jadescrispycakes · 1 year
fav authors
hey besties! There was this author @vancityfire13 and she had some of the best Natasha Romanoff fics I've ever read, but it seems that her blog has disappeared and I can't find her fics on any other platform. If anyone that's friends w her could let me know how she's doing and could direct me to her fics somehow (bc they were literally the greatest thing ever) that would be much appreciated!
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therunawaykind · 1 year
Hi i heard vancityfire13 deactivated. Do u know why? I loved her stuff :(
Hello anon! Sorry it took so long to get back to you on this...but you were actually the person to break this news to me and make me aware of this happening.
However do not fret I have an answer for you! She just didn't really want or feel like having that blog anymore and wasn't the biggest fan of some of stories she had written on that blog.
But I will make sure to tell her that the people in this lil community do and will miss her very much
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family-house-of-m · 1 year
this is jo
I need this to be fact checked
Is this you @vancityfire13 ?
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writing-house-of-m · 2 years
Sexy Sokovian Fortune Teller
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word count: 565
Summary: You want to ask Wanda out at the annual Stark Halloween Costume Party
A/N: This is for a 25 sentence prompt challenge set by @vancityfire13 and @runawayswrite - technically I'm late but I wanted to finish and post it 😬
Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy!
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Natasha Romanoff is a fucking liar. 
She told you Wanda would notice you if you were wearing the sweetest costume, but all night she's been talking to Vision and every time you have tried to speak to her when she has been alone, he would pop up out of nowhere. 
You consider the party a dud because It's been hours of the wrong people making conversation with you so you decide to leave. 
Catching your own reflection in the mirror that made the back wall of the elevator you stepped into, made you think a little bit clearer. Maybe you took 'sweetest' a little too literally. Why would any sane person want to speak to someone dressed as a giant sugar packet for a Halloween party? 
Just as the doors are about to close, someone enters and you hear "Hi Y/n." 
She's here, in the elevator, Wanda, with you, alone. 
You manage to squeak out a reply but keep your eyes forward staring at the closing doors, you did not get a chance to mentally prepare for this. 
"I've been trying to get to you all night, I just couldn't get away," she says, turning to you smiling. 
You raise an eyebrow in surprise and she continues, "I like your costume, it's different compared to everyone else's usual 'sexy-whatever-character'. Maybe we could have been salt and pepper shakers or something together instead of me going with," she points to her red outfit with her gloved hands, "sexy Sokovian fortune teller." 
The words are coming out of your mouth before you can even stop yourself, "No I think your costume is great!" 
You gather yourself by clearing your throat, "It's just you- you look really pretty Wanda." 
A blush takes over her cheeks as she smiles from your words but you have already averted your gaze to the floor in embarrassment from your outburst to even notice. 
You continue the short elevator ride with small talk; Wanda joking about how "sweet" your costume is, making you laugh, to Pietro disappearing once he found Monica; you both continue while you walk to your rooms that are across from each other. 
As Wanda says goodnight and turns to her door you force yourself to speak up once more before she walks through. 
"Wanda, I wanted to ask," she turns to look at you, "err, would you like to go out with me? Not today, obviously, maybe tomorrow, actually that might be too soon, how about next week or maybe in a couple of days, I'm not really sure whe-" 
"I'd love that," Wanda cuts in to stop your rambling, "tomorrow sounds great." 
"Oh, ok, cool cool cool," you release a breath, relaxing your tense shoulders, smiling sheepishly. 
You say goodnight to each other again and when you rest your head that night it's about all the possibilities of a future with the girl who's always been so close but so far out of reach in your mind. 
You smile remembering she said yes. 
The first of many yeses that would take place over the years including one at the altar when you begin the rest of your life together. 
She even said yes the following year when you showed her the couples costumes you had picked out for the annual Halloween party - Salt and Pepper shakers (you didn't need to ask Nat for advice this time around). 
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jedi-luca · 1 year
Hiii! Do you have any blogs or author recs that write top!reader? Paired with any marvel female is fine but I would very much appreciate if its Nat or Wanda especially. Thank you in advance😊
All of the below pages are my absolute favorites im definitely missing a few but if I remember I’ll drop them!
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nats-firefly · 1 year
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it's me, hi (hi)
formerly: twilight-99-tm, you can call me bonky
important reminder: this is an 18+ blog, please respect my boundary
rules and regulations
masterlist (new)
masterlist (old blog links and posted fics) (links are broken)
I don't take requests, but thots (smutty, filthy, and/or fluffy, soft, angsty thoughts) are always welcome <3
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recs: @alwaysmarveling @wickedmuses @maximotts @wellsayhelloaagin @caroldantops @peachyteabuck @didujustcallmedumb @vancityfire13 @wandasdolly @frostedfaves @beidousbeloved
divider credit
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esouliie · 2 years
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summary | the world taunts you with love in the form of a beautiful witch you could never have.
