#these characters are my familly now
zhipzhap · 6 months
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yall should try digital scrapbooking is really fun to do!
anyway, i suppouse this like some kind of redesign for my old vercion of Nari
when i was first sketching him i didn't really know how i wanted him to be, cause mainly i was just doing it for the funsies and also i was mostly more focused on how i wanted Leonidas to look like.
but some time ago i went to this roadtrip whit my familly and a bunch of ideas just came trough my mind, so i had to do something about it.
so basically what's new?
So in short, this Narinder is a narcissistic bastard who only values people for the value they can give him, and is willing to use anything or anyone to get what he want.
so basically nothing changed, tbh i really like og Nari's character!
if i had to describe his personality, it would be a mix between Tai lung and lord shen from kunfu panda and loki from Marvel's MCU.
i'm not the best at storyteling, but I'm trying to take a more serious path for my AU. I really didn't expect to get so attached to these silly characters as much as I do now, to be honest when I was first creating the AU I didn't have so much of a story in mind. But now I have a clearer vision of what I want to do with it and even more motivation to make more of this. It'll still be very silly but i'll try to make the best out of it, and i hope you like it too!
anyway here are some doodles i made for him
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llalalalela · 2 months
Hello the seven people who actually liked the idea of me writing a fic and all other people who have fallen down the rabbit hole. The fic I promised is here although it's not exactly a fic but a drabble but that was the best I could come up with for now. This is my first time publisihg anything I have written so I apologise for it being short and if the characters are ooc. I also apologise for any grammatical errors as english is not my first language. Also this is your reminder to help plastinian famillies in need! All that out of the way, enjoy! Constuctive criticism is always welcome just be nice.
As the door to the bedroom closed Hyacinthe leaned back against the headboard and smuled at Tiernan "You know, I never thought I would see you throwing pillows at the prince of Elfhame. I guess there is a first time for everything" but Tiernan didn't seem to hear him. His lover, because that's what they were again despite all odds, seemed lost in thought. He had that same expresion on his face that he always had when he was lost in his own mind and looking at him then Hyacinthe couldn't help but to admire. It's not only that he was beautiful, all of the fae were, but there was somethung special about him, aspecially in moonlight. For so long Hyacinthe had wished to see him like this again, not just the brooding serious spy hanging behind the prince like his shadow, but Tiernan, his Tiernan, the man who held a piece of him and who he believed he was doomed to loose. Now that they were together again Hyacinthe felt more complete than he did in ages. Sure there was a lot they were yet to discuss, and thwir relashionship still felt fragile but they were together and, as far as Hyacinthe was concerned, that was enough. Tiernan shifted and Hyacinthe mentally cursed himslef for getting lost in thought when the other was still clearley shaken by the prince's words. "Still thinking about what the prince said?" At this Tiernan finally turned to him and nodded. "Honestly I don't know what to do now" he said. "I've been protecting him and standing by his side for so long that now, without the purpose of protecting him, I don't really know what's left for me. I know I still have his friendship, and I have you" this last part was said carefully, like if he dared hope to much Hyacinthe would disappeare and it broke his heart a little. Tiernan continued "but I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I guess I'm out of a job amonngst other things" this last part was said with a bit of a laugh in his voice and Hyacinthe decided ir was time he got involved. "Look I know it's difficult and a bit confusing but it's also good. Now you are free to do what you wish without fearing for the prince's life, your life can be your own, not tied to anyone else. And as for the job you have all the right qualifications, I'm sure the queen will find a suitable position for you. And besides the prince can write you a reccomendation letter stating how incredible you were at saving his ass." This earned him a small laugh from his lover, wow he could really get used to that again, and Tiernan shifted so that he was now laying with his head on Hyacinthe's chest. "I suppose you are right, but still it will take some getting used to. And you were wrong by the way." "Oh really, what about?" "My life not being tied to anyone, I'm tied to you a piece of me is always with you." "My my such romanticism, and from the brooding spy none the less. Dont let anyone else hear you." Tiernan laughed, properly this time, and it struck Hyacinthe just how much he missed that sound. "Yeah well you are not getting rid of me again, not after everything." "You are not getting rid of me either." "Good." And as they sat there in silence pressed against each other Hyacinthe thought that perhaps he was more right than he dared to think. Perhaps they would be all right.
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aaron-hotch · 2 days
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CHARACTER : Serial killer!Aaron Hotchner.
RATING : ANGST/DARK. TW : murder, blood knife, torture, mental breakdown.
A/N : English isn't my first language, so it is possible that there is some grammatical errors along the way. divider is from @cafekitsune, icon is from @sadgirlml. No use of Y/N.
special dedicace to @hoe4hotchner
summary : nobody really knows who Aaron Hotchner really is, behind his smile, behind his nice clothes, if they knew, they wouldn't look at him the same way.
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Aaron Hotchner was busy cleaning the blade of his knife, his fingers accidentally slipped on the blade and he nodded looking at the small drops, he licked the wound to taste the blood and sighed. In another life, he must have been a vampire, some kind of reincarnation. He looked up at the white walls that were decorated with old renaissance paintings, he had had a more than lucrative career as a prosecutor but it almost seemed like another life, events he barely remembered.
But what Aaron Hotchner remembered perfectly, had been the Peter Lewis case where the man had been acquitted and he remembered his sadistic smile in the dock, manipulating the lawyers. Lewis had a pained look as he looked at the judge then he had slightly glanced at Aaron who was sitting behind the oak table. He had given him a look with a smirk. The man who had tortured dozens of people over several years, people he had broken, all the victims's famillies who would never heal from his actions. He had been acquitted, due to lack of tangible evidence. Aaron had held his client who had nearly collapsed on the floor of the courtroom. The court had emptied, he had remained crouched holding the woman against him, he had the impression that she would never be able to stop crying.
This was perhaps the moment when something had broken in him, something that had cracked, revealing a part of himself that he had always hidden. A part of himself emerged for a few seconds while he was consulting a case at his desk. He remembered his first victim, he remembered the feeling he had felt when his knife had cut the jugular with precision, the blood that had flowed onto his hands.
And at that moment, when the man had fallen to the ground with his hands on his throat, Aaron had nodded behind his mask and he had savored the moment. He had savored that moment when life left the man's eyes, the same way one savors a good champagne at a party. He was meticulous, he got rid of the bodies, never in the same place, never in the same way and each victim was different because he knew only too well that it could be visible if the victims had things in common.
Every night he looked at his reflection in the mirror and he could almost see the cracks in his mind. Aaron was sitting in his leather armchair, legs crossed in front of his fireplace and a glass of thirty-year-old whiskey in his hands, the amber bottle placed on a small oak table. He savored his glass of whiskey while his gaze was lost in the flames, he let out a long sigh as he put down his now empty glass. He had been living this double life for almost five years, he was finally able to act on his instincts that had been buried for so many years, he had finally managed to understand the best way to appear as normal as possible, to put the demon to sleep. He went to neighborhood parties, smiled at women while he ran every morning on the trails, he also flirted and had conquests.
After all, no one suspects that their neighbor is a serial killer.
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hanafubukki · 11 months
I remember you did a post some time ago about how "The horse and the infant" reminded you of Lilia and Silver. Thank you, you made me discover an amazing album ! And now that I've listen all the album, I like to add that the following song "Just a man" give me a lot of Knight of Dawn vibe.
Being away from home because of war, dealing with foe when they just wants to be with their familly, the conflict of facing a child just like his own one...
"Deep down I would trade the world to see my son and wife"
And the chorus...
"And does a candle become a blaze. And does a man become a monster."
"And does the reason become the blame."
