thevalencianroyals · 2 days
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Volume 2 Episode Three - FRIENDSHIP
"It's frightening that there's no guarantee you'll be loved." — Akito Sohma
Song Inspo: The Only Exception
Flashbacks reveal the origin and depth of Josephine and Adelaide’s relationship. Spending the summer months in Scotland, Philip and Josephine expand their friendship.
Read Episode Three Coming Soon !
author's note below the cut!
this episode is longer than usual, with longer individual posts. I am not exaggerating when I say I've been writing this episode for a year and a half. I had crazy writer's block, and then our common enemy, perfection, kept me from finishing. But I am so proud that I did. I put so much into this part of the story and I'm so excited to share it! <33
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thevalencianroyals · 18 days
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too deep in love and we got no way out
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thevalencianroyals · 4 months
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A bit of a life update …I graduated university! 🥳🎓
After not opening my game for so long do not get me started on cleaning my mods folder that I haven’t touched since I bought the game six/seven years ago but anyway…
Tbh, I was going to let this story fade into the ether but I don’t feel comfortable leaving it unfinished. I started it when I started college, and it’s been with me through the past years, even when it stayed in my drafts. Royal simblr looked a lot different back then lol but I always enjoyed writing my story for my valued readers. And I’m even considering a prologue of a previous monarch to follow when this is done. Free time is however always eluding me.
Anyway hugs and kisses to you all, I hope everyone has a great summer, and fingers crossed for the final chapter!!! 🤞🏾
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thevalencianroyals · 2 years
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and that’s it for episode 2 ;)
[Philip] Alright, I know this seems like, impulsive and out of nowhere…but it’s not…I’ve thought it through…I've thought it through…
...It’s not the craziest thing…Well, I mean, it’s definitely up there…
It doesn’t matter. Just pick up the phone and call. No big deal.
[Josephine] Hello? [Operator] Josephine Beaufort? Yes? [Operator] Geraldi Palace. Please hold as I connect you to His Majesty the King.
Hello. Joséphine? Your Majesty… I hope it’s alright that I’ve called. ‘Course.
Honestly, I wasn’t expecting you to actually pick up. Honestly? I wasn’t going to. But I figured you’d keep calling. How are you?
If we’re going to be friends, you should know I hate small talk.
It isn’t small. I genuinely want to know.
Well…My holiday has turned into a shut in at the Regency Hotel. Every time I go out, there’s some reporter or paparazzi that manages to find me. The constant attention…it’s only getting worse.
I feel like I’m suffocating.
Maybe I can help. How? *clears throat* How would you like to join me for the summer? What a strange question. Is it? Yes, it is. We’re friends, aren’t we?
I'm headed to Dunningham Castle, up in the highlands, for four months. It’s quite nice this time of year. I can’t go anywhere with you--I’m photographed going to the bakery across the street.
I know my appearance at your performance caused some unwanted attention from the media, but there’s no press or cameras in the highlands. There’s barely electricity-- or running water--
Is this supposed to be endearing? My point is, there’s privacy. And space.  
[pause] Charles would never agree. I invite you. He’s my fiancé. I can’t go without him. Where is he now? [ pause] Paris.
And for the summer? Have you made any plans yet? He’s...incredibly busy.
[pause] I invite you as a friend. And you are free to decline. But I would very much like to help you.
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thevalencianroyals · 2 years
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[Andrei & Grace] Daddy! [Philip] Ah, my favourite people in the whole world! I missed you!
[Sophie] You’re back. Finally. Not sure how much more I could take of play time.
[Philip] How was your time with the children? [Sophie] Honestly…I only got back this morning.
After the usual beating from the press for not being the proper meek wife by your side, I did a few engagements to dim the tabloid fodder.
And I've thought about it. I know you’re not thrilled, but I’ve decided, I am going to take the children with me… to meet my father. [pause]
Go if you wish. But I do not want that man around my children. Our children. He doesn’t see it that way.
You think we’re just a suitcase, baggage. That you can pack up and take with you. Follow you wherever, no matter how disruptive it is. Okay, speak for yourself, I’m sure the children would be happy about this. No, I will speak for them because obviously somebody needs to.
Andrei continues to struggle and Grace can’t understand why Mummy is never here. It’s one summer— And like every other summer, they spend it in privacy. Secure from the media.
