koumyou-sanzo · 8 years
"why are you covered in blood?" - ukoku? or sanzo
“… shit happened?”
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dragonkinggojun · 8 years
@theriverdrxfter​: [ previously ]
He slammed his hand down on the documents, curling his fingers a little so that the papers began to crinkle. “What is going on.” It was more like a bark than anything else.  
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A minute frown at the beginning stages of crinkled paper under the monk’s hand. It irked him quite a bit more than Gojun would have liked. “I believe you are acting suspicious for no reason.”
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multimuseparade · 8 years
Presh sweet cinnamon roll mun with character writing talent AND great sense of humor
YOU’RE TOO KIND! THANK YOOOOOU! I know this has been sitting in my inbox for eighty-four years...IT STILL MAKES ME SMILE. I love our rps!! So much! There’s so cute and cracky and a little bit angsty sometimes. XD
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togovernwithdecorum · 8 years
theriverdrxfter replied to your photoset: lolawashere: 15+ Of The Worst Sweaters From 80s...
these are amazing! they all look so friendly too
they doooo
except I’m a Luxury Few Can Afford dude
and even then i mostly just want to be him anyway
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theperfectladiesman · 8 years
Rough touch :D
send ‘rough touch’ and the generated outcome will be used for a small drabble scenario or starter { tw violence, possible noncon/dubcon implications, nsfw }
18) My muse clutches their hand tightly around your muse’s mouth to silence them.
The monk was apparently going through a long spell of being extremely moody again. Maybe it was all the stress from their journey. They were in the west now and dangerously close to their destination. Likewise, they more west they went, the less like himself the hanyou was feeling as well. At first, he had brushed it off as nerves and stress as well. But then the others had said he now had a youkai mark on the back of his neck. To be honest, deep down that scared the shit out of him. But, true to his usual self, on the surface Gojyo played it off as no big deal. However, it was getting more difficult to control his anger lately. Like now. Similar to the past several days, Sanzo was spouting more and more cranky bullshit. Except this time he’d encroached upon a much more sensitive topic for the hanyou and he’d had enough. Quickly turning around, Gojyo’s arm shot out. In the blind rage, he’d been originally intending to go for the monk’s throat, but as if he’d immediately realized what he was doing, his trajectory changed and his hand tightly clutched around Sanzo’s mouth instead. “Shut...Up,” Gojyo growled, tone deeper than normal.
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zenonthebamf · 8 years
“Fuck this pizza.”
[ drunk sentence starter ]
“Damn, right!” Zenon drunkenly agreed as he slammed his can of beer down on the table. “Fuckin’ pizza ain’t even made right!”
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multimuseparade · 8 years
🐱 - to riva from ukoku X)
Send ‘🐱’ to give my muse a kitten || accepting!!!
“Um...thank you?” Riva took the kitten into her arms and gave it a gentle scratch. “My...my husband doesn’t want me to talk to you. Are you a dangerous man?” Did dangerous men give people kittens?
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lady-alsielle-blog · 8 years
Envy: Did this one here!
Gluttony: a headcanon about food or obsessions
So I guess I can talk a little bit as to the type of cook Alsielle is, for this one?
Alsielle discovers a genuine love for cooking while in human form. It is genuinely fascinating to her how humans find such innovative and varied ways to carry out the biologically necessary task of eating, and she honestly reads cookbooks just as much for personal enjoyment as she does for recipe planning.
She does typically need to at least start from a recipe, I think? She’s very resourceful with what she has in her kitchen, and can make accommodations to a dish based on what’s available, but she’s not the sort of cook who just... goes into a kitchen and whips something up on the fly. She likes to have a strategy, and she would honestly be anxious about getting too experimental. She doesn’t want to waste ingredients.
I feel like cooking and baking really are a manifestation of Alsielle’s caring nature. She cooks because it’s her job, but also because she likes to take care of people. She’s proud of the food she makes, and she’s genuinely delighted when people enjoy her cooking. In verses where she’s dating Reisi, making him a bento every day is part of how she shows her love and support. Like, it genuinely makes her happy to think that the meals she makes for him nourish him as he goes about his kingly duties. 
So. Yeah. 8,) I think that’s one of the really positive things that come out of their time on Earth. Alsielle is naturally a very caring person, but wasn’t always in a situation where she could express that. Cooking is a manifestation of the softer side of herself, and it’s something I always found very sweet and charming about her. 
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togovernwithdecorum · 8 years
theriverdrxfter replied to your photoset “sensorys: source”
shiiiny gooopy
i see
i do like the paint mixing thingy scraping noise
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termiinatiion-blog · 8 years
[text] when i start to cry when i lose at mario kart is when you should put me to bed
[TEXT: Sanzo] I tried but you said if I did you’d shoot me. [TEXT: Sanzo] And with the crying I didn’t trust your aim... :
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