tricksterrune · 10 months
FlashRoguesAdvent Calendar: Day 4
(I switched with @nogloryart don't be confused)
Fic: Worth it
Author: tricksterrune/therune (AO3 upload later)
Fandom: Flash Rogues
Rating: G
Warnings: none
To say that Gambi was about to make a killing was a slight understatement. The Rogues were valued customers, not just for their vast quantities in cash, absolute discretion and willingness to do some favors now and then. He plainly liked them. Some of his fondest memories were the poker games in his backroom while he sat out individual rounds to sew, little Tony was treated good-naturedly as a good luck token and inevitably the people who had run out of money first (usually Mark and Roy) or were banned for cheating (Digger, Piper and James, if James was in a mood to get caught) would keep him company.
But the cash absolutely was a great bonus and when Mick asked him first for a winter outfit, he thought nothing of it – he adapted Len’s measurements and added orange stripes for good measure.
Everyone knew that Mick was not fond of the cold.
Then Mark came and asked for something cold-resistant, yet stylish. Still, that man was subjected to (or rather subjected himself) to extreme temperatures and it made sense to have a suit particularly suited to blizzard conditions. He made that one with green lightning bolts and only let go of it when he made the man promise to tell him if he was planning on creating a sudden snowstorm in Central. Again.
Gambi counted the bills and was content.
His suspicons were not only raised, they shot up like a rocket when Digger asked for something snow-proof. Sure, he claimed that as an Aussie he was unused to the Midwestern climate, but he’d been living there for years and had, like Gambi, been witness to not one but two of Mark’s impromptu blizzards. Nevertheless, he made a suit for Digger, but adjusted the price. Mamma Gambi hadn’t raised an idiot and he felt vindicated when Roy and Sam came by almost at the same time. He was arguing with Sam over the color choices (Gambi usually offered no input when it came to their ‘business’ outfits, that was their prerogative, but this could be a lucrative venue and he didn’t want his potential advertisement walking around like a color clashing nightmare) when Roy came in. Both men grimaced when they saw each other. They offered polite if incredibly stilted conversation, sizing each other up like a pack of hyenas. Sam couldn’t leave early enough and now Gambi only had to listen to Roy’s fake excuse for needing a snowsuit before agreeing to make him one.
Piper and James came into the store together. If Gambi hadn’t known before that something was in the works, he would have then. Both were wired, their jerky movements speaking of too little sleep and too much caffeine. Piper gave him a line about needing a suit for a potential ski trip to Aspen, yet insisted on having a stocking cap like his usual suit, only warmer. James only gave him a knowing look, he wasn’t even going to pretend that he wasn’t planning something. Gambi left Piper in the corner, scribbling an equation on a take out menu he’d taken from his pocket.
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” he asked James.
James merely gave him a wide grin and a cheerful “nope” before asking for some discreet modifications to his gaudy suit. (Gambi had never bothered to advice him on color choices, it was beyond pointless).
They left, James steering Piper by holding onto his elbow and pulling him away from other people and a lamp post, both chatting eagerly and bursting out into giggles.
Only Lisa and Roscoe were missing but Gambi didn’t know if they were going to show. Roscoe sometimes rejected their more juvenile schemes on principle and Lisa declined to join pure ‘boys’ club’ activities. But they both arrived together, one looking more determined than the other. Both were fiercely competitive and Gambi didn’t know which one was worse in that regard than the other.
He only nodded when they ordered their respective snow suits. Roscoe insisted on maximum flexibility and Lisa unhindered access to her skates. Usually that spelled a special heist of some kind, but then they’d all be ordering together.
This was something else.
The clearing was pristine, snow completely untouched. They stepped out of the mirror portal, only to immediately sink knee deep into the fine white powder.
“Breathe it in, that’s what air is supposed to smell like,” Mick invited them and eagerly drew air into his lungs.
“The world lost a fine lumberjack when you decided to become a criminal,” Lisa mocked.
“I would rock the hell out of flannel, jeans and an ax,” he replied.
“I think the rugged outdoors look was more Len’s preference,” Roscoe began, “he surely smells like-”
Len stepped on his foot and they began shoving each other like a pair of overgrown toddlers.
“Gents, are we bickering or are we battling?” Digger broke them up.
“Battle!” Mark shouted and repeated it until most of them had joined his chant.
Roy walked a circle in the middle of the clearing and drew 5 lines outward in equal distances. “Directions are clear!” he announced.
