#these are the OLD winter feathers but i don't look nice enough in this lighting to take a new one so here.
lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Let Me Worship You
(C!Technoblade X Gn!Reader)
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Request 9: Could I perhaps request a c!techno x gn!reader where maybe the reader is good friends with Dadza and meets Techno one day and they fall for each other? Bonus if the reader is maybe a great builder like dadza but too shy to actually meet anyone so they just build things quietly and then move on and no one but dadza really knows them? Soft! and/or protective! Techno would be cute but not needed!! 😊😊😊
Requested By: 🍀 Anon
I hope you don't mind the shameless art I made for this lol.
At this point in his life, Technoblade had known Phil for centuries, they started their own brief empire together and he watched him raise Wilbur the best a single father could. It was about five years ago when you started following Phil around, the first time Technoblade met you was entirely by accident. He just needed to drop off some building supplies to Phil and Wilbur when he saw you trifling through Phil’s stuff, you had gorgeous white wings and when the sun hit them just right he saw flecks of gold peek through. His piglin side was immediately enamored with the gold wanted to reach out and run a delicate hand through the feathers. Technoblade set his jaw and summoned his ax to his side, you turned around (e/c) eyes widening with shock and fear. Technoblade couldn’t help but feel pure satisfaction rush through his veins seeing your fright. You held up your hands and everything you were holding tumbled to the ground, wings puffing up with shock and horror. Hearing the noise Phil wandered into the room and was quick to diffuse the situation, you hid behind the taller male and Techno gave a grunt of an apology in your direction.
From that moment forward you were as much of a staple in his life as Phil was, Phil had explained Wilbur had found you half dead a little ways away from his home. You had wings like his and Phil couldn’t let you die without answers, his crows would never let him live it down. After he got what he needed from you, Phil noticed just how handy you were around the house especially when you were building things so he kept you around. Technoblade never really interacted with you unless Phil was there to interpret, you weren’t much of a talker and Technoblade was never one for long-drawn-out conversation anyway. However, when Phil had killed Wilbur and he and Technoblade had to move north you inevitably followed the birdman. That’s when Technoblade really began to understand and get to know you and your little quirks. He noticed that when you concentrated on blueprints to a certain build you’d stick your tongue out all cute like, or the soft songs you’d hum when you thought no one was listening.
But Technoblade always listens.
He also noticed that since you and Phil had moved in there was an abundance of not only Phil’s crows flying around but a few stray morning doves pecking at the snow as well.
With the encouragement of the voices, Technoblade had gathered up enough courage to attempt to hold onto a conversation with you. As he walked up to you he noticed the soft coo of a dove was heard, catching your attention. You turned around and your eyes locked with his own, he watched your shoulders tense and face flush a little as he approached you.
Off to a rocky start already. Great.
“Ugh. Hey?” Technoblade grunted hands crossing over his chest,
‘Hey? HEY? is that the best you can do? Look at them they’re cowering. Good, they should be, which means we’re well known.’
Technoblade cleared his throat a little as you held up a hand with a shy wave, “hello.” You greeted, your voice was soft and sweet like honey in his ears. The exact opposite of Wilbur and Tommy’s, he found himself enjoying the tone. “So um...did I do something wrong?” Your wings folded back and he watched you methodically run your fingers through the feathers.
‘Look at the gold flecks! I want them! I wanna pet them they’re so cute! So small and helpless like a little worm. Worm? Really? What it’s an analogy! A bad one! Shut up she’s giving us a look!’
“No? Did you do something I should be concerned about?”
“No!” You sputtered out in panic, dropping the bricks in your hand stumbling back so they wouldn’t crush your toes.
You had fast reflexes, that’s good.
The morning dove around you cooed in distress fluttering up to your shoulder, nesting there like it was its home. “I’m alright,” You whispered eyes going soft as you scratched under the bird’s chin, Technoblade watched with interest. Technoblade gathered why Phil really liked you, you were almost an exact replica of the mild manner builder, other than the anarchist tendencies.
