#these are my fave faves tho i would die for them all AAAA
satoumafuyuss · 10 months
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Wanted to do some profile practice so I doodled my faves in Genshin ♥
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I.t.a (Identity thief anon)
I thought I had replied (if I did and you just hadn't post it it's 1000% fine ahshs)
I love Elliott so much!! And his crush is so cute (but also looking at the bigger picture is hilarious that I killed his would be father in law lmao) also awfullest thing pixelberry did was making me choose if I wanted to be his legal guardian or if I wanted him to be emancipated only to not have to do any of them since, you know, our grandpa was still alive...
Also I thought about it way too much for a choice (with no actual impact) in a game ahshshshhs, emotionally wise I'd have wanted to be his legal guardian but I think it'd make more sense (legally) emancipation because he would still get government help but there wouldn't be a risk of someone taking him away of in case I wasn't a successful guardian, and he could apply for scholarships more easily while I worked or something lmao I was just excited in that part.
I know there are some books in which you can be poly but the only I remember was moty (mother of the year) which was a better than expected book (to be fair I didn't goof have expectations) and in that one I started to date the three love interests <3
How far along are you in endless summer, who are you romancing, what do you think of the classmates + lila and what do you think about the story in general 👀
u hadnt replied!!!! hi i missed you!!
i didnt know u could be polyam in moty! i might try it out then, i never gave it a shot cuz i hate the idea of having kids 😬 but anything for rep i guess
and YEAH I KNOW DIDNDIDNDO i love elliot so much and him and robbie are SO cute together but damn his in law straight up tried to kill us huh. like robbie deserves better than bobert or whatever his name is and im glad to have killed him but
also okay im in the middle of the second book idnfidndidndo around the part where the arachnids show up for jake. my opinions so far are kind of messy but uhhh
grace and raj are my faves, hands down. craig is a close second
i like almost everyone except for jake because hes just military propaganda in a trenchcoat with that annoying wahh im too conflicted to care about anyone white boy complex, and aleister because he was a dick to grace. idc how much he simps for her now she deserves better than him. and Quinn is kind of whatever. like her whole personality is uwu and its kind of annoying but i dont hate her or anything
the story is such a fucking mess?? udndidn i have NO CLUE whats going on 😩 if they manage to make everything make sense by the end ill be REALLY impressed cuz damn wtf is going on
im romancing sean!!!!!! what can i say, i have a type and that type is self sacrificial idiot. he has a heart of gold and he deserves better and aaaa 😭😭 u idiot man stop putting ur life in danger as the instinctual reaction BLEASE. i just want to wrap him in a blanket and make him take care of himself for once
i also like estela a lot but im not really that interested in romancing her ig? i enjoy our moments together but my feelings for her are more casual ig
i rlly want to like lila but i cannot stand her simping for discount tony stark my god. please lord just make it end
i rlly like everyone's dynamics???? its so nice to see how the group has been growing together more and more. i love them ❤️
i LOVE the vaanti. every last one of them. my beloveds. if they tried to kill us it's cuz theyre valid
varyyn and diego are the greatest couple this game has ever given me i am SO grateful for them. i just got to their first kiss and aaaaaa it was so sweet. upset at choices for not giving me art of their kiss when i had to watch aleister and grace's but 😩 its fine im fine. holding onto hope that ill get art of them eventually but i dont want to look it up and risk spoiling myself
i actually like craig and zahra as a couple a lot too which i didnt expect. i still dont fully understand what happened between them but i really hope they work it out :(
on that note i love zahra. anticapitalist queen. cant believe she fucking hacked wall street. id die for this woman even tho she wasted tiramisu
tbh i dont wanna get off the island. like what for? to go to college? when i could stay with the cool vaanti culture and be happy and not have to worry about capitalism and have sick ass tattoos? lets just kill tony stark and stay there besties
really like how they made the MC's past a mystery? like yeah we have absolutely zero past and backstory as per usual but this time it actually is an integral part of the story that we dont know that we were born in la huerta or basically anything about ourselves truly (even tong stinky didn't so like?). and it was nice to see that being a part of the story rather than just this weird feeling of detachment from the MC
the MC is so stupid and i love him
sean and craig are gay for each other. michelle and quinn are gay for each other. i diagnose everyone with gay
i literally dont have a single theory as to what the hell is going on like not one. and i have gotten almost every clue/idol/file but like i literally have no idea how to tie all of this together. this is such a mess didndkdndkdndidn im kind of excited to see what happens because ES seems to be so popular in the fandom i can only imagine the plot is gonna blow my mind, but im kind of afraid of being disappointed
and thats all ive got so far i think? udndidjd god
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hua-fei-hua · 4 years
marinette mlb, yellow pokespe, tohru fruits basket, & fuyumi for the character thing !!!! i need 2 branch out a little from bnha exclusive asks 😌
..anyway love how you picked all your fave girls lmao. i’m gonna interpret the hotness level as prettiness levels
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: those little stray hairs in her lil ponytails..... effervescent worst quality: tbh i don’t wanna call it her worst quality bc that implies that i hate this about her, bc i really don’t it just makes me kinda *sigh*, but the way she’s always backing out of things makes me go mmmmm girl plssss
ship them with: adrien bc i’m a basic bitch who wants her to have nice things but like, under the assumption that it’s well-written and well-handled brotp them with: i’d say alya but we can also have some romantic alyanette sometimes too. as a treat. i’m not awful picky abt my mlb ships bc i’m not very involved in the fandom needs to stay away from: hmm. mr. gabriel agreste doesn’t seem like a good role model, just saying,,, ,
misc. thoughts: living... for that biracial representation...... i think a lot of people in the fandom want her to be more chinese n be more ~in touch with her heritage~ to be “better representation” or something, but i don’t think it’s at all an uncommon hapa experience to be more into or in-touch with one side of your culture, especially if that’s the one you were raised with and belongs to all your peers.
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: the size. so smol. so precious worst quality: i??? don’t know
ship them with: i am but a basic specialshipper bc i really need to get back to the mangaaaa brotp them with: blue!! i think the fanon btwn them is fun, where blue just sets red n yellow up n it’s fun needs to stay away from: also blue bc fanon shipper blue
misc. thoughts: soft n good. my friend told me abt the moment when red realized yellow was not, in fact, a boy in the manga and i was like ooooo fuuuunnn. i need to get back to pokespe tho aaaa
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: patience and sweetness like aaaa worst quality: mmm she’s getting better at this but she also used to kind of let people walk all over her and i’m like no!!! destroy them!!!!!!!!
ship them with: kyooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo brotp them with: i want.... more rin .... .... needs to stay away from: shigure. i don’t think i know 100% of why the fandom hates him but i’m Starting to Get It and he’s just. a sketchy guy and i’m like hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
misc. thoughts: soft. would probably give the bestest hugs ever. def an airhead but that doesn’t make her stupid, if that makes sense.