He used a stick the draw numbers from 1 until 5 next to the lines.
Mark produced a die from his pocket but before he could roll it Digger snatched it up.
“Just to make sure it’s not been tampered with,” he declared grinning, drew a thick brochure from his pocket and rolled the die on it a few times.
Sam hemmed and hawed. “The 4 came up three times,” he complained.
“That’s how probability works,” Piper started to launch into a rant but was stopped when Mick picked up the die and just bellowed “Len, we’re up,” and rolled a 4. Both walked to their number.
“That’s not fair,” Sam started to comment when Mark snatched back his die and rolled it. “1! Yes! Roy, let’s go!”
The others followed suit and soon were standing at their numbers.
“At the first signal, run. And at the second…..hunt!” Roy reminded them, a bit too eagerly. He took out a whistle and blew into it once.
All of the Rogues took off in their directions, cackling and then shushing each other in equal measures.
While each team had their strategy, Mark and Roy almost immediately halted and began forming snowballs.
“3 more minutes,” Roy reminded his team mate as they piled their snowballs higher and higher.
However, not even a full minutes later, another whistle sounded twice.
“They’re cheating!” Roy huffed indignantly, “that’s not my signal.”
“We’re planning on cheating too,” Mark reminded him and swung the wand as snow began to fall. Roy grinned.
Len and Mick sat in a small tent they had erected in record time.
Mick passed him a steaming thermos mug.
“Here’s to waiting it out and dealing with the remainder only,” Len toasted and both clinked their mugs together.
Digger was finished with setting up his traps when Sam pulled a rope tight shortly above the floor and covered it with snow. “That’s not a proper trip wire,” he complained but Sam shrugged him off. “What’s good enough for Empire strikes back, is good enough for me.”
Lisa hadn’t waited for the second signal, she’d veered off to the left after maybe 5 minutes, eager to hunt down their neighbors. Roscoe had no choice but to follow.
James had won over Piper a tad too easily when he had first proposed his idea. It was about creativity, one could hardly call that cheating he had reasoned. And so Piper had constructed both a silence generator and a sonic shovel. Unheard he’d dug an impressive hole. James had given him a white tarp that by all means shouldn’t have fit into his suit and gone to work on forming snowballs in duck shape. He could have bought one of those in a shop, but then the ducks wouldn’t be over a foot tall.
In the end, the confrontations proved to be short if sometimes a bit brutal.
Lisa tackled her brother into the snow before he had a chance to put down his mug, but even Roscoe and his impressive shoulder width were no match for Mick’s strength and he sat on him until Roscoe gave up. Then, again a cheating move, Lisa and Mick decided to team up and let their former team mates behind.
Roscoe told Len that alcohol in freezing temperatures was a bad idea but when Len had asked if that means that he didn’t want some, he shut up and accepted his mug.
Roy and Mark thought the cover of a localized snow cloud would protect them but ran afoul of the traps by Sam and Digger. They however, couldn’t enjoy their victory as Lisa and Mick ambushed them now that they had run out of traps.
Lisa followed the trail of snow ducks, marvelling at their increasing size. She saw too late that one of the ducks turned its head as she passed it. James dragged her into the ground and covered her in snow. Mick had heard that commotion and ran over. James immediately took off, Mick hot in pursuit. Scooping the snow off of her, Lisa noticed something and shouted for Mick to wait but it was too late.
Mick fell into the hole that James had run across unharmed.
“You idiot! Didn’t you notice that he walked in the snow, not above it? Of course he was planning something!”
James’ victory however was short lived, as Piper played a note on his whistle and all the snow of the tree he’d hidden under fell in a single second.
Wet, cold, snow in unusual places, they all walked back to the clearing.
Begrudgingly Lisa shoved a small plastic figurine of a yeti at Piper.
“I’ll get you for this next year,” she promised before hitting him on the shoulder as she went into the portal.
“I’m not sure this victory was worth it,” Mark told him as he went in.
On the other side a roaring fire greeted them, several bottles of punch and an entire pallet of ginger bread and cookies. They settled down, each boasting about their strategy, their actions and what they’d learned. As they passed round the mugs and plates of cookies, Piper smiled. Absolutely worth it.
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secondarythings · 9 months
Next chapter of my Ghoap dogshifter!ghost au where not even Ghost knows that he's the dog
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ellenchain · 2 years
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"Good morning, 47"
Lucas trying to make up for what he did the other day 😌
... by being naked and 47 enjoys it this time [Hitmas 2022 Outfits by therune]
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parkjiminsmumy · 1 year
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Is it just me and my empathic senses or...
