#theres also a serious one but it's too long to be put in tags i'm sorry
caemidraws · 9 months
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Would you rest, for a while...
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maochira · 9 months
HIIII im back!!
Sooooo... im a person who struggles with crying like- i can't whether i wanted to or not.
SOOO when im stressed i can't even cry to feel better ( cuz crying can release tension and stuff ) and generally im (kinda?) depressed in a sense where i feel numb, lonely and like theres a void in my chest.
( above is for example and kind of a vent😅 )
Basically, the request is coaches as dad listening to your feelings or thoughts abt feeling empty and (MAYBE??) wanting reader to see a psychiatrist/therapist?
Hi! I think I know very much what you feel like regarding the emptiness :'] (except that I cry a lot and very easily and my emptiness often comes with a pressure in my chest.) But please remember I usually don't like people venting in my inbox. I'm okay with this one tho because it connects to a comfort request so I see it more as an explanation than a vent <3 (but I don't want to encourage others to vent to me more in the future.)
Characters: Noa, Chris
Tags: gn!coach's child!reader, reader is a teenager, comfort
Noel Noa
-even though you haven't told him until now, he has noticed something's been off about you for a while
-he didn't think it was something serious because you inherited a big part of his personality regarding being rather cold
-so when you tell him about it, he's a little shocked to find out how bad you've been feeling lately and he feels guilty for not noticing it earlier
-he sits there for hours to let you talk about everything that's on your mind, but he realizes he can't help you enough
-so he decides to try to find a therapist for you. He knows waiting lists can be long, so on the next day he calls and writes emails to every therapist in the area and lets you be put on the waiting list
-and while you're waiting, Noa makes sure you know you can always talk to him. He also tries to be less cold so you can feel more comfortable about sharing your problems
Chris Prince
-he quickly noticed when you started to feel worse, but he decided to wait a bit just in case it gets better on its own
-he trusts you to talk to him as soon as you feel too bad, so to not pressure you, he doesn't ask you about it
-but he realizes you're only getting worse and still not telling him about anything, so he thinks you might be too afraid to open up
-Chris decides he has to be the one who approaches you about this, so he calmly asks you to be honest about how you've been feeling lately and he wants you to let him know as much as possible so he can help
-but the more you tell him about how you feel, the more he realizes you need professional help. So he asks if you want that and obviously you day yes
-Chris helps you to find a good therapist who is helpful to you. He always reassures you if you don't fully click with a therapist, you need to tell him so he can look for a new one
Taglist (sign-up link): @kaineedstherapy12 @zyuuuu @luvcalico @truegoist @vanitasbrainrot @toruden @mafuyudonutt @weichspuelertrinker @acacIa @chaosinanutshell @kermitslefteyeball11 @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @https-archangel @depressed-bitchy-demon @kaiserkisser @userwithlotsoftime @yellowelectroslime @0rah-s @deerangle3
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ais-n · 3 years
I'm definitely uncomfortable with the incest jokes and want them tagged, and idk if theres more than the vega sandwich stuff, but that is the main example. i am completely serious that incest jokes make me uncomfortable and i want to be able to avoid jokes about it if they exist. it also sets a tone in the fandom that vega sandwich jokes are different than regular incest jokes, but they are just as triggering, so i'd really rather that it was tagged
Hey thanks for replying! I appreciate it! I'm glad you were able to get back to me on this!
Completely fair, my friend :) I'm generally not big on incest jokes either tbh; Vega Sandwich kind of just became a thing that turned into an ongoing meme so now the way it's mentioned amuses me as a meme but I don't at all blame anyone who is uncomfortable with it. Makes complete sense and it's a totally fair request to be able to have a tag you can input to avoid. Especially because in the real world there's some really seriously terrible shit that can happen where people are survivors of incest or similar and that can be incredibly triggering. I know people personally who are survivors, yet it didn't even occur to me before you mentioned this because somehow my brain put a space between IRL and story on that topic and didn't manage to connect the dots.
So - this is a great idea and I really appreciate you saying something, but I'm also really sorry it didn't occur to me first and instead you had to get into a position that made you feel uncomfortable and ask :(
I was trying to remember when I last made any jokes about it but since I'm so hit or miss the last several months on tumblr I don't remember at all. But in thinking on it, that also makes me wonder if I could have reposted stuff too that had it and it didn't even occur to me. Sometimes when I use tumblr it's on my phone and for some reason the app won't let me do tags all the time, so I am pretty sure I've done several reposts without any tags at all.
All that is to say - I am going to do my best to remember to use that tag in anything I'm posting or reposting that has an incest joke in it. But if you (or anyone) ever notices I miss something, seriously, I want people to tell me so I can go back and tag it. I will try to not have that be an issue in the first place, but because I tend to go weeks/months without touching tumblr then spam post, and sometimes it just won't let me edit tags, if ever something does slip through it's unintentional and I definitely want to be called out on it so I can fix it for you and anyone else who needs it.
For now, I started by tagging this one with that :) Also I was trying to remember and yeah I think Vega Sandwich is the main incest joke that I can think of in the series so anything incest at all related should fit having this tag - but just in case, even if other incest jokes pop up, I'll still tag it vega sandwich unless we get good ideas from anyone else on what else to do in those rare scenarios (although I would think if nothing else just tagging it incest would also help).
Sorry for the long ass reply as always - but again, seriously, thanks for saying something :) I'm sorry you had to say something, because I hate for people to feel uncomfortable in the first place. But I super appreciate that you did say something and you clarified further. That was awesome of you :)
You rock!
I hope you have a good day :)
Oh and PS if you know of specific examples recently you want me to go back and tag I can do that :) But otherwise, so you don't have to stress out on it, we'll just start from today forward with the tag.
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vanillamilkcloud · 4 years
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pairing: Single Dad! RM x Baker! Reader
word count: 2,497
tags: fluff, some cookies were burnt, flour got in some spots, theres hot cocoa, domestic as hell, christmas obviously.
summary: after a visit to their favorite baker, Namjoon cant wrap presents for his boys. so with snagging your number some previous hours ago he decides to call for some help.
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Kids were always hard, no matter what anyone did to try and help. Especially having two and also being a single dad. Though Namjoon had a way with the two that almost everyone wished they had with their kids. He had coaxed the boys into waking up this morning only to have them instantly asking about going to the bakery. It had become a sort of routine, once a week he’d show up at the door and instantly Hoseok would babble about everything he wanted while Yoongi pointed to things while hiding behind Namjoon’s leg. 
And that was exactly your situation right now. Covered in flour, and some frosting on your cheek, standing behind the counter of the store.
“I want this and this and a cake pop and cake!” Hoseok giggled happily, his gloved hands pressed against the glass happily. Namjoon looked at you apologetically before glancing at what his son wanted.
“Cookie, you know you cant have all of that-” The blonde male had only started to speak before he saw you walking around the counter, handing the 4 year old a cake pop. At 8am, might you add. His baby voice was too hard to resist giving the sweets to him.
“Says who?” You gave an equal smile to the toddler’s as he squealed.