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: teacher................ sENseIIIIIIIIIIII worst quality: *puts a box around the phrase “not enough information” to signify that that is my final answer*
ship them with: eh. tensei was the common one when i joined the fandom, but now she’s character developed beyond him. i don’t rlly have any particular fuyumi ships brotp them with: honestly i just want more todosib content. i know there’s a lot out there but i obviously always need more. needs to stay away from: hmm. hot take but endeavor. i know you want to fix things sweetie but like no<3
misc. thoughts: the only consistent todosib throughout all fics bc of just how long she’s been around. i like her nervous nellie nature, and i’m soft on her bc again teacherrrrr. i think she’s had fun roles in my fics, and she is... Useful c:
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seblore · 4 years
everyday i wake up and you still havent posted your evermore rant </3
there u go boo 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
GDBDNSKDJHHDDNDS GIRL................ ok so i very cleverly avoided ranking folklore because every song REALLY HIT and the whole album was just SO.. SO.. yeah. i can however rank miss evermore. i dont want to compare the two album i do not get the point in that. both give off really different vibes. now what i will say is with folklore, AS AN ALBUM, it is just a master masterpiece. The songs flowed amazingly with each other and really held you close the entire first listen. at least thats what I felt like <3 with evermore however, the individual songs are OMG!!! THERE IS LITERALLY NO SONG I DONT LIKE FROM ANY OF THE TWO ALBUMS. but as an album on the first listen i did feel a bit disconnected from evermore which didnt happen to me with folklore. why i think that might’ve happened is BECAUSE taylor is just so brilliant m8.... the MASSIVE contrasting emotions between the songs was too much for my little brain to handle.
Ok so now that’s out of the way dhsjsk time for rankings :) i have no idea where im going to put each song im just going to make it up as we go <3 ill ALSO give you my fave lyrics from each if I remember it <333 (oh and also you’ll notice marjorie isnt here. im sorry but i never listened to it after the first listen because it hits a little too close to home and i dont want to unpack all of that now im sorry! it is a beautiful song)
14. Closure: she popped off <3 she really said dont treat me like a situation that needs to be handled 💃🤙💯 a beautiful song with beautiful lyrics HOWEVER its the first song i couldnt connect with thus it’s down here BUT I STILL WOULD LISTEN TO IT ON REPEAT THO... the last in my ranking but still fucks 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ thats taylor swift 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
13. long story short: i have never been in a relationship ever BUT GODDAMN ‘pushed from the precipice, clung to the nearest lips’ hdjsksksjjddjnBbdns jddd ubebs!:!?:?:$3&39383$hzjs WOAH.... and this bitch really summarized the full 2016 drama with long story short it was a bad time. HILARITY. yeah not much to say here tho this is just the ‘at least one mandatory song to shake your tits to on each ts album’ song of evermore <3 and always remember that if the shoe fits walk in it TILL YOUR HIGH HEELS BREAK WOOH ANDIFELLDOWNTHEPEDESTALRIGHTDOWNTHERA—
12: dorothea: making a lark of misery :D RENt free. i had to listen to ‘if youre tired of being known for who you know you know youll always know me’ 113 times to finally understand it tho 😐 some of us are stupid and illiterate have you ever thought about that miss swift???? anyways TINGTINGTINGINGINGING THE STARS IN YOUR EYES SHINED BRIGHTER IN TUPELO <33333 such an innocent feel good song I LOVE!!!!!
11. ivy: the goddamn here and the hush of mirrorball ARE THE REASON IM STILL ALIVE 😽 another lyrical masterclass <3 ‘id live and die for moments that we stole on begged and borrowed time’ IS2G!!!!!!!!!!! anyways what if you cheated on your husband with me and i cheated on my husband with you and my pain fit in the palm of your freezing hands 😳 JK JK 😅 unless...... 🤪😏 hdjsks yeah this song is magnificently cursed and i am in love with it 🧎‍♀️
10. tis the damn season: this song is august but the other side of the coin. august but four months later. AUGUST SLIPPED AWAY LIKE A BOTTLE OF WINE- THE HOLIDAYS LINGER LIKE A BAD PERFUMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... she sounds so pretty goshhh! ‘time flies messy as the mud on your truck tires NOW IM MISSING YOUR SMILE hear me out we could just ride around and the road not taken looks real good now’ is on repeat in my mind. and as always the bridge ::::::::::::::.............:::::::::::::: how does she do this everytime. ‘and wonder about the only soul who can tell which smiles im faking’ 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ after every ts song i listen my expectations about true love grows exponentially and my chances of finding true love falls exponentially simultaneously ADIEU.
9. willow: she really took the invisible string quartet and put it in huh..................... FUCKED IN THE HEADDDDDDDDDDDDDD. what can i say <3 its just such a pretty song <3 hashtag gorgeous hashtag i cant say anything to its face. WRECK MY PLANS!!!!!! WRECK IT BITCH!!! ‘wait for the signal and ill meet you after dark’ LOVE STORY WHIPLASH. also mate i cant even focus on the song she looks SO GOOD in the music video i—
8. happiness: !!!! what can i say.... one of the best songs of the album hands down. lyrical masterpiece AND musically rich. she really logged into tumblr dot com and typed out ‘THERE’LL BE HAPPINESS AFTER YOU’ AND ‘THERE WAS HAPPINESS BECAUSE OF YOU’ ARE IDEAS THAT CAN COEXIST and logged off...... h8 her and her insanity. the one word i have to describe this song is: picturesque. tis a picturesque song <3 oh and dfbhhffcbhDDVHHTRSDVJK when i heard ‘i hope she’ll be a beautiful fool who takes my spot next to you’ i audibly GASPED and then she says ‘no i didnt mean that sorry i cant see facts through all of my fury’................. i fell out of my chair. IT FELT LIKE AS IF SHE HEARD MY GASP AND TOLD ME SPECIFICALLY THAT NO SHE DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT... anyways yeah. ill write an article one day named THE SWIFT DECEPTION OF TAYLOR about how she keeps writing songs with deceptive titles and this will be the opening case 😈🤙 also the fact that this is one of my faves and i put it in number 8 says a lot......
