#theres too many samoans
newjaxxcity · 5 months
Okay, the bloodline continues to be the best storyline in wrestling.
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jlej-ccc · 3 years
NZ Hip Hop Stand up Video
-uses culture as a weapon or tool
-reverse resistance - reversing colonisation and taking back the power
-pride in being a specifically pacific rapper as a]opposed to trying to universally appeal
-churches in samoa everywhere are a sign of colonialism - but samoans also greatly value their churches 'theres a sort of beauty in it as well'? reclaiming what is forced upon them and making it their own?
Maori Chinese Encounters video:
-Maori and Chinese affinity due to shared experience of discrimination
-intermarriage between groups
-Chinese people were the first significant group of immigrants (post colonisation?)
Poetry Slam Video
-Asians are group and lumped together and are assumed to fit within a specific idea and narrative of life story
-language associated with intelligence
-"English was my camouflage" "too Chinese"
-Chinese NZ Citizens experience an alienation from both cultures - by attempting to participate and be accepted within western culture they often feel disconnected from their heritage and other culture, relates to Kerry Ann Lee presentation not: 'third hyphenated identity'
Community Arts Case Study:
-There are many barriers and hurdles that make the world of art not accessible or democratic to all
-theatre and creative can be a strong tool for expressing their stories
-what is my identity? who is my community? do I share anything in common culturally with the people who share my Scottish heritage?
0 notes
zolganif · 7 years
Okay, you’re all about to see a very long rant, from yours truly. So, bear with me here. Its going to be about all of the drama surrounding this whole Shield reunion. I wasn’t going to say anything at first, but I feel that my opinion about what everyone is saying needs to be put out there. I didn’t want to be mixed up with all of it at first, cause I like to remain neutral with people. I don’t like to get into fights or arguments with anyone. I know there are going to be some people who’ll agree with me, and some people who’ll disagree. But anyway, here we go. So, it is basically confirmed that they’re getting back together. A lot of people love this, and a lot of people don’t like this. I’m going to talk about a few things people have said. 1. Roman never got an apology from Seth. Okay, I’ve talked about this before, but lets go through it again. Would 2016 or in the beginning of this year have been the perfect time for Seth to apologize to him? Hmm…not exactly. You see, Seth was still trying to become a better person, work on himself. He knew that he had made a lot of mistakes, hurt two people who loved and cared about him. So, some months ago, he apologizes to Dean. Now I feel that the reason he said sorry, was because it was in the heat of the moment. Both him and Dean, they were angry, yelling at each other. Well, Dean wasn’t really yelling. But it was a heated moment between the both of them. And all of a sudden the words ‘I’m sorry’ came out. I feel as though he didn’t mean for them to come out at that exact moment, but they did. Now, at that point in time, saying sorry wasn’t just going to cut it. So, he let his actions prove that he really is sorry and has changed. Now, so when will Roman get his apology? Well, I believe we will get it soon. But it won’t be in the form of words. Its going to be more his actions that are going to prove how sorry he is to Roman. And you know, sometimes words are just that. Words. And you know, I speculate whether that apology we got from Seth was actually genuine or not. For me, I hope that he actually is, and is not just using Dean, and is not going to use Roman. To try to further his career by using them. But, one thing that may be a clue to show that he has turned over a new leaf, is seeing how he acts around Dean. To me, its like he’s trying to not to get on his bad side, argue with him, be careful about what he says to him. So, I’m hoping that he has actually changed and is not just putting on an act. Also, I think that maybe in some way he has apologized to Roman, when he was helping him out, came out to save many times last year. For me, that is a good way of apologizing, is by letting your actions show that you are. That you mean it.  2. ‘It doesn’t make sense that