Because I feel this era,the era with that jimin hair ☝️,there was something going on with jikook,some sort of a time out, misunderstanding or just something off,in about 3 times including the "take two" live I've seen jimin when he was sporting that look, he looked kinda sad or passive aggressive, especially during the vlive when he asked Jk what was his reply to the fan who asked him to marry him,and during therun bts soapy hand ball game on the first part,I swear I just feel like there was something and jk also looked defensive, unapologetic but also had this longing aura to him, idk guys I just don't know how to explain idk if Iam even making sense ,am I making sense?
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505-angel-company · 2 years
THIS IS: The 505 Angel Company
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by The 505 Medical Corp.
𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝙰𝚒𝚍 / 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚞𝚎 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚌𝚎
The 505 Angel Company is a company of Clone Troopers that specialize in mercy missions, rescue missions, missions that involve providing extra support to their clone brothers that are in need to aid; though, on very rare occasions, they do participate in stealth missions from time to time.
But just because they play the role of support, the 505 Angel Company have a few squads of clones that were skilled in the art of combat.
The 505 Angel Company is led by Madam Rui Rai’eth, who made a (temporary) return to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant due to wanting to uphold her duty of caring for the padawan Lae Haxxar, alongside her apprentice Therun. This decision was also because Therun would refuse to return to the battlefield while the number of active Jedi Generals were running thin, and Lae Haxxar wanted to help, but was without the guidance of a master alongside her on the field.
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Madam Rui Rai’eth would mostly spend her time on her Jedi Cruiser or an accompanying medical frigate that belonged to the 505 Angel Company. She would tend to the wounded if she wasn’t protecting her fleet that would come under fire from those that don’t seem to have a problem with attacking hospitalized troops.
As for Commander Lae Haxxar, she would lead on-ground troops to either carry out mercy missions or to support other men that needed emergency aid during battle. One such team she would be quite familiar with was known as “GEMINI SQUAD”.
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The Gemini Squad would be known for their tight-knit brotherly bond, they were created in a similar timeframe, on the same day, some of them were even next to each other in their growth tubes; all except for the one named “James”, due to the fact that he was a part of a different batch but got transferred. It’s a bit of a miracle how they got put into the same squad.
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Aside from the ground squad, there would also be a formidable airborne squad that acted as some sort of extension of the Gemini Squad, thus they would adopt the same squad name.
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Aside from providing aid to other Republic Fleets, they would also be responsible for defending the medical frigate under Madam Rai’eth’s overseeing.
CREATED BY: https://www.deviantart.com/smacksart
Dividers/Headers are found on Pinterest and Tumblr.
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out-of-his-great-love · 11 months
music tag game 📻
13 songs i’ve been listening to lately (in no particular order)
1. Revival Broke Out- Gaither Vocal Band
2. Nobody- Casting Crows, CAIN
3. Rise Up (Lazarus) - Gaither Vocal Band, CAIN
4. Chain Breaker- Zach Williams
5. Shine (Darker The Night, Brighter The Light) - Gaither Vocal Band
6. Jesus, Hold My Hand - GVB, Taranda Greene
7. Nothing But Good - The Isaacs
8. Ain't No Grave (Gonna Hold My Body Down) - The Isaacs
9. If You Believe- Vickie Winans
10. Baptized- Zach Williams
11. You Can't Take My Joy- The Isaacs
12. The Devil is On TheRun - Casting Crowns
13. So High- The Martins
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hitmanfanfics · 1 year
Chapter Update!
therune posted a new chapter of A Matter of Origin (2894 words):
Chapter 2 (1486 words) by therune
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Hitman (Video Games) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Agent 47 & Lucas Grey Characters: Agent 47 (Hitman), Lucas Grey, Carlton Smith Additional Tags: Funny, Humor Series: Part 7 of Hitman Assignments
“Holy hell!” Smith exclaimed as 47 and Lucas dragged the bodies inside the office. “There's two of you?"
Once again, Agent Smith is found captured. 47, as usual, rescues him but this time 47 is not alone. Agent Smith had always thought that 47 was unique, but his companion seems to be his match. But where do they come from?
