#therefore prince and princess live happiness
muxshwriting · 3 months
you and i (pt. ii)
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Simon Basset x bridgerton!reader
summary: as Daphne's twin, you were always second to her. but then you meet someone who is only yours, completely devoted to you. nothing will come between the two of you, it is just you and him || warnings: pre-marital kissing (how scandalous), fuck old man Hastings || word count: 1072 || masterlist
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You rushed into your sister's room that evening, needing to talk with her. "Daphne!"
She was sat at her window, already in nightclothes. "What is it?"
"I know about you and the Duke." You confessed. "I know it was all a ruse and I know he doesn't love you."
Daphne smiled knowingly, pulling you to it beside her. "He told you everything? Even-"
"He loves me Daphne! He said he wants to marry me but needs to court me properly first." Your practically giddy with excitement. "Oh Daphne, I'm going to be a Duchess and you a Princess!"
Now it was Daphne's turn to blush as she thought of her beloved Prince.
"When do you think the Prince will propose?"
She thought for a moment. "Soon, I suppose. He is returning to Prussia at the end of the season and we shall have to be married by July. I am going be a Princess, can you imagine? Me, in a palace, raising children of my own. I will miss you all terribly though."
You smile at her happiness. "You'll be a perfect princess Daph, trust me. Besides, you can always come back and visit or we can come and visit you. I'm sure Colin can stop by Prussia on his tours." The two of your giggle, spending the waning evening discussing your futures together and what they might hold.
The Duke courts you perfectly, charming each and every time. The season has quietened slightly as proposals are accepted and honeymoons begin. Simon joins your family at the park for a promenade, conversation flowing easily between the two of you as you tour the park before making your way back to your family.
"What do you want for the future Simon?"
He sighs, realising what he must confess. "I do not know. But there is something I must tell you. It could change everything and I understand if afterwards, you do not wish to marry me-"
"Simon, what is it?"
"I can’t give you children." Simon says the half-truth.
"Children are not the end of the world." You quickly reply. "If we cannot have children of our own, I shall spoil all my nieces and nephews from my siblings." You pause, resting a hand on his. "It does not make me love you any less."
You want to say more but your youngest siblings are running over, begging you and Simon to entertain them. Simon watched on as you attempted to chase your youngest siblings around the grounds. They were much more agile than you and you soon fell behind, catching your breath. A look passed between Hyacinth and Gregory and they both leapt towards you, pushing you to the ground and climbing on top. They shrieked with laughter as you rolled them both over and began tickling them, squirming to get away from your hands.
You were a natural, bringing your siblings joy without much effort and sharing their joy on your face. In that moment, Simon was willing to cast aside all hatred he held for his father. To see you happy, surrounded by your family was magical. If Simon could give you your own family to raise, he would. He would be happy to spite his father, not live unhappily as his father wanted him to.
He makes his decision and takes the journey that very night, calling on the Bridgerton house in the early evening and heading straight to Anthony's office.
"Simon!" He calls, "What brings you here?"
"I am not here as a friend Anthony, there is something I must ask."
Anthony leans back in his chair, some idea of the question forming in his head. He nods for Simon to continue and watches as he wrings his hands together and stutters out a response.
"I love Y/N. I know our marriage is not your favourite idea but I willing to do anything for her. I'll do whatever I need to." He takes a deep breath. "Therefore, I am asking your permission for her hand in marriage. I intend to propose with my mother's ring and have no need for Y/N's dowry."
Anthony nodded slowly. "I am not blind, nor an idiot. Anyone can see that my sister would not be happier with anyone else. However, to reject her dowry is an insult to this family. I do not care if you have enough money to support her. Take the money, put it in a trust for your future children, let Y/N use it to buy whatever she pleases, but take it."
"I have you blessing?" Simon couldn't quite believe it was that easy.
"You have my blessing." Anthony pauses as he stands to shake Simon's hand. "But if you ever hurt her, you'll have me and my brothers coming for you."
"I'd never."
He appears in the Bridgerton House drawing room the very next morning, a bunch of flowers for you and Mama as he fiddled with the box in his pocket.
"There is a question I must ask you."
Your quietly hopeful as you stand to meet him. "Yes?"
"Marry me Miss Bridgerton." He begs. "It would do me no greater pleasure than to call you my wife."
"Yes." The brightest of smiles covers your face. "I would love to marry you."
Simon's smile matches yours as he slipped the ring onto your finger.
"This ring is beautiful."
Simon smiles wistfully. "It was my mothers. Lady Danbury kept it safe, hoping that I would find love of my own one day."
"Perhaps I should thank Lady Danbury then."
"Please do not, she will take it to her head and never let us forget it."
Your mother silently leaves the room, calling your sisters and servants out with her. Both of you are silent for a minute, revelling in your private moment and your recent engagement. "You know," You begin. "No one would know if I were to kiss you in this moment... That is why Mama called all the servants out."
Simon matches your smirk and steps even closer to you, feeling your breath on his face. You're breathing the same air, hearts beating in unison. His lips brush against yours as he speaks, "No one would know..."
You close the distance, threading your hands into the lapels of his jacket to pull his even closer as your lips melt together in perfect harmony.
All was perfect in the world, everything would be alright.
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hope you enjoyed! part two had me giggling and kicking my feet ngl
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thesithdiaries · 2 years
A Beast (Harwin Strong imagine)
A Beast (Harwin Strong imagine)
Pairing: Harwin Strong x female Targaryen!reader 
Requested: nope
Warnings: brief mention of offing oneself, slight misogyny if you squint, spoilers for episode 1 and 3, typical westeros bs
A/N: this is much needed happiness for what happened in the show + this was basically inspired by the preview of queen charlotte’s netflix series (bridgerton prequel) PLEASE WATCH IF YOU HAVENT. literally sent a message to @astraljedi the second i finished watching that video (she sent it to me cause i had to idea this show was even happening)
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Despite being King Viserys first born daughter, Y/N had no intention of being a queen. Although she loved the attention, the balls, the feasts, the beautiful dresses and jewelry, and all the privileges that came with being the daughter of a king, she was not interested in ruling seven kingdoms. She found it dreadful, borderline psychotic. And sitting with the small council for hours, deciding what to do in certain situations made her feel bored. 
After Queen Aemma and Prince Baelon passed, Viserys set his eyes on Y/N. He had to find a way to keep his brother Daemon from the throne, therefore he decided his daughter would be the heir and would sit on the Iron Throne after he passed. Y/N knew he was planning this. Nobody had told her, but she did notice her father giving her looks while someone brought up there were no male heirs, citing that the Realm has been in twenty-one years of uncertainty and doubt.
“Your Grace,” a Kingsguard called, looking rather pale like he was about to faint. “Princess Y/N has requested your presence.”
Viserys looked perplexed for a second before making his way out of the room. Otto Hightower, however, was deeply annoyed. He still did not understand how the princess could order her father around.
Inside her bedchamber, Y/N sat on her desk. It was filled with history books, papers, and pens scattered all around. The door opened, revealing her father. He quickly smiled when he saw what she was doing. Y/N always showed a fascination for history.
“You called?” He cheekily asked, taking a seat next to her. His eyes scanned the table, she was reading about past kings.
“Yes. I thought about going to you but I am too tired to walk,” Y/N confessed.
“So you make me walk here?” Viserys faked a surprised face, Y/N always had the same excuse.
“I just wanted to speak to you privately,” she explained.
“Well then, speak,” Viserys softly urged her.
“I do not want to be queen.”
The air felt tense immediately at her confession. The king did not know what to answer, his mouth opening to refute her terrible idea but no words came out.
“I am not fit to rule. It is simply not me. Father, I know you have had this on your mind since you exiled uncle Daemon but I cannot accept the responsibility of being your heir.”
“My sweet girl, have you always felt this way?” He asked with concern, grabbing her hand, while she nodded. “Why did you keep this to yourself?”
“I did not want to anger you… and I also did not want you to be disappointed. Even if you keep it to yourself, I know you feel disappointed that Rhaenyra and I are not boys.”
“No no, you misjudged me. I love you and your sister. Yes, me having a son would relieve you from this burden but that does not mean I feel disappointed about my daughters. You and Rhaenyra are my biggest blessings and I will always thank your mother for giving me two amazing daughters.”
Y/N sniffled, this was the first real conversation that they had since the funeral. Her father’s words felt genuine. Viserys always made sure to be present in their lives, to show them love and affection.
“However; what am I supposed to do now t-”
“Rhaenyra can be your heir,” Y/N declared.
Viserys eyebrows rose with curiosity. “Rhaenyra? Has she spoken to you about this?”
“Honestly, no, she has not. But father, she can rule the kingdoms. Even if she does not participate, she learns from being in the small council meetings. Talk to her. She deserves being on the Iron Throne.”
They sat in silence for a few minutes, until Viserys stood up to hug her. Y/N buried her face in his chest, feeling grateful that her father understood and did not argue about her decision.
They had decided to do a hunt to celebrate Aegon’s second nameday.
Y/N sat with the other ladies while she ate some sweet treats. It was mindless chatter, Alicent tried to include her in the conversation but Y/N only gave short answers to whatever they were asking about. Rhaenyra was nowhere in sight, which aggravated Y/N. Where could she possibly be? 
With nothing else to do, Y/N excused herself and left the tent. The thought of going to sleep for the rest of the day sounded blissful.
“Pardon me, Princess?” A man interrupted her thoughts. “My name is Theodore Tyrell.”
Y/N smiled politely as he handed her a fruit bowl. “I gathered that from the rose on your chest. Thank you.”
“I do not think we've been properly introduced. I never found the correct opportunity to speak with you privately.”
“Oh,” Y/N awkwardly smiled. “Here I am. A pleasure to meet you, my lord.”
“Have you ever been to Highgarden?” Theodore asked.
“Twice, yet I am too young to remember,” Y/N replied, a feeling of dread filling her heart.
“You would love it. Highgarden is filled with flowers all around. Beautiful roses climbing up walls. The sights of the roseroad and the ocean road are simply breathtaking. However, we do not have a dragonpit…”
“Why, if I may ask, do you need a dragonpit?” Y/N hissed, pushing the bowl of fruits into his hands before the anger got the best of her.
“To house dragons, of course,” he replied with a condescending tone.
Y/N turned around and stormed into the tent, marching toward her father. “Oh, sweetheart, I was just about to call for you.” Viserys' smile dropped when he realized his daughter was seething with anger. “Are you alright?”
“Lord Tyrell? That is your best choice?” Y/N barked at him. “That man could be my grandfather.”
“You are of age, Y/N. Three-and-twenty, it is time for you to marry. It has been for a while.”
“That man? I would rather throw myself from the highest tower at the Red Keep before marrying him.” Viserys' eyes widened at her threat.
“Enough! I have been trying to speak about this with you since you became of age and all you have given me have been excuses. You must marry! It is your duty, especially now that your sister is the heir.” Viserys exclaimed, capturing the attention of everyone in the tent. People were staring, some of them murmuring about the conversation between the King and his daughter. “You and your sister will marry, whether you both like it or not. That is not up for discussion.”
Princess Y/N was quietly crying out of anger and frustration. Deep down in her heart, she knew her father was right, she needed to marry. Viserys went silent, mentally scolding himself for upsetting his precious daughter.
After their heated conversation, Y/N retired to her tent for the day, stating she was not to be disturbed under any circumstances. 
Hours later, after the king had sunk into his cups, Lord Strong decided to try his luck.
“Excuse me, Your Grace.” Lyonel stood in front of the King, at the bottom of the steps. “Can we speak for a moment?”
Viserys sighed. “Should I guess? You believe that your son, Ser Harwin “Breakbones”, the strongest man in the Seven Kingdoms, is the best match for Y/N.”
Lyonel cleared his throat. “Yes sir, I believe so. My son, from what I have noticed, could be the only one that can deal with the princess. He is heir to Harrenhall, his strength and knowledge of battle will keep the princess protected. And the area is big enough to build a dragonpit.”