7. evermore: i havent recovered from ‘motion capture. put me in a bad light’. i mean come on the whole goddamn song is a lyrical masterpiece. ‘writing letters addressed to the fire’. IS SHE OK!????????????? i think tf not. beautiful song beautiful arrangement. iver sounded really good too. and lol lol rofl WOOFWOOFbarkbark ‘HEY DECEMBER GUESS IM FEELING UNMOORED’ unmoored definition from google dot com: no longer attached. she doesn’t go back to december anymore. about2 faint oml. long story short: i did not survive. THIS PAIN WOULD BE FOR EVERMORE........ what i felt with this song is that she took the quarantine sadness we all felt at least once this year and made it into a masterpiece of a song. couldve been easily the top song on any album except this. no i will not elaborate <3
6. no body no crime: i cannot believe. she teased us with a musical number. this woman teased us with. a musical number. I THINK SHE IS WRITING A MUSICAL BUT I JUST CANT PROVE IT! when she wins that tony 16 years later call me prophetic xoxo. anyways yeah she literally wrote this to flex her storytelling abilities. send tweet 🐥
5. cowboy like me: YEEEHAWWW I’LL BE HONEST WITH YOU I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THE FULL SONG SOUNDS LIKE I JUST HAVE THE BRIDGE ON REPEAT!!!! OMFG!!! the skeletons in both our closets plotted hard to fuck this up. AAAA!! ??? STFU. IM NOT EVEN TALKING ABOUT THE LYRICS MATE THE WAY ITS SUNG!!!!!!! GUT WRENCHING! the best bridge she has ever written musically. i cant stop listening to it. REALLYYY DID BELIEEEVE I WAS THE ONEEE. STORIESSS ABOUT WHEEEN YOU PASSSEDDD THROUGHH TOWN. y e l l. and then she hits me with ‘now you hang from my lips like the gardens of babylon.’ L ???? M !!!!! A $$$$$ O “”””” i had to pause it and sit there for 10 minutes to take in what i had just heard. case closed critical hit sustained yeedhawd.
4. tolerate it: i cried. the only reason it’s not 1 is because it hurt me too much. WHAT THE FUCK YOU MF YOU ASSUME IM FINE BUT WYD IF I BREAK FREE AND LEAVE US IN THE RUINS???? TOOK THIS DAGGER IN ME AND REMOV— m8 this physically hurts me everytime. if its all in my head TELL ME RN. aghhh aRghhhhhhh. pain. and lol she broke down sleep to its bare essentials ‘breathing with your eyes closed’.
3. ??? coney island: i know it’s a bit of a controversial top three but WHO CARES 🕴this is solely here for ‘AND IM SITTING ON A BENCH IN CONEY ISLAND wondering where did my BABYy GO’ im shaking. my bed is shaking. my body is shaking. my pupils are shaking. THE WAY SHE SINGS IT OH MY GOODNESS ME i have to lie down gimme a sec. ‘and if this is the long haul howd we get here so soon 😟’ SCREAM. and when i was hearing it for the first time and she said ‘sorry for not making you my centerfold’ i was like yeah and?? so what?? and then she hits me with ‘over and over’...... so she didnt make him/her/them her centerfold over and over !!!!!!! she is sorry she didnt do it over and over!!!!!! mannn.... the chorus.. i shall not speak. i am held at gunpoint i CANNOT SPEAK. the bridge tho dhdnsksksjsb I CAN SPEAK AND I SHALL SPEAK. BITCH WENT OFFFFFFFF. <3 this is the apology she deserved from her exes which she never got so she wrote it herself. podium. grey skies. birthday cake. ACCIDENT. im laughingggggggggggg <///3 and yeah so overall it is a really yummy song with yummy vocals and yummy arrangement 9/10 would recommend. also!! life lessons kids life lessons. disappointments? SIMPLY CLOSE YOUR EYES AND PRETEND YOU DO NOT SEE IT YAAAAAAAAAS
2. gold rush: ETHEREAL!!!!!! The last time i felt like this™️ whilst listening to a song was with mirrorball <3 the production of this song omg omg omg LOVE 💃 but what propelled it to number two status was the ‘i dont like slow motion double vision in ROSE BLUSH/ i dont like that falling feels like flying till the BONE CRUSH’ imagine how fucked in the head a person needs to be to rhyme rose blush with bone crush. yeah i have nothing more to say really this song is extremely gorgeous and ‘eyes like sinking ships on water so inviting i almost jumped in’ / ‘walk past quick brush’ ?:!:!&:8483 F A V E <33333 and the transition transmission transfusion from ‘... gray old tea cuz itll never be ᵍˡᵉᵃᵃᵃᵃᵐⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʷⁱⁿᵏˡⁱⁿᵍᵍᵍᵍ’ MADAME
1. champagne problems: are we surprised? ARE WE REALLY SURPRISED? when listening to new albums i normally listen to it at one go in order. i stick to that rule. HOWEVER after many years of my solid album listening self made rule tm i finally broke and immediately replayed this mf song after listening to it once. ‘you had a speech, youre speechless/ love slipped beyond your reaches’???? stfu???? VILE. PUNISHABLE. DEROGATORY. and welp the entire bridge ...... .... ........... what can i say. And the parallels to miss all too well??? WHAT WAS THE REASON???? your SISTER splashed out on the bottle- left my scarf there at your SISTER’s house 😐 she’ll patch up your tapestry that i SHRED- maybe this thing was a masterpiece till you TORE it all up 😐 your MOM’s ring in your pocket- your MOTHER’s telling stories bout you on the tee ball team 😐 November flush and your FLANNEL cure- PLAID shirt days and nights when you made me your own 😐 wHAT A SHAME SHE IS FUCKED IN THE HEAD IS2G........... and also why would she not rhyme POCKET with LOCKET?????? why with wallet???????????? slant rhyme why????????????? AND THE NOTE THIS MF SONG ENDS ON..... FUCKED IN THE HEAD
THATS IT. i really sat here and did this for the past 2 hours huh...... hhdjsms anyways LONG STORY SHORT: I HATE ONE INSANE WOMAN AND HER NAME IS TAYLOR ALISON SWIFT. GODSPEEED 🏃‍♀️
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spearxwind · 5 years
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vgjhkhf gosh im love nirven sm..... i dont get to draw him that much but he’s still a big part of the whole gang so just -w- hang tight we’ll def see more of him
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SOBS,,,, THANK U SM,,,,, i was so worried ppl werent going to like it :’> but im glad yall did? aaaa
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i DO play mh. or well... i used to ?? i rarely play games anymore ever. but i do have a RIDICULOUS amount of time playing mhp3rd ... and i bought mh gen for the 3ds but i havent played that much at all bc i forget i have a console at all jhkdfhkjdh (also im stuck on the fucking plesioth mission and i HATE IT whenever i pick it up i go at him once and get too frustrated. ive never hated a monster more, in my life)
im eternally pissed that im never gonna get to play mh world either :’)))))
but yeah like. god all the monster designs are so g o o d id love to work as a character designer/concept artist there bc... man. theyre just so good
even the ones that arent lizardy/dragons like... fuck dude the giginox is so fucking alien and gross i love it so much. ts not my fave but its the first thing i think of when i read ‘mh character design’. theyre all just super creative i could go on for HOURS on each monster and what i love about them
but yeah uh. the gore magala maw.... its good. 
