tsaritsa · 7 years
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your friend's a liar, roy mustang is a punk-ass bitch.
- riza hawkeye (probably)
for @thetruthofyourdespair: ty for providing me with tags for the perfect follow-up to this
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39. and royai? *.*
39. “You’re an idiot. I’ve met smarter sandwiches”
• • • • • • • • • •
Here you go, Anon (please don’t be an anon if you request again, I’d love to interact with my followers!) some young Royai!It was longer than I was expecting, but nevermind *shrugs*
• • • • • • • • • •
“Mr Mustang, what on Earth are you doing?”
The voice of the young, blonde-haired girl startled Roy, causing him to hit his head on the underside of the desk.
“Ouch!” He cried, rubbing the sore spot.
Riza let out a dry laugh. “What are you doing under the desk? Looking for your lost brain cells?”
“Ha ha,” Roy retorted sarcastically, turning his head awkwardly to face her. “I dropped my stick of chalk and it rolled under here.”
Riza’s expression was of amusement. She gave him a sideways smile and raised one of her eyebrows, folded arms followed suit. “And what were you doing with chalk? Father said quite clearly that you shouldn’t be practicing transmutations yet.”
“Yeah, but he didn’t say anything about not being able to practice drawing arrays. I’m trying to get them as accurate as possible, so I’ll be better in the future. Isn’t that what practicing is all about?”
“I guess so,” replied Riza with a shrug of her shoulders. “But don’t go around activating them; you’ll blow up the whole house.”
Roy groaned. “I won’t.”
She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Promise?”
“Yes, Miss Hawkeye, I promise.”
Satisfied, Riza smiled. “Okay. I’ll go and make us some tea and get you an ice pack.”
Roy had almost forgot about the dull ache that plagued his head. “Oh, erm… Thank you, but I don’t think ice will be necessary-”
Too late. Riza had already left.
He sighed. She was nannying him like a mother would with her child.
Although, he was practically part of the strange and infamous Hawkeye family, Roy still found himself feeling like a lodger. Then again, he hadn’t been staying with Riza and her father for too long. He still had some things to get used to.
Giving his head another rub, Roy turned back to the task in hand. It just so happened that the desk was pushed up against the wall, so the stick of chalk wouldn’t have gotten far, however it was dark under its surface and all he could do was scour the floor with his hand.
Eventually, he found it and beamed to himself. The stick was covered in a mixture of chalk dust and regular dust. Roy grimaced as he wiped off the dirt with his finger.
Soon, he found himself say in the middle of the room drawing out a transmutation array on the floor. The benefit of it being wooden was that the chalk would easily come off, so there wasn’t anything to worry about.
Except accidentally activating it, of course.
Meanwhile, Riza was in the kitchen stirring milk in a pair of mugs that were filled up with steaming hot tea. She then grabbed a tea towel from the side and went to the freezer for some ice. Wrapping the ice in the tea towel and retrieving Roy’s cup of tea, Riza retraced her steps through the hallway and up the stairs to the library.
It was as she was about to open the door that she smelt something odd. Wood… Smoke… It must be-
The door flung open and Riza saw Roy say on the floor. A chalk transmutation circle was drawn, but was almost covered up by a group of flames that flickered calmly.
“I did it!” The young man exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air. “Master Hawkeye said I wasn’t ready; I proved him wrong!”
Riza stood frozen, gawking at the spectacle before of her. The cup of tea and ice-filled tea towel felt heavy with burden and guilt in her hands.
“It’s on fire,” she gasped quietly.
“I must say your observation skills are impeccable, Miss Hawkeye,” Roy responded humourously.
“Now isn’t the time for jokes!” She yelled in return, placing the mug of tea down on the nearest surface. Riza strolled over to him, bending down and unraveling the tea towel. “I think that injury of yours is a little more than just a bump, Mr Mustang. What is wrong with you?”
“My head’s fine,” he muttered, then turning his attention to the ice cubes. “I suppose you could use those to put the fire out, though, since I don’t need them.”