“Are you sure about this? Do you think my daughter will agree to this arrangement?” Viserys was unsure. Surely his daughter would not like this at all. 
“Perhaps she will try and fight it, Your Grace. They should at least meet and have a conversation, maybe that will help. We should not just send them off to wed immediately. My son would not like that either.”
Viserys hummed. “After we return to king’s Landing, I will talk to her. I suggest you do the same with your son.”
Days later, in the Red Keep, Y/N was actively ignoring her father. She was still hurt about how their conversation played out. She ate all her meals in her bedchamber, only leaving when she knew her father was in a small council meeting. Alicent also made attempts to get them to talk but Y/N was not interested.
During the night, she felt relaxed to go out and sneak some food from the kitchens and new books, when she was intercepted by the King.
“Y/N!” He yelled, startling her. “You cannot keep doing this. We must talk.”
She shook her head and walked faster to her chamber, but he was close behind. Y/N could not close the door before he got inside. “Father, please, leave me alone.”
“No! I am sick of this, Y/N. You will not keep avoiding me,” Viserys raged. She sighed, sitting on her bed in defeat. “You will marry, I have found you a suitor.”
Y/N opened her mouth to protest, only for Viserys to raise his hand to make her stop.
“This is not up for discussion. You will meet him tomorrow night.”
“Who is he?” She asked and Viserys turned around to leave. “Father! Who is he? What is his name!” 
The king had left. Y/N yelled in frustration, she hated not knowing.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the castle, Lyonel was about to speak with Harwin. “Son, do you have a moment?”
“Of course, father. What is it?” Harwin put down the paper he was reading to focus on Lyonel.
“You are to be wed.” He blurted out. Harwin felt the air being sucked out of him. “I spoke with the king during the hunt. You are to marry princess Y/N.”
“What? The king agreed to your proposal?” He was stunned. “What did princess Y/N say?”
“She, uh… she does not know you are the suitor,” Lyonel confessed. “We think it is better like this.”
“Father, that is absurd. She must be losing her mind at the uncertainty, you know that.”
Lyonel sighed. “I know, son. As I said, you will meet her tomorrow night. The king is already planning a feast in honor of this union.” 
Harwin did not know what to think. He had not met Y/N, only saw her from a distance during the hunt. He was captivated by her beauty. He could only hope Y/N was not too upset when she found out it was him.
The following morning, Y/N was speaking with Rhaenyra while they ate breakfast together.
“Sister, you have to forgive father eventually,” Rhaenyra reminded her while taking a bite out of an apple.
“I know,” Y/N exhaled. “I just… I just feel that he does not care about my opinion on the matter.”
“If that were the case, you would be in Highgarden right now.”
Y/N gave her a look. “I suppose you are right. Have you heard anything about this mysterious suitor?”
“No, I am afraid I have not,” Rhaenyra confessed. “Father has been very secretive since we came back from the hunt.” Y/N covered her face with her hands, letting out an exasperated sigh. “Perhaps you will like him, he could be very handsome.”
“Or he could be a beast,” Y/N contradicted.
Nobody in the castle talked about the suitor. The princess has not heard not even a whisper about him. It frightened her immensely. 
The hours moved quickly and it was time for them to meet. Viserys had arranged the small hall for this. Almost everything was going according to plan, but they did not know what the princess was up to in the gardens.
Y/N was currently trying to climb up a wall using flower branches. She planned to climb up, run from the castle, and come back the following morning. It sounded easy in her head, but now that it had to be executed, Y/N found it was not so simple. On the other hand, Harwin was on his way to the hall when he saw someone with silver locks trying to escape. He chuckled, walking up to stand under an arch.
“Hello, my lady. Are you in need of any assistance?” Harwin asked, holding his hands behind his back.
“I am quite fine, thank you. You can go back inside and do whatever,” she dismissed him.
“I will. But I am curious… What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” she answered.
“You are doing something,” Harwin observed.
“I am not.”
“You are.”
Y/N got down from the branch, staring at the wall. “If you must know, I am trying to ascertain the best to climb over this garden wall.” She put her hands on her hips.
“Climb? Whatever for?” Harwin wondered with an amused expression.
“I think he may be a beast.”
“A beast?” He answered in surprise. “Who are we discussing?
“That is none of your business.” The princess slightly turned to say this to him before focusing her attention on the wall, causing Harwin to take a sharp breath to calm himself. “My suitor,” he smirked. “No one will speak of him with me. He is clearly a beast.”
“Understood,” Harwin nodded.
“If I grab here, perhaps you can assist me by lifting me up,” Y/N moved her hand to get his attention, then proceeded to climb up the branches again. 
“You do not like beasts? What he looks like matters?” Harwin wondered.
“I do not care what he looks like. What I do not like is not knowing.” Harwin was right then, he told his father this. “Now, here. Just hold here, with a lift I believe I can climb up the garden wall.”
“You want me to lift you over so you may escape?” Harwin repeated what she requested, still feeling amused. “People will notice you are missing.”
“I will worry about that later. Now, please make haste.”
“I have absolutely no intention of helping you.”
Y/N got down and walked towards him. “I am a lady in distress. You refuse to help a lady in distress?”
“I refuse when that lady in distress is trying to go over a wall so she does not have to marry me.”
Y/N was stunned. “You? You are the man I am supposed to marry?” Her cheeks were red in embarrassment.
“I am deeply sorry if I look like a beast, princess,” Harwin teased. “I would have thought the same if I had not known it was you.”
“You,” she cleared her throat, “who are you?”
“Ser Harwin Strong,” he introduced himself while grabbing her hand to kiss it.
“Lord Strong’s son?” Y/N questioned with confusion.
“So you have heard about me,” Harwin smirked.
“If I am honest, only your name.” Y/N’s cheeks were even more flushed if that was possible. “I, umm… I will see you inside. Excuse me, Ser.”
Y/N almost ran, wanting to be away from him as soon as possible. Harwin, however, was faster. He grabbed her arm to make her stop and turn to him, bringing her close to his body. “Wait, princess.”
“This is not proper,” she stuttered.
“Neither is you trying to escape,” Harwin noted. Y/N failed to get out of his grip once again, his hold was tight but not enough to hurt.
“What must I do for you to let me go?” Y/N pouted.
“Just have a conversation with me before we go to the hall, so you can see I am not the beast you thought of,” he proposed. Y/N huffed in defeat, but deep down she was intrigued by him.
“Lead the way, Ser Harwin.”
@my-dark-prince / @Daemonloversblog / @littlemoonash / @mypatrochilles / @beefbaby25 / @sweetybuzz2 / @fin-never / @asexualaromosafezone / @nerdy4itall / @yelchinweasleylothbrok / @Juless_world / @thatgaytevinter / @kaitieskidmore1 / @chevelledahuman / @rozendiors / @claudiajacobs / @savagemickey03 / @multifandom-loser / @direluvr / @dandycandy75 / @bitchyglitterfox / @rumandtearsflowerisevil / @moonlightsspirit / @dkathl / @holysmokesblog / @derzauberermitlilabademantel / @daydreamin1220 / @redpool / @bxdbxtxh15 / @vinceelsner / @watersofmars / @popsycles / @holysmokesblog / @madelineannmolder / @poisxnedmind / @lilithArtAndStuff
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gardenfaerie222 · 7 months
why I think the 3 brothers/3 sisters plot makes sense and why Vassien/vassa x Lucien will be the final acotar book
The Death of Koschei the Deathless/swan lake
That’s it. That’s the reason
The Death of Koschei the Deathless:
3 sisters who are princesses (the archeron sisters) marry 3 wizards (the batboys)
The MMC (Lucien) meets a beautiful female warrior princess (vassa) and marries her, she goes to war, gets captured by koschei after the MMC accidentally sets him free (what’s the bargain made for vassa’s freedom, anyone?), koschei kills the MMC but he is revived by the 3 sisters wizard husbands. After he’s revived and gets a magic horse from baba yaga, he kills koschei and lives happily ever after with the warrior princess and the 3 sisters and their 3 warrior husbands
Swan lake:
The prince(Lucien) falls in love with the odette(vassa), but she’s cursed to be a swan. To stop the spell from being broken, von Rothbart makes his own daughter, odile(Elain?) look like odette, and the prince falls for it (manipulated mating bond, anyone?) professing his love to odile and therefore keeping the spell from being broken. There are multiple endings to the ballet, some not so happy, some happy.
I know this isn’t a unique idea or one I came up with on my own but I still wanted to put it out there for everyone to see!
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energy prince william mornig 14 march2024 tarot
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same process as Catherine, we start with the oracle of energies:
interesting, I came across Catherine's energy yet I asked for William! Ok, Catherine is trying to protect her social statue, she comes as queen of coins but she is accompanied by a black cat = she feels unlucky! she is surrounded by her team and is thinking about a transformation (slight because I only have one little butterfly) but she is studying many possibilities for spring. There is an opening emerging, a new energy, we hope to open the door to happy days. Lots of anxiety about a goal we would like to achieve! we are heartbroken because of a storm that is coming or that there is already happening that can disrupt the healing! We are limited in our movements but we are working on a communication strategy to open the doors again and let the light in. Well, I asked again for Prince William, I got 7 cards!!!
it's good, he recognizes that he screwed up, that he was wrong, well he is aware that he can't express his emotions too much but I'm happy to see that he recognizes that he screwed up completely, he is aware that communication has failed, he tries to regain control and work on the communication strategy. Watch out for your ego, William!!!!
with the Akashic tarot: before starting because the cards are very interesting, I am behind Catherine 100%, it is time that she teaches William a lesson, she may not be born with blue blood but believe me she is destined for royalty!!!
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therefore, the soul sisters (william and catherine) will meet again physically between spring and winter. William is thinking about what path to take in terms of communication, direction… (he screwed up and he is aware) he comes in a humble way as the king of roses towards Catherine the queen of parchment with her 3rd eye open!!! William is aware that times are very turbulent and that a new communication scandal could happen, he must play intelligently with the help of his wife to get out of there!
he is aware that he must take a new path that he has never taken in relation to health and communication with the rest of the world! he tries to convince others of his idea, of how he imagines, what is interesting in this drawing is that I came across the Adsum card, on this card, you have a guide, two dead elderly people (one man = Philip and a woman = queen) then you have two living people, a man and woman around thirty years old. I imagine he is thinking about how the Queen and Prince Philip would have reacted to this fiasco (not good!!) but above all there is a notion of help and study with books (so learning) there will still be contradictory and turbulent communications (because it is a balance of power that currently exists) We are on a complex construction and transformation because it is their first real crisis as Prince and Princess of Wales (so what will it be like as King and Queen when there will be the government at stake) because I remind you that the united kingdom is a parliamentary monarchy and not an absolute monarchy the government can speak and demand accountability!!! (some people tend to forget this aspect on the forum)
the tarot cards, from a balance of power to a tendency to move away and make one feel alone, we feel diminished for Catherine because she is limited in her actions. She hopes for less criticism and attacks! there is a renewal and a new beginning (william apologized to catherine) in connection with the press, social networks… we try to forget the past and find a balance. Unfortunately for William I see yet another stupid decision that can further shake his status. we tend to play the selfish role when it comes to relationships. there is a press release or sincere information which will talk about the activities over the coming months where we hope to be able to do good but slowly
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joanna-lannister · 4 months
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I promised I would make a masterlist of all my favorite JC fanfictions, so here you go. Those fics aren't sorted out by Canon or AU, they are just a mix of what I loved over the years.
How My Story Ends by Millie55 Cersei and her army arrive in Winterfell to aide in the battle against the Night King. Or Cersei and Jaime reunite in Winterfell.