“Didn’t mean to make you drop your stuff,” Technoblade clicked his tongue softly bending down to gather your materials. “Where do you want them?”
“You don’t have to-”
“I asked you a question kid.” Your mouth snapped shut and your lips pressed into a thin tense line. Technoblade observed as your eyebrow twitched, oh you were annoyed. You didn’t voice your annoyance he couldn’t help but mentally comment how cute that look was on you. A huff spilled past your lips and you directed him where to place the bricks in their proper locations. The both of you fell into light conversation after that, he caused you to laugh a few times and it made him feel oddly warm inside. He didn’t even realize that the sun began to set until you pointed it out, Technoblade rubbed the stubble on his chin glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. You were staring up at the sunset, the orange and red colors shone through the gaps in your feathers, your eyes were alight with wonder. You looked like an old Greek statue, an angel carved out of the finest marble and gemstones.
He flushed when you turned to face him, embarrassed to have been caught staring at you so blatantly. You smiled the tips of your pointing ears turning pink, “You should stay the night.” Technoblade spoke without really thinking about the consequences, “there’s plenty of room.”
“Alright. I think I will. It’s not safe flying at night anyway.” Your smile only growing in size at his offer, he made the right decision then, he led you and your little dove through the snow and into his cabin.
Spring rolled around and there was a little house set up right next to Technoblade’s home. It fit his aesthetic nicely, made out of wood, and always had its lanterns lit, it was your home. However, you began to spend most of your time at Technoblade’s home talking with the retired Blood God. You and Phil also had begun molting which was Technoblade’s least favorite time of the year mostly because of all the feathers. However, this year in particular he was particularly enamored with your shiny golden feathers he would find around his home. Maybe he collected them and kept them in his ender chest, it wasn’t creepy he was cleaning. At least that’s what Technoblade told himself, not because he found your feathers beautiful or anything and was enamored by the shine.
“Hey Kid,” Technoblade asked from his seat across from you in his sitting room, you picked your head up and tilted it to the side in a questioning manner. Your wings were ruffled, messy and you looked uncomfortable to be interrupted from your grooming. “Need some help?” He watched your entire face turn bright red in the process, “look you can say no. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“I’m not uncomfortable!” You argued, “just caught off guard a little Tech. I never thought it’d be something you were interested in.” Standing up from the chair you spread your wings wide, pulled over a stool, and flopped in front of Technoblade. He was a little shocked at how quickly you agreed, they must’ve really been bothering you.
“Do I...just stick my hands in there or…”
You tossed your head back and let out a roaring laugh,
“heh? What’s so funny huh? I don’t wanna hurt you.” Technoblade snapped at you with an embarrassed huff, your laughter slowly dyed down after a few more seconds.
“Sorry I just. Is that what you say to the ladies too?” Technoblade choked and blanked never once have you said something so dirty before, he didn’t even know you were capable of making jokes like that.
“I say that to everyone actually, I don’t discriminate to just women- I’m not helping my case am I? I should stop talking.” It only served to send you into another set of loud giggles, Technoblade was red in the face and stuck his hands into the little feathers by your back. He felt you tense up for a moment before relaxing into his touch, you let out a soft sound of pleasure. Technoblade chose to ignore the sound even if it sent the voices into a frenzy, to mark and claim, and...he was absolutely not going to finish that thought. You both sat there for about an hour and thirty minutes, fixing up your feathers making you preen at the touches. You were smiling like an idiot by the time he was done and you spread your feathers wide, almost like you were showing them off. Technoblade couldn’t help but feel proud that you liked the work he did so much,
“They’re so soft! Thank you Techno!” You turned towards him, eyes practically glowing with adoration. His face turned red, you were stunning, he kissed you that night and by wintertime, the both of you were an official couple.
Phil was quick to catch onto the change in demeanor between the couple, he clapped Techno on the back as congratulations. You were out on another building project, making a little farm because you knew how much Technoblade loved potatoes, you really were attentive. Surprising Technoblade, Phil had also threatened his first cannon life if he ever hurt you in any way, shape, or form. Techno was a little surprised Phil would go as far as to threaten him, but he promised his old friend he wouldn’t let any man, woman, or creature lay their hands on you, including himself.
