#there's some Strong Implied Characterization here going on here... don't worry about it :)
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Teri, off-screen: I have your precious Adam and Sully here! Unless you give me £10,000 I will—
Adam: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait a second!
Adam: You think Sully is only worth £10,000?
Adam: Make it £1,000,000!
Sully: Adam, NO—!
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readreactrant · 2 months
'Tale of Winter and Spring' another goyuu arranged marriage fic that might just become a fave despite some reservations of mine!!! Let me explain!!! (Rec Review and thoughts)
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This review was so sweetly requested by the actual author and lovely mutual of mine @star2112 (really love their name for some reason). So with that context and their permission I'll be going a bit more in depth, and letting them know where I feel they could improve upon. I do keep in mind that many ao3 authors aren't from the pro writing background so I'll be super gentle.
But before we get to that I will give you a quick summary and listing out the fic's strong points (and there are a lot (✿ ♡‿♡)
CW for review and the story itself: there will be spoilers in this rev so if you want to read it before hearing my thoughts go ahead and follow the link in the title. The story involves mpreg, omegaverse and dub con.)
Tale of Winter and Spring is set in historical Japan as all good fics should be, where Yuuji is given away to Gojo by his older brother Sukuna. Thing is Yuuji is in love with next heir of the Zenin clan, Megumi and he's very, very, very unhappy with what's happening. Nevertheless he goes through it all with some very un-Yuuji like gloom )don't worry, we'll get to that). Its an ongoing fic so we don't know the end or which direction the plot itself is taking but for now there's a whole lot of intrigue and hints of Geto coming into the picture to ruin (or maybe not ruin) everything happening.
There's a handful of things that made this story a bit challenging to read but one of the many things I have to give props to is the development of the FushIta relationship side of Yuuji's story. I don't hate FushIta but it's one of many jjk ships that makes me grit my my teeth when it's not a side story in a goyuu ntr fic. So reading the development of their bond here… actually made me kick my feet a bit, is the author a FushIta shipper in disguise??? We'll never know ig ¯_(ツ)_/¯
There's the flashback scene where they're talking about books they read and after some banter Yuuji's like,
"hey megumi… in the future, let's go North, and see if those demons are real or not."
And I felt that, especially since Yuuji does end up going North (Gojo's Clan location if I remember correctly) but Megumi isn't there with him and it's much colder and lonely for him since he can't relate to Satoru at all.
Genuinely almost sobbed ಥ‿ಥ
Another thing I did enjoy was Sukuna's backstory and part of me really wanted more of it and him. It's said he got his hands dirty but I'd love to know what exactly this entails as it would really add more depth to the evilness of his character which is mostly told but not shown. It's easy to so say oh this character does evil things and imply that constantly but harder to display those evil things and show them doing the tragedies that solidify them in the reader's mind like 'yeah, this dude is the worst'. Example, Sukuna throughout the entirety of jjk lollll.
And there was an opportunity for the story to show one of such things which I'll get to in the critique part of this review.
I also really love the characterization which is very important you're making and alternate world. You don't always have to put characters in roles they'll fit but one thing I do like is when a they reflect that role with their canon personalities. And I know someone's already going "well fanon doesn't care about canon" which is fine and true but realistically many fanfic readers, myself included aren't into ooc content. What counts as ooc does vary from person to person tho, especially bc different people interpret characters differently.
Despite the various interpretations there is a common way a character is viewed and enjoyed, which is why, despite how much I enjoyed reading, there was something about Yuuji that constantly…called out to me.
I'm getting into the critique section now to talk about that. Where the writing shines in dialogue and interesting world building, it's kind of falls back in consistency.
Somewhere at the start, in the wedding scene, Utahime says they all have high expectations of Yuuji putting Gojo in his place with kind of indicates a firey kind of attitude but up until this point Yuuji has being quiet and avoidant and kind of continues to be until some of the later chapters. So it's weird she puts this responsibility on him when his character hasn't shown any signs of it. It's not one of more glaring instances but it's one that precedes a few others.