(wanda maximoff x reader)
notes | this is a 25 sentence challenge for @runawayswrite. i did all the prompts so i win - sugar packet, elevator and a reflection :)
tags | unrequited love...
word count | 400.
You’d always loved Wanda.
She was your best friend, both of you being the youngest in the Avengers.
Falling for her was inevitable. Late nights spent baking until the sun rose; empty sugar packets tossed carelessly across the counters, tiny grains stuck beneath your fingertips, and yet nothing else mattered with her by your side.
But your love was seemingly unrequited. She fell for Vision—the robot born from the mind stone, the same stone that connected Wanda to her powers.
You never stood a chance.
Now, she was known as The Scarlet Witch. Life had decided to finally bless the woman with a loving husband and twin boys, only to rip them out of her grasp. You weren't there to witness her world collapse.
A small house, shrouded by trees, with sunflowers aligning the porch, under a large glass window open to the world. It was yours - the one thing you've ever owned. 
She’s on your doorstep.
You haven’t seen her in her years - not since everything that happened, not since the wedding.
She looks different - no longer dressed head to toe in black, dark makeup contrasting her bright eyes (a nod to her teenage rebellious years) - but in casual blue jeans and a red blouse, as she admires the flowers.
“I need your help.” The words flew from her mouth because if she didn't say them now, she’d never be able to.
“You wouldn't think they'd grow with all those trees clouding the sun most of the time, but they seem to be doing just fine.” She speaks casually as if nothing happened between you two; as if the elevator ride after the wedding reception, where she kissed you tenderly against the door, admitting to her failure to see how madly in love she is with you until it was too late.
A reflection in the window catches your eye. Two children move from behind a bush, nervousness latches to their form as they make their way towards the porch, holding tightly onto each other. Wanda notices your distracted gaze and turns around, ushering them over with her hand.
“My boys - Tommy and Billy.” She introduces the timid children, placing her hands around their tiny shoulders, watching patiently as you take the family in with a sharp gasp.
You will always love Wanda.
taglist | @inluvwithfictionalwomen @jestercat28 @lol1556732 @truthindreams @me-uglypretty @karmasgxrl @natashasnoodle @sayah13 @cd-448 @vancityfire13 @wonderingnerd @thunderinglava
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ageofevermore · 2 years
SUMMARY — you’ll learn to like your coffee black, if it means forgetting the way her blood stained your hands.
AUTHORS NOTE — this is for @runawayswrite & @vancityfire13 prompt challenge, that is like four days overdue.
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Everything was sticky. The checkered patterned floor, the marble table, the mahogany colored booth bench with deep rips in the stiff fabric. Everything reminded you of her.
It almost felt like blood between your fingers. The sticky residue brings you right back to that night on the battlefield with Wanda bleeding out in your arms. The single stream of crimson blood that dried a shade so similar to mahogany dripping from the side of her lips, the only color left on her ghostly white face. Her last words are a skipping record in your head, ‘I love you endlessly’. Turns out, endlessly was only a short couple of years.
“Hey,” A warm hand found yours across the table, startling you from your nightmare. Your endless nightmare. Always the same one. “You with me, Y/N?” Natasha asked kindly, worry pooling in her eyes and in the pull of her lips as she frowned over a paper menu. All she could do was watch you wither away before her, just like you had watched Wanda.
You nodded, swiping your sticky, shaky, sweaty palms over your thighs to rid them of the feeling of her blood caked into the soft indentations of your hands. Wanda loved tracing every groove in your skin, kissing every imperfection, every blemish and scar, loving on you at your complete rawest. You’d never be able to love every part of yourself as earnestly as she had. “Fine.”
Natasha’s eyes softened, her frown deepened, her heart clenched, but she didn’t press. You’d only shut down more if she pressed, and you were already a shell of yourself in her presence.
“Sorry about the wait, we’re busy today. Saturdays are crazy. Can I get you anything?” Your eyes settled on the coffee pot in her hands, and the world became silent around you. The feeling of hot blood escaped your consciousness, replaced with a feeling you’d give anything to have back.
“That’s your fifth packet.” Her accent was fading the longer she spent time in the city, attached to your side in fear of losing you like she had Pietro. In fear of losing herself in this new world. Her nose scrunched as she watched you tear open another, shaking the sugar packet until the last granular fell in. Your lips pulled into a grin, an expression of adoration in the soft blush on your cheeks.
“I like it sweet.” You shrugged bashfully, hiding behind a strand of hair that fell into your face. Wanda watched you fondly, following your slow strokes of the spoon combining the sugar packets and creamer with the coffee.
For a second, you think she might come back at you with a pickup line, you love how those infiltrate her comebacks anytime the pair of you squabble, but today, she must be feeling secure in the sanctuary the two of you have built from ruins. “That’s disgusting.”
