#there's that Archangel who's also supposed to be the leader of the Thrones named God's knowledge
salzsee-e · 6 months
Imma stick to my headcannon that Crowley used to be a Throne I mean look at that big-ass throne it's one of his few furnitures so it's got to mean something
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bl-sensei · 9 months
Analysis of Aziraphale's ethereal statuses
I was doing research for more analysis about S2 and I discovered quite a lot of interesting things about Aziraphale from his ethereal statuses.
1. He used to be a Cherub before the Garden of Eden. 
They’re beings devoid of human feelings. => Yet he could feel worry, love, happiness (all of those just for Crowley)
They are entrusted by God and described as creatures who encircle & guard God’s throne. They’re also the keepers of celestial records and hold the knowledge of God. => He was very close to God
The Cherubim name refers to their satisfaction with the imparting of wisdom and their benevolent kinship to those next to them. => He seemed pretty proud talking about doing the “good” thing, also Crowley said he likes to call him to tell him about something clever he did
I think Aziraphale could be the GO equivalent of Jophiel as he was believed to be the archangel armed with a flaming sword who drove Adam and Eve out of Eden and guarded the gate to prevent their re-entry, just like Aziraphale, and is considered the archangel of wisdom, just like principalities.
-> He protects those who seek the truth.
-> ("Beauty of God")-a companion angel of Metatron; a prince of the Law (Torah), usually included among the 7 archangels. Leader of the cherubim and representative of the splendor of God. 
I also think Aziraphale used to be a Cherub when he watched over the Garden of Eden and then became a Principality when God told him to stay on Earth to monitor Humanity as Principalities are the administrators of the Earth’s territory. Cherubs are in the 1st sphere of angels and Principalities in the 3rd, this would mean that Az was demoted.
2. Then he became a Principality 
They guide leaders in charge of large collectives to ensure God’s work is done on Earth.
Closest to the human realm, who can be seen to interact with people on Earth. => As he did, and he took quite  a liking to them
The Principalities approach towards an interconnectedness with the archangels and the angels ranked below them. => He worked really closely with the archangels, the most highest-ranked angels in Heaven + => He had responsibilities regarding other angels
They work with 2nd sphere angels in the hierarchy (Dominions, Virtues, and Powers). The 2nd tier angels focus on creating divine rules, orders, and laws; they pass their wisdom down to the Principalities. => How could he disobey when he was supposed to apply the rules and worked alongside the literal judges of Heaven.
Their energy is the antidote to brutal, authoritarian leaderships, for they guide people to exercise their power in a way that is balanced, open-minded, and fair for all. => Ironic isn’t it, do I really need to elaborate ?
They use their healing energy to cut through anxiety, fear, and worry. => Ironically Az is very anxious throughout S1 / when he’s near angels
They can send people ecstasy and joy. Their duty is to inspire brilliance, ingenuity, and creativity in those who seek to make progressive change / They are tied to the world of ideas. => Crowley ? The only demon with imagination ? Suspicious.
They are given more freedom than subsequent types of angels. => Why things were pretty ok for him on Earth
The Apostle Paul indicates both a good and an evil order. => Coincidence ? I think not.
3. Then he became the Supreme Archangel
Archangels are the guardians of nations and countries, and are concerned with politics, military activities. => For the upcoming 2nd Coming
Each Archangel has a particular role and are acknowledged as extensions of God himself (=> closeness with God again) :
-> The Warrior – Archangel Michael
-> The Messenger – Archangel Gabriel : sets the agenda
-> Angel of Beauty – Archangel Jophiel : leader
The Supreme Archangel 
-> In Christianity, the Supreme Archangel is known as Michael, while in Judaism they are known as Metatron. => Something going on with Metatron ? Also that could explain why Michael wanted to take the lead in S2
Michael is the Archangel of mercy / His name means ‘who is like God.’ => The irony. But if Az takes their place then he would be the “Archangel of mercy” in a way, which fits him well.
According to most Christians, he is the leader of the other angels, and of the heavenly armies (he lead the battalion of Angels during the Great War.) => The 2nd Coming again
He is usually depicted as a warrior angel, armed with a sword or a flaming sword. => The flaming sword
Michael is responsible for protecting the world and its inhabitants from harm. => Pretty much what Az does and wants
He is also believed to be the one who will announce the end of the world. => Prediction for S3 ?
The one who will “stand up” against the Devil and his angels and  lead the heavenly host in times of battle. He is also the one who will battle against the Antichrist and his forces during the end times. => The duality, he’ll have to make a choice again, hopefully this time he’ll make the right one. Also ironically he fought alongside the Antichrist and his forces in S1
Highest ranking angel in the hierarchy of Heaven and the most powerful of all angels. => He sure is very powerful (with Crowley at least)
Closest to God => The closeness with God le retour
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incorrectmmr · 4 months
Ranking The Angels
(Just copy and pasted from my insta story @/incorrectmmr_)
Did a bit of research and ranked the Angels for fun.