All theses sentences 😭
Well the outcome of the storytelling is different (And THANK YOU, too much tragedy instead. Please- Dawny throwing Malleus eggs from the castle in the middle of a battle is something my heart wouldn't took good...) but the feeling in this song and the whole character of the Knight kinda resonate together.
Sorry Dawny. I promise I will write some fluff for you one day. But you're an endless angst generator. You whole fate is angst, pain, tragedy, and a bit of love behind the miserable and conflicted man hiding under the great warrior in shinning armor. Love you thought-
🦋 Anon
[Referring to this post]
Hello 🦋 Anonie ,
I am so happy you enjoyed that post 🦋 anonie!! I wrote that post as something I was passionate about and to hear you enjoyed it, made me happy. I'm happy I was able to help you discover the album 💕 I listened to that album many times myself.
That song, "Just A Man" broke my heart so much. I saw this animatic where the baby just looked so innocent and then frightened and it breaks my heart just remembering the little one's face.
You are so right! The song has so much potential for the Knight of Dawn in a different/reverse perspective.
Ahhhh I'm crying, Dawn is constantly fighting. A war he doesn't even want to be a part of, but has no choice because of Henrik. He does it for his wife and his child.
But then, this is where events take a turn. Enough is enough, he won't take the life a child. A life yet lived fully. This is when he turns and plots against Henrik, but of course, he always makes sure his family safety is priority and he let's the Fae know that.
(I just can't take the image of him dropping the egg either 😭😭)
Dawn is such a tragic character, everything about him screams angst 😭😭, but that's why we creators are here 🦋 anonie, we have the power to make him happy. 💕🥰
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kuruchyo · 2 years
just a little post about my oc "Sweetheart" from STNAF
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the post will contain also the interaction she has with Friend , cause I think it can be interesting
okey let's start
Basic information :
-Name: 7̴̥̙͚̳̯̮̦͋̏͌̿̆̐̐͌́̽̉͜͠€̶̡̨̛̹̭̭̹̮̔͑̈̇̀̑̀͑͂͝͝3̶̤̈̑̓̄͊͌͒̆̚͘!̷̢̛͇͚̩͕̍̐͜͠,̸͉̦̼̩̉̄̀͐̽̈́͊̀̄̍̓̽̿͆͠ Ashley-
-Age : between 20-30
-Pronounce : she/her/hers
-sexuality : demisexual/straight
-hight: 5'2 (1m54)
-Nicknames : Sweethear/Sunshine
The Character in general :
-Ashley is not an introverted person and neither an extraverted, she is what we can call an ambivert. She likes staying at home and be alone but also likes hanging out with Friend and never had any problems to fit in in a new social group for exemple ( fun fact: when she has to call someone that she is not really close with or not close at all she always wish they don't pick up cause she HATES talking trought the phone...even taugh if u see her speaking on the phone she looks like an extroverted person )
-How ever Asley doesn't have alot of confidence, sometimes she need someone to push her to do something that she think that she can't do it...Most of the time it's Friend who does this job 🗿
-Her fav hobby is drawing, she does comissions when she can and is studying in an art school. How ever...She actually likes everything when it comes to art, when she buys a new clothe or find an old one that still suits her she likes to custome it by sewing a little ( the white hoodie she is wearing is a good exemple, she actually sewed the rabbit's ears and tail on it ) she is not as good as Friend but she definetly learned some technics from watching him doing his crafts. She likes to do guitar/sing etc...in short: she is a really creative human been
Interaction with others:
-Most of people who worked with her or talked with her once, always finded her sweet and pretty gentle, she doesn't like to bother people in general
-Ashley is that type of person who doesn't like to see people sad or in a struggle ( exemple : when she seens a homeless person if she has money on her she always makes sure to give some money or buy something to eat/ clothes for them ) unfortunatly some people took advantages from this kindness in the past, she tries to be a little but more careful now
she has: 2 big brothers, one little sister and a mom with a dad.
Ashley's family is pretty supportive and extremely kind, one of her big brother work in the army so she doesn't sees him often and the other work abroad so she doesn't sees him neither very much
( 1. fun fact : Ashley's mom really likes Friend she thinks that he is a good boy/ same for her father )
( 2.fun fact : Ashley is adopted, and she knows it from the begening cause she has been adopted at the age of 6 )
-her family live in the countryside, they kinda also have a couple of animals
-her familly calls her "sunshine" cause she's always smiling and laughing around, her smile and laughing are kinda contagious
Interaction with Friend as a childhood friend:
-Ashley is really kind with Friend, believe it or not but she is a grimlin just like him and likes to put up some harmless pranks on him from time to time.
-She doesn't mind Friend calling her "Sweetheart"in fact she find this nickname kinda cute and she trust him fully so...
-She doesn't like it when Friend buys her expensive things or anythings in general, she always feels bad for not always paying him back for everythings that he buyed for her
-Like we saw she likes observing Friend when he is focussed on his work, sometimes when she has the courage (rarely) she asks Friend some tips/ She also draw some plushy sketchs to gave him some ideas if he need some
Interaction with Friend as a Partner:
-So...let's start with HORNYNESS....Welp...sorry to dissapoint you but Ashley is not a horny person at all 😂😭. How ever...after maybe a year of dating ? she will started to get a little bit more confturbal with this kind of stuff, so to be honest Friend just need to be passiant-
-She likes giving/resiving hugs, kisses to/from Friend ( even thaugh this dude goes complitly numb when he is the one reseving 🗿 )
-She doesn't like it when Friend tries to do everything, she believes that being in a relationship is like working as a team, that's what she always says to him
- when it come to angst: When she notice that Friend is sad or anything like that, just like him she tries to be as understanable as possible and always tries her best to rassure him or to talk about if he want to.
-Ashley never had been scared or angry at Friend ...Even when he had those snaping moments and where he destroyed everything around, she knows that he will never hurt her. For her Friend is a human being just like her so she doesn't has anything to be scared of right ?...
-to show her affection, she likes contact but also giving affection trough words or buying/crafting/drawings/writting etc...things to Friend when she can
-her eyes are not brown, their real colors are a deep blue/green. the Brown is just colored lenses, she wears them for a specific reason ( no she does't have any power or have a complex with it...it's a little bit more complicated then that...)
-"Ashley" is not her real name...well at list it's not her first name ( no she is not trans )
-She actually has a trauma that she never mentionned to Friend and that only her parents know about, it's probable the only thing that Friend doesn't know about her
-Ashley is not born in an english country, in fact she is born in France and lived there for a couple of years, if you listen to her closely you would notice her accent
- she can speak : English/French/Turkish/Germanise
-she is claustrophobic for a reason...
Thank you for reading if you made it up here and sorry if I've done some grammar mistakes or typos ! 😭
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slightlytoastedbagel · 6 months
Okay it's 4 am but before I sleep . Who are your 3 favourite pjsk characters and your 3 favourite duos (romantic/platonic/famillial doesn't matter !!!) as a treat for enduring my bs
Grahh this is. Harder to answer than I thought it would be...
Number one fav is Kohane. It's almost always been Kohane and that's never changing I love her. Awakening Beat changed me. My other two favs... I'm leaning towards An and Ichika right now. They're both always rather high on my list though.
As for duos, AnHane makes me feel things barely anything else does I love them I need them to be happy next An event (please give An a happy focus for once colopal). AkiKoha as well... The trust they have in each other despite a rocky start, the need to work extremely hard to reach the level of their partners. That sort of thing you know. Finally just to break away from the VBS bias, MinoHaru my loves you will always be famous to me.
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that-one-cat-meow · 1 year
No matter if you want it or not, here you have a backstory from BATCM
Bcs... this AU wasn't on my blog very long time
But whatever
I tell you about the backstory of Ink Demon bcs... why not?