“You mean you don’t know how to put out a fire of your own creation?”
“No… I haven’t been taught that yet.”
Riza sighed exasperatedly. She knew he was somewhat incapable of keeping such simple promises.
She threw the tea towel over the flames, batting them until they shrunk and died out. The potent aroma of smoke soon clouded the room completely.
“You’re an idiot,” she snapped.
Roy’s eyes widened. “W-What?”
A soft smile then appeared on her lips. “I’ve met smarter sandwiches.”
“Sandwiches?” He echoed, laughing. “What flavour sandwich can possibly be more intelligent than yours truly?”
“Hmm… Tuna.”
Roy furrowed his eyebrows. “Tuna?”
“Yeah. Fish has the vitamins that help with cognitive brain function,” Riza answered. “Evidently you don’t eat fish.”
“You hurt me nearly as much as Master’s desk did.”
“I try my best.”
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egoiistas · 7 years
ldsgjhskdlhgk SKY NO OMG i die whenever someone responds like this I AM SO HAPPY YOU ENJOYED IT I ascend, literally. <3<3<3<3 
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hawkeyedflame · 8 years
@thetruthofyourdespair replied to your post “If you’re one of my FMA mutuals please send me your birthday so I can...”
Oh yeah, send me your birthday and I'll write you something in return! *whispers* equivalent exchange
mine is august 5th! there’s a metric fuckton of august babies .-.
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icameheretowinry · 7 years
hey hey, i recently watched fmab for the first time (literally last week haha) and am now in fma and edwin hell and have no intention of leaving B) you were the first fma blog i followed bc someone recommended you, so now im wondering if you could point me to more blogs i shouldnt miss out on in the fandom? :3 bc i know nothing but am ready to soak it all up like a hungry sponge
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*ahem* WELCOME TO THE FANDOM!!! And edwin hell is a great place with super cool people, free coffee, and comfy chairs, so SETTLE IN :D Here’s some (but PLEASE MENTION THOSE WHO I FORGET I AM SORRY) fma blogs to get you started!! They are all awesome people and too sweet
@bubblegumboomerrang @mustangtaisa
@agoldentimelover @dailymaeshughes
@riza-hawkqueen @everygreed
@rhokuai @ladywiltshire
@everyriza @themusicalbookworm
@everymei-chang @fullmetalmadeheart
@fmab-eyecatch-cards @thesilentwatcher
@basedgreed @steampouda
@homun-clueless @totallycorrectfmaquotes
@greedfma @hawkeyedflame
@consuisbored @jouissezduprintemps
@fullmetalswife @everyroymustang
@voremetal-alchemist @shegs
@fma2003-fmab-stuff @princ3ssf33t
@fmamangacaps @wrongnote
@freakmustang @majorzeldageek
@appledappleuniverse @lonepiper5758
@persnickety-doodles @ruinsofxerxes
@alwaysfullmetal @meiosis2
@almei @waddiwasiwitch
@dailyroymustang @thetruthofyourdespair
@fmacity @rizahawkstang
@intoxicatedeuphoria @fullmetalbaby
@danalovesfma @oceanflowerblueandgreen
@edcanons @allfullmetal 
@hoomin-transnootation @thestaffofra
@rebbi-sonnenhell @paybackraid
@fullmetal-fuckmylife @sofiakkuma
@vanbrohenheim @rizascupcakes
@thelittlestalchemist @mustangsgloves
@rockbelric @gaypaninya
@filledwithfullmetal @mylieutenant
@queen-riza @corporategreed-fma
@edftwinry @theysangastheyslew
@baschool @xennariel
@mustang-and-hawkeye @mustangssquad
@nothalfsocurious @rizahawkebi
@a-heart-made-forever-fullmetal @nerbert
@elrictricityy @halfbakedbagel
@lieutenant-hawkaye @shethinkswithportals
@fullmetal-gaychemist @alexiadraws 
@i-am-mother-universe @theishvalanalchemist
@winryofresembool @bleedingcoffee42
@royaiperfection @the-musical-alchemist
@rush-valley @hagane-no-loitering
@fullmetal-tfln @the-flame-and-hawks-eye
@fuckyeahrizahawkeye @follow-royai-into-hell
@fmaauweek @aheartmadefullmetal16
@budgefma @fullmetalalchemistbrotherhood
@fma-fanbase @gomboc123
@fairytail-fma-fan @fmabrotherhoodscreencaps
@pokemon-alchemist @lieutenanthawkeyeofficial
@roy-dadstang @doyouevenhavetoask
@queen-elenya-hawk @the-feels-alchemist 
@briggswatch @alwaysfullmetalheart
@winrirockbell @amestris
