#there's too many caspians to tag just know they're there
cuubism · 1 month
13 books
What’s up readers?! How about a little show and tell? Answer these 13 questions, tag 13 lucky readers and if you’re feeling extra bookish add a shelfie! Let’s Go!
Tagged by @softest-punk. whoops. this is from April 😅
1) The Last book I read:
I've been rereading Narnia and I recently finished book 3, almost finished book 4 too. It's honestly delightful. I hadn't read them since I was 10. I've got portal fantasies spinning in my mind now though. Prince Caspian was giving me thoughts. There's a universe where there will be a Dreamling portal fantasy, if I get to it.
2) A book I recommend:
A recent read I really enjoyed was Journey by Moonlight by Antal Szerb. It kinda called me out on all my worst impulses though.
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
Entire Stormlight Archive series. It fed my poor, starving, "needs excessive levels of enrichment" brain. I'm on the last one, I don't know what I'll do when I finish the series. Wait for the next one? Goddammit.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
I don't reread books that often, other than Narnia I guess, but with that one it's been so long it's not really rereading anymore. I don't have a huge amount of time for reading so I'm more often reading new things.
5) A book on my TBR:
Recently I've been thinking that I want to read more Borges... I even had a dream about it last night 😂 wherein I was back in university taking a class on South American literature, except the class was in Spanish and I don't speak Spanish so really not sure what that was trying to tell me.
6) A book I’ve put down:
I dropped Wolf Hall halfway through although I'm hoping my brain will come back to it. I just got kind of mired in it and lost track of what was happening like 15 times 😂 maybe audiobook-while-doing-manual-labor wasn't the medium for this one... though the audiobook narration is great.
7) A book on my wish list:
I've been moving around at least every few years since college so I'm not really "collecting" books atm and don't have a wishlist of ones to own... The closest thing would be like niche media studies books from university that are barely in print that I want copies of XD considering how often I'm looking it up I should track down a copy of Jerome Christensen's book on studio authorship which was actually foundational to my conception of the systems and structures that mold storytelling, especially in the US.
8) A favorite book from childhood:
I was a Warrior Cats kid 😎
9) A book you would give to a friend:
Normally if I'm trying to pawn a book off on someone else it's because it's super cursed and I want them to experience it too 😂 an example: this published Obama & Biden fanfiction that I actually own
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one of my weirder possessions to be sure
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own:
There are many, but the one I'll always keep is my signed copy of Night Sky With Exit Wounds, even though it took me like 7 years to read it, because I'm slow at reading sometimes.
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11) A nonfiction book you own:
They are mostly all media studies--a great one is Listening In by Susan Douglas which is a history of radio in the US.
12) What are you currently reading:
I always have a ton of books laying around the house that I'm "currently reading." When I remember they're there. Primarily right now it's Rhythm of War (Stormlight Archive 4) and House of Leaves. And Narnia of course.
13) What are you planning on reading next?
I should probably finish The Tatami Galaxy which I started a while back and then forgot about 😂 it's just sitting there neglected. More generally want to read all the random books I already own so I don't have to lug them all with me the next time I move.
woof, this thing is actually so long no wonder it took me 4 months to fill out. tagging @magnusbae, @arialerendeair, @beatnikfreakiswriting if you even want to do this many questions 😂
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thedawntreaders · 2 years
you know something that's been on my mind? i think susan would crochet stuffed animals for lucy when lucy was still a child in narnia, because all the ones they had were left back in the professor's mansion. out of all of them, the baby elephant was lucy's favorite and most cherished. it's susan's proudest work.
this very same elephant would be left untouched thousands of years later in lucy's quarters after her disappearance, which the following kings and queens had never dared to enter, as they did not with the rooms of the other kings and queen. but something so noble as a toy, whose purpose is to provide comfort and happiness, could never be destined to stay hidden away forever.
the castle of cair paravel burns brightly tonight, broken into nothing but flame and rubble from the recent telmarine's attack. it is in this debris king caspian the first finds a crocheted elephant. it's a cute looking thing, despite the ash that stains it so, and he decides then that he must take it with him into the heart of narnia, where his new home will be. he has it washed, and gifts it to his firstborn son, who cherishes the elephant with all his heart.
fast forward many, many years, the son has a boy of his own, and with fond memories, gives the stuffed animal to him, so that it could bring the child joy as it did for him. soon enough, the toy becomes something of an unofficial royal heirloom.
when susan catches sight of the stuffie in caspian the tenth's quarters, she finds herself fixated on it. no, it can't be. without warning, she rushes to it and takes it into her hands. caspian doesn't mind at all. finds it amusing, in fact.
