#there's no way aki doesn't take good care of his hair in order to get his topknot that springy
meownotgood · 1 year
Hey mags! How are you?
So, this is really self-indulgent, so I apologize if I ramble a little-
Recently I decided to do a hair transition back to my natural wavy hair, and it's been kinda hard taking care of it bc I never learned the right way to do so (I couldn't figure out if it was wavy or curly so at some point I just gave up and straightened it) but now I think it's a little better than it was before, but I've had some people tell me that the haircut I got looks weird, so that really bummed me out bc I don't know how to properly style it yet.
So, could I please ask for some thoughts on aki reacting to reader that changed hairstyle from medium size and straight to short and wavy? This is very specific and kind of silly, but it has affected me way more than I'd like to admit hdhajsha
Love your blog btw! I hope you have a nice day/night! 💕💕
yes, of course!!!
I think aki is pretty peculiar about how he keeps his own hair, so he's bound to notice a change in yours. he asks you a little bluntly, why'd you change your hairstyle? and when you answer, he says, hm. I like it this way. it's pretty.
and he's no expert on hair styling, but if you'd like, he'd be willing to offer some help. it upsets him to think of you not being happy with your appearance, he wants you to feel as beautiful as he thinks, knows that you are. he does some more research on styling and asks if he can try doing your hair for a change, hoping to cheer you up and pamper you a little.
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inkblackorchid · 1 month
Hi ,I love your writing and the way you write Yusei ,Aki and Faithshipping overall ! Would it be okay to ask for some Faithshipping headcanons ?
Also ,wanted to ask if there will be any new fic for Faithshipping in the future :)
Thank you so much! And absolutely, faithshipping hc requests are always welcome! <3
At some point after the DS arc (probably in order to take on repair jobs that pay decently), Yusei got himself a diploma to the equivalent of a high school graduation certificate. Aki helped him lots while he was studying for it, because there are a lot of subjects he never interacted much with when growing up in Satellite.
Aki and Yusei's relationship, once it becomes official, ends up suffering from something like the Tony Hawk effect—it's technically an open secret and many people outside the signer group (like Aki's classmates) know about it. Yet, more often than not, they still catch people off guard with the fact that they are, in fact, a couple. (This is absolutely based off @sojourner-between-worlds' hc that Yusei, post-canon, when he's a guy trying to lead a normal work life, also gets Tony-Hawk-ed a lot.)
Having never really spent much time dating before they met—Yusei because old Satellite wasn't exactly a dating hotspot and Aki because she was too scared to grow close to people and people too scared to grow close to her—Yusei and Aki both don't really know how the "dating" thing works. Sometimes, they'll manage to go on stereotypically romantic dates (and sometimes, Aki enjoys that more than anyone could get her to admit), but much of the time, they just do whatever comes to mind and call it a "date". They don't care what they're doing, they care that they do it together.
On occasion, when the opportunity presents itself, Yusei likes brushing Aki's hair. It's soft, he loves the colour, and she always looks very calm when he does it. It's something they indulge in behind closed doors.
Sometimes, when it's late and they have nothing better to do, they watch the duel channel together. Unbeknownst to their friends, their discussions about people's card plays can get downright philosophical, because at the end of the day, they're both passionate about duelling. (And really freaking good at it.)
Before Yusei, Aki didn't think she would ever be comfortable sharing anything than a double bed with someone else, because she needed her space. As it turns out, it works just fine with him.
Yusei generally isn't one for opening up about his fears or bad experiences in the past much, but when he's sleepy or when things weigh a bit too much on him, Aki's the only one he manages to open up to. They have a mutual understanding between them that whatever they share, it might be met with concern, with care, with sadness, but never with judgement.
Yusei is the first person to make Aki feel any semblance of actual pride about her powers. Divine tried, but ultimately still worshipped them for their destruction, which she hated. But Yusei regards the things she can do when she's not lashing out in anger with something like quiet awe, and it makes her melt, because that, more than anything else, is proof that he doesn't and could never see her as a monster.
Aki is the only one besides Yusei himself who's allowed to drive the Yusei-Go. Even Jack and Crow aren't, unless it's a dire emergency.
