#I wish you luck with your hair journey <3
meownotgood · 1 year
Hey mags! How are you?
So, this is really self-indulgent, so I apologize if I ramble a little-
Recently I decided to do a hair transition back to my natural wavy hair, and it's been kinda hard taking care of it bc I never learned the right way to do so (I couldn't figure out if it was wavy or curly so at some point I just gave up and straightened it) but now I think it's a little better than it was before, but I've had some people tell me that the haircut I got looks weird, so that really bummed me out bc I don't know how to properly style it yet.
So, could I please ask for some thoughts on aki reacting to reader that changed hairstyle from medium size and straight to short and wavy? This is very specific and kind of silly, but it has affected me way more than I'd like to admit hdhajsha
Love your blog btw! I hope you have a nice day/night! 💕💕
yes, of course!!!
I think aki is pretty peculiar about how he keeps his own hair, so he's bound to notice a change in yours. he asks you a little bluntly, why'd you change your hairstyle? and when you answer, he says, hm. I like it this way. it's pretty.
and he's no expert on hair styling, but if you'd like, he'd be willing to offer some help. it upsets him to think of you not being happy with your appearance, he wants you to feel as beautiful as he thinks, knows that you are. he does some more research on styling and asks if he can try doing your hair for a change, hoping to cheer you up and pamper you a little.
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tarotwithavi · 1 year
10 Random messages for you or about you
Just Random things you don't see about yourself that others adore or find attractive! Or things you don't see coming.
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Piles : 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ,
4 ~ 5 ~ 6
This is a general reading, take what resonates and leave the rest ♡
How to choose a pile?
Take a deep breath and close your eyes and kindly ask your spirit guide to show you the right pile for yourself and the open your eyes. Whichever picture attracts you is the right pile for you. You can also choose more then one picture.
Masterlist × paid services
Pile 1
I feel like someone here has braces or is thinking about getting them but is scared or insecure that they won't look good? Man just get 'em. They'll make your teeth look fantastic.
People love the way you walk and I don't care if you say that "oh no, I don't even leave my house " . There's just something about the walk.
People love the way you stand up for the people you love and how sassy and sarcastic you can be.
You are the mother of the going aren't you? People absolutely adore seeing you take care of people and act like a mother .
People can see that you are intuitive and probably have some healing abilities.
Try being more athletic, it'll open a new side of you didn't know existed.
Do you juggle things? Like you can catch anything at any distance and that's freaking attractive.
People can clearly notice that wherever you go you bring love and light with yourself.
Some People see you as their good luck charm but not in a bad way or in a way that they want to take advantage of you.
Some people may say that you look like the statue of liberty 🗽 💀
Pile 2
You have the power to make anyone and everyone obsessed with you. But let me tell you it's can be a curse or a blessing depending on how you use it.
You may have your venus in 9th house or in Sagittarius.
A immature man is obsessed with you. He can be a Capricorn or scorpio or have these is his big three.
You probably have psychic abilities or are interested in learning about the occult.
Some people may get intimidated by your energy the first time they meet you.
White flowers or flowers in general have a great significant in your life especially jasmine .
You can be a leo Or have 8th house / pluto placements.
You'll see a lot of doves when your manifestation is about to come to you.
You should let go of the things that are not in your control or don't serve you. They are just a waste of time.
Your manifestation will come to you when you least expect it or when you will be a taking a new step in your journey.
Pile 3
Leave that toxic relationship or situation-ship. One you'll leave them a better person will come into your life.
Someone will try to bring you down or lower your confidence. Just show that bitch how capable you are.
I'm seeing a new job offer for you. This may start off as a low paying job but after sometime it'll pay you a huge amount of money.
You love dancing don't you? Why are you doubting then. Learn that dance. Show off your skills. Let yourself be free.
Someone in your life is treating you as a second choice or second option. Leave them. Who doesn't treat you as their first choice don't deserve to have space in your life.
Are you going to travel somewhere? Because I see that you'll meet a very rich and influential person there. They will be your teacher.
One of your wishes is going to fulfill. Be grateful and thank the universe the second you receive it.
Your skin look dehydrated please drink more water.
Someone here has connection with Egypt or Africa. Maybe a past life connection.
If you're thinking about dyeing your hair or getting a tattoo. Just do it but don't be too reckless.
Pile 4
Someone is sending you an evil eyes or probably using black magic to harm you. Please protect yourself and your place. You should perform a protection spell.
You should seek out information that will help you. Probably research on the topics that spark your interest or ask for help.
Your on the road to success and you'll definitely get all the things you want. Just keep working on it!
Pay attention to your finances and where you spend your money. Don't spend recklessly.
You probably won't like it but pride is getting to your head. Ground yourself before it ruins Everything.
Someone with initials V is going to help you out or might have v in their name.
Wear more green to attract abundance and blue for clarity. Or work with these crystals.
I heard "red isn't bad for you and blue isn't good for you" . This may mean that things you see as danger might not actually be dangerous but things you don't see that way might harm you.
You are going to attract your true soulmate soon. You both are connected.
Use your words and intelligence as your shield. Don't let people fool you around.
Pile 5
I'm seeing a person with blue eyes coming into your life. This may be a person you knew before but didn't talk to.
I'm getting that you may be accusing someone of the things they didn't do but you think they did it. Or someone may be doing this to you.
People think very highly of you and may see you as someone of high status . This may be why someone people want to take advantage of you.
Don't eat too much deep fried food. It's not good for your health. Eat something healthy.
I'm seeing a new opportunity coming into your life within the next week.
Someone may try to backstab you so be careful of who you tell your secrets to.
I heard "Pest control". Maybe you should clean your house or maybe you should clean your life and remove people who are like pests.
Some of you may be suffering from a severe mental disease. Please seek medical health. I beg you.
Please spend time around a water body like on a beach or near ocean . It may help you. Or maybe just take a long bath.
Don't let those negative thoughts come to you. You are stronger than them.
Pile 6
If you're thinking of pursuing fashion this is your sign. Or you can just learn to sew. It'll be great!
I'm seeing a suddenly wealth for you. You may be getting an unexpected gift from someone.
If you're not feeling fulfilled with your job you can change it. The things that don't give you happiness have no meaning.
C and M might change in future. But this is not a negative change. They'll change for the better.
Oh my you're overworking yourself right now. Please give your some time to rest or to clean your mind.
But for some of you , you're spending too much time on your phone or on the internet. Get a life kid.
I'm getting that you're going to travel somewhere it can also be an Interenayii travel. It'll be a great experience for you.
You are very privileged. You just don't see it. And you look great in gown and women's clothes. Accept and Express yourself.
Your going to receive a text from someone. This person is very successful in their life . They might even like you but they are controlling.
Spend your money carefully. Because I'm seeing that you might regret later if you don't stop now. Don't go after branded clothes just think about comfort and quality.
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l0cal-catb0y · 8 months
Hero!Ghoap x God!Reader brainrot
this is mainly about ghoap cuz i didnt focus on them in the first post and they deserve love too!! and i wanna add backstory :33 based off this post i made and i think i want them to be childhood friends!! (its one of my favorite tropes im sorry </3)
once again this is just word vomit !! not my best but it must be shared :DD but also!! let me know if you have any ideas for what reader should be the god of cuz i really have no ideas and i wanna add more details to them!!
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definingly have the vibe they would've meet by running into each other playing in a field when they were very young and just ended up sticking together. simon found comfort in johnny's presence and just sort of started following him everywhere he went with johnny just completely okay with dragging this boy around cuz!! he gets to have fun with his friend!! :DD sadly though they have to have reason to become fighters for plot reasons </33 their village gets destroyed, burnt and looted with few survivors left. theyre both distraught and angry with johnny openly wanting to track down the people behind the attack and fuck them up (simon too but hes silent about it) maybe johnny starts getting ready to start that hunt without telling anyone but simon can just read him perfectly and just pulls him aside to tell him that he's coming too.
I feel like along their hunt they would stop and take care of anyone that were causing issues, probably with just small trouble makers but as they become stronger and more experienced they deal with whole gangs of people (they end up getting the names ghost and soap along the way somehow) they become more renowned for their strength and victories that even cities far off know them!! im thinking the group that destroyed their village became an army and overconfident to the point of disrespecting the gods (probably not all but definitely some big ones) so when ghost and soap become bigger names they are given the upperhand with the backing of the gods who wish to put the group back into place. they basically get to the level of demigods !!
romance wise though,,, giggles,,, somewhere along their journey after a hard fight they would confess while patching each other up, the concern for each other far outweighing the fear of rejection <33 the gentle touch of making sure theyre still there and the whispers of love would be so soft after they know its a mutual love omg. their routines change a little afterwards too!! like simon giving johnny little trinkets to have in his pockets (probably something handmade when he cant sleep) and johnny braiding part of simon's hair before a fight (maybe he braids a piece of simon's hair into his own braid and his hair into simon's?)
I don't think they would actively worship one particular god? they would give offerings every so often as thanks for the blessing or in hope of getting some luck with something (finding info or just having good weather) but they are mainly on their own for the most part. yes they are favored more than others but it doesnt mean the gods really care about them yknow? they both know theyre just a means to an end for some of them :((
so when you start looking out for them theyre both just :OO you actually care about them outside of what they can do!! you help them with small things!! your watching eyes comfort simon when he cant sleep!! you guide johnny to peaceful areas for him to relax and draw at!! you send your associated animal to keep watch if they ever both crash after a fight!! they start to add stuff to their routines that relate to you in some way :33 making crafts of your symbols and having one with them for "good luck" or making a small spot for you at every camp they make or talking to you (aka the open air of your spot) about their plans and what they wanna do next!!
idk man brainrot and lack of sleep are getting to me!! im going to rotate these two in this au in my head for the next month ^-^
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grantgustluv · 10 months
lucky number four - lando norris (part 2 to his champion)
pairings: lando norris x fem!footballer!reader
warnings: slight mention of summit and plenty of fluff
author’s note: FINALLY FINISHED, sorry it took so long guys. gonna try and create a master list so they’re easier to find. leave any requests in the comments and BIG thanks to @blueanfield for the shoey idea <3
part 1 - https://www.tumblr.com/grantgustluv/724584150120693760/his-champion-lando-norris
y/n had been there for Lando throughout his full career, and knew how much it meant to him whenever he did well in a race. The next race was the British Grand Prix at Silverstone. It was one of Lando’s favourite races and he had always dreamed of standing at the top of the podium after winning P1 in his home country.
Lando wished that y/n could be here with him for this race, but he knew that the World Cup was coming up and she couldn’t miss the training in preparation for this. Ever since he entered the sport, he always did better with her support, but he knew he had to make do with FaceTime calls and good luck messages.
“Are you sure I can definitely take this time off?” y/n asked Sarina, Wiegman her manager. Sarina sighed, “of course you can, I’ve told you a million times now that I’m completely fine with it,” she jokingly rolled her eyes at her “in fact if you ask me one more time I’ll change my mind, so get yourself out of here and go and support him!” y/n looked at her with a wide smile and rushed out the room, mumbling a quick “see you next week” as she left.
When she had got home, y/n quickly checked through her luggage, making sure she had everything she needed for the weekend, put everything in the car and started her journey to where Lando was staying before the race.
It was the night before the race and Lando was pacing around his hotel room with mixed emotions flying around his head. He had done extremely well in qualifying and had managed to score P2 ready for tomorrow’s race, this meant that for Lando there was added pressure to do well, especially because he was starting front row. He was also thinking about y/n, he hadn’t seen her in nearly 3 weeks, apart from their morning and before bed facetimes everyday. Lando and y/n had a lot coming up, Lando was in the middle of the season, y/n was heading off to Australia for the World Cup and their wedding was 4 months away.
Lando’s thoughts were interrupted by a light knocking at the door, and as he opened it he nearly dropped to his knees and started sobbing at the sight. At the door was his y/n, she was really here, he couldn’t believe it. Without a second thought, he threw her bags inside the room, grabbed her, kicked the door closed with his foot and held her tight to his chest, breathing a sigh of relief at finally having her back in his arms.
“What are you doing here?” he mumbled, nuzzling himself further into the crook of her neck. Grabbing a handful of his hair, she gently lifted his face out of her neck and held it in her hands, caressing his cheeks softly. “Thought I’d come and support Lewis”, she said, jumping slightly when he squeezed her sides in response to her playful comment. “You better not be” he replied with a playful glare. “Of course not Lan, I’ve come to support my handsome fiancé” she said with a grin and gave his lips a quick peck. Lando could only look down at her with pure adoration in his eyes, “I can’t wait to be your husband baby, I’m so lucky to have you,” a faint pink dusted her cheeks as she responded “and I can’t wait to be your wife sweetheart, just you and me forever.”
It was finally race day and to say Lando was nervous was an understatement. He never usually got nervous before races but with this being his home race and him doing so well in qualifying, it meant that expectations of him were high. He was snapped out of his slight panic by a set of familiar arms wrapping themselves around his waist. He leaned back into her embrace and let out a breath. “Everything okay darling?” she asked calmly, knowing that he could sometimes get himself worked up before races. He turned himself around in her arms and held her to his chest tightly. “Just nervous” he replied, immediately relaxing, finding comfort in her arms. “I know you are, but you’ll smash it, I’ve got so much faith in you” she said as she removed her face from his chest and looked up at him, only to be met by his love struck gaze staring right back at her. Suddenly, a playful glint shone in Lando’s eyes, “what do I get if I win?” he asked with a smirk on his face. y/n rolled her eyes jokingly “I don’t know what do you want?” she asked hesitantly, knowing that he could take this anywhere. “One thing quickly, do you promise that whatever I say, you definitely have to do?” He asked. She narrowed her eyes at him and then sighed when he gave her his puppy look “I promise.” “Pinky promise?” He asked. “Pinky promise,” she responded with a small smile on her lips, interlinking their pinkies, holding their thumbs together and then kissing their touching thumbs one at a time. He was quiet for a moment, wondering to himself what he could possibly ask for as a reward if he won the race.
y/n saw the lightbulb moment appear and a cheeky look come over his face, and with a sigh asked “oh god, what is it?” Lando just chuckled at her expression and before he could open his mouth, an arm found its way around his shoulders. “What ya talking about love birds?” Daniel asked with a teasing smile. “He was just about to tell me what he wants if he wins the race today” she responded to the Australian man. Daniel’s head spun round to face Lando, “what makes you think you’ll win today?” he questioned jokingly. y/n then watched as Lando whispered something in Daniel’s ear, she panicked as she then witnessed Daniel’s whole face light up at whatever Lando just said to him. “Oh god, please tell me what it is?” she begged. Both Lando and Daniel turned to her with large smirks on their face. Lando took a step forward, “I want you to do a shoey if I win.”
The shoey had been a joke within the relationship since Daniel had joined McLaren. He had tried to convince Lando to do it on multiple occasions and had even tried to get y/n to do one but she refused. Lando was adamant at first that he would never do it, but then obviously, as y/n believes, Lando must’ve been bribed by Daniel because he eventually did it.
“No no no no no way” she said with a look of disgust on her face. “Ah ah ah, you pinky promised” Lando quickly responded matter of factly. y/n was lost for words “I-I’m not,” she stuttered. She looked over at Daniel for help, but he just held his hands up and said “don’t look at me, I wanna see you do it, plus you can’t break a pinky promise” She looked at her feet and then looked back up at Lando, “are you sure there isn’t anything else you want me to do?” She questioned sweetly. “That look isn’t going to work on me now baby, you’re doing this, you promised,” he said as he grinned down at her. The interaction was interrupted by Daniel saying that he had to go and get ready for the race. Lando bid farewell to the Aussie driver before turning back to face y/n who was looking up at him with a pout on her face. He brought her into his chest and held her tightly, breathing a sigh of relief as her arms wrapped tightly around him. “Good luck sweetheart,” she mumbled into his chest. Lando released her and gently held her face in his hands, “I love you baby” he said before connecting his lips to hers. After a few seconds they pulled away and looked into each others eyes before y/n leaned up to kiss the end of Lando’s nose and said, “I love you too Lan, go smash it my boy.”
He’d done it, he’d won his home race. Cheers echoed around the McLaren garage and in the crowd. After parking in the number one spot, Lando jumped out of his car and ran straight over to her, leaning over the barrier and pulling her into him, crashing their lips together in a passionate kiss. “My champion,” she mumbled against his lips, causing him to pull away and grin down at her with a faint blush covering his cheeks. “It’s because my lucky charm was here,” he stated proudly holding her face and kissing the tip of her nose gently.
“And your winner of the British Grand Prix, number 4, Lando Norris” boomed out the speakers whilst she looked up at Lando proudly as he made his way onto the top of the podium. He grinned down at her before kissing the number “4” he had tattooed on his wrist and holding up a love heart towards her. y/n gazed up at him lovingly, before copying his movements, kissing her matching tattoo then holding up a love heart.
Time skip a month to the women’s World Cup final 2023
She’d done it, England had done it. They had won the Women’s World Cup 2023. She looked up in the stands at her biggest supporter staring right back down at her. Lando was wearing the biggest smile and had tears streaming down his face. He knew how much this meant to her and he was so incredibly proud.