Your lips drop open, shock swimming in your eyes, you freeze before a laugh bubbles up in your chest and falls from your lips like a symphony. Wanda laughs along with you, the songs of your joy blending together so perfectly, it was in that moment you couldn’t imagine another night without her.
With trembling hands, you picked up the cup of coffee, not a sugar packet or shot of creamer combined. Nothing but the coffee as itself. Nothing but bitter, almost watery, taste. If you couldn’t be back with her, if you couldn’t look across the table and watch her eyes crease in delight as you assembled a mountain of sugar packets, you didn’t want it. You’d learn to like it back. You’d learn to erase yourself from her.
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wonderingnerd · 2 years
Relationship: Natasha Romanov/reader
TW: hinted mentions of sexual assault and child sexual abuse (not at all in depth, but it is hinted, so stay safe if you’re thinking on reading this)
Natasha knows she is beautiful, she has always known it. It was hard not to know it when this was the one of the only compliments she received growing up. Not that she knew it was a compliment. For her, before leaving the Red Room, ‘beautiful’ was mainly a description of a physical trait, something she wasn’t able to control just as much as she wasn’t able to control the color of her eyes or how red her hair was. It was hard to see ‘beautiful’ as a compliment when that was the reason of why she had adults thirsting over her.
When she finally left the Red Room for her first mission, Natasha began to understand that ‘beautiful’ was a trait people liked. It was a trait people looked for and trusted almost blindly. Specially men. And she started to understand why Madame B talked about her beauty as much as she talked about her skills. Of why she complimented Natasha so much for the stares she received of the men inside the Red Room.
After she defected to SHIELD and even around the Avengers, Natasha began to see her beauty as toxic. For her, it was the same as the amazing glow of radioactive substances — ‘beautiful’ and deadly. Her beauty glowed on her and could — should — warn everyone of her deadliness. Stay back. She is ‘beautiful’. She is deadly.
Unlike her, you are pretty. You have a beauty so different from hers that she can’t think of you as something as toxic as ‘beautiful’. You are pretty, you glow in a non-toxic way, you shine in liveness. You two are opposites in that way and Natasha was afraid you would leave her when you finally realized what her beauty was truly about.
But now, looking at her own sobbing reflection on the elevator chromed door, her hand crouching the sugar packet she got for her coffee, she is trying to understand how you can say she is beautiful and not sound at all as all the other compliments she has always related to ‘beautiful’. She is trying to understand how you can say that as if you are talking about her soul and not about her body. And while you get the hot cup of coffee and destroyed sugar packet from her hands, she finally begins to understand why people think ‘beautiful’ is a compliment. When you hug and hold her as tenderly and you can, when you repeats all the beautiful things you like about her, not fully understanding what triggered her crying but wanting to help nonetheless, Natasha melts and finds ‘beautiful’ a beautiful word for the first time. And, praying that your pretty shine continues to overlight her toxic glow, she finds your lips while you are still speaking ‘beautiful’.
This was a challenge by @vancityfire13 on the @runawayswrite and, against my best judment on how to manage my time, it took me 1.5hour to write, edit and post it. The challenge was “exactly 25 sentences and include 1 of these 3 things: a sugar packet, an elevator or a reflection”. My crazy mind said “lab, are you kicking me? No, we’re gonna focus on this instead of chem rn and yeah, we gonna use the whole prompt even if we could choose only one of those things”. 
I’ll probably post it in ao3 when I have a break from study.
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Sorry! I should have specified. do you have any wanda fic recs? thx
Hmm… I’m sure you’ve read the people’s fics I’ve listed here, but if you haven’t do enjoy.
Healing Hands by @/smalls-words
Green Eyed Monster by @/wellsayhelloaagin
Wanda’s Web by @/cthulhus-curse (so many unique Wanda fics your heart will be fulfilled)
Mentor by @/themidnightcrimson (an amazing 3 parter nsfw fic 🙌🏼)
Illicit Affairs by @/lesbesapphic
Need Your Love by @/mostlymarvelsstuff
Best Friends Wedding by @/lowkeyerror
Weekends at Wanda’s by @/houseofmw
Ride Away With Me by @/vancityfire13
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daddynattt · 2 years
Recs for top!reader and bottom!natasha pleaseeee. Maybe authors or fics?🥺
of course! i tried tagging as much as i could for you but enjoy these bottom nat fics <3 you can check their page/masterlist for other bottom nat ones or just other fics i’m sure they will appreciate the love and support. i hope it’s okay to tag you all so i can give you credit :) i’m putting it in the tag for whoever else is interested as well as these are all amazing reads
this by @loqov
this by @wandasmistress
this by @gaywalker80085
this by @honey-sweet-hiraeth
this by @caffeinated-mess (wandanat tho)
this by @tahliafox
this by @wandasbb
this by @vancityfire13
this by @randomshyperson
this by @cthulhus-curse
this by @scarlet-witxh
this by @twilight-99-tm
this by @bagdaddyb
this by @sapphickorro (it’s basically bottom nat lol)
this by @mostlymarvelsstuff (power bottom reader)
this by @revelinwritin
this by @luthorgarbage
this by @aphrodite-made-me-write-it
this by @wandaromanova
this by @romanoffsbish it’s sad but really good and it’s bottom nat smut so
this is all i have for now :)
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reminiscingtonight · 2 years
tending to your lover’s wound, placing a kiss on top of their head, grateful they’re still alive
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word Count: 533
[100 Kisses Masterlist] // [Main Masterlist]
You’re expecting the knock when you hear it. Natasha simply gives you a look before you’re stepping back.