Also there are many sources and interpretations. Since this is just a tumblr post and not an academic essay, I'm going off of what I read online and I'm not going to cite my sources (sorry English teachers).
Mikael: Archangel, obviously. Leader of angels, most powerful. Pretty self explanatory. Even though you see in rankings that archangels are part of the "lower" categories (only because they're closer to Earth/ humans), specifically Archangel Michael is still more powerful than a Seraph. They should be the ones closest to humans, but Mikael is the exact opposite
Ricardo: Seraph, a FEARNOT (jk), one of the highest ranking of angels (or THE highest, under Archangel?). They act as guardians (specifically to the throne of God, but I'm taking it as in general), and Ricardo was supposed to be Mikael's bodyguard (but he's only that in title). I think their name means "the burning ones" and yk he has a fiery personality ...(corny). They're supposed to have 6 wings, but apparently in NH, only angels of royalty can have wings :/
Noel: Cherub, still one of the highest, just below Seraphim. They have many roles, some as guardians of spaces (such as the Garden of Eden). I HC Noel is the kind that is the servant/mediator between the humans and the divine, because he is Mikael's servant and who MC goes to first whenever she needs anything.
This is more onto symbolism, but cherubs also symbolize love and purity, which makes sense why Noel loved his parents and Oswald even if he was hurt. It's like by forbidding himself to love, he's denying an important part of his nature as a Cherub :’0
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skzluvs · 4 years
Gods and monsters; Lee Felix
Genre: Demon Au! Lots of Angst
Warnings: Suggestive, Mentions of blood, Mentions of Death
Word count: 1.5K
Song recommendation: Lana del Rey gods and monsters
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In the land of gods and monsters I was an angel and he was pure evil.
You were a beaming light in a darker valley, walking the streets in between creatures and monsters you had defied all laws the moment you came down to secretly meet him in the shadows.
You were still the purest angel of them all but he had driven you insane making you take such a life risk. If you were to be caught right now the gates of heaven would close immediately and you would become a fallen angel thrown into the burning flames of hell.
But here you were not giving a care as long as you kissed his lips. As long as you got a taste of the underworld from his mouth.
" Its been a while since you came to visit me angel" he whispered in your head.
With Red burning hair he was standing there at the end of alleyway hands on his pockets a cigarette on his mouth, you found it endearing the way he lit it up with his own hands just for you. He knew how much you loved the fire only he was able to create. Only he was able to ignited the fire in your veins. 
Hand in hand you both walked inside your usual secret spot.
"I've missed you" you said wrapping your arms around his neck.
And when he places his strong hands around your waist softly that's the moment heaven and hell became one.
"My sweet Angel I was dying to see your divine face again" He said as he held you tighter than ever.
"Felix this isn't right " You replied preoccupied sighing.
You knew this not so innocent encounter could cause trouble. Not only the heavens would never be able forgive you but also the demons that were after your holy blood.
" Shh..." He placed his finger on your lips. " I'm here to protect you, no one dares to get even get close to my angel"
He knew all your worries and understood them like they were his own. He could read your mind anytime with the ability of his Psychokinesis.
Felix was an extremely powerful demon. You had heard so much about him in heaven even before you actually met him.
All the angels he had killed, all the places he had burned with his bare hands. He was known as nothing but perversion.
The amount of times angels warned you about him were countless. They knew you were naive enough to fall into his trap. They said once you drink poison you become foul.
And perhaps they were right and you were just denying the truth. Blindfolded with his touch. Felix was your corruption and you knew.
" I'm no longer scared if I'm with you" You assured him trying to make all your concerns disappeared as he began to place wet kisses on your neck.
"We don't have much time Angel" He said seductively against your ear.
Lustful eyes, hunger bodies, a collision between pureness and peccancy. You were only a devotee when he devoured your lips.
You saw the stars when his hands went in between your thighs. Burning your wet core and you weren't as angelic as you produced loud moans.
Felix taught you how sweet sin tasted. Like cherries on top a bourbon cocktail.
"give it to me, this is heaven, what I truly want
It's innocence lost" You said feeling sparkles inside you when he released.
His burnt hair dripping in sweat, he was lying beside you. You caressed his cheek and placed a soft kiss on his temples, His eyes began to close but before he had fallen asleep completely he said.
" I'll cross heaven and hell just for you angel" 
Head resting on his bare chest after setting fire with your bodies exhaustion took over you and you drift off to sleep next to your beloved demon.