The story starts in real world. Not in studio, in real world. Sea, Ink Demon's father, was cheating on his partner, Silver. He had a kitten with his other lover, Fang (that was the Ink Demon). When Silver found out Sea was cheating on her, she yell at him, Sea went away, and Fang stay with Silver.
She wasn't a good mother for him. She mostly cares about her own kits. But Fang didn't mind. He found a farm with other she-cat that was named Blacky and go there for food or if he want to talk.
But one day Blacky, as an old cat, dies. So Fang went away from his "familly". He know something about hunting from Blackie. When he was in forest and hunt his first mouse, the mouse attack him, leaving a scar on his eye. He walk through the forest until he find a group of cats - Snow, Lake, Daisy, Sand and Storm. The cats show him the town, then how to find food and leave him alone.
But Daisy was still looking for him if he feels good. So they became friends. After week, she and Fang walk to the end of town. Daisy told him about her past, then walk with him to mountains.
When they almost got there, Fang and Daisy was attacked by two cats. Rock fall on Daisy tail and she lose it, so Fang get angry and told her he will make the two cats pay for what they did. And when Daisy was asleep, Fang find the cats, make them run after him... right to the house with two big dogs. And watched the dogs killing the two cats, not even trying to stop it or telling himself he make this revenge little too brutal.
Passing a bit through the story, two cats had a familly that start to run after them. In the forest Fang tell Daisy he love her, then hide her in the cave and start to run himself from the cats group. He try to hide in the studio, but a cat named Melody catch him right after he enter the studio and kill him
No, it's not the end of this story!!
Fangs soul get trapped in the studio. He never belong to it, so the cats living in Forest of Souls can't do anything to him and he can be in Forest of Souls and explore the studio. One day, he finded a cat trapped in room by his creator. His name was Bendy. Fang was learning him to fight, then Bendy get free from the room and went to kill his creator.
Suprise, Fang found Bendy dead in Forest of Souls. Bendy was running away from the cats that want to make him a real soul, so Fang help him get to nice Lost Souls that treat him like king. But Bendy then find Fang and ask for help to get to the Sky Hole - the portal that can take him back to the studio.
When Fang and Bendy get there, Fang said Bendy had to pay for his help, then jump on him, grab his paw and went through the Sky Hole together, making Fang enter Bendy body, but looking a bit different. The cats in studio was scared of him and call him Ink Demon, and when he heard about it, he likes it and decide this is his name now.
After some time, he got his followers and create a Kingdom of Darkness.
Then Henry get back to the studio and there was Big War
After years, Wilson, the cat that want to take control over the studio, lock the Ink Demon and torture him, to make him said Wilson is now king of Kingdom of Darkness. But no matter what, Ink Demon didn't do that. Also, when tortured, Bendy get separated from him and now have his own body after making deal with Jikan.
Audrey came to studio
One night, Alpha, one of Ink Demon best warriors, help him escape. He then was Ink Demon from BATDR (he didn't change much, he just got less fur, was taller and got lot of scars. And lose one his ear).
Then was another Big War, blah blah blah...
And... I think there is where story ends :I
Audrey take Bendy, cycle continues...
So... write to me what you want to hear about next and... if you acctually want to. This can be about characters, kingdoms, or things like Big War... You can also send asks
Okay bye
I will take a bath now-
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tastytofusoup · 5 months
I'm generally a person who thinks, 'I don't really have OCs', because I mostly don't go into depth with background and personalities and whatever. But I do have a fair amount of custom characters that I really like, and I do treat them as characters. I make characters, not just avatars for myself, for the most part - especially in mmos.
So I've never done this before, but here's a selection of my favourites:
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Essay-length full description section below the cut ↓
ROW 1:
Archmage Tethris
Daddy. Tethris is my WoW Void Elf Arcane Mage. He's also the guy who made me realise, 'yeah, I'd be a Mage in any given fantasy world, wouldn't I'. He's become not only my default main in WoW, and the closest to 'avatar for myself' that I get in the game, but also my default go-to in many other games. Here is Elden Ring Tethris, for example:
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Tethris is a very rare example who actually does have lore. He was a professor of the Arcane in Silvermoon, who developed an obsession with the Void, and specifically finding a way to reach the Telogrus Rift. It got to the point where he was locking himself in his study, or traveling, not even seeing his wife and three children. Being fairly well-known and previously well-respected, this was noticed and he started to be thought of fairly negatively as an eccentric.
He did eventually discover the Rift, and a way to access it - which he did! But there was no way back. The other drawback being that in the process, he teleported not only himself, but his entire tower, and connected section of the academy. Luckily for other people, there was a large festival happening that day, so no-one else was taken with him.
Unfortunately for Tethris though, that meant he was trapped alone on some rocks in the Void, until he could find a way back. At least he had his study. He was there for 50 years. During that time, the whole events of Warcraft 3, and Vanilla to Legion WoW occured. He would've found a way back eventually, but it was actually the other elves, now known as the Void Elf faction, with Alleria Windrunner, who enabled him to return to Azeroth. He was there already.
The people who knew him in Silvermoon, including his familly had assumed he'd either killed himself when the tower 'exploded', or he'd simply abandoned them because the Void was all he cared about. He still hasn't reconnected with his children.
He has 2 daughters and a son. Eldessa the eldest is a Paladin, formerly a warrior with the Shattered Hand. Ithrien the son is the middle child. First an Eversong Ranger, then joined his sister in the Shattered Hand, then joined the Sunreavers during the events of Wrath, who he's been with since. He's the one who probably harbours the most resentment towards his father. The youngest is Vysira, and is also someone who is fairly shunned, or at least treated with distrust. She's the temperamental problem child. The main issue is that she was one of the Sunfury Arch Mages, who stayed loyal to Prince Kael'thas until the end. She only rejoined Silvermoon after his death, and those who did are treated as a distrusted lower class.
Tethris's 50 years of solitude, plus that amount of exposure to the Void have addled his mind somewhat, but his Archmage/Professor level of magical strengh, plus the arcane protections of his dwellings preserved his sanity and form for the most part. It did take him a few years though to reacclimatise to Azeroth, the vast changes to the world, and to remember his family. He now knows who his children are in the world, and has some leads on where to find them, but is hesitant. His wife however, sadly died when Arthas attacked Quel'Thalas.
Ella was my second, and favourite Fallout: New Vegas character. She's a 17 year-old girl, probably latin descent. Grew up as a rancher to the east of Nevada. Her parents were killed, and she learned to fend for herself, using what she knew from farming to become a traveling trader, then courier, only shortly before the events of New Vegas, because supplies for trade became an issue.
She's intelligent, savvy, headstrong, very stubborn, and very easily frustrated and angered. The start of the game fueled her with a lust for revenge, more than any sort of curiosity - that only came a bit later. She was also commonly frustrated with being treated with less respect than she deserved, because of her age.
When she reached Nipton, she found an undelivered set of (modded in) experimental Ranger armour in the first building. She tried it on, and it fit. It disguised her entirely, protected her heavily, and the helmet even included both night and thermal vision. This was the true turning point in her life. The armour gave her the confidence and technical advantages to immediately ambush the Legion forces in the town, and demolish them. She already knew she was a crack shot, but the ease that she took down those men who'd done that to a whole settlement, made her realise she could be a complete badass. So she became one.
The armour also largely fooled the NCR into thinking she was one of them, and she joined them for a while, before realising their own faults, and ultimately figuring out she had the power to take over Vegas herself, and the people would probaly be better off.
Rexi Nebrata
Rexi does not have lore. The essays are basically over. Rexi's just an omega cutie, and since I don't enjoy Final Fantasy XIV, I wish I could port her to other games. I'm so proud of her character customisation. I love her. Bae. White Mage btw.
