#these people trying to pretend to be purist about fire & blood are so funny
travllingbunny · 2 years
fire and blood 2 isn't coming but even if it comes she won't be important because AWOIAF doesn't even mention alys and her supposedly very important son. she doesn't have a proper ending and the show even considered cutting daeron. also what's that old gods bs? lol pls be serious you sound delusional.
if ryan condal is such a fan of the book then why he made aemond a completely different person and wrote all the nonsense that mushroom said for aegon. and he made helaena a dreamer. ryan also ignored the relationship between helaena and aegon, aegon doesn't give a f about helaena
You sound extremely upset and threatened by the existence of Alys as a character. I think you need to calm down. If you need to tell youtself "It's OK, it's OK, part 2 of Fire and Blood won't come out so I won't need to read more about her..." - well, I guess what/ver works for you!
Your ask isn't very coherent, it'reads like a stream of consciousness, but I'll try to break it down...
"fire and blood 2 isn't coming" - I don't have any exclusive news about its publication and I doubt you have either. I don't see how that's relevant anyway.
"but even if it comes she won't be important because AWOIAF doesn't even mention alys and her supposedly very important son" - It does, actually. It doesn't mention her activities during the regency. Lots of things and lots of people were not mentioned in AWOAIF but were in a Fire & Blood, which is an expanded version of the story about the Targaryens' reign in Westeros and contain so much more information, including probably things GRRM hadn't even developed a few years before. Which, you know, is the whole point of F&B. What does "important" mean to you? Someone who takes the throne is important and everyone else isn't? No one ever said her son will become king. So what?
"she doesn't have a proper ending" - because Blood and Fire hasn't come out. And? Neither do Dany, Jon Snow, Tyrion, Bran, Arya, Sansa, Jaime, Cersei, Brienne... and every single character from the main series, since Winds of WInter hasn't come out (and some people think it's not coming out). What is your point?
"the show even considered cutting daeron" - Where did you get that from? DId Ryan Condal tell you that? GRRM and Ryan Condal have both said they didn't have a way of working out Daeron in season 1.
"also what's that old gods bs" -Old Gods are the First Men religion that many people still practice in Westeros. mainly in the North, which makes followers of the Old Gods rare in the South, although godswoods still exist (like the big one in Harrenhal where Sabitha Frey found Alys preying to them) and the religion is accepted and tolerated alongside the Faith of the Seven. I'm sorry, I assumed everyone was aware of that. Have you ever read the books? any of them? The "Old Gods BS" is very important in ASOAIF.
"if ryan condal is such a fan of the book then why he made aemond a completely different person" - How did he 'make him a completely different person'? What did Aemond do during season 1 that is so different from what he is said to be doing at this point in the book?
The only significant deviation is that the fight after he claims Vhagar is different, because Baela and Rhaena are involved, while Joffrey isn't, which is a smart decision on many accounts, especially because a 3 year old confronting a 10 year old is completely ridiculous. GRRM has an issue with writing children and sometimes writes extremely small children doing things children of that age certainly wouldn't do. Oh, and Aemond doesn't call Rhaenyra an old wh0re. Is that what you're disappointed about? Are you also disappointed with Rhaenyra not saying anything homophobic about Laenor when Viserys first asks her to marry him, for instance, or not yelling "Out, out, monster!" while giving birth to Visenya? Maybe they said those things, maybe they didn't - the only evidence is that someone quoted them. Was it accurate, was it made up? Who knows. (I personally think it was a smart decision to not make every character unlikable by having them randomly say sexist, homophobic and generally awful things just because the unreliable fictional history book says they said that exact line and someone who heard it reproduced it accurately,, so we just can't deviate from that!)
Being a 'book purist' about a book like Fire & Blood (which is a bunch of plot points mixed with rumors and unreliable accouts) is funny. If you find Aemond to be a "completely different person", that's because the show is fleshing out the characters and interpreting them differently than the maester who's writing the 'history and portraying them as one-dimensional or at best two-dimensional caricatures. Which, guess what, is exactly what a fan who understands the book would do! Gyldayn and his sources are meant to be unreliable narrators. I hope you understand the concept.
"wrote all the nonsense that mushroom said for aegon." - What is "all the nonsense"? Aegon being in a fighting pit? I thought you were insisting that the show had to be just like the book, but now you're upset they included something from the book? Pick a struggle!
In any case, Mushroom also says that Aegon was found drunk and naked while a girl who couldn't be over 12 was giving him a blow job.. So you see, they didn't include all of what Mushroom said. I'm personally grateful they toned down on the pedophilia on the show.
