#Heliotrope is very easy to pick up
Woah Pokémon ocs??? Wacky
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So this silly guy is Yogurt, he’s supposed to be a snooty rich trainer who’s somewhat popular in the region he lives in (which is Galar), he’s like a rival type character kinda
And woah here’s his silly team
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He likes to have only fairy and grass types but Rosewinter is an exception cus he’s just a silly fellow
Meadow’s basically the unofficial “leader” of the team after Yogurt, loves the entire team with all her little strawberry heart and would do anything for them, and she hates losing battles because she hates thinking of the rest of her team being down about the loss
Sunflower loves to battle, but whenever anything goes wrong or she realizes they’re losing she just books it and leaves, doesn’t even tell the rest of the team she’s leaving the battle she just. Scurries off-
Rosewinter loves to entertain, but he has a hard time doing it, as he’s very anxious around people and has stage freight. Doesn’t stop them from trying at least though
Heliotrope is the baby of the team basically, like he’s not a baby but everyone on the team just adores him and will protect him at (mostly) all costs. He was originally scared of Nerium when he first joined the team cus they’re a big guy, but he warmed up to him eventually, now they’re best buds woah
Speaking of Nerium, Nerium loves to do most of the battling (which he does since Yogurt likes to give him most of the spotlight) and he can be a little intimidating at times, but he’s actually just a big teddy bear at heart
Last but certainly not least is Cherry, he joined the team for… other reasons but got too attached to everyone, so now he’s a permanent member. May or may not have a crush on Nerium, and he oddly never seems to take his glasses off, how odd
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maya-tl · 6 months
MEDISPY MEDIC WITH HANANAKI DISEASE shakes aggressively and stims
Medic knew what it meant when the flowers started coming.
He was no botanist and he may have lost his medical licence along the way, but he wasn’t stupid enough to ignore the morning sickness or the tight feeling in his chest, and especially not the unassuming little bundle of flowers he’d coughed up into the sink the day before.
They were small, smaller than his fingernails, round and fluffy and coloured a vibrant yellow. Medic wasn’t that well-versed in flower language apart from the basic variants of roses, but he’d caught Heavy reading a book on the subject in the living room once. He’d startled quite badly when he noticed Medic watching him, but then calmly explained that it was good practice for his English and asked Medic if he was interested in borrowing it.
Medic was quite fluent in English, in spite of his accent, and he knew that Heavy knew this, but he decided against embarrassing his friend and politely agreed to have a look at it. He’d forgotten to return it, but Heavy hadn’t asked him about it since and so he figured it would be alright if he held onto it a little longer.
Yellow acacia flowers. Secret love.
Medic had run the tests and checked his vitals, in spite of the fact that he already knew what it was. Hanahaki, a disease caused by unrequited love where the afflicted coughed up flowers over a few months—or, in rare cases, years—until the plants multiplied inside their lungs quicker than they could be expelled and suffocated them. A slow and agonising way to die.
Medic had known what to expect. He had, after all, been coughing up petals for weeks.
He hadn’t expected the whole flowers to come so soon, due to the nature of the respawn system, but he supposed it was inevitable either way. There was no cure for the disease and Medic couldn’t hope to achieve what centuries of research had failed to do in such a short time—because his time was short, there was no doubt about that. It was advancing too quickly.
Surgery wasn’t an option, and Medic had laughed bitterly when he realised that. He was a damn good surgeon and the Medigun would allow him to perform the surgery on himself, so logically the odds were stacked in his favour, especially since the thought of permanent death was terrifying. He would survive and return to health and no longer have to worry about dying.
Except the thought of no longer loving him was worse.
So Medic endured. It was easy enough to pretend he was fine around his teammates, who knew not to ask too many questions lest they lose an internal organ in their sleep. Heavy sometimes looked at him more closely than Medic would’ve liked, and he’d caught him talking in hushed whispers with Engineer before dinner on multiple occasions. Engineer would throw him a quick look, notice him staring, and then avoid him for the rest of the evening.
Normally Medic wouldn’t hesitate to insert himself into their business, especially since it was very obvious it concerned him, but lately he couldn’t be bothered; too many sleepless nights spent vomiting in the bathroom were taking their toll on him.
The yellow flowers didn’t last long, replaced instead by more beautiful but just as small flowers of a striking dark indigo colour. Medic had picked one out of the more recent bunch, washed off the blood and flipped through the book until he’d found the right page.
Heliotrope. Eternal love and devotion.
Of course.
Medic tossed the book on his nightstand and fell back against the pillow with a sigh, clenching his hand into a fist and crushing the delicate flower. When he opened his hand to brush off the petals, a sweet fragrance wafted into the room, much too potent to belong to one single bloom. That was surely the reason for his watering eyes.
His performance on the battlefield worsened as the disease progressed. He often found himself short of breath, which made him slower and more vulnerable and constantly turned his vision blurry at the edges. Nearly every time he died and went through respawn he was forced to run to the bathroom and throw up the day’s dose of flowers, which made him late to coordinated attacks and led to them losing matches.
The others were starting to catch on, and Medic was trying too hard not to vomit all over the dinner table every night to say anything in his defence.
Eventually, as it was bound to happen, he misstepped.
He’d dimmed the lights in the infirmary and turned the lamp on his desk away from him and still everything seemed too bright. He was supposed to focus on the team’s monthly medical check-up sheets, but every time he tried to write something down a tremor came over his hands and the letters on the page fused together into intelligible gibberish. In the dead silence of the soundproof infirmary, his own breathing grated on his ears.
By the time he reached the bottom of the first sheet he was exhausted, and he put the pen aside and dropped his head in his hands, focusing on taking one breath at a time. He was so frustrated—at his teammates, for not leaving him alone, at the universe, for doing this to him, at himself, for catching the disease in the first place—that he didn’t hear the doors opening or the footsteps approaching his desk.
A hand rested gently on his shoulder. Medic, against his better judgement, startled himself into looking up, and once the room stopped spinning and the vertigo passed his heart seemed to halt.
Spy looked down at him, the visible parts of his face schooled into careful neutrality. Medic met his eyes and his lungs immediately constricted painfully, and it took every ounce of willpower he had for him to swallow the flowers threatening to spill from his throat.
He expected Spy to simply raise an eyebrow and stare at him until Medic gave in and explained himself, or perhaps to subtly prod at him until he found what was wrong, or even to forego subtlety entirely and outright ask for an apology. Spy was too much of a gentleman and much too dignified to start yelling obscenities at Medic, even if Medic had technically wronged him for a good reason. He’d been avoiding him, yes, but he’d been avoiding everyone.
He did not expect Spy to wordlessly hold out his other hand and reveal a single, blood-stained indigo flower resting in the middle of his palm.
Heliotrope. Eternal love and devotion.
“You were not in your room,” Spy explained when Medic simply stared at the flower, “So I checked the bathroom. I found it on the floor next to the sink.”
Medic swallowed, his throat dry, and dared to look back up. Spy’s features were as neutral as ever, but there was a sheen over his eyes that hadn’t been there before, and Medic was so shocked to see it that the words he’d wanted to force out died on his tongue.
“Were you going to tell me?” Spy asked softly, in that tone of voice that meant he was either furious or wounded.
Medic couldn’t figure out which one it was, and in the absence of a response Spy tightened his grip on Medic’s shoulder.
“Well?” he insisted, “How long?”
Medic managed to get his voice working. “A few months,” he rasped, too busy watching Spy’s expression to cringe at the horrible sound. Spy closed his eyes and nodded slowly, the way he did whenever he was emotionally overwhelmed and trying to compose himself, but when he opened them again they still gleamed in the dim light of the room.
“Is it someone I know?” he asked, trying for light-hearted and missing the mark completely.
Medic blinked. “What?”
“Doctor,” Spy said, not quite forceful enough to hide the way his voice trembled, “I am trying very hard to be supportive in the face of learning that you are actively choosing to die for someone who surely doesn’t deserve you. Don’t make this harder on me.”
Something clicked.
“You don’t know,” Medic said, bordering on hysterical because he’d always assumed—
Spy scowled. Definitely furious. “And how on Earth would I know who the object of your affections is? You’ve never talked about…”
Spy trailed off. As much as he prided himself on his ingenuity, Medic had always known that he wouldn’t ever be the smartest person in the room so long as Spy was there with him. He was good at his job, better than any other spy Medic had ever met—his only weakness was that he tended to overlook himself whenever he was part of the equation.
Spy’s grip on Medic’s shoulder went slack, and the mask of neutrality cracked and shattered when he met Medic’s eyes and found there all the answers he needed. Medic watched his expression rapidly change from realisation to incredulity, to relief and then finally to unmistakeable, blinding anger.
“You utter imbecile,” Spy hissed, grabbed Medic by the front of his shirt and pulled him into a searing kiss.
Medic made a noise of surprise in the back of his throat and then immediately melted into the touch, bringing his hand up behind Spy’s head to deepen the kiss. The office chair creaked under the weight of two bodies as Spy unceremoniously climbed onto Medic’s lap, and Medic suddenly found all his previous thoughts scattered on the wind.
“You thought—” Spy gasped when they broke apart for air only to immediately kiss him again, “For months you—” This time it was Medic who pulled him back in, again and again, and eventually Spy had to rest a hand firmly on Medic’s chest to allow them both to catch their breath.
Medic instinctively began to rub circles into Spy’s waist, his chest painfully tight. His face must’ve been positively love-struck, because Spy huffed out a laugh that made his eyes crinkle at the corners and leaned down to brush his lips against his.
“I love you too,” he whispered, and something in the vicinity of Medic’s heart spasmed.
He turned away and began to cough, a horrid noise that only got worse the longer it went. He felt Spy hastily climb off his lap as the flowers started to come, first fluffy and yellow and then beautiful dark purple, and just when Medic was beginning to feel lightheaded and thought he might die from the blood loss after all the coughing suddenly stopped, leaving him gasping for air in a way he hadn’t been able to do in months.
A hand was gently patting him on the back. Medic leaned his entire weight into the body next to him and started to laugh, and when Spy pressed a kiss against his temple and teasingly asked him what was so funny he simply pointed to the floor.
Among the blood splatter and the veritable sea of scattered petals there lay a single, thin stem filled to the brim with miniscule pale flowers in full bloom. Spy leaned forward to have a closer look and immediately sneezed, and he muttered something about his allergies to the sound of Medic’s laughter.
Ambrosia. Reciprocated love.
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bedofthistles · 3 months
Gothic - Moonacre Week 2024
It was surprisingly easy to sneak into Moonacre Manor. 
If Maria had learned one thing from observing the boys, it was picking up on their stealth. The way they moved when they hunted, how they worked together as a unit, how their usually heavy steps became light as air. There was a trick, and once Maria had mastered it, she had been able to sneak around wherever she pleased. 
But as Maria snuck into the tower, she was surprised to find that it was more than just the lack of guards, but lack of locks. Maria rolled her eyes and did her best not to scoff. The audacity of these Merryweathers! But of course, Sir Benjamin would know of her father’s refusal to broach his lands. Accursed and wretched, yes Sir Benjamin would assume he was quite safe from a direct attack from the De Noirs. 
The tower was beautiful. 
Maria placed a hand over her mouth as she stepped carefully inside, but her heart began to race. Oh there was magic in this place. If the glittering ceiling of stars was any indication. But, could something damned be so beautiful? 
In her awe, Maria almost forgot her mission. There was a soft groan, a rustling. She froze, her eyes drawn to the movement. But there he was upon the bed, much different than he had been in the carriage. Here, he lacked his coat, and the other clothes Maria had found on the gentleman of London. She crept closer to him, his eyes shut, lips slightly parted, a bandaged hand draped across his chest. 
First blood. 
When Richard, Henry, and David duelled, they did so until first blood. They let her watch, and she was quick to catch onto their movements, their footwork, until father or Miss Heliotrope caught her, then Maria made herself scarce. It was such an odd thing, that she practically lived as any other member of her Clan would, until she came across something her father thought she ought not. As if she didn’t know the colour of blood. As if she had never heard the crack of a pistol. As if she had innocent eyes and innocent ears. 
In some way, Maria had won the first duel, she had drawn blood, but she had still lost. 
Despite herself, Maria reached out and ran her fingers over the heft of the bandage. She had half expected silk or satin, so the young gentleman would not have to know discomfort, but it was not. A coarse linen, rough and uncomfortable, the very bandages they would have used on her own wounds. 
Maria drew her hand back before she woke him, and raced back to the window. 
When she returned, it was not with open arms. 
In the courtyard, she had jumped from the horse’s saddle, slowly guiding him into the stables, trying not to make a sound, but before she could even open the doors, the light, hurried footsteps let her know she had not made it back unnoticed. 
“Well, my lady, you have the castle on its head.” 
Maria flinched, but sighed. “Richard-” She tried, before two sets of hands wrapped around her arms and dragged her away. “David! Henry! Unhand me this instant! What do you think-” 
But they didn’t get far, not before her father stepped into the light of the courtyard torches. 
“What did I do-” He began before pursing his lips. “Go! Before I regret my decision.” 
Maria straightened, thinking that perhaps her father was not giving her a sentence, before Richard stifled a laugh. “What? Father- What does he mean?” 
Henry wouldn’t meet her eye, and David only shook his head. Their hands still on her shoulders, the boys took her away, and before grand ideas of being locked in the dungeons could overtake her psyche, they took her to her room. 
Ms. Heliotrope shook her head, tsking over her stolen clothes, and lack of proper garments, but then Dulac swept in. Maria instinctually stepped in front of Ms. Heliotrope - who did not fancy their insinuations and had difficulties meeting their eyes - as he waved a key, all too cheerfully. 
“You’re locking me in.” Maria stated, not a question. 
“And you’ll need a chaperone at all times.” Dulac smirked, the bastard. “So, no more sneaking off! You’ll be staying put from now on.” 
“That’s not fair!” Maria shouted, but Dulac did little to listen.
“Heliotrope.” He commanded, and Ms. Heliotrope muttered several objections under her breath before she obeyed. “Nighty night, m’lady.”
Maria crossed her arms, glaring at him, and the boys and even Ms. Heliotrope, as they were cut off to her. 
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ihartkimchi · 1 year
Straight outta Japan~🌸 (pt. 2)
This is just the part 2 of my original post since it got longer than I expected~
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This picture isn’t actually mine, its from a twitter user called @/48juns !! During my time there it was heavy raining and I was just desperate to find some place dry!! I didn’t get to take pictures of the outside so this will do~ (ᗒᗩᗕ)
This place is pretty easy to locate since it’s just a 5 minute walk from the Yurakocha Station or a 2 minute walk from Ginza-itchome station which is the subway line.
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Primaniacs is a lot more luxurious than I thought it would be lol, esp for an anime perfume shop but I guess its still is a perfume shop and perfume oils are expensive lol. 
The shop has 2 floors, the first floor consisted of the smaller bottles like the one’s above where you can sniff the fragrances and the cashier is also located here. The second floor is where you can test the products on your skin.
You pick the fragrance you want on the second floor and then tell the sales lady what you want, and then she’s gonna communicate with the first floor staff on her walkie talkie. By the time you reach the cashier, they have your perfume bagged and ready to go~ its really efficient!
I guess this is just for security reasons since the perfumes are pretty expensive and knowing how much anime fans they attract, this is their way to control the crowd.
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My main objective in the store is to buy a Genshin perfume but I was surprised that even a relatively new anime like Blue Lock already had a perfume line! I wanted to try them out but unfortunately most of them are men’s perfume so I don’t think I’m gonna buy any of them in the future lol (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू)
Men’s perfume just doesn’t work for me, I prefer gender-neutral/feminine scents. Although, in my honest opinion, Bachira’s smell’s the best but maybe that’s just bias talking since he’s Best Girl~ (〃 ω 〃)
Each perfume sells for about ¥6,600 for a 30ml perfume so it is pretty pricey~
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Originally, my plan was to buy either Kaeya or Xiao’s perfume since those two are my favorite characters but upon smelling them, both are the type of perfumes that I’m not gonna wear. Both are men’s perfume with a bit of an ozoney smell which I am not a fan of.
These are the notes for Kaeya’s perfume!
TOP: Lime, Eucalyptus, Estragon
MIDDLE: Yuzu, Narcissus, Cedarwood, Lilas
LAST: Ozone Note, Moss, Floral Musk
While these are the one’s for Xiao!
TOP: Eucalyptus, Fennel
MIDDLE: Lilac, Cedarwood, Elemi, Anise
LAST: Sandalwood, Patchouly, Heliotrope, Amber
Like yeah, no wonder I didn’t like both of them lol! Kaeya has ozone notes while Xiao has heliotrope and anise- both scents that I hate lol. And listen, if I have to spend on expensive perfume I’d rather it’d be perfumes I can wear!
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It ended up being a decision between Ganyu, Mona, or Hutao’s perfumes! I usually prefer gourmand scents but so far only Klee has gourmand notes but I ended up not liking the overall scent.
These are the notes for Ganyu’s!
TOP: Bergamot, Grapefruit, Apple, Pear Blossom
MIDDLE: Freesia, Jasmine, White Lily
LAST: Moss, Amber, White Musk
These are the notes for Hutao’s!
