redladypaige · 6 days
The number is boobiess
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redladypaige · 8 days
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Looked it up, and yeah - 2 employees in israel (not even in NYC) got a message threatening them with something and slurs.
So not only it wasn't connected to the US at all, even if it did it's not like they got an early warning, it was a threat!
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we are so powerful that we had apps 7 years before smartphones
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redladypaige · 12 days
With Mr. Beast's downfall, I think people are waking up to the idea that most of these kinds of competitions are unethical in of themselves.
Which is why it's a great time to revisit Dropout's Total Forgiveness, which is a Prank Wars type show that kinda condemns the whole genre. Which is a a bit wild because one of the first CollegeHumor viral moments was a prank war thing.
The idea is that Ally and Grant challenge each other to increasingly difficult challenges, where if they succeed they get money to reduce their college debt, and if they fail the money goes to the other person.
The show already breaks genre's conventions by discussion how the prize money will be taxed in the second episodes, and offering to increase the prizes to compensate for it.
You can be cynical and say that it's just for good publicity, but also they could have just said nothing at all. Now "treating your employees well" is almost Dropout's brand.
The first episode has Grant getting a leech treatment while listening to lecture on student debt, while Ally has to eat extremely spicy food while having an uncomfortable talk with an ex.
It is meant to be read as a condemnation of American Capitalism - getting people on debt they could never pay off, and the only way out is to humiliate and betray your values.
The end of the first episode shows it perfectly with its ending montage - Ally and Grant are recovering physically and mentally from their challenges, while facts about student debt appear on screen.
From there the show gets only crazier, with one of my favorite endings to anything.
I won't go into it in this post, I want to avoid spoilers for people who haven't watched it and it's already pretty long.
I do think this show is the essence of what Dropout is today. It's easy to forget that when dropout launched, it was an "extra" service to CollegeHumor, and most of the new content was expansive scripted shows.
Which were kinda mid if we're being honest.
But Total Forgiveness, along with Dimension 20, showed that just letting the cast be themselves and improvise makes for much better content.
This show has a deep place in my heart, please give it a watch if you haven't yet.
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redladypaige · 19 days
Do you ever hear a song in a movie or a game, and you're like "everybody shut up stop everything I gotta focus on that"?
For me, this was "In My Mind" by Amanda Palmer in Life Is Strange.
It can play at two points during the game, and at both times I stopped everything and listened to it through.
Years later, I still think of it.
I can't describe how well it captures the feeling of disappointment in one self, the vision of you in your head, the break down of the concept of the future self.
I'll just link the song and post the lyrics.
Please give it a listen
In my mind, in a future five years from now
I'm a hundred and twenty pounds
And I never get hung over, because I
Will be the picture of discipline
Never minding what state I'm in
And I will be someone I admire
And it's funny how I imagined
That I would be that person now
But it does not seem to have happened
Maybe I've just forgotten how to see
That I'm not exactly the person that I thought I'd be
And in my mind, in the faraway here and now
I've become in control somehow
And I never lose my wallet, because I
Will be the picture of discipline
Never fucking up anything
And I'll be a good defensive driver
And it's funny how I imagined
That I would be that person now
But it does not seem to have happened
Maybe I've just forgotten how to see
That I'll never be the person that I thought I'd be
And in my mind, when I'm old I am beautiful
Planting tulips and vegetables
Which I will mindfully watch over, not like me now
I'm so busy with everything
That I don't look at anything
But I'm sure I'll look when I am older
And it's funny how I imagined that I could be that person now
But that's not what I want, but that's what I wanted
And I'd be giving up somehow, how strange to see
That I don't wanna be the person that I want to be
And in my mind
I imagine so many things
Things that aren't really happening
And when they put me in the ground, I'll start
Pounding the lid
Saying I haven't finished yet
I still have a tattoo to get
That says I'm living in the moment
And it's funny how I imagined that I could win this, win this fight
But maybe it isn't all that funny
That I've been fighting all my life
But maybe I have to think it's funny
If I wanna live before I die
And maybe it's funniest of all
To think I'll die before I actually see
That I am exactly the person that I'd want to be
Fuck yes
I am exactly the person that I want to be
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redladypaige · 19 days
Not often I hear a song inside of other media, and stop everything to listen to it.
"In My Mind" by Amanda Palmer appears twice in Life Is Strange, and both times I just listened to it all the way through while just looking around the in-game room.
I still think about it years later.
I can't think of another work who captures so well the feeling of self disappointment, the illusion of a better future self, and the bittersweet feeling of acceptance.