Roman was the first Shield member to get hit in the back, yet Dean is the one who has a difficult time forgiving Seth’. Actually, yes it does make sense. Lets take a look at the characters backstories. Roman, he came from a good home, a good family. Dean, he really didn’t. They say his father went to jail, his mother was an alcoholic, drug addict, just didn’t have a good relationship with his parents in general. He had to fend for himself, take care of himself. Now, I’m sure Roman had his family problems. Like, his father was away most of the time, and also Roman wants to make his family proud of him. Carry on that bloodline of Samoan wrestlers in WWE. He doesn’t want to let them down. For Dean, now this is just a theory I had in mind. Not for the guy behind the character, just the character himself. I feel as though the whole Asylum gimmick is just metaphor, that he wasn’t actually in one. For me, it is a metaphor to abuse. I believe that yes, he could have suffered that in his past. But for Jonathan Good? I can’t say. He doesn’t really talk about his childhood, he’s a private person. So, who really knows. Also, look at the characters personalities. Because of Dean’s past, it could have made it hard for him to trust people. And if he gets close to someone, and they end up hurting him, betraying that trust, he might not want anything to do with you ever again. To me it seems that Dean didn’t really have no one, except Roman and Seth. They were like his family, his brothers. And then Seth hurt them. Then we have all the feuds between these two, and Seth really digs that knife in deeper into his heart. It would be nice to see a proper feud between Roman and Seth. They never really got one. If the Shield is supposed to be reunited for a while, then I feel that there will still be problems within the team, which these three will need to work on. Also, more about Dean’s character. He seems like someone who doesn’t really like to talk about his feelings, likes to hide them by using humor and toughness. Anyway, moving on… 3. People think Seth and Dean will walk over Roman. That Dean has walked over their friendship. That Roman should beat their asses. Okay, I see more of Seth if anything walking over him. Only if he is not actually a changed person. Also, since when did Dean walk over their friendship? Can anybody actually point out when he did? Like show me stuff from the past that proves this. If no one doesn’t, then this just tells me one thing. That you are talking out of your ass and that you’re only saying this because you dislike Dean Ambrose. You know, this is what I don’t get. People who do this, say they would like this reunion if it were being done the right way, but looking at past posts, it is very obvious you don’t want Dean to have anything to do with either Roman and Seth. Want him to be completely far away from the two of them. Hate to break to you, but he is an important part of their past. You can’t just leave him out of the picture. Same is said for Seth and Roman. You can’t erase either one of them from their past history. Also, it doesn’t make sense for Roman to just beat their asses. Maybe Seth’s at some point, because theres still problems between the two of them. I feel that he and Dean had resolved what was going on between them, but I don’t know. We haven’t really gotten a proper feud between him and Roman either ;). But no, I can’t see Roman doing that. I more see him rejecting their offer in a more better way than that. Like just telling them that he is not ready. That he needs to do his own thing for a while, and let them do the same too. But eventually there will be a proper reunion in the future. People say that this is bad for Roman’s character, but I don’t think it is. I mean, these three guys have changed, grown a whole lot over the years. They’re not the same personality wise as they were when they debuted. Roman has a voice now, he’s not that silent powerhouse anymore. And I see him being the leader of the Shield this time, not Dean. It just makes more sense to me. A lot of people are jumping to conclusions here. This whole thing is just the beginning. So, like I always say. Lets wait, and see what happens. Who knows, maybe something good will come out of all this? I admit, I am very weary about this whole reunion, I’m not sure what to expect. Only thing I can hope is that WWE doesn’t fuck things up. 3. The racism that people see in