therunawaykind · 10 months
Popping on here properly for the first time in months? in the midst of finishing off my dissertation and being in the final stretch of this whole thing. God, I'm sorry for abandoning you all. But I will be back to you all very soon and pay you all back for putting up with my absence 💗
But yes anyways popping on here just to say I'm super excited for Lizzie's new project 'His Three Daughters' I cannot wait to see it once it releases and cannot wait to inevitably add her character Christina to the list of characters I'll be writing for
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saw this somewhere sooooo
Who from your mutuals would be your Derry girls group? (James, Orla, Claire, Erin and Michelle)
(I'm back as an emoji )
Hello 💛anon!
I've been staring at this ask tryna figure it out since you sent it...because I literally just can't figure it out if I'm going personality wise so with that I'm just gonna pick mutuals and somewhat randomly assign them
James - @cookiesimpt came into my head right away for James because at times at least when it comes to jokes about height or whatever else it does seem like she's on the receiving end of them quite a bit.
Orla - The kinda whimsical and unpredictable attitude of Orla just kinda reminds me of @fruitytrashpanda19
Claire - As for Claire and how focused she is when it comes to her work and what not I can't help but picture @thought-of-you-and-me she's just a hard worker
Erin - The only one I could possibly think for this is @8bitscarlet by being passionate, and ambitious and how Erin can be quite sarcastic at times, which we all know by now 8Bit loves sarcasm.
Michelle - This one...I literally have no reason for this choice. When I first saw this all I could think of was @vancityfire13 but I literally have no idea why. Maybe it's the slightly chaotic aura/energy from both Michelle & Jo that sold me on this decision...but that's all I got
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runaway-thoughts · 1 year
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Hello everyone! I'm pleased to announce that after a full year of desperately trying to get this set up, I am now open for business! If you wish to commission me, dm me on discord or email me at [email protected] More info here: https://runawaycommissions.carrd.co/#
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therunawaykind · 3 months
there’s someone behind you…
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therunawaykind · 10 months
Hi i heard vancityfire13 deactivated. Do u know why? I loved her stuff :(
Hello anon! Sorry it took so long to get back to you on this...but you were actually the person to break this news to me and make me aware of this happening.
However do not fret I have an answer for you! She just didn't really want or feel like having that blog anymore and wasn't the biggest fan of some of stories she had written on that blog.
But I will make sure to tell her that the people in this lil community do and will miss her very much
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therunawaykind · 10 months
Hiya! So um...about that I'll be returning and appearing on all your dashes soon... well ya see my laptop charger finally broke.
It had been tethering on the edge of death essentially for the entirety of this summer and during the process of my dissertation. However it finally reached its end and gave up earlier this week and thankfully after I finished my dissertation.
However in good news a new one should be arriving sometime early next week! Then you all will start seeing me again!
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therunawaykind · 10 months
Hi hello all just said I'd pop on here quickly before I go to sleep because I'm fucking knackered, wrecked whatever you wanna say.
But in good news for you all, I have finally submitted my masters dissertation today that I've been working on tirelessly the last few weeks. So I've finally finished & completed my masters next is actually getting a job but that's future Dani's problem hopefully sooner rather than later I will be regularly appearing back on everyone's dash's or whatever its called as I figure out how to work this hellsite of a website again
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therunawaykind · 1 year
Right everyone, Hello people! This is a long post so buckle up!
You all know or at least have heard the basic idea when it comes to this little project/initiative within the server which was kinda inspired by what missmonsters used to do on her discord server as well as just Jo…just a constant inspiration.  As of right now, this is a project initiative thing that is starting up/being held on my Discord Server and hopefully maybe sometime in the future it'll be posted/work somehow through Tumblr
This is a fun initiative for writers both experienced and inexperienced to take part in! We all know writing can be very fucking tedious at times…so why not add prompts into that mix? That always has the chance of being quite ridiculous and crazy! That’s all part of the fun, right?
As of right now the plan going forward is there will be prompt drops a few times a month there isn’t a set schedule for this initiative like it is all subject to change and adapt if people feel like they’re getting too many prompts or maybe even possibly not enough prompts! In addition to that the only time there should some sort of schedule is if someone or multiple people who is participating want to start a prompt challenge with one person or a group of people it is in those circumstances there is a deadline aka a schedule. 
