#answers so you can just run with it. and i will. mytho can be a swan; i like the White Hair Was Eternal Battle Stress idea and also i like
ffverr · 4 months
hello I come to you with a request. I watched x men 97 recently and was saddened by how little time the whole magneto in charge of the x men storyline got and I know he does this longer in the comics (I can't say why but the phrase "its seven in the morning max..." lives rent free in my brain) so I wanted to ask if you have any recommendation for comics from that era / any recommendations for comics with mister magnet-os because I want to get into x men comics but comics as always are so daunting
It is my great pleasure to answer this!!
Disclaimer 1, I am still going through a lot of the issues of this era but I will try my best to make it as clear a guide as I can for you!
Disclaimer 2, Headmaster of the school and leader of the X-Men are quite different positions that they kind of fused together in the 97 show so I do want to make it clear that magneto in the "seven in the morning" era is headmaster of the school, teaching young kids, while Storm is leading the X-men team and Scott is leading the X-factor team, so with that said:
Magneto's teacher arc starts in uncanny X-Men issues 199 and 200 (iconic issues containing the trial of magneto that was adapted in the show!) And then he is headmaster of the school in the book "The new mutants" by Chris Clermont, from issue 35 to issue 75. It is A LOT I admit and he gets a more minor place considering the book is about the kickass young class of new mutants that he's teaching. But it is worth checking out! Many consider this to kind of be peak magneto because.... he's trying so hard to be a good teacher and to handle all these kids and it's very humanizing for him!
I mean look at him and his 8 kids!
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Now, how to get into Magneto overall? Let's get into it:
I believe it is impossible to get into Magneto without reading his ultimate origin story, Magneto: Testament by Greg Pack. It is a quick intro, it barely features his powers (not an action comic) and it is a very very emotional read. I consider it essential magneto reading!
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Next up: Two One shots if you want to get a quick primer on the character pre moral arc instead of sitting through his few appearances in the Stan Lee comics:
A classic one: X-Men: God Loves, Men Kills by Chris Claremont. It is an iconic comic book one shot that can be read out of continuity just to see what his deal is when he's not necessarily on the side of the X-Men but fighting for his own ideals! It's overall a brilliant comic book!
If you want a more recent retelling of the first appearances of magneto you HAVE to read X-Men Mythos that retells magneto's major first appearance in the 60s in quite a beautiful and amazing way! It also has an absolutely insane magneto scene that is very memorable! (So this would "chronologically" come before God loves men Kills)
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Now for his switch from cartoon villain of the 60s/early 70s to complex guy in the 80s, read the issues 149 and 150 from the run Uncanny X-Men by Chris Claremont. This is THE pivotal moment for "good guy" Magneto
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(know that after issue 150, somehow he falls in the ocean from asteroid M, is rescued from a shark attack by Scott's girlfriend Lee Forester. They have a quick relationship where he struggled with his change of morals then he comes to the new mutants)
if you want to continue chronologically you read the issues 199 and 200 that I recommended at the start then go to the new mutants book I talked about earlier!
If you want MORE MODERN comics, then I advise you get right into what's happening at the moment!
House of X powers of X are two series that intertwine (you'll easily find them in the right order) by the same writer, Jonathan hickman!
It serves as a status quo change/relaunch of the X-Men universe. Magneto plays a big part of the story as he is directly involved in building a mutant nation. I'd say it's a bold but quite functional intro to X-Men comics!
Then he appears as a major character in the GREAT series X-Men Red by Al Ewing alongside Storm, a character that meant a lot to him in the 80s, so it's really nice to see again.
In this he is- epic, depressed, suicidal, sassy, it's great magneto stuff! This series is widely regarded as the best X-Men comic out right now!
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(if you want context for this book read the event X of Swords, or I could explain if interested)
That's about all I will lay on you ! If this is hella confusing, don't hesitate to dm me! I can detail more cleanly exactly what you have to read and when!
Good reading!
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ryin-silverfish · 2 months
LMK S5 Fix-it: the Four Divine Beasts
My feeling on LMK S5 has stayed pretty consistent after first watching the Chinese dub: "nice character moments, but what even is this worldbuilding?"
And personally, the Four Divine Beasts/Guardians/Symbols are the biggest symptom of S5's worldbuilding problem.
Namely, they feel more like plot devices that are just there to die and cough up the Color Stones, and as a result, 4/5 of the "Find the Color Stone" plotline felt like a worse version of S3 and the Samadhi Rings, but with even less flavor.
Now, I'm aware of the 11-minute episode constraint, as well as the pressure the studio change might have created that contributed to the overall feeling of rushed-ness.
However, my criticism here is about the writing and worldbuilding, not the animation quality——things that, in my humble and uneducated opinion, could have been done a lot better even if we were sticking to the "Find the McGuffins" plotline.
Thus, this post. As always: very lengthy, very Chinese-mythos inspired.
Four Guardians & Five Phases
A brief Google Search on the Four Symbols, aka Sixiang, will tell you this: the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird and Black Tortoise are divine beasts in Chinese mythology that watch over the four directions, each associated with a color and one of the Five Phases.
(An old post of mine briefly talked about their origins as personifications of four big constellations that occupy a quadrant of the sky each, and their relations to the 28 Lunar Mansions)
And S5 certainly paid homage to their elemental associations, however brief and surface-level it is.
The Vermillion Bird's ability to use fire and its flaming temple is the most notable example, but this screenshot of the seal that appeared at the temple entrances also shows five symbols:
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From middle left, going in the clockwise direction, these appear to be the characters for Wood, Water, Fire, Earth and Metal in Oracle Bone/Bronze Script.
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Which begs the question...why would you spend so much effort on the tiny visual details, yet not show most of their elemental association through the narrative itself?
Like, suppose you are a foreign audience that knows nothing about Chinese culture and legends, who have just finished watching S5, and I ask you "What elemental powers do each of the Four Symbols have?"
Apart from Vermillion Bird = Fire (the obvious one) and the Black Tortoise = maybe Earth (which is not mythos-accurate, btw), can you honestly answer it, based only on what the show has given you?
Which leads me to my biggest gripe: their random-as-hell placement.
Even the Samadhi Rings have a map, however vague it is, but with the Color Stones, the gang basically just wandered all over the place in the hope of eventually running into one of the divine beasts——and they did, somehow!
Like, I'm not asking the writers for an entire mini-arc that's just them piecing the clues together. But will it be too much to let SWK or Tang make an off-hand comment like this?
"Well, legends said that the Four Symbols watch over the four directions and their respective elements. So if we wanna find them, we just gotta go real far in these directions, toward places with the most of that... elemental stuff! Right?"
And that brings me to the actual fix-it part. The Vermillion Bird can stay where she is, but the placement of the other three should also logically follow their elemental associations.
Oh, and though there's limited space for their characterization, they should at least get some individual characterization apart from "wise ancient guardians".
Xuanwu, Black Tortoise of the North
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The fact that Xuanwu, or rather, it's snake half, can transform into stone at will might lead you to believe that its element is Earth.
Well...no, not traditionally; the Black Tortoise and the North correspond to Water in the Five Phases system, and I'm gonna both stick to that and build my fix-it off this foundation.
Instead of cosplaying a stone statue in the middle of nowhere, Xuanwu is gonna be residing on one of the islands in the North Sea, where dark tides and huge snow storms rage endlessly under the sunless sky.
So Sandy, being the water travel specialist, is gonna head out there on his boat. Mei would go to her great x N granduncle, Ao Guang's place, to see if he has any clues on, well, this big blue dragon that's also of the East.
Pigsy and Tang would head west, classic JTTW style, towards the mythical Mt. Kunlun where Queen Mother of the West resides (based on one of Tang's books that said the White Tiger was her emissary), while SWK performs an all-round search everywhere on his somersault cloud.
Which leaves MK: his dilemma is not about some random divergence in the road, but which of his friends to follow. Like, what if he goes with one person, and something bad happen to the others in the meantime?
In the end, even though he reluctantly goes with Sandy, he is still constantly distracted by his worries about everyone else, which segments nicely into the meditation training of S5E3.
But since they are doing it on a boat, there can be an external storm to go with the internal storm, causing further distractions for MK and also forcing them to seek shelter on the nearest island.
An island that, strangely, seems to be coated in a thin layer of ice. It isn't just the earth that's frosted over: all the plants, a few unfortunate multi-headed (???) seabirds, and a snake have also turned into ice statues...
Wait, snake? How does a reptile survive this far out in the north?
They have a bigger concern, however. The ice is slowly but steadily spreading, over the beaches and the surrounding seawater, and if they don't finish the search soon, the ice might get too thick for the boat to break.
So MK dashed off to do a grid-by grid search, then circled back to the place with all the frozen statues...and found the snake missing.
Cue, peak paranoia moment, and going on a wild-goose chase for the missing snake that might or might not be an ice-wielding demon waiting to ambush them.
In fact, the snake almost seems to be taunting them, seeing how they run into several "frozen snake statues" that turned out to be made of actual, solid ice. Sandy keeps reminding him to stop and think, while MK finds it harder and harder to put the lessons to practice.
By following the trail of ice statues, however, they eventually arrived on a little island in the middle of a frozen lake, where the real snake——the one half of Xuanwu lay coiling around the Blue Color Stone.
Just when MK is about to dash out and grab it, the snake comes to life with a hiss, and they barely dodged the ice spikes rising up from underneath their feet.
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"Begone, foul spawn of Hundun! Return to thy conniving master, ilk of the Floodbringer, before I freeze every single drop of thy tainted blood!" "Um, I-I think you've mistaken me for someone else? I'm the Monkie Kid, and I'm here to collect your Color Stone so I can save the world——" "Doth thee mistake me for a fool, too?" The snake bore its fangs, rising its head high up into the air. "I can feel the flames of dear Lingguang on you, murderer, ripped straight out of its rightful owner's chest! She would not have perished without a fight, nor shalt I!" "Enough, Zhiming."
The tiny island itself begins to shake, revealing the other half of Xuanwu, the Black Tortoise itself. The snake still manages to half-encast Sandy in ice, before the Black Tortoise traps it inside a ball of flowing water.
She briefly apologized for her twin's hostility——whereas the strain of keeping the world together affects her body in the form of visible cracks, her other half has not been in his right mind ever since the Vermillion Bird's fall, living in the distant past and rarely able to perceive the present.
(The whole conversation is punctuated by the snake's psychic screeches in the background, which alternates between accusing her of betrayal and stating she must have fallen victim to the "poisonous blood of the enemy".)
Which makes the upcoming trial even more necessary. No, it's not "mercy-kill her twin". Yet. MK needs to prove his ability to control his body and mind, that his psyche will not break like her other half here under the tremendous pressure.
Thus, the trial of meditation. And he needs to act fast, for she cannot hold the snake back for long, as made evident by the slowly creeping ice inside and outside his watery prison.