TOP: Cassis, Apple, Grapefruit
MIDDLE: Geranium, Freesia, Iris, Cyclamen, Ume
LAST: Raspberry, White Musk, Sandalwood, Labdanum
These are the notes for Mona’s!
TOP: Grapefruit, Lemon, Lychee, Pineapple
MIDDLE: Muguet, Jasmine, Spearmint, Marine Note
LAST: Musk, Cedarwood, Sandalwood
For those who don’t know how to read perfume notes, Top Notes means the smell it will have once you sprayed it, Middle Notes is what it’ll smell like in the first few minutes on your skin, and the Last Notes are the dried down smell on your skin which are the one’s that will last for hours.
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I ended up buying Hutao’s since I have perfumes that smells similar to Ganyu’s and Mona’s! This perfume smells very much like Hutao, its playfully sweet!! If I have to describe the perfume in one word, it would be Mischievous!! 
It’s a sweet, fruity scent, perfect for a summer fragrance!
Tartaglia’s perfume also smells very nice, its gender neutral and I did consider buying it but I decided to do it next time instead. I can only afford one lol!
This is a shopping mall located in Shibuya and if you go to its 5th floor (if I remember correctly), the weeb stuff is located there!!
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There’s ton of shops in there and the picture above is the shonen jump shop!! Lots of anime merch are available inside however, we arrived too late and the store was already closing!!  ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
I was only able to get quick pictures inside before they started closing!
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There’s also an area where you can measure you height and compare it to bnha characters!! This is also when I found out that Deku is taller than me  ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
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There are also other weeb stores in the floor like the Capcom store and the Pokemon Center where a giant Mewtwo is located as well as an interactive Pokemon sound library!
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Once you leave Akihabara station, the first things you’ll see are these Genshin ads on a post and they go on like forever!! They have like 2 characters per post and I just love how Scaramouche/Wanderer and Nahida shared the same post ☆⋆:∞.o(≧▽≦)o.∞:⋆☆
I love it when the ads are lore accurate!!
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These are just some of them there are even more that I didn’t get to take pictures of cause of the rain.  ಥ_ಥ
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Like this giant billboard of Baizhu! Also below it is the at home cafe which is the first maid cafe if I remember correctly. I ate there back in 2018, I’m glad the business is still going well for them! I had a great time there, I wish I could eat there again but as always the lines are sooooo long and we were too hungry to wait  ಥ_ಥ
There’s also an even bigger Nilou billboard, I tried wishing in front of it but sadly she didn’t come home lol, I’ll save my pity for Baizhu instead!
I didn’t get to take pictures or videos inside the gachapon shop since it wasn’t allowed so imma just show you my haul!!
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I spent over ¥3,000 on them, I did went a little over-budget since my original plan was to spend only ¥2,000 but I still have some spare coins left from vendo machines that I had to spend since we’re about to leave Japan anyways~ 
Money changing shops usually don’t accept coins so might as well just spend them!~ ( ´ ▽ ` )b
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This is the entire haul of my gachapon adventures! I thought I got pretty lucky since I mostly got the characters that I liked!
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The one I got the most is of course JJK!! Since it is my current hyperfixation!! Megumi one is more of a standard chibi figure while Gojo is a keychain! On the other hand Yuji and Suguru (or is it Mommy Kenjaku?? lol) are wire holders, that’s why they’re on all fours! 
They cost about ¥300 each, so pretty affordable!
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I also got some BnHA figures! These two are a bit more expensive at ¥500 each! But they look better than the cheaper ones so I say its worth it!
I was going for Bakugo but unfortunately I didn’t get him, but I’m satisfied with Todoroki and Ochako~ ( ´ ▽ ` )b
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And of course genshin! I’m so lucky I managed to get my baby girl Kaeya!!  And life imitates art with Barbruh lol, like of course I’ll get c69 Barbruh!! (≧∇≦)/
They cost about ¥300 each.
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I also went ahead a grabbed some Chainsaw Man merch! They’re dual purposed since they can be a standing figure like this or they can be a key chain! I personally prefer the figure ones since I’m more likely to loose them as keychains (≧∇≦)/
They cost about ¥300 each.
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I also managed to get a wire holder Genya from Demon Slayer, keychain IsaGOAT from Blue Lock, and this sleepy Chifuyu from Tokyo Revengers!~
They cost about ¥300 each.
This post is already getting too long so I’ll save the rest for the last part!
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palmofafreezinghand · 3 years
a hesitant waltz.
carlisle teaches esme to dance. on ao3 here. 
May 1921: 
The automobile rumbled down the gravel driveway as fast as the engine would take it, still not fast enough for the vampire who sat behind the wheel. Carlisle glanced towards the house as he rounded the bend of the drive. A line of linens hung up to dry greeted him. A face peeked out of the sheets as the car approached. The cloud cover was dense enough her skin looked almost human, her smile though gave her away in an instant. A grin more than a smile, the dimple on her left cheek shined, her nose scrunched ever so slightly. No, that smile was supernatural… divine even. 
She disappeared back into the sea of linen as he parked the vehicle. “Good morning, Miss Platt!” He called as he grabbed his things from the passenger seat. He bounded up the front porch steps two at a time, hiding the surprise he carried from her peering eyes. 
“Good morning, Dr. Cullen.” He heard the smack of a delicate hand against cotton. 
“I have asked you a million times, Carlisle,” he sighed, shedding his tie and jacket with a quick swish. He hung his briefcase on the wall hook and quickly made his way back into the front yard.  The front door snapped open and closed, as he stowed her gift behind his back. 
She had disappeared onto the other side of the clothesline. “You’ve asked Carlisle what?” She asked and he could hear the smile in her voice. 
“I’m glad you enjoy torturing me so,” he huffed as he crossed the front yard at a human pace. 
“You make it extremely easy… Carlisle.” He moved the sheet aside right as she said his name. What a sight to behold. He mentally thanked the Lord that breath was unnecessary since she insisted on stealing it so frequently. 
“Hi, Esme,” he beamed, attempting to keep his smile casual but failing desperately. 
“Hello.” Her smile was almost wider than his as she looked up at him. A few stray wisps of curls falling out of her updo, the caramel curl complimenting the dark honey of her eyes. They were getting golder every day, yet another thing he thanked the Lord for. 
He blinked away the words he felt compelled to say every time she smiled at him like that. He then realized he had been staring at said smile silently for a solid minute and a half. Her eyes bounced from his face to the hand he held behind his back. He looked down at his arm and remembered the gift he’d spent so long picking out. 
He thrust out the bouquet clumsily. She looked down at the arrangement and back up at him, a slight furrow of his brows. He extended his arm further and she looked down and up again, a tilt of her head this time. It donned on him at this precise moment he was just silently throwing flowers at her with no explanation. 
“I apologize,” he stammered. “These are for you,” he laughed lightly at his own foolishness.
“I don’t understand,” her brow furrowed again. 
“I saw them… I thought of you… I thought perhaps you would like them. You like flowers, I thought you might like some of your own. Was that awfully presumptuous of me?” 
“You didn’t have to do that,” she smiled politely.
“I wanted to,” he assured her. She met his eyes for a mere second and something in the gloss of her eye made him fear no one had ever wanted to before. “Consider it a thank you.” 
“A thank you,” she guffawed. “Goodness whatever for?” 
It occurred to Carlisle at that very moment he couldn’t quite say ‘being you’ as he originally planned while he spent twenty-one minutes at the florist’s stand. The arrangement was his way of silently declaring his adoration. Heliotropes, devotion. White tulips, a declaration of love. Violets, faithfulness. Phlox, our souls are united. Words he could never dare utter aloud.  
“For being here.” Well, that didn’t sound too shabby. 
“I should be the one thanking you.”
“Thank me by accepting the flowers?” He grinned. 
“You drive a hard bargain,” she laughed, taking the bouquet from his hands. She brought the flowers up to her nose and he thought his heart restarted as she smiled to herself. “Thank you, Carlisle.” Dear Lord, he’d harvest every meadow if it meant she said his name with that much admiration once more. 
“Any… Anytime,” he stuttered. He shouldn’t be able to stutter with a supernatural brain but here he was. “I didn’t know your favorite so I picked some of mine,” he shrugged, offering his arm to lead them back to the house. 
“Goldenrod,” she said, slipping her free arm in his. 
“Goldenrod? The weed? Those are your favorites?” 
“They’re not weeds, they’re flowers. They’re native to Ohio and they’re pretty. I love these though. Did you know certain flowers used to have symbolism, people would send flowers when they couldn’t say what they wished to? Heliotropes were used to mean devotion and eternal love.” 
Carlisle froze mid-step, she wasn’t supposed to know. How did she know? Did she know he knew? If she knew that he knew she knew, was she hoping he wouldn’t respond? Would she be scandalized if he did? 
“I know you didn’t mean that, silly,” she lightly elbowed him, pulling him to keep walking. “You look like I just shot your dog,” she laughed to herself. He took a deep inhale when she looked away. That was far too close. 
“Edward’s new record came,” she said as he held the door open for her. 
“Did it?” He practically skipped over to the gramophone. “May we?” He motioned to the record already in place. 
“Mais oui.” She nodded, disappearing into the kitchen to fetch a vase. 
“That was good!” He laughed, placing the needle. 
“I can’t take the praise. Edward taught me that one.” 
The small room was filled with the romantic tune of a composer he recognized as McNair Ilgenfritz. A man with a small collection of beautiful tunes. The current piece had been described as ‘the pinnacle of romance’ by many when it debuted years prior. Listening again he found himself agreeing. He didn’t know if he was hearing the tune anew because of the years gone by or because after so many years he finally had a reference point for romance? 
The bounce of a piano key felt like the undead flutter of his heart when she laughed so hard she snorted. The feeling of warmth when she lightly touched his shoulder as she passed. The impossible flip of his stomach when she smiled so wide both her dimples showed. 
She smiled that exact smile as she rejoined him. Bringing with her the flowers arranged in an old painted thing they’d found in the attic months prior. She placed the arrangement on the mantle, fiddling with the leaves till they fell just right. 
“I think the sixteen year old who corrected my pronunciation of jejune would have made the connection eventually,” he smiled, watching her work. 
“How many times do I have to apologize for that?” She joked, turning to face him. Her eyes flickered to his left foot that was bouncing along with the waltz. “That was Edward’s favorite too.” 
“It’s a beautiful composition. I imagine he forced you to dance all night,” he breathed. What he’d give to whisk her around the room until sunrise. 
“I’m not a waltzer…. And our Edward is many things but a patient teacher is not one.” 
“You don’t know how?” 
“Not many balls on the farm.” 
“Well that will not stand,” he grinned. 
“I truly have two left feet,” she protested, but he was already reaching for her hand. 
“I assure you, my right is good enough for both of us.” He held his hand out which she immediately took. He glanced down at their hands, and remarked at how well hers fit in his own. His eyes darted to her face, her own gaze fixed on their hands, quickly darting to his stare. He went to grab her waist. “May I?” 
She nodded and he tentatively rested a hand on her back. Her stiff posture seemed to relax every so slightly with his touch. He motioned with his head her free hand was to rest on his bicep. If she was wearing a proper crinoline she’d be holding her dress but fashion had died; and thus, her hand was going to rest over a scar he hated anyone touching. She placed her hand where he directed and instead of shirking away he sunk into the touch. 
It was the closest they’d ever been, besides the time he cradled her dying body as he whisked her away from a morgue but that hardly seemed to count. 
He took a deep inhale and she mirrored his breath. “Ready?” He whispered as ‘Cynthia Waltzes’ faded into the ‘Hesitation Waltz.’ She smiled with a jerky nod and he took the first step. 
“One,” he counted as he took the first step. “Two, three.” He beamed as she followed along excellently, a little nervous but excellently nonetheless. “Thatta girl.” 
She mastered the basic bounce back and forth quite quickly, swaying easily wherever he led. “It’s going to get a little more complex. Alright?” 
“Alright,” she grinned. He pulled her tighter and stepped forward. She wasn’t expecting the movement and stumbled slightly, although the grasp he had on her gave her little room to fall. 
“You’re alright,” he assured her. “We’re going to step one.” They slid one step. “Two. Three. Four.” Their smiles got brighter with every successful step. “Now we’re going to spin.” 
He led them to turn as the music picked up. Their first spin was clumsy, feet bumping into each other, bodies jerking in two different directions. “Just go where I go,” he reminded her. “I have you.” He pulled her closer to demonstrate his point. 
“You have me,” she repeated in a hushed whisper. More to herself than to him. 
He led them to turn again, this time it was a movement completely in tune with each other. The third she was practically floating on her feet. By the fourth they were almost jumping from one foot to the other. They continued twirling around the small living room until the song ended. There were more complex moves he should have led them into to teach her the dance properly; but spinning around like a music box was far more thrilling. 
Hesitation faded into some sloppy rendition of Vivaldi and Esme was still wrapped in his arms. Eyes alight as she looked up at him, her updo had come almost fully undone. Her body had slipped much closer to his than the position they started in, not that he was complaining. 
“Can we try again?” She whispered timidly. “Now that I know the moves.” 
“Of course,” he chuckled, pulling her over to the gramophone and rewinding to the waltz. 
They repeated the waltz six times, throwing in a few more intricate moves with each go. 
Eventually they had to pull away from each other. Carlisle feared Edward’s wrath if he burned a hole through his brand new record. 
Both were laughing over some quite dull joke he’d told, acting as if the quip was the pinnacle of humor. 
“Has that gotten boring after two hundred years?” Esme asked, collapsing on the couch. A stray curl falling on her forehead as she fell. 
“What?” He collapsed half a foot away from her. 
“Dazzling the entire dance floor.” 
“Well, I…” he glanced at his feet sheepishly. “No, it’s still quite fun.” 
“I imagine it has changed over the years,” she said absentmindedly. 
“Much more physical contact. Much more. A trend I used to oppose.” 
“Past tense?” She glanced over with a raised brow. 
“I believe the right partner was all the persuasion I needed.” 
“Well I advise you to never try that on any human women, their hearts might just give out.” 
“Is that so?” He felt a crooked smile on his lips. “How’s your heart, Ms. Platt?” 
“Dead, but if it wasn’t I’m sure it would be well on its way there.” 
“Well, I wouldn’t want you to die.” 
“I’m lucky I know a very skilled vampire doctor then,” she laughed lightly, looking away.
 He smiled too but had to bite his tongue to refrain from confessing how wrong she was. ‘Till the day he died he’d be the luckiest man undead. He dreamt of the day he could say the words aloud but for now heliotropes and hesitant dances had to suffice.
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beskarberry · 4 years
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Bargaining with Beskar, Chapter 4
(The Mandalorian x f!reader)
“What... did you... do?”  You hissed between clenched teeth. “Did you poison him?! Give me the antidote right now or so fucking help me I’ll tear every limb off your ugly little body!” You were seething, fear and fury stoking fire behind your eyes. The bounty only laughed harder.
“Antidote?There’s only one antidote for that one, sugar, and I sure hope you like him enough to give it to him! Bwahaha ha! Good luck!”
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 7.8k
Content warnings: Canon-typical violence, SEX POLLEN + rough sex, oral sex (m receiving) and kink talk (not gonna list all of them but they’re all very common.) There’s another filk song reference in this one that I’ll link in the replies.
A/N: VERY IMPORTANT TAG! The bounty uses she/her pronouns so if girl on girl violence makes you squeamish please read ahead with caution! Also know that I >>do not<< use any gender-specific slurs (b*tch, c*nt, etc.)
<-Previous Next->
Everything. Was. Purple.
Purple! The grass, the sky, the trees, if you could call them that. The pulsating, gelatinous towers that spiraled into the sky were definitely alive, but you weren’t sure if ‘tree’ was a fitting word for them. Their branches were long and hanging, weighed down by some kind of berry or fruit that glowed with teal streaks. Your next bounty was on a habitable moon orbiting an enormous gas giant that took up the entire skyline. It was lush with vegetation and sparsely populated, a perfect hideout for an Ardennian.
The Razor Crest was parked in a meadow of lavender grass, though once again you questioned your choice of words, watching the way the long wet leaves wiggled in the breeze. You breathed deep, letting the rich, humid air fill your lungs while your traveling companions followed behind you down the old ship’s ramp. Baby beans trotted right past you on stubby legs, picking things up off the ground that he probably shouldn’t be putting in his mouth, but was too sneaky for you to stop him from doing so. You heard the Crest’s access door shut, and turned to see Mando eagerly trotting along to join you.
No, not ‘Mando’... Din. Mr. Mystery finally had a name, though you were still conflicted about using it. The man had spilled so many secrets into you in such a short amount of time that the butterflies in your stomach were breeding many-legged worms. Squirming, creeping things that quickly metamorphosized back into their illustrious true selves, and you weren’t sure which part of their cycle was making you more nauseous. But they were your secrets to keep, your heart wearing his name like a locket; safely hidden where nobody but you could see.
You had slid the heavy beskar bucket back up the ladder to him while he stayed in the dark of the cockpit, the knowledge of his facial features still kept by your hands alone. The pair of you had then stood close together at the armory, him with his helmet back where it belonged and you with your bright eyed mask protecting your crown. At the equipment cache he couldn’t stop talking, pointing out and picking up a variety of weapons and traps that would work particularly well for this simian quarry. Everything had a story, and he told you all about the bounties he had pulled trophies off of, or things he had gotten as rewards for helping someone else. He’s giddy. You could only listen along as he prattled away, handing you grapple after snare until you had to start putting things back in the armory, just so you could have your hands free again.