You stay silent, not saying anything as she settles at the edge of your bed. It isn’t until Natasha gives you a pointed look that you slink back towards the bed. 
After how everything ended the other night, you’re careful not to sit too close to the redhead. But the bed is only so big. And you’re only human.
The second your shoulder brushes Natasha’s, she flinches away. 
You have to fight the urge to pull away yourself.
Natasha opens her mouth, ready to defend herself. You’re already on your feet, pulling out your first aid kit from under the bed.
The no nonsense tone in your voice has Natasha obeying you immediately. 
You have to stop yourself from gawking at the bruises and cuts littering the assassin’s torso. 
“It’s not as bad as it looks.”
You don’t humor Natasha a response. She hisses at the first press of the antibiotic cream against her skin. You simply tsk under your breath, but don’t say anything. 
It had been a bad fight. The two of you said things you shouldn’t have. It ended with Natasha storming out, saying she’d be back when you stopped being a pain in her ass. You simply bit your lip, trying your hardest not to let her see your tears. 
You woke up the next day to find out that Natasha had left for a mission without saying goodbye. 
It stung. In all the years you’ve known the redhead, the two of you never failed to say your goodbyes to the other before leaving for missions. 
The break in tradition should have been the first clue that things weren’t going to go to plan. 
When Natasha missed her return date, Steve had to talk you down from getting on the first plane out to her last known coordinates. 
Four days past her original return date, here she is, cut and bruised, but still intact nevertheless. 
It isn’t until you’re wrapping the last piece of gauze against a particularly harsh gash that Natasha acknowledges what the two of you haven’t addressed yet. 
“I’m sorry.” 
She sounds small, fingers gripping the edge of the mattress as if her life depends on it. 
You simply shake your head, pressing a kiss against her forehead. “You came back. There’s nothing to be sorry for.”
After you’ve put everything away and have climbed back onto the bed next to her, Natasha pulls you into a hug. You’re careful not to put too much weight against her body, but Natasha only tightens her grips against you. 
You’re not sure how long the two of you stay like that, wrapped around each other, laying lightly on top of your sheets. It isn’t until her breath evens out that you let your eyes slip close. 
No, the two of you aren’t on the best of terms right now. But you’ll always be there for her, always love her. 
Tomorrow the two of you can hash out your fight again. Make up or break up. 
But you could rest easy tonight with Natasha safe and back in your arms.
Taglist: @thanksforthelesson, @natashabelovas, @olsensnpm, @invictusbabey, @idek-5, @vancityfire13, @cosmicwidows, @lostandsearching, @xxromanoffxx, @ithoughtyouweresokovian, @3and30aresoultwins, @peabrain112, @wandadarlingg, @wellsayhelloaagin, @useless-nblw, @marvelwomen-simp, @pnsteblnme, @owloftheshadows, @evilcr0ne, @rightwereyouleftme, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx, @gimaximoff, @milfloverslut, @fxckmiup, @froglovemushroom, @karmasgxrl, @thorya22, @natashasilverfox, @pleasantbearscissorstoad
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writing-house-of-m · 2 years
Bend & Snap
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Crack
Warnings: A few sexually suggestive scenes, nothing graphic
Word count: 3,065
Summary: Your date night with Wanda gets interrupted in the strangest way
A/N: This was a collaborative effort between @speciallysapphic , @therunawaykind and myself for a challenge set by @vancityfire13 . I thought it was fun and wanted to share. I hope you all enjoy reading 🙂
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It had been a while since you and Wanda got a chance to spend some time together. So you agreed to a quiet date night in.
Sitting in front of the TV you were nearing the end of the movie you had picked out, dirty dishes placed on the small coffee table in front of the two of you as you snuggled on the sofa. It was your turn to choose a movie this time.
You both agreed that you would take turns choosing the movies you would watch on nights like this. Wanda always opted for classic movies you hadn't seen, while you picked 'iconic' movies Wanda would have missed because of her time through the war.
The night started with taking advantage of the empty compound, spending time cooking your dinner. Music filled the air as you danced around the kitchen together between cutting up vegetables and following Wanda's instructions.
