#they all get along really well (well besides Heliotrope and Cherry but that’s a long story)
Woah Pokémon ocs??? Wacky
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So this silly guy is Yogurt, he’s supposed to be a snooty rich trainer who’s somewhat popular in the region he lives in (which is Galar), he’s like a rival type character kinda
And woah here’s his silly team
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He likes to have only fairy and grass types but Rosewinter is an exception cus he’s just a silly fellow
Meadow’s basically the unofficial “leader” of the team after Yogurt, loves the entire team with all her little strawberry heart and would do anything for them, and she hates losing battles because she hates thinking of the rest of her team being down about the loss
Sunflower loves to battle, but whenever anything goes wrong or she realizes they’re losing she just books it and leaves, doesn’t even tell the rest of the team she’s leaving the battle she just. Scurries off-
Rosewinter loves to entertain, but he has a hard time doing it, as he’s very anxious around people and has stage freight. Doesn’t stop them from trying at least though
Heliotrope is the baby of the team basically, like he’s not a baby but everyone on the team just adores him and will protect him at (mostly) all costs. He was originally scared of Nerium when he first joined the team cus they’re a big guy, but he warmed up to him eventually, now they’re best buds woah
Speaking of Nerium, Nerium loves to do most of the battling (which he does since Yogurt likes to give him most of the spotlight) and he can be a little intimidating at times, but he’s actually just a big teddy bear at heart
Last but certainly not least is Cherry, he joined the team for… other reasons but got too attached to everyone, so now he’s a permanent member. May or may not have a crush on Nerium, and he oddly never seems to take his glasses off, how odd
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