#these look so much nicer than my old gifs lol
barcaatthemoon · 1 month
bent || alexia putellas x reader ||
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alexia finds you at one of your lowest points.
"(y/n), hold on, i'm coming!" alexia's voice carried throughout your apartment. she had burst through the door in a panic, nearly breaking it off of its hinges as she raced through. she was normally so reserved and careful. you froze from where you stood in your bathroom, previously having been staring at yourself trying to muster the energy to finish getting ready.
it hadn't always been so difficult for you. sure, you had your days where the weight of the world was too much for you to bear, but it had been a long time. things hadn't been bad for you since you came back. barcelona was your home again, and alexia was finally yours in all of the ways that you had once dreamed of.
everything was perfect, and yet, you still had a slip up. you woke up with years of progress undone in a single night. it hadn't been anybody's fault except for your own. alexia had offered to stay with you, as had others, and yet, you declined. you felt like you deserved to be alone, and you woke up in the morning to empty bottles scattered around your living room.
"ale, what are you doing here?" you tilted your head as you looked at your girlfriend curiously. alexia was panting as she leaned against the doorframe. you turned your body around to actually face her instead of staring at her reflection. "d-did you see them? i'm really sorry, i thought i was better. it had been years, all flushed down the drain."
"it's not your fault, mi carina. you had a bad night, it's a setback. i'm just glad that i got here before something bad happened," alexia said. she slowly moved towards you, and it wasn't until her hands clasped around yours and pulled something from your grasp that you realized you had been holding a razor. "i'll take care of you until you learn to take care of yourself."
"i don't deserve that. i'm broken, defective, a fucking mistake. i'll just do it again, and you can't answer every time i'm in hysterics," you tried to tell her. alexia wasn't having any of it, not that you were surprised. she loved you and was stubborn enough to stay with you until you started getting better.
"i will always answer when you call. it might always be immediately, but know that i'll be there for talk to you. sometimes you just have to be patient with me. please, remember to be patient." alexia looked like she wanted to cry, and you felt awful about upsetting her. you knew that wasn't what you were supposed to focus on, but it was all that you could. "you're not broken, and if you are, then i'll sit with you and help you put the pieces back together."
"what did i do to deserve you?"
"you gave me a second chance," alexia told you.
"you know, this place is really not big enough for the both of us." you were nervous about where alexia could go with this. you were happy with her around, and the last thing you wanted was for alexia to have realized that you were really too much for her to handle. all of her reassurance that she loved over the past week could have been for show as she waited for the right moment to drop a bomb on you. "i think we should stay at my place for a bit."
"you're leaving?" you asked with an absolutely heartbroken expression. alexia didn't live with you, so you should have seen this coming. silently, you berated yourself for being so stupid.
"only if you're coming with me. i just thought we could stay at my house for a little while. it's closer to the beach, and the tourists are finally starting to leave. oh, and no offense, but my bed is a lot more comfortable than yours. my back kind of hurts, but i didn't want to sound like i was complaining," alexia rambled.
"alexia, you're old," you laughed. alexia scoffed as she turned away from you with her arms crossed over her chest. "it's okay though, your sheets are nicer than mine. i'm honestly surprised you haven't tried replacing my bedding again yet."
"the package hasn't arrived yet. there was a delay in shipping," alexia admitted. you rolled your eyes as you got up from the couch to pack a bag to go to alexia's. "does this mean we're leaving?"
"i heard you stretch this morning. another night here, and you'd need a walker," you teased. alexia huffed and grumbled as you continued making jokes. she could pretend all she wanted that you were annoying her, but you knew how happy she was that you were joking around with her again instead of beating yourself up over the smallest of mistakes. it was a far cry from the woman who had deemed herself as a complete waste of space that alexia had seen just a few weeks ago.
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entitled-fangirl · 2 months
Reading late.
Aemond Targaryen x wife!reader
Summary: the reader can't sleep and Aemond finds her in the library.
A/n: Based on an ask!
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"Up so late?"
The sudden sound of his voice made her jump and drop her book. 
The thud of it hitting the ground made her fret less than the realization that she had now lost her place in it. 
She turned around to Aemond, who leaned against the doorway with a slight hint of a grin. 
She sighed and bent down, picking up the book and brushing the dust from it before answering, "I couldn't sleep."
He tilted his head and hummed, pushing himself off the door and taking slow steps into the library.
She tucked a piece of hair away from her face as she tried to calm down her still stirring heart, "And… why are you awake, my love?"
He blinked, "Do you truly believe I'd be able to rest when your side of the bed is cold?"
"You were sleeping quite well when I left."
"Was. I was when you were within my arms."
She couldn't help the light chuckle, "I had to quite literally untangle myself from you."
His eye studied her as he neared her. "And what are you reading?"
She rattled on as if ashamed, "I was just starting it but I'm not sure I'll finish it maybe I'll put it away now and-"
He snatched it from her hand. 
"Aemond!" She reprimanded.
His fingers traced over the cover, a blank book on the front and back.
His nimble but gruff hands open the book and she watches with red cheeks. 
"You're studying Maegor the Cruel?" He asked quietly.
She chewed on her lip.
"How long have you been reading this?" He asked with a head tilt.
"Two… Three days…"
"No wonder you can't sleep," he sighs as he snaps the book shut. "You're done with this shit."
"No, Aemond. Just let me-"
He begins to walk past her, nearing one of the various shelves with a focused eye. "No. I'll pick something nicer for you. There's no reason for you to be reading this."
"It's your history, Aemond. I want to learn about your family."
"And just knowing you know his name is almost too much for me. Believe me." He paces one of the shelves, as if scanning for something particular as he mutters almost to himself, "To think of you and him in the same sentence? Gods. Makes me want to cut out my other eye."
"Hmm? Did you say something?" She asked as she moved to him. 
"What?" He turned. "Ah. No. I didn't." He scanned the shelf one last time before finding it. "Ah ha." 
He pulled down a worn looking book with a smirk, as if greeting an old friend. "This one will do."
She took it from him curiously, opening it to the first page. "The history of Vhagar?" She looked to him with wide eyes, "Such a book exists?"
"One of the oldest dragons in the world. Of course there's a book."
She smiles, "Thank you. I… I'll read it now."
"Aye, you will." He grabs her hand and pulls her to the sitting area of the library, practically shoving her onto the sofa. 
"Aemond, wha-"
"Shh. Read to me." He lay on the sofa, twisting himself to lie down and laying his head in her lap.
She looked down at him with a smile, "Read to you? You act as if you've read this before, though?"
"Oh, I have." He mused as his eyes closed, "seven times."
"I couldn't possibly read this to you th-"
"-Just read the pages, love." He says with a more raised voice.
She laughed, "Fine. Fine, I will."
There together, Aemond got his sleep due to her proximity, and she was able to read to her heart's content.
And what better reading material to learn about her husband than his dragon herself?
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lostloveletters · 19 days
Something Borrowed (Michael Corleone x Reader)
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Summary: Michael Corleone is the last person you expect to see at your best friend Connie’s wedding, and the last thing you expect to happen upon seeing him again after so many years is spending the night together. Maybe, it'll turn into something more.
Note: Female reader, but no other descriptors are used. No hate to Kay, she’s my girl, but wedding scene Michael drives me crazy🤭 She’s off living her best life elsewhere in this. Also, it was a lot of fun writing pre-everything Michael. Do not interact if you’re under 18, terf or radfem, or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: Sexually explicit content involving unprotected sex. Light play fighting.
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Champagne and giggles overflowed at Connie Corleone’s wedding to Carlo Rizzi. Plenty of red wine was passed around in pitchers for the old guard, of course. For you and the other women conscious of not staining the rainbow of cocktail dresses and flowing gowns that dotted the backyard, you opted for lighter fare in tall flutes that sparkled in the early autumn sun. 
Perhaps you were a bit too enthusiastic about the drink offerings, having already exchanged three empty champagne glasses for ones filled to the brim with glittering gold when the bride engulfed you in a hug. With a delighted laugh, you returned the gesture, kissing her cheek.
“I wanted to say thank you one more time for coming!” Connie exclaimed, her cheeks flushed pink from the excitement of the day. “God, it breaks my heart we couldn’t have gotten you a bridesmaid dress in time, but you look gorgeous.”
“Me? Connie, you look like a princess.”
“I feel like one,” she giggled.
“When you see your gift from me—I’m sorry it’s not more, I haven’t—”
“Stop it!” she scolded. “You came all the way from Europe just to be at my wedding. I couldn’t ask for a better friend.”
You didn’t bother correcting her. Her version of events sounded much nicer than you just got lucky with when the Red Cross put you on a boat home. “Anything for you.”
“I won’t keep you. This is probably the first time you’re eating real food in years. Mama, Sandra, and Theresa made most of it.”
Connie was right. You tried to savor your plate, packed with pasta drowned in homemade sauce, antipasto and crusty bread, and sandwiches that towered with fresh cold cuts. The Corleones knew a thing or two about good food, and had the means to pull the strings for the unfathomable ration books such a feast required.
A familiar yet unexpected voice startled you when your fork pierced a piece of mozzarella. “Is this seat taken?”
“Michael,” you practically gasped, taken aback by his even attending the wedding in the first place, but also how good he looked in his uniform. Cap tucked under his arm, medals and decorations on his chest, the photos you’d seen in the magazine didn’t do him justice. Finding yourself again, you gestured to the empty seat across from you. “Go ahead.”
“I can’t remember the last time I saw you, but you look great,” he said, his gaze fixed on you as he set his plate and glass down. He took you in, the girl he’d grown up seeing around the house and at school, now, without a doubt, a woman.
“You too, Captain,” you said, nodding toward the double bars on his uniform.
He snickered at your little joke, making you feel a bit more at ease in his presence. “I’m surprised you aren’t in the wedding party.”
“Honestly, I wasn’t even sure I was going to make it until a few days ago. I only just got back to New York on Thursday,” you said.
“You volunteered with the Red Cross, didn’t you?”
You nodded. “I was in England, and then France after the liberation.”
“Clubmobile, right?”
“Did Connie tell you?”
He shook his head, smiling the slightest bit. “All the pretty girls worked the Clubmobile.”
A mortifyingly girlish giggle escaped your lips. You quickly brought your glass to your mouth, though the champagne in it was likely the culprit of your embarrassing reaction to Michael’s compliment. Averting your eyes to the dancing guests, you tried to ignore the warmth that spread across your face.
You allowed yourself to look at him again a few moments later, relieved to find he was still sitting in front of you, amused, maybe even endeared, by you.
“You’re such a jerk, Michael,” you mumbled, only because he was your friend’s older brother, and when you were younger and starry-eyed and figuring out what it meant when your heart wouldn’t quite beat right around a boy, it was him who those tender emotions were kindled in secret toward—until you had your first real boyfriend.
He grinned at your remark, and the two of you ate and caught up in between his various family members stopping by the table to say hello. You weren’t sure what to make of his seeing you before any of them—flattered, a bit confused as well, but he laughed at your jokes and moved his seat closer to yours, so you must have been doing something right when he finally asked, “Do you want to dance?”
“I’d love to,” you said.
The chaos from Johnny Fontaine’s unexpected arrival and impromptu performance subsided when Michael led you out to dance. He held you close, the way soldiers had at the dances the Red Cross put on for servicemen, all to boost morale, or, as the war went on, to offer a break from reality. Among the many rules meant to be followed—and typically broken in one way or another in the haze of war—was to keep some emotional distance from the enlisted men, for your sake and their own, but with bodies so close together, tender touches and soft whispers over songs of twilight and moonbeams, it was tough not to be caught up in romance’s alluring snare.
Even then, with the war behind both of you, something about being in Michael’s arms made you truly understand why some girls risked their assignments for a man. There was something in how he looked at you, different from your childhood together, even from a few minutes prior. You felt breathless despite the slow song you swayed along to.
“Did you like Paris?” he asked quietly, throwing you for a loop.
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Paris?”
“You were in France, weren’t you?”
“Not Paris.”
“Where in France were you slinging doughnuts, then?”
“Little villages a few miles out from the front, mostly. More cows than people, but nice enough once the fighting stopped, and it was finally quiet—as quiet as it could get, anyway,” you said. “When Connie wrote you’d been wounded, I couldn’t help but think the worst. Plenty of guys out there—well, that article sure put me at ease. All the girls were jealous when I said I knew you.” You smiled. “I’m glad you’re alright, Michael.”
He glanced at your lips, and for an aching moment you were sure he was going to kiss you, but instead he gave you a smile, one that was real and made your heart flutter nevertheless, but left you disappointed.
“Where are you staying since you’ve been back?” he asked.
He seemed familiar with the hotel you were staying in when you mentioned it, offering to drive you back after the reception ended, and Connie and Carlo left for their honeymoon. 
“It’s only until I can find a boarding hotel that has space,” you said. “I mean, it doesn’t have to be the Barbizon, but I’m not moving back in with my parents.”
“Here’s to that.”
The rest of the day and into the evening, Michael hung around you, unless he was pulled away by members of his family, each instance an annoyance to him. You knew they weren’t exactly supportive of his enlisting, but the situation couldn’t have been that bad, not since he was home, safe and sound at his sister’s wedding.
The Corleones, though endlessly kind to you, always been an odd family, and you learned through your friendship with Connie not to ask too many questions.
But Genco Abbandando was dying, and Vito insisted Michael go with the rest of the Corleone men to pay his respects to the elder. When you offered to take a cab back to your hotel, Michael promised the visit wouldn’t be long, suggesting you wait at the house with his mother until he returned to drive you into the city.
Your foolish desire to spend more time with him led to your waiting in the Corleones’ kitchen for a little over an hour, when you likely would’ve been showered and in bed in your hotel room by the time he arrived back for you, in one hell of a hurry to get you into his car and presumably get away from his family.
“Do you ever think about leaving New York?” he asked when the house was out of view.
You laughed. “Michael, I only just got back.”
“That’s not what I mean. The war—it wasn’t going to be forever, but it let you see what life could be like away from all of this, didn’t it?”
“Of course it did. I’m honestly not sure what I’m going to do with myself now,” you said. “How about you? Are you going back to school? Dartmouth, I mean.”
He nodded. “I start again the spring semester.” At a red light, he glanced over at you. “New England’s nice. Better than French cow country.”
“And do you suppose I could study in the department of pouring coffee and serving doughnuts?”
“You’re smart. I think you have a real future,” he said, the sincerity in his voice startling you. “All of that back there, that’s not for us. It never has been.”
You were silent for a few moments. “I guess you’re right.”
The city lights twinkling in the distance took the place of the stars they blocked out from the sky, growing larger as Michael crossed the bridge into Manhattan, the center of the universe. You’d never tell a soul how you cried just a few days prior upon seeing it again for the first time in years.
Besides his talk of the future, Michael kept the conversation light, and you could’ve sworn he was flirting with you. Working the Clubmobile, you learned quickly how to pick up on it, some men laying it on thick while others were irresistibly smooth. Michael could’ve easily just been teasing you, the way a friend’s older brother would, but when he pulled up to your hotel, either your ego or curiosity prompted you to invite him up for a drink.
You sobered up on the drive into the city, enough to remember you didn’t have any drinks in your room. The two of you would have to go to the hotel bar for that, but then you and Michael wouldn’t be alone, not how you wanted, anyway.
To your relief, he agreed.
With Michael in uniform, few questions would be asked by hotel staff as to why you suddenly had a man with you when you checked in on your own. It would have been easy to lie, claim he was your fiance who had only just gotten back Stateside. But you supposed you and Michael already looked the part, walking arm-in-arm through the lobby without an issue.
Your confidence soared on the elevator ride up to your modest room, which you let Michael into, knowing he wouldn’t judge the state of your accommodations.
“Mind if I make myself comfortable?” You didn’t wait for his answer, pulling your blouse from where it’d been tucked in your skirt. Slipping out of your heels, you sighed softly in relief.
“It’s your place,” he said, setting his coat over the chair in the corner and loosening his tie.
You grabbed his cap from where he set it down and placed it on your head, tilting the brim over your face a bit and posing in front of him with a hand on your hip. “How do I look?”
He sat down on the edge of the bed, giving you a once over, “I swear I saw you pinned up in some guy’s tent looking just like that.”
You laughed, taking the cap off and flinging it aside. “Oh, I don’t even know why I invited you up here!” Your laughter faded as something in your stomach turned sour, the situation feeling achingly too good to be true. Alone in a hotel room with Michael, the two of you entirely capable of making your own mistakes on the off chance he wanted you too. “Or why you even agreed to come up.”
“I didn’t come up here to drink.”
“No, you did it to be nice, because we’ve known each other for so long…” You sighed, sitting next to him. “I always figured you thought of me as your kid sister’s annoying little friend or something.”
He shook his head, saying your name softly in either protest or reassurance. His hand cupped your face as he turned it toward him, his thumb rubbing soft circles in your cheek. “Not for a long time. Especially not tonight.”
You kissed him, hands gripping his shoulders, closing your eyes as you melted in his embrace. Your skin feverish at his touch, you shuddered when his hand slipped up your untucked blouse until his fingertips reached your bra.
To say you hadn’t fantasized about Michael would have been an unconvincing lie to anyone who dared ask, but even in your wildest dreams, it was never quite like this, so bold and irreverent in the face of the tradition the two of you had just spent the day celebrating.
“I came up here because you’re beautiful,” he confessed against your lips, “because you’re the only familiar face I saw at my sister’s wedding that didn’t make me wish I were somewhere else.”
Silencing him with another kiss, your fingers raked through his soft black hair as your body pressed flush against his, unsure if you could withstand hearing more of his tender words without falling to pieces. You couldn’t, not so early in the night, but his desire grew difficult to ignore when he pulled you onto his lap. The pressure against your pussy made you moan, and with a hasty desperation, you shimmied out of your panties as he unbuckled his belt, freeing his hard cock within a few moments.
You slipped a hand between the two of you, pumping his length, feeling the way it twitched at your touch and gasping when Michael’s hips bucked. His teeth grazed your bottom lip, a whisper of an intent to devour you.
“I need you, sweetheart,” he groaned. “Need to feel you.”
Lifting your hips, you whimpered upon feeling his head brush your clit as you positioned yourself, slowly lowering as he filled you, cock throbbing against your walls that clenched around him. He assuaged the pain of taking all of him with a gentle kiss and soft praises, urging you to take your time, that you had all night together.
All night. The promise he would stay, at least until the morning, sent a teasing wave of pleasure through you. Gripping his shoulders, you tried to keep a steady pace as you rode him, wanted to show him that staying would be worth his while. He’d been right in the car, you wouldn’t be a virginal, wedding white bride. The both of you had seen and experienced too much to be considered innocent any longer, but it was something you shared, that no one else from that day would have understood.
Your thighs ached as you neared your climax, desperately chasing it despite the exhaustion that was creeping up on you. Crying out in frustration, you buried your face in the crook of Michael’s neck.
“I’m close,” you whined. “Michael, I—”
“I’ve got you,” he assured you, his hands making their home on your hips. 
Your eyes fluttered shut as you let him guide your body, his thrusts doing most of the work while you rocked against him, seeking the friction against your clit that would bring you to release. It caught in your throat, a broken groan from your lips to his ears as you came, clenching around him, pleasure rolling through you, rattling your body like thunder. You barely caught your breath when he came, shuddering against you, practically cradling you against him as he filled you.
With a whimper, you lifted yourself off of him and rolled back onto the bed. Placing your hand on your chest, you felt your rapidly beating heart beneath your fingertips, focusing on it as it slowed the following minute or so and ignoring the stickiness between your legs, the evidence you slept with your best friend’s older brother. 
Michael leaned over, brushing back the hair that stuck to your face. “What are your plans tomorrow?”
“Looking through the classifieds for a job,” you said honestly.
“Wanna put it off for a day?”
“With what money, Michael?”
“I’ll give you a line of credit.”
You grabbed one of the pillows from behind you, throwing it at him with a laugh. “Jerk!”
He grinned, pushing it aside to grab for one of your arms. You put up a weak fight, your breathless laughter giving away his almost certain win.
Having pinned you down beneath him, he pressed you for an answer. “So?” He kissed you. “What do you say, sweetheart?”
You rolled your eyes, smiling despite yourself. “I guess I can clear my schedule for a dashing war hero like you.”
“Dashing, I like the sound of that,” he murmured, bringing his lips to yours again, softly, with a tenderness that promised more for tomorrow, and even the day after, if you’d have him. 
You smiled. “Me too.”
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imagines4thefandoms · 2 years
Family for Christmas
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“Merry Christmas love,” Henry said kissing your shoulder as you slept. 
“No it’s too early for Christmas. It doesn’t start til 7 not 8,” you said turning your head to face your boyfriend and pulled the blanket over your head. 
“Well I hear little feet that says it’s now,” he commented hearing your son running from his room to the living room and now heading to your room.
You and Henry have been dating for 2 years now and your son loves him more than he loves you. And you know Henry adores your son. Sometime you notice Henry spends more time with Scott than he does with you which warms your heart. Scott needs a man in his life and Henry has been a great influence on your 6 year old. 
“Mommy, Henry wake up. Santa came it’s Christmas,” Scott yelled jumping on the bed landing on Henry’s stomach. 
“No Santa said we can’t open presents til 8,” you said pulling the blanket from over your head and pulling your overly energetic son into your arms. 
“No mommy, Santa didn’t say that. We open presents in the morning. It’s morning,” Scott said trying to wake you up. 
“How about we make mommy a cup of coffee and see if that will wake her up,” Henry offered pulling Scott over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. 
You rolled onto your back and watched your loving boyfriend and your son head to the kitchen to make you coffee. Henry never hesitated or was put off because you are a single mother. After he met Scott he said it didn’t bother him, he just has two best friends. Everything about how Henry is with Scott made you love him so much more but you were taking things slow for Scott’s sake. You didn’t want him to get confused or too attached incase things didn’t work out but based on the laughter in the kitchen Scott would definitely take your boyfriends side in any fight over yours. 
A few seconds later your two boys came back into the room with a giant cup of coffee with whip cream and sprinkles on top. Scott had a giant smile on his face and a bit of whip cream on the corner of his lips. 
“Oh wow, this looks amazing,” you said sitting up and taking the cup from your 6 year old. 
“I did it all by myself, Henry didn’t help at all,” Scott explained excitingly. His eye were wide with pride as he waited for you to take a sip. 
“Oh it’s the best cup of coffee I’ve ever had,” you said putting the cup on the night stand and pulled him into a hug.
“Really, mommy,” he asked looking up at you. 
“Oh yes, if you can make me this every morning I would never go to Starbucks ever again.”
You took another sip of the overly sweet coffee and your son jumped off the bed and grabbed Henry’s sweater that was lying on the chair in the room and threw it at you. 
“Now presents. I’ve fed the mommy monster now I want my presents…… please,” he said with a cute smile and a tilt of his head. 