like a lot of monster designs in the game its got my fave trope of “beak like plates in the shape of teeth, hiding a sharper set of teeth inside the mouth”. Its also very small but it looks.... really compact. like it has the crushing force of a hydraulic press. surprisingly even tho they all have a lot of fuck shit nonsense going on in their heads very few monsters actually give me the feeling that they could crush my skull if i were to stick my head in there? or like. they dont FEEL like they have as much force as they LOOK like they have. The deviljho for example is a big offender... like sorry he’s scary and all but that maw doesnt look strong or optimized for munching at all 
gore magala however DOES feel like that, and i rly appreciate it. also its black which is x5 bonus bc im an edgy bitch basard
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ima keep it real w u chief i keep getting asked this in various contexts like ‘oh man adri would love my oc/this one character, theyre immortal and will never die even if u do the most fucked up violent shit to them, they can be a plaything!!! yeah!!/ haha so what if this character was immortal and adri couldnt kill them lol thatd be frustrating huh. thatd make him mad huh’ and like
thats not.. how it works. it is legitimately just ridiculously boring at best bc whats the point if they dont die? it gets tiring after one or two times ngl
adris opinion is the same as mine too. its just boring. he’d kill them once like everyone else, if they saw them again just fine he’d see if he could smite them just in case he didnt actually make sure they were dead and then the third time he saw em he just wouldnt bother at all. its not fun or something to be angry at like WHY WONT YOU DIE its just boring 
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tumblunni · 6 years
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Thanks to Bogleech’s awesome review of fave FF7 monsters, for pointing out that I spent over a decade mistaking this thing for a spider. WHAT SERIOUSLY ITS BIPEDAL?? look at it, its just got two legs and its balanced really ballerina like despite its even more huge and spindly mantis arms. Seriously, those arent even used as legs?? AND IT DOESNT HAVE ANY OTHER LEGS?? Seriously i cant even just chalk it up to the bad resolution on my childhood TV, I scrolled down that article and was like ‘oh, that spider’ and did a double take when I read the caption.
Man this is like.. an underrated category of monsters. Stuff that resembles a real life animal but is actually a completely different sort of body plan that somehow creatively moves in a similar way to keep up the illusion. My fave FFIX monster (which bogleech also talked about in another great review!) kinda has this factor going on but for like.. 10% of a human? It looks like a gigantic severed head with its jaw missing, even though its actually some sort of bizarre slug/snail/crab maybe.
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But what I really like is that it doesn’t just glide along on that false severed neck, they actually went out of their way to think about logical biology for this nonsense magic creature! Its ‘hair’ is actually a whole pile of tentacle-like super long centipede legs and if you pay attention you can see them scuttling mega fast when it ‘glides’. thats weirdly endearing, its working so hard! I’m kinda sad that this creature never got a bigger role beyond a random enemy, cos I can imagine all sorts of other interesting animations it could have, and other questions that went unanswered. I mean we only see the ‘hair’ scuttling, we don’t see if it actually has moveable joints all the way up to the hairline. Can it wave them all the way up? The anatomy seems to imply they wouldnt even look like a mass of tentacles but more like two humanlike hands with the front antennae serving as the thumbs. What does it even look like underneath?? And actually, where is its mouth? Cos we know it has half a human mouth there, but its also clear that it isnt actually a severed head and it has more of a mollusc like foot underneath. (Or, alternatively, they just didnt bother texturing its bottom side, but this game has such detailed textures that I doubt it.) So yeah there’s no throat or tongue underneath, and I mean it would be really painful and hard to eat if it was dragging its whole throat system around on a concrete floor all day. (If I recall correctly, you find these guys in a train station??) So maybe the teeth are more like those iron scales on that ultimate defense snail that lives in underground volcano vents. Just some sort of front-facing shield that evolved to resemble human face parts along with the rest of it.
...actually, man, I really wonder HOW or WHY an animal would camoflage as a giant ten foot tall human head. Who do you expect to fool...? I mean maybe for all we know this used to be a human. The lack of explanation the game gives on the ‘Mist’ that’s made of ‘expired souls’ and ‘causes abnormalities in the mind’ makes the monsters even scarier than they otherwise would be. And the fact people unknowingly use dead people juice to power airships and machines is kinda fucked up. And the fact that they knowingly do it knowing that it’s poisonous as fuck and creates scary ass monsters. i’m surprised we never got a plotline of something springing a leak and wiping an entire town off the map overnight. Though there are quite a few ruins and only one of them is really explained, so it could be fun to headcanon equivelant Tragic Disasters for the others. I’m sad we never got to see what those Mole People looked like, its subtly creepy that they’re the only type of anthro animal person missing in this world and nobody seems to remember or care. Also it sucks that we only got to have a description of the name and culture of one of these animal races, and only one of them was playable, and her story got totally shafted after disc 1. Alas Freya :( Also actually maybe that explains why the Qu race is such a strange sort of unexplained ‘monster people’, and the dwarves look like humans but green. Perhaps that’s just what happens when you live on a continent with a higher ambient Mist content, people don’t die but they end up evolving into cool magic power fantasy races. But then where did all the animal people even come from?? man I think I’m thinking too much about it XD fuck I love this game so much why did i read an article about it i need to replay it for the 15th time aaaa!! I always end up quitting after the intro tho cos i mean I’ve memorized the whole damn thing by now XD i hope someday maybe it’ll get an expanded remake of some sort, replaying it in higher res pc port of the original version is cool but its just an emulation really. aaaaa but this game is SO GOOD sorry bunni is rambling AAAAA WHY DO I GET SO EXCITED ABOUT GAMES!!!!