Before they knew it, the celebrations had started and champagne was being sprayed over all the players by the staff. The players’ families and friends had started to make their way down to the pitch to congratulate the players and like the euros, Lando was accompanied by some of his fellow drivers who wanted to come and support her in the final. Before any of her family and friends got the chance, Lando had already ran up to her and they had crashed into each others’ open arms. Holding onto each other tighter than ever and whispering words of love into one another’s necks. Lando pulled away and gave her a sweet kiss before holding her face in his hands, “I’m so proud of you baby, you’re my champion again” he said with tears still streaming down his face, causing her to giggle. “It must just be our number 4, it’s lucky” she teased with tears and love in her eyes as she gazed up at her soulmate.
Suddenly, Lando perked up, “do you remember that promise we made before the British Grand Prix?” he asked. Confusion flashed through her eyes, “what promi- oh no, not that promise!” she said with slight panic in her voice. “You pinky promised baby and now is the perfect chance to do it,” he told her as he giggled at her pained expression at the reminder of the ridiculous promise she had made to him.
y/n turned around to grab a bottle of champagne and Lando stood shocked for a while as he saw her starting to take of one of her boots, quickly snapping back into reality when he was asked to hold it for her. She poured the liquid into her boot before shouting over to Daniel, “Hey Danny, this is the one time this is happening, so you better not miss it!” Daniel stood there with a similar expression to Lando’s shocked one before quickly grinning and cheering her on. She raised the heel of the boot to her mouth before swallowing the liquid falling from her shoe. As she removed the boot from her mouth, she was met with Daniel’s phone in her face probably filming the whole thing and a look of pure disgust from Charles who had made it clear to her many times that as much as Lando asked him to, he would never participate in doing a shoey.
She turned to Lando, who sported a proud smirk on his face. Pulling her into his chest, he mumbled into her ear “that was really hot,” causing her to blush but look at him with questioning look. “Whatever floats your boat baby, might do it more often if this is how you and little Lando react” she teased, smirking up at him. “How dare you call it little, you know full well that it-“ Lando started before she slapped her hand over his mouth, stopping him from finishing that sentence and ultimately exposing their sex lives to her family and their friends.
It was the day after the final and Lando and y/n were sat watching the sunset peacefully. Lando interlinked their fingers before gazing at the engagement ring glistening in the early morning sun on her hand. “What about if we do it next week?” he asked nervously. “Do what? The wedding?” she responded. Lando sighed, brushing his other hand through his hair before pulling her to straddle his lap so they were face to face, “Yeah, I mean, neither of us want a big wedding, it can just be small with family and friends, we can still have a party after and I was speaking to Daniel earlier and he said that he would take pictures so we wouldn’t have to worry about that and-“ Lando was interrupted by a pair of soft lips meeting his. “Lan, that sounds perfect” she whispered to him before continuing, “as long as I’m with you, that’s all that ever matters”
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diorkyeom · 7 months
‘✷’ : CHAPTER ELEVEN “we're destined”
<< prev chapter | ao3 fic | chapter eleven
chapter word count: 7.8k+ (it's a beast of a chapter but i'm not sorry at all)
chapter warnings: curse words, alcohol, kissing, mildly unsafe activites (don't sit on rooftops while kissing y'all)
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summary: "lately, seokmin had come to a realisation. joshua hong, seokmin thought, was a little bit of an enigma." - in which seokmin has known joshua for years, but he's always been a bit of a mystery to him. and as the days go by, he finds himself falling further and further for the enigmatic man, wanting to find out who the real Joshua Hong is behind his polite smiles and warm eyes and sweet words.
notes: cries,,, last chapter :'') okok you're all probably eager to read how this ends but i want to take a moment to say thank you so so much. all of your comments and notes mean sooo so much to me and im truly so glad to have had u on this journey! hope to see you again in any more things i might write <3
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Joshua was definitely in love with Seokmin.
It was a fact of his life, at this point, something objectively true that Joshua had tucked away in his heart, that he constantly carried around with him but never, ever said out loud.
He never had need to, before. Not when Seokmin hadn’t remembered who he was, when they’d been nothing more than polite friends connected by a mutual friend and nothing more. There would have been no point in admitting his feelings if Seokmin hadn’t seen him with at least a certain degree of fondness first.
But now, they’d gotten closer, and it was getting harder and harder to hide.
It felt uncomfortable to hide something from Seokmin. His heart and mind protested, wondering why on earth he was hiding from the most important person in the world to him. His throat burned, sometimes, burned with the confession aching to leave his lips, with the want to whisper out a soft “I’m in love with you” to relieve the pain in his own heart.
It was a selfish want, though. A want to prevent his own self from hurting. And that was the only reason Joshua held it back: he didn’t want Seokmin to feel uncomfortable. Didn’t want to force his feelings onto him.
But being so close to Seokmin was making it more difficult to keep it in. 
Seokmin, with his bright smiles and bright voice and bright heart, with his great capacity for loving and being loved. Seokmin, who was warmer than the Sun’s rays, who was more magnetic than the largest star, who demanded Joshua’s full attention wherever they were and whenever they met—which he always gave, willingly, eagerly.
Seokmin was made to be loved. To be cherished, admired, adored.
And Joshua really, really wanted to be the one to love him.
There was a knock at the music office door, then, and Joshua pulled himself out of his reverie to see Seokmin wavering in the doorway, wearing a neat dress shirt with his blazer hanging over his arm. His hair was done up all nicely, too, soft bangs parted in a way which was both parts dashing and adorable, and Joshua smiled and beckoned him in.
“Hello,” he greeted as Seokmin stepped over to his desk. “Why are you here? The concert’s going to start soon.”
“I know,” Seokmin said, and then beamed. “I came to wish you good luck, of course! Or is it break a leg? Does that apply to music, or is it just theatre?” He pondered for a second, before shaking his head and beaming again. “Anyways, I’m here to wish you good luck!”
Joshua smiled, chuckling a little. “Thank you, Seokmin. You could’ve texted me, though. We have each other’s numbers, you know,” he pointed out, and Seokmin groaned, embarrassed.
“I’m gonna keep apologising until the end of time for that, hyung. I can’t believe I forgot,” Seokmin whined sadly. “But I wanted to come see you! I haven’t seen you since lunch,” he said, pouting a little, “and it’s already evening. So I wanted to see you for a bit before the concert starts.”
“Aw, you missed me that much, did you?” Joshua said teasingly, and then smiled. “Well, thank you for coming. To wish me good luck, and also to the concert. You really didn’t have to.”
Seokmin pffted, shaking his head rapidly. It made his hair fall into his eyes, and he brushed the strands away with a finger, not noticing the way Joshua’s eyes followed the delicate movement. “Wasn’t gonna miss it for the world, hyung. The others would’ve come, too, but who knew that private school music concert tickets are actually expensive?”
He sounded truly baffled by that, and Joshua laughed. 
“So I’m here as a substitute for our entire friend group,” Seokmin carried on, beaming. “When you see me in the seats, just imagine that it’s all twelve of us cheering our Shua hyung on.”
“Thank you, Seokmin,” Joshua said, patting Seokmin’s elbow. “It means a lot to me.” You mean a lot to me.
Seokmin blinked, and then smiled, shy and sparkly all at once. “Of course!” he chirped, and then grinned so wide that his eyes turned into little crescents.
It was horribly endearing. God, Joshua was so in love with him.
Seokmin opened his mouth again, looking like he was about to say something else before he promptly changed his mind, snapping his mouth shut and giving Joshua a smile. “Anyways, good luck out there! You’re going to do great.”
Before Joshua had time to say anything else, Seokmin leaned forward and pressed a fast kiss to his forehead before promptly zooming out of the office, leaving the door swinging open on its hinges.
Joshua gaped after him, left reeling as he tried to process what had just happened.
His face was curiously warm, and he touched his head in slight wonder, replaying the faint pressure of Seokmin’s lips over and over again in his mind. 
And then, slowly, a smile spread across his face, something bright and golden blooming in his chest.
In all his years that Seokmin had been teaching at this school, he’d never come to see the music concerts before.
───────────── ‘✷,
He never really had any need to. He was friendly with the music teachers, and he had students who took Music, but he’d never had a truly compelling reason to come to these. They started in the evening and lasted for a good few hours, after all. As much as he loved his students, Seokmin did kind of enjoy his sleep.
But now, here he was, sitting in the front row of seats reserved for teachers, listening to the entire concert and waiting for a certain someone to appear.
The a cappella group finished, and Seokmin clapped politely, looking down at the concert programme in his lap. The senior choir would be appearing in just three more acts. The last performance before the interval.
“They’re good, aren’t they?” a voice said in Seokmin’s ear, and he turned to look at the teacher sitting next to him.
“I’m sorry?” Seokmin blinked, before realising that the teacher was referring to the a cappella group. “Oh, yes. They’re very talented.”
The teacher regarded him for a moment, before smiling. The next performance (a string quartet?) walked onto the stage and began to set up to a round of applause. “You’re here for someone specific,” the teacher observed wisely, still smiling.
Seokmin smiled back, not sure whether to admit it or not. There were a decent amount of teachers here: the headmaster and deputy head had an obligation to come, of course, but the entire first row had been reserved for any other teachers that wanted to come, and it was decently filled. He was sure that most of them were here simply to support all the students, and he could group himself with them too.
Before he had a chance to say so, however, the teacher’s smile turned knowing.
“Mr. Hong, I presume?” he said, and Seokmin flushed so fast that it had the teacher laughing. The string quartet started playing, then, and any protest that Seokmin was attempting to form promptly melted away.
Because, well. He really was only here for Joshua.
Joshua, who he was in love with.
Joshua, who loved him too.
The string quartet soon finished, and then there was a flute solo, and then was the symphony orchestra before finally, finally, it was time for the senior choir, and Seokmin was well aware of how he visibly perked up as Joshua and the choir walked out on stage.
He raised his head, wide eyes hopefully following Joshua’s movements, hoping to catch his eye and show him that Seokmin was here, that he was watching, that he was so, so proud of Joshua even though they hadn’t even done anything yet.
And, to his utmost joy, Joshua’s eyes flicked down to meet his own for a brief second, smiling slightly before he promptly turned back to his choir. Seokmin beamed, delighted, relaxing back into his seat. Even the slightest glance was enough for him.
He watched with comfortable excitement as the applause died down, as Joshua raised his baton, and the opening notes of the piece rang through the air.
It was something in Spanish—a love song, if Seokmin was to believe the information printed into his concert programme—filled with rich harmonies and dramatic swells in volume that had Seokmin’s heart leaping wonderfully in his chest. He didn’t understand a word, but it was beautiful all the same, and the music washed over him as waves and waves of warmth and love.
As he watched Joshua, however, those waves smoothed into rosy pink silk, spinning tendrils of silver threads into the air and threading delicately around Joshua’s form, sparkling and soft all at once. The music teacher was fully immersed in the music, focused on bringing in the various voices whenever they were needed, keeping the pulse and helping the music flow smoothly.
And as Joshua conducted, the silk waved more enthrallingly around him, like a rippling, gentle aura of notes and music and sounds, completely entrancing Seokmin's very soul. 
They sang three pieces, and then came the interval, and the auditorium abruptly became so filled with parents attempting to leave to get refreshments and children coming barreling in to ramble about their performances, so Seokmin thought it would be best to stay in his seat until the stampede subsided.
When the choir finished, he clapped the loudest out of the entire audience.
───────────── ‘✷,
After the choir’s performance, the rest of the night was a blur to Seokmin.
He wanted to see Joshua, to tell him how well he did, how beautiful Seokmin had thought the entire thing was. 
His ears burned as he remembered how Joshua had looked up on the stage, like the master painter of the most beautifully coloured sounds in the world, and he grinned giddily.
As it was, however, by the time the crowd died down, it was time for the second half of the concert to begin, and so Seokmin didn’t get to see Joshua until right at the end, once all the parents were filing out of the auditorium, collecting their children in the foyer before finally exiting the school, leaving the exhausted music teachers behind.
“Shua hyung!”
The moment Joshua emerged from the auditorium doors, stepping into the hallway, Seokmin came bounding up to him and engulfed him in a hug.
Joshua’s eyes widened in surprise at the sudden hug, before his face melted into a laugh, arms automatically reaching around Seokmin to balance him even as he stumbled back a little, while Seokmin continued to bounce happily in his hold. 
“You did so, so well!” Seokmin gushed as he pulled away, arms still slung over Joshua’s neck. “Oh, it was so gorgeous, hyung. I loved the entire performance.”
“I’m glad you did,” Joshua said, eyes crinkling, hands resting comfortably around Seokmin’s back. “The children worked so hard.”
“You worked so hard too,” Seokmin said earnestly. Then his eyes widened. “I should’ve brought a bouquet of flowers, or something!” He pouted, disappointed at his lack of forethought. “Damn. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that before.”
Joshua chuckled, gently extricating himself from Seokmin’s embrace before linking their fingers together instead, walking down the hallway and out into the foyer.
“Next time,” Joshua said, smiling. “You can do that next time.”
The head of the Music department was lingering in the foyer, helping tidying everything up, and when she caught sight of Joshua, she nodded in greeting, straightening.
“Joshua-ssi! Well done for tonight,” she said, walking over and shaking Joshua’s hand. “You did well with the choir.”
“Thank you,” he said, laughing. “It’s nothing compared to everything that you’ve done tonight. Thank you for organising this event for the school.”
“Oh, it’s all part of my job,” she said, waving a hand. She looked over at Seokmin and finally seemed to take note of their interlocked hands, her smile turning knowing. “Well, I won’t keep you. Have a safe trip home, you two.”
With one last smile at the two teachers, she turned around and resumed wheeling the standing chimes back to the Music department.
Seokmin watched her, tilting his head. “Why do I get the feeling she thinks we live together?”
Joshua chuckled. “She probably does,” he said, tugging Seokmin’s hand gently, leading them out of the school and into the cool night air. “I leave work with you every day, so it’s a reasonable conclusion.”
Seokmin looked over at Joshua, took in the relaxed, calm expression on his face, the way his hair ruffled slightly in the breeze. Joshua automatically pulled their intertwined hands into his coat pocket, keeping Seokmin's easily-frozen fingers protected from the cold. 
Seokmin smiled, facing forward again. “I guess so.”
He didn’t know how he hadn’t seen this before, how Joshua had been in love with him for so long. Now he could see how endearingly obvious it was, and it made it hard to keep his face from breaking out into a ridiculous grin every time he remembered.
How many times had Joshua caught his eye over a crowd of students? How many times had Joshua casually interlaced their fingers as they walked? How many times had Joshua watched him with gentle eyes while Seokmin rambled to him? 
For how long had Joshua been loving him quietly, softly, sweetly, just like this?
It was kind of insane, Seokmin mused, feeling himself flushing shyly at the mere memories. Insane that he was loved in such a way, by someone he loved just as much too. And to think, he’d been loved like this all this time, and he’d only just realised it now.
“I really liked the first piece the choir sang, hyung,” Seokmin chirped as they walked to the bus stop. “The Spanish one?”
“Oh, really?” Joshua said, smiling. “You liked it?”
“Yeah!” Seokmin hummed the melody, singing part of the refrain that repeated over and over. “That part where they all split into those different harmonies and they did that thing where the high part sang really high?” He attempted to imitate what he remembered, voice warbling and echoing in the quiet of the evening, high pitched and a little squeaky.
Joshua laughed, squeezing Seokmin’s hand slightly. “Yeah, I get what you mean. It’s a really nice piece. Did you know, the composer wrote it for someone special?”
Seokmin stopped his warbling to tilt his head as they neared the stop, automatically sitting down as they waited for the bus. It was routine, simple and natural, for him to press closer into Joshua’s side, like he belonged there.
“Let me guess, his wife?” Seokmin suggested, but Joshua shook his head.
“His best friend,” Joshua said, smiling. “He said that the love he held for his best friend went beyond mere words, and could only be captured in something more abstract and…  fervent. Like a song.”
Seokmin’s mouth fell open, and he awwed. “That’s so sweet.” He laughed a little, bumping Joshua’s side. “Hey, you should write a song for Jeonghan hyung.”
Joshua scrunched his nose playfully. “That brat? Never. He’s nothing but a nuisance.”
That made Seokmin laugh, head falling against Joshua’s shoulder, and above him, Joshua's smile widened.
“Oh, the bus is here,” Joshua said, and Seokmin lifted his head up. 
They stood up, and Joshua let go of his hand to reach for his card. It was decently empty in the bus, which was to be expected since it was rather late in the evening, and Seokmin shuffled into a seat by the window, Joshua next to him. Once they were seated, their fingers interlaced once more, and Seokmin desperately tried to dampen the flush that spread across his cheeks as Joshua’s warm palm pressed against his own.
“Anyway, hyung,” Seokmin said as the bus began moving again, “tell me what you were up to! What were you doing the entire afternoon?”
Joshua shrugged. “Nothing interesting, really.”
“Tell me still,” Seokmin said, squeezing Joshua’s hand. “I wanna know!”
Joshua glanced over at him, and his eyes softened, positively glowing under the bright lights of the bus. “Okay.”
And he did, and Seokmin listened attentively, paying such fervent attention to every word that fell from Joshua’s lips. He liked hearing him talk, liked listening to Joshua recount his day’s events in that satin soft voice of his. It was captivating, almost, like Joshua had this ability to entrance his very soul with his warm eyes and warm voice and warm smiles. Make Seokmin fall more and more in love with him with each passing second.
