#there's other rgb trios
noxx-33i · 2 months
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hyperdadlaser everyone!!!! he loves his kids
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genlossneeg · 1 year
You know what fuck you (found families your rgbtrio)
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mossy-paws · 2 months
Bio oc doodle requests
okay so! I am very bored and my motivation to finish other projects is kind of down BUT!! I really wanna draw my biograft oc’s more so I’m looking at all of you to give me some :3
aaaaa it’s preferred nothing big but if you ask any specific questions (specifically about lore) I may draw some somewhat bigger stuff depending on what it is! Preferred that these are just small low effort doodles though :3!
these are my bio oc’s btw- ask away :3 (Their names are Clementine, Mossgraft, and WALL-E btw! Mainly looking for Clementine requests though at the moment (he’s the bio in the last image))
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pineapplesaresweet · 11 months
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I never did share this did I. Vague "They escaped showfall" headcanons for Ranboo :)
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sun-ea-sports · 2 months
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rurus-kadoo · 9 months
Sorry Genloss mutuals but the only way my brain will accept a post escape au is where rgb trio are the only survivors. Smile
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nyx-bait · 7 months
Another kind of rough weird day. Begging for people to ask me about Generation Loss headcanons again. Please I promise I won't bite I just want to talk about my fucked up little guys...
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splendontcore · 1 year
want to do a megapost about Franky Jones so badly since last weel, but everytime I do revise my (still rough) scripts I want to add so many stuff like BITCH DO YOU REMEMBER THAT FRANKY JONES IS JUST A PART OF A 3 VOLUMES HISTORY RIGHT??????
anyways, here's some important pictures of my Flaky and Splendont sims
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argumentativeaxolotl · 6 months
Cars INCORRECT QUOTES⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ (mainly featuring the RGB Trio lmfaoo. Probably humanized too)
Lightning: [Pointing at Chick] Look at him and tell me there is a God!
Chick: He made me in his own image👹👹👹
Lightning: [On the phone] Hey Doc? Can I borrow 5000 bucks?
Doc: Why do you need $5000? Plus aren’t you rich???
Lightning: It’s for an escape room.
Doc: What kind of escape room needs $5000?!
Lightning: Jail.
Cal: [On the phone] Uncle Strip, could I borrow… 5000 smackeroos?
Strip: Why do you need $5000?
Cal: For an escape room.
Strip: What the hell kind of escape room needs $5000?!
Cal: Jail.
Strip: 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
Chick: Just found out the world doesn’t revolve around me. Shocked and upset.
Strip: How long are we going to stand here and let him do that?
Chick: Just give him a minute… or two… This is seriously entertaining…
Lightning: [Struggling and on the verge of tears whilst pushing on a door that VERY CLEARLY has pull written on it]
Doc: Since it’s impossible to know which part of my life is the middle, I’ve decided to have an ongoing crisis.
Strip: Since it’s impossible to know which part of my life is the middle, I’ve decided to have an ongoing crisis.
Sally: [Annoyed] What are you, five?
Lightning: [With sass, no braincells] Yeah! Five heads taller than you!
Lightning: I’m deeply sorry for my actions and have learned from my mistakes please don’t hurt me.
Chick: Go big or go home!
Hicks Crew Chief: [Tears in his eyes] We’re all begging you, Chick. For once in your life, go home. Please. Just this once, go home.
Chick: I’m going big. 👹👹
Hicks Crew: [Muffled sobbing]
Lightning: I have an idea—
Strip: [Racer-Sitting for the other Crew Chiefs] If it involves you, Chick, Cal, Bobby, and the Avatar Theme-song then no.
Lightning: [Crossing his arms sassily] Well never mind then!
Strip: Gods give me patience…
Chick: I think you mean “give me strength”.
Strip: [Exhausted, pointedly] If the gods gave me strength, everyone would be dead.
Chick: [Nervous sweating]
Sorry it’s so short yall! If you guys have any suggestions for incorrect quotes please feel free to drop them and lmk abt them. I’m having fun writing these lmaooo.
Anyways I think I’m funny lol. Enjoy these 💀
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marsipain · 3 months
me and my sister are both Ninjago fangirls and we both LOVE your futuristic Ninjago AU art, especially her, she's actually using some as wallpapers right now. the brainrot is real and she is absolutely in love with it. her ideas based off your art are endless. thank you for it.
you have no idea how much this warmed my heart dude, ill never get used to people liking the cyberpunk au so much (its the closest to an original project ive ever posted tbh) and people like you make it all worth it <33
this also reminds me that i never shared my cyberpunk au playlists! So here u go :D
also gonna put which songs (from the main playlist) fit with what characters under the cut!