"If you are truly worthy, then vanquish your fears, and stand before us in your true form. Brandish Lingguang's stone, so that we may be released from our watch in the long night."
MK succeeded, like he did in canon, with a small difference: his mastery of the monkey form is required for, and enables the limited usage of the stone's power.
So, holding the Red Color Stone, he unleashes a wave of fiery light that melts away the ice on Sandy and finally brings the snake back to his senses...somewhat.
He only managed to say the Vermillion Bird's name in a wistful voice, exclaiming "How I missed thy warm flames!" before melting into a puddle of water.
The other half of Xuanwu soon followed after giving him the stone, disintegrating into a mass of snowflakes that is swept away by the wind, but not before dropping one last bit of foreshadowing:
"Trust not the Floodbringer's Emissary."
(Sidenote: I think it'll be neat if the Four Symbols refer to each other using their IRL Daoist titles. Vermillion Bird - Lingguang, Black Tortoise & Snake - Zhiming, Azure Dragon - Mengzhang, White Tiger - Jianbing)
Azure Dragon & White Tiger
...And I thought Xuanwu's placement was random.
No, seriously, why is there a random music festival that just happens to be Azure Dragon and White Tiger themed that just happens to be near the actual place the two divine beasts are at?
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To stay within the show's time constraint, I will not be giving White Tiger his individually themed placement, and instead try to come up with something that is appropriate for the pair as a whole.
Since Azure Dragon's associated element is Wood, it makes sense for him to have plant powers. Namely, whereever the divine beast resides, floras and faunas will flourish, no matter how out of place with the local geography and climate.
Once Mei learned that from Ao Guang, theoretically, it becomes quite the easy find: the mythical oasis city in western China, one that shows up multiple times in historical travel records yet has never been found by archeologists.
And the reason will soon become clear, as Tang and Pigsy make the drive from one desert city to another on their way to Mt. Kunlun (joined by Mei after she returned from the Samadhi Fire side-arc).
Namely, it's like a magical version of the famous Peach Blossom Spring of Chinese literature: an entire city that has been glamored over by the power of the divine beasts, occupied by people whose way of life hasn't changed since the Tang dynasty.
But as the guardians' powers fade, so does the illusion that veils it from the outside world, and the elemental magic that sustains this paradise.
Instead of a music festival, the gang finally discover the city that, according to the locals, has appeared out of thin air a few days ago, while it is in the middle of an archaic ritual procession.
The atmosphere is a lot more solemn, and it isn't hard to see why. Not only has the illusion vanished, exposing them to a profoundly alien world, the foliage of the oasis are growing and dying in rapid succession, clogging the streets with fallen leaves and yellowed petals.
An opera play is going on atop a nearby stage. It sings of a teal-robed immortal who rescued the refugees of a long-forgotten war, who turned desert into fertile soil with the help of a mighty divine general, concealing their existence from the greed and malice of the outside world.
The people in the procession knelt down and pleaded to the immortal for aid, to not abandon them in their hour of need. And their prayers are, indeed, answered, just not by the divine beasts in person.
The 14 Lunar Mansions that belong to the Azure Dragon and White Tiger descended from the sky, summoned by their masters, though they seemed to have been given different orders.
Namely, the Azure Dragon 7 spread out to guard all the major city gates, letting no one enter or leave, while the White Tiger 7 are ordered to round up all the residents and start setting up a teleportation formation.
Soon afterwards, Nezha arrived in the midst of the chaos. He is just as clueless as to what was going on as the Monkie Kid gang, but the moment he caught sight of SWK and friends, he's after them in hot pursuit.
Meanwhile, Li Jing is not happy about the Lunar Mansions suddenly acting without his orders, and commanded them to stand down or be arrested for insubordination.
"With all due respect, Devaraja Li——" Before the Moon Fox Star could finish her sentence, another stellar beast stepped forth, his tiger tail swishing behind him. "Who the hell do you think you are?"
Results: most of the Azure Dragon 7 get sucked into his pagoda, but while they were fighting, the White Tiger 7's formation activated, teleporting the majority of the city residents to god knows where.
While shit was hitting the fan, Tang hurriedly teleported the gang away, right into the sanctuary of the divine beasts——an underground temple.
"It's over, Mengzhang. Now that the Harbinger is on our doorsteps, and your pet mortals are safe at the cost of our loyal warriors, will you finally rest easy?" "Not...yet. There are still...stragglers, left behind." "Stragglers you have doomed yourself! Their fate is sealed the moment you cast your mirage over their ancestors and create this little utopia, frozen in time." The cracks on the tiger's body widened. A thick layer of condensation began forming on the metal reliefs, as if the very walls of the temple were weeping. "I should have never agreed to stay and help." "Yet you...still did. And I'm so glad you are here."
Yep, in this fix-it, I decide to use the Azure Dragon & White Tiger for some thematic parallels, with them basically repeating Nvwa and the Pillar of Heaven on a smaller scale.
The former created a garden city in the middle of the desert, while the latter uses his power to provide the water source that sustains the city (because Metal births Water).
As the end approaches, however, they are faced with the problem of ensuring the city residents' safety, since, upon their death, the entire oasis will revert to a desert overnight.
The White Tiger feels like there's no point in trying anything, since their death means the Harbinger will fulfill his destiny soon and give the world a reboot.
But the Azure Dragon insists on channeling his power into the land until the very last possible moment, so that the people's last memories will be a mundane, peaceful one.
Besides, they know very well that Fate and Destiny are no longer ironclad, when the very laws of reality are breaking down. How, then, can he be sure that the cycle will end and the world will be reforged as Nvwa intended, seeing that its premature beginning is already an outlier?
After a long argument, they had reached an uneasy compromise. Thus, the chaotic arrival of the Lunar Mansions and the hurried evacuation of the residents.
"You will understand, won't you, Harbinger?" The dragon looked into his eyes. "Even if you know it's selfish and futile, that you can't keep them safe forever, you are still going to give your all, just so their happy days will last a little longer..." "It is easy for Brother Jianbing to say, let go, face your end with honor. For Metal is the clashes of blades, the unforgiving axe of executioners." "I? This old fool just saw lives. Of men and women, children and elderly folks. And I cannot stand by and watch them wither."
MK nodded quietly, feeling Mei's worried, "are you not telling me something" glance on the back of his head. He reached out a hand, and the two divine beasts press their foreheads together.
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The dragon faded away in a rain of falling leaves and petals, and when the Purple Color Stone hit the ground, nothing remains of the tiger but a thin layer of silvery, metallic sand on the floor.
Appendix: Inside the Pagoda
The fix-it is mostly over at this point, so the following is just me adding some additional worldbuilding and foreshadowing to MK's solution in E10, to make the whole "giving powers to everyone" thing a little less out of left field.
In the previous section, it was mentioned that a bunch of Lunar Mansions end up inside Li Jing's pagoda too. And when MK and friends run across them, they are in a pretty bad state.
Namely, the same cracks they see on the divine beasts are now appearing on the Lunar Mansions' bodies too.
"Isn't it obvious? Our masters are no more, so we now bear the brunt of the weight that was once on their shoulders..." "And are on our way of being crushed to a pancake." "Very tactful, aren't you?" The one-horned man sighed. "But yes. Lord Mengzhang is a stellar beast too——the greatest of all. He is a constellation, while we are merely the stars that make up the dragon's body, embued with a tiny fraction of his power." "And when the very sky of the East has fallen..." "How can the stars remain unscathed?"
After that, they basically exit the scene to fade away offscreen. But the information they revealed plants the seed of an idea in MK: specifically, that the Color Stones' power (and burden) can be shared between multiple individuals, like what happened at the end of E10.
Also, tiny fix: instead of MK learning the circlet spell outta nowhere, he's gonna tap into the power of the Color Stones during his fight with SWK, just like he did during Xuanwu's trial, to buy enough time to make his sacrifice.
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yournewlodger · 6 days
I think the self-built criminal empire "drag yourself up by the bootstraps" ification of Oswald Cobblepot is indicative of a larger problem with Batman that refuses to address that hey, maybe billionaire politicians who hoard all the wealth with a refusal to relate to or in any way help the less fortunate, are bad maybe. Like of course the Penguin is a self-made criminal immigrant mob boss, because these days you can only be a Batman villain if you are 1.) Mentally Ill or 2.) An Immigrant. And I'm not saying there's anything wrong with characters being immigrants. Before you say "how dare you piss on the poor" please understand I'm talking about intent when you see these characters always presented as villains.
And I'm all for reimagining characters for the modern lens, and I fully understand the inherent problematic nature of a character like The Penguin, and maybe I will be Bobo the Fool when The Penguin (the show) comes out, but I think reframing the Penguin as something out of The Godfather severely misses the point. Not only because never more have I wanted superhero media to critique billionaire criminal politicians running for public office (historically, the Penguin's whole bit), but because we don't need the Penguin to be something out of The Godfather. We have someone for that already. And clearly they know that. Because his name is Carmine Falcone.
I think that this notion that the only crime in Gotham City has to be drugs, prostitution, human trafficking, and domestic terrorism severely misunderstands the inherent whimsical nature of superheroes, and historically the Penguin. I mean we are circlejerking into infinity a self-hatred in superhero media. His name isn't even Oswald Cobblepot anymore. When's the last time the Penguin had an umbrella?
And here's the thing. I like Gotham (2014 - 2019). I do. But that universe at least understood that the Penguin is aesthetically ridiculous. Try as they may to present him as a threat, but he will always be a guy who calls himself Penguin.
I do think this problem started with Batman Returns. I'm not here explicitly to critique that version of the Penguin, but I do think it's where we began to lose the plot. Because once again the Penguin is presented as an underdog, a minority, an outcast. And again I ask you to think about intent when the Penguin is a villain and Batman is not. But that movie had Max Shreck to balance it out. What do we have now?
They are so, so allergic to presenting the rich as villains, because they'd be calling themselves out. Because calling the Penguin what he is, a cartoonish portrayal of a wealthy Gilded Age capitalist who preys on the less fortunate to further and further elevate his own wealth, doesn't align with their messaging, which is "billionaires are so awesome, and more importantly, infallible." The Penguin is meant to be an antithesis to Bruce Wayne, who is also generationally wealthy, but most importantly a philanthropist. Bruce Wayne is supposed to be someone who dedicates all he has to making Gotham City a better place, which also includes helping reform Gotham’s villains. But these days we see a man who more and more seems less like a hero, and more like a Penguin. Because if Bruce Wayne cared about Gotham City, really cared, beating every one of his villains to a pulp, just shy of his "no kill" quota, would be less of his focus. I mean how does a man with near unlimited resources allow institutions like Arkham Asylum to exist, let alone send his bad guys there?