Casablanca by LordStannisTheGodDamnMannis666 Tywin extends Jaime’s business trip abroad at short notice with express instructions to fly directly to the next country. Jaime however rather likes the idea of a detour, and he knows the perfect person to join him. Aka As long as he gets there by Monday morning it doesn’t really matter what he does in the meantime, does it?
They Want to Make Me Their Queen by Millie55 Cersei has lost everything except 2 things: Jaime, and her Kingdom.
Until Death Do Us Part by LordStannisTheGodDamnMannis666 A new law is passed in parliament that changes Jaime and Cersei's lives for good, allowing them the opportunities, freedom, and happiness that they once could only dare to hope for.
my blood alone remains by houselannister The Austrian Princess is barely fourteen when she leaves her homeland for France. She speaks very little French, and is wilful, stubborn and capricious. She leaves Vienna with an escort of two thousand men, loyal Austrian soldiers.
The Ribbon by Magnolie Cersei is shipped off to France by their mother to part her from Jaime. But there is no without each other for them, only together.
Oh come all ye faithful by Magnolie Jaime and Cersei have their own ways and excuses to escape the boring Christmas Parties and even if they have to stay... there is always a way to spice things up.
therefore each to other bound by copacet Having escaped Stark custody, Jaime returns to King's Landing during the Battle of the Blackwater—thus solving some of his family's problems while also creating several new ones.
of love and beauty by liesmyth “We’re lions.” Jaime’s hand clasped around her own. “Let them all choke on it.”
The Price of Love by nightingalesighs Cersei studies her sleeping twin’s face one night trying to pinpoint when Jaime’s feature’s had changed. When his hair had started going grey and what caused the wrinkles on his familiar face.
She's always been afraid of storms by vwoolf Cersei's afraid of storms and seeks out her brother's company.
you gave away what you never really had, and now your purse is empty, I can see why you're sad by houselannister It's been five years since Jaime left London. Now Tywin is dead, and business is business. Cersei flies to Paris to get what's hers.
foreshore by lutece Still, the lions linger—perhaps they are dead across the sea, but in Pentos they have flourished with their cub.
The Better Cure by corrielle After being unhorsed by Loras Tyrell on Prince Joffrey's name day, Jaime visits Cersei to soothe his wounded pride.
perihelion by houselannister London, 2020 - After Tywin Lannister's death, Jaime and Tyrion uncover their father's most precious secret: a hidden sister. Money and power intersect with family and obsession.
Prophecies & Promises by spinsterclaire When the 18-year old Lannister twins find themselves locked out of their father's townhome, they visit an old acquaintance to escape the Manhattan blizzard. There, they must confront their fears about keeping promises, accepting fate, and bringing new life into the world.
Study Me, Study You by LordStannisTheGodDamnMannis666 Jaime needs help with his homework, and who better to help than Cersei?
Take My Hand, The Night Grows Ever Colder by LordStannisTheGodDamnMannis666 Across the Narrow Sea, in a stone house on the shore of Pentos, Cersei Lannister dreams of her children.
The Loneliest Girl in Town by Millie55 Cersei fears she may have lost Jaime for good - every last piece of him.
Quiet. by frozenpapers Tywin interrupts Cersei and Jaime.
Hush. by frozenpapers A phone call interrupts Cersei and Jaime.
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
Ella holding baby Narfi for the first time & it is just so cute & she wants to protect him forever
Princess Meets Prince
☆ The Baby Fever AU ☆
Loki x Y/N feat. Ella and Narfi
Summary: It's finally time for Ella to meet her baby brother.
Warnings: none, I'd say... This is pure fluff!
Word Count: 1,3k
a/n: I love this so much. 🥰 Thanks for sending this request in @aagn360 ! Hope you love it, too! ☺️🧡
Tagging: @km-ffluv @lokisgoodgirl @eleniblue @vbecker10 @loz-3 @jennyggggrrr @lokisninerealms @multifandom-worlds @peaches1958 @fictive-sl0th @lovingchoices14 @loki-laufeyson-1054 @simping-for-marvel @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lou12346789 @kimanne723 @lady-rose-moon @coldnique @mostclevermiss @aagn360 @acefeather2002 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @smolvenger
Baby Fever Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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Ella wiggled around on the sofa; nervously and full of anticipation - much to Thor's amusement. The God of Thunder couldn't help but to smile, as he watched his niece being so happy. She was so bubbly and antsy, that each cute raven curl on top her head bobbed wildly with every wiggle.
"Uncle Thor, when are they finally here?" The blonde man chuckled, shrugging his muscular shoulders. "I unfortunately don't know, tiny mischief. When I talked to your daddy, he said they just left the hospital." The little girl pouted. "But uncle Thor..." She almost whined, as if the God of Thunder was able to do anything about it. "I want to meet him now." Thor placed his way too big hand on Ella's small shoulder. "I know, Ella, but-" Just before he could finish his sentence, the sound of a key turning in a lock echoed quietly through the rooms. Ella's eyes immediately widened; shining with pure, honest happiness. "They are here! They are here!" She squealed and jumped excitedly down the sofa, before storming out of the living room and down the hallway. Thor just giggled, shaking his head.
Loki stepped through the door - and immediately got greeted by the whirlwind his daughter was. "Daddy! Daddy!" His head snapped up; seeing Ella running as fast as lightning towards him. He smiled, put the bags on the floor and squatted down; ready to catch his little mini-me - what he did, of course. Ella literally jumped into his arms, almost causing Loki to lose his balance. Well, Ella wasn't a toddler anymore and therefore just bigger and heavier. "Hey, princess." He cuddled her; wrapped her up in big daddy bear hug.
"Are you ready to meet your little brother, sweet girl?" Ella nodded quickly; jumping up and down. "Yes, yes, yes!" Loki chuckled softly at his daughter's enthusiasm; tucking a few untamed curls behind her ears. "Alright. Be a good princess and wait on the sofa with uncle Thor, yes? I'll help your mama and then you can meet him, okay?" "Uh.Huh. Okay, daddy." Loki nodded with a smile and smooched her cheek, causing her to giggle.
While Ella hopped back to the living room, Loki went back down on the yard, in order to help you. You were still a bit weak and exhausted from the birth. So, being the caring husband Loki was, he helped you out of the car. "Thanks, Lokes." You took his hand, smiling. "Of course, darling." He pressed a soft kiss on your lips; then reached for the handle of the baby seat, in which tiny Narfi laid, wrapped up in a soft blanket, sleeping tightly. "Let's take you home, little prince, shall we? Your big sister can't wait to meet you."
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For the second time opened Loki the door to yours and his apartment; and closing it gently behind the three of you. He put Narfi slowly on the ground again, before helping you out of your jacket - and shoes. The God bend down, got on one knee and untied your shoelaces. "You don't have to do that, babe... I can do it myself." Loki shook his head. "I insist, my queen. You carried our son for months and gave birth mere three days ago, so... Let me take care of you. " Your heart did a somersault at his words and the loving smile he gave you. Tender blue eyes meeting yours. You shook your head, smoothing your hand through his luscious raven curls. "How I got so lucky to have you, I'll never know..." Loki caught your hand and brought it to his lips, breathing a soft kiss on your knuckles. "That is a question I ask myself every day, love." That send your emotions skyrocketing. "Oh gods, Lokes, stop. You're making me cry." The God chuckled and stood up again, cupping your cheeks with both his big hands. But before he was able to kiss you, the voice of your daughter echoed down the hallway again.
"Mommy?" She whisper-yelled, standing in the doorway of the living room, peeking around the corner. Your eyes lowered to meet hers, causing the tears which already gathered in your eyes to fall. You hadn't seen Ella in three, almost four days and had missed the little girl terribly. Just like Ella had missed you. "My baby girl," you almost sobbed, making quick steps over to her and immediately pulled her in a big hug. "Hiii, sweetie. I missed you so much." Ella snuggled against you. "Missed you, too, mommy." You inhaled her scent, buried your head in her hair and peppered her face with kisses. Loki just watched with a smile on his face and the baby seat in his hand. "Do you want to meet your baby brother now?" You asked then, looking at Ella. "Yes, please, mommy." You nodded towards Loki and Narfi. "Go, say hi then." Ella smiled one of the biggest smiles you had ever seen, as she tiptoed excitedly over to her dad and brother. Loki squatted down beside Narfi, waiting for Ella to approach. "Princess, meet your baby brother." The little girl's eyes widened, when she saw her baby brother for the first time - the sibling she had waited for such a long time. "He's blue, daddy!" Clear amazement was swinging in her voice. Loki nodded. "Mhm, just like you when you were born." She sat down in front of the baby seat, eyes glued to Narfi. "Can he shapeshift like me and you?" "I don't know yet, Ella. We'll see." Loki smiled down at his two babies.
"Hi Narfi..." Ella cooed, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "I am your big sister." Narfi was still asleep, though his tiny face contorted, before he sighed and gripped onto Ella's hand. "Aww," the girl giggled. "Can I hold him, daddy?" Loki nodded. "Of course. Let's sit on the sofa for that, huh?" "Okay!" She squealed and jumped back up on her feet, running excitedly back into the living room, past you and her uncle. Loki followed her, just like you and Thor.
"Can I...?" Big, blue eyes travelled from Narfi to Loki and back. "Of course, sweet girl." Carefully, Ella reached out her small hand to touch the even smaller hand of her brother. A little, but audible gasp left the little girl's lips; totally fascinated.
Standing in the doorway of the living room, you and Thor - who had joined the joyful family reunion, watched the sweet scenes unfolding in front of you with broad smiles on your lips.
Ella didn't want to let go of her brother, just cuddling him closer. She didn't even let him go to say goodbye to her uncle... "I love him so much! Thank you, mommy and daddy." She leaned down and placed a sloppy kiss on his tiny cheek. "I promise I am going to protect you forever," she whispered, but not quiet enough for you and Loki to not understand. Yours and Loki's heart melted; threatening to burst with all the love. You could see it in your husband's eyes.
The little girl jumped on the sofa, kicking her feet giddily, while Loki lifted Narfi carefully out of the confines of the baby seat and sat down beside his daughter. "Ready, princess?" "Uh.Huh!" "Okay, so... I'm going to place him on your lap and you need to make sure that you support his head, okay sweetie?" "Okay! And how, daddy?" Loki shifted Narfi, placed him on Ella's lap, "Just put your arm underneath his head." and guided her hand. "Like that?" "Yes, exactly like that. Well done, princess. Look, you're holding your brother!" Ella giggled excitedly, holding Narfi tightly and making sure that he doesn't fall. You and Thor joined them, sitting down on the sofa as well. "You're doing great, Ella," you said, smiling brightly. Seeing your daughter holding her baby brother caused your ovaries to scream. It was a picture to die for.
"He's so cute and soft and cuddly." Ella stated, leaving you, Loki and Thor cackling.
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aurkitnarulaoge · 23 days
Chapter 1
[The son who didn't relate]
Arjun (Arjuna) had entered Draupadi's Chambers when another Pandav [namely Yudhishthira] was with her in the room.
He knew he would be exiled as per their mutual agreement—that being: if any brother was with Draupadi spending time in privacy, another Pandav couldn't intrude them.
Arjun did so reluctantly as he had to fetch his bow from the chamber to help a brahmin.
Arjun was, therefore, exiled for 12 years.
He spent this time of exile in an adventurous manner; honing his skills, sharpening his senses— in general, getting stronger.
He also decided to establish political relations through marriage during this period of exile.
He first met the nag princess Ulupi (Uloopi), who became his first wife [idk the story, but Arjun was supposed to be celibate and Ulupi smitten by him somehow convinces him otherwise].
Then he arrives at Manipur and sees a lady that immediately smittens him.
Upon inquiry, he found out that it was Chitrangada (Chitrāngadā), the princess of Manipur herself.
He went to Chitravahan (Chitravāhana) to ask for her hand in marriage.