ROW 2: (I guess this is the Green Alien Girl row. I didn't realise this was becoming a trend.)
Ah Lizrima. Doesn't she also look fucking great though. Boss-ass bitch. Lizrima was my first SWTOR character - my Sith Assassin. Very much a full Dark Side Sith, but is intelligent about it. I was open to picking the very rare light side choice if it made sense to her in a specific situation. Lana Beniko is her future wife, but I've never got further in SWTOR than part-way through Knights of the Fallen Empire. Her lightsaber is double-bladed, green with a black core - just like her. Oh yeah, and she's a former slave. Probably slaughtered her way to freedom one day, I forget if I thought more into it. Maybe that's why the Sith took notice. You can faintly see a scar under her eye, and there's a similar one on her chin, which is hidden by the uh, mask thing. Those are slave brands.
Nalya Va'a
Nalya is my Nautolan Jedi Guardian. Guardian is actually on my list of remaining Class stories to play through. She's only on Nar Shaddaa, so I haven't played her much at all. She's just a big cutie, and that's clearly enough for me.
Myntara Quil
I love her.
I love her so much. I did not know you could love an XCOM 2 character this much, but there she is. Also the nicest picture I've ever taken in XCOM 2.
I don't really need to say any more. Little green cutie who deals more damage than god, and has the movement distance of a high speed train. Tiny girl along for the ride becomes highest ranked XCOM member. Shotgun/Sword user with over 90 aim. 68 kills in 12 missions. Has Gaige from Borderlands 2's voice pack. Like, c'mon. I'm even really proud of her name, I think it's lovely, and really suits her. 💚
ROW 3: (the tiny WoW girl row)
Josie is a Goblin Assassination Rogue. Literally an assassin/bounty hunter, because I leveled her without quests. I mostly used the RareScanner addon to see where the Rare mobs are around the world, and traveled between them. Not only do they give a lot of XP, but a lot of them I didn't know about, and it took me to parts of the zones you wouldn't normally go to.
Named after a close friend, and is actually lore-friendly for a Goblin. I didn't expect a female Goblin Rogue to become my highest level Horde character, but she currently still is.
Tofie's my gnome Priest. I actually used my level 100 boost on her that I got with Legion. She's who I used to run old dungeons and raids for a while for mounts - I unlocked my first rare mount on her, the Drake of the North Wind.
She's another orphan. I'm realising this is a trend. She was raised in Darnassus by the Night Elves and is the only Gnome Priestess of the Moon.
Isn't it fun that all 3 of these names are perfectly passable as Lore-friendly. Bleeple is....an orphan. She, however, was raised in Gadgetzan, mostly by Goblins. She is very much a Gobbo in Gnome form. She's a survival hunter, is bloodthirsty, and loves explosions a little too much. She was actually encouraged to go out into the world as a hunter to keep her away from the town, because she's too much of a liability. Too much of a liability...for Goblins. She's basically Gnome Gaige.
Her appearance is actually what peak performance looks like.
ROW 4:
Man I kind of miss Myrielle. It's a similar case to Ella, in that I can't access their saves. I have the saves, but they're completely reliant on a very specific set of numerous mods, and who knows what that mod selection was. So they're sadly stuck in my memories, and very few pictures.
Myrielle was the Skyrim character I played the most. She was a...
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...stealth archer.
But she was cool alright. She also used Gandalf's sword, and an ebony sheld. She was actually primarily a thief, that's what she started as on a core level. So she's the one I played through the whole Thieves' Guild questline on, which was the most enjoyable part of the game. She became a Nightingale. I loved Karliah so much I installed the mod that lets you have Karliah as a companion after the questline's over, and had her with me for the rest of time. That reminds me, I need to add Karliah to my 'voices I could listen to all day' list *chef's kiss*.
Literally everything about Myrielle's base appearance is modded.
Neha Shepard
Neha's the Shep I made for the Legendary Edition. I Just Think She's Neat™. I named her after the Dice Maker from Disco Elysium, who's already on the 'voices I could listen to every day' list.
Maxon Fen
Maxon. Dat boy. I just think I've done a nice job with my SWTOR characters alright? Maxon's my Smuggler.
I'm glad I went back to SWTOR and gave it yet another chance, after vowing in video compilation form to never play it again (that's a good video though). The Smuggler story was legitimately a fun time. Jedi Consular was also decent, but less fun, no real complaints. They didn't drive me up the wall with nonsense and frustration, so that's really the bar for me when it comes to SWTOR. Unfortunately, it's the ones that I recorded that really annoyed me, and not the others.
Anyway Maxon's a lad I guess. A dude.
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monkie-brain · 1 year
I wanted to maybe write a little thing for this because it hurt my feelings and i like that in a post, however it only just occured to me that i probably should have separately posted it lmao
The following is a oneshot based on the art and tweet above, can be interpreted platonicly or romantically, enjoy :)
Or not :p
Warnings: i dont proof read and my grammar sucks sometimes. Also character death mentions, and character death itself. And panick attack?? I think thats it
For context this starts off somewhere between red son being separated from his parents and mei fleeing into the middle of nowhere.
Red son had already been on his own by the time the fire had found its way to him. As he stood on the precipice of this uncontrollable, all consuming flame, he knew what had transpired. He knew from the moment that he came in contact with mei in the dining room, this was a possibility. But he believed if anyone could have tamed it, it was her. Now, seeing the fire burn away everything it touches, he couldnt help but feel responsible. He should have told her then.. now, judging by his surroundings, he was sure. Mei, that stupid noodle boy, their friends, they had to be dead. Burned up.. ashes. He could practically see the holes forming in reality itself.
In that moment, he wasnt sure what took hold of him. Fear. Hope. Something. But his body acted on its own, and he took a step into the fire. In mere seconds it engulfed him, beginning to burn away at the ends of his clothes. It didnt hurt him. It was just.. warmth. Like the sun on a warm day. His eyes opened, and he moved onward into the sea of crimson fire. The world was empty, the air filled with the crackle of flames as it ate away at the world.
Mei felt as though she had been alone for ages. The world around her was empty, her friends were dead, her familly was dead. She couldnt stop this. She could feel the flames tearing the world apart around her. Nothing to grab, technically nothing to stand on. The fire is the only thing left, and all she could do about it was cry and scream into the oblivion she created. Thinking, why couldnt the fire take her too? She was mortal, she could burn.. so why was she still here? She was certain that even the air itself had been burned away, because every breath she took burned in her lungs. She felt like she had hot lead in her veins, and the only thing she could hear was the roar of a hateful, destructive fire that she had failed to control. The more she cried, and screamed, the worse it got, but who wouldnt be crying and screaming when you're facing the end of the world by yourself?
Hours of aimless wandering in the flaming wasteland had left red son weary. He didnt know why he was out here. Maybe he thought he could stop this. But by now the world was probably up in flames. The fire was probably gnawing on the bones of the earth by now. But then he heard something. Something that wasnt the crackle of fire. His ears perked as he followed it, soon identifying it as screaming. Strangled cries of grief and anguish. He could see the source in the distance, a crumpled little silhouette. It was her, she survived it. He couldnt help but feel a stab of grief at the sight of her. She had to endure the death of her own world and she had barely lived long enough to see it. He found himself stumbling forward at a reckless pace, tears pricking his strained eyes as he came barreling toward her. "DRAGON GIRL!" He called, unsure if she would hear him. He didnt know what good it would do, he knew it was too late for everything and everyone else. But somehow, against the odds, she was here.
