#theres a reason why i have an au where alec lost Everything (but am also still a softie so i gave that back with extra steps. + more angst)
aria0fgold · 4 months
Also can yall tell I love putting Alec in situations where he's pushed past his limit? It's so fun (I swear I love him). It's cuz of the fact that it takes A LOT for Alec to even reached the border of his limit and a liiiil more push for him to get past that, it's just fun to think about the "What will it take for him to just Lose Himself?"
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fandom-madnessess · 6 years
Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood ❆ Rating: G, Word Count: 1751 ❆ Human AU, Single Parent Magnus, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Christmas Cookies, Holidays
For @gingerangelofthursday for the @bytheangeldaily Holiday Gift Exchange. I hope you like it, and have an amazing 2019! ♥
‘Brought the flour you asked,’ Alec says as he steps into the kitchen. He looks and smells cold and windswept, his cheeks and nose red. Snowflakes are melting in his hair.
Magnus is always happy to see his downstairs neighbour, but right now he’s most excited about the bag of flour Alec is carrying under his arm. ‘Thank you.’ Magnus takes the bag and immediately starts measuring out what he needs.
‘Hi, Alec,’ Madzie says a little distractedly. She’s sitting at the kitchen island, a huge sheet of cookie dough rolled out in front of her. She’s carefully cutting out shapes with an assortment of cookie cutters.
‘What are you guys making?’
Magnus vaguely registers the rustling of Alec taking off his coat and the scraping of chair legs as Alec sits down next to Madzie.
‘Cookies,’ Madzie says like it should be obvious.
Alec huffs out a laugh. ‘I can see that. But what for? And why this many? Are you and your dad going to eat nothing but cookies this Christmas?’
‘They’re for school, so children who don’t have money can have a nice Christmas.’
‘Charity bake sale,’ Magnus adds.
‘Ah. Do you need any help?’
Magnus can’t help but smile at Madzie’s narrowed eyes as she looks at Alec, then glances at her dad. Can she trust Alec with this? They’ve both tasted some of his cooking before and it wasn’t… great. Slowly, she hands him a Christmas tree cookie cutter.
‘You can use this one.’
‘Thank you.’ Alec glances at Magnus, eyebrows raised. Magnus quickly goes back to his dough.
They find a rhythm. Magnus makes the dough, Alec helps Madzie cut out the shapes—under Madzie’s strict supervision—and then Magnus puts the cookies in the oven. After a couple hours they have about a hundred cookies in all shapes and sizes. There are quite a few Christmas trees and Santas, but Madzie wanted everyone to have a special cookie, so there are dreidels and snowmen, and a couple other shapes that Magnus can’t really define but he’s sure his daughter has a plan for.
‘Shouldn’t we decorate them?’ Alec asks, already going for the glazing and sprinkles.
‘No!’ Madzie shouts and latches onto his outstretched arm. ‘We have to let them cool down first.’
Alec presses his lips together in a barely suppressed smile and winks at Magnus. Magnus quickly looks away, so he doesn’t betray Alec with a smile of his own.
‘Well, what should we do in the meantime?’ Alec asks Madzie, easily turning her grip on his arm into them holding hands, and follows her to the living room.
‘Can we watch a movie?’
‘Sure, but maybe let Alec pick this time, sweetpea.’
‘I pick Princess and the Frog,’ Alec says.
Madzie marches triumphantly to the television.
‘You really shouldn’t give in to her so easily,’ Magnus sighs.
‘I know, but it’s hard to say no to those pigtails.’
Magnus snorts. ‘She had you wrapped around her little finger from the first time you met.’
‘True,’ Alec chuckles. He shrugs. ‘I don’t mind. So far, she’s never abused her powers.’
‘Are you sure?’ Magnus nods to where the Disney logo is appearing on the screen.
‘It’s an amazing movie,’ Alec protests.
‘Well, while you two are going to watch your amazing movie, I’m going to clean up the kitchen,’ Magnus says, pouting. ‘All on my own. With no one to help me.’
‘Make sure to clean up yourself a little, too,’ Alec teases. Then his hand is cradling Magnus’ cheek and his thumb swipes across Magnus’ cheekbone. Heat gathers where Alec’s palm is warm against his skin, then spreads through his entire body. Magnus forgets to breath for a second. ‘You’re covered in flour.’
When Alec removes his hand Magnus barely resists the urge to chase after that warm pressure.
The kitchen isn’t too big of a mess, but he does need to make room for the decorating. After a quick stop in the bathroom to wash his face, and a change of shirt, he joins Madzie and Alec on the couch.
‘We ordered Chinese,’ Alec tells him. ‘With extra spring rolls for you. For cleaning the kitchen.’ He turns his head and throws Magnus a beatific smile.
‘Thanks. And–‘
‘Shhh!’ Madzie glares at them both, then focusses back on the movie.
Magnus raises his eyebrows and catches Alec’s eye, then quickly looks away before he bursts out laughing.