Hands. Every time he gave you another tool of the trade to add to your ever-growing inventory his hands brushed somewhere on you. Leather tipped fingers glancing quickly on your wrist, a lingering palm on your shoulder; each fleeting touch lasting just slightly longer than the last. He was struggling to keep his hands off of you, reluctant to give up the intimacy you had both been working at in the void-black darkness of the flight deck before atmospheric reentry tore you both apart. What other prayers of devotion could he pour into you, if you’d just had a little more time? ‘You belong to them, that is The Way’. The oath he had made to you was followed coldly in your mind by another string of words, ‘I’m not asking you to do the same, you’re not Mandalorian’.
You couldn’t think about all the words that you still needed to unpack, it was hunting time. The six-limbed simian was wanted for, checks puck notes, chemical warfare. She had blasted her way to the Guild’s Most Wanted list by lobbing incendiary bombs and poison gas grenades through a meeting of outer rim parliament, and the price on her head might have been higher than yours. The bounty puck specifically stated she was to be taken alive. Super. The droid-face mask wasn’t going to be much protection for your lungs, but it might at least keep your eyes safe. You took time to pack extra bacta and some quality rations, plus one of your new bantha-wool blankets. You woke up that morning on Tatooine, and the voice of your tortured circadian rhythm wondered if you would be sleeping rugged tonight somewhere on this heliotropic hellscape.
A bounty fob blinked lazily from the larger hunter’s belt, indicating that the quarry was on-world, but not close enough to catch. The three of you would have some walking to do. The child tried to make friends with every wiggly thing, running on his short little legs from fern to fern, hunting for treats. The little beastie’s adopted father chased him through the grass, trying, and failing, to keep him from getting into trouble. The sight of the mighty metal man being defeated so easily by a baby made you laugh, and the sound of your melodic giggles drew his attention.
“What are you laughing at?”
Oh no, I’ve been caught!  “I’m laughing at you, rust bucket! The scariest person here isn’t either of us, it’s him!” You pointed to where the child was tearing through the reeds after some kind of amphibian, and started laughing harder when Mando cursed and flew after his impish son. The rowdy child had a frog-like creature hanging from his mouth that vanished the second his dad tried to pull it away.
“Stop eating things you find on the ground!” The baby only squealed at the scolding, earning himself a grumpy, papa-patented sigh. Mando picked up the potato-sack of a child and dumped him unceremoniously into the hover-crib that floated along behind. “You can get back out when you learn your lesson! I don’t want you to get sick.” The baby made huge, sad eyes up at his dad, but Mando turned away quickly to avoid their hypnotic powers. You were doing your best to hide your giggles, covering the part of your mask where your mouth was, as if that would help. The Mandalorian strode up to you with a swagger. “Oh, you think that’s funny, cyar’ika?”
“You don’t?” You caught your reflection in the black gloss of his visor as he sauntered up to you, and your bug-eyed doppelganger only made you laugh more. A wall of beskar stood in front of you, eyeing you with slow tilts of his helmet while you got it all out of your system. When your breaths returned to normal you looked down at your hands and found that they had made friends. You had reached out for him without even thinking, and you were a little embarrassed that they had gravitated to him so naturally. He squeezed your hands gently before letting them return to you, and you heard the songs of star-lost sailors whispering in the back of your mind. The nights are long between the stars, and lonely, too, for me. I wonder how I might have fared with home and family.
“Night’s coming fast, we should keep moving.” Hunting mode reactivated, your companion started towards the undulating wilderness. He wasn’t wrong, within a few hours the massive planet that hung above you drifted out of view, replaced with a sea of glittering stars. The foliage around you glowed with otherworldly colors, teals and violets splattering their dense leaves and curling down their jelly trunks. Their loveliness made it easy to distract yourself from the task at hand, your eyes chasing the occasional yellow and red flashes that blinked from insects high in the branches. Ahead of you a large old tree had fallen over, and between its trunk and its upturned roots the spot was easily defensible.
Mando busied himself with clearing squishy sticks and leaves from the area to make a campsite while you looked for something to start a fire with. Nothing looked burnable, everything had a gooey, wet consistency, but some dead leaves under the log were dried out. They would have to do. You made them into a neat pile and pushed some rocks in a circle around them for safety, now you would just need a light.
“Hey, tinman, I need some heat!” He followed your pointing finger with his helmet and waltzed over to you, happy to be of assistance. He started up his wrist mounted flamethrower and used the pilot light to set the tinder ablaze. Not even fire could escape the overwhelming purpleness of the estranged moon as the blaze kicked up a bright indigo with a low heat. You got to work getting dinner around, pulling savory Tatooine treats out of your pack, pushing some of them towards the heat source so they would be warm. At the bottom of your bag you found some soft, squashed thing, and pulled the remains of breakfast out into the light. It was mashed, but it was still probably edible. “Mando, you never ate your breakfast.”
“What?” He looked at the sad excuse for a meal that you were offering him, eyeing it with curiosity. “You got me breakfast?”
“Yes? I told you that I would, though I guess it’s dinner now. Here.” You waved it at him so he would get the hint, and he took it carefully from you with timid hands.
“T-thank you. You’re very kind.”
“And don’t you forget it!” You whooped with overwhelming confidence, but the sweet words made you blush under your mask. Before he could turn and leave the safety of the fire to find a private eating area you reached for his hand again, pulling the armored paw to your forehead and knocking it softly against your mask. Kov'nynir. A wistful sigh escaped his modulator, and you knew the act of affection was well received. He bent himself down to where you sat at the fire and pressed his own forehead against yours, rumbling with contentment. The gentle sound made your heart swell, such a simple gesture that carried so much meaning. A bounty hunter’s life was fast and dangerous, why should finding companionship be any different?
You pushed your heads together just a little harder before he pulled himself away from you to go eat. You lifted your own dinner and the baby’s from the hearth, poking at it with your fingers to make sure it wasn’t too hot for Mr. Green Beans to eat. The child took it from you eagerly, content in his protective pram and making gross little noises while he ate. The food tin you had was much better than day one’s menu: bantha meat and Tusken hardtack with a side of more mystery mush. Your partner chose to take his meal elsewhere, fading into the darkness behind the fallen log where he could remove his helmet and eat in peace. Someday he might make more sense to you. The clank! of an empty food tin hitting the ground brought your attention back to your campsite buddy, the baby having thrown his clean plate at you.
“What’s wrong, booger? You bored? Alright.” There was a tiny bit of energy still left in your bones, and what better way to spend it than entertaining your precious audience. You pulled yourself to your feet, taking a moment to dust the spores from your pants and pull your backpack on before launching into song.
“When we pulled into Naboo’s Port in need of R&R,
The crew set out investigating every joint and bar.
We had high expectations of their hospitality,
But found too late it wasn't geared for spacers such as we!”
“And we're banned from Naboo, everyone!
Banned from Naboo, just for having a little fun!
We spent a jolly shore leave there for just three days or four,
But Naboo doesn't want us anymore!”
Green baby hands tried their best to clap in time with your sailor song, accompanied by adorable cooing noises while he tried to sing along. Your rambunctiousness summoned Mando back over to the fire, and he sat down on a large rock next to his foundling, watching you through his visor as you danced around the fire with flailing limbs.
“Our Engineer would yield to none at putting down the brew;
She outdrank seven space marines and a demolition crew!
The Navigator didn't win, but he out-drank almost all,
And now they've got a shuttlecraft on the roof of City Hall!”
You ran through the chorus again, taking a second to notice that tinman was tapping his foot to the beat along with you. You wondered briefly if they ever sang on Mandalore. You took a deep breath to continue-
The fireside exploded just meters from your spinning dance, and you were hauled backwards to safety by your oathsworn protector,along with his foundling, and ushered towards the safety of the trees.
Trees and plants exploded on either side of you as you ran through the luminous dark. The Ardennian! Neither of you had been paying attention to the bounty fob, blinking fast and red under his cloak. Above you the sound of something swinging through the branches caught your ear, and you pulled your blaster and fired behind you.
“Bwahaha! Missed me missed me now you gotta kiss me, two-arms!” You couldn’t see her, but her taunts gave you a better idea of her position, firing several more shots towards their source. You knew you had to take her alive, but that didn’t mean intact.
“Go go go!” Mando was at your back, doing his best human shield impression while he hurried you away from the bombardment, the child’s bulky pram tucked uncomfortably under one arm. Your flight through the forest was haunted with vicious cackling and the sound of serene foliage being obliterated by the explosives that rained down around you, choking you with incendiary fumes.
A clearing materialized ahead, and the three of you rushed out from under the unmerciful trees. When you had gotten far enough from the tree line you both turned your eyes to the canopy.
“There!” Picking up her heat signature on his visor’s infrared sensors, he pointed to your target, his other arm still occupied with protecting the foundling. You grabbed the barrel of the pulse rife that was still slung over his shoulder, aimed, and fired. The ball of electricity arced from your little trio and collided with the trees, the sound of pained screams and crashes followed the wounded pyromaniac as she fell hard to the ground. Bullseye.
”Stay here, Mando, I got this! Keep him safe!” You stormed into the woods after the sounds of distress, snare at the ready to take the bounty alive. You were angry, rage powering your stride as you chased after her like a Corellian tracking hound. Angry that your sweet moment had been ruined, angry that she’d put the foundling in danger, angry that your partner had been pulled from the comfort of the fire to fulfill his duties as guardian. You sprang over roots and fallen branches, catching the sight of movement where the Ardennian was making a run for it. 
“Oh no you don’t! Get back here!”  Your words boiled with so much fury that they almost weren’t your own. Balls of fire exploded around you in a last ditch effort by the primate to kill you first. You dropped a knee into the loamy soil to steady your shot.
Woosh! The net sailed past her by mere inches, and you flew to your feet to begin the chase again.
“Ha! Grow some more arms and maybe you’ll have better aim!”  Fire erupted around you again, but the flames that seared at your eyes came from inside, burning with fuel siphoned from your heart. You took another shot.
Woosh! Miss! FUCK. You had one shot left on the snare-slinger, and you had to make it count. The trees were thinner here, how long had you been running? The simian was struggling to get away now, the long slimy branches too far apart to swing through. Behind you the sound of thunderous armored boots told you that Mando was hot on your trail, and you were glad to have the back up even though you had specifically told him to stay put. Nobody listens in this crew. Something green and gaseous poofed next to you, and the terms of the bounty puck came back to you clear as day: chemical warfare. The Ardennian was out of bombs and had switched to gas canisters, hurling a variety of brightly colored poisons at your face. Third time’s the charm.
Woosh! The net flew true, tangling in the many limbs of the fleeing quarry and throwing her to the ground. Gotcha! You bore down on her as brightly glowing vials sailed over your head, landing on something behind you with a crash! You were on her in an instant, shoving a blaster in her face.
“You’re done, chuckles! It’s over!” The fear in her eyes vanished as quickly as it had appeared when she glanced back behind you.
“Ha! I don’t think so, stinky. You’re gonna have yer hands too full with that to deal with little old me.” You followed her gaze, and froze from the ice crystalizing in your veins. Mando stood a ways back, still as a statue. Bright neon pink goo slimed its way down his helmet and dripped onto his chest plate. You turned on the Ardennian again.
“What... did you... do?”  You hissed between clenched teeth. “Did you poison him?! Give me the antidote right now or so fucking help me I’ll tear every limb off your ugly little body!” You were seething, fear and fury stoking fire behind your eyes. The bounty only laughed harder.
“Antidote? There’s only one antidote for that one, sugar, and I sure hope you like him enough to give it to him! Bwahaha ha! Good luck!” She was howling with laughter in your grasp, and the sound of her mirth was like nails on chalkboard to your ears. You practically threw her to the ground, running back to your incapacitated partner. He hadn’t moved a muscle.
“Mando! Hey hey can you hear me? Tell me what’s wrong!” The glowing pink slime was still on his helmet, and you hunted for something to wipe it off with. The closest thing was his cloak, so you reached for it and went to clean the pretty pink sludge from his helmet when an armored claw shot up and caught your wrist. The action startled you, but you were happy to see him still able to move. “Mando? You ok?” Slowly, with almost robotic precision, he turned his gaze to you.
“Cyar...’ika....?” His words were long and labored, the strain of them sending a chill through your bones.
“Yes! It’s me, Mando. I’m right here, I’m gonna get you taken care of. I- I’ll find some bacta or-” Your words were cut off by another wicked claw on your shoulder.
“So... Beautiful...”  The lustful words made the gears in your head grind to a halt. Really? Right now?
“Ok great, glad to see you’re fine, now can we get back to hunt-” He cut you off with a hand at your throat.
“Beautiful.. and mouthy. So... fucking... mouthy.” A leather tipped hand snaked up your neck to your lips, grabbing at your jaw and pushing a thumb in past your teeth. You tried to spit him out but his other hand latched on to the back of your skull. “I’m going to put that mouth to good use, mesh’la.”  Your mask was tossed to the ground, and the ‘good luck’ the Ardennian had wished you now made sense. Whatever was oozing down the front of his helmet was driving him into an uncontrolled sexual frenzy, and you were the sole outlet for all his desires.
“Mando! -Blech-! Man- Din!” He stopped trying to get down your throat at the sound of his own name, hearing it for the first time from your lips. “Din! We don’t have time for this right now! Get a grip!” Oh, but he already had a grip, and it was tightening on your scalp.
“That’s right, sweetheart, say my name.”  The command dripped from his modulator the same way the poison dripped down his face, and he started walking you backwards by the hair until you bumped against a squishy tree. The change of emotion from rage to fear to confusion made your head spin, and the new contending feeling of heat building in your guts was making itself known.
“Knock it off! Fucking hell, she’s going to get away if we don’t do something right now! ”
“Let her. You’re the only one I want.” The weight of his arms on your neck and shoulders became too much, and the man who you had shared a such a sweet moment with not too long ago was now forcing you to your knees. You dropped to a kneel, and your face was hard pressed up against the solid bulge that was trying to rip its way out of his pants. He took only a second to free himself, pushing his throbbing cock against your teeth. “Open wide.”
You wished you were meeting with mini-mando under better circumstances, but if getting him off would get you back to the hunt, you were happy to help. The taste of him on your tongue sent electricity through your body, spooling up fresh heat between your own legs. Above you Mando was making deep, guttural groans as you took his cock all the way to the back of your throat, wrapping a fist around where you couldn’t reach without gagging. You glanced around his leg to where you could see the hover-crib, floating a good distance away with the shield closed tight. Good, he doesn’t need to see this. A swift thrust brought your attention back to where it was demanded.
“That’s a good girl, take it all in. Let me make a mess of that pretty little mouth of yours.” He had a death grip on the back of your hair and the side of your jaw, pushing up to keep you open enough to take his length. Inside you were swirling your tongue around the tip every time it slid past, making sultry praises flood from his modulator. Most of the words were garbled, raunchy and alien, probably Mando’a. Spit leaked from the sides of your mouth, making good on his word to make a mess of you. The claws in your hair pulled tight, forcing your nose into the tuft of soft hair at his base so he could pump your throat full of cum without you escaping. “Ahh~! That’s it, mesh’la, drink it all down.”
The hot spunk made you choke and gag, tears rushing to your eyes, but you still swallowed as best you could. When he finally let you pull away you gasped for air, coughing on the ground at his feet.
“There! *cough!* is that... -blech-, better? Can you hunt now? Are you done?” The potionmaster was probably long gone, you couldn’t hear her fucking cackling anymore.
“Cyar’ika, we’re not done until I say we’re done.” The spear at your cheek was still hard as beskar, ready for round two. The armored man yanked you to your feet, shoving you face first towards the nearest tree. The tree’s flesh was soft and squishy, a fact you would be grateful for soon enough. Your hips were pulled backwards, and a buzzing sound told you he had pulled a vibroblade from his belt, stabbing under your pants’ edge and pulling down the crack of your ass until your clothes were cut away; leaving just the legs and your boots to protect you. The cold air hitting your cunt gave away your arousal, and he zoned in on it like a falcon, pressing still-gloved fingers to your wet slit. The roughness of the leather invading you made you cry out and your knees buckle, squirming under the intrusion of one finger, then two; pumping in and out of you to stoke your flame.
“You’re so pretty. So fucking pretty, and strong. I’m gonna lose myself in you, fierce little thing, and I never want to be found.” His hands ripped away from your swollen cunt, and the head of his cock was pressed to its lips. Both of you made delicious, filthy noises as he buried himself to the hilt, the slick of his own cum making a wonderful lube. “Fuuuuuck, you’re hot inside, lovely girl. My cock was made just for you.” He barely made it a few inches out of you before he was slamming back into you again. The force of him behind you smashed you face into the soft, forgiving tree, though you wished you could find somewhere for your hands to grab hold. He fucked you like a man possessed, and you were sure there would be bruises on your hips and thighs when he was finished.