“Thank you noona!” He had already devoured the sweet in a happy fit of giggles. You couldn’t help but giggle at the bits of chocolate around his mouth. For a moment you had thought you heard Yoongi speak, only to be correct as he held his arms up. Namjoon chuckled softly. 
“Sugar, what are you doing?”
“I want up.” He murmured, taking his chance to hide behind you now. You shrugged then picked up the small boy. Yoongi had instantly nuzzled into your chest, his little cheeks red from the cold. It made you frown though you knew you couldn’t help it.
“Can I give them mini mugs of hot cocoa Joonie?” You asked, fluttering your eyes in that way you knew would make Namjoon give into you. He let out a small groan as you looked absolutely perfect to him right now, and like the kids were actually both of yours. But Namjoon hadn’t had the courage to ask you yet to see if this relationship could actually.. be something. He had to think about plenty of other things right now besides having his bed warm again, and the boys having a mom finally.
“Do you even have mini mugs?”
You grinned happily before nodding, walking behind the counter with Yoongi in your arms and Hoseok trailing behind you. It was a bit hard to lean downward before pulling out two baby mugs and some straws. You put them on the counter carefully. “I got them just for these two little dudes. Just make sure to bring them when you guys come.”
Yoongi made grabby hands at one of them, so you let him take the cup. His eyes held a type of curiousity you hadn’t ever actually seen in him. The boy was generally shy and quiet but you seemed to understand now how Namjoon managed to know what he wanted constantly. It was rather cute in your eyes as you could catch Hoseok almost drooling over all the pastries behind the glass, and then whining as he wanted up too. You couldnt carry the both of them though. 
Namjoon on the other hand, was more than happy with his open fawning over you. You were such an angel with the boys and it made him more than happy with his trips. Hoseok was more than ready to expose his dad though.
“Daddy staring!” He giggled brightly, looking up to his dad through the glass. It caused a chain reaction as Yoongi was more than happy to join in. “Does dada like noona?” 
A bright blush covered the male’s cheek in an instant. He was quick to recover though as you couldnt help but to laugh while filling up the two mugs, hanging mini candy canes off the edge. “No, I dont like _____ Sugar.” Namjoon replied.
“Not what Uncle Jinnie said!”
Namjoon facepalmed, shaking his head with a groan. He’d need to have a serious talk with that man later. “Uncle Jinnie tricked you okay? What do you want for breakfast?”
That seemed to change the topics easily, you placing the hot chocolates in Namjoon’s hands to cool off before letting the boys point while behind the glass. Both of them seemed rather happy to have your candy cane donuts, the one treat youd serve only on Christmas Eve and Christmas. Namjoon had asked for his usual strawberry bagel with cream cheese, so then you were free to go back to the kitchen once more. 
“Byebye noona!!” The boys called out, making you grin. 
“Youll see me next week, this isnt bye babies!” You replied. Namjoon couldnt help but laugh as the two were instantly excited all over again. Except, he came here to do something too, so he came up to the window to your kitchen quickly.
“Wait, ___,” The blonde seemed shy, but you couldn’t help but to smile at him.
“Did you forget something?” 
He gave you a nod, and you looked at him curiously. “I forgot your number, can you give it to me again?”
The words that fell out of his mouth made you laugh, as you had essentially walked into him saying that yet you still felt dumbfounded. How was he that smooth? "Mm, give me your phone then, I'll put it in." 
Namjoon complied with the words as he was smiling happily; a few of the customers in the store seemed to only cheer for him. You wanted to run away from the situation but you couldn't deny him like that! On Christmas Eve either, you had no hope. Within a few moments you handed the phone back with a bit of flour over the case.
"Oh lord, I'm sorry. I didnt mean to get flour on it."
"Don't be," Namjoon grinned. "Im used to you leaving flour prints on what you touch by now."
He gave you a wave, and went back to his kids. You hummed softly as you went into the back of the store before finding yourself trying to quietly squeal. Namjoon had actually asked you for your number! What you didn't know was that everyone had actually heard your little squeal, and it couldnt help but make everyone laugh as you fawned over your crush. Everyone knew for ages that you both had a thing for each other and now it seemed to get somewhere.
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After a long day at work, and perhaps burning a few things in your distraction, you’ve finally made it home. The call of your bed seems almost instantly heeded. But there’s other things you need to do.
Namjoon, on the other hand, is struggling to wrap presents. He had taken quite some time just to wrap simple box shapes and now this gift wrapping thing seemed impossible to him. There was blankets and stuffed animals to be wrapped still, along with pillows and bed sheets that Hoseok had wanted because of them being PJ Mask themed. It was also an issue of he didn’t happen to have enough paper to finish wrapping anything. The blonde combed a hand through his hair with a soft groan; He couldn’t leave the house to get any extra paper because then nobody was home with the boys. The male also didn’t want to leave them with anyone, so he scrolled through his phone contacts, clicking your name with a soft hum.
“Hello?” You asked, clearly a bit tired so Namjoon was almost tempted to hang up then and there.
“Hey _____.” He chuckled softly as he once again couldnt figure out how to wrap the damned elephant plushie.
“Oh, hi Joonie! What’s up?”
“I, um, well. I can’t wrap the kids presents so I thought you might be able to help. I don’t happen to have any paper or that left either, and I cant leave to get any.” Namjoon sighed softly as he tossed the paper in the trash once again, leaning against the sofa as he sat on the floor. “I swear I’ll pay you back for it, I just didn’t know who else to call.”
You giggled through the line, pretending to think in silence. It was almost audible how nervous he was. “I can come help. Can you text me your address then?”
“Yeah I can, thank you so much.”
The line went dead after that, as Namjoon sent you their address. He took the opportunity to go check on the boys. It had to be quick because Yoongi was a light sleeper unless Hoseok happened to move into his bed. Namjoon was certain those two would be inseperable later on, so he never bothered to seperate them. He opened the door quietly after making sure the hall light was off, only to chuckle as the boys were indeed under one blanket. With similar quietness he shut the door once again before walking to the kitchen and starting to brew a pot of coffee. The father didn’t happen to have any more hot chocolate either right now, as much as he knew you had a preference for the drink.
Namjoon let his thoughts wonder about you as he drew two mugs out of the cabinet, and not mini ones this time. The house was quiet besides the gentle christmas songs playing on the radio. Gingerbread had filled the air as hours ago the boys insisted to make gingerbread men for Santa, even left out with the milk on a plate with their notes. They were such precious things to him, the father felt a bit sad to realize that this is what their mother had decide to miss out on. But he also was happy because she wasn’t the type of woman to enjoy this type of stuff. She’d simply go about her business as she please. It was like a household housing two seperate families. 
The knock on the door pulled Namjoon out of his mind, and he quickly answered it before you could knock again. Snow had covered your hat, the bits of your hair that decided to peek out under it, and on your shoulders. He was quick to let you in, even taking the bags of gift wrap and tape and perhaps a gift for each of the boys.
“Thank you so much-” He smiled warmly, rubbing his temples as he sat the bags on the sofa. You shook your head at him.