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whitenights-world · 1 year
“Hije… jo! - por një grue/ me ftyrë të zbetë edhe me sy/ të zez si jeta e saj,/ me buz të vyshkuna në vaj,/ me plagë në gjoks e stolisun/ me veshje dhe me shpirt të grisun,/“
“një jetë e fikun, një jetë e shterun,/ shpirt i molisun, zemër e therun,/ një za vorri, një jehonë/“
Baladë qytetse, Migjeni
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What now?
by therune
from the OFMD kinkeme original prompt: Ed hears that Stede has died, and is distraught. He turns to Izzy for support and they end up having sex, it's not the type of sex Izzy was expecting, it's gentle and comforting, but that is what Ed needs. This turns out to be more than just a one time thing, and they end up sleeping together for weeks (or months), and they become really close. But, then Stede returns, and everything very complicated. https://ift.tt/OCUaSJd
Mine is more like "Izzy gets a clue, which makes Ed get a clue, which makes both realize just how terrible they've been for each other and it gets worse before it gets better." (I haven't actually gotten to the prompt itself, I have 7 chapters of build up)
Words: 727, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 9 of OFMD Fics
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Israel Hands
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Israel Hands
Additional Tags: Abusive Relationships, Dysfunctional Relationships, Mental Health Issues, Healing, Self-Acceptance, Self-Esteem Issues, Self-Discovery, Pining, Israel Hands Needs a Hug, Israel Hands is Bad at Feelings, but he is getting better
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44813026
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ivsentertainment · 2 years
Me daasa mage pinwanthai therune dan thamai.// (Cover song) Artist-H.R.J...
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storeshopping · 2 years
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Today's Top deals | 1. Domino Theory: A Dystopian Saga 2. LEVOIT Air Purifiers for Home Large Room 3. THERUN 2 in-1 Under Desk Treadmill 4. BalanceFrom High-Density Treadmill Exercise Bike Equipment Mat
Today's Top deals
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secondarythings · 2 years
This is the "47 puts out clothing for Lucas to wear" fic. It takes Lucas months to catch onto a relatively simple concept.
for @ellenchain, enjoy!
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ellenchain · 1 year
I love your 47/Lucas fics! Do you have recommendations for other fics involving them?
Aww thank you so much! ❤️ I'm always happy to hear someone enjoys my brain juice 🥺
As Grey47 is an absolute rare pair, there are only 36 works in total 😔 Though I can recommend the following authors who I have always enjoyed reading:
But actually all of the fics are very nicely written! Unfortunately some only very short, but better than nothing 🥳
This fandom is small but but wonderfully resistant to canon (in like - Lucas is happy and alive) ❤️
There are 65 works if you are also interested in the two interacting as brothers/friends and not necessarily as lovers: ▶️ Agent 47 & Lucas Grey
Fic recommendations are always welcome!!
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blogsweetcaroline · 5 years
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Wait... you’re telling me you DON’T spend your Friday nights studying diarrhea? 💩 Only 4 more days of class until finals! #theruns #therapeutics #paschool #physicianassistantschool (at Stone Family Center For Health Sciences) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5MGJyWAt0Uy-We23J21DIiFatpEvHMVGyfdUc0/?igshid=lvdkjyu7blvb
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505-angel-company · 2 years
—《 therun。 》
he who hath persevered
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❝ in patience , everything will unfold ❞
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—• general information
aliases — “the gardener” , “that creepy librarian”
class — jedi knight (previously consular)
gender — male
pronouns — he/him, they/them, it/it’s
sexuality — asexual, aromantic
birthplace — utapau
species — pau’an
language(s) — basic, huttese
voice — sam witwer (similar to darth maul’s voice, but a little calm and friendlier)
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—• physical information
height — 6’4”, 193cm
weight — 176lbs, 80kg
facial construct — chiseled, sharp jawline
body type — thin, lean
skin — grey, vertical line textures
eyes — yellow with hints of red
hair — none
scars — exposed skull with cracks, the rest of his scars are hidden under his cloak
markings — red upside down triangle under his right eye
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❝ stop and listen — can you hear it?
the whispers of the force ❞
—• personality
general — normally, he is a quiet and reserved man that often does not have much to say. though he might come off as distant, he is still kind and will help those who need guidance.
with strangers — he tends to speak in short sentences, some might find him vague or cryptic; but he’s just shy.
with colleagues — he does his best to be cooperative and patient, he tries to be efficient but his methods often tend to resolve matters at the last minute.
with friends — he may be more talkative around friends than with others, engaging in small talk instead of being silent. but he is sure not to reveal his weaknesses.
with close friends — he is often aware of who he is able to trust, thus limiting his amount of close friends to only a handful. he knows that he can be vulnerable around them — even so, he can still be cryptic with his troubles.