It doesn’t matter where we go. There’s no place in the world that is truly private. Trust me, I know. I’m sorry you feel that way. But I don’t want them to ever feel like that. To live under the world’s eye everyday— Philip—
*deep sigh* You couldn’t even be bothered to watch them for a weekend. And it was your weekend, based on our agreement. They’re children. They don’t know the difference.
They do, and if you’d pay them any attention, you’d know they much rather spend summer in the highlands. It’s the same, every year. You can join us, if you’d like.
*scoffs* Follow the lot of you like some sort of nanny? No, like some sort of mother.
I am going to Selvadorada, Philip. To see my father. [ pause ]
If you leave, that’s it. I’m done.
What are you talking about?
Sobering you up for the two engagements you do a year, making excuses when you don’t show up for the children...I’m done.
Whatever the press will say, I can’t protect you from them. I won’t.
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thevalencianroyals · 2 years
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Josephine’s performance with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Valencia |
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Miss, His Majesty the King is ready for you. [Joséphine] *clears throat* I beg your pardon? To meet you…? The press are also here, to take photos. The Times, the Journal, the Chronicle…
I could shoo them away, however — It’s fine. I’ll allow it
[Philip] Mademoiselle Beaufort. Your Majesty. Thank you for coming. It is an honour to have you. The honour, I assure you, is all mine.
[ pause]
* nervously clears throat* Sir, this is my fiancé, Charles Pinault. [Charles] Your Majesty. Monsieur. Pinault. A pleasure.
Your presence here tonight is shocking. To say the very least. I couldn’t miss an opportunity to see you perform.
Have you two met before? [Josephine] No. [Philip] Yes. [Josephine] Yes. [Philip] No. … Can we have a moment, please? Of course. ----
How long are you staying in Valencia for? You asked me that already. The night of the wedding.
Oh, sorry. I’m a little nervous, to be honest.
[ pause ] Three more weeks. You’re leaving before the summer, then? I don’t live here. I have other responsibilities. A wedding to plan.   Of course.
*deep sigh* Look, we really don’t have to do this. Pretend we care. I’m not pretending. I’m trying to be nice. Well…stop. Josephine, I wanted to apologise— There’s no need.
That morning…I overreacted. And I tried calling after but you wouldn’t answer. Nor will I ever. You made it abundantly clear what you thought of me. ‘A drunken mistake,’ was one of many colourful descriptions.
I didn’t regret that it was you...I was angry at myself for even letting it happen. For putting you in that situation. [ pause ] Consider that night forgotten. I already have. Josephine--
Why are you here? Why did you come tonight?
I was told you were great, but I just wanted to see for myself. And?
You are talented. More than you know. You are…incomparable.
It truly was an honour to see you.
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thevalencianroyals · 2 years
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The Valencian Royals AU
Volume 2 Episode One - MATRIMONY
“So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.” - Paulo Coelho
Song Inspo: Morning Noon & Night
Five years after the coronation, the royal marriage has turned ice cold, Philip repeats the mistakes of his youth, and Sophie makes a request. Also, introducing Joséphine Beaufort.
Read Episode One Coming This Week !
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thevalencianroyals · 2 years
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[Charles] C'est tellement ennuyeux. I mean, I knew we’d have to wait, but this is--Josephine, are you listening?…Josephine.
Josephine. [Joséphine]   I’m sorry. Did you say something?
We should’ve sent her my private concord. She has her own. You should’ve boarded your private concord right back to Paris if all you were going to do was complain.
Taking a train is so…provincial. My mother prefers it.
[Elise] The air in Valencia is so thick, I can see it. Is that normal? *scoffs* Probably not. [Joséphine] *under breath* Shut up.
Here, it is. They call it morning fog. Even though it’s 2 in the afternoon. Oh. Salut, Charles. Madame, c'est un plaisir, comme--- Right. Well, the ‘morning fog’ is horrid.
It’s nice to see you too, Mama.
[Elise] Of course he agreed to marry you. Him and his greedy father, ever the opportunist.
[Joséphine]   I wish you would be nicer to Charles. 
I don’t have to be nice to him. He’s the younger son of a nothing-baron with an upstart attitude. 
And he’s not good for you.
[ pause ] I have a feeling about him, Jo. 
A ‘feeling’? 
Any fool could see that there are much better matches to be made. 
 Sounds as if you’ve just called me a fool.
And He’s boring. I’m sure I’ve met more interesting plants. 