There are two versions to Chitavahan's explanation:
Chitravahan agreed to their marriage but explained that she was his only daughter and a putrika— meaning that she was raised to handle the duties of a prince until her son would be adopted by Chitravahan and declared the heir to Manipur.
Chitravahan agreed to their marriage with a precondition stating that as per their family tradition, the son born to his daughter would live in his maternal home and later be declared the heir to Manipur.
This arrangement meant that despite marrying Chitrangada, Arjun's child and hence the child's mother would have to stay back in Manipur.
Arjun agreed and stayed in Manipur until his son named Babruvahan (Babruvāhana) was born.
Arjun continued his journey and married Subhadra (Subhadrā).
Chapter 11
[The one to defeat the undefeated]
Years later, all the Pandavs' sons were killed in the massacre of a war, except Babruvahan and that too because he hadn't participated in the war.
When Yudhishthir was finally the king of Kuru, he was unsettled and down because of the loss of many. [All of the landmass excluding a few participated in the war and only 11 warriors including the Pandavs survived.]
Krishna and Ved Vyas suggested to conduct and Ashwamedh yagna.
Yudhisthir appointed Arjun with the Ashwamedhi horse and reminded him to avoid a full-fledged war as long as possible.
After the Saindhava battle was stopped by Dushala (Dushālā), Arjun headed towards Manipur.
Babruvahan was elated to hear of his father's arrival and went forward to welcome him.
Arjun retorted him and said that he should fight him and not welcome him.
Ulupi, who was accompanying Arjun at the time, explained to the confused Babruvahan that the warrior in his father wanted to see his son's valour and that it would make him happy.
Babruvahan armoured up and got on his chariot without hesitation. He ordered his men to capture the Ashwamedhi horse and fought with Arjun.
Babruvahan was cutting down all of Arjun's arrows and shot his best arrows that wounded Arjun.
Seeing his son's excellent manoeuvre, he praised him and immediately killed Babruvahan's horses and crushed his chariot.
The wounded and angry Babruvahan shot extremely poison tipped arrows at Arjun that pierced through his armour.
Arjun fell to the ground defeated, and Babruvahan fell unconscious.
This was the first time Arjun was defeated by anyone [it was also the first time he died].
Chitrangada was aghast seeing her husband and son both unconscious and accused Ulupi since she was the one who encouraged the battle. She threatened to kill herself if she didn't bring Arjun back to life.
Babruvahan soon gained consciousness and was filled with guilt and sorrow of killing his own father. He declared he couldn't live with such a sin and pledged to fast till death.
Ulupi consoled Babruvahan, saying that Arjun was a great warrior and that not even Indra could defeat him. She said that she had a Sanjeevani gem that the Naags (Nāgas) used to resurrect their wounded warriors and handed it to Babruvahan, telling him to press it against his father's chest.
Arjun woke up rubbing his eyes as if he was woken from a deep sleep and wondered why everyone was gathered around him. Babruvahan asked Ulupi to narrate what had happened.
Arjun spent a few happy days in Manipur before leaving with the Ashwamedhi horse and inviting Chitrangada and Babruvahan to Hastinapur.
Arjun was only defeated twice in his life, and this was the first time.
For what reason did Babruvahan not participate? It is still a speculation, so I didn't mention much about it.
Also, I did say 'Manipur', but it isn't the present-day state of Manipur at all. In fact, Manipur or, as @theramblergal mentioned, Manalura is situated in the southern region.
This was requested by @betterloverthanrosee earlier after seeing a discussion with other desiblrians about the Babruvahan non-participation.
You can go ahead and add if I missed something or just reblog to spread the story of our Babruvahan idk lol.
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― pairing : Minho x fem! reader ― content warnings : fluff, implied smut, royals au, runaway royalty, idiots to lovers, medieval settings ― word count : 4.413
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is always open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌
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Chris // Changbin // Jisung // Hyunjin // Seungmin // Minho // Felix part one | part two // Jeongin
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«Has anybody even remotely thought about asking me?» you inquired, looking into your father’s - the King, eyes. Despite the sorrow you saw in them at the new he just threw on you, he sighed, knowing that he had to think about his Kingdom before his - or his family’s, desires.
«There was no reason to do that,» he stood up from his throne, and you followed his movements with a dejected expression. «You will marry Prince Minho, whether you like it or not.»
Even if you wanted to scream your disappointment and the fact that you were utterly opposed to this decision, you knew that your hands were metaphorically tied; you were receiving an order directly from the King and in front of the Council, the only thing you could do was obey.
With hastened steps, you exited the Council room and headed to your private chambers, immediately referring to your lady in waiting what just happened.
«Everyone says Prince Minho is a charming gentleman,» she tried, watching as you were pacing around the room while trying to secretly come up with a plan that would have taken you out of that situation, «I’m sure you’ll be happy!» she said, and an idea popped into your mind at the speed of light.
«You know what would make me happier?» you quickly turned towards her, your fingers politely intertwined in front of your stomach, «Going to my private mansion for few months.» your lady in waiting hummed, furrowing her eyebrows, pondering the option, unaware that the troublemaker side of your personality already came up with the plan of running away.
«I suppose it’s an option,» she sighed, «The marriage will take place in six months.» With that, you didn’t bother to justify why you put in your luggage an insane amount of definitely not needed clothes.
Two days: that was the maximum amount of time you allowed yourself to remain into your mansion, before eventually changing your mind once again because you’ve always lived surrounded by luxury. It was indeed a risk, you’ve never lived by yourself and you knew very little about the tasks of everyday life, but you were clever, and in case of emergency, you knew how to use a sword; you could do it.
At this point, you firmly believed that anything would have been better than marrying someone you neither knew nor love.
«I can’t believe I’m doing this» you held a leather bag containing few change of clothes and a good amount of money to your chest; securing a short dagger inside your boot, you let your skirt fall over it, before wearing a dark cape which hid your identity from unwanted eyes.
The clothes you were wearing were much more humble than you were used to, but you didn’t have time to check yourself in the mirror to see whether they looked good on you or not. The only thing belonging to your Princess status you decided to take with you was your necklace, the one you always wore; it had the royal emblem on it, and it was the only thing which could make people recognize you as the Princess if you ever decided to come back home.
Without looking back, you carefully walked through the corridor of your mansion, taking advantage of the much lower number of guards surveying the area, and in the dead of the night, you disappeared.
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One week into your new life and you realized that running faster than rumours was indeed impossible; you were peacefully sitting on a stool next to a counter in a local tavern when you managed to catch few words from the table sitting behind you.
From what they were saying, someone ran away from their castle; even if you didn’t hear their pronouns or the first part of the sentence you tensed up, deducing they were talking about you. What you didn’t know was that someone else was listening to the same conversation, his shoulders tense and his eyes attentive; someone which managed to sit on the stool next to you without you even noticing, due to how focused you were, trying to make out as many words as you could despite the loud chattering in the tavern.
«Listen to me!» someone urged from the table you focused your attention on, «The King is offering a lot of money if we ever find-»
«It’s not polite to eavesdrop.» someone said from next to you, and your head quickly turned on your left, acknowledging the young boy which was staring at you with a knowing grin, his cheek placed on the palm of his hand.
«I wasn’t eavesdropping.» you answered, adverting your gaze immediately, feeling your cheeks heating up due to the fact that not only you’ve been caught but also, the stranger who did that was incredibly handsome; he wore a simple dark green cotton shirt and a jacket of the same colour on it, his clothes didn’t look particularly expensive, but you immediately recognized that it was indeed a good quality fabric.
«Sure,» he chanted, before sipping from the glass he had in front of himself; since that moment, the stranger remained next to you, occasionally doing small talk to break the uncomfortable silence.
«Why are you even bothering to-» as you turned your head towards him, you noticed them; a small group of men was staring at you, occasionally mumbling things between themselves, you quickly figured out they were bandits, or worse.
«Bingo,» he sighed, relieved that you finally noticed them as well, «you probably shouldn’t wander around all alone, at night. Don’t you have a husband?» despite the nosy question, his tone was gentle, his brows delicately furrowed as he locked your gaze with yours.
«I don’t.» you simply answered; the stranger hummed in response, and you both fell silent. Eventually, you let him walk you towards the inn where you were spending the night.
When you woke up, it was barely before dawn; you knew you got far away enough from the Castle, but your destination was still far away, therefore, sleeping more than needed was useless. The innkeeper was an old woman, and she was more than willing to prepare a quick breakfast for you.
«I will not let my guests travel with an empty stomach!» she smiled, the wrinkles on her face framing a gentle and sincere expression; anytime she complimented your manners you couldn’t help but tense up, hoping that no strange thoughts ever popped into her mind about you being some sort of noble.
Sometimes, you let your mind wander to your days back in the Castle, undoubtedly missing them and thinking about what could have happened if you ever decided to come back; deep inside you, you thought that they would not accept your return, throwing you away for good and definitely removing you from your position.
With a sigh, you eventually got out from the inn, resigned with the fact that you were planning to reach at least the next town without having a horse; taking a deep breath, you started walking towards the empty streets of the village.
«We meet again,» you heard a familiar voice say; you glanced on your left, and the stranger you met yesterday night was now effortlessly walking on top of a low stone wall, his fingers intertwined behind his nape and occasionally looking at you with a sly smile.
«Yeah, I can’t believe, I’m so lucky.» you answered, your voice flat and trying to keep your voice as quiet as possible because it was still early in the morning and you didn’t want to wake anyone up.
«Where are you going so early in the morning?» he asked, and you wondered why you felt so annoyed at the boy, since you didn’t even know him.
«I’ll tell you only if you tell me where you are going.» you retorted, acknowledging the fact that he was carrying a bag as well, and therefore he was travelling to; no one would wake up at such an unholy hour just to take a walk.
«The City of Duvencrune.» he answered with a shrug, and you halted your steps. Duvencrune was a neutral city, and many people occasionally looked for shield in there, either because there was a bounty on their head or simply because they wanted to live far from the strict Kingdom’s rules. Through the years, Duvencrune’s popularity increased, and therefore the city became much bigger. It was not a safe place for a woman travelling on her own – even less for a Princess, but you didn’t know where else to go.
«Don’t tell me, you’re going there too?» the boy asked, jumping off the wall as a crossroad approached and standing in front of your frame; you nodded, adverting your eyes from his face, since the rising sun hitting on part of his features contributed on making him look even more handsome.
«And who are you supposed to be?» you asked, crossing your arms in front of your chest, admiring how the sunlight danced on his raven black hair.
«Lino,» he smiled, and you snorted, shaking your head.
«Sounds like a fake name to me.» you said, raising your eyebrow.
«Sounds like the only name you’ll get.» he winked at you, before turning away and resume his actions of walking while his hands were once again intertwined behind his nape.
«Come on, my horse is that way!» he called out, nodding towards the stable, and you immediately started walking.
«I don’t have a horse.» you admitted; honestly, you thought about taking a horse from the stable the night you ran away but you figured you’d be more recognizable.
«I guess someone’s going to walk, then.» Lino shrugged, and you narrowed your eyes; if this boy wanted to get under your skin, he was doing an excellent work. Turns out, someone really ended up walking: Lino.
Long story short, he made you sit on his horse instead of him because he was tired of your continuous complaining, and you spent half of the time looking at him from above. Contrarily to you, Lino didn’t complain about the fact that he was tired, not even once, but you were a Princess, and Princesses were meant to be gentle, humble and caring.
«Come up,» you simply said, re-adjusting your position to make some space on the saddle. «We don’t have all life to get to Duvencrune!» you immediately added as soon as you saw Lino’s smirk, trying to make it clear that you were only doing it because he was too slow.
Lino easily climbed on the horse and sat behind you, his arms caging your frame while holding the reigns of the horse; you didn’t want to admit it to yourself, but somehow, in that moment, you felt safe.