this storyline. Okay, I must be blind as a bat, because I just don’t see it. I don’t think Roman was being excluded out because of his race. I think they just wanted to focus on Dean and Seth before, and now they are going to focus on all three of them. He was mentioned a few times. It did make me feel a bit disappointed that they left him out, but I could see what they were trying to do. Which was mend a friendship between the other two. Now, I hope they do the same thing now. And if the racism comes from anywhere, I say it is the fans. This is not my reason for wanting the Shield back together. I feel as though this could lead to good storylines. Between them and other teams, maybe the authority comes back, Triple H might bring in a new team that could be hard for the Shield to defeat, and they also work on their problems that they have with each other. 4. People say Roman shouldn’t have anything to with this. Listen, the Shield is an important part of his past. And eventually he will have to face his past again, even if it hurts him. He can’t ignore it forever. He keeps on doing that, it’ll only make things worse. Also, lets talk about his character development for a moment. People say he hasn’t gotten a lot. Well, he has actually. He is one of the most interesting members of the team, he is filled with a lot of emotion. But people talk about how he hasn’t really gotten new theme music, new ring attire, that its still the same as his Shield attire. I feel that there might be a reason for this. To me, Roman always seemed like someone who is a very sentimental person. Someone who holds things close to him. To me, this is him reminding himself that yes, the Shield was a good thing that was a part of his past, even though he got hurt in the end. This shows me that he still cares about that brotherhood that they once had, that family unit. And that he cares deeply about Dean and Seth. 5. Last thing. People say that in multiple interviews he said no to a Shield reunion. I’ve seen a lot of interviews. Old ones, recent ones. Even the ESPN one where someone said he rolled his eyes, scoffed, when the interviewer mentioned Shield. I don’t know, but I didn’t see anything in any of the interviews about him saying no to a reunion. You know, maybe at that time he more wanted to focus on his singles career as a wrestler? And also, maybe the reason for him rolling his eyes, scoffing in the ESPN interview…hasn’t anyone thought that maybe he is getting tired of being asked the same question again and again? I’m sure Dean and Seth have grown tired of that question too. ‘When is the Shield reuniting?’. The question gets old after a while. They’ll get annoyed of hearing it. I think they want to surprise people with it, not be bombarded by questions about it, you know? But yeah, it really wasn’t a surprise that they got back together. :) I will be surprised though if we hear the old theme, and see them out in their old attire. It’ll be like 2012 all over again, when they debuted during Survivor Series. :) I miss that, and it’ll be nice to be sort of taken back in time to that era. This is all going to be an emotional roller coaster for me, I just know it. That is all I have to say about this whole thing. People can disagree with me all they want. I don’t want anyone to think I’m starting an argument here, because I’m not. I just want everyone to think over things about this whole reunion. Maybe at least try to see the good in it. I look forward to see what comes out of this, whether good or bad. Also, one more thing. I think they’re doing very good with Roman so far during this. He was the one who came out and announced the Shield is back together. His music played at the end of both of these guys segments. He still seems like himself. And you know, he should get a shot at title again. They should make it to where at TLC, Miz has to put the IC belt on the line. Same with Dean’s and Seth’s belts too. I don’t know, but I have hopes something good will come out of this. And I don’t want to see any of them turn on each other…this whole thing will all have been for nothing if that happens. My heart can’t take anymore betrayals. 😩😖😣😭 And one more thing! Is it just me or are some of the people who are negative about this a bit forceful with their opinions? Like trying to force their opinions, make us fan who are enjoying this reunion feel guilty? Idk. I overanalyzing things too much. :P.