Like a real Aphrodite.
Before long, Joshua finished telling Seokmin about his day, and the conversation deviated from there, their animated conversation filling the otherwise cold silence of the bus until they finally reached their stop, getting off and beginning to walk.
“—and she’s been climbing the stairs in crutches the entire time,” Seokmin said, shaking his head. “I was horrified. I told her that we have, like, three different elevators in this school that she could use instead, and she looked at me like she was the one who was most horrified.”
Joshua chuckled as they turned a corner and began walking down the street to his and Jeonghan’s house. “I admire her and her iron will to get up those stairs. It’s hard.”
“And really dangerous,” Seokmin said, eyebrows furrowing with worry. “I don’t know how she did it. It’s a miracle she hadn't injured herself more.”
“Well, I’m glad you pointed her in the direction of the elevators,” Joshua said. “That could have been disastrous if she’d kept going.”
Seokmin nodded vigorously. “It really could have.” 
They had reached Joshua’s house now, the lights in the windows indicating that Jeonghan was still up and about. Joshua stood in front of the gate, and his hand was still in Seokmin’s. They’d held hands the entire way home. A record, Seokmin noticed with a slight smile. Neither of them had shied away halfway through.
“Well, this is me,” Joshua said with a smile. He lightly brushed his thumb over Seokmin’s knuckles before letting go of his hand, stepping back. “Thank you for coming today, Seokmin. It means a lot to me.”
Seokmin beamed. “Of course, hyung! I told you, I wasn’t gonna miss it for the world.” He smiled again, softer this time. “You were amazing, too. You did so well.”
“Thank you,” Joshua said, and then ducked his head, almost shy. “I’m glad you think so.”
“Of course I think so. You’re the most amazing person in the world to me.” 
Seokmin blinked, surprised at the way his inner thoughts had somehow managed to make their way past his lips. Nevertheless, he just grinned, because it didn’t make his words any less true.
“Anyways, off you go,” Seokmin said before Joshua could say anything else. “Shoo, hyung. Go and get your sleep. It’s a Friday tomorrow, and we still have work.”
Joshua pulled a face at that. “I can’t believe we still have work.” He pushed the gate open, giving a small wave to Seokmin. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Seokmin nodded with a big smile, and Joshua gave him a big, sweet smile in return, full of lilac fondness and silvery, satiny love.
Joshua really did love him.
“Shua hyung,” Seokmin called out suddenly, leaning against the gate. Joshua, walking down the path to his front door, stopped and turned around at Seokmin’s voice, walking a few steps back towards him.
It was dark, but Joshua’s eyes were bright, attentive. “Seokmin?”
Seokmin swallowed, heart hammering in his throat.
I like you.
The words were on the tip of his tongue, sugary soft and melting, sweetening his entire being, and Joshua was looking at him with such a warm gaze, gilded gold and open and real and he wanted nothing more than to give Joshua the entirety of his heart.
But… no. It didn’t feel quite right to say those words. Not yet, at least.
So Seokmin shook his head, smiling.
“Nothing,” he said. “Just well done for tonight, hyung. I’m so glad I came.”
And it really was dark, but Seokmin could see how Joshua both softened and brightened at his words.
“I’m glad you came too,” he returned, giving another smile before waving. “Goodnight, Seokmin. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“You ditched us,” Seungkwan accused, standing with his arms crossed in the hallway as Seokmin opened the door, making the apartment owner yelp.
Seokmin watched him go, still clutching onto the gate, his head and heart spinning in delighted circles, three words and eight letters echoing in his mind.
───────────── ‘✷,
“What are you doing here?” Seokmin asked, clutching his chest, having genuinely gotten a fright from seeing Seungkwan looming like a foreboding shadow in his hall. 
Seungkwan shook his head, arms still crossed, but the frown on his face had melted into a pout that was more adorable than intimidating. “Cause you ditched us!”
Seokmin laughed, albeit a little confusedly, taking off his shoes and coat and gently holding Seungkwan’s shoulders, manoeuvring the younger man so he could walk past him. “Where’s hyung?” Seokmin asked as Seungkwan trailed after him into the kitchen, still grumbling about how Seokmin had abandoned them. 
“Soonyoung hyung’s in his room,” Seungkwan said. “He’s moping ‘cause you ditched us.”
“I went to my school’s concert to support my students,” Seokmin corrected, downing a glass of water before walking out of the kitchen, Seungkwan still following him like a little puppy. “Plus, I only ditched Soonyoung, didn’t I? How did I ditch you too?”
He knocked on Soonyoung’s bedroom door and opened it to find the elder sitting on the floor, bent over one of their 1000+ piece puzzles that they kept buying and regretting after because both of them were terrible at puzzles. He’d never seen Soonyoung actually try completing them before.
“You ditched both of us,” Soonyoung said, frowning intensely down at the jigsaw pieces. “Seungkwan was due to come over tonight, remember?”
“Yeah,” Seungkwan said, pouting as he bounced onto Soonyoung’s bed. “But you ditched us for some guy.”
Seokmin shook his head, crouching down next to Soonyoung to look down at his puzzle too. “I didn’t ditch you for some guy, though,” he pointed out, picking up a puzzle piece and trying and failing to fit it into the meagre section that Soonyoung had successfully filled. “Shua hyung’s our friend, not just some guy.”
From Soonyoung’s bed came a muffled huff. Seungkwan had wrapped himself up in Soonyoung’s blankets, almost suffocating himself in the amount of tiger plushies on the elder’s bed.
“We were still ditched.”
“I apologise,” Seokmin said, tilting his head in confusion as he looked at the puzzle pieces and the picture on the back of the box. “The concert went well, by the way. I had fun. Thanks for asking.”
“Right, how did your boyfriend’s concert go?” Soonyoung asked flatly, before abruptly pushing away the puzzle pieces, grumbling in annoyance at how difficult it was before flopping onto his bed, squashing Seungkwan’s legs and making the younger man yelp.
Seokmin didn’t even bat an eye, used to their antics, and scratched his head, mildly confused. “Shua hyung’s not my boyfriend.”
“He should be,” Soonyoung responded from where he was still lying on Seungkwan. “Hey, Kwan, don’t you think they fit together so well?”
“What, those jigsaw pieces?” Seungkwan said, struggling to kick Soonyoung off him. “No. I didn’t wanna say anything, but you suck at puzzles, hyung.”
“What? No. I meant Seokmin and Joshua hyung.”
“Oh!” Seungkwan’s eyes lit up at that, and he finally managed to shove Soonyoung away, sitting up. His eyes gleamed as he grinned at Seokmin, who was still crouching next to the failed jigsaw puzzle, looking up at them confusedly.
He tilted his head, looking Seokmin up and down, before nodding his head resolutely.
“They kinda look like they’re destined.”
Seokmin let out a surprised laugh. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Soonyoung didn’t seem confused by Seungkwan’s statement, and just nodded vigorously. “Totally agreed. They kinda balance each other out, you know?”
“Yeah! But they’re both really lovely and infuriating.”
“Exactly! The lovely hyung and the lovely dongsaeng.”
“They’re perfect.”
“Literally meant to be.”
“Divined by the fates.”
Seokmin shook his head, standing up and holding a hand out to stop them. “Wha—what are you talking about?” His cheeks were red, and it was actually kind of embarrassing how flustered he became at the mere idea of him and Shua hyung even though they were teasing. “You guys are literally the worst, you know.”
Seungkwan tsked, wagging a finger. “Look at this, you’re lashing out. We’re just telling you the truth.”
“We are,” Soonyoung agreed, nodding gravely. “This is why you should stop being a chicken and confess.”
“Alas, he can’t do that,” Seungkwan added on with faux sadness, and Seokmin wondered yet again why he was friends with them. They still hadn’t asked him properly how the concert went, either. Seokmin was planning to sulk extravagantly over that later. “If only he knew that his beloved Shua hyung is in l—”
A hand shot out and slapped over Seungkwan’s mouth, muffling his next words, and Soonyoung not-so subtly glared over at the younger. Seokmin paused, tilting his head, the cogs turning in his mind as a slow smile spread over his face.
“That my beloved Shua hyung is in love with me too?” Seokmin finished, smiling wider. He stood up and leapt onto Soonyoung’s bed, making them all bounce up and down. “I knew that already.”
Soonyoung’s eyes grew comically wide. Seungkwan’s mouth fell open, getting saliva all over Soonyoung’s hand and making the elder snatch back his hand in disgust.
“You knew?” Seungkwan said, voice shaky.
“Yeah?” Seokmin adjusted himself on the bed, crossing his legs comfortably. “I’m not as dumb as you think.”
A grin spread across Seungkwan’s face, and he slapped Soonyoung’s knee while crowing delightedly, loud and triumphant. “I didn’t think you were dumb, but hyung did! Gimme all your money, Soonyoung hyung, I told you he’d be able to figure it out.”
Seokmin’s eyes widened. “You made another bet?” he asked, as Soonyoung grumbled at Seungkwan and promised to get his wallet later. He put a hand over his chest, dramatically hurt. “I can’t believe you’d make such hurtful assumptions about my intelligence. Did you forget that I have a master’s degree?”
“Soonyoung hyung forgot. I didn’t,” Seungkwan declared proudly, while Soonyoung huffed and shoved the younger’s shoulder.
“Yeah, but you also had too much faith in how long it’d take Seok to realise his own feelings,” Soonyoung pointed out. “He was more than a year later than your prediction.”
“Oh yeah, about that,” Seokmin interjected before they started arguing again. “Why did you make that bet in the first place? Shua hyung and I weren't even close friends over a year ago.”
Instantly, Seungkwan’s head whipped upwards, and his eyes were a light with mischief as he leaned forward. “My dearest Seokmin hyung, if only you knew how much evidence there was. Whenever we have Game Night, when you get drunk enough, you'll spend half an hour just staring at Joshua hyung in the corner. You always ask Jeonghan hyung where Joshua hyung is when the guy comes to your apartment ‘cause he's bored. And Soonyoung hyung said that you've admitted that you think Joshua hyung is the prettiest out of our friend group more than a hundred times.”
Soonyoung mouthed along to the end of Seungkwan's mini speech, nodding at Seokmin's speechless face. “It's true. I think you've always had this small crush on him.”
“No I haven't,” Seokmin said, reddening. “I—Don't you think Shua hyung's really pretty? And I don't stare at him,” he added, frowning. “I just—he's just… pretty.”
Soonyoung and Seungkwan blinked up at him. 
“Look at him, you've made him defensive,” Soonyoung said in Seungkwan's direction. 
“Me? You joined in too!”
“Oh, so it's my fault?”
“Hey! Why are you placing blame in the first place?”
Seokmin shook his head as the two of them descended into bickering again, massaging his temples. The tiredness was catching up with him, having spent a full day at work and most of his evening at the concert only to come back to his two friends arguing about who had or hadn’t underestimated his intelligence. Sometimes, he felt like the mother to two unruly children.
“Alright, kids, I’m going to bed,” he said, getting up from Soonyoung’s bed. “Don’t stay up too late ‘cause we all have work tomorrow. Brush your teeth properly. I also almost confessed to Shua hyung today. Goodnight.”
With that, he zoomed out to his own bedroom as Soonyoung’s room exploded into a cacophony of noise, both of them crying out in outrage.
“What do you mean almost?”
“Get back out there and confess to him properly!”
Seokmin laughed as there was the thundering sound of footsteps, hurriedly shutting his bedroom door. It wouldn’t stave them off for long, and within seconds they’d be bursting into his room, demanding an explanation for what he’d just said, but he took a few seconds to smile widely to himself, giddy and delighted at how fervently (and kind of aggressively) his friends supported him.
“And then Jeonghan hyung said—very politely, very professionally—‘Sir, what the fuck is wrong with you?’” Seungkwan was saying, exaggerated accent and all, and everyone descended into shrieks of laughter, falling into each other across the floor of Jeonghan and Joshua's living room. 
It sure was nice to be in love.
───────────── ‘✷,
Seokmin laughed too, head tilted back, because even though the story had been told countless times over the years, it never failed to make him laugh. 
“And then he shortened the deadline,” Seokmin added in through his own snorts of laughter, and mimicked the look of utter horror that had been on Jeonghan's face when they received the email. 
Jeonghan, pink with laughter, had his mug of beer precariously in one hand and when he shrugged, it spilled onto the armrest of the couch he was perched on. “Our professor was crazy as shit,” he said, laughing. “Who gives their students only five days to write a four-page analysis paper on Frankenstein?”
“And because of hyung's comment, we ended up only having three,” Seungkwan squeaked, barely able to breathe, and everyone descended into laughter again. 
It was Game Night once more, and Seokmin always found himself marvelling at how quickly everything devolved away from the night's original purpose of, well, playing games. 
Seokmin’s head was pounding a little, but his mind was clear, having had merely a mug of beer when he'd arrived at Jeonghan's house some hours ago. His own voice rang in his ears as he yelled additional details for the new story Seungkwan was telling. The younger then accidentally slapped Soonyoung across the face with his hands and Seokmin roared with laughter, slumping back against the couch, the floor cold underneath him, Chan’s knee digging into his back.
That was when he looked over at Joshua, sitting there on the floor a little ways opposite him, smiling.
Seokmin felt a strange sense of deja vu, reminded of one Game Night many, many months ago, much like the one he was living through right now. The one where he'd first realised the enigma that was their Joshua hyung. 
The one that started it all. 
“Shua hyung,” Seokmin called out, and almost instantly, Joshua looked up at him, as if he'd attuned himself to the specific sound of Seokmin's voice. 
With a smile, the elder beckoned him over, and it took a bit of awkward butt-shuffling on Seokmin's part, but soon he was sitting comfortably next to Joshua, the two of them watching the chaos unfold before them in the living room. 
“Hello,” Joshua said, smiling. “How are you?”
The echoing of Joshua's words from long ago made Seokmin chuckle, nudging his shoulder against Joshua's. “You don't sound very drunk, hyung.”
He chuckled. “Well, Jeonghan looks absolutely wasted, and we need at least one sober person to clean the mess after you guys leave.”
“Ah.” Seokmin grinned at Joshua's words, almost an exact copy from that one Game Night long ago. He could feel his face stretching into a smile, big and wide and he just thought it was so cool that they both understood that this was a situation they'd lived through before. That makes sense.”
There was a brief respite in conversation between the two, and Soonyoung’s voice filtered through. He looked like he was trying some sort of interpretive dance in the middle of the room again, and Hansol was lying dead on the floor, again, and Seokmin wanted to laugh at the craziness of how everything was exactly the same as that first Game Night. 
He yelled out to them, hands cupped over his mouth that someone was gonna get hurt, adding to the general cacophony. 
“You don’t sound like you’re going to help them, though,” Joshua said, teasing and soft all at the same time, once Seokmin took his hands away from his mouth.
Seokmin beamed. “Nope! Why would I?”
That made Joshua laugh, and the room was so noisy, but his laugh was clear, transparent and twinkling in Seokmin's ears. 
They sat there comfortably side by side, neither of them saying a word. Joshua sipped water from his wine glass, and Seokmin's eyes couldn't help but flick over to him from time to time, marvelling at just how effortlessly pretty Joshua was at all times. 
It had always been obvious, even before Seokmin had realised he was in love with him. Joshua had been someone untouchable, elusive and enigmatic and endlessly pretty. Seokmin had always thought he was pretty, thought he was someone that people would definitely fall in love with. 
Like an Aphrodite. Like a Venus. 
Huh. Maybe he'd been destined to love Joshua all along. 
So as he looked over at Joshua, he took in the soft curl of his lips, the gentle slope of his nose, the fondness in his eyes at he gazed out at the rest of their friend group, before Joshua turned his head to look at him, and that fondness melted, dissolving into something warmer, sweeter. 
Seokmin had almost forgotten that Joshua loved him too. 
“Hey, Seokmin,” Joshua said softly, and suddenly he was all up in Seokmin’s personal space, lips close to his ear so he could hear him properly. Yet again, Seokmin had a strange sense of deja vu at this scenario. 
Only, Joshua's next words were different. 
Seokmin poked his head above the open skyline window, blinking wide-eyed as Joshua sat down on the roof tiles.
Joshua smiled, eyes sparkling. “It’s too noisy here. Do you wanna join me on the roof?”
───────────── ‘✷,
“Hello,” Joshua said, when Seokmin didn’t move and continued to stare over at him. He patted the tiles next to him, beckoning Seokmin to come sit next to him. “What are you doing over there?”
“I’ve never seen your roof before,” Seokmin said, and his tone was so earnest that Joshua smiled at the oddity of it. 
“I would’ve been a little concerned if you’ve seen my roof before,” he replied, as Seokmin swung his legs over the window frame, shuffling awkwardly across the roof tiles to where he was sitting. 
Seokmin laughed, settling at Joshua’s side, wordlessly reaching over and holding his hand. “I guess so.” He craned his neck upwards, looking up at the sky. It was a peaceful night, and the faint echoes of their friends screaming downstairs were almost nonexistent. “So, this is where you always disappear to?”
Joshua looked down at their intertwined fingers, Seokmin’s thumb absentmindedly rubbing circles over his knuckles. “Most of the time, yeah.”