And yeah, I know. The answer is the Batman mythos has turned it into The Good Place. His world is too complicated to do any real good. And yes, I know, it mirrors our world too. But why is it that the people who are pointing out that corruption, these We Live In A Society types, the villains? Why are they always the one presented as "insane" for pointing out what's right in front of them? And when's the last time Bruce Wayne did charity work, anyway? Tell me, who are we supposed to be rooting for in the end?
Anyway, the summary is this: The Penguin isn't a Capitalist anymore. The Penguin isn't even a Cobblepot anymore. Who is he? Because he isn't the Fine Feathered Fink I know. And we all know why. And personally, I'm sick of it.
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resident-idiot-simp · 7 months
I need to give my Wendigo Ghost rant!
I don't think I've told the whole of Tumblr why I made him a wendigo.
Ok so things you need to know about wendigos.
1. They are created from desperation
2. To become one you need to digest human flesh
3. They are synonymous with colder climates specially Southern Canada and Northern America AKA the old Algonquian tribe territory where the Wendigo myth originated from
4. The only way their killed is by fire
5. In some stories they are insanely smart
Ghost was tortured in many ways under Roba and a known thing that has been studied is the horrendous effect eating a human will have on the psyche. Trying to break ghost it's not out of the realm of possibility he would be fed human flesh.
It is a logical assumption then that being so desperate to survive plus the consumption of human flesh could lead to the creation of a wendigo.
Wendigos do not need to be created from Northern climates. Even though it's typical it is not necessary. The reason the north is so prevalent is because of long winters without food. There's a higher chance of running out of food in the winter in Northern climates than in southern ones. So cold is not necessary.
Next is the fire aspect answer me this how does Ghost die in the original games? That's right ding ding ding he gets burnt to death!! And what does that sound familiar to?!
Finally the 'powers' of a wendigo. Wendigos don't necessarily have powers rather they're just enhanced humans. They turn beastly because to eat another human is so horrendous there's no way you could be human if you did it. Wendigos are super fast and super strong near unkillable and are forever hungry. Ghost is in cannon pretty much all of that he is a legend with so much mythos surrounding him it makes him seem inhumane.
Lastly just some extra points. In some stories wendigos are extremely intelligent for example in one a one to go captured a boy and continue to feed him until he was fatter and good enough to eat. In that same story the one to go set the boy into town to get more food but the boy told the townspeople. The townspeople hunted down the wendigo and cut off all of its limbs. They came back weeks later and the Wendigo was still alive and it was eating the marrow out of its own bones. They then cut off its head and it officially died.
So at least in that story wendigos can be extremely intelligent and I'd argue Ghost was tactical enough to fit that description.
Anyways thank you for coming to my ted talk
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hexhomos · 1 year
HI! hope your day is treating you well, i’ve been interested in doomreed for some time but cape comics are sort of daunting to me just because there’s so much content and i really don’t know where to begin. what do you suggest? thank you!
STRAIGHT OUT THE GATE ill say, read [ "My Dinner With Doom" ] (this is a rly high-qual upload, open it up on desktop!)
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It's a key issue oneshot with a lil bit of backstory retelling, featuring a private dinner that happens in the 00's - a good entrance point if you're curious about doomreed in summarization + generally speaking a Real Good Comic overall.
the fantastic four are one of marvel's darling old founding teams so there is pretty much... endless archival, ongoing, multimedia and games content popping up all the time.
They are also kinda one of the rare teams where the growth of the characters is consistent? The kids are allowed to grow older and events from every major run are carried/referenced by the next author so if you want to do chronological there's a lot of incentive and fun stuff.
If you wanna dip your toes into the F4 as a concept, check out:
*the #1 issue of Fantastic Four By Waid & Wieringo (1997) *Mythos: Fantastic Four (2007) [ *The FF (1994) movie that is up for free on youtube!! ] *Fantastic Four (2022) by Ryan North as the current ongoing!
(Some) Singles centered on Doom/Doomreed:
*Fantastic Four (1961) Annual 2 is Doom's original backstory issue *Marvel Two-in-One (2017) by Zdarsky issue #11 & Annual #1 are both crazy good but they spoil big events/conclusions from previous runs if u care abt that!!! (My current fav fic came from these issues.) *Doomgate (novel) by Jeffrey Lang is a good option if you want something that is mostly prose, instead of a comic or movie
NOW BEFORE YOU JUMP AHEAD WITH ANYTHING I *am* following [ this reading guide ] which breaks down specific issues relevant to their relationship as a line through all the different authors over the years.
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[ There's also this 2021 guide w/ a few other story/AU highlights! The author said u can send the blog questions and theyll answer too ]
The 'Modern era' (late 90s/00s/10s/Now) Starts with Waid and McDuffie's stuff. The latter wrote My Dinner with Doom!
If you're scared by all the names, don't be - when searching for the issues, just pay attention to the year, # number & author/artist creds.
What I'm reading/liveblogging rn is Hickman's Secret wars era, generally regarded as yaoi ketamine; It's a good epic narrative entrance point if you want to jump into it, and it eventually led into this huge marvel event that changed the multiverse and even brought miles morales into the main timeline, so its BIG and it happened in multiple books - the best way to go about it is;
Fantastic Four (1961) #551 #552 #553 ➡️ (these introduce main ideas we will touch again in secret wars)
Fantastic Four (1961) #558 to #562 ➡️
Doom appears in these too, first/last issues more heavily. Stuff here will be ref'd during the next era.
If you're having fun and want to keep reading you can! Just know that the next storyarc has gathered a largely mixed response bc..... its Millar going hammywammy....... not that necessary.......
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anyway when you see hickmans name in the cover STOP and
Jump to actual Hickman secret wars era:
Fantastic Four by Jonathan Hickman: The complete collection➡️
(optional, side plot) If you like Val + Doom, read specifically; *Fantastic Four (2014) #3 & #5 + Fantastic Four Annual (2014) #1 *Agent of Asgard #6 & #7 *Avengers World (2014) #15 & #16
New Avengers (2013) ➡️ check issues on picture, or, if you're a completionist, look for 'Avengers by Jonathan Hickman; complete collection' and skim for the doom/reed relevant bits. There's a lot of characters here but this is a buildup to the big secret wars. Secret Wars (2015) ➡️ (All issues!) Infamous Iron Man (2016) ➡️bendis' doom writing is not very good but hang in there because right after him: Marvel 2-In-One (2017) ➡️ (All issues!) is a banger. Yaoi btw.
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You can basically read all the future/past ones as listed, or starting from the beginning of that author's period without worrying, bc they aren't as indebted to each other storywise.
You can also start somewhere else if you want or check out other single issues on the reading guides; It's not a crime! There's a lot of stuff with different takes and genres, I'm slowly chipping away at the secret wars era bc its just very thick and like a serious television drama attempt, except its also insanely funny sometimes.
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(I'm still making my way through it so that's what I have at the moment!)
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stardustizuku · 1 year
Part 1: The Love Square. Why it worked, and why it failed.
People who aren’t as interested in Magical Girls as I am, specifically Magical Girl Animes with Romance, may not understand why the Love Square was such a big deal. Why it was the core; the life of the series.
Okay, so how many times have you seen a love triangle unfold? Quite many, I must guess. Some really good, and some, uhm, not so much.
In Magical Girl Animes they’re common – and the most popular ones have one very particular dynamic. Let’s run down it, shall we?
Our main character falls in love with another man, someone unreachable, unattainable. It’s someone she genuinely looks up to, and is most likely popular already.
I call this character “The Prince”
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In Princess Tutu, it’s Mytho. In Shugo Chara it’s Tadase. In Tokyo Mew Mew it’s Aoyama. Sailor Moon has Motoki Furuhata in Season 1, and Mamoru in Stars.
He is the type of guy you want to fall in love with. Nice, kind, good-natured, a good leader, pretty and everything.
There’s one issue, though. The person who our Main Character’s crush likes is not her, but her alter ego. Mytho is in love with Tutu, not Ahiru, Tadase is in love with Amulet Heart not Amu. The one she becomes thanks to super natural magic.
Then, there’s the opposite. I like to call them the “Rebel” character.
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You know who I’m talking about. The Ikuto, the Kishu, the Fakir or even Seiya of the story. They serve to be a contrast to the “Prince”. They’re often times, the only one who gets to see through the MC’s disguise and comes to understand her. “Rebel” characters are rarely in love with alter ego, but instead feel attraction to the MC or the “real one”
These are all fan favourites characters that fall under the “Bad Boy” trope. And for good reason.
Bad boy characters are popular with little girls, teen girls, women or even AFAB people in general since they call out something in our society. There’s very real pressure put forth by either parents or society to adhere to certain gender roles, and what they mean.
In other words, you’re “supposed” to be a good girl.
You have to get good grades, you have to smile all the time, you have to be polite, and you have to play nice. A bad boy character in fiction allows the viewer (in this case and for simplicity) girls to push back or be rebellious in a very safe way.
You don’t have to be good, you’re just following the steps of a bad guy with a heart of gold. He will help you break out of your shell, and be more confident. You get to feel like you’re trying to be the good girl society tells you to be, while finally exploring these darker aspects of your personality.
In YA and more mature books, this can involve anything from trying alcohol, having sex, or allowing oneself to be angry (exploring the “bad” or “not good” emotions AFAB people are always told they shouldn’t have).
But in audiences more aimed towards children, like those in Magical Girl animes, shoujos or tween cartoons, they exist in a more subdued way – although still tapping into this idea of rebellion against the status quo.
That’s why these characters are fan favourites.  
So, to summarize. You have the MC in love with a “Prince” who in turn is in love with the Perfect Girl version of the MC. And a “Rebel” who is in love with the Real Version of the MC, flaws and all.
This particular dynamic is used as a thesis of sorts in any good story. Only by understanding both the real and idolized version of the MC can a man can “win” the love of our protagonist. And only by our MC knowing who she is, what her alter ego means, or how she relates to these dichotomies, can she understand herself.
And really, depending on how each show tackles its themes, it can have different answers. Tokyo Mew Mew offers the idea that the Prince is the correct option, while Princess Tutu says it’s not. Then there’s those with open endings such a Shugo Chara. Again, they use the dynamic, the thesis of their characters, to come to a conclusion that neatly ties to the theme.
Princess Tutu, for example, ties the ideal version of Mytho with the tragedy of a fairytale. Ahiru has to let go to be able to reach a conclusion. In Tokyo Mew Mew Ichigo sees her flaws (the cats ears) as something someone as perfect as Aoyama could never love – yet he shows he isn’t perfect and that he loves her with or without the perceived flaws she has.
That said,
It’s exactly why I loved Miraculous Ladybug when it first aired. It managed to boil down this interesting dynamic into the Love Square. The perfect and the real, the idolized and the true.
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Ladybug represents the perfect version of Marinette. Adrien represents the perfect version, while the real one is Chat Noir. Chat was both the “Bad Boy” and the “Prince” all in one. Both Marinette and Adrien were in love with the “Perfect” or Idolized version of each other.