Mei had barely heard the familiar voice over the ringing in her ears and the pounding in her head. But she heard. She looked up immediately, terrified as she searched for the source. The second she spotted the form of someone running toward her, she knew who it was. The coat and the ponytail were unmistakable, she knew it was him. Even if she were blind she would have known it was him.  She had barely even made it to her feet before she went charging forward  to go to him.
She practically crashed into red son, though he managed to keep upright as mei ran straight into him, her arms wrapping tightly around him. He couldnt believe the state she was in. Disheveled and overheated, trembling, tears burning away as soon as they spill from her eyes. With the bright red of the firelight engulfing them, he couldnt even see their natural bright green. She went to say something as she looked up at him, her arms wrapped around his tense body. But her words died and gave away to more grievous choked sobs as she slumped against him. He finally wrapped his arms around her as he felt her sinking, pulling her into a supporting embrace as he sat down with her. He held her as she rested against him, continuing to cry.
"I cant stop.." she said, her breathing as ragged as her emotional state, "Red boy, make it stop.." she begged. Red son heard her, a few tears of his own threatening to spill. He could have helped if only he wasnt a coward.. it was too late. "I'm sorry." He said, after a long pause, "It's gone, mei. Everything is gone."
And there they remained. As the fire grew, and consumed, and tore everything they knew apart, they stayed. Red son's clothes were left partly destroyed, and his ponytail holder snapped, red curls falling over his shoulders. He didnt care. He looked just as much a mess as mei now. Mei calmed slowly as red son comforted her, the burning sensation tormenting her slowly began to cool down untill it felt warm. Then cool. They waited, and withing a few hours, the fire no longer crackled. All sound died away, and as mei rested in red son's hold, tuckered out, the fire finally dimmed and sputtered out. They were enveloped by numbing cold as they looked out into their vast, empty expanse, wondering how they were even still there. They finally spoke again, the only source of light being the dim glow of red son's hair going out like wet coals. It wouldnt be long now..
"I should have told you." Red son said, his voice quieter than it had ever been in her presence. Mei glanced up at him tiredly. "..there isnt much we could have done.. there wasnt an option where i survived anyway. I was meant to die here." She said. She knew that red son knew about this the moment she recieved the power. But she understood why he didnt want to tell him. But.. wukong did all this knowingly. Everything payed the price for it.. "..Well then. If we're meant to die like this, I'll be here untill it happens. Rest well." He said quietly. He watched as mei relaxed in his hold. Knowing that the last thing he would ever do was bring her comfort.. he was ok with that. Mei rested in his hold, listening to his heart beat as he finally burned out. And there they rested in the ashes, he world around them dark, cold, and silent. But not lonely. Never lonely..
Hope you enjoyed! And thank you so much @dr-chalk for introducing this concept, i know we were all thinking it but the way you put it into light inspired me :D
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athenacodes · 10 months
Semi-Literate/Advanced Roleplaying Guide and Application Outlines
Please keep in mind this was originally written in 2015, and is being moved as is from Caution as it closes. That said, feel free to read it below.
This is my first guide so please take everything with a grain of salt because I may not be the very best at this but I'm going to share with you how I personally go about amplifying my replies and making them into better replies than what I used to. I'm going to also add now that I have been roleplaying for over ten years and so my experience is what has shaped me into being able to give the length of replies I give now. Depending on what I am given, I usually add at least two paragraphs to what I received and aim for at least one thousand words.
Now! What is a semi-literate or advanced literate roleplayer classified as? For me, I use the paragraph rule. Semi-Literate is a roleplayer that can generate anywhere between one paragraph to four paragraphs at most on average. Sure, we all have our good days. However, really look at your writing. Is it usually between one and four? Then this would be you. This is also generally where most people are on the spectrum and it is a very good place to be. You don't ooh and aah at the advanced while also not looking down at the beginners. There is usually good quality here as well as quantity, but is not as intense as advanced literate. Which brings us to the next type of roleplayer we'll be referring to in this post, advanced or literate. This is the type of roleplayer who will give out novel-length posts, which are four paragraphs minimum for the most part, every time. They don't even break a sweat about it or need to word count on sites that call for that. Advanced roleplayers are often expected to provide a great amount of quantity as well as quality, so there can be an amount of pressure here. If this is you, you probably don't need my guide because you're A++. Go on with your bad self, Boo Boo, I have nothing left to teach you.
However, for those of you who are NOT Advanced? Maybe even a beginner? It's all gravy, I am here to help. I'm going to start off with designing a character.
For Beginners I typically will not advise a free form app without an outline. This is mostly because most people I have seen at this stage using one make an application seem incredibly bland and straight to the point without any fluff and fluff can be a huge thing. NOTICE: FLUFF IS NOT FILLING A PARAGRAPH WITH NONSENSE OR GOING OFF ON A TANGENT. Fluff can be minor details and minor details mean everything with characters just as much so with people. So, go through a list as if you were making a reply, it will usually end up with a lot more information and seem a lot less forced. Here is a link to Shadia's guide on this (from Caution, now defunct) but, just in case, I'm also going to provide my own guideline that I personally use with a few minor changes for each character on category and change of details per character.
I typically add a few lines of lyrics here to make it look good because I like music to explain my characters but you can delete this
An example of this is:
Let's put me and you in an empty room and see who wins Let's talk about what you did to get here Let's talk about blood and sweat and tears Let's talk about what you wanna be, girl, and who I've always been
NAME- Character's FULL Name NICKNAMES- Nicknames listed here AGE- Current age BIRTHDAY- When were they born? GROUP- For the site you're joining TALENT- Everyone is good at something and right now let's focus on the good, weaknesses will come later. SEXUALITY- Answer HOMETOWN- You have to come from somewhere. DO NOT ANSWER ANYTHING REFERRING TO THEIR MOTHER. RELATIONS- Name only immediate familly (mother, father, siblings) OCCUPATION- People have to work. If your character is a student, put that.
I typically add a few lines of lyrics here to make it look good because I like music to explain my characters but you can delete this
Here is an example of how I do this: SENSIBLE. sen·si·ble; (ˈsensəb(ə)l/); adjective possessing or displaying prudence. synonyms: practical, realistic, responsible, reasonable, commonsensical, rational, logical, sound, balanced, grounded, sober, no-nonsense, pragmatic, levelheaded, thoughtful, down-to-earth, wise, prudent, judicious, sagacious, shrewd.
However, an alternative way would be: WORD Explanation of how this word describes them goes here.
I typically add a few lines of lyrics here to make it look good because I like music to explain my characters but you can delete this
For the first, I answer: "RUMOR GOES HERE." [IS IT TRUE? ANSWER HERE] - explanation.
For the second, here's an example of how I do this: COOL KIDS. She sees them walking in a straight line, that's not really her style. / And they all got the same heartbeat, but hers is falling behind. / Nothing in this world could ever bring them down. / Yeah, they're invincible, and she's just in the background.
And yes, I do link to the song on youtube. I do this so people can really feel the character's playlist, in case they don't know certain songs. Linking to lyrics is a good idea too.
But yeah, you get the point. Here's some examples for all of the categories:
Important Facts Favorite Things Songs On Repeat Definitions Things At The Back Of Their Mind Things They're Good At Things They're Not Good At Problems In Their Life Important Conversations Things They Know That Others Don't Somethings You Should Know Things They're Aren't Things They Are Things Their Parents Can Never Find Things They Keep In A Locked Box Under Their Bed Things They'll Never Admit Important Moments/Favorite Memories Important Conversations Things They'll Never Forget (I use this for HP sites and list the acceptance letter honestly) Fears Regrets Letters They'll Never Send
You can ultimately change up the categories as you see fit or make up your own but again, having an outline really helps when you're trying to make a more advanced and in depth application and you aren't quite there yet. I usually use this when I'm trying to get the app up in less than 24 hours.
