#theres too much to think about!! find me at skeleton island i guess
brigitttt · 5 months
oughh the pirates really got to me
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bluegalaxygirl · 8 months
Celestial Wedding (ZoLu X Reader) P17
Plot: Reader gets taken as revenge for Luffy and Zoro's defiance against the Celestial Dragons, they were just going to kill her to make an example but now theres a wedding????.
Warning: Bad language, PTSD and Violence.
Thank you to @herwritingartcowboy for the suggestion. Reader is Female and a gunslinger, Zoro X Luffy X Reader, Poly relationship, established relationship.
P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - P8 - P9 - P10 - P11 - P12 - P13 - P14 - P15 - P16 - P18
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The ship's almost ready to leave but you can't find Zoro anywhere, the last time you sore him was at breakfast but now he was gone. Walking up to the sunny's head you peer over the edge to see Luffy looking out at the ocean while relaxing against the lions rays "Hay Lu" You call out earning a curious hum as the captain turns his head to look at you, a big smile grows on his face as he turns his body to face you "Have you seen Zoro?" You ask before Luffy can say anything, his smile fades hearing the worry in your voice while placing a finger on his chin trying to think of when he last sore the swordsman "Urm, I think he went to train after breakfast" With a sigh you lean against the railing "I had Usopp check the crows nest for me, but he wasn't up there, i just hope he didn't go off and get lost" Luffy tilts his head at your concern, it's a small island and with the amount of people about the swordsman should be able to come back one way or another "I'm sure he's fine, we won't leave without him" The captain smiles before turning to looking out at the ocean while leaning back against the rays of the Sunny "I know we won't but... Nami's already stressed about leaving and Sanji's getting antsy because of that. It just means less stress if he stays on the ship" Looking over the island you hope from this point you can spot Zoro but there's no sign of him, Luffy lets out a laugh and stretches his arm down to pat your head "I love that about you... you care about the crew" You smile up at Luffy as you take his hand off your head and give it a kiss "Thanks Lu, I'll see you later, i'm gonna find our Swords master" You giggle before letting him go and walking away.
Walking down to the grassy deck you spot Chopper and Robin talking to Orlumbus "Hay guys" You call out as the large pirate captain places another crate down, they seem full of medical supply's and books, for a pirate this captain can be too generous some times. "Hay Y/N, come check this out, Orlumbus has so many cool books" Chopper cheers as you step closer to look at the book he's holding, it's a medical book on plants some of which you've never heard of before "Very cool... Thanks for all this, you've already done so much for us already" You smile up at the large pirates who smiles back at you with a big laugh "Don't sweat it, i'm more than happy to share my findings and work with people who are interested" He states before looking at Robin who hasn't taken her eyes off a book open in her hand, the cover was blank so your guessing it's a journal or some sort. "We'll I'm glad you can, iv heard your work is underrated" You giggle as the large pirate shoots his head your way in surprise only for Robin to pipe up and agree with you "This is amazing, i would love to see more next time i see you" The black haired woman shuts the book before holding it out to the large pirate and starting to discuss his work. Not wanting to interrupt them you look down at Chopper who still going through his new book "Hay Chopper, sorry to interrupt but have you seen Zoro?" Your concerned voice makes the reindeer quickly look up at you while shaking his head becoming a little worried.
With a sigh you pinch the bridge of your nose hoping and praying in your head that he hasn't gone off the ship "He left an Hour ago" Brooks voice behind you make you jump suddenly turning around and throwing a punch at the skeleton behind you. Panting your eyes widen due to the panic you just felt but also the shock of just punching your crew mate in the chest "Oh shoot, Brook i'm so sorry" You cover your mouth as you step closer to the groaning Skeleton on the floor, behind you Robin lets out a giggle soon making the large pirate laugh along with her while Chopper runs over to Brook seeing if he's ok. "I'm sorry Nami" Brook calls out as the doctor helps him sit up, you raise an eyebrow at him while bending down to him "You ok Brook? Did you hit your head? Y/N hit you not Nami" Chopper asks unsure of why he would call you Nami but both your fears soon faded "Hu? It felt like Nami's punch... That was you Y/N? Yoohooo" He laughs making you sigh in relief before standing up and offering a hand to him helping your crew mate off the floor. "I'm really sorry about that Brook but please don't sneak up behind me again" you beg getting the skeleton to nod while rubbing his chest where you hit him "I didn't mean to scare you but i heard you were looking for Zoro, he went on a walk and hour ago" You groan at your worst fears becoming reality, it may be a small island but Zoro can get lost anywhere, he could be on one of the other ships or worse the dense forest in the middle of the island.