You went along as best you could but not wanting to ruin your meal, you opted to follow her around like a puppy, completing little tasks you could see needed doing.
Throughout the movie Wanda tried to keep making moves to go further than cuddling. You stopped her wandering hands each time telling her to 'watch this part, it's funny' or ‘it’s coming to a good bit'.
She always found it endearing how you wanted to share the joy of watching movies together. It was one of the things she loved about you.
Now that the credits were about to roll Wanda seized the opportunity to pounce on you. She straddled your hips and began to desperately kiss you.
When air was needed she rested her forehead against yours, inhaling then letting out a breath, "I thought the movie was never going to end."
You furrow your eyebrows as you pull your head back to ask, "You didn't like it?"
Looking at your expression she can't help but find your pout cute, "I did like it, it was funny and definitely iconic," she answers.
Your face brightens but she continues as her hands move from around your neck down your body, "I just had something else on my mind," she says, biting her bottom lip and placing her hands under your shirt.
With your lips attached again, you waste no time in lifting her slightly to lay her on her back on the sofa and get comfortable on top of her.
Before you can even think about removing her shirt you hear the loud, excited voices of a few people approaching the seating area you were in.
You recognise the voices belonging to Steve and Thor. Even though you don’t hear them you know Scott and Vision will also be present because they were assigned on the same mission.
Feeling annoyed is an understatement because you really didn't think anyone would be back today. Before you get caught like a couple of school kids, the two of you sit up, fix your hair and clothes so you are presentable for your oncoming intruders.
As they enter the vicinity Scott notices the clutter of dishes and the movie credits rolling. The other men and the android turn their attention to you too once they are made aware of your presence when he asks, “You guys had a party without us?” His face, slightly sad.
But the question adds to your annoyance because intruding was one thing but him not realising he had walked in on your date was another. “Yeah, Scott. We had a party. Just the two of us.” You smile sarcastically at the man putting his helmet down on one of the empty sofas.
When he realises your tone he squints his eyes at you, “You know, it’s not your words that hurt, it’s the way you say them,” he says as if he is wounded. You roll your eyes and sit more comfortably, wrapping an arm around your girlfriend.
The ‘wounded’ man, getting over it quickly, asks, "What were you watching?"
Wanda leans into your embrace, "Legally Blonde," she replies for you, to avoid any cynical answers.
Scott's face lights up, "Oh, I love that movie. You really couldn't have waited for us to come back?"
You roll your eyes again and are about to say something but Steve is quicker, “Yeah, a relaxing movie would be nice after the 48 hours we just had," he states, joining the conversation.
Thor gets everyone's heads turning toward him as he walks closer to where the five of you are, beer in hand, “It was a long 48 hours indeed, but we were victorious in the end,” he smiles, proudly.
It’s silent for a moment before Scott speaks again, disregarding Thor’s comment and moving his gaze to Steve, "There's nothing relaxing about Elle Woods trying to get into Harvard, defying stereotypes, getting the man of her dreams back. On top of that she deals with sexism and her self-worth."
Thor, still with a bright smile on his face, says, "Ah yes, there is nothing more important than a woman getting the education she deserves."
To which Steve chuckles along with Wanda. You notice Vision standing on the side, looking like he is trying to compute the plot of the movie.
Scott, once again disregards Thor’s comment and continues, "It has so many iconic moments; 'What? Like it's hard?',” he quotes putting his hand on his hip as he pops it out for emphasis. "And using her hair care knowledge to her advantage! Who knew the girl would get caught because she got her hair done!"
Wanda giggles at the ant man’s enthusiasm while you sit there impassively watching him, still feeling a little irritated. You can’t help but wonder if you can sneak the two of you out while Scott has the attention of the room.
Your plan is foiled when Natasha, Sam, Bucky and Tony enter, the attention moving to them momentarily as they walk closer.
It really is a party now.
Nat raises an eyebrow assessing the crowd in the area, she smirks when she sees your displeased expression. You had already spoken to her about the fact you were finally going to get some alone time with Wanda - it was clear your time was cut short.
Everyone moves their heads in the direction of Scott as he gasps loudly, "The 'Bend and Snap'!” He exclaims, “How could I forget about the 'Bend and Snap'?!"
Steve, Thor, Vision and Bucky look at him confused, as Nat looks in your direction, “Legally Blonde?” She asks so you nod your head with Wanda nodding along, thinking the question was for her.
The new patrons to the room take seats in various places, when Vision questions, “The Bend and Snap?" You hear Sam laugh at the serious demeanour Vision has.
Nat stands with her arms crossed and everyone else listens from their seats as Scott explains, it's how Elle Woods gets a man's attention. Taking a couple of steps away from the couch he shows them how it's done.
Taking out a small disc from his pocket, he cautions everyone that it is safe. But from the look on the faces no one was worried to begin with.
