#there's such little concrete info that you can think abt it as much as you want / however you want and there's no evidently Correct Vs Not
onetoomanyyy · 5 months
Splatbands Idol AU Part 1 - Ichiya and Namida as The Squid Sisters
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Thought I’d finalize my designs for this idea (it’s not really an “AU” despite the title bc the designs are kinda the main focus) where the main bands and idols for each game swap roles. So OTH are Wet Floor, Deep Cut are C-Side, and ofc, the Squid Sisters are Squid Squad. Ichiya and Namida specifically, since I like to think of them as a duo and their colors even fit Splatoon’s main colors of blue and orange!
feat. some kinda lazy art bc I don’t rlly wanna do lineart esp since I’m gonna have to draw the other two groups as well lol. Pretty happy with their designs tho, I think I fused them well.
more info under the cut to keep this post short
Even tho this concept is mostly focused on the band characters, this does mean that the idols take their place as well (along with the other band members, so the main band of Splatoon 1 is now Callie, Marie, Ikkan and Murasaki). It gets kinda confusing if you think too hard about it (esp for OTH lol) so we’re just not gonna do that. It’s mostly so I can draw the band characters in cute outfits lol
Anyway Meet Squid Squad! Here to bring news, music, and splatfests to a plaza near you.
The Squid Sisters have a decent amount of story, and although I’m already said in going to worry too much about that, it is pretty easy to merge the squid sisters and squid squad’s stories together, so why not? Instead of growing apart in Splatoon 2 they full on break up, but then get back together and instead start to use pseudonyms (Agent 001 and 002). Guess that means Ikkan and Callie are chill but just distant.
Their personalities are the same tho. Ichiya is still an asshole in Splatoon 1 lol. Maybe not really on the news, but you can see it in Octo Valley for sure. And then I bet He’s nicer in Splatoon 3 but his first reaction to C-Side is definitely not “I love them”
As for Namida, she’s a lil less smug than Marie, but she’s still the more sarcastic of the two, both on camera and off. She’s a little relieved that Agent 4 never heard of Squid Squad and feels weird about being called “boss” all the time.
They both play their instruments on stage during splatfests along with singing, kinda like Marina in We’re So Back. All their songs minus Calamari Inkantation are Squid Squad songs with a more pop-like tinge. (Ikkan left bc he didn’t like all the pop Callie was writing lol).
oh yea and have to mention they probably are agents but they’re not related idk how they’d know captain cuttlefish. Or maybe captain cuttlefish is someone entirely different! Who knows!
Once again this is more of a fun concept than a fully fledged AU. None of these confusing or vague things are gonna get concrete explanations, I just like speculating abt this type of thing.
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this isn’t the most straightforward interpretation of “why a giant swan made of light appears to rue before mytho kind of casually phases out of that swan” but i choose to hc that, actually, yes he Can choose to assume the form of a giant swan made of light at his convenience/discretion
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like, not like we didn’t have the instance (twice, now) that one of tutu’s sort of like, alternate forms is A Giant Swan Made Of Light, so who knows maybe it’s meant more like “here you go, riding the wave of hope magic to transport you here for this moment” or just that he has to magically get from point A to B somehow and why not have some extra detail about it looking cool and throwing in another Swan visual to do so....etc etc. but also we do know that mytho and tutu Share Powers so why can’t he also be a giant swan made of light voluntarily like he can choose to use the plant/flower magic himself. and the whole implication that [at least some original tutu Essence] is legitimately contained in his physical magical gem heart which sorta goes hand in hand with them sharing powers. i choose to interpret all this as “mytho can also be a giant magic light swan” because that would be sick and i want that (and also b/c 4 min ago i was like “gee it’d be cool if he could bust out some like Special Power to drive off the raven when it kills lohengrin b/c what are you gonna do, Not?” and Hmm)
couple more [fond pairs of screenshots] b/c where else would i put them
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thank you to a buffering pause like hell yes. epic (only now did i finally pick up on his cape being secured behind one shoulder and at the waist....big shoutout to practical rhombus swan battle dance outfit. panache)
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love whoever designed his sword like Sniff it’s so beautiful w/the Wings Outstretched Swans guard and the heart formed by the necks/heads and the tiny crown detail and it’s Such a pain to draw lmfaooo.....cherish this v nicely dramatically executed moment, joke’s on anyone not actively appreciating pt’s music selection And how it uses that soundtrack......also always a bonus for me when the Milo Expression shows up in the wild, the one i am always drawing. you know like (8o as it were. raised eyebrows / wide eyes / mouth slightly open. :o and bless the ballet posture completely unironically (why would it be ironic i watched this series B/c of the ballet) like sob looks great....imagine if he was just standing there Not striking this pose, where’s the dramatic impact. thank u king
