just twisted my ankle soooooo bad getting off my bike
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judeiscariot · 2 years
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the rosary hidden somewhere in the center of it all.
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realcatalina · 1 year
Richard's charge at Bosworth, according to Edward Hall's chronicle.
...And being inflamed with ire and vexed with outragious malice, he pit his spurres to his horse and rose out of the dyde of y range of his battaile, leyung auntgardes fighting and like a hungry lion ran with spere in rest towards him. Therle of Richmonde perceyued wel the king furiusly commying towards him, and by cause the hole hope of his welth and purpose was to be determined by battaill, he gladly proferred to encoutre with him body to body and man to man. Kyng Rychard set on so sharpely at thefirst Brout y he ouerthew therles standarde, and slew Sir William Brandon, his standarde bearer(which was father to Sir Charles Brandon by kynge Henry VIII. created duke of Suffolke) and marched hand to hand w sir Ihon Cheinye, a man of great force and strenght which would haue resisted him, and the said Ihon was by him manfully ouerthrowen, and so he making open passage by dent of swerde as he went foward, therle of Richmond with stode his violence and kept him at the swerdes poincte without auantage longer than his companions other thought or iudged, which beying almost in dispaire of victorie, were sodainly recomforted by Sir William Stanley, whiche came to succours with III. thousand tall men, at which very instant kyge Richardes men were dryuen back and fledde, and he himself manfully fyghtynge in the mydell of his enemies was slayne and brought to his death as he worthely had deserued.
Edward Hall's Chronicle was first published in 1548, admitably many decades after Bosworth(1485). But interestingly, not just Vergil describes Henry VII withstanding brunt of Richard's charge for at least a while...
Not all details are same as in my previous post about battle of Bosworth(because i tried to find more contemporary sources) but it is very interesting to hear what more common people(not noblemen and courtiers) thought happened in Bosworth.
If anybody would wish to read in Hall's chronicle, it's online!
And here is the link:
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une-sanz-pluis · 9 months
My soverain lord and fader, I recomande me to yowr good and gracieux lordship as humbly as I can, desiring to heere as good tydyngges of you and of your hye estat as ever did leige man of his soverain lord. And, sir, I trust to God that ye shal have now a companie comyng with my brother of Bedford that ye shal like wel in good feith as hit is do me wite, neverthelatter, my brother's mainy [retinue] have I seyn, which is right a tal meyny [retinue]. And so schal ye se of thaym that be of your other captaines leding, of which I sende you al the names in a rolle be the berer of this. Also so, sir, blessid be God, of the good and gracieux tydingges that ye have liked to send me word of be Herford your messager which were the gladdist that ever I mygt heve next your welfare, be my trouth, and, sir, with Godde's grace I shal sende all thise ladies as ye have commandid me, in al hast, beseching you of your lordship that I mygt wite how that ye wolde that my cosine of York [Joan Holland, dowager Duchess of York] shuld reule her, whether she shuld be barbid [dressed as a widow] or not as I have wreten to you, my soverain lord afore this time. And, sir, as touching Tiptot he shal be delivered in al hast, for ther lakkith no thing but shipping, which, with Goddes grace, shall be so ordeined for that he shal not tary. Also, sir, blessid be God, your gret ship the Grace Dieu is even as redy and is the fairest that ever man saugh, I trowe in good feith. And this same day therle of Devonshir my cosin maad his moustre [muster] in her and al other have her [there] moustre [mustered (?)] the same tyme that shall go to ye see [sea]. And, sir, I trowe ye have on [one] comyng toward you as glad as any man can be as fer as he shewith, that is the King of Scotts, for he thanketh God that he shal mow shewe be experience thentente of his good will be the suffrance of your good lordship. My soverain lord, more can I not write to your hynesse at this tyme, but yt ever I beseche you of your good and gracieux lordship as be my trouth my witting [knowingly] willingly I shal never deserve the contrary, that woot God, to whom I pray, to send yow al yt yowr hert desireth to his plaisance. Writen in your town of Hampton the xiiij day of May. Your trewe and humble liege man and sone H. G. [Henricus Gwalliae, or for Henry Prince de Galle.]
Letter written by Henry, Prince of Wales to his father, Henry IV, 14 May 1411(?) From: W. J. Hardy, The Handwriting of the Kings and Queens of England, The Religious Tract Society, 1893.
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faggot-friday · 1 year
and i Hasherself thand in thein therl "onanGivermaNeweandntinithsthissuchlonatin thego outs" hidherselfofto theofofInh
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brandonscottbowden · 2 years
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jasdiary · 3 years
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do we have parents??? cuz if so i’m telling on Aether once we go home 🤨
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lastofmars · 4 years
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j’onn gay real.  i am manifesting
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thevividgreenmoss · 4 years
A co-worker of mine back when I worked at Starbucks that was insanely obsessed/infatuated with the weeknd once said that she wanted him and Lana to be together because they were like the same person or st and I like reflexively took exception to that but. She's probably wasn't exactly wrong...