"can't ignore the elephant in the room?" he teases. she doesn't entertain an answer.
"how did you get this?" caspian senses a shift in the atmosphere, and sets his book down.
"it's always been with me since i was a child. it was passed down to me through my forefathers. doctor cornelius said its creation dates back to when the telmarine dynasty first began. why do you ask?"
she smiles to herself, caressing the elephant. her eyes gloss over with the memories of an era long past. how simple times were then, when they were nothing but children chasing each other through marble halls and sleeping through history lessons. she can recall the wooden pressure of the hooks she used to interlock the textiles with, the ache of her wrists, the hug of her sister as she asks about the toy's progress.
"your professor is wrong, i'm afraid. i was the one who made this sweet little one, once upon a time. it was for lucy."
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Yours, Mine, Ours: Chapter 18
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Single-Dad!Chris Evans X Single-Mom!Reader
Series MasterList
List of OCs for this series
Series Summary: Your husband Caspian Richardson Senior died while serving in the military, so you move your three sons to Boston, MA. Where you meet an actor and his sweet daughter.
Chapter Summary: Bus ride!
Series Warnings: Death of a spouse/parent, divorce of parents,
Chapter Warnings: Bullying.
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Chris knew the boys were iffy about him. He didn't blame them, he'd be the same way if he was in their shoes. But he wants them to like him, he doesn't want to become their dad. No he doesn't want to replace Senior but he really likes you and understands nothing will work out if the children aren't happy. He's talked to June about, though aging the conversation down a little compared to what you may say to your kids.
Juniper never seemed to have a problem with it. Then again all she heard was you're getting brothers. Chris hopes the boys can warm up to him but it's still early you and Chris have only been on 6 dates. He's just hoping for the best. His priority is his daughter though, but having a mother figure in her life would be beneficial.
A part of him understands that he can take care of her on his own. He's been doing it for years. But eventually he'll have a hard time. He's dreading having to teach her how to shave her legs, or about periods. He's not uncomfortable over the topics he's just uneducated. He shakes from his thoughts when he hears June walk into the kitchen.
"Daddy can we go sledding?" She asked him.
"Uh I'll have to find your sled but sure." He smiled at his baby girl.
"Yay! Can I ask Caspian to sled too?" She asked.
"Well I'm not sure if school is over for him but if he's out you can invite him."
"Yay!" She then ran off to go get ready. Chris smiled shaking his head.
"Be careful Junebug!"
Caspian glared at the boys on the bus. Their words hit harder than he'd ever admit. This kind of thing, bullying was rare on army bases. He isn't used to teasing. Sure kids got into fights but this verbal.
Caspian would be fine if it wasn't. His dad told him never to throw the first punch but always throw the last.
"What going to go cry to your daddy? Oh wait you can't." One of the boys said. Caspian sighed clenching his fists.
"Shut up."
"What are you going to do?"
"You don't wanna know." Caspian answer looking out the window. He sighed reaching up to take his dog tags in his hand.
"What're those?" The boy asked reaching for them. He tried pulling off of Caspian but it didn't work. Caspian grabbed his hand standing up.
"They're dog tags. My dad's dog tags, so you lay one more finger on them and I will break it." Caspian glared. Now he couldn't actually break a finger but they don't know that.
"Fine sorry." The boy sassed as Caspian sat down tucking the dog tags into his shirt. The bus stopped and Caspian walked off of it. He could see his brother's bus not far down the street. He wishes his dad was here. He knows what he'd say and everything.
"Junior you can't let them get you down, they won't amount to anything and they know that so they have to drag everyone around them down too."
Caspian put on a smile as his brothers climbed off the bus. Both brothers came running off the bus, arguing over something.
