#there's free bible apps and websites too
Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'
John 14:6
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queerprayers · 10 months
a more practical, 100% Protestant-approved Advent
A P.S. to the previous ask, in case you or anyone else want a bullet pointed list and not a meditation--here are some things I didn't mention there:
Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals (website/book/Android app) has a three times a day prayer practice with practical and often social justice oriented meditations.
A classic: The Book of Common Prayer and the Forward Movement podcasts daily audio version.
I can't believe I didn't recommend the book I'm published in? Geez magazine has an Advent book every year--this year was Prayers for the End of the World, but previous issues are also available.
Unbound's Another Starry Black Night: A Womanist Advent Devotional
UCC 2023 Abolition Advent Calendar
I haven't checked it out in a while, but I know Our Bible App always has a ton of devotionals, some free, some premium.
Here's a Lutheran (ELCA) lectionary for this year--I'm sure other denominations have similar resources.
Under the read more, I'm going to include the recommended daily psalms and some prayers/liturgies from the Lutheran Book of Worship.
<3 Johanna
All from The Lutheran Book of Worship (1978). I will type these up into a document as soon as I can, but here are the scans I have right now. I apologize to those using screen readers.
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Here are the Sunday prayers & readings for Advent/Christmas:
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These are the Lutheran saint/feast days within Advent/Christmas:
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The following prayers are meant to be said in small groups, but they work by yourself, too.
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duckprintspress · 2 years
Round Table: What Software Do You Find Helpful for Your Writing Process?
We asked our authors what software helps them write - and got a range of answers! 
Contributors: Adrian Harley, B. T. Fish, D. V. Morse, not-gwaenchanha, theirprofoundbond, Tris Lawrence, unforth
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Tris Lawrence: Lately Discord is becoming critical because that's how I'm making notes for my series bible with a combination of private folders and channels to split out information
(B. T. Fish +1, unforth +1)
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not-gwaenchanha: I use Evernote for all the ideas, makes them easy to sort. One notebook (or even a notebook stack) per WIP. It lets you interlink notes, use tags to sort stuff. It also has a webclipper browser extension which lets you copy websites or parts of them straight into the notebook which is super helpful for research. Free version can be used on two devices.
Image from the Evernote website...they didn't have anything writing-related, apologies.
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Google Suite (G Docs, G Sheets, G Keep)
Hermit: Gdoc for me because my writing tends to happen on my couch/at the coffee shop and thus on my phone a lot (I am totally the person who brings a wireless mechanical keyboard to the coffee shop). I also make use of Google Keep for research notes. And a notebook with some frixion pens.
D. V. Morse: At the moment, I'm tracking things in Google Sheets, which is great (except there's a lot of functionality from Trello that I'm missing).
not-gwaenchanha: I use gDocs to write, mainly because I don't have to worry I'll lose everything if technology decides it hates me, but it also allows me to write from my phone and easily share with my beta. Google keep is where all the "darlings" go when I kill them a.k.a scraps of text that are good but don't fit. It's got a nice integration with google docs, you can send stuff there straight from the doc from the context menu and then move all the scraps into one "scraps" doc 
(unforth +1, theirprofoundbond +1, Adrian Harley +1)
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Microsoft Word
Adrian Harley: I have been using the same laptop since 2012, and when the hard drive gave out in 2020, my independent computer repair shop was kind enough to reinstall the 2010 versions of Microsoft Office so I didn't have to pay a subscription for them. It's what I'm used to. The "styles" function lets me find chapters easily, and it's easy for me to leave comments for myself when I see an issue and don't want to resolve it right at that moment. I think the free Microsoft Word, whatever they're calling it, has those basic features too, though I'm not positive.
(unforth +1)
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Miro (formerly RealTimeBoard) 
not-gwaenchanha: it’s an endless white board. Great for visual plotting. You can put in sticky notes, tables etc. I also like to upload images to it to make a private moodboard for the story.
Image is from the Miro website.
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Notes App (IOS, Android)
Adrian Harley: I prefer to use the Notes app on the go. It's just as easy as Google Drive, it doesn't freak out if I'm not connected to the internet, and I have to copy and paste the text from any portable software to my document record of choice anyway. 
(B. T. Fish +1, unforth +1)
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theirprofoundbond: There is a desktop version and an app, with syncing between both. You can use it for writing but I prefer Google Docs for that. Instead, I've built myself a wiki, basically. My "Writing HQ" contains: current editing projects; word count table to track my daily word counts; gallery of my WIPs, which is pretty and motivating, and each "card" contains metadata and promotional info for each project; calendar for my posting schedule; and a gallery of completed work. Notion is incredibly customizeable with great documentation to help you get your head around all the possibilities. It'd be a great home for a worldbuilding bible, too, I think!
(B. T. Fish +1)
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unforth: I use Scrivener for organizing my notes and research, its flashcard system is great for that.
Tris Lawrence: I live and die by a combination of Scrivener and Sprinting. Scrivener was the first piece of software I found that works the way my brain works, from the scrap documents to writing in the margins to index cards, and being able to organize it roughly but have it export pretty when I need it.
D. V. Morse: The main software I use is Scrivener, right up until it's time for critique/beta reading. Then everything goes into GDocs. I've experimented with mind-mapping apps with variable results.
Adrian Harley: Scrivener was incredibly helpful for my novella when I decided to turn it into a novel. It let me keep track of different drafts by chapter, so I could note which versions my writing group had already looked at. It also was easy to add in the "flashback" narrative that I've interspersed throughout the book.
Image from the Scrivener website.
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SmartEdit Writer (formerly Atomic Scribbler)
B. T. Fish: It's a free word processor that has all the functions of Scrivener that I need and none of the confusing extras, is default dark mode, tracks my word count by scene and by entire project, and allows me to document and organize my writing projects from one-shots to novel length works. I use Discord for collaboration and have occasionally used Notion to organize writing prompts and story bible information, but most of that I also keep in Smart Edit, so it ends up being a bit redundant.
Image from the SmartEdit Writer website.
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Spotify and Pandora:
not-gwaenchanha: because music helps my brain switch into the writing mode
unforth: I definitely use Pandora, music helps a lot
(theirprofoundbond +1)
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Tris Lawrence: I cannot survive without a timer somewhere, because that's how I can force myself to focus in 20-30 minute spaces. 
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unforth: it's an extension that shuts off internet access for a specified amount of time, and it helped me not get distracted by All The Social Media. (I don’t use Chrome anymore, but when I did…)
@/porcupine-girl chimed in from the comments to mention that Leechblock is a similar extension for Firefox!
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D. V. Morse: I've always loved Trello for organizing workflow and really need to get on that again. 
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Tris Lawrence’s Word Tracking Spreadsheet
Adrian Harley: I have also tried a bunch of different software to track word count, because Number Go Up makes my brain happy. Can I recommend Tris's spreadsheet? That got me through a few months.
Tris Lawrence: I am slightly laughing that I didn't call out my own tracking spreadsheet. Probably because I've been SO focused on notes lately that I haven't gotten new words in uhhhh months. But obviously, yes, when writing I live and die by that as well! I love my charts. I loved the charts on the old NaNo site and wanted them year round. I wanted to be able to set goals and see how I was doing. I wanted to do comparisons. I wanted to see writing across weeks, months, and years, and it helped me learn that zero days and fluctuation were OKAY.
Image from Tris's 2022 spreadsheet blog post
What is your favorite software to use to help you write? We'd love to hear from you!
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Note that none of these comments should be interpreted as Duck Prints Press endorsing these products.
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he1iks · 1 year
Ayo this is kinda weird but I need to spread the word. In the book of revelation, in the Bible, it says we cannot know the day or the hour that Jesus will return, but I does give us a few things that need to happen first.
The Euphrates river will dry up (has happened)
Evil will increase in the earth (I'd say it is)
The nations of the world will rise up against Israel (this one makes me think we've got a few years left)
And we'll all be under one world government (I think there are more but I don't know them)
If the rapture comes and you're not ready, you're gonna go to a not-so-good place I think you know the name of, and you don't have forever. You can't get to heaven instead by being a good person. Even one sub is too many. The one and only way to get there is through Jesus. He came to Earth as a human and died for our sins on a cross, then rose again three days later and defeated death. The only way for a human to get to heaven is by deciding to trust that that really happened, that Jesus was the son of God, to accept that you're a sinner, and to accept the free gift of life and heaven from God. I know I'm not the best with words, but God is God, so maybe he can use this post. Try a local church. There's a really good Bible app called youversion and a website called gotquestions that can answer any question about the Bible. And there's also something in the Bible called the Romans road:
Romans 3:23 'for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.'
Romans 5:8 'but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.'
Romans 6:23 'for the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.'
Romans 8:1 'there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 10:9 'that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.'
Please listen guys I don't want anybody to go to hell
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9/23/2022 DAB Chronological Transcription
Esther 1-5
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I'm Jill. Today's the 23rd day of September. It's so good to be here with you as we are working our way through the Old Testament, and we will soon be in the New Testament together. We are finishing up the last of these minor prophets in the Old Testament, and we're moving pretty rapidly, as I'm sure you all are well aware. With that being said, we are starting a brand new book today. We're starting the Book of Esther, and we're going to read the story of Esther over the next couple of days. So Esther, chapters one through five. And this week, a couple more days left in the Christian Standard Bible. Esther, chapter one.