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ao3feed-klance · 8 years
Lesbians in Space
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2keNLll
by lesbomommy
You've heard of gays in space now get ready for: lesbians in space In which more Alteans are found on a planet they visit and a plucky little Altean girl catches my girl Pidge's attention. Mostly centered around Pidge and her being the second paladin to fall for an Altean, but theres some background Klance and Shallura because HECK season 2 was confirming the shit out of it like I'm not the only one that noticed and also vehemently loved that right
Words: 2633, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Pidge | Katie Holt, Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Keith Kogane (Volron), Hunk (Voltron), Hunk Garrett (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Takashi Shirogane (Voltron), Shirogane Takashi (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Princess Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Coran Coran the Gorgeous Man - Character, Original Female Character, OC - Character, Original Character
Relationships: Pidge | Katie Holt/Original Female Character, Keith/Lance, Shiro/Allura, Klance - Relationship, Shallura - Relationship
Additional Tags: background shallura - Freeform, background klance, Pidge and her much deserved gf are gonna be the main focus, I haven't seen anything like this before so if its awful I'm so sorry???, Give Pidge A Girlfriend 2k17, Original Female Altean Character, If Haggar can be Altean there's GOTTA be more of them right, Lesbian Pidge, Bisexual Lance, Gay Keith, i doubt many of the others are all that heterosexual but i mean, i don't really have headcanons for them?, I'm a fan of asexual Hunk tho, but he ain't got any relationships here rip Hunk, He Don't Need Anyone But His Bros, Fluff, like a lot of fluff eventually, i would feel better if it were at least legal for me lol, Cuban Lance, bc thats canon lol, Polynesian Hunk, bc thats actually canon too now im so hype, hes Samoan, Korean Keith, Japanese Shiro, that ones confirmed too, German Pidge, ok i know people usually just leave it as white but Holt is a German last name, among other origins, and im mostly fluent in German i rly like showing off forgive me, also, Female pronouns for Pidge, Female Pidge, fair amount of canon divergence, Post Season 2, shiro's missin, allura's sufferin, Angst
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2keNLll
29 notes · View notes
Lesbians in Space
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2keNLll
by lesbomommy
You've heard of gays in space now get ready for: lesbians in space In which more Alteans are found on a planet they visit and a plucky little Altean girl catches my girl Pidge's attention. Mostly centered around Pidge and her being the second paladin to fall for an Altean, but theres some background Klance and Shallura because HECK season 2 was confirming the shit out of it like I'm not the only one that noticed and also vehemently loved that right
Words: 2633, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Pidge | Katie Holt, Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Keith Kogane (Volron), Hunk (Voltron), Hunk Garrett (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Takashi Shirogane (Voltron), Shirogane Takashi (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Princess Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Coran Coran the Gorgeous Man - Character, Original Female Character, OC - Character, Original Character
Relationships: Pidge | Katie Holt/Original Female Character, Keith/Lance, Shiro/Allura, Klance - Relationship, Shallura - Relationship
Additional Tags: background shallura - Freeform, background klance, Pidge and her much deserved gf are gonna be the main focus, I haven't seen anything like this before so if its awful I'm so sorry???, Give Pidge A Girlfriend 2k17, Original Female Altean Character, If Haggar can be Altean there's GOTTA be more of them right, Lesbian Pidge, Bisexual Lance, Gay Keith, i doubt many of the others are all that heterosexual but i mean, i don't really have headcanons for them?, I'm a fan of asexual Hunk tho, but he ain't got any relationships here rip Hunk, He Don't Need Anyone But His Bros, Fluff, like a lot of fluff eventually, i would feel better if it were at least legal for me lol, Cuban Lance, bc thats canon lol, Polynesian Hunk, bc thats actually canon too now im so hype, hes Samoan, Korean Keith, Japanese Shiro, that ones confirmed too, German Pidge, ok i know people usually just leave it as white but Holt is a German last name, among other origins, and im mostly fluent in German i rly like showing off forgive me, also, Female pronouns for Pidge, Female Pidge, fair amount of canon divergence, Post Season 2, shiro's missin, allura's sufferin, Angst
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2keNLll
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caredogstips · 7 years
We need to talk about culture appropriation: why Lionel Shriver’s speech touched a nerve
Is it OK for white scribes to take on a black spokesperson? The assert that followed the American novelists address in Brisbane has shed new light on one of cultures hottest debates one that has hundreds of years of backstory and has sounded through literature, rap, stone and Hollywood movies
Lionel Shriver knew she was going to annoy beings. Inviting a renowned iconoclast to speak about community and belonging is like expecting a great grey shark to balance a beach ball on its nose, she articulated. She then used her keynote speech at the Brisbane columnists festival to tear into the debate that novelists most particularly grey writers are guilty of cultural appropriation by writing from the point of view of references from other culture backgrounds.
Referring to occurrences in which members of student authority at an American university faced impeachment after attended a tequila party wearing sombreros, and reports of a ban on a Mexican eatery from making out sombreros, the author of We Necessity to Talk About Kevin announced: The moral of the sombrero scandals is clear: youre not supposed to try on other people hats . Yet thats what were paid to time, isnt it? Step into other folks shoes, and try on their hats.