“Huh.” Seokmin looked up at the cloudy night sky, and then looked over at Joshua, only to find the elder already smiling at him, eyes glowing a gentle silver. He smiled back, lips curling upwards. “It’s so pretty.”
Joshua smiled wider, before ducking his head and looking away.
They sat in comfortable silence for several moments longer, the echoes of their friends screeching at each other sounding distant, like they were aeons away from anyone else. Seokmin watched as the wispy clouds drifted by and slowly, slowly revealed the silver glow of the moon.
He looked over at Joshua again, observed the silvery prettiness of Joshua’s irises before looking back at the moon, smiling. 
“Exactly the same,” he murmured to himself. 
“Hm?” Joshua turned to him questioningly, but Seokmin just shook his head.
“Don’t worry about it.” He nudged Joshua gently. “Hey, hyung, doesn’t this remind you of the first time that we met? You, know, at that party that Mingyu busted us into and I found you on the roof and—”
“—I cried my eyes out in front of you and gave you my number but didn’t give you my name?” Joshua said, smiling. “Yeah. I remember.”
Seokmin’s eyes crinkled. “You didn’t cry that hard. And you still looked really pretty anyway.”
That made Joshua laugh, the corners of his lips lifting upwards and Seokmin’s heart lifted along with them. Somewhere below them, Chan screamed.
“Well, thank you.” Still smiling, Joshua turned back to look up at the moon. “Wow, that feels so long ago, though. It’s been so many years since we first met.”
“It really has,” Seokmin agreed, squeezing Joshua’s hand gently. “I’m so glad we met again. I’m glad that we managed to become… close.”
Joshua glanced over at him, and their eyes met for the briefest moment, then Joshua chuckled and looked back up at the moon. “I’m glad too,” he said. “You’re a wonderful person, Seokmin. And to have had the privilege of knowing you this well, of being able to spend so much time with you…” He looked over at him again, soft like clouds and silver like the moon. “You’ve become someone who’s really, really important to me.”
Oh… Seokmin bit his lips in a futile attempt to prevent the flush rapidly rising up his cheeks. Goodness, it was impossible not to fall in love with Joshua when he kept saying things like that.
“You’re someone incredibly important to me, too,” Seokmin managed to say through his intense blushing. He grinned, nudging Joshua in the side. “You’re my Aphrodite, aren’t you? The person who’ll treat me gently for all time. And I’m gonna treat my Aphrodite like the most precious person in the entire world.”
Joshua’s smile only widened at that, eyes crinkling into the prettiest crescents, and Seokmin marvelled at how someone’s smile managed to make his heart feel so full.
“Anyways, hyung,” he said, squeezing Joshua’s hand once. “You never finished telling me that story at lunch. The one about your first years and the broken guitars?”
“Oh!” Joshua’s eyes lit up. “Did I not?”
And from there, the conversation flowed endlessly, with them discussing everything and anything out there on the rooftop, hands intertwined, the wind ruffling Joshua’s hair and Seokmin staring at him, mesmerised, being reminded again and again just how much he loved him.
It was just… Joshua’s entire being that did it for Seokmin. The way he was so gentle and loving at all times, and the rooftop was kind of cold but Joshua was always so warm by his side and his heart felt so incredibly full of love for everything that Joshua was and everything he made him feel.
Joshua was always so pretty. Seokmin knew that. But now, the silver light of the moon illuminated one side of his face, and his pretty lips were curled into an endeared smile as he looked at Seokmin like he was the brightest star in the entire universe, recounting a fond memory of the children from a few years ago at his church, and Seokmin didn’t think that Joshua had ever looked more beautiful than right now.
A real Aphrodite, indeed.
“Shua hyung,” Seokmin said, as Joshua took a brief pause in the middle of his tale. Joshua gave a small smile, eyebrows raising slightly in acknowledgement, attentive.
His gaze was open, expression golden and content, willing to listen to whatever Seokmin had wanted to say, even if it interrupted what he was talking about before. This was the real Joshua, Seokmin thought. The one open with himself, with Seokmin, with all the love he held. The one true Joshua.
Seokmin loved him so, so much.
“I love you,” Seokmin said, and the words fell from his lips before he even realised what was happening, threading through the air between them, pink silk ribbons brushing against his lips and Joshua’s cheeks. “I love you, Shua hyung.”
Joshua paused, eyes widening, and for one, horrible second, Seokmin feared that he was going to be rejected.
Instead, though, Joshua’s face softened and he grinned. “I know.” And then he carried on talking. “And I had to carry her up the stairs to the pulpit, but of course, she’s so small that I also had to lift her so she could see over the top—”
The dread in Seokmin’s stomach turned into bewilderment so fast that he felt a little queasy.
“Wh—You do?”
Joshua ceased talking again, raising an eyebrow in amusement. “I do.”
Seokmin blinked, and gently untangled their hands to sit up properly. Joshua let him, though a small pout formed on his lips before he too sat up straight. Seokmin scratched his head, lost. Everything was… weird. He hadn’t meant to confess, but he certainly hadn’t expected Joshua’s reaction either. 
“Are you… are you sure?” he checked. “Cause, uh, Jeonghan hyung said that there was no way you knew.”
Joshua laughed. “Jeonghan underestimates me sometimes. I've spent my whole life observing people. I know how to be observant.” He nudged Seokmin in the side. “Especially if I'm observing you.” Joshua smiled again, and it was that fluffy soft smile that never failed to make Seokmin want to melt into his arms and never do anything else ever again.
“W—When did you figure it out?” Seokmin asked, a little dazed, eyes wide. “Am I really that obvious with my feelings?”
“Kind of,” Joshua said, a little teasingly, and laughed again when Seokmin pouted. “No, it’s just because I’ve been in love with you for years. Since the day we met, in fact,” he added, and his smile widened when Seokmin looked at him in amazement. “And I just… hoped that maybe you could like me too.”
“Oh,” Seokmin breathed, warmth spreading in his chest. 
Joshua smiled, all pink silk and white roses and golden skies. “You’re my Sun, Seokmin,” he said. “My light. I see you in everything, and I’m drawn to you wherever you go. But I guess it was only… that night, where you sang for the first time, and you called me an Aphrodite.” His smile turned shy. “That’s when I started to hope you’d like me back.”
“Oh, wow,” Seokmin said, a hushed whisper. “That’s when I realised I loved you too.”
They shared twin smiles at that, giddy, cream clouds and cerulean blue skies.
Joshua leaned forwards, gaze endlessly soft, and gently tucked a stray hair out of Seokmin’s eyes. “Seokmin,” he began, and it sent a warm thrill through him yet again, marvelling at how Joshua managed to say his name so reverently, like something to be cherished. “Can… Can I kiss you?”
Distantly, Seokmin thought he could hear Mingyu getting attacked by their friends downstairs. But he barely registered it, more focused on how Joshua’s face was closer to his than before, eyes an endless brown that he could drown into, lips curling into a smile when Seokmin’s gaze flicked down towards them.
“Of course,” Seokmin whispered, and his eyes fluttered shut in bliss when Joshua smiled, delighted, and closed the distance between them to softly press his lips against his own.
And, oh, it was the most beautiful thing in the world, to be kissed by Joshua. His hands, big and warm and gentle, came up to cup his face, painting blossom pinks across his cheekbone every time his thumb brushed against it. Seokmin all but melted, hands reaching up to cling to his shirt, needing something to hold onto to prevent himself from floating away. 
Joshua kissed him so delicately, like he was made of spun glass, gently pulling him impossibly closer like he was something to be cherished, and Seokmin could hear his own pulse singing in his ears as he kissed him back, eyelashes fluttering against his cheek as he tilted his head, pressing his mouth more firmly against Joshua’s, smiling in complete and utter joy because goodness, how was it possible that Joshua’s lips were even softer and sweeter than they looked?
Seokmin had nowhere nearly gotten his fill of Joshua’s mouth on his own when a thought occurred to him, pulling away with some reluctance. Joshua hummed in mild discontent, trying to chase his lips again, and Seokmin’s heart almost exploded at how endearing the sound was.
“Mm, wait a minute, hyung,” Seokmin smiled, giggling as Joshua slowly opened his eyes, pouting his kissed-pink lips. 
Joshua nudged his nose against Seokmin’s, fond. “What’s wrong, sunshine?”
Seokmin was going to need to have a word with Joshua about dropping pet names out of the blue if he didn’t want Seokmin to combust on the spot.
“You forgot something,” Seokmin said, after taking a few seconds to compose himself. “You didn’t say ‘I love you’ back.”
Joshua paused. He leaned back a little, hands resting on Seokmin’s shoulders. “I called you my Sun, my light, my everything, and you don’t think I love you?” he asked, tilting his head. “You’re the brightest star in my skies, Seokmin.”
“Well, yeah,” Seokmin said, valiantly ignoring his own blush, “But I want you to say the words.” He ducked his head, suddenly shy. “I just… I wanna hear you say you love me.”
That made Joshua laugh, and he nudged his nose against Seokmin’s again, making the younger look up, golden adoration making his next words sparkle against the cool night air.
“Seokmin,” Joshua said softly, and his eyes crinkled into those adoring crescents. “I love you too.”
Seokmin beamed, beamed brighter than a thousand stars and he surged forwards, hands threading through Joshua’s hair as he pulled him close so their lips connected once more. Joshua laughed into his mouth, one hand steadying them on the rooftop tiles, the other holding onto Seokmin’s waist as they kissed under the moonlight.
It was kind of incredible, Seokmin thought, smiling into the kiss when Joshua nipped playfully at his bottom lip. Incredible that he'd managed to find his own Venus. Someone to love greatly, with all his heart. Who loved him greatly back. 
Seokmin pulled away slightly, gazing into Joshua's eyes and finding himself speechless at how much love practically glowed within Joshua's irises, before his eyes crinkled and he leaned in to press their lips together again. 
It was also incredible how that Venus had ended up being his beloved Shua hyung. 
Maybe the Venus really had always meant to love the Sun. 
And perhaps the Sun had always been destined to love the Venus too.
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taglist: @fairyhaos @atinytinaa @my-moarmy-heart @weird-bookworm @weird-life-of-a-closet-fangirl @lilsafsafbooyah @stqrrgirle @bittersweet-folder @ultrara-re @tianakings @bangantokchy @tiinkerbell @ahuiahoe @leigh-darling
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floram-creative · 1 year
Making Pillow Forts for the TWST Boys
Characters: Lillia Vanrouge, Silver, Idia Shroud, Azul Ashengrotto
Gn! Reader
TW: None <3
Written by: Bearam
Edited by: Evershade
Hey Everyone! So sorry for such a late post! Finals studies are kicking our butts hard, and I’m sure many of you could say the same. Hopefully you’ll enjoy this post! Wishing everyone luck for their finals and we’ll hopefully see you afterwards. (Remember, your grades don’t reflect how intelligent you are, so don’t beat yourself up! ) Sending you love always, Bearam.
You hardly ever saw Lillia sleep. He was always awake until you fell asleep, and always woke up before you did. so, you were surprised to see him soundly asleep on the couch. He seemed to be in so much peace and, being as this was such a rare sight, you couldn't help but admire him. His generally tidy hair was somewhat messier than what you were used to seeing, and his arms were crossed neatly on his chest. Although he is a man of many faces, seeing this side of him was not something you had expected when you snuck into his room but it was a very pleasant surprise. You smiled at his calm expression, moving away a stray hair with your finger, careful to make sure you wouldn’t wake him. However, you reluctantly admitted to yourself that you were tempted to wake him purely to free yourself from this boredom. Yet, rather than do just that, you decided to scan the room. Your eyes wandered around the room to land on a pillow in the corner. Quietly, you shuffled over to the pillow, picking it up, when you had your bright idea. You silently left Lillia’s room and immediately started to search for Silver. Being as he could fall asleep in any situation, he had to have some idea of where to get an abundance of pillows. After some searching, you finally found Silver, and (thankfully) he was not asleep. “Silver!” You whispered, to which he quickly turned to meet your gaze. You explained your plan, which he clearly entertained, and he told you all of the best places to get some pillows for your fort.
You made your rounds around campus, asking for pillows from every person entering your proximity. Eventually you collected more than enough to construct your retreat, and you began making a cozy cave for you and your bat-like boyfriend.
Lillia stirred awake, and smiled seeing you carefully stack your loot. A sudden, “What are you making?” startled you, as you turned to face your boyfriend. “Something!” You teased. “I’ll tell you when it’s ready!” You said as you ushered him out of the room. Lillia was taken aback by this, but was not disappointed, eagerly waiting for your surprise.
When it was ready, you went to meet him outside of the room with a blindfold, which you quickly tied around his eyes. ”Get ready…” you snickered as you gently guided him back to the room. “Ta da!” You cheered, taking the blindfold off with care. Your boyfriend saw your work and immediately lit up. “It’s absolutely splendid!” He smiled, planting a soft kiss on your cheek. “I must say that this was well worth the wait!” He chuckled, crawling into the labyrinth of endless pillows. “Come join me!” He yelled to you, which you did promptly. The pillow fort was nicely lit by the lantern you stumbled across on your journey through campus, and you had to admit that you were proud of your work. Lillia greeted you with a gentle smile, ushering you closer to him. “It’s perfect” he whispered, kissing your forehead. “I can’t wait to fall asleep here with you.”
When you found Silver lying unconscious in his bed, you were unsurprised. He was your sleeping beauty after all. You quietly shut the door to his room, and inched closer to his side. “Hey Silver” you whispered.. He continued breathing at a steady pace, unbothered by your many attempts to wake him. You sighed and laid silently next to him. Looking at your lover's soft expression on his face you couldn’t help but smile. Although he wasn’t here with you right now, his little excursion to dreamland was clearly bringing him happiness. You placed your head onto his chest, moving up and down at a rhythmic pace. His pulse was slow and calm like a pond in the early morning.
Laying alone in your thoughts, you came up with a wonderful idea. You could surprise him with a pillow fort when he woke up! You gathered pillows in his room, however realized that there weren’t nearly enough. You quietly exited your lover's room and snuck around the entire dorm collecting pillows from as many people willing to donate to your cause, as well as unknowing volunteers (lots of love Ace and Deuce but it was necessary ♡). Now carrying your loot back to his room, you again entered quietly. As you put together your creation, Silver stirred slightly, indicating he would wake up soon. You added the finishing touches, and prepared for his awakening.
When he finally awoke, clearly drowsy, he immediately noticed your creation. “Huh? Who-“ you jumped from the corner and screamed “BOO!” Your boyfriend sat in obliviousness for a while; his mind was still lingering in his dreamland. He smiled warmly when he finally came to his senses, pulling you gently at your waist and tenderly laying you next to him on the bed. “How was your day princess?” He questioned softly while playing with your hair. You explained all of the minuscule adventures you had within your day, while he listened to all of your words, fully processing even the smallest details, until you finally reached your most recent quest. “I think my pillow fort turned out amazing!” You smiled pointing to your work. “You should test it!” He happily obliged, standing up and drowsily shuffling towards the fort. He sank down inside the fort, clearly comfortable. “I’ll be right back” you whispered, sneaking into the kitchen to get some hot tea, which you placed on a nearby table. “How is it?” You questioned upon your return, cuddling up closer to him inside. “It’s absolutely perfect” he sighed, rolling to his side to hold you. You lay in your lover's arms, slowly drifting off into your own world of wonder as Silver explained his own adventures in his dreams. Silver was quick to notice you had fallen asleep, but he chose to continue laying at your side, petting your head. Bringing his face closer to your ears he whispered, “No worries princess. I’m always here to protect you.”
It was common to find Idia curled up on the bed smothered in multiple blankets playing on his favorite consoles after your studies. As expected, when you opened the door Idia sat with his controller in hand, his mind clearly sucked into the game world. You slipped into the room, and stood next to him. Although you thought he had noticed you, due to the lack of acknowledgement, you decided that rather than tap him on the shoulder and have him react in whatever way, you grabbed the closest pillow and gently threw it towards him. You were quick to realize that this was in fact, the safer decision. Responding to the pillow, Idia jumped out of the comfort of his blanket burrito to hit the pillow full force across the room. The both of you, now equally startled, stared each other down until he broke the silence. “Now that. Was. Terrifying.” He panted out. You couldn’t help but burst out into laughter, “I am so glad I didn’t tap your shoulder” You said, gasping for breath between the laughs. Although he was very clearly embarrassed, his smiled softly, and he walked towards you to greet you with a warm embrace. “Yeah I’m glad you didn’t either.”
You hugged your boyfriend back when he questioned, “How was your day hmm?” Delighted by his question you rambled on about your day, with your boyfriend sitting on the bed. and you getting comfortable on the floor right beside him. He always listened to your voice intently. “How about you?” You asked eagerly once you had finished your epic tale. “The usual really”, he shrugged. However, as he caught the console in his sights quickly added, “I started playing this great game though! Come see!” He patted the bed, signaling to you that it was ok for you to get closer.
You watched Idia play as he explained the gameplay, but as he continued, your eyes could no longer keep up with what he was doing. No wonder he was so focused! You shrunk away, realizing Idia was back in the hypnotic state you found him in. Eyeing the pillow across the room, you had a great idea. Building a Pillow Fort would surely be an entertaining use of your time, and Ortho could use it too!