When the morning came coldness wash over you
Opening your eyes in confusion your first instinct was to searched for Felix missing his warm heat.
But all your eyes meet was your penitence.
A room filled with Archangels all of them looking at you with shame.
And on the throne God rested looking directly into your soul.
"WHERE IS HE" You screamed falling onto your knees.
Pleading praying that he was not hurt anywhere.
" Look at how blatant she is, worrying about a demon even during her own trial" One of them said with a disgusted tone. And everyone started whispering unpleasant things about you.
" Y/N you have ridiculed the whole heavenly kingdom by infringing the rules, you had adulterer a dreadful sin that transgress all human morality but you as an Angel has gone beyond all boundaries by having intercourse with an evil being" God's most powerful Archangel spoke to you.
His words making you shiver in your place unable to speak, your mind was going crazy you couldn't even think about the situation you were caught in right now all you could think of was Felix.
" Therefore according to the sacred gods deed you will be exiled of the promised land and thrown into the burning oven underneath, your life from this moment will become your punishment suffering and misery will be all you get to experience" That was it you had caused this nonetheless you had no regrets.
"Remove her wings"  He yelled.
A multitude of angels came over to you pulling and tearing your plumes one way one.
You were unable to feel pain it was like your body was numb. When they finished the doors opened and you jumped into a free fall.
The earth opened and you went right through the Core of it
When your body touched the floor all bruised up you were surprised you hadn't broken any bones. You remained intact trying to stand up.
You walked the streets naked with blood dripping from your back. The absence of your wings made you feel empty somehow now you had to walked bared feet.
No angel was allowed in hell but now you were here cause you no longer belonged to heaven. A true fallen angel you became.
Your priority was to find Felix as soon as possible but you were disorientated, you had never been here before. Where should you begin your search?
As you were trying to come up with a plan a group of demons approached.
" Look what we have here a true angel" one of them said looking at you.
" It was easier than we thought, you came earlier than we expected" The tall black haired said making you confused.
" What are you talking about?" You asked in fear.
" Why don't you tell her Jeongin" Who seemed to be the leader talked referring to the youngest.
" I will Chan" He stepped in front of you and began to talk "we cause this, we told on you and Felix" He said smiling with those fiercely shaped eyes.
" You did what" You said lowly more like a whisper to yourself.
" It's our vengeance Felix didn't deserved the tittle of most powerful demon he didn't deserved to rank higher than any of us" The leader said with an authoritative tone.
" But we are not done yet are we Minho" Jeongin said his eyes shining in pure pernicious.
" No we are not, You are the most precious thing Felix has, so beautiful I can see how your Angelic charm makes him so weak" Minho said running his fingers through your strands of hair.
"Your blood surely has a sweet taste" The pretty face tall boy spoke again. His words making your stomach to flip.
" DON'T TOUCH ME WHERE'S FELIX" You yelled smacking his hand.
" Oh your boyfriend is not here to protect you anymore he's paying for your own sins down in the dungeon" Chan told you laughing at your terrified face.
You started to scream for his name desperately, you wanted Felix to come and save you but he wasn't even able to save himself.
" There's no worth in fighting beautiful angel, he is not going to come and there's nothing you can to stop this" Minho pulled you down on the floor. And they all surrounded you.
Your cries were heard through the whole underground.
Felix was trapped but he sensed it he felt his own soul leaving his body when he heard you scream. When he smelled your sweet blood from miles away.
He shout in pain. Bursting into tears infuriated he started a fire that began to grow rapidly on his palms.
You loved him you truly love him and now you were about to die for him and you guess that's how it's supposed to be that's only fair that a love like this couldn't last for the eternity.
Felix had lost all sanity when he lost his angel.
The fire calcined his own body leaving nothing but the ashes.
That's how the love of an angel and a devil  consummated into the incandescent blaze.
Unstoppable like the flames but certainly just as destructive.
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danni-chuu · 4 years
RAD Student Files: Lucifer, The Celestial Realm’s Bastard Pride
before i start the post, Thank you guys for the support^^ it really means alot. and im going to go very in depth with these post, so i decided to make each brother have their own spotlight by making it individual post.  
also i apologize in advance if i cant joke around much with these post hehe^^;
Spoiler warnings, so you have been warned! 
 Background and Origin:
Lucifer,as famous as he is right now. With the Netflix show and other representations of him throughout history, his name has only been mentioned once in the bible.