The response was instant. Sudanese-born Australian social activist Yassmin Abdel-Magied, who was attending the event, walked out and then rapidly wrote a comment part which was contended that Shrivers speech was a celebration of the unfettered exploitation of the experiences of others, for the purposes of the guise of fiction.
The argument is one of the most parted yet in a conversation that has a long record across literature, music, arts and rendition. While story might be the catalyst for this discussion, in the eyes of Abdel-Magied and others the issues are deeply rooted in real-world politics and a long history.
The image of the blackface singer creator of 1830s America the lily-white musician decorated up to look like a caricature of an African-American person and play-act comic skits is perhaps the most oft-invoked illustration of culture appropriation from record. The ethnic dynamic of minstrelsy was complex it was performed by African-American and Anglo actors alike but while African-American performers often sought to gain fiscal insurance from these best practices and in some cases use their scaffold to counter negative public stereotypes of themselves, white-hot performers reinforced those stereotypes. This produced within a society which continues to be has not been able to abolished bondage, and in which the political ability dynamic was very much racialized. As the civil right crusade thrived, so did criticism of white people attempting to exploit the pictures and events of people of colour for social and financial gain.
This pattern is recurred of all the countries, particularly in places that experienced colonisation and slavery, such as India, Australia and South Africa. As students, creators, activists and writers of emblazon fought to gain access to mainly grey institutions and public seats, and gained visibility in the cultural globule, they began to criticise the inaccurate images of themselves they construed created by and for the profit of others.
The issue has been heavily explored within the establishments but has reaped momentum in popular culture over the past decade. It underpins criticism of, among other things, Iggy Azaleas sonic blackness, Coldplays myopic construction of India in their music videos, and Miley Cyruss dance moves. Director Cameron Crowe lately apologised for casting Anglo-American actor Emma Stone as a part-Asian reputation in the 2015 movie Aloha not the first time a grey performer has been thrown to play a reputation from a different ethnic background in mainstream cinema. The proof has been assisted particularly by the feminist parish focus on intersectionality crudely the idea that discrimination takes on different forms depending on the hasten, class and/ or gender of the person or persons subject to discrimination.
The charge of culture appropriation is not confined to fiction, but at the moment thats perhaps the most heatedly raced terrain . In March, Harry Potter author JK Rowling was accused of proper the living institution of a marginalised people after a tale produced to her Pottermore website drew upon Navajo narratives about skinwalkers. Shriver herself mentioned the case of vehicles of grey British scribe Chris Cleave, whose novel The Other Hand is partly narrated by the character of a teenage Nigerian girl. In principle, I admire his firmnes, Shriver replied. She then went on to item reviewer Margot Kaminskis concerns that Cleave was manipulating the character, that he ought to be taking special care with representing its own experience that was not his own.
Shriver took aim at the proposal that an scribe should not use a reference they created for the service of a plot they saw. Of trend hes using them for his patch! she suggested. How could he not? They are his personas, to be operated at his caprice, to fulfil whatever purpose he cares to apply them to.
What borderlines around our own lives are we mandated to remain within? questioned Shriver. I would argue that any floor you are able to draw yours is yours to tell, and trying to push the boundaries of the authors its own experience is part of a fiction columnists job.
While it seems obvious that novelists of myth will endeavour to write from perspectives that are not their own, numerous writers of quality bicker there is a direct relationship between certain difficulties they face trying to make headway in the literary industry and the success of grey scribes who illustrate people of colour in their myth and who go on to build a successful literary profession off that. The difference between cultural illustration and cultural rights appropriation, by this logic, lies in the grey novelist telling storeys( and therefore taking producing possibilities) that would be better suited to a novelist of colour.
Some writers argue that it works in reverse, more. In an phenomenon for the Guardian in November last year, Booker Prize-winning author Marlon James told publishers too often pander to the white-hot wife( the majority of members of the book-buying public ), making writers of colouring to do the same. In a Facebook post responding to novelist Claire Vaye Watkins widely circulated essay On Pandering, James used to say the kind of storey favoured by publishers and bestows committees abode suburban white woman in the middle of ennui knowledge keenly observed epiphany pushed columnists of colour into literary conformity for fear of losing out on a journal deal.