His mouth ran like surging lava. “Fucking.. Maker... beautiful girl, beautiful hunter! Hunter-killer! I knew you would be a challenge to hunt, but I never thought you would be the one to capture me! You’re a work of art on the killing field! Mmph! You are mine and I’m going to fill your belly with my warriors ‘til you’re fit to burst. They’ll be so ferocious! Born with daggers in their teeth.” Vulgar words between thrusts made your entire body hot with a mix of embarrassment and lust. You might never know if the neon goo had given him the desire to breed you, or if he adored you so much that he wanted more of you to care for, but you did know your contraceptive implant would be having none of it either way. Still, his damning words flowed. “Nobody will ever put their hands on you again but me. I’ll give you everything you desire, cyar’ika, anything you ask for will be yours. I’ll bring the stars down from the sky if you ask me to! I- I’ll- I’m gonna...”
The Mandalorian stilled behind you, twitching as his cock spilled into you and ran hot down your thighs. His breaths were gasping, broken and desperate for air. His fingers digging into the soft skin on your hips would leave their mark for sure, and though he’d done a fantastic job of scrambling your insides you still felt warmth in your chest. Even in his poisoned, delirious state of mind, all of his thoughts were of you alone. The grip on your ass loosened, and the sound of a heavy thud hitting the ground told you he had fallen down into the soft purple grass. You struggled to peel your face from the jelly tree, standing like a newborn fawn on shaky legs. The bright pink streak on his helmet had lost all its glow, and your human rust-bucket was slumped over on his side, still as the grave. Not again, fucksake. You clambered over to him, digging under his cloak with your hands until you found his pulse. Still alive.
“Alright Mando, fucking stay here this time like I told you to.” You glanced around the meadow, but the Ardennian was nowhere to be found. Fuck! All that work for nothing. You groaned, looking down at what was left of your pants. You checked all the pockets, finding your lucky krayt teeth and a bacta patch before kicking the ruined fabric off over your boots. You dropped down to the spent form of your comrade, tilting his helmet up and slapping the bacta patch on one of the hickies you had left there a few days ago. You took a moment to stuff the teeth into one of his many pouches since you no longer had pockets of your own. With your ass in the wind you made your way over to the floating pram to check on your tiny pal. “Hey beans, you doing ok? Your dad and I were just having a little-” you spun the cradle around. Empty.
“No! Fuck! Fuck fuck FUCK!” The bounty had made off with Din’s infant son, your little buddy! You couldn’t stop the fear that dried your throat and brought tears to your eyes. Get a hold of yourself! Find him! NOW! Familiar rage welled up behind your eyes, and you raced back over to your unconscious guardian, still laying in the dirt and making it extra difficult to untangle the pulse rifle still slung over his back. Your hunting instincts were on high alert, and the sound of shouting caught your ears. “I’m gonna get him back, Din! Just... just fucking stay here!”
You tore off after the noise, every horrible scenario running through your head at once. Would she steal him? Would she hurt him? Would she kill him? Rage flared hot in your chest and threatened to burn you alive, your feverish skin icy with sweat. Wet leaves slapped past your bare knees so fast that their thin edges left vicious paper cuts. You didn’t care, nothing else mattered but the foundling. The sound of shouting grew louder, and you thundered though the trees to another clearing by a narrow wine-dark stream. 
“Help! This thing’s got me! Get me down, please! Get it away from me!” The simian terror was hanging in the air ahead of you. No, not hanging, floating. She was thrashing her arms, but all that did was slowly spin her in place. The sight was magical, but more important was the safety of child. On the ground near her, he stood with one fat little paw in the air, pointing at his abductor and concentrating with all his might. You didn’t know how he had escaped, or what the actual fuck he was doing, but you didn’t hesitate. You pulled the pulse rifle from your back and fired, once, twice, three times until her limp body was hanging in the air, knocked out cold. Or dead.
Baby beans crumpled to the ground, and the Ardennian followed suit, the ugly noise she made when she hit the ground brought a wicked smile to your cheeks. The baby’s little eyes were bleary and tired under his big droopy ears, and you scooped him carefully up off the ground to pull him in for a good, strong hug.
“Did you get the mean lady, sweetie? Good job! I don’t know what the fuck you did but hey, no questions asked, alright? I’m just glad you’re ok.” He smiled up at you with his tiny toothy grin before conking out in your arms, leaning heavily against your chest. You set him back down on the ground, just long enough to tie that six limbed asshole up tight, using everything you still had above the waist to keep her captured. You tied her arms to her feet and slung her limp body over you like a rucksack, then picked the foundling back up. With your bounty, baby, and bare ass you started the hike back to your fallen man.
Mando still laid where you had left him on his side, and you were annoyed to realize that, out of everybody involved, you were the only one left awake. Fantastic. You returned the baby to his floating bucket, pulling it closer to the pair of you this time, and dumped the Ardennian in the dirt. There was no way you could maneuver three bodies at once, somebody was going to have to get up and walk.
“Mando! Mando get up, we gotta go.” The man in question didn’t budge, soft, muffled snores your only response. You tried everything you could think of, pulling on his hands and legs and shouting, anything to wake his ass up. You knocked on his helmet, “Ground control to Major Mando, time to get up! Rise and shine, bucket boy!” Nothing, he was going to have to sleep the after-effects of the potion off, so he was staying right where he was.
You had no idea how far you had gotten from the campsite, and the cold night air on your bare booty made you remember your half-nakedness. On the ground scattered around the pile of living beskar was your backpack and the remains of your pants, along with the rest of your trap gear. Start packing more clothes. You went for the gear first, pulling another set of cuffs and a good strong rope out, and added a few more knots to the half-dead quarry so she wouldn’t be pulling any bullshit in the night. The backpack still had the bantha-wool blanket wrapped up tight, and you tied it around yourself like a skirt. Better than nothing.
Kneeling on the ground next to your Mandalorian, you cleared yourself a space to sit down, taking an extra second to make sure all his bits were tucked back out of view. You leaned back against the crook of his hips, feeling the slow rise and fall of his belly at your back. You were so tired, how many times had you been on the run in the last cycle alone? Your body desperately craved sleep, but you couldn’t take your eyes off the bounty. Anger crept its way back into your eyes again, and you wanted to take it out on her, channel your inner rancor. No, she’s already lost. Go to sleep.
But the merciful tug of sleep didn’t come, and when you realized why you felt foolish. The child’s pram was on the ground where you had pushed it next to his fathers’ armored head. He was sleeping like a little prince, and didn’t move at all when you pulled him out of the crib. When he was situated in your arms you pulled Mando’s cloak around the three of you for extra warmth. Sitting upright was a horrible way to sleep, but with the baby safely in your arms and a blaster at your side, you were able to catch a handful of winks.
You woke up many times that night, worried that something might happen to your baby or your partner, and each time your eyes shot open you glared at the dark form in the grass; though not once did it move. Still, you didn’t trust that you were safe, and only when the rim of the planet that dominated the sky drifted over the horizon could you actually keep your eyes closed. But the blissful comfort of real sleep was torn from you by your lounge chair trying to get up on its own. The rush from trying to sit up too fast knocked Mando right back down on his back, and his hands went to his armored temples to try to stop the world from spinning.
“What...where am... where’s....” He shot up like a bolt of lightning “WHERE’S MY SON?!”
“Right here!” You turned yourself to show the bug-eyed bundle to his father, letting him see that the child was safe. Mando wrapped his arms around you and the child, and you could hear his quick, shuddering breaths coming out from under the helmet. The hug was tight, a comforting fortress around your shoulders.
“Are you ok? What happened? Why are we in the grass? Where’s the bounty? Did she get away?” His questions gushed like a river, urgent and frightened. You pointed at where the Ardennian was still on the ground, far enough away that she was out of earshot. She was awake now, but still immobilized. Her eyes were fixed on you, and you could see the edges of her mouth turning upwards into a snarl to bare her teeth. Din’s hands were all over you, inspecting you for damage, and his breath caught in his throat when he reached your waist. Big, ugly red and purple fingerprints were swelling up between the scrapes on your skin, and he pushed the edge of your makeshift skirt down to follow their horrifying trail; they were everywhere.
“Who did this to you?”  The volcano behind the beskar threatened to erupt with molten malevolence, “Did she do this to you?”
“No Mando,” you sighed, a little hurt that he didn’t remember. “You did.” The wall of metal armor went stiff as a rail, his visor locked on your eyes, looking for the truth. But the truth was right in front of him, and he couldn’t accept it.
“What? N-no.. I would never... I could never hurt you, cyar’ika! Please... please tell me that I didn’t do this.” His fingers ghosted over your marks, but never touched them, his hands afraid of dealing more damage to your lovely skin. “I-I couldn’t have... I’m... I’m so sorr-” You cut him off with a hand on his helmet where his mouth might be.
“It’s not your fault, you were poisoned. I’m just glad you’re alive, Din.” The sound of his own name made his shoulders droop and his hands come up cradle your cheeks. You couldn’t meet his visor, the closeness of the distraught hunter making you flustered, so you tried to crack a joke. “I’m just glad you wanted to fuck me instead of the Ardennian.” The way his helmet snapped backwards made you realize he didn’t remember that part either. “Oh don’t look at me like that, I took it like a champ! You’re gonna have to do better than bruises to hurt this mighty hunter!” Your attempted words of comfort didn’t seem to work, and he pulled you and the wiggly child back to his chest in a world-erasing hug.
“Please just tell me you know I wouldn’t do this to you on purpose, I never want to hurt you again. Please.”
“Mando! I’m fine, really.” He held your head firmly, the blackness of the visor trying to bore though your very soul. You nodded in his grasp, “I know you didn’t, it’s alright, Din. I forgive you.” The force of his helmet knocking against your forehead almost made you see stars. His hands were wrapped around your head, holding you as close as he could in the intimate gesture of his people. You didn’t blame him at all for what happened, but it would be a while, if ever, before he could forgive himself.
“Oh isn’t that puke. Spare me the lovey-dovey crap and take me back to the Guild already! Buncha bucketheads.” You didn’t want to address the Ardennian that hollered at you from from the grass, but the beskar bucket turned on her in a heartbeat. He sprang to his feet in a flash, pulling the pulse rife from the ground and firing, stunning the target for the fourth time, fifth time, sixth, seventh.
He’s gonna kill her. You grabbed at his arm, demanding his attention “Mando, you got her, it’s over! It’s done.” Stance wide and chest heaving, the barrel of the long rifle stayed trained on the bounty for what seemed like an eternity before being lowered back to the ground. “Good, good, see, everyone’s ok. Let’s get back to the Crest and get out of here, sound like a plan?” He nodded, still watching the limp-again simian for signs of movement. When he was sure there wouldn’t be any more argument he stalked over to the quarry and slung her over his shoulder, ready to make the long march back to the ship. You set the baby back in his pram so you could take a second to grab everything off the ground, making sure you had your pack and your mask, and followed Mando back through the woods.
After hours of silent hiking, the Razor Crest came into view, and you had never been so happy to see the old girl, pretty as a plum in the violet haze. Once everyone was aboard, the fog of the carbonite chamber filled the tiny cabin to the brim, and left a new dark block in its wake. The Ardennian’s body was limp, though thankfully still alive; but the mischievous sneer couldn’t be erased so easily. You took a deep breath, sighing with relief that this hunt was over. Two down, one to go. Then Nevarro.
Your Mandalorian hadn’t spoken to you the entire trek back to the ship, and he was distracting himself by placing all the weaponry back in their spots in the cabinet. He’s still upset with himself. You still wore the bantha-blanket skirt, and its soft edges swished around your ankles. Gently you placed your hand on his shoulder, and he jumped violently under your touch as he was brought back to the present.
“You know I’m not mad at you, right?” He didn’t meet your eyes, but his hands stopped fussing with the armory. “Really, Din, I don’t blame you at all. I’m ok.” You tugged on his waist, bidding him to turn and face you, but still he couldn’t lift his eyes from the floor. You ran your hands from his shoulders down his chest, trying to bring him comfort with your touch, but when you saw his utility belt you remembered what was in his pockets. A flashbulb of an idea lit up in your skull, and clear as day the reason for your frivolous purchase on Tatooine made itself known. “You know what, I’m so not-mad at you that I have a present for you.” You grabbed his belt to dig through the pouches, but strong hands shot up to carefully take your wrists.
“Mesh’la no! Not after.. not after I- I can’t. I don’t deserve your affections.” Your eyes met his visor, its gaze no longer staring down at the floor and instead watching you with intensity. A smile broke it’s way out past your teeth, followed by a knowing laugh.
“No, that’s not what I meant, good thought though. No, Mand-...Din. Din, I have a gift for you.”  He hesitated to release your arms, but when you were free of his delicate hold you went back to the pockets on his belt and pulled the opalized krayt teeth from one of the pouches. Your companion’s visor followed the glittering treasures as they were brought into the light, and you wished you could see his bewildered face under the beskar. You handed them to him, and he carefully turned them over in his palm, letting the fossils catch the light and revealing their intricate patterns. His helmet tilted slowly, baffled that such beautiful things could be pulled from anywhere on his body, but the way his beskar sent streaks of light over his armor gave you a fantastic new idea.
Taking the treasures back from him you unscrewed the button fasteners that protruded from their backs, revealing the small, strong magnets hidden underneath; and pressed them up to his helmet. The teeth fit perfectly in the recesses of his cheeks, like they had been made just for him; and though you knew hunters didn’t wear adornments, they still looked lovely. “I know you can’t keep them on, especially when we go hunt, but they still look nice on you. Now you get to be my lucky charm.” His soft leather fingertips rubbed gently at his cheeks, feeling the way the indents had been filled with the precious jewels. The ship didn’t have any mirrors, and he would have to see how the swirling pools of crystalized moonlight looked the next time he took his helmet off. 
Wordlessly he reached out for you, taking your face in his hands and pulling your head to his so he could press your foreheads together. You were becoming fond of the mysterious gesture, letting the butterflies in your stomach stretch their iridescent wings and fan contentment into your heart. You pushed back against him, wrapping your own arms around his shoulders, locking his helmet to you. The whole galaxy could fly apart at the seams and you knew you would be alright, as long as you were right where you were, shielded in your Mandalorian’s embrace. I wonder if he feels the same. Tiny claws on your leg pulled your attention to the floor, and you were overjoyed to see big black orbs staring up at you.
“Little Beans! C’mere you, get in on this.” You hauled the foundling up between your bodies, letting him get a good look at you and his father. He chirped away, happily patting his papa’s fancy new trinkets, mesmerized by their shine. The little creature was full of energy, but you had been on your last leg for hours and you couldn’t stifle your yawns any longer. “Boys, I can’t keep this up anymore, you’re both awful cute, but I need sleep.”
“Of course, cyare, you’ve earned it.” Mando reluctantly stepped away from you and rolled out the Tusken sleeping mat that you had purchased. It was much thicker than the sheet originally on the little cot, and a hundred times more forgiving. You were comfy in seconds, and the warm embrace of sleep started pulling on your limbs and shutting your eyes. A different touch was on your arm, and you lazily opened one eye to see an armored hand pulling the bantha blankie up snug around you. Sweet, thoughtful murder-machine is what you had thought of him that first day, and the stupid pet name made you chuckle.
“What does that mean? That word, sire-eeka or sigh-air, they’re Mando’a, right?” You wouldn’t let sleep win you over without a fight, even if it was a fight you wanted to lose.
“Cyar’ika. The closest translation in Basic would be sweetheart, or darling.” Here we go again with Mando’a 101.
“Sweetheart, huh? Pfft... sounds like you like me or something. What’s the other word mean? You’ve never used it before now.” He sighed, long and tired, and you could see the foundling on his lap, still enthralled with the glittering opal on his fathers' metal face.
“I...I don’t know how to translate that one, but it’s more than cyar’ika, stronger, with more depth.” Something about his posture told you he might be lying, he knew exactly how to translate that word, but he wasn’t ready to tell it to you. He might, though, when he was ready.
“Alright, tin man, if you say so.” Your eyes finally let themselves close all the way, but even in the darkness behind your lids your devious hands still found their way to him, giving his hand a good squeeze. “Teach me more someday?”
“For you, ner cyare’se,” Your hand was pulled up from the blankets until the backs of your knuckles rested on the cool beskar of his brow, “I’d bring you the stars down from the sky, if you asked me to.”
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@mandoinevarro​ @mrsparknuts​ @cookiejuicedesu​ @kaermorons​ @ironbabey​
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helion-ism · 3 years
Elucien + yellow tulips + red rose + peony + morning glory + hydrangea + heliotrope + daisy + coriander ❤️ please and thank you 🥺
🌻 yellow tulip: if their s/o is sad, what would they do to make them smile again?
lucien’s gonna go over the top. elain is sad for whatever reaso and he shows up holding like 3 puppies in their bedroom and elain laughs like “lucien we can’t keep them all” and he’s so relieved because she’s smiling (they end up keeping them). he also spontaneously takes her on a trip. wherever. just to distract her and show her what beauty the world has to offer.
I think what elain has to do whenever he’s sad is just be there for him to show him she’s with him and she won’t leave him. confirmation of her love and loyalty. but she would also cook whatever five course dinner she made to accept the mating bond, spend hours in the kitchen to cheer him up and make him think of one of the happiest days of his life, and be willing to give him space if he needs it.