“I don’t think calling the mommy monster that to her face was a smart idea,” Henry said stepping away from your son. 
“Im not a mommy monster,” you said throwing your pillow at your boyfriend.
“Yeah your a lot nicer after your have your coffee. Less monstery,” your son said standing front of your boyfriends trying to protect him. 
You laughed and threw Henry’s pillow at your son but Henry caught it before it hit him in the face. Your boyfriend picked your son up and they ran out of the room yelling for you to get up. You put on Henry’s sweater and grabbed your coffee walking out of your room into the living room. 
There were maybe 20 presents under the tree. Mostly from Santa cause you were not going to spoil you kid. Henry on the other hand could never say no to your kid so he definitely has a few gift hidden from you for Scott. Your son was hitting by the tree with a present in his lap and talking to Henry about what toy he thinks Santa brought him.  Henry was waiting for you on the couch with a fluffy blanket. 
“The sun is barely awake. I’ll give you 20 bucks if we can sleep for another hour,” you tried to bribe your son. 
“No presents, this is for you Henry,” your son said grabbing the present in his lap and brought it over to you furnace of a boyfriend. 
“Thanks buddy,” he said opening it up. 
It was a superman Christmas sweater with the big “S” on the front and a cape on the back. Scott saw it in the store the other day and kept saying he had to get it for Henry that he would love it and wear it all the time. 
“DO you like it,” Scott asked jumping up and down. 
“I love it buddy,” he said getting up off the couch and putting it on. “How do I look?”
“Super,” Scott said running and jumping into his arms. 
Scott was explaining the sweater with the symbol and the cape while you got up and grabbed a couple presents so the three of you could stay under the warm blanket. You expected all three of the presents to be for Scott but was shocked to see your name on one of them. 
“What is this,” you asked holding up your present.
“Its a gift mommy,” Scott said running over to you and pulling you onto the couch so you could open it. 
“Hen, I thought we said no gifts,” you scorned your loving boyfriend. 
“Well I got this amazing gift so,” he said standing in the superman pose. 
You laughed and shook you head at the man who was a giant child. You opened the present and inside was a pandora bracelet box. You opened it and saw it was a silver charm bracelet with S and H dangling from it. 
“Oh my god this is beautiful,” you said wiping a tear from your eye. 
“I helped pick it out mommy. S for Scott and H for Henry. When you wear it you will know we love you. So never take it off,” Scott said taking the bracelet and trying to put it on your wrist but failing. 
Henry leaned over and helped him out and watched you admire your new piece of jewelry. You kissed your sons head then stood up and pulled Henry in for a kiss. 
“I love it,” you said kissing all over his face causing a small “eww” to come from behind you. 
“Merry Christmas darling,” Henry said returning the gesture of a millions kisses getting a fake gaging sound from Scott. 
“Gross. There is no kissing on Christmas just presents,” Scott said opening his gifts. 
He got actions figures, legos to build with Henry, a switch so he could play some video games with Henry, books and nerf guns. There were no other presents under the tree but Scott held u his little finger and ran in to his room and came back out with a poorly wrapped gift with way too much tape and glue. 
“Merry Christmas Henry,” Scott said handing the gift over and taking a big step back to watch his reaction. 
Hen looked over at you but you had no idea what this gift was. He slowly opened it and saw it was a framed drawing of the three of you. You then noticed that there was a dog flying in the background which was probably Kal. 
“I drew it for you,” Scott said slowly stepping forward and making his way between you and hen. 
Once he sat down he pointed out every little detail of the photo. After he just stared up at Henry who was still silently staring at the photo. 
“You don’t like it,” Scott sadly said filling the silence trying to take the photo back. 
Henry pulled Scott into a hug and you noticed that his cheeks were wet. Henry pulled your son into his lap and kissed his head.
“I love it buddy. It’s an amazing picture of all the people I love,” Henry reassured as he kissed Scott head again. 
“You really like it,” Scott said happily looking up at him. 
“Yes, it’s the most important thing I own now. I’m going to take it with me everywhere I go so I know I have the two most amazing people waiting for me.”
“I love you Henry,” Scott said wrapping his little arms around Hen’s neck.
“I love you too, buddy.”
You left those two to play with the new toys while you started getting ready for Christmas dinner at your parents. You were in the kitchen making a few things and just listening to Henry explain to Scott how to play some game. While the food was being set aside in the fridge to be cooked at your parents house you noticed it was almost 8 am and decided to start making breakfast. 
“Scotty what do you want for breakfast,” you asked looking in the fridge making a mental note of what you had and what you needed to get when you go to the store in a couple of days. 
“Get dressed,” you heard Henry said walking into the kitchen and closing the fridge. 
“Where are we going,” you asked before making sure Scott wasn’t looking then kissed Henry. 
“I’m taking you guys to breakfast. So you don’t tire yourself with cooking so much today.” 
“But I don’t wanna,” you whined thinking about wearing actually clothes this early on Christmas. 
“Grab a pair of my sweatpants and meet me and Scott in the car in 5 minutes,” he warned slapping you ass. 
Scott was waiting by the door with one of his non-superman action figures and his coat and rain boots. You gently slapped Henry’s chest and went to your room to do just at he said. When you finished getting dress Henry and Scott where already in the car jamming out to Christmas music. 
“Mommy do I have to sit in my car seat i’m a big boy. This is for babies,” he complained sitting next to the car seat. 
“How far away is the restaurant,” you asked looking at Henry. 
“8 minutes tops,” he replied. 
“Ok but you sit right and sit back. I’ll have to get you a booster seat later,” you said placing your hand on Henry’s thigh trying not to cry cause your baby is growing up. 
Henry waited til he was sure Scott was buckled and sitting right to start the car. You noticed out of the corner of your eye that every so often he would look in the rear view mirror to make sure Scott was siting right. Henry held your hand as Christmas music played and Scott was in the back playing. It wasn’t long til Henry pulled into the IHop parking lot. As soon as Scott saw we were at his favorite restaurant he started leaning forward and jumping in his seat.
“Scott buddy you need to sit still. I know you’re excited but its dangerous if you don’t sit right,” Henry said stopping the vehicle in the middle of the parking lot. 
“Im sorry,” you son said sitting right which prompted hen to park the car. 
The three of you got out of the vehicle and went to grab a table. Scott walked up to the hostess wished her a merry Christmas then asked for a table. 
“Of course sir, just follow me,” she said grabbing menus and headed further into the building. 
The waitress stopped at a booth and asked Scott if this table was acceptable and he responded with a Kurt nod. She placed the menus on the table and walked away. You sat on one side with Scott and Henry sat across from the two of you. 
“I want hot chocolate and a smiley face pancake and bacon,” Scott said looking at everything in the menu. 
“Ok scotty,” you said messing up his hair. 
The waitress came back and Scott ordered his food and Henry ordered 2 more hot chocolates, French toast for you and a breakfast sampler for him. While you waited for the food, Scott was explaining how excited he was to go to visit Henry’s family for a late Christmas next week. 
“I wanna see the guards with the silly hats. Can I get a silly hat,” Scott asked.
“If we can find one yeah,” Henry said. 
It didn’t take long for the food to come and when it did the three of you sit ate in silence. In the middle of eating a boy around the age of 12 came up to the table holding a notebook and a pen. 
“Im sorry to bother you but can I have your autograph,” he asked Henry. 
Henry held up his hand cause the kid came up to the table when he was mid bite. You grabbed the book from the kid and placed it in front of Henry. 
“Of course he will,” you reassured the kid. 
After Henry got his food down, he signed the notebook and smiled at his sweater. 
“I got that for him,” Scott said staring the kid down. 
“Its so cool that you know superman,” the kid told Scott. 
A second later an older man came up and apologized for the kid interrupting our meal. He tried to take the kid away but then he asked for a photo. 
“Sure,” Henry said wiping his hands and his mouth then getting up from the booth. 
He took one photo and once the kid was satisfied he ran off and told his mother all about meeting superman. Henry sat back down and Scott went to sit next to him. 
“What’s wrong buddy,” he asked gently nudging him with his elbow. 
“Why did he want a photo,” Scott asked. 
“Cause i’m famous buddy, a lot of people ask for photos and autographs.” 
Once Scott wrapped his head around Henry’s famousness he finished scarfing down his breakfast and talked about how he wanted to play his new video game with Henry before we left for Christmas dinner. 
“Sure but we have to help mom clean up and cook first.”
Scott reluctantly agreed and finished his food. The waitress came back to the table and left the check on the table. Henry left money on the table and a nice tip as you left the restaurant. The car ride home Scott sat without being told to sit back or anything. And once you got back home you cleaned up the wrapping paper that was all over the place and Scott grabbed your coffee mug while Henry went to help put Scott’s new things away in his room. Seeing that you still had 4 hours til you had to head out you went to lay down for a bit longer seeing how you were rudely woken up. 
Henry and Scott came into the room too which would have made you whine in protest but Henry sat you up so you can sleep on him and Scott sat next to you and you three just laid in the bed. You slept while Henry was playing some game on the switch with your son. 
You woke up to Henry kissing your head. The shower in your room was running and you could hear Scott laughing and water splashing. 
“Wake up love, it’s time to get ready. Scott is taking a bath and I have your shower running,” he whispered tearing the sheets off you. 
He left you to attend to Scott and you just heard Scott yell ‘ho ho ho’ which meant he had a bubble beard. You slowly got up out of bed and hopped in the warm shower. You were enjoying the hot water hitting your back when you heard Scott come into the bathroom.
“Mommy I don’t want to wear a suit,” he whined.
“Grandma loves when you wear a suit,” you told him. 
“But I get I don’t like it. I want to stay in my pjs,” he stomped his feet. 
“How about suit no jacket,” you suggested.
“Can I wear my cape.”
“Deal,” he said closing his eyes and sticking his hand in the shower to shake. 
You shook his hand and pushed him out of the bathroom. While you were washing your hair, the door to the bathroom opened again. 
“Scott we already made a deal,” you shouted thinking it was your son. 
“Not Scott. He’s picking out his cape,” Henry said getting undressed and stepping into the shower with you. 
You felt his hands on your waist and let out a small shriek. 
“Henry, Scott could come in any second,” your said slapping his hands. 
You quickly finished your shower and got out so you wouldn’t have to pay for your son’s therapy in the future. After you got out of the shower you wrapped yourself in a towel and started drying your hair. 
“I want to apologize in advance for that you are about to experience Hen,” you told him as you stared at your reflection. 
“Ive been to your family dinners before what’s going to be different,” he asked sticking his head out. 
You looked at him and saw that his head was covered in his shampoo and just smiled at the domestic vibe of everything. 
“Well there’s going to be people you haven’t met there and whom I don’t like so there’s that.”
“Judgmental aunt,” he questioned.
“No you met my judgmental aunt and you know that my family doesn’t mean have the stupid stuff they say but these people do. They don’t jokingly judge they judge judge and think they have an opinion in your life and want to give you relationship advice on a guy who’s a dead beat and you are better off without but insist you should give him another go cause its how a family is suppose to be,” you ranted not realizing til Henry let out a joking whistle. 
“Sorry,” you said putting your hairdryer down and sitting on the toilet. 
“Don’t apologize,” he comforted still sticking his head out of the shower. “You’ve never mention Scott’s father before.”
“Cause he’s not worth mentioning. He was super excited about having a baby but after 9 months of Scott being born he said its not what he expected. Not as fun and exciting. It was too hard for him,” you confessed. 
“Well he’s stupid. Scott’s amazing,” he responded going back to his shower.
“He is, but it still hurts you know. I see his face when a father son event comes around and he says he can’t go. Scott doesn’t deserve a dead beat for a father. Philip hasn’t even sent a card or called for his birthday.”
The shower turned off and Henry stepped out and grabbed the towel hanging on the rack. After covering up he knelt in front of you and held your hands.
“You are an amazing mother raising that amazing kid all by yourself. Don’t let anyone try to convince you differently. I’ve seen children with both parents around be a complete arsehole. And your son isn’t an arsehole so that’s an achievement.”
“God I love you,” you said grabbing his face and firmly pressing your lips against his. 
“I love you too, now let’s get ready,” he said standing up and pulling you up with him. 
You went back to drying your hair while Henry went to get dressed. To make Scott feel better he decided to wear a suit like him. After you did your hair and make up, you put on your simple green dress. When you walked out Henry was helping Scot with his tie which matched your dress. Scott decided to wear his superman cape because it was red which is a Christmas color. 
“Lets go I wanna see grandma and becky and willy,” Scott said standing like superman then running around the room so his cape flowed in the wind. 
“Wait, we gonna do the bet,” you said taking your wallet and placed a 20 on the table.
“Um i'll eat all my vegetables and i'll go to bed an hour early,” Scott offered. 
“And you will pick up without having to be asked.”
“That’s asking for to much mommy. Don’t get your hopes up. Veggies and early bed take it or leave it,” he offers holding his hand out causing you to chuckle. 
“What’s the time,” Henry asked.
“2 hours,” you stated. 
“Ok i’ll double it if you can go the entire time, from start to end no stain no mess,” Henry said putting another 20 on the table. 
“5 hours can you do that Scott,” you asked putting the money in an envelope and handing it to Henry. 
“Yes I can, I hate veggies,” Scott replied. 
With the family bet made you piled into the car and started to head to your mothers house. Since your mother’s house was pretty far away, Scott had to sit in his car seat which he wasn’t happy about. 
“Mommy when I win I’m getting a new car seat. One for big kids,” he said crossing his arms in anger. 
“Okay baby, first thing tomorrow we will get you a new one,” you said reaching behind you and gripping his foot. 
Henry placed his hand on your thigh and gave you a reassuring squeeze as you looked out of the window. 
“Henry if things get heated please take Scott somewhere else,” you asked him.
“Things didn’t get heated last year,” he questioned.
“I was still trying to impress you,” you joked holding his hand. 
“If it gets too much we can leave for England tonight and never come back,” he joked.
“Don’t joke Hen cause I might take you up on that.”
Even though you stomach churned as you got closer to your mother’s having Hen touching you settled the butterflies. Sometime you still don’t believe he’s your boyfriend. You can’t believe how lucky you’ve been with him coming into yours and Scott’s life. When you pulled up to the house your niece becky was outside with your siblings. 
As soon as the car stopped Scott unbuckled and jumped out of the vehicle to hug his aunt and uncle. “Happy Christmas,” he shouted before hugging becky and running inside. 
Becky ran over to you and jumped into your arms but then went to Henry. She held her hand out and tugged his hair a bit. Her mother ran over and apologized before taking her from your boyfriend.
“She just started walking and she can’t be stopped,” you brother stated. 
“Scott is still that way,” you warned him. 
After helping him get becky’s diaper bag and play pen the four of you walked into the house. Your mother was in the kitchen. She turned and looked at you and engulfed you in a hug.
“My baby I’ve missed you,” she cried like she hadn’t seen you last week. “Were the food.”
Before you could even stress about leaving the food Henry put the diaper bag down and said they were in the car. He walked out and came back in with 3 dishes. He put them in the oven and came back to give you a kiss. 
“You really are super,” you joked laying your head on his chest. 
You walked around the house greeting everyone and were having an amazing time. Til the front door opened and you could just feel the judgment fill the room. Your uncle’s mother, Brenda walked in with her bags of gifts and her nasty perfume. 
She walked in greeting everyone with kisses to the cheek. After she greeted you she announced she has brought a guest. And as if this night couldn’t get worse, in walked in your ex Philip. 
“Hey, (y/n),” he said wrapping you in a hug. Which you was accepted just because you were too shocked to protest. 
“What are you doing here Philip,” you asked coming to your senses and pushing him off you. 
At the sound of your ex’s name Henry placed his arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. Philip glared at the motion then turned back to Brenda. 
“I ran into Philip the other day and just thought how long it’s been since he’s been to a family event and thought it would be nice to see him again,” she said putting her purse on the table and taking a seat.
“Nice for whom,” you asked louder than you expected.
“He’s family dear. It was time you moved past your childish behavior and did want was best for Scott. He needs his father,” she said ignoring the looks of disgust on your face.
“I don’t see him anywhere all I see is a dead beat who thought a baby was too boring and wanted excitement so he left,” you whisper yelled worried that Scott would hear from outside where he was playing. 
“You kicked me out,” Philip objected.
“You wouldn’t even look at Scott without this distain for him like he ruined your life.”
“Dear, stop being so dramatic you need to do the right thing and have a normal family. You don’t want to confuse Scott,” Brenda said stating her unwanted opinion. 
The back door opened and in walked Scott. Philip started walking over to him but Scott looked at him like a stranger which, he was, then ran over to Henry.
“Henry can you come play. Willy and Becky are the supervillains and I need your help to save the city,” he said pulling his hand not waiting for his answer. 
Knowing things were going south, he let Scott pull him outside. But Philip stoped him and knelt before your son. 
“Hey buddy it’s me dad,” he said as if he’s been gone are a year not his entire life.
“Not your buddy,” he said pushing past him causing you to let out a chuckle.
“Really, you turned our son against me,” Philip yelled after the door closet.
“Can’t turn him against someone who has never been in his life. I never told him about you cause I didn’t want him to know that you met him, spent 9 months with him and the thought ‘nah I don’t want him’.”
“That man your dating is not his father and I don’t see why your letting him treat him like one,” Brenda butted in. 
“Im doing no such thing. Henry is just being himself. He loves Scott and has been there for him for the past two year. Two year. You could stand to be in Scott’s presence for 9 months. So as far as i’m concern your not his father either,” you yelled. 
“I have a right to my son. And I don’t want that man around him,” Philip said sitting down as if he was having the last word. “And i’m going to take him til school starts again.”
“What,” you nearly screamed. “You are not taking MY son for even a second.” 
Guessing your were too loud Scott ran in worried about you. Philip pulled him into a hug and you could see the uncomfortable look on your sons face. He tried to wiggle out but Philip wouldn’t let him.
“Scotty you’re going to come home with daddy and we are going to spend time together,” he said ruffling his hair.
“What about the England trip and my funny hat,” he questioned. 
“We are still going baby, Philip is joking,” you reassured him mentally pleading for someone to remove your child from his arms. 
“What trip,” Philip asked gripping your son’s arms.
You could feel the anger seeping from every inch of his body. Philip was never violent but he doesn’t have the patience to take care of a child. 
“We are going to have second Christmas with Henry’s family in London next week. We are leaving on Wednesday,” he explain still trying to get out. 
Henry stepped closer to Scott hoping to grab him but Philip snapped at him to stay away from his son which cause Scott to go from uncomfortable to scared.
“Mommy what’s going on,” Scott asked.
“Nothing baby, Philip is going to let go of you and your going to go outside til us adult solve a little problem,” you said in a calming voice trying to sooth your son’s fear. 
“I’m his father, you’re not taking him out of the country without me and definitely not with him,” Philip said nodded his head towards Henry who was starting to get angry.
“Ow,” Scott said as Philip gripped his arm tighter.
“Let him go now,” Henry whisper yelled not wanting to scare Scott even more.
“You do not tell me how to deal with my child,” Philip said pushing Scott off his lap and standing up.
“Leave now,” you mother said checking on Scott before she ushered him outside. “You are not and will never be welcomed here.”
“Not without my son,” Philip said taking a step to the back door. 
Henry blocked him. Philip tried to step around him and Henry wasn’t going to let him anywhere near Scott.
“Jesus (y/n) that man has no right to stop Philip from seeing his son this is a family event. I’m not sure why he is here anyway,” Brenda yelled standing up for Philip.
“Henry is my family he is Scott’s family. Philip is not, you are not. Your my uncle’s mother you are not my family so why are you here. And I don’t see how any of this is your business. You have never and will never have a decision or opinion that is relevant to how I raise my son,” you yelled back at her. 
“How dare you speak to me that way. I’m worried for Scott cause you are not doing a great job raising him I mean look at how rude he has been and disrespectful,” she stated.
“Enough,” Henry stated raising his voice scaring you a little as how you haven’t heard him this angry. “I won’t stand here and listen to you question her parenting. (Y/n) has been a mother and a father to Scott for 6 years. While you decided being a father wasn’t worth it, she didn’t waver to it for a second. And I may not be his father but i’m never going to abandon him. And as much as I would love to take credit for a fraction of the kid he is, I haven’t and wouldn’t dare try to parent him that’s not my job but I do stand by her every decision.”
“You have no right to speak to me that way,” Brenda cried.
“I do when you keep trying to tear down the woman I love and plan to spend the rest of my life with,” he said looking over at you.
You could see in his eye that he want to come hold you not to give you strength but to get some from you but he didn’t want to give Philip a direct line to Scott. The room fell into an awkward silence when the kids came back inside cause it was too cold. Scott quickly came to sit next to you and Henry was not far behind. 
“Is the problem solved,” Scott asked.
“For now yes, but are you hungry,” you asked him. 
“Yes I want ham and Mac and cheese and 3 biscuits,” he said with a smile looking at Henry mentally asking him to make his plate. 
Before Henry could get up Philip made the plate and placed it in front of Scott. He looked at the plate then at Philip then Henry and laughed.
“These are scones not biscuits silly,” he said taking the biscuits off.
“Those are biscuits,” Philip said confused.
“He mean cookies,” you stated. “He’s been learning some of the English slang from Henry.”
This time Henry got up and got the cookies that Scott wanted. One by one people went to fix themselves a plate but the awkwardness didn’t fade. After dinner it was time for presents. With the presents it was like the giant fight that we had before never happened. That was until Philip opened his mouth. 
“So Scott did Santa bring you everything you asked for,” he asked sitting down next to him as he played with his new race cars.
“No,” Scott said nonchalantly.
“Baby, what did you want,” you asked him worried that you forgot something major.
“I don’t want to say. I might make you upset or mad,” he said not looking up.
“Oh baby nothing you can say right now will make me upset or mad. What did you want for Christmas,” you asked siting next to him and forcing him to look at you. 
His eye went from you to Philip to Henry to your mother then back to you. “I want Henry to be my dad,” he said putting the toys down. 
You sister stood up and announced that she planned a scavenger hunt for the kids and took them back outside. She was out there for a few minutes then came back in stating they are going to be preoccupied for half an hour at best. 
“What the fuck,” Philip yelled as soon as the back door closed. 
“Calm down,” you told Philip.
“Why when you are trying to get my son to replace me with your current booty call,” he yelled waving his hands around.
“Im doing no such thing and he is my son. You don’t get the right to call him your son when you’ve been out of his life more than you have been in it. And don’t go blaming Henry for any of this either. Don’t get mad cause he constantly makes Scott feel loved and safe and happy,” you yelled back.
“I don’t trust him around Scott he is not family,” Brenda said once again thinking she had a say in the matter.
“Oh but you would trust your husband to watch my son or your grandkids even though he’s in jail for touching little kids,” you announced. 