Chopper take your hand bringing you back to him "I'll come with you if you want" The reindeer smiles up at you, its hard not to say yes but you've gone off to look for Zoro on your own before so you should be ok, even after everything that has happened you want to be able to do the things you used too, on the other hand you could use the help since there are quite a few ships "I'll be ok if i check the left side, since there's less people and ships but maybe someone could check the right side?" You ask while grabbing a jacket and pulling it over your shoulders "I'll check for you" Brook pipes in before placing a hand on Choppers head "Since you seem to have your hands full" The skeleton states while looking over at the medical boxes, Chopper nods before turning to you still a little worried, but he didn't want to stop you from trying to get back to normal "Ok be careful, take breaks and come back to the Sunny if it's too much" Chopper calls out after you as you walk off the Sunny and make your way down the beach. Luckily there are only two ships on the left side of the sunny so your hope is Zoro will be on one of them, if not you know it's going to be hard to check the forest with your legs so its better if you just head back or wonder the beach. After walking past the Sunny's head you wave up at Luffy who happily waves back with a big smile, you know the captain won't come with you unless you ask him but your determined to get back to normal and what better way to do that than to go off to find your lost swordsman.
The first ship is Ideo's, there's a few people on the deck but none of them are the long armed captain of this ship, standing near the ramp you finally spot someone who looks familiar a long-legged Blue haired man. "Excuse me.. Gilly" You call out seeing the man with Blue hair put a crate down before standing to his full height turning his attention to you. He gives you a smile as he leans on the railing of the ship "Oh hay Y/N, what can we do for you?" Gilly calls down to you, You wrap your arms around yourself calming your nerves as you call back up to him "Have you seen Zoro?" You ask only to see the blue haired man sigh and pinch his nose before calling out for his captain, you raise an eyebrow at him as his long armed Captain comes out of a room and walks over to his crew mate "She's looking for Zoro" Gilly crosses his arms over his chest seeming annoyed for some reason, Ideo shakes his head as he walks walk past his crew mate to head down the ramp to you "Sorry Y/N, i did try and point him towards the Sunny, but he headed off another way" You let out a small laugh surprising the captain in front of you "Typical, even if i tattooed left and right on his hand he still wouldn't be able to navigate... which did he walk off too?" You ask earning a laugh off the long armed man before he points across the beach to words the next ship "He went that way, i heard he was bad with directions but not that bad" You nod with a sigh of relief happy that the swordsman didn't head into the forest, you hope there's still a chance he's on the next ship or just down the beach. "Thanks for trying anyway" You give Ideo a smile before turning to leave only for the man to call out to you "Y/n wait.. Here" The captain reaches into his pocket and takes out a small business card, it has name and number on it but no address.
You look at him a bit confused but you take it to look over the card "After everything i think you might benefit from this. Miss Ore is a therapist that you can talk too over the phone, she doesn't see anyone in person since she usually deals with Pirates and criminals. She's also quite affordable, I've talked to her a few times, and she's really good" Ideo blushes a little from embarrassment but you give him a thankful smile as your eyes well up with tears "Thank you, I-I really appreciate it" The kind gesture really touched your heart but you managed to hold back the tears, the captain nods to you before heading back up the ramp, walking down the beach again you place the card in your pocket to keep it safe. Therapy was something that Chopper talked to you about but the thought of talking to your crew mate about it all didn't sit right with you. At least now you can talk to someone outside of your crew, someone you don't have to look at when you talk about what happened, plus Ideo's a proud man for him to trust this person enough to talk about his problems must mean she's good. Making it to the next ship you can't help but admire its beauty, Cavendish's ship is just as big and flamboyant as he is with its giant white horse on the front along with perfect white sails, all coming together with swaying lines and curved rooms. "I see we have an admirer" Cavendish's voice calls out from behind you along with heavy footsteps from his horse.