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uniformbravo · 7 years
aaaa @fixion tagged me in a thing for “10 songs you’re listening to a lot at the moment” (im just trusting u that that’s what it’s called) so im gonna do that!! bc i love talking abt myself + i have literally been waiting for an excuse to share my music Lmfao Thank
(ps @ frank read the tags hkdgjlksd)
(this might technically be is absolutely more than 10 songs but like shh?? just shh)
both osomatsu-san ops theyre so fucking good?? here they are OP1 and OP2 pls listen to them im mlove th -
literally the entire rest of the osomatsu-san soundtrack ok i kfkigk gn i kNOw thats like 80 songs bUT I JUST,,,,,,,,,, here’s a couple samples lkdfjkdg Track 38 and Track 7 are some faves but i promise the whole thing is good i die, heres a playlist ok if u need smth to put on in the bg i highly recommend it....,.,..,,, -
so many songs/covers by Eve?? i’ve been listening to a lot of eve lately ok i’ll give my top three: デーモンダンストーキョー あの娘シークレット シャルル  it’s so hard to stick w/ just three tho seriously go listen to the rest ahhhhh (i love the art style in the music vids too?? like a lot??? so pay attention to that tbh) -
ピースサイン / Peace Sign - Kenshi Yonezu (bnha’s 2nd op) i got obsessed with this song & now i have like a million covers saved jesus christ save me (coincidentally, eve also did a cover of this one) -
砂の惑星 / Sand Planet - HACHI/ DUNE feat. Hatsune Miku i have a million covers of this one too lolllllll ((including eve’s)) check out this piano cover tho (it’s safe to assume that any time i find a song i like i’ve immediately gone searching for piano covers it’s in my blood) -
speaking of piano, anything by marasy8 is so good oh my god they’re literally incredible here’s one of my favorites by them i love putting their longer vids and streams on in the bg while i work on stuff (it’s always fun to randomly recognize some of the songs lol) -
this song was stuck in my head for like a week straight god her voice is soooo good (epilepsy warning for the vid tho) ((she also did an amazing cover of Imagination from haikyuu which still gives me goosebumps, that’s how i initially found her)) -
Sincerely, Me from Dear Evan Hansen LITERALLY how could i forget this until now i just had it on repeat for like 3 days straight???? it’s the catchiest fucking song i’ve ever heard in my life (nsfw warning) -
LambSoars: these guys are so cute omg they do a lot of covers so i have like all of their haikyuu stuff saved, my favorites are Mashi・Mashi and Heaven and Earth (honorable mention Peace Sign bc i already talked about that song earlier but i loooove this cover) -
You Say Run from the bnha s1 soundtrack uuuuugghhh what a phenomenal track like the whole ost is fun but this song is The Jam™
am i allowed to put a bonus section for piano stuff even though i already put piano stuff in the main “””10”””
this is the bonus “Im Trash And I Desperately Want To Share My Music With People” section
Q feat. Otomachi Una - i found this one a while ago which is why i didn’t put it in the 10 but im still rly into it ok -
literally every op/ed for little witch academia ok they’re all good they’re all perfect here’s a vid with all four of them go go go (i cannot believe it’s still up tbh) -
ok so this is an hour long mix of caravan palace songs so it’s more of a “put it on in the bg” kind of thing but i swear to fucking god. i fucking swear. i was just gonna put lone digger bc that’s my fucking jam always and forever but this mix starts with that song anyway so just have the whole goddamn thigng igmg fucking ((this post is beyond out of control but i physically cannot mention lone digger and not also bring up Lone Digger 100 (epilepsy warning), my very favorite mp100 amv that i have lovingly watched like 50000 times and i die literally every time ok gggby e)) -
the skill in this piano cover of osomatsu op2 is overwhelming i’ve never felt so intimidated in my life, just like. the thing where they play 2 overlapping melodies at once what the fuC k (also their cover of the other op Ugh) -
this would be another thing to put on in the bg bc it’s 30 min long but it’s a compilation of (mostly) piano covers of assorted tracks from the osomatsu ost, it is v nice and the pianist is super skilled (i especially love the last one because it’s Six Same Faces (ed1) which is one of those songs that i could never even begin to comprehend translating to piano but they fuckin did it and it sounds amazing) -
we’re back to peace sign again, this is my fave piano cover lol (love love love this pianist as always pls check out his other stuff) -
this piano cover of the one punch man op i cannot fucking believe (also the actual opm op jffucukgign just taKe it) -
ok ok ok fuCK FUKC i wasn’t gonna do it i ALMOST made it all the way through without doing this buT IM CAVING OK 99 BY MOB CHOIR THE MOB PSYCHO 100 OP GJSKDGFKGD i havent even been listening to it that much lately so there’s literally no excuse for me putting it here but it still goes hard as hell it’s still such a fucking timeless masterpiece im still complete garbage dumpster trash for this song and this show im crying jjusst take it, take it from my filthy fucking hands im gdj kjkgjdghkdjgskjdjflsd kjlak ljskdjg gk
also i get most/all of my music through youtube so i hope its ok that instead of song titles/artists it was this giant mess of rambling descriptions & video links ahhh
but yeah holy shit uhh tagging people. yes. dont worry abt it if u dont want to but @dolichomorph, @noonediesalone, @cry-beeby, @creepyjirachi, @cloversion, @docnoctem, @tender1999, @melleh17, @lancmclain, @thecavalrysqueer
also i havent been online lately so i have no idea who’s already done this so if u have then Whoops
if i didnt tag u specifically but u still wanna do this then just go for it i promise it’s fun, say i tagged u bc i did, this is me tagging u, an indirect ki s sfjkc
good nite
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allonsy-allie · 7 years
I was tagged by both @kotokodesu and @seokjinings (Gracias, Val! Thank you, Sara!) <3 I’m supposed to answer these kdrama-related questions, make 10 new questions myself and tag people (I’m not going to make new questions this time ahahaha sorry 😅😅)
Under the read more, my answers~
Val’s @kotokodesu questions:
1. What’s the most annoying drama trope in your opinion? That goddamn WE HAVE TO BREAK UP FOR OUR OWN GOOD trope shit I SWEAR TO GOD. The unnecessary drama it creates just to give some angst-y vibes to the whole thing is not worth it aaaa... and they just get back together after two episodes or so, so WHAT’S THE POINT????? I hate it!!! An exemple: the one used in Shopping King Louie. It seriously killed the mood.
2. Also what trope would you love to see more of? (Enemies to) Friends to lovers??? Mutual Pining??? Sweet cohabitation??? Yes, please.
3. Fuck marry kill between your three fave characters I’m not a “fuck” kind of person, so let’s do cuddle, marry, kill instead...
Ummmm... Joon Hyung, Grim Reaper Grims (and all those names he has) andddd Min Hyuk
Cuddle: Joon Hyung
Marry: Min Hyuk
Kill: Grims (idk how???????????)