So here we are again with another brand new book, a brand new character introduction. Esther who well, she didn't start as Esther. And the story comes with all of the elements of a good story comes with high drama. I want to point out one small detail that could become a major detail, because we're not going to unpack too much of the story today, because we started it today, but it finishes tomorrow. So we'll just take the whole thing on tomorrow. King Ahasuerus is also King Artaxerxes. That beautiful word. I think we just called him King Art a couple of days ago. That's the same person. So when you're thinking back to the story, consider that detail in the story. But we will completely unfold this tomorrow as we turn the page and read the rest of the story, as we finish the Book of Esther tomorrow.
So, Father, thank you for your word. Again, thank you for meeting us here. Thank you for the continuation of a story that is a reminder of the continuation our story. We love you, we honor you, we worship you, and we just give you thanks for who you are today. We pray this now all in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Daily audio Bible. That's home base. Check it out if you have not. It sounds a little Canadian there. Check it out, out and about. I have a friend that's Canadian, and it just makes me laugh how words will catch me off guard. Check it out if you have not, the website also, the free app. If you have not. With the website, that's home base. If you want to know anything about the Daily Audio Bible, that's where you would go dailyaudiobible.com. I think I already said that. That's also the free app. Yes, I'm repeating myself. Let's move on. If you would like to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, we thank you so much for your partnership. Could not do this without you. And that is the truth. They're giving by mail. DAB PO Box 1996 Spring Hill, Tennessee 37174 or if you're using the app you can conveniently use that. Hit the Give icon up at the top right hand corner of your mobile device. And lastly, you can look for the Give icon on the website as well. If you need prayer, if you'd like to pray for someone that's previously called in, you can do so 800-583-2164 or once again utilizing that mobile app. Hit the red circle button up at the top right hand center. You have two minutes on the prayer line, hit submit, turn the wheel over to chronological and it will get to the right place. That's going to do it for me today. I'm Jill. We'll turn the page together tomorrow, and I look forward to it every day. Until then, love one another.
Community Prayer Line:
Oh, dear Faith-filled Mama, this is Adrian His Mighty Tortoise from Maryland. I hear you. Oh, my goodness, I hear you. Your son Moses, PTSD from when he was two, before he was two, and you adopted him and you brought him home to a safe place. Oh, my goodness, how awful for him. You don't know what he experienced, and all you can do is just love him through his episodes. But he's growing and he's getting bigger. I remember when my son was mental illness runs rampant in my dad's side of the family. My grandma was severely mentally ill, and then my dad was severely mentally ill, and then my son, when he was in college, going into his final semester of college, he's extremely intelligent. Phi Beta Kappa is how he graduated finally, but he going into his final semester of college, he had a psychotic episode and we lost him. We didn't know where he was. He wound up in a mental hospital, and when he came home, then he had another psychotic episode and all I could do was sit in the room with him and just pray, Lord, please calm him down. And then I would say, Mark, sit down. Down. Down. And God finally calmed him down for me while Tom went out and got I don't remember what Tom got, but he got some kind of medicine for him just over the counter, just something to put him to sleep. So please dear Lord, please take care of Moses. We don't know what's going on. We don't know what his past was, so please take care of him. Please calm him down and help him to get over his past and please just love on him so much, Lord. Thank you so much. This is Adrian from Maryland. 
Hi, this is Victoria Soldier, just calling tonight to pray for some of the DABers. I want to pray for my precious sister from Illinois regarding her daughter. I just ask you to have your way, lord, I also want to call about the woman that was diagnosed with autism. I want you to have Your way in the life of that family and the cancer in the gold bladder. Lord, we just ask you to judge further. We just ask you to heal your God that can do anything. But nothing is impossible for, you know, we just ask you to heal. Nothing is impossible for you. We just praise you and magnify you. We thank you for the victory, lord, you always caused us to try. Father, we ask you to have Your way. Let you will be done. Your kingdom come in the mighty name of Jesus, we ask you to continue to touch the day, the death of the Lord and those who are going through challenges, those who are going through depression, those who are going through unknown. Father, we just ask you to have Your way. And Lord, we give you the glory in Jesus name. Have a good day. Love you all.
Hi, DABC Family. This is daughter of Honor...From Bangalore, and I was calling to report a huge praise report. My permanent Visa was granted. We didn't think that it was going to happen due to some of our experiences in the interviews and due to the current political and cultural and religious climate here, but that is a huge weight off our shoulders. We had to wait two years after our marriage to even apply, and then we didn't apply until almost three years after marriage due to covid, and then covid, and then some health issues with my husband's dad and then moving and repairing a house, and then my husband's father's fall in surgery and ultimately death. And so it was quite a busy time. And so it took us almost three years to get the application in, but we did it and praise God, it came through. Now some prayer requests. My husband's job has become a lot more difficult. We were able to take a trip to see my parents and family in July and August, but when he came back, his job became a lot more difficult. And so he's actually in a meeting right now asking what can be done. And so just prays for wisdom for him as far as whether to continue with this company, whether to seek out another company in the same field, whether to try to switch jobs, which is very difficult in India as far as switching fields goes. Just a lot of prayers for wisdom for us and that we would continue on with the rest of the paperwork that we need to do, which actually getting this visa opens up a whole host of other things to do, but we're still thankful.
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jonismitchell · 3 months
oh I completely forgot to send these earlier but here some (pretty basic but good) recommendations for berlin:
- if you haven’t already get a deutschland ticket. its a monthly ticket that allows you to use public transport everywhere in germany and since you’re going to multiple cities, it might be worth it especially if you want to take a few day trips with the train as well. if you don’t want to, then a weekly (or even just daily) ticket is best. nothing more annoying than needing a ticket when you’re train is coming. also get the vbb app to check train schedules and delays.
- there is one website for all state museums in berlin (smb.museum) where you can check out their current exhibitions and also book tickets. personally I would recommend the Landscapes of Caspar David Friedrich exhibition in the old national gallery and the Crown of Kerch exhibition at the new museum (which shows european jewellery from antiquity to the early medieval period)
- a personal favourite (and free) museum of mine is the Stabi Kulturwerk in the national library. for one, it’s a gorgeous building and the exhibition shows some of the most valuable pieces of the libraries collection (except for their 15th century Gutenberg bible which they have digitised in a really cool way as well)
- for food, it’s best to just eat local. definitely get a döner and a currywurst though. a currywurst with fries should not cost more than 5€ and a döner is now between 6€ and 7€. anything above is probably tourist prices and not worth it. for actual restaurants, any you can find away from the super tourist-y places should be good. there is a long history of italian, turkish, kurdish and vietnamese immigrants so any of those restaurants are usually good but depending on where you are in the city, you might find some really good restaurants from different cuisines.
- a good chain for a coffee on the go is espresso house, it’s a swedish chain and they make pretty good cinnamon rolls too. some of my friends swear by einstein coffee. I would tell you my favourite bakery but they closed a few months ago so I will simply tell you my favourite cookie shop: ooh cookies. they have a store next to Dussmann (my favourite book store with a great english section as well) and they are worth the 4-5€. I can also recommend brammibals donuts. they have a few locations and they are fantastic.
- for a day trip, I can recommend Potsdam. It’s pretty easy to get to on the train and as it was the prussian kings spent their summers since the 18th century, so there are tons of castles and gardens to visit. the kitchen buildings of one of the castles (Neues Palais) were even made into university buildings. also the Mamorpalais is pretty cool as the builder of it was a freemason and there’s tons of symbolism for that (Ceclienhof is another castle in the same garden, which is where Truman, Stalin and Churchill met after WWII which is also a museum now).
- if you’re interested, you can take a trip to dahlem and look at the buildings where a lot of the original buildings of the Max Planck Gesellschaft stand, where Planck, Einstein, Meitner, Hahn, Heisenberg, von Laue, Debye and tons of other physicists worked. I don’t know if you can get access but if you find any sort of tour through the archives of MPG take it! they use the tower of the old physics building for storage for the archive and you can actually go inside it during tours!! it was used as a gigantic particle accelerator, it’s really cool.
- in general, berlin is very very different depending on where you are in the city. Mahlsdorf is not the same as Charlottenburg, Treptow is not the same Prenzlauer Berg etc. so wherever you are staying in the city, I would recommend just waking around the neighbourhood and see what is there. you can definitely find district specific guides online as well, which might be good to look at.
if you want any more specific recommendations let me know!! this is pretty surface level but I always think getting recommendations from a local is a bit more trustworthy
oh my god anon these are so great! thank you for sending! my mother actually has an old friend we’re meeting in berlin so definitely will also get local recs but im psyched to check some of these out
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lifechurchgb · 3 months
Out of Order - Women in Ministry Pastor Shawn Hennessy
Good morning. Welcome. So glad that you guys are here. I want to look at 1 Corinthians chapter 14 today as we do wrap up this series of messages that we've been in on the book of 1 Corinthians getting through what you're going through. And if you want to follow along, you can do that on the Bible app. If you don't have that app, you can scan this QR code up here and it'll take you there, download the app. Of course, if you want a traditional Bible, we've made plans for you too. Literally given away thousands of Bibles over the last decade. And if you want one, we have that as a free gift.
If you'll just stop at the welcome center before you leave, it is our gift to you. If you're watching us online, welcome. Love you guys. So glad that you guys are with us. And love you guys, and so glad that you guys are with us in this beautiful... Summer is finally here. It's beautiful outside. If the weather were like this all the time, then we'd be overcrowded and overtaxed. So enjoy it while you got it.
I love when we do series based on biblical books. I think it lets us help you to dig, to drill down past the pages and into the content, the context, the meaning, the meat of that particular book. And I think a lot of people go too fast when they read scripture. They're in a hurry. It's almost like it's a homework assignment. It's like, "Let me check this off the list." Some people will read a whole book of the Bible in one sitting.