I also use this because it takes less time and it gives enough detail. Seriously, reply to each one as if you were replying to a roleplay if you are a beginner. Make it a full, detailed, to the point paragraph per answer.
Now, after you've been accepted, I am a huge supporter of developers. Think about it: what's your characters favorite color? Favorite food? Favorite family member? Favorite ice cream flavor? What makes them tick? What's their least favorite? What's their pet peeves? Tea or coffee? Pepsi or coke? Having these details outlined, especially where you can go back and check, is amazing. In your head, think about current issues. Would your character be okay with abortion? Would they be religious? I promise, thinking these things through can really help your character come to life.
Now that you know your character, let's go on to plotting. With this, don't be the person that makes everyone come to them. Plotting is fifty-fifty, Babes. You go half way, they go half way. Even if you don't really know a plot to throw at them, explain what you think the two characters would agree on and what they would disagree on. Say what you think! Seriously, no one can come up with plots all the time but just knowing the dynamic between the two can help in a thread.
REPLYING This is it, you guys. This is the big one. Pretend I'm inserting a full knuckle crack for this because I might just need it. Let me tell you something to begin with: SIMPLE WORDS DO NOT MAKE YOU SOUND STUPID. They don't. Using big words incorrectly? Now you sound stupid. You're trying too hard and need to stop.
Next thing, stop trying so hard. You don't need to describe every little detail of their outfit and their body language. Yes, doing this is nice. But don't be the person that says (and I'm actually describing a Halloween costume I can see in my room currently for a nerd so sorry) "she was wearing red six-inch platform heels with white knee-socks to match the white button up blouse that was partially unbuttoned and a red school girl skirt with black and grey plaid patterns and pleats to add to the illusion" blah blah blah. Okay. I get it. She's dressed like a school girl. A better way to say this would be how it played out (also an actual memory from Halloween): "She hadn't been walking around the house but maybe ten minutes when her feet were already hurting. She sat on top of the wood dining table, slipping the red platforms off and wiggling her toes, encased in the fabric of her white knee highs. She was still insecure in her costume choice, the wood cold against her upper thighs, unusually bare in the plaid and pleated skirt she had donned for the occasion." See how it sounds different? Describe the clothes if you want in a way that's livable, not forced.
Also when replying, ALWAYS think about their personality. I have a character I typically name Alice who is the mothering type. Because of this, she of course is going to love children and help clean the wounds of her friends. Don't say your character is mothering and then not have them try to take care of their loved ones. Alice is the type of girl who shows up with a fresh baked cake because your ex left and eats a gallon of ice cream while watching The Notebook. She isn't going to recommend going and kicking the guy's ass.
The next thing is details. A long time ago I had the issue of never knowing what to add in. To combat this, here's what I do: focus on the senses. Seriously! Especially when you're posting first. Set up the scenery. Let's say they're walking down a busy city street in July:
Sight: A little past noon, the sun was high in the sky on that bright afternoon. Alice had to shield her eyes from the rays beating down on her, hurriedly digging out sunglasses to ward off the sunlight. Having just come out of her dimly lit apartment building, her eyes were sensitive to the light and it almost hurt to look just a foot in front of her.
Hearing: The traffic was atrocious, as Alice could tell by the loud groans of stopped Taxi drivers and the honking nearby.
Taste: Popping a fresh stick of gum into her mouth as she adjusted her headphones with one hand, the sudden taste of cinnamon against what had been the old taste of her toothpaste caused her mouth to water.
Smell: Waves of smell came with every other block, a hot dog vendor here or a side cafe over there filling her nose with thick hints of relish and coffee. You'd think the smell would be atrocious, but for her it smelled a lot like being home.
Touch: The air was humid and almost sticky, making the brisk pace Alice was walking induce a slight sweat on her forehead, but not enough to be noticeable by others. She noticed it, though, when the breeze caused the moisture to chill against her skin.
By adding in these details, the scene is entirely set within a few paragraphs: She's just now leaving her home on a bright afternoon in a busy city. She's walking a few blocks in a kinda rushed manner to an undisclosed location while wearing headphones that aren't playing music and chewing gum. This is her home so she's used to it.
See the difference?
Now, another thing to think of is your characters thoughts and body language. Do they bite their lip when they're confused? Do they pick at their nails when they're nervous? Add that! Everyone has quirks and characters shouldn't be any different.
Once you have all of that figured out, your reply can easily go from one paragraph to four and with experience four paragraphs to more. It's all in how you reply. If you give one para, you're probably going to get it back. In the roleplay world, it's usually the case of what you give is what you get. You want a better quality roleplay? You have to be a better roleplayer. Everything is up to you in this crazy writing world of ours, so make it exactly what you want it to be.
If you're reading this, you probably want to be a better writer. That's the first step, and I am so grateful you are here. The next is to apply your time and effort into adding not only quantity but quality. That's what's more important. Just remember - challenge yourself! I promise you won't be disappointed.
Lastly: I'd really like to emphasize that roleplaying has the word play in it for a reason. If you are giving forced replies, people can tell. If you aren't feeling the thread, just say so. Honestly, any roleplayer needs to understand that sometimes muse is just gone. Sometimes you just aren't feeling that particular character or plot with yours. Explain yourself nicely if they ask, deem it dead, and move on. It's okay, and anyone who says it isn't you don't need to be writing with anyway. We're a community, and we should be acting like one. Anyone who doesn't is negative and you don't need negativity in your life.
Oh and for those of you reading this guide and thinking I left something out: Please do not even hesitate to respond no matter how much you end up writing. Post whatever else you think people should know, I'm down with that. Everyone throwing in to help other is a wonderful thing. The whole reason I even wrote this was to help others, so there is no issue on my part about taking over my post. Post a whole new guide here if you want, that's fine. It will save space on the board as well as make it easier for people to find all of the tips of the trade.
Good luck on all of your roleplaying endeavors!
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tex-now · 8 months
also would love to hear your thoughts on shiho! :3
ty for the ask :3
First impression: Listen. I was. A different person when I first joined the fandom. I was on Tiktok. I'm sure you know what I'm about to say now. I hated her guts
Impression now: I love this girl to heaven and back I would kill for her alright. She is the character ever to me ok. I love her. She means so much to me i promise im better now--
Favorite moment: Okay okay i have one i think. All of her interactions with haruka during the first white day event. I also just really like any of her interactions with Haruka and Saki in general.
Idea for a story: um. Shiho is the noble Saki's bodyguard in one of my AUs. Shiho is a noble who became a knight because her dad inspired her to continue the family line. idk i haven't thought of many stories for miss shiho
Unpopular opinion: Shiho isn't even that mean. Maybe it's because I haven't read a single story except Resounding Twilight but she really doesn't seem that rude or anything.
Favorite relationship: Platonic Harushiho, Shihosaki, and of course famillial Hinomori sisters i love
Favorite headcanon: Shiho is a big ol teddy bear, she loves receiving affection but she rarely gives it
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profoundmooncat · 1 year
My Wakfu Au: The Akamatsu's Au
Here are the things that you need to know about my Au:
- The AU was created by me and my cousin ( LittleCouscous)
- The Au happened 20 years after season 4
- I created new characters : Flora, Rosaria and Velena
- Chibi,Grougal, Flopin, Pin and Elely are adultes now
- Rosaria and Adamai are married ( before you guys start calling me " an Adamai simp", the fact that Rosaria and Adamai are married is important in the story ) btw same for Amalia and Yugo.
-Velena ,Flora , Adamai and Rosaria are the main characters
A 16 years old girl called Velena ( Adamai's daughter) meets a princesse called Flora ( Yugo's daughter) who ran away from the Sadida kingdome because she was abused by her oncle Armond.