4. If you had to live in one of those huge lofts/houses we see in dramas, which one would you pick? Belle Époque (Age of Youth), does that count??? I loved its design. Or maybe Bong Hee’s (Missing Nine) rooftop house. It was so colourful.
5. One drama you wish you had never seen? and why?? Legend of the Blue Sea, I guess. It had a promising start and all, but halfway through it got quite boring. In the end I just skipped through a lot of episodes.
6. What’s the best product placement you had seen? Idk if it’s considered a product placement but... In Drinking Solo, Ha Na would talk to S Voice (Samsung’s equivalent to Apple’s Siri) like it was a real person and it was hilarious.
7. Okay so choose your biggest otp, now.. If you only could save one of them from whatever scenario you can imagine, which one would you save? Bok Joo and Joon Hyung??? I’d save Bok Joo bc I’m 300% sure she would save Joon Hyung then...
Same thing with Yeon Joo and Kang Chul.
8. Your favorite underrated dramas?? (so I can have more recs lol) Drinking Solo and 1% of Something (the 2016 remake ver) tbh.
9. If you could only watch dramas starring the same actor/tress, which one would you pick? I haven’t completely picked up favourite actors and actresses, so idk??????
10. Your guilty pleasure drama? Anything that looks very cliche but is actually surprisingly good.
Sara’s @seokjinings questions:
1. how long have you been in the kdrama fandom? Since June of last year haha.
2. what is the first kdrama you watched or first you fell in love with? Doctors was the first kdrama I’ve ever watched, and I guess I could say it was the very first one I fell in love with.
3. what are your three favorite kdrama troupes? also least favorite? My favourite tropes are, obviously: (Enemies to) Friends to lovers, fake dating/marriage, mutual pining and the cohabitation trope (if put together with the other three I’ve mentioned it’s EVEN BETTER wink wink~). As for my least favourite tropes, that one I’ve mentioned before and I’m not a huge fan of the amnesia trope (if not done right). Also the evil mom/stepmom trope when done too over-the-top.
4. do you have any favorite osts? Full OSTs or specific songs? A full OST I love with all my heart and soul is the W OST (honorable mentions to Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo OST and Goblin OST!!). For specific songs tho, and to name a few:
Sunflower - Younha (from Doctors OST)
The Tiger Moth - Monsta X (from Shopping King Louie OST)
Flower - Seo In Guk (from Tomorrow with You OST)
The Best Luck - Chen / Sleepless Night - Crush ft. Punch (both from It’s Okay, That’s Love OST)
And a shoutout to Tae and Jin’s Even if I Die, it’s You bc I’m a biased little shit (I didn’t even watch Hwarang)
5. Is there any actors that haven’t seen in dramas for awhile that you miss? Where’s Lee Jong Suk new kdrama tho?????
6. Is there any actors who you feel don’t fit kdrama genre that they have played or are maybe typecast in and what would they be better suited in? Three consecultive kdramas and Ha Seok Jin keeps getting typecasted as a tsundere-like character. Just let him play a full lovable character for once.
7. is there a drama you feel is underrated that more people should pay attention to? I don’t think many people payed much attention to 1% of Something (the remake!!!), so~
8. is there an overrated drama you don’t understand why is so popular? Ok, please don’t yell at me but...
Reply 1997. I just... don’t get the popularity.
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tumblunni · 7 years
aaaaaugh that was a weird adventure of a normal thing seriously wtf how did I Almost Die from just trying to pay my electricity bills?? the electricity went out at midnight and I was having a WHOPPING GIANT MIGRAINE and seriously i suck at talking to cashiers on the best of days but now i have to call a taxi at midnight and sit there feeling awkward for like half an hour while the guy drives me several miles away to the only electricity place thats open 24/7 and like five minutes in i realized OH SHIT THIS MIGRAINE IS MORE SERIOUS THAN I EXPECTED but like i was trapped in a car and trapped in an awkward social situation! so i was here all dizzy and disassociating and like it felt like the window was a computer screen?? cos im nearsighted a lot and of course its gonna get even worse when i have a dizzy migraine of death doom. i was just so out of it with pain and tiredness and the car shaking me about and just it felt like i wasnt really there but i was still in my house just watching all this on the tv or something. i had to look down at my hands cos they were the only non blurry thing, i had to remind myself that i actually existed and wasnt somehow being erased from the world and replaced by a film reel of some guy sitting in a car?? So I am like Absolutely Fucking Nonfunctional here, and being acutely aware of how i forgot to wear my glasses and apparantly also my socks. Tho in my defense it would have been hard to put them on in the dark anyway! and seriously THIS POOR CAB GUY! like it seemed english wasnt his first language and i felt so bad cos like how can i make it clear that I am the one messing up here?? dude you didnt mishear me i really am slurring everything i say and forgetting half the dictionary. HE WAS SO NICE! I wish i could have like.. been able to register any of his individual faceparts as a coherant whole. I have problems with prosopagnosia even on a good day, but like whoa man i did not have the energy left to concentrate on what this guy even looked like. i feel bad cos i dont know his name either, im gonna remember him as just this big helpful shadow void with a nice accent. HOW DID YOU PUT UP WITH ME EMBARASSING MYSELF SO MUCH, YOU WONDERFUL CABMAN actaully wait do you call them cabs in america aa im sorry this post isnt very america translated i try and generally self-correct to america english cos i know like 90% of my followers seems to be america for some reason i do not understand HELLO AMERICDA FRIENDS TODAY okay so i was Dying in a taxi which is also called a cab, and the company was Capital Cabs which is very good and i love them and they have an automated system so you dont have to talk on the phone and seriously that cut like 50% of terror from this terror day SO ANYWAY I WAS DYING we go all over the place looking for the 24 hours electric place, and then for some reason they are closed?? there was a line outside and i think actually the doors got stuck and the cashiers couldnt get out??? what happened?? i guess i will never know cos i had to leave that mini story behind and find another electric hilariously we found one LITERALLY ACROSS THE ROAD there was THE SAME SHOP ACROSS THE ROAD FACING EACH OTHER MIRROR IMAGE WHAT like seriously fuck im already in a dizzy daze floating halfway out my own body like i didnt need any more evidence im currently in wonderland i want to know this story too, dammit! are those rival stores?? of the same brand?? somehow?? or are they owned by the same person?? because why?? is it like the area was so in-demand of small 24/7 shops that they had to make two within five metres of each other? or is it like they’re the same shop but they didnt have enough space to build the full size they wanted so they purchased two smaller land plots? or something? DID IT JUST EXIST FOR THIS SPECIFIC CIRCUMSTANCE OF ME NEEDING THE SHOP WHEN THE SHOP IS CLOSED “tumblr blogger tumblunni will show up fuckin migraine stoned on the 9th of november, as the prophecy foretold” omg i just mispelled prophecy as prophey and that sounds like a cute ass oc name holy shit ANYWAY im here dissacoiating