"and he made helaena a dreamer" - And you have a problem with that because...? Oh right, "Fire and Blood book purism" LMAO So far Helaena hasn't been able to change anything with her dreams, no one even takes the things she says as prophecies, and she's only said them to a small circle of people, so if you're that bothered about F&B (which I doubt you really are, since you are actively wishing for characters to be cut...), Helaena could for all we know be a dreamer in the books too and we just wouldn't know.
"ryan also ignored the relationship between helaena and aegon, aegon doesn't give a f about helaena" - so just like in Fire & Blood, where he also doesn't give a f about her, and she doesn't give a f about him?
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Ryan hasn't ignored the relationship between Helaena and Aegon, in fact he's focused on that relationship more than he has on Helaena and Aemond's, and second only to Aemond's and Aegon's: the show made sure to show that Aegon and Helaena don't like each other as siblings or spouses and are indifferent to each other.
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weapingweasley · 4 years
sore loser ~pt. 1~ (george weasley x narrator)
Description: Enemies to lovers (kinda). A Slytherin seeker has a minor bragging problem and manages to just get under every single cell of skin George has. After the biggest game of the year George decides he’s had enough. 
Note: I am aware Umbridge banned Harry and the twins from quidditch and Draco is typically the seeker but we are going to ignore her and injure him for the sake of fiction.
Also, I am sure the narrator will piss a lot of people off, however I like her attitude a lot. She definitely receives the back lash for being a Slytherin, but is never the instigator. She just knows how to end any confrontation. I gave the boys a bit of a temper. Since the narrator is a Slytherin, I though I could use some of that prejudice to fuel some of the “hatred” between characters.
Disclaimer: Cursing, gambling, and a lot of words. She’s a long one.
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I am sat in the Great Hall with the rest of the Slytherin table listening to them go on and on about other students and how much of a “spoiled prick” Harry is. That of course is according to the one and only “my father will hear about this” Draco Malfoy. I can’t help but find myself staring at the Gryffindor table. Fred and George are enchanting pieces of napkins to throw themselves at Hermione’s head, while Harry and Ron try to hide their chuckles. Even Neville is whispering about it to Seamus and giggling. 
“Are you ready for the match tomorrow?” I can feel Draco’s eyes on me along with everyone at the table.
“I’m ready to see those Gryffindor’s cry if that is what you are implying, Malfoy!” I know he is trying to make me feel less for not actually playing, but I am much better at the whole trash talking and intimidation to care about his remarks. “I don’t mind watching if it means my father doesn’t have to force the school to let me play,” I send him an unnerving smirk, which was not in my benefit.
“Even if you could afford it, you still wouldn’t even qualify,”
“Perhaps we will never know, since your father already paid for your position and I don’t see myself winning a large sum any time soon,” I begin to pack my stuff up for the end of breakfast and pull out one of Draco’s hairs on the way out. It always makes me laugh when he yelps and jumps like this is not an established routine. 
As I walk to my first class I feel a push from the back and I manage to catch my books before they sail across the corridor. I can hear Fred’s laugh followed by a sarcastic “oops” from George. Both of them stand likely about fifteen centimetres taller than me, but that has never stopped our aggressive encounters. 
“Even with two of you, half a reasonable thought still cannot be managed!” They boys just laugh at my outburst. Pricks.
“Princess still has that stick up her arse, huh Fred?” George’s back hand taps on his brother’s forearm. 
“I can’t wait to shove a stick up yours tomorrow at the match!” I snap back at them.
“Or maybe we can do you a favor and shove one of ours up yours,” Fred’s laughter fills the corridor at George’s comment as they both turn and walk past me. After a few metres George’s head looks over his shoulder and leaves me with a long stare followed by a smirk. I can’t explain why the subtle action sends chills through my spine and heat to my cheeks. 
When George turns back to his brother I can hear their faint whispering about placing bets on the match. Gambling in favor of themselves, I’m sure. I continue my way to class, at least DADA with the Gryffindors will actually be an interesting aspect of my day. 
Throughout class I manage to keep my head down to avoid any attention from Umbridge. Harry can be the victim of her chaos as long as it avoids my direction. On my way out of class a younger redhead jumps in front of me with a smug look.
“You know George made a bet saying that you won’t ever get to use your broom in a game and Fred countered it with if you do, he gives you twenty minutes top before you lose it for Slytherin.”