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Unexpectedly enough, Lino was not as obnoxious as you originally thought. First of all, he could do a lot of things more than you – for example start a fire, and anytime you asked him why he was going to Duvencrune, he’d brush it off with a vague excuse. Since you weren’t being honest in the first place, you never tried to look too much into it; Lino never asked you why you were traveling, or when he did, he accepted your answers.
Even so, the boy had an exceptional talent: he managed to get under your skin as if it was his job. Lino himself admitted that by now, it was his favourite thing to do; to him, your flustered reactions or the fact that you didn’t think twice before answering him with a sarcastic retort was interesting to him, because he definitely was used to be treated in a whole different way.
The fact that you didn’t think twice to stood up for yourself was incredibly alluring for Lino, and the fact that you acted in such an elegant way with everything you did made him question whether you said the truth about who you were; however, even if you were lying, Lino was definitely not in the place to say anything about it.
«Don’t fall asleep,» Lino’s voice startled you, and you were thankful for his arms around your waist, or you probably would have fallen from the horse, «we’re almost there.» he added, his voice a little gentler than you were used to, and you focused not to doze off once again and settled for waiting to arrive at the next town, just to fall asleep on a real bed.
To say you were exhausted was a euphemism; today had been hectic. The day started with Lino waking you up at an unholy hour during the night, claiming that someone was getting close and therefore, you had to go; you complied, probably after sleeping for three hours at maximum, but blindly following Lino’s orders because sleep deprived you decided that he was worthy of your trust.
Turned out, Lino was right, you spent a part of your morning trying to outrun a small group of bandits, and when you thought you did; they eventually catched up. All the money the both of you possessed was carefully hidden under the horse’s saddle, so the bandits settled for stealing part of the clothing in your bags, before tying you up and walk away.
At least, this is what Lino told you because as soon as they catched up, you fainted. «Care to tell me why you have a busted lip?» you asked the boy next you as soon as you regained consciousness, momentarily narrowing your eyes due to your headache.
«I tried to defend you, they believed I was your lover,» he tilted his head towards you, few strands of hair falling in front of his eyes, «I look hotter, now.» Lino winked, confidently, and you scoffed.
«Thank you,» you admitted, the feeling of relief mixing up with the feeling of guilt because, despite you mutual growing feelings towards each other, you were lying to him.
Even if you found strange the fact that a small group of bandits settled for stealing clothes, you didn’t question it any further; your head was about to explode, and you wanted to sleep.
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The inn was small and cosy, and you and Lino were resting in two different bedrooms, one in front of each other; you wished him goodbye as soon as you arrived, unaware about Lino staring at your retreating figure with worried eyes. As quickly as you could, you took your clothes off, only to wear your nightdress before laying on your bed, hoping to fall asleep as soon as possible.
With an annoyed groan, you opened your eyes, immediately recognizing the nature of the noises coming from the room next to yours. Undoubtedly, they were having much more fun than you, but you needed to sleep; glancing out of the window, the jet black and moonless sky met your eyes, and you walked out of bed and without thinking twice about what you were doing, quickly heading out of your door, not bothering to wear a cape over your nightdress.
Closing the door behind your back and locking it with your personal key, you walked towards the room in front of you, knocking few times and hoping that Lino wasn’t asleep.
“What if he’s with someone as well?” you thought, the feeling of unexplained jealousy creeping into your soul, before you heard the door unlock.
«What is it?» Lino asked, his eyes still closed and his voice still full of sleep.
“Of course he sleeps shirtless,” you thought, after taking a quick glance at his firm and toned chest – now that he was too asleep to realize it; instinctively, you reached out to ruffle his messy black hair, but you eventually stopped your hand in mid-air, refraining from doing so.
«The couple next to my room is having sex,» you explained, walking past him and leaving your room’s key on his nightstand before throwing yourself on his bed.
«Uh, do you want to turn it into a competition, or…?» he mumbled, closing the door and still too asleep and too confused on why you decided to walk into his room in the middle of the night. As you looked at Lino walking towards the bed while ruffling his hair even further with a soft yawn, you thought that you probably wouldn’t have minded.
«Maybe in your dreams,» you retorted instead, suppressing the wave of desire that hit you by rolling on your side so that he’d face your back.
«Where am I supposed to sleep?» the bed creaked under Lino’s weight, and you felt his fingers poking at your side, slightly tickling you.
«With me, but if you try something, I’ll kill you.» you answered, ignoring how your heart immediately picked up pace as you felt Lino lay down next to you; you’ve never slept with a man, nor sexually, nor in the most innocent way.
«I knew you were kinky.» you heard him joke; of course, you couldn’t know, but Lino’s heart was beating so fast it was almost matching the pace of yours.  
Somehow, during the night, the both of you shifted and unknowingly re-arranged your position; you were now laying on your side, partially laying on Lino’s chest and your head was in the crook of his neck, his arms securely wrapped around you.
Lino woke up earlier than you did, gently caressing your face and admiring your features when your necklace suddenly caught his attention; you were loosely holding onto it, and the familiar emblem made him act on instinct.
With extremely careful movement in order not to wake you up, he gently took the necklace from your head, before exhaling a breathless laugh, shaking his head, his head falling back on the cushion for few seconds that he spent staring at the ceiling.
«I can’t believe it,» Lino whispered, placing your necklace in your hand once again, before smiling softly at your asleep frame, «I guess you’re really my destiny, Princess.» gently rolling you on your side an in the position you fell asleep in, he never mentioned that he woke up with you cuddling close to his body, neither than he knew who you were; he decided it was his small secret.
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Duvencrune was indeed as beautiful as people said, the city was partially built on the side of a mountain, using its stones so that the houses looked like they were erupting from nature itself; you and Lino opted for staying at one of the locals inn, not bothering to ask for separate rooms since by now, you’ve been travelling together for two months.
As much as you were happy about the fact that you finally managed to reach your destination and therefore, you could live your life starting from zero, you were also scared about facing your own feelings for Lino.
During your travel your relationship naturally changed into something you couldn’t really pinpoint; you’d still tease each other but instead of feeling your soul burn with the instinct of reach out and physically fight him, you’d feel a soft warmth slowly spreading in your chest, leaving you flustered and shy.
In your shared room, Lino had both his hands on the railing, trapping you between his body and the balcony behind your back; you had to admit that the rainstorm was providing a more than romantic atmosphere to your evening. Lino’s eyes repeatedly shifted from your eyes to your lips; his desire to kiss you was undeniable, and it managed to make you feel as if you were suffocating.
Of course, you had feelings for him and of course, you wanted to kiss him as well. However, how could you expect Lino to return your feelings when all you have done has been lying about your identity?
Lino inched closer to you, his lips few millimetres apart from yours; in that moment, you took your final decision. Even if you wanted to love him and wanted to be loved by him in return, he had the right to know the truth; whether to love a coward who ran from her own marriage would have been his choice.
You turned your head at the last moment, so that Lino’s lips met your cheek, and you closed your eyes, immediately holding onto his arm in order to keep him close to you.  
«Let me explain,» you mumbled, aware that he heard you loud and clear due to how close you were. Lino shook his head, clearly about to tell you that there was nothing you should explain, when you furtherly asked him to hear you out.
With that, you lead him back inside just to sit in front of each other at the small table in your shared room, and you kept glancing at him while nervously playing with your fingers.
«Look,» Lino sighed, running a hand through his hair. «I’m sorry if I made this awkward, I-»
«I lied.» you suddenly said, cutting him off; Lino tilted his head, looking at you, expectantly. With a quick move, you took off your necklace for the first time since you left the mansion, and placed it to the table, so that Lino could look examinate it closer if he wanted to.
«Remember back then, the men talking in the tavern? About- about the bounty... Well, I'm the Princess. I ran away as soon as my marriage with Prince Minho was announced.» Lino’s eyes bore into yours, trying not to give away the fact that he already knew who you were, «I like you – a lot, actually, but I can’t be with you knowing I’m lying and therefore, putting you in danger.»
Lino raised his eyebrows, running his hands through his hair while looking at you with a serious expression; you were about to ask his opinion on his matter when he simply scoffed, exhaling a brief breathless laugh. You furrowed your brows, watching Lino standing up from his chair in order to look for something in his leather bag.
«Do you remember when I told you my name, and you told me that it sounded fake?» he placed an almost identical necklace next to yours, with a different emblem embroided on it. «Well, you were right.» he said, as soon as he saw you holding his necklace just to examinate it closer. «I ran away as well, I’m Prince Minho.» now it was your turn to look at him with an incredulous expression.
What were the odds of coincidentally meeting the person you were supposed to marry, when both of you ran away from home?
Minho was now partially sitting on the table, and you abruptly stood up in realization.
«I have to get married to you?» you asked, still dumbfounded.
«Yes, Princess,» Minho chuckled, effortlessly pulling you to his body, «If we manage to get back in time.»
«We’ll leave tomorrow in the morning,» you nodded to yourself, running your hands on Minho’s chest, «I don’t care if it took us an eternity to get here.» your heart felt weightless at the realization that you were almost cheating on your future husband with, well, your future husband.
«Oh,» he raised an eyebrow with a sly grin, «so you want to get married to me?» Minho, which had both his arms around your waist, sneaked his right hand upwards along your arm, until it eventually reached your face, in order to brush few strands of hair behind your ear.
«Yes, I do… I like you,» you admitted, unsure, «You don’t?»
Minho gently cupped your cheek, mumbling a quiet and almost inaudible «Of course I do.» before closing the space between your lips; you sighed, immediately returning it, while holding him as close as you could.
Despite the fact that you both spent two entire months desiring each other, Minho’s lips were gentle and caring, gentleness that dissipated in the same moment he heard a quiet whine escape your mouth and a tentative nibble on his lower lip; the kiss became more passionate as seconds went by, Minho holding your body close to his as if his life depended on it.
«I think we should anticipate our honeymoon,» Minho mumbled against your lips, sliding off the table and reverse your positions so that he had you pinned against it.
«I think that you can be smart when you want,» you retorted, and let Minho pick you up and lay you down on the bed.
That night, you and Minho made love for the first time – the first of a countless times, the heavy rainstorm providing as a background noise and Minho’s hair fell over your body as if it were gentle raindrops, anytime he left a trail of kisses on your skin.
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Six months later, just like that night, there was a rainstorm outside of the Castle; you sighed, content with how many things managed to happen.
Both you and Minho decided to go back to your Castle, since it was the closest from Duvencrune, and as soon as the guards recognized you, well, it was quite a scandal, since the both of you managed to unleash absolute chaos in two different Reigns.
Minho was much better at lying than you were, and explained that the two of you had been exchanging letters in secrets and eventually gave in to the desire to meet; your parents believed that, and despite the fact that you managed to worry almost everyone in your Kingdom, your marriage was still safe.
You and Minho got married two months after your return, and you moved to his Castle, your new home; the cheesy realization that you managed to feel at home anywhere – also in front to a bonfire in the middle of nothing, as long as Minho was with you made you smile, and with a small giggle, you rolled on the bed, seeking for Minho’s cuddles. Or at least, you tried to.
«Can you please move your fat ass?» you groaned at Minho’s frame completely sprawled out on your shared bed and preventing you from rolling on your back.
«I don’t have a fat ass.» Minho groaned, rolling back on his side of bed and waiting for you to get comfortable so that you could cuddle.
«You do, and I love it.» you giggled, gently slapping on Minho’s butt a few times in rapid succession.
«Of course you do.» he chuckled, before kissing your head.
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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6lostgirl6 · 2 years
Hey bestie could you please do some Eric Draven dating head canons when you open your requests back up!!!?
I headcanon that Eric never died at the end of the film, he’s basically like Batman and watches over Detroit in order to remove criminals, permanently, and keep the city safe. So in my future writings, the ending of him dying never happened.
Dating Eric Draven HCs
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You met him when you were being harassed by a wanted criminal in an alleyway. During one of his patrols around the city, he found you and proceeded to rescue you with his regular methods, essentially he brutally killed the guy.