And over 30 years, what I've learned is that I really need to slow down. Sometimes I'll get stuck on one scripture and it'll just be like jerky in my teeth where it's just there and God won't let me move past that because it must mean something. It's beautiful that... Scripture is like a kaleidoscope that depending upon the angle of your life at that particular time, it can say something different to you at that particular time and yet still be the one constant absolute truth that we have in this world.
I know that like I don't know about you, but when I read other kinds of literature... I am a reader. And so there are times when I'm reading a different kind of book and I'll get two or three chapters in and I'll forget who the person in the book is. I'll be in chapter 3 and I'll go, "Wait a minute, who is Jimmy?" And then I'll have to go all the way back to chapter 1 and I have to go, "Oh, I've been thinking for two chapters that Jimmy was Johnny." And so it kind of changed the whole book. So sometimes you just have to slow down. So that's what we're doing in these kinds of series, and I hope that you have learned a lot over the last two months, and I hope that today is no different.
I wonder if you've ever skipped a step. Sometimes instructions can be confusing, can't they? Have you ever tried to build a piece of IKEA furniture? What are these instructions? It's one sheet of paper with pictures but not enough words. And sometimes the guy in the picture is scratching his head like he's confused because sometimes the instructions can be confusing. Sometimes all the instructions can be crushing. When my son, Isaiah was little, he saved up all of his money and he bought the Lego Death Star. And so I tried to help him build it. And the keyword there is tried.
It is 4,016 pieces. The instruction manual is 324 pages, and the Death Star is built in sections. And if you skip a step, you have to take all the pieces off and you have to start that whole section over. Can I just say it is not easy to take two Lego pieces apart. There are dentists who love Lego because how many of us have broken our teeth trying to take two pieces of Lego apart? In fact, they have a special tool for taking Legos apart, but they don't put it in any their sets. You have to go on their website and you have to buy this sold separately.
I wonder if you've ever skipped a step. I want to talk about that today in a message we're calling out of order. Let's pray. God, we love you. I mean, that could be the whole prayer, honestly. We love you. But we love you because you loved us first. God, before we ever loved you, before we were ever committed to you, before we ever started serving you. You loved us, you were committed to us, and you've been serving us our whole lives. And so today, I pray as we submit ourselves to your word for a few moments, that your word would multiply in our hearts and our minds that we'd be changed, that when we leave here, not only would we be enlightened, but that we would be changed. In Jesus' name. Amen.
You ever going to use something and discover that there's a sign that says out of order? I was in a place the other day and they had one of those soda machines that only God could have given us. It is all of the different kinds of soda and then all the different variants of what that soda may be. There's Coke and Diet Coke, and Coke Zero. And if you want a Coke Zero, you can have a Coke Zero orange or a Coke Zero lime or Coke Zero lemon or a Coke Zero grape or a Coke Zero cotton candy. There's like 5,000 different variants of what you could have.
And when I see one of those machines, I get so excited. So I went over to the machine and the only thing that it dispensed was water. I've spent my whole life trying to avoid drinking water. And the lady came out and she put a sign on the machine and it said out of order. I was so disheartened, so discouraged, so distraught. And when you see that sign, it doesn't necessarily mean the entire machine is broken. Clearly that machine was still functioning. It would distribute the one thing that people didn't want.
What that sign might mean is that there's just one piece, a switch or a hose that needs to be repaired or that needs to be replaced. But if you just replace or repair that one thing, everything starts working again. Paul is talking about that here in relation to the church. The idea that one piece being broken can make the whole thing out of order. Listen to this. He says, "What then shall we say, brothers?" When you come together, everyone has a psalm or a teaching, a revelation, a tongue or interpretation. All of these must be done to build up the church.
If anyone speaks in tongues, have it be two, three at the most and they need to speak in turn and someone has to interpret. But if there's no interpreter, the person speaking tongues should remain silent in the church and speak only to himself and God. Two or three prophets should speak and the other should weigh carefully what's said. And if the revelation comes to someone who seated, the first speaker should stop.
And while they were saying this is because there were prophets who were sitting in the congregation who were examining what the other people were saying prophetically. So if the person standing up was speaking prophetically and he was speaking out of turn, it was the responsibility of the elder who was in the congregation to speak over the person who was speaking prophetically and bring correction to that person so that that person didn't bring confusion to the people.
For you can all be prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and everyone may be encouraged. The spirit of prophets are subject to the prophets. For God is not a God of disorder, but he is a God of peace as in all the churches of the saints. And what he's saying here is that he's addressing a church that's out of order. The church in Corinth was out of order, but Paul knew that they all knew people from other churches that he had started. And so saying, "Listen, Cat, the church in Corinth say they're in order. The church in Ephesus, they're in order. They are no different than you, and you are no different than them." And so if these churches can be in order, if these churches can have peace, then you need to be in order and you need to have peace.
And then he says, "Women are to be silent in the churches. They're not permitted to speak, but they must be in submission as the law says. If they wish to inquire about something to ask their own husband at their home, for it's dishonorable for a woman to speak in the church. Did the word of God originate with you? Were you the only ones that it's reached? If anyone considers himself a prophet or a spiritual person, let him acknowledge that what I'm writing to you is the Lord's command. But if anyone ignores that, he himself shall be ignored.
So my brothers be eager to prophesy and don't forbid speaking in tongues, but everything must be done in a proper and orderly manner. Now, when God asked me to talk about this, I said, "Fool, you must be tripping. There's two more chapters. Why? Why could we close on this?" Sometimes I wonder why God always asks me to talk about the difficult passages because this passage is one of the most misunderstood portions of scripture in the entire book, and it has caused so much division.
Entire theological and doctrinal systems have risen up because of this portion of scripture. But I want to start today by saying be careful when you interpret things through your own narrow experiences. When I graduated from my undergrad, I hadn't taken a job yet because I'd been walking through the process of playing in the Canadian Football League. And so for a period of time, I went and I worked on Pastor Sonny's parents' ranch that is half in Montana and half in Wyoming. And they had a group of ranch hands, guys who'd spent their whole lives doing this stuff. Guys who were born wearing snap front shirts, belt buckles, and having Copenhagen in their back pockets.
I mean, their diapers had dip rings in the butt. I'm just saying, these guys had been doing this their whole life and they were the biggest bunch of narrow-minded, opinionated, sarcastic jerks I had ever met in my entire life. I'm just journeying here just for a minute. And it was these guys' goal to demean me or to diminish me. Because of their insecurities, they would talk down to me or they'd talk real slow.
Gosh, I can't stand when people talk slow, when they slow down. Anybody ever slow down talking for you? You know they're making fun of you. You know they think you're dumb. I'm just saying, "I'm Shawn. I'm here to encourage you today." And right away when I got there, they gave me a nickname. The nickname they gave me was Crawl from the Pauly Shore movie, from Son in Law. To this day, I can't stand Pauly Shore. "Hey, buddy." I can't do it anymore.
They constantly tried to make me feel stupid because I didn't just know how to do this stuff like this one thing that they were experienced at because they'd done it their whole lives. But listen, I wasn't stupid. I was highly educated and accomplished athlete and very well-spoken. Now, I'd never mended a fence or branded a cow, but these guys had never flown on a plane. They'd never traveled more than a hundred yards from their area. They'd never even read an entire book. I'm just saying you need to be real careful when you try to elevate your experiences over others.
These are the same guys who thought it was ridiculous for someone to drive a Ford or wear Levi's because their dad and his dad, and his dad's dad, and his dad's dad before him had always driven Dodgers and worn Wranglers. They were living their lives through their narrow experiences. But you can't live your life in a vacuum and you can't view scripture in a vacuum. And so many people have been looking at this passage of scripture through a vacuum, through a narrow view, and it's caused so much division. And Paul is talking about three things here.
A lot of people have made it about one, but he's really talking about and confronting three things, the tongues, prophecy, and women speaking in church. And all these issues have divided the church. Speaking in tongues, for example. Speaking in tongues is a gift. And not everybody has that gift. It's one of the gifts that Pastor Dallas talked about last week, one of those special abilities that are inside of us. And Paul really talks about nine of them in various places in his letters. And here, just a few chapters after what Pastor Dallas talked about last week as Paul is addressing these three things that we're dividing the church then, and quite frankly are still dividing it now.
He starts with tongues, which he says he does more than anyone else, and it's this beautiful gift. Scripture tells us that it is the initial evidence of what's called the baptism in the Holy Spirit. In Acts chapter 2, after spending this extended period of time praying and seeking God, the Holy Spirit descended upon them and they spoke in what's called other tongues, but those tongues had a purpose and Jesus tells us what that purpose was meant to be. He said, "When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power." Why? To be my witnesses.
So the primary purpose of the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives is for us to point people toward Jesus. But like Pastor Dallas said last week, some people have used that power to point people to themselves. When I was in my undergrad, we used to have to go to chapel every day, five days a week, and then church on Sunday. And like today, worship was really powerful in those times. It was a Pentecostal Bible college, so it was very free-flowing, and sometimes the music would crescendo and you'd really feel the power of the Holy Spirit.
And then sometimes the crescendo would scoop down and you'd come into this lull in the music where it was maybe just a keyboard and it was quiet, and it was a time for people to reflect and to meditate on Jesus. And you could really feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in those moments. And about once a week there was a guy, same guy who just as it got quiet and as people really started to really feel the presence of the Holy Spirit, he would put his head down, and he always had the same intro, "Thus saith the Lord God of hosts. Yea thou, thee eyes [inaudible 00:15:56]." And I'd say, it's like, "God, I didn't even know you spoken King James anymore. I didn't even know you ever spoken King James."
