that time in my life has passed and it’s time to do something Bigger with these characters, because at this point they deserve so much more than Shitty High School Romance In Which Sythra Is Pretty Much Shoved To The Side To Make Room For The Main Relationship Plotline Where The Most Mediocre Dude Ever Shows Up & Steals Silan’s Heart By Being A Complete Dick To Him Wow (But Like, A Handsome Dick)
and ok that’s being a little harsh because that’s only the original draft- i’ve been salvaging it & rearranging it to make it leagues better, but the thing is, in the process i’ve only come to realize that it needs to become something bigger; my ideas are evolving it past that original high school romance setting, and while that setting will always hold a special place in my heart, i want to let this story and these characters breathe and grow to their full potential instead of caging them with nostalgia, you know? i think i’ll remember may 16th as the high school romance au, that is how it will live on in my heart
god i dont even know what i would do with chris in a new story though?? he is Truly the most mediocre and the only reason he was a prominent character in may 16th was because of his relationship with silan; if we’re gonna take that relationship away though then what is he even here for. his motivations include 1. Playing Sport and 2. Ignoring Every Emotion Especially The Gay Ones like god what an uninspired character what am i supposed to do with him. i mean i have been working on him lately but deep down i really do think he’s a boring character and i probably care about him the least out of all my main ocs hgjdgkdjksdg I FEEL BAD BUT
literally the only thing that has ever made him interesting to me is his relationship with silan like he has a fun dynamic with him and pretty decent development as a result of his interaction with him but as soon as he’s on his own he’s just sUch a boring character im snoring i need to fix chris somebody save him (read: me)
that’s the big problem here, i think. if im going to transfer these characters into a new story that’ll focus primarily on silan and sythra (or at least a lot more than may 16th did), chris would just be a huge distraction like he was in may 16th; if silan is what makes him interesting then he’ll just end up immediately latching onto silan and stealing the focus away from sythra bc chris only exists to be with silan, right. so the options im looking at here are 
omit chris completely because he’d just be an unnecessary dead weight on the story or
find another purpose for him, give him new depth that doesn’t conform to a romance, reinvent him as a compelling standalone character who could fit right into any given setting- discover what defines him and build on it until he feels like he could be his own protagonist
....obviously one of these requires a lot more energy & dedication but. i cant just abandon my boy. my dumbass mediocre af shit boy
aaaaaanyway i’ve definitely gone on for way too long Oops i didnt mean to shit on chris for so many paragraphs hghdghsdgdj but im kinda glad i did bc that was smth i really needed to admit & come to that conclusion so That’s Cool. if anything u at least got to see a bit of what my brainstorming documents usually look like (theyre a mess)
but uhh ya Cool Glad We Could Have This Talk
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yumikoflare · 7 years
wowie this is a loooong meme - thanks for the tag @wildricebear more like wild loser bear...........
Rules: Answer all questions and tag 20 people. (putting it under the cut bc it’s 100+ questions!)
1. What is your nickname? i go by yumi! my rl nickname has the same amount of letters 🤔
2. What is your zodiac sign? aqua sun / scorp moon
3. What is your favorite book series? not gonna lie i havent read any book series in a looong time but my fav manga series is fukigen na mononokean!
4. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? ofc, i believe in both!
5. Who is your favorite author? errr i honestly don’t have one ahaha but sunrisesongs has some reaaaally nice poetry if that counts
6. What is your current favorite song? rn i’m a huuuge fan of kenshi yonezu’s suna no wakusei, namely the soramafu cover!
7. What is your favorite word? uhh don’t have one.. but the word ‘warmth’ has always struck a chord in me?
8. What was the last song you listened to? i think it was ra ra rasputin b/c someone at band was playing it on his phone LOL
9. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? i don’t watch tv oops  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ can’t think of anime recs either smhhh
10. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? i don’t watch movies if i’m feeling down but i remember enjoying the intern?
11. Do you play video games? mmm a little bit.. i play overwatch and sometimes osu and ive played a couple of mmorpgs here and there 
12. What is your biggest fear? losing my purpose and passion
13. What is your best quality, in your opinion? i’m a good friend! i think that counts
14. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? my lack of patience and intolerance to trials
15. What is your favorite season? winter!!!!!!
16. Are you in a relationship? nah
17. What is something you miss from your childhood? honestly? i don’t miss much in particular from my childhood other than that Sweet Naive Bliss™ because things have been getting better in my life since then so
18. Who is your best friend? nizh, swirl, mari, gil, noah, sam, laura, kayla come to mind
19. What is your eye color? dark brown
20. What is your hair color? dark brown
21. Who is someone you love? all my friends...........
22. Who is someone you trust? the friends i listed earlier!!!
23. Who is someone you think about often? honestly as of recently myself bc im working on bettering myself LOL but other than that, i think of noah kinda often?