I'll just post it here with the lyrics
Give it a listen
In my mind, in a future five years from now
I'm a hundred and twenty pounds
And I never get hung over, because I
Will be the picture of discipline
Never minding what state I'm in
And I will be someone I admire
And it's funny how I imagined
That I would be that person now
But it does not seem to have happened
Maybe I've just forgotten how to see
That I'm not exactly the person that I thought I'd be
And in my mind, in the faraway here and now
I've become in control somehow
And I never lose my wallet, because I
Will be the picture of discipline
Never fucking up anything
And I'll be a good defensive driver
And it's funny how I imagined
That I would be that person now
But it does not seem to have happened
Maybe I've just forgotten how to see
That I'll never be the person that I thought I'd be
And in my mind, when I'm old I am beautiful
Planting tulips and vegetables
Which I will mindfully watch over, not like me now
I'm so busy with everything
That I don't look at anything
But I'm sure I'll look when I am older
And it's funny how I imagined that I could be that person now
But that's not what I want, but that's what I wanted
And I'd be giving up somehow, how strange to see
That I don't wanna be the person that I want to be
And in my mind
I imagine so many things
Things that aren't really happening
And when they put me in the ground, I'll start
Pounding the lid
Saying I haven't finished yet
I still have a tattoo to get
That says I'm living in the moment
And it's funny how I imagined that I could win this, win this fight
But maybe it isn't all that funny
That I've been fighting all my life
But maybe I have to think it's funny
If I wanna live before I die
And maybe it's funniest of all
To think I'll die before I actually see
That I am exactly the person that I'd want to be
Fuck yes
I am exactly the person that I want to be
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redladypaige · 1 month
חנות יד שנייה
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redladypaige · 1 month
"Damn, Inside is so good I wish there was more of it"
Monkey's Pox Curls
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redladypaige · 1 month
בקניון שמו את השיר סופרסטאר של רוני סופרסטאר
and it kinda fucks me up
שהיא לא הסופרסטאר בשיר סופרסטאר של רוני סופרסטאר
היא שרה על מישהו אחר שהוא כמו איזה סופרסטאר
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redladypaige · 1 month
לי היה yes בילדותי
קארטון נטוורק הייתה ערוץ 41
זה הדבר היחיד שהיה דלוק ביום השואה וכאלה
אבל,,,, לא היה כתוביות
אז כל דבר שנון לא עבר טוב
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redladypaige · 1 month
"וואו לשרית חדד יש בת זוג? איזה פתאומי לא יכולנו לדעת"
המילים לשיר "חגיגה":
בחורה מבית טוב צריכה להיות יפה,
ולשתוק הרבה
בחורה מבית טוב צריכה להיות תמימה,
ולשתוק הרבה.
אם תגלי לו מה בליבך,
אם תשאלי אותו למה ואיך,
אולי יקום הוא וילך,
אל תדברי על טבעת.
יש חגיגה אומרים בעיר מסיבה
אומרים ההיא התחתנה
חגגנו עד אור הבוקר
יש לך סיבה ההוא הולך וזה בא
גם לך תהיה חתונה
אומרים שבעל זה אושר
רק האחד יקשיב לך הוא המיועד
רק האחד יבין אותך הוא שלך לעד
הוא יקח אותך ותיסעו מכאן
אל העיר הגדולה אל החופה אל הגאולה
בחורה מבית טוב צריכה לדעת לבשל
ולשתוק הרבה
בחורה מבית טוב ילדים צריכה לגדל
ולשתוק הרבה.
התמונה הרשמית של השיר:
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redladypaige · 2 months
The Boys only seemed to have good satire because it happened just culturally in the right time.
It only worked because of how corporate and sanitized marvel movies were.
Only because Marvel Movies are so uniquely sexless among film franchises, the hyper sexual world of The Boys worked.
Only because of how much they love spectacles of cities being destroyed while not daring to show death, The Boys' hypergory world worked.
Same with the lack of politics, religion, gray characters etc.
And I'm not even saying it from a place of hate, I like the Marvel Movies, but it's a fair criticism.
But as The Boys progressed you could see more and more they don't know what the fuck they are doing or want to say.
They are so deep into their edgy 14-year old mantra of THIS IS THE REAL WORLD, PEOPLE ONLY THINK ABOUT SEX AND GORE that they are completely disconnected from reality.
Any genuine sad moment they try to make just doesn't work in the context of having a double digits of innocent people getting murdered each episode.
Anything they try to say about puritan culture falls apart when so much time in the show is dedicated to demonize and laugh at kinks.
Even the media parodies they do got into a terrible mess since they try to make fun of Marvel and Fox News Republicans at the same time.
Rather than having another company, Vought represents any and all kinds of evil in the world. They are both super conservative and faith based but also do "woke pandering" at the same time.
And I'm kind of upset, really, because I love good satires.