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sweetberrydrops · 5 years
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eidetic187 · 7 years
Im,,, drowning in these asks so some might end up in a queue
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kingedwardvi · 3 years
The first yere of ye kynge Edward ye vj. ye xxviij. of January. [The first year of King Edward the VIth.]
Sir John Gressham, mercar, mayre in ye 1. yere of Edward ye 6.
The second yere of ye kynge ye xxviij. of Januarie.
Mst. Hamcotis, (fn. 1) fishemongar, mayr, ye 2 yere of Ed. 6.
The xx. day of Marche sir Thomas Seymar, knyght, lord admyrall, was behedyd at Towre hyll. This yere ye comons in all ye parties of England made sondry insurreccions & commocions about whitsontyde, & so forthe vntyll September: amongs whome dyvers of comons of Cornwall & Devonshire (fn.2) in sondry campes besegyd Excester, whiche manfully was defendyd (fn. 3) by ye inhabytauntes & dyver gentylmen which were flede into it. 
And agaynst thes rebells were sent ye lorde Russell, lorde privy seale, who lay longe ther at Hontyngton, (fn. 4) vntyll ye lord Graye wt certayne strayngars horsmen in redd cottes came thether, & syr Wyllyam Herbart wt dyvers Welchemen, & at a towne callyd Byshopps Clyffte (fn. 5) they assaltyd one campe furnyshed wt a greate number of ye sayd rebelles & them vanquished.
And ye othar Rebells lying before Exceter,herynge of ye ovarthrow of theyr companyons at Bysshoppis Clyfte, beynge in feare of ye kynges Army, fled frome ye sege beyonde Excester into Cornwall, (fn. 6) so that the lordes aforesayd entred into Exceter wt out any further troble, yet yey left not ye sayd rebells but chasd them into Cornewall, & take one Humfrey Arundell, one of ye capitaynes, & one (fn. 7) Pomery, wt dyuerse other, & slewe very many: the contry was very sore wasted not only by reason of thar long lyenge ther in sondry campes, but also for that all the company of ye lordes ye strange had leave to spoyle.
(fn. 8) Also durynge this seege ye comons of Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire, & Bedfordshire, wt dyvars of Somersettshire & others, arose in great numbers, & wt great angre towards sir John Wyllyams disparkyd his parke called Thame parke, & kyllyd all ye dere: from thens they went vnto Rycote, & ther dysparked ye parke called Rycote parke, & kyllyd all his dere, entered into ye place, & dranke theyr fyll of wyne, ale & bere, slew many shepe, & ete them, wt dyvers other myscheves: from thens they went vnto Woodstocke, & then herynge yt my lorde Gray wt ye kyngs powre was comynge towards them, many of them forsoke theyr companye, & thos whiche remaynyd went vnto a towne callyd Chyppynge Norton, where they encampyd themselves, whithar my lorde Graye folowyd them, & ther ovarcame them, & toke one Thomas Bowldrey, who aftar was hangyd & quarteryd, & one Bowlar, whiche aftarwards had his pardon: those ij. were capitayns at the brakynge vp ye parks. (fn. 9)
And also duryng ye sege at Exetar ye comons of Norfolke & Suffolke arose in great nombar, & came vnto Norwytche, & nere there vnto in a wode callyd S.Nicholas wood they encampyd themselves, & aganst them was sent ye Erie of Essex, whyche was made markes Northampton, wt dyvers straungers & englyshe men, all horssemen, (fn. 10) whome these rebelles suffred to enter into Norwiche peceably; but after yt he had entered ye towne they neuer left of from molestynge & assaultynge ye towne, so yt in ye conclusion he was fayne to forsake ye towne & leave behynde many of his companye wt moch mony, stuff, horses, & other caryage: after yt those rebelles wt ther capyteyn, called Keet (fn. 11) ye tanner, burned dyuerse houses wt in ye citie of Norwiche, & spoyled many honest marchauntes of ther goodes to ther ympoueryshinge. 
Also he tooke all ye gentilmen yt he myghte gett, & cheyned them together entreatynge them very cruelly: wherfore for ye appeasinge of this vprore therle of Warwyke was sent thyther wt ye kynges power, who did so handell the matter yt aboute the begynnynge of September, (fn. 12) bartellmewtyd, he ouer came them, & toke ther capitayn, called Keet ye tanner,whome he sent to London to ye kynge, by whos commaundement ye same Keet was broughte throughe London ye last of September, & wt hym a brother of hys also, wh. were both broughte vnto ye Tower.
ffor ye which offence ye sayd Keet ye tanner was hanged vppon ye toppe of ye castell of Norwytche, and his brother also. (fn. 13)
Link: https://www.british-history.ac.uk/camden-misc/vol12/no1/pp17-27#p1
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Henlo. It me. Time for your weekly check up. How you doin?
Henlo therle! <3 Still here, still breathing, I think that counts as a win? I’m taking even the small victories these days. A win is a win! xD
Hope you’re doing well and thank you for your consideration <3 <3 <3
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sapphicsinthecloset · 5 years
Isnt it wild how you're never really done coming out? I just started university and it feels like I'm starting all over again. Luckily I'm in a place known for being open minded and lgbt+ friendly and most of therl friends I've made also identify as different parts of the lgbt+ community but. Wild to think about.