But he would always give these long and tirades of thees, and thous and thuses." He just became a joke to the people because when you would walk by his house, there's a 50-50 chance you're going to hear him yelling at and cussing his wife out or that it was kind of known that he had a little bit of a problem with alcohol. But once a week he would, "Thee, thou," It wasn't the Holy Spirit. That was emotion. That was a guy that was trying to point attention away from the Holy Spirit and point attention towards themselves. There's always been people that have been abusing God's power, disruptors, providers.
I mean, we've had Pentecostals who have been trying to diminish non-Pentecostals because they don't speak in tongues. Years ago I was at this meeting of denominational leaders of a huge denomination in America of the mainstream church, and the guy who was in charge of the meeting, he called it to order and he said, "Brothers, we need to pray for the Baptists."
So I might not should have been there anyway. So I raised my hand up and I said, "Brother so-and-so, did you just say that we should pray for the Baptists? It feels like we should be praying for the lost because why are we praying for the Baptists?" He said, "Because, Brother Shawn, they don't speak in tongues." "Huh? Well, do you have to?" "Well, you can't go to heaven, folks, [inaudible 00:17:45]." I said, "For real? I never even read that. I've read the whole book. It must been like when I was reading Gresham and I forgot who Jimmy was. I must have forgot that you had to do this to get that because dang, I don't hardly never speak in tongue."
I said, "Then why are their churches bigger than ours? Why are their marriages better than ours? Why are their finances better than ours? They may not be speaking in tongues, but it feels like God's blessing everything that they do." This is the last time that I was ever invited to one of those meetings. That's all I'm saying. But we've also had non-Pentecostals, demeaning Pentecostals because they thought that they were weird and that they were going to have these out of control services.
So before I was in Green Bay, I used to just travel and preach in a different church every week. And one time a guy invited me to come preach a revival thing for him, which really just means four nights of church in a row, but they feel like it's going to be something. And so I didn't know this guy, which I didn't normally speak for people that I didn't know. And so we were on the front row. I remember it. He was about to intro me. He leaned over to me and he said, "Hey, I don't want you talking about none of that Holy Spirit stuff."
I said, "Hey, I didn't even know the Holy Spirit was stuff. I thought he was God. You don't want me talking about..." So I spent four nights trying to figure out how to not be filled with the Holy Spirit. It was because sometimes we want to diminish or demean what we are not. And so knowing that, Paul says, "I get it. Some of you have the gift of speaking in tongues. I love it. I speak in tongues all the time, but it needs to be done with a purpose to point people to Jesus." And so he said, "In the church, I'd rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than 10,000 words in tongues."
And so he said, "If you're going to speak in tongues, you either need those tongues to be interpreted so everybody can understand and benefit, or you need to keep them to yourself. You need to sit down and stay silent in the church because there are tongues for you and there are tongues for others."
Then he talks about prophecy. And he says, "Bro, I love prophecy. If you have the gift of prophecy, please use it." In fact, he says, "He who prophesies speaks to men for their edification, encouragement, and comfort. The one who speaks in tongues, prophets himself, but the one who prophesies, edifies the church. I wish you could all speak in tongues, but I would rather you all prophesy. He who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in tongues, watch this, unless he interprets those tongues so the church may be edified."
And prophecy is interesting. It can only be quantified in one of two ways, waiting and weighing. Waiting to see if it happens and weighing it against God's word. And there's been all kinds of false prophets throughout time. I mean, you could find them all over YouTube today, people sharing prophecies or making predictions that'll never come true when all they're doing is misleading people.
And so Paul says, "Guys, I love prophecy. I love that some of you have that gift and I want you to use it, but I don't want you to abuse it. So I need you to do it in its proper place and in its proper time. Otherwise, I'm going to need you to sit down and stay silent in the church." And then he addresses something that just might have become the most divisive issue within the church community, women speaking in church. And this is one that's obviously close to my heart, not only because I have a wife who speaks in church and a daughter who's called to do the same, I also have a bunch of spiritual daughters at this church who God has given a voice to. Pastor Shelby, Pastor Stephanie, Pastor Jessica, Pastor Tara, Pastor Megan.
I also have a spiritual sister who has written a program that has literally transformed the lives of thousands of people in Pastor Becky. And so this one for me is a non-negotiable. For me, this one is an impasse. If you don't speak in tongues, that doesn't bother me one bit. If you don't prophesy, homie, we can roll together. We can do ministry together for the rest of our lives. But if you are against women in ministry, if you are against female pastors, you and I cannot agree to disagree.
You and I cannot do ministry together because your outlook and your vision is too narrowed. And we have a subculture within the church at large that is trying to silence women, and it is ungodly and it is unbiblical. And so I don't want to read your books. I don't want to listen to your podcast. I don't want to speak at the same conference as you. I don't want to be friends. I don't want to sit next to each other at Lambeau because you are using God's name in vain.
And they're using this verse... And I wish somebody would see this online and send me a message and challenge me to debate about it because their evidence for this argument is this scripture, and it is non-contextual. They're saying, "Well, Paul said that women should be silent in church." And the problem with their viewpoint is it is lazy theology. And they are taking these words out of context because they're viewing them through a vacuum.
Whether that guy was a believer or not, he would be a masochist. Whether that guy was a believer or not, he would be a misogynist. And so that guy took his problem with women with a hurt or a wound that some woman gave him somewhere along the line, and then he stood behind a pulpit and had the nerve to act like it was God. I wish you would. I'll throw my iPad across this room.
You say, "You're a little bit worked up." Yeah, I am. You ever get that stroke vein in your neck? You say, "Why you worked up?" How do you know that what you are saying is right and what they're saying is wrong? Why? Because I have read every single word that Paul has written in this book multiple times. And time and time again, Paul not only endorses women in ministry, he places them in ministry.
In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul talks about women's right. This is two chapters, three chapters before. He talks about women's right to prophesy in the congregation. Three chapters before he's endorsing women in ministry and endorsing women speaking in ministry. When Paul was living in Corinth, he lived with Aquila and Priscilla, and he assigned Priscilla, the woman to teach Apollos, one of the most well-known preachers in the world at that time who happened to be passing through Alexandria. And Paul said, "Homegirl, I need you to correct this cat because he's off-target theologically."
So Paul assigned the wife, not the husband to correct the preacher man. When the church in the harbor town of Cenchreae needed a leader, Paul chose Phoebe, and he assigned her to be the deacon over the church. Not a deacon, the deacon. And the Greek word used to describe her position is diakonos. It literally means minister. It means pastor. Phoebe was clearly the leader, the minister, the pastor of that important church in a strategic town because Paul not only endorsed her, he also placed her.
Now, not only did Paul endorse and empower women in ministry, the Apostle Peter. You know the disciple that Jesus said he'd build his church upon and the gates of hell would not prevail against it, who the Catholics believed was the first ever pope? On the day of Pentecost, Peter said, "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my spirit on all people, your sons and your, uh-oh, daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions. Your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants," wait for it, "both men and women, I will pour out my spirit. And in those days, they men and women will prophesy."
Luke, the writer of the gospel and the acts of the apostles and Paul's constant ministry companion in his gospel recorded what's called the Song of Mary. And in doing so, he affirmed Mary as a teacher of theology and social ethics for the entire church, for as long as his gospel shall survive and be read. Now, if Paul, Peter, and Luke aren't authoritative enough for you, when Jesus was resurrected, the first people he appeared to were women, and he sent them to the men to spread the same message that he's told us to spread the most important message that will ever be spread, that he is alive.
Do we really think in our passage from 1 Corinthians, do we really think in our passage from 1 Corinthians 14 today that Paul is overthrowing all of this? Can we really assume that Paul would be sitting in Priscilla's house where she housed and fed him for 18 months and that he'd be writing these words and insulting her by telling her and her fellow women doing ministry in that community that they can do ministry, they could play the piano, they can work with the kids, they can cook meals, but they can't speak?
The same Priscilla who he had already assigned to prophesy in the temple. Can we really think that he has just now thrown all that out? Only if you're viewing it through a narrow lens. So the question arises, how can we understand the text? Like any other text, we have to zoom out. We have to look at the context, the culture, and the community that these words were written into.
Corinth was the largest, most diverse city in Greece. People came literally from all over the world to live and work there, but they lived in pockets. And those pockets were based upon their nationality and upon their language. It's like old-school New York City, or when I was a kid, Detroit used to still be segregated into pockets. You used to have the Polish part of town. You used to have the Italian part of town. You used to have the Mexican part of town. Used to have the Puerto Rican part of town. That's why I said Mexican. It wasn't a Latino part of town. You had a Mexican part of town, you had the Colombian part of town, you had a Cuban part of town, you had Chinatowns, all that stuff.
Listen, if you wanted some good egg rolls, don't go to Polish part of town. They got dope pierogies, but they don't got good egg rolls. But don't go to Mexican village looking to get pierogies because when you get there, you're going to get the most bomb burrito you've ever had in your whole entire life at Xochimilco's downtown Detroit. That's a free advertisement in Jesus' name. Greatest burrito you'll ever have in your whole entire life. So when you go to Detroit this year to Ford Field to watch us beat the Lions, make sure you go to Xochimilco's in... Don't I sound like a radio commercial right now?
I'm just saying at Corinth, it was the same thing. They were all connected, they were all segregated, they were all in pockets. And the women and children almost never went outside their pocket, which meant they had almost no need to learn or speak Greek. I mean, even the men would've only learned functional Greek just enough to be able to function in their jobs. Plus less than 10% of people in the first century Mediterranean world were literate. Less than 10% of the people in the Mediterranean world at that time knew how to read or write.