The group have always been in agreement that Scott was the least worrying hero, the only reason he is on the team is because enemies don’t see him as much of a threat and that gives him the advantage to blindside them.
He’s about to start explaining when you all hear a commotion coming from the direction of the hanger. A moment later you all see the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy enter.
You let out an annoyed sigh watching them stampede their way to you greeting their comrades.
The red headed spy laughs at your exasperation, you can't help but wonder why everyone has chosen today of all days to show up.
When Peter asks what’s going on, he’s shushed and told to take a seat as they all sit and stand around joining the teaching moment.
When everyone is settled down, Scott continues, “First you need an item, it can be anything at all. You drop it,” he shows the item in his hand and drops it exaggeratedly, “Oh,” he giggles putting a hand to his mouth, his voice an octave higher, “Oops,” he smiles shyly, keeping up the act.
Returning to his normal voice, “Then you bend and reach for the item, like so,” he hinges forward at the waist, simultaneously sliding his hand down his leg, explaining the movement draws attention to the length of your legs.
“The whole point is to take your time, to keep the watcher on edge,” he wiggles his eyebrows and says this is the ‘bend’ portion of the manoeuvre.
“Once you have the item in hand, you quickly,” as he grabs the metallic disc he springs up positioning either hand to the sides of his chest, framing it while arching his back. Explaining this is the ‘snap’.
There is a round of applause mixed with some laughs as Scott bows to his audience.
Thor’s mouth hangs open slightly, intrigued and can't help asking, "So… if I do this it will get the attention of a woman."
Sam and Tony laugh together, “It will definitely get some attention!” Sam exclaims.
You join in with Wanda’s laughter, unable to get over how ridiculous this all has gotten.
Thor and Peter step forward to Scott with a few questions, wanting to go through the actions with him.
“I’ll need a volunteer to show you one more time,” he looks around and sees Captain America looking hesitant to ask so he does it for him. "What about you Cap? You wanna give it a shot?"
Steve glances over to the seats and sees Bucky looking over. He smiles and blushes but says he'll try, purposely moving to angle himself right so that the Winter Soldier will get a clear view of America's ass as he 'bends'.
Scott goes through the moves step by step using the American icon as a test dummy with Bucky’s eyes never leaving his figure. When he bends forward, Scott places a hand on Steve's back to get him to bend over a little more, much to Bucky’s satisfaction.
Steve’s movements are stiff but he manages to get through it getting a pat on the back from Thor as he tries to make eye contact with Bucky when he’s standing straight again.
Everyone else is too busy conversing or watching Thor’s attempts on the side to see the hungry eyes of the Winter Soldier, making you want to throw up. All those times Bucky has called Steve ‘Captain’ coming to the forefront of your mind.
You choke on nothing when Bucky signals toward the elevator as he stands to leave, while everyone is distracted Steve follows his path.
Wanda makes sure you are okay by rubbing your back. When your coughing stops, “It’s so nice seeing everyone together, it would be better if the rest were here too,” she says, which you can't help but smile at.
These people have become her family, it was one of the first things she confided in you. As if by magic Wanda gets her wish when you feel a gush of wind fly past you. Pietro stops next to Nat and shouts across the room adding to the chaos and noise, “I told you, even with a five minute head start I’d still win!”
You turn your head, you see, Yelena, Kate, Kamala, Peter (Parker) and America enter with Bruce trailing in just after them.
Thor’s boisterous laugh has you looking at the original group that ruined your night. Scott congratulates him for getting it correct and complimenting his arms being bigger than Steve’s. Thor is beaming, "I can't wait to try this on Jane, she will be so impressed."
Vision steps past Peter (Quill), who is showing Gamora the move, speaking quietly to Scott while looking sheepish. You swear you see him blush when he makes eye contact with Pietro, not realising the action was possible for the literal machine. He stutters his question asking Scott if he could help him next.
Nat told you he had a thing for Wanda’s twin but you didn't believe it. It really was a ‘you have to see it to believe it’ kind of thing.
Vision thinks he is quiet but everyone hears the final words come out of his mouth, “I just don’t think it’s appropriate in front of my daddies.”
A sheet of quiet takes over the room that feels like it lasts forever, jaws hanging open trying to fathom what they have just heard. Sam laughs first with the rest soon following.
They realise what Vision meant so fingers are pointed at Tony, Bruce and Thor with howling laughter taking over the room.
While Tony and Bruce want to sink into the floor Thor smiles not really understanding the joke. With Vision in the same boat he looks around not really caring and looking back to Scott with quizzical eyes.
You hear Mantis whisper beside you, “How many daddies does he have?” Making you feel bile creep up your throat again.
Before Scott can answer the android, Pietro cuts in and tells him he would show him himself but in a private setting, flirtatiously.
First you had to witness Bucky and Steve’s bedroom eyes. Now this, the world really was against you today.