“Don’t thank me you dork. I’m more than happy to help you with anything.” The words were perhaps a bit more implying than what either of you cared to admit, but Namjoon was still happy none the less. Once you were free of your extra layers you took out the rolls of gift wrap and tape. You also made sure to put your gifts under the tree too.
Namjoon watched as you didnt bother to speak in your focus now. He couldn’t help but to admire your small form in his living room, almost expertly wrapping each thing he had struggled with. You simply didn’t want him to notice the bright blush on your cheeks. It made you excited to actually be here as much as it didn’t feel the same without the boys. You had spent so much time around them as a group that you felt shy when you both were alone.
“Here’s some coffee, since the boys drank all the hot chocolate.” Namjoon’s voice made you squeak, and he couldnt help but laugh brightly. His grin made his dimples show; you wanted to kiss him right there but you knew better.
“Thank you.” You whispered. The girly girl in you was practically squealing with how close he was. A yawn passed Namjoon’s lips as your hands held the elephant plushie that he didn’t have patience for only about an hour ago. He looked tired, but he didn’t want to have you leave. Your fingers worked in a quick motion to wrap it like a giant candy. WIth the use of scissors you even made the ends all pointy. 
“Ill put them under, you can stay the night if you want.” Namjoon hummed, watching you look up at him curiously. The face you held seemed to depict that you were nervous to him. “I won’t do anything, at least right now.”
“What do you mean right now?” You looked more puzzled now. Namjoon facepalmed as he realized the words slipped before he had stopped it.
“Um, well, you see.” He started off, once again making you chuckle. You couldn’t read him often but this seemed to be one of the rare moments you could. Kim Namjoon was embarrassed and he couldnt change the topic. Hoseok and Yoongi were often his way of avoiding conversations like these with you. But they were fast asleep. “Consider it your Christmas present, but I’ve liked you for quite some time now. The boys even like you too. It means the damn world to me because I love those two to death and they almost always get excited as soon as I mention you.”
You couldn’t help but to blush with his confession, but it made you grin none the less. “Are we sure that isn’t because I give them sugar every time they come?” 
Both of you exchanged a bright laugh at the words. The boys were only 4 and 5, of course sugar could buy their hearts in an instant. Namjoon couldn't help but to smile at you in such a pure adoration.
“No, because they dont touch much of the pastries we have unless we make them ourselves, or we got them from you.” The father replied. “And also, I’ve known you’ve liked me for awhile.”
This was your turn to groan. “Since when!” You whined, rubbing your temple with your fingers.
“The squeal when you gave me your number. I had just gotten up to leave with the boys when I heard it.” 
You pouted softly, knowing that was probably the most obvious of times that you definetely had something for him. This you couldn’t try to deny either. “Okay fine, perhaps I’ve liked you for awhile now too.”
Namjoon smiled brightly, pulling you into a hug. There was something different about this though. It felt much more warm and loving than when he would be forced to hug you because of his kids. Only when you yawned did he realize you really needed to go to sleep, so he picked you up without a warning. The simple action made your heart swell as you realized this was probably one of the best things to happen just in time for the holidays.
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funeralfire · 4 years
James you said you had the cops called on you while partying with the Amish, are you willing share more on that? Because I'm very intrigued lol
😂😂😂 omg yeah! Sera, this is like one of my favorite trigger happy redneck stories from my youth lol. I may have been dramatically vague in the tags but i hope the real story is as funny as i think it is! Also I'm probably telling some identifiable details through all of this so uhh yikes for my anonymity 😬
Also sidenote: I'm pro-gun control for the most part (its a nuanced conversation) I just have a background in weapons stuff so i may talk casually about firearms but i do not condone american gun laws. Yeah. also i was like 10 in this story i cant control what was happening lol
So flashback, im like 9 or 10 and my father is a fully legal firearms dealer with some of the higher clearances available, meaning he can sell silencers and higher powered weapons. So sometimes guys would seek him out to buy something specific. Now this time is was a .50 caliber long range rifle- probably semi-automatic? probably a sniper style rifle? In layman's terms, this motherfucker is the largest gun you can sell to civilians and there is literally no reason for anybody to possess it. It explodes people, it doesnt just shoot them. I thiiiink this specific gun was like armour piercing/anti-tank shit. Literally no one needs this. And no one would be using it either. After today 😈
The guy buying it was just going to display it on his wall, but you always have to shoot em' first before you buy em' right? Yeah sure, it was just a bunch of middle aged men excited to blow shit up, dont be fooled. But where on earth do you test shoot a massive fucking gun which is totally legal but very hard to explain??? THE AMISH FIELDS! So, because this is bumfuck nowhere, my dad calls up one of his amish buddies (they act very serious and morally righteous, but do not be fooled. theyre a fucking hilarious group of people) and asks if we can use his field- not growing szn mind you- to shoot this thing. He says yes, but we have to set up the targets and i think there was some bartering involved as well? But we get to this field, set up sandbags and targets maybe a mile down the way? And make sure theres nothing valuable behind the targets, too. We dont fully comprehend how massive this fucker is, you only know so much from reading specs ya know? So we get set up, gotta lay on the ground to shoot this thing. It takes a lot of prep. The gun is like the full length of my body and the bullets are as large as my hand. Its my parents, the buyer, like 2 friends, and a few amish fellas. We're as safe as can be with hearing protection and goggles. You really dont want to fuck up or misfire something which can destroy an armoured vehicle, ya know? (Having a handgun misfire on you is scary enough 🙄) So we take our time setting up and hooo boy the suspense is big!
And so. My father lays down, aims at the target a mile away. Just a blip to the naked eye. and pulls the trigger. BAM! The ricochet of pure NOISE around the mountains goes on across probably the whole valley. The bullet when through the targets and sand bags and went several meters further before exploding into a cloud of dust along the dirt covered road.
So like obviously this is a hill-billy's wet dream. Biiiiig gun. Biiiig noisy explosion. Boom! So we all had our turn shooting the thing, and oh boy was it a fucking blast ;) ! Honestly its just pure unadulterated power and may i reiterate literally pointless for anyone to own. But fuck was it fun. So anyways. A couple of redneck fuckers shooting a perfect legal firearm on private property with consent from the landowners. How did we get the cops called on us?
Noise complaint.
A fucking noise complaint!!! We are in the middle of a field in amish territory, its miles until the next residential area. But the noise this fucker made was so incredibly intense, and echoed throughout the entire valley, someome called the cops because they believed someone was setting off bombs/illegal explosives. That fucking loud.
So the cops never actually found us. Well, technically, after we packed up, put all the demolished targets back, carefully placed the gun back into our truck to finish off the paperwork with the buyer back in civilization, and tried to make it look like we weren't just shooting one of the largest weapons available for civilian purchase because yes it's legal but is that really the conversation you want to have with a cop? We got pulled over. By a cop. Asking if we had "heard any explosions?" our answer? No officer, we haven't. Good luck finding them!
Yeah. We told the cops we didn't hear the explosions we were making ourselves. Thats the long and short of it! Big gun on amish land, noise complaint called in, and telling the cops we didnt hear or see anything with a .50 caliber long rifle hidden under a blanket in the back seat.