“ How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, Son of the Morning,” (Isiah 14:12 King James Version)  
this simple line was said to actually be a foreshadowing of the fall of the King of Babylon, Nebuchadrezzar . Some say it is alluding to the fall of a Pheonician God, Helal who sought after the Chief God’s throne and fell (pretty similar eh? actually dfq too similar) .
some say that Lines from Ezekiel might be marking a prophecy of Lucifer’s faith  (Ezekiel 28: 11-19 , the passage is alittle too long, so if you want to see it just search that up), the passage speaks about King Tyre and what his pride did to him not only that but the passage then goes to mention “ the Anointed Cherub”. This is said by Jonathan Edwards, a Philosophical Theologian is a reference to Lucifer; as Lucifer was made highest of the angels, not only this but is said to be the closest to the throne of God.
Now, who and what is Helal? the actual Hebrew text has the name “Helal”( which still meant Morning star) instead of Lucifer. both do mean the same thing, an Astrological Phenomenon.
the actual name of Lucifer came from the Latin Vulgate version of the Bible.Lucifer, which meant “Light Bearer” and was directly connected to the Planet Venus. As the bible gets translated over and over again, this later turned Lucifer instead of being just a figure of speech, became an individual being. most of the stories about Lucifer are taken from Poetic literature about the bible  and legends.
there are many interpretations to the fall of Lucifer( the Anointed Cherub), so i will give the most well known and then briefly touch upon the other interpretations.
Lucifer, before his fall was said to be God’s most perfect creation, a Cherub ( some would disagree and say a seraph, but more on that later) whose beauty was unmatched, whose knowledge was above those of his kind; God gave him knowledge that only Lucifer can have. second only to the father himself.he was the leader of the angels but, he grew in pride and decided that being second to the father is not enough. that he has to be equal--no greater than the father. With this, he waged war that caused great chaos throughout heaven. Michael (in some accounts, Gabriel) the archangel second to him lead the army that counters his and was able to defeat him and cast him and those who sided with him out of Heaven. following the Book of Revelations, it is also accounted that third of the angels in Heaven fell with Lucifer.
as he was cast into the Abyss, he is to bound there until the day of Judgement, but with his despise of God, he then goes to the mortal world to tempt and torment the Father’s most beloved creation, Humans. he does this so that he can acquire their souls and keep them away from God( this was stated in the Apocrypha, Enoch). it is said that he appears as a beautiful innocent child and uses this form to easily tempt humans to follow his words.
some interpretations state that the reason for Lucifer’s rebellion is because, God made another being, Jesus, who was Higher than him. as Lucifer only is near the throne of God, Jesus is to sit on the throne with God for all eternity. which infuriated Lucifer.
and in some interpretations, it is said that God permitted Lucifer to be able to tempt humans. and in some Gnostic Christian Sects they believe that Lucifer isn’t even evil, but the first-born of God who is to save humanity with his gift of Knowledge.
Jonathan Edwards, even goes as far as to say the fall of Lucifer to him pleases God, as his fall is for the greatness of God that is to come.
Lucifer in the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the mage, Lucifer is stated to be one of the four Principal spirits. in the True keys of Solomon, Lucifer is identified to be one of the three demons who can command all others of his kind, he is said to rule over demons in Europe and Asia ; the other two demons who have the same authority is Beezlebub and Astaroth . as for other legends, they state that Lucifer is the Consort of Lilith ( weird but okay?). according to Peter Binsfield, Lucifer represents the Sin of Pride; to note, it is said that Pride is the King of all sins, which seems fitting for Lucifer. He is also the Opposing force to Saint John the Baptist.  in the Friar Rush, Lucifer is said to be the “ Prince of Gluttony” .
as for Lucifer’s position in hell, there is some debate over it, on one side it is said that Lucifer is the emperor of Hell, with Satan being second to him and Beezlebub third to him. for some Demonographers, Lucifer is a great Lover of justice in Hell.  and the other side, it is said that it is either Satan or Beezlebub.
So How does it show in the game?
Lucifer in the game is well known as the loyal right hand of Diavolo ( the devil?). He is obedient to Diavolo’s wishes and does everything he can to make sure no one opposes him, even his brothers. this is quite different from the things mentioned above. Lucifer is supposed to be the highest one in Hell, he was able to even rebel against Heaven for it, yet here he is...serving a Demon?
Lucifer is shown to be a sadistic, strict, over bearing, secretive, but caring(?) sibling. he shows to be dealing with alot of problems with the past especially concerning Lilith.
(the sadistic side could be a reference to how he loves to torture and torment humans. just a guess)
the game seems to take liberty of taking shifting and twisting the origins to make a more human Lucifer, his story is also very similar to what his origins state.
but, the thing i want to focus on is Lucifer’s model, in the game he is stated to be seraphim, an angel that has 6 wings( this information was given by Luke during Chapter 5),  but his model only goes to show 4. now, in the information above, Lucifer is said to be a Cherub, so whats with that?
to be technical, Cherubs are angels of Knowledge, which for others means, his sin is caused by his knowledge. Seraphims are angels of Charity, while they are the highest choir, if you try to connect it with his sin, it doesn’t match. but, since the game used the Seraphim interpretation so we’ll go with that.