This was something never before seen. It would make for amazing content, right? Explore why we prefer an idolized version of someone, realize that true love means caring even when you’re not perfect. What our perceived “flaws” meant to others, and if they were truly flaws – or if our environment was the one teaching us they were. The possibilities and themes were limitless. We could have had something great-
Sorry, we. We didn’t get that.
What we got were padded episodes, new love interest that refused to deal with this complexity, and a stagnant rship that refuses to explore any of the flaws of their characters - why they’re not perfect, or even a reason why they stay in love
This is why the Love Square fails. This, is the core of why and how it works. People can expand upon this in million different ways, but you inevitably come back to this.
The real and the idolized. The want vs the duty. The expectations and the responsibilities.
Instead of having an episode where Marinette realizes that Adrien isn’t perfect, that he isn’t a model 24/7 or that he has flaws, secrets and fear just like anyone else, we got Kagami.
Instead of Chat realizing that Ladybug isn’t perfect, that she isn’t always composed, that it’s just a persona put forth to feel more in control of a situation, we got Luka.
Both characters that I love, but they bring very little to the themes the Love Square was introducing, to begin with!
More focus should have been put in how these two bounce off each other.
How much better would the story had been if we got to see Marinette and Chat have a conversation? The two very flawed, very real, very confusing version fo these characters, just trying to understand each other.
And by the way, this is exactly why MariChat is the most popular dynamic.
Marinette acts like a girl. Scared, confused, and lonely. She isn’t a hero, she isn’t her perfect version. She is just Marinette. While she can put the mask on, at the end of the day, it’s still just a mask. And Chat? Well, we get to see him. Not the model, not the paper cut out, but a silly kid who wants to break free from a life of imprisonment by the parent who’s supposed to love him.
We get to see something real.
But, unfortunately we do not get that.
Their relationship stays static. The reason for this is a bit obvious.
The writers, to my opinion have come to this bizarre conclusion:
Developing this dynamic would mean changing dynamics, ending the status quo morphing the story into something new. And they assume a “new” means an “end”.
They’re thinking that the endgame is Adrien and Marinette realizing their identities, so they don’t wanna develop it for fear of bringing an ending “too close”.
Say you have 7 seasons prepared, you can't have them find out their identities in season 5 because their reveal should be in season 7. It should be the last couple of episodes even. After that, they'll date and it's over. So better drag this on for seasons on end.
This just proves to me: flawed writing skills and lack of direction.
WHICH wouldn’t surprise me seeing how Chloe ended up.
It is plain bad writing. Changing stuff doesn’t necessarily mean an endgame is near. It just means things are changing.
I’ll be mean to this series and compare it to the Magnus Opus of Magical Girls: Sailor Moon
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Sailor Moon got together with Tuxedo mask in the first season, yet the writers were able to up the steaks of their relationship through its 5-season run: Through memory loss, a long distance romance, anxieties of hurting one another, or simply…developing their relationship. People change. And so does how they interact with other people.
These created amazing episodes that highlighted how much Usagi and Mamoru loved and cared for each other. It wasn’t just chance, it wasn’t just fate. This took work, it took time, and it took trust. This wasn’t something so easily lost. That’s why SailorMoonStars hits the hardest.
In the very last season, Usagi is in a long distance rship with Mamoru. And it breaks her. We see that she misses him, dealing with the turmoil of him not answering her messages. She’s devastated, seeking comfort in other people, but unable to forget him. Not even as Seiya begs her to take him instead of Mamoru, can she bring herself to give him up– because they’ve been together for a long, long time. And we’ve seen that.
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We see her reminiscent. We see her break down and cry because he hasn’t called her. We see her thinking of him when she’s with Seiya. We see her be in love with him and we see how much it affected her that he’s ignoring her.
And by the last few episodes, we get a payoff. We find out Mamoru is dead, and that he died confident that Usagi would be strong enough to protect the Earth in his stead. That he believed in her, and he thought of her until the moment he died - uttering her name as the last thing he could do.
That’s why when Sailor Moon defeats Sailor Galaxia, the woman who killed the man she loved, through purification and not violence – it all feels right.
It’s a very simple but powerful story, packaged in 45 episodes. With enough room to breathe, digest it, but not drawn out enough for it to be annoying.
All this, when the relationship was already established. We could have had something like this in Miraculous Ladybug, if the writers WERENT drawing out the reveal and get together until the very last second!
ChatBlanc could have been an AMAZING multi-episode mini-arc.
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No time-travel thing. They find their identities, they date for a few episodes, something goes horribly wrong, and Marinette has to find a way to fix the mistakes she's made. Much like Sailor Moon R.
Maybe by the end of it, she fixes it but sacrifices most of her memories. The only thing she recalls is that she knew Chat's identity, Paris almost got destroyed, and that leads to her putting distance between them.
Or maybe one day she wakes up with the memories of Chat Blanc and spends and entire season trying to know what happened, and when she does, she's horrified.
Idk, million amazing things could have been done with this episode to further develop these two's relationship. Complex, interesting, beautiful things.
But no. Because, apparently, thinking of love post-reveal is too much. Instead, we watch them run and run in circles. Chat Blanc was a single episode, and half of it was time travel shenanigans.
And all of this, just because the writers don’t actually know what they want to do with the love square. So they add new rivals, new teams, new accessories, side plots - all to avoid touching the actual core of what made the series great.
It strongly reminds me of Star vs. in that scenario the creators also weren’t sure where to take the show.
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It wasn’t until season 2 where they started the subplot of Star realizing Mewni colonized Monsters that it started having a sense of self. And it showed in the romantic subplot, which was all over the place. They didn’t know what they wanted, so the romance in that show was a mess. Lack of direction and intention, aside from the knowledge that Star and Marco were the end game
I personally don’t hate Star vs. I don’t like how it handled romance but I will give it much leeway because the actual plot of Intergenerational conflict and coming to terms with the harm your ancestors have done to others - is quite compelling and not something I see tackled often.
But Miraculous does not get that. Its episodic plot is simple and refuses to get into the murky waters of its own premise.
The only thing it had going was The Love Square. Because I assure you, very few people give a crap about the Miraculous being stolen.
So, their lack of willingness was the first thing to ruin the Love Square. Fine.
But it’s not the nail on the coffin. The real reason why this suffered, was something that happened waaaay before all this.
Because one thing that the show refused to explore up until late into season 3 and start of season 4 was the specific parts of the “Ladybug” character. What I mean is, what “ideal self” she is as “Ladybug”. And how her existence affects Marinette. This is the fundamental flaw that issss...
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
oh oh! how do you think btas riddler would react to his s/o successfully completing The Riddle of the Minotaur?
A/N: Aww omg this idea is so cute! He would be estatic he would be thrilled and so proud!! Aww I always enjoy writing for my wee husbando this is so cute! Also sorry I sorta…went a wee bit off track lol and I..kinda borrowed a similar twist I’ve done before…I hope you don’t mind…it was just really hard to resist the opportunity was RIGHT THERE lmao
Word Count: 1k
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BTAS Riddler x Reader - Full Playthrough
“Edward, what’s this?”
“Oh, you’ll see.” Ed smiled. 
You sat up straight in a plush office chair, staring at a large computer monitor. An 8-bit epic score played through the speakers and a pixelated title on the screen in green text: 
“The Riddle of the Minotaur”
Below the title was blinking green text stating; 
“Press Enter to Start.”
When you finally read the title, you smiled up at Edward. 
“It’s your game! I-I didn’t think you had a copy still…after what happened.”
Edward sighed, nodding. “Despite…the outcome of my game being stolen right from under me…I’m still very proud of it.” 
“You should be!” You exclaimed. 
Edward leaned in and gently nestled his chin into your left shoulder. 
He whispered warmly into your ear. “But now, it would mean the world to me if…you played it in it’s entirety.”
You gasped. You always enjoyed playing Eddie’s puzzle toys and video games. They always got you to think outside the box and they were super fun too! Not to mention, you adored the praise he gave you for solving them. 
Now, one of his most well known (or perhaps…infamous?) creations was in front of you. Waiting to go on a virtual enigmatic adventure. 
‘I-I’d love to Eddie! This is exciting!” Edward chuckled. He always did love your enthusiasm for his creations. 
He lifted his head up from your shoulder and gave an encouraging kiss to your temple. 
“Good luck, darling. And don’t be surprised if it’s a bit different than what you might have learned when it was released.” 
After that Edward walked out of his office, leaving you a bit confused at that last statement. 
You knew a little about the game, it’s setting, and the objective to get to the center of a maze and outsmart the Minotaur. You have heard some kid beat the game while The Riddler was at large. What was the kid’s name? Tom? Dick? Harry?
You shrugged it off, maybe Edward just added a couple more puzzles or maybe updated some riddles?
Pushing down on the “enter” button, the game finally began. 
Minutes soon turned into a couple of hours. 
Your hands flew across the keyboard–answering riddles, clicking on arrows to navigate through the winding maze. 
A couple riddles were some you have heard or seen before:
“What is the shortest distance between a point in Nome, Alaska, and a point in Miami, Florida?”
You even recognized one of Edward’s favorite riddlers. 
“I have billions of eyes, yet I live in darkness. I have millions of ears yet only four lobes…”
Of course, the brain…duh!
You have yet to run into the Hand of Fate or the Minotaur. 
You couldn’t help the proud smirk that grew on your face as you saw the center of the maze up ahead on the map. 
However, now the questions…seemed to have changed. 
The riddles thus far have been fairly usual and some were related to the theme of the Minotaur mythos…
Yet, these last few had a more…romantic feel?
“I can break, I can be clogged, I can be attacked, I can be given, I can be kept, I can be crushed, yet I can be whole at the same time. What am I?” 
A heart…
You navigated further to the center before you hit another riddle. 
“I hurt the most when lost, yet also when not had at all. I’m sometimes the hardest to express, but th easiest to ignore. I can be given to many, or just one. What am I?” 
You tapped your finger on top of the mouse as you pondered. 
“Love…” You typed out the word and pressed the enter key. 
Heart, love…odd but you could feel your cheek slightly warm. Perhaps, these were the changes he made, to make the game more special for your playthrough. 
Finally, you are just outside the center of the maze. You’re confronted by the Minotaur before you can pass through the final gate. 
The pixelated minotaur raised his blade before asking a final riddle. 
“Answer the riddle…and you shall pass to the center of the maze. If you answer incorrectly, you shall perish.” The red text typed out the Minotaur’s speech. 
“For your final riddle…” The Minotaur began. 
“...It connects two people…yet it only touches only one. What is it?” 
An empty text box appeared at the bottom of the speech box. A vertical line blinked, waiting for an answer. 
“W-What?” You asked out loud to yourself. 
Connects two people…but only touching one or the other?