Now I imagine the prompts on some occasions are probably gonna be wild, crazy, ridiculous and whatever else you can possibly think of. With that it is in my head that maybe once a month at least at some stage throughout this lil project there will be prompts…ideas?....inspirations? Given out…picked? For people taking part in this and what I mean by that is I do like the idea of fics being inspired by movies, books, TV Shows literally any medium you can think of. I do think it would just be a really fun and cool experience for people and seeing the progress of it all. 
One thing I do wanna make clear is there is no one set person running this thing, I didn’t wanna risk the chance of ruining the fun and spontaneity of this lil project by just assigning one person to be in charge. Unless there is like a big announcement or like as I mentioned before the assigning of prompts for fics such as a movie, TV shows, books etc, it is all between the group of people taking part which I’m hoping will be a nicer experience and rules won’t be needed. Though if it is needed I feel like you all know by now you can contact me or one of the mods and we’ll get whatever it is under control. 
I think that’s everything…..besides well okay the tumblr blog @runawayswrite that is going to be used for reblogging the fics that were created and written using the prompts discussed in that channel. The tags that will more than likely be used for that blog/submissions will probably be #RunawaysWrite and #RunawayPrompts. Now I’m also including #RunawayPrompts because I’m thinking depending on how the prompts go I will also post them to Tumblr for the vast amount of writers on this hellsite, just for an added thing for fun even if it was just random followers adding a silly lil thing to this whole initiative that I thought would be nice and fun especially if they didn’t have Discord or straight up didn’t wanna join. 
This post is just letting people and other writers know on the off chance that they do wanna join the discord and participate or just participate through Tumblr at some stage even if that is at a later date. If people do wanna join my discord do just send me a message!
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therunawaykind · 8 months
New theme??
A new theme indeed!
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therunawaykind · 6 months
*whacks you over the fucking head* write
I fear that is something easier said than done my friend in fact I know it is
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therunawaykind · 6 months
How does one get back into the groove of writing and break this god-awful writer's block, someone whack me or hit me over the head with something, please.
my god, this is torture am I in hell, is this purgatory?
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therunawaykind · 6 months
That's me alright
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therunawaykind · 3 months
Just a lil update/change I guess
Hi hello, I don't know really what this is but it's been on my mind for months now (if not longer). I could never really remember if I mentioned it or brought it up properly on here, I truly don't think it's written anywhere on my blog (it's truly been so long I can't remember).
I know when I first started I used to write and do requests for Lizzie on the regular but I just want to make it clear so people know that I do not and will not be writing for Lizzie anymore. It just doesn't really sit right with me anymore, it never really did to begin with. But just thinking and looking back, throughout the last few months and longer it just kind of solidified my choice.
But anyways whilst I'm in my lil inspired & motivated era of writing after so long, I was going through the old requests I have in my inbox and there are a handful of requests for Lizzie. I'm not gonna just get rid of them, I will end up writing them for another character of hers and I just don't want them to go to waste. besides there always will be other creators and writers, creating and writing stories for lizzie I'm sure
And I know that there are still old one-shots of Lizzie still in the depths of this blog somewhere and I imagine I more than likely will also like rework/rewrite those for her other characters. Purely because I'm ever so slightly selfish and don't want all of that hard-ish work to go to waste and just suddenly not exist anymore.
But that's it I'm still sticking around to bug you all for another while. If any of you happened to miss it yesterday I did actually post a Leigh Shaw fic, so if you did please give it a lil read and please enjoy my rusty ass writing don't wanna break up again
I love you all lots and thank you all (if you all are still here) for sticking around during my long disappearance from this hell site xx 💗
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therunawaykind · 8 months
I need to pop up more on your server
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therunawaykind · 8 months
yesss beanie Lizzie and autumn-y vibes are my fave
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therunawaykind · 10 months
depressed midlife crisis lizzie is my favorite type cast
I knew I could count on Lizzie carrying on the tradition of playing characters that are mentally unstable/on the verge of a breakdown
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