@shiriartz @edwinrys
@last-children-of-xerxes @queen-rizahawkeye
@rckbell @fuckyeafma
@everyalphonseelric @edwardrockbells
@shijaeger @fullmetal-al-chemist
@olixmira @equivalent-exchanger
@queenwinry @fma-facts
@alchemicstars @royandriza
@royairoyzaroyeye-blog-blog @fma-forever
@tsaritsa @keep-moving-dammit
@bloodyalphonse @roymaes
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floweryfandomnerd · 7 years
Rules: Answer the twenty questions then tag twenty followers you want to get to know better
I was tagged by the wonderful @juuzous13donuts and this lovely person called @justjimei (tagged by two people means I have to do it…)
Name: Bethany, pretty common British name, annoying cause I think people are talking to me but they’re actually talking to one of the other Bethanys
Nicknames: None really, I hate them. I have one or two friends who call me Beth but that’s it
Zodiac sign: Year of the dragon (look at me I’m a badass mythical creature, bow down peasants) and a Libra
Orientation: Straight or bisexual, not quite sure. Definitely leaning towards men though. Also any main guy character of a shounen seems to get me
Ethnicity: White British
Favourite fruit: Apples, especially the crunchy green ones
Favourite season: That kind of period between spring and summer, where the flowers are still blooming and the trees are green, all the animals are out too. When it’s not yet the sweltering heat of summer but the cold edge to the spring breeze is gone. That kind of weather where you can grab a blanket, a book and drink and sit on the grass to read because it’s warm but there are enough clouds that the sunlight doesn’t blind you. (I know it’s not exactly a season)
Favourite book: Uhhh, you expect me to choose? I really love the Hunger Games and there was this great one by Maggie Stiefvater called Ballad but I also really like The Kill Order by James Dashner - I really need to read more now that my exams are over
Favourite flower: Daffodils, they’re just so pretty
Favourite scent: Apple or cherry or vanilla
Favourite colour: Yellow and blue and purple
Favourite animal: I really love cats, but also owls and pretty birds. I’ve taken a liking to rabbits too because a friend of mine has a rabbit that loves me who is really cute
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa? Hot chocolate/cocoa with lots of cream and marshmallows
Average sleep hours: About seven normally
Cat or dog person? Cat person I would say, but I do like most dogs too
Favourite fictional character: I’m going to say one or two from each fandom because I. Cannot. Choose. Edward and Alphonse Elric (FMA I love like every character in that show) Arslan, Elam and Daryun (Arslan Senki, tbf I love most of that cast) Natsume Takashi and Natsume Reiko (Natsume Yuujinchou) Midoriya Izuku and Kirishima Ejirou (MHA) Yukine (Noragami) okay, that’s not all of them but it’s enough
How many blankets do I sleep with? One at the moment, just my quilt, but there was one point where I slept with sixteen and I’m not even exaggerating
Dream trip: This one is hard cause I have no clue where I would go. Probably a nice villa in the south of France (the Ardeche is fun), near a whole bunch of little towns and adventure sport activities
When did I make this blog? No clue my dudes, no idea at all
How many followers? 50, but if we deduct the porn bots it’s 44. And I love all 44 of you So, I’m tagging @vazzle @thelazyfanartist @inoki-mikan @renkocchi @lostinparisphotography @shadowsage @wrongnote @kardowolf @thetruthofyourdespair @queenbovine @ankou13 @izukusfreckles @1messedupchildxnx @al-is-my-pal @cowzroc @theoceanempress @hellanoragami @incongealable @srslysrcstc @200percenttrash
If you don’t want to do it, just ignore me of course! (Anyone I didn’t tag who wants to do it go ahead)
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lonepiper5758 · 7 years
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Tagged by @onceandalwaysenglishmajor Thank’s Erinn !! to post my latest selfie, current jam, home screen, and lock screen.