Speaking to Guardian Australia, Indigenous Australian author and Miles Franklin winner Kim Scott adds its crucial to listen to the expressions of marginalised people who may not be given enough space to tell their own floors. Fibs are provides; theyre about reform and opening up interior macrocosms in the interests of expanding the shared nature and the common sense of community. So if theres many articulations telling we need more of us addressing our tales, from wherever theyre saying that, then that needs to be listened to.
Omar Musa, the Malaysian-Australian poet, rapper and novelist, told Guardian Australia: There is a history of stereotypes being continued by lily-white the authors and very, exceedingly reductive narrations. Beings are just generally much more cautious of that.
Musa supposes grey scribes should read, support and promote the operational activities of the novelists of emblazon before attempting to encroach on that cavity themselves, if that is something they want to do. But he admits he experiences the issue difficult; the suggestion that writers shouldnt move outside the boundaries of their own experiences comes into direct conflict with what he sees as the purpose of fiction: to empathise with and understand other families lives.
If youre going to write from someone elses perspective, Musa says, its important to shun stereotypes, especially if you want to move the specific characteristics rich and flawed as a good character should be.
Australian columnist Maxine Beneba Clarke. There are two schools of thought about[ culture appropriation] I dont know what the answer is but I can understand both views. Photograph: Nicholas Walton-Healey
Musa has his own experience of writing across the cultural subdivide. His first novel, Here Come The Dogs,was told from the perspective of a reference with a Samoan background. Musa answers consenting criticism is a crucial part of this process: There will be people who will tell you that maybe you didnt quite get this right, and you just have to cop that flack.
Maxine Beneba Clarke is an Australian-based novelist of African-Caribbean descent. Her memoir The Hate Race was prompted by a flow of racial insult; her accumulation of short narratives, Foreign Soil, was published to great acclaim after she won the Victorian Premiers Literary award for anunpublished manuscript in 2013. I think there are two situations in which Ive written outside of the African diaspora, she mentions. In both cases the latter are parts of short fiction and the process of writing them took several years, simply because of that consultation.
Beneba Clarke conceives consultation is all-important, but so is examining your own impulse to write from the perspective of another. What does it mean to be a writer “whos not” national minorities writer and wanting to change your literature? How do you do that? I think that was the opportunity for conversation that was missed[ in Shrivers speech] … How do we feel about writing each others stories and how do we go about it? Whats the respectful practice to go about it?
In some ways it comes down to personal ethics, she answers. Whether you feel you are doing no damage; whether you feel you are doing it sensitively; and, I believe, whether the publisher or the reader been agreed that you have done it sensitively.
Helen Young from the University of Sydney English department speaks fiction can have a very real impact on marginalised people. Individual journals have an impact on individual lives, but representation overall composes a seat and an environment in which people can feel like its OK to be who they are.
The politics of representation is a huge question in the science fiction and fantasy worlds very, speaks Young. This was exemplified by the recent expeditions against a comprehended leftwing bias in the Hugo gifts, in which disgruntled rightwing science fiction and fantasy columnists bickered the awards were being diminished by what the hell is experienced as the tendency of voters to opt studies simply about racial prejudice and exploitation and the like over traditional swashbuckling adventures.
Referring to the JK Rowling occurrence, Young suggests precisely because imagination is often to be considered as escapist, doesnt symbolize those stories dont stuff, or that authors should not treat different sources of their brainchild with respect. Theyre still the lived, hallowed narrations of living cultures, she supposes. Theyre the beliefs of real parties. So if from a western view you go, oh well, its just myth, I can do whatever I like with it, thats a problem.
