#theres a LOT i need to refine due to changes in the magic system/world mechanics
mortallycoiled · 1 year
Who's sanctuary?? 👀👀👀
ok sanctuary is a character that i made back when i was working out how both the cycle works and how sundogs/mooncats work, but since ive changed a LOT of stuff since then i need to change their character a lot too.
back when i had way less developed, i had the main difference between sundogs and mooncats (other than their alignment) be that sundogs just kind of started out like that, while mooncats acted more like saithood, where someone who died doing or being involved in something significant would be resurrected as a Mooncat with a relevant aspect.
So then Sanctuary was going to start out as a mortal (with a different, less obvious name). Sanctuary and Brutus would both be raised in the same temple/orphanage/refuge and be pretty close friends. There would be some natural disaster where the building ultimately collapses, Sanctuary and Brutus both being mortally wounded (Sanctuary having been attempting to clear as many people out of the building as possible, and being in the building at the moment it completely collapsed specifically because Brutus was still stuck inside.)
As Brutus begins to die, that's when Novice shows up, and is like. Hey i can't make you alive again but i can make you Not Dead so you can try to keep your friend from dying. And Brutus agrees and becomes a demon. Brutus tries to go over to rescue Sanctuary, but is IMMEDIATELY stopped by Judge who is like. yo wtf why are you not dead. because apparently sanctuary dying while unsuccessfully trying to save Brutus qualified them as a Mooncat. And because of Judge's interference Brutus doesnt manage to stop this from happening and now Sanctuary is a mooncat and Brutus is a demon and everything is fucked up forever
but now that ive changed up how spirits and souls and the cycle work I need to fiddle with that for a while. I still like the idea of Sanctuary being an old friend of Brutus who has her own responsibilities and power now, so i thiiiiink i might make it less cut and dry "mooncats are resurrected people" and more like. in order for mooncats OR suncats are created, it takes some of the soulstuff out of the cycle to make a New Guy, which tends to happen more easily around destruction (hence why sundogs popped up in masse after the whole Noxa Krav thing). in this particular case the universe just kind of grabbed whatever spirit junk was the closest and cobbled together someone new, and TECHNICALLY brutus was also supposed to be lumped into post-Mooncat Sanctuary.
instead of being like "oh shit i gotta save my friend" brutus is just like. EXTREMELY desperately trying to just Not Be Dead, which anchors his soul for long enough that Novice notices and is like. ok i can make you not dead.
so now its more like... brutus escaping the cycle in a way they werent supposed to. like their spirit was going to break out of the recycling loop but the way brutus did it is Breaking The Rules, hence drawing the ire of Judge, instead of it being accidentally interfering with Sanctuary becoming a saint. In this case, there's no risk to the actual formation of sanctuary; if brutus's friend had survived, the universe wouldve just. grabbed a different soul to lump in there. its an act of defiance that means nothing to the universe but EVERYTHING to brutus and judge is still fucking pissed about it just because it's technically not supposed to happen
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