#there's newtmas in the books don't get me wrong
star--anon · 10 months
the books are thominho fans. just saying.
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lucystark12 · 23 days
how to convince the ga that byler isn't rushed (kind of just a rant about lettergate)
they need to and i mean NEED to vecna mike because the only way the ga will understand that byler has been built up since the beginning is if we’re given scenes in context. we as bylers obviously get it but byler is at risk of being labeled “too rushed” if they don’t put effort into referencing the important parts of mike’s feelings developing.
the audience doesn't really have a problem with believing that will is gay and in love with mike because there are things in his arc that are just obvious and clearly point to that.
but mike on the other hand is in the middle of a love triangle. unlike most of the other main characters, mike isn't open about his feelings. we don't get his internal monologue. he doesn't tell others how he's feeling. thats why its so easy for bylers and milevens alike to interpret his every move in either direction. it's purely because we don't know. so, in season five, there are things they have to address and give concrete meaning to so that people understand how byler actually does make sense.
the most important scene that i’ve already kinda talked about to do this is...
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this one, obviously, the most important little part of all of byler's season three. i want vecna talking about this. i want mike thinking about this. it’s crucial. it’s essential. his behavior here is weird as hell! it even reads weirdly in a script that was released and then edited quickly after. it's important and it needs to be addressed and treated as such. in the script (forgive me if i'm off, i don't have a copy of it so this is from memory) it reads as "what's wrong with me?" that obviously points our way, but since we don't get his internal monologue there's no way to be sure. it needs to be addressed.
this is also kinda lettergate proof because i think the unsent letters and the fact that mike did try to call will also be essential to proving what was going on with him during the gap between season three and four. if i were in charge of the show, i would do a whole flashback sequence to these six months. i want to know exactly where he is, what he’s doing, what he's thinking, how the people around him are reacting to his behavior. we need a shot of the love, mike. it's SO IMPORTANT.
literally i could scream about how important (and likely) lettergate is.
one thing that REALLY scares me about lettergate is the possibility of them reddieying us. yes that is now a verb. for any of you who never had an it 2017 phase, reddieying is where richie and eddie, two characters, had feelings for each other but never admitted it. at the end of the movie after eddie dies, we get this scene:
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this is what i like to call reddieying. and yes that is also finn wolfhard. this is why we are scared.
the letters could be used in a VERY similar way if either mike or will dies to express the love that they both once had for each other. closure of sorts. i think that would be VERY poor writing (we've all heard my theory about how mike's love for will is literally essential to the ending of the show) but i think it's highly possible especially given the overlap between it and stranger thing's fandoms. the letters could be read at the end in a similar way to the way hopper's was, sad heroes and all. this draws another parallel.
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yes i am bringing newtmas into this. fuck you.
above is a letter written by newt from the maze runner to thomas. newt is confirmed gay by the author of the book, and this letter is written to thomas but never read by him until newt dies. letterboxd reviews of this movie read:
"that letter at the end was the gayest thing I’ve ever witnessed and I’ve seen call me by your name."
"homophobia is thomas reading newt’s declaration of love and the shot cutting to thomas scratching his ex’s name into the rock ABOVE newt’s"
"newt, to thomas: "and i remember you. [...] i knew i would follow you anywhere. and i have." me: *im ready to be queerbaited again meme*"
and i didn't even have to search for these. these were like the top couple reviews of the movie. they were all on the first page of reviews.
all i'm saying is, by having the letter be an idea in our minds, they've set up a way to kill off one of the characters and still have a slightly resolved, weirdly up to interpretation ending. i do still think it's poor writing. i could kind of go into that too if anybody is interested.
i think that if lettergate is used as a device during mike's flashbacks to show how long he's felt this way that they will be using this thing they've set up for good, however, if they newtmas us and reddie us i might die. just letting you know.
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bokvshou · 2 years
My ranking of The Maze Runner books because im bored.
Fever Code. it's the best book in the series, period. newtmas is at its best.
Kill Order. i know a lot of people don't like this one but i love it. I loved seeing how the whole pandemic and disasters in the world began.
Maze Runner. the one and only, the place where you fall in love with everyone for the first time. also, The Glade is my favorite location in the entire saga.
Death Cure. the epilogue is my favorite of all the books, although i feel the ending is the weakest, i'm a big fan of all the adventure and angst feeling in here.
Scorch Trials. I always felt it was a shame that the movie strayed so far from the original plot. but I prefer movie!brenda tbh. dashner can't write romance at all (or women? maybe that's the issue here).
Crank Palace. it's okay don't get me wrong, and I always appreciate more newt content, i just feel dashner could have done a liiiiittle more.
I really feel like I love Fever Code and The Kill Order so much because they contribute a lot to the world building, and makes the experiences we have with Thomas in the three main books a lot more... well, it makes more sense, and gives another perspective. and it seems very special in my head.