I don’t take too many selfies, so here’s one from about 18 months ago. You know that time in your youth where you get into makeup?..... Yeah, I missed that. Chap stick and a dash of eyeliner is the extent of my skill set. Missed both that day. :) I’ve been stuck on Kate Bush lately. Lock screen is my Boys at Christmas lunch 2 years ago - being goofs and spamming my camera. (They gave me the ok to post this.) Home screen reminds me to ask for God’s blessing on my Boys.
Not sure who’s been tagged. Do or do not as you wish. :) Tagging: @kyxshi @theysangastheyslew @doyouevenhavetoask @mylieutenant @thetruthofyourdespair
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tea-withjamandbread · 7 years
Tag Meme!
Tagged by the incredible @theysangastheyslew I still can’t believe you tagged me for this!!!
Name: Valerie Nicknames: Val Ethnicity: Does French Canadian count as an ethnicity? Favourite fruits: Mango, raspberries, and fresh apricots! Favourite book: The entire Harry Potter series Favourite season: Spring Favourite flowers: Roses and lavender Favourite drink: Tea! All kinds really. Black tea, green tea, herbal tea, oolong, iced tea! As long as it’s loose leaf, and ideally drank from the super cute teacup my sister got me from her trip to London! Dream trip: A cruise around the world with my entire family (if we win the lottery one day!) Number of followers: 58
I”m tagging @roxyjaws @cattoo444 @jouissezduprintemps @waddiwasiwitch and @thetruthofyourdespair
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danalovesfma · 7 years
Favourite Tag
Only answer the things that apply to you and you are free to add a list I didn’t think of ^^ 1. is always your favourite of the things.
Top 10 movies:
10. Jurassic World
9. This Means War
8. In Time
7. The Day After Tomorrow
6. High School Musical
5. Pirates of the Caribean
4. X-Men
3. Warm Bodies
2. Iron Man
1. The Hunger Games ( all movies, but especially Cachting fire)
Top 10 Series (Anime/TV/ Netflix etc):
10. The Nanny
9. Criminal Minds
7. House, M.D
6. The Flash
5. Once upon a time
4. Game of Thrones
3. The 100
2. The Vampire Diaries
1. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Top 10 Bands/ Musicians:
10. Troy Baker
9. Linkin Park
7. John Newman
6. The Script
5. Adam Lambert
4. Green Day
3. One Republic
2. Olly Murs
1. Panic! At The Disco
Top 10 Songs :
10. Midnight City - M83
9. I don’t dance - HSM
8. Secrets - One Republic
7. Olly Murs - Wrapped Up
6. Turn off the Lights - P!ATD
5. Hallelujah - P!ATD
4. Hall of Fame - The Script feat. Will.I.am
3. Emperors New Clothes - P!ATD
2. Ready to Go ( Get Me Out of My Mind) - P!ATD
1. Victorious - P!ATD
Top 10 Videogames:
10. Ok, as you can see I only play Nintendo games and sometimes Wii
9. …
8. …
7. Plant Rescue - Ocean Patrol
6. We sing
5. Singstar
4. Super Mario 3D Land
3. Sims
2. New Super Mario Bros.
1. Mario Kart 7
Top 10 Books (any genre, fictional or other, Comics/Manga): I didn’t read so much in the last years :/ :(
10. Twilight
9. Mr. Popular and I
8. Türkisch für Anfänger ( Buch zum Film/ Book to the movie)
6. 13 Reasons why
5. Changeling
3. Fullmetal Alchemist
2. Warm Bodies
1. The Hunger Games Trilogy
Top 5 Favorite fictional characters:
5. Solf J. Kimblee
4. Captain Cold
3. Iron Man
2. Bellamy Blake
1. Damon Slavatore / Greed(ling)
You don’t have to tag a certain amount of people, just tag the Blogs that interest you :)
Thanks to @1stlieutenant-riza-hawkeye and @rebbi-sonnenhell for tagging me
I’ll tag: @meiosis2 , @thetruthofyourdespair, @the-flame-and-hawks-eye, @daxiia
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The best piece of Royai fan art I've ever drawn tbh. I'm super proud of this ^_^
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egoiistas · 7 years
thetruthofyourdespair reblogged your post and added: “Royai in 1 and/or 57 for the fic thing?”
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hawkeyedflame · 8 years
Hi! I am a newbie in the fma fandom and I just wanted recommendations for blogs to follow? I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but you seem pretty nice whenever I see you on my dash so I tried to gather my courage and ask. I hope it's no trouble
You’re not bothering me at all and it’s definitely no trouble! 
Here’s most of the blogs I follow for FMA. A lot of them are mixed-fandom but most people have it in their description if they post only/mostly FMA. I vetted it a little bit and tried to only put people who have been active in the last two weeks. Also, these are in order chronologically based on when I followed, so it’s not a reflection on whose blog I like most/least. I hope this helps!
Follow forever blogs (people I interact with/whose blogs I really love):
@itstheendandweareallfallingup / @thestaffofra / @queen-elenya-hawk who also owns @doyouevenhavetoask / @themusicalbookworm who also owns @the-musical-alchemist / @fullmetallizard / @ladynorbert / @jouissezduprintemps / @lonepiper5758 / @queenxolivier / @wrongnote / @mostlyrizatbh / @gomboc123 / @thesilentwatcher / @didsomeonesayroyai / @ishvallas who also owns @rizaandthehawkeyes / @roy-mustbangbang / @haganenobeato / @ladywiltshire / @waddiwasiwitch / @nerbert / @liberty-flight / @mellorad / @a-heart-made-forever-fullmetal / @fullmetal-fitblr / @xennariel who also owns @mustangtaisa / @purplemaple-xoxo / @allfullmetal / @xjluy / @sunflower-chan / @mustangsgloves / @bleedingcoffee42 / @thetruthofyourdespair / @ask-royai-lty / @aheartmadefullmetal16 / @captbuccaneer / @theysangastheyslew / @mylieutenant / @halfbakedbagel / @ugh-its-anna / @1stlieutenant-riza-hawkeye / @meiosis2 / @icameheretowinry / @psycho-alchemist / @the-flame-and-hawks-eye / @rizascupcakes / @healingqilin / @miraculous-stardust / @the-heart-alchemist / @toomuchfreetyme2
Every X blogs:
@everylingyao / @everyriza / @everyolivier / @everyroymustang / @everyroysbadasscoat / @everywinry / @everygreed / @everymaeshughes / @dailymaeshughes / @every-envy / @fmabrotherhoodscreencaps (not an every X blog but similar)
Other blogs that I like a lot:
@royza-hawkstang / @rockbelric / @basedgreed / @fullmetal-al-chemist / @qtalphonse / @fma-fanbase / @murrchow / @homun-clueless / @dailyfma / @royaiperfection / @riza-squawkeye / @geoogl / @black-hayate / @i-am-snowils-admiral / @wearethephilosopherstone / @mollymerula / @corporategreed-fma / @stupidsexymustang / @blackeveryate / @colroy / @paninyastolemyheart / @springbender / @john-silver33 / @fullmetal-star / @ificecanburn / @persnickety-doodles / @b-griveros / @pandacea / @lieutenantriza / @sofiakkuma / @mondfuchs / @annaleigh / @a-proud-fangirl / @greed-the-dorkalicious / @thenerdyalchemist / @camsanx / @izumiicurtis / @fuckyeafma / @roymaes / @queen-riza / @fma-facts / @theishvalanalchemist / @fullnetal / @filledwithfullmetal / @myrhymesarepurer / @edwinrys / @mustangssquad / @fullmetalmess / @follow-royai-into-hell / @rizahawkstang / @hawkeyedriza / @keep-moving-dammit / @queen-rizahawkeye / @alwaysfullmetalheart / @mustgang / @trashprincelingyao / @edthealchemist / @fullmetalbaby / @writing-royza / @lieutenanthawkeyeofficial / @mustang-and-hawkeye / @royandriza / @justroyai / @vanbrohenheim / @riza-hawkqueen / @royxriza / @mustanghawkeye / @rizariza
And that’s it for the FMA people I follow! I’m super sorry if I left anyone out (it’s entirely possible that I accidentally skipped over someone). If anyone else wants to add themselves or someone else, please feel free! :)
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refined-cynicism · 7 years
@georgiagates17 thanks for the tag :-)
Rules: Tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better
Nicknames: People usually call me Tea (short for Teodora). Some of my friends call me Teodor, which Is a male variant of my name (it’s weird, I know)
Zodiac sign: Virgo (although I don’t care about astrology or whatsoever)
Height: 5′7′’ 
Last thing you googled: George Orwell, I just finished 1984 so i wanted to read through his biography again and find his other books
Song stuck in your head: none at the moment, surprisingly
Favourite band: Karnivool, because who doesn’t love progressive metal?
Last movie you watched: Split, it’s kinda sick but interesting 
What are you wearing right now: Iron Maiden t-shirt older than time and pyjamas
Why did you choose your URL: Yoichi is one of my favs so
Do you have any other blogs: no
What did your last relationship teach you: been single since i can remember
Religious or spiritual: not sure
Favourite colour: black and/or red
Average hours of sleep: 4 to 7 
Lucky number: I don’t have one
Favourite characters: Anime characters? Or fictional characters overall? There are just too many. My favourite anime female is forever Olivier Armstrong. Also I love Edward Elric. Currently I am fond of Mahiro Fuwa (Zetsuen no Tempest). If we are talking books, then there are many more (Kelsier from Mistborn series, Locke Lamora and so on)
How many blankets do you sleep with: one or two, depends on the season
Dream job: I’m kinda lost, but I’m considering being a psychiatrist and/or a wrriter 
 I tag @mveturius , @thetruthofyourdespair , @princesahinatahyuga , @druggeddraccus , @sadara-for-hokage , @sharinghoe (u said 6, right?)
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toomuchfreetyme2 · 7 years
I was tagged by @canadiangold; Thank you~!
Star sign: Leo
Height: 5′3″
Time Right Now: 8:42
Last thing you googled: RTX tickets Last book you read: Does The Sandman Count? It’s a graphic novel... An actual book I read was Jason Brubaker’s Unnatural Talent.
Favorite music artists: So many... Apocalyptica, Coheed and Cambria, Marina and the Diamonds, Lana Del Ray, Fall Out Boy, ect.
Last show watched: Emerald City What are you wearing right now: Skinny Tan tights, and a brown top. My work clothes. 
When did you create this blog: I don’t remember.
What kind of stuff do you post: Whatever show stuff I’m into, and art illustrations. 
Do you have instagram: yes~! And you should follow me: Talya.Storm
Do you have snapchat: Yes :3
Do you get asks regularly: Nope~!
How did you choose your url: In highshool I had a lot of free time. 
Gender: Female
Favorite color: Purple
Average hours of sleep: 4
Favorite characters: Emerald Sustrai is my number one~! I adore all of the RWBY characters, but my heart just goes: !!!!!!! whenever Emerald is on screen. 
Selina Kyle; Catwoman, also a sassy and solitary thief. Maybe I have a niche. Harley is also good. Morrigan from Dragon Age. Olivier Armstrong from fma brotherhood. Akko from LWA. Luke fon Fabre from TOA...
I have a lot of favorite characters.