#princess tutu#although if we suppose he got his Magical Shared-With-Tutu powers From her.....#and we assume tutu's Textual 1 Pg Appearance in prinz und rabe happens after lohengrin's death....that's a wrench in the plan#But nothing to say that the prince and tutu never interacted before that specific page. who wants that? no one. i never say that#and then there's also the idea that yes they both have this same sort of Magical Repertoire but they still just have it independently lol#e.g. Before tutu literally becomes part of anyone's heart or anyone teaches anyone anything / transfers abilities or whatever goes on around#here.....the author's convenience gem lol.#but yeah dialing it back s/o to the person with a whole long reply on this whole ''why do the prince and tutu have Shared Powers / similar#magic motifs here lol'' with ''well maybe Good Magic in this Lore is [this stuff they're both doing]'' like yeah that's sure a feasible take#thank you This Series for having so much going on to extrapolate from like Yes you may connect these threads Yes it's all so ambiguous /#there's such little concrete info that you can think abt it as much as you want / however you want and there's no evidently Correct Vs Not#answers so you can just run with it. and i will. mytho can be a swan; i like the White Hair Was Eternal Battle Stress idea and also i like#that it was a side effect of [tutu's Story appearance] heart merging stuff b/c it's Swan Visuals lol. and maybe also the stress of her just#disappearing too lmfaoooo....but then if the point of it was Imparting Hope suppose it couldn't've been That stressful or else....L#anyways i love mytho shoutout to him and everything he's up to#anytime in the series it's like ''yeah everyone thinks mytho's just the best'' like well they are correct. applauding him. giving him the#ability to morph into a giant bird of light whenever he feels like b/c it would be cool....#i like to think no scabbard exists for his sword b/c he can just Put It Away as [it senses he doesn't need it rn and turns into the 2 swans#of light again which will return whenever they're summoned] like imagine. the drama#although also apparently it was just....lying around as an Artifact and then fakir is just like yeah gotta give it sm blood to get it going#but then again. mytho Had that sword out and about when he lost his heart wherein he also presumably did not have access to Magic Abilities#so no Swan Light stuff / no emotions with which to get all that stuff going so....the sword is just bro it is just sitting here.....
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hobidreams · 4 years
I also recently watched Bridgerton, and I think I liked it (I binged the first 7 episodes and had to force myself through the last so I don’t really remember much) but it definitely had it’s flaws. I like that they didn’t go with the black people are lesser route because even though I think conversations about race are important (as a black woman), sometimes I just wanna live in a little fantasy bubble for a while and pretend everything is fine, but obviously that’s not realistic. I think there was a lack of proper development with some plots and characters which makes sense since it was only 8 episodes and mostly focused on Daphne. I did lose interest towards the end when it was just Simon and Daphne sleeping their way through an unhealthy relationship, but I’d probably watch another season. I also never thought about the bedroom scene in the context of her wrongfully forcing that on Simon. I didn’t like the way either of them handled it (Simon lying and Daphne tricking him and then the stupid trope of thinking her love should fix him), but I was more focused on the message about the lack of proper sex ed for women, and I really like that the show addressed it. I think it’s so stupid and sexist that women are just taught to wait till marriage and that even breathing the wrong way near a man will ruin them and then suddenly they’re thrust into marriage and everyone is like babies?? Like Daphne didn’t even know how children were conceived (I was so confused when Simon kept moving away cuz I was like “that’s not how it works, who directed this” lol), imagine how humiliating it would’ve been if she had asked someone who wasn’t looking out for her and they’d spread that info around. I think abstinence as the only form of sex ed is such a disservice to women because it leaves them vulnerable to so many things (in the best case not knowing their bodies and desires and in the worst falling prey to the terrible intentions of some men). It’s so stupid to tell someone not to have sex without teaching them what it is; when I was younger, I was sold on the wait till marriage stuff and I still did all kinds of things (willingly thank god) because I literally didn’t know anything about sex. It’s so upsetting that guys can just stick it anywhere and get off (and of course the boys will be boys excuse), while women get shamed into celibacy and are made to feel like their desires don’t matter. This rant was so unnecessary and off the rails but I just wanted to get this out (I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable, please don’t answer this if I did).
i like how u say you *think* u liked it LOL 🤣🤣 you have a great point there abt the colorblind casting! we all consume TV in different ways & ofc your wanting to not think about race politics is very valid when you just wanna relax. i guess my biggest issue was with the “love conquers all” idea that they threw out there, bc like lol no, love does not erase racism/sexism/etc. but anyway. yes, i agree, there was a decent amount that the show did well, which is why i’ll be watching season 2 too! i like that there was a female focus in general, esp on Pen and the other side characters. i do think it should have been more than 8 episodes. or spaced out better. it felt like we went in slowly and then BOOM it all suddenly tumbled towards an end lmao. 