It was the dead of winter and temperatures had dropped drastically, Technoblade had made both you and Phil warm clothes for the occasion that matched with his own winter gear. He had given you a friendship emerald and in return, you made him a necklace with one of your golden feathers on it.
Technoblade cherished the gift with his entire being. On occasion, while he was out on a long journey he’d press gentle kisses to it when he missed you, and he swore sometimes he swore it moved on its own. He walked into the cabin to see you spread across his couch, a book on your lap, wings curled in tight against your body. He smiled softly dropping the wood he gathered by the door, he snuck over to you and pressed a kiss against your cheek.
“Hi, sunshine,” You greeted turning your head to look at him, his face burned and his chest filled with warmth. Technoblade moved to sit in your lap with a smirk, he plucked the book from your hands to look at the cover. You frowned in his direction, “You lose my spot and I’m hitting you over the head with it.”
“Violent.” He tutted softly bopping you on the head with said book, you shot him a cold look.
“Nerd.” He responded casually, you let out a little huff, wings ruffling in frustration.
There’s that look, he loved that look. God, you were so cute.
You slapped your hands on his cheeks, and it shocked him back to attention. He felt your fingers spread across his cheeks and your thumbs brush against the apples of his face. Technoblade’s eyes softened and he snuggled into your open palms, he saw you smile and his eyes dropped to a content close. Technoblade did something he hadn’t done in years, he felt the rumble in his throat before it happened, he purred.
His eyes snapped open with fear and embarrassment, but the way your eyes were sparkling quelled the feelings immediately.
“Did you just purr?”
“So what if I did?” He grumbled another purr mixing with a growl,
“That’s the cutest thing in the entire world Mr. Big Bad anarchist. You only purr for me?” The light teasing in your voice sent him aflame, “Aw you do!” You cooed rubbing his cheeks with your thumbs again, he buried his face in your chest as more purrs spilled from his mouth without him wanting them to. “No need to hide it, keep them purrs coming.” Technoblade’s entire face was red as you reached forward to pluck his glasses from his nose. You placed them on the end table and grabbed a blanket wrapping you both inside a cocoon of warmth.
“You tell anyone about this and we’re breaking up.”
“Deal. Your secrets safe with me.” You hummed quietly running his hands through his pink locks melting against your touch. He finally relaxed completely resting the side of his head against your chest to listen to your heartbeat. Technoblade purred and you could feel the rumbles of his chest against your own. The ferocious Blade was akin to a cat, grumpy on the outside but a big softie who wanted attention on the inside. Leaning forward you kissed his forehead, another louder purr was pulled from the man and pressed his forehead back against your lips. “Good boy.~” You teased scratching under his chin he sent you a tired look but the redness in his cheeks gave away how much he enjoyed the praise.
“Shut up. You’re being cringe.” He growled with no real bite or fire,
“Take a nap big guy. You deserve one. You’re safe with me.” Technoblade yawned loudly at your words, his jaw unhinging a little, only proving to show how tired he really was. “I’ll protect you, always.” Technoblade smiled sheepishly and allowed himself to let his guard down just this once to fall asleep in his lover’s arms.
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shoshiwrites · 3 years
jo/joe & 24
This is from literal months ago I'm so sorry. Original prompt list here, #24, "tracing your names together in the sand."
Summary: Jo/Joe, and a dream in winter. 60s AU. Alternate summary: This really isn't that close to the prompt but this popped into my head and I couldn't get them to shut up.
a day at the beach
After summer in New York, and fall, comes winter.
It’s snowing too hard to consider moving an inch, let alone try and get out of bed.
She’s not exactly keen to do either, so snug are they together on the mattress, except maybe to see if the heater’s still working. The lure of hot coffee isn’t strong enough this morning either, or at least not yet.