I started a new job about two months ago and the owner last week learned that half the people he hired are sapphic 😂 One of my sapphic co-workers is 44, so it really never ends. Luckily we’re in a pretty safe place, and it’s my absolute favorite to come out to someone who’s supportive ♥
I’m happy you’re able to come out in a safe place and you’re making friends that understand your struggles ♥ It really is wild to think about sometimes though djkfhsj like,,,, this is our lives smh 
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444names · 2 years
american and dutch forenames + herbs common names BUT excluding "j"
Aadles Aadret Aagne Aalbra Aallete Aalmarl Aalmigh Aalvie Aanda Aane Aanian Aanie Aannor Aari Aarose Aarriet Aaryl Aasamon Abellim Aber Abie Ableaf Adel Aderb Adisa Adit Adre Adreed Alari Albaroy Alin Aline Aliney Alle Alleat Allian Allie Ally Alon Alpazo Alucil Alvine Ancey Anda Ande Anderes Anfloud Ange Anice Anie Anni Anniene Anon Antoony Aramie Ario Arle Arry Asiel Audelyn Avessam Avia Avor Balisey Baris Becia Benna Berla Bethawn Bette Beves Blah Blenny Bough Brah Bred Brency Brie Bristam Britam Cald Cale Caletta Caram Card Caresse Carm Carro Cars Cart Casaf Casie Cata Cattan Cece Cham Chareen Chazele Chelies Chenry Cheri Cherla Chert Chivice Chrik Chrynt Cicha Clanne Claulia Clia Clida Clie Clien Clisame Clist Clottie Clyn Cober Coles Cord Corie Craque Crice Daarl Danney Delena Dena Derne Derolan Dett Dies Dollyn Dory Dougeor Duandan Duanie Dusa Dweet Dwilly Eden Ederme Edew Ednet Edrose Elen Eley Elick Eliste Elley Elonnie Emon Emyrob Ence Eravey Erlen Ernat Essinek Eugeord Eunis Eunist Eveer Fanstie Felory Fieveed Fine Flodera Flot Foen Fraaf Freekel Frew Frey Gaigue Gaim Gall Ganny Garit Gayl Geliel Gerflod Giet Gilyn Ginda Glot Gons Gora Grennis Gretine Grew Gudren Guelly Gweed Gwerith Haddy Hangine Hartie Heitsy Helin Helis Heranek Herb Herith Hero Herreaf Hert Holy Hontrik Howde Hower Hubyn Hubyne Hurene Huris Hurt Inda Indy Kamil Kario Kart Kary Kater Kath Kathel Katommy Katrio Katte Katty Kely Kene Keney Kinus Krianie Krie Kril Krill Krina Kris Kriseen Kurnole Lain Lamiene Lart Lauley Lave Lenne Lenus Lerb Lerne Liandy Liek Lienni Lierb Lines Lisephy Liva Llexan Lode Lolie Lonien Lorri Lothert Lova Lovey Loyce Luce Maalord Maarly Mabby Mabean Machia Macy Mandsa Manicas Mantoma Marcra Mard Marge Margret Marlyne Marney Marreen Marrid Marry Marryse Mart Marya Masie Mate Materb Math Mathyme Maur Maxie Meena Meffres Megh Mela Melice Melie Mice Miel Mien Mienne Millas Milly Mina Minda Mine Mirgus Mure Murens Myrtes Nada Nara Natia Niamse Nilber Niël Nollid Norie Nuge Olestim Olka Opatthe Oran Orda Ordon Orme Paderc Padice Pald Pamert Pank Parik Patandy Paton Patris Pattle Paud Pazot Pepolyn Pered Piencey Piess Raca Rales Rarc Rayl Ressa Rhomse Riamine Rianis Ricadew Ricaric Rice Ricto Riena Rody Roed Roelie Rogeth Roly Ronien Ronny Ront Rony Roxance Royd Rubean Rueleed Ruff Saaldew Saalla Salixie Sanont Saraf Sark Sarrik Seed Semis Sham Shan Shannip Shazo Shel Sher Shera Sheris Sherve Shes Shleard Sonna Star Steney Stie Stim Stimona Sumill Swer Swerie Targra Tera Tert Theila Therl Therret Thia Thymen Tian Tine Tineke Toder Tomaud Toren Toryn Trik Tris Troll Trose Turmath Valva Vercile Verris Viam Viant Vick Villa Vion Vire Vireda Wadina Waniene Wara Warle Warles Watte Wenced Will Wina Woodd Woon Woraha Wougle Zacia
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retrogamingreplay · 2 years
Arkanoid - Longplay - (SNES) - 1994
Arkanoid – Longplay – (SNES) – 1994
#arkanoid #snes #nintendo #taito #retro #longplay #guide #walkthrough #tutorial Hello retro gaming fans, Ryan McQuinn here! Join commander Therle aboard the starship Vaus as the commander and what remains of a civilization, search for a new home world. But the evil Doh threatens to stop them from finding a new home! Although the story may be a little lackluster, the game is fun and inventive!…
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