The Au is about Flora finally living a peaceful live with the Akamatsu familly Aka Adamai, Rosaria and Velena
Me and my cousin are still thinking about the story so i'm not sure when it will come out btw.
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The morally grey villain and Moral Compass characters
I love A Court of Thorns and Roses. I have reread them a few times, and the fourth book in the series, A Court of Silver Flames, delft some ✨emotional damage✨. Critical hits, that lowered my health bar into the red. It showed me now to heal some wounds, and pointed ad others that i wasn’t even aware were there to begin with. Its the best in the series and Nessian reigns supreme argue with the wall.
Any way.. morally grey. Do people know what that means? I feel like a great portion of the fandom misses a crucial part of the story : Rhysand is not the hero. He is not portrayed as the hero, nor should he be considered to be one. The story it self, I feel like, does not have a hero. Not in the way that StarWars of LotR has. And by that i mean that it does not have a character that is considered to be the moral compass. It doesnt have a Luke Skywalker, boy plucked from common life by a twist of fate and thrust into a fight against the space na//i regime; or Frodo Bagins, tasked to carry evil itself to the point if its birth, and destroy it. These stories, and many others like them that follow the “Chosen One” archetype, orientate the story in such a way, that the audience always know who the Bad Guys are and who the Good Guys are, by simply making the protagonist the moral compass. What Luke thinks is wrong, we think is wrong. Luke fignt for the resistance because he thinks its the right thing to do, and so we, the audience agree with him and go along on the journey. Frodo thinks that Saruman and Sauron should be stoped, so we root for him and cheer when the battle is finished.
This is not a bad thing. Telling these stories is not a bad thing, i am not saying that. What i am saying is that this is a cheeky little narrative shorthand to get the audiences to clearly distinguish Bad Guys from Good Guys. Its fine and its common. So common in fact, that when the story does not have a (clear) Moral Compass character, some folks have a tendency to lump these characters into one of the two categories.
Now this is when ACOTAR comes in (apologies for the long intro). ACOTAR does have a protagonist, three of them in fact, meaning the Archeron sisters, but it doesn’t neseceraly have them as the Moral Compass characters. Feyre is the protagonist, and Amarantha is the antagonist. Tamlin is the love interest, and Rhysand is the mini boss Feyre needs to defeat to get to Amarantha. But the majority of the characters introduced, sans Amarantha and a few others, are not just pure goodness. They do shitty things, make bad choises, and fight tooth and nail to get what they want.
Rhysand is a MORALY GREY character. He is supposed to scheme and manipulate to ultimately achieve his goal. The goal in this case is freedom from Amarantha and to get Feyre. Its told to us, every step of the way, that he is doing things that might be wrong but serve his ultimate purpose (which in his mind is good and right). He gets Feyre drunk off faerie wine UTM and doesn’t touch her sexually, in order to make her not remember most of the depravities that go on during the parties. Yes he tried to protect her, but getting her drunk and lowering her inhibitions in still wrong. He didn’t do anything sexual, but it was violating nonetheless.
Furthermore, he constantly puts political alliances before familly. We see this with Nesta when he arranges her meeting with Tamlin and Eris. Nesta was kidnaped, if not by Eris himself then by those in his command, and was held captive at Tamlin’s home. Putting her in a situation where she has to see those men is re-victimizing her. He goes through with it anyway. His need for political alliances outweighs the necessity to keep his sister-in-law safe. He makes Nesta dance, and seduce Eris to secure his loyalty, or at least some form of military support. Rhysand is even willing to marry Nesta off to Eris, a man he knows to be abusive and stem from an abusive home, all so he can achieve his goals. Rhysand is not evil, but he isnt the cinammon roll Mr Feminism this fandom makes him out to be sometimes.
Layered characters with complex morals means a High Lord who loves his wife, and i believe he truly does love her; but it also means that he steamrolls over her autonomy in the name of keeping her safe. His idea and subsequent execution of said love is skewed. Keeping secrets to keep someone happy is not love. Telling them the truth and trusting them to make the right choice, and trusting them to choose to love you still, is love.
But i don’t really expect this from Rhysand. I never did. This whole idea of him being a bit of a prick was in the back of my mind, and was only confirmed in ACoSF. Nesta seeing through faerie glamor spells allowed her to see through Rhysands surface charm and charisma. It allowed her to see his core beliefs, in a way that his “family” never can. So, to mitigate this, and to try to cover up a problem he created, referring to Feyre’s pregnancy, he threatens to kill her.
What was up with that anyway? Why was that kind of glanced over? I am forever angry about Cassian just kind of letting that slide, but i have so much to say about Cassian as a whole i might be writting an other post entirely about that, should the inspiration arise.
But i digress. I leave you with this:
I like Rhys in the same way I like Darth Vader or Loki. He is an interesting antagonist with complex, and maybe a little convoluted plans, that i can safely engage with in the world of fiction. A world that is safe, because i have the ultimate power- any and all events end when i say they do. I can disengage precisely when i want to, and can choose wether to continue or not. This is the point of fiction: to explore characters and events, even morally or ethically wrong ones, whilst having the ultimate safe word.
I am not a Rhys apologist, but i do think that some readers weren’t clear on the fact that he is an asshole, an arrogant preening asshole that values politicking and courtly connections above familial ties. As long as we are all on the same page about that, i shan’t be cross with you.
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jorisjurgen · 10 months
do all of them.........................................................................................................................................
the character everyone gets wrong
Asriel Dreemurr/Flowey the Flower - I don't even know what to say, when I've said it again and again and again for the last 8 years
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Here's one of my unhinged rants.
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a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
joris jurgen is unfuckable. he is so aromantic he repels people. he tried dating once or twice and then was like ouuugh so this is like spending time avec ma famillie but worse and fucking boring. and then he gave up 3 days into the relationship. i think he went through a comphet phase as a teenage boy but he is so aromantic he was in misery trying to hold a girl's hand.
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
if i speak up i go to jail. undertale fandom in general though...
worst discord server and why
i think all of them are bad. the worst ones i leave immediately, and the others i tolerate until i cannot anymore.
which ship fans are the most annoying?
I no longer do shipping (lying. not lying. lying) after becoming a crepinjurgenite platonic relationships connoisseur. But anyone who harasses people because of ships is annoying to me. Or anyone who demonizes female characters about it.
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Chara undertale. I love them but I hate them.
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Chara and Asriel are not siblings, and neither are Frisk and Asriel.
worst part of canon
the entirety of wakfu and everything else in that franchise that isn't THE HIT FRENCH CARTOON "Dofus : Aux Trésors de Kerubim", featuring the titular characters Kerubim Crepin and Joris Jurgen, which you can watch on Ankama Launcher, sometimes Youtube, Various Free Yet Dubiously Legal Streaming Sites, AND other sites!
worst part of fanon
undertale aus.
number of fandom-related words you've filtered
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the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Flowey the Flower AKA Asriel Dreemurr if this is about characters that are actively hated by the fandom (I already spoke about him so this is self explanatory) and Atcham Crepin if this is about characters nobody cares about. My whole blog is an argument to stanning Atcham. don't you love binguses. don't you love batshit insane implications of abuse and bullying.
worst blorboficiation
replied to this one with an essay.
that one thing you see in fics all the time
n/a for the most part but ehh, I think it annoys me when kh fics about roxas and axel don't have xion in them, post kh3. she is their bestie and should be included. also fics that turn flowey into asriel and it makes everything better.
that one thing you see in fanart all the time
n/a. fanart is a gift from outer gods.