Redneck stories like these are fun, but I do want to be clear the fact im able to tell a story such as this is 110% because of white privilege. So anybody reading this, specifically other white folk, do your part in protecting black americans (or, whatever country you're in) and fight for equal treatment and reform. Donate, speak to your representatives, protest, assist your community. Black lives matter. We're not free until all of us are.
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nihilisticbrock · 4 years
Taedmere|Huckslie Pride(ONE)
In which-a viking boy and a kind girl from Nadzust fall in love.(Before we start-let me say that I’m not a professional writer-Imma teenager who writes for fun.This story is also on wattpad on my profile tatedixon.)
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"Mornin' to ya',Henry!'Tis a beautiful day to be alive!"Adianna greeted the familiar man with a smile."Morning,Miss Huckslie!"The elder man called from behind his booth,laughing at the girl as she ran to catch up with her family.
Ryaan was the patriarch of the household,a stern but loving father figure that kept his family in line,as well as keeping the town peaceful and orderly.His hair was almost completely gone,what was left was light brown,his eyes were worn and somehow still shining with hope.
Ryissa was his one and only,the love of his life and the mother of his 3 wonderful children.She had blonde hair,always kept up in a bun and often covered with a scarf.Her eyes were deep-set and brown,the most often trait in Nazdust.
Codie was the oldest sibling,a beautiful lady with long flowy red locks and dark green eyes,almost brown.She was always going on about what it felt like to be a mother and how she couldn't wait until Adianna had a child of her own.Her husband,Cameron was almost seven damn feet tall,lingering over everyone else in the town.He had a puffy beard and kind eyes,always smiling at people and trying to cheer them up.
Jaren Huckslie was the second eldest sibling.His brown hair was somewhat kept neat,his height average,as well as his brown eyes.He was mostly known for his humor.
His husband,John,had shoulder length white hair with dark roots,and "unna jiks monnak" or,blue eye holes,as Adianna called them,making fun of him because his eyes were almost rare,he was slightly tall and a bit of a chubby man,but was always in good shape and paying tag with her and Chloe.
Chloe was the youngest of the bunch,Codie and Cameron's only child.6 years old but acting like she was a proper lady.She had blonde hair like her grandmother and grey eyes like her great uncle.
Then there was her.Adianna Huckslie was a simple girl with high hopes and a bright future ahead.14 years old,long blonde hair held back by two french braids her sister put together that morning.She had puffy cheeks and a small uprising chin that led to her cracked,baby pink lips.Pale skin like many other Daagri people,and unusually green, almond shaped eyes.Her clothing was just about as simple as her looks,a loose baby-blue dress,long sleeves for the approaching winter months and black stockings to her knees to cover what was left from the dress,only giving her a figure by a old leather belt tied above her hips,holding a small green pouch.Her boots were short and flat-heeled,giving her the freedom she so desired to run and climb.She carried her coat in the bend of her elbow,watching the black fabrics bounce with each of her steps.The girl was known for her kindness and energy,always running around town with the others her age and coming up with games to play.
Cool and crisp air pushed the flag around,wrapping and unwrapping it around the rusting pole.The strings that bound the fabric was plain and black,braided tightly by the Ryissa and Codie.The block of fabric base was a navy blue,two strips of silver cotton stitched down either side of it,leaving a small part on each end of the flag.In the middle was a large emblem of a old willow,surrounded by words of the native Nadzust language.The patchwork represented how they refused to be cut down,their history hold strong like the willows roots.
“Natakoi Matazi."Adianna Huckslie whispered as she looked up at the flag of her people."Nothing better."Jaren translates for Chloe,nodding in agreement."Cot,nah.(Come,now)King Janson is very impatient."She huffed out a laughed,letting him pulled her along to the border of town.
Inside of the 'Kings' home was extremely extravagant,oil lamps lighting up the halls that weren't seen by the sun.
“Mazataka(hello),my King,"Ryaan greeted, down at the kings foot."Ginik,hen manna(Rise,you idiot)."The kings sudden words made Adianna snort and slap a hand over her mouth."You know there's is no such need for formality.We both hate these things so why pretend we don't?"King Janson said,standing and hugging the man for a moment before turning to the rest of the family.
“Ah,you've all grown so much."He leaned down to Chloe,who hid slightly behind her fathers leg."And I don't think I've met the newest addition,have I?"Cameron pushed her out from behind her gently and told her to be polite.
“Hello,sir-king-man!I'm Chloe,I'm six,and you scare me!"She said quickly in the unfamiliar language,making the King chuckle."Theres no need to be afraid of me,dear.The town your grandfather runs is by far my favorite in the Nazdust kingdom.I do love the Ushtonna people,I find them the..."Janson thought for a moment,"the most real.And intelligent."
“Well.I had no idea that we were smart,"John said to Jaren,earning a small laugh."Ah,my boys!"Janson smooshed the couple between him in a group hug."Have you gotten married yet?"They nodded with wide,goofy smiles etched on both of their faces.
“Enough socializing,please?"The queen,Andrea,called as she entered the room,"there is serious matters at hand.The vikings have been getting closer and closer to Nazdust with every attack.We fear we may be next."
“That is why we were called here,"Ryaan asked,sitting across from the Queen at a large table,his family filling the side he was on."I'm afraid so,yes.Those pagans have gotten to most of Europe by now,they've already passed into Wolemere...knowing the Wolemere people,they won't last long.And with the patterns that we've found,the vikings should be over with them in about a moon cycle."
“What are we to do?"Codie asked her father,holding onto a now petrified Chloe."I say we hide.Somewhere in the forrest,take our valuables and dig a hole."
“They'd know what we've done.The boats would still be docked and our homes would still be standing.They are most likely to burn the villages down,either way."Adianna spoke up,earning a quick glare from her mother."The girl has a point."King Janson nodded,giving nu the girl a quick smile,"maybe we set out valuables and a few men out to sea and down to Konpier."
"That's almost a two cycle journey,it's too dangerous just for a shot in the dark."
The Kings face flushed as he placed his hands flat on the table,screaming,"then what are we to do,Huckslie?!"
“Fight back.Use our smarts against them.Show them what the willow holds."
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Seyoon was unpacking all the late night snacks he had gotten onto a blanket at a secluded rooftop. Hearing footsteps he looked up to see Guerin, who looked different than usual. She didn't appear to be wearing any makeup, had her normal stud earrings but had a cute black mask with a white sharp toothy grin. She was dressed in joggers and a sweatshirt with the hood up. He cocked his head at her as she approached.
"I know, I look like shit. But it was late and I'd already gotten ready for bed. You can't expect me to spruce up after that." Guerin guessed at his expression.
"You look fine. Cozy. It's just different. Also you're late." He shrugged and patted the blanket next to him, sitting as he leaned against the wall behind him.
"I got lost..." she grumbled, "I've never been great with directions." She sat down in the spot he indicated, looking over the spread he had brought, "Good grief I thought you just wanted tteokbokki."