The show should have actually gotten less over the top as it went on, the ultimate send off to the MCU would be to actually make a good show that involves sex, and violence and whatnot.
But instead they fall into the same trap of cutting anything meaningful with tasteless jokes just like the Marvel Movies themselves.
They almost justify the blandness of the MCU, like "Yeah we may be bland but at least we're not obnoxiously edgy".
They really went from season 1 having a pretty serious story about sexual assault and having it to be realistic in the world and how the characters handle it, to season 4 where the big sexual assault is a joke on the expense of the guy receiving it.
What are they even trying to do anymore.
If you want a much better take on this, a superhero show that is edgy and has sex and violence and tackles real world politics and even has childish jokes, but also knows to respect itself, to have characters who feel like people, to know when to be mature - watch Peacemaker instead, or maybe selected episodes of Harley Quinn.
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redladypaige · 5 months
Then why do you think people don't speak up against other genocides?
Why do you think this keeps getting the most attention, the biggest protests, etc?
All you're saying is you're not antisemitic over and over.
Even if you're specifically not, do I have to teach leftists about systemic racism and inherent bias?
Maybe take a second to reflect that there is something more involved here? Maybe if you think it sucks that other atrocities don't get attention, ask yourself why you and the people around you don't focus on them as much.
saw another shithead here that used antisemitism as an excuse again, because apparently “you didn’t support sudan or congo before all of this, but now you’re just coming at israel because it's a jewish country 🤓” and i’m getting real sick of it. no, dave, i’m not coming at israel or its dumbfuck zionazi supporters because they’re jewish, i’m coming at them for, oh, you know, committing a literal genocide. can you actually not comprehend that? is that too much for you?? i could not give a fuck less if you’re lesbian, gay, bi or if you’re Jewish, Muslim, Satanist, Christian etc etc. i could not give a fuck less about your skin color, your gender, your religion, your ethnicity or whatever the fuck else society ostracizes you for being, because that doesn’t fucking matter. i’m coming at you for being complicit in a literal genocide, for actively supporting the killers that are mass murdering hundreds upon hundreds of innocent people, of literal children, of babies, then excusing that because “the word ‘children’ is overused” or “hamas”. i’m coming at you because your excuses of “oH nO HaMaS”, “bUt wHaT aBoUt OcT 7?”, “AnTiSeMiTiC”, “iT’s OuR HoLy LaNd” and “iT’s OuR gOd-GiVeN rIgHt” does not justify a genocide. is that so fucking hard to understand, dave?
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redladypaige · 5 months
Not to be that goy, but my web browser skills are non existant, and you have been a vital resource for learning about jewish perspectives for me. (Ie. If this ask is too much to deal with. I get it. Ignore it and/or tell me to fuck off)
It has been nightmarishly difficult to differentiate between non antisemitic palestinian advocacy and antisemitc palestinian advocacy. So for the most part my involvement has been, i do not have the spoons for this so im staying out of it and unfollowing and blocking anyone being a blatant asshole about it.
Is the boycott of eurovision one of the less antisemitic parts of the pro-palestine movement or am i going to be treating this as yet another dog whistle?
1) claim #1: Israel should not be allowed to perform because it’s committing genocide. Aside from the fact that quite a few experts have said IT ISN’T: let’s remove every country that’s committed genocide since 1901–
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….oh. Well, that’s embarrassing. (And I missed Sweden and its attempts to get rid of the Sámi, so it’s even worse than that graphic makes it look.) Maybe just the ones doing it right now, which is surely just Israel—
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…..or not.
Clearly, it’s not actually about genocide.
2) claim #2: Israel should not be able to participate because it isn’t in Europe. There is a small amount of merit in this—except that nobody is calling for Australia, Azerbaijan, or Armenia to be removed on the same grounds. Incidentally, if we’re going based entirely on geographic location, there are two other countries that ought to get the boot by virtue of being at least partly over the Europe-Asia border.
So it’s not actually about location.
3) claim #3: Israel shouldn’t be able to participate because it’s a colony. I’m going to say something controversial: most of Israel is not, because you can’t colonize a place you’re indigenous to, HOWEVER, because the West Bank was intended to be specifically a Palestinian state, I think the settlements there could count as colonization. Okay, I’ll give you that one. Surely the protestors are calling for the removal of all countries that currently have colonial holdings—
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Special shoutout to the UK, by the way, which IS a colony. The Welsh, Cornish, (some) Irish, and Scottish people are under English rule, and the English have very cleverly put it into their own laws that none of those countries can declare independence unless England says it’s okay.
(Also, I feel like if you’re going to yell about colonization and Eurovision, maybe we should discuss how all Eurovision entries must be in English.)