“Damn,” you heard you brother laugh under his breath. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about. That was all a lie,” she stuttered out. 
“I’ve been nice Brenda. I’ve listen to you nag about what is best for a kid you see once a year or twice at most. I’ve been nice for the sake of my mother and my sister but i’m done. I don’t want to hear another word in relation to Scott or my relationship with Henry come out of your mouth ever again. So you’re going to sit there and just wait keep your mouth shut which we make everyone here happy,” you scorned her then turned to Philip, “I’d rather not take this to court cause I shouldn’t have too. If you would have walked in here and apologized and asked if you could see Scott I would have probably said yes but no you come in here all fragile masculinity type demanding to see him and then you have the nerve to scare him and hurt him. So consider this your informal serving. When we get back from London i’m getting a lawyer and fighting for legal fully custody.” 
You could see the anger filling his face as you pressed your index finger against his chest with every word of your threat. Philip grabbed your hand and twisted it. 
“Im not going to let you keep Scott away from me,” he growled twisting you wrist more causing you to cry out in pain. 
Henry grabbed Philips wrist where he was hurting you and squeezed til he let go of your hand. “Touch her or Scott again and I will hurt you,” he threatened as he turned to come check on you. 
In all of the commotion you didn’t notice Scott run back in the house and open the front door. Two police officers walked in and tried to calm everyone down. Henry gently took your arm to check you wrist when Philip tapped on his shoulder and went to punch him in the face but without thinking Henry dodged the fist and Philip ended up hitting you on the chin. 
You didn’t even register the punch all you hear was Scott crying out and you just wanted to see is Scott was ok. 
“Shit, darling are you okay,” Henry asked touching your chin causing you to wince. 
The officers slammed Philip against the wall and put him in cuffs then pushed him on the floor. The female officer walked over to you then radioed for EMS to come check you out. 
“Ma’am are you okay,” the female officer asked trying to get your attention. 
“Where’s Scott,” you asked wincing as you moved your mouth. 
Suddenly little arms wrapped around your neck and you could feel the little tears fall from his cheek to your neck. 
“I called them mommy cause you said to call when you need help and that guy wasn’t listening and he was scary,” Scott confessed as he sat back and looked at your face.
“You did the right thing kid,” the female officer told him. “You were really brave.”
“The bravest,” you said pulling him into another hung. 
Philip started to yell that he was Scott’s father but the male officer told him to shut up then brought him out to the police vehicle. 
“I don’t want a dad if he’s it. I just want a mommy and a Henry.”
After EMS came and checked you out and you gave the officers your statements, you and Scott sat on the couch and watched the grinch. Henry was in the kitchen grabbing you a bag of ice seeing how you refused to go to the hospital. Your aunt stood up and let out a small laugh saying how Henry ruined Christmas. 
“I hope you’re happy about breaking up a family,” she commented pouring herself some wine. 
“Goodbye mother,” you heard your uncle say as he held up his mothers purse. “I speak for everyone here when I say go home.”
She was in shock but left once she saw how no one was coming to her defense. She slowly walked out the door and your mother slammed it shut behind her and locked it. Everyone sat down on the couch and you rested your head on Henrys shoulder as he gently pressed the ice to your chin. 
“Well seeing how (y/n) is the family disappointment it doesn’t matter that I dropped out of college does it,” you cousin announced trying to lighten the mood. 
You let out a small laugh making your chin hurt. Even your uncle laughed til he realized his daughter wasn’t joking. 
“Im sorry you what,” he asked angrily. 
“Henry is the home wrecker,” she cried trying to get the attention off her. 
“Good cause you two are mine,” Henry whispered in you ear holding on to you tighter. 
You lifted your head and placed a small kiss on his shoulder. Scott looked around the room and then got off the couch and ran outside. Your mother gave you a confused look and went to go after him but you stopped her. 
“I’ve got it,” you said getting up and dropping the bag of ice in Henry’s lap. 
You found Scott outside in the rocking chair crying. You knelt in front of him and just rubbed his knee.
“What’s wrong baby,” you asked him. 
“I ruined Christmas,” he cried out hiding his face in his hands.
“You did no such thing.”
“I made everyone fight.”
“Sweety, it’s Christmas. It’s a time where family get together after not see each other for a while. There’s bound to be a fight but that’s ok cause families fight but we still love each other and we still show up for other family event,” you explained to him. “I’d be worried if we didn’t fight.”
“Do you and Henry fight,” he asked finally taking his hands out of his face.
“Yes we do,” you told him wiping the tears off his face. 
“We fight about me leaving my smelly socks around, and when she takes forever to get ready for an event for my work but it’s always my fault,” Henry said kneeling next to you. 
You didn’t hear him come outside but glad he did cause a smile appeared on Scott’s face when he told him what you fight about. 
“But your still here,” Scott stated processing that fighting doesn’t mean leaving.
“Of course I am. I love your mummy even when she puts her feet on me when she is cold or when she wakes me up when she can’t sleep but she doesn’t know I know that,” he told Scott whispering the last part. “And I love you even when you think batman is better and even when you steal the last bite of my food. I’m not going anywhere. And god forbid your mum is ever tired of me and we break up, you are still my best friend and I will always be there for you.”
Scott jumped into into Henry’s arms and let out a little cry. “I still want you to be my daddy Henry.” Henry pushed Scott back so he could look at him and wipe any remaining tears away. 
“I was going to wait til we got to England but your son is stubborn and persistent,” Henry said reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a little black box. “I know how you hate doing anything cheesy in front of family but I want both of you and your family and the entire world to know you guys are stuck with me and I’m stuck with you two. No matter the fights. My world is so much better with you guys in it.” Henry opened the box and there was a beautiful ring with with a rose gold band and an emerald stone. 
“Henry,” you cried as he slid the ring on your finger. 
“Will you marry me?”
You were too busy crying and looking at the ring so you didn’t answer which was stressing Scott out. “Say yes mommy. I promise to clean up for a whole month.”
Henry let out a laugh and you slowly started to nod your head. “Yes i’ll marry you,” you said throwing yourself in his arms cause the three of you to fall the ground. Henry gently grabbed your face and firmly pressed his lips against yours. He let you go when he heard you wince but you didn’t let him get far. You pulled him back to you and ignored the pain. 
“Can I call him it now,” Scott asked standing up.
You let out a laugh and nodded your head not caring about what your family will think or how it would make Philip feel. 
“I love you daddy,” Scott screamed as he jumped on Henry. 
“Love you too, buddy.”
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queenshelby · 1 year
Forbidden Desire (Part Seven)
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Reader (Female/Incestuous)
Warnings: Incest (at this stage accidental), Age Gap, PTSD, Domestic Abuse, Self-Harm, Fluff, Smut
The following day, after you arrived back home late and slept on your sofa, your mother decided to take matters into her own hands. Clearly, you were not going to listen to her and resign from your position at Shelby Company Limited. It was something you had already told her several times that night and she realised again that you were just as stubborn as your father who, unbeknownst to you, was very much alive and familiar to you.
Thus, while you went to work at the gambling den that day, your mother sought out a person who was familiar to her and this person was no other than Polly Grey.
Polly Grey looked after your mother when she was a young teenage girl and ended up in trouble with the authorities for stealing.
Just like the Shelbys back then, your mother was a thief and got involved in minor criminal activities. She got arrested twice and it was Arthur Shelby who threated a police officer on her behalf when he tried to assault her.
Arthur saved her that day and this was how it had all started.
“I am here to see Misses Polly Grey” your mother informed Polly’s secretary when she arrived at her office in Birmingham which was located in a much nicer part of town than the gambling den you were working in.
“Do you have an appointment?” the secretary asked but your mother shook her head. Of course she did not have an appointment. In fact, she had not seen Polly since before you were born.
“No, I do not but if you give her my name, I am sure that she will see me” your mother told her and this was exactly what she did. The secretary informed Polly of your mother’s name and, unsurprisingly, Polly called her into her offices right away. She even cancelled one of her other meetings for her, simply to be accommodating for old times’ sake. Polly, of course, was intrigued about what your mother had to say and, yet, nothing would have prepared her for that…that shock…an utter surprise!
“I did not expect to see you ever again in this part of the world. You left so suddenly and without a trace” Polly said and your mother was surprised by how well and elegant she looked. She was wealthy and displayed class and maturity, unlike twenty-five years ago when she produced liquor out of her bathroom to make a few quid.
“And I never expected to be back, but here I am, trying to save my daughter from the bad influence of your family” your mother said without any reluctance whatsoever, causing Polly to raise her eyebrows.
“Your daughter is Y/N. I have met her at the gambling den and Thomas, in particular, seems to have taken an interest in her” Polly said almost jokingly before, without asking, pouring your mother a glass of whiskey.
“An interest in her? How?” your mother asked before taking the glass from Polly’s well-manicured hands.
“In the way Thomas takes an interest in anybody. Only he knows. It could be a professional interest or it could be much more than that. I don’t really know. He seems to keep those things from me these days” Polly explained while gesturing for your mother to sit down which, of course, she did in order to be polite.
“He can’t take an interest in her” your mother said nonetheless which, again, caused Polly to chuckle.
“He can’t?” Polly laughed while pouring herself a drink as well. “You would know Thomas well enough to also know that he has no limitations, right? If he likes your daughter then there is nothing I can do about it” Polly then joked before explaining to your mother that the word “can’t” is not part of Tommy’s vocabulary,
“Polly, I am begging you to be reasonable here. I do not want my daughter to be part of this family nor do I want her to be involved with Thomas Shelby in any way whatsoever” your mother said with a less demanding but more desperate tone in her voice.
“She isn’t part of the family. She just part of the business. Despite, she is new and Tommy will get over her within no time, trust me. It is just the way he is these days. I would not think too much of it if I was you” Polly said bluntly.
“Thomas must end her employment and never see her again. I am demanding it! Please! For old times’ sake” your mother said in a begging kind of manner.
“Like I said, Thomas has taken an interest in her for now, so I doubt that he would be amicable to letting her go” polly repeated herself, not knowing why your mother was making such a big deal out of all this. You were grown woman and should be able to decide for yourself as to who you are getting yourself involved with.
“She is not a woman for Thomas Shelby to toy with. There will be consequences if he does” your mother then went on to say, trying to reason with Polly without giving too much away. Although she soon realised that her efforts were futile.
“Being?” Pully asked, intrigued. “Are you going to shoot him?” she then joked and, of course, your mother shook her head.
“No, but Arthur might” she then blurted out, causing Polly to laugh.
“Arthur?” she asked. “And why would he do that?” she wondered.
“Because Y/N is his daughter. Isn’t that obvious to you?” your mother responded almost hysterically, causing Polly’s chin to drop. She knew that there was something about you which intrigued her and made her feel as though she knew you somehow or from somewhere, but she could never really figure out why she had this somewhat strange feeling about you. Now, it all made sense to her and she was shocked.
“I never told anyone until now because I am ashamed of ever having been involved with this family. I was young and naïve when I fell in love with Arthur and I certainly do not want my daughter to become a part of any criminal activities. I am begging you Polly, from mother to mother, get her out of this company” your mother then went on to say before Polly could even digest the news.
“That explains everything. Y/N is a Shelby woman” Polly said. She was stunned and got up from where she was sitting in order to walk around, thinking about what to do next.
“No. She will never be a Shelby woman” your mother blurted out, invading Polly’s thoughts about how to approach these news with both Arthur and Tommy.
“Unfortunatly that is not up to you to decide. It is Y/N’s decision alone. If she wants to be a part of this family, then by all means, she can…” Polly argued while still thinking about it some more. “Of course, Tommy will keep her out of the sport if she is a Shelby and, of course, she will be under the protection of the Peaky Blinders so, really, there is nothing for you to worry about, is there?” Polly then went on to say while grabbing her coat and telling your mother that she had more urgent business to attend to.
She had to find Arthur and she most certainly had to find Tommy before he was to do something stupid.
At the same time…
Just as your mother went to see Polly at her offices at around ten o’clock, you went into work at the gambling den and were greeted by Linda who appeared to be upset by something Lizzie had done.
According to her, it was Lizzie who took the missing money from safe simply to play tricks on you and even Linda herself was outraged by this.
“I can’t believe it. This is so dishonest of her” she said and it took you a while to comprehend what she was saying.
“So, Lizzie took the money and wanted me to take the fall for it? Is that it?” you asked, causing Linda to nod.
“Yes. She thinks that you are seeing Tommy which, I know, is quite outrageous” Linda laughed. “I know you like him, this much is obvious to me, but as if he would be interested in sleeping with someone like you. It’s absurd and I told Lizzie so many times that she had nothing to worry about…” she went on to say, causing you to fume with anger.
“Right. Listen Linda, I am not feeling well today so I will be taking the day off” you said calmly, supressing the anger you felt towards her.
“You will what now?” Linda asked. She was surprised by your audacity to leave her with all the work that had to be done and snapped. “You can’t just leave. I am on my own here” she spat.
“Watch me. I can. I will see you tomorrow” you said as you waived her goodbye whereas, the truth was, that you did not feel unwell at all.
You felt anger towards her, yes, but, after comment, you also suddenly felt an urgent need to continue where you had left off last night when you visited Tommy.
For some reason, Linda’s comment triggered something inside of you and you felt as though you needed to prove something to yourself and this exactly why, for the next two hours, you spent all of your money to buy yourself something nice before, finally, returning to Arrow House to claim what you ought was yours.
To be continued…
Please comment and engage. I love getting comments and predictions pretty please!
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se-agapo-skywalker · 4 months
Silence at the Cliffs of Dawn
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Celebrating one year of the blog 🥳
CW: age gap (dilf!Luke Skywalker), finger (cybernetic) sucking, oral sex (f! and m! receiving; blowjob/face sitting/69ing)
WC: 3.5k
"...All I ever do is make myself unlikable. You know that," Luke says, "Why do you even bother staying?"
The two of you are laying down in his bed, pressed together tightly to avoid accidentally pushing the other off the already small space--how you managed to convince Luke to let you sleep with him, you have no idea... Of course, you did sleep with him. Your current state of undress is evidence of that; in a move showcasing a rare display of his kindness, he allowed you to hog the majority of the blanket while he chose to rely on the warmth of his nightclothes.
Propping your head up on the pillow, you look at Luke and frown.
"I don't think you do it on purpose... for the most part, anyway," you tease. He raises an unamused eyebrow at you, before shaking his head and letting out a quiet almost-laugh.
"I can't even tell anymore. I guess I've really grown into it."
You fall silent for a moment. "What were you like? Before... When you were a Jedi?"
More silence. The rain outside is just starting to clear up, you notice, but it's still dark out. Luke's features are too dim to fully discern, but even then, you can notice the pain in his eyes... the conflict.
Strangely enough, he laughs. An actual laugh.
"...I looked a lot nicer. Dignified, you know? Not like some hobo hermit living in the middle of nowhere." He sighs. "In all seriousness, though... things were different. I can barely even recognize who I am now, nor can I the man I was before."
"Let me guess..." you smile, trying to picture a younger version of the greying man before you. You've seen the old propaganda posters--shockingly handsome ones, portraying him as the gorgeous golden boy of the Rebellion. "Plenty of admirers? Paramours, even?"
Luke shakes his head with something akin to embarrassment. "People certainly tried, but... that life wasn't for me."
Intrigued, you decide to press even further. "Well, what was? The daring pilot with a life full of adventure, or the wise, contemplative Jedi who liberated entire planets with the wave of his hand?"
"I did my fair share of both, but the truth is far more complicated than that. For a while, I did chase the feeling of being a hero..." His gaze grows distant. Regretful. "But it was all in vain. The people you save get killed. The things you build get destroyed. This galaxy, everything in it, it's all... temporary."
You sit up, blanket sliding off your nude form slightly and catching Luke's attention; as much as he tries to hide it, he can't help the way you affect him. For a moment, you smirk, but with the better view of his face you can see just how tormented he is.
"I mean, the galaxy isn't all that bad... it brought us together, right?"
"But it took so much in the process," Luke mutters in response.
"Don't tell me it was worth it. It wasn't."
He moves over onto his back and covers his face with his left hand--hiding tears, no doubt. Tears he isn't yet ready to let you see.
"...The rain is over. You can leave if you wish."
"I'm not leaving," you say, maneuvering yourself over him. Luke peeks up at you through his fingers before you gently grab his hand and move it away from his face. "Not when you need me."
He exhales slowly, sadly, but he makes no move to shove you off him. With your other hand, you brush away the tears pricking the corners of his eyes.
"Let me take care of you, alright?"
Just as Luke instinctively opens his mouth to protest, he immediately concedes, settling back into the pillow. He's old, and he's tired, what use is it trying to fight you off? Besides, he wants this--needs it, he discovered at the onset of the rain--so the last thing he's going to do is stop you.
The room is silent, save for the sound of baited breath, as you finally lean over to kiss him. Using your free hand to stroke the fringe out of his eyes, other hand still holding his, you kiss the lines of his forehead, the bridge of his crooked nose, and finally his lips.
Luke doesn't think he's anything special; you think he's extraordinary. Not for being the hero of your dreams, but for being the man he truly is--as broken and as vulnerable as he may be, he's yours. And that's enough.
Despite the few times you've kissed him, you both take to it like a pikobi to water. You take the lead; his are quite shy, but by the time your lips meet, Luke noticeably relaxes beneath your touch.
His mechanical hand moves to your bare back, tracing the shape of your spine as you arch over him, the texture of the leather glove making you shiver. It moves from your back to your waist, slowly climbing toward your chest, where he graces your nipple with a firm pinch--not hard enough to hurt you, but enough to show his desire. Yes, Luke Skywalker desires you.
Although still sleeping, you can feel the stirrings beneath you as his arousal grows. You're fully awake, restless, hungry. Luke, on the other hand, needs a bit more time, time you're more than willing to give--you know the prize will be worth it.
"Master..." you purr, wiggling your hips slightly as he twitches at the sound of the nickname. "You've seen me. I haven't seen you yet."
"I-I'm nothing worth looking at..."
"You are to me."
Luke moves his cybernetic from the valley of your chest to cradle your face. You silently kiss the palm of his hand, mechanical fingers flexing within the leather, before taking the material between your teeth to pull it off.
The leather doesn't catch on the metal; instead, it slips off like a raindrop sliding down the stone roof. Luke makes no move to halt its movement. The mechanical fingers are revealed to you, one by one, grey metal glinting in the slivers of moonlight streaming through the window.
"Beautiful..." you whisper, barely loud enough to be audible. But Luke hears you; if he were to respond, he's certain he'd just about cry.
Being linked to his nervous system, he has enough "feeling" in his cybernetic to control its movements and sense external stimuli, but without the synthskin, he can't truly feel. Hence why he barely uses it to touch you, let alone in a sexual context. All you have to do is show him he can.
In a swift motion you barely even stop to ponder, your tongue comes out to explore the metalwork; a metallic flavor--no surprise to you--accompanies the cold, and Luke refrains from flexing his fingers in your mouth.
Stars, he can't even register what you're doing, let alone why you're doing it. He watches you, blue eyes full blown to near-blackness as you suck on his fingers like they were a cock. Speaking of which, his throbs uncomfortably in the confines of his pants. Your movements in his lap feel incredible. Peeking down to look at your bare pussy grinding on him is enough to make him come... well, almost.
You, however, are not a fan of the cloth boundary between you; sure, it adds extra friction, but it's nowhere near as electric of a sensation as skin against skin. You've seen Luke's face, and his flesh hand, and his cock, but that's as far as you've gotten. Is he insecure about being old? It's not a problem to you, and he knows this, but you doubt he's fully internalized it. Being a (former) Jedi Master, you're sure he's covered in scars from the countless battles he's fought in... scars on his arms, his chest, his thighs-
"Y-yes," Luke pants out, seemingly reading your thoughts. "You can..." He can't even finish his sentence, flesh hand moving to grab your free hand and bring it to his clothes.
"Are you sure, Master?"
"Just do it already."
Delicately pulling his fingers out of your mouth, a thin line of spit connecting them to your lips, you pin Luke's right arm over his head, just like he did to yours earlier that night. He looks up at you with a mixture of surprise and arousal, a small smile of disbelief forming on his lips. You have plans--and you can't wait to show him.
The material of his sleep shirt is a rough wool of some kind, the cut of it a simple wrap-tunic similar to his Jedi robes. It gives you easy access to his chest; considering just how much Luke likes yours, you believe it's your turn to enjoy his. Ghosting your fingertips beneath the fabric, he shivers at your touch, and you raise an eyebrow at the texture you discover. Coarse, fuzzy, thick--you hadn't expected him to be just as hairy on his chest as he is on his face, but stars, you aren't complaining.
Luke is just about as red as a gundark by the time you pull his sleep shirt open. Of course, his embarrassment is no match for his stubbornness, which quickly bubbles up again to hide his discomfort. Typical Luke.
"Sure took you long enough."
"It did."
"Now what?"
"You'll see..."
Placing both of your palms flat on his chest, you lean over to kiss him once more; your mouth meets his, and then his neck, where you brand it with a startlingly red hickey. At the same time, you're scratching down his torso and tugging at the greying hairs.
Beneath the layer of fur is a web of tendril-like scars, stretching across his body like lightning. You can't help but wonder what dramatic battle between Jedi and Sith must have caused them... but stars, they're beautiful. You're determined to show him this.
Luke groans against your lips--if he had it his way, stars, he'd flip you over and pound you senseless. But no, he has already done that... and he's tired. Tired physically, tired mentally, tired of being in charge. For once, he'd like to experience what it means for someone to take care of him. Just once.
Taking care of yourself isn't even on your mind. Yes, you're horny beyond belief, skin on fire as you grind your dripping cunt against his still-clothed cock. Force, it isn't enough, it'll never be enough until you get the real thing. But... you want to try something different. You have a feeling he might want to as well.
"Where are you-" Luke begins to ask as you reluctantly pull yourself off him, only to be cut off by you running your fingers down his happy trail before shoving your hand down his pants. "Shavit, sweetheart!"
"Who are you calling sweetheart?" you smile, enjoying the thrill of feeling him before seeing him. His cock is hot and heavy in your palm, and much to your delight he neglected to wear any undergarments. As much as you enjoy the groans that escape his lips at the way you run your thumb over the already leaking tip, the devious part of you desires to tease him even more; removing your hand from his member, you move to squeeze his tightening balls.
"Fuck... fuck..." Luke moans. He's gripping the sheets with his cybernetic, flesh hand resting over the upper half of his face.
"Such language, Master... and such a light touch, too," you say, "I'm starting to worry you won't last for me."
When Luke finally manages to look out from under his hand, there's something strange in his eyes--lust, desire, conviction. To do what, you don't know.
"Sit on me."
"Are you sure? I don't think you're ready-"
"Not my cock. My face."