So everything was processed orally and it was often processed orally in real time. So even now at universities in the Middle East, students often will lean over to each other during lectures and ask each other questions to better understand the professor's information. In fact, when the professors will turn his back to write on the board or whatever, it is common that the students, a roar of the students will begin to break up because they take that as their opportunity to be able to ask each other questions. And it's not because they're being disrespectful, it's because they're being respectful enough to try to understand the information that's being given to them that was worked so hard at by the professor.
So in first century Corinth, when they went to church, the challenge of comprehending what the speaker was saying in their second, maybe their third language, especially taking the speaker's accent into account, it was beyond challenging. So when the speaker said something that wasn't understood, people, especially the women who were more social and had their kids sitting around their feet would inevitably lean over to each other and it would start to murmur or they would start to chatter to one another saying things like, "What did he just say? Or what does that word mean?"
And the chatter would begin to build, making it impossible to hear the speaker. So one of the senior elders inevitably would stand up and in a desperate voice, he would shout, "Let the women in the church be silent." And when they got calm, the speaker would proceed. That's what Paul was proactively trying to do here. In fact, the Greek word that Paul uses for speak in verse 34 is the word laleo. It literally means to chatter.
So he's saying, "Ladies, before we even get to the church where incidentally men and women were sat separately, there was a six-foot divider in between them, and they were sat separately so that the men wouldn't be distracted by their kids so that the men could focus better so that they could retain the information and share it with their family, which guys start retaining the information so that on the way home, you're not talking about the NHL Stanley Cup or you're not talking about cars or something that your wife has already tuned you out about."
What if you got in the car and you had retained some of this information and in the car on the way home, you started regurgitating the things and you guys talked about this so that it would stick with you. I'm just saying, I'm just saying, Father's Day is next week, and can I say we have a dope men's ministry? The men's thing is so... Like Called to Greatness, I wish I would've been a part of that when I was growing up and developing and seeing these men rise up and seeing these men become leaders within this church and within their family, it is dope.
And it is time for us as men to take the information and grasp our responsibility and to be able to regurgitate it, feed it to our little baby chicks that are in the car because they're going to imitate whatever it is you do and talk about whatever it is you talk about. And so Paul was saying, "Ladies, before you even get to the church, if you don't understand something, don't lean over and chat with each other, it's going to be a distraction. Wait, till you get home and ask your husband." Not because the husband was superior to her, but because he just by the nature of his job, understood more of the language than she did.
Now, that context in and of itself should be enough to let us know that Paul isn't saying that women can't lead or that women can't preach in churches or that women can't be pastors. But just in case it isn't, Dr. Kenneth E. Bailey, one of the most revered theologians the world has ever seen, who spent over 30 years as a professor at elite universities across the Middle East, including the prestigious University of Jerusalem, published a groundbreaking paper establishing the fact that in verses 34 and 35, Paul was likely being sarcastic. He was actually quoting and confronting an errant Corinthian slogan like he did in 1 Corinthians 6:12, 7:1 and 10:23. Remember the one I talked about a few weeks ago that all things are lawful?
He was doing that same thing here toward a Corinthian slogan, women should be silent. That was being propagated by this new Christian group who started out trying to guard themselves, particularly the married men from the overly sexual culture that pervaded Corinth. And so they were trying to keep married men from being seduced by sexual women within the Corinth community. And so they were telling the men that these women, these hussies, they should be quiet.
And I'm sure that the intentions were good in the beginning, but just like all other intentions, it didn't take long before it became a sexist group who blamed women for their temptations and shortfalls and insisted on a strong subordination of women where they were suppressed, where they suppressed all women because of the promiscuity of some. But you need to be real careful when you try to elevate your experiences over others.
And Paul's sarcasm is actually proven and supported in the following verses. It's like, Paul was like this. "Oh, oh, I get it." Oh, women shouldn't speak, they should be silent in church. Watch this. Did the word of God originate with you? Are you the only ones it's reached?" Listen, if anyone considers himself a prophet or a spiritual person, let him acknowledge that I'm writing to you something that's from the Lord's command. But if anyone, watch this ignores this, what he just said, if anyone ignores this, he himself will be ignored.
I mean, see how much richer scripture becomes when we zoom out, when we don't rush, when we don't hurry, when we don't look at it through our own narrow viewpoints. He wasn't saying that we shouldn't speak in tongues or that we shouldn't prophesy or that women can't minister in churches. He was saying, "You can do all of that. You just have to do all of it in order." I mean, we're all out of order in some way, aren't we? I mean, for me, I've spent most of my life being in and out of order with food, with my eating.
For some of you, it's your anger or your attitude, or your anxiety. For some of you, it's alcohol or how you use prescription drugs. For some of you, you work too much so your family is falling apart. I mean, no matter what it is, it's normally because we're looking at our lives through a narrow viewpoint. Like for me, somewhere along the line, I determined that I thought that food would make me feel better. Maybe you thought alcohol would chase away the memories or that you working 12 hours a day, seven days a week would give your family a better life. And those thoughts are out of order.
But the good news is they may not be completely broken. It may just be one piece, and if you just replace or you repair that one thing, everything will start working again. I wonder where are you skipping a step? Where are you functioning through a narrow viewpoint that's got you out of order? I wonder if you'll do the hard work of figuring out where you're skipping a step of finding that one piece or that one part that's broken and replace or repair it today. I hope so. Because if you will, everything else will start working better.
Would you close your eyes all across this place? Salvation is just the idea of fixing one thing. There's one thing that's dominated your life. There's sin in your life, and the minute that you confess that and profess that Jesus can change you, everything else, doesn't get perfect, but it does get better. I wonder if you're here today and your life is a bit of a wreck. You've been trying to figure out how to navigate through being a good man or a good woman, and you've just tried everything else. And so today you found yourself here and you thought, "I need Jesus."
I want to give you the opportunity to receive him into your life, to welcome him into your life, to make him your Lord and Savior. Lord just means that he has all authority and Savior just means that you acknowledge that he rescued you. So doing that really requires two things, confession and profession. Confessing that you have unresolved sin in your life, and then confessing that you believe that Jesus can eradicate you of that. And so I'm going to give you the opportunity to do that in just a moment. We're going to do two things.
First is in a minute with every head bowed and every eye closed. I'm going to ask for people who don't have a relationship with Jesus, but want one to raise their hand and make eye contact with me. Once you do that, you put your hand down. That's your act of confession. Then I'm going to say a few lines in a prayer. I'm going to pause, and when I pause, I would like everyone in here to repeat what I just said. And if you are part of those everyone and you repeat it and you mean it in your heart, the Bible says, "You will be saved."
So if you're here and you say, "Shawn, I don't have a relationship with Jesus, but I'd like one." If that's you, with nobody looking around, would you raise your hand and make God contact with me? Thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks. Anybody over here? Thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks. Did I miss anybody? I already went long. I'm not in any hurry. Thanks. Thanks.
Okay. I'm going to ask everybody in here to say these words. Say, "Jesus, I've got sin in my life. I don't want it. Please take it. Please forgive it. Come into my life. Be my savior. In Jesus name, amen." Secondly, before we go, maybe you're here and you say, "Shawn, I'm a believer. I'm a Jesus guy, or I'm a Jesus girl, but there's something in your life that's out of order. For me, a couple of months ago, I was in my prayer time and I felt like the Lord said, "You've spent 50 years of your life being out of order when it comes to food. I need you to stop. You're better than that. You are smarter than that. You are stronger than that. I don't want you to live your life in the insecurity of being fat anymore. Stop."
After I was sad because my friend insulted me. I said, "How?" God said, "Just stop eating sugar. It's poison for you. It doesn't work for you. Just stop eating sugar." And so two months ago, I just did that. I just said, "Okay, fine." It became a spiritual thing for me, honestly. I said, "Okay, God, I'll take out the sugar." Now, was I going to go to hell for eating sugar? No. That's ridiculous. Am I going to be kept out of heaven because I'm fat? I mean, listen, the Bible says we're going to get a new body. Why am I wasting my time working out now? It's ridiculous. And God was like, "Don't be dumb. That's dumb. That's out of context."
And so I just thought, "Fine, God." That is one thing that was robbing me of my affection. And so I don't know what your thing is. It could be sugar. It could be anger. It could be lying. It could be exaggerating. I don't know what that thing may be, but I can guarantee you that some of you have some things here that aren't going to send you to hell, but that are wrecking your marriage and that are affecting your kids, or affecting your parents, or affecting your job. And so my question is, do you have anything in here in your life that is out of order? And if you do, I want to pray for you.
So if that's you, would you just pop your hand up? You got anything in your life that's out of order? Wow. Yeah. God, for my courageous friends, thank you, God, that they're willing to acknowledge that there's just a tweak. It's not a complete remodel. It's just a tweak. One thing that needs to be repaired or replaced that give them the courage to do that. Give them the strength to do that. Give them the foreknowledge on how to do that, Lord, that you would bless them and keep them, that you would make your faith to shine upon them and that you would give them peace. In Jesus' name, amen.