So it’s not really about colonization.
Claim #4: Israel is trying to sneak propaganda in with its song, so it shouldn’t be allowed to participate.
This one is so fucking stupid I’m just going to say “judge for yourself.”
Yes, it’s about the grief of 10/7. But if you didn’t know that, you WOULDN’T know it, and grief is not political.
So it’s not really about politics or propaganda.
And finally,
Claim #5: Israel shouldn’t be allowed to participate because it’s an ethnostate and those are bad.
So first, Israel is not an ethnostate. Only 73% of its population are Jews; over a quarter belong to other ethnicities. But sure, I’ll play: every country with a population that’s 74% or more from one ethnicity is now disinvited from Eurovision!
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Also, wanna know why Poland is crossed off in red? Because it’s 98% one ethnicity. Now THAT is an ethnostate.
But this one is getting warmer, because….
It’s not about genocide, or colonialism, or politics…but it is about how many Jews there are.
It’s antisemitism, plain and simple.
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redladypaige · 5 months
So you completely avoided the question.
Like people are telling you "hey it's weird how people never spoke up with 3% as much fervor to all ongoing genocides and atrocities over their lifetime but then go full on supporting terror groups with Israel."
And you respond with just talking about israel, not answering the question at all, and using the term zionazis.
Good job really you sure showed them
saw another shithead here that used antisemitism as an excuse again, because apparently “you didn’t support sudan or congo before all of this, but now you’re just coming at israel because it's a jewish country 🤓” and i’m getting real sick of it. no, dave, i’m not coming at israel or its dumbfuck zionazi supporters because they’re jewish, i’m coming at them for, oh, you know, committing a literal genocide. can you actually not comprehend that? is that too much for you?? i could not give a fuck less if you’re lesbian, gay, bi or if you’re Jewish, Muslim, Satanist, Christian etc etc. i could not give a fuck less about your skin color, your gender, your religion, your ethnicity or whatever the fuck else society ostracizes you for being, because that doesn’t fucking matter. i’m coming at you for being complicit in a literal genocide, for actively supporting the killers that are mass murdering hundreds upon hundreds of innocent people, of literal children, of babies, then excusing that because “the word ‘children’ is overused” or “hamas”. i’m coming at you because your excuses of “oH nO HaMaS”, “bUt wHaT aBoUt OcT 7?”, “AnTiSeMiTiC”, “iT’s OuR HoLy LaNd” and “iT’s OuR gOd-GiVeN rIgHt” does not justify a genocide. is that so fucking hard to understand, dave?
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redladypaige · 5 months
Lmao even
One of the differences between us "pro-pals" and pro-zionazis is that, if somehow one day, it turns out that Palestinians were lying all this time and israel was the true "victim", I (and most likely many others) would apologize. I would admit that I was wrong and that the "propaganda" got me. Zionists on the other hand would never admit their lies and apologize. And that is something that I cannot understand.
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redladypaige · 6 months
"Israelis are just doing big drama when they say they need a country to be safe in"
"Israelis overseas should be dehumanized ("or worse")"
Some people are uneasy with the idea of making "Israelis" social pariahs everywhere, which is odd. These "don't dehumanize Israelis" sentiments rub me the wrong way because personally, I believe there is nothing wrong with despising and rejecting all connection to these settlers who live on stolen Palestinian property and are directly engaged in ethnic cleansing. And don't forget that the vast majority of israeli people accept the genocide perpetrated by their fascist colonizer regime. If Israelis have no shame in dehumanizing Palestinians and cheering on their genocidal maniac army without an ounce of remorse, why should we be hesitant to condemn them? In fact, we should begin holding the "Israeli" colonizers more accountable for their atrocities than ever before.
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redladypaige · 6 months
Then do it anyway, just to see how much you still owned me and how smart you were.
I have a broken family, my mom's siblings live in another city & I only discovered their existence 2-3 years ago, my dad's siblings live in other countries & I only have one favorite uncle.
To imagine that if we all lived here & one day a genocide started happening and somehow we all got murdered, I can't even comprehend that all of us could be wiped out, as if we were nothing, as if we didn't have lives, people we love, kids some of us have, pets, jobs & so on.
I can't imagine how the Palestinians are viewed as mere numbers murdered, families have been wiped out, doctors, lawyers, artists & not only that but mothers, kids, cousins, friends & much more.
I can never imagine my life without my cat, I can't imagine if something happened to her but Palestinians also lost their pets, not just the land, their homes & their families.
I just realized how inhumane articles make the Palestinians seem, how articles in the west don't even call kids as kids but "person under 18" like what?
Am I writing this to humanise Palestinians? No.
Because they're humans.
I'm writing this to shame the Western media.
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