Seyoon smiled automatically, "You said you hadn't eaten, and I know how much you like food so I thought I should get some options." Guerin leaned her head in his direction and offered a wry smile under her mask, unable to argue with his logic. "Besides, I got this for us too." He pulled out an additional bag, from which he drew two paper cups, a bottle of soju and two cans of beer.
Guerin raised her eyebrows and sat up straight, "Oh we're drinking too?"
"We have to. It goes well with tteokbokki, fried chicken and jajangmyeon." He shrugged nonchalantly as he began opening everything up and handing Guerin some chopsticks. "Although it's blueberry soju. I thought you might like that."
"How did you figure that?" She asked, sneaking a piece of tteokbokki and pulling her mask to her chin to eat it.
"Well you said before you liked Grapefruit and Plum but I couldnt find it, so I thought blueberry was the next best option." Seyoon shrugged, separating the cups and pouring soju into them, handing one to Guerin and offering his as cheers.
She laughed in response and took her shot, "Honestly I dont know how that train of thought lines up but you aren't wrong." She watched as Seyoon refilled the cups and couldn't keep the grin from her face, "You really went all out for this, it's awesome. Thank you."
He shrugged again, looking up at her and their eyes met briefly before both looked away to select food options, "Food makes things better." He said simply.
"Cheers to that." They both took another shot and then ate in silence for a while.
"So... how are you?" Seyoon asked awkwardly, unsure of how to broach the subject.
"I'm fine, all things considered." Guerin said almost mechanically, "I keep telling people that."
"Okay... but how are you really?" Seyoon asked again, leaning back to look at Guerin. She sighed and set her chopsticks down and didn't speak for a moment.
"Well. What do you know happened?" She asked finally.
"I know you were attacked by that crazy lady. I know you were arrested but you were cleared because of video evidence. I know that she is being charged by the company. But I also know you haven't been with HEET lately." He trailed off.
Guerin reached over for one of the beers. Seyoon cracked it open and put it in her hand, grabbing his as well while she took a sip, leaned back against the wall and looked up at the sky.
"Yeah. We were worried something might happen again. So part of our plan included recording any more altercations that might occur. Self defense laws are tricky and it's usually one person's word against another. Plus as a foreigner, and a big one, we knew some witnesses might not provide unbiased information." She paused and took another sip, "The boys were so brave, they did exactly as they were supposed to. That woman had some gross stuff in that present too. Police said it was unwashed underwear, a vial of blood, another of spit..." she scrunched her nose, "stuff like that."
"Sounds like you guys have the law on your side." Seyoon said, waiting for more information.
Another sip and pause before she spoke, "Yeah, we do. We're able to press charges. The company is suing her. She might see jail time. They even made me go to the hospital to make sure they had a medical report for the court."
"Wait medical report?" Seyoon looked over at her, surprised, "What happened?" Now that she had pulled down her mask and he was looking closely he saw the cut and slight bruising at the corner of her mouth as she smiled dryly and tapped her cheek.
"I let her hit me. I figured if she looked unharmed and I was injured it would go better for us too."
"You're crazy." He sounded almost admiring as he leaned in closer, "Let me see that, does it hurt?"
"It's fine, I've been hit in the face many times, and she's probably the smallest adult that's ever taken a swing at me. It doesnt hurt at all. OW WHY?" She flinched and cried out as he poked the bruising.
His eyes widened and he let out a snort of laughter, "Doesn't hurt at all?"
"You little shit." She laughed and smacked his hand away from her face, "Of course it'll hurt if you press a bruise."
He giggled again, "Sorry. It does look like it hurts a lot. You should maybe stop letting people hit you in the face."
She laughed, "Well it hasn't always been a choice, this one was though."
"So... there's more right?" He asked after their laughter had subsided.
Guerin avoided his eyes by taking a longer drink from her beer, "Yeah. There's been some blowback. Some false stories have gotten out and theres some people that claim I'm making a bad name for HEET or that I was the one who started it, that I instigated a fight or was being rude to a fan. There's quite a lot that demanded I be removed as manager, actually."
"So they caved?" Seyoon asked disbelievingly.
"Well. Kind of?" Guerin sighed, "I've been temporarily removed. Right now with the case going and the false information it's actually less safe for HEET to be around me in case someone tries to target me. So until things are officially able to be released..." she stopped talking abruptly blinking rapidly, trying to hide it with another long gulp of beer. "It's not like I've been fired. I'm grateful for that. Another company would probably have written me off as more trouble than I'm worth. They have me doing other work right now but... I liked my job. I loved my boys, and looking after them." She couldnt hide the tears running down her face now, and didn't bother to try.
Seyoon floundered, watching her face then looking around before seeing napkins and hurriedly handing them to her. She smiled and thanked him, dabbing her cheeks half heartedly before giving up and chugging the rest of her beer through her tears. With an unconvincing smile she looked at Seyoon, "So that's what I mean when I say all things considered. I'm fine."
He didn't saying anything right away, pulling his long shirt sleeve over his hand, he leaned over and dabbed at her face to dry it. She started to pull away, shocked, but he reached out with his other hand and held her in place. "Hold still." She didn't fight back, he was so close and so handsome she couldn't help but feel somewhat transfixed, despite her stomache dropping and heart pounding, all she could do was freeze until he let her go. He picked up his chopsticks, selected a large piece of fried chicken and put it to her mouth, which she accepted without complaint.
"It's okay to be sad when bad things happen. You don't have to lie to everyone." He paused and added quietly as though he wasn't sure he should be saying it, "You don't have to lie to me."
Guerin choked, "Oh my god." She swallowed as soon as she could and laughed, "Are you using lines on me to seem cool? Is this a drama?" She laughed again.
"Yah." He protested, "I was just trying to be supportive."
Guerin laughed again then fed him some tteokbokki, "You're as adorable as a cicada." She said and pinched his cheek.
"I am so much more handsome than some bug." He protested around the food in his mouth.
"Of course you are." She put a shot of soju in his hand, cheersed and downed hers. He followed shortly.
"Thanks though." She glanced at him, "It means a lot."
He playfully shoved her and stole her chopsticks, which started a whole new bickering fit.
Charlie had been working up the nerve all morning to talk to her boss. It was a privilege to be allowed to be so hands on with animals and she didn't want her boss to think she was taking advantage... but it was such a cool opportunity. She had to at least try.
"Byun Minsoo-ssi." She lead off tentatively. The lead vet looked up from her paperwork. Perhaps she looked stern simply from Charlie's point of view but it was just as believable that she was no-nonsense in everyday life as well.
"Yes? Charlie-ssi?"
"I have a friend who is a manager for an idol group, she is friends with a group called A.C.E and I wondered if they could come behind the scenes to meet some of our animals?" Charlie ventured cautiously.
Minsoo paused for a moment before speaking "A.C.E? Your friend knows A.C.E? And they want to come here?" Her attempt to play it cool was poorly hidden and gave Charlie confidence.
"Yes! I'd like to invite my friend Guerin and A.C.E to come and see what we have. I think it would be an excellent opportunity to promote the zoo and educate on the importance of conservation!"
The normally serious Minsoo beamed at Charlie, "That's an excellent idea. Let's get in contact and organize something."