"Nope you're wrong soccer is better than baseball. Cause soccer is interesting to watch. Baseball is just a bunch of people running in a circle." Connor argue.
"You can't even used your hands in soccer!" Jace argued. Caspian didn't but in he just let them continue but guided them in the direction of home.
"Yeah but at least we don't have the chance of hitting people with metal bats."
"Well there's more states with baseball teams than states with soccer teams!"
"Actually theirs the same amount of States with teams. Just some states have multiple teams." Caspian butt in.
"But baseball is america's favorite pass time!"
"Here I'll google how many team's there are." Caspian grab a his phone searching it up. "There are 30 baseball teams in the United States while there are only 19 soccer team's in the states."
"Hah see there's still more baseball teams!"
"Well I bet if we included the whole world there would be more soccer teams!"
"Okay I'll google it. So there are 30 major league Baseball teams, all in the USA. And 28 major league soccer teams."
"What!" Connor pouts. "Soccer is still better."
"No baseball is!"
"You're both wrong Football is the best sport. There are 32 nfl team's." He could mention that hockey is technically tied with football with the number of teams but he didn't. Since none of them played hockey. Though Connor loves watching hockey. It was just rare to find a team on bases so he's never played plus isn't good at skating just yet. "Plus the army and navy play football."
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Taglist: @anacrcarvalho @traceyaudette @deputy-videogamer @stillthatbetch @queenofthepouges @dontbescaredtosingalong @hauntedmuffinpersonarascal @food8me @cedricdiggorysimpp @findthebeautyinbreakdowns @selluequestrian @killerqueenfan @lharrietg @liecastillo @denisemarieangelina @wisepeanutlady @unicornblueberry @stitchattacks @milacolibri @spooky-stoner @marvelmenwhore @saahmi @boldlypessimistic @freakyevanss @asuni921 @srhxpci @supriseeshawtyy @nova10711 @nik2write @blueeyeddemon1016 @happinessinthebeing @winterberryfox @sunwardsss @ellerosie2332 @the-photo-hoe @scarletmeii @janaev4ns @tanyaherondale @hollzo-03
I googled about sports teams for this chapter y'all should be grateful. (I'm joking lol)
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writingbylee · 2 years
get to know me tag game
Tagged by: @zinzinina sorry this took me so long!!
rules: tag a few people you want to know better; make a new post, don’t reblog!
this got long lol so my answers are under the cut!
favorite color: dark green (234133 is the hex code if anybody's that interested lol)
currently reading: i'm approximately one page into Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige
last song: It Won't Be Long Now by Melissa Barrera from In The Heights
last movie: Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (it was a comfort movie kind of weekend)
last series: Bridgerton (slowly but surely making my way through season two! mmmm i love me a slow burn)
sweet, spicy, savory: sweet or savory (depends on my mood)
coffee or tea: both!
three ships: (hi this is really hard) Rey Skywalker and Poe Dameron, Din Djarin and Luke Skywalker, Arya Stark and Gendry Waters (random game of thrones ship but they're the reason i got back into fanfiction) (but omg i could have picked so many more)
first ever ship: Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (the best friends to lovers BLUEPRINT PEOPLE)
currently working on: a very large sneaky star wars project with @gotomarvelgal otherwise known as ABD (for now), also i've got a tasm!peter piece floating around in my head
favorite piece of clothing: i love a cozy cardigan, but similarly i only wear tshirt swing dresses in the summer
comfort food: peanut butter, mac and cheese, dark chocolate
favorite time of year: winter winter winter
favorite fanfiction fic writers: (um i have no idea how to pick just one fic because i read so many things uh so here have some of my favorite writers instead??) @maybege is the queen of Paz aus as far as i'm concerned, @spidervee kills me with her tasm!peter fics and drabbles every damn day, @cowboystokes i read literally everything lex writes because it's always amazing and it's her fault that i am attracted to characters in media that i've never seen, @zinzinina shocks me with her ability to fit literal tons of emotion into like three words, @gotomarvelgal is my favorite writing partner and also her ANGST AH
no pressure tags for people i'd love to get to know better: @maybege @spidervee @cowboystokes @gotomarvelgal and anyone else who wants too!!
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