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dailyaudiobible · 1 year
10/3/2023 DAB Transcript pt 4
And so, Father, we thank You for Your word and another day. Lot of transition, transition weeks, months, books, and in it all You continue to speak to us and transform us and we are grateful, and we need Your help with this. We confess, we’re not rejoicing in You all the time, we’re not being gentle enough to be evident to all, all the time. We’re not aware that You are near all the time. Sometimes we can't figure out where You went and we certainly can't claim that we’re anxious about nothing because we’re anxious about lots of things. And we confess that in every situation we’re not thankful and prayerful. And so, we realize that we have some work to do in self-discipline, in shifting our orientation, understanding that it is all available, peace that passes understanding is available but we have to surrender to You and collaborate with You in cultivating what it takes to move in that direction. So, come, Holy Spirit into this, may we walk a new path, the path where peace does pass all understanding and guards us. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that is, well, that's home base. That’s where you find out what's going on around here. Mobile homeboy, home base is the Daily Audio Bible app, that sits in the palm of your hand and you can download that free from whatever app store is connected to your device, so check that out. Then you can find things like the Community Section, and in the Community Section, there are different links to different social media channels that we participate in. And so, if there's an announcement, stuff like that's good be following along. But also that is home of the Prayer Wall there in the Community Section and the Prayer Wall is, well, that's where it lives and that's where it stays and it's always available day or night, 24 hours a day, rain or shine. It is available to us, and we can go there, middle of the night, middle of the morning and share what's going on and ask our brothers and sisters to come around side of us, because we’re dragging things that are too heavy for us and we need prayer. And we need to know we’re not alone. That's the place to go. That's also the place to go to offer encouragement, to go and see that brothers and sisters are struggling just like the rest of us and to let each other know, hey I’ve got you. I'm walking with you. I maybe, I may be 5000 miles from you. I may be on the other side of the world, but I've got you in spirit, we're in it together, we’re walking together. You’re not alone, that makes an awful lot of difference. So, certainly, be aware of the Prayer Wall there in the Community Section, either on the website at dailyaudiobible.com or in the app.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. If this mission to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and offered freely to anybody. Anybody who will listen, no matter where they are, no matter what time it is. And to build community around this rhythm of showing up for each other every day, showing up to take the next step forward. If that is life to you, then thank you for being life-giving. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you're using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today, I'm Brian, I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Hey everybody, it’s Rachel from Deven in the UK. I’ve just listened to Brian’s commentary or devotional on wives submit to your husbands and husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church. And oh my gosh, my heart is full, my heart is full of pain for myself as I went through an abusive 20 years, and I’m now married the man that I should have married in the first place and I’m very happy. And I’m very grateful that I know that he would lay his life down for me and I’d gladly submit to him. But I would ask for your prayers as I try and digest some truths about my past marriage which was really abusive but very subversively. So, never abusive physically, just spiritually, emotionally, financially, and always very hidden. But my heart is broken still from, from that, from 20 years, 20, nearly 25 years with being with that man. And my heart is also grieving for all those women and people in broken marriages and in abusive marriages. And so, yeah, pray for me, if you would, that I know how to deal with, with the aftermath of 20 years of abuse and also, pray with me for people in abusive marriages. Thank you, guys. Bye
Good evening my Daily Audio Bible family. This is David Browning from Savannah, Georgia. And I’m calling in on the 26th of September. I’m calling in for a woman, she didn’t give her name but she’s from Norway. She has children, she’s pregnant. She has a boyfriend that doesn’t want to get married. She has a pastor that’s telling her that she needs to be married. And oh, lady I pray for you. My life is, my mother was a, she had me, I had two sisters from different fathers. She was promiscuous and made mistakes, but you know what? There was a time when we were children that she took us to church. And taking us to church changed her life and in changing her life it made an impact on mine. And the reason that I’m walking with Christ today is because my mother faced that shame. She went into that church as single mother with three children. And that church accepted her. And I pray that you will find a church that accepts you as you are and your children. I pray for that for you. Take your children to church. And if that pastor does not accept you, he is in the wrong and I will pray for him. So, I pray, God bless you. I pray you find friends, look for other woman friends that you can talk to. Just get your children in the word. Teach your child in the way they should grown and when they are up …
Good day Daily Audio Bible family. This is Daniel the Wholehearted calling from North Carolina. And just wanted to say, Brian, thank you for being a great pastor. For being so faithful to minister to us. I wanted to call in to pray for the young man who called in on the 26th saying that he just doesn’t know, he doesn’t know if he’s a Christian. And I think, you may have called before, there was a guy who called a little while back saying that he just didn’t fit in. And I just want to encourage you and let you know that, you know, Christian is a label, it’s in the Bible. You know, being a little Christ, it was a way of people making fun of people who follow Jesus. This day in age in means maybe something different but for those of us who are Christians and who really follow Christ. You know, it’s a badge of honor. And my prayer for you is that you would receive the gift of faith from God and that He would lead you into the loving relationship that He desires to have with you. Let me pray. Father, I pray for this man, this brother and Lord I ask that You give him that gift of faith and that You would give him the gift of the sense of Your presence. Lord, and that You would love him, You would hug him and You would show how much the relationship matters. And how much being close to You matters, regardless of labels given by man. I just pray all this in Jesus name. Be blessed.
Good morning, Daily Audio Family. This is Lucy calling from Iowa, for Kalissa. As an adopted mom who traveled that infertility journey, you said you were waiting for those, trying to find patients for those convinced you’ll be a good mom. That’s not our journey. Our journey is that when our child is there, they will come to us. I have said this to other adopted moms. It’s always easier once you’ve got your child in your arms but when the time is right, your child will be there for you, no convincing others. My son is 21. I have a good friend whose daughter just turned 18. I have another friend whose son just turned 10. When our child needed us, they came to us. Your child will come to you.
Good morning DABers. My sisters and brothers in Christ. This is Running Desperately to Jesus. Also known as Staying Desperately Connected to Jesus. It’s been a long while since I have called, I know. And since that time, I have been through so much it feels like. But there was a lady, excuse me, that came on, and I cannot remember. I believe it was September, and she was speaking of maybe feeling the fog or something while she was driving over the bridge. And you said, the only thing, the simple thing to say is God is in it with me. And even to say it with your job and the anxiety. I asked God 25 years ago, if I could be social worker with the school. He opened that door for me. And sometimes you have to be really aware of whatever you’re blessed with. Sometimes there might be other things that come along with it. I never knew I had anxiety, but I have it bad. I’m a school social worker and I’ve never felt this anxiety as intense. But as you said, my sister in Christ, Jesus is in this. God is in this. He is with me, He’s standing with me. I know that I can do this. I retired in 2019, I went back into the field again, into the social work field. And I kind of, in a sense, having the same feelings that I had when I wanted to retire from the prior job: anxiety, frustration, not sleeping. But I know that God is in control. And now my job is on the line because I need to take a particular test that should have been taken back in, years ago. Pray for me ya’ll. Running Desperately to Jesus, also known as Staying Desperately Connected.
Good morning Daily Audio Bible family. This is Alexis Rosario calling in for the first time. I’ve been listening for 8, 9, 10 years, I don’t know. I love all of you and pray with you everyday. But specifically, today, I’m gonna pray over a brother who sent a message on the 26th of September about not knowing that if he was a Christian or not. Not knowing what to do or who to turn to. And I’m just praying over your brother. You did not leave your name. You can reach out to me at mrasorio on Instagram. But I would just encourage you to seek a relationship with Christ rather than the box of religion. And I would encourage you every morning, just gonna through this out there, three things and you’re already doing one. Every morning when you get up and you take that first breadth in the morning you thank God. You thank God for the skin on your bones and that you can wiggle your toes and that you can take a breath. And then you go about your day and you enjoy it. You do the things you love. And listen to the Daily Audio Bible like you have been doing. And then at noon, you give a praise to God. Thank you Lord for today. And then you go from there. And if there is toxic relationships in your life, you get away from it. So, just praying over you. Also praying for my sister in Norway who is pregnant and is fear of judgement and if there’s judgement in that church, you go to a new church. And you’re in the right place listening to the Daily Audio Bible. Shot out to Blind Tony and love you all.
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bills-bible-basics · 1 year
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If I Should Ever Disappear Be advised that if for some reason I should ever disappear permanently from this social network, you can still find all of my work -- meaning all of my articles and series, poetry, topical KJV Bible Verse Lists and graphics on the Bill’s Bible Basics website, as well as on the Christian Social Network, or CSNet, which is a Christian-oriented social network which I began in late 2020. Please also note that access to both websites is totally free, although you must sign up to join CSNet. However, this too is free to do. Following are the URLs for both websites: Bill's Bible Basics: https://www.billkochman.com Christian Social Network https://www.csnet.live Regarding CSNet, aside from using a desktop or laptop web browser, if you are an iPhone® user, you can download the CSNet app for your phone from the App Store®. Simply launch the App Store app on your iPhone, and then search for "csnet". The app icon with the Bible and Cross with the blue background is it! You can likewise download our CSNet app for your Android phone as well by visiting Google's Play Store on your phone. The app has the very same icon as the iPhone version. iPhone® and App Store® are trademarks of Apple Inc. https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/if-i-should-ever-disappear/?feed_id=75526&_unique_id=650c0402e5a04&If%20I%20Should%20Ever%20Disappear
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davidpasqualone · 1 year
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theyoungturks · 2 years
AOC said the group behind the Jesus Super Bowl ads "makes fascism look benign". Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live https://justiceiscomingbook.com/ Read more HERE: https://www.mediaite.com/opinion/aoc-accuses-christian-group-of-promoting-fascism-over-uplifting-super-bowl-ads/ "Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) accused a Christian group that aired two ads during the Super Bowl of spending “millions of dollars… to make fascism look benign” on Sunday night in a bizarre social media post. He Gets Us is a non-profit organization with the stated goal of helping people “understand the authentic Jesus as he’s depicted in the Bible — the Jesus of radical forgiveness, compassion, and love.” “We are also about sharing Jesus’ openness to people that others might have excluded,” reads the About Us section on its website. “You may see religious people as often hypocritical or judgmental, know that Jesus saw that too — and didn’t like it either. Instead, Jesus taught and offered radical compassion and stood up for the marginalized.” *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230213__TB03AOC by The Young Turks
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nahasleague · 2 years
Bibleworks 10 activation code for sale
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Bibleworks 10 activation code for sale for free#
Bibleworks 10 activation code for sale upgrade#
Bibleworks 10 activation code for sale software#
Bibleworks 10 activation code for sale download#
It’s rare that I have to actually use the instructions to use my iPhone or the dozens of iPhone applications I have. They should be as consumer-friendly and intuitive as the iPad or iPhone. These programs have been on the market for a long time.