Lloyd: Ryder or Riot, Around the World/HBFS, 20 Percent Cooler
RGB Trio: Telephone - Electrolightz Remix, Punk Tactics
Kai: Faster
Nya: Shut Up And Drive
Nya/Pixal: Bad Girls
Harumi: Lovegame, 宵々古今
Harumi & Lloyd: ロキ
Lloyd & Morro & Harumi & Akita: Just Dance, LUVARATORRRRRY!, Heads Will Roll, コノヨ Loading…
Akita & Zane: Electric Fist
Nya & Pixal & Jay & Zane: Pump It
Jay: Into The Zone, Beat That
Skylor: Comme Des Garcons (Like The Boys)
Cole: Lights Down Low
And some other ones that arent really assigned to anybody !
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dowhatteverer · 8 months
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Behold, the best Sneeg I've ever draw. I promise I'm going to try and get better at Drawing him!
And now I have the full Pop art inspired GenLoss RGB trio set! I might move on to other characters too, such as Niki or Hetch if I feel like it, or if a bunch of people tell me they want that.
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noxx-33i · 2 months
Hello I have come to word vomit RGB trio thoughts and headcanons. Beware some of these will probably be nonsensical and not in order.
I think skate has the worst fashion taste out of the three. I can't say much on this though cause I also have an atrocious sense of fashion/lh
Boombox and to an extent Skate talk in 80's slang. Like radical, bodacious, hella, etc. 80's coded boombox just lives in my head rent free and i can't kick him out/silly
Their alcohol tolerance from lowest to highest goes: Skate, BB, Sling
BB and Skate crash at Slingshot's place ALL the time. At this point even Shuri and Vine are used to them just random showing up
^^continuing this I think they like to enter through anywhere but the window. Most especially Skate. BB at the very least is willing to act like a Normal person and use the door SOMETIMES. Skate however if he uses the door you'll bet that he's going in on his board. Whether or not he immediately crashes and breaks something inside is another thing/lh
Sometimes they'll just have Katy Perry Sessions with Shuriken. Like literally just listening to Katy Parry. Don't. Don't ask why I don't know either/lh
^^they have California Gurlz memorized.
If one of them does a crime none of them are snitching. If one goes down they all go down if one admits to it the other two will admit to it too. No bro left behind/silly
Sling is the smartest academically in their group and is probably the best at math. Not saying he's a prodigy im just saying BB and Skate are probably dumb as shit with math /lh+aaff
Sometimes Skate likes to record his Sick Moves™ and sometimes it would Also be in a place he proooobably shouldnt be in so Sling and BB take turns being on either camera duty or watch duty. Whether either of them are good at it is a different discussion/silly
Skate was caught stealing by the police once but BB was there and somehow he managed to trick them into believing he was Skate's lawyer and that he did not steal anything. Sling watched from the distant absolutely flabbergasted
Sling prices his menu very high and whenever someone asks he's just like "Oh yk, inflation!" and somehow it always works
they like setting fireworks off at night. Sometimes BB can't come cause he's too tired from work or something tho so
Despite Slingshot being the most academically smart in the group Boombox is the one who would hesitate when given a big shiny red button that could nuke Crossroads. Sling and Skate would see a shiny red button and go "ooo shiny" then BOOM!!!! /silly
idk if you want this but I have an au with my friend using the skins ingame (and some we made up for it hehe) where Snowboard and Rainbox were highschool best friends and they would get into shenanigans together like light theft (Rain is the distraction), parties maybe, etc andddd I love them very much
Snow in the au has canonically tried to rizz up a girl (in High School) only to bag her boyfriend AND her brother
^^The au takes place years later when Snowboard is in college (in Blackrock college cause there's no faction wars in this au) and when he comes back he finally meets Cozyshot who is Rain's roommate and erm my friend likes skateshot so I think you can tell what happens next (GAY PEOPLE) /silly
Okay im gonna stop rmabling now have a good day silly muah/p
IM GONNA RAMBLE TOO AND Oh my god ur so right on the first one.
SKATE HAS TERRIBLE FASHION SENse. I can smell it. Hes so sweaty he doesnt care ab his looks too much but bb would say "youre not going out like that
YES I AGREE. Boombox is stuck in the 80s and he doesnt want to leave. Im actually picking up these habits i wanna say rad so bad.
