#there’s…another couple that’s like. james confronting remus about him being a bad partner
padfootastic · 2 years
I am so curious about the spite fics that you mentioned???? How many are there?? Will you publish them??? Are they making fun of wolfstar??? I am so down to read them
hsbsajbsjb anon!!! i love this excitement lol
i have…a few in mind, ngl. most of them come from me reacting to headcanons/fics i don’t like.
i wrote a oneshot years ago where remus apologises to sirius and he doesn’t accept. i wanna rewrite that, for one, because it’s quite terrible in hindsight (no matter how much i like the concept)
there’s another which is like, harry confronting remus (that one i might try to fit into my mc, actually). another one like this is remus trying to form an actual relationship with harry but he’s given up on the man because ‘you’ve had all this while to do it, where were you?’ and remus realising he’s offering too little, too late. that one has two branches—harry reacting with apathy/indifference, and him reacting with anger.
(also, i was thinking of this aprils fools fic where i wrote a crack r/s fic using all the dynamics we don’t like lol that fizzled out once i realised aprils gone)
clearly, we’ve got a lot of ideas. if only i could muster the will to write them lol
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We can not tell you how excited we were when you decided to reapply, Kay! Your first application had already been stellar but this one for James blew us out of the water as well - the personality, the biography, even the beautiful mockblog you made, everything just clicked for us and we could not wait to have James as an addition to our little group here. 
Check out our acceptance checklist right here on what to do next!
I’m 27 (hello, I’m the rp grandma), and my birthday is January 30 - fun story: when I read Deathly Hallows for the first time, I freaked out at the graveyard scene because Lily Potter and I share a birthday and that sort of spoiled the emotional impact of the scene for me.
I’m from Arizona so we’re in MST right now (although we don’t change with daylight savings, which is nice) and also GMT -7. For activity, I would say probably a six or seven out of ten, depending on how long threads are in general here. I’m a teacher, so I’m gone most of the day and rping is how I relax at night, but sometimes I get home just too tired to write anything. That doesn’t usually happen, and if the rp does mostly short threads, I can almost always do some replies at night. Longer threads can be a little more difficult.
James Potter. Although there are many nicknames that people have bestowed up him, the most common one is Prongs, used by the fellow Marauders.  
Born on March 27, 1960, James is now seventeen years old (and apparates anywhere possible  just to be obnoxious).
James has never really set a label to his sexual or romantic attractions. Primarily it’s to one Lily Evans, however; he’s been half in love with her since he was eleven and he doesn’t really consider anyone else. However, he isn’t above rolling in the hay (or an extra classroom, as it usually ends up) with someone willing. His partners so far have all been female, but he would admit to an interest in a male or two, if pressed while under the influence of good firewhiskey.
But really, it’s all Lily Evans for James Potter.
No, the extracurriculars look great!
-Flippant: Although this is one area of his life that’s changing now, James has always had a hard time taking things seriously. He prefers to look at life as a joke without considering the real world and its consequences. After the events of his summer, though, he can’t do this as much anymore and he’s beginning to grow up. -Arrogant: As the only child and a surprise baby, James was rarely opposed by his parents,. With no siblings to temper the spoiling, James grew up with a high view of himself, and this was only compounded by the Marauders; they fueled his self-image and his arrogance grew greater. Another of the areas of his life that’s changing, James still talks about himself highly but he’s beginning to see that he’s really not as great as he always believed. -Thoughtless: This could also accurately be described as impulsive. James never thought through his actions as a child, and even now, only rarely stops to think about it. One of the few exceptions to this has been when one of the other Marauders does something - see Sirius nearly getting Snape killed. But when no one else is in danger, James doesn’t think much of how his actions could affect him.
+Courageous: Brought up with a strong sense of right and wrong, James has never been unwilling to do the right thing. He’ll go as far as he needs to if he thinks there are wrongs to be righted, and this has only grown stronger through the years.   +Selfless: This is a trait that is still in development but can be seen through some of his actions - again, see him saving Snape after Sirius told him how to get past the Whomping Willow. James has a great capacity for putting the safe and well-being of others ahead of his own.   +Genuine: Brought up in pureblood society, James learned at a young age how to mask his feelings under a veneer of politeness, and he does that when he has to but it’s not a very strong mask. He doesn’t see the need to hide his feelings so he only does it when necessary. Even when he’s being polite, it’s clear how James really feels about a person or situation.