Now it's your turn to be surprised. All this teasing, all this bossing him around, yet he can't help but turn the tables and remind you who's in charge. That damn Skywalker is impossible to figure out, but you wouldn't have it any other way--in all honesty, that's why you're here. Why you stayed, even when he tried to push you away.
"Very well, Master... but I want a taste of you as well."
Before maneuvering to climb over him, you pull his trousers off his legs in one swift motion, his cock standing at full attention as it springs from its confines. Fuck, just the sight of it is enough to make you want to bounce on it until you're both sweaty and screaming. But not yet.
Your eyes are just keen enough to notice the way Luke blushes at you eyeing him up in the dim light. Stars, he is hairy--not that you're complaining, of course. You just didn't expect the wise old Jedi master to practically be a Wookiee beneath his clothes. He squirms a little under the intensity of your gaze, cock twitching in anticipation. A bead of precum glistens in the faint moonlight and dribbles down the veiny shaft... Licking your lips, you decide to do something about it.
Luke steadies you with his arms as you maneuver to climb over him. Soft apologies and awkward giggles are traded between the two of you as you try to figure out your bearings, metal hand accidentally pinching soft flesh and weight being distributed uncomfortably, but not painfully.
"I-I've never done this before," you breathe out, breaking your previously seductive demeanor.
"I wouldn't know where to begin," Luke's low voice chuckles, "but I think as long as you don't break my neck, we're doing it right."
Your current predicament involves you straddling his neck and facing his chest; you're bent over him, just barely hovering over his face, and his hands are gripping the soft flesh of your ass. The cybernetic in particular digs into your skin in a deliciously painful way, and you know it'll leave marks after--marks you'll wear with pride. Not that anyone other than him will be seeing them.
Luke quite enjoys the view he's getting--it takes practically all his willpower not to pull you down onto his face and go to town, damn the consequences (although a sprained neck at his age in the middle of nowhere is most certainly a bad idea). After having gotten a taste of your pussy before, he's insatiable; he'll do anything to get his fix.
Balancing your weight on your knees and your forearms, you lean forward to assess your target. The slight upward curve of his cock gives you easy access to it; licking down his happy trail, you nuzzle through wiry hairs before greeting his aching, impatient member. The Jedi Master may be able to hide his impatience beneath his actions and his demeanor, but, given his anatomy, his body can't.
Leaning forward, you greedily stick out your tongue to lap up the bead of precum already leaking out. It's... salty, and slightly bitter. You're still not sure about the taste, but it's him, so you want it.
Luke groans beneath you at the feeling of your tongue on him. The vibrations from his voice dance cruelly on your clit, the phantom of pleasure yet to come--before he finally grants you mercy and pulls you down onto his waiting lips.
The gasp that escapes your lips is muffled by you taking him in your mouth to gag yourself on his cock. He felt so massive when he was inside you, but like this... you almost can't handle it. Figuratively, and literally--you stop right before he hits the back of your throat, taking in just enough to really drive him wild without hurting yourself.
Luke drowns his moans in your soaking cunt, his noises and the movement of his hands beckoning you to start moving on his face.
Come on, sweetheart, his voice says in the back of your mind--another Jedi ability, you're sure. You won't hurt me.
Hips and mouth begin a slow, rhythmic pace on him. You can't help the way you tremble ever so slightly, unsure about the pressure of your movements or the depth of your strokes, but that anxiety becomes an afterthought as your senses dissolve into pure pleasure.
Luke fights the temptation to start bucking into your mouth--no, you've been far too good to him, you don't deserve to be treated in such a way. You're his angel, his saving grace, the being he isn't even worthy of touching (yet somehow is). Whatever he did to earn your affection, he wants to repay tenfold--you're his to use as you please.
He uses his tongue on you with as much fervor and hunger as he did earlier that night, if not even more. The taste of you on his lips lights a fire in the pit of his stomach and fully has him drunk on your essence. Reverently Luke alternates between fucking you with his tongue and swirling it around your clit, just as you alternate between sucking and stroking his shaft.
It's so wrong, a master and student behaving like this... Your cheeks flush at the utter indulgence of the act. Whatever afterlife the Jedi of old reside in, you can only hope they aren't witnessing your liaison.
Luke, however, doesn't give a fuck. He hasn't given one in quite some time--why should he live by the rules of the dead? That dogma nearly destroyed him. It ruined everything he ever cared about, everything he never allowed himself to truly love. No, "attachment" was forbidden. Anything that could become a pathway to the dark side was to be shunned.
Luke never understood how for so much of his Jedi training, so much of his life, his emotions were regarded as an inseparable part of him, passion and love he had harnessed to help countless others during the war. That all changed when he saved his father. He had defied Obi-Wan and Yoda's instruction to kill Anakin; therefore, his feelings were misguided, wrong. And it became his duty to suppress them.
But not anymore. He is no longer a Jedi, not in the way he was "meant" to be. He's just Luke, just a hermit, just an old man learning to love again--or, perhaps, learning to love for the very first time.
Luke's cock twitches and kicks in your mouth, threatening to spill at any moment. Teasingly, you pull him out of your mouth--earning a harsh groan into your cunt--to kiss the swollen, purple head.
"Oh, master..." you whisper, tracing his veins with your fingertips, "let go for me. I'm here, I'm ready."
A final squeeze of his balls urges him to finish on your tongue--and, capturing him in your mouth once more, he does. Spurts of hot liquid spill inside you, albeit in a different spot than before, and you choke slightly on the sheer load of it all. You're milking Luke for all he's worth, and he rewards you by practically breeding your mouth. Hips stutter and still as he calms down and starts to soften, so you slip him out of your mouth, gracing the overstimulated head with a final lick.
Your clit throbs at the taste of him cumming in your mouth, the knot forming within your belly signaling your own impending release. Beneath you, Luke is patiently at work drawing it out, exploring the depths of your sacred spot with his tongue. Now you're fully free to ride his face with reckless abandon--a task he encourages you to do with the guidance of his hands squeezing your thighs and groping your ass.
"Luke... Luke..." you moan, letting the sound freely escape your now unoccupied lips. No 'Master,' no titles or nicknames, just his name; his true name, the one he hasn't heard anyone call him in the past six years. If your senses are correct, coupled with the scratchy sensation of his beard, you can feel him smiling into you as he eats you out. He's positively making out with your cunt, kissing you just as he had kissed your other set of lips when you first came to him.
The orgasm that approaches is entirely unlike the one you experienced before; it approaches slowly, like a wave off the coast of the Temple Island, growing and growing in intensity before finally crashing against the shore. You buck your hips on his face, feeling the friction of his beard against your clit as you chase the delicious sensation bubbling beneath the surface.
Soon enough, Luke grants it; your Force bond burns white-hot as you tremble and come undone on his face, slicking his beard with juices he laps up as happily as a massiff. You're sure the cries that escape your lips are audible all the way in the Caretaker village. Luke chuckles beneath you, large hands--the ones that surely left bruises on your skin--coming up to help you slide off his face and into his lap.
Silence. No more rain. Just beyond the cliffs, the twin suns of Ahch-To begin to rise; much like the dawns of his youth, you imagine. You turn your gaze to your new lover's face as the first slivers of light stream through the opening of the window.
"That was..." you start, laughing breathlessly as you run your fingers through your hair.
Luke props himself up on his elbows, wiping his face with his flesh hand. A rare smile appears on his face.
"...Good. Very good."
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thelaughtercafe · 6 months
Hello! I'm very happy to found your blog... since you said you accept darker content request... would you mind doing something related to "bullying" with lee kageyama and ler oikawa? I feel like only Oikawa strong enough to bully Kageyama, because Kageyama itself was already intimidating in my opinion... Thank you so much in advance! P.S. please avoid foot tickles hehe
Tea Type: Black Coffee
Potential Triggers: Bullying using tickling, I'm gonna give a non-con warning for tickling too, some trauma responses and panicked behavior
Pairing: Oikawa/Kageyama
Length: 1.6k+
Summary: A chance meeting leads to familiar feelings and anxieties thought long forgotten.
A/N: Hope you enjoy this anon, apologies for the wait! I was a little unsure just how dark I wanted to go with it so it took a bit to finish it but I hope you enjoy the final product! Definitely let me know whatcha think <3
Chance Meetings*
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“Is that who I think it is?”
Kageyama froze in place; a long forgotten feeling of dread settling in his stomach. He felt his heart beat faster, heat flooding his cheeks as his eyes darted around, looking for an escape. He knew he shouldn't have gone to the sports store today. If he ran- he just knew he wouldn't get far. Not with him. 
A familiar arm slung around his shoulder and he whirled to lock eyes, still frozen. 
Oikawa laughed, eyes glittering in amusement at Kageyama's shock. 
“I should've known if I'd catch you anywhere it'd be here; heard you've been doing pretty well for yourself nowadays. Your team is pretty good.”
Kageyama nodded stiffly, wanting nothing more than for this to be over with. Maybe if he just told him what he wanted to hear he'd leave without a fuss. He cleared his throat and shrugged off Oikawa's arm, turning his face away as he headed towards the doors, trying to make it look casual. He tried to ignore the lump in his throat as he followed just behind him, a cheerful grin on his face. 
“Yeah, yours too. You're just as strategic as ever.”
“What can I say? Got to keep my opponents guessing~”
He tried not to remember his old encouragement methods, but failed, feeling more heat in his cheeks as he reached his car. He felt the weight in his chest begin to subside, a bit of genuine happiness making a small smile spread across his lips. 
“Sorry to cut the conversation short, I've actually got to meal prep for this week, but it was great seeing you again.”
Kageyama turned to try and open his car door but inhaled as Oikawa leaned over him, one arm over his head, subtly keeping the door closed and drawing his attention back his way. He tried not to flinch at the way Oikawa's once playful, light expression darkened, but only in his eyes. His voice and words remained bubbly. They were still in public after all. 
“Aww but I haven’t seen you in soo long Tobio~ I can help you! You don't mind me tagging along do you?”
Kageyama debated his options, nibbling his bottom lip and came to a decision. There really wasn't one. Oikawa was nothing if not resourceful, and stubborn. If he didn't agree now? He'd just get it worse later. Oikawa had never had any issues biding his time. He'd once said it gave him time to think up more “fun ideas”. For him, of course. 
So, Kageyama nodded with a sigh. 
“Sure, fine, whatever.”
He rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably and Oikawa giggled, his eyes lighting right back up at his agreeance and poked Kageyama's unguarded midsection, making him jump and cover his stomach. 
“Aww c'mon cheer up Tobio! We'll have so much fun!”
Kageyama grumbled and got into his car as Oikawa moved over to his own after a cheerful wave to follow him home. 
Once there, things were nicer than Kageyama expected honestly. He helped him meal prep, talking animatedly about setting strategies that he too couldn't help but get passionate about, and their favorite college teams. Kageyama was finally relaxing from being jumpy at Oikawa’s surprise attack earlier when he struck while they were relaxing in the living room. 
Kageyama had sat on the other end of the couch when Oikawa eagerly bounded forward and straddled his waist. Kageyama grappled with him but quickly found himself overpowered, with his hands pinned under Oikawa's legs as he straddled his waist.
Oikawa laughed gleefully and cooed at him as Kageyama glowered up at him. 
“Aww, you didn't really think I'd letcha off the hook, how did ya? What kind of friend would I be if I didn't test your endurance? You know; for old times sake~”
Kageyama's heart beat wildly and he growled, trying to make himself more threatening. It worked on everyone in Karasuno, and even with his current team. Most normal people would've cowered, and apologized- but Oikawa was the one bastard that had never worked on. Not ever since he found out this stupid, downright humiliating weakness of his. 
It was kind of hard to be taken seriously when you were laughing your head off, and squealing like a child. 
“Now where to start, where to start? Any volunteers?”
Oikawa sounded sadistic as ever, eyes scanning his body for the slightest movement now that they were alone and Kageyama discreetly tried to squirm. No dice. He was stuck. Unfortunately he bucked his hips in the process and Oikawa’s eyes lit up. 
“I never took you to be so eager Tobio~ But if you insist!” 
Kageyama threw his head back in mirth as Oikawa drilled his thumbs into his hipbones, making him really buck, for all the good it did him.  
“Hhehehehey! Cut it ohohout, get off mehehehe!” 
“Nah, you must be having fun. Look at that beaming smile you’ve got! So cute~”
Kageyama groaned in annoyance at that, feeling his blush darken. 
“Ugh! I am nhahahahat! I swear when you let me up you’re dehehehead!! You hehehear me!? Dead!”
Oikawa’s eyes sparkled with mirth as he jeered down at him, his fingers ruthlessly toying with his hips before one jumped to scribble at his tummy, his shirt having ridden up from his struggling.
“Oho? Still have it in you to threaten me? That’s not very sportsmanlike of you Tobio! Besides, we both know you’d never be able to overpower moi!”
Kageyama wished he had the strength to fight back, to prove him wrong but tickling had always made him helpless, unable to do anything but laugh. He’d tried to get him back later, give him a taste of his own medicine once, back in college. 
It hadn’t gone well- Iwaizumi had walked in and all chances had evaporated in front of his eyes. Two on one was hardly fair, but seeing the momentary panic in Oikawa’s eyes and the snort he’d let out had been worth it. At least till he had been wrecked to tears for the attempt. 
His struggling finally bore fruit as he bucked particularly aggressively when Oikawa moved suddenly from his hip to the bottom of his ribs, finally allowing one of his hands freedom. He grabbed his wrist, tugging the offending hand up and off of him, panting and glaring. It wasn’t very threatening apparently, as Oikawa merely giggled at him, the fingers spidering along his stomach pausing. He cocked his head at him, brown eyes glittering with amusement.
“Oho? I’m impressed Tobio! You’ve bulked up since our school days!”
The hand at his tummy jumped to his exposed underarm and Kageyama yelped, air leaving him in a rush. Now that’s he’d gotten one of his hands, he had some leverage and strength and knowing he didn’t have much time, he acted. He raised his knee so it was flush against his captor’s side and brought both their hands down against the couch to push off his tricep to turn. Oikawa wasn’t expecting his sudden movements, and tumbled to the ground beside the couch, freeing his other hand in the process. He quickly released Oikawa’s wrist and jolted up, and over him seeking refuge in his bedroom and slammed it behind him, locking it just as a body slammed against it, causing it to jump back in surprise. 
He panted, swallowing harshly, hands trembling as he tried to think rationally. Oikawa wouldn’t break his door down. That was too direct for a scheming bastard like him. His eyes scanned the room for his phone and he felt his blood turn to ice as he realized it wasn’t here. Shit. The banging stopped, and Oikawa’s too sweet voice came through. 
“Aw c’mon Tobio, we were just playing~ I guess you’re a tad more sensitive than I remember. Sorry if I pushed you too much; if you come out, I promise I’ll play nice~”
Kageyama snorted, glaring at the door. He felt bolder, now that he was safe from his old “friend”.
“I’m not the same naive college kid you tormented, just leave, alright? I’m not gonna fall for your sweet words anymore!”
There was stony silence and Kageyama immediately regretted his speaking out, but it was too late to take it back now. 
So instead, he listened, backing up to sit on his bed and try to process. He couldn’t believe he’d been so stupid. Why did he bring him here? Now he knew his address. Maybe…Maybe he really hadn’t changed that much after all. If he was honest with himself, he’d always known some part of him missed Oikawa. For all his faults, his lack of listening sometimes…those good moments were still good. Maybe he was over-reacting-
He shook his head, holding his head in his hands. He was doing it again. Falling back on old habits to cope with Oikawa being in his life. 
“Tobio, I’m going to head out now! I put your meals in the fridge. And…I’m sorry. Really.”
Kageyama looked at the door with wide eyes. Oikawa actually sounded…remorseful. He sounded serious. Still, he didn’t move until he heard his door slam, and even then he held his breath and put his ear to his door, listening for any sign of footsteps, just in case. He twisted the knob and then headed back to the living room, letting out a breath as he realized he was truly gone. 
Everything was cleaned up, his living room just as it was, as if he was never there to begin with. 
He jumped in place at a sound, and his eyes flew to his phone, making him sigh. Just a text message. Stupid body. Why was he still so on edge? 
He grabbed his phone and swiped it open.
His eyes widened and his grip tightened, his other hand moving to cover his mouth. 
An unknown number.
The message?
‘Let’s meet up again sometime Tobio~’
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inthemytdl · 1 year
Teenage Dream
Summary: Jack prepares for his first date (with a girl)
Note: she/her pronouns
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“Are you sure?” Jack brushed down the black shirt and army style jacket Dean gave him.
The sleeves went a couple inches past his hand, so he had to roll them up to fit properly. The shirt, on the other hand, fit well. 
“Trust me, chicks dig the bad boy look,” Dean said. “A little dirt, a little grime. Works every time.”
Jack had never been on a date before, but he imagined dressing nicer than this. Wearing his FBI suit, maybe. It was the nicest one he owned and the sleeves fit perfectly.
He turned to Sam. “Is that true?”
“Sometimes,” Sam said, without looking up from his computer.
But Jack had seen a good amount of romance films and couldn’t imagine Sam as the bad boy in any of them. In his mind, he was always the nice guy. The hero.
“Did you think you’d go in your FBI suit?” Dean laughed. “This is a date, kid, not a case.”
“I like that suit. Cass says blue is my color.”
Cass nodded. “It’s true. And that”—he pointed at Jack—“is horrible.”
“Hey!” Dean shouted. “That’s style. Army green, simple tees. That’s in right now. It’s all over the mags.”
“Mags?” Sam said.
“Magazines. God, you guys are old.”
Jack watched the scene unfold. Dean was doing that thing where he pretended to be young again while Sam groaned and Cass filed his nails against the wooden table. Usually, he’d let it go on, but there were just thirty minutes until his date with you and he still didn’t have an outfit.
“I don’t have time for this!” Jack shouted. His skin was hot like when he used his powers.
“Woah. Relax. It’s just a date,” Dean said.
“He’s never been on a date before, Dean,” Sam countered.
“So? Neither has Cass and he’s doing fine.”
“Dating, love, relationships. Those are human things,” Cass said. “Trivial.”
“Trivial?” Dean craned his neck toward him and the pair erupted into yet another argument as Sam approached Jack.
“It doesn’t matter what you wear,” he said. “Just be yourself. Girls can tell when you’re faking.”
“They can?” Jack felt more nervous than before. It was all too human. And he was only half of that. He wasn’t used to having sweaty palms or a butterfly-filled stomach. He thought he was sick the first time he felt their flutter before Sam explained that it was normal.
“Uh, yeah. Sometimes,” Sam coughed. “But you’ll be fine.” He gave him those puppy dog eyes he gave families when working a case: his attempt to take half of their pain. It worked sometimes. Jack was grateful it worked now.
“Okay,” he said, leaving to change. 
He hurried to his room and put on a white button up paired with a brown suit. That blue tie he loved. He stopped for a moment to look in the mirror, did an awkward smile, then made his way back to the command center.
The chaos had died down by the time he arrived, and all three of the boys sat around the table listening to Sam. Jack overlooked the scene from the head of the table. This was one of the few times the bunker was quiet: when one of them was talking and the others listened. And that was rare. Most days, they talked over each other.
“Woah. Look at you.” Sam was first to notice him. His dimples pinched his cheeks as he smiled.
“Much better,” Cass rasped.
Dean scrunched his face and made his way over to him. Jack wiped sweaty palms down his blazer. Dean was never all that nice to him, but a couple months in the bunker and they had become somewhat of a family.
“You’ve got to learn how to properly tie a tie,” Dean said, and he adjusted it for him. “There. Not as good as before but… decent.” He nodded, then fished in his pocket and produced silver keys. “Here.”
“You’re letting me drive the impala?” Jack said.
“Don’t make me regret it.”
Sam clapped. “Alright, go get ‘em, tiger.”
A rush of energy overcame Jack, though he couldn’t tell why. It might’ve been confidence or nerves or something entirely different—he wasn’t sure. He wasn’t used to feeling this way. He had grown accustomed to fear and adrenaline. Love, even. But never romantic, and never like this.
This would be the first time he went on a real date, and one where no one tried to kill him. He felt prepared; he knew what to do. Once he got to the restaurant, he would pull your chair out for you, you’d talk, and then you’d fall in love with him.
There was only one thing he was unsure about.
“What should I say when I get there?” he asked. 
“I read in a Teen Vogue magazine it’s custom to talk about your interests,” Cass said.
“No—no zombies!” Dean said. “For the love of god, no zombies.”
“Just follow her lead, okay?” Sam said.
Jack nodded, making a mental note of all the advice he’d be given. But if he wasn’t allowed to talk about zombies, what would he talk about? 
“Uh, kid.” Dean laid a hand on his shoulder. “You’re not moving.”
“I’m not?”
“No,” Cass said. “You’ve been standing in Dean’s beer puddle for thirty seconds now.” 
“Oh.” He felt the liquid squish below his feet.
“Here, I’ll walk you.” Sam placed a hand on his back and led him to the door.
“You’ll call me if you need help?”
Leaving during a case felt wrong—like when he finished a box of cereal and it didn’t have a toy in it or when he waved at someone and they didn’t wave back—but Sam insisted he go.
“Yeah,” Sam said, opening the door for him. 
Jack lifted a slow hand and waved goodbye. 
Sam smiled and waved back; gave him that look that took half his nerves, half his pain. Then the door shut and it was time for his date.
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bordysbae · 1 year
12. “why do you hate me?” “you think i hate you?” with Bordy! Maybe it’s Brendan’s twin sister where she thinks all this time they have known each other that thomas hates her… but it’s the furthest from the truth :)
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thomas bordeleau x brisson!sister 
— ୨୧ —
when you first met thomas, your life flipped. your twin, brendan, has never let you hang out with his friends no matter how old you both were. but when brendan brought thomas home with him for the summer, you fell hard. and now that you’re both in college, brendan finally lets you talk to his friends more, and you weren’t gonna lose this chance with thomas. at first you thought he felt the same, seeing as he was so much nicer to you than all of brendan’s other friends, but you were wrong. he gradually began giving you more and more attitude, and acting as if he’s an older brother to you. him and brendan gang up on you a lot, unlike before when he used to defend you.
“hey thom, you want anything for lunch? i’m going to the store,” you say as you grab your keys.
“nope,” he says as he doesn’t even give you a glance up from his phone screen. you roll your eyes and shut the door, going outside to your car. as you’re walking down the driveway, you notice a boy around your age that you’ve never seen before walking through the neighborhood. you both look at each other with a smile, “hey! are you new here? i’ve never seen you around,” you say as you trot down to the end of the driveway.
he comes closer to you, “yeah i am! my parents moved while i was away at college. i’m assuming you live here?”
“yep! born n raised in this house. where do you go to college?”
“i go to university of connecticut, are you in college?” he asks
“yeah i am! i go to ut austin! and my twin brother goes to university of michigan,” you smile. you and the boy, who you’ve learned to be named connor, do a bit of quickly talking but not before thomas comes rushing out of the house. you immediately turn around to face him, “thomas?”