When he got a closer look at you, he was absolutely captivated. Not only was it your beauty that captured his attention, but the lack of fear and extreme gratefulness you expressed despite what he did and how he looks. 
He took it upon himself to walk you home, in order to make sure you got there safely and without further trouble. 
After that night, he became obsessed. 
He took it upon himself to look after you, mainly because he was curious about you and the feelings you made him feel. Things he hasn’t felt since he lost Shelly.
When he starts dating you, watching over you doesn’t stop, it honestly gets worse. He is very protective over the things he cares about and he cannot allow anything to happen to you. You were his new reason for happiness. 
His favorite nicknames for you would include; my love, princess/prince/princex, and sweetheart. He is the type of boyfriend that would give you such sweet nicknames because you gave him a second chance at happiness and he appreciates you so much.  
Whenever he’s patrolling around the city, he will send his crow to watch over you in various shifts.
His crow absolutely adores you, it’ll hang out on your shoulder like a feathered guardian while you’re doing anything. 
Being who he is, he is bound to have enemies that would want to bring him down and they will definitely try. In order to bring him down, they would have to bring you down first. 
If you ever get kidnapped or hurt in the process, Eric will not hesitate in going after you in a fit of possessed rage and slaughtering whoever it was that touched you, let alone harm you.
Afterwards, his protectiveness would double. 
When your relationship has already deepened, you end up living with him in the flat that he resides in. You helped fix up the place and had assistance which made him feel like his old self for a while. 
The two of you spend time laying on the floor surrounded by albums and listening to music. Sometimes he’ll let you play some of his old albums he made with his band but he’ll eventually need a break because he starts thinking about the past. 
Some nights, Eric takes you to the roof of his flat and plays his guitar for you, he even wrote a few songs in honor of you and it honestly made you emotional cause the music was so touching and special. 
That doesn’t stop you from asking him to absolutely shred it on his guitar, he’s so talented, you love it when he plays around you. 
He’s very affectionate and his favorite thing is having you on his lap with his ear against your chest, he loves listening to your heartbeat. It keeps him grounded and reminds him that you’re still with him.
Therefore, whenever his mental health goes downhill, pulling him against you and holding him helps him majorly. He’ll grip you tight and press his face against your neck. 
He absolutely loves kissing you and his kisses are so sweet and full of passion. Whenever he wants to kiss you, he will cup your face, his thumbs stroking your cheeks before he pulls your lips against his. 
Whenever his makeup starts coming off or fading, you help redo it for him, sitting on his lap while he has an arm around your waist. 
Eric would never use his powers on you, especially the one that allows him to look through your memories. He respects your privacy and would only do it if you allowed him to when you couldn't get the words out.
He’s a really good listener so whenever you’re feeling down, he’ll hold you and tell you that everything is going to be okay. 
When you can’t get the words out or explain clearly what happened, that’s when Eric would use his powers. Only with your permission though, he doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. 
Sometimes you forget that he can heal so when he comes home with literal bullet holes and stab wounds, you totally don’t freak out.
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alienoryva · 5 months
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WHAT IF ? Queen Jaehaera Targaryen lived longer and had a daughter named Princess Rhaella Targaryen.
After Queen Jaehaera died and King Aegon III remarried. Princess Rhaella is very close to her stepmother (Queen Daenaera Velaryon) and half-siblings, especially Princess Daena Targaryen.
Princess Rhaella married with Jonnel Stark As a pact of ice and fire made by Prince Jacaerys , Sixth child and heir of Lord Cregan Stark and has two daughters Saena and Mara Stark.
Daemon Blackfyre Love Princess Daenerys and refused to Matchmaking with Rohanne of Tyrosh. But He prefers to marry Lady Saena Stark on the advice of his mother (princess daena) , daughter of Princess Rhaella. The Blackfyre rebellion did not happen but House Blackfyre was legalized and they had 3 sons (Aegon,Baelon,alyx) and 4 daughters (Aera,Daella,Rhaellys,Vaena). Meanwhile, Lady Mara Stark is married to Heir to the Lord of House Tully and has 2 sons (Aegnar,Edmund) and 1 daughter (Shaerra).
1) Lord Aegon Blackfyre,Married to lady Alwyne Manderly, third daughter of Lord Manderly. They have 3 sons and 3 daughters.
2)Ser Baelon Blackfyre,Married to Lady Ellara of Lys and had 1 son and 1 daughter. After his wife died, 2 years later he married Lady Marielle Redwyne the sixth daughter of Lord Redwyne and had Twins (boy) and 1 daughter.
3)Ser Alyx Blackfyre,Married to Lady Alyssa Tarly (Great-granddaughter of Rhaena Targaryen) They have 1 daughter. Their marriage was not happy, therefore Alyx also had an illegitimate child (2 sons and 1 daughter) with lady Ravella greyjoy.
4)Lady Aera Blackfyre,Marry jeor mormont Heir to bear island. They have 4 daughters and 3 sons.
5)Lady Daella Blackfyre,Marry Lord Andrew Tarth, Lord of Evenfall Hall. They have 3 sons and 5 daughters.
6)Lady Rhaellys Blackfyre. She,Lady Ella Vaith and Ser Alyn Estermont Sailing to Essos, specifically Volantis, after that they went to the Yi-ti Empire, there Rhaellys met Jar zen later sun emperor One of ruler the dynasties of the Yi-ti empire and They fell in love. The emperor was married and Rhaellys was made one of the highest ranking concubines because she had 4 sons (One of them is the successor to the empire) and 3 daughters.
7)Lady Vaena Blackfyre,She never married but had many lovers. Especially Lord Gerlan Lannister And had 3 bastard sons.
8)Lord Aegnar Tully,Married to lady Gaela Westerling. They have twin daughters and 2 sons.
9)Ser Edmund Tully,Married to Lady Laena Celtigar and had 1 son.
10) Lady Shaerra Tully,Married to the heir of house blackwood and has 5 sons and 4 daughters.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
*a deep breath* imagine,
Y/n is this very child. Her father, Prince Daemon, almost completely ignored her, preferring to focus entirely on her mother. He was very rude to his daughter, especially when she interacted with her mother.
But on the other hand, Y/n had a kind and caring uncle Viserys, who was always happy to see and communicate with his niece. Even his wife was imbued with kind feelings for the girl. When uncle Viserys' first daughter was born, Y/n tried to pull away a little, so that the girl wouldn't feel abandoned, but uncle stubbornly wouldn't let Y/n go.
When Y/n's mother died, Daemon blamed their daughter for it. But his uncle restrained him.
Even after the death of his wife and second marriage, after the birth of new children, uncle Viserys remained kind and affectionate with Y/n. Which, by the way, made her worry about his children. Therefore, she always tried to take care of uncle Viserys' children.
Y/n defiantly ignores her father.
I want to punch the daemon in the face. Most likely, the Princess' mother is Rhae Royce. It is the product of the wedding night. The only father figure in the princess's life is Viserys. In fact, everyone thinks the Princess's father is Viserys. After losing her mother, the Princess begins to live in the Red Castle. Everyone loves the Princess very much. Maybe Daemon is jealous of his daughter and Viserys' father-daughter relationship. He tries to get his daughter back. However, all of them are determined not to give up the Princess.
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skin-of-my-teeth · 6 months
Fit for a King
Tags: Feedism, Pred/Prey, slave/owner, Dumbification, implied vore, but not explicit, fattening prey to eat, Royalty AU, Royal King/Pred Jungkook, Slave prey/ chubby Jimin, hybrids: Bunny Jimin, Wolf Jungkook
Prey have become rare and therefore are prized possessions. They've all been hunted and sold into slavery until, eventually, they end up safe in a predator’s belly. It's their sole purpose and what they're meant for, at least that's the propaganda that predators feed them.
Only the royals rolling in wealth can afford such feasts. Jungkook is the richest predator, a massively over-fed wolf, because he gets anything and everything that he wants. It's a perk of being King.
Jimin is so sweet and dumb and plump. A happy little slave to the King on high. He's so lucky to be owned by such a wealthy predator.
Jungkook is overly indulgent to his dumb bunny. So doting. Constantly pampering Jimin. Despite his royal status, Jungkook always keeps Jimin in his grasp so no one can steal what is rightfully his. Jungkook isn't a fool to the hungry stares directed at his tubby prey. He only made that mistake once, when he was a prince, haughty and proud. He had paraded his prey at the time with abandon. All it took was for one hungry predator and Jungkook never made the same mistake again. Now, his meal is safely collared and leashed, content to live right on his lap as Jungkook dotes on him and feels the soft chub slowly thicken in his hands.
It's such a honor to be the high-King's meal. Jimin is treated like a princess himself and is kept blissfully unaware, only spoiled by everyone in the court. All of the rich predators compliment their King on Jimin's size as he grows, like the sweet, fattened pet that he is.
Jimin is fed cake and sweets at parties, kept happy and dumb. Jungkook shows off to his ostentatious court of predators by stuffing the bunny until he's heavy and round, lazy and forced to rest. After each party that Jungkook hosts just to fatten his prey in front of everyone, he's rewarded with the currency of lust-filled admiration for his treat. His plump dessert. Lush and luxerious, destined to feed the King's gut. The predators drool as their King's prized prey slowly rounds and fattens, getting more dumb and delicious by the day.
Jungkook smirks as predators offer him gold and jewels for his favor, using the prey to further his own wealth. He purrs at the many gifts rained down upon him, with the fattened bunny kept in his claws. Jimin is destined to only feed the King, and there's nothing that the greedy lords and ladies can do about it, unless they want to experience the high-King's anger. Just like Jungkook, they've learned their lesson. All it took was that one time for them to all understand that staying in the King's favor meant security. They're all slaves to him, in a way. Societal slaves to the rich, cunning tyrant.
It's such a boast of status, a display of wealth to fatten a prey so heavily, only to eat them and devour all of their riches. Jungkook keeps Jimin much longer because of it. It's in fashion to test the limits of how big a prey can be grown. Stretch marks and ripped skin are a thing of beauty.
Jungkook's dumb slave can barely move by the time he's buttered and sprinkled with sugar, just how the King likes. The immobile prey permanently lounges against the large King's belly and listens to the greedy gurgles that he don't know to associate with doomed hunger.
Jimin doesn't have anything to worry about. His predator takes such good care of him! He's such a lucky bun. Spoiled and clearly adored by everyone. The richest, fattest jewel in the whole kingdom, Jungkook says. Perfect in every way. His favorite slave. His prized possession...
Until Jungkook decides that his prey is better-off settled deep inside of his hungry gut, of course.
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larathia · 2 months
Series Review: 7th Time Loop
Okay, it's one of those series with a much longer title, but trust me, you just need "7th Time Loop" to find this one should you go looking. The rest of the title is broadly deceptive anyway.
This is another romance story. As before, I will state up front that I am basically aromantic and therefore I am not actually watching or reading this story for the romance part. I can comment on it, but ...yeah. It's not why I'm here.
There's a lot about this series that IS, though, and I wholly recommend it. Fans I have dealt with who aren't aro love this one so much they...kinda lose coherency, so I'm taking it on good faith that if you're one of those who WOULD be in this just for the romance, you won't be disappointed.
Now, on to my take.
Firstly, as even the shortened title suggests, this is a time travel romance. Rishe, Our Heroine, has lived seven lives so far.
Each time she dies, she goes back to the Worst Night Of Her Life - when the crown prince of Hermity, whom she'd spent her entire life up to that point being trained to serve as crown princess, decides to publicly dump her in front of half the nobles of the kingdom, in favor of declaring engagement to someone he likes better, while accusing her of a long laundry list of crimes she never committed. This leads to her being disowned by her family within about half an hour, going from 'duke's daughter' to 'only has the clothes she's wearing at the time' in the space of one night.
(Naturally, the first time this happens, she's shocked and devastated. By the seventh loop, she's much more 'I am SO GLAD I managed to skip being married to this bozo - seeya!' and I do like that very much.)