Lucifer is also shown to have dark hair and his wings have turned black, modern interpretations do this as to show his turn to the darkness, but some interpret it as the result of Lucifer’s wings being burned. his character model shows him with only 4 wings, so where’s the 3rd pair? most likely burned off during his fall to the Devildom , or they were burned during the Celestial war. and the implications that Micheal did it might be likely, since his origins states that Micheal was the one to defeat Lucifer and His army.
Diavolo when he gushes about Lucifer, he always goes on about how Lucifer was so bright and blinding, which could be a reference to his name as Light Bearer.
in regards to Lucifer’s relationship with Lilith, During chapter 5, we were able to find out about that Belphie, Beel, Lilith, and Lucifer used to be very close. hoping this game doesnt take the incest route, we can say that Lucifer and Lilith are just very close siblings rather than the original interpretation that He is a Consort of Lilith. much of the lore is still in the making, so most of the things are just possibilities.
ps. i hope you guys enjoyed reading this very long post ❤❤❤,sorry for taking a while to post :< school’s been taking up alot of my schedule so the time window for researching has been hard to manage. but enough about that, if you have any information you want to share that i wasnt able to include or you want to correct some things, please feel free to comment it :3
The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology By Rosemary Ellen Guiley
The Organization of Pandemonium By Maxmilian Rudwin
A Dictionary of Angels Including Fallen Angels By Gustav Davidson
A Field Guide to Demons, Fairies, Fallen Angels , And Other Subversive Spirits By Carol K. Mack and Dinah Mack
The Names of the Damned : The Dictionary of Demons by Michelle Belanger
Dictionary Infernal By Collin De Plancy
And more ( Tumblr doesn't want links so ;<)
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randombtsprincessa · 5 years
Ambrosia || 1
Author: Randombtsprincessa
Characters: Kim Taehyung x Reader
Summary: An Ancient Lore is making the rounds in Heaven, Hell and Earth. What happens when it reaches you?
Warning: Violence
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The thuds of running footstep echoed throughout the cold night, pants of breaths that misted and fogged around the panicky man’s face, blurred his vision.
He couldn’t afford to slip and fall.
His assailant was silent, dark as a shadow and equally as frightening. The man hadn’t seen him coming but the next moment there was a chokehold on his neck and muttering in his ear, low and smooth voice whispering words…strange words to him.
He didn’t know how he managed to escape, but somehow he did, wiggling his body away from the powerful grip of the shadow man and took off into the night.
He had to admit, he had no direction, no periphery in the rapidly smoking lanes and he had no clue where he’d turned during his now cursed nightly walk.
He was completely, hopelessly lost.
And by some strange newly developed perception of danger, he could tell his attacker was drawing closer.
He was lane diving at random now, slipping in and out as fast as he could, hoping to confuse his pursuer but he was the one having trouble getting his bearings back.
He slowed down a few times, looking around wildly, hoping that in one of the unintelligible black drawn buildings he’d find the way back to his home, warm and comforting, or at least the way to a more secure location than tumbling about in dark alleyways.
There weren’t even any solid crevices or black spots that would conceal him.
He wouldn’t call himself a religious man but he couldn’t help the tiny sliver of breath that huffed out the four word, “Please God, help me,”
As he emerged out of another dark lane, he felt the tell tale signs of his attackers again; the prick of danger, the chill of apprehension and then he was off, pounding straight across the roads to wherever the path took him.
Somewhere along the way, it had started raining, the cold water seeping through the man’s light coat, soaking his skin to the bones and nearly drowning him in the freezing temperature.
No help came from the god he so pitifully asked for help but instead came his befalling.
His feet skidded on the now wet road, ankle twisting the wrong way as he landed on his front, the asphalt searing across his elbow, leaving behind a jagged cut.
The fallen man grunted, gathering his wits before he turned to see if he was still being pursued. Surely whatever was after him had given up after that hell of a chase?
Headlight flew around the road and the man craned his neck to see a black sedan moving gingerly closer. He almost wept in relief, his god had listened.
He was going to be saved.
It was a second too late that he felt it again, the prick, and the click of a shiver up his spine. It was as if the world was slowing down around him. He could hear the drops of water fall around him, minute and singular. He could ever feel his breath go in, travel around his body and be exhaled, the feel of carbon dioxide warm on his upper lip. He was sure if he would focus, he could feel the earth revolve.
The car was still on its way, it was just infinitely slower and the man barely had time to look around before he felt the slender grip around his neck again.
The muttering was back, the sharp sensations of having something snatched from deep within had started again but this time the man just helplessly let it happen.