“um can you actually get me some food?” he asks you. you groan and nod your head before turning back to connor who looks confused.
“is this your twin brother?” he asks, making thomas laugh.
“no this is his best friend, thomas,”
“yeah and her boyfriend, so cya!” thomas says, and your mouth falls to the floor. he just called himself your what? you’re still in shock but connor gets on with his walk, and you quickly turn to thomas and hit his shoulder.
“what the actual fuck thomas! why do you hate me so much that you can’t even let me have one thing?!”
thomas then let’s out a little scoff, “you think i hate you? are you stupid? i like you y/n! i’m mean to you because brendan would literally kill me if he knew. so i thought ‘hey maybe if she hates me i can get over her!’ but guess who was wrong.”
“fuck i did not just tell you that,” he chuckles nervously meanwhile running a hand through his hair.
“i like you too dumbass, and who cares what brendan thinks? i’ve had enough of his stupid rules,” you roll your eyes, making thomas chuckle.
“oh yeah?” he says as he pushes a strand of hair out of your face.
“mhm,” you say as you connect your lips with his, melting into his touch.
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cultofdixon · 1 year
Caring for you, in my own way
Daryl Dixon [PLATONIC] • They/Them Pronouns • Non-Binary Reader • Daryl thought it was weird how attached you’ve gotten to him, but then he looks at how your dad treats you and if he were in your shoes? He’d be the same way • ANGST/SFW • TW: Domestic Abuse / Anxiety Attacks / Scars / Injuries / Parent Loss • Fuckton of flashbacks
Requested by: Anon
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“Yknow what I’ve noticed?”
“How close Y/N is to you”
“Seriously? Why are yea bringing that up now?” Daryl asks his best friend, Carol as the group was currently trying to find a home after the incident with Terminus…then the hospital…then the church…honestly, it all went downhill since this so called sanctuary came into frame. The walk they’re currently on, gave them time to talk.
“When should I have brought it up?”
“I don’t know. When we ain’t starving and dehydrated trying to find a place to call home…a time where I don’t gotta think about how much I’m screwing up”
“Screwing up with what?”
Even Merle noticed how close this random kid was with his baby brother. They were about a year or two older than Carl and they would take every chance to get away from their parents. But especially their old man.
The kid’s name was Y/N. But Merle called them short-stack a lot because Daryl would always hold stuff above his head to get them from touching it. Especially when he started to try and make his own arrows because his bolts were breaking after overuse.
“But I can help”
“And hurt yourself? I said no” Daryl scoffs as Y/N plops on the ground beside him letting him work on the arrows. “When you’re older”
“Seriously?!” Y/N light up as they scooted closer to watch him carefully to take note of everything.
Merle laughed to himself at the sight of the two as it made him think of when that used to be like him and Daryl.
“[DEADNAME]!” Their old man yelled for them, Daryl watching their shoulders tense as they quickly got up heading over to the man while Merle brought himself beside his brother.
The two watched from afar noticing their father grab them forcefully and drag them into the small circle which was their family. Merle noticed his brother get tense and the grip he had on the bolt was at a force that could’ve bent the metal. He’s not the best with his emotions either but in the moment, one of his few good moments…he gripped Daryl’s shoulder making him stop his bottled up rage.
“All yea can do? Is be there for the kid” Merle states. “But the second he does anythin’ like our daddy in front of everybody? There ain’t no prison to go to” and that part was pure Merle, but Daryl would choose violence the second the kid was hurt by that son of a bitch.
The night crawls in and the cool weather was much nicer than hot Virginia heat from when the sun was still out. Daryl watches Y/N and Carl huddle up for warmth even if they were still feeling a bit of the heat exhaustion. So they leaned on each other but not too close.
Carol handed her canteen to Daryl with a look to give it to his kid as he was already going to do so before he caught a glimpse of the look.
“Hey, y’all gotta stay hydrated with what we’ve got” Daryl states handing the canteen to the two noticing Carl’s worried look for the same person as the archer instantly brought his attention to Y/N’s exhausted expression. “Hey…you there?”
“Mhm…” They mumble as they worked on getting the bottle open, leading Daryl to take it from them and open it up helping them.
“Both of y’all finish that, and give some to your sister if she’ll take it” Daryl states watching Carl nod as an indicator that he’ll make sure that Y/N gets some when they shared.
But as the night progressed and the fire started to go out slowly, Daryl found himself sitting up against a tree with Y/N fast asleep leaned up against him. He’d check every now and then if they were getting a fever from being out for so long in the heat.
“Who is that guy there?” Hershel asks Rick of the man looming over Y/N after taking their canteen.
“Y/N’s father”
“He got a name or did yea not bother”
“Nah he’s always kind of been to himself. Definitely doesn’t want the kid”
Hershel didn’t like hearing that last part, especially given their father was pushing them away whenever they wanted to ask him something. “Where’s their mother?”
“Dead. Lost her during a herd comin’ through. Almost the kid too if it weren’t for Daryl saying them”
That’s when they both watched Y/N instantly head toward’s Daryl when he came over to check on them after watching their father fail at his job. He handed them his water bottle before directing them toward the RV to help Lori, Carol, and Andrea with setting up the main campsite.
“Least they’ve got someone to care for’em”
“Rick, what’s the plan here?” Carol asks as she glances over to see how tired their people are but specifically the point where Y/N was close to collapsing from exhaustion and Daryl keeping them up with help from Maggie occasionally.
“Tryin’ to find a secure place for the storm comin’ in”
“Rick” Carol stops him for a second as the collective sigh that gave out from the others, out of relief gave him his realization. “We needed to find a place, yesterday. Or at least water! The creek is dried up from what the three (Maggie, Sasha, and Daryl) said when they went out looking, the heat has been striking all of us but Judith and Y/N especially…you knew from times on the farm and the prison how easy it was for some to get heat stroke. We haven’t faced a threat besides walkers…and even then we are too weak to take care of a herd. We need to find a place before—-“
And Y/N fell before she could even finish. Carol gave Rick another look that sent his mind racing even if the panic was already executing itself from Daryl as he got Y/N on their side.
“Who knows who’s next to take to the heat” Sasha frowns approaching the small scene as she did her best to help even if all they could do was collect Y/N and find a cool spot.
“I don’t even want to think about this happening to anybody else” Maggie states as the two heard Daryl’s annoyance in his growl.
“It happened! Stop worryin’ about the future and focus on now” Daryl snaps and that lead to another night spent in the woods.
While Carol kept an eye on Y/N’s unconscious form, their head propped up with Daryl’s vest. The archer went out during his watch in search for some form of shelter for the group to actually recuperate without the worry of a threat of any kind other than walkers. The moment alone led his mind to race.
I’m not cut out for this
I…Im the type to make it out alone
But all these people, I care so deeply for
And I feel like I’m failing
Especially them…fuck. Of course them
Seeing myself in their face when that bastard was still around…made me want to protect them even if the words never escaped to express such
My actions did. But now
Right now, I’m failing and I’m going to lose them too…
That’s when Daryl stumbled across it
“Are you okay?”
Daryl looks up from his lap after sitting outside thinking about what he had to do hours prior to returning to the prison. Ending his brother’s life after he had become part of the undead.
He half expected someone else, not Y/N to be standing there.
“Uh yea—-“
“You don’t gotta lie” Y/N frowns, knowing damn well that lying kept their true feelings to themselves but it would eat at them for a while. They weren’t about to let Daryl do such.
Because even if they aren’t blood, Y/N has always seen him as family given how he’s never turned them away when they needed him most.
Which lead to Y/N sitting with Daryl as he talked about the good moments he had with Merle and that he was an idiot for doing a Hail Mary for a handful of people that didn’t like him. But he guesses in a sense it was his last heroic act that helped them in the end…
“He was a good brother in his own Merle way”
The small barn was a temporary luxury that the group used to recuperate.
Maggie sat against the wall with Y/N laying on the ground using her lap as a pillow after being instructed to do so. She carefully tucks away the hair that was stuck to their face resting her hand on their forehead making sure for his sake it wouldn’t get worse.
The group ran into a collection of water, that was up for debate, then it started to rain so they collected that water before heading to the barn. But Daryl went to the barn before that debate with Y/N keeping an eye on them until the group brought much needed water.
“How’re they doing?” Daryl whispers bringing himself to sit beside Maggie as she gave him a reassuring smile. “Good…good…did they drink any of the water or—“
“Daryl. Relax a bit. They did have some of the water and they’re cooling down.”
Daryl nods agreeing that he needs to relax but his attention never left Y/N’s sleeping form.
“Yknow…” Maggie starts knowing Daryl went to look at her. “Their old man scared me. Remind me of my daddy when he would drink, it was never a good sight”
“…Yeah, he was…fuckin’ scary”
“I wasn’t worried though. Once I got to know them, and who they look up to” Maggie shot Daryl a smile as everyone seems to be bringing that up or reminding him in a way…
That Y/N was important to him, and he was important to them…that their dad was just…some guy…while he took up that role.
“Y/N…? You alright?”
The teen avoided eye contact when hearing that their father didn’t make it outside the Terminus walls. They were still bitter about him not worrying an ounce when they were sick with the prison illness…but that doesn’t mean that they can just forget that he was their dad.
It was almost always bad, but some ounce of Y/N wanted to rekindle anything when they got older…hell. They can stop thinking about that now.
“He asked for it” Y/N frowns not knowing any other words to say as they quietly stepped away to take a second away from the group.
Maggie frowns watching the teen walk away and before she could show her sympathy or really any emotion, she watches Daryl follow them into the woods…leading her to curiously do the same.
The archer didn’t say a word to Y/N or even try to comfort them. He stood there making sure they didn’t do anything to hurt themselves and Maggie noticed Y/N realize that he was there which made them start sobbing. The man wasn’t keen on showing emotions, but being there was enough.
Daryl carefully took Y/N into his embrace holding them until they were ready to let go. Maggie didn’t even fully understand how close they were until then. He never showed his emotions before when around them, but then?
He didn’t dare let go
Alexandria…a strange new place, and a new luxury. Settling in the first night all together just to feel safer, Y/N stepped outside onto the porch when they noticed Daryl wasn’t inside anymore. They carried a blanket knowing the man would be keeping watch and it was always much appreciated.
Daryl heard the footsteps and turned to look at the teen, relieved that they are more active that night compared to the times of homelessness. He watches them cover him in the blanket and a bit of hesitance rested on their face.
“C’mere” Daryl lifted one side open for them to plop down beside him on the porch steps, getting under the blanket with him as the silence grew for a second. “You’re okay, I’ve gotcha”
And with that, Y/N fell apart leaning against him as he held them close letting the tears fall and the pain wash out the best it could. They were bottling up a lot…needing this.
Needing his security.
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jackhues · 2 years
(mockingbird au!) colours - platonic!quinn hughes
request: i’m new to your blog but i’m obsessed! for the mockingbird au i was thinking like y/n wants to dye her hair but is scared the hughes family might judge because of the way her dad did and like quinn being there for emotional support and she gets all good things said about it
requested by: anon : )
notes: sorry this took so long, but i rlly like how it turned out, managed to fit a bit of jack x reader in this too! continue sending in requests for the au! check out the request rules below! thanks for requesting <3
likes are good, reblogs are better <3
mockingbird! au request rules!
tags: @woodruff-edwards , @austinbutlerscaresme , @zegras2crosby , @hockeyboysarehot , @ratkingbunting , @mysticaldonkey , @lam-ila , @babydollmarauders , @starjoyyy , @kjohnson-91 , @gavinbrindley @huggyhugh , @jackhughesily , @panarin10 , @equallyshaw , @power2myheart , @lynnismypseudonym , @beccaiscold , @akengii , @nowandkei , @cinnamonpancakes , @mitchymainer , @lifeofpriya , @marshmallow-babe &lt;3
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you scrolled through pinterest mindlessly.
as always, social media seemed to know exactly what you were thinking, feeding it all to you. as of right now, your feed was filled with hair dye inspiration.
pink, purple, blue, red, the colours were so lovely. you let yourself fantasize about them for a moment, imagining the colours in your hair. purple would look amazing, but green was such a pretty colour too.
the door opened, causing you to exit the app with practiced precision. 
you felt a little guilty, considering it was only jack entering your room. you trusted him more than anything, but old habits die hard.
“hi,” he smiled at you, his hair wet from the shower. the towel hung low on his hips, leaving little to the imagination.
you had been laying on his bed, scrolling on your phone as you waited for him to finish his shower. the two of you were supposed to head to the beach later that day, and then out for a cute dinner date.
“hey handsome,” you threw a wink in his direction, grinning as he blushed a bit.
he rolled his eyes, rifling through his clothes for something to wear. you continued scrolling through tiktok, double-tapping occasionally, but mostly just flicking to the next video.
“oh shit!” you grunted as jack threw himself on top of you. “jack! holy crap, you’re so heavy! off, off, off!”
jack laughed, resting his head on your stomach as he refused to get off of you. “can we just stay here? this is so much nicer than the beach.”
“if you asked me this two years ago, i would say yes, no hesitation,” you told him. “but, you and your entire family has got me obsessed with the water, so unfortunately, it’s a no. now get up, hughes. we’ve got a beach to go to!”
your pinterest feed was still filled with inspiration to dye your hair.
you sighed wistfully as you saved images and scrolled through the pictures. you were so engrossed in the fantasy of dyeing your hair, you didn’t notice someone else entering the kitchen.
“that looks nice,” quinn commented as he walked past you to get some cereal. “you gonna get one of those colours?”
you jumped, shaking your head. “a little warning would be nice.”
“i’m sorry, i’ll be sure to announce myself the next time i enter a room in my own house,” quinn joked. “the purple one looks cool. it’d look nice in your hair.”
you examined a strand of your hair, looking back at the picture quinn was talking about.
“really? you’re not just saying that, are you?” 
“no, seriously,” he assured you. “the red would look nice too. honestly, a lot of these would look amazing in your hair. you know, there’s a salon like fifteen minutes away. if you want, you can make an appointment and head over. mom’s been there a million times, so i know it’s a legit place.”
“i’ll think about it,” you told him, before switching the conversation.
less than an hour later, you found yourself texting quinn, asking for the number to the salon.
“you look so nervous right now,” quinn laughed as he parked the car.
“it’s not funny,” you told him, bouncing your leg. “i didn’t tell anyone. oh my god, i didn’t even tell jack, or ellen, or anyone. you know, maybe this isn’t a good idea. let’s just go back. yeah, i think i wanna read a book, or watch a movie, or maybe anything else.”
“woah, calm down,” quinn said, raising his hands. “it’s hair, it’s not a big deal. if you don’t like it, you can always dye it back. or choose a new colour.”
“what if jack doesn’t like it?” you mumbled. “or if everyone thinks i’m a weirdo. i don’t know, quinn. i don’t like this idea.”
“are you serious, y/n?” quinn looked at you. “give jack some credit, give the others some credit too. do you really think they’re gonna be upset with you over it? they all know it’s your hair, and whatever you do with it is your choice. no one’s gonna judge you, i promise.”
you took a deep breath, but you still couldn’t shake the unsettled feeling in your bones.
“i’m sorry, i’m not being fair to them,” you muttered.
you’d known the hughes family for years, and you knew that none of them would truly judge you for something as simple as dyeing your hair. but the way you had grown up made it hard for you to fully accept that someone could be so loving and accepting of everything. 
“don’t apologize,” quinn told you. “let’s go to your appointment. we don’t want them to cancel it. they don’t give refunds.”
you laughed weakly, following quinn to the salon. after registering with the lady, you headed over to the area she motioned, taking a seat in one of the chairs. quinn shot you a thumbs up before taking a seat in the waiting area.
you were relieved that he wasn’t going anywhere.
“let’s get started,” your hairdresser, mindy, smiled at you.
a few hours later, you were driving home with quinn, staring at your new hair in the mirror. you’d gotten the bottom half of your hair dyed a dark red, similar to the narcissa malfoy hairstyle. it was a little subtle compared to the other colours you’d been looking at, but you didn’t want to go all out on your first time.
“i take it you like it,” quinn grinned as you twirled your hair.
“i love it,” you corrected. “it’s so pretty, i don’t know why i didn’t do this before.”
you faltered, remembering why you didn’t do it. the glares and scoldings you would’ve gotten were too much for you to even think about it before. 
you took a deep breath, trying to force those memories and thoughts out of your head. you weren’t there anymore. you weren’t in contact with your parents for a very long time. and the hughes were completely different from them. they weren’t going to hate you for just dyeing your hair.
“it looks great,” quinn told you, shaking you out of your thoughts. “trust me, y/n, they’re all gonna love it.”
you smiled, “thanks, q. it means a lot.”
“anytime kid.”
the two of you entered the house, making your way to the living room, where anyone who was inside would be gathered.
not surprisingly, it was only ellen and jim watching a movie together. jack and luke were most likely already at the beach, trying to show off over the dumbest things they could think of.
“hey, you two back already? where’d you guys go?” ellen looked over, smiling.
“out and about,” quinn shrugged. “gotta show y/n around the city since she’s part of the family.”
you smiled a little, grateful that quinn hadn’t outed you before you were ready.
“did you have fun?” she asked. “please tell me that someone picked up my strawberries from the farmer’s market.”
“i got them,” you laughed a little. “i put them in the fridge because it’s hot outside.”
“thanks, y/n. you’re my compensation for raising three boys,” she grinned.
you laughed at quinn’s sulky expression, shaking your head to yourself.
“did you do something to your hair?” jim asked, narrowing his eyes as he scanned it. 
you froze up a little, trying not to think of your dad.
“yeah, i - um - i liked the colour,” you answered, a little quietly.
“it looks nice,” he smiled at you. “oh, and it even matches your outfit.”
you looked down at your red t-shirt, feeling yourself smile a little. it did match your outfit. 
“oh my god, that looks so pretty on you,” ellen gushed. “you look amazing, honey. honestly, i’m surprised jim noticed before me. i would not put money on that.”
jim made an offended noise, “hey, i’m very attentive.”
“mhm,” ellen muttered.
you and quinn shared an amused look, the four of you bursting into laughter. 
the front door opened, immediately letting in the loud noises of jack and luke. you weren’t sure what they were saying, but they were probably arguing over something stupid. 
“she wouldn’t!” luke said to jack, turning on his mom the second they entered the living room.
“yes she would!” jack argued. he looked at ellen, “mom, wouldn’t you get mad at luke for eating five ice creams in a day?”
ellen raised a brow, but nodded, “he’s smart enough not to do that. aren’t you, luke?”
“obviously, i’m not an idiot,” he rolled his eyes. “but i’m an adult! i think if i want to eat five ice creams, i should be allowed to.”
“not at all,” ellen shook her head.
luke turned to you pleadingly, “y/n, back me up on this. if i wanted to - not saying i did - i should be allowed to eat five ice cream in a day, right? i’m an adult, mom can’t get mad at me for that.”
you raised your hands in defense, “i’d back you up if it was anyone else. not going against mama hughes. sorry, kid.”
luke groaned in a very youngest sibling-like manner, before slumping onto the floor. there was a beat of silence, before everyone broke out into laughter, including luke.
you and the boys gathered around ellen and jim, talking about anything and everything, the movie still playing in the background.
you leaned against jack, who’d been oddly quiet since winning his ‘argument’ with luke. you looked up at him, only to see him already looking at you.
“hi,” you whispered, narrowing your eyes.
“hey,” jack responded, though he sounded a little distracted.
“why’re you looking at me like that?” you asked, tilting your head in his direction.
he shook his head, his hand coming up to play with a strand of your hair. you froze up for half a second, forgetting that you had dyed it. you gauged jack’s reaction, but it was hard to tell what he was thinking.
his finger twirled around a dyed strand, a thoughtful expression on his face as he played with it idly.
“you don’t like it?” you cringed.
“huh? no, y/n, i like it,” he assured you, blinking back to reality. “trust me, i really like it. you look hot. well, you always do. you look more hot. it suits you.”
you smiled a little, the relief you felt practically overwhelming you. you didn’t say anything, only curled a little closer to jack. he understood perfectly, kissing the top of your head as he wrapped his arms around you.
your eyes met quinn’s, who was wiggling his eyebrows and motioning towards jack.
you rolled your eyes, even though there was a fond smile on your face. ‘thank you,’ you mouthed.
quinn nodded, because there was nothing else to be said. you were family. he’d do anything for family.
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pascaloverx · 11 months
Part One
next part
Author's note: This fanfic is set in the creation of Jenny Han. Conrad Fisher and other characters mentioned in the future do not belong to me. I hope you like this fanfic, depending on how it goes, I'll decide if this fic will have more parts or just this one. This fanfic is recommended for all audiences, there will be no adult content in it, only possible inappropriate language and alcohol consumption.
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A trip to Cousins Beach, they told you it's good to clear your mind. What a beautiful lie that was. I'm stuck at a convenience store for two minutes, waiting for a guy to move his car so I can get home. He doesn't seem bothered by blocking me, though. It must be the summer affecting his head, maybe the heat or maybe he just has a hobby of standing behind a car that could run over him.
"You're too young to be thinking about leaving this world, you know?" You say to the boy in front of you. His brown hair is somewhat long, falling into his eyes that you can't quite tell if they're blue or green, but you can identify that they are teary.
"Is there an ideal age to think about it?" he responds, looking out the car window at you. You wonder if it would have been better to endure a few more minutes to reach your destination, but then you remember you were in a hurry and needed a restroom. Plus, you had to do some shopping, or else you would go hungry and thirsty.
"My mom used to say that if you're not old enough to legally drink in this country, you don't have important enough problems to sacrifice your life. Seems kind of dumb saying that now..." You smile as you think your mother's logic doesn't make any sense.
"How do you know I can't drink legally?" He says as he stares at you.
"You're standing in front of a store that literally sells alcoholic beverages, yet you don't have any with you." You watch as you stand still talking to the driver who stops you from leaving.
"Maybe I'm waiting for someone here, you wouldn't know." He says with such presumption that you wonder if he didn't notice you arrived there long before him.
"Kid, I've been here for almost thirty minutes waiting for your car to move so I can leave. Either you're waiting for a ghost or you definitely aren't old enough to drink. Do you want to keep arguing, or are you going to ask me to get you a drink so we can finally go our separate ways?"
"Would you do that for a total stranger?" He almost seems hopeful, in a melancholic way.
"Not at all, but if you asked me, we'd know the answer and you'd move the car behind me." It even seems like you are going to take responsibility for what will happen to him if he drinks in the state he is in.
"You treat me as if I were a baby, but you don't seem much older than me." He's right, you can't be much older than him.
"Guess I'm old enough to have a beer without a fake ID. So, what's it gonna be? Are you gonna let me through?"