Turning with a slight gasp you place a hand over your heart seeming to surprise the man on his white horse. "I'm sorry my Dear, i didn't mean to scare you" Cavendish smiles before getting off Farul who huffs stepping a little closer to you, reaching your hand out you let the horse sniff your hand before you pet him "It's ok, I'm still a bit jumpy" You comment letting the horse's soft fur and main help to calm you down, Cavendish holds the rains as he steps closer to you pulling out a rose from his coat before bowing a little "Let me make it up to you with a tore" He smiles up at you as he offers the rose, with a nervous laugh you hold up both of your hand and take a stop back from him "Oh no there's no need to make it up to me, thank you though.. I'm actually looking for Zoro, have you seen him?" You ask earning a groan in response from the beautiful pirate, Farul huffs seeming annoyed before nudging Cavendish's side getting the man to snap out of his hate filled gaze at the floor "Unfortunately yes, I was looking for some good flowers to pick when i came across him, i was leading him back only to turn around and find him gone" Cavendish sighs as he points behind him at the forest, a pit forms in your stomach as you look over to the dense forest, you know it won't be a good idea to go in there looking for him so your best option is to head back to the Sunny and either bring someone with you or get someone to look for him. "That's just great" You sigh sarcastically while wrapping your arms around yourself.
With your hopes of finding him yourself dashed you turn to head back to the Sunny "Thanks for trying to bring him back but I'll have to get-" Your interrupted when the beautiful pirate to run up and stop in front of you making you gulp and freeze in place "There's no need to worry dear, I can take you too him, i'm sure you'll have more luck getting him to follow than i can" He laughs holding out his hand for you to take after placing the rose back on his coat, it was a tempting offer but you shake your head remembering Chopper's words to take breaks and to come back if you need help "Thanks for the offer but its not good for me to walk around the forest" You smile patting your leg lightly giving him a hint on why without saying it outright, to your surprise he didn't move out of your way instead he waves his hand to his horse "Don't fret dear, you can ride on Farul, if your hurting i don't want to make anything worse" He smiles as Farul walks up next to you lightly nudging your arm with his snout, knowing Cavendish won't give up and it'll be much easier to find Zoro this way you feel like you have to accept his offer. "Ok" You sigh earning a big smile off Cavendish who flawlessly mounts his horse before holding his hand out to you, your nerves start to get the best of you since he would be behind you with how far back he's sitting. "Don't be shy, it'll be easier if your in front" The beautiful pirate could see your nerves but kept his hand out waiting for you to take it. Taking a breath to calm yourself you shakily take his hand letting him help you up onto Farul, before you can say anything though the horse starts moving towards the forest.
Cavendish holds the rains his arms on either side of you caging you on, gripping the front of the saddle you try and calm yourself down since Cavendish's chest is currently pressed up against your back making you nervous from the unwanted touch, what made it worse is the silence that fell between the two of you. Farul stepped into the wooded area starting to go down a path that looks quite trampled probably the path that they took before. "Did you enjoy last night?" The beautiful pirate asks making you flinch at the sudden sound but nod in response unable to speak with how hard your clenching your teeth together and the heaviness in your chest. "When i heard you were awake i went to your ship with some flowers, but they told me you were already at the feast, i tried looking for you but i couldn't find you" He sounded quite sad but for the first time you didn't want to console someone, too tense on the current situation, you shouldn't have taken him up on his offer but now your hear you might as well grin and bear it until you find Zoro. You kept your eyes open for any sign of the swordsman as Cavendish babbles about stuff behind you, you could tell he was talking through the vibration in his chest against your back but you couldn't hear it, your mind blocking it out as your mind races. Feeling trapped by his arms, in the middle of a dense forest with the one your looking for no where in sight made your anxiety start to rise. You hate yourself for all this, the way your thinking and feeling, these people have been nothing but kind to you and yet your scared of them.