Skate being the lowest is the funniest shit wver bc i love bullying his ass. Did you tell i put NO EFFORT in his stupid hc reveal HEELP
I FEEL LIKE ONE DAY THEY MIGHT GET A SECRET HANGOUT PLACE… like fully furinisjed and with ac and all that fancy shit. How? Idk illegally? They probably have board games and dnd sessions with trusted friends who keep the place a hush
Bro theyre not normal they will never be normal… "GUYS HOW DID YOU GET IN" // "We lock picked your door" // "WHAT THE FUCK"
> lowkey skate would learn lock picking for fun and hed get so good at it he would be tempted to steal more stuff
>> that being said.. rob the bank?/ref
LOWKEY i feel like bb was a nerd in his younger years but grew out of it… he would probably like science facts and everyone thinks hes smart but hes not.. AND YES sling being math smart is so real teehee. Hes the expenses guy but also cant stop himself from spending more than he needs to
Skate n BB would get into so much trouble but no one can ever find them guilty in some fucking way and it makes the authorities so mad
Ironically id like to think Zuka easily catches them doing dumb shit but he doesnt care enough to report it
Sling has probably done tax evasion one or two times.. or more….
Ok cute hcs to vomit out… with ur mention of tired boombox i feel like sling and skate would immediately go to bbs place and crash not in a chaotic way but like ogghd.. ÖIKE THEY MAKE HIM FEEL BETTER BY GIVING SNACKS OR MASSAGES TO HELP HIM LOSE STRESS
Literally any time one of the RGB members get their vibes off its instantly to care land bc bcbc bc 😞😞🙁🙁😞😞😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 *sobbing crying throwing up* theyr besties 😭😭 this xan be both platonic or romantic i legit do not care i love BOTH
With that in mind i feel like whenever skate and bb crash over sling would have a few of their favorite pastries from his cafe saved in his fridge… like dog treats LMAOO
This is likge.. dog-cat-dog relationship… but all are chaotic as fuck /silly
that au makes me think of sling with glasses for some reason… i need to draw so bad….!!!!;!2!
And they were roommates /ref+j
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nok-joke · 2 months
uhrmmmm csn I request..... can I request rainbox.... or rgb trio.... or a cat. A random ass cat.
Have good day 🔥
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I may still do the other requests sometime later! Since I don't have too many! Or might just polish up this sketch at some point bc I think it's looking cool
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alexguard · 1 year
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..What if the entire RGB trio escaped? What if Sneeg managed to get into the prop room and hide from the Security Monster after rebreaking out of control? Where past props are kept... like bolt cutters.. good for the now chained front entrance. The other two instead of finding the Security Monster attacking Sneeg, it's wandering and chases them. Right towards the once locked prop room, barricading themselves inside with a true time limit. They find Sneeg, and with the only useful item in the room being the bolt cutters. The door in the back stuck, and the Security Monster banging at the door, the trio stick walls letting the Security Monster barge in. Thus letting them flee out of the prop room while the Security Monster crashes into all the props.
Showfall staff still chases them into the hunting store/survival room, this time Sneeg gunning for the axe. Everything is pretty much the same till when they get back to Charlie's recording space.. they go for the front door. While Sneeg gets to work on the doors, Ranboo and Charlie use the hunting knife to get the mask off. Worried they could still be controlled even outside Showfall if it was still on. Cutting the wires was easy, ripping it off was not. When it was off, it set off an alarm. The trio having to fight off Showfall staff before the Security Monster reached them. Which they do, escaping into the light of Freedom. :]
I've seen so much fanart and some fics about GL!Ranboo and GL!Charlie escaping together, but no one every includes GL!Sneeg! Like I get he dies pretty early on, but to be there he had to have broken out of control again. I just want the RGB trio together, and busting out of Showfall together. Include the DUDE! He's our first glimpse into what Showfall Media is doing to achieve this, beyond Ranboo's mask. He's clearly able to break out much easier than the others, so my little what if!
part of me wants to write a fic for this, but MAN have I not written a fic in years... Edit: I WROTE THE FIC. I will post whenever a new chapter is released!! So if you liked this idea, feel free to read :] Read Fic Here
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fernsnailz · 1 year
just wanted to say i absolutely adore your ocs and their designs omg <3 especially M8! i was curious, did you have any specific inspirations or reasons behind their design + the other's designs? (super interested in their lore)
THANK YOU THAT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME... i've had a number of different variations of these ocs since i was in high school, but they're generally inspired by various character tropes i really like lol. i love robots, i love characters in bigass oversized jackets, and i love characters with absolutely atrocious fashion sense. they're also color-coded to fit with a RGB (red, green, blue) theme, so they have a unity as a trio!