Was this how it was supposed to happen? Like this…on the road…? He had a family, a woman he wanted to marry. He had a job he had to get to in the morning…
He was supposed to die like this?
But he wasn’t dying…
The pain in his arm dimmed, the world returned to its axis, yet the man felt nothing.
Even as the car he’d been so relieved to see came to a standstill in front of him, bright headlights glaring into his dilated pupils, he didn’t shy away.
The calls of a man; asking is he was ok, if he needed assistance, if he needed a hospital rand through the confines of his brain, nothing registered.
All the man could do was blink.
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The term was so…varied.
To some, they were bright, benign creatures full of love and affection, always and forever ready to bestow them upon any and everyone.
To others, they were myths, biblical and enigmas created to show that there were guardians out there who saw all, protected all, and took care of all.
To others still, they didn’t exist at all…
It just so happened, that Angels themselves were happy to promote all three ideas; for various reasons.
They were what was the word…? Oh, yes, you could call them a government of sorts.
A government that reigned supreme and was of time immemorial…
It had endured eras and generations and had never once lost its simplicity and complexity.
Its job was protection, looking after its sheep – quite literally so – like subjects, giving love and showing fondness when needed to keep them from going stray but also to instill enough fear of The Way. No one in heaven cared about the Way of course, God created you, God loved everyone.
Angels had to watch the Creation and they were happy for a long time, until came religion, politics, mayhem…and then came betrayal…
Of course, they weren’t called Angels back then…that term was a lot more recent…
Until now, Angels just existed.
The Principality stood in the lush grass with an easy frame of body, but the being’s brows were drawn closer just so, his hand wrapped loosely around the long thin trident that was his symbol of power.
The plane he stood on was just one down from the highest, able to exist physically and yet be unable to achieve by humans. It served as a meeting place for Angels where their business was decided. The third triad used this plane the most, and was quite fond of the cliff from where they directly watched over their charges.
The term “Angel Meeting” was for all intents and purposes, supposed to sound funny. It would be too, if it comprised of men and women in white robes with plastic feather wings strapped to their backs running about with gold painted halos perched on their heads.
No, behind the silly sounding name, the matter was always serious and with no binary differences. Here was where the Principalities and Archangels offered their younger brothers and sisters their work on Earth.
Yes, even Angels had hierarchy, who knew?
Angels had endured throughout millennia, and they would stay on for more to come, at times, it got boring, at times it got exhausting, but as their creator had intended – not that they had ever seen him or her – they found joy in watching God’s lesser creations – human. Or perhaps, it was more of amusement, entertainment.
They all went about their daily life with a suppressed form of superiority. Especially the men, Lord knew what made them think they were so above everything else. The ill of all kinds were the most stressful to watch, leaving most Angels un-wanting to hover near teens with mental problems, asylums, institutions and hospitals.
An Angel given the job to work these areas was considered the most unlucky even if the concept of luck was foreign to Angels. Their auras were tinged with the diseases humanity faced; sometimes even take a few days off to recuperate as they drained their Angelic powers of the taint of bearing Human Maladies.
Today, the meeting would be grim.
The being turned just as the grass rippled again with a gust of wind, watching closely as three similar beams of light burned the immune grass of the Plane, before the pure light started to take shape in humans.
No one out of heaven was willing to keep their 12 feet tall selves exposed with multiple heads of various creatures.
The first one to step out of the blinding white light was Seokjin, big dark eyes inquisitive as he studied the Principality.
The Principality in turn returned the look evenly.
Seokjin, gorgeous Seokjin was never one to come for any old job. He was an Archangel, twin to the Evening Star himself. He had been ignorant of his brother’s mutiny, and yet was left distraught when his other half was cast out by his Eldest, Michael. Unable to stay with the rest of his siblings he had relegated himself to the lower class, happy to keep out of Michael’s way.
If possible, he would stay out of it now, but the angels were desperate. They needed him.
The other beams of light, more colored than the pure golden white took more time to step out.
Out of the gray tinge, stood out Namjoon and in the end, from the purple beam came out the youngest and most recently born, Taehyung.
Both hesitated in front of the more powerful auras that Seokjin and the Principality together exuded.
The Principality swished the trident once in acknowledgement. “Welcome, brothers,” he said, voice booming across the grassland. “I thank you for joining me here so promptly.”
The younger two angels inclined their heads while the older remained impassive, prodding the higher being to get to business straightaway.
“I suppose you know of the attacks on human beings?” the leader asked, steeping his fingers together, trident clutched between his thumbs.