🌻 red rose: what turns them on the most?
elain loves when she sees lucien tending to the garden. when he picks up a flower and gently plants it in the earth? his caring nature and passion for things is what gets her. but more explicitly, his hands. literally anything with his hands. when she watches him braid his hair. when he braids her hair? they won’t leave their bedroom. not for at least 3 hours.
lucien when elain finally speaks her mind: 🤩 I personally think that would be very sexy. but yeah, I think he would go crazy when he sees her wearing day court attire. a white flowing toga, flashing legs and a rope that shows off her curves. I also think this kind of clothing would finally represent elain and her inner self. flowing and easy. and then imagine elain dancing in her toga in the light summer rain of the day court? my poor boy would lose his mind
🌻 peony: how do they get their s/o to blush? how does their s/o make them blush?
I feel like elain is currently blushing at almost anything. when she learns how to handle literally everything, I would like to see her blush because of something lucien says or does that completely throws her off balance. lucien is not as easily fazed. but when elain notices something about him that nobody else seems to appreciate or takes for granted, he actually blushes and then plays it off. like lucien always working (him still helping with the spring court) or sharing important information (about tamlin) and doing his best to contribute to life/sacrificing himself (going on a journey to raise an army to help fight hybern) or even something small like giving up plans to be with elain when she’s not feeling well, she would be the one to finally show him appreciation and acknowledge it and be grateful — because nobody else seems to be 🙃
🌻 morning glory: what is their favourite form of physical affection?
lucien loves waking up with elain in his arms still sleeping. mornings are his favourite time of the day so naturally he loves starting them with his mate. a little bit of cuddling and more included 😁
picture this: everytime lucien is excited about something, he subconsciously grabs and squeezes her hands — and she absolutely love this small gesture. she loves his hands and his enthusiams and that he shares with her. 🥰 he actually needs to physically touch her to express his excitement.
🌻 hydrangea: how often do they get into fights with their s/o? who usually apologizes first?
they don’t fight often because lucien is peaceful and doesn’t seek out arguments. they generally agree with each other. but if they do have a fight or disagreement, I really feel like lucien is the one to apologize first. elain has always been coddled by her sisters and protected by them — she’s not the one to see her own mistakes first, I think. but after a while, when she realises she’s been in the wrong, too, she will definitely interrupt his work day and find a way to make it up to him. 😎
🌻 heliotrope: who would be the first to propose?
lucien definitely. elain is traditional and so is he in this regard. lucien’s mum would give him one of her family’s heirlooms and it would be the most beautiful rose coloured diamond ring. and she’d obviously love and cherish it.
🌻 daisy: what is their love language, both giving and receiving?
I once made a post about lucien’s love language. giving: act of service and physical touch 100% simply because of everything he has experienced so far. he lacked physical affection, got abused, and that’s why imo, he gives back what he always wanted. gifts are also a pretty good one for lucien.
receiving: physical touch for reasons mentioned above. he would definitely appreciate physical touch out of love. and definitively words of affirmation because damn, somebody better tell him he’s doing good. 🥺 like does anyone ever thank him for anything? tell him he’s amazing and courageous and beautiful? he deserves it.
elain loves to give quality time. she loves spending time with the people she cares about. she lives in the same house as feyre (let’s not get into this right now) and this tells me that she wante to be around people and does not like to be alone. which is why she likes to share her time with others.
receiving: sincere words of affirmation — she needs somebody to listen to her and encourage her to do be herself and to step out of her comfort zone. she’s currently not doing that, but I hope that as soon as she leaves the night court, she will find courage in herself and that lucien can also help her with her confidence. gift giving. first of all, they were poor, so I think elain would generally like the idea of somebody thinking of her and getting her something. the other thing is that she loved her human life and being engaged to graysen. and a process of that is of course courting and gift giving. I think elain would like to experience this as a fae. especially because gift giving is not just buying something for somebody, but it’s remembering and thinking of somebody even though they’re not there.
🌻 coriander: answered already 😌
credits to @dreamwonderandexplore for helping me with this 😏
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hyungbean · 5 years
Little Blood Singer | Jasper Hale x Reader
Request: Hi could you please do a jasper hale x reader, where shes his blood singer and he like had to be pinned down and dragged away from her by the other cullens, but she doesn't really know about it and she then she meets him and they fall in love, sorry if that was confusing, btw your an amazing writer xx
Genre: Fluff
A/N: this made me super happy :)) I love getting into my Jasper feels at 12 in the morning. I don’t know if I followed the request exactly but I hope you like it ! :)
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Jasper was quite possibly losing his god damn mind. His family stared warily and worriedely at the blonde, his tight grip on the lunch table making his knuckles color an impossibly brighter white.
“Uh J? You okay?” Emmett asked, leaning to touch his shoulder. Jasper exhaled through his nose, nodding stiffly trying to focus on anything except the intoxicating scent of your blood wafting through the air. It was no secret to the Cullens that he had a hard time resisting the urge for human blood, even after a handful of months into his vegetarian transition.
To add the cherry on top, they had figured out that you were his blood-singer. Your irresistible scent dancing around Jasper’s nostrils, egging him to sink his teeth into the smooth skin of your neck.
“Let’s get out of here yeah?” Alice asked gently, tugging at his arm and nodding to her siblings. They all get up and tensely strut out of the cafeteria, aware of the curious looks they were getting.
God, was he going to be forced to evacuate every time you took a step on his direction?
Jasper felt like he was going insane. Over the past few months he had managed to tame his craving so he didn’t feel the need to go on a rampage every time you walked into the room. Only now things were made much more difficult as Rosalie had befriended you and she had announced to the family of your visit on very short notice, the doorbell ringing only seconds after she finished her sentence.
They all looked at Jasper in worry, but he just shook it off, nodding at Rosalie. Jasper was tired of having to walk around eggshells when you were around, he desperately needed to grasp for control again. Although he didn’t show it, he was freaking out inside and he hoped that he could control himself.
The scent sent him into pure bliss and hunger, feeling his throat clamp up as he found his eyes wandering towards your relaxed figure on the Cullen’s couch. You sat next to Rosalie, painting your nails and droning on about something that had happened in one of your classes.
The Cullens decided to stick around as they were afraid that Jasper would lose control, knowing that Rosalie alone wouldn’t be able to apprehend him. Jasper was proud of himself, he was doing quite well until you picked up a magazine, fanning your hands to try and dry your nails.
Your hair blew back and Jasper caught your sweet scent again. It was a mixture of honey and fresh blueberry pancakes. It was odd to say the least but nonetheless, it felt like a drug to him. He tensed up, mind wandering and pondering how amazing your blood would taste, licking his lips hungrily.
Edward, being able to read his thoughts, instantly shot forward grabbing Jasper’s arm as Carlisle hurriedly did the same. Jasper struggled, trying to get closer to you, pulling against Carlisle and Edward’s strong grips.
“Jasper. Control yourself.” Carlisle whispered into his ear, dragging him towards the front door with Edward’s help. Jasper gulped, nodding hesitantly and trying to clear his head, fresh air soon filling his nostrils.
You turned towards the kitchen where the Cullens had once been, only seeing that it was empty. Furrowing your eyebrows you turn back to Rosalie, “where did your family go?”
Rosalie looks up, trying to feign confusion, “oh I don’t know. Maybe they went outside?” The blonde was glad that her family had been able to detain Jasper as she wasn’t keen of having her new friend become a snack.
“Weird. Well my polish is dried- let’s watch a movie! I haven’t finished Mean Girls yet.”
Inhaling deeply, Jasper twiddled with his fingers.
“Are you absolutely sure you can handle this?” Carlisle asked cautiously, eyeing the boy for any sign of doubt.
“Yes. I have to learn how to control myself.”
The pair were standing under your bedroom window, it was nearly 1 am and Jasper had decided that he needed to stay with you while you slept to try and get used to the smell of your blood.
At first his family was reluctant with the idea, but Edward had been proof that this tactic was sufficient enough to gain control, so they agreed.
Carlisle would be standing outside just in case, trying his hardest to show his son that he had to some degree, trust in him.
Jasper jumped up, grabbing the edges of your windowsill, hauling himself up through the small opening, his back lifting the window up higher so his whole body could fit through.
Once Jasper was inside, he looked around to see your minimalistic room and your sleeping figure curled up in your bed. Gulping he sat on your desk chair, inhaling your scent which had grown much more powerful. He threw his head. back and tried hard to fight against his vampire instincts that told him to feed on you.
After a while, your blood didn’t seem to affect him as much and he quietly got up, walking to your bedside. Taking in your beauty, he sighed before pressing a kiss to your forehead, heading towards your window again.
He jumped down and swiftly ran into the darkness towards a grinning Carlisle, leaving no trace of his presence for you to find the next morning.
This went on for a week or two and he found that he was much more comfortable around you now, being able to stand next to you without any urge to bite you. And with that he had tried to talk to you more often.
The Cullens were thoroughly impressed at the accomplishment, and they could see how Jasper grew to like you more and more with every visit.
You came by the Cullen’s place more often now and you wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but it was because Jasper had recently started talking to you and smiling at you in the hallways and in class. It made your heart flutter and it filled you with absolute joy. Before he couldn’t even look in your direction and you had tried hard to bury the pang of sadness you felt in your chest, but now things were different.
“Favorite flower?”
“Easy. Heliotropes.” You answer smiling at the confused look on Jasper’s face.
You both were currently hanging upside down on the living room couch of the Cullen resident, getting to know each other better.
“And why is that?”
You sit up, the blood rushing down your head making you a little dizzy.
“Because it represents eternal love. It doesn’t have to be love you hold for a significant other, it could be love for family or friends. I don’t know... the idea of eternal love is important to me I guess. Loving someone forever... an unspoken bond of loyalty, its comforting. Plus they’re pretty poisonous and it kind of ironic how the symbol of everlasting love can send you into liver failure. ” You grin at the smiling blonde missing how his eyes were gleaming at you. 
Inside he was practically going to drop dead again at how adorable he thought you were but on the outside he tried to remain composed, shaking his head, “you’re such a dork.”
“Whatever. Now, riddle me this Jasper, how is it that you know so much about American history? Like seriously I’m impressed, I know you’re not learning it from Mr.Brown. He could care less about what was spewing out is his mouth.”
Jasper quirks his lips up, sitting up and facing you, “I don’t know. It’s just interesting to me and plus I have a lot of time to spare.” He answer honestly.
“Impressive Hale. I know that if I had as much spare time as you, I wouldn’t spend it reading up on the nation’s history.”
“Oh? And what would you do then darling?” Your face heats up at the term of endearment, looking away from his face.
“I would probably spend it watching movies or taking late night drives..I don’t know.” Your voice softens as you daydream about how peaceful a drive under the stars would be, the cold wind rustling through your hair.
Jasper gazes at you in admiration and affection, licking his lips absentmindedly. He was absolutely positively enamoured with you, any fool could see it from a mile away.
The next time you saw Jasper, you were getting ready for bed, catching up on some homework. Your parents had already gone to bed a few hours earlier so you were left alone in the dark house. As you tuck your text books into your bookshelf, you heard light taps ring in your small room. Tensing you quickly turn looking around your room for your baseball bat. 
You hear the tap again and you realize it’s coming from your window. Cautiously, you approach the window, peering down to see a familiar mop of wavy blonde locks and golden eyes. Your heart flutters and you find yourself smiling, pushing up your window.
“Jasper? What are you doing here at this hour?” You whisper-yelled as he smirked up at you, holding something behind his back.
“Put on a jacket darling and come down, we’re going on a little night drive.” He beams up at you, eyes never leaving yours as your smile impossibly grows wider.
Nodding, you hurry to your drawer, pulling on your plain navy blue sweater, not bothering to change out of your sweats. You grab your phone and keys and tiptoe down the stairs, quietly unlocking the door and stepping out. After locking up you turn to be met with the sight of a chest a few inches from your face.
“Hey darling.” You look up and see Jasper’s golden eyes looking down at you brightly.
“Hey Jas.” You manage to whisper out, smiling up at the much taller boy. He seems to realize something, pulling out a small bouquet of daisies.
“Alice and Rosalie helped me find these because I didn’t know what kind to get you.” Jasper says, rubbing his neck sheepishly as you hug the bouquet to your chest.
You beam up at him, as his stomach lurches a surge of happiness spreading through every vein in his body. Pulling him into a hug, you inhale his scent and whisper a small thank-you.
You had both gotten closer in the recent weeks and you were pretty sure that he reciprocated your feelings.
“Now.. how about a little midnight adventure?” You ask expectantly, spotting his car in your driveway. He nods, trying to walk ahead of you to lead you to the passenger seat. Before he can your arm shoots out and you grasp his hand in yours.
He tenses a little but relaxes almost immediately, looking back at you in confusion, although he wasn’t going to protest. Leaning up you kiss his cheek, smiling bashfully.
“Uh..thank you Jas. For all of this.” He smiles down at you, holding your cheek and pecking your lips.
“Trust me darling, I should be the one thanking you. I haven’t felt this happy in a long time. And I was also wondering if you’d like to catch a movie next Saturday? I can pick you up..” He said bashfully, intertwining your fingers.
“I’d love to hon.”
And as your heart skipped a beat, you were absolutely positively sure that you were in love with Jasper Hale.
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homeworldrunawaysau · 5 years
But That’s Just How The Story Goes
Summary: Steven Universe Gem AU- Rubellite meets a Young Thomas Ships: N/A. Platonic all around. Warnings: Gem Corruption, fighting, mild peril/distress??, weapons, some almost-crying.... Yea no this is cute as heck for the most part.   
Gainesville, Florida, 1996 -
Thomas was playing outside his house, enjoying his summer vacation at his aunt Patty who lived by the beach and was having fun when he heard a strange, loud, scary noise in the distance. Now, being six years old, his curiosity greatly outweighed his fear of the unknown and the dangers of running into it with no plan, so that’s exactly what he did.
When he got to the source of the noise Thomas found the strangest and scariest thing he’d ever seen, and before he could even comprehend the monster before him, he saw someone jumping at it, attacking it and keeping it from going any further where it could hurt people. So naturally, Thomas came closer to get a better look at the action.
Rubellite has been fighting this beast for hours, but it was very durable and nearly impossible to dissipate. He hasn’t faced that many corrupted gems before, most of them sticking to beach city where Rose Quartz resided, but he’s had some experience! This shouldn’t be so hard!
Just as he was about to attack it with his katana again, he noticed a young human approaching him and the beast, looking awed and amazed, and seemingly unaware of the risk he is putting himself in, and he rushed towards the small child, intending to tell him that he needs to leave. But the monster jumped high and landed in front of him, blocking his way and standing between him and the boy, and letting out its demonic, unsettling shriek.
“Out of my way you weird, stinky, octopus thing! I need to save that human!” Rubellite protested angrily and rushed past the monster to the young boy.
The monster roared with what seemed to be indignation and flailed its tentacles in the air in rage, demanding Rubellite’s attention.
“Go red guy! Defeat the monster!” Thomas cheered happily from where he was sitting at a fairly safe distance.
“That’s not my name, and you need to get out of here! It’s not safe for you!” Rubellite answered as he finally reached the boy.
“But you’re here, so I’m safe right? You can stop the monster!” Thomas said with the conviction of someone who was saying that the sky is blue, to him this stranger was a hero, and heroes stopped the bad guys and protected the innocent. It was crystal clear.
Rubellite was impressed by how brave this kid was but even more shocked that he trusted this strange red person with a katana to not only stop a giant monster but also keep a small human safe. He knew there was no talking this kid out of staying to watch what was probably a very entertaining show for him, so instead he gave him a dazzling smile and spoke with his usual confidence.
“You’re right, my small friend! I can indeed protect you from this foul beast, but I must ask that you stay where you are! Sit tight and don’t act recklessly, and all will be well. Can you do that for me?”
“Yeah! Now go defeat that thing, because it's coming for you!” Thomas exclaimed excitedly and pointed behind the hero’s back, where the monster had started running towards him.
Rubellite quickly raised his katana and whipped it at the monster as he turned to face it, the blade bending to form a kind of whip, and then he spun it fast above his head until it became more of a lasso.
“Holy Smokes!” Thomas yelled, having witnessed just about the coolest thing ever in his 6-year-old little life.
“Time to finish this!” Rubellite announced, determination clear in his voice, and if anyone were to look in his eyes at that moment, they would see his fear over the possibility of failure, because if he failed it wouldn’t just be him getting hurt, it would also be this young boy whom he promised he would protect.
With a grunt of effort, Rubellite tightened the lasso, causing the monster to let out a desperate roar, almost sounding like a cry for help. Like it’s begging. For mercy? For Rubellite to finish the job? He wasn’t sure, but it shook him to his core for some unknown reason. Deciding he’ll dwell on it later, he kept pulling the lasso tighter and tighter until finally-
Thomas clapped his hands loudly and excitedly, rushing towards the hero. “That. Was. AWESOME!” he yelled excitedly.
Rubellite laughed at the child’s enthusiasm. “I’m glad you think so, little friend. But there is still one last thing for me to do to ensure that you and every other citizen is safe from this foul beast!” he allowed himself to slip into his dramatic and charming persona, now that the worst was behind him.
But just as he picked up the corrupted gem to bubble it, he saw what, or rather who, it was.