He’s suitable. I don’t mind someone simply…suitable. I have a responsibility now, to Papa. 
But don’t you wish to be desperately in love?
I don’t know why love has to be desperate at all. 
 That wasn’t my question. 
 It wasn’t? Ought it to have been?
Joséphine, I don’t want you to rush into this without thinking about what it is you’re really doing. 
 You were married much younger. And even to a marquess, you married down. 
Because your father loved me. 
 He’s not the metric of morality I’d use.
He was also brought up--en tant que le Marquis de Lambert (ENGL: as the Marquess of Lambert)--to marry well, as was your brother. This was never supposed to be your responsibility— 
*deep sigh* Please. Be excited for me, Maman.
[ pause ] I am excited…to see your performance. For that, I am proud of you.
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thevalencianroyals · 2 years
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[Anchor 1 ] She has no work ethic, no passion, no drive.
[Anchor 2] And acts as if she only became queen to live a life of luxury. [Anchor 1 ] Went from a meek to simply ornamental wife, devoid of any real substance.
[Anchor ] You kind of pity this hothouse flower-until you realise that most of her problems could maybe be fixed if she'd just give up this royal lifestyle and return to her old life.
[Anchor 1 ] But she won't. She's too invested, too enamoured of and reliant on the whole enterprise, no matter how displeased she is with it.
[Anchor 3] I mean, what a waste.
A waste for the monarchy...for the country...a waste for her own family...
[Sophie] Turn it off. Please.
Yes, Ma’am.
[Philip] I didn’t know you were in town. [Adrien] I’m not.
Oh. If you’re not supposed to be in town, where are you headed? Uh, Mayfair. Dinner plans. You? Royal Academy of Music. Have fun. I hear the star pianist is incredible. A friend of Adelaide’s, I think. She is.
Uh, Adrien, can I ask you something? I suppose so. I know you’re close with Sophie. That’s…not a question.
I’m not even sure where she’s run off to this time.  Is she…alright? How would I know? I don’t know. I suppose I thought she would have told you, if there was something to tell.
Doesn’t she tell you everything now? Even if she does, what makes you think I would be at liberty to share it with you? Doesn’t loyalty mean anything? If there’s anyone you ought to be loyal to…
You should value confidentiality. On both sides.
[Adrien] I’m technically not in town. Don’t tell my wife. [Sophie] Don’t tell mine. Or my children. Especially the children.
Ugh, a shame, really. Andrei looks just like his father. Grace is even more his equal. A subtle reminder that you don’t actually own them.
Adrien…I’m going to visit my father. Good for you. You don’t think it’s a bad idea? Not at all. Philip disagrees. What’s new?
He asked about you, you know. Wanted to know if you’re alright.
I can’t tell what’s more hilarious: him taking away my liberties or him asking if I’m alright.
So why do you stay? What? Why don’t you divorce him, darling? *scoffs* What? I’m serious.
It’s…unheard of. The press would burn me at the stake. Unless…a major scandal were to happen. Something irreparable to his character. He’s a saint to the people now.
That can be easily changed.
I don’t want to start a messy tug-of-war in the media.
You don’t have a choice. Ask my uncle. The people need a villain. Because to them…marriages don’t simply end. People don’t grow apart. So it’s either him, or you. But divorce?
It’s what you’ve wanted for a while now. Since before Arabella. There was never a ‘before’ Arabella. If he wasn’t king, you wouldn’t take another second to think about it. [ pause ] If he wasn’t king, we wouldn’t even be married.
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thevalencianroyals · 2 years
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spoiler: he does, in fact, ruin her life.
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[Philip] How long are you staying in Valencia for? [Josephine] Another 6 weeks. Then I return to Franceism. Do you love it there? Not as much as I used to. And here? More than I should. Why don’t you move? My fiancé would never agree. Oh. You’re engaged. That’s rather unfortunate. Says the romantic. I would think you’d be happy to hear that. I should be. Does it make a difference? No, not to me, anyway. It’s just….You’re promised. I could say the same about you. You wouldn’t if you knew the whole story. I could tell it to you. Somehow I doubt it would make a difference. [ pause ] I’m afraid I’ve kept you. You were on your way out. I admit, the party is somewhat bearable now, away from the crowd. You’re not a social person, then? Not nearly as much as I should be. I have no patience for small talk. I’ve cut my social obligations in half to avoid it altogether. And the other half? Performing.   Actress? Pianist. Ah. It must be thrilling, making a career out of your dream. It doesn’t always feel like that.   Shouldn’t it? Don’t make me an optimist, you'll ruin my life.