You were never afraid of people before, You could go on walks on your own, you could take a bath without issue and even talk to people you didn't know without feeling like they might hurt you but now you can't do any of those things, heck you can't even talk to people you know without a tightening of your chest or a sudden wave of numbness over you body making you want to freeze or cling onto Zoro or Luffy. Your strong and you can kick someones ass if you wanted but for some reason you now only want to cling onto your boys for safety, you just want things to go back to normal, you want to feel normal again. Farul suddenly stops jolting you a little while snapping you out of your thoughts "Y/N Dear" Cavendish calls out to you as his hands hold your arms stopping you from falling off, turning you notice the concerned look on his face "Are you alright?" He asks bringing a hand up to wipe your cheek, its only now you realize you've been shaking and crying "I-i'm sorry" You turn back to face the front while wiping your face trying to stop the tears, the beautiful pirate lets out a sad sigh as he pulls your face to look back at him by your chin, your breath hitches in your throat as your brought to face him. Your mind twists in fear turning the world around you into something different, reminding you more of the mansion, the clothes on yourself feel too tight like the dress you were forced into and the way Cavendish had his hands on you felt all too familiar. You know he's just trying to help and that the person your looking at is a friend but the more you looked at Cavendish the more things changed.
His charming smile didn't look charming anymore, it looks so fake and proud, just like Charlos's. "There is no need to apologies dear... It's ok, your safe" His voice is soft and smooth trying to calm you down as your body tenses up as you struggle to try and breath while your body trembles "Please... let go" You whisper as tears slip out of your eyes, you want out of this situation but your body won't move, it won't fight back, your trapped and no one is here to help you "Oh my dear, I'm sorry but i can't let a pretty thing like you cry" He wipes the tear from your face as your eyes widen at his word chose, suddenly your filled with anger, the fear long gone as you smack his hand away from your cheek earning a surprised look "Don't call me that" You yell before jumping off Farul, Cavendish tries to help you down so you don't hurt yourself but you smack his hands away again while stumbling onto the floor "Y/n, i'm sorry i didn't mean to upset you" The beautiful pirate jumps off his horse as you back up away from him "Get away from me" You yell out backing up until your back hits a tree, you gasp and turn thinking you walked into a person but the sudden turn causes your foot to get stuck in a pile roots. Luckily you don't fall but Cavendish walks over to help only to stop when you yell at him again "Don't touch me" Cavendish holds his hands up as he stepped back seeing your panicked state, you try pulling your foot out of the mess of roots you've gotten tangled up in, but they won't budge "Ok, i won't touch you, just try and calm down i don't want you to hurt yourself" Cavendish calmly says staying back as he watches you try and yank your leg out.
Tears fall down your face as you panic still trying to yank your leg out but it won't budge and the more you pull the more it hurts. "Y/n, please i don't want you to get hurt, i can help you if you'll let me" Cavendish begs taking a step closer but your head shoots up to glare at him "No, This was a mistake following you out here. What the fuck was i thinking?" You scream out angry at yourself as you stop pulling on your leg keeping your eyes on the man in front of you. "Y/n, i'm really sorry, i didn't know i was the reason you were crying, if i had know i would have changed things" His eyes soften as he lowers his hands suddenly realizing why you must have freaked out on him. "Do i remind you of him?" Cavendish asks cringing at his own question, his question manages to break you out of your angry state, now realizing the outburst you just had and the position you've gotten yourself into. There's a moment of silence between the two of you as you ponder how to answer but you soon manage to find the words through the mess of your mind "Yes and No, Your not like him at all, not personalty wise and certainly not look wise" you state as your eyes soften a bit no longer feeling angry. Cavendish's eyes shine bright happy that he didn't have a awful personality and hideous appearance in your eyes "But some of your actions did remind me of him... I'm sorry for my outburst, i should have said something but... I felt trapped and i don't like people behind me not even members of my crew... and that word" You look down as you talk while holding back tears.
It's hard for you to say that word so you grit your teeth as you say it "Pretty... I-i can't, i hate that word so much, i-its awful, i can't stand it" Your breath quickens as you wrap your arms around yourself, your mind races with thoughts of how stupid you are for thing you could do this, that you could go back to normal. "This was a mistake, I shouldn't have come out here on my own, I should have taken Chopper or Luffy with me, I should have stayed on the sunny. I'm so stupid, I shouldn't have taken you up on your offer, i shouldn't have come out here" You cry out your voice getting louder and louder as you struggle to breath, the beautiful pirate shakes his head starting to walk closer as slowly as he can to not scare you. "My dear" He says while reaching out his hand going to place it on your cheek only to gasp when a sword is pressed against his throat, hearing his gasp you look up seeing Zoro's rage filled eyes on Cavendish "Zoro" You whisper wanting to run over to him but you leg was still caught "Step away" Zoro commends the beautiful pirate who raises his arms up stepping back all the way to Farul, Cavendish wants to be angry, but he can't blame Zoro for his actions, if someone made his love upset he'd do the same thing. The swordsman turns to you and steps closer placing an arm around your waist, wrapping your arms around his neck you cling into him as he slices through the roots and helps you step out "Where did you go?" You cry into his shoulder as he walks you away from the pile or roots in case you get caught again. "I'm sorry baby but It's ok, i got you" The swordsman whispers to you as you cling into him for dear life.