Bibleworks 10 activation code for sale software#
I have this crazy idea that software should be designed to make your life easy. If could have access to someone else’s scholarship via commentaries to see if I’m reading things correctly and maybe get some ideas I wouldn’t have found on my own, now, that would be perfect. And if I could poke around a bit in the Early Church Fathers, that would be great, too. Once in a while, I’d even like to dig through the Old Testament Apocrypha in Greek - but with lots of help, because my Greek skills are limited. Rather, I want to be able to sort out the meaning of “repent” in Acts 2:38 by seeing how the Greek is used throughout the scriptures, including the Septuagint. Therefore, I’m not interested in the features that help me build word puzzles for children (although I would have been 20 years ago) or “verse of the day” pop ups.
Bibleworks 10 activation code for sale for free#
For example, John Piper’s Holy Ambition is being given away for free until Christmas.īut my own interest is in hardcore Bible research. Their sister website Vyrso sells electronic versions of popular Christian literature, and this time of year, they’re even giving away a number of eBooks and having dramatic sales on others. And they have a vast library of scholarly and popular Christian literature, many of which are not available in eBook form from Amazon.
Bibleworks 10 activation code for sale download#
You can download an app for your iPhone or iPad and read Logos eBooks. Indeed, Logos serves as an eReader application. BibleWorks has some resources not found in Logos’ Scholars package (such as Thayer’s Greek dictionary and the Early Church Fathers), but Logos has vastly more total resources. And this is a much larger library than BibleWorks. Some of these materials are public domain, but most are not. Per their website, the Scholars Library includes. I should note that Logos also sells an Original Language base package that has most (not all) of the original language resources provided in the Scholars package, and it costs $419.95, which is much more price competitive with BibleWorks. The BibleWorks package I own costs $359.95 - still expensive as software goes, but not as much. The package I have is the Scholars Library, presently on sale for $535.46 - no trivial sum. Logos is sold in a host of base packages. Logos does much more than that, and so it’s not really an apples-to-apples comparison. I requested the Scholars Library because it’s targeted toward textual and original language studies - which is the primary reason I use Bible software. And so I begged for a free copy - one of the very few economic benefits that comes from being a blogger. It was an overwhelming temptation for a Bible wonk such as myself. I had already discovered that Logos offers an iPhone app that would allow me to do some Bible research sitting in church or Bible class - if I owned one of their packages. It’s proved invaluable in my research.īut it has its flaws and annoyances, and I wondered whether Logos might be a better product.
Bibleworks 10 activation code for sale upgrade#
Since then, it has replaced all my other Bible research software, so much so that I paid for the upgrade to version 10 a few weeks ago. In April 2010 I received a review copy of the competing product, BibleWorks, and posted a number of articles regarding that product. The price is that I must post at least two articles reviewing the software - which is exactly what I was going to do anyway. I’ve been fortunate to receive a review (meaning “free”) copy of the Scholars base package of Logos Bible Software.
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12/12/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Acts 20:4 - 23:35
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological, I'm Jill. Today is the 12th day of December, and it is my joy and a real privilege to be here reading the word of God for us, with all of you in Community, as well as individually. We are a collection of different faces, different skin colors, different denominations, different beliefs, different ethnicities, different socio-economical statuses, different stories, with so many similarities. so I celebrate these differences, as I recognize the Common Thread that has brought us all together is the word of God. what a uniquely beautiful thing this is. we're going to head back to the book of Acts today and read Acts chapter 20 verse 4 through chapter 23:35, a bit of a long reading. Today we are in the voice translation, so grab your coffee and settle in. There's nothing better settling in with a good cozy blanket and a cup of coffee and the word of God. Acts chapter 20 verse 4. 
We might not have to take too deep of a look today to see the discourse between interpretations of the law. and if we Zoom way out way out, it's likely that we could see that not too much has changed. Maybe people are not being physically flogged and beaten over differences of beliefs and interpretations in the sphere of our reach and our touch, but I might argue that there's much flogging verbally, much destroying of another person's spirit, and even character in our differences. and the thing is we believe we're doing it as a good work unto the Lord. let's just sit with that for just a minute. 
Jesus, forgive us for how we have verbally crucified our own Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Our Own brothers and sisters, who are your children as much as we are your children. forgive us and give us eyes to see and ears to hear. That we would be love and light, that we could ultimately be like Jesus and look past the behavior, and get to the heart of the matter. heart that is hurting, the heart that is broken that we would be people of compassion. pray the now, in the name of the father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. 
Daily Audio Bible, That's home base. check it out, take a look around, that's all. that app, it's free. you can download it. Speaking of apps, if you would like to be a part of this Christmas vinyl initiative that helps the advancement of Technology improvements going forward, they cost 25 bucks per vinyl. There are five vinyls to choose from, and you can purchase any increment of the vinyls one through five. and do that while supplies last. and you can do that at the app. We thank you so much for each and every partnership. we could not do this without you. if you're giving by mail DAB PO box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174. or you can give by hitting the give icon up at the top right hand corner of your mobile device. Lastly, look for the give icon on the website. that's going to do it for me today, I'm Jill, we’ll turn the page together tomorrow. I look forward to it every day. until then, love one another. 
Community Prayer Line
Hello Daily Audio Bible Chronological. This is your 10-day from London. I'm calling with regards to some prayers. I really need prayers right now for my daughter, who suffers from eczema. and it seems to flare up at different seasons of the year. and now it's just really bad and she's just finding it hard to sleep sometimes, and it's just really affecting me. so I'm just in desperate need of prayer for my daughter. I'm also praying, I'm also wanting prayer for direction in this season of my life. I just find it so hard to answer prayers, but I feel like the holy spirit is just leading me to reach out. and you know you guys surprised that I know this community is so powerful and the prayer warriors amongst us. so I really do need your prayers guys and I'm also praying in the background as well, although I don't call as often. I am praying for everyone and I am listening, and yeah so please guys pray for me and thank you in advance. All the best, have a good day. 
I go to heal the sister of her pancreatic cancer but hello that we're so grateful with thank you we thank you we return all the glory and other honor to you you are the Dua you alone with to take all the glory you will lose to take all that honor we say thank you. I will use this our sister as a contact reaching every other Brethren that is suffering from any kind of cancer, Lord. you have done it before the Bible say there is no private interpretation of any Scripture they prove that you have done it for someone means that you're going to do it together go to heal the sister of her pancreatic cancer but hello that we're so grateful with thank you we thank you we return all the glory and other honor to you you are the Dua you alone with to take all the glory you will lose to take all that honor we say thank you I will use this our sister as a contact reaching every other Brethren that suffering from any kind of cancer Lord you have done it before the Bible say there is no private interpretation of any Scripture they prove that you have done it for someone means that you're going to do it together Jesus. 
DABC this is Ted from SoCal wanted to send a thank you for the prayers regarding the kidney donation process. I especially heard Nicole's and Anita's and Kingdom Seeker Daniels prayers. Thank you so so much. It's actually something really special to hear you being prayed for directly when you're listening to the DABC, and hearing that family come around you, just a reminder. Now I'm actually taking a pause as this thorough process has revealed a minor something on my kidney that I would be donating so I'm going to take a step back and pursue that with my own private doctor. In the meantime my wife also was a blood match so she is moving through on the process to be a donor potentially to our friend. so prayers for my wife through that process thank you family. 
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keow · 3 years
Hi! This is a weird ask, but would you be willing to post resources/arguments about Christianity being true? Like, were there specific ones that convinced you to convert? I was raised Catholic but didn't really believe it growing up, but would like to have the same feelings about faith and peace that you posted about. I'm in a bit of a bad place right now and would like to go back and deepen my faith but it's hard.
This isn’t a weird ask, don’t worry! I’d love to provide you with some resources :) I’ll try to include both visual and auditory mediums as I don’t know what your learning style is.
I don’t mean to overwhelm you with information, please forgive me if this is too much 😗
I’m going to split this up into different categories of content here, based loosely around my conversion journey—i.e. what I had questions and doubts about. Please remember that faith is a very personal journey and you may have different concerns altogether, but hopefully this will give you a starting point to jump off of.
First: Arguments for the existence of God
Breaking in the Habit - What is God?  
The Thomistic Institute on the Five Ways
Pints with Aquinas - Explaining Thomas Aquinas’ Proofs
Pints with Aquinas - The Best Argument for the Existence of God W/ Trent Horn
Lumen - Arguments for the Existence of God (overview)
Subcategory: Near death experiences This is clearly anecdotal evidence and therefore not as strong, but I found reading about near death experiences to be extremely interesting. I liked browsing the NDE subreddit :) The common experience of SOMETHING among those who nearly die is at least indicative of there being more beyond the material realm, and by extension, a God. 
Second: Arguments for monotheism
This isn’t a common apologetics issue unless you’re a convert from a polytheistic religion (which I was), so there’s less content on this.