They have dinner in front of the TV. The movie ends and Madzie drags them back to the kitchen to decorate the cookies. She gives them very specific instructions for how each is to be decorated, then stage whispers to Magnus to keep a close eye on Alec. Alec throws Magnus an affronted look when Madzie can’t see him, but Magnus supports his daughter on this one. Alec needs to be watched when it comes to preparing any kind of food, since, according to Madzie, he can even mess up a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
‘Are you going to helps sell the cookies?’ Madzie asks, looking up from the snowman she’s decorating and turning to Alec.
‘I don’t think I’m allowed.’ At Madzie’s confused frown Alec explains, ‘I’m not a parent or family.’
‘Although, I could always pretend to be your dad’s boyfriend. You think that’ll get me in?’
Madzie turns with shining eyes to Magnus, silently pleading, but there’s something else there, too. Something that means she’s plotting.
‘Sure,’ Magnus says. ‘Alec can pretend to be my boyfriend to help sell the cookies.’
‘Yesss,’ Madzie grins, casts another look between the two men, and goes back to decorating.
Magnus can’t remember the last time he had this much fun, or felt so completely at peace. He doesn’t want the night to ever end, but Madzie has school the next day, which means she has to go to bed on time.
He sends her off to put on her pyjamas and brush her teeth, while he and Alec clean up all the spilled glazing and sprinkles. She’s barely in the hallway when she turns around and fixes both men with her gaze.
‘You can each have one cookie tonight,’ she says. ‘Just one.’
‘Thank you,’ Alec says, a serious look on her face.
‘We’ll only take one each,’ Magnus promises.
Madzie nods and continues on her way.
‘She’ll count them tomorrow, won’t she?’ Alec asks.
‘Oh, definitely,’ Magnus says. ‘She’ll get up extra early to make sure she has the time to count them twice.’
Alec chuckles, and starts loading the dishwasher.
‘She’s a great kid, Magnus.’
‘I know.’
‘She’s lucky to have you.’
‘Thank you.’ It’s barely more than a whisper, and it’s a struggle to get the words past the lump in his throat.
Madzie calls for Magnus when she’s ready for bed, and when he walks in, she’s already lying under the covers, the book she’s going to read by her flashlight barely tucked under her pillow. Magnus pretends he doesn’t see it. He’ll check on her in an hour.
‘Daddy,’ Madzie starts the second he walks into the room.
‘Yes, sweetpea?’
‘What if you asked Alec to really be your boyfriend? Then he wouldn’t have to pretend to come to the bake sale.’
She sits up. ‘You smile more when he’s here. And he smiles when he looks at you.’
Magnus sits down on the edge of the mattress with a sigh. ‘Well, we’re friends. We like spending time together.’
Madzie looks unimpressed. ‘He’s here all the time. He’s come over every day this week.’
‘Well…’ Magnus has no idea what to say. He’s getting called out on his crush by his own daughter. ‘What if it doesn’t work out?’
‘It will.’
‘And you would be okay with that? With me dating Alec?’
‘I wouldn’t say it if I wasn’t.’ Madzie’s expression goes a little sad. ‘You should be happy, daddy. You’re always happy when we’re hanging out with Alec.’
For the second time that night, there’s a lump stuck in Magnus’ throat. He pulls Madzie into a hug and presses a kiss to the top of her head.
‘You are wise beyond your years, sweetpea.’
‘I am the best at English and Maths,’ Madzie reminds him.
‘I know. I saw your report cart.’ Magnus lets her back down and tucks her in. ‘You brush your teeth?’
‘Yes.’ There are very few things that Magnus’ loves more than the exasperated tone his daughter uses when she says this.
He presses one more kiss to her forehead, and makes sure she’s tucked in tight. ‘Good night, sweetpea.’
‘Good night.’
Magnus turns off the light and closes her door. He hears the snick of the flashlight turning on before he’s taken a step.
‘What are you thinking about?’
Magnus blinks. He’s sitting next to Alec on the couch, wine glass in one hand, a cookie in the other. He’d been so lost in thought about what Madzie had said, that he hadn’t realized he’d sat down, or even come back to the living room. He shakes his head and throws Alec a small smile.
Alec raises an eyebrow. ‘You haven’t said a word since you came back from saying good night to Madzie. Is everything okay?’
‘Everything is fine. It’s just…’ Magnus looks at Alec. He really looks, and what he sees is that Alec is perfectly at home here. He doesn’t behave like a guest; helping with the washing up without being asked, ordering food, pouring drinks for the two of them. He even has his own key. ‘It’s just something Madzie says.’
Alec doesn’t say anything, just waits for Magnus to continue.
‘She says that I smile more when you’re here. And that you smile whenever you look at me.’
A blush creeps up Alec’s cheeks, but he doesn’t look away. Instead, he smiles and says, ‘You give me plenty of reason to smile.’
Magnus feels the heat creeping into his own cheeks, but he doesn’t look away either. ‘She also said I should ask you to really be my boyfriend.’
‘Well, we wouldn’t have to lie to the other parents and teachers tomorrow.’
‘Is that a yes?’ Magnus’ heart hammers in his chest, full of hope.
‘We haven’t even gone on a date yet.’
‘Do you need a date?’
Alec shakes his head, leaning in, giving Magnus plenty of time to pull back. ‘No,’ he whispers into the space between them.
Magnus closes the distance. Alec tastes of sugar and wine. And it’s perfect.
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