Once she's cast out, Rishe has to learn a trade to survive. And she does. Each lifetime she learns a different one, applying herself with all the intellect, curiosity, and perseverence she once applied to learning to be Crown Princess.
She learns to be a merchant, an apothecary, an alchemist, a lady's maid, a hunter/spy, and a knight, to be exact.
But before you go "holy crap that's way too OP" - she gets five years in each job. Five. That's it.
Because in each time loop, up to the seventh, when she's 20 she's killed. And in every time loop so far, what's killed her is a massive world war catching up to her. She's died trying to help the wounded, she's died trying to prepare wherever-she-is for the coming attack, and in the sixth time loop (when she's a knight, and arguably in her best position to defend herself) she is personally slaughtered by the guy behind the Great War, the instigator of all the violence.
Emperor Arnold Hein of Galkhein.
And this is where it gets really interesting.
From the sixth loop to the seventh, Rishe is cut down by Arnold and then, per the mechanic of the loop, dropped right back to that night when she's 15 and the prince of Hermity is casting her out. By this time, she's happy he does it and takes that part with grace. Her mind isn't even on the breakup event anymore, she's much more focused on "I have 30 minutes to get stuff out of my house before my parents disown me", and she's JUST looped so she's still mostly thinking like a knight. She books it through the palace, trying to take a shortcut.
Aaand basically slams into Crown Prince Arnold of Galkhein. Which gives her a minor heart attack, but doesn't stop her; she breaks off her high heels and leaps off a second floor balcony in full princess formal wear, forward roll into a run and off she goes to her family's house.
...She's caught his attention. By the end of the night, when the Prince of Hermity's and her family are done disowning her, the 'new career' is now being Crown Princess of Galkhein. Rishe is engaged to Arnold, the man who's responsible for her death six times over now.
Except...it's five years before that happens. He's not emperor yet. And...from what she can tell, he doesn't seem the type to want the sheer paperwork involved in ruling the world. He's buried under the work involved in managing Galkhein as it is.
This is the mystery behind the series, much more than 'why is Rishe looping in the first place'. Rishe wants, for the sake of her future survival, to figure out why this guy keeps instigating a world war so she can STOP it. But along the way, she's also finding out there were pieces she missed in her previous six loops that contributed to the future war and how it was conducted, so the story as a whole is this big tapestry of world events that in each loop she was both part of and partially ignorant of.
And all the while, the day of her wedding to Arnold gets a little closer. Along with the day Arnold murders his father, the Emperor, and takes the whole world to war.
Oh...and she's falling in love with him. It takes her five books to figure out that that's what's happening, so this is definitely a bit of a slow burn, but it's a pretty forgivable one in my view. Rishe is, quite reasonably, focused much more on "how can I prevent the great war and, incidentally, my own probable death" than she is on Arnold's basic hotness. (She's not BLIND to it, hence 'slow burn romance', but because it's not her main focus it takes her a bit to realize her heart's made up its mind.) And Arnold's upbringing has basically given him the emotional IQ of a chunk of slate, so while he's got a good start in "whatever my father would do with a bride, don't do that", he has a long way to go with actually processing the idea a human being would care about him.
The anime of this series is a pretty good introduction and takes you at least through book 1 (and maybe book 2), but I'd truly suggest getting into the light novel if you really want to know how far it's gotten.
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innerpalaces · 3 months
CHAPTER 180: The Death of Yuan Yu
Not far away, Duke Guo of Qi was watching this scene with a smile on his face. Guo Dao on the side sighed and said: "Father, I always feel that the purpose of my sister's return is not simple!" In this family, his mother, two sister-in-laws, and Princess Chen Liu completely believed that Li Wei Yang was Guo Jia. As for his brothers, they probably all know the truth, but no one has pierced this paper screen. Because they are too smart, so smart that even though they know something is wrong, they are unwilling to question it, let alone destroy their mother's happy illusion.
Guo Su smiled and said, "It's not simple, but I believe she has no ill intentions towards the Guo family."
"How can father be so sure?" Guo Dao asked with the corners of his mouth slightly raised and a lazy smile hanging on his lips.
Guo Su looked at the smile on Li Wei Yang 's face and said: "She is a smart girl. If not, she could have pretended to be the real Jia'er when we first met."
"But if she did that, you would believe it at first, but after the surprise is over you would check it carefully. Firstly, her true identity will be revealed, and secondly, she will become an opportunistic liar. In this case, the Guo family would definitely not tolerate her." Guo Dao analyzed accurately.
The Duke of Qi nodded and said: "Yes, that's why I said she is very smart. She figured out all my thoughts and your mother's thoughts. Even if Grand Prince Yan revealed her true identity today, she was able to defend herself and let Yuan Yu leave in disgrace."
Guo Dao's eyes fell on Li Wei Yang 's beautiful face not far away, and he sighed softly: "At a young age, her scheming and mind are not inferior to those of men. It is really rare. But I don't understand; since you know everything, why should you help her?"
"Yes, why should I help her?" Guo Su smiled and said, "See how happy your mother is?"
Of course, Guo Dao also saw the satisfied smile on Madam Guo's face, and then he heard his father say: "Your mother hasn't been this happy for more than ten years. It doesn't matter who Guo Jia is. What matters is who can make your mother happy."
"Of course I know this, but father, why aren't you worried that this girl entering our household will bring an unpredictable impact to the Guo family?" Guo Dao got straight to the point.
Guo Su smiled and looked back at his son: "Are you afraid?"
Guo Dao sneered and said, "Afraid? How could I be afraid?!" Then, he suddenly stopped laughing because he understood what the Duke of Qi meant. From the current point of view, Li Wei Yang 's purpose is to use the power of the Guo family to do something for her. But no matter what it is, the Guo family will not be afraid because they have enough strength.
A truly strong family will not be afraid of anyone or anything. Therefore, no matter what Li Wei Yang 's purpose is, it doesn't matter. In Guo Su's eyes, as long as she could keep Madam Guo smiling like this, he would have no complaints whatsoever.
Guo Dao sighed. There is a kind of infatuation in the Guo family. His father has doted on his mother for so many years without even having a single concubine or bed servant by his side. No one will believe this if it is spread, but everyone in the Guo family knows it. This is a fact. Just as his father loved his mother deeply, his two brothers were also very affectionate with his sister-in-laws. Not only did they reject the beautiful concubines sent by other officials, they sent away the maids in their yards, and even gained the reputation of fearing their wives. ...He doesn't like this kind of feeling. No, it should be said that he hates such feelings. So dedicated and infatuated, without even caring about the consequences. In Guo Dao's view, reason and love are completely contradictory and cannot coexist. Therefore, he would rather live a carefree life than fall in love with anyone and become a fool.
At this time, Madam Guo had already seen Duke Guo, smiled and waved, and Duke Guo immediately stepped forward to greet her. Li Wei Yang on the side smiled slightly and had a gentle face. Looking at this face, Guo Dao sighed again. He really didn't know what consequences Li Wei Yang’s arrival would bring to the peaceful Guo family...
At this time, Yuan Yu left the southwest gate angrily, and then he stood in the middle of the road. If he walked to the right, it would be the direction of the palace. He could explain Li Wei Yang 's identity to Empress Pei, but - Empress Pei's eyes and ears were all over Yuexi. With so many people at today's banquet, the news will have been spread long ago. If he went there eagerly and passed on useless news, he would arouse the disgust of Empress Pei. Ever since Empress Pei's stronghold was destroyed in Dali, she no longer placed the same trust and importance on him that she had before. Even Prince Yongwen, who had always been very close to him, began to distance himself and would not even meet him... Alas, today is really unlucky!
He had to turn his horse's head to the left and go back to Prince Yan Mansion. As soon as he reached the door, Princess Yongning's carriage also arrived. He stared at her angrily: "Why are you coming back?!"
Yongning's face was full of shame and he said: "Husband, I have something to say to you."
Yuan Yu looked at her coldly, snorted and said: "Since you have helped her lie, what else is there to say!"
Princess Yongning sighed and said: "I don't want to do this either, but in order to help you at that time, I framed her, and later in order to save you, I promised her a condition. Do you still remember that at that time you - —"
"Shut up!" Yuan Yu immediately remembered how he was humiliated by Li Wei Yang, and his handsome androgynous face became furious, "What on earth do you want to say!"
"I mean, I made a promise to her, and I swore to God that I would help her when she needed me. Today I am fulfilling my promise! Husband, I really didn't mean to make you angry, nor did I mean to betray you. I made the promise for you, and Li Wei Yang forced me to swear that if I break the promise, we will be separated as husband and wife... That's why I did this! In the end, I did it for the love between us husband and wife." Yongning said with tears in her eyes.
Yuan Yu was full of disgust towards her at this moment and didn't want to pay attention to her at all. He turned around and was about to leave, but Yongning suddenly grabbed his sleeve and whined: "I know you don't want to see me, but if I send the woman you like to you - will you forgive me?"
Yuan Yu stared at Yongning in surprise and said, "What on earth are you talking about?!"
Princess Yongning looked at him with concern and said: "I have invited Miss Izumo to perform in my own name... So I hope you won't blame me anymore, otherwise I will really have trouble sleeping and eating..."
Yuan Yu stared at her, as if he wanted to see something from her eyes. He once even suspected that Princess Yongning had made a plan with Li Wei Yang to trick him, but soon, he felt that it would not be possible for such a stupid woman as Yongning. How could she give up the opportunity to stay with him forever?! And she is a very committed person. If she helped Li Wei Yang just to fulfill her oath, then everything made sense.
After all, Yuan Yu was too confident. He didn't know that a woman would become a completely different person after being betrayed. From beginning to end, he had no doubt about his charm. As for Li Wei Yang , who was not confused by him, she could not be considered a normal woman at all. He smiled slightly and said, "Is everything you said true?"
Princess Yongning said quickly: "It's true... but you have to promise me not to marry that Izumo home. You said that you are just playing with them, and the only person you care most about is me."
Seeing her anxious look, Yuan Yu finally felt relieved and said, "Okay, where did you make the appointment?"
Princess Yongning seemed to be relieved and said: "Tonight, on Jin River."
Jin River crosses the capital, and there are many beautiful boats every night. Many dignitaries like to hold banquets on the boats, and then invite beautiful singers and dancers to have banquets all night long. If Li Wei Yang really had any plan, she would never choose such a lively place. This would be under the eyes of all the dignitaries in the capital. Yuan Yu smiled. He was now basically sure that this was Princess Yongning's move to please him.
That night, he couldn't wait to rush to the Jin River with his guards. When he reached the shore, he found that the entire river had been lit by lanterns on both sides. From the shore, the river was sparkling. There were luxurious boats moored on the water, all with lanterns hanging high and people laughing. He took a look and found that there was only one boat without a lantern on it. According to convention, this meant that the owner of the boat had not arrived yet. Standing on the shore, he could see a young and beautiful woman in the cabin hall with curtains hanging down. Who could it be but Izumo that he saw during the day? He sneered and got on the boat.
At this time, a sedan chain with an inconspicuous appearance had arrived under the willow tree on the shore. Zhao Yue said softly: "Miss, we're here."
Li Wei Yang looked out through the gauze curtain on the sedan chair. The ship was very luxurious. The upper floor was a vast and bright hall, and the lower floor was a closed inner warehouse. She happened to see Yuan Yu standing on the deck, bowing and walking into the cabin above.
Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on Li Wei Yang 's face, and Zhao Yue asked strangely: "Miss, is Miss Izumo really inside?"
Li Wei Yang nodded and said: "Yes, she is indeed inside."
Zhao Yue was puzzled: "Miss, do you really want to help Grand Prince Yan meet her?"
Li Wei Yang laughed and said: "It depends on how you understand it. I am afraid that the magpie bridge I built will lead to hell."
Zhao Yue was even more surprised and said, "I don't understand."