24. Are you currently excited about/for something? uuuuhhhh not particularly
25. What is your biggest obsession? currently overwatch
26. What was your favorite TV show as a child? probably spongebob aldsakdsla
27. Do you have any unusual phobias? mmmmmm not sure but my anxiety makes a lot of small things scary so
28. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? both!!!!
29. What is your favorite hobby? honestly not sure... i like writing but recently i’ve been very into photo and video editing so!!!
30. What was the last book you read? probably the hiding place
31. What was the last movie you watched? goosebumps i think? watched it at home w/ my mom bc she hadnt seen it before
32. What musical instruments do you play, if any? [[[the sound of me, panicked, aggressively slamming my mallets into a timpani can be heard in the distance]]]
33. What is your favorite animal? dogs.... i love dogs
34. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? hm i rly like yamiiino, kaiami, tofuvi, star-plasma, and zandraart!
35. What superpower do you wish you had? healing factor!!!
36. When and where do you feel most at peace? idk, whenever really, surrounded in my closest friends; either that or doing something i love alone
37. What makes you smile? my friends...... also getting praised......
38. What sports do you play, if any? FUNNY JOKE i cant sports
39. What is your favorite drink? hell....... i love lots of different types of teas (black, green, jasmine, honey, etc) and im also a sucker for matcha... and i also like ice blended drinks... and (virgin bc im underage) mojitos.... and smoothies.......... fdgkjkdf i love drinks a lot ok
40. Are you afraid of heights? yes 10000%
41. What is your biggest pet peeve? close-mindedness and intolerance to other ppl/ideas/etc + having to waste resources
42. Have you ever been to a concert? only one! was a mayday parade concert earlier this year
43. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? like everything LOL a singer and an author were prob my biggest ones tho
44. What fictional world would you like to live in? HONESTLY the fukigen na mononokean world would be cool to live in... 
45. What is something you worry about? i simultaneously really like and dread band asdlsakdas
46. Are you scared of the dark? yup orz
47. Do you like to sing? heck yea!!!! singing is so good.....
48. Have you ever skipped school? no bc im a goody two-shoes™ 
49. What is your favorite place on the planet? i dunno! i don’t have one! the world’s so big there’s so many places i still have yet to go!!!
50. Where would you like to live? honestly idk i’m happy with where i am now LOL
51. Do you have any pets? i wish......... i want a doggo so bad but my sister and i are allergic
52. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? i don’t feel like either but i’m closer to a night owl
53. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? both..... the sky is a goddess and im in love with her.....
54. Do you know how to drive? i’m an anxious minor who is too afraid to get near the wheel LOL
55. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? headphones bc earbuds always fall outta my ears and its a Pain
56. Have you ever had braces? nope B)
57. What is your favorite genre of music? ummmmm i don’t have a fav bc i’m kinda flexible but i like alt rock? and j-rock/j-pop?
58. Who is your hero? to be completely honest idk if i have one LOL im my own hero™ B))))
59. Do you read comic books? nah
60. What makes you the most angry? probably the same as #41 as well as like myself?? bc i get frustrated with myself v often and that concept makes me angry asdsa;ldas
61. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? nizh wrote “i like real books but i’m so lazy that i’m more likely to read digital” and i am in agreement
62. What is your favorite subject in school? errrrrrrrr i suppose la? but i’m abt to enter some new classes and learn under totally new teachers so idk it’s bound to change!
63. Do you have any siblings? ye, one older sister
64. What was the last thing you bought? a flowy cardigan from yesterday!!!! im lov it.... i might post a pic of it
65. How tall are you? 5′1′’ and 3/8 sdfkjsdijeiwjeje
66. Can you cook? yo i wish..................
67. What are three things that you love? my friends, music, food/drinks LOL
68. What are three things that you hate? same as #41 and a third thing would prob be conflict?? idk
69. What is your sexual orientation? as far as i know i experience no sexual attraction (asexual) and i experience romantic attraction to anyone and everyone (panromantic) so!