There's another part where Yuuji apologizes for speaking angrily, but Gojo says he doesn't have to because he knows he's the problem. Yuuji's internal thoughts proceed to view that as his apology being discarded which don't exactly make sense to me and ends up feeling like he's looking for reasons to be nitpicky at this point.
Character building isn't a huge problem but it's always the little things that manage add to the overall picture. There's a scene where Sukuna wants to take Yuuji to the Zenin clan and Wasuke doesn't want him to bc everyone thinks Sukuna wants to sell him off. Thing is Sukuna says he's not depraved enough to use an omega child like that but in my opinion it would have done his story and Yuuji's a greater service for him openly consider it and hold that over Yuuji's head for good behavior. He's evil, even if he'd actually never do it, evil people say evil shit.
With all this talk about characters it's time I finally expand on what really got to me and that would be Yuuji. My baby boy is literally all over the place. Yuuji canonically is a very social characters, eager to please and more ready than usual to give other's the benefit of a doubt. Here he's very quick to judge and overly guarded to me.
Now, I'm not saying has to overly friendly either but there's a balance that could struck with him not insulting or assuming things of Gojo constantly, and yeah the white haired bastard doesn't make it especially easy but one of Yuuji's admirable traits is his fortitude and patience with those around him.
Nevertheless, a part of me does think this was a stylistic choice to convey the disparity of Yuuji's behavior with his two love interests; Yuuji is only truly his best self with Megumi and the worst with Gojo. And understanding this, I was able to look past his behavior with the hope and interest of seeing both him and Gojo warm up to each other.
Also, did I mention it's still a mystery why Gojo asked for Yuuji's hand in marriage. Either that or it was mentioned that it's bc of his scent and I forgot (I've been through a lot this week forgive me (〒﹏〒)
My final critique is the writing structure and grammar. Grammar and writing are like 80% of a fic for me. If I don't vibe, no matter how interesting the concept I just might not read.
Thing is, I do vibe with Star2112's writing a lot, it simple yet beautiful in the way in which it conveys the emotions and moods of the story and characters. I enjoyed reading the scene where Yuuji freaks out cuz Gojo didn't spend the wedding night with him and now it may harm his reputation and Sukuna's. I enjoyed every FushIta interaction and I most definitely enjoyed when towards the ending of chapter 8, Yuuji allows Gojo to touch his belly and feel the baby while the Alpha spoke it (also Gojo wants to be a girl dad and that made me throw my phone across the room screaming cuz cuuuute (●♡∀♡)!!!!)
What I didn't enjoy was the structure of the sentences.
"Sentences work like this," Ren says. ✅
" Not like this, " They add. ❌
Figuring out how dialogue and quotations work are a big step for every author's writing journey, it's common not to know if you end with commas of full stops but for the most part, that doesn't really matter. Leave no spaces between the quoted sentence and the quotations marks and always start a new statement with a capital, doesn't matter if it was a continuation of what they were saying in a previous sentence.
Grammar-wise, there were a lot of frequent errors but none to glaring and they could all be fixed with a more thorough read through. It can be pretty hard without a beta reader bestie but I believe you, there's so much talent for you not to give the best reading experience you're able to.
Overall, this is definitely a fic I would recommend to avid arranged marriage goyuu fans that love the DRAMA (and if you're like me who likes to read Megumi getting cucked, tho it's not exactly cheating here we'll manage ( ꈍᴗꈍ)💕
At the end of the day, a lot of this advice is partly objective, all authors are free to take what they feel they want to work on and leave the rest. Or leave it all because what matters about writing and fanfiction is that you enjoy what you do. Other's enjoying it is just a bonus/by product.
And to Star2112, you're doing so good, keep it up, I'm subbed and ready to see more, especially if I'll get to read goyuu raising their kid or kids, I'm a sucker for 'oop it's twins'. I'd also encourage you to read more books outside fanfic if you don't if you're still interested in dialogue and sentence structure. You have a strong voice and I think working on your weak points will really amplify that. I'm honored you came to me and hope I was able to help.
If anyone else wants to request, recommendations and reviews are kinda two different things. If you Recommend me a fic and I may or may not talk about it, depends. If you request I Review (for analysis and advice) a fic it has to be yours and you'll have to prove it to me. Depending on what you want I'll either write a post or just let you know my thoughts privately. DMs open so don't be shy.