i haven’t looked into this because my research area is more 18th century English society than 19th, but i’m honestly more than a little surprised that Daphne’s mom wasn’t more explicit about the sex talk?? like there wouldn’t have been formal education about it back then, but securing an heir was TOP PRIORITY. so i feel like maybe the mom (i forgot her name lol) would have at least mentioned something even a BIT more concrete about sex, even if she didn’t go into details like semen, etc. that rain on the plain shit was just ridiculous and awful LOL. i guess its so they could bolster the storyline of having Daphne not know what Simon’s been doing the whole time but 🙄 yeah ok.
i guess in the end im really gonna be watching for the side characters, bc Daphne and Simon definitely became boring lol. no i dont wanna watch softcore porn of them for 10 mins again 🙃 no matter how hot he is hahah. you cannot hide a weak storyline with a cute butt, damn it!!!!!!
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puppiedotcom · 5 years
sex///// sexual assault///// trauma///// tmi in general lol
Dumpling bb is seriously one of the sweetest and most authentic people I've ever met and I guess I have feelings for him????¿¿??¿?¿ but I don't know what those feelings are lol???? Like a little bit romantic but not fully??? But something beyond platonic friendship?? I don't even fucking know and it's stressing me oUT
Idk how to do this!!!! Dating is dumb!!! My intention is to get to know people and develop feelings and then get more physically intimate but......all tinder dates have involved some degree of sex, LMAO............... some I felt incredibly shitty about and regretted them bc I knew in my gut that I was not totally ok with it but I wanted the intimacy....blahblah guilt blabshblaahbsnlah using this as a form of self harm blahssblah trauma spiral.
As all tinder first dates go I was very anxious and guarded meeting dumpling bb and generally unsure/cautious/confused in the aftermath, which has been the usual. Even during our second get together when he was more physically affectionate I was anxious to the point of nausea. Holding hands in public felt weird, just touching in public was weird LMAO. I was more sure I truly enjoyed our time together but still had some lingering thoughts of caution and self-doubt.
But then we had hour-long phone convos and had an hour video call and left each other voice messages/memos and texted each other nearly every dayyYyYYYYyyyy and tHEN he visited me for like 24 hours just to have a 9 hour trip home, and I felt so unbelievably comfortable and at ease w him. I was comfortable enough to sleep next to him in my bed, which is something I still get nervous about with platonic friends lol. And it felt so nice!!!! To roll over and wrap an arm around someone!!!! I had forgotten......
I was comfortable enough to have sex and I felt content instead of anxious afterward!! He makes sure everything is consensual and is very open to talking about wants and boundaries, not just in sex but in any kind of contact. I started panicking and having a small anxiety attack in the middle of it and he just held me until I calmed down it was so.....sweet. It is incredible how much I trust him and how safe I feel with him.
And I've told him that I'm grateful to have met him and that he's important to me and that I trust him!!!!! And he values that and appreciates it but at the same time I think it scares him. I've said how I don't have expectations for ""us"" and I honestly don't, they're just tiny hopes that are unrealistic, and I've said as much (specifically: "I know nothing more concrete can happen").
But then I tried talking abt feelings and I think I fucked it up L O L. I was too scared to say that I have some kind of feelings for him, bc I don't want to scare him MORE and also I don't know exactly what they are yet either. I said that if he doesn't feel the same way about me, it's fine and doesn't change the way I feel abt him or view him. he said that wanting to see me is beyond just physical but he feels guilty for maybe using me only for physical needs and he just convinced me otherwise??? he is confuse so i am confuse???? And then when I try to ask for more info he says stuff like "but if you're ok with it then I'm ok with it" WHAT IS ""IT""? am I ok with interpreting this as a deep emotional connection while you don’t think of it that way???? and how can you be ok if you're feeling guilty??? Why can't you just be straightforward and just say you don't feel the same way abt me rather than only bringing up your self-doubt and making weird apologies?
I mean I guess I can pretty much infer how he feels. And now I feel naive and silly for putting so much trust into someone to not get the same in return. Firm stance that love isn’t transactional but.......it’s hard to not feel hurt when you love and give so much and don’t get back the same energy. I know I need to work on my boundaries but man. kokoro broki broki
Idk. I want romance and love and to feel emotionally wanted 😔😔💔💕🥟
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I was in the bus when I read your app, Jojo, and I was desperately trying not to yell because it was just so damn good! Her personality and biography complimented eachother so perfectly and just had me trying not to squeal out loud! Her change was so well described too - the fact that she changed from the word ‘expectations’ to that just got to me, and I can not wait to have her join the gang!