You snuck around your lover’s room with stealth, quickly gathering all of the pillows you could possibly find. You stacked the pillows up one by one, careful to balance all of the pillows neatly. You then found some fairy lights and strung those up nicely as well.Quite pleased with your work, you skipped over to Idia and whispered into his ears, “Pause for just a bit?” He obliged to your request, and you asked him to close his eyes. “I’m going to lead you over there ok?” You held his hands in yours tenderly as you led him over to the other side of the room, careful to avoid the many obstacles and wires. “Ta-da!” You exclaimed, as your boyfriend timidly opened his eyes. His eyes immediately brightened after seeing your hard work. “I’m going to grab a few things and I’ll be right back!” He shuffled across his room excitedly to grab a couple blankets and a tablet before coming back to the fort. The two of you laid the blankets out together and dragged over a small coffee table to set the tablet on. The two of you, now comfortable in your now perfect retreat, started browsing potential movies to watch. After several minutes of scrolling you found the perfect one.
“Hey Idia” you whispered as the movie started. “Hm?” He responded. “Can we cuddle please?” You asked softly. Your boyfriend’s hair laced itself with pink in an instant, which is when you quickly added, “We don’t have to if you don’t want to of course.” He hid his face in his hands before muttering, “If it’s ok with my player two.” You chuckled, “I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t ok, silly,” scooching closer to your lover.
Being as Azul was a very busy person (running the monstro lounge and all of his other schemes) it wasn’t uncommon to see him drifting to sleep at his desk or on a chair; which was exactly how you saw him when you snuck into his room. He would somehow ball himself up as he slept which you always found cute. You debated leaving as it seemed it was quite a busy day for everyone in Octavinelle, even Jade seemingly losing some of his composure and Floyd’s mood was crumbling down. But plans changed when your eyes fell on a pillow. What better way to boost the morale of your lover than with a surprise! You carefully slipped out of his room and began collecting pillows left and right across campus.
By the time you came back to Octavinelle it looked like you were drowning in the sheer amount of pillows you were carrying. Both Jade and Floyd chuckled in amusement witnessing this event.You placed the pillows in your boyfriend's room, and turned to the eel twins. You winked at them while signaling them to stay quiet to which they signaled back, snickering in understanding. You silently closed the door, and got to work, piling one pillow atop the other until you created a beautiful pillow fort–complete with lights and a blanket.
You tapped on Azul’s shoulder and whispered into his ear, “A long day huh?” As he stirred awake, rubbing his eyes open he sighed back “You couldn’t even imagine.” His eyes then met your structure and he sat in his chair in surprise. “What’s this?” He questioned. “Surprise!” You smiled, explaining all of the features to your wonderful fort with childlike excitement . Azul couldn’t help but chuckle at this. “It’s everything I could have wanted and more.” He chuckled, taking your hand in his and kissing it before making his way to the fort. “It seems you know my preference for small spaces!” He smiled, amused, before climbing in. You joined him excitedly “it has enough room for me too!” Being as the space was quite small, the two of you ended up in a warm embrace. Azul recounted all of the happenings of the day. As you both lay in the fort, both you and Azul eventually drifted asleep in each others’ arms. Spying on the two of you, Jade and Floyd giggled, snapping photos of the two of you. “Let’s show them later.”
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dilfspitdrinker · 11 months
Hi, I've recently had to have my dog put down. She was 13 years old and my first ever pet, so I'm completely heartbroken.
I was just wondering if I could request a one shot with any Pedro character, where the reader has had her dog put down and he's doing whatever he can to help her?
A/N: Hi anon, I’m so sorry for your loss. If it’s any consolation, know how you feel, my dog was also around 13 when she was put down, also a first pet. Thank you for this request, it means a lot to me that I can offer some comfort through writing. Here’s a Joel oneshot, but she’s the real hero. Made with love for you anon <3
Warnings: death of a pet (mentioned/referenced), hurt/comfort, established but undefined relationship, angst/fluff, just Joel trying his best
The wallpaper was peeling, and you were staring at it so hard you thought you might be making it worse. Time had become irrelevant– sleeping and waking were the only things you’d done in the past 24 hours. So once again, you shut your eyes and wished for sleep, the same prayer you made every time you woke up.
Yesterday you took your dog to the Jackson vet to have her put down. You had come home and holed yourself up in your room since then, not emerging once.
You laid in bed, facing away from the door with no intention of turning, even as you heard footsteps approach.
Before he even spoke, you knew it was Joel from the sound of him clearing his throat. “Excuse me for lettin’ myself in.”
When you didn’t answer, he went around the bed and kneeled in front of you. You didn’t have the emotional energy to talk, so you pretended to be asleep. But he knew better.
“I heard about your buddy,” he spoke gently, “Came to check on you.”
You opened your eyes, brimming with tears for the hundredth time today. He could see you reliving everything, plain on your face.
She’d made it out of the QZ with you. She’d kept you safe from danger countless times along the journey. With her keen hearing and smell, she had sensed threats like infected and raiders long before you would’ve spotted them, giving you time to hide and escape unharmed. She kept your spirit up, despite having no luck in finding shelter, not even a dilapidated cabin. You were about to start in a different direction, cursing yourself for coming this far west, but she kept getting excited and distracted by something in the distance. You gave her all the credit for finding Jackson.
You followed her lead until the high walls came into view. The sight made your skin prickle, and you started pulling her away when you were surrounded by a group on horseback. You started to panic, positive that they were either going to kill you or abduct you to their compound. You clung to her, begging her to stay close when all she wanted to do was advance toward one of the men who had dismounted. She had always liked Joel. That’s the only reason you had trusted him since the start, unlike most anyone else.
You entered Jackson with your dog, and everything else you cared to call yours fit in the pack slung over your shoulder. Now, you lived in a house of your own, had miles of yarn to make colorful scarves, and your pantry was always full. But still…
“It feels like she was all I had,” you croaked.
Joel brushed your hair away from your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb. “I know darlin’.”
He pulled you upright and into his arms, secure in his embrace. You sniffled into his shoulder, and he let you rest there, feeling the heave of your chest against his. Once your breathing evened out, he asked, “Have you eaten at all?”
You made a noise that indicated no.
“How ‘bout I make you something?”
You were too tired to refuse. You didn’t protest as he lifted you from the bed either, even though you felt like a sullen child in his grasp. But he didn’t think of you like that.
He carried you off to the kitchen and placed you on the counter between the sink and the stove. You stared at the faded flannel stretching over his back while he poked around the pantry, turning over jars and inspecting labels.
“Shoot, you got Chef Boyardee in here,” he mumbled, “How’s that sound?”
You hardly cared, but gave a small nod.
“Mind if I fix some for myself too?”
“Go ahead,” you responded flatly.
Wordlessly, he worked around you, emptying the contents of the can into a pot and heating it up on the stove. While stirring, he eyed your hands sitting limply in your lap. He reached out, fingers hovering over yours. You accepted the invitation, taking his one large hand into both of yours. A very Joel gesture, you thought, to offer what he could without much discussion. He continued watching the food while you turned over his palm. His entire hand was so calloused and scarred, you wondered how many stories you still hadn’t heard. Probably most of them– he wasn’t one for recounting his feats unless it was relevant. Ellie had readily shared what she knew, but you weren’t bold enough to prod the man himself about it.
A few silent minutes later, the food was ready, and he dished it out. He didn’t urge you to the table, just handed you the plate and a fork and stood there at the counter with you. It smelled good, but didn’t awaken any hunger. As Joel started eating, he peered at you from the corner of his eye, willing you to join him. You finally did, with little gusto at first, but the hot meal brought you more pleasure than you thought it would. He periodically stole more glances and was relieved to see the furrow of your brow gradually soften.
He looked around your space, “Kinda chilly in here, I can get the fire goin’ if you want.”
“That would be nice,” you gave a small nod.
He collected your empty plates and put them in the sink, turning on the water. You were about to stop him from doing the dishes, but he put a glass under the tap instead. Once filled, he handed it to you with the instruction, “Drink that.”
You complied, sipping the water while he crossed into the living room and crouched in front of the fireplace.
Joel knew more than his fair share about grief and loss, yet he hardly knew the right way to comfort someone through it. He only had his own experience to draw from, and looking back, he just wished he hadn’t let himself deal with it alone. He knew he couldn’t fix it, the unchangeable couldn’t be anything but felt. But if he could only be a reassuring presence for you, he was ready to provide that.
The fire was crackling softly now. You always found that sound to be comforting.
“You finish that water?”
“Yeah,” you set the empty glass aside.
“Good, now come here,” he beckoned.
You lowered yourself from the counter and followed him to where he now stood by the couch. He opened up a blanket that was thrown over a cushion and wrapped you in it.
He smiled softly at you, a rare and special occurrence in your book. He pulled you down onto the couch and you let yourself fall into his embrace, resting your head on his strong chest. He held you, rubbing your back soothingly. You focused on the sensation, trying your hardest to think of nothing but the present moment. The crackling fire, the weight of the blanket over your shoulders, Joel’s hands roving up and down your back.
“Ellie told me a new one today. How do you organize a space party?”
“How?” you asked into his flannel.
“You planet.”
Despite yourself, you cracked a smile, and at the sight, he mirrored it with one of his own.
“There you go,” he held you a little tighter.
One of his hands came up to your head and raked through your hair.
The smile faded as you sighed, “Did you ever have a dog?”
His voice reverberated warmly in his chest, “I did, a long time ago. He was a rescue, had a tough life before I got him. He bit me one time, before he trusted me,” he hung a hand in front of you, “right there.”
You identified it, a relatively small scar near the side of his palm.
He continued, “He was just scared, protectin’ himself. Once he trusted me, he was a real good boy. My best friend.”
At that, your eyes stung, remembering your best friend.
“Some years after him, I ended up gettin’ another rescue. Her name is Ellie.”
You surprised even yourself with a laugh.
“Surprised she ain’t bit me.”
You both giggled together, and he added quietly, “Don’t tell her I said that.”
After a minute, you breathed out, “Thank you for coming by. I needed someone.”
“Anything for you sweetheart. You kicking me out now? Done with my services?”
You chuckled and nudged his chin with your head, “Of course not.”
He kissed the crown of your head.
Staring into the glow of the fire, you professed, “I miss her more than anything.”
“She’s okay now. You will be too.”
Your eyelids were too heavy to hold open, gently falling shut. You eased into a restful sleep, this time without having to beg for it.
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blaxcunicorn · 1 year
Diaboli 's angelus
 Chapter 3
Length: 8k words
Content: fem!reader, NSFW warning, angst,
Authors note: Heeey, here is chapter 3. Sorry that it took long, it became longer than I expected it to be but I hope you enjoy it
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Tag: @okaystopwhore
Your brother and the councilmen set out on a 5-day trip to meet with Eren in Eldia. You are all wishing your brother a safe journey, the trip made you a bit nervous as you also have a few requests for Eren. Your brother puts his hand on your head to annoy you a bit, knowing it will light up your mood a little. Although he is a king and a leader, his big-brother tendencies have never left his body. “Take care of the Kingdom while I´m away Y/n” You give him an assuring smile “Of course I will.” He enters the middle carriage and waves before leaving. “Good luck” you whisper, praying that everything will go as planned. Your brother is greeted by Armin, Erwin and the Survey Corps soldiers. “Hope you had a pleasant journey Your Highness”, Erwin is the first to bow and everyone follows after. “You must be hungry, we have a feast in store for you” Armin smiles. Your brother and his council follow the two men to the dinner large dining room, where Eren waits at the end of the large table. The dining room is huge and the table must be able to fit at least 30 guests. Eren stands up and shakes your brother´s hand “Welcome to Eldia, Your Highness. I am delighted that you took the time to visit us.” The young king smiles as he tries to put a good impression on your brother. “Let´s sit down and discuss the proposals over dinner,” the green-eyed king says. The servants came with all sorts of foods from seafood to chicken and lamb. 
They start eating and after a while, the silence is broken by Senior Councilman Wilfred “Do you mind if we state our requests, Your Highness?” Eren shallows the wine “No, not at all. That is the main purpose of your visit isn't it?” The men in short agree that Capri will provide Eldia with resources such as metal, herbs and wood and in return, Eldia will lend them military power if the kingdom were to be attacked. 
“Now that we have come to an agreement, I wish to speak with King Jeager alone” your brother finishes. Levi looks at Eren, if the King looks unpleased he is ready to jump into his defence. “It´s fine Levi, you guys can just wait outside.” All the other men stand up and leave, Armin touches Eren´s shoulder to give him some support. The two kings are now alone on each side of the long table. “I guess you wish to talk about Y/n” he assumes. “Correct, what made you wish to marry my sister? I heard from a little fly in my palace that you only spoke to her during the ball.” Your brother gives Eren a suspicious look, as Eldia could have made a deal like this with other wealthy nations. “What can I say, your sister captured my eyes, like a pearl. She has the qualities I´m looking for in a companion to rule Eldia with.” Your brother nods “She is a pearl indeed, Capri´s pearl. As her husband, I expect you to take care of her or else the consequences might be big as the people that love her dearly maybe even more than I do.” Eren nods “O-of course, I would never harm her.”  The Eldian King is more powerful than your brother, yet he finds himself intimidated by his threat. “Also, my sister had come requests.” Eren lifts one eyebrow in curiosity. He brings out the paper where all your requests are written down.  “Firstly, which we both agreed upon is that she shall have a say in political decisions Eldia make. She will be allowed to your meetings and have some power there.” Eren nods “I can sort that out” Your brother almost chuckles at trying to explain your second requirement “She wishes to bring one of her maids from Capri, to help her with her hair.” Eren closes his eyes and smiles “That's granted”. Your brother folds the paper and looks directly at Eren. “Lastly, she requests honesty and love in this marriage. Even if it´s not romantically, platonic love is enough for her. If you cannot give her that either, at least pretend you do.” The green eyes stare at the Caprian in shock, he did not expect her to request that. “I will uphold that until death, you have my word on that”. 
“Good, because she is going to give the last request to the Eldian ceremonial leader before your wedding.” In Eldian tradition, you give the requests and wishes you have for your spouse to the ceremonial leader, which are then turned into vows. If the spouse cannot uphold the vows, the marriage is invalid in the eyes of the Gods. Your brother stands up and walks towards his future brother-in-law, Eren also stands up and they shake hands. “When in spring do you typically hold weddings?” Your brother asks “Mid-spring, because that is when the camellia starts blooming.” Your brother had to think for a second “So, in about a month and a half.” Eren nods “You are right, we are already preparing for her arrival.” 
The maids in the Eldian palace are all excited about the arrival of the new Queen. Mikasa walks past a couple of maids on their way to the late Queen Carla´s old chamber. She notices them and jogs to stop them from entering the room. “Where do you guys think you are going? No one is allowed in there” Mikasa is suspicious as to why they would enter the chamber, do they wish to steal? “We have been ordered by His Majesty to clean and prepare the chamber for the new Queen as the negotiations with the Caprians were successful.” One answers, Mikasa´s eyes widen “I see” she answers short, making way for the maids to do their job.
 They enter the room and the second the door closes tears begin to fill up in her eyes. Knowing royal Eldian tradition he is marrying her around mid-spring which is in a month or so. How come no one told her? Eren and Armin are supposed to be the closest to her, yet they both kept it from her. She should have clocked it though, she hasn´t been in Eren´s chambers since that meeting Armin called him for. Mikasa feels dizzy and nauseous, she starts running out of the castle. She doesn't know where but she needs to be alone for a while to think. She runs past a field top and is spotted by the Survey Corps soldiers that are training. Jean wants to end the training to be there for Mikasa as she probably must have heard the news. He starts moving towards where is going but is stopped by their short Captain. “Continue the training”, he says holding a hand up to stop him. “But Captain-” he tries to protest, “I said continue your training.” Mikasa keeps running until she reaches the woods a couple of meters from the training ground. She leans to support herself on a tree with her hand as she bends over to vomit. Tears are running down her face non-stop and all she can think about is how cruel the world is to take Eren away from her. If they weren´t born with their status maybe they could have met and been together. They could have moved into a small cabin together and she could have baked him his favourite pastries every morning. No status or obligations, just the two of them, together in a home filled with love. Knowing she will never experience that in this lifetime breaks her even more and she wishes to rot and disappear from the surface of this earth.
The Ackerman girl straightens up and sits on a large tree stump trying to regain some oxygen. The tears are still running and her eyes and nose are red and swollen, she puts her feet up and lean her head on her knees. She looks up as she is met with a hand with a white handkerchief. She takes it “Thanks” she whispers while sniffing her nose. “I guess you found out the news,” Levi says, he has previously warned her plenty of times about her strong attachment to the King. “Yes,” she mutters “Listen brat, you knew that this was bound to happen. As a King, he is obligated to marry some princess or high-ranked noblewoman to maintain power and protect the Kingdom. Us Ackermans also got our roles, the men are trained in protecting Eldia´s King and the women´s jobs are to protect the Queen as her ladies in waiting. When the new queen arrives your job will be to serve and protect her.” Mikasa nods “I know the role of the Ackerman women. However, thought that it might be different with Eren as we love each other.” The short Captain is looking at her in disbelief, she is delusional he thinks for himself. “Are you sure that the brat loves you back?” He must have struck a nerve since she started to raise her voice “Why does everyone keep asking me that question? Yes, he loves me back! What the two of us got is special. He is just holding back because duties of being a young king and the trauma he suffered at 16.” Levi is shocked and concerned about his cousin´s well-being “Well, what about you two “start” loving each other platonic? As he is a married man soon and might need his friends' support in his new chapter.” Levi tries to convince her to give up her dreams of having a romantic relationship with Eren as it will never happen. “You are right” Her tears start building up again. A bird drops a single pink carnation on her lap which makes her jump a bit. “Weird” Levi mutters looking up at the bird dropping it. “Indeed” she responds, playing with the flower. 