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for M8 specifically, the main part of his story is that he was found in a junkyard and rebuilt by Check - Check is a musician with limited robotics skills, so M8 is kinda scrapped together with some musical equipment. you can see it most obviously on his face which i designed to look like an old CD player (buttons on his chin, speakers and dials on the side of their face), and his left arm also works as a soundboard :] M8's bigass ears also work as radio antenna, but tbh i mostly keep them on her design because they're cute
Check, hilariously enough, is actually based off of an old shadow the hedgehog humanization i made when i was 16. tbh you can still kinda tell, but aside from that his outfit is heavily inspired by techwear and punk fashion! the punk inspiration is a lot more apparent in his band/performance outfit:
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Lucy's fashion is... questionable in quality because they are very much the human version of "fuck around and find out." they tend to wear a lot of clashing patterns and shapes because i promise that it's important to their character but i cannot explain why without spoiling stuff
alright thank you for letting me ramble about my ocs for a while i love them dearly
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kozukatt · 1 year
i wanna see those ninjago headcanons pleaseeeeee
ask and you shall receive :3
𑁍 he would be the one to sneak food out of the kitchen
𑁍 whenever Zane’s baking he’s there ready to taste test and steal chocolate chips
𑁍 everyone keeps forgetting he’s just a kid in an adult body so even though he acts tough Lloyd is actually terrified of fighting 
𑁍 after Harumi died in the collapsed building he took a few days off to process the whole thing
𑁍 Kai is a big brother to Lloyd so whenever he’s upset Kai’s always there to help
𑁍 same thing with Nya; she’s a big sister and the middle sibling of the RGB trio
𑁍 Lloyd respects everyone on the team for practically raising him and dealing with his evil phase
ꕥ will ironically say “FIYAAAA!” But everyone is used to it so there’s no reaction
ꕥ literally an oven
ꕥ remember in s1 when he found Zane in the fridge? Yeah he never lets him live it down even though he chilled in the oven around that time
ꕥ blames himself for every little thing that goes wrong on a mission
ꕥ takes criticism hard
ꕥ grew to be less protective of Nya but he still worries about her time to time
ꕥ relies on his elemental abilities so when they’re taken away (s10) he feels utterly useless 
ꕥ avoids water because 1: he’s terrified of it and 2: so he won’t ruin his hair
ꕥ Kai’s only afraid of bodies of water so anything more than Nya’s abilities is terrifying to him
 he’s simply a bear
 a plus size god
(Minor TW for eating disorder)
 developed an eating disorder during the 1 year time skip as a way to punish himself 
(TW over :3)
 video games are his outlet
 never actually had a crush on Nya he was just confused and felt like he had to feel like he liked her
 amazing at sarcasm
 his and Jay’s bromance can never be broken
 even though his relationship with his dad got better he still never feels like he’s enough
 is afraid of singing because of a deep rooted fear of failing stemmed from his dad
 he’s an amazing listener and comforts the team whenever they need
✫ has repressed his comic nerd until Lloyd came along
✫ ADHD at its finest
✫ hyper fixated on comic book characters to try and escape his responsibilities 
✫ gaming with Cole is one of his outlets 
✫ doesn’t like to be called out on his faults but will take them well and improve
✫ still feels resentful to his biological mother and father for leaving him but is glad he has Ed and Edna
✫ his hair is always staticky and always shocks people
✫ isn’t allowed in the kitchen because once he tried starting a fire and blew up the oven
✫ his freckles developed after acne and are a result of scars from said acne
✫ a natural ginger
❄︎ his hair is individual strands of synthetic hair
❄︎ whenever his skin got damaged in s1-3 it would mend back together like real skin
❄︎ when he rebuilt himself he only had basic functions but as time went on Jay added on the ability to feel temperature and other things
❄︎ he constantly has imposter syndrome for being a nindroid
❄︎ he has immense respect for his team and Wu
❄︎ the only rational braincell of the group
❄︎ acts irrationally though when it comes to family (Falcon, the ninja, etc.)
❄︎ he sometimes gets rusty and has trouble moving without pain
❄︎ constantly cold but doesn’t feel it so it takes fire or some other super hot thing to make him even a little warm
❄︎ cooking and baking for the team and people he cares about is his way of showing love
❄︎ whenever someone is having trouble with something he will be there to help no matter what
༄ she’s a buff queen
༄ one of the tallest of the group
༄ doesn’t have a good relationship with her mother until the end of seabound
༄ even after she reached her full potential Nya is constantly afraid of failing 
༄ her and Kai relied on each other a lot when they were growing up
༄ they didn’t have a good relationship when they were younger but after Wu took them in they had a stable environment and were able to have a better relationship 
༄ wants to prove to herself and others that she’s worthy of being on the team
༄ has a grudge against Dareth for trying to downplay her 
༄ HATES being put into stereotypes 
༄ never backs down from a fight 
༄ even when she knows she can’t win Nya’s able to stall until catching them off guard to gain the upper hand
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