Nat smiles as she sees her wife walk in and make her way to her. They greet each other with a kiss and she catches Maria up with what has been going on. She scoffs at the absurdity of it all and confirms they will have dinner in a few hours.
Their attention gets turned to Sam who asks if Nat will be a judge on who can do the ‘Bend and Snap’ the best. Scott takes offence saying he was right there, wanting to be the one to do the judging.
Wanda realises you have been quiet for a bit too long, “Hey, should we continue our date in our room?” She says lowly to you.
“You don’t want to stick around a little longer while everyone is here?” You reply with your own question.
“I think this whole thing has been enough for a little while,” she laughs, making you smile.
She takes your hand as she leads you away, the loud noise of the contest being sorted getting quieter the further you walk away.
You get in the elevator and are making your way up when it comes to an abrupt stop as the building shakes.
There’s a loud sound from something followed by the alarms going off.
The muffled sounds of Scott trying to defend himself, “I thought it was a shrinking disc!” Make their way through the walls of your location.
Sighing, you ask Friday what happened, “It looks like a sofa has been supersized and crashed through several walls.”
“So, how long are we stuck here?” Wanda asks for you. The only reply you get from the automated voice is that help will be on its way as soon as possible. Wanda doesn't want to risk using her powers in case something comes crashing down on the two of you.
It doesn't take long for you to get freed. You make your way back to the seating area due to the fact the oversized sofa is partly in your room.
You can’t believe your eyes. In the fifteen minutes you spent trapped in the elevator they have managed to set up a makeshift catwalk complete with a judging table, scoring cards and everyone has an assigned number stuck to their backs.
Noticing Steve and Bucky, you realise the early leavers from before have returned to take part in this little competition too.
When you make it to Nat and Scott at the judging section they explain one of his discs hit the sofa as they were trying to move it out of the way. “We still need one more judge, unless you want to compete,” Natasha quips.
You’re about to reply saying there was no way you were going to entertain the idea of you doing the ‘bend and snap’ but Wanda answers first, “I wouldn’t mind walking down a runway for you to judge me,” she smiles at you, biting her lip.
You smirk at her, “I think I already know the score I’m going to give you,” you give her a peck on the cheek. “You still have to work for it though, I can’t have anyone thinking I have a favorite,” you lower your voice to a whisper just for her to hear.
The competition starts when Nat announces contestant number one can begin and of course it is a loud fiasco.
With music blaring, it goes exactly how you would have expected something like this to go.
America and Kamala fall over their own feet in their collaborative effort, the two Peters decide to team up (two Peters are better than one they said) and have a wardrobe malfunction when webs attach themselves to Starlords pants pulling them down, Kate pushing Yelena forward to not do anything at the end of the runway but give her sister the middle finger when she catches her sister laughing at her.
Tony even managed to get Pepper to walk down with him as she awkwardly stood to the side while he picked up his glasses from the ground. Shaking his butt in her direction just to see her blush.
Drax, thinking it was a talent show, moves as slow as possible showing he can be invisible.
What’s even crazier is that Vision completing the action snaps the wrong thing because he short circuits and gets stuck. Pietro has to take him to Tony’s lab with Tony following behind him to get the android fixed.
When Wanda inevitably wins everyone has something to say about it. “An infinite amount of points isn’t fair!” You hear a variation of this same statement from a few contestants and you only have one reply, “Maybe you should find your own judge to sleep with,” you laugh heartily at your own joke.
Even though the night didn’t go as you hoped, you still had a pretty good time.
You are especially happy with the way Wanda was smiling and enjoying herself.
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lesbian-dp · 2 years
The Morning After
Kinktober 2022
Day Twenty-Five
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Words: 595
Warnings: Moring sex, hungover sex, cockwarming, talks of underage drinking, strap on (duh)
Request: Nope.
Summary: The morning after the frat party, you wake up beside Natasha, only to repeat the actions the day before.
A/N: This is a part two of ‘Thigh Mega Tampon’.
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(Not my pics)
18+ ONLY
You awoke the next day, in the late morning, with a sickly headache, thanks to your hangover.
You hadn't even opened your eyes yet, but still, the sun blazing through your uncovered window glared into the lids of your eyes.
With a scrunched-up face, you turned it away, letting out a whimpered groan deep in your chest. Yet you heard another sound, mimicking yours, from the space beside you on the bed.
Ripping your eyes open, you fought against the blaring sun to peer at the body beside yours. Spotting the beautiful -and naked- red-head you had spent the night with prior, out in the backyard of the frat house of 'Kappa Beta Gamma'. The woman whose name you found out was Natasha.
"Your head feel like it's gonna fall off too?"
She groaned softly once more, easing her eyes open, barely, turning to peer at you over her shoulder, "How could I have a hangover this bad. I don't remember drinking this much."