70. Where do you currently live? socal
71. Who was the last person you texted? probably nizh
72. When was the last time you cried? mmmm maybe a week or two ago... i cant recall exactly when so thats good
73. Who is your favorite YouTuber? oooohhh.. im super mainstream but i love arikadou LOL also zylbrad, seagull, and etika
74. Do you like to take selfies? i do! i usually only take selfies like every once in awhile when im feeling cute and when i do i take A Lot
75. What is your favorite app? i lov line camera?? also google photos makes things mucho convenient
76. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? tbh i find my relationship with my parents to be closer than a lot of my friends’ so :0
77. What is your favorite foreign accent? i dunno! french accents are pretty cool
78. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? japan! also the philippines
79. What is your favorite number? idk but i like 5 and 8
80. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? both freak me out but the ocean is pretty interesting
81. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? not in the slightest LOLOL
82. Are you allergic to anything? intolerant to eggs, pretty allergic to any type of nuts so that sucks, n i got those Seasonal Allergies
83. Can you wiggle your ears? NO I HAVENT READ HARRY POTTER
84. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? umm idk how often LOL whenever i think im wrong..?? which is somewhat frequently?
85. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? forests are lovely
86. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? honestly idk......... i remember my dad said smth about how you don’t always have to forgive everyone and by saying ‘it’s okay’ permits the other person to repeat the same action, so i choose my words rly carefully now bc of that :o
87. Are you a good liar? kinda half n half... depends on what i’m lying abt
88. What is your Hogwarts House? iiiiii forgot but it was either ravenclaw or hufflepuff... mightve been the former
89. Do you talk to yourself? YEAH especially when i’m practicing music or video editing
90. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert
91. Do you keep a journal/diary? as of very recently yes bc my therapist recommended me to do so :0
92. Do you believe in second chances? usually in most circumstances
93. Do you believe that people are capable of change? oh yeah definitely, anyone is capable of change, it just depends on their attitude towards it
94. Are you ticklish? yes i hate it
95. Have you ever been on a plane? yep, to san francisco and sacramento and i guess once to texas but that was before i could remember so
96. Do you have any piercings? nope and i don’t rly want any tbh
97. What fictional character do you wish was real? i have nooo idea there’s a lot of thought i’d have to put into this question LOL
98. Do you have any tattoos? nah but if i did they’d be veeeery simplistic
99. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? probably when i decided 1-2 years ago that i wanted to get my life back on track so i could become a person i could love and ive been making progress little by little ever since then
100. Do you believe in karma? mmmmm not reaaallyyyy..... like maybe a little bit but
101. Do you wear glasses or contacts? its ya girl almost legally blind and wearing contacts
102. Do you want children? not sure yet but probably
103. Who is the smartest person you know? no clue omg there are lots of smart ppl in this world
104. What is your most embarrassing memory? sometime in grade school i was sitting at the edge of a playground slide pleading for my friend not to push me down bc i rly had to pee but she did and i literally just pissed all over the slide and we just stared at each other for a long time and that was just........ Very Bad - I HAVE ANOTHER BAD MEMORY THOUGH it wasnt even long ago kill me??? i was at my friend’s house for dinner and her parents asked what my sister was studying and my sister just recently got into college and i had a veeeeeeeery vague grasp on what she was studying so i literally said ‘food and tectonics’ and i wanNA MCDIE BC I MEANT DIETETICS NOT T E C T O N I C S
105. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? mmm not a real one.. most ive done is stayed up til 6amish with nizh before goin to sleep  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ like i’m definitely capable of doing it i just don’t want to
106. What color are most of your clothes? dunno? i have a fairly colorful wardrobe but i almost always wear something w/ black if i’m not going for an all light outfit
107. Do you like adventures? depends on where to bc im very cautious LOL
108. Have you ever been on TV? nope
109. How old are you? how old is ur moM!! dab dab haha xd
110. What is your favorite quote? one of my favs is “there are no happy endings, endings are the saddest part, so just give me a happy middle and a very happy start” by shel silverstein; i have a few others but thats the first that comes to mind
111. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory tbhhhh
112. Have your friends ever badly disapponted you? umm not badly but ive been mildly disappointed by a few LOL
113. What is your favorite scent? that clean/fresh linen smell?? and also lavender and then light stuff like eucalyptus mint
114. Random fact you know? the duck-billed platypus can’t keep its eyes open underwater, so it finds its prey by using sensors in its bill that detect electrical impulses n then they strike! theyre pretty cool animals..
115. What is your opinion on long distance relationships? nizh said “hard. just, really hard. not sure if it’s worth it” and i also agree
IT IS OVER wow ok 20 ppl is kind of a lot and this is a loooot of questions so im only gonna tag a tiny bit of ppl (dont have to do it if u dont wanna!): @dunmerhealer | @aftertaste-of-memes | @inspiringnokias yeah that’s it LOL this is just Hella Long so idk how many ppl would be up for doin this so ye  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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