Charlie did a mental fist pump and hustled off to message her friends.
Deciding to keep the visit informal allowed the planning process to go more quickly. Approval from the higher ups and organizing with Beat Interactive took a few days. Guerin has been allowed to come as a personal guest for Charlie and A.C.E who requested she tag along. Guerin, never passing up a chance to visit the zoo, happily accepted. Charlie hoped it could provide her friend with a genuine mood boost. Guerin tended to internalize her negative emotions but Charlie could tell she wasn't her usual self.
"We'll do formal filming in the behind the scenes areas, but then we'll allow you to do your own self cam work throughout the areas of the zoo the public has regular access to." Minseok explained as A.C.E got last second touch ups.
"What animals are we seeing today?" Asked Chan excitedly. They were in the vet and quarantine areas so it was unpredictable what had been planned for them.
"It's a surprise." Charlie said, the most excited A.C.E had ever seen her.
Byun Minsoo would be taking the lead in speaking for the cameras but suggested Charlie stay by to help handle animals and manage the guests. Minsoo might be strict but she was fair, knowing Charlie wanted to do this with her friends she wasn't going to exclude her.
Guerin was hanging back with Minseok as preparations were made. "Noona do you know what we're gonna see?" Chan tried to wheedle from her, pouting slightly. Guerin stared pointedly away from him.
"Don't pull that cute stuff on me, I can't tell you." Of course she knew what animals Charlie was working with, she couldn't let some aegyo spoil the surprise. Chan pouted more and shook his shoulders in a small tantrum.
"Alright that's enough." Minseok stepped in before Guerin could cave, he redirected A.C.E to the main area so they could begin filming. The recording started with a tour of the facilities, showing equipment and how to accommodate all the different animals they had based on type and size. They explained the importance of training animals to participate in their own veterinary care voluntarily then showed them a video example of a mountain lion presenting for a blood draw, and a gorilla opening it's mouth for its teeth to be examined, or a macaque presenting its arm for an insulin injection. Minsoo continued to talk about the research and breeding that the zoo participated and how it was vital for conservation efforts and how it benefitted animals in the wild.
The boys were perfect guests, asking questions and reacting well. They saw a few animals in the quarantine area, new to the zoo and waiting to be introduced to their new homes. The last area they were taken to was for longer term housing for animals that couldnt be in the usual enclosures. A spot had been sectioned, layered with blankets, plushies and other toys. The boys, perplexed, were instructed to go in and sit down with Minsoo while Charlie disappeared momentarily. She returned with an inauspicious crate, facing it away from A.C.E she opened the door and sat with Minsoo, both grinning for the surprise.
Two young tiger cubs tottered they way out, mowing. The trepidation left A.C.E as they all exclaimed in amazement and adoration. Minsoo and Charlie showed A.C.E how to bottle feed them, then let them take turns.
"Their mother was a first time mom, and she wouldnt take care of them." Minsoo explained as the boys cooed sadly, "It's not unusual for that to happen with new mothers even in the wild. But since we are here we made the choice to step in and help raise them." Once the babies were fed they were left to roam and play. One clambered into Jun's lap and fell asleep, the other playing with a toy with Donghun and Byeongkwan. Jun couldn't control his face, his amazement and joy at being chosen as he got everyone's attention and pointed to the sleeping kitten. Seyoon and Chan scooted near him to pet the sleeping animal. Charlie couldn't stop herself from grinning, Guerin knew at least part of it was Jun's reaction and not just the cute tiger cubs.
Once it was time to say goodbye to the kittens, A.C.E did their formal goodbye with them and the filming for behind the scenes ended. The rest of the staff and guests got an opportunity to greet the tigers as well and once Guerin had her turn she flagged down Charlie as the babies were taken back to their enclosure. After a brief talk with Minsoo who let out a restrained laugh and nod, Charlie and Guerin went to a series of smaller tanks on the opposite side of the room, Guerin returning with her hands closed suspiciously.
"We have one more animal for you to meet." Charlie said with a chuckle. Donghun was the only one with the good sense to he suspicious.
"This is one of my favorite animals." Guerin said with a grin, uncovering her hand and showing a large male Madagascar Hissing Cockroach sitting placidly in her hand. All five boys instinctively recoiled, Chan and Jun exclaiming in surprise. A.C.E's reaction elicited chuckles from most of the staff if they werent busy being disgusted themselves.
"It's okay guys. They're harmless!" Guerin said holding it up. Donghun and Jun recovered the fastest, still looking apprehensive and surprised respectively. Chan was behind Jun, leaning around him curiously but still looking fearful. Beyongkwan, eyes wide, didnt move forward so quickly and Seyoon was the furthest away had a very subtle terror that could only be read in his eyes.
"They're really cool, they're called hissing cockroaches cause they hiss!" She gave the cockroach a light pet down it's back which caused it to take two steps forward and hiss quietly as it protested the contact. The boys jumped again. "So insects dont have lungs, they breath through small holes along their body called spiracles. These guys have evolved to force air out of those holes to make a hissing sound that they use to communicate to each other or even predators! Their mouths are too small to bite us so they're harmless!" She was so enthusiastic in the explanation it couldnt help but draw the boys curiosity. She explained how to tell males from females and how most cockroaches are pests at all and how vital they are to the environment. Eventually Donghun worked up the courage first to touch it when offered. Jun became somewhat enamored and greeted the insect before he touched it, but jumped when it hissed before laughing at his own reaction. Chan actually opted to hold it and Byeongkwan even moved forward but Seyoon stayed in the back.
"Come on Hyung!" Chan called to him, looking more closely at the cockroach.
"I'm just looking at stuff over here you guys go on without me." Seyoon said, pretending to examine equipment near him.
"It is kind of cute." Jun admitted, petting it again, still jumping slightly when it hissed.
"On a scale of Seyoon to a Cicada how cute is it?" Donghun joked causing Jun, Chan, Byeongkwan, Guerin and Charlie to laugh.