That Navette cut gem was not only undeniably a Heliotrope, the red dots that nearly overtook the entirety of the green gem, even though Heliotropes are only supposed to have a few red dots and be predominantly green, made Rubellite absolutely certain that he had just fought and poofed his own brother.
“Oh, Bloodstone… I’m so sorry,” he whispered, fighting back tears and choked sobs as he held the gem, running his fingers over it for a few seconds. He always knew that some, if not most of the corrupted gems were Crystal Gems, but knowing it in his head and seeing it with his own eyes were two very different things.
“Are you okay, mister?” the child’s voice suddenly snapped him out if his thoughts, and he took a shaky breath. ~Get it together Rubellite! This kid thinks you’re a hero, if you cry in front of him he’ll be worried and scared!~ he scolded himself and took a deep, slightly more stable breath this time, before turning to Thomas with another charming smile, though his eyes shined with unshed tears.
“Of course, young adventurer! I’m absolutely fine, just a little tired from the fight. But it’s over now. Well actually-” he paused for dramatic effect and demonstrated the bubbling process to the young boy
“Now, it’s over!” as he tapped the bubble and saw it disappear, he knew that his brother would be safe with the crystal gems, which made him feel a little better.
“That was so cool! How did you do all those things? Are you magic?” Thomas started asking a lot of questions and Rubellite smiled fondly.
“Tell you what kid, you answer a question from me, and I’ll answer a question from you. Is that alright?”
“What’s your name?”
“I’m Thomas Sanders. What’s your name?”
“My name is Rubellite!”
“What? That’s not a real name!” Thomas laughed as if Rubellite told a very funny joke.
“Oh yeah? Well, what do you think my name is?” He asked Thomas with a small smile.
“Hmm… Ronald?”
“That’s not it. Try again.”
“Not that either.”
“I’ll find out, you’ll see!”
“I’m sure you will, Thomas.”
“But wait, are you really magic?”
“Kind of. I’m from another planet if you call that magic.”
“You’re from space? No way!!”
“Yes way! Okay, next question. How old are you?”
“I’m six years old!”
“Oh my stars! That is very young!”
“Oh yeah? How old are you?”
“I’m thousands of years older than you, that’s for sure.”
“Yeah right! Nobody is thousands of years old!”
“Maybe no human is, but I’m an alien, remember?”
“So you’re really thousands of years old? That’s amazing! How long have you been on earth? Did you know a lot of old-timey people? Oh! Is your name Romeo?”
“Romeo? Like the characters from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet?”
“How does a six-year-old know Shakespeare’s plays?”
“My aunt Patty likes to read it out loud a lot, sometimes out of nowhere. She also told me he lived a long time ago, so if you were here at that time maybe you knew him and he named his character after you!”
“That is a nice thought but if that were the case the play would have been called Rubellite and Juliet. Say, that doesn’t sound half bad…” Rubellite chuckled lightly.
“I don’t believe it! I know you have a real name! Rubellite is just like your hero name, right? Like Spiderman! his real name is Peter Parker!”
“You like comic books?”
“Yeah! I like superheroes! They’re so cool and brave, and they’re never afraid to help and they have lots of friends!”
“You know, I happen to know a team of superheroes myself. You could say I’m one of them.”
“Really? Who are they?”
“They’re called the Crystal Gems! They fight to protect the earth from monsters and evil aliens.”
“But, aren’t you an alien?”
“Yes, but there are good aliens and bad aliens, just like there are good and bad humans. The Crystal Gems are the good aliens and they fight anyone who threatens the earth because they left their planet to be free. Here on earth, they can be whoever they choose to be!”
“Wow! So you wanted to be a hero?” Thomas looked hopeful and curious.
“Not always. When I first came to earth, I was very young and very different. All I wanted was to be myself, to be allowed to exist. My planet didn’t like who I am, but Rose Quartz, the leader of the crystal gems, told me that I am exactly who I need to be because I’m who I choose to be.”
“So when did you become a hero?”
“When we started fighting for the earth. Our planet wanted to destroy the earth with all the gems who left to live in it, but we stopped them! And now we stop these monsters as well.” Rubellite explained with as little detail as possible, as to not frighten young Thomas, though his voice faltered a bit, no longer feeling comfortable calling his fallen friends monsters.
He always thought that if he kept referring to them as monsters, fighting them would be easier, but it’s not. He now knows it’s never gonna be easy for him.
“So wait, how long have you been on earth for? We’re you here before Shakespeare?” Thomas was still wondering about that part, there was no way he was around before Shakespeare, right? He lived like, a million years ago!
“Oh much longer! I’ve been on earth for almost 6000 years!” Rubellite said proudly, knowing Thomas will find this impressive.
“Wow! I can’t believe it! You’re so old!”
“That’s one way of putting it, I suppose.”
“Well, do you like Disney movies? Even though you’re so old? I like Disney but everyone tells me it’s just for kids because it’s cartoons.”
“Are you kidding? I love Disney! It’s so magical and fantastical and beautiful! And it is not just for little kids, thank you very much! They are wonderful animated movies and they are entertaining for every age. Even for aliens who are thousands of years old.”
Rubellite saw the sun was starting to set and he turned to Thomas. “well Thomas, it was nice meeting you but I think it’s getting a little too late for you to be outside, and you don’t wanna worry your parents.”
Thomas looked very sad, he didn’t wanna say goodbye to his new friend yet. “But I still need to guess your name!”
Rubellite frowned at the little kid’s sad expression, but then he got an idea.
“Well, I suppose because it’s getting late and you’re so tiny-”
“It would be irresponsible of me to let you go home all by yourself. So maybe I can walk with you till you get home and you can try to guess my name. How does that sound?”
“That sounds fun! But what if you also try to guess my favorite Disney movie?”
“Alright, it’s on!”
And as the two started walking towards Thomas’s house, despite everything that had happened that day, Rubellite felt truly happy.
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brainsmut · 4 years
No Barriers
This is some very self-indulgent Braym smut (Braym being Bram and Ray, my OCs). Keep in mind, kids: Ray comes from an extremely advanced alien race with tech verging upon Clarke’s Third Law. YOU should always wear gloves when fingering! I wibbled a lot on that, but decided that “No Barriers” meant “NO Barriers,” so there’s no gloves for anal fingering because Super Advanced Tech + Literary License (mostly the latter). 
Since not everyone knows my mountain of OCs, Bram is a time-traveling sort-of hero who originally came from a Steampunk Victorian London. He has a prosthetic right leg (well, right lower leg) made of brass and clockwork due to a little... accident he had. He used to be a criminal... sort of. He’s a lot better at hero-ing than villain-ing, really. 
Ray is an alien with his very own spaceship and host of high-tech stuff. He and Bram met on the campus of IOU (Illuminati University), which is a dimensional nexus. Ray is studying human sexuality; Bram’s in the time travel program (as mentioned above). Other programs include magic, mad science, and law. 
At this point, they’ve been dating for a while. Neither of them did much extensive dating before each other; Ray’s scientific method in the bedroom put off some people (he’s pansexual) and Bram mostly just had flings (because that’s what his partners (he’s homosexual) were interested in, and he was just happy enough to have sex because homosexuality was considered immoral back where he’s from).
         Bram almost fell out of the machine. Almost. He was getting better about regaining his stability immediately after being healed by his boyfriend’s amazing technology. Being without his prosthetic certainly didn’t help with the whole “stability” thing, but the disorientation of waking up on a spaceship was lessening each time.
           Ray was still there to catch him, to steady him and keep him upright. “How are you feeling?” he asked. It was a silly and unnecessary question to Bram’s mind, but he never said so because he was in nothing but his pants – not his trousers, his pants, his… well, the package had said ‘boxers’ on it – and Ray was in only his pajama trousers and he knew what was… well, coming, in a manner of speaking.
           They always had sex after Ray healed him. It was an unspoken law with the two of them, ever since the first time it had happened and Bram had just been so relieved to be whole (well, as ‘whole’ as he’d ever be again, since losing most of his right leg below the knee) and well and back with Ray that he’d kissed the stuffing out of him almost instantly, and Ray had returned it, one thing had led to another and another and dear sweet god, another…
           Also, Ray insisted it helped the healing process for him to be as close to starkers as his modesty would allow. And Bram wasn’t about to argue with the man who knew how to work the nigh-magical healing machine.
           Still, “how are you feeling?” was a silly question because he was feeling the same way he always felt coming out of the machine: wonderful, tip-top, and overwhelmingly glad to be home again, so rather than answer that in words, he grabbed Ray’s head with both hands and pulled him in for a deep kiss.
           Ray slid his arms around him, bare skin on bare skin and ohhhh, it felt so good. It made him feel alive, which was a wonderful thing to feel when he’d barely made it back from the Tithonian age after unfortunately looking a Juratyrant straight in the eye. Or… as straight in the eye as you could manage with one of those things, anyway.
           His heart raced as Ray picked him up and carried him towards the bed. The healing machine – or, as Ray put it, the Inductive Physic Equilibriator – was on the spaceship, and they only used the spaceship’s bed rarely. Usually only at times like this. Still, there was a bed, round instead of rectangular, hovering nearby, with hydrophobic sheets that felt like silk and shifted between heliotrope and cerulean and every color in between the two, seemingly at random. It wasn’t just a trick of the light; the sheets actually shifted color, and the first time he’d seen it, he’d spent more time playing with the sheets than paying attention to his lover.
           Not this time, as Ray lowered him down to the bed before he climbed up himself and atop of him. He grabbed Ray’s face again, hauled him back down for another kiss as he laid back, and he felt Ray’s tongue curl around his own. The joys of having an alien boyfriend.
           Ray pressed his body against his, and Bram arched up as best he could in invitation. One of his soft hands slid along Bram’s side, down to grip the strong thigh of his right leg as he began to kiss down: his chin, his throat, the hollows above his clavicle, down his sternum. Bram gasped and sighed and closed his eyes to savor this feeling of being wanted, being desired, of someone so happy he was alive as to need to make love to him that very instant.
           Ray’s tongue flicked over a nipple. He teased it, blew on it until it was taut and peaked enough for him to lightly nibble. Bram hissed as he raised his head, opened his eyes, caught his lover’s blue eyes looking right back at him, watching for his reactions. As if you couldn’t play me like a Stradivarius by now. Still, it made his cock twitch to see those hungry eyes locked on him, flitting away only occasionally as he closed them to concentrate on the taste of Bram’s skin as he licked his way down, down, down…
           “Hold on,” he said just as Ray started tugging his boxer shorts down. “I… I want to ask you if you’d… if you’d do something for me. With me. But… well, I’m not sure if you’ll know what I’m asking.”
           “You think I won’t recognize the slang you want to use to ask me this favor?”
           “Well, to be fair, it’s not easy for me either sometimes. But I… I heard this and it… I like it. But I…”
           “Ask the way you want to. If I require clarification, I’ll ask for it then.”
           Bram nodded. Honestly, he’d just been buying time, trying to work up the nerve to say it. He liked it, the phrase ran down his spine and pooled in his belly, but that didn’t make pushing the words out of his mouth any easier. So much for my being the silver-tongued sweet talker. Not that there was much ‘sweet’ about this particular phrase.
           He cleared his throat, feeling the heat swim up into his cheeks. “I… I want you to take me raw.”
           Ray blinked at him.
           “It means…”
           “You wish me to have sex with you without a condom?” Should have figured he’d know that one, given his major. He sat back between Bram’s spread legs. “Are you certain?”
           Bram pushed himself up onto his elbows. “Yeah, very. You know my history. You know I was a virgin when I came to IOU.” Ray nodded, and Bram continued. “And you know why.”
           “Yes. In your time period, dimensional flux coordinates, and specific location, homosexuality was considered amoral and potentially criminal.”
           “Well, so was I, actually.”
           “Forgive me, but you weren’t, from what I’ve heard, very good at criminality.”
           “Yes, yes, we’ve been over that.” His blush was coming back. “But my point is that, when I came here, this was my first real opportunity to have sex, and… well, I always did it safely.”
           “As you should.”
           “Right. But I’ve never had the opportunity to… to experience it without that… that barrier. And I’d like to, now. With you.” He smiled nervously.
           Ray smiled, too, but if he was nervous, he didn’t show it. “And I ask again: are you sure?”
           “If you are, anyway. I… I mean, we’re in a ‘long-term monogamous relationship’, right?”
           It made his pulse quicken again. “And you’re… Ray, you’re the only one I want to be with. And God knows I don’t have any diseases after all the time I’ve spent in that thing.” He jutted his chin at the healing machine.
           Ray laughed. “I also keep myself healthy, with regular scans and tests. And I don’t wish to have sex with anyone but you, either. I’m just very pleased to know you trust me so much.”
           “Yeah, well, I have to.”
           He hadn’t meant to… he hadn’t been thinking at all, it had just come out: a wry expression of the truth of things, and a truth he’d been even more scared to bring up than this. And he knew, he knew Ray would pursue it, even though he was afraid of the consequence of it. Be happy with what you’ve got, he’d chided himself so often before now. A handsome, sexy boyfriend who is loyal, sweet, kind, and has a fucking amazingly skilled tongue. Wasn’t sex enough when, for so long, it wasn’t something available to him at all? And not just sex, but someone who cared about him, who would put up with his tirades about the ridiculousness of steampunk movies, who would heal him when he nearly got eaten by dinosaurs. Don’t push it, don’t ruin it.
           But it was too late. Ray cocked his head adorably and asked, “What do you mean by ‘I have to’? I have not intended to force anything on you…”
           “No, no, you haven’t, you didn’t, it’s not you,” he said with a groan. “It’s… It’s me. Because,” it’s too late now, you have to say it, “because you have my heart,” he confessed, “and you could…” he felt tears welling up in his eyes, “you could crush it like an empty paper sack. But I know you won’t. I… I know you won’t and I have to trust you won’t because otherwise I… I’d just…”
           Ray stretched himself forward, hands prowling alongside Bram’s body, all the way up until he could kiss him. “Does that mean what I believe it to mean?” he asked quietly.
           He grumbled, “Of course it does, you daft…”
           “Then say it? Please?” His eyes searched Bram’s own and that last little wall gave way.
           “I love you,” he admitted.
           And Ray smiled that ‘I knew it’ smile, that ‘You have pleased me’ smile, and hope sparked in his chest. “And I love you, Bram.”
           “Really?” he asked, warmth and joy seeming to radiate from Ray’s smile into his own nerves.
           “Have you ever known me to lie?”
           “Well, you did tell that pizza delivery guy that you were exercising when you answered the door sweaty and mostly naked that one time.”
           “That was not a lie. My heart rate was elevated, my body was generating sweat in an effort to cool me…”
           “Because you were going down on me at the time,” he reminded him.
           “Speaking of which…” His hand slid along his body to hook into the top of his boxers. “…if we’re to have sex without condoms, shall we forego them while I am sucking you as well?”
           The casual dirty phrases – well, non-scientific phrases, anyway – mixed in with perfectly normal speech, delivered in Ray’s calm, even, straightforward manner… He could feel himself reacting again. “I-if you want, sure. I… That one’s up to you.” Oh please, oh please, oh please…
           “And you know, the Equilibriator takes care of your waste functions and cleans up for you while you’re inside…”
           “How long was I in this time? I forgot to ask.”
           “Only 18 hours.”
           “Oh, ‘only’.”
           “As I was saying, you have been exceptionally cleaned both outside and in. Normally I would at least wear a glove to finger you the way you like so much, but…”
           “Oh God, please stop talking about it and let’s just get back to it,” he groaned.
           Ray chuckled. “I will still require lubrication.” He moved back, scooting off the end of the bed to remove his trousers.
           Not that Bram watched the show this time. As soon as he had room for it, he lunged over towards the wall, where a drawer auto-opened in reaction to his hand. He pulled out the lube and let the drawer shut itself. It took all his control not to just lob the lube at his lover. Instead he sat up, practically slammed it down on the bed between his legs and then threw himself back into a laying position on the bed, raising his hips and thrusting his boxers off as best he could.
           “Yes. Ray, I… You love me, and I love you, and we’re going to… this, I… you’re…”
           Ray crawled back onto the bed and asked in a voice so quiet it was almost a purr, “I’m going to ‘take you raw’, yes?”
           Bram damn near melted. “Ohhh yes please thank you.”
           He helped him get his boxers the rest of the way off, then leaned in to gently, achingly-slowly lick from the base of his dick aaaalll the way up to the top. Then his tongue wrapped most of the way around his shaft just before Ray slid his mouth onto the head.
           Bram sighed and let his head loll back into the pillow. “That is… oh, love, that is incredible.”
           “Mmm,” and then Ray raised his head to say, “I think I prefer ‘love’ to ‘dovey’.”
           “Oi!” Bram raised his own head now. “What’s wrong with ‘dovey’?”
           “Nothing. ‘Love’ is simply better.” He swirled a finger around the top of Bram’s cock.
           “Okay, fine.” He laid back down. “Not like I could ever say no to you anyway.”
           “Have you ever wanted to?” And he once again sheathed him in his hot, hungry mouth.
           “Not even once,” he groaned. He rolled his hips, raising them just a little.