James Potter came into the world on a unusually balmy word mild spring day, after a long and tiring labor for his mother. Neither Fleamont not Euphemia cared about anything so mundane as the weather or the labor as they took turns holding their son - the child they had given up hope of ever having. As the only child of a pureblood couple and one who had been longed for, it was inevitable that James would be spoiled as a child. His parents were guilty of purchasing the latest broomsticks, any toy that James so much as looked at, and the finest wizarding fashions. The only truly surprising thing about his childhood was that James somehow kept a good nature and care for others despite all that.
It was his good nature that allowed him to look at people like Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew and decide they would be his best friends. Sirius wasn’t a stretch, as a fellow pureblood, but they bonded almost immediately upon their meeting on the Hogwarts Express. When they met Remus and Peter later on, the story went much the same. The boys had an instantaneous connection and James knew from the beginning that he had met people who would be with him through thick and thin. Although they were certainly the best of friends, they weren’t always the best influences - and James was never a great influence on them either.
During their second year, the boys finally took note of Remus’s continued absences and their suspicious timing, and realized that he was a werewolf. Though it was the first time James had been confronted with anything like this, James didn’t think twice about it; he knew the sort of person Remus was and it didn’t matter that he was a werewolf. They wanted to help, and eventually came to the perfect solution. They would become Animagi, so they could go with Remus during his transformations and keep him company that way. It took three years, but they managed to accomplish it, to their immense pride. As both a complicated piece of magic and a testament to their friendship, James would say it was the crowning moment of his life so far.
His school years were eventful, with James regularly being sent to detention along with his friends for their pranks and misbehavior. Despite the good heart James had hidden under his other personality traits, he had a bad habit of misusing his talents and the pranks they committed weren’t always innocent jokes. James developed a reputation for hexing other people, even those who didn’t necessarily deserve it. The most frequent person on the receiving end of his bad side was Severus Snape. After a particularly rocky introduction and jealousy over Lily Evans, the two boys never were able to move beyond anger at each other. Things came to a head in their fifth year, a moment which James referred to only as the incident. Although his behavior remained much the same for sixth year, James began to wonder if Lily was right and he needed to grow up a little.
That was only the beginning - the beginning of the end, some might say. After witnessing what the Death Eaters and Grindelwald’s supporters are capable of the summer between sixth and seventh years, James knew he had to shape up. The time for fun and games had passed, and the time to get serious about the future had come. James is looking forward to his seventh year and the chance to make a mark at Hogwarts.
I see this as a really pivotal time for James. He’s becoming the man he’ll be known as - the one who tried to hold off Voldemort wandless to give his wife and son a few more minutes, the man who defied Voldemort three times. However, that’s only a seed as of yet, and James will be developing those traits through his seventh year, and beyond. To help with the development (as a sort of jump-start), I have a headcanon that he witnessed some of the things Death Eaters are capable of over the summer. It was the first time he became aware of how bad things really could be and how dangerous life was for those who weren’t purebloods, and he’s come back to Hogwarts ready to help change it.
I didn’t put this in the character traits because I had three and three, but I also see James as a generous person (something he passed along to his son) and he’s always willing to share what he has - money, food, clothing, etc. But at the same time, he doesn’t always think about how money, or the lack thereof, affects other people. He’s careless with his wealth even as he’s generous with it.
Okay so for this next point, I need to give you a little anecdote but it has a point, I promise. In one of my first rps, one of the members said about her character that he was like Tinkerbell, and could only experience one emotion at a time. That’s sort of how I see James - not totally, of course, but to a large degree, he feels what he feels and there’s not much room for anything else. He’s learning to control it a little, and to control his reactions with the emotions, but it’s still there. Pretty much one thing or another at all times.
Plot-wise, I’d really like to see James interact with people who will push him, one way or the other. He’s in a position where he can change a lot, and for the better, but it’s a little shaky and he could easily be pushed in a less desirable direction. I think that Lily had (and will have) a lot to do with his development but he also wants to change for himself.
James is a different sort of character than what I normally write and I’m a little nervous but excited about the idea of pushing myself with him. I usually tend toward characters who are a lot more neutral and nonconfrontational and I know James isn’t going to be like that.
I have a mockblog here with some edits and things, and I’ll probably do some answers to development questions over the weekend (if I have time; I’ll be grading forever).
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