my ass off and trying and failing to stick my debit card in the card machine and all the time im like FUCKIN OBSESSING over how sauboh is a really better name. Like faba is still a cute name but sauboh is a COOL name! no name is better than sauboh! and why u wanna this evil man have a cute name anyway?? when u be all cruel in the anime and sand off even the slightest non horrible edges he ever had, like seriously im unreasonably upset that everyone hates faba even more now. when will i get my sneaky science grandpa guy who is not evil for once but merely misunderstood and then i adopt him and hug him many and the all is resolved so yeah im fuckin haviung trouble focusing on what im actually doing jesus christ then i stumble into the store and i pay for my electric and im like ‘no no no fucking shit this migraine is WAY worse than i expected, im going to fucking die’ so i ask if they have any paracetamol but i cant remember the word for paracetamol and its all super embarassing. and like THE GUY LOOKS AT ME AS IF IM CRAZY. He’s all ‘ugh why would we have that, geez’. like wtf?? i mean i know i couldnt remember the name of it but i said ‘headache medicine’ so im sure he understood what i meant. i had a long rambling discussion with the taxi man about how weird that was, he was like ‘no, seriously EVERY 24 hour newsagent sells that stuff’ and i was like ‘no seriously he was rude to me for asking, like wtf’ and then i repeated the story about three more times cos i was currently in the throes of brain death in retrospect maybe the cashier thought i was drunk or something?? or high? i mean you cant get high from headache pills but i dunno maybe they mix badly with booze and he thought he was saving my life. i like to think the best of people! i wish i hadnt jumped to the grumpy conclusion during that moment and then whined like a lil bitch to this poor cab man and seriously he was SO NICE! he was like ‘dude seriously we’d have to drive anothr five miles to find another newsagent shop, im trying to save you money’ and he tried to give me some of the paracetamol he had in his wallet and i was like YOURE SO FUCKIN NICE IM DYING, I COULD NEVER ACCEPT THAT but also in retrospect probably that was a good decision cos even if the guy seemed super nice and trustable its like Good Life Policy to not take medicine from people you don’t know. I am 100% sure tho that he actually was genuine and wasnt gonna fuckin murder me with fakeacetamol HE WAS SO NICE! HIM AND HIS NONDESCRIPT FACIAL REGION! why cant i remember ANYTHING about this man oh and also I was able to give some money to a lady on the street!! i don’t know if she was actually homeless, she said that she had some trouble with a hotel booking or something so she was just stuck sleeping outside for the night. i cant remember if she had any luggage so i cant verify if the story is true, it just made me really sad wondering if it WASNT true and its like she needed to lie or people wouldnt give her money?? like seriously homeless people are the most vunerable yet theyre the ones people have the least sympathy for! wtf having to like like ‘i need the money less’... anyway i also couldnt remember her face and was kinda slurring my words to death and i didnt have much money to give but aaaa i hope i helped!! so yeah fuckin SMASH CUT to the next newsagent place and seriously i swear i blacked out for a minute cos it was just like wow we’re there in 48 seconds yet the clock says a bunch more miles and THEY HAD PARACETALMOL AND I WAS FUCKIN CRYING IN A SPAR MART thenk u cashier man who was probablyh very confused at this guy with no socks also for some reason my mind was wandering to the topic of what i’d do if i got misgendered in a cinema, like holding this fuckin entire fictional argument with this manifestation of my own self doubt WHAT EVEN INSPIRED THAT THOUGHT PROCESS so i’m nigh passing out and the nice cab man takes me home and he tries to make me pay less than the fee on the clock and im like NO DUDE IT WAS MY OWN CHOICE TO GO 2 PARACETAMOL SHOP seriously he was SO NICE why cant i remember his faaaaaace and i usually like to give a tip to the taxi guy even though tipping isnt really a thing in my country cos just i feel like Being Nice Is Nice and i want to thank them for their nice but i DIDNT HAVE ANY MORE MONEY LEFT so aaaa i was only able to give him an extra £0.50 but thank you taxi man i hope you have a good night and good life and the universe rewards you for helping a migraine fucked bunbun this eve and now ive shoved medicines in my fave and im just waiting for them to kick in and i know i should eat something but i feel so nauseous aaarglefargle also nice taxi man told me a story about how the same thing happened to him once except the electric went out while he was in the shower. So he just got blasted by cold water AND had to stumble down the stairs in the dark, and then friggin buy electric while his ears were still fulla soap. Whoa dude your bravery in face of embarassment exceeds my own! i love you platonically mr cab man thanks for making me feel less nervous and such while i was Die so yeah hopefully i will be less die soon ok bye also sauboh is a best name and i need to steal it for an oc or something NINTEND U LET IT SLIP AWAY
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tumblunni · 7 years
Bunni’s Rune Factory 4 Headcanons Even More So
* first and most important one: arthur and dylas consider porcoline their adopted father just like margaret does, and they all see each other as siblings. Its never actually stated in canon but IT HAS TO BE TRUE OKAY * I wish Illuminata, Bado and Pico could have been marriages in dlc or something. Thats not really a headcanon but I wanted to mention it. * ALL THE GAY JOKES ARE NOW NOT JOKES BUT CANON. That is my headcanon. Stop teasing me with ‘lol isnt it somehow funny that they seem to be gay but arent’, and give me more actual being the what they are. Pico has a crush on Dolce, Doug and Dylas have a crush, Margaret is totally crushing on Forte, imagine a universe where all of that gets to be canon and not just a ‘joke’! And imagine if these characters that’re implied to be gay or bisexual could get to be gay or bisexual with regards to the protagonist too! If dylas, doug, margaret and forte could be marriageable no matter which gender you picked! Maybe if you could have some options that’re exclusively gay too? Perhaps pico is the lesbian marriage and I dunno.. bado could be gay because he’s kinda bara? XD Tho I think it’d be neat if frey could marry him too, i just wish he had a route in general. * Also i wish we could have been able to help Arthur track down his mother again and reconcile with her. It was mega heartwarming that you could help him discover that his mother loved him all along and only left because of outside cricumstances involving the controversy of arthur being the product of his father’s affair with a commoner, but still we dont know where she is now and whether she’s happy. I like to hope maybe she’s out there still alive somewhere, and maybe she collects newspaper clippings hearing about her son’s adventures as super businessman prince! And thus someday she hears that he moved to selphia and married frey the commoner, and maybe this leads to her deciding to come back and confess why she really left. And also maybe the marriage to the protagonist could help society get over the whole predjudice and stuff and arthur’s mum could regain a better reputation in the eyes of the nobles. or maybe she never does and she just ends up moving into selphia and never being able to return to her home city, but still its