           Ray hummed again and pressed his legs apart farther. His hand slid under Bram’s right thigh, all the way up to grip his ass, gently pushing apart more to open him up. Bram had no idea how he could do it all one-handed, but by the time he felt a finger teasing his hole, it wasn’t just slick but also warm. And still Ray’s mouth was taking its time, languidly up and down, tongue deftly stroking around and under the head.
           He couldn’t help but moan, glad of the ship’s sound dampeners. As usual, Ray was parked in the Fuligan Parking Lot, and there was no telling who might’ve been walking past outside. But even if they could hear him, he was past caring.
           One finger inside him already had him begging for more. When a second finger joined the first, Ray grunted and pulled off to eye the situation. “You’re tighter than usual.”
           “I’m always tighter after healing.”
           “The Equilibriator doesn’t do that.”
           “I think it does. Or…y’know, it’s just that I went from near-death to being home and healed and with my love, and so I want to make sure it’s extra good for you again.”
           “You cannot consciously adjust your… can you?”
           Bram laughed, a full-body-shaking laugh. “No, I can’t. I don’t know what it is, but I swear I’m tighter the first fuck out of the machine. And I know I’m not complaining.”
           “I’ve never complained either, but I want to make sure there is nothing but pleasure for you.”
           “Then keep fingering me.”
           Ray did as he was told, two fingers pushed in and Bram pushed his hips back against the sensation. His love – Christ, it’s good to call him that – was careful, re-lubing constantly and seeking out the favorite spots that drew the loudest moans. He also resumed licking and sucking his cock, and by the time Bram got a third finger, he was gripping the bedsheets tight with both hands.
           “More, deeper,” he panted. “It feels so good to feel your actual fingers inside me… ohhhh, I can hardly wait for your dick.”
           “You don’t have to wait if you don’t want to,” Ray assured him. “But I would prefer to take full advantage of our first time without condoms.”
           “I’d like to taste you when you come.”
           “Jesus FUCK, Ray.”
           “Is that bad? I can’t tell when you say that.”
           “No, no, it’s not… right now it’s not bad anyway. I just… I want so much and I want it all right now and it’s hard to choose.”
           “Then may I?”
           “Of course. Absolutely anything you want, love, I can’t even think straight with three fingers in my ass and the promise of coming in your mouth on top of it all.”
           “That makes it sound like you might be incapable of consent.” The fingers started to withdraw. “Perhaps I should…”
           “RAY, DON’T YOU DARE STOP.” He didn’t raise his head, so he was, in effect, ordering the ceiling. “PLEASE.”
           “Very well then. Let me just…” The fingers disappeared and Bram whimpered, but then they returned, freshly slicked up and able to push into him even better than before.
           And Ray’s mouth returned, hungrier than ever, tongue teasing just under the head as he sucked on it. Bram arched his hips to get more of himself into his boyfriend’s mouth, but Ray was adamant on focusing all his attention on the area with the most nerve endings, the area that would bring him the most pleasure, and the fingers were pistoning in and out of him, building him up expertly.
           Bram panted and writhed, let himself get lost in the sensation for a bit before he warned, “I’m going to come, love. I can’t hold back much longer.”
           He might’ve expected Ray to have something to say about that, but instead he just locked eyes with him and sucked his cock all the way into his mouth as his fingers pressed as deep inside him as they could get.
           And he was gone, that was the end of anything akin to restraint, and being able to shoot freely without the latex obstacle, to fill Ray’s mouth and not a reservoir tip, to feel that wet heat so clearly and perfectly…
           “Dear God, that was worth waiting for,” he said when he had words again and air to say them.
           “Mm, we’re not done yet, I don’t think.”
           Bram opened his eyes to find Ray toying with his still-erect member.
           “As usual, your stamina is excellent immediately after healing.”  
           “Come here,” he said, beckoning Ray forward with two fingers and a smile. “I wanna see if I can taste myself on your lips.”
           Ray arched an eyebrow but smirked as he did so, seizing Bram’s mouth for another deep kiss, tongue twisting around his own instantly. He could feel Ray’s erection brushing against his own, both hot and hard and ready to go.
           Apparently Ray’s people didn’t have foreskins at all – there’d been a ‘fun’ conversation about circumcision the first time they’d had sex – and Ray’s dick was tapered: at its base it was incredibly thick, but at its rounded tip it was smaller than the overall girth of Bram’s. He supposed that made for easier entrance, but none of it really mattered to him because all he knew was how good it felt to have Ray inside him, and soon he was going to get to feel the actual skin of him within him, too.
           “Well?” Ray asked as he pulled out of the kiss. Of course he was interested. He was a scientist of sex, after all.
           “Salty. Something I’d have to work to acquire a taste for. I hope it wasn’t too unpleasant for you.”
           “Mm, let us say I will enjoy acquiring the taste. The experience was worth it. I enjoy knowing exactly how hard and how much you are ejaculating.”
           “Measure of pleasure, eh?” It was an old joke with them now.
           “Very much so,” he agreed, eyes sparkling as he smiled. “But if you are ready to be entered, I would like to be inside you.”
           “So polite.”
           “You like it.”
           “I do. I like it when you’re dirty, too. I just… like you. Love you.”
           “I love you, too,” he said again, and Bram’s blood sang with it. And then Ray leaned down and whispered in his ear, “I must have you, love, because your ecstatic moans are the most erotic sounds I have come across in all the universe.”
           Bram was fairly certain he’d set a new speed record for fastest full-face blush at that. And, hell, if he hadn’t already been hard as steel, he thought that might have gotten him there from fully limp, even. “Well, by all means,” he joked weakly.
           Ray pushed himself up and moved back just a little. He kneeled between Bram’s spread legs, only to start stroking them. He ran his hand up and down Bram’s left leg, and all the way down his right thigh, over the stump, and back up again. Then his hands slid beneath him to get a quick grope of his ass. “You know my favorite position.”
           “Of course.”
           He started lubing his hard dick up, getting it good and slick. “Any objections to…?”
           “None,” he said crisply, because he loved Ray, he did, but he was wordier than Bram was himself. Right now, he didn’t have the patience for it. “I’d love it, please just…”
           “Fuck you raw.”
           He whimpered.
           Ray helped him sit up, helped him get on his knees straddling him. This part was a little dodgy: Bram had to put most of his weight on his left leg because there wasn’t much leg below his right knee. But, as always, Ray helped him, hands moving to his hip and his back, taking hold and helping support weight when needed.
           Bram held onto Ray’s broad shoulders. “I’m good, help align.”
           Ray didn’t answer in words, just set to the task. “Good?”
           “Yes, right there.” He began to lower himself onto his boyfriend’s cock. “Easy…”
           Not that he had to say it. Ray was always gentle when first entering, as he was now. At first, it was like just having a couple of fingers in him. It was easy to adjust. And as he took more of Ray in, he got thicker and thicker.
           Ray groaned. “This… does… have increased sensation…”
           “Oh, fuck, you’re tellin’ me,” Bram sighed, able to feel the direct heat of his cock inside him. He rose up a little, sank down more.
           “Do you regret not having this before now?” Ray asked him.
           “Maybe. I-I didn’t want it with anyone else, if that’s what you’re asking.”
           And Ray smiled just before he kissed him. But it was the truth: there was a feeling of deep intimacy in this, in letting himself trust someone so much. He couldn’t have imagined this with any of the (very few) guys he’d been with prior to Ray. It wouldn’t have felt so right with them.
           And then he pushed himself up inside Bram some more, causing him to break from the kiss with a moan.
           “There’s one of those sounds I like so much,” Ray said with a grin.
           “Keep doin’ that and you’ll get more of ‘em,” Bram promised. He looked into Ray’s eyes as he slowly sat up then back down, over and over, getting more and more of Ray’s cock inside his gradually-stretching ass. “Mmm, fuck, this feels so good.”
           “Yes,” and Ray practically had to pant the word. He slid his hands back around to Bram’s ass, held onto it as he truly started to ride. “Yes, it does.”
           Bram just kept his eyes locked on Ray’s. It was his favorite part – Ray’s and his own. Looking in each other’s eyes, watching the desperation to come mount as he rode him… He could watch Ray unravel inside him like this.
           It was starting already: Ray was beginning to babble in “Raylienese,” which is what he called his boyfriend’s language since the actual name was unpronounceable if you didn’t have a prehensile tongue and an extra vocal cord or two. He was losing his grip on English, returning to his first language as he panted and moaned and his eyelids fluttered closed.
           Bram arched his back and groaned as loud as he could as he finally got Ray in as deep as he could. This was almost better than climax: that moment when they were as joined together as it was possible, that very first moment when they couldn’t get any closer without resorting to mad science or strange magic.
           I never want to be any farther from you than this.
           And Ray began to push him up, to remind him to move.
           He gripped his love’s shoulders and began to ride him in earnest, harder, faster than he had before. Ray’s strong arms helped him, his hands still gripping his ass tight.
           Even though Ray had lost any sense of English, he could still understand it, and Bram leaned forward to whisper somewhere vaguely near his ear, “Fuck me raw, love.”
           The sound from Ray’s throat had no earthly analog to which it could be compared, but he began thrusting up hard into Bram, meeting his own downward strokes in perfect time. He pulled a hand away from Bram’s ass, slid it into his hair, pushed his face towards his. The kiss was sloppy because of their motions, but it had a desperate passion in it that Bram couldn’t help but want more of. He moved his hands from Ray’s shoulders to his face, worked to hold the kiss as they fucked.
           It was too much, though: too much pleasure, too much heat, too much joy. The sensation – not just of not having the condom but of knowing he was with someone whom he loved and who loved him in turn – made everything else so intense.
           “Ray…” And he sounded even to his own ears as if he were pleading, but he wasn’t sure for what. And he felt his love release inside him, felt that sudden hot wave fill him just before he came himself.
           He was gripping Ray’s shoulders again, and he let go and just slumped against him comfortably.
           Ray wrapped his arms around him and fell back to the bed. The movement jostled his dick out of his ass, and Bram whimpered a little.
           “Forgive me. But…” He had to stop to catch his breath. “I wanted this.”
           “Forgiven,” he murmured. “So long as we can stay here tonight, make love as much as possible.”
           Ray chuckled and pressed a kiss to his temple. “We’ll get hungry.”
           “Lots of places deliver. Even to a parking lot. Won’ be hard: go to Fuligan, it’s the spaceship with all the happy sex noise comin’ out of it.”
           Ray full-on laughed. “My noise dampeners would…”
           “I know, but lemme be silly.”
           “Always,” Ray agreed.
           They laid there quietly, both enjoying the warmth. After a few minutes of listening to his heartbeat, Bram asked, “Say it again?”
           “I love you.”
           He sighed in contentment. “I love you, too.”
           “Good. Then perhaps you will remember that the next time you think it’s a good idea to go back in time and anger a carnosauroid.”
           “It wasn’t my idea!” he protested.
           “As much as I enjoy sexual intercourse here,” Ray continued, “I would rather it not happen at all if it’s only because you’ve gotten yourself nearly killed.”
           “We can come visit some other times, too. Some ‘non-healing machine’ times.”
           “Acceptable.” And then, “I enjoyed this. But now I will have to wipe down the sheets.”
           And it was Bram’s turn to laugh. “It is a bit messy. But you’re worth it.”
           “As are you, my love. Roll off and let me get some cleanser…”
           He rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. He took a lot of risks. Sometimes, he ended up hurt, and sometimes he got hurt pretty badly. But he felt sure that Ray would never hurt him and that loving him was a risk well worth taking.
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heliotropism (prologue 1)
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☼ Pairing: Stray Kids x fem!Reader (possible 9 routes??)
☼ Genre: angel au!, romance, mystery
☼ Warning: some violence, possible trigger warnings (?)
☼ Word Count: 4.2k
☼ Summary: 
You finally got into the angel academy to keep a promise you had to uphold no matter what - however with your dyed and uneven wings, tough demeanor, and broken soul, you find yourself in the lowest of color ranks and surrounded by angels that can’t seem to leave you alone. One day out of the blue, you find a letter with your name on it and discover that someone knows the reasons why the real color of your wings aren’t like everyone else’s. And in order to uncover the truths about yourself, you have to find the person writing the letters; even if it means discovering things that could risk your life.
☼ Reader’s note: hello there! any pictures, gifs and vectors used in this story do not belong to me and all credits go towards their rightful owners! i hope you guys will like reading it and if you have any questions or comments, please let me know! this series might be a tad bit long and nine routes are a lot so hopefully we’ll get through it together! thank you for taking your time to read this!
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 [ prologue; part one ]
“Whoa, do you see that girl’s wings?” Jisung nudged Hyunjin who was fidgeting nervously as they were commanded by their captains to stand in line formation for orientation. The two of them glanced at you standing with the other new female angels and the thing that caught their attention was the fact that your left wing was missing a good bottom chunk of it. Other angels were staring at you as well; some with the same curiosity and intrigment as the two boys while others were disgusted. Out of all the other females, you had these weirdly dyed feathers that stood out from the usual pure white or silver gray; the top ombred down from raven black, chestnut brown, smoky gray to icy blue. Of course, your left wing stopped at the end of brown and beginning of gray.
 “Yeah, but we shouldn’t stare. It’s none of our business.” Hyunjin whispered under his breath when your eyes briefly met his and looked away. They were as soulless as your appearance deemed to be and he wasn’t even sure if this was an angel he was looking at; angels were supposed to be full of life and luster. All he could see from you was just darkness.
 The captains that were starting their orientation speeches in turns also took notice of the rebellious state of your wings; but they mainly focused their attention on the other new freshmen that seemed to have trouble paying attention. One of the captains, Chan, sighed to himself when Woojin started scolding them for their lack of attentiveness and glanced at you once to know that this year was going to be filled with turn of events. 
  As dreary as it seemed, Chan was kind of glad inside to be seeing some change once in a while in that place; the number of freshmen he’d seen since he became captain carried themselves almost in the same way as one another. They were angels, yes, and they were suppose to radiate and shine like the pure souls they were, however it meant that they also carried the most darkness in their hearts unlike demons. Demons didn't have to hide their darkness, they were an open book that bled rage, torture and evil.
 The darkness inside of you seemed to have seeped through the cracks of the walls around your heart and crumbled it down; it was now overflowing and consuming you from the inside out. You wore the wings, but your heart wasn’t an angel’s and it was obvious from your appearance; the huge downside of it was that it was basically an exposed weakness that others could peck and pick at. It made you an outcast and of course outcasts weren’t tolerated within the orderly norm.
 “Each of you have been assigned a dorm room. If you look in the orientation folder we’re handing out to you, you’ll find it inside.” Woojin explained with a firm tone as he had the present Lieutenants pass out white folders to the freshmen. “They’re color coordinated and each of them tells you which dorm you’ll be living in. Based on the entrance test that each of you were given before coming here, it’ll determine which class you guys will be in as well. Gold means you excelled our expectations, silver means you’re close but not close enough, bronze means you’re decent and average but need improvement, and red means you sucked a lot and you will struggle if you don't put effort. Once you get your folder, you can pull out your cards.”
 “Aw man… I did that badly?” Jisung muttered disappointedly when he pulled out a crimson card despite anticipating it to be at least a silver. “Damn... what about you Hyun-oh hey! You did just as bad!”
 Hyunjin rolled his eyes and gave his friend a stink eye when he also pulled out a crimson card with the same room number as him. They ended up as roommates only because they were literally the only angels to get crimson cards; there was maybe one or two gold cards, a handful of silver and a bunch of bronze, which made up the majority of the female angels.
 Someone in the room gasped and most of the freshman started whispering to one another when you pulled out your card. You eyed the pitch black color and saw no room number or anything on it; it was just a solid black card. The female angels who were near you stepped away and you just held it in your hands.
 “Captain! Black isn’t one of the colors you mentions.” One of the male angels raised their hands and Woojin sent him a glare that said ‘shut up’ before approaching you.
 “Come with me.” He said gruffly before seriously walking away, leaving Chan to wrap up the orientation so that the Lieutenants and RAs could lead them to the dorms. You hesitantly put away the card and followed him past a double door that lead into a very tall hallway. The height of the walls made you anxious as you dragged your feet after Woojin who entered another room, holding the door open for you. “Have a seat.”
 You just nodded slightly before slowly sitting down on one of the leather chairs in front of his desk. There was a thick glass name plate on top of the surface that spelled out “Kim Woojin; Gold-Silver Captain and Division 2 leader”; it seemed pretty heavy and could be used as a blunt weapon in case needed to, which you weren’t definitely thinking you had to, but it was an option in case it came to defending yourself. Woojin didn't seem like he would hurt you but it was obvious that he was looking at you as if you were a threat.
 “You’re lucky,” he muttered as he pulled up your file on his glass monitor; you could clearly see what was written about you and the information the academy had, however it was all backwards so you didn't even bother reading it. You knew how you did on the entrance test - it wasn’t a surprise that there weren’t any good things about you in their system. “-only one person in angel history has ever gotten a black card and that angel is no longer in commission. If you can’t tell, I’m being sarcastic by the way so don't expect any good news out of this.”
 “I’m not.” You bluntly replied and Woojin was slightly impressed with your stoic attitude before scanning your results to see only one sentence that summed it up.