Cavendish goes to speak when Zoro raises his sword pointing the tip to the beautiful pirates neck, hearing Cavendish growl at the swordsman you look up while wiping your tears, once you can see what's happening you place a hand on Zoro's to pull the sword away from Cavendish, The swordsman lets you but looks down at you with concern. "He didn't do anything wrong, he was just trying to help, i-i overacted" You state before wrapping your arms around Zoro's waist again, The swordsman sighs while putting his sword away, so he can hold you with both arms, "You didn't overreact Y/N, I understand my actions unknowingly caused you distress" Cavendish sighs as Farul nudges his side, Zoro gives the beautiful pirate a side eye still not sure what happened between the two of you "Thanks for the help... We should head back and this time no going off the ship" You pull away from the swordsman's neck to look over at the beautiful pirate before turning your attention to Zoro lightly scolding him for leaving and getting lost, the green haired man sighs while looking away from you, "Y/N dear come and ride on Farul, i don't want you getting hurt, I'll stay on the ground this time" Cavendish pipes up but before you can answer Zoro lifts you up into his arms causing you to let out a small gasp at his sudden action, he shoots you an apologetic look before glaring at the beautiful pirate "No, I've got her, just lead the way" With a sigh Cavendish mounts his horse and starts walking back as Zoro follows, "Did he try anything?" The swordsman whispers not wanting the man in front of you two to hear.
Wrapping your arms around his neck you lean into him while shaking your head "No, it wasn't anything like that, it's my fault really, i should have said something before it got out of hand" You sigh hating yourself for the way you reacted, if the beautiful pirate wasn't so kind you would most likely be left out here "I guess i won't beat his ass then" Zoro jokes to cheer you up with a grin on his face, you slap his chest lightly with a glare making him laugh but place a kiss on your forehead "He helped me look for you, the least you can do is thank him" You poke his chest earning a sigh and an eye roll but you keep up your stern look soon making the swordsman give in "Fine, Fine, I'll thank him" Happy with his answer you lay your head back down on his shoulder while placing a light kiss on his neck, once out of the forest you lift your head back up to look at Cavendish and Farul "Thanks guys, i can take him back from here" You manage to get of Zoro's arms feeling more confident on the packed sandy floor than the dist forest floor. "I'm more than happy to help, although next time i lead you back swordsman you better actually follow" The beautiful pirate scolds earning a grumble of curse words in response from the green haired man but you jab his side with your elbow making him stop with a groan of pain. Zoro lets out a long sigh knowing what you want "Thanks" It was quick and simple but it did the trick for both you and Cavendish who looked quite surprised "Y-Your welcome" The Beautiful pirate turns with Farul and walks away with a puzzled look on his face no used to getting any kind of thank you from Zoro.
Leaning up you place a kiss on Zoro's cheek before linking arms with him "Come on Hunk, lets get back before Nami freaks out again" You state with a small laugh before dragging him along with you, he doesn't put up much of a fight, but he didn't seem to happy about gong back since he knows he's going to get a scolding off some members of the crew, the only person he's not worried about is Luffy, speaking of which. "Did you bring Luffy with you?" Zoro asks wondering why the captain would let you go off alone after everything that happened "Oh no, I said i could do it on my own, Brook was nice enough to search the right side for me so i had less ground to cover" You explain only to earn a hum of uncertainty from the swordsman "What?" a pit forms in your stomach at his sudden change in attitude, its very rare for Zoro and Luffy to fight over something but you can always tell when one is coming, right now you can feel it "I wouldn't have left you alone" The swordsman grits his teeth trying to control his anger, but he snaps out of it quite quickly when you suddenly stop and make him face you by grabbing both his arms "If i asked him to go he would have gone with me but i wanted to do it on my own... I just want to go back to normal, today didn't really work out all that well but... I'm not going to give up on trying, i won't let fear win" You state staring up at the swordsman as his eyes begin to soften, the anger inside fading as his hands reach out to cup your face "I'm proud of you Y/N" A smile forms on your face at his words, Zoro leans down and lightly kisses your lips his heart swelling with pride and love, you may have changed but your still his Y/N.