"Well, since you asked so politely..." Your ironic tone is quite amusing. He finally moves his car from behind mine. I'm about to get into my car when I feel like I should be a bit nicer to this boy.
You make a U-turn, and he's standing by his car, looking like he's contemplating his next move. You wave at him.
"What's your name?" you ask as you approach his car window. You can't help but think you must be losing your mind.
"Conrad Fisher, and yours?" He seems suspicious of your curiosity. You can only laugh, realizing you'd find it odd too if someone was trying to get rid of you one moment and asking for your name the next.
"My name is Y/N. Listen... you seem to be in a mess, and I'm equally in a mess. How about having some company for the rest of the day, and tomorrow we can pretend this never happened?" You're surprised at how simple it sounds, even though it feels strange. Your mom would scold you so much for suggesting this to a stranger.
"Does your proposal involve drinks?" Conrad asks, pushing his hair back. You look at him smiling as he asks, he must really be in need of some company.
"It can involve drinks if you promise to let me drive. I don't want to be responsible for your demise." You say, looking at him seriously while he nods in agreement.
He takes the car keys and fiddles with something inside his car. I guess you both silently decided that you'll leave in your car. While he does that, you grab the beers and ice cream.
You get into the car carrying the items you just bought, and Conrad is already sitting in the driver's seat.
"Who said you're driving my car?" You say as you place the purchases on the back seat.
"I think it's only fair not to burden you. If I'll be drinking while you stay sober, the least I can do is drive for a bit while you rest. Plus, I gave up my car, so..." Conrad explains.
"Has anyone ever told you that you're lucky to be cute? It's the only reason I'm not kicking you out of here and leaving." You remark, half-jokingly, trying to lighten the tension.
"If that's your way of trying to see if I'll get offended, know that you just complimented me. Keep trying, old lady." He says, trying to be funny. It seems like he's already feeling better.
"Just so you know, I'm only Y/A, so..." He smiles again. You slowly begin to notice that maybe it was a good idea to keep the frowning young man company.
"I knew you weren't that much older than me. You almost fooled me." He says as you roll your eyes. You can't believe you fell for his trick.
"Alright, funny guy, buckle up and let's go before I push you out of the car." He fastens his seatbelt, and soon you both head towards the beach. You hope that at least for today, all your problems will disappear while you spend time with a strangely pleasant stranger.
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓸𝓯 𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 (part II) | billy knight x reader
(part 1 here)
𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂 | bringing your old friend back into your life forces you to decide between the life you chose to follow or the life you left behind...
𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽 | 6.4k
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 | 18+ adult content (implied smut), angst, hurt/comfort, infidelity, mentions of abuse, fluff
THANK YOU MY DARLING BEX @creme-bruhlee who co-wrote this with me!! it wouldn't be finished without their contributions so everyone say thank you bex <3
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You walked along the shore of the creek, hearing Billy’s footsteps crunch the soggy leaves behind you.  You turned over your shoulder and laughed as you watched him make wide, awkward steps to avoid sharper rocks and puddles of water.
“Not gonna slip, are you?” you asked, and he shook his head, looking up at you for a second with a little smile on his lips.
You looked ahead again, admiring the view for the first time since your first week here— you got used to it, somehow, over the months.  You nearly lost the ability to appreciate how gorgeous it really was.  But knowing this was your last sunset at Oak Hill made it look entirely new.
The sun was low, hiding behind trees that bent in the wind, making the whole sky look all swirly and orange like—
“Marmalade,” Billy blurted out suddenly as he stepped up beside where you were standing.  “Sky looks like marmalade on toast.”
You snorted, looking at him before looking back to the sunset-stained sky.
“And those clouds there?  That’s the butter,” he smiled.  “Good, Irish butter, getting all melty and soaking into the bread and mixing with the preserves—”
“Stop,” you whined, dragging it out as you tilted your head back and clutched your belly, “you’re making me hungry.”
“We could always go back for dinner,” Billy joked with a grin, “and have meatloaf for the thousandth time.”
“I’ve been here even longer than you— it would be my third-thousandth time,” you reminded him.
He seemed to get sad then, wiping under his nose roughly a few times as he stared down at the creek beneath his boots.  You deflated, too; you’d been here longer, and your time was up.  You never thought you could want to stay longer… but you never thought you’d meet someone like Billy.
“Anyhow,” you changed the subject quickly, “I-I was thinking I’d get something really good tomorrow.  Been craving Nando’s for about, oh, a year or so—”
Billy snorted.  “Figured you’d want something a little nicer— y’know, somethin’ fancy, after eating all this cheap cafeteria stuff…”
You walked together to the fallen tree— it wasn’t actually completely knocked over, but it had grown sideways into a sort of arch— and you kept glancing at him, kept admiring the way the light of dusk shined in his hair, made it look golden.  “I mean, sure,” you replied, “but with whose money?”
He shrugged, reaching up and scratched the side of his head for a moment, before quickly sniffling and rubbing his nose again.
You leaned your back against the tree, wishing so much that he would stand in front of you and let you look right at him, but he leaned beside you instead.  For a moment you were both quiet, just looking at the creek and the sky— darker by the second— and listening to the stillness of the world.  It wasn’t so quiet out there, and you weren’t guaranteed a place to sleep or a nurse to come help you if you have an episode.
But you’d be free.
You looked at Billy again, watching him stare forward as he brushed a shaky hand over his wavy hair.
Free, and alone.  No one to enjoy your freedom with.
“So,” you began quietly, looking down at the ground where you traced random circles in the leaves with the toe of your shoe, “I, erm… I’ll miss you loads.  I know you know that.”
He nodded quickly.  “Y-yeah, I… dunno what m’gonna do without you, actually.”
You felt your cheeks flush, and that butterfly feeling stirred in your gut again; Billy used to just be the new kid, the quiet one with the mess of curly hair.  It’s hard to say when it changed for you— maybe it was when you took him out by this creek for the first time, with three others, just for some obligatory rebellion after hours, and he picked a wildflower to hand to you.  Or, likely, it was when he found you hiding in a supply closet and didn’t even ask what was wrong, just held your hand until you felt right again.  There was a case to be made that it started as soon as you met him, but you didn’t notice for the first month or two.
You shivered a little, since it was getting chillier the later it got, and he glanced at you.  “Are you cold?” he wondered.
You denied it with a shake of your head, but he was stripping off his zip-up anyways.  “O-oh, Billy, I’m really fine—”
Sighing, you relented as he draped the jacket around your shoulders, tugging either end of the zipper towards each other on your chest as you mumbled your thanks.
It took him a few seconds to notice that you were looking at his face, and when he looked back at you, you could see him thinking— though you could only imagine what.  Your chest filled with a breath of hope; his eyes darted around all over the place, mostly down to the ground shyly.  Maybe this could be it, the moment you’d been dreaming of—
He let go of the jacket and wiped his nose.  “M-maybe that’ll keep you warm,” he mumbled awkwardly.
You slumped your shoulders defeatedly.  “Bet so,” you agreed.  It smelled like him, and you revelled in that.
An uncomfortable silence settled in as you watched Billy, gnawing your lip, wondering where to go now that the moment had passed.
He suddenly grabbed your— his— jacket again and slammed his lips onto yours.  Eyes shut tight, like he was focusing all his energy on it; it was sudden and hard but it was perfect, and you melted into him quickly.
He pulled away almost as fast as he’d leaned in, looking at you with a particular expression, clearly wondering if he’d made a horrible mistake.  You just reached up and weaved your fingers into the hair at the back of his neck and pulled him in again— a longer, slower, deeper kiss.  You settled into a pattern with him, his lips carefully moving on yours.  One of his hands found your waist and gave you a soft squeeze there, and you smiled against him.
It ended eventually, him pulling back first to look at you with more love in his eyes than you’d ever seen on anyone before— let alone directed at you. 
“Billy,” you breathed, “why’d you have to wait so long to do that?”
He laughed softly, and you did too, reaching up to stroke his cheek with your thumb.  “Sorry,” he mumbled.
“No, I just—” you sighed, leaning forward to rest your forehead on his shoulder.  You felt his hand gently pet the back of your head and you bit your lip.  “I’ve just been hoping— I thought maybe— and I’m leaving tomorrow—”
“Shh,” he soothed, and when you lifted your head to blink up at him, he closed his own eyes and rested his forehead on yours.
As your eyes fell shut as well, a shiver ran over you— the evening chill was creeping in while the sun crossed the horizon, and not even Billy’s hoodie could protect you from the nippy breeze.
He wrapped his arms around you tightly, pulling you into him as you reached up to rest your hands on his chest.  It was sweet, and it was warm, but it was a goodbye hug: you could tell just by the way he kissed the top of your head and rubbed your arms and took a deep breath in.  You pulled back, just at your head and shoulders, to look up at him.
“Promise me we won’t have to be apart,” you whispered pleadingly, balling your hands into fists and tugging at his shirt, and he licked his lips for a second as he looked down.
“You know I’d never lie to you,” he breathed, and you bit your lip; his hands reached up and cradled your face.
“Just lie to me once,” you begged, “that we’ll always be together, please—”
He held your head and lifted it so he could kiss the height of your cheekbone, where a thin tear had begun to fall.  “We’ll find each other,” he promised instead, “someday, when we’re out of this place.  We’ll always find each other.”
In the morning, he saw you off from the front office, and you snapped off your paper ID band from your wrist to stuff into his pocket.  “So you remember me,” you explained.
“We won’t forget each other,” he promised.  “No matter what.  Certain people will always be in your life… no matter how long you go without seeing each other.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“I-I heard that in a movie one time,” he admitted with a shrug.
“Is it true?” you wondered.
“I guess we’ll find out.”
“Do we have the ingredients for paprikash?” you wondered, and George narrowed his eyes as he opened the pantry.  
“Well, we don’t have paprika…” he noticed.  “So I guess it would just be ‘sh’.”
You snorted, ducking your head down into the opened fridge.  “Oh!  I could make beef stroganoff!  Except, erm, with… pork.  Or tuna.”
You both perked up at a knock at the door.  “Pork sounds great,” he agreed as he started to walk away, “I’ll get it.”
There was another rapid succession of knocks before George could get there, and you started getting pots and ingredients out for dinner.
“We’re not giving you money or anything,” George announced firmly when he opened the door; you figured it was someone raising for a political cause or maybe even a religion when you heard that.
“I-is she home?” you heard a meek voice ask in reply.
“Mate, whoever you’re looking for isn’t here—” George began, but you were already running out of the kitchen and tumbling towards the door.  
You knew you must have lit up when you saw Billy standing there on your welcome mat; he had on a soft grey hoodie, with the sleeves pulled up around his hands— one of which was held to his mouth to gnaw on his thumb nail.  That hand fell quickly and his lips curled into a gentle smile as he saw you.  “I knew you’d come,” you announced as you ran to him, pulling into a quick but tight hug.  There was a bit more colour to his face, more brightness in his eyes as he looked down at you when you pulled away, arms still draped lazily over his shoulders while his hands gently held your back.
“Course I had to,” he smiled at you, “said I would, wouldn’t I?”
You realised you were still holding him and pulled away, facing George who seemed to be catching on.  “Y-you remember I said I’d visited a friend in hospital?” you prompted, and George nodded, looking a little embarrassed that he’d reacted to Billy that way. 
“Sorry, mate,” George offered Billy a handshake; Billy seemed a little uncomfortable with it, but shook your fiancé’s hand politely.
“I’m just starting dinner,” you announced, “you could help me, if you wanted?  Give George a break from sous chef duty?  O-or just wait, I’m sure you’re tired—”
“I’ll help,” Billy decided, “f’that’s alright.”
“Of course,” you hummed, and you and George stepped back to let him in.  He toed his sneakers off, looking around the house with wide eyes.
“Nice place,” he noticed while George shut the door.  “Wow, look’t that…”
“Y-yeah, it’s George’s place, really,” you admitted, “but I did some of the decorating.”
“Who painted that?” he wondered as he pointed at the oil painting in the foyer.
“Oh, that was a gift from a client,” George explained, looking at it with crossed arms.  “It’s an original Lebo, he’s the next big thing, up-and-comer in the Miami art scene…”
“Miami?  Like California?” Billy wondered.
You giggled a little bit as George made that face he made when he was trying not to be condescending.  “Er… Miami, Florida.”
“Eh?  Coulda sworn Miami was a place in California,” Billy frowned, wiping under his nose quickly a few times; he always did that, but you could tell by the way he did it that he was nervous.  You bit your lip as you looked at George, willing him with your mind to not think less of Billy for questionable geography skills— you hadn’t told him everything about this friend of yours who was in hospital, just that you knew each other as teenagers and that he was a kind and gentle person.  If George really understood all Billy had been through, you’d hope he wouldn’t be judgemental; but it wasn’t your story to tell.
“Listen, you two get to cooking and I’m gonna get some work done?"  It wasn't a question but George raised the tone of his voice at the end like it was one.  "Come up if you need anything."
Billy gave you a slightly shy look as George disappeared up the stairs with heavy footsteps.  “If you slice the mushrooms I’m gonna start cooking the pork,” you explained.
He nodded as you opened the knife drawer for him and he took out a small one to begin cutting on the bamboo slate you’d already set out.  “Been a while since somebody let me handle sharp objects,” he admitted with a chuckle.
“Oh, if you don’t want to, I can—”
“No, it’s fine,” he promised, shaking his head.  “I can handle it.  Only ever hurt myself on accident doing wood carving.”
“You still carve?” you realised excitedly, and he nodded.  “I remember you spent ages trying to get them to let you do it in the facility.”
“Yeah, that took some persistence,” he recalled with a grin.  “I was stuck doing regular arts and crafts for the first… six months?  Lots of papier-mâché.”
You snorted at the memory.  “In the girls’ wing we did a lot of ‘inspiration boards’...”
“Oh, Christ,” Billy laughed, “not the bloody inspiration boards.  Hated those— as if anything you can find in an old magazine’s going to inspire you to not be fuckin’ mental.”
You laughed, and as you focused on preparing ingredients, the conversation lulled for a moment.  Billy eventually, gently, broke the silence.
“S-sorry for how I was before, at the hospital,” he mumbled.  “I was still pretty out of it, but I was so happy to see you.”
“Oh, you were fine,” you promised, “I know what it’s like to be hopped up on painkillers.”
He gave you a look with a raised eyebrow, and you shook your head.  
“Don’t worry— distant memory.”
“But you’re, uh… you’re still on something?” he broached the topic carefully.
“Yeah,” you nodded.  “Ziprasidone, forty miligrams twice a day.  And, you know, some escitalopram as needed, but that’s nothing.”
“And the side effects aren’t too bad?” he pressed.  “My tics got worse no matter what I was on.”
“Well, there are some,” you admitted, “but not that bad once I got the dosage right.  It’s worth it.”
He nodded, reaching up with the hand that wasn’t holding the knife to wipe his fist under his nose quickly.  You knew what the silence meant, you knew he wanted to believe you but was worried how it would feel to be medicated; he’d had so much trouble with it, having gone through his share of prescriptions— actually, he’d gone through his and three other people’s shares.  You could only imagine how much trouble he’d had staying on pills if he couldn’t even afford them.
“You’ll stay on what the hospital sent you home with, right?” you asked quietly.
“Y-yeah, of course,” he shrugged, “as long as it doesn’t, you know, make me feel horribly sick or something.”
“You can’t go off of them just because you’ve got dry eyes or nausea, though,” you frowned.
“Obviously!” he scoffed.  “I… I really wanna get better this time, for good.  But, um… it’s hard, with my brother…”
You nodded, but didn’t say anything else, focusing mostly on stirring the meat around the hot pan as it sizzled.
“Malibu!” he said suddenly.
“Hm?” you turned to him, eyebrows knitted together, and he suddenly looked a bit embarrassed.
“I— I was thinking of Malibu… before…” he mumbled as he trailed off.  “Malibu, California.”
You grinned wide, watching him reach up to wipe the back of his hand, covered with his jacket’s sleeve, over his face quickly.  "How are you feeling?" you asked.  "After the injury."
"Not so bad," he answered, "it still gets a little sore sometimes, especially at night with the pain meds wear off, but it's not that bad."
"You're so tough," you shook your head.  "Got stabbed a few days ago and you're just walking it off."
"I got lucky," he explained, "it didn't hit anything important.  Mostly I'm just hoping it’ll turn into a cool scar.” 
He looked at you with a little smirk and it warmed your heart.  
“People say scars are attractive," he continued, "but… they only mean the ones on the outside.”
You sighed, knowing how true that was— it took you long enough to find someone like George, who stuck with you even though you had so much you still struggled with.  “Can I see it?” you asked, hoping not to get too deep into the other topic.
Billy nodded and lifted his shirt, exposing more and more pale skin, until the fabric was gathered up to his shoulder and you could see the sewn wound right at the centre of his chest.  You gasped, reaching to cover your mouth first as you realised it was much worse than you imagined before; and then you found yourself reaching out to touch him, though you should’ve asked permission first (yet he didn’t make a move to stop you, he didn’t even seem all that surprised).
Your fingers gently trailed around the marks, and it was like you could feel how much it must have hurt— the stitches and the stabbing; your heart ached for him, as always.  “Billy,” you whispered under your breath, shocked at all he’d survived.
For a moment, you found your touch trailing further, brushing over the thin layer of hair on his chest.  It was new, after all, since the last time you’d touched him there— he was only a boy then, a bit scrawny and lanky, and while he was still on the lean side now, this was clearly a man’s body.  A man who had been through so much; a man that the world had tried so hard to harden and callus and break, but he was still so soft and delicate.
Your fingertips were still tracing his skin when your eyes finally met his, and the look in them penetrated you.  Knowing you should pull away, you started to move your hand back, but he grabbed it and pulled it to him— he pressed it flat and firm to his chest, squeezing your fingers, letting you feel his heartbeat beneath.
It didn’t feel like you were doing anything wrong, until you both heard George’s steps coming around the corner and jumped away from each other quickly; Billy tugged his shirt down, wiping under his nose as he cleared his throat, you did a bit of a better job of acting natural.
“How’s dinner coming along?” George wondered.
“Oh, well,” you smiled. “S’nice to catch up a little.” You cast Billy a small smile, hoping to connect his glance, but his eyes were down, his focus back on his task. It nearly seemed as if he were ashamed of almost getting caught. 
“How’s it you know each other again?” George asked. “She’s got so many little friends, it’s hard to keep track.” 
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, and you almost answered, but Billy’s inhale made you realise that the question wasn’t aimed at you. “When we were kids,” Billy started. “Not kids, really, I guess, but… when we were younger, we were at a-a facility together. Not for very long, but…” he trailed off for a moment, getting a slightly glassy look in his eyes. Finally, he simply added, “We grew close.” 
“That’s good,” George said. “And you’ve just gotten out of hospital?” 
“Erm, yeah—”
“What happened?”
There was a split second where the question hung in the air, and you could feel Billy’s energy change. He obviously wasn't ready to talk about it.
"Why don't you set the table, Georgie?" you requested without turning around. Your face burned, and you cleared your throat as you tried to dampen down the flames in your cheeks. “Make yourself useful,” you added with a light laugh, almost jumping a little when his hands rested on your arms as he leaned in to kiss by your ear.
“Anything for you,” George said, his voice a little quiet, like he didn’t want Billy to hear, and the kitchen fell into silence as George gathered the utensils and left the kitchen.
The kitchen was only quiet for a moment more, the sizzling of the pork dying down a bit, before Billy, with a smirk, noticed, "Bit posh, isn't'e?"
"Shut up," you giggled, pushing Billy's shoulder.
“Never thought you’d go for someone like that,” Billy admitted lightly. You could tell he was still trying to make it a joke, but the joke was obviously falling a little flat; you could feel the anxious energy radiating off of him.  “B-but I’m glad you’re happy.” 
“How about you?” you asked, and you found yourself biting your lip as you spooned the mix of meat and veg onto three plates. “Any girls strike your fancy?”
“Ah,” Billy started, and he shook his head. “No. You know me, though, that’s never been my nature, really…” 
“I used to know you,” you said, and Billy cast his big dark eyes at you.  You hadn’t meant to be so blunt about it, and you quickly added, “but I imagine you haven’t changed all that much, eh?”
“I guess not,” Billy mumbled, and you wondered if that hadn’t really helped to add— if that was what he was afraid of, not changing.  But you never found anything to dislike in Billy all those years ago, even if you were still fighting the urge to resent him a bit for never calling after he promised to.  You trusted that you’d find each other again someday— and most of the time, with him here, it felt like no time had passed at all— but you’d hurt for a while, wondering if you did something wrong… if he never really loved you.
And, of course, time had passed.  You remembered that every time you looked down at your hands and saw the ring on your finger; every time you glanced over your shoulder and saw George setting the table.
I waited for you for so long, Billy— couldn’t you have let me find you sooner?
Dinner was… quiet.  Not exactly tense, but not not tense.  You could all pretend your mouths were just so full of stroganoff that you couldn’t say much, but really, there wasn’t much to say.  
Actually, there was a lot to say— you and Billy wanted to talk, but you both must’ve felt strange about it with George there, and in turn, George probably didn’t want to talk to you how he normally did with Billy there.
"So, Billy," George prompted, clearing his throat after a long pause, "what do you do?"
"For work?"
"Sort of between jobs at the moment," Billy admitted.  "It's hard for me to work with… my condition…"
"Right," George frowned, and you lightly kicked him under the table.  “W-well, we’re just—” he rushed to try to appease you, “glad you’re alright.  After what happened.”
You caught Billy’s lips pressing together, and you knew he was trying not to smile at the wrong time.  Maybe it was the use of we that amused him; maybe it was the idea that Billy was ‘alright’ after everything.
“Do you have a place to stay?” you asked suddenly, and Billy stopped chewing to look at you with wide eyes.  You felt George’s glare land on you, he already knew you were going to offer Billy anything no matter how misguided it might seem.
“Erm… well, no, but—” Billy began.
“There’s our couch,” you noticed.  “You should stay here tonight.”
“I— I couldn’t let you do that,” he insisted, rubbing his fist under his nose. “I-I couldn’t—”
You rested your hand on his shoulder, and he stilled for a moment as he blinked at you.  “It’s the least we could do.”
“I don’t want him here,” George said sternly the moment he’d gotten you alone.  “He’s obviously unstable, he needs real help—”
“Listen to me,” you pleaded, “he’s got a three-week prescription from the hospital, he just needs to get used to the new meds.”
“I know you wanna think you can save everyone,” your fiancé sighed, sounding so exhausted with you, “but you need to think about your own safety.  He’s not well and he’s… inappropriately attached to you.”
“Inappropriate?” you repeated.
“A grown man has no reason to stake his sanity on someone he met in hospital,” George hissed, “as a child.”
You laughed in frustration as you shook your head.
“Oh, don’t do that,” he warned, “don’t act like I’m ridiculous for not wanting a strange man on my couch.  That’s an expensive couch.”