Aki never really warms up to the idea of modifying or repairing her runner herself, per se, but she likes watching Yusei do it—and manages to pick up on more mechanical stuff than she thinks along the way.
If somebody is rude to or insults Aki within Yusei's earshot for any reason, he absolutely stands his ground and defends her. If anyone is rude to or insults Yusei within Aki's earshot for any reason, that person had better run.
Also, to answer your final question, there will absolutely be more faithshipping from my side in the future! It features heavily several times in the WIP fic already—it's just that the WIP is sooo long and not even done yet, haha.
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writingwhimsey · 3 years
My Pirate Lord and Our Life Ch. 33
Chapter 33
It was a few days later that our plan was put into motion. The Oda forces had departed and we were now on the ship sailing out of Aki. I stood on deck, Misa beside me. We were both looking out over the ocean. "So, what are you thinking?" I asked her. I could tell by the look on her face that something was bothering her.
"Just thinking how strange all of this is." She answered.
"What exactly do you mean?" I asked.
Misa smiled at me. "Just that we are actually five hundred years in the past. I mean when you told me when we were back home...I believed you. I knew you wouldn't lie o me. And yet... it's just different actually being here and seeing it. Not to mention how well you fit in with all of these crazy warlords."
"You seemed to be fitting in rather well, too Misa." I teased her.
"Well, I mean...they honestly kinda reminded me of when we all used to get together with the guys from the boys home."
"A bit." I agreed.
"I'm also amazed at how well you've adapted to the life here." She said, her smile soft. "I mean, everyone here seems to adore you. Not that I can blame them really."
I shook my head. "I don't know if I'd say they all adore me."
"Please, Hideyoshi freaking calls you his little sister. Masamune can't stop himself from battling Motonari over your taste-buds. Nobunaga calls you his lucky charm. Keiji and Mitsuhide both seem to enjoy teasing you. "
"Alright, I get your point. I am well loved here by a very large family." I said blushing.
"Of course we can't forget the way Motonari's crew falls all over themselves to help take care of you." Misa added with a grin.
"That's probably just because they're afraid of Motonari." I replied.
"I can see him threatening them within an inch of their lives if something were to happen to you." Misa agreed.
"While he did threaten them, the crew does adore you, Lady Mouri. " Hiroyoshi said as he came to join us.
"Were you listening to us, Hiroyoshi" Misa asked, a teasing smile on her face.
" I would never, my Lady." He replied. "I just happened to be walking by."
"Please stop it with that my lady stuff. I do not have a title." Misa told him.
"You are my Lady's sister. It would be improper " He replied.
"This old geezer won't ever be informal with anyone." Motonari said, coming out of a meeting with his crew. He came up to me and placed another haori coat over my shoulders before wrapping his arms around me, from behind.
I turned my head and smiled up at him. "It's not that cold you know." I teased him.
"It's gettin' colder. And you know it only gets colder at sea." He replied. "Gotta make sure you stay warm." He then kissed the top of my head.
"I swear I'm going to throw up from listening to you two one of these days." Misa quipped with an eyeroll.
I reached over and playfully swatted at her. "Oh come on you know you're happy to see me happy."
"Doesn't mean your happiness isn't going to make me barf. "
"If ya do, just make sure ta get it over the ship. Yer cleaning up Yer own mess." Motonari replied.
"Don't worry, I would handle it, my lady." Hiroyoshi assured Misa.
"It's alright. A little puke never deterred me. It's my job to deal with a lot worse body fluids."
"What do ya mean by that? " Motonari asked.
"You'll find out when the baby is delivered." Misa answered.
"You plan on being in the room during the birth my lord?"Hiroyoshi asked, seeming surprised.
"He better be." I found myself saying. I honestly hadn't thought about the possibility of him not being in the room. Nor did I think I could do it without him there.
Motonari laughed. "You givin' me orders now, Flower Girl?"
"I mean... " I began flustered.
He laughed again as be reached a hand up to muss my hair. "Course, I'm gonna be there. I ain't missin' it fer nothin. " He assured me. "I'll always be there for Ya . "
I let out a relieved sigh and relaxed back against him and smiled. "Good."
"Hopefully, Kimi and Asuna will be here by then, too." Misa said. "Get the whole family together."