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icarianiscariot · 10 months
2 7 10 24 27 and 30:
favorite book from middle/high school (preferably one of the dime a dozen dystopian love triangle books that flooded the market after hunger games and fundamentally misunderstood what made hunger games actually so good or something you had to read for school- scratch that- answer both)
2. thoughts on veganism?
while i do believe that the meat industry is fucked, i don't see anything wrong w supporting local farmers/butchers whenever possible instead. i have no issues w vegans, but ultimately my stance is less rooted in "animals are intelligent and eating them is evil" and moreso "capitalism-driven meat industry leads to abuse and pollution on a massive scale and needs to be better regulated"
which is not to say i pass any judgement on vegans who are vegan for the more "sentimental" (?) reason. but i do be a meat eater (haha. gay-) and tbh i'm broke as shit in a small town so i also be buying from walmart so. take this all w a grain of salt i suppose
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
10. on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice?
....contrary to what u might believe. apple juice. i find it much more refreshing than oj. (also obviously airplanes cannot handle the depth of my oj needs, so best not to open that can of worms, save those poor flight attendants from seeing me at my worst like that)
24. which do you find yourself using, american or british english?
murrrrca all the way! lmao. only exception is gray/grey because i learned "grAy is closer to blAck, grEy is closer to whitE" as a child rather than "grAy is America and grEy is England"
i see random "u"s in words and i scoff upon them /j
27. what’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
i have these big baggy yoga pant things?? like cotton parachute pants? that are super comfy so i wear em whenever i can get away w it. + tshirt + hoodie.
ideally the tshirt is my neon orange koolaid shirt. ideally the hoodie is my black as it is hoodie.
30. ask me anything ! - "favorite book from middle/high school"
specifically of the YA dystopia novels?? hmmm. probably Uglies, if that counts? i'm trying to remember which all i read: hunger games ofc, divergent ofc, that crossed/matched/whatever series (w the girl in the orb on the covers), the uglies series.
actually idk if the maze runner counts but it does show up on lists of ya dystopian novels and i fucked HEAVILY with tmr!! absolutely OBSESSED. still occasionally seek out newtmas content tbh.
send me a number!
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newtscarf · 7 years
Newtmas? Honestly, nah. Yes to Minally, Minresa, Minewt, Gallesa, Thomesa, Fryenda, Trenda.
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crestfallercanyon · 2 years
ahh look i‘m rereading the death cure (well actually i‘m carefully setting in again where i stopped reading last summer bc it was too painful but nevermind) and it‘s just hitting me again how they in the movies clean switched the „screen“-time newt and minho had in the books.
it‘s newt who‘s gone, minho who gives everything to get him back. minho who is the one who‘s perfectly clear on doing whatever it takes to get newt back, not the other way around (even though that particular scene was cut from the movie as well, argh).
i just like how in the books it‘s more about them as a… group? maybe that‘s simply a product of a movie being shorter and more clearly told through the main character‘s pov — or all scenes and plotlines needing to have a relatively clear tie to the mc.
well. here‘s to the newt and minho we didn‘t get in the movies. (and to us never being able to know what role race played in this.) (were this a post i‘d have put the last part in the tags but here parentheses will have to do) *raises a sad glass*
you don’t have to say much to it, it just struck me.
🤍 tea
(i dont know why i feel the need to sign asks what‘s up with that jsjdjddjsjjs)
we've had long discussions about it so I won't rehash everything here, but, I 100% agree with these observations and have so many other feelings behind this.
I was about to get into a very very large rant about the movies and James Dashner, but, I just don't know if I ever feel like unloading those thoughts on here. To put it briefly, I am dubious of the intentions of James Dashner in propelling Newtmas (especially since it seems very aptly timed to distract from the accusations against him during the metoo movement), and I find it highly suspect how much Newt and Minho were switched.
To the latter point, not a radical point, but I feel there's a lot of evidence of queerbaiting in the third movie. If you watch the way Newt is filmed, he is treated like a YA love interest in film. Frequently you can see the whole length of his body, the long line of his legs. If I remember correctly, he has the most outfit changes in the movies, or at least outfit deviations. (I could remember wrong, I admittedly was drunk last time I was counting). He is often one of the best lit even if he's not important to the scene. The proximity to Thomas is frequent. I can't claim to know much about how the movies were made, but I swear to God if you switched him out with a woman, there would be no doubt in anyone's mind that he'd appear to be the dominant love interest because of how he is filmed. And they never had any intention of changing the books and making Newtmas canon, so, I think it was for queerbaiting purposes.
And unfortunately, in their intentions to queerbait, they also erased Minho. So, in order to commit one thing that pisses me off about the movies, they committed another (and they committed another in the fact that they make Thomas a quintessential protagonist with no guilt, but whatever, and another in what they do to the women, moving on). And, before I say far too much more, it bothers me. It really, really bothers me.
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