Your maids are helping you take off your ponytail as it has been days since the proposal. “You have been in a good mood since King Jeager´s proposal, your Highness,” Avery says brushing the tip of your curls, you look down in embarrassment.  “I´m curious to know how this King has you so mesmerized” Darcy smiles. Darcy is the youngest of the maids nearest your age, she is like a big sister to you as she is only two years older. You lean towards your dressing table and open the top drawer which has the envelope from Eren on the top. The maids are all stunned, did he write you a letter? You give the envelope to Catherine who opens it impatiently, all the maids squeeze Charlotte to get a glimpse of what the letter said. They all giggle and blush, “Oh Y/n who would have known that this young man would be such a charmer” Catherine giggles. “Do not refer to the King of Eldia as a young man Catherine” Avery says strictly. “Wouldn't have believed it either if you told me that before the ball. I just pray that the meeting goes as planned. ” You smile for the thousand times today, “Our princess is in looove” Charlotte coos which makes everyone laugh. Well not everyone, Charlotte´s face remains cold. The two of you haven´t discussed her reaction to the news of Eren when you first told her about it. She then leaves without saying a word, everyone in the room is stunned. “What is going on with her?” you look around and see that none of the maids wishes to look you in the eyes. All of you get distracted by the noises coming from the window, you hear soldiers running and horses galloping your brother must be home. “We must hurry up then, they are most likely going to have a meeting soon.” Avery rushes you and the other maids to your bathroom. 
 “As you know, we went to Eldia to meet up with King Jeager,” your brother says. You couldn´t read him, did the meeting go well? “Y-yes” You play with the ring Eren gave you and notice how clammy your hands are. “Well, the meeting went well and King Jeager was surprisingly willing to meet our demands. Everything is now set and the wedding will take place in a month and a half.” You felt your body relax and your breathing isn´t as sharp. You nod while looking down to try and hide your smile, however, that smile quickly fades as you start to think of Charlotte. “Well, that´s all I had to say” your brother finishes, you curtsy and leave immediately to find Charlotte. 
You meet a Johan that is training in the garden “Johan, can you please help me find Charlotte and send her to my chambers?” The knight dries off his sweat with a towel and puts on his shirt. You blush at Johan´s well-trained body, why haven´t you noticed it before? You have seen his fit arms but the rest of his upper body had you in awe. Focus Y/n you are an engaged woman, you tell yourself. “Sure, give me 10 minutes” you mutter a small thank you before walking away. “You called your Highness” Charlotte curtsy. “Yes, please sit down” You pat the bed and the maid slowly sits down on your bed. “Please tell me what´s going on, why don´t you approve of Er- I mean King Jeager?” Charlotte plays with her dress while thinking about how to explain it in the best possible way. “You have seen the large map in the meeting room?” You give her a confused look “What about it?” She takes a deep breath “Have you seen a Kingdom called Marley on it?” You have to think for a second, “Marley does ring a bell but I cannot remember it being on the map” Charlotte stands up “Exactly, because it is now a part of Eldia, as soon as King Eren got crowned he declared war on Marley. He brought my dear fatherland to its knees, conquered the nation and publicly beheaded our royal family. My father…” The woman needs a minute to breathe, she is shaking. You grab her hand as she falls to her knees. “My father got killed in that war, I still do not understand why he chose to attack Marley when his father and the Marleyan King had a great relationship.” You were shocked, is Eren this cruel? Maybe you were delusional or maybe he was tricking you? “T-this is why I do not wish for you to marry that devil of a man. I don´t want him to harm you.” she hulks on your lap, and you feel her cold tears as they stain your dress. Your throat is burning and so are your eyes. You are speechless but you try to comfort her by stroking her hair. “I have no other choice Charlotte and you know that. However, maybe I can convince him not to attack other nations as I get some political influence there.” You say trying to bring some hope to her. She picks herself up and drys her tears “Maybe having an angel there will counter the devil ruling.”
The month flew by quickly you think for yourself studying the full-bloomed flowers in the garden. You are currently sitting in the carriage with your brother and his wife on your way to Eldia for your wedding. Trying not to ruin your makeup has been your biggest concern so far as the memories of Avery and the others crying after finishing you up for your big day. It was hard saying goodbye to the women that helped shape you into the Queen you are about to become. “I cannot believe that this is our last time preparing you for an event.” Avery sobbed putting the tiara on you with a white veil covering your full body. The dress was also laced starting from your shoulders and down, covering your arms. Charlotte closed her eyes to try and stop the tears from running to stay strong on your behalf. You remember hearing her sniff while finishing your goddess braids. Darcy is the only one coming as she voluntarily wanted to be one of your ladies-in-waiting, but even she was crying. “I-I´m going to miss you guys so much” you managed to squeeze out. All the women gave you hugs and wished you good luck. “You have no idea how proud we are of you,” Avery said drying your tears with her thumbs.
 Someone knocked on the door and Charlotte ran to see who it is. “It´s the Queen” she whispers, you dried your tears while your ladies straightened their dresses and lined up as Charlotte opened the door. You stood up and curtsy at the arrival of your sister-in-law, “you look beautiful Y/n” It seemed like she was tearing up at the view of you in your wedding dress. “T-thank you” You looked at her, she was stunning as always. “I wish to speak to Y/n alone if you don´t mind” The maids curtsied and left. You lied down on your bed and looked up to the ceiling and she did the same. “How are you feeling?” she turned her head to you. “I was excited about the proposal but I´m terrified about the marriage. I´m leaving behind everything I´ve known to marry a man I hardly know. They call him the devil, which also terrifies me.” You almost whispered a tear fell down your eye. She grabbed your hand and you turn to face her.  “I´m fully aware of King Jeager´s reputation. However, you might find happiness in this marriage the way I did with your brother.” You nod as you remembered that their marriage was also arranged. However, you couldn't tell by the happiness they brought each other. She hugged you before taking your hand to lead you to your carriage.
 You woke up from your daydream by the sound of horns, you must be in Eldia already. Johan opens the door and bows to the three of you, your brother exits first and holds out a hand to help his wife. You haven´t moved an inch since you entered Eldia, you are left alone as it seems like you need a moment to reflect. You breathe in and out several times and try to empty your mind of worries. It will be alright, you keep telling yourself. I might find happiness as my brother did, you try to convince yourself. Your brother knocks on the door and holds his hand out, you link your arms as you exit the carriage. In front of you is the Eldian ritual building, they say that here is where the Eldians of status have their marriage rituals and their funerals. It looked like an old castle made out of grey bricks. You hold your brother tightly on the elbow and he responds by laying his other hand on yours gently as comfort. “It will be over soon, just imagine it´s just the two of you in the room.” Your brother smiles, that smile brought a familiar warmness to your chest, he always knows how to comfort you. The guards blow the horns and the door opens and the two of you walk in. The people seated on the wooden benches turned their heads to look at the bride. The building is huge, it was made of briks with a red carpet starting from where you are walking all the way to Eren and the Eldian ceremonial leader who were on the alter. 
Eren is seated on his knees in front of the Eldian ceremonial leader, your brother lets go of you and sits down next to his wife. You felt your heart speed in miles per second as you slowly walked up to sit next to your husband-to-be. Eren gently takes your hand to help you sit down. “Blessings and merry meet. Gentle Kings and Queens, lords and ladies, their bans having been published, we are here today to join the fair Princess Y/n L/n of Capri and the Noble King Eren Jeager together. Lord, art thou here this day in pledged troth of thy own free will and choice?” Eren and you take a quick look at each other “Aye, Father” you both say. 
“In as much as this Noble King and Fair Princess have pledged their troth to be married this day, we call upon Heaven to bless this union. Therefore if anyone can show just cause, why they may not be joined together, by God’s Law, or the Laws of the Realm; let them now speak, or else hereafter keep silent for all time.” You close your eyes, and all you can think about is poor Charlotte. Your heart aches for a bit but then you feel his pinky finger wrapping itself around yours. You open your eyes and are met with the most beautiful smile you have ever seen. “There being no objection to this marriage let us continue.” the ceremonial holder said. “Swear you now, on this sacred blade, that there is no reason known to you that this union should not proceed.”I do so swear.” Eren said still holding your pinky finger. “Is there any reason known to you why this partnership should not be made?” He then looks at you “There is none” you respond low. 
“Father of the gods, creator of all things both in heaven and Earth, we humbly ask thee to bless this union, may these thy servants seek goodness all the days of their lives, may they be strong in defence of what is right, may they be united as one even as thou art with the Gods.” You close your eyes to take in the prayer and the blessings, hoping that the Gods will protect you.  “Do you King Eren Jeager  take unto thyself as husband the fair princess Y/n L/n and pledge unto him/her before God and these witnesses to be her protector, defender and sure resort, to honour and sustain her, in sickness and in health, in fair and in foul, with all thy worldly powers, to cherish and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?” Eren turns his head to yours “I will” he grins. “Do you Princess Y/n L/n  take unto thyself the Noble King Eren Jeager to be thy rightful husband and pledge unto him before God and these witnesses to honour and cherish him, to cleave unto him, in sickness and in health, in fair and in foul, be his one true and lasting counsellor and solace, and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?” You squeeze his finger “I will.” A well-dressed servant comes up to the ceremonial leader carrying a purple pillow with two rings on them, he knees in front of the two of you. “Heavenly Father of the gods, bless these rings which Noble King Eren Jeager and Fair Princess Y/n L/n have set apart to be visible signs of the inward and spiritual bond which unites their hearts. As they give and receive these rings, may they testify to the world of the covenant made between them.” 
Eren is the first to go, he takes a ring from the pillow and says “Receive and wear this ring as a symbol of my trust, my respect and my love for you.” He then places the ring on your left ring finger. The ring was beautiful, it is plain and made of gold. You grab Eren´s matching ring and breath in for a second. “Receive and wear this ring as a symbol of my trust, my respect and my love for you.” You place the ring on Eren´s left ring finger. You quickly turn your head to your brother who gives you a nod of approval. “This circle will now seal the vows of this marriage and will symbolize the purity and endlessness of their love.” The ceremonial leader announces you have now made a vow to Eren to be by his side until death rips you apart. That´s insane to think about as you didn´t know who he was three months ago. 
The servant stood up and was replaced with another one that carried a burgundy pillow with white and black ribbons on. “We will now do the ancient Eldian ribbon ritual” was announced. You remember being quickly taught about it by your tutor lady Johnson last week, nervousness took over your body as you you really didn´t wish to mess it up in front of all these important people and especially Eren. You take the black ribbon and tie it around Eren´s right wrist. “You may now announce your demands for your spouse-to-be.” You look at the ceremonial leader and then at Eren, you take a very deep breath and meet his green eyes “As my brother may have told you, are my demands quite simple in my opinion. My requests are honesty and love in this marriage. Even if it´s not romantically, platonic love is enough. If you cannot give me that either, at least pretend that you do even if it´s all a lie.” Eren nods “I will provide you that until death tears us apart” He smiles. He then proceeds by grabbing the white ribbon. You look down in nervousness and intimidation, what kind of demands does he expect from you? Are you capable of meeting his requirements? All these thoughts make you anxious and shaky.  Eren traps your pointy finger between his pointy finger and thumb to stop you from shaking and gives you a small smile which gives you goosebumps, however, it calms you down.  “You may now announce your demands from your spouse-to-be.” The ceremonial leader tells him. “My request is also quite simple, I demand that you make me and Eldia a part of you and that you cherish us like you´d cherish yourself until death.” His demand made your cheeks burn. “I-I will give you that until death tears us apart.”
The Eldian ceremonial leader ties a burgundy ribbon around both hands cord to symbolize romance, partnership and happiness, the Ivory cord which stands for peace, sincerity and devotion. Lastly, the gold cord represents unity, prosperity and longevity. “As this knot is tied, so are your lives now bound. Woven into this cord, imbued into its very fibers, are all the hopes of thy friends and family, and of thyselves, for a new life together. With the fashioning of this knot you tie all the desires, dreams, love, and happiness wished here in this place to your lives for as long as love shall last. In the joining of hands and the fashioning of a knot, so are your lives now bound, one to another. By these ribbons you are thus now and forevermore bound to your vow. May these knots remain tied for as long as love shall last. May these ribbons draw your hands together in love, never to be used in anger.
May the vows you have spoken never grow bitter in your mouths. As any child discovers when they are learning to tie their own shoes, the first move is to cross the ends. The cross creates the (X), which is the symbol of partnership and union. As your hands are bound by this cord, so is your partnership held by the symbol of this knot. Two entwined in love, bound by commitment and fear, sadness and joy, by hardship and victory, anger and reconciliation, all of which brings strength to this union. Hold tight to one another through both good times and bad, and watch as your strength grows. I shall now remove the cords.” The ceremonial leader then removes all the ribbons including the ones you and Eren tied on each other. 
He proceeds by holding both your heads and makes a prayer in the old Eldian language wishing for your union to be blessed by the Gods. “Before I proclaim you joined thou must kiss three times on cue. Once for luck, twice for Love and thrice for Long life.” You are stunned and nervousness took over, Eren cups one cheek “Remember that it´s only the two of us, like in the ball” he whispers. You close your eyes and imagine it is only the two of you on the ballroom´s terrace. You try to remember the breeze and your desire for him. He still smells the same and his hands are still as rough. He leans in for the first kiss, his lips are soft and you felt giddy. You have always wondered what it must feel like to kiss him and Gods it was better than what you imagined. Then comes the second kiss from Eren, which feels better than the first one. You want no you need more of him, you were almost turning into an addict craving their drugs. Lastly, comes the third kiss which is longer. It is like he doesn´t wish for it to end so soon either. Maybe he is also as addicted as you are or potentially even more. “By the Power Vested in me by the Realm. I now pronounce you King Eren Jeager and Queen Y/n Jeager, Husband and Wife.” From that second, you are now Y/n Jeager, Queen of Eldia. Everyone applauds and shakes hands with each other in celebration of the unity of their Kingdoms and the new allyship born. Eren takes your hand and gives you a cheeky smile while helping you walk down to the other guests. He kisses your cheek “I´ll see you later, love. I´m just going to discuss some things with the council.” You are stunned by his actions and all you can respond with his eager nods. He gives you a warm smile before disappearing to talk to Sir Erwin and Sir Levi.
“Congratulations, Your Majesty” Armin bows and behind him, you see four women curtsy. “Your Majesty, these lovely ladies will be your ladies in waiting. This is Hitch, Historia, Sasha and Mikasa. Mikasa will be your main lady and your right hand so if there shall be anything you can confine in her.” You smile at the black-haired woman and nervously look down. Maybe she is shy? You thought. “I-if there is anything, just tell us and we´ll do our best to help out.” She curtsies. “If you´ll have us excused Your Majesty we have some preparation to do for the wedding dinner.” Armin bows before leaving with the four ladies. 
Your brother and his wife walk up to you and you realize there and then that you are not going home with them to Capri. Your brother mentioned that they couldn´t stay until dinner due to work that awaits in Capri. “Remember what I told you in your bedroom.” Your sister-in-law whispers in your ears as she hugs you goodbye. Your heart breaks and tears start wheeling up “I-I remember” you sob. “Y/n, you are a strong girl. Home is what you make it to be no matter where you are.” She wipes your tears away with her thumbs.” You nod while sobbing and the one hugging you now is your brother “Come and see us when you can. Also, invite my wife over for tea and vice versa as I know she´ll take your departure worse than me.” You wipe your tears and manage to hulk a yes. “You should also say goodbye to Johan, he is in the hallway waiting.” He says kissing your head. Your eyes widen as your brother releases you, you hug them both goodbye before running to find your knight. 
You find him sitting on the window frame looking out. “J-Johan?” you stutter out not trying to cry again. The knight jumps a bit and  turns his head “Oh hi there, Mrs Jaeger.” He says playful, forcing a smile. “I came to say goodbye” you sniff. It felt like you have a fever, your temperature is high, your nose is clogged and your throat is in pain. He stands up and curtsies a professional goodbye and turns around as his heart could not handle looking at you. You grab his cape “I-I´m going to miss you so much” you sob, your heart shattered even more than before. Johan sniffs and tries to hold back his tears, the knight pulls you in for a hug. None of you say a word, you could only hear your sobbing and Johan´s sniffing. It has always been the two of you against the world, you had always believed that the two of you would be by each other's side until death. However, at this very moment what you thought never could happen was happening. The two of you are separating “If anything happens, even if you change your mind. Don´t hesitate coming back to me Y/n, promise me that.” You look up and meet his eyes “I promise” you say sniffing your tears. “Then I´ll wish you goodbye for now” he whispers kissing your cheek, knowing that it wasn´t appropriate as you were now married to someone else. You on the other hand are so caught in the moment that you don´t think much of his gesture. He releases you from his warm embrace and holds your hand before bidding goodbye one last time. However, the two of you don’t notice the murderous glare of two green eyes, watching your interaction. 