Kate Grenville said she find writing Indigenous attributes was beyond her when she wrote The Secret River. Image: Sarah Lee for the Guardian
In some respects, the dirt seems to be changing. When Kate Grenville wrote her highly acclaimed historic romance about colonial Australia, The Secret River, in 2005, she shunned writing from the standpoint of Indigenous characters because she felt it was beyond her. Speaking to Ramona Koval on ABC radio, she alleged: What I didnt want to do was step into the heads of any of the Aboriginal attributes. I think that kind of appropriation … theres been too much of that in our writing. In her tale The Lieutenant, the sequel to The Secret River, nonetheless, Grenville did go into outlining more rounded Indigenous reputations, but only after deep and careful involvement with the historical records upon which her characters were based.
All the writers who spoke to Guardian Australia say they believe that considering the question of cultural appropriation is decisive, but the tenor of that discussion matters. They say that making a mockery of marginalised peoples concerns about image and appropriation does not constitute a constructive debate.
Scott, who has previously suggested a postponement on grey columnists used to describe Indigenous Australia, speaks lily-white columnists could use fiction itself to explore the tension about representation. Even the desire to occupy the consciousness of the other, that can be explored in story.
For Musa, the transformation needs to go beyond volumes: You probably cant have a change in literary culture without a change in the whole culture of the two countries, he says.
On the question of progress, in Australia at least, Beneba Clarke replies: “Theres” two institutions of was just thinking about this: that Australian literature is not diverse enough for Anglo-Australian novelists to be even considering writing from other cultures, and the other school of thought is, well, how do we change literature then, given that most of our writers are Anglo-Australian? Are we locking ourselves into an inevitably whitewashed world of literature?
And I dont really subscribe to either thought; I dont know what the answer is but I can understand both positions. But I think what I perfectly cant understand is disregard for any kind of consultation and an inability to understand when people of colour are outraged.
Such articles has been amended to clarify that the Hugo awardings are voted on by the public.
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post We need to talk about culture appropriation: why Lionel Shriver’s speech touched a nerve appeared first on caredogstips.com.
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ao3feed-safeklance · 8 years
Lesbians in Space
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2keNLll
by lesbomommy
You've heard of gays in space now get ready for: lesbians in space In which more Alteans are found on a planet they visit and a plucky little Altean girl catches my girl Pidge's attention. Mostly centered around Pidge and her being the second paladin to fall for an Altean, but theres some background Klance and Shallura because HECK season 2 was confirming the shit out of it like I'm not the only one that noticed and also vehemently loved that right
Words: 2633, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Pidge | Katie Holt, Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Keith Kogane (Volron), Hunk (Voltron), Hunk Garrett (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Takashi Shirogane (Voltron), Shirogane Takashi (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Princess Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Coran Coran the Gorgeous Man - Character, Original Female Character, OC - Character, Original Character
Relationships: Pidge | Katie Holt/Original Female Character, Keith/Lance, Shiro/Allura, Klance - Relationship, Shallura - Relationship
Additional Tags: background shallura - Freeform, background klance, Pidge and her much deserved gf are gonna be the main focus, I haven't seen anything like this before so if its awful I'm so sorry???, Give Pidge A Girlfriend 2k17, Original Female Altean Character, If Haggar can be Altean there's GOTTA be more of them right, Lesbian Pidge, Bisexual Lance, Gay Keith, i doubt many of the others are all that heterosexual but i mean, i don't really have headcanons for them?, I'm a fan of asexual Hunk tho, but he ain't got any relationships here rip Hunk, He Don't Need Anyone But His Bros, Fluff, like a lot of fluff eventually, i would feel better if it were at least legal for me lol, Cuban Lance, bc thats canon lol, Polynesian Hunk, bc thats actually canon too now im so hype, hes Samoan, Korean Keith, Japanese Shiro, that ones confirmed too, German Pidge, ok i know people usually just leave it as white but Holt is a German last name, among other origins, and im mostly fluent in German i rly like showing off forgive me, also, Female pronouns for Pidge, Female Pidge, fair amount of canon divergence, Post Season 2, shiro's missin, allura's sufferin, Angst
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2keNLll
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