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
woobifying characters, villainizing characters, I don't know how people end up taking the opposite away from a character so often. it's not even the same character, by then.
I also don't really get oc/canon and selships, but it's not annoying, just something I literally don't get. But a lot of art with that is pretty, and I dig it, so I hope people have fun.
there should be more of this type of fic/art
flowey/asriel content about his mental health + joris jurgen fics about his mental health and family. I am on my way fellow Flowey Fan Club members, one of these days i WILL finish that one fic that's been sitting on my hard drive for like five years now.
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
flowisk. flowey x frisk. I had been it's fan for 8 agonizing lonely years and all my mutuals have since deactivated. it's death out here.
my explaination of what i see in it, bc i don't know what to say that i hadn't yet said.
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
But people who were in my twitter circles know.
part of canon you found tedious or boring
rewatching wakfu when i could have just rewatched THE HIT FRENCH CARTOON "Dofus : Aux Trésors de Kerubim", featuring the titular characters Kerubim Crepin and Joris Jurgen, which you can watch on Ankama Launcher, sometimes Youtube, Various Free Yet Dubiously Legal Streaming Sites, AND other sites! twice instead.
part of canon you think is overhyped
wakfu because it's not THE HIT FRENCH CARTOON "Dofus : Aux Trésors de Kerubim", featuring the titular characters Kerubim Crepin and Joris Jurgen, which you can watch on Ankama Launcher, sometimes Youtube, Various Free Yet Dubiously Legal Streaming Sites, AND other sites!
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
THE HIT FRENCH CARTOON "Dofus : Aux Trésors de Kerubim", featuring the titular characters Kerubim Crepin and Joris Jurgen, which you can watch on Ankama Launcher, sometimes Youtube, Various Free Yet Dubiously Legal Streaming Sites, AND other sites!
ship you've unwillingly come around to
i have never come around to a ship before in my life. if i had then i promptly forgot about it.
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
shipping morality discourses.
NEVER quit the grind! you will consume that fiction in such a god honoring way, that you'll go to heaven immediately. fiction is reality makes people commit murders, break vases in search of gold, and raid ancient temples. So we should forbid burn this shit asap.
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
people asking others to draw or write more of their favorite characters, because the character a person likes is "overrated". This was a big thing in AHIT fandom, where I was, for once, lucky enough to be the fan of the most popular character, lol.
Even if I am a little bitter hater, I square up, and draw or write about my favorite characters myself. I don't think people in fandoms owe it to you to draw your favorite character or ship.
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 2 years
Radioactive by Sleepless Gengar
After Deku defeats All For One and the League of Villians, after he becomes number one hero, he and the rest of the now pro class 1-A finally settle down. Some of them have kids, some of them are forever lonely. Sadly one thing just won't leave them the fuck alone.
Join the daughter of Izuku midoriya as she and her girlfriend get transported to the past and try not to fuck up the timeline. What can I say? being a villian magnet runs in the familly.
*cross posted on Wattpad*
Words: 1351, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Shinsou Hitoshi, Yaoyorozu Momo, Todoroki Shouto, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Eri, Izumi Kouta, Ashido Mina, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Iida Tenya, Asui Tsuyu, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Tokoyami Fumikage, Monoma Neito, My Hero Academia Ensemble, Class 1-A, Todoroki Family, Pro Heroes, Dark Shadow, U.A. Faculty, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original Non-Binary Character
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Shinsou Hitoshi/Original Character(s), Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Kaminari Denki & Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Eri & Shinsou Hitoshi, Eri/Izumi Kouta, Uraraka Ochako & Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Fan Characters, Fix-It of Sorts, How Do I Tag, Next Generation, Next-Gen, Characters Are Pro Heroes, Alternate Universe - Pro Heroes, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is So Done, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Eri, Mentor Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Vigilantism, Timeline What Timeline, What Was I Thinking?, Author Is Sleep Deprived, The Author Regrets Everything, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Anti-Hero
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44873056
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papirouge · 1 year
Hii papirouge I hope your day has been well and that you have many more blessed days to come 🫶
I wanted to get into watching anime (I was looking into trying sailor moon and some studio Ghibli movies because those are popular) and wondered if you had any recommendations?
Also: I keep seeing the creepiness of modern anime (namely the pedophilia and other degeneracy) and am seriously wondering what happened between old school anime to now??? The old stuff seems much more normal and sane in comparison.
Hi baby🌞 this is such a lovely entrance djzkdksksk now you got me by the feelings so I'm going to try my best to answer even though I haven't watched anime since YEARS 🥴
There's this preconceived ideas that older anime (80s-90s) were less harmful than today's.... which is true to some extent (especially when it comes to female representation : don't you find interesting that WOMEN are absent from modern anime/manga? only teen or children..... which breeds a generation of pedophiles/men who can't cope with mature women. At least in the 80s we had Versailles no Bara, Cat's Eyes, City Hunter female characters, etc. The FEMME Fatale trope was thriving) but there was definitely toxic/creepy things even in old gen manga.
I grew up with Sailor Moon, and most of this stuff flew over my head back then, but for example Usagi daughter (Chibi Usagi) had a flirtatious relationship with her father. Little Light studio YouTube channel has a whole playlist of videos exposing the cursed messages in anime I linked one of their video in one of my post in the my #animewasamistake tag, and they go as far as the 90s (with Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, etc.) So it's not new
I like flexing over the fact that I never watched a Ghibli movie. Most adults obsessing over those movie scream emotional retardation syndrome. I feel the same about Disney fans too (both demographics overlap anyways). Ghibli movies are filled with paganism so I'm losing my mind whenever I see Christians worshipping them🙄
The Isekai genre is a whole escapist cope anyway (beside Ghibli movies, there's also Kimi no Na/Your Name that did a lot of waves a few years ago) It's only featuring kids or teenager through coming of age stories, and it baffles my head that grown adults are obsessing and identifying so hard over such thematics.
Adulting in Japan sucks, that's why most of their entertainment revolves around glorifying youth & childhood (and entertainment material for adult is often sex related), a time where they are still free of pressuring social expectations, have an entire future before them to create and fantasizing about parallel dimensions where we can fix everything.... but we don't need to bring this regressive copium in the West. I think anime culture is part of why so many adults act & sound retarded today. I'll get roasted for saying that, but people above 25 years old enthusiastically watching anime have something wrong with them.
Ultimately I wouldn't recommend you to watch anime bc there's an obvious (mental & emotional regressive) agenda in it.
The only safe and clever anime I can think of is Shōkōjo Sarah. I grew up watching it and it made the person I am today. It's really emotional and bittersweet (still an happy ending though !!) but watching it will really show you how much of a gap there is between today's anime. Shōkōjo Sarah tackles real stuff (death, abuse, poverty, bullying, social class injustice, etc.).
Anime stans would argue that nekketsu too explore great values (friendship/newfound familly, courage, perseverance, etc.) but all this positivity is overshadowed by all the trash around. Senseless fighting, violence, ABSOLUTE ABSENCE OF ADULTS, PARENTS OR PARENTAL AUTHORITY, female characters devoid of any personality beside having big breast and being a side buddy/love intereset of the main character (hence why most male anime fans have such a warped view of adult femaleness)..
Avoiding manga/anime written by males is already a great way to sort out shitty manga. But even female author are shoving mysticism (Fullmetal Alchemist), weird romantic dynamic in their material (I'll never forget CLAMP obsession to do child/adult couples in Cardcaptor Sakura) and unecessary (underage) female sexualization (let's not forget Kimetsu no Yaiba main character's 14 y.o sister having her breasts doubling size & popping out of her kimono whenever whatever demon who's possessing her comes out).... I feel like the anime/manga industry is so porny & scrotified that even female author go with the flow to get success.
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