with enemies — typically, he holds no grudges nor hate in his heart for it is the jedi way. however, he tries his best to avoid any contact with his enemies, and tries to keep any mentions or thoughts of such enemies away.
favorite thing(s) — knowledge, nature
hobby(ies) — indulges himself in reading and gardening
habits — daydreaming, being aloof, accidentally ignoring others
fears — he fears that one day the garden will burn
triggers — implications of bringing him into battle, especially with a sith assassin
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❝ weapons do not make strength ❞
—• weapon(s)&equipment
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name — the balance
description — a long pike-like weapon with a hard, wooden shell that had complex designs carved into it. within the shell was a complex mechanical skeleton that forged what would be a lightsaber; over the years it would be modified to be much longer. the tip of the pike had a vent that guided the energy of the kyber crystal to ignite into a blade that would be as long as one’s forearm.
aside from the pike, there would be a different vent that would guide the energy of the kyber crystal into forming a curved blade, transforming the pike into a scythe.
the color of the blade is said to be blue, but when ignited within the sacred garden, it looks to be pure white
name — the edge
description — similar to a wakizashi (a backup or auxiliary blade the samurai used), it is a lightsaber that was shorter than an average blade. decorated with smooth and elegant metal plating with mesmerizing patterns forged within the metal (damascus effect), and a comfortable, hand woven hilt grip.
like the balance, the color of the blade is said to be blue, but when ignited within the sacred garden, it looks to be pure white
—• attributes&skills
strength — 15/20, physical strength is not his forte, but he proves to be quite strong
dexterity — 14/20, though tall with a bit of a large stature, he can be nimble
wisdom — 18/20, while wise, there is still greater wisdom to be achieved
charisma — 9/20, while he has his own charm, it isn’t necessarily his intention. this is due to his mysterious exterior
intelligence — 18/20, he has spent a great deal of time studying, but perhaps there is still more to learn
constitution — 9/10, despite his skills, he can prove to be quite frail due to continued endurance of his wounds
computer use — 5/20, he knows the basics but that’s just it
demolitions — 2/20, he has no experience in demolitions
stealth — 10/20, he can do his best to be stealthy, but he often has no reason to do so
awareness — 17/20, through the force, he may be able to be aware of his surroundings better than the average person
persuade — 13/20, through his wisdom and what charisma he has, sometimes he may be able to persuade others
repair — 10/20, he has limited knowledge regarding technology, but is nevertheless able to make simple repairs
security — 8/20, has limited knowledge on cracking down security measures
treat injury — 18/20, specializes in healing through both the force and modern medicine, has significant knowledge in the field
—• abilities
combat form(s) — soresu(form iii), niman(form vi), tràkata, telekinetic lightsaber combat
force abilities —
• control — detoxify poison, force body, force heal, force stealth, hibernation trance, thought shield
• sense — force listening, precognition, force empathy, farsight, telepathy
• alter — animal friendship, cleanse mind, force persuasions, force confusion, force illusion, force cloak, tutaminis (force defend), force deflection, levitation, force flash, force jump, force light, force pull/push/throw, stun, malacia, protection bubble, revitalize
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❝ you… and the force, too, have been the only family i’ve ever known ❞
—• relationships
friends —
• obi-wan — met during a meeting between jedi master qui-gon jinn and master rui rai’eth, they shared their interests in reading and different teas
family — <n/a>
mentor(s) —
• rui rai’eth — was mainly taught under rui rai’eth
• master yoda, qui-gon jinn — supplementary mentorship under these masters
apprentice —
• lae haxxar — due to rui rai’eth’s absence from the jedi temple, he would undertake the responsibility of training lae haxxar as an apprentice
enemies —
• fūjin — a sith assassin that ambushed him during a rescue mission
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hitmanfanfics · 1 year
therune posted a new work:
A Matter of Origin (1408 words) by therune
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Hitman (Video Games) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Agent 47 & Lucas Grey Characters: Agent 47 (Hitman), Lucas Grey, Carlton Smith Additional Tags: Funny, Humor Series: Part 7 of Hitman Assignments
“Holy hell!” Smith exclaimed as 47 and Lucas dragged the bodies inside the office. “There's two of you?"
Once again, Agent Smith is found captured. 47, as usual, rescues him but this time 47 is not alone. Agent Smith had always thought that 47 was unique, but his companion seems to be his match. But where do they come from?
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