“Well shit, George, he’s not a dog, he’s not gonna piss on it or something!” you scoffed.  “And he’s not strange, either.”
“He is to me.”
“But I know him, and you know me,” you explained, “can’t you trust my judgement?”
“It’s my house, I have the right if I don’t want him—” George began.
“It’s my house, too,” you hissed, lowering your voice as you stepped closer to him, “and you brought her here— you brought her in our bed, didn’t you?  So what’s that compared to my friend on the couch?”
“Oh, Christ,” he spat, “I knew you’d bring that up, again, when you said you’d forgiven me—”
“I did!” you insisted.  “But you’re being a fucking hypocrite!  Just admit that you don’t trust me— when I’m the one who shouldn’t trust you.”
“We should both trust each other,” he corrected.
“You should stop treating me like a guest here,” you replied, raising your voice, “like I’m just some charity case and not the woman you asked to move in and asked to marry you—”
“You always do this,” George shook his head, looking beyond irritated with you.
“And now you take issue with my friend?”
“He’s not your friend,” George spat, “he’s here because he’s mental and broke and horny, probably.”
“Oh, come on, darling, don’t be so stupid,” he groaned, rolling his eyes.  “He wants to shag you!”
“I can’t believe you,” you scoffed as you stormed out, only to stop halfway down the hall when you found Billy, looking shivery and uncomfortable with his arms crossed around himself.  “O-oh, Billy, I—”
“S’just lookin’ for some sheets…” he mumbled, looking down, and you knew he must have heard you arguing.  
“They’re down here, let me get them for you,” you offered as you opened the door to the linen closet, but he stepped back nervously.  
“I-is everything alright?” Billy asked you tenderly, and your heart ached.
“Yes,” you sighed, “it’s fine, he just—”
“Oh god,” Billy whimpered, knowing you were lying, “v’done it again, haven’t I?  Fucked everything up.”
“No,” you sighed, “no— you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I don’t want to make it harder for you,” he choked, covering his face with his hands.  “You got better!  You’re normal!  And I’m making it worse, I’m… dragging you back down.  It’s just why I never called!”
You rushed forward, holding his wrists tightly even as he struggled for a second.  “Billy, look at me,” you pleaded.  “Look, I need to see your eyes.”
He relaxed and let you move his fists out of the way so you could see his wet, quivering face.
“You don’t make anything worse,” you promised.  
Just as he started to melt into your touch, and your fingers slid up to interlace with his, you heard George come through the door and huff at the sight.  He said your name sternly, and you turned around, giving Billy’s hand a squeeze before you let go.
“I was just helping him find the sheets,” you explained, already knowing what George wanted to say.
“Won’t need them— he’s not staying here,” your fiancé insisted.
“No, George, don’t—” you started to protest, but Billy was already shrinking away.  “Billy, please don’t go—”
As you watched Billy start to run out, George held you back and stopped you from chasing after him.  “He needs to leave,” George insisted, and he was much too strong— your fight was useless.
“Let me go!” you whimpered, but he didn’t, not even after you heard the front door slam, not even after your rage fell into exhaustion and you started to cry.
“Better this way,” George promised, “trust me.  We need to trust each other.”
He kept saying that, a convenient quote from your couple’s therapist manipulated to apply to kicking out your oldest friend— and first love.  “He just needs help, Georgie,” you whimpered as the restraint turned into a gentler sort of embrace, with soft kisses and shushes beside your ear.
“You can’t help everyone,” he explained, “you should just worry about yourself— God knows you’ve got plenty to worry about… we can’t have you getting bad again.”
That was what he called it when you had an episode, as rare as they were now, bad.  You had to remind yourself that it didn’t make you bad for struggling.
It’s so scary when you’re having bad thoughts, but you’re not bad, you remembered telling Billy just a few days ago.
“I-I wanna get ready for bed now,” you decided quietly.
“Okay,” George whispered, and only then did he let you go, after one more kiss to your cheek.  “See you in bed.”
It’s hard to say if you knew for sure, then, that you weren’t going to get ready for bed— you felt like you were in a dream, or a trance, as George left you in the hallway only for you to instead put on your shoes and walk out the front door.  
“Can’t believe I found you,” you gasped as you threw yourself onto Billy, not even stepping inside first.  He reciprocated the hug instantly, burying his face in your shoulder.  “Don’t ever run from me like that again, please…”
“I won’t, I won’t,” Billy promised softly.  “Just tell me you’re okay,” he pleaded as he held you tighter.
“I’m okay,” you promised.
“I— I heard him yelling at you,” he admitted.  “I was so afraid he would hurt you— he didn’t hurt you, did ‘e?”
You smiled a little as Billy pulled back enough to examine your face closely, looking for marks.  “He didn’t hit me,” you assured, “he wouldn’t— he’s not like that.”
“Good,” Billy nodded, “good— if he did, I— well, I shouldn’t say something like that.  But I would be really fucking angry.”
But felt his hands tighten into fists at your waist, and you knew what he was imagining.
“How’d you find this place?” Billy wondered as he stepped back and let you in, shutting the flat’s front door behind you.
“Called back your old friend, Mr. Strike,” you smirked.  “He had a few leads.”
“I’m sorry for leaving like that,” he sighed, “I was just—”
“I know,” you interrupted quickly.
"There's something I have for you," he said suddenly.  You waited with a tilted head as he knelt down by his backpack, propped up against the wall, unzipping it and pulling something out.
A carving on a panel of wood, rough and unpolished but careful crafted: it was the creek, that very one behind Oak Hill.  The bent tree, the rocks by the shore, the sun a big divot as it sank down behind the jagged treeline.
As he held it in front of you, you ran your fingers over the edges in awe; "It's just how I remember," you sighed.
"C-careful, splinters," Billy warned, reaching for your hand and grabbing it tightly.  You looked at him, knowing you were already crying, heart breaking at the look on his face.
"You really carved this for me?" you whispered, and he nodded.  "When?"
"Ten years ago," he replied, "but that was just the first one.  This one— this one I did before I came to see you for dinner."
You looked at it again, then at him with a tilted head.  "You did more than one?"
"I-I've done about… about a hundred, maybe more," he explained.  "I kept trying to make it perfect, but I couldn't always— sometimes I messed up, so I'd start again.  I wanted it to look exactly like it did then."
You looked down at the carving one more time, seeing the detail, and imagining every change he made over the years to accomplish it.
"I just couldn't remember it right," he explained, scratching beside his ear, "u-until I saw you again.  Then it was like it was all there… I finally got it right."
“Billy, it’s amazing,” you promised, whispering as you fought back the urge to cry, “you’re amazing…”
As you trailed off, he suddenly asked: “Do you still love me?”
“Of course,” you answered, faster than you could worry about being self-conscious about it.  “Always— of course I do.”
“But… you can’t love me the way I thought you did,” he breathed.  “You can’t love me the— the way I love you.”
“A-and what way is that?” you wondered.
“Every way.”
You sighed, shivering as he stepped closer, each of his hands resting on your shoulders.  His touch on your bare skin was still so… much.
“You’re gonna marry him,” he reminded you both, “and it’s better that way.  You’re better off with someone you don’t have to take care of all the time.”
"I'd rather take care of you," you admitted, eyes welling with tears, "I'd rather have you, Billy, I just didn't think you still cared for me—"
"I said I always would," he interjected, "I meant that— c'mon, v'never really loved anyone but you, don't you know that?"
You smiled a little as you looked down.
"B-but that's not my point, you shouldn't be with me," he insisted.
"I want to be with you, Billy."
“What about when I have bad days?”
“I have bad days too,” you reminded him.
“Yeah!  And what if I can’t take care of you, ‘cause I’m too messed up?” he wondered.  "I still— I still see things, you know.  I mean, not since hospital, but—"
"It'll be okay," you promised.  "We'll be okay, we'll have each other.  I can't heal you, Billy, I can't save you— but I can be here when you need me."
“You can’t leave him for me.  I can’t let you throw your life away for me.”
“If he doesn’t understand you, then he doesn’t understand me either,” you explained.
He was shaking his head, looking down, but you held his cheeks and lifted his face.  “I love you,” you reminded him, but he kept looking down, tears striping his face.
"Billy," you whispered, making him look at you softly.  "Kiss me again.  Please."
He did: tender and patient, just as delicate as the first time so many years ago.  As you kissed him back, holding tightly onto his shoulders, he carefully reached for your waist and pulled you closer.  Being pressed against him was so comforting and warm; being wrapped in his arms and pulled into bed felt so right.
He mumbled something about how his brother wouldn’t be home ‘til morning, and you just nodded, not wanting to break away from the kiss any longer.
You woke up to fingers tracing along your back aimlessly, and you hummed, clinging tighter onto the pillow under your head. 
“Sorry,” Billy whispered, “wasn’t trying to wake you up…”
“S’okay,” you mumbled, feeling kisses trail your shoulder next.  When you blinked open your eyes, you saw his hand— a bandage still around one of the knuckles, small bruises and cuts here and there— run down your arm to hold your hand and give it a squeeze.  
He pressed himself up to your back, embracing you tightly again, resting his face in the crook of your neck.  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered.  “Tell me it’s real— that you’re real.”
“Of course I am,” you laughed softly.
“Just seems too good to be true,” he admitted quietly.  “You show up at my door and tell me you wanna be with me instead of him, that you love me, I— I sort of imagined it before, if m’bein’ honest.  Definitely imagined this…”
You giggled as his hand slipped under the sheets to run up your bare thigh, the memories of last night’s lovemaking imprinted into the soreness of your skin— everywhere he’d held you tightly, like he was afraid you’d run off and disappear if he let go.  Bruises were likely blooming already in the shape of his touch, but you didn’t mind it; it was exactly what he’d feared, that he wouldn’t know how to love you without hurting you, but all you’d ever wanted was the ecstasy and the pain of sharing everything with someone.
Billy pulled you closer still, helping you turn so you could press your forehead to his.  “I’ll never run away from you again,” he promised quietly.  
“I’ll never let you again,” you returned, making you both giggle as he peppered your face in kisses.  As you reached up, he felt your ring brush over his skin, and he grabbed your hand to hold it up where you could both look at it. 
Delicately, he slipped the engagement ring from your finger, and examined it.  “Well,” he frowned, “we can chuck this, then—” and threw it over his shoulder.  You laughed as it fell to the floor with a quick ping! and he kissed you again before you could protest to his flippancy.
“Billy, you shouldn’t—” you still tried to get out with his lips overwhelming yours, but he hummed and rolled you onto your back so he could climb on top of you.
“I’ll get you a new one,” he decided softly, “when I can afford it.  Won’t be as nice, but—”
“It’ll be perfect,” you smiled.
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wisecura · 11 months
pretty p.1 w.1688
Geto x gojo-reader
You're Gojo's cute little sister
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Being the little sister of The Satoru Gojo was one thing. It came with a lot of kickback from the elders and your family. You were always expected to be somewhat on a similar skill level as him. And you weren't necessarily weak by any means, but your big brother wasn't anything anyone could compare themselves to in the first place. But, it didn't help that you were close in age- you being only two years below him, and that you looked so similar- the white hair and blue eyes were an inherited trait. The family just couldn't hide the disappointment in your skill gap, and it was easy to say they tried to treat you as lesser than. Keyword - tried. 
It was a whole other thing having Toru as your big brother. He couldn't get enough of ya, and did nothing to hide his favoritism towards his cute little sister. Even if that meant putting both the elders or his family back in their place. Protective could be a gross understatement in how he treated you. And how could he stand silently when his cute little sister was being harassed - by even the house maids. 
From the very first day his mother came and introduced you to him as a baby swaddled in her arms. He was fascinated to find out that he was going to be a big brother. He still had no clue what that meant, but as the two of you grew older, everything clicked into place. 
You remember how closed off he was for the first few years of your time together. Not towards you, but just towards people in general. So getting to see him develop his personality beyond aggressive and slightly egotistical (which honestly resulted from your constant hounding at him to be nicer), was truly a blessing in your books. You thought he’d never grow out of that phase, it always resulted in the maids being scared of the both of you. You didn't mind as much when he was around. Most of the household seemed to have a small vendetta against you, and you'd be playing stupid if you said you had no idea why. You were weaker than Satoru. And you didn't hit a margin of their standards for you by a long shot. They all seemed to treat you very poorly. But not with your big brother. He seemed to protect you from most of the harsh words, and even harsher punishments they tried to sling your way. As long as he was around, you were safe. Once he got a bit older, understood his position better, and felt fed up enough, he was finally able to make his case. 
“Your responsibility? Ha! Don't make me laugh. You all have been nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, treating her like garbage since she was four-” 
“Satoru, you're being unreasonable, she’s being raised to know her place in the cla-”
“Unreasonable?” His eyes seemed to glow, ready to end this once and for all. “Me? Unreasonable? Let me make myself perfectly clear. From this moment forward, my sister will be under my care. None of you are allowed to approach her, scold her, teach her, anything.” His eyes narrowed in on the old man across the table. He could tell he was intimidated. He knew he had the upper hand here. The threat only inches below the surface of his words. I'm stronger than you, old man. 
It became known that day forward that no one was allowed to exert authority over you. Which left you largely ignored by the family. Soon enough it was time for him to leave for school. 
Satoru would be leaving soon for school and he wanted to ensure you were safe while he was gone. He was tempted just to bring you along with him. 
“Toru,” you sang “are you excited to be going to school soon?” You excitedly jump on his back, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. He’s always sure to leave his infinity off when you're around him, knowing you liked to plan “surprise attacks” on him. You had always been with Satoru, as he had always been with you. Being apart like this poses many problems for you. Loneliness being the biggest one. He chuckled at your cute antics and carried you around the garden on his back, your feet kicking out back and forth. He was your best friend, and soon you wouldn't be able to walk here like this with him anymore. Satoru chose to ignore your question, figuring that whatever answer he gave would probably make you sad. This likely would be the last time for the next year that he'd hear your happy voice calling out to him. 
“We’ve got to do something fun before I leave!” He finally spoke. “I’m gonna miss you so much, imouto.” Your arms wrapped around him tighter. 
It was finally the day for Satoru to leave for high school. Staying in the dorms away from home would be heaven if he weren't leaving behind something so precious to him. He decided that when you were ready for high school, he would rent a place closer to the school. You'd both just stay there instead of coming back here. Until then, he would come back for your sake. 
You sorely missed Toru while he was gone. You took this time to practice your cursed technique, hoping to not be an embarrassment when you joined him in school. Your older brother was so cool and strong. You could only hope to catch up halfway before you got there. Toru would come back for the summer, and you could sense that he was happier not at the clan house. He told you all about the friends he's made while being gone- including some dude named Geto Suguru (he spoke a lot about him), and you showed him how much you've improved in your cursed technique. At the time you really didn't think much of what he talked about, but it intrigued you all the same. You were rarely let out of the manor, let alone allowed to make too many friends. You couldn't imagine what these people could be like. They surely wouldn't be better than your big brother, and you were sure to tell him so. Knowing how much you looked up to him didn't do his ego any favor. He really was the best big brother. 
And just like that- you were finally enrolled into Toru’s school. Finally let outside the manors' high fences. And to say you were ecstatic to finally be following your big brother would be an understatement. This time you'd be leaving with him, and you'd get to see the campus you longed to see. It was automatic enrollment when they heard you were Gojo Satoru’s little sister. Purely on recommendation, and of course Sartoru’s sway in the jujutsu world. You just needed to do a short interview and you’d surely be set to go.
Rolling up to the campus you saw how beautiful everything looked. Your brother's words didn't do it justice. Stepping outside of the car, both you and your brother made way to the dorms to settle in. You would be in two different classes, but you still get to see him regularly. 
Interview aside, meeting your new classmates was a pleasure. You had two others joining you as first years, both boys. Ugh. No girls? They looked nice enough. You couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable at how they looked at you when they first saw you. 
Kai, who was the taller of the two spoke first “You a Gojo?” He circled you “Definitely fit the look”
You backed away, not fully understanding his meaning. Kazuo, the shorter of the two, spoke next - “What's your cursed technique like?” He looked almost like a puppy you thought. Very cute. Definitely not cuter than my big brother though. You easily engaged in conversation with the two. You could tell you wouldn't mind being in their class, they seemed like plenty of fun. 
Then you ran into Satoru on campus. 
“Toru!” Your face lit up when you saw his tall lanky form. You went to surprise attack him again, as he fell forward. He caught his footing, surprised to see you, but soon smiled back with the same enthusiasm. 
“Guys this is my little sister” He ushered you face to face with two upperclassmen. A boy and a girl. The girl introduced herself, and you recognized her name instantly. The healer! The boy on the other had stood almost as tall as your brother, only he seemed more intimidating. His black hair swept back in a bun, and his eyes piercing through you. Frightening. You were stunned for a moment after actually locking eyes with him, you hadn't noticed your brother calling your name. 
“Aw, Suguru, looks like my lil sisters gotta crushy-wushy on ya!” He squeezed your cheeks together, causing your face to light up bright red. “Shut up, Toru!” You smacked his hand away and attempted to attack your brother for embarrassing you like that. Satoru continued teasing you ruthlessly.  Suguru stared for a second, not believing his eyes when he saw you. Satoru had described a small child when talking about you. 
He definitely didn't expect you. White hair pinned up in a half up-half down style, your blue stunner eyes that rivaled even your brothers, and features that would take down a model. You were a Gojo after all. You were basically a more lovelier version of Satoru. What did he expect when his best friend said that his baby sister was joining them at the high school this year? 
“Satoru, enough teasing. You're gonna make her cry.” He poked, his voice had a teasing lilt to it. 
“‘M not gonna cry!” You basically screeched. Your face and ears were both tinged with red at this point and he was pretty damn sure you looked close to crying. He couldn't stop the thought that automatically popped into his head. Pretty. The two boys both broke out in laughter.  
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callsign-phoenix · 1 year
I wrote this as a part of my falltober fics, I hope you like it!
It is a Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x gn!reader imagine.
Thank you @famfan-1034 for proofreading!
Day 11: Vampire/werewolf
Warnings: none
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“I don’t know what she sees in him!” You exclaimed from your spot on the couch, the book you were reading nestled safely in your lap.
“You know, he’s old and dead and not very emotional, I just don’t know why she wants him,” you added, not even expecting a reply from your boyfriend.
You frequently just ranted about the books you were reading and Bob never knew what you were talking about, which made this moment even sweeter.
“Well, he’s loving and loyal, rich, dependent on her and entirely in love with her,” Bob answered you from his spot on the couch, and your eyes shot up to meet his.
He too was reading a book, definitely not yours though, and you hadn’t expected for him to have read Twilight or to know what you were talking about.
It took you a few seconds before your eyebrows raised and you continued talking.
“You’re team Edward?” You asked incredulously, but Bob just nodded.
“Yeah, why shouldn’t I be? You can’t be team Jacob?” He asked, but it was your time to nod.
The both of you were silent for a moment, before you started arguing, speaking up at the same time.
You chuckled both, and Bob gave you the time to speak.
“No, but really! Jacob is so much nicer and thoughtful, not to mention that he’s warm! He only lives a life long, which means that Bella could live her life without having to sacrifice her friends or family. You can’t tell me that Edward has any aspects that make him worth living forever,” you tried, but Bob scoffed playfully.
“The Cullens seem to be pretty okay with living forever. Plus, Edward does everything he does for Bella, he’s so hooked on her. That’s literally all she wants, a fairytale romance, which is why he’s just perfect for her,” Bob argued.
You had to suppress a laugh as you looked at him, stretching your hand out to touch his leg beside you and caress it softly.
You were sitting next to each other facing each other on the couch, your feet near his upper body while his feet were also propped up next to you on the couch.
“You read Twilight?” You asked, and received a proud nod from him.
“All of them. I have a little sister, what do you expect?” He answered, his ears turning a little pink at his confession.
You smiled at him, still caressing his thigh, and you closed your book to look at him.
You realized that you loved the fact that Bob had read the books, showing once again that he was incredibly sensitive and considerate.
Bob held your gaze with a hint of a smile playing around his lips, which made your heart beat slightly faster.
“I’d say you’re better than either of them,” you said softly, and you saw Bob’s eyelashes flutter behind his glasses.
He reached for your hand and intertwined your fingers, pulling them towards him and pressing a gentle grateful kiss to the back of your hand.
You were grateful too, for his love and the life you were able to spend together.
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tagging: @starkleila @mayhem24-7forever @green-socks @letsfvckingdance @shadeds-library @klmpun @yespolkadotkitty @whateverbagman @neptunes-curse @sweetheartlizzie07 @top-gun-rooster @iloveprettyboysblog @ateliefloresdaprimavera @imjess-themess @littlebadariell @angstyjellybean @marchingicenotes7 @midget713 @supernaturaldawning @gspenc @adorephina @gigisimsonmars @tipsykeen @bespinnn @airedale17 @malindacath @aerangi @luckyladycreator2 @kwanimations @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @marvelandotherfandomimagines @luckyladycreator2 @mavericksicybabe @kendra-rose @desert-fern @mavrellover91 @allivingstone01 @rhettabbotts @withakindheartx @trikigirl271 @cherrycola27 @atarmychick007 @bonitanightmxres @ratcatcher2world @glowingtree @wingmanvenus @jewels98 @oliviah-25 @natasharomanoffisbaebby
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dylansslutt · 1 year
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Business/ Joel miller
age gap/ the reader is 28 while joel is in his 50s
summary: you were mean to be alone but so was he? staying away leads to wanting more
warnings: smut, violence, cursing
you found jackson, after a long time out in the open infested land of the dead. you weren't old but you weren't young, being only 28. 8 when the infection began.
your mother was a nurse and taught you every life skill she knew. you became good friends with maria, and eventually tommy. you went on runs, helped plan and on talk on things about jackson.
your nursing skills ended you a nicer room, more so a small house. thankful for it but you sure deserved it patching up folks.
yet when time comes around about tommys older brother joel showing up with a young girl named ellie well things changed. you stayed to yourself, never actually talking to him.
"y/n, come over here i want you to meet someone."
your eyes shift over to marlene and the infamous joel miller. swallowing down your sudden nervousness, you make way over towards them. knowing this would happen eventually.
"this is y/n, i was telling you about. great nurse as well as she's helped a lot of people. oh y/n great, this is joel tommy's brother." she rambles as you make eye contact with the man.
he looks you up and down before offering a nod, "joel."
you give a small nod back, "y/n. uh what's up, i was about to ride out soon?"
she sighs, "i need you to take joel, show him our spots." you wanted to protest, ask her to ask anyone else. yet you give him a tight lip smile.
"hope you know how to ride." he scoffs almost, a small smile appears on his face. something you figure rarely happens.
"honey i was riding horses before you were born, let's go." he walks past you making you give her a look. who only stifles a laugh motioning for you to go forward.
biting your lip, you turn and jog a few steps forward. gaining sync you finally let your eyes wander him discreetly.