You were lost in thought, so much so you didnt’ hear the door open and someone slowly walking behind you. 
Edward wore a proud wide grin on his face. You were so close to the finish line and he had the perfect reward. 
“A…not a…ugh…there was love…heart…it’s gotta connect.” 
You gasped as your mental lightbulb went off. You typed sporadically on the keys. 
“A…wedding…ring?” You pressed enter. 
The screen went black for a moment, before showing your warrior character in the middle of the maze standing in front of a trove of treasures. 
Your smile grew wide as the text came up confirming your victory. 
“Eddie!” You hollered as you jumped out of your seat. “I did it!” 
“I knew you could, darling.” Eddie beamed. 
You jumped again this time in surprise more than excitement. 
Edward was right behind you, a soft look filled with affection topped with a sweet smile. 
“Eddie! W-When–how–I, I did not see you-”
Edward chuckled. “I wanted to be here just before your inevitable win. I knew you would…but you never cease to amaze me.” 
You giggled as you rushed over to him, planning for an embrace. But before you got your arms around him–he dropped down on one knee. 
Your eyebrows scrunched in the middle. 
Then another lightbulb goes off. 
The riddles, the answers…especially near the end. 
“I may be the smartest man in this world…but only you could make me the happiest man in this world…will you marry me?” 
You got your second wind to rush him again, to finally embrace him. This time you followed through and even knocked him down to the ground. 
“Yes! Yes!” You shrieked excitedly, “I’d love to!” 
Edward sighed in relief as he tightened his arms around you. When you finally let up, Edward gently slid the ring on your finger. 
“It connects two people…” He began. 
When the ring nestled around the base of your finger, your smile widened more than when you won the game.
“Yet, it only touches one.” You finished.
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Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (7) | s.r
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader, Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings), Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader (future)
Genre: Angsty city babyy!
Summary: The Avengers have a reunion... in Germany... at the airport... with a few new members.
(These scenes incorporate y/n, codename—Static, into the pre-existing story as a character without making drastic changes to the plot or mythos. All the major plot points from the MCU remain in place with the addition of the reader as Static, who is not only a Stark but also enhanced. Whatever events from the canon aren’t mentioned, take place without much change.)
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Past Trauma, Canon Typical Violence
a/n: this was so hard to write wtf?
Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (6) | Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (8) | Series Masterlist | Age of Ultron (Static Origin Story) | The Avengers (ft. Static) | Captain America: The Winter Soldier (ft. Static) | Static Verse Masterlist
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As soon as she and Steve have the grounded chopper in sight, An electro-disabler slams onto the chopper, frying the systems and rendering it useless. Steve and Y/n look up. 
She watches with burning annoyance as Tony and Rhodey descend.
“Wow!” Tony fakes surprise looking at Rhodey, “It's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?”
“Definitely weird,” Rhodey answers.
“Hear me out, Tony,” Steve pleads. It almost seems genuine. “That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this.”
T'Challa leaps over a truck, “Captain.” 
“Your Highness,” Steve replies.
“Anyway” Tony begins, as he walks around, “Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?”
“You're after the wrong guy.”
“Your judgment is askew.” She’s seldom seen her brother this fucking furious, but then again, maybe it’s cause it’s Steve.  “Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday.”
“And there are five more super soldiers just like him,” Steve argues. “I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't.”
And then, 
“Steve—you know what's about to happen,” Natasha chimes in joining the growing confrontation. “Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?”
No one’s addressed her since this entire thing—
“Why are you being so uncharacteristically fucking quiet!?” Tony screams at her.
Taken aback a bit, she straightens up. “What’s left to say?”
“Are you seriously going along with this? You know how this ends, way better than him,” Natasha tries to reason with her.
She shrugs. “I don’t—Frankly, I don’t care about any of this. I just want to go home.” She says it simple and sweet. Because it’s true. She understands that there is a threat looming but she’s sure Steve can handle it. If you asked her two weeks ago, she would have been enthusiastic about the whole thing, a mission to take down the last vestiges of HYDRA, of her nightmare—what’s not to love? 
But that was then and this is now, and now she has to fight her way through her friends to fight with some villain and that just—call her selfish but that just seems unnecessarily tedious. She just wants this all to be over. Part of her wishes things could just go back to that party at the Tower before Ultron attacked. Everything was… It was all so easy then. She misses it.
“Then let’s go home!” Tony urges.
And all she can do is let out a laugh in disbelief. “I said I wanna go home… Not a fucking prison cell.” 
Tony clenches his jaw. “ All right, I've run out of patience.” He cups his hands around his mouth and yells out, “Underoos!”
And suddenly, there is liquid spilling out onto tying up her and Steve’s hands. A person in tight fitted red and blue suit flips over and snatches the shield. He lands on top of a truck, joining the ensemble.
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FUCK TONY! She thinks. What did you do?
“Nice job, kid,” Tony compliments with a smile.
“Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit—Wait! It's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's--it's perfect. Thank you.”
“Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation,” Tony comments.
“Okay. Cap… Captain,” Spider-Man nods. “Big fan, I'm Spider-Man.” If he weren’t wearing a mask, Y/n is sure he’d be smiling.
“Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just—” He waves his hands dismissively. “—Good job.”
“Hey, everyone,” Spider-Man greets.
“You've been busy.” Steve notes, there is a blatant hint of disapproval in his words.
“And you’ve been a complete idiot!” Tony counters, pissed. “Dragging in Clint. ‘Rescuing’ Wanda from a place she doesn’t even want to leave—a safe space.”
“How are you any fucking different, Stark?!” Y/n bites back. She’s pissed too. If she hasn’t made it clear yet, she would like for it to be put on record that she is outraged, beyond outraged that she has to fight the tiny little family she has been able to piece together over something as heinous as her fear of being imprisoned again. She hates every second of it but this?
This is a new level of stupid on Tony’s part.
“What the fuck were you thinking? Why would you bring him here?” She asks, pointing at Spider-Man. She’s well aware of who he is. It is her job to know. Which means she knows, that he’s just a fucking kid!
Y/n is about to blow a fucking gasket.
Tony just runs a hand over his face, looking exhausted. “I did what I had to do. You’re not giving me a lot of options here.”
“Fuck off, Tony!” She throws back because that is nowhere near a valid excuse to bring the kid into this. 
“I'm trying to keep—” He sighs. “I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart,” Tony urges.
“You did that when you signed,” Steve answers. 
That might be the only thing that she and Steve agree on.
“Alright, We're done,” Tony announces. “You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us. NOW! Because it's us! Or a squad of J-SOC guys—with no compunction about being impolite.” He pauses for a second, and then a final plea, “Come on.”. 
Sam’s voice rings out over the comms, “We found it. Their Quinjet’s in hanger five, north runway.”
Instantly both she and Steve hold their hands up and Clint shoots the web off.
Tony’s helmet goes up as he turns to look at the source of the arrow.
“Alright, Lang,” Steve signals Lang to get to it.
And Lang does not disappoint. 
“Hey, guys, something—” Spider-Man is cut off by Lang sizing back up from Cap’s shield and retrieving it.
“Whoa. What--what the hell was that?” Rhodey asks aloud, confused as fuck.
Lang hands the shield back to Steve, “I believe this is yours, Captain America.”
“Oh, great. Alright, there's two on the parking deck. One of them's Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her.” Tony announces all their locations. “Rhodey, you want to take Cap?” He asks before flying off.
“Got two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes,” Rhodey calls out, as he begins to take flight.
Steve launches his shield, aiming for the chest of Rhodey’s suit, temporarily incapacitating him. 
“Barnes is mine!” T’Challa runs off and Steve swiftly follows behind.
Spider-Man swings away upon receiving whatever order he receives from Tony.
“I’m gonna—” Lang points over to Rhodey, to which Y/n just nods in response.
“Guess that just leaves you and me,” Natasha notes.
Y/n smiles a little, “In any other circumstance I would’ve enjoyed that more.”
Natasha smiles too, before she lunges at her. 
Y/n easily dodges every attack that Natasha throws at her. Nat’s trained. She’s amazing, agile and utterly formidable… But Y/n is better. Looking at her, it’s easy to forget that while she’s damn near ancient at this point. But she is. She has done this a lot longer than any other member of her team.
“You’re not fighting me,” Natasha notes.
Dodging another punch, “I don’t want to,” Y/n answers.
“How do you plan on fixing this?” She asks.
Taking a step back, with furrowed brows, “Why am I supposed to solve it?”
��Well, it was supposed to be us—you and I, together. But then you decided to leave with Steve.” Natasha counters. Her attacks are getting more intrusive, it’s taking a lot more work to dodge them.
“I left cause of Sergant Barnes, Steve cannot handle him alone and you know it,” Y/n reasoned.
“And you can?” 
“I’m not alone, am I?” Y/n’s getting a little annoyed.
“That doesn’t feel like a betrayal at all,” Natasha bites back, kicking her hard in the side.
“Fuck!” Y/n curses. Clicking her tongue, she swallows a groan while holding her side. “Yeah, like you didn’t fucking betray me signing that goddamn document.”
“These boys are demarcating the playground, claiming a side of their own.” Natasha lands another blow on her chest, making her stumble back sputtering. “They can’t clean up after themselves. They are too headstrong, too naive to see sense. We have to fix this!”
Y/n has had enough. When Natasha carges at her again, she stops her. Blocking with one hand, she knees Nat in the side. “It’s not my fucking responsibility!” Pushing her back, she counters Nat’s attacks easily. “I never wanted to be a part of this shit show. I didn’t want it then, I don’t want it now. This is not my fucking mess!” Y/n throws a punch. ”I just want to go home.”
Natasha blocks her. And then… then she fucking smiles.
It’s not a cunning one. It’s not mocking either. It’s something like sympathy. 
“You’re fighting me,” Natasha notes. And belatedly, Y/n realises, that yeah… yeah she is. “You’re always going to be a better fighter than me, Y/n. But this,” she taps at Y/n’s chest, right above her heart, “you let this loose way too easily. You make it too damn easy for me to do this.” Natasha manouvers herself around Y/n and pins her to the floor, trapped between fucking her legs. Fuck me, Y/n thinks. With a crippling elbow punch to the gut, Natasha gets up on her feet, leaving Y/n coughing on the floor.
“Just say what you want to say,” Y/n asks from where she’s lying flat on her ass.
“You cannot keep claiming Switzerland. You don’t want to pick a side? Don’t. Be on your own side, but don’t keep pretending to be uninvolved. Look around you, Y/n… you already are involved.”
With that, Natasha is off too, leaving Y/n to gather up her leftover dignity.
The fight, or well should she call it the fights—cause there are multiple—the fights continue. Vision enters the arena and draws a literal line in the sand. 
“Captain Rogers,” he says, levitating above them, “I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now.”
As politely as it’s worded, it still remains a warning. Warning Steve to stop, but come on. Has that ever fucking worked with Steve ‘Bullheaded’ Rogers? 