"Okay, but me giving birth doesn't really need to turn into a show." I said. I know that we had all been there for Kimi when she had Kotoro, but that's because she wouldn't have had anyone else otherwise. I kind of really only wanted Motonari there. Of course Misa would be there since she was my midwife.
"You act like we all haven't seen each other naked a million times." Misa teased me.
"What's this now?" Motonari asked. "Should I have been worried about that slumber party you girls had?"
I laughed. "We grew up together sharing a bedroom and bathroom. Privacy was really nonexistent."
"At least if we wanted to get to school on time." Misa agreed.
"And even though that is all true, you know...maybe I don't need the whole world witnessing me give birth." I replied.
"Whatever makes you comfortable." Misa replied. "Of course you may also not give two shits once you're in labor."
"Well, we're still months away." I said. "So, plenty of time to talk about all of that."
"True." Misa agreed.
"So, when should we reach our first port?" I asked Motonari.
"In just couple of days." He answered. "And don't you worry about a thing. When we get there, you just go enjoy yer shoppin' like ya always do. Six guards'll be with ya, while I go to my meetin's and make it easy fer Kicho ta find me."
"You know telling me not to worry isn't going to make me not worry." I remarked.
Motonari kissed the top of my head. "It's all gonna be just fine. Ya know the only plans I've ever had fail were because you started spreadin' yer flowers and makin' 'em grow in my head, too."
I laughed. "Hey, I know if anyone can pull this off, it's you. I don't doubt that...I just have a general nervous feeling about everything and you know worry for you."
"It'll all work out. I swear to ya." He told me.
"Is it bad that knowing the plan, I hope we don't find him in the first port?" I asked.
"Nah...it'll be just as hard fer me, flower girl." He assured me, gently squeezing me tighter.
"You know, I just thought of something I needed to do." Misa said. "Excuse me."
"I also have much to do. Pardon me, my lord, my lady." Hiroyoshi said, bowing before he and Misa both walked away.
I turned around in Motonari's arms to face him, placing my hands on his chest. "And you're sure there's no other way? No better plan?"
Motonari leaned his forehead down against mine. "I wish there were a better one." He said. "But I gotta find out that bastard's plan, make sure he hasn't already set things in motion."
"And you have to get him to trust you to do that." I said with a sigh.
"I'll take care of this as quickly as I can." He assured me, his blood red eyes meeting mine. "I got my you and this little one countin' on me."
I smiled up at him. "Pretty sure there are other people counting on you, too."
"That may be, but you two are the only ones that matter." He replied, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to my lips. "I swear to ya, I'll make sure plan goes off without a hitch and get it wrapped up quick."
"If anyone can do it, it's you." I agreed.
The next couple of days passed by too quickly and we were soon arriving at port. When we disembarked, Motonari walked with me so far into town, Misa and our six guards with us, though they were a respectable distance away. Misa was chatting with the guys. They'd all already taken a liking to her.
"Alright, here's where I gotta part with ya." Motonari said, as we stopped outside of a merchant house.
I nodded and did my best to keep the frown from my face. I wasn't sure why, but I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that this was the day we were going to find Kicho.
Motonari removed both of his gloves and tucked them into a pocket before cupping my face between both of his hands. "Hey, don't look so worried. I told ya, I'd get this all taken care of. And I'll get it done quickly." He was then crushing his lips to mine.
I pressed myself closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. Though we had just spent last night and this morning making love, as if it were our last time, I still couldn't help but to want to keep him close. I wished we could just stay in a world just the two of us and not even have to worry about all of this...but considering what Kicho was up to, I knew what we had to do.
Motonari deepened this kiss, his tongue slipping past my lips, tracing the lines of my mouth, memorizing my taste. I tangled my tongue with us, savoring his taste as well. I wasn't sure how long the kiss lasted before we were parting, both of us panting.
"I love you, Ava." He told me.
"I love you, Motonari."
We kissed once more before finally parting and going our separate ways. It killed me knowing what was coming. I sensed it in every fiber of my being that it would be today. That it would be here that Kicho showed up. That this would be the last time I would get to see my beloved for a while.
Check out the drama and action in the next chapter below!
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