"the stables right up here." the path was short, and the sigh made a smile spread across your face. joel took a second to give you a good look, noticing how unreadable you were.
pretty none the less. yet you were younger, and he was here for ellie and tommy only.
"this is apollo, that's hades over there. honestly fits ya' if im being honest." the names sounded familiar.
"ya' know greek mythology?" he questions walking up to the darker colored horse.
you pets apollo, "i'm the one who gave them their names. i might be young but i still had something... before all this shit."
clearing your throat, you walks the horse out. "let's get going."
he nods and follows.
the two of you left the first sight, which wasn't much. you did get a better chance to watch him, analyze him a bit better. he was a bit hard to read but one thing certain.
for him being older he still was good looking.
the second place was a old hunting spot.
"here we gotta leave the horses." you come to a stop, joel watching as you swing yourself off effortlessly.
he just nods, "it's a old hunting spot, there's a couple round here. we should have everything in lines, but sometimes some' comes straying."
leading the way, you glance back at him. his eyes flicker around cautiously making you turn forward. he definitely was a bit different than his brother.
"how long you been at jackson?"
the question threw you off guard, not expecting him to even spark a conversation. "maybe a year, maria and i came across each other."
you slow down as you both walk side by side, you finally pointing towards the area.
"so up on those trees, we got hunting spots. then there is a small little shed over a little farther. i'll show ya' cause i need to take check on stocks."
"so is ellie your daughter? tommy mentioned he had a niece before." you glance over at him, trying the small talk he once said before.
"no, ellie is not my daughter. my daughter is dead." and with that you went silent, feeling so stupid for asking.
as you approach the shed, you put in the code for the lock. swinging it open, the light from the window made things more visible.
as he peers around, "ya' must be trusted to have the knowings of all these things."
you shrug, "i like to know what i am getting myself into... living here and all."
he notices how close off you are, and how double meaning your words were.
"i'm sorry, about my question. should've never said anything." he shakes his head, allowing you to feel some sort of relief.
"who'd you lose?" the question caught you off guard, hand hovering over the packs of matches. counting five. swallowing down every flashback that comes to mind.
"everyone." he has an indifferent look on his face at your answer. "who was the first person ya' had to kill?" your jaw drops.
"jesus christ, are you serious?" scoffing at his words he shrugs, looking through some stuff. "all alone, end up here alone. you seem to handle yourself, it's obvious some' happen."
"oh like it hasn't with you or anyone else? no one gives a shit. no one cares if you had to kill your sister or see your parents die or quiet literally mostly anyone you meet." you snap at him before opening a nearby drawer seeing the contents.
silence pass making you sigh.
"how old are you?" your head snaps towards him, closing one of the drawers. wondering why he is so curious all of a sudden.
"turning 29 soon, you?"
"56." he grumbles out and you stare at him shock.
"bullshit." he looks over at you confused.
"there is no way you are in your 50's." he looked good, too good it was no way. a small smirk lifts on his mouth, "yes hun, i am."
you just nod, "okay we're good here, still can't believe it though. i swore maybe 40 something." you head towards the door shaking your head. glad the subject took a change.
he rubs the back of his neck, noticing you a bit more. taking you in more, mind litters of you.
the walk back to the horses was quiet, you glance over at him. stealing a few glances. he was different, someone you didn't see all the time.
"there is one more place, but if all honesty. we wouldn't get back till about sun down, i can just show ya' another time."
he shrugs, "we are here for a little longer. i don't mind." you laugh, "you don't but if we get back in the middle of the night, we are going to bed hungry."
giving him a look. "i don't like to go to bed hungry, mister."
he smirks softly, shoving his gun in his back pocket. "guess, we better get going then. before little ole' princess starves over here."
the mock makes your mouth drop open, since he was close enough you space you smack his arm. "whatever old man."
as you go to walk off, he stops you by holding his hand up. the sound of rustling makes you still. everything seems fine for a moment, until one of the chain of bottle cans rang out.
"we made those to hear them. we gotta go!" you harshly whisper out, grab the reins of your horse. him following suit, as you jump up and gain full balance before you kick apollo to go.
flying off forward, glancing over your shoulder at joel. he was right behind you, before you glance in front of you. the trail was heavily made, and with the pace you were going you didn't pay attention.
"y/n wait!" you try to slow down, confused on why. unlike you joel noticed the movement alongside the woods. in such quickness someone comes running out from the side of the woods.
a gunshot rang from him, making you shriek as your horse bucks. trying to hold on desperately, only failing as apollo jerks you off.
your body slings off hitting the ground roughly, rolling down the side hill. a gun shot rang out again followed by another. slowing into a stop, your body aches.
heaving out as you look around, seeing your gun and knife still intact to you. letting out a deep groan, you push yourself up into a sitting position.
the sound of footsteps behind you, make your hand fly to your gun. "y/n?" joels voice is heard from behind , turning your head softly to see him. he rushes down the hill, dropping to his knees beside you.
"i'm fine." you try and shrug him off. not the first time you fell but his eyes land on your leg. a scowl almost replaces his once almost worried gaze.
"ya' ain't fine, been fuckin' shot." he mumbles before gripping a piece of your long sleeve fabric. ripping it off into a shredded piece as your eyes follow his line of focus.
you didn't even notice your leg was bleeding open. you got shot. you got fucking shot. hissing as he wraps it, your hand flies out to his arm. "this is gonna fuckin' hurt, so please do it fast."
your eyes are staring deeply into his, the pain starting to become slightly noticeable. he pulls the fabric tight before tying it, making you cover your mouth with your hand.
a tear or two slips down your cheeks, exhaling softly as he drops his hands from your leg. "who the fuck where they? did they trail us? a-are there more?"
the questions slip out so fast, nervous and anxious. joel shakes his head. "there were two, i killed them okay?" your lips tremble, "i was so stupid i th-thought they were infected."
"shh. if there's more, i don't know. which is why we need to get going? apollo shouldn't be to far, so hop on hades." joel reassures you, he wasn't mad because this genuinely wasn't your fault. you were smart, he notice that quickly. this was something you would never see coming.
you smile softly as joel uses their names, "you use their names. not everyone uses their names." biting your lip to mask the pain.
he gives you a soft look. "we'll they should." the moment was sweet, but you move forward. grabbing onto his hand which was held out for you. pulling yourself up, you almost fall back down.
joel's free hand slips around your waist, pulling you into his chest. a soft curse slips your lips. it hurt, it really did. you had your fair share of wounds, but never have been shot before. usually you do the fixing up.
biting your lip glancing down at your blood soaked leg pant's. joel moves his one hand around your arm instead of hand, eyes now on him.
"can you walk?" you don't know but not wanting to appear weak in front of this intimidating man, you step forward. the pain shot up into your hips, you wanted to scream.
looking back at him, nodding the lie knowing your voice would betray you. he stares at you before stepping forward, "good let's go."
as you go to take another step your leg gives out, hitting the floor almost. his hand jerks you up and into his arms bridal style.
"stubborn as a bull. don't lie, y/n." the tone of his voice left you quiet, so dad like. your head rolls to the side, kind of dizzy. you see hades come into view.
he helps you up first, sitting behind you. one hand on the ropes, the other wraps around your stomach. holding you close to his chest, hand covering your whole stomach almost.
the pain from the horses gallop hurt, each movement in your leg burned.but you were determine to ride your horse back.
"i swear i'll be fine. it's not far, just stay behind me." he had helped you up on the horse after much protest. hesitant for some reason yet you weren't someone he had to care about. so he let you.
not like he could with your arguing.
the ride didn't take that long, but when you hit the stables. your body tips sideways and you hit the ground.
feeling your cheeks being tapped, you force your eyes open. coughing out slightly as you try to push him away. "i'll be okay." you repeat as joel, gets up to tie your horse up along with his quickly.
trying to push yourself up, he watches you fail miserably. coming back over, he wraps your arm around his neck. motioning you to lean onto him for support.
"hey, hey. where we goin'? where am i taking you?"
your voice was hoarse. "my house." he stares confused not knowing which one, but then it dawns on him.
the one day he saw you, on the small corner home. outside watering a plant, alone but happy. that house. how the fuck he remembers no idea but he helps you towards it.
you were coherent enough to help jog his memory, motion little turns to take. it was a block or two away from the horses, you were starting to go in and out from the blood loss.
he ends up picking you up bridal style halfway, your door unlocked already as joel slams the door open, eyeing your layout. he sets you down on the couch.
you wake up fully at the sound of stuff slamming, "where is it?" he mumbles to himself. out of it you think of medical stuff.
he comes around the wall, "the stuff is under the sink. get a rag from that closet door."
he is off to grab those things, and you push yourself up. ripping the hole open more to your pants, you shakily lift your leg for a second. whimpering you feel the back of your leg for an exit wound.
running over one, a sigh of relief escapes you even through the pain. the adrenaline was worn off but you knew you had to get the wound patched.
the items were sat down, "ther-there is an exit wound. i need you to clean and stitch me, if i-i do it. i'll fuckin' pass out."
you snatch the bottle, joel managed to find. blood smearing around it as you bring it to your lips. taking a few good deep chugs, one more even before handing it over to him.
he watches you, how strong you were. he seen grown men be more of a pussy than you. you rode a fucking horse home, for christ sake.
pouring the liquid onto your thigh, you clasp onto the cushion. the pain makes a small screech escape your lips. "fuck!"
he puts a rag down, handing you the bottle. you take it with shaky hands, downing a gulp. leaning back feeling hot, "if i pass out. do not judge."
he shrugs, wiping the area making you wince. he cleans the needle as he gets ready to sow you up. "no need too, you were shot."
"i thought you were gonna be a real dick, joel. you are surprisingly nice." you mutter through gritted teeth as he takes the bottle once more over your thigh, liquid burning the wound.
he laughs, "ya' just don't know me, darling."
he hands over a clean rag, "bite this so you don't tell the town." weakly grabbing onto it, hands touching. blood smears onto each other, no telling if it was from yours or his.
he watches how drain and pale you looked. hesitantly he lines up the needle, before pushing it through. you shove the rag in your mouth, barely drowning out your screams.
joels hand grips your leg down tightly, against your legs involuntary movement. seconds later your body drops onto the couch. he watches as you pass out, finishing the work with a deep look on his face.
your eyes flutter open, the soft light from your kitchen makes your eyes squint. the actions from earlier come to you, when the soreness spreads through you, along with the deep pain in your leg.
sitting up slightly, getting a look at your leg. joel stitched it up pretty good. your eyes jerk up to someone coming out the kitchen.
"hey, you're up." you nod softly. "how long was i out?" he sits down a glass of water, which you instantly take.
"all night. i went through your medicine bag, pulled you out some pain pills." he hands you one over before you finished your water.
"thanks." you take it as your wince forgetting about movement. "jesus, my body. it's like i was hit by a bus."
joel sits down across from you. "no, just thrown off a horse." you give him a pointed look, he eases back a smirk.
"did you sleep at all?" he shakes his head and you roll your eyes. "go. go home. i'll be fine, i can take care of myself."
he gives me a look, "i know that. just wanted to make sure you were okay." you smile softly, before a thought popped in your head.
"can you get me a wet towel? i need some of this blood off, and some new clothes. it'll save me from walking." your voice showed tiredness. you tell him where everything was, which wasn't hard to find. you wouldn't believe you been living here longer than two weeks.
he turns around to let you get undressed but trying to take your shirt off was miserable. "joel?"
he looks over his shoulder, eyebrows fusing together confuse on why you haven't changed. "c-can you help, it's really hard?"
he notices the innocence, and steps forward. his rough fingertips help pull the shirt over your head. your black bra pushing up your exposed breast. darting his eyes away, you grab the new shirt.
tugging it over your head, he helps with the sleeves. "thank you." he stares in your eyes, not knowing why he was helping. yet when your eyes still train on his and slightly lower to his lips.
he moves forward pushing his lips onto yours. so gentle which surprises you as he comes off nothing but that. instead he cups your face softly, deepening the kiss as you gasp into his mouth.
pulling away softly, you blush under his stare. "help me with my pants?"
he slowly tugs your pants down, careful of your bad leg. it wasn't so sexual, it was just innocence something so rare. he had grabbed some shorts, thankful for that. pulling them up you smile up at him.
"that was a workout." you grasp the wet rag that he had set aside, wiping at the dried blood knowing you weren't about to try and bathe right now.
he shakes his head. "i should go check on ellie. i'll swing by later?"
you nod, almost finishing your arms and face. feeling so tired you were gonna pass out. he left and you were left with sleep not even able to process the moment just before you.
days passed and you haven't seen joel. you'd be lying if you said you didn't care but you weren't bound to show it. your leg was still sore but you were tired of doing nothing.
stepping out the house slowly, leg aching but happy you took a pain killer. taking it slow, you headed down to the small little building used for your help with the jackson citizens.
opening it up and walking around, you smile at lina.
"i heard! are you okay?" she rushes around, you nod your head. "yes, tired of being at home."
she shakes her head, "i'll put a chair in the room for you."
you smile gratefully towards her. she is a smart girl about 17 you think? been teaching her everything you know, quick learner at that.
she came by told you about her being here while you were out. helping two patients. "can you put oil on this and rewrap it?"
she nods and goes to grab the items, happy she was figuring out the natural remedies you can use for things as medicine. she comes back and helps with your leg, doing a much better job than you.
"thanks, lina. seriously." you thank the girl and she merely shrugs. the door swings open and joel comes walking in. your sit up in confusion before he points at you.
"can we talk?" you knew it wasn't a question, you look over at lina. who takes the hint and scurries off to the back.
"what's up?"
"it's been three days, why am i told you are at work?" you look up at him confused.
"you don't know me, you haven't even came to check on me? i am sorry why are you angry right now?"
he shakes his head, "me and ellie aren't leaving. do you understand that, i'm here to stay. if you keep gettin' fuckin' hurt imma' kill you myself."
you push yourself up, leaning against the desk. "oh now he has a big boy voice. i'm glad you are here for good joel, but i can't sit inside forever. now i am at 'work' so can we do this another time?"
he stares at you before he shoves himself over the desk, capturing your lips in a ravaging kiss. "damn woman. i don't know what is is, but fuck i like ya' darlin'."
you push him away slightly, "you joel miller are entirely too soft."
his eyes soften for a moment, the thought of a lot of things come to him. knowing you met ellie a few times, who found out about you two.
you were maternal, something he craved that he never had in his life. innocent and sweet but also a strong independent women. this scared him. this scared you.
he left shortly after and a hour or so passed and someone comes walking in the door with flowers. you look up but scowl at the sight of shaun in front of you.
your ex boyfriend, kind of as you two had a thing until you found him hooking up with a girl in a spot you showed him.
the flowers set down in front of you, make your eyes flicker to lina. she looks away looking as if she wants to laugh. "i heard about the run, i'm sorry about that. how about dinner baby?"
"baby?" you glare up at him. "don't bother with that shaun, it's over. we are done so just take your flowers and go, leave me the hell alone."
he scoffs, "still a bitch huh? things don't change, and i was trying to be nice."
your eyes widen, "leave!" you point to the door. he rolls his eyes, "i was just leaving."
flustered you glance over at lina, sighing miserably. "first joel and now him? i need a fuckin' break."
a knock on your door, makes you sigh. standing up and hobbling over, "who is it?"
"uh, joel?"
"come in!" you yell not wanting to walk farther, he walks in and glances you up and down. "hey." you smile softly, feeling the energy.
you been thinking of a lot you wanted to say. he walks forward, hand on your waist guiding you to sit back down.
"we need to talk." he nods in agreement.
"well i- i just have a lot of this baggage and history. this stuff is new and god i've been craving something like this-like you." the confession was raw as your eyes reach his, who watches you in a indescribable way.
"i just am scared, scared you'll leave."
he shakes his head, "if ya' knew all the fucked up shit i've done. i don't think you'll look at me the same."
you grasp his hand, squeezing it tightly. "i doubt that."
sitting closer together a small confession leaves you, "i know, i know i am a little younger but... i- i've had my losses. i've had my kills."
tears fill your eyes, threatening to spill. not wanting to look at joel, "i-i had to do fucked up shit to survive joel, and i did stuff to cope. i'm not pro-"
"hey, it don't gotta be all told now. we have time, darlin'." his embrace was nice as he pulls you in. kissing your forehead slightly.
pushing away he stops you, eyes staring up at him doe like. his thumbs wipe the fallen tears. "you're safe with me."
he wanted you safe and protected like ellie. he just knew with you, you could handle it just maybe.
your door swinging open, makes you jump. joel looks at you confused and you shrug. "i-i"
"y/n!" shaun voice calls out, your heart dropping.
"oh no."
he walks around the corner, stopping when he lands on you two. "what the fuck is this?"
he chuckles and your eyes flicker to joel who went very still and very quiet. "so this- this old fuck is the guy you are whoring around with behind my back?"
standing up ignoring the pain, glaring at the monster. "you cheated on me you crazy fuck! you quite literally just broke into my home!" joel was standing up, almost like he was calculating his next move,
glass breaking makes you jump as you see he knocks a few items you only had up onto the ground. joel snaps and launches forward. you saw what he didn't want you to see.
he beat shaun to a pulp, shoving him outside the home. words were shared as you are stuck in the same spot.
the blood stains your wooden floors and the sound of the door slamming makes your eyes snap up. joel is infront of you, chest rapidly moving up and down.
"i- i am so sorry, he-" you try with anything but joel shakes his head.
"y/n, y/n! are you okay?" he snaps you out of it and you nod. "yeah, yeah i'm fine." your hands run through your hair. glancing down at his hand.
"oh my god, your knuckles." he stops your movements, just grasping onto you softly.
your eyes land on his gaze. "i went on like a few dates with him, and he hooked up with some other chick. i-i didn't know he was crazy."
"won't be a issue anymore."
you gulp, "i appreciate the help. thi-this last week but i am someone you don't wanna get close with."
joel's expression drops, not expecting for you have such a recoil. he wasn't even expecting himself to start to like you. yet here you two were.
he shakes his head, "honey. this-" he motions around you two, the broken glass beneath you. "this ain't shit. if you heard half the stuff i've done, i'm not sure ya' would be standing here right now."
you give him confuse look but he steps closer.
"i ain't afraid of what's inside this pretty little head of yours." he sees the fear in your eyes, the words make them flutter shut. when they reopen he is right in front of you.
hand reaching up to cup your cheek, thumb smoothing across your skin. slowly his lips lower, you both tasting each other. his grip tightens on you as yours wrap around the base of his neck.
he lifts you up, tossing you gently on the couch.
your shirt was lifted up and his beard tickles your skin. kisses trail around your ribs, underneath your bra. his one hand grips the side of your thigh, tightening it as he pulls you closer.
lips back on his, before slipping down your neck. a heavy sigh escapes your lips as he places himself between you.
"fuck ya' gorgeous." he stares down at you making you giggle. your hands tug him down to your lips again as his hand runs over you.
gasping in his mouth, his free hand grasp around your neck. other hand slowly teasing you.
eyes opening him staring down at you, watching your reaction. "please." you beg.
he slips his hands around your pants, tugging them down. "is this what you want baby."
his thumb presses right on your clit, applying some pressure. your hands fumble behind you, unclasping your bra. you lean up tossing your shirt and bra onto the floor somewhere.
joel lifts your hips up slightly, making you squeal. pulling your panties down and off from around your ankles, you swear you saw his eyes roll back for a moment.
his bruised hand was up around your throat again, soft but holding you in place. his good hand lets his thumb rub your clit slightly.
"fuck joel." you whine at his teasing. "you wanna feel good?" he leans down sucking one of your free nipples. gasping at the feeling, moaning into your hands.
"don't hide, tell me what ya' want darlin'."
looking up at him, sheepishly as he takes you in more.
"please touch me."
it rolls of your tongue and his beard stubbles against your thighs as he devours himself into you. your hands in his hair, eyes widening as one of his thick plump fingers enters themselves into you.
"fuck, joel." his hand grips your thigh, moving it on top of your thigh. in a sniper position he lays pleasuring you. mind swirling as tommy's brother eats you out.
"taste so good, baby." another finger enters you making your leg move slightly, him pinning it down almost. "stay still."
you whine out, hands coming up to your breast trying to grasp something. it was becoming too much, the pit in your stomach kept building.
"fuck like that." your words come out as a whisper, eyes rolling back as joel looks up at you through hooded eyes. his print sticking against his jeans.
he loved watching how off you were getting. his tongue moves in such a way on your clit you try pushing at his head, "oh my-"
his hands grasp yours easily, stopping you as his fingers curl up into you in such pace. "oh fuck." your mouth was parted unable to contain the moan littering your lips.
joels face and beard were soaking with your liquids, he didn't stop there. you didn't even notice he was stroking himself freely now, lifting up off the bed some.
he lifts up from you, letting you breathe from the torturing pleasure. his lips land on yours, tasting yourself on him. without warning he slowly slides himself into you, your mouth opens as he shoves his tongue into it.
the moan you both share as he bottoms out, nails digging into his bicep as he lifts your legs up around his waist.
"so tight, darlin'." he leans back, moving slowly watching as you try moving against him. "not so fast, darlin'."
he pushes down your stomach, going deeper. this 'old man' sure knew what the fuck he was doing. he hits deeper, making your back arch slightly. his thumb brushing over your clit.
he keeps the pace the same as he rubs your clit slowly with his thumb. holding one leg in place, giving it a soft kiss.
"joel please." you whine looking at him through your lashes, his grip tightens and his hand slips away up around your neck. his hips quicken, slamming into you.
one hand holds onto his arm around your neck, the other grips the pillow under you. he kept hitting the right spot making you stutter out a whimper, him telling you how good you were taking him.
trying to look up at him through his pounding, he grips tighter around your throat. "fuck darlin'."
"filling me up, daddy." it just came out, you weren't thinking. yet for some reason joel just leans down kissing you. brushing against your clit from the decrease in space.
"imma' cum." you whimper against him, his movements never faltering. "cum darlin'."
"fu-fuck, fuck.-" your head falls back into the pillow helplessly as he keeps going, riding your second orgasm out. he had a goal of wanting three out of you.
he tightens both hands around your waist, eyes focus on your face. trailing down watching how your tits bounced with each thrust. moaning he feels your legs shake and your head was shaking.
"jo-oh my-" you were so close to another one. the tension was too much and suddenly your dripping around him. the wet squelching sound leads into him pulling out, cumming into his hand.
a few drops drip onto your stomach, letting your leg slide down slowly. as he pulls out delicately, knowing your probably sensitive.
he notices a towel over a door, grabbing it wiping himself and yourself clean. he kisses your lips once more, tightening a hold onto you.
"did the 'old man' give ya' a good fuck." a laugh escapes your tired expression. you thought of that statement before.
"made me fuckin' squirt so i would go with yes..."
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