[Josephine] Do you think anyone will notice we’ve gone? [Philip] And if they do? I don’t see what they can do about it. [Philip] Shame you came without a date. [Josephine] Not really. [Philip] Perhaps you would’ve enjoyed yourself…if you had someone by your side. [Josephine] What makes you think I didn’t? Enjoy myself? Ma’am, there seems to be, uh…an issue with your driver. He left an hour ago. [Josephine] What do you mean he left? He’s my driver, he can’t leave without me. I’m sorry, Ma’am, but-- [Philip] Hell of a driver. [Josephine] Indeed. I suppose I’ll call a taxi. [Philip] Let me offer you a lift. [Josephine] I wouldn’t dream of the inconvenience-- [Philip] Nonsense. I want to. Let me. [pause] [Josephine] Alright.
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thevalencianroyals · 2 years
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[ News Anchor] It’s a beautifully sunny day in the historic City of Winchester, Valencia. And this morning, people have gathered in the streets to celebrate the long awaited wedding of Adelaide, Princess Royal. Royals and nobility as well as star-studded guests have begun to make their way into Winchester Abbey ahead of the ceremony… No word yet on the arrival of the royal family, who are now forty-five minutes late…
[Beatrice] This is absurd. What is the hold up? [Philip] Just waiting for Sophie. *under breath* Why she was even invited I have no idea. [Adrien] Granny. She’s family, Granny. Barely. Where is the Queen? [Clark] In her bedchambers, Your Majesty. You cannot be serious.
[Sophie] The beds here are terribly uncomfortable. I forgot how uncomfortable they were. {Philip] Sophie, everyone is waiting. No need. I’m going on holiday. Are you mad?! It’s Adelaide’s wedding. What can I say, I’m not in the mood. Excuse me? To be photographed. Do you think I want to be photographed?! You know what I mean. Apparently I do not. Did you honestly think I’d agree to be your puppet after denying me a simple request? We’re late, Sophie. Come on and get dressed. Let me visit my father with the children. No. Then you have your answer. You can’t ask me to prop you up and ignore what I want. It’s the same problems we’ve always had since we first married. *deep sigh* Sophie, we can have this scintillating conversation any other time but present. I’m not going. [pause] Sophie…they’ll humiliate me if you’re not by my side. You know this…you know how the press works. They’re looking for anything to ruin our image. [silence] Give Adelaide my regards.
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thevalencianroyals · 2 years
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i tried making charles a good person and got an allergic reaction
[Josephine] What do you think? [Charles] It’s an apartment. Above a café.
This is the richest borough of the city. Adelaide is 5 minutes away. The Princess Royal. I just love it.
You love this 4 by 4 — ‘in the richest borough in the city’ — when you family is wealthier than some small countries? This could be our home. Yeah…no. Absolutely not. I’ve seen bigger dollhouses. What are we doing here, Josephine?
The director of the Academy is impressed, and with the response from my concert, they’re offering me a permanent position. At the Academy? Yes. *laughs* What? Living in Valencia? Can you imagine? I can, actually. I’m considering it.
 *laughs* Why are you laughing? The director is impressed with my work, Charles. “Look at my spread in the Times, Charles. Everyone is impressed by my work, Charles.” Seriously, it’s all meaningless flattery if everyone says it. You don’t think I deserve it?
I mean, it’s a kind offer, but unless you can work for the Academy in Franceism, you can’t take it. Excuse me? We’re the future Marquess of Lambert. Our lives are in Franceism.
Non,  je suis la future Marquise. It’s my title. You’re going to be my husband. And we have no life together because you can’t stay in one place for longer than a few weeks. That’s because I have a real job, Josephine. *scoffs* Are you really that naïve that you think you won’t have to give up your hobby once we’re married? ‘Hobby?’
You know what I meant. No. I don’t. I’m not chained to Chateau Beaufort. I can be a composer anywhere in Europe, including Valencia. There’s nothing here for you. How would you know, you’ve been here 5 days. We signed a contract, outlining the rules of our partnership. Staying and settling our family in Franceism is important to me. It’s a deal breaker for me. . . . Then maybe we ought to take some time…to rethink the terms of our deal.