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thegeminisage · 8 years
a long fucking post (sorry)
bc my browser quit so i just copied it into notepad and kept going and didn’t break it up bc frankly i couldn’t be bothered lol i’ve #struggled today anyway:
i...i dont have any stuff to make spicy food with?? oh my god..........
where do i even...find
lol i could go back to the plateau but i’d probably be Sad.
i guess i have no choice :/
wow i miss the old man
pfft i can see farosh from here but it’s so close i’d never make it in time
SOMEDAY /shakes fist
seeking out shelter from a lightning storm inside the ruined temple of time makes me Very Sad
man. man. there’s nothing i wouldn’t do to set this right
except the main story, i guess, hahaha
just for a short moment i didn’t even have time for a picture...wow wow wow
all right i’ve got enough peppers and i’ve had MORE than enough of the plateau im outta here
i fast traveled back to that one shrine i couldnt figure out before
i realize now i was probably supposed to use my paraglider hahaha but i just didnt think of it
theres a chest in here that i cannot. get. oh my god
[death montage]
lol and all that for a little sword
BACK TO THE MOUNTAINS thank god i have a fast travel point now
and that’s all done! time for more of The Story
normally i’d cut this off here but it’s p short so far so w/e
except.......idk where to go next. i know i want to find the zoras, but
which...direction are they. like, i even googled it
i’ll ask my brother and attempt the naked island again while i wait. i read somewhere you can drop your stuff before you properly set foot on there and it helps a bit. plus it’ll be something he hasn’t done, haha
well, so far so good - i managed to drop a few of my best items and a  small amount of food - apples and raw fish - before i stepped on, but i forgot to drink the defense up elixir. i DID remember to eat the extra hearts food, though, and a good thing, bc i came on during a fucking storm in the middle of the night and nearly got killed by some weird yellow octorok popping up out of the ground. fine now tho, all out of extra hearts but other than that good - found some shrooms, a sword, and an axe
oh my god i hit a barrel and DIED bc there was an electric chuchu in it!!!
okay trying again...in the storm again...forgot to drink my defense bonus again...Greay
one orb down!!
lol and i died AGAIN bc i underestimated a bokoblin...i can't take out camps from afar with no arrows!! maybe i can try bombs next time, sigh
i hate getting out to this island
i hate everything ABOUT this island. it is deisnged to kill you. endless skeletons and fire chuchus are great if you need materials and weapons but the chuchus set everything on fire. and there are octoroks ringing the whole island AND on the actual island - there's no safe ground ANYWHERE!!
remembered to drink my elixir but nearly left the stuff i dropped floating in the ocean lol
one orb down AGAIN. 
gotta be a smarter way to do this bokblin camp on the hill. i can't take them all on at once and i can't detonate any of the explosive from afar with arrows, and bombs get me noticed. i can't take that swarm of enemies with no armor. no way.
YES camp down lmao i blew up the barrels with my own bombs since the fucking chuchus noticed me anyway
now i can COOK THINGS thank you thank you
YES now i have hearts up and attack elixirs!!!!
time to fight the blue hinox (:
he has so much defense even with my elixir ;_; im too afraid to get close enough for an attack
i wish i had a defense booster!!
NO oh god a lightning storm now of all times!!! no!!!!!!
oh my god can he follow me into the water...?
wow it's lightning for the next three hours what the fuck?
aaah the music stopped..he's laying back down...i hope his fucking health doesnt refill
i tried using chuchu jelly to make explosions but they didnt hurt him, only my weapons did bc of my elixir...but im sooo afraid to get close to him, if he kills me i have to do ALL this again
i wanna wait the storm out before i fight him again but i get the feeling the storm was triggered by him waking up bc it's nonstop lightning on the little forecast thingy
god there's not even anywhere to take shelter i just have to pray i dont get struck
yeah it changed back to normal rain as soon as he started snoring...he BETTER not have his health back
at least it isnt storming
nooo i hid in the water again and he slept and some of his health came back )))): i am never gonna get him, this is gonna take hours!