“Merlin, Ron. You sure know how to open your mouth despite the fact everyone wishes it would just stay shut.” I brush past him making sure that the contact was hard enough to ensure he stumbles. If I knew why everyone seems to hate me, I am sure I could piss them off even more. After treading to the sixth floor for Study of Ancient Ruins, I witness two tall statures pushing each other around in what seems to be a minor argument. 
“Tweedledee and Tweedledum, I heard you have wagers against me,” the two Weasleys stop their interactions and turn to face me. “I am flattered the two of you spend your free time thinking about me. However, I much rather be included the next time there is value on my name.”
“Princess, you would not want to be present every time we mention your name." Fred is the first to respond.
“Your tiara would fall with your ego,” George follows as if rehearsed. He holds my eye contact while Fred lets out a laugh. There is an intimidating fire in George’s eyes.
“It’d be worth any diadem to see your empty pockets every time you bet against me.” I turn on my heels and make my way into the classroom. 
Ancient Ruins is not exactly an exhilarating class, but it tends to be much less problematic compared to any course with Malfoy and Potter in it. Studying can be quite peaceful when those around you are not waiting to watch the other boil.
I was able to spend the rest of my day avoiding any other confrontations besides witnessing any comments made in passing by a Weasley or any of Malfoy’s followers. At dinner I sit in my usual spot between the fifth years, like myself, and the fourth years. As long as I stay at the end, I don’t have to worry about remarks made my way. The fifth years are talking about the upcoming match which I enjoy listening to. I can hear Malfoy talking about how Gryffindor’s team is full of lazy bastards who just work impulsively out of their “bravery” and how we will win easily. 
His comments do make me laugh a bit, but I attempt not to show it. Draco is right though, we are much more systematic and can win. Even if certain players on our team choose not to cheat.
“I can’t wait to get Potter to fly straight into the grass and pull worms out of his nose. It’ll be a nice reminder of where he came from, dirt.” Malfoy is still in the midst of his Potter tangent when I can sense a heavy stare on me. As I look up I can see the Gryffindor table full of chatter, I assume it is much like ours, but only one student is staring right at me. 
George’s eyes connect with mine, and I can feel a huge force on my body. Usually, I am one to just hold the stare back, but there is something about this moment that makes me switch my focus towards my dinner plate. Another odd moment with George today, brilliant. 
The rest of the meal I manage small talk with Daphne Greengrass. She is much more bearable compared to the other Slytherins in our year. Not once has she made a comment about me being a half-blood or even being the second string seeker. 
Instead of following most of the Slytherin house back to the common room I make my way to the library to complete some work before the match. I manage to locate a quiet corner in the back to complete my Defense Against the Dark Arts essay. As soon as I open my book I hear footsteps walk by and stop right at the aisle I am working at. 
“If I were to guess, your boggart is probably actually having to mount a broom for a match,” the voice belongs to my favorite redheaded twin. His comment only results in an eye roll from me.
“And if I were to guess, your boggart is having to come up with your own thought for once in your life. ‘Is quite a shame to see you can only be a replica of your brother, and not just physically.” Clearly, I strike a nerve because George takes two long strides and slams my book shut and bends down so our faces were only centimetres apart. The loud thud from the books startles my breathing. 
“I. Am. My. Own. Person.” The fire in his eyes is back once again.
“You’re right. However, for some reason when it comes to me you’re the instigator. You become the one with the jokes and the loose temper when I’m around. Funny seeing how you’re suppose to be the good one.” I hold myself as still as I can despite wanting to push him away and retreat to a quiet aisle. 
“You pretend to be one of them despite having impure blood. Your existence in that house is the purest form of irony.” A cackle leaves me after that.
“Oh my Merlin, you think I’m a purist. You probably think I have the dark mark too!” I cannot control my laughter at this point. George takes a step back a bit shocked, clearly not expecting me to talk so lightly of the mark. “Keep to what you’re good at, gambling.”
A small smile appears on George as I continue to erupt in laughter. What an idiot. Me, a purist.  What a leap to assume. “Fine, princess, let’s gamble,” his smile quickly turns into a devious smirk, resulting in my laughs sobering up.
“Fine. Five galleons, that if I play tomorrow you will lose.” A confused look appears on his face, knowing that the odds of me playing are very low. “I don’t cheat either. If someone cannot play, I am next in. So I will take my chances.”
“If you lose or do not even play, I win.” George’s notorious smirk emerges onto his face. I only nod my head. The odds are not in my favor, but at least I have the chance to earn some respect. 
“When I win, I will be looking for you and my money.” I stand up from my seat to gain some leverage over him, only for him to stand up straight and return to his naturally towering height. 
“Oh, I look forward to seeing you after the match. With my money.” 
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