The Angels nodded. Of course they knew; they watched the news too. Sometimes, they had the misfortune of catching a murder happening but they didn’t have jurisdiction to directly intervene unless they were specifically ordered to be Guardians. Even the Guardians didn’t randomly go about protecting people. They were given to special souls, worthy souls.
“Is that what you have called on us for?” Seokjin asked voice curt but the indifference in it was not missed. Seokjin might not have rebelled but the way his father had treated his brother over the meek creatures had stayed with him since forever.
More often than not, he did not see why his father cherished these cattle breeds more than he did his own children.
The Principality could only watch him with sadness. He had once been the most gentle and most benevolent, and the one who had been around since the Throne turned his back on Lucifer.
“Yes, it wouldn’t have been; but it has fallen on our radars and that is a cause of concern.” He said finally.
“What would you have us do?” asked Namjoon. He was a strategist, mainly getting posted to the industrial sections of humanity, office workers and the like.
“What can we do? We cannot just go about and play detective Namjoon.” Seokjin said, eyeing the Principality, almost daring him to say something.
The Principality just shook his head. “Too many have died, brother, we cannot let this slip.” He said, finality ringing in his tone.
“Then send Michael, or Gabriel even Raphael, aren’t they the warriors?” Seokjin asked.
A clap of thunder echoed across the parted sky.
“Careful brother,” Namjoon warned but Seokjin couldn’t be bothered. Not one of his brothers had dared face him for ages, what would change now?
“It has been anointed to you already. Nothing has changed. You will go to Earth, you will contain the situation, you will find the culprit and subject him to Heavenly Justice.” The Principality commanded.
Each glanced at one other before nodding to their oldest as their wings erupted behind their backs to engulf them in Angel Fire again.
Namjoon, black, grey and white wings flapping once was the first to vanish, followed by Taehyung as he drew his feathers closer together.
Seokjin eyed the Principality for a second longer before erupting in a rosy beam as well, sparkles leaving behind.
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isabellawaites · 5 years
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she probably has Angel blood as well
The literature I wrote
The heavens of above
A warrior archangel
She protect the heavens
One day she made the decision
The angel came down
life the live like humans
She fell in love
with Immortal
She loved a mortal
She married a mortal
They had a family
But the man she loved was nether grateful
He had mate with other woman
Her friends told the action of her love
She was heartbroken
The gods hold sadness for her
They promised to give back her wings
But her children have to become warriors
To protect of world of good
The sad angel except
The gods told her to kill her husband
Her former love came back home
The bastard of a man not know his wife now know what he did
He said hello honey of satisfied
From the woman he mate with
She felt like all the sadness from humans
The gods gave her a potion that will make like her husband death caused by a deadly disease
She gave the drink to her unfaithful spouse
He Did not know what was about to come
The angel was ready for his death
He drank the gods death creation potion
he felt something that was weird
The Angel act like something was happening
Angel ask spouse she said
Is there something wrong my dear
He said nothing dear
Then he felt like something was was choking him
It was like poison rose Vines
He felt like blood coming out of his neck
Immediately he choke out the ground
The angel still acting was pretend more worried for her on unfaithful love
He was choking blood
he realize he was dying
He thinks who could poison him
He think of his many enemies
He fought of his mistress was the one who did it
As he refused to marry the woman
The woman was angry she told him
you will regret for not marrying me
I'll make sure you take your last breath
She must have tricked his wife
For taking the poison
So people think that she killed him
the only reason he slept with that woman
His wife only want to have sex only if it was for giving children
Not just for the fun of it or for stress
The only reason he even married her
she was a being from heaven
Who came from the heaven
He didn't think women could fight
So the Angel stop fighting so they can be together
He thought she was just an idiot woman
But she couldn't have poisoned him
She was a angel a nice person
There's no way
But when he look at her
She was smiling
She said to him
Deer foolish man you think you could lock me up
Woman could fight as well as man
I am an angel
I'm person who protects everything that's good in this world
You are have shown ungratefulness
To me
By mating with other woman
And you broke your vows
Of are marriage
By ungratefulness
The gods of told me to kill you
You Will die now
Consume of your sins
Lust pride greed
And then he died
The woman ran to her neighbor's house
Door open and the neighbor came out
The angel told neighbor what happened to her husband
That her husband's felt ill
And then he drop dead
doctor came and then checking his body he told everybody his death that was caused by a deadly disease
the angel took her children
Nobody questioned why we all understand
Who want to live a place where your love died
Angel live in the other land
After her mortal body left
She went back to the heavens
She Protective the realm of the heavens
Years later her descendants we're great warriors as she promised
One of her descendants
Was a woman who working at a bar
And then a man handsome came in the bar
He drink and was with some other nobles
He flirted with the woman
He promise to riches and everything to her
To her the woman did believe this to be true
The spend the night together of steamy love
The next day the woman was buried of a child