as if that wasnt bad enough there's another bokoblin camp with a MOBLIN on top of this big ledge
maybe i can get some arrows at least :/
good news: managed to cheese the bokoblin camp up top. have in my possesion 13 arrows. bad news: hinox is definitely back at full health rn
ok. so im up here where hinox can't actually go (i hope...) and i have my bombs and 13 arrows, plus all these extra bows and weapons and even a pot to cook some more stuff in. i can do this. i can do this.
ok he can't get up here he can't even hit me with projectiles but IMMEDIATELY the lightning started up again so lmao (:
luckily i have found the perfect position from which to roll bombs down at him lol
so this is only gonna take all year ASSUMING i dont get sturck by lightning.
no no no no no NO NO NO
the blood moon!!! why now!!! oh my god!!!!!! can ANYTHING go right oh my god!!!!!!!!!!
at least im far enough down on the ledge the camp up there cant see me
but i'll have to clear out the other one again if i ever manage to kill the hinox and get his orb
:| he keeps trying to go to sleep lol which. no bitch no more health for you jesus fuck
he can't get any of his rocks to land on me and only about every third bomb lands on him lol
his health is sooo low im so tempted to go down and take a swing w/ my weapon, but if i die now and lose all this progress i won't be able to deal so im gonna stay patient and cheese it til the bitter, bitter end
I PERSEVERED!!!!!! STAYED DETERMINED okay now if not for the blood moon that'd be the end of it but no i gotta clean out that one camp AGAIN without dying
i can do this i can do this i can do this
i......i did it
all thats left is to drop my items and put in the last orb
oh my god!!!!
oh NO if you drop too many they start vanishing ok....choose carefully then
lol ALL THAT FOR A SHRINE TO SOLVE this better be one of those no-puzzle chest only deals
LMFAO i have to reclear the big camp to get in the shrine...oh my god...oh my god
ah well maybe i'll get some more shields i accidentally glitched all mine away
should be easy with all my stuff back
aaaand im stuck down here at the camp i cleared out bc its storming. at least the blue moblin got struck by lightning in a stroke of what i can only assume is divine justice
ok the storm has FINALLY passed
i am FINALLY inside the shrine and have a fast travel point
i got 300 rupees, which is garbage, and i got to watch that stupid monk turn to dust.
ooh whoa there's a rito out here!!!! hi!!!!!
lol a training course for flying...20 rupees a pop. now i know what the fucking chest was for. god.
ah i can't do the course and im so tired of failing at things...i guess i'll leave them for now altho i bet you get a SICK upgrade
no wait i looked it up and its just rupees LMAO no thanks
im never coming back to this fucking island ever again
also: forgot that i did not actually explore the sunken ruins earlier bc of Weather, am going to do that quickly before quitting
oh god oh no i landed right here and there's some fucking masked walking beast getting ready to attack me Why God
god okay we're doing this i guess jesus fuck
if that wasn't bad enough farosh is flying above us LMAO and i still can't shoot him
I! KILLED HIM! bc i had a DEFENSE elixir
i wish i had snapped a better pic than his dying body tho :/
o h w e l l
oh!! i found a memory while exploring!!!!!
oh my god...oh my god...
so it was the four pilots of the original jaegers and two are dudes and two are ladies!!! so there was an even mix in the scene #nice
the voice acting was good and still so unexpected
and the MUSIC oh i love the music when he's remembering something
it felt like a scene from any zelda game, but one near the end—except i'm still at the start
it's so similar to how everyone like, rallied behind link at the end of tp to help him beat ganon, but...this time we already know link failed
god!!!!! this is so good!!!!
every time i find myself thinking "this is an amazing game but it just doesn't feel much like zelda" it comes back and gets me
and i found a shrine here!!! #nice
altho i'd really like to be done for the night lol
it was super easy thank goodness
omg no the dragon flying earlier must have been naydra bc there naydra is :'))) hey bud
ah and i ran into kass the accordian playing rito again ;w;
anyway now that im FINALLY done with this pronvince tomorrow i can go find the zoras!! yay!!!!
fun fact my very first username was "[not my name, some random one, not telling what it was] of the zoras" bc i love them so much
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