Tears are running as you watch the carriages leave the palace. “Are you in need of anything Your Majesty?” Mikasa says standing behind you. You turn around and she sees the tears running, out of instinct she hugs you “I can show you, your chamber if you want?” you nod as the two of you are walking. Mikasa is stunned to notice that you held her hand but she smiles at how adorable that is, like a child holding its mother. 
“This is your chamber, Your Majesty” You are in awe it is large, it has paintings of the Gods on the roof, a large canopy bed with burgundy curtains and furniture made of gold. Gods, Eldia must be very wealthy you think for yourself. Mikasa got concerned with your silence “W-what do you think?” You came back to earth “Oh..ehm, it´s larger than my room home” you whisper the last part as you start thinking about the others that left. Mikasa gives you another hug to ease your aching heart. You suck in the warmth from Mikasa not knowing that her heart arches as bad as yours as she lost her home with Eren. You both jump to the sound of knocking, Mikasa lets go of you and opens the door. Coming in are Sasha, Historia, Hitch and Darcy, they all curtsy. “Apologies Your Majesty, we are here to prepare you for the dinner,” Historia says looking up. They don´t do too much, they redo your makeup and change you into a velvet green dress. “It´s going to match his eyes” Hitch giggles, your cheeks burn. Historia puts a hand on Mikasa´s shoulder as she couldn´t help but notice her sad eyes. Mikasa couldn´t help but grow a bit of resentment for you, after all, you are married to the love of her life. Lastly, Darcy gives them a small tutorial on oiling and styling your hair. You look at yourself in the mirror “Thank you for taking care of me.” you say curtsy in gratitude, making the women blush. “N-no need to thank us, we are just doing our job.” Sasha blurs out in embarrassment. She is kind and humble, it would have been easier to hate her if she were some bratty princess, Mikasa thinks to herself. 
When you arrive at the dining hall, everyone is seated. The room like all the other rooms in the palace is huge, almost everything there was made out of gold and had golden chandeliers hanging on the roof. All the nobles and the council members were seated horizontally while Eren was at the other end. All the seats were taken beside Eren which left you a bit confused until you saw the empty seat opposite Eren. Why do you have to sit so far away from your newlywed husband you think to yourself? “The King and Queen typically sit opposite each other,” a newly dressed Mikasa says. You sit down and a servant pushes you closer to the table “Thank you” you say smiling at the servant causing him to blush. However, the blush vanishes the minute he met the angry eyes of his King. You on the other hand are distracted by how the short man and Mikasa looked alike. That must be Sir Levi Ackerman, Sasha told you a bit about Eldia´s strongest soldier while doing your makeup. You also couldn´t help but notice how Armin blushes at something a beautiful blonde girl whispered in his ear. That must be Lady Annie Leonhart you thought to yourself. You look for meat on the table as you promised Sasha to bring her some with potatoes later. You spot a lot in the middle “Could you please bring some meat and potatoes to my chambers from the kitchen?” you ask the blushing servant kindly. “O-of course Your Majesty” he stutters before running off to the kitchen. This time you are the one meeting Eren´s eyes which look a bit dangerous before they became soft again. 
Eren stands up “Thank you all for being here, I just wanted to make a toast for the new Queen of Eldia.” Everyone stands up except you and your heart drops in nervousness. “To the new Queen of Eldia,” they all chant. Eren sits down not breaking eye contact with his chin leaning on his wrist. You feel embarrassed but cannot help to stare at Eren who gives you a seductive look, you feel nervous knowing that you´ll soon start your wedding night. You have had the “talk” with Avery, and with the “talk” you mean, her nervously explaining that the penis enters your vagina. Your tutor Lady Johnson told you the same but that a proper lady lies on her back like a fish letting her husband do “what´s needed”. She also said that you must pray to the Gods that you´ll be fertile enough to carry your husband's sons and that you need to take berries to make you even more fertile. Your thoughts got disturbed by the door opening and a blonde man walking in wobbling. Everyone in the room becomes quiet and you notice the murderous glance from Sir Levi. “Well, well, a royal dinner without a royal member!” He shouts walking up. Eren massages his temples out of embarrassment for his brother. He approaches you “Oi, oi Eren what a catch! She is way out of your league” He laughs, as if he couldn´t embarrass the King more. “You should visit my chambers when you are done with Eren to show you how a real man does it.”  You could smell booze out of his mouth, what made him drink so much? The table started shaking and an outraged Eren is standing “Zeke!” He shouts. You jump and he meets your frightened eyes which makes him calm down. He takes a deep breath he calls the guards “Escort Zeke out of here and do not let him near my wife.” They escort Zeke out of the hall, which left an awkward silence. 
You are then reminded of the wedding night you have to prepare for. “If it´s alright, I´ll go to my chambers” You stand up curtsy to Eren and leave. Mikasa also curtsies and follows you to your chamber. In the room you meet Darcy, Historia and Hitch giggling, it warms your heart to see that Darcy is befriending your other ladies-in-waiting. You look down and see Sasha eating the meat and potato like a demon. They all stop what they are doing and stand up and curtsy “Welcome back, Your Majesty and thank you for the meat” Sasha muffles with food stuffed in her mouth. “We need to get her ready for the wedding night,” Mikasa says low looking down. “Of course!” Hitch says rushing you to the bathroom to get you cleaned up. Hitch and Sasha clean you while the others wait in the main bedroom. “D-do Eldians practice the bedding ceremony?” You ask anxious, the thought of people seeing you and Eren being intimate terrifies you. “No, it´s quite outdated from our perspective. It was banned by King Eren´s grandfather.” Hitch laughs. It makes you relax a bit “It´s said that his grandfather wasn´t able to get ehm… erected because of everyone starring” Sasha blurs out, which makes you all laugh. When you were done, they put your hair up and re-did your makeup. Historia presents you with your sleeping garment which was a simple white dress with straps. They all curtsy once again and leave but you hold Catherine and beg her to stay. “Gods, I don´t think I can do this, I´m terrified” you whisper to her. You both turn to the door as you hear knocking, you gulp knowing that it has to be Eren. Darcy opens the door to see her new King standing there. “Your Majesty” she curtsy “Am I interrupting something?” Eren asks “N-no I was about to leave” Your heart started racing, and your eyes met Darcy´s and she could read don´t leave me on them, she mutters a small apology before leaving. 
It´s only now the two of you in the chamber “You look beautiful” he says walking towards you. It feels like your heart is going to hammer itself out of your ribcage, but then he hugs you. “I´m sorry for Zeke, he acts like a fool too often,” he says low in your ears, which gives you goosebumps. Your heart calms down in his embrace and you melt into his warmth. “I-it´s fine, it wasn´t a big deal,” you say low, “No, it was. You are a big deal to me,” he responds kissing your forehead. Your eyes widen in shock at his gesture and you turn around in shyness. You look at the mirror in front of you and see Eren hugging you from behind, which causes you to shake a bit in the beginning. After what felt like seconds, you stop shaking and melt into his body. As you seemed more comfortable with his touches he kisses your shoulder softly. He then proceeds to kiss you upwards to your neck which causes small moans out of you. Eren slides down your dress leaving you completely naked. The cold air gives you goosebumps and makes your nipples hard. Eren while still kissing your neck slides one hand to your boob, nibbling and playing with your nipples. You felt a needy heat growing in your stomach which causes you to rub your legs together. Eren of course sees this causing him to smile for a second before continuing to kiss your neck. He then takes his other hand and slides it between your legs drawing circles on your clit. He could feel how wet you are on his two fingers “mmph” you moan. To experiment a little, he removes his fingers from your clit “Mmph… Eren don´t stop” You then take his hand and place it back on your clit and he continues to rub it. “See, there is nothing to be afraid of” he whispers in your ears before he lays you on the bed.
 He crawls over you and sucks on your right nipple while massaging your left one. You arch your back to make him suck more and he in response sucks harder causing you to moan higher. Eren releases your nipple with a pop and lowers down to kiss you. The kiss was sloppy and needy, your hands reach up to his cheeks to cup them as he licks your lower lip causing you to open your mouth and lets his tongue in filling both your mouths with a mixture of soft moans, salvia and a hint of red wine.  He then slowly removes himself from your lips causing your to suck his tongue by accident, which riles him up even more. He pecks your lips before kissing you softly on your cleavage, then right above your belly button. His head vanishes between your legs and his face is buried against your cunt. He licks a strip up, parting your lips with his tongue. You buck your hips, moaning at the strange feeling that makes a knot form in your lower stomach. You hear him groan and then, his mouth was all over your cunt, lapping up all your juices. His teeth grace your bundle of nerves, nipping gently but hard enough to make you cry out. You cover your mouth with your hand causing Eren to stop for a second, your moaning made you feel like a whore. You have never heard about something like this, a King between his wife's legs. Eren´s eyes cast upwards to look at you, stare at your face as he slowly grabs your hand and says “Don´t hide, be free” before taking your hand and pushing it into his hair. His tongue then proceeds to lick over your clit before sucking it into his mouth. You clench your fist shut around his locks, which turns him on. His mouth got even more eager.  “Eren” you gasped, you felt yourself getting closer to something unfamiliar but you desperately want to get there. “Keep calling for me” Eren demands. He adds his fingers, pumping them slowly in and out while his tongue laps at your clit and slides through your lips. He pulls out, places a kiss on your cunt and steps back. He watches you panting for a moment, your chest rising and falling.
You hear the rustling of clothes, and pants falling to the ground with a loud thud freeing his arching cock. He's between your legs again, running the head through your soaking folds before lining up with your entrance. The burn as he sank down was pleasurable with just the right amount of pain. However, it still causes you to hiss. Eren groaned, losing himself in the feeling of your tight walls. He leans downwards to lay his forehead on yours. In that moment, the two of you were one. At that moment, both of you felt whole. “Are you ready?” He asks breathlessly. You nod and he kisses you passionately as he thrusts inside with slow but passionate movements. He sets a faster pace, cock buried inside to the hilt every time he pushes back in. "I can't wait to see your belly swell with my child."  His voice is hoarse, grunting the words out with every snap of his hips. You had never heard anything hotter before, his words turning you on and increasing the pleasure you already felt. You cross your legs behind his back, pulling him in as deep as possible while his cock twitches inside you, filling you with his seed. 
 He pulls out, falling exhausted onto the bed next to you. You get up to pee immediately. While cleaning your hands you look at yourself in the mirror, you were glowing and the bun Darcy helped put up is losing up. You take a cloth and run hot water on it before heading out to see Eren lying almost passed out in bed. Your eyes meet as you take the cloth to clean his penis, you were taught that it is as important for you as it is for him to clean his penis after sex. You put the cloth back in the bathroom and are met by an Eren lifting you in bride style back to bed. He wraps you around his arms causing you to giggle a bit. He kisses your shoulder “I will try my best to make you happy here in Eldia, in return there is one rule you need to follow. Besides that one, you are free to do as you please.” You turn around to meet his face “Which is?”  He cups your left cheek “You are not allowed to leave the walls of the palace.”
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priestessofuniverse · 4 months
Hi! Welcome to the tarot community!
Wishing you the outmost luck with your journey here on tumblr!!😉
Since you said we could ask questions… I’d like to know what the physical appearance of my FS is!
Hi thank you for welcoming me in here .
I'd be happy to answer your question for you .
I did a simple 3 card shuffle (which ended up being 6 cards cuz I needed more info) and what came up are - The two of pentacles , The sun and The lovers . These were the initial before I shuffled further to get - The 4 of wands , The page of pentacles and The chariot.
Now coming onto the possible physical attributes of your FS -
He is seen to have a vibrant tan skin , dark hair and hazel (brown or green) eyes. A youthful , playful energy is the most visible. Golden retriever vibes ? He is seen to have broad shoulders, an athletic build , strong legs . He will have a bright smile . I keep saying he cuz the energy is overwhelmingly masculine. Young man energy. With a zest for life , he can be in some kind of an authoritative position that requires him to wear a uniform. The color yellow is the most dominant in the reading so bright sparkling eyes , bright smile and a jovial yet deep voice are some features to be added on to the list.
That was all I saw in this 6 card reading.
I hope this helped you . 💓💓💓💓
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blue--ingenue · 1 month
One Fell First, And One Fell Harder [Ch. 3]
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Author's Note: hi lovelies! i was originally going to delay this chapter since i'm headed to the beach, but ended up leaving later than planned. i had more time to finish some final edits,so voila :) thank you so much for all your comments, kudos, and support! i'll have limited internet connection, so i'll be checking my inbox on and off. next up, an albus chapter! (and let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist for future chapters!)
AO3 Link
Scorpius loved books. He positively adored sweets. These were facts. One of the most well-known facts at Malfoy Manor was that Scorpius was not an early riser. But the morning he was to leave for Hogwarts he was awake before even the house elves. Poor Elspeth had nearly dropped her tea tray when she saw him perched on a chair at the dining table. He swung his legs back and forth, the antique mahogany wood creaking with each swing. His trunk was packed and by the door. Next to him a satchel held a few galleons, a set of battered muggle paperbacks, and his brand new wand. He turned the last item around in his hands, appraising the marbled willow wood. It’s handle was smooth and unmarred, and he ran his fingers along the surface to quell the nerves rising in his chest. 
The rest of the morning passed in a blur. His mother had taken one look at the pile of books he intended to read during the long train journey and cast an Extension Charm on his satchel. The spell worked flawlessly, yet he still felt a heavy weight pinning him to the platform. Around them parents hugged their children goodbye. Some wished them luck in their studies, while a handful received reproachful glances and boarded the Hogwarts Express amid threats of howlers. Scorpius gripped his satchel strap tighter, leather creaking beneath his constricting grip. He’d never been away from his parents for more than a few days. His mother had educated him at home, not wanting to subject him to the ire of gossiping wizards and their children alike. His father hugged him tightly and placed a hand on his shoulder, promising that home was only a letter away if everything became overwhelming. His mother kneeled to his height and cupped his face in her hands. Scorpius’ flicked instinctively to the dirt newly streaked across her dress pants before flicking back up to her warm brown gaze. Where his father’s hair and clothes were impeccably clean, his mother was carefree. She never minded a bit of dirt. Whether paint smeared across her favorite sundress or mud crept up her gown as she searched for frogs with Scorpius, she paid the stains no mind. 
“No matter what you may hear from the other students, remember who you are,” she declared. “You are our son. You are kind, gentle, and smarter than half the students on this train combined. And you are so very loved,” she murmured with a kiss to his forehead. Her grasp was soft, but her gaze burned with protective ferocity not unlike that of her lioness patronus. 
He surged forward and flung his arms around his mother’s neck and closed his eyes, breathing deeply into her honeysuckle perfume. His father’s hand was on his back, grounding and warm. A weight materialized in his coat pocket and when he reached inside his fingers grazed a paper bag. The comforting smell of chocolate wafted toward him and his mother grinned at him as she stood. He loved her smile. It was mischievous and revealed the single dimple that graced her left cheek. It was the smile she wore when she snuck him an extra biscuit after Draco refused him another. It was the same unapologetic grin she flashed before picking up Scorpius’ favorite book, a collection of anecdotes about the legendary Harry Potter, and purposefully read his favorite chapters loud enough for his father to hear. 
Excitement and nerves rose like a cloud in his chest as reality sunk in: he was finally going to Hogwarts. He’d dreamt of this moment for as long as he could remember. A tattered biography of Harry Potter made a permanent home on his nightstand as soon as he learned to read. The most well-worn page depicted his first train ride to Hogwarts. Little Scorpius had spent many a night salivating over chocolate frogs, cauldron cakes, and Every Flavor Beans. But his most treasured wish was to have a friend to share it with. They were always there, in his little imaginings. Their face wasn't always clear  and their voice was never the same, but the warmth of companionship never wavered. Secretly, he always imagined a flash of dark hair, or soft green eyes.
His mother brushed a few stray locks from his face and whispered conspiratorially, “You’ll make friends here. True friends. And remember what we always say?”
Scorpius raised his head and beamed. She whispered, “Sweets will always help you make friends. Now, go on and find someone to share those with.”
He nodded, took a deep breath, and climbed aboard. It took a few tries, but he finally found an empty compartment. The only occupied compartments were filled with sixth and seventh years, chatting happily with their well-established friend groups. His parents chatted with a couple and their children on the platform. As he bounced his leg anxiously, a shock of jet black hair caught his eye. The owner turned his head and - Oh.
Scorpius realized who he was looking at and suddenly he was in a different place entirely. He’s sitting next to his mother at the breakfast table. It’d been years since he was old enough to sit on her lap, but he still peered over her shoulder to read the Daily Prophet. He was about to reach for another biscuit to dunk into his tea when the front page snared his attention. It read, “Potter Promoted - ‘Boy Who Lived Appointed Head Of Magical Law Enforcement’.”  Astoria knew her son well enough to anticipate that he’d ask to borrow the paper next. She wordlessly separated the front page from the rest of the issue and set it next to his plate. He offered a toothy grin in thanks and wiped the crumbs from his hands before inspecting the article. It was fairly dry and didn’t tell him anything that he hadn’t already read several times before. The paragraphs detailed Harry Potter’s heroics, recounted his harrowing journey to defeating the Dark Lord, and finished with a few short sentences about his family. He knew the Potter’s had a son, James, who was a few years older than him, and a younger daughter. The two were young celebrities within the wizarding world. He scrunched his face in confusion at the name Albus Potter. 