Pints with Aquinas — Aquinas on Why There Can’t Be Many Gods
Jordan Peterson on Monotheism
Third: How reliable are the Gospels? Did Jesus even exist?
Biblical Archeology Society - Did Jesus Exist? Searching for Evidence Beyond the Bible
Pints with Aquinas - Is the New Testament Really Historically Accurate? W/ Trent Horn
The Great Myths - History for Atheists  This is a SECULAR website created by an atheist seeking to correct the flaws in his fellow atheists’ arguments. Much to his chagrin, I found the website and now I’m a Christian. Here is their Jesus Mythicism series.
Influence - The Reliability of the Gospels
NAMB - The Historical Reliability of the Gospels
History - The Bible Says Jesus Was Real. What Other Proof Exists?
The Science of Apologetics on the historical accuracy of the Bible 
Answers in Genesis - How Do We Know the Bible is True? 
Fourth: Was Jesus the prophesied Messiah?
Jews for Jesus - What Proof Do You Have That Jesus is the Messiah?
The Top 40 Messianic Prophecies
Two Messiahs in Judaism: Ben David and Ben Joseph
Be Thinking - Messiah: Jesus, the evidence of history
Fifth: The Resurrection (and the events thereafter)
The Resurrection, Evidence, and the Scientist
William Lane Craig Debates Ben Shapiro about Jesus 
Did the Resurrection Really Happen? | William Lane Craig
Capturing Christianity’s interview with Dr. Gary Habermas Short highlight from that video the Science of Apologetics on Evidence for the Resurrection
Links from the bottom of that post: One, two, three, four, five
Sixth: Did Jesus claim to be God? Theology of the Incarnation and the Holy Trinity
The Thomistic Institute on the Trinity: The Triune God (Aquinas 101) The Persons of the Trinity (Aquinas 101)
Breaking in the Habit - Did Jesus Claim to be God? 
Trinity explained by CS Lewis: Christian "Trinity" Explained in 3 Minutes The Three-Personal God by C.S. Lewis
Christianity.com - Did Jesus Claim to be God?
Ryan Reeves - The Incarnation and Jesus Christ (In 90 Seconds)
The Thomistic Institute on the Incarnation: The Meaning of the Incarnation (Aquinas 101) Motives of the Incarnation (Aquinas 101)
Bishop Robert Barron - Understanding the Incarnation
Seventh: Miracles and saints just because I personally think they’re really fun!
Lessons from Lourdes: Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette
Pints with Aquinas - Scientific EVIDENCE for Eucharistic Miracles? w/ Fr. Terry Donahue
Actual information on incorruptible saints 
Our Lady of Fatima and the Miracle of the Sun
The Shroud of Turin: The Catholic Talk Show  Mr. Mythos  Lecture on the Shroud
Our Lady of Guadalupe
The miracles of St. Padre Pio
PDFS AND STUFF— Writings of saints, theologians, and apologists.
The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
The (searchable!) Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas
Rome Sweet Home by Scott Hahn
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis
Early Christian writings from the Church Fathers
Saints’ Books - A collection of free writings from Catholic saints
St. Augustine of Hippo: On the Trinity  Confessions 
Miscellaneous favorites:
The Thomistic Institute Ascension Presents Fr. Mike Bible in a Year Podcast The Catholic Talk Show Pints with Aquinas Pints with Aquinas - Apologetics Extravaganza with Trent Horn  Capturing Christianity Free Christian Apologetics Resources - Capturing Christianity Bible Illustrated  BibleProject Lectures on early & medieval church history by Ryan Reeves Breaking in the Habit / Catholicism in Focus Upon Friar Review Trisagion Films Servus Dei discord server
Apps: Hallow Catena: Bible and Commentaries The Chosen (This is a tv show! It has its own app. It’s really good and accurate to the Gospels.)
My personal tips section :)
While it’s very important to have a logical foundation for religion, PLEASE don’t underestimate the power of simply sitting with God in prayer. That’s the most important thing. I love praying the rosary, practicing lectio divina, praying novenas, reading the psalms, etc. Prayer shouldn’t always be scripted either. The pre-written prayers are helpful for when you aren’t really sure what to say or where to start, but you should speak to God from your heart as much as possible. Sometimes prayer doesn’t even have to be verbal! Sometimes it’s just a state of being.
Music also goes hand in hand with this. Hymns can really help you get into that religious spiritual headspace when you feel disconnected from God. Here’s a channel that posts some good ones. Read the Bible. When in doubt, just read it or listen to someone else read it. It’s truly the inspired Word of God. For a while it was really hard for me to connect with Jesus for some reason, but reading the Gospels has been instrumental in building a stronger relationship with Him. It’s kind of a given but you might have the same blockages as I did.
A good way to learn more about Christianity, the Church, and her saints is to keep track of the Church calendar. For instance, find out what important feast days/holidays are coming up, then research and learn about them around the time that they occur. Okay that’s pretty much it! Feel free to DM me about anything (I love theological discussion). I hope things get better for you--trust that I’ll be praying for you. Have a lovely day!
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how to deal with feeling that you don`t want to read bible at all?
Read something else!!
For real, if you dread opening the Bible and get nothing out of it, it’s okay to leave it aside for a while and read (or watch, or listen to, etc.) other things. You have your whole life to dig back into it, if you ever feel called to do so at all. In the meantime, there is wonderful wisdom to be found in other sources too -- many of which, but not all, point back to scripture. I believe God would rather you be exploring those such works and actually gaining wisdom and connection to the Divine, than see you slogging through scripture as a chore and getting nothing but boredom or frustration out of it. 
You might, for instance, read books that are about the Bible in the hopes that they can help you learn what there is to love in the Bible.
I most highly recommend Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again by Rachel Held Evans. Read that and you’ll find a beautiful framework for reading scripture faithfully and critically, with advice on how to approach the more disturbing texts.
(for something shorter, you might also like my webpage on reframing scripture.)
Or maybe you don’t want a book that’s about the Bible at all, but is spiritually rich -- finding a good devotional is what you’ll want to do then. 
My personal faves are, like, anything written by Barbara Brown Taylor (An Altar in the World, for instance), A Tree Full of Angels by Sister Macrina Wiederkehr, Native by Kaitlin B. Curtice (not a devotional, actually a memoir, but so so rich). 
If you like shorter stuff than a full book, check out the Our Bible App for so many incredible devotionals, including ones by and for BIPOC, LGBT/queer folks, disabled folks, and more. 
Or maybe you want some quality spiritual poetry!
there’s Queering Lent by slats toole, my own book The Kin(g)dom in the Rubble by Avery Smith (i’ve also got poetry posted on my wordpress), poetry by Jessica Powers if you are into traditional Catholic Vibes....
If books aren’t your speed in general, you might prefer a good podcast -- some of my favorite “spiritual” type ones include 
Bible Bash (it is SUCH a fun podcast that looks at Bible passages from a queer/trans lens, or sometimes from an environmentalist lens); 
Everything Happens with Kate Bowler (which explores life after or in the midst of suffering, from chronic illness to a loved one’s death)
my own podcast (lmao i’m sorry, i’m that kind of person), Blessed Are the Binary Breakers, where I interview trans and/or nonbinary people of all sorts of religious backgrounds about their experiences with faith, gender, and life in general
So. Yeah. It’s okay to take a break from the Bible and explore other ways of connecting to the Divine, humanity, and all of Creation for a time. You’re okay. The Bible will be waiting for you, its pages as alive as ever, whenever you’re ready to try again.
And when you are ready to check out the Bible again, whether that’s next week or years from now...
I highly recommend picking a version of the Bible with quality commentary and footnotes so you actually understand what’s going on haha -- see here for some suggestions
You absolutely want to know the history behind why any given Bible text was written. You try to read one of the prophets without knowing about the Exile? you’re gonna be bored. You might be disturbed. Ya gotta know the history!! Having a Bible with good commentary will help with that! 
I also recommend The Bible Project on Youtube’s videos for good historical context -- even tho I don’t agree with all of their theology, their history is sound and they have a wonderful concise engaging video on every single book of the Bible for you to watch. (Don’t like videos? Check out their website instead for info on each book in text format)
Know you don’t have to read from Genesis through Revelation all in order. You can pick the books of the Bible that most call to you. Some of my faves include Genesis, Exodus, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel (but i’m weird that way haha, you’ll want lotssss of good commentary for those), Amos, Joel, Micah, Mark and Luke, and 1 Corinthians. 
For help on picking a book of the Bible to read and all that, see this post
Or tell me what you’re looking for and ask me haha
It’s also cool to read a book or passage of scripture while engaging with a variety of interpretations on that same text at the same time! 
When I want to ~Resonate~ with what I’m reading, I seek out queer/trans and disabled theologies. 
When I want to be challenged to love my neighbor better and catch glimpses of God I (as a white, middle class, US citizen, etc.) would never catch on my own, I check out works by Black theologians, Dalit theologians, stuff from Mujeristas and Womanists and Latin American liberation theologians and on and on.
Find suggestions for such commentaries here in my recs tag. 
Or, if you’ve been taught how to read academic articles, you can visit academia.edu to search for free scholarly texts on any Bible passage you can think of, and see if there are any good ones from a perspective you’re interested in. (Example: if you search for “Isaiah 56″ and “disability” on there, you should find some gooooood stuff).
And if you’re ever reading a passage from the Bible and think “oooh I bet there are disabled/trans/Black/Indigenous/feminist/etc. theologians who’ve said some amazing stuff about this bit but I have No Clue how to find their writings on my own -- message me!!! I would LOVE to help!! Let me put my seminary Masters of Divinity to use and infodump about cool theology PLEASE
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