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Indie & Rio
Indie: where you left me to go mama?? Rio: aw bubba 😧😔 Rio: plenty of stuff in the kitchen if you ain't already raiding Indie: got my head in the fridge never over its madness Indie: 🍾 + 🍊 for breakfast innit 😂 when you lavish Rio: 😂 we on the champagne too Rio: calling a 2 drink max for you so you don't rinse 'em 😜 Indie: dont be lawin that for me too tho Rio: Bitch I is, keep up Indie: naaaah thats only a glass in each hand Indie: you got rules whenever you be but cant gimme none Rio: 😑 Rio: even you can't test me rn tho Rio: on ☁9 Indie: jam girl im playin 🍾 aint lush 😕 aint be telling mckenna that i cant hang w the poshos but fr Indie: is it? whats got you feelin higher than me? 411 Rio: not got dem mature tastebuds yet younger 😉 Rio: [Picture in the Tiffany shop] Indie: allow it i got 👅 that 💸 cant buy bitch Indie: what bling the boy tryna drop on you 👑 didnt even hear you arguing like 👏 get it girl Indie: guilt gifts be 🔥 Rio: Better than the 🚬 joke I thought you would Rio: maybe you are gettin so grown 😜 Rio: nah nah Rio: not even Rio: idk how to say it it feels surreal, like Rio: you'll think i'm playing fr Indie: innit tho 👵👵👵👵 Indie: ?? Indie: youre playing not to take me w to get a 👶 🎁 but you kno 💖💖💖 Rio: That is a good idea tho the price tag would have you shook Rio: [Pic] Rio: It's an engagement ring Rio: ahh I feel a bit sick Indie: YOUVE GOT JOKES MAN 😂😂😂 Indie: even mckenna aint that highkey he gonna proper wife you rn Rio: mad init Indie: serious? Rio: yeah Rio: promise Indie: 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲 Indie: bitch i aint wearing no dress to the 💒 tho Rio: i know Rio: but how you gon' be maid of honour if you don't? 😘 Indie: ill tax that best man role from other mckenna if you keep playing 💪😎😎 Indie: & i aint callin you mckenna now thatd be a madness of getting you caught up w that boy in convos Rio: Fine we'll discuss this later Rio: 'cos ain't like it's happening now so you know Indie: locked you down w out locking in a date i get it Rio: Yeah Rio: what do you think then Rio: honest Indie: its sick news Indie: the boy be acting right & appreciating what he got 👑👑💖💖 Rio: i'm so glad you think so Rio: thanks, babe Rio: ain't gonna make a big song and dance and tell everyone but i ain't gonna hide it either Rio: know everyone gonna have an opinion, again Rio: just can't get enough, clearly 😂 Indie: feelin the love that you spoke it to me Indie: the only opinion that counts b that he aint finding no better hoe here, in the 24 or anywhere Indie: facts Rio: You gonna make me cry and they gonna throw me out this boujee ass store Indie: wipe dem tears on 💸💸💸 so they kno you can hang still Rio: 😂 Rio: already gonna be out here wearing someone's college tuition on my finger like Rio: see why people do this more than once, get a nice collection going Indie: mckenna gon 😭😭😭 boy is soft Indie: dont let him hear you chatting bout no round 2 Rio: 😏 Rio: poor baby, don't be mean Indie: catch me getting married never i gotta live this thru you amp bitches Rio: Fair, didn't ever expect I would Indie: gon kick it old school like your nan 👶👶👶👶👶 but no 💍 Rio: 😖 Glad you out here thinking so highly of me bitch 😜 Indie: 😂😂😂😂 Indie: is you got the fear tho for reals or nah? Rio: It's weird Rio: I know it's what I want like I didn't even think about saying nah but Rio: you have every other voice in your head saying it's too quick or we shouldn't even be together at all, you know Indie: i feel it Indie: i got em in mine tryna chat against everything i tryna do all the time Indie: gotta just chat back that they bein dry Rio: Yeah Rio: you right Indie: how we celebratin this?? thats what i wanna be knowing Rio: we should go out for dinner Indie: catch me thirdwheelin over 🍝 soz baby boy 💋 Rio: shh nah, it'll be good, there are some fancy places that do food you'll actually eat so we can live lavish Indie: tell him bring a friend if he rollin w any still 😂😂😏💘😏 Rio: Not tryna get you NONE at my engagement party tah Rio: get you fill o the food tho 😋 Indie: it aint gotta be heavy Indie: been long since anyone meshed me tho so help a hoe out Rio: hmm don't be tryna play addickted Rio: i'll get you a vibrator, like Rio: not to say go fuck yourself but Indie: 😂😂😂😂 when your ma been out for the day & brings home 🎁🎁s like Rio: pah, he'd actually die of embarrassment Indie: when you out your man as vanilla tho Indie: o mckenna Rio: I just don't reckon he wants to think 'bout you meshing Rio: no offence, like Indie: back trecking like its your job baby Indie: 👀 you & his ways Rio: 🙈 den gurl Indie: too late to swerve dat 🏩 Rio: 🙄 just be thankful i never brought it to ours when we was sharing Indie: safe Indie: I kno you in your ☁ rn but when you back cos shit b testing me & dat 2 drink minimum Rio: What's up? Indie: ex-boy got a new 💘 so he tryna pass my shit back but cos i aint there hes @ the squad & they vexed @ me cos of Indie: 💔💔💔💔💔 Rio: 😔 Rio: Are the lads gonna get it or nah Rio: Don't suppose it's worth seeing if Drew still wanna be Dad of the year one last time, like Rio: may as well use him if he's offering, yeah? Indie: things been heated since the 🐕 & what of mine they are holding so like no beef to the lads but idk Indie: am i tryna text him ever tho 😒😒😒 Rio: Yeah, we'll go 'round the houses when I'm back Rio: someone will go get it Rio: don't worry Rio: we won't be long now Indie: & like not tryna still have love for that boy but aint it mad quick miss me for a few after you dash me Rio: It is Rio: but I ain't surprised, it's how lads, esp lads like that, do Rio: doesn't mean it didn't mean nothing to him necessarily Rio: could still be crying 'bout it in your inbox in a few, not trying to give false hope even 'cos fuck him Indie: i dont wanna be hurtin over this no more Indie: gotta get not bothered Rio: I know Rio: fake it 'til you make it, babe Rio: all you can do Indie: innit tho Indie: tell mckenna to buy me bling too thatll help 😂😂😂😂 Rio: 😂 Rio: 'course Indie: not saying he gotta drop a rents worth on the drip like Indie: just how much he feelin Rio: also not tryna be your sisterwife like Indie: no mood Indie: he vanilla but i aint tryna compete w your moves still Rio: Teach you but I'd have to charge Indie: hes on daddy hype too hard i cant be chattin like that to him or no lad soz boy Rio: Don't really put you in any mood but 😒? Rio: Fair Indie: why drop 💸💸💸💸 on therapy when you can spend on 🚬 its all good Rio: It ain't Rio: but we'll make it Indie: you reckon drews gon show w 👶🎁🎁🎁 or imma be repin for the fam? Rio: I don't know if that'd even enter his head Rio: tbh Indie: she could ⛔ us all in a big sweep Indie: me you & him Rio: She could Rio: I don't think she will you though, babe Rio: not like you've done shit wrong Indie: she just aint about me Indie: i feel it w her too Indie: itll b how itll b Rio: yeah but she can't be that petty Rio: even if she wanna Rio: she's a grown ass woman Indie: neither of em out here acting like they grown Indie: why she gonna start when