Scorpius had read every written word that he could about Harry Potter, much to his father’s chagrin and his mother’s amusement. He’d never heard that name before, and Scorpius prided himself on having an absolutely exceptional memory. His eyes trailed over the photograph of the Potter family standing on a raised platform. The former Head of Magical Law Enforcement was shaking Harry’s hand as his family watched from the other side of the podium. He recognized Ginny Potter, James, and Lily. And half-hidden behind his mother was a boy. He was clad in a loose-fitting zip-up, the sleeves long enough to drape over his hands. He looked to be the same age as Scorpius. The figures upon the parchment continued to shift, and suddenly he peeked out from behind Ginny, his face briefly illuminated by a camera flash. Scorpius’ breath caught in his throat.
He was the most beautiful boy he had ever beheld. Scorpius knew it was just a photograph, that he wasn’t actually being watched, but he felt his cheeks flame anyway. He looked nothing like his siblings. Where James and Lily stood confidently, waving to the crowd and grinning from ear-to-ear, the boy, Albus, looked apprehensively at the spectators. And although the photo was monochrome he could tell from the shading that his hair was the same color as his father’s. Few photographs existed of Harry Potter as a young boy, but from the images he had seen Albus looked uncannily like the older Potter. Scorpius looked closer, his nose nearly brushing the parchment, and observed bright owlish eyes, no doubt the same green hue as his father’s. Albus’ gaze shifted toward the person taking the photograph and for a moment Scorpius felt as though the other boy was looking directly at him. It was unsettling, and yet, a spark of hope erupted somewhere deep in his chest. A breath later the figures snapped to their original positions, and their movements reset to the beginning of the loop. 
From that moment on, the figures that accompanied his dreams of Hogwarts shifted. When he envisioned himself exploring the castle with his mates, he couldn’t see their faces, but there was always a flash of green eyes or a wisp of dark hair in his periphery, just out of reach.
Taglist: @hoomandoescosplay
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expiredsoda · 3 months
Nothing incredibly unhinged this time I promise
I wanted to ask how you found your art style, how you learnt to draw and what process you follow during drawing if you follow one at all. I’m trying to learn how to draw and understanding the brain is as important as the function to make the art imo!
Love the art by the way, it’s absolutely gorgeous and I get so excited whenever I see it on my feed!
ahh yes let me charge up some braincells to answer this- 💀
1. I'd say for the most part drawing fanart definitely have shaped my artstyle today.
I think I've only started to draw srsly at the start of quarantine if I remember correctly (obviously I've been drawing ever since I could pick up a pencil but before that are really just aimless drawings haha) which is when I just got into steven universe at that time, I do draw similarly to the show's artstyle and also get to draw people alot with all kinds of body types so that's cool.
After that, I fell into hyperfixation with legend of korra & attack on titan which both have semi anime-ish style, and I was also a big fan of helluva boss which I think impact me the most on my anatomy art choice.
2. as for how I learn to draw 💀 ughhh basically the same answer as the top. I just draw a bunch and improve on my mistake along the way
I think I've answered an ask before with more details on how I improve myself I'd see if I can link it down.
3. Usually I would start with the whole thing sketched out, sometimes with a reference from pinterest or just free style it and see what I got. Then I'd start on the eyes to set up the whole mood for the piece, and basically just spiral from there head to toe and add on details on the clothes and hair, fixing some error here and there and bam done ✨
link where I have a more detailed answer about art improvement :
anyway hope I did answered your question and I wish you good luck on your art journey too comrade ✨
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oklotea · 6 months
ok. I will just throw up in your ask box about YOUR ART MAN arggjjgjfj
it's adorable and you can quickly do little doodles of various characters while capturing their vibe immaculately!!! I can look at any of them even without knowing them super well that yeah. That's the guy. and how your art style manages to remain a little cartoony and silly while being able to include most facial traits without much of a hitch!! I'd really consider you one of my top inspirations for my art style, you've made me think about a lot of things and I've used a few of them as copy references to try and get a vibe right, really your art is incredible and I am always jealous of everyone's hair drawing styles. constantly. especially yours
much love from an anon that loves your stuff :D
What the fuck.... I've never had anyone told me how I'm some sort of inspiration to them in as much depth as this...
Thank you I can't stop saying that, I'm absolutely honored to hear that I've helped someone, even just a tiny bit, on their artistic journey. You don't understand how much this actually really means to me,,,,, agghhh
Anon, I'll just say that I wish you luck in the future, and I hope you have an amazing day/night, I'm going to keep this message close to my heart forever <3
Thank you for taking the time to write this,,,, AGAIN GOD BLESS HAVE A GREAT DAY
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shigerussato · 1 year
wip wednesday pt. two <3
okay ! last wip i am gonna post for today lmaoo but i just wanted to share it, i think that from all of my palletshipping week writing pieces this is my favorite so far. so here’s a snippet of it ! it’s day for day four ! topic : professor oak/delia (or both) hinting to gary or ash that the other has feelings them ! and of course i chose delia and gary interacting haha, ft. an emotional side of delia because i think she hurts so much but doesn’t ever show it. enjoy 🫶🏻
Delia did the same and smiled at him, facing him fully “thank you” she said 
“oh you’re welcome, you know it’s always a pleasure helping you out and spending time with you” Gary smiled brightly at her until Delia shook her head 
“I’m not talking about the housework Gary, I’m talking about Ash” she said making Gary furrow his eyebrows 
he gave off a chuckle and squinted “I’m sorry but can you be a little more specific . . . ?” he asked adjusting his hair 
Delia looked at her reflection at the tea cup and took a breath with a nod “uh yes, it’s just; looking at how much you have grown and catching up with you has just made me think about . . . how much you’ve done for Ash” 
She stopped and then smiled again at her thoughts “without you I don’t think Ash would be on the journey he is on now . . . you just seem to always be the one who gets him back onto his feet” 
“the one who seems to want to be like . . . and ever since he was a child” 
“he was always right behind you, always struggling but wanting to keep up to you”
“admiring you, caring for you, and wanting to improve himself with your example” 
“I always hear about how moms give their child a good luck charm weather it’s their first contest ribbon, a gym badge or just a simple memory of their journey yet I never had anything to give Ash” Delia’s voice colored a kind of guilt and sadness 
“and really as much as I wish I could’ve given Ash something, I didn’t have anything” she blinked leaving Gary frozen at her kind of speech 
“so at times I feel like I failed him in that aspect because he doesn’t necessarily call me as often or even turns to me for motivation” 
Hearing such, Gary quickly interrupted her and grabbed her hands from across the table; “Ms. Ketchum you’re a great mom and Ash loves you; so much. You’re not a failure, I promise” he looked at her in a kind of plead that Delia felt her heart warm at the researcher’s consideration
“thank you, Gary” she said
Delia then looked at Gary after a silence and broke out a smile “I’m telling you this because I’m happy the day before both of your journeys; happened” 
“because that’s how Ash got two of his true good luck charms; his half Pokeball” she smiled wide “what’s the other one?” Gary asked 
“you” she shrugged still smiling making Gary get caught off guard and laughing flustered at the comment 
“I guess” he grinned looking away from her “I’m serious” she insisted with a smile 
“he has a thing for you Gary” she then stated 
Gary squinted as he looked away from Delia; confused on what she meant by thing.
About to ask her what she meant, Delia got up clearing her throat “so let’s get the supper ready, you’ll be staying right?” she happily asked putting her hands together
“uh yes, Ms. Ketchum what do you mean by–“ 
“Perfect! Mimey! Let’s get the supper ready!” she hurriedly interrupted; to Gary it felt like she purposely dodge the further questioning 
“Ms. Ketchum!” Gary tried calling her back but she had already shut the front door leaving Gary in his disappointment 
“damn it” he sighed tormented, by what she meant by her words. 
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cryptcreechur · 2 years
various notes on cartomancy
these are my notes from my research, which is, if youve been a witch long, never complete
i practice cartomancy specifically to get clear cut and straight to the point answers, especially if i need a yes or no aswer, or if i dont have the energy to sift through the various meanings of a tarot pull (they are so Vague and it takes so much Thinkinh)
anyways, this ones gonna be a bit of a long one, so here we go
Spades represent challenging tasks or events coming in the future. communication, thoughts, gossip, upsets, messages. the elemet of Air.
Hearts are about feeling, family, home, love, and relationships. "Happy" cards (though ive found they are not inherently happy but do often represent the relationship you have with somone, or someone you have a relationship with). the element of Water.
Clubs represent positive things that are coming in the near future. success, happiness, business, ambition, achievement issues, action, inspiratiom. the element of Fire.
Diamonds are all about money and finances. the element of Earth.
Ace - new relationships, friendship, love and happiness, the home, a love letter, troubles and problems lifting. yes, let your heart guide the way.
2 - good fortune in love and relationships, strength and support from a partner. yes, embrace the journey.
3 - be cautious in your relationships, love and happiness when the general spread is favorable, a difficult spread indicates emotional proboems and/or an inability to decide who to love. yes, you deserve to have fun. maybe, move forward with caution.
4 - change or travel is on the horizon. no, youre not in the right emotional state to allow this.
5 - someone in your life is jealous, ill will from people around you. no, you are hurting.
6 - surprise new love interest, sudden good luck, someone takes care of you. yes, but it might bring up nostalgja. how does this reflect the past?
7 - broken promises, fickle affections, lovesickness. maybe, but you have more options.
8 - visitors and invitations. no, it is time to walk away.
9 - the "wish" card, which may come true. look to the card prior to see what the querent desires. yes, leads to wish fulfillment.
10 - good fortune is coming. yes, leads to emotional fulfillment.
Jack - can represent a good friend or a young, blond person, a young admirer. yes, but be mindful of your expectations.
Queen - a kind blonde woman, sometimes a mother or mother figure, kind advice, an affectionate and caring person. someone with primarily water element signs [zodiac]. yes, but only if your intuition says it's a good idea.
King - a helpful blond man, sometimes a father or father figure, good advice, his actiona reveal his kindness and concern, a good natured and affectionate person. also water signs. yes, if you feel it will add value to your life.
Ace - endings, misfortune, sometimes death. yes, you know this is true.
2 - tough decisions, deceit, change, break in relationships, break in important processes. no, you cannot see the bigger picture yet.
3 - trouble in relationships, infidelity. no, you are not in the emotional space right now.
4 - illness, broken promises, small worries, personal lows, problems, financial difficulties. possibly, take time for yourself first.
5 - obstacles and difficulty, eventual success, blessings in diguise, sometimes a negative or depressed person. maybe, it depends on your approach.
6 - improvement, small wins, upswing. yes, surrender to the journey.
7 - bad advice, grief, loss, obstacles to success, possibly internal conflicts. yes, if intentions are pure.
8 - deceit, anger, caution advised, temptation, misfortion, upsets, danger. no, you are playing victim.
9 - bad luck, depression, anxiety, personal low, accident, illness. no, focus on yourself first.
10 - bad news, worry, imprisonment. no, not now, heal first.
Jack - an unpleasant/immature person with dark/black hair, a youth who's hostile/jealous. yes, but you must be focused.
Queen - a dark haired woman or widow, someone with primarily air charts [zodiac]. yes, but make sure you are analyzing your intentions.
King - a dark haired, selfish but ambitious older man, perhaps self-serving, also dominated by air charts. yes, but observe your boundaries and intentions.
Ace - financial fortune, wealth, good news. in a difficult spread could indicate money may disappear as quickly as it appears. yes.
2 - challenges, gossip. no, not yet.
3 - a wealthy partner and successful marriage. love and happiness, favorable long term proposition, a second chance, particularly in an economic sense. yes, but be patient.
4 - deceit or betrayal, potentially by a friend. avoid blind acceptance of others at this time. yes, keep going.
5 - new friends and supoort. no, not at this time.
6 - success and prosperity, financial help. yes.
7 - success in business with potential trouble from/with romantic partner. maybe, it needs work.
8 - difficulty in business and in love, may have to do with jealousy. yes, do it now.
9 - new admirer/opportnities, a warning against stubborness. yes, but approach slowly.
10 - unexpected money, travel, a trip taken now may yield a new friend/love. no, focus on yourself and things will improve.
Jack - a reliable and trusting dark haired friend, playful, possible admirer. yes, but only if its safe.
Queen - a dark haired, helpful and confident woman, good advice. yes, it is secure.
King - a dark haired, strong older man, a generous and spirited man, someone dominated by fire charts.
Ace - a gift of jewelry, a letter or message, improvement, change (for the better). Yes, it will work in your favor.
2 - diapproval of a relationship or affair, business partnership, gossip, change in relationship. maybe, you're juggling a lot right now.
3 - legal trouble, domestic arguments, be tactful to avoid disputes. yes, especially if you're working with a team.
4 - unexpected money, inheritance. yes, but if related to business, check your incomes and outcomes.
5 - improvements and success in business, happy home life, new birth, a good time to start new projects, good news for a child. no, you're not in the place for risks.
6 - relationship troubles, problems in a second marriage. yes if giving, no if receiving.
7 - challenges at work, generally expected to be resolved happily. maybe, but you'll have to work hard.
8 - surprise romance or travel later in life, a new job. yes, but pay attention to details.
9 - new business opportunities, unexpected money, restlessness. yes, this could lead to abundance and success.
10 - financial propsperity, good fortune. yes, if you're supported, yes, material success.
Jack - an unreliable/dishonest young person with light hair. a youth bringing news, usually bad but usually minor. yes, but it involves hard work.
Queen - an outgoing, flirtatious woman with light hair, a gossip, someone dominated by earth charts.
King - an accomplished older man of influence with light hair, also dominated by earth charts. yes, your hard work will ensure security.
keep your space uncluttered
it could be nice to have any favorite spiritual objects on hand (crystals, charms, etc)
say a prayer or blessing before beginning
work with the lunar cycle
draw 1 card for a quick answer
draw 3 cards for past, present, and future
for a general outlook, draw 3 cards for each of the following: yourself, your family, your friends, what you expect, what you don't expect, and the outcome.
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kalofi · 1 year
hi sorry if this is a weird ask at all, but I was scrolling through your makeup tag and saw some of your own makeup (which looks INCREDIBLE btw) and I was wondering how you grew out your hair so quickly? My hair texture is really close to yours and I've been trying to grow out my undercut so I wanted to know if there was some special product you were using to get that length!
Sorry to bother and no pressure to answer this!!
ah well i didn’t really do anything special!!! i just left it alone cuz i used to trim it like every other day for no reason but i was finally like ok let’s just grow it out. so yeah….sorry i don’t have any real advice my hair has always just grown kinda fast uuummm just try keeping it moisturized i suppose… i don’t know hair science or anything like that i rly wish i could help :’( good luck on your hair journey thooooo!!!!<33 :3
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robinsnest2111 · 1 year
how do you keep your hair thick? i want 80/90s goth sort of hair too but my hair is shitty so i'm scared teasing it will make it fall out :b also i'm wishing you all the best luck i possibly can. i'm on the same path and lots of people want us to pretend we've always been who we are now, but don't ever let someone make you feel like you have to pretend you didn't care about yourself and other people so much that you started this process and are still in it because this active form of love shouldn't be shameful. and don't ever let someone make you feel unequal to them because they aren't changing or have changed because we aren't beneath them. sorry for the long message :)
hi anon, thank you for your patience
tbh keeping your hair thick with as many layers as the teased up hairstyles require only works up to a certain length I've found, depending on the number of layers and the length of the shortest and longest ones, and if you want the layers to be connected or disconnected.
I'm not a professional (I have learned quite a bit through haircut experimentation and interning at several salons tho) but thickness is mostly an illusion created by the layers.
at the moment my hair is quite thin and light (esp. the longest bits), my hairdresser sacrificed around 40% of my length/thickness for the shorter layers on top. these two parts aren't fully connected/continuously layered either.
with the right styling and products it does end up looking thicker than it actually is (tho my hair is a stubborn beast and goes flat like a pancake if I don't pack in volumizing powder and tease and/or curl topped with half a can of hairspray)
also teasing up your hair won't make it fall out. if you're careful about removing the teasing, allow your hair a good break in-between styles with nice hair type appropriate conditioners, it'll be just fine. at least that's my experience. Madi Danger and It's Black Friday have a couple hair tutorial videos on YouTube I believe where they also talk about the brushing out process.
you can either do it dry or wet, depending on what works better for you. for me personally doing a gentle dry brush out with leave in conditioner added halfway through before removing the product buildup in the shower works best for me, some swear by doing all of the brushing out in the shower. I gave it a try but in my case it took way too long and it felt like I wasted a lot of water and conditioner in the process lol
either way, I hope this long ramble helps you on your goth hair journey and thank you so much for your kind words! tbh I'm a bit lost what exactly they're in response to but I thank you nonetheless <3
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