Both teams charge at each other and Y/n just hates all of it. It feels absurd to fight against the people she has fought shoulder to shoulder, but in the moment, it feels like she just doesn’t have a choice… Does she?
She loses track of everyone she faces off, but rest assured it’s everyone but the Spider-Man. She tries her best to avoid using her powers, bringing up her armour only as defence. The powers—her attacks are meant to harm. These aren’t the people she would ever wish harm upon.
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Eventually she stumbles upon Spider-Man, barely holding up what once must have been a gangway. Manifesting the armour onto her arms and then curling her hand around the hilt of her sword as it’s forming into existence from her dimension, she glitches in just above him and free falls to the ground, cutting the whole thing down.
She lands on her knee. 
“Miss Stark!” Spider-Man yells out in excitement, dropping the halved gangway with ease. “It is so great to meet you! I am a huge fan, especially of your—”
She cuts him off, her sword disassembling out of existence, “Who did that?” she asks, pointing at the completely unrecognizable gangway.
“Captain America,” he answers easily. “Aren’t you on his team?”
“I don’t know which fucking team I’m on!” Y/n answers, throwing her arms up in utter frustration. 
The kid for his part remains calm, giving her a moment to compose herself again. 
Sighing, she looks up at him, “Do you make it a habit of willing following men dressed like stop signs to Germany, or is this one off thing?”
“Mr. Stark said he needed help… How could I say no?” 
There so much fucking ernestness in his words it burns Y/n from within.
“Go home, kid,” she tells him. “Tony—he…” She shakes her head. “All this is way too bigger than you…”
“I can handle it,” he replies, sounding almost desperate. 
“I don’t doubt it,” She answers, because she doesn’t. “But you’re better at being the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man.” With that she begins to walk away.
The kid, however, has other ideas. He shoots a web at her and instantly her sword manifests once again, cutting it down before it can stick to her. “Don’t be dumb, kid,” she scolds gently, glitching a few meters away. “Go home!” She yells out and glitches out of his sight.
As it goes on, at some point, a realization strikes them all.
“We gotta go,” Barnes’ voice rings out over the comms. She’s not sure she’ll ever get used to having that voice in her ear speaking anything but crude monosyllabic words in German. “That guy's probably in Siberia by now.”
“We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Tony. You get to the jet,” Steve replies. “Y/n, think you can take on Vision?”
“You bet you star-spangled ass—” She’s cut off before she can verbally assault Steve for questioning her at all.
“No, you get to the jet! All three of you!” Sam reasons, sounding a little strained. When she spots him in the air, Rhodey hot on his trail. “The rest of us aren't getting out of here.”
She wants to cut in, but before she gets the chance to, T’Challa throat punches her, pissing her off. Her focus shifts to handling the King of Wakanda.”
“As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it,” Clint chimes in.
“This isn't the real fight, Steve,” Sam urges softly.
“Alright, Sam,” Steve acquieces. “What's the play?”
“We need a diversion, something big,” Sam says.
“I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long,” Scott answers instantly over the comms. “On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half—don't come back for me.”
“He's gonna tear himself in half?” Barnes questions, sounding just as confused as she feels.
“You're sure about this, Scott?” Steve asks him.
“I do it all the time. I mean once…in a lab,” Scott answers.
“And then what happened?” Y/n asks, finally being able to find her voice, having pinned T’Challa on the ground with her thighs roped around his neck.
“Then I passed out,” Scott answers.
“Awesome,” Y/n remarks before, T’Challa lands a blow on her side, making her losen her grip. Both are quickly on their feet again. 
“You’ve gotten better, your majesty,” She tells him. T’Challa has always been a great fighter—trained by the Dora Malaje, of course she expects no less. “It feels like it was yesterday when I saw your father teaching you how to wield a staff.”
He charges at her with so much anger. “How dare you talk about my father when you choose to protect his murder!”
“T’Challa—” She tries but he’s not in a listening mood. He’s in an attacking mood; he keeps coming at her relentlessly. She dodges every strike.
“After all the kindness he showed you, you protect Barnes!? You are a traitor!”
“He didn’t kill your father, T’Challa! You have to know that,” Y/n tries to reason but clearly it has no affect. In the end she realizes she is not left with much of a choice. 
Before she can react on her realization, however, Scott fucking Lang decides to grow to the size of fucking building. 
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“Mother of whore-loving motherfucker,” Y/n is damn near astounded.
“I guess that’s the signal,” Sam’s voice comes in from the comms.
As soon as the shock fades, T’Challa charges at her again and she does the same. Running at him, she uses the momentum kneeing him in the chest. He stumbles back a little, she takes that moment to kick him in the back of calve, disbalancing him to make him fall and as he falls, she strikes him in the chest. 
With that, she glitches away.
“Y/n, you coming?” Steve asks over the comms.
“I don’t know,” she answers honestly, spotting Vision who’s eyes are set on Steve and Bucky who are running towards the quinjet.
She’s glitching in and out. Popping out of her dimension to attack Vision and then popping back in to stop herself from falling. It’s a fucking taxing thing, fighting an super-enhanced android with weird magic powers in the air, especially when you can’t fly.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Sam asks her on the radio.
“It means I’m fucking thinking about it!” She bites back.
“What’s there to think about?” Clink asks.
“I don’t know!” She glitches into her dimension. “Fuck” She says to herself, then glitches out. “Something about my responsibility in all this—I don’t fucking know!”
And then Vision decides to shoot a beam at her with the mindstone. Her armour deflects but the force throws her to the ground. 
The fall hurts, it aches. It makes her ache in places she hasn’t ached since HYDRA had her. It’s all very fucking meloncholy if you ask her. So, you cannot blame her when she lies on her ass for a couple seconds, trying to recuperate. 
Meanwhile, Vision uses his beam to cut the control tower in half. It begins to collapse over the entrance to the hanger the quinjet is in. Wanda tries to hold off the debris from crumbling to the ground, keeping the way clear for Steve and Barnes who are fast approaching on foot. However, Rhodey intervenes, blasting her with a sonic boom, making her loose control. 
All of that is for naught, though, because Steve and Bucky do make it in. 
“Need a hand?” A gold-titanium allow hand, painted bright red is extended to her.
She takes the hand, letting it help her stand on her feet. “Thanks,” she tells him. “Shouldn’t you be spending this time stopping them?” She asks, pointing at the scene unfolding behind them.
“I’m trying to stop you,” Tony says evenly. And then, before she can even tell him she’s not sure if he needs to, if what she really wants to do is stick around and fix it—she doesn’t know how exactly but she wants to try, if any of this is necessary, she hears a sound. It’s a sound that has become almost ambient to her, a sound that used to bring her comfort, a sound that used to mean there was someone watching her back—the sound of Tony’s repulsors being activated. 
She feels the hit before he even aims for it.
“Don’t make me stop you, Stark,” Tony says sofly, his eyes are welling up but so are hers. She has categorically avoided him the entire time, knowing full well that faced with him, she’d just surrender and find a way to escape at a later point. But this… This fucking hurts.
It burns her. It burns her from within. 
The man doesn’t even have to take the shot to make her bleed. 
But his arms come up to aim the repulsors at her anyway.
“Really?” She asks him.
“I don’t want to do this,” he begs.
It doesn’t matter though, it doesn’t fucking matter because he is doing it. He’s aiming at her. Her baby brother is aiming his weapons at her, hesitantly but he’s aiming nonetheless. It fucking breaks her her. 
Her hands clench into fists. A tear escapes her eyes. And a single word slips out of her lips “Traitor.” 
She glitches away. 
When she glitches out, she’s facing Natasha. 
As their eyes meet, Natasha fires a widow bite from her wrist. Y/n waits for the hit but it never comes, turning back she met with T’Challa, who’s being incapacitated by the low voltage shocks from the widow bite.
“Oh,” Y/n notes, turning back at Natasha.
Her brows forrow at that reaction. “What?” When all Y/n does is point at T’Challa behind him, Nat continues, “What are you waiting for? Go!” 
“I—I’m not going…” she answers, dumbly. “I came here to stop you from stopping—” her eyes fly to Barnes and Steve who are already inside the jet. “—them…”
“Not going?” Natasha asks, with a smile.
Clenching her jaw, Y/n replies, “Not yet.”
Natasha just nods at her.
As the two super soldiers take off, T’Challa frees himself and tries to grab onto the jet but fails inevitably, landing easily on the ground.
He comes to face Natasha and even with the mask on Y/n can practically see how pissed off he is.
“I said I'd help you find him, not catch him. There's a difference,” Natasha tells him with a somewhat false sense of confidence, knowing very well herself that she’s lying. 
This is awkward, is all Y/n can think as she stands between the two of them.
As the three of them make their way out, she watches as Lang is going down in all his (Gi)Ant-Man might, Spider-Man’s webbing tied around his legs. Tony and Rhodey punch him out of the sky and Y/n can see the last vestiges of her ‘side’ crumbling.
In front of her, a few meters ahead, Vision has Wanda in her grasp, holding onto her and protecting her gently. 
While the jet flies off, Rhodey and Tony both take off after it, Sam is hot on their trails. Either of the two iron-men must call out an order because then Vision looks up at them in the sky. He uses the mind stone again, shooting off a beam. She’s sure it’s meant for Sam, but he folds away his wings, dropping altitude so the beam misses him entire, hitting Rhodey instead.
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For the next minute or so, everything happens in slow-motion. 
Rhodey begins to fall. He begins falling from the sky.
Her confusion over his inaction only lasts a second but the moment its clear that the beam hit Rhodey’s core, shutting the suit down, Y/n runs into action. 
She begins glitching in and out, trying to get higher and closer to Rhodey, coming out only to calculate how much farther he is from her reach.
Glitch, need to be higher.
Glitch, need to be closer.
Glitch, need to be further.
Glitch, need to be faster.
She can reach him. She’s sure.
But the ground is creeping in and Rhodey’s been falling for way too long.
She needs to slow his speed or he’ll—
No time to think. 
No time for anything but action.
The next time she glitches out, she grabs Rhodey.
“Y/n!” He yells out, afraid and lost.
“I got you,” she tells him. “I got you, Rhodey.”
She glitches him into her dimension, trying to decrease his speed. 
It’s not easy. 
Fuck it’s damn near impossible for her. 
She’s not good enough.
Especially not good enough at controlling her dimension when he’s been freefalling from the sky, in an impeccably heavy suit of weapons, and machine and metal. He’d been falling too long, with too much weight.
She holds onto him, making her dimension denser, not enough but still, denser. 
Manouvering herself under him, she extends her armour from her arms to span across her back. If she can’t slow him to a halt, she can cushion his fall.
When they glitch out of the dimension, the change in force hits them hard, slowing them down a little bit more. But the wind does not cooperate. The wind is a fucking bitch. Y/n cannot completely sustain the suits weight on her, but she tries her best.