Thanks for sticking to the end, go check out Star's work to get in on that action and happy Easter my precious freaks!!!
Ps: will edit this later, my brain is literally on fire, bye lovelies (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
Even though I liked Oscar, he shouldn't have been Oz's host. RWBY always had the problem of character bloat and instead of making a new one they should have put him in someone else like Ruby. That way, she is actually important to the story. Though as much as I like the idea, I have seen some voice concerns over it, such as the show being about girl power yet having Ruby's importance being because of a man, as well as the implications of a male reincarnating into a female. What do you think?
Yeah, although I've supported the idea in the past and even threw out some fic for the concept, I 100% understand why fans are uncomfortable with Ruby being Ozpin's host. You summarized it perfectly here: "That way, she is actually important to the story." Implying that, without him, she's not. It's a bit of a problem to advertise a show around a team of women, slam an old man into one's head, and then go, "NOW Ruby matters to the plot. She didn't only as herself, a young woman fighting for what's right, but while being forced to share her body with the classic mentor figure? She becomes important." That's pretty much the antithesis of what RWBY wants to be. Of course, I think the underlying, primary issue is that Ruby hasn't been integrated into the plot well. The reason we hesitate over the idea isn't because Ruby being Ozpin's host is inherently bad, but because it would be bad in the context of what RWBY has previously given us in terms of Ruby's characterization. If she were a character that had stronger ties to the war, more fleshed-out goals and motivations, a solid history where no one in the fandom was questioning her importance in this tale... then adding Ozpin would be just that, an addition. Him merging with Ruby wouldn't be the reason why she's important to her own, title show, simply another reason to forward her already strong quest. And, one would hope, in a version of RWBY where that occurs, Ozpin's goals may well bump up against Ruby's, causing conflict and, eventually, growth. What happens when the man who thinks about this war as a generational fight is forced to coincide with a girl primarily after Salem to avenge her mother's death? That could be really interesting and would fix one of the main issues we see with Oscar: he's not really a character outside of merging with Ozpin. I love him too, but the boy has no ties to home, no dreams, nothing outside of hating the merge because it's generically scary. The character I adore is largely built on fan work and the headcanons of teeny tiny details. (He's cute when he blushes! Mysterious bandages on his neck! Reads books and once spoke to Blake so friendship maybe??) In canon though he begins and ends with Ozpin... which is precisely the worry fans have if Ruby was the host instead. The woman-led show with a protagonist whose name is a version of the title only finds motivation and meaning in this tale once a guy slams into her head? No thank you. Ruby would need to be a more well-developed character to withstand that choice, someone who's journey has more nuance (what do you want other than just doing the right thing?) and consistency (why has the primary "development" lately been Ruby learning to headbutt and lying after deciding that lying is a sin?)
Of course, Ruby herself isn't the only potential pitfall with this idea. As you say, we have the complexities of a man reincarnating into a woman. To be clear, I think that idea is pretty cool and has the potential for some awesome storytelling. Does Ozpin identify as a man? Does Ruby identify as a woman? Does magic just not care about gender, thus forcing a rather difficult situation to navigate? How does one manage bodily autonomy and your sense of self when suddenly you're housing another soul? I'd love to see a story tackle these questions... I just don't want that story written by RT. They've shown through the last eight volumes that they're not well equipped to manage such sensitive subjects. We don't even need to delve into related topics like the racism allegory or the treatment of queer characters because Oscar already embodies those autonomy/self questions (if not the gender questions) and, when push came to shove, RT decided to ignore those ideas rather than grapple with them. Volume 6 was when Oscar's crisis came to a head, he's been unfairly attacked for Ozpin's choices, his sense of self is eroding, it culminates with him running away, the fandom waits on the edge of their seats during the hiatus... and then when we came back, Oscar was fine. He bought an outfit, made a casserole, and got over everything off screen. RT has shown in many ways, both overt and implied, that they don't really want to write these stories. They just want to occasionally include popular/hot-button topics in the lighthearted action show resulting in many fans being (justifiably) upset when they inevitably abandon those ideas, or skate over them, or just rush through to a conclusion. As RWBY stands, giving them a Ruby-Ozpin merge would likely be a disaster. While I completely agree that bringing another character into the mix was ultimately a mistake, it's a very small mistake compared to the likely problems fixing things in this particular way would churn up. Arguably, these problems are far worse than having an underdeveloped farm boy tag along.