she have this kid Rio: 'cos she'll have to Rio: unlike Drew she can't just pass it around and hope everyone else does it for her Indie: yeah but she know your ma in law got her back & your real Rio: She can't let Bea raise her kid for her Rio: or Ma Rio: anyway, she's got too much pride in everything not related to Drew, trust Indie: tru Rio: I promise, it's gonna be fine Indie: i got trust in you babe thats how im here Rio: 💘💘💘 Indie: dont be letting it slip now you got 💍 Rio: Never Indie: its chill then Indie: what we tryna wear tonite bitch? Rio: got enough trust in me to lemme pick you up some fresh garms or? Indie: hmmm Indie: cos you in a ☁ yeah Indie: theres your engagement gift ✌ Indie: do it how you gonna Rio: 😂 you know I'm good Rio: and no 👗s Rio: not taking the piss Indie: 👀 Indie: no 🤡ing Rio: would I do a thing like that? Indie: nah but mckenna will if he gets pissy you aint shopping for him 😂😂😂 Rio: We already had to treat him 'cos you know Rio: men don't cuffed 'til the day of Indie: you rode him in there say no more 🤐🤐🍾🍾 Rio: 😂 Rio: Not what I meant even but not gonna lie Indie: 😏😏😏 Indie: i been knew Rio: Keeping it unpredictable is our predictable, babe Indie: you out there vibin 😍😍😍 its a day when you can be extra Indie: make most Rio: As if there's a day when I ain't 😉 Rio: At least my Ma can't say shit to me, she was a marriage and 2 kids deep by now with Eds on the way so Indie: his gon get vocal tho man i feel it Indie: 👀 his dad @ me like 😒 how she livin Rio: I know Rio: Hoping they don't notice, like lemme forget which finger this meant to go on Rio: 😬 Indie: she gon be busy @ the business end of her sis when we hit dubs you all good 😂😂😂😂 Indie: & you could always swerve it so the 💎 not facing out when they 👀 Indie: ✌ hacks Rio: am I tryna stop a muggin' or 😂 Rio: you jokes Rio: also never wanna think about her business end thanks 😷 Indie: innit her drum not got dem thin walls like ours 🙏🙏🙏 or they aint vocal how you and mckenna do Rio: Literally can't imagine how this baby came to be Rio: but I'm chill with that, I don't wanna Indie: used that medical shit fr he aint been near her thats how i clue it Rio: i'm creasing rn and can't even explain 'cos nah Indie: serious she that bitch you tryna lips her & she gotta go shower Rio: I know Rio: Childbirth gonna break her 'less she got that c-section on lock Indie: hit her w all the good gear 🚀🚀🚀🚀 Rio: Probably wanna do it without for the brag idk Indie: o snap Indie: truuuuuuuu Rio: She gotta be ready to drop any day, like Indie: 👀 &👂 Indie: we turnin up if she want us or nah Indie: how many mckennas 👶👶s you gon have? Rio: We'll be about, can't avoid School forever Rio: and shut up bitch 😂 Indie: cmon man i kno you 💭 on it Indie: he a pretty boy Rio: nah Rio: i got a life to live babe Indie: your ma been proved you can have it all bitch Indie: birth dem 👶👶s give em posh names & send em to fancy school like they da Rio: yeah n she given me enough sibs to never need my own Rio: not to mention all your drama 😜 Indie: 😂😂😂 Indie: im a drama free zone now ty what you sayin Rio: whilst we in this postcode maybe Rio: but not for long babe Indie: nah for long imma be swervin that shit ✌✌ Indie: any postcode Rio: 👏 sounds good to me too Indie: got ink to jog me if i tryna slip Rio: yeah Rio: least you didn't get the M too Indie: like i been said id just put an a on it for that shoutout to my 3 mas baby 💖💖💖 all good Rio: there's always that Rio: if you really want you can add to it Rio: reclaim it, like Indie: hacks Indie: but i aint got no 💸💸💸💸 for Rio: I can pay Rio: or Ma would do it Indie: o yeah Indie: imma hit her up when we home Rio: Have you decided where you gonna be? Indie: mayb w bills cos she 😢💔 idk Rio: Yeah? Indie: if edie back then naaaaah Indie: or if drew been locked up can squat in the flat til it reclaimed Rio: We'll work something out Rio: I'll probably look for a new place Indie: you not gon move in mckennas dubs yard like you own that? Rio: Don't think the rest of 'em would appreciate that like 😏 Indie: other mckenna would rollin in that big drum solo gotta be dry Rio: Yeah still don't think I'm housemate choice no.1 Indie: thats her bad cos you 👑👑👑🔥🔥🔥👑👑👑 Rio: 💘💘💘 Rio: You biased Indie: nah i not Indie: im not here for drew just cos he blood Rio: Anyway, can't be presuming that's how he wanna be living, like Indie: is it? Rio: Yeah, he ain't coming here 'til October imagine if I'd legit moved myself in 😂 Indie: he put a 💍 on it how he not gon be down Rio: that's like rule no 1 init Rio: gotta make sure you've got your own taken care of in case everything goes tits Indie: safe Indie: 👑 moves be like Rio: If I really was probably shoulda said no shouldn't I Rio: kick it like his Ma Indie: if he wants a girl like his ma you need to have a convo Indie: that some freaky shit Rio: 😂 Rio: psych101 would blow your mind Indie: i aint even tyna kno what you mean Indie: old white dudes be cracked Rio: Yeah wouldn't have you buzzin' 'bout your daddy issues Indie: what they sayin bout? i wanna fuck drew now? plot twist fam Rio: you know Rio: we all do but clearly got it twisted 'cos my type ain't ever been my da Rio: no offence boy but Indie: your da be 😍😍😍 god bless Rio: have we swapped? 😂 Indie: he raised me higher than drew done so Indie: daddy caleb come thru Rio: 😷 Indie: 😂😂😂😂 Rio: Such a grown convo Indie: hoe im keepin you grounded Indie: livin that grown life 24 7 w mckenna Rio: tru Rio: it's a madness i should still be in school Rio: i feel so 👵 fr Indie: you is Rio: cheeky cow Rio: meant to hype me not wreck me 😂 Indie: he be too tho Indie: so tamed its a madness Indie: remember how he used roll Rio: well you know Rio: 😻 game so strong Indie: you no need my hype bitch Indie: you know what you done Rio: You reckon Indie: girl aint be gettin a callback you got 💍💎💎 & 💒 hype Indie: he kicked it long distance for you & he aint putting in effort no way fore then Rio: Yeah Rio: ignore me Rio: just the fear init Indie: get a new drink Indie: chase that Rio: 🍾 Indie: check your boy i bet he aint feelin no fear Rio: He wouldn't say if he was Indie: hed chat it to you Indie: that boy always talking Rio: 😂 thought you reckoned he was the strong silent type Indie: that was afore he was my new daddy Indie: now i 👀 Rio: 😏 Poor boy Rio: I'll keep it on the dl, protect his ego Indie: ill keep it uncommon knowledge to protect this roof over Rio: yeah, least wait 'til you safe in the 24 to be rude 😜 Indie: innit Rio: right, we heading back Indie: ✌✌ Indie: in a few Indie: less he wants you all to himself Rio: he already been had that Indie: he gave you 💎 you can give him a day 😂😂😂 Rio: is it? Rio: why you want air? 👀 Indie: jam ma im tryna do you & your mans a solid Indie: fore i 3rd wheel your nite like Indie: aint this bitch in your pocket & way when we rollin in the 24 Rio: hmm Rio: if you're sure Indie: trust Rio: then we'll be back with your garms and the reservation later then Indie: safe Indie: dont be doing anything i aint tryna Indie: 💖💖💖💖💖 Rio: 🧡🧡🧡
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