The man was freaked out as he was a king and he was married and had child already
He threatened the woman to ever tell anyone
About what he did he swear was going to kill her the woman knowing that she was tricked by a man who was a selfish man
Many asked who was the father of her child she said was a former lover does she thought to be dead
Many went with it
Immediately her children was born a boy and a girl and they only have her features not of The selfish man
Later her babies were still babies but the king guards grabbed one of her babies
Took it away
She know what this meant
Years ago a dragon burned many kingdoms in the ground
The only way to stop it
Was by the guardians voice
In the Royal blood
Of the kingdom that stop it
every 10 years
A new girl was chosen to be The voice guardian of the dragon
But they took the wrong baby it was her son
Her tears to come to her eyes
She cursed the king
And said
You foolish and selfish King
You have took one of my children
They maybe your blood but
they're my children alone
You will pay
Years later when the boy grow up then the king found out they took the wrong child
And that the boy was not the guardian
But the boy was able to sing the dragon to sleep
Dragon was happy that someone cared for him because guardians crying or silent or begging to go back to home or ending their lives because Many afraid of he
But the boy was kind and sweet did care for the dragon and dragon told him everything to know about the world
At the kingdom there was a girl who was trading to be knight but many people say she can't be knight and she be better off as a housewife
But she passed the test and became the a knight and she heard about a boy was the guardian of voice and he was not supposed to be guardian as it was his sister who is supposed to be the guardian
she found out as well The boy had silver beautiful eyes she realizes that was her missing twin brother
she grabbed allies and her friends to find her brother
the boy was dying because he didn't stop sing his and throat was coughing up blood he know he wasn't going to make it but he felt like he was going to be alive
The warriors faced many challenges but they finally found the location of her brother
They fight many monsters
They found the knight guardian
She was the guardian stop trespassers who decide to do something to the guardian of voice voice or the guardian is trying to escape
They fight the guardian
The other warriors they can to defeat her
The other warriors told their leader to go and save her brother
they defeat the guardian Knight
The knight angel found her brother he was coughing up blood she realize he's about to die but the dragon and knight Angel fought the dragon was going to set flame on them
But the dragon said
Deer descent of the angel
There's a way to save your brother
From his own unfair death
You must use the power inside you
To heal your brother
So he voice won't be broken
Channel power of the angel
Insight you
she used her power to heal her brother's neck
After she heal her brother's neck the rest of her friends came out of the cave
They went back to her house
The brother met his mother
His mother was in tears finally she can see her son again
The knight angel decided she was going to take the King's throne
The rules and their land wise a person who could defeat the previous king would become the new king
The friends distracted the guards
The knight angel open the door she saw the king she told the king raising her sword
She said
Dear father you do not know who I am
Do you know by my name
The woman you have slept with betraying your own wife
I am the child from your conceivement and also my brother
For you threatened mother's life
Now I should punish you for your crimes
For the kingdom and womens to be forced chosen to be the guardians
Now die King
the king grab his sword the start of fighting
Slash's metal sound the battle was a tense but she became victorious
She became the new Queen
She sent the queen and her son to a land they would be happy
The queen roll the land
Many say she was a fair decision
she was kind-hearted
she had determination
Many said she was an angel above
Before the destruction of there the world
Lady Irene took the queen safer dimension
when she woke up a strange man found her
She woke up the man was in front of her
she sent up and that's and she asked what was his name
He gave his name to her
The man looks so beautiful
He was like the kind of nice guy you ever find
For the months she talked to him they do have in the village
They helping the villagers they spent together always
One day he asked her to marry him
She accepted
They live together for 2 years
She was pregnant
The child was beautiful
2 months later
The angel felt sick she realized some God put a curse on her
it was not any God
it was God of destruction
She realized she had no time to live
On her dying bed
She told her husband
No matter let yourself be a release don't not be hold on my death
After she pass away
Her husband made a deal with a demon
She's brought back to life
she feel pain when she came back
The demon was controlling her
She wanted to die so she could go back to heaven
The villagers told her husband
he came out as monster
She heard how he had red eyes
Sharp teeth
And he look like a wolf
She realize he been cursed by the wolf god
The sacrifice to bring her back with life as a wolf
She left her baby to her friend and she left the village
She went to the cave her husband was in
when she was there her husband was sad
She hugged him and told him he was going to be okay
But He uses his Sharp claws to scratched her chest
She spell blood and her chest
She realized she was dying
But she can't blame her husband for her death
She realized it was a curse who did this sin of wrath
She died but gods told she was protect descendants
Every person who bears the curse of the Ultima
she was the one who come down all the ultimates show them the light of the good
and make sure they're wrath never show
She is there angel
The story of the queen knight of angels
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