"Maybe we just forgot pounding a full bottle of vodka. Each."
Natasha 'humphed' softly, turning back to snuggle into the pillow, hoping to sleep the hangover off. However, as soon as she shifted around, trying to get comfortable when she gasped suddenly.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" you asked worriedly, hand sliding down to her hip, hovering over the red-head's shoulder, evaluating her expression for any signs of pain.
Her green eyes connected with yours, letting you watch as her pupils expanded and her breath shallowed.
You were confused by her reaction, curious as to what was running through her mind, along with the worry you still felt for her. That was until you gasped yourself.
All thanks to Natasha rolling her hips back into yours, and the realization dawned on you.
The strap you had worn last night to fuck the beautiful girl was still secured around your hips and deep within her.
"Jesus Christ," you whispered, leaning down to push your face into her neck, "You want it even now?"
"Can you blame me? I think sex would make me feel a lot better."
With a hum, she reached back to thread her fingers into your hair as you mouthed at her neck, learning nips and wet kisses across the area. Holding her hip as you began thrusting into her from behind.
"I just think you're insatiable," you chuckled into her neck.
Sliding your arm under the red-head's body, your free hand, the girl folded her fingers between yours before you pulled your entwined hands to her abdomen. While your other slid around to play with her throbbing clit. Still able to use your grip on her to pull her down against your thrusts.
"Oh God, Y/N."
"Fuck, I love it when you moan my name."
With a giggle, Natasha replied, "Maybe next time I'll let you film it, so you can hear it whenever you want."
You grunted, pounding into her harder in reaction, spurring on her orgasm. With her cry of your name, your head throbbed painfully, reminding you of your hangover, bringing on a light ringing in your ears.
Natasha panted against your lips, pressing hisses onto your lips, no less passionate to the last. With her nose brushing against yours, she whispered, "I don't want you to be just a one-night stand."
"I could tell that from the whole filming you thing," you joked. Another kiss to her lips, "But I feel the same way."
With that, and her smile, sealed the deal for your coming years at the university.
... and perhaps there after.
Permanent Taglist:
@imnotasuperhero, @veteranwerewolf95, @marvelfansince08love, @higherfurther-romanova, @lesbian-x-blackwidow, @sestra-inestro, @thelastavenger-3000, @mixed-fandom-mess, @wannabe-fic-reader, @vancityfire13, @wouldirunofftheworldsomeday, @007giu, @fayhar, @xxromanoffxx, @poptartpoppyy, @wlwfanfictionss, @diaryoflife, @pointconji, @readings-stuff, @tokyo-liv, @imadethisblogbecauseiamasimp, @natashaownsmyheart, @marrymemcgrath, @scorpiosloveletter, @idkevenfuckenknow, @wandanatfan, @izalesbean, @iblameitonclint, @bizarrealex, @lorsstar1st, @bak3rio, @heybitches-amirightbitches​, @lokisjuicyass, @marie-yt-blog, @mrswandaromanoff, @red1culous, @justyourwritter69
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missmonsters2 · 2 years
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Little jars of happiness 🫶
No pressure tags: @empyreanwritings @robiin-buckley @lesbian-deadpool @thewitchandtheassassin @i984 @vorsdany @randomshyperson @red1culous @reminiscingtonight @vancityfire13 @family-house-of-m @wellsayhelloaagin
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
2022 Fic Recs!
Hey everyone! It’s almost 2023 (or is depending on your time zone), so I wanted to give a shoutout to a few writers who have written some of my favorite fics this year! You’ll find them under the cut. Happy New Year!
A+ @wandasbb My best pal wrote this very sweet fic for me after I finished my first semester of grad school. Everyone check out Ria’s amazing work!
Thanksgiving @themidnightcrimson I love love this fic. Crimsie is my soul connection fr. Check out all of her work!
Chin Up @vancityfire13 This is one of my favorite Natasha fics of all time. Every single fic by Jo is amazing. Check them out!
Mini Amy March @yelenasdiary The cutest Florence Pugh fic. I love it!
The Lunch Date @gracebutnotgraceful Obsessed with this Roy Kent fic. All of Grace’s Ted fics are amazing. Check her out!
Flatline AU @overtherambeau My favorite au of all time! Ash knows exactly how to write the drama. The sequel is starting to come out as well. Check them out!
Making Amends @maximotts The epic conclusion to an amazing series! I love love love PH. Motts is the best writer here fr. Y’all check her out!
Back in her Arms @alotofpockets So so many good fics! This one of my faves but there are so many amazing ones.
Cheater Cheater (Pumpkin Eater) @maximoffwitch This one is super duper cute! I love me some Natasha
This Is Heaven @lightupthemoon Kate Bishop, my love! Check out all of her fics for so much goodness!
And there are so so many more! It was a great year for fics. Happy New Year once again!
Love, Chloe
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