So I like the idea, but I like it in AUs. I like a Ruby-Ozpin merge in fics and in the totally made up version of RWBY I have in my head where the writing is strong enough, nuanced enough, and the writers concerned enough with tackling these topics respectfully that we could go down that road with minimal issues. Doing this in the current canon, however, is asking for trouble.
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Killing a spider dream meaning
Bugs in dream connect with double dealing, caught in a snare of falsehoods and defeating issues. I feel that your fantasy of it is truth be told good to kill an insect. You are "killing" these circumstances in cognizant existence. I'm Flo and here I will assist with characterizing what killing an insect implies in your fantasies. Right, we should get to it! To kill an insect implies that you are probably going to stagger on a troublesome time in your life. It additionally connotes misfortune or incident that might come upon you. This fantasy can likewise connote gambles with that one is going to take throughout everyday life. This fantasy signifies that you might experience fights with your darling. A fantasy about stepping on an insect implies strength, you really want to make a solid effort to accomplish your motivation throughout everyday life.
Nitty gritty dream understanding of killing a bug A fantasy about killing an insect can propose misfortune or your fortunes will be restricted. By and large, having a fantasy about a bug recommends a fragile and point by point work that requirements finishing. In the event that you long for an insect slithering on you and, you hit it and kill it, shows that you might experience a few issues in your wellbeing that could cause you troubles and incidents throughout everyday life. To crush, a bug is positive and means incredible things will come to you. Longing for killing a cash insect shows that you might be having a monetary improvement, best of luck or uplifting news.
What does killing a bug mean in a fantasy? The insect in a fantasy represents the ladylike power in your life like a mother figure or a side of your character that prevails. The insect is a strong power that shields you from your foolish nature. Be that as it may, assuming you kill it in your fantasy, old dream legend means misfortune and mishap. I will say don't worry, the cutting edge translation is that you are killing misleading. Your fantasy likewise has a positive translation connected with a touchy issue you will come to tackle soon.
What does killing a monster insect mean in a fantasy? To dream about something monster (like an enormous bug) connotes the absence of command over your own life and disposition. You might experience somebody who has a touchiness, and gratitude to your touchy nature, you enter clashes and awful circumstances. As I have said previously, the bug is an image of resurrection, female power, and solid instinct, as well as endurance senses. The monster bug means an incredible power in your life that removes your capacity to pick or represent what you have faith in. Notwithstanding, to kill this monster bug in a fantasy means you will be overpowered by feelings, when you rout something you accept you weren't able to do. Trust yourself more. Your fantasy additionally addresses a monster opportunities for profession progress being lost because of your foolish choices and moves. The counsel here is more regard for subtleties and less on what's self-evident. Utilize your intuition.
What do bugs mean in dreams according to brain science point of view?
According to a mental point of view, to dream of bugs implies the visionary is being controlled by somebody in cognizant existence. Or then again the visionary may be the one controlling others in cognizant existence. The clarification of such dream translation insects can maneuver their prey toward their web. To dream of insects mirrors your manipulative way of behaving. Ask yourself, for what reason am I acting along these lines. You could observe answers connected with your anxieties toward being controlled by others.
What's the significance here to fantasy about killing a bug and afterward seeing it dead in a fantasy? To kill an insect and see it dead in your fantasy means adversity you will be liable for. You will either demolish great chance coming on your way. Or on the other hand you will cut the contact with some unacceptable individual.
What's the significance here to fantasy about killing different insects in a fantasy? To kill various insects in your fantasy state connotes the many dangers you will take to expand your risks of progress. Your profession will be appreciative for your unsafe moves, however your wellbeing will implode in the event that you don't care more for yourself soon. You're driving an undesirable way of life.
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