As they brace themselves for what will undoubtedly be a rough fucking landing, the last thing she sees is Tony flying towards them.
They crash. 
The impact creates a fucking pit in the ground.
Before she can try helpless to move Rhodey off of her to check on him, Tony lands next to them and does it. 
He pulls off Rhodey’s face plate, and asks F.R.I.D.A.Y. to check his vitals.
“Heartbeat detected. Emergency medical is on its way,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. replies.
His eyes fly over to Y/n then. Hand on her chest in an instant, He says, “ F.R.I.D.A.Y. assess damage.”
“I’m fine,” Y/n tries, pushing him off of her but the blood she coughs out makes it seem like an act.
“Six broken ribs and heavy internal bleeding, sir. But her hearbeat holding steady. Miss Stark will be fine till the emergency medical arrives.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. tells him.
Y/n doesn’t care, she tries to get up but struggles somewhat hopelessly. Tony’s hands come to help her and she manages to get onto her knees to look at Rhodey. 
He’s bleeding, she notes, from his nose. 
Her jaw clenches, eyes watering up.
Somewhere behind them, Sam lands on his feet and apologizes. Tony blasts him with his repulsors but Y/n can’t bring herself to give a damn.
Both siblings wait there—lost and scared, each with a hand on the chest of their best friend, and prayers on their lips to a God they stopped believing in, waiting for help to arrive.
Find the next part here. Find the series masterlist here. Find other Static Verse works here.
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towerartt · 4 months
Handsome Jack 8, 12 ❤️‼️
ouhhh so sorry this took me so long to answer...
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I’ll tell you if you promise not to get mad at me💔
A big chunk of the fandom wrongly views him as the Capitalism Incarnated, while he is quite obviously simply a product of the psychopathy breeding system. Jack’s psychopathy is a reaction to a crime that is uniquely capitalistic. Angel’s kidnapping is a crime of greed. He is, as every Borderlands character, uniquely traumatised by the world he was born into. Borderlands shows what capitalism does to men. Jack is not much different from the psychos/bandits of Pandora. For both, the planet is a prison. Psychos choose to assimilate, and Jack chooses to destroy it. He is the universal threat; neither the poor Pandorians nor the elite are safe from him. 
But does the distinction matter? I believe so. This affects the narrative as a whole. 
We can choose to see Jack as Capitalism, and we get to kill him, and then we all go out for milkshakes. Simple and up-lifting, and very American. But to me, Borderlands is largely pessimistic. Honest people die, the leaders are either cowardly or evil, and the oppressed are often gross, stupid, and difficult to sympathise with. And we cannot kill capitalism, so we kill a scapegoat in its place. The world of Borderlands is fixed: Jack’s death does not affect the status quo; it only frees the tyrant spot for the new, yet-to-come aggressor. This is less satisfying, isn’t it.
(Possibly I am overanalysing a silly shooter game that isn't concerned with a critique of capitalism/colonialism deeper than a simple and straightforward “It is very bad.”)
And despise is a strong word. Interpret him however you want. What I truly despise is haters going "Why are you Jack's apologist?" because he activates my maternal instincts! Next question.
+ personal nitpick. The "Is he/is he not a tragic hero" debate. Girls NONE of you are using the same definition of neither hero nor tragic. I hope a huge asteroid takes out all of us.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I have soo many so I'll just drop a few here that I haven't talked about before mkay <3
Uncharacteristically (and unsurprisingly) squeamish about burnt flesh. Nisha once brought him a scorched hand after some village burning (it looked kinda funny she thought it would make him laugh how was she suppose to know he is so goddamn sensitive) and he started gagging when she dropped it on his desk. When she gets really mad at him, she dumps some burnt remains at his apartment (she loves him dearly btw)
He journals a lot. Partially because, in his opinion, it is a very Great Leader activity, but also because Angel cannot pry into what he has written down on the pages. He knows this deeply annoys her. She can see everything, and she knows everything except for her father's thoughts. Sometimes Jack makes Angel echo him and patiently wait while he finishes his entry to really rub it in. He sometimes draws her.
I hope this is comprehensible. Part of Jack’s mythos being that he only has scars on his front, kinda like Alexander the Great, because a real hero always bravely faces his enemies. But actually, his back is a mess of scars from childhood. Wouldn’t that be fucked up?? All his fanatics are like "Erm, Jack would never ever let anybody get him from behind because he is SUPER cool and smart, and he never runs away from a fight <33" I think this would add to his inferiority complex.
Thank you for this ask💕 Ouhhh I love talking about this guy
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prismonautic · 4 months
casting targeted spells - intent is not always impact.
this is a discussion of boundaries, intentions, unintentional harm, etc stemming from the spell i've recently created called alia's blessing.
in order to get the depth of this discussion, i recommend clicking HERE to read the mythos and the spell in question.
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anyways, if you're reading past this point, i assume that you've went through all the context needed for this discussion so i'll speak as if you have. if you're confused, please re-read.
alright, this is post is piggy-backing off the recent spell i just posted — alia’s blessing, where alia inadvertently casts a spell to bless her sister with happiness and comfort through her artwork. in alia’s artwork, she formed the spell to make her sister comfortable in the way that she wished to see back.
the main question is, while her intentions for tash to become happy and at peace were coming from a place of wellmeaning (and maybe a bit of nostalgia, pain, etc.. keep in mind that alia created the artwork as a coping mechanism to what she BELIEVED was tash burning out due to work) — is the impact of that spell being cast on tash equally ideal?
we know how alia feels about the spell, but what about tash? does she like that? does she want it?
depending on what tash’s view of happiness is and how aligned alia’s blessing is with tash’s ideals.. it depends.
if tash’s ideals of happiness and peace were completely different than what alia thought it would be (e.g - she feels burdened by family, that none of this should be her responsibility, it should have turned out differently, she wants to break away from her current life…) "alia’s blessing" will have easily turned into "alia’s suffocating binding spell" against tash."
if tash’s ideals clash with alia’s, the “blessing” descending may feel more like a curse depending on how it manifests in her life.
right now, you may be like:
“nini what’s the point of this discussion rah rah all she was doing was sending positive energy to her sister there’s nothing wrong with wishing someone well” — girl what i’m trying to point out is that AGAIN, what you see as good may not always be as good for other people.
if you were running a village and passing laws that you believe are benefiting your people -- and your people are screaming to you that these wellmeaning laws are hurting them, are you going to keep suffocating them because you think that it is right? there's a thin line between being a caring person vs. being a smothering restrictive force.
when i write these mythos for my spells, i like to leave them open-ended so you can fill in the potential gaps and see how things could not only go well, but also go terribly wrong if proper caution isn’t taken.
it's up to you to interpret what happens to tash as a result of the spell off-screen. did it hurt her? did it help her? your answers provide insight into how compatible this spell is for your current situation.
so… continuing on, how does this apply to you?
respectfully, please make sure you’re checking yourself and checking in with Spirit before you start targeting people in spells bc like.. girl.
even if you’re meaning well, you could very much be interfering with some shit that you have no business touching + get a backfires from HELL because of it.
your best and safest bet in ANY type of spell where you’re involving another person… ask them for their permission! if they say yes, go along with no worries knowing that everything should be smooth as butter. this is likely to happen with lovers, close friends/relatives who are open to your form of prayers for them.
if they say no, this is your first warning to re-examine where you’re coming from when it comes to trying this spell. is your ideal of their happiness restrictive / a projection of what makes you comfortable? does it center your happiness, or theirs?
if you’re leaning towards your intentions being selfish — perhaps water it down to something more general, such as wishing wellbeing as opposed to specifics like “they live like this, they live like that..” again, if it’s something that they wouldn’t want boosted then don’t do it. also, don't assume that you know what they want 100%. you'd be surprised about how people feel about things deep down.
and for some reason, if you’re not able to get a voice of opinion from the target .. bare minimum, divinate and consult your spirit team to see if this is a worthwhile venture to invest your energy into. whatever divine guidance you use, you should be able to get a clear verdict on how to move forward and what to avoid.
so if we were to draw a conclusion to this post...
magic is grey. magic just IS. there's no "dark" or "light" magic really -- especially considering that the so-called darkness could be used to liberate others and give solace to the vulnerable, and the so-called light could be used to control, restrict, and perpetuate certain dogmas -- just because it's under the guise of "love and light" doesn't mean it's good for you or someone else, lol.
please, use discernment in any spell you pick up regardless of how it's marketed to you. think deeply about the potential effects of the energy you're sending out, and know the energy you're interacting with before even trying to meddle with it. literally i'm just asking y'all to move with some sense instead of shooting spells willy-nilly just cuz you can.
nobody is stopping you from throwing out spells like candy, but if you end up finding out after fucking around i don't got much to tell ya but "damn that's crazy."
so like... in the meanwhile, don't die my friends.
prismo, signing off.
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docholligay · 6 months
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And that is, in fact, the end of the story.
Well, I am really disappointed that I could not give what many of you wanted, and really enjoy the show. I think that largely, this show was not for me, and a lot of the more intriguing things it brought up in the beginning it doesn't feel like they ever really delivered on.
I am still confused by what we're supposed to make of Drosselmeyer other than "annoying wizard" in his role within the story. When does a character become real? I mean, we can argue all day that Drosselmeyer was commandeering the lives of real people with his writing about them, and I guess that could be interesting, but, for example, Mytho was definitely his character. If we're ripping the spine out of Drosselmeyer, shouldn't he, i don't know, disappear? Isn't his existence in itself a crime against the town, then?
Anyway, I think I wanted this story to be more about writing and about what you owe your characters than ultimately it was ever going to be. This was the recommendation hot off the heels of Utena, by some of the same people who loved Utena, and I think it was always going to suffer a LITTLE bit for that--Utena remains the greatest reversal of opinions on an anime of all time for me. Hate to love, 50k, don't like don't read, me and Utena. But also, this is nowhere near in Utena's weight class.
ANYHOW. I am now taking questions on this anime, in total! I will answer them sprinkled in next week, and maybe even have a full day for it on the 24th, if we have time!
Thank you all so much for joining me on this--I don't know where if anywhere my sponsor will want to take this next month, but I'll get back to you. There may be room for a passion project!
I cannot imagine any of you happy enough with me for this information, but:
You can tip me at either Ko-Fi,or, since Ko-Fi has recently started running through Paypal as goods and services, thus taking a fee from my tips, you can just directly tip me at Paypal under @docholligay (But I recognize ko-fi allows for anon tips so I haven’t gotten rid of it)
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gemini-care-barr · 10 months
Barry Allen or Hal Jordan comics for the rest of ur life who would u choose?