Check out our acceptance checklist right here on what to do next!
I’m 22 and my bday is April 7#ariesbitch
MST & my shoddy ass activity is abt to get better so wOO.
Daisy Estelle Hookum.
16, she was born December 17th
I was thinking of adding her to the Art Club and the Political Awareness Club
( + ) : Charismatic - Daisy has a certain charm with which she deals with people. They tend to be drawn towards her warm, neutral attitude in which she never favors one person over another (unless of course you’re talking to one of her best friends, that is). She is overall trying to be a much nicer, open and welcoming person and she has no problem using that natural charisma to do so.
( + ) : Creative - Whether it’s a masterpiece painting worthy of sitting next to a Monet or an expertly spun excuse as to why she was strolling the grounds late at night (typically it was because she was trying to find her reflection in the stars), Daisy is a very creative person. Ideas and imagination flow past her lips like liquid gold, which can sometimes lead to her being found with her head in the clouds.  
( + ) : Organized - While her creative streaks can sometimes leave her having gone days without sleep in favor of restless nights writing poems or doodling, she never fails to have exactly 3 quills lined up an inch apart on her desk. Her extensive shoe collection is arranged by color, size of heel and weather in which it can be worn and her outfits are lined up every Saturday evening for the upcoming week.
( - ) :  Dogmatic - As it is, Daisy is a person who strives on control. She is incredibly stubborn which, in turn, causes her to believe that her opinion must be the right one. Anyone who disagrees with her only needs to be persuaded otherwise and she sees no problem with being the one to do so.
( - ) : Perfectionist - Control, control, control. It’s Daisy’s mantra, every single day she keeps hold of every moving piece in her life - at least as much as she can. It’s lead to some toxic coping mechanisms and is not a trait that she’s found herself able to shake.
( - ) : Fearful - Perhaps the reason she has yet to pick a side in this impending disaster of a war is because she hasn’t yet decided which side would win. Even more likely is that she hasn’t taken the time to think about it because it absolutely terrifies her. The reality of what is going on around her and in her world in particular has given her far more to work through than she can handle, and fear is not an emotion that Daisy does very well with.
BIOGRAPHY: *Trigger warnings for Eating Disorders & Animal Death*
Expectations. The word weighed upon Daisy Hookum’s shoulders for as long as she could remember. Born to a family who loved their supremacy and their blood status and the balls they hosted at their homes. It was all she thought she could care about. All she was ever allowed to care about.
Her first memory was running after a butterfly in her family’s garden. She was young, a short pink dress flowing around her as she ran barefoot through the grass. Right as she reached the butterfly, when it was mere inches away from landing on her finger - it burst into flames. She turned to see her father with his wand outstretched. “Don’t be silly Daisy, little girls don’t run like heathens.” So she no longer ran through the grass like a heathen.
The first breaking point came when she began destroying herself in order to have control over her own life. She wasn’t able to make her own decisions and was, in fact, discouraged from doing so. So she stood up after dinner one evening and excused herself to the bathroom where she shoved her finger down her throat until her stomach was empty. Ironically, she felt full for once. Full of power and control and an ability to make her own choice. It became a compulsion. She was only thirteen.
The second breaking point came when she was 14 and her dog died. Her beloved poodle had been with her since she was two years old. She learned of his death via a cold and emotionless letter from her parents. The only person who comforted her while she sobbed in the hallway was a Muggleborn. None of her Pureblood “friends” so much as blinked an eye at the mess she was on the cold concrete floor. She wasn’t supposed to respect Muggleborns, but how could she possibly keep hating them when the only person who bothered to care about her grief was a complete stranger whose affection she’d done nothing to earn?
The third breaking point was when she overheard her father absolutely shredding the family of the Muggleborn who comforted her. She burst through the door and went on a tirade against her father. When she finished he did nothing but laugh and walk her out, belittling the opinions which she’d barely been brave enough to share.
Daisy was tired of hating Muggleborns. She was tired of having thoughts that she had to swallow and tired of eating food she had to get rid of in order to feel some semblance of normalcy. So in her Sixth Year at Hogwarts, Daisy Hookum smiled at Muggleborns, Half Bloods, people of all walks of life. At times she returns to her old ways, sneering at the little Hufflepuff who tripped in front of her, shoving her wand down her throat to feel something other than a desperate need to find herself after all of this change.
A new word on her shoulders, but it weighed much less.
Here is her pinboard!!! [LINK]
And here is her blog that has some muse stuff reblogged!! [LINK]
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