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thevalencianroyals · 2 years
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Why have you been avoiding me? Why wouldn’t I avoid you? You didn’t answer my question. Adelaide spoke to me. About us. What?
I don’t know what she knows, but she was rather insistent that nothing happens between us. Your sister suspects something. I'm surprised she’s still speaking to me. Not to mention my face plastered all over The Sun and every other Valencian tabloid. [silence]
I’m sorry. For what? Ruining your time here, in Valencia.
You didn’t.
Your presence at my performance made it as big as it was. That was a credit to your talent, not me.   [pause]
Well, the Academy offered me a position, actually. As composer. Wow, that’s…incredible. I’m not going to take it.
Why not? Charles won’t agree. I could hold off on our engagement but I need this marriage more than I need this career. Why?
[pause] It’s…nothing. I’m very good at keeping secrets. You can tell me.
I could tell you if we were friends.  But we’re not. We can be. Friends? Yes, friends.
If we can move past the night of the wedding, then I don’t mind being friends. What, put me in a box like a dirty little secret? You are my dirty little secret. *Philip and Josephine chuckle* [pause]
If he’s got any sense, he won’t walk away, not really . You should take the job. Some regrets stay with you forever. [silence]
[Adelaide] There you are, Phil— oh. Josephine. I didn’t realise—
I was just leaving.
*clears throat* The door...locked from the outside. Mmhm.
But even if it didn’t, Josephine is her own person. You can’t control everything, Adelaide.
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thevalencianroyals · 2 years
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[Philip] Gracie, you can’t call your classmates dumb.
[Grace] I didn’t say ‘dumb’, I called her ‘dull.’ 
It’s not my fault she can’t tell colours apart.
This might shock you, but not everyone is as smart as you. Your classmates are 2 years older than you.
You’d never know.
My point is, that’s not...how it is for everyone. You’re special, but you should be kind to the other students, Grace. People will think you’re stuck up.
I’ve seen her marks. Not sure she ‘thinks’ at all--
*deep sigh* Love, we’ve talked about this--  
Hi Aunt Addie!
[Adelaide] This is a pleasant surprise.
Gracie dear. Where’s your Mum?
Who knows? I never do--
She’s on holiday.
I bet you had a nice honeymoon.
Oh, you can’t imagine. First, we landed in Seychelles-- 
Riveting. Listen, I’ve been trying to reach a friend of yours. I wondered if…you’ve heard anything from…Miss Beaufort of late?
Joséphine Beaufort? 
 The one and only. 
Philip, I only landed an hour ago.  
Right. Well, if you hear from her, would you let me know.
Any particular reason? 
Must I have one? 
It would make that future conversation less awkward. 
 I’m just curious, that’s all.
[pause] I might owe her an apology…
Do I want to know?
You can’t know. I mean, I can’t tell you.
Okay...Well, she’s due to play a concert at the Academy of Music before her return to Franceism. I’ll catch up with her after and let you know.
The Royal Academy?
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thevalencianroyals · 2 years
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mastering the art of the one night stand that will probably end up ruining ur life
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[Philip] Damnit.
Damnit, damnit, damnit.
[Josephine] Good morning. What time is it? Still early.
I shouldn’t be here. I have to go. Why don’t I call for some t— No. Okay…
Look, you are great, and you’re great company but…This was a mistake. A colossal mistake. Excuse me? I only meant, I shouldn’t be here. This was a terrible idea.
That’s not what you told me last night. To be fair, I was much more drunk than I seemed.
So now I’m a drunken mistake? Well…yes.
*clears throat* You should, uh, call the front desk, let them know you’ll be coming down. And use the service exit so paparazzi don’t catch you. They’re constantly roaming this city.
You can’t tell anyone what happened here.   Not sure anyone would believe me.
What will it take, to make sure this doesn’t get out? [ pause ] Are you suggesting…that you pay me in exchange… for silence?
I’m asking...what will it take?
*scoffs* [ pause ]
Nothing. It won’t cost you anything.
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thevalencianroyals · 2 years
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[Press Official 1 ] The King is alone. Again. 
[ Press Official 2 ] After running an hour late? Something’s definitely wrong. 
[ Press Official 1 ] Maybe Sophie took another “unofficial holiday.”
[ Press Official 2 ] *chuckles* Wouldn’t be the first time.
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