They’ve got plenty of blankets, and Joe himself seems happy enough as her own personal heater, the weirdo, sitting up in bed sans shirt as always. Jo’s two t-shirts are doing what they can, and one of Joe’s denim work shirts from the garage pulled over them, embroidered logo and all.
Curled up against his chest, his stomach, she’s about as thankful as she’s ever been that today is a Sunday, and a free one at that.
She watches the winter morning light, bright as a tangerine, paint broad strokes on the far wall, as Joe cards his fingers through her hair.
We’ll go to the beach, he’s saying, and she squints, but doesn’t lift her head.
The beach?
She can hear the mock scowl in his voice, no, not today, and smiles. When it’s warm.
Like Coney Island?
His voice is a little softer now, but insistent. No, like… like the beach.
Coney Island’s got a beach.
Yeah, and it’s crowded as shit.
Where did you have in mind?
The scowl again, a little more forceful this time, gesturing with his free hand, his cigarette. Hell, Josie, I don’t know…
She presses her thumb, feather-light, against his stomach, feels his breathing react. It’s silent a moment, though she can hear the rattle of the heater, something like a plow down on the street. What are we doing there?
At the beach.
She wonders if he’s smiling, relaxing back into the dream.
Walking. You know, on the boardwalk.
Getting ice cream.
What flavor?
Chocolate for me. Pistachio for you.
Can I have some of yours?
Only if you’re nice to me.
Who’s buying?
Now she’s sure she can hear a smile, can picture the look of fondness on his face, the way the tone he’s trying for is betrayed by it. You are.
I’m buying and I can’t have any of your ice cream?
Get a different flavor and we can trade off.
Sounds messy. She rests her hand on his stomach, lays her fingers flat. What else are we doing?
Watching everybody. You know, like you do in the park.
The old people walking real slow. And the kids, all the kids with their kites and shit. Beach balls.
Sounds nice. Did we bring a towel?
She can picture his eyebrows now, knitted in thought. Do we walk on the beach too?
Holding hands?
What do you think?
Wouldn’t want to presume, she says, feigning some kind of distance as he laughs. Since I’m buying my own ice cream.
She raises her head then, to press her lips to his. He wraps one arm even tighter around her, puts out his cigarette in the ashtray so he can cup her jaw with the opposite hand.
Kiss me like that and we’re even, she murmurs, and he smiles against her mouth.
You got it.
She settles back into his embrace, head tucked under his chin.
How long do we stay? she asks. At the beach.
‘Til the sun sets.
Pretty late, in summer.
So nice out we won’t mind.
Mm. She nods sagely. Watching the ocean. She can almost see it, now. The tide on its way in. The blue of the water, the bronze of sunset dancing on the crests of the waves.
You holding me like this.
He presses a kiss to the top of her head. Yeah.
It surprises her now, the ache in her voice. Sounds nice.
She’s surprised now too, by the ache in his. Don't it?
It’s a good idea.
Write your name in the sand before we go.
She can see his face in the sunset now, how he’d look out at the water. It felt real. Like a memory. She wanted it to be hers. Theirs.
Or, you know, just add that little ‘e’ on there…
She swats at him, just barely, the huff of a laugh in her ribcage. Here I was thinking you were a romantic.
You were? he asks, leaning to kiss her again, tilting her face to him with a finger. What made you think that?
She knows it’s a joke, and that there’s nothing about himself Joe would consider romantic. Not the way he looked after her, or the way he cared. The way he waited up if she had a late night at work, heated up food and sat with her while she ate. Not the way he snuck her a shirt or two every laundry cycle, the softest ones, the ones he knew she'd like.
Not even the way he looked at her, like he was looking at her now. Like she was something precious to him.
If that wasn’t romance, she thought, swallowing hard, well. She didn’t care what was.
Promise me we’ll go, she says, and if he's surprised at the crack in her voice he doesn't show it. He knows the answer too, of course, only asks the question to hear her say it.
Where, Josie?
The beach.
Yeah, he says, after a pause, pulling her that much closer to him. Yeah, I promise.
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