Dream job: I don’t particularly have a dream job. But If I could create and self publish my own stories, that would be enough for me. 
Random: I love planning vacations I’ll probably never take, because the people I’d genuinely want to go with are busy, broke, or already have children. Or simply unreliable to make plans with.  
I guess I’ll tag... @hawkeyedflame @acephoenix1 @the-heart-alchemist @xennariel @thetruthofyourdespair @shippingk8 and whoever sees and feels like it~! No one has to though!!!
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Get To Know Me
I was tagged by @yunaxtogo (sorry it took me so long to actually get around to doing this)
Rules: Answer questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better. Nicknames: Nearly everyone has a different one for me but I guess the main ones are Rufus, Rose, Penguin.  Star sign: Leo Height: 5FT Time right now: 3:15PM Last thing I Googled: egscomics (checking the updates of my favourite webcomic) Song stuck in my head: This Little Girl by Cady Groves  Last movie I watched: King Kong Skull Island Last TV show I watched: Impractical Jokers What I’m wearing right now: Jeans and a Suicide Squad shirt When I created this blog: Like 2012 I think? The kind of stuff I post: Fandom stuff, memes and pieces of writing I like Do I get asks regularly: I haven’t gotten any in ages
I’ll tag: @thetruthofyourdespair @centralotaku @seasaltlime @melek2017 @sao-temple
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psycho-alchemist · 8 years
So Many Questions!!
Tagged by @thetruthofyourdespair, thank you!! :)
RULES: Answer all questions (that you can), add one question of your own and then tag as many people as there are questions.
1. coke or pepsi: COKE. Pepsi is horrible don’t do this
2. disney or dreamworks: Disney!! I owe my childhood to them, and their movies mean the world to me. <3
3. coffee or tea: Coffee yessssssssssssss
4. books or movies: If I have the time, I prefer books! But I also really appreciate dinosaur movies and animated movies.
5. windows or mac: Windows; ugh can’t stand Mac
6. dc or marvel: I never really got into either, honestly! I think I’d choose Marvel, but I also don’t know shit so
7. x-box or playstation: I’ve never owned either system, but I’ve played a lot of Xbox :)
8. dragon age or mass effect: Haven’t played or even heard of either, but I will look them up and check them out!!
9. night owl or early riser: Night owl, but I’m gonnna become an early riser once I start my job...
10. Cards or chess: Cards, but I only really like Uno. I don’t play chess because two of my cousins are literally top chess players in the country, so IT’S NEVER FUN
11. chocolate or vanilla: CHOCOLATE
12. vans or converse: I’ve only ever worn DC/Vans shoes! <3
13. lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: uhh hold on let me google this.... Ah apparently it’s another Dragon Age thing, idk man
14. fluff or angst: I prefer angst most of the time, but GIVE ME OTOME GAME FLUFF PLS
15. beach or forest: Forest! I don’t really like being in the sun, since i’m pretty dark already Dx
16. dogs or cats: Cats! I don’t have the energy for dogs hahaha
17. clear skies or rain: clear sky; I like hearing the rain, but I don’t like how dark it gets :(
18. cooking or eating out: I hate cooking, but it’s better for my health Dx
19. spicy food or mild food: mild. I have a whole rant on this--I just feel like if food is spicy, I can’t taste the actual food! >:(
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: CHRISTMAS <3
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: TOO COLD. I hate being too hot; I get so sweaty and gross, and you know...My hair is the only thing I have going for me. I can’t have my hair frizzing up in the heat; I look like Medusa. Too cold is perfect.
22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: The ability to eat anything without it affecting my health 😭
23. animation or live action: animation! (unless we’re talkin about dinosaurs)
24. paragon or renegade: I DON’T PLAY MASS EFFECT (ummm where are the Fire Emblem questions??)