all ok cos at least she can hug her son and meet her new grandkid. * My thoughts for the guardians who didnt get much said about their past lives! For Amber the game says she ‘wanted to fly with ventuswill’ and thats at least more than we know for Dylas, but still its very undeveloped. My headcanon is that maybe she was a pilot? or like.. lived in an era before airships were actually invented, and was someone who dreamed of finding a way to make it possible. And her notes were discovered after she vanished, and ended up inspiring the person who ended up inventing the first flying machine! And even though now she can fly on her own wings, it could be heartwarming for her to find out about this and have a bit of conclusion to her life. I also headcanon that Amber’s relationship with Ventuswill was maybe more like an adoptive mother-daughter thing? I think it would fit with how strange and monster-like Amber thinks sometimes, even though she must have been human to begin with. I mean maybe thats just how the magic works and if you’re a weirdo who loves eating raw potatos and climbing trees to steal honey from beehives you become a butterfly?? But I think it could work if maybe she was an orphan who was raised by the native dragon and ended up a little ditzy because she hadn’t interacted with humans much until nowadays. like, maybe this was a period when ventuswill was mourning the first person who became a guardian (what order did it happen, actually...?) and she became more solitary instead of having this personal presence in the town. She flew off to watch over selphia from within the forest cave instead, and found an abandoned child by chance. And then once Amber had grown up she was always trying to drop her off at the town and make her live with her own kind, but amber would always find her way back. And ventuswill was like ‘aww shit no i ended up loving someone again’ and couldnt stop amber from finding out about the guardian ritual and doing it too. And like... the only reason ventuswill went back to the town was because now corrupted-amber is the boss of the forest area and ventuswill cant break through her magic to get back in. So amber’s sacrifice also helped convince venti to open up to other people again. *eternal sobbing* * And my headcanons for Dylas’s past are less developed, but I was considering maybe the idea that he was the last one to be guardianized? And by this point it had become seen as a tradition by the people of selphia, and they would like.. look for a human sacrifice, rather than it being someone who willingly did it. It was a very dark time in the town’s history. It was nearly the end of the town not because it was in danger, but because if they’d gone through with such a horrible plan it just wouldnt be selphia anymore. Those people wouldnt be worth protecting, it probably would have caused ventuswill to leave and never return. So anyway I was thinking maybe Dylas was some sort of weird loner fisherman on the edge of town that everyone hated, so they considered him the one who should be sacrificed. And he was so lonely and suicidal that he wanted to agree to it, just because he wanted to die and didnt care how. But then ventuswill put a stop to the angry mob and rescued him, and he regained his faith in people and found his first and greatest friend as he got to know her. So in the end he performed the ritual out of his own free will, after realizing she was the one who would be saved by his sacrifice. And she was haunted by the guilt that by saving him she’d inadvertantly caused him to go down the same path anyway, just for different reasons. And then Dylas is just way more happy nowadays because whatever reason the town hated him is now gone, and he’s seeing how kind and wonderful its become, and he’s never had so many friends before!! And he can still go fishing and hang out with venti, and even meet three other people who also loved venti enough to die, and bond over their super sadness together. Oh! An idea! Maybe Dylas was part of a different race of nomadic humans who travel in caravans, and the town treated him so shittily because they were racist fucks? I was just thinking how that could maybe be a reason why his monster form was a horse, if maybe horses were a highly respected animal in his home culture, and he’s all estranged from it and stuck living in a foreign land with a bunch of intolerant bastards. And it could be extra heartwarming cos nowadays he’s living in the future version of this town that is even more foreign to him, but nowadays that racial tension is less common and he’s actually been welcomed as one of them. And maybe he could have extra quests added to his rather short romance route, cos he could be trying to learn whether his clan actually survived and still exists nowadays. And then have a heartwarming reunion with the grandchild of one of his siblings maybe? look, everyone else in the batchelors got a big sad questline, why cant perfect tsundere horseman join them?? IT WOULD BE THE SADDEST OF ALL THE SADS * also it would be really cool if when you married the guardian characters your child could inherit monster powers! I’m still gonna forever headcanon that they do, even if they dont get any of the appearance traits. It would be so cute if noel/luna could poof into a tiny baby unicorn and dylas is just sobbing with pride :3 * also headcanon: I wish Leon’s fox statue guardians could move into the city after you marry him, and be like loving uncle babysitters to your child! the excuse would be like ‘we need to protect the next in the proud dragon priest lineage’. And maybe once they leave the temple they could be stuck in de-powered tiny pet forms of cute? * Oh and a possible headcanon that the name Leon is passed down from father to son in Leon’s family. That’d explain why that temple is called Leon Karnak. Unless it was renamed into a memorial to him after he sacrificed himself? But it could be cute if your kid with him was Leon Jr/Leona and had adorkable fox statue pets and was a prodigy champion in the buddy battle festival and made their parents proud. I HAVE MANY HEADCANONS! * Gahhhh I really dont know who I should marry! Arthur was the first one I dated and I really like him though I wish you could have a friend route with him where you still help him with his backstory problems, I dont feel like I like the ship as much. And then Leon’s backstory was so sad I feel guilty not marrying him, but Dylas’s marriage route was so BAD that I feel guilty not marrying him! He didnt get as many scenes as leon, so I wanna marry him instead so i can fly off headcanoning more scenes!! But gahhh leon!! I think I ship leon with female protagonist and dylas with the male one :P I might make two saves to try both. And a third save just to see what arthur’s route is like, though i still like him and female protagonist better as a brotp, yknow? Or maybe amicable exes. Or just people who dated once casually but didnt end up together. Or any way i could get the happy ending to his backstory stuff without having to date him, seriously why does everyone be backstory sad unless I date them?? Except dylas who DOESNT GET ANY SCREENTIME INSTEAD *pout* *....im gonna go back to the game and marry dylas aaaa * and everyone else * aaaaaaa * i just care so much about these characters * i think dylas might win cos marrying him also means my fave character porcoline becomes my father in law * i wonder if he’s at the wedding? that’d kinda confirm my headcanon dylas and arthur are like margaret’s adopted brothers. * I WANT EVERY FAM TO BE HAPPY AAA
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