This is actually so hard, why would you do this to me hahaha 😭😭😭
It’s hard because, like, I LOVE Barry, he is my WORLD, everything I do REVOLVES around him. He’s truly my moon and stars. Just all the cliches you can think of and that’s only a minuscule representation of how I feel about him… BUT Hal’s stories and the entire Green Lantern mythos are so amazing and inspiring and have gotten me through SO MUCH. Plus his friendship with Barry and the ways that Barry plays into his stories are so important and huge and UGH 😭
And that’s not even getting into the super pragmatic response that delves into who has the better runs overall, the longer runs, the least amount of bad editorial decisions sullying their good name, and the better supporting cast…
Can I refuse to answer this?? Of course I can but that feels like such a cop out 😮‍💨
I’m having a mental breakdown AND THIS IS JUST THE FIRST QUESTION 😭
…Okay, so… full disclosure… I have no qualms saying that Hal’s Green Lantern comics (ESPECIALLY the entire Geoff Johns run) is far and away my FAVORITE superhero comic series of all time BUT that does NOT change the fact that Barry is ABSOLUTELY my favorite fictional character of ALL TIME.
So, with that being said… if the question is asking PURELY about past/current comics… I *may* have to say my answer is Hal Jordan comics 🥹 IF the question is including and/or focused on future comics (and let’s just say future comics at their absolute best, like maximum potential has been reached) then my answer is Barry Allen comics 😌
My cop out answer is a shared Barry Allen and Hal Jordan comic OR either of them with plenty of appearances from the other 😜
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ryin-silverfish · 4 months
Hi! So I’ve recently been trying to plan out the skeleton of a story (it’s just fanfic if I’m being real) mainly centered around Nezha and Sun Wukong and I’ve been running into a lot of walls
Mostly because I’m a dumb little yank with the google search bar as my only weapon when doing research + a few tumblr blogs
But one thing I’m bumping into recently is Nezha’s death. Specifically his time while dead. Because in every story I’ve heard of it just seems like he’s stuck in this little in between space and it’s left me with some questions. I know it’s probably because of not having a proper burial or something like that (btw do we know what happened to his original body or nah??? Also a wall I’ve bumped into) but I just wanted to ask. Or is it something that just kinda drifted off? Also how long was he dead and what would being in that in between space be like in this mythos?
I assume by "Nezha's death", you mean his death in FSYY?
(CW under the cut, for suicide and graphic description of it)
Well, in Chapter 13, after he cut off his own arm, disemboweled himself, and sliced his flesh off his bones to literally return them to his parents, Lady Yin was the one who put his remains into a coffin for a proper burial.
After that point, Nezha's soul just drifted to Qianyuan Mountain, Master Taiyi's place, and the narrator adds here that "He is originally a treasure incarnate, and only by borrowing the essence and blood [of humans?] did he manage to gain his souls and spirits."(他原是宝贝化现,借了精血,故有魂魄。 )
Which has interesting implications. Like, in FSYY, Nezha was the Spirit Pearl (Lingzhu Zi) incarnate; at the end of Chapter 11, Taiyi was notified by White Crane Boy that the time was up, so he promptly sent "the lord" (老爷) down the mountain for reincarnation.
We have no idea if the Spirit Pearl is just a treasure being referred to in anthromorphic terms, or a treasure that has gained sentience and becomes a literal pearl spirit, like inanimate objects do in Chinese folklore.
(There is also this interesting theory I once saw on Chinese social media that the whole "Spirit Pearl" thing might be inspired by Yuanshi Tianzun's iconography, whose statue often holds a precious jewel/pearl, and in FSYY, Yuanshi Tianzun was the one who ordered Taiyi to send Lingzhu Zi into the world...)
Back to the original topic: after his soul ends up at Taiyi's place, Taiyi told him that he should go back to Chentang Pass, appear to his mother in a dream, and ask her to build him a temple at Mt. Cuiping.
Once he receives enough incenses + worship, he can take human form again via...the power of faith or something.
(This is a very common thing in Chinese popular religion: people who died prematurely/violently would become powerful ghosts and could use their power to disturb the living, thus they must be placated by offerings and oftentimes, worship.)
(Normally, this kind of worship was considered 淫祠, illicit cults not sanctioned by the imperial court. However, some of these deified dead people, like Guan Yu, would eventually become officially sanctioned gods, disentangled from their "restless ghost" roots.)
After being haunted by Nezha for a week or so, Lady Yin finally gave in and built him a temple behind Li Jing's back. The construction took a month or so, after which he stayed inside his temple and answered prayers from worshippers for about half a year.
His efficiency made the temple very popular, before Li Jing came along and burnt his temple down in a fury, while his spirit was out and away for some unmentioned reasons.
The novel also mentions that, after receiving half a year worth of incense, Nezha was capable of "taking form and voicing himself" (哪吒受了半年香烟,已觉有些形声) to some extent, so he went back to protest to Taiyi, who proceeded to do the Lotus Resurrection Thing.
Which implies that receiving worship can make a ghost corporeal again, though the book has nothing on the "Hows" and "Whys".
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onegreybun · 15 days
Even Just a Little Bit [Prompt 7: Morsel]
(Morsel: a small piece or amount.)
It would be nice if I could ever receive an onze of your cooperation.
I go through the many lengths to make sure you receive the information you require. It's not my fault your education was lackluster, or that you could never learn to read. Yet I still enchant these missives to you so that the letters speak the words written. And that takes my aether, which takes my energy, and every time I have to reach out to you I give up more and more of all these little pieces of myself. I've grown tired of it.
At the very least, you could do the bare minimum as my Keeper. And if you feel that's asking too much, you'd do well to recall the lengths I've gone to give you the life you have now. Might I remind you, as well, that such a thing can easily be taken away.
Break your vows all you will, but you will not break this contract.
So this is what I need from you. Among the realm there are several points of concentrated levin, and yet there are still folk who make settlements around those areas. You need to find out how it's possible for the people to do so without getting fried out of their minds with lightning. I don't care how you get your answers, but when you do I need them delivered immediately.
This is a matter that's very time sensitive, so I would begin packing your things now. I know you're on your 'pity-pilgrimage' since that little morsel up and left you, but I've given you plenty of time to wallow. Since you've set up your camp in the east, you can look into the mythos of the storm there first. Afterwards, travel west to the points of Ala Mhigo and the deep Shroud. Both of those areas worship different deities of levin, and you should find something there. And if you don't, then keep looking until you do.
Come back to Dravania at the start of the next moon with what you have. A month should be more than enough time, I'd think. Do not make this as difficult as you've made everything else. I have no love left to give you and I am very quickly running out of patience.
Man up and do your job.
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teatitty · 9 months
Hello it is me the absolute mess over FionnDiar here for the ask meme: was interested in your thoughts for them with 10, 18, 33, and 34 ;w;
Cracks knuckles oh this is gonna be fun as hell
10: What scares them about entering a relationship?
HAH! WHAT DOESN'T SCARE THEM ABOUT IT! Fionn is always going to be scared of another Sadhbh incident happening and it manifests in him being very clingy. The nightmares around that have never stopped :')
For Diarmuid... man if we listed off all his fears about getting into this with Fionn we'd be here forever. He has everything from the big abandonment fears to the smaller "what if we get bored of eachother" kind. They're both a bit of a mess about it
18: They’re going through something incredibly difficult—perhaps they’re very sick, have lost a loved one, or have gone through a traumatic event. Do they ask for or accept support and care from their partner, or try to isolate themselves?
So this is an interesting one since we do actually know how Fionn deals with this stuff in the mythos itself: isolation. We also know that Diarmuid is more willing to ask for advice from other people if he's close to them [the Fianna, chiefly]. For all that they'd both rather eat their own tongue before admitting they're having a bad time, Diarmuid is the one more likely to brind it up in conversation than Fionn is
Fionn will reject most anyone who tries to give him support or comfort, but Diarmuid is such an important figure in his life he ends up giving in pretty easily and leaning on him for it
33: Under what circumstances would they feel jealous?
Haha. Fionn gets jealous so fucking easily. Everyone assumes it'll be Diarmuid because of the fae thing but no. I made that "you know other heroes?" joke way back for a reason [it still haunts me that I made a mistype error with 'hereos' oof]. Diarmuid gets jealous only when other fae are involved bc of the territorial thing but is otherwise super chill. Fionn.... not so much. When they first came to Chaldea together people just assumed Fionn was a naturally overly affectionate and clingy person since they were always together and Diarmuid had to laugh and explain that no, actually, Fionn is just jealous that he's making new friends and spending less time with him
He calms down after some months have gone by though, mainly because Diarmuid forces him into making some friends himself so he can get out more
34: Under what circumstances would they feel protective?
Pfft. Is "all of them" a good enough answer? There's a never a time when they're not protective of the other. If one of them looks even slightly upset they have to jump in and find out what's wrong. They get injured in a fight? Now it's 2 on 1 you better run. It gets worse when/if they start dating lolol
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cdroloisms · 1 year
Questions? Do you need more questions? Because if you need more questions I can give you more questions. How about 7 & 12?
7. Which character do you think is the most similar to c!Dream?
Like the man cc!Dream himself, I have to say c!Techno. I think they have similar ideals, and in similar circumstances, preeeetty similar ways of going about those ideals--c!Dream has a lot more narrative baggage because of the L'manburg Mythos and he doesn't go through c!Techno's arc, but c'mon they worked together to blow a nation up to bedrock like they're both pretty damn willing to do some pretty damn crazy stuff. Obviously c!Dream is very much willing to do worse and is morally a hell of a lot more dubious, but in terms of how the rest of the server treats them, the fear that governs a lot of their actions, the motivations and ideals behind their actions, etc, i'd say that they're quite similar
(From a different perspective, looking at the finale, I kinda want to throw a c!Tommy in the ring? Obviously these two characters are very, very different in a lot of fundamental ways which leads to their initial conflicts and they're never Not going to grate at each other...but in terms of the narrative that c!Wilbur wrote, in terms of what they meant In The Story, in terms of that similar desire for a server where they could just exist in peace, yeah. there certainly are similarities there. and no one really inhabits the L'manburg Narrative in the same way that these two do as its hero and villain, because the lmanburg mythos was the tommy-and-dream-show that ended up dominating so much of what the story became..anyway. Not really my answer for most similar, but they're well. You know. c!Tommy and c!Dream, the significance can't really be overstated.)
12. What do you think c!Dream’s limbo/s would have been like?
Hmmm i don't have the strongest opinions on this tbh! Limbos have always been tricky for me. The inside of the prison/main cell is always good, but for an answer that's not that...something to emphasize the fear and paranoia that followed him everywhere, the server that was his home that became the very thing he was afraid of, the way that he couldn't stop looking over his shoulder waiting because everyone wanted him dead? i can't think of what, exactly though. Going everywhere and feeling eyes on his back. Hearing footsteps but unable to see their source, arrows whistling just past his ear, explosions making the ground under his feet crumble, clanking armor. If he stops and hides anywhere then they only get closer. His only choice is to keep running.
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