25. baths or showers: showers
26. team cap or team ironman: Iron Man, because he’s more relatable
27. fantasy or sci-fi: sci-fi, as long as it’s not super boring
28. do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they: (not in order)
“I won’t say you’ll definitely make it if you don’t give up. But if you do give up, there’s nothing left.” - Aomine Daiki (Kuroko no Basuke) (I seriously motivated myself through college with this quote)
“I wonder what sort of criteria you use to divide people into good and evil.” - Makishima Shogo (Psycho Pass) (I do have a set of morals that I don’t budge on, but this quote (and this character in general) made me really question my morals and why I believe them.)
“I’d like a gas-heated bath more than a wife.” - Handa Seishuu (Barakamon) (um I mean SAME)
29. youtube or netflix: Youtube! I don’t have Netflix, and I have Youtube videos playing pretty much nonstop when I’m at home.
30. harry potter or percy jackson: PERCY JACKSONNNNNNNNNNNNNN
31. when you feel accomplished: when my edits get over 700 notes <3
32. star wars or star trek: Don’t kill me, but I really don’t care for either >_<
33. paperback books or hardback books: HARDBACKS. Hardbacks, I absolutely LOVE hardbacks. I have nothing against paperbacks either, obviously! But when I really treasure a book, I buy the hardback version so I can keep it in the best condition and not damage the spine/cover! <3
34. to live in a world without literature or without music? This sounds awful EITHER WAY, but I truly can’t live without music.
35. who was the last person to make you laugh? My mom! Idk what about, but she always makes me laugh c:
36. sour or sweet candy: Sweet
37. dawn or dusk: I’m never awake at dawn, so I’m gonna say dusk. If I am awake at dawn, I want to die.
38. piercings or tattoos: I’m not really into tattoos since my skin is stretched, but I love piercings!! I have two on each ear, and I’m planning to get another piercing after I graduate. :D
39. girls? HOT?????: There are so many hot girls out there.....................but I am NOT ONE OF THEM
40. snow or fog: Snow!! I love, love, LOVE snow.
41. do you sleep facing the wall or the room? I prefer to face the window, but only if there’s a curtain in front of that bitch
42. TRC or AFTG: alright let’s google these...............nope, I got nothing, idk
43. horror or drama: Horror. It scares the shit out of me and I need to be with someone else, but I hate excessively dramatic stuff.
44. ocarina of time or majora’s mask?: Hmmmm I haven’t actually played either, but I’m gonna say Majora’s Mask. My cousin has played both, but she’s played Majora’s Mask a bit more, so I’m more familiar with it.
45. would you rather live in an area of more nature or city?: City. I really like the city environment! Not a fan of big sprawling fields and shit
46. what’s your addiction right now?: Chocolate ice cream
47. what languages can you speak?: English
48. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?: the US or Japan. There are a lot of places I just wouldn’t feel comfortable :(
49. sun or moon?: The moon is prettier!
50. potato bread or banana bread?: 👏🏽 BANANA 👏🏽 BREAD 👏🏽 IS 👏🏽 MY 👏🏽 SHIT 👏🏽
51. are horses good?: I don’t trust them enough to ride them but they seem very sweet
52. Edward Elric or Alphonse Elric?: Edward, just because he has been a role model for me since I was 11. But I love Alphonse too <3
53. Logan or Deadpool?: I actually haven’t seen any of the X-Men movies or Deadpool. D:
54. Pokémon or Digimon?: Pokemon!! I love those games <3
55. One-shots or lengthy fics? Generally speaking, one-shots. I lose track of what’s going on in lengthy fics. Plus there are a lot of fics that never update or take a while. That’s not the writer’s fault, of course, but I prefer to read one-shots or maybe longer stuff that has been completed. Even then, I don’t read anything too long.
56. What’s a hairstyle you want but are too scared to try? (this is my question) I want this blue ombre so bad...but it’s way too much work smh
Thank you for the tag!! :)
I tag: @lil-dorkling, @lieutenant-sarcastic, @smallersocksx, @liberty-flight, @scarfblogs, @hannarunj, @lxnaalas, @maddreamwalker, and anyone else who wants to do this!! I chose who to follow based on mutuals and new followers, so I promise I’m not stalking any of you! And as always, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. :)
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