Li Wei Yang looked at the boat and just raised her lips. Not long after Grand Prince Yan entered, he seemed to have a conflict with the people inside. His guards tried to drive the people out, and the people led by Izumo wanted to drive them away. The two parties got entangled, and the lights on the boat were shadowed. Li Wei Yang said softly: "Yuan Yu always thinks that he understands women, but not all women will like him. For example, me, the betrayed Princess Yongning, and Izumo."
Zhao Yue asked curiously: "Is there anything special about Izumo? Is she really a courtesan who only sells her skills but not her body?"
Li Wei Yang shook her head gently, and was about to speak, but was suddenly interrupted by someone: "Of course it's not that simple." Under the moonlight night, Yuan Lie came from among the willows, wearing a moonlight brocade robe. Li Wei Yang can tell at a glance that the workmanship of his clothes is obviously very particular, even the buttons at the collar corners are made of fine jade. It was a bit grander than what she saw him wearing during the day, and she couldn't help but laugh.
Yuan Lie didn't take it seriously at all. His smile was three points brighter than the moonlight. He leaned forward and said, "Doesn't this look good on me?"
Li Wei Yang laughed. Did this guy dress up specially just to see her? How...stupid. She saw him looking at her expectantly, his eyes sparkling, she nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, it looks good."
Only then was Yuan Lie satisfied. He turned to look at the boat and continued: "Most of the women in brothels are the same. As long as you can afford the price, you can become their guest. Including the so-called courtesans. It's just to gain fame and raise one's worth. But Izumo is an exception. Although she also comes from a brothel, it will cost thousands of gold to meet her, but if you don't catch her eye, even if you give ten thousand gold, it will be difficult to see her. Hu Cheng, the grandson of Lord Nalu, went to see Izumo with countless gold and silver. Unexpectedly, Izumo hated him and drove him away mercilessly. Afterwards, he tried his best to use his power to force her, but Izumo didn't care. In addition, there were too many dignitaries pursuing her, so Hu Cheng had no choice but to give up. So today, I'm afraid Grand Prince Yan is going to cause a lot of trouble. "
The smile on Yuan Lie's face was a little wan. Li Wei Yang looked at him, but what she thought in her heart was that he didn't like these market rumors, let alone go to Qin Lou Chu Pavilion. The reason why he paid so much attention to Hu Cheng must be because of his nominal stepmother, Princess Lao Xu. The former Grand Princess Xu was born in Hu Mansion. She was the eldest daughter of Hu Kang, Duke of Lu State, and the sister of Consort Hu Shun in the palace. The relationship between this family was really not simple... 
"Do you want to humiliate Grand Prince Yan?" After all, Zhao Yue was not the two of them, and her thoughts were not so scheming.
Yuan Lie smiled slightly, glanced sideways at Li Wei Yang , and said, "She won't do such meaningless things." Just as they were speaking, they heard an exclamation from the river, followed by a plop. Suddenly, countless people screamed: "His Highness, Grand Prince Yan, has fallen into the water! His Highness, Grand Prince Yan, has fallen into the water!" Immediately, guards went down to fish Yuan Yu out, and there was a big splash on the river. Li Wei Yang narrowed her eyes and looked at this scene, and the expression on her face slowly turned mocking.
"We can't find Grand Prince Yan!" After a long time, someone stuck his head out of the water and shouted loudly. More than a dozen people went into the water one after another. They searched everywhere for Yuan Yu, but found nothing. The expressions of the guards were shocked... What's going on, a person went into the water and disappeared?! How is this possible?!
Only then did Zhao Yue come to her senses: "Miss, what are you—" What's in the water? No, or who?!
Li Wei Yang turned to look at her with a smile and said: "Okay, the play is over, and now it's Princess Yongning's turn."
Less than half an hour after Li Wei Yang finished saying this, she saw Princess Yongning's carriage arrive on the river bank. Then, Princess Yongning, dressed in gorgeous clothes, threw herself on the shore crying: "Your Highness! Your Highness! What's happened to you! Why did you suddenly fall into the water!" Suddenly, there were screams and searches on the shore, pleas to God were mixed together, and countless dignitaries on the boat stopped drinking and feasting, looking at this scene in surprise.
They looked at each other in confusion. His Highness, Prince Yan, fell into the water and disappeared?! How is this possible!
Three days later, a man's body was fished out from the lower reaches of Jin River. His clothes and basic features were consistent with that of Prince Yan, Yuan Yu, but his face had been deformed by blisters, and his appearance could not be seen at all. Princess Yongning reported the matter to the Emperor of Yuexi and Empress Pei in tears, and became a widow again.
Empress Pei was furious and ordered a thorough investigation into the matter. It turned out that Grand Prince Yan fell into the water because he molested a courtesan, and countless court officials had witnessed the incident. Now, the cause of Grand Prince Yan's death was revealed, but it was truly shameful. After all, everyone saw what Yuan Yu did at the Guo family banquet, and he came to this place at night. This was very logical... Originally, everyone thought that Empress Pei would kill the courtesan, but it was strangely quiet. Later, it was vaguely reported that the guest of Izumo was Empress Pei's biological son, Prince Yongwen, Yuan Yin. In this way, things became even more complicated.......
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creampuffqueen · 6 months
okay done with homework time for more avatar oc lore!!!!
- avatar lusa’s name means ‘midnight’. you’ll never guess what time she was born at
- being from the southern water tribe, which has always been a bit more lax on letting women learn waterbending, she did learn how to fight. sort of. mostly defensive moves, though
- she was brought to the northern water tribe to learn healing
- her healing teacher was a woman named panninguaq, the chief’s eldest daughter
- the chief of the tribe also had twin sons, paruk and panuk
- the twins have a different mom. panninguaq’s mother gave birth to her and then was unable to conceive again. the tribe elders insisted the chief take another wife in order to produce a male heir. they rejoiced when she had two
- panuk is close with his older sister, paruk is not. paruk is the eldest by a few minutes, making him the heir. panuk and panninguaq both feel shirked by him, and so their relationship with him is best described as frosty. lol
- paruk is a decent guy though, and does his best to live up to his duties to the tribe. lusa finds this very admirable, hence why she started falling for him
- to learn earthbending, she was sent to ba sing se to live with the royals while she trained
- lusa kinda sucked at bending tbh. she found it really difficult and was also very hard on herself
- prince haoyu, a nonbender, helped her with her overall confidence, and also was always there to take her mind off bending with something intellectual, like reading or pai sho
- and oopsies he fell in love with her too
- lusa headed to the fire nation to learn firebending from the crown princess, nyzah
- hearing about the avatar’s… warm welcome in the other nations, the firelord’s only instruction to his daughter was: don’t fall in love with her
- nyzah, two weeks later: dad i fell in love with the avatar
- anyway lol
- lusa heads off to the eastern air temple to learn airbending. she meets with chesa, who is one of the youngest spiritual gurus the air nation has seen
- chesa sees that crooked avatar grin and knows she’s done for
- they’re all very funny to me
- so yeah that’s how avatar lusa got her politically complicated polycule
- as for the future
- lusa ends up officially marrying 3/4 of her partners
- people are like ‘can she do that?’ ‘i mean she’s the avatar i guess she can do what she wants’
- the only one she doesn’t marry is nyzah, simply due to the fact that nyzah is an only child and therefore must produce an heir for her country
- nyzah marries a very chill fire nation guy who’s a nice person and a good father, and they remain very friendly even if there’s no romantic love between them
- fun fact: asami and mako and bolin’s mothers can both trace their lineage back to firelord nyzah
- nyzah had a son who became the next firelord, and two younger daughters. one daughter is an ancestor of naoki, one daughter is an ancestor of yasuko
- not that this matters at all, or that they’d ever be able to trace their ancestry back that far. this is like ~1000 years before canon
- but it’s fun
- as for paruk and haoyu’s lines
- lusa did have a few kids
- but all were barred from the lines of succession because there was no accurate way to confirm who their father was. and no royalty was gonna put someone on the throne who they weren’t absolutely sure was supposed to be there
- so paruk’s siblings did in fact sort of get to rule, because one of their heirs got the throne after he died. who’s laughing now
- and haoyu had a younger brother whose kid took the throne. he and his brother were closer though, so he wasn’t nearly as bothered lol
overall though they all lived pretty chill and happy lives
so there you have it 👍
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stupidgirl2003 · 11 months
The Old Mausoleum and Princess Elisabeth.
In the Grand Ducal Hessian family, the name Elisabeth evokes melancholic feelings; as the lives of the beholders of this beautiful name, which means 'God-given', the princesses Elisabeth, later Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna (1864-1918) and Elisabeth, Elizaveta Feodorovna's niece (1895-1903), were princesses whose lives and destinies were intermingled with happiness, devotion, service, and sadness. Today, remembering the beholders of this name, we can remember another Hessian princess named Elisabeth who, like Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig's daughter, also died in childhood. Being so young when she passed away, information about her is scarce. She was the fourth child and first daughter of the Hereditary Princely couple of Darmstadt, Ludwig and Wilhelmine, but the fact is that Elisabeth's parents had been leading separated lives for a while and, the age gap with her older brothers, Princes Ludwig and Karl, was of more than a decade. Therefore, that her biological father was not the Hereditary Prince does not come as a surprise, being the most probable biological father August von Senarclens-Grancy, a Swiss noble in service to the court. He was also the possible biological father of her younger siblings, Alexander and Marie, but, like her, they were also recognized by Ludwig. Wilhelmine's pregnancy with Elisabeth is mentioned in a letter from her sister, Russian Empress Elizaveta Alexeievna to her mother, Amalie of Hesse-Darmstadt: '...I am very sorry for my poor aunt in Darmstadt [Luise, Grand Duchess of Hesse and by the Rhine, mother-in-law of Wilhelmine], whose eyes are in such a bad state. Is she happy with Mimi's [Wilhelmine's nickname] pregnancy ? Dear mother, I don't think I have been secretive with you, but when Mimi told me that I was the first person she had spoken to about her pregnancy, I thought it was not for me to be the first to speak of it, but for her in every way. I still don't know how far along she is, she hasn't told me, but I'm sure you do, dear mother...' . Three months after this letter was written, on the 20 of May of 1821, Amalie Elisabeth Luise Caroline Friederike was born. Although not directly mentioned, she was possibly named in honor of her maternal grandmother and maternal aunts and her official paternal grandmother. She, as a child, possibly spent the majority of her time with nannies that took care of her, and with her mother Wilhelmine. Elisabeth has been referred to as her mother's favorite daughter. Her mother, who loved to travel to Switzerland and had visited it several times before, decided to take all her children in a travel there, but what was to be a happy event, was marked by tragedy, as Elisabeth, in the outward journey, contracted scarlet fever and died on May 27, 1826, in Lausanne, a week after her fifth birthday.
Little Elisabeth was laid to rest first in the Darmstadt City Church for some time until 1831, when the mausoleum her mother had asked court architect Georg Moller to erect in the Rosehöhe, a most loved place for her, was finished. This mausoleum with time became an important burial place for the Hessian Grand Ducal family.
As for Wilhelmine, with the death of Elisabeth, her love for Switzerland, traveling, and life in general decayed. She said some years later 'the old wanderlust is no longer to be found in me'.
Wilhelmine died in 1836, and asked her husband, now Grand Duke Ludwig II, to have a simple funeral and to be laid to rest with her beloved Elisabeth.
Sources: L'impératrice Élisabeth, épouse d'Alexandre 1er by Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich, podcast 'Treffpunkt Heilingenberg' #3 'Eine Affäre in der Schweiz', Die Hessin auf dem Zarenthron: Maria, Kaiserin von Russland, http://www.park-rosenhoehe.info/Park_Geschichte.html and https://freunde-des-schlossmuseum-darmstadt.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/flyer_palais.pdf
Thanks to @abigaaal for her feedback on this!
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