 “So you were pulled out of the entrance test because of the condition of your wings. An angel that can’t fly. Not something we see every day.” The timber-gray winged captain observed your appearance and crossed his arms in amusement. “You’re not like the other freshmen in that room. You’ve been an angel quite longer than they have from what I can tell. Is that correct?”
 “A year.”
 “Why did you decide to join the academy now?”
 “I made a promise to someone.” You were in a predicament, something that was out of your hands and something that was threatening to your existence; you had the choice to tell someone, to get help, but you decided to not say anything. The less others knew about the horrors you had to endure for that whole year on the other side of those walls, the high chances of you getting through the next four years without the detection of the nightmares that were chasing you.
 “Angels like you who join too late don't ever make it. You realize that, right?” Woojin arched a brow in confusion since this was the first time he ever heard of an angel joining because of a mere promise. 
  He could immediately tell there was much more to you than meets the eye and for you to join the academy instead of continuing to be a civilian angel said a lot; civilian angels had the benefits of seeing their deceased family members again and to live with them to gradually build credit in order to reincarnate, and it was honestly the better option than being a soldier. Training to be a soldier was the fast-track way of getting out of there and being reborn again, however it wasn’t exactly ideal and was gruesome because of how easy angels could become corrupt and turn on one another within these walls.
 “I’m well aware of that, Captain.” You responded with a firm nod and he sighed; there was no use trying to persuade you to turn your back while you had the chance even if he kept it up. You weren’t leaving and Woojin could see that determination reflect in your eyes despite the lack of emotions in them earlier.
 “You’re a tough cookie. I can see you’ll be able to make it to red, but from the condition of your wings, it’ll be tough. Very tough. We can take care of it for you here with our advance medicine if you would like. The healing process will be long though and it will be a while before you can fly normally depending on how resilient you are. But it’ll be painful. Would you like to do that? I want to give you all the options I can give you before I let you loose.”
 “No. I don't want it.” You quickly shook your head to Woojin surprise; most angels who had uneven wings (injured or borned like that) would hesitate before deciding. Healing meant going through painful, agonizing hours of slow regeneration and leaving it meant almost no hope of being able to fly properly without assistance. He had seen a handful of angels who refused and suffered greatly before finally agreeing to the process.
 “Alright. If you ever think about it though, the option is still open. Now, we have to talk about the appearance of your wings. Dyed feathers are prohibited here.”
 “They’re permanent.”
 “The board doesn’t care.” Woojin sighed at your stubbornness and eyed the colors on your feathers; the colors were vibrant and whoever dyed it was very skilled. The ombre effect was beautifully presented and he could even see the beauty and significance in the colors and technique you chose - however it didn't change the fact that it wasn’t appropriate for soldiers. He couldn’t even tell what the real color of your wings were, but if he had to imagine, he could see you in a stunning silver; it would’ve definitely brighten up your dulled complexions and made you seem...more lively in angel terms.
 “I can’t take them off… If you force me too, then I’d rather you chop my wings off.” You bit the bottom of your lips and tightened your fists until they were pale white. The more the two of you talked about your wings, the more nervous and anxious you became; you knew it was going to be an issue, but there was no way you could reveal the real colors of your wings; it didn't made sense compared to the other colors you’d seen.
 “Okay, we are not resorting to that,” Woojin immediately frowned, uneasy about the thought of having to confiscate any angel’s wings; that was basically death for them. “-can’t you dye it to another color? Maybe silver?”
 “I chose these colors because they’re symbolic… but if it’s the determining factor whether or not I get to stay then fine. I’ll dye it. Is that all that we need to cover?” You really didn't like the fact that you had to dye your feathers again since you were actually pretty attached to it, but you staying in the academy was more important.
 “One more. I promise I won’t keep you long. Since you are the only angel in this academy with a black card, you’ll be staying in the red dorm. You’ll have your own dorm to yourself, which is actually a nice benefit, and you’ll be attending the same classes as the red cards. However, because you are still a black card, you have to meet with me or Chan, our other Captain, every month for an update session and at the end of the four cycles, you’ll have to go through a trial to determine your eligibility to rank up to red. You’ll be assigned to a Lieutenant that will do one-on-one sessions with you in flying simulations every week until you get out of black. Once you’re a red, you’ll have more room to breathe and a little more freedom to work with.” Woojin explained and gave you a small pager. “This will remind you of your sessions and give you warnings when each cycle ends. Any questions? If not, you are free to leave. My Lieutenant is waiting outside to escort you to the red dorm.”
 “Not that I can find answers to myself.” You responded and took the pager, stuffing it into your bomber jacket pocket before standing up. Woojin just gave you a nod before starting on the paperworks he needed to finish. You walked to the door and opened it to find a handsome, brown-haired angel leaning his back against the wall in front of the door.  He looked up from his phone and immediately gave you a smile, which confused you.
 “And here I thought I met all the beautiful angels already,” Woojin’s Lieutenant chuckled as he held out his hand for you to shake. “-I’m Minho. But everyone calls me Lee Know. You are…?”
 “Out of your league,” Woojin raised his voice from inside his office, making Minho pout. “-stop flirting with her and get her to her dorm!”
 “Miss. Out-of-my-league. That’s perfect.” Minho grinned at you as you started to worry about whether or not you were going to be in good hands with this dude or not; he seemed… kind of too carefree.
 “It’s Y/N…” You muttered as Minho started leading you out of the offices of the Captains and Lieutenants into another building.
 “I think I like Miss. Out-of-my-league a little better. But you do have a beautiful name. I won’t forget it, don't worry.” Minho chuckled and a couple resident angels started giving you weird looks as the two of you were walking to the red dorm; their gazes burned into your skin as you dodged their eyes. The gray spotted winged Lieutenant slowed his pace down and walked beside you, sending threatening glares to anyone who looked your way and smiled at the successful outcome. He noticed your shoulders kind of relax just a tad bit when angels started to look away from you and it made him feel a bit sad.
 Aside from the condition of your wings and all, you were honestly a good-looking angel; maybe a bit on the ordinary side but where they were, ordinary was actually really good. The female angels Minho knew and noticed on campus loved to stick out somehow as long as they didn't change the appearance of their wings and he was tired of the different views but the same personalities; either they were too gruff and rough for him or they were too easy to manipulate and were too demanding. He saw few quiet, shy and reserved female angels like you and even if he did try to approach them, they stayed far away from him and made their presence very little. You, on the other hand, had an impressing presence and you were a closed book that Minho couldn’t read because he had no idea what genre you were.
 “Well, we’re here, sadly… I didn't want our walk to end and I enjoyed our conversations,” Minho joked even though you seemed unamused by it and grinned happily. “-I hope I get assigned to do flying lessons one-on-one with you.”
 “Uh… Is that a good idea?” You kind of frowned, not really sure if you wanted Minho to be your flying trainer; as optimistic and flirty as the dude was, you were slightly uncomfortable with how bold he was.
 “Of course! I’m way better than Changbin and those other Lieutenants. If you ask me, they all suck and Changbin is the worse. He won’t even talk to you. He’ll just grunt and make hand motions like a crazy person like this.” He moved his hands around weirdly and you found yourself suddenly unappealed at the thought of having any of these two be your flying trainer; he didn't specify why the other unnamed Lieutenants sucked, probably because he was just boosting his own ego, but they seemed like a better choice.
 “Right… Anyways, um.. thanks for showing me the way.” You glanced at the interior of the red dorm’s lobby and gave Minho a brief wave before walking up to the front desk. Suddenly, he grabbed your hand, making you stop in your tracks. “Watch it!” Feeling confusion and shock, you yanked your hand away from him and he gave you a guilty expression.
 “S-Sorry… I didn't mean to grab you like that.”
 “It’s fine. I don't like people touching me… What do you need?” You held your wrist in your other hand and Minho shifted sheepishly in his feet before giving you an apologetic look.
 “Don't listen to what other angels say. Don't worry about what they think. They’re just a bunch of egotistical, petty narcissists that think they are better than everyone. If anything happens, you can talk to me. I may not look like it, but I know a thing or two about standing out.”
 “Uh, I’m pretty sure your definition of ‘standing out’ is different from my definition of ‘standing out’,” You muttered in a slight sense of disbelief at the sudden reassurance. “-but thanks, I guess? I’ll keep that in mind if I need it.”
 “You’d be surprised.” Minho chuckled softly and was about to ruffle the top of your head, when he froze and pulled his hand back. “Sorry… force of habit.”
 “It’s okay. I um… appreciate the thought. Thanks again, Minho.” You tried your best to force a smile, as awkward and uncomfortable as it was; he knew it wasn’t your normal smile and that it was pretty darn awkward as well, but it was a start. You tried and he appreciated that. You weren’t as bad as he thought you were from what he heard; gossips were just gossips and the you who was standing in front of him was definitely far from what they said.
 “Black card girl.” A white-gray winged angel at the front desk greeted you with an amused chuckle as he slightly leaned forward to get a good look at you. You tensed up as he stared at your eyes and then at your wings before smirking. He pulled away and spread out his wings as if to let you know this was how you could identify him. This boy’s wings were mostly white, but there were tints of gray here and here; what surprised you was the length of them. His left one was slightly shorter than the other one, but it didn't seem like it was because of an injury. “I didn't get hurt or anything, if that’s what you’re wondering. My name is Seungmin, by the way. I’m the RA for this dorm.”
 “Y/N…” You nodded slightly and frowned in confusion; what did he mean by he didn't get hurt? Unless-
 “I was born like this,” Seungmin chuckled and stepped away from the desk to stand in front of you; okay, he was slightly taller than Minho, however this boy did have a nice decent set of calves. He probably ran more than he flew, which made sense since his wings were uneven. “-that’s why I’m a Red. Been training for months and you could say I’ve been improving, but it’s better than being in pain all day from regeneration.”
 “You...didn't have to tell me all that. I’m not naturally a nosy person.”
 Seungmin just shrugged, not minding that he told you more than he needed to about himself. He suddenly felt an unnecessary amount of eyes watching the two of you, more specifically just you, and looked up to see several Reds observing you from the second and third floor balconies. You followed his gaze, finally noticing the handful of angels watching you from above. Two of them you recognized to be the two freshmen boys that received Red cards themselves and when you made eye contact with the one with multiple piercings, he quickly turned away with his friend following him.
 “What’re you guys looking at, huh? If you guys don't mind your own businesses, I might have all of you do cleaning duty. I’ll make sure this place is nice and sparkly.” Seungmin just grinned almost threateningly as most of the angels scattered in fear of the danger behind his smile. However, there were some that continued to glare at you, even as they slowly grouped together before walking away from the balcony. “Don't mind them. They’re just not used to sharing the space.”
 “Because I’m different from them.” You muttered, glancing at your intimidating wings before Seungmin just laughed. He shook his head and motioned for you to follow him up the stairs.
 “You’re not different. It doesn’t seem like it, but they’re threatened by you. They’re scared because you’re tough and you have bad ass wings. You’re safe here as long as I’m around, so don't feel as if you need to look behind your shoulders all the time.” The RA led you down a hallway on the third floor and there were some angels conversing and chilling there until they saw you. They immediately went quiet and you could feel your stomach twisting in an odd way as you started to get anxious; however, they didn't do anything. They went back to talking as if nothing happened and it felt like a weight was somewhat lifted off your shoulders.
 “And here’s your room. It’s all yours and you’re welcome to decorate it however you like.” Seungmin grinned as the two of you stopped at room 3-T. He motioned for you to open your hands and you hesitated before doing so and feeling a pair of keys dropped into your palms. “Be wise on how you use your spare. Most RAs, for example the Gold RAs, only give newbies one key and charge for the second. I’m pretty nice so I give two freebies and I charge for any replacements. If you need anything fixed or if anything breaks, I’m in room 2-G. We don't have a curfew on what time everyone needs to be in bed by, however nobody is allowed to leave the dorm from midnight to five in the morning without a proper excuse.”
 “Why?” You frowned and examined the keys, feeling as if they were kind of missing something; you weren’t too good about remembering where things are so if these keys didn't stand out, you would easily misplace them. It was nice of Seungmin to provide a spare with the original key, however you wouldn’t be surprised if they were both gone by the end of the month - and taking into account of where you were and the impression you left of the other angels, it was probably not safe to just misplace or leave your things around. There had to be a way for you to make it easier to remember where things were.
 “I’ll leave that up for you to find out. I gotta go to a meeting for the RAs and it’s mandatory, so our mini tour ends here. If you want a full one to get a feel of the place, you should probably ask one of the residents or just look around yourself. As long as you know where the lobby and the nearest stairs are, you’ll be fine.” Seungmin glanced at his phone when he realized what time it was and gave you a thumbs up. “You’ll fit in just fine here, new girl. I’ll catch you around.”
 Once your RA hurriedly left, you looked down at the pair of keys one more time before inserting one of them into the keyhole. The door opened and you were about to walk in when you heard a struggle behind you from your neighbors in the room across yours. When you turned around, the door opened and someone came stumbling out, saying something incoherent before crashing into you.
 “Whoops…?” Jisung’s eyes widened when he watched the entire scene unfold as you were crushed under a groaning Hyunjin who was wondering what the heck he landed on. His air headed blonde roommate covered his mouth in shock as the two of you finally got the gears in your heads working.
 Your eyes widened when you felt feathers in your face and a heavy weight pinning you down onto the floor. Your own wings, almost seeming as if they sensed some sort of danger, started nervously flapping and tried to get free until the heavy weight on top of you gasped before cursing at Jisung.
 “My bad, dude...”
 Hyunjin growled in annoyance as he had trouble getting himself off you since his wings were kind of too big for your doorway. You yelped when his wing hit you in the face and you landed backwards when trying to sit up. He froze and slowly turned around as much as he could to see you holding your bleeding nose.
 “Oh my god.”
 “A bit of help please?” You winced as you pinched your nose to prevent the blood from just streaming out while Jisung and Hyunjin stared at you with wide eyes as if you had grown two heads.
[to be continued in prologue; part two]
|Angel Index;| just some extra information/fun facts~
Ranking color orders: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Red, (Black)
Superiority ranking: Captain, Lieutenant, RAs, Residents, Freshmen
|Your to-do list;| for funsies~
check out your pager
look through the freshmen packet (pft, maybe if you get bored that is)
find something to decorate your dorm keys
get a calendar to mark important dates (such as the end-cycle trial, flying lessons, assignments, etc)
explore? (depending on your mood)
|Both will be updated throughout the story (if i remember ^^;)|
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 years
*Tired nyoom* I'm tired, stressed, and requesting some angsty Angel's Flower with that thing we discussed in Discord with Ink trying to basically get rid of Venus and take Heelies back home
fandom: Undertale AU
characters and pairing: Ink, Heliotrope, Venus - ocs by @izzy-the-bizzy Angel’s Flower
warnings: attempted murder, kidnapping
word count: 2,116
Summary: Ink is determined to save his poor, brainwashed son from the seductive clutches of Evil. Even if he has to kill to do it.
tagslist: @anxiety-is-married-to-depression @angelofthehalfmoon @trainwreck-of-skeletons @hisame-amadashi​ @therandomskelekey @capisnotonfire
Ink was pacing back and forth, the more that he thought about the argument that he had with Heelies, the more upset that he got.
“You do realize that Venus is Nightmare’s top spy! They are trying to turn you to his side, so that you will fight against us and spread evil!” Ink had pointed out with a growl, not wanting his precious son to be tainted by Nightmare’s darkness.
“Yes, I know that they work for Nightmare! But they would never hurt me, and I love them. They love me.” Heelies snapped back, his generally laid back and easy going demeanor having changed completely. The younger skeleton is glaring at his dad and his fists are balled at his sides.
Ink has never seen his son so aggressive before - further proof that Nightmare and this Venus have been trying and are succeeding in twisting his gentle, naive baby boy into someone dangerous and deadly. “Nightmare is an expert in breaking minds and twisting people to suit his will. I don’t want him to break you and turn you into a parody of who you are, Heelies. I love you dearly, and I want you to be safe.”
“I am safe! And you say that Nightmare is evil and wants to destroy the multiverse. He doesn’t - I’ve seen how he deals with some of the worst timelines I’ve ever seen. He negotiates with their leaders - the human and monster - in exchange for resources or space. Yes, he is interfering with the stories that the timelines are supposed to take… But he seems to be trying to interfere for the better.” Heelies huffed, glaring more at his papa, shaking with anger.
Ink’s eye lights widen, and he whispers just loud enough for his son to hear “By the creators… I was worried that things were bad, but I… I hadn’t thought that Nightmare and that seductive spy of his had twisted your mind so far…” He reached out to his son, but Heelies darted back, the scowl on his face darker than Ink had ever seen it.
“Ven hasn’t twisted my mind, and neither has Mr. Nightmare. Both of them are very different hen who you believe them to be, dad. I… This was exactly the reason why I never wanted to tell you that I was dating someone. I knew that you’d freak out about it, especially since Ven isn’t the sort of person you’d approve of me dating.” Heelies had hissed, hurt and frustrated and unwilling to let Ink reach out and hug the other close, to help him calm down.
“Heelies, please be reasonable. Don’t-” Ink began, trying to placate his son, but the other cut him off abruptly.
“I am being reasonable! You’re the one who won’t listen! I’m leaving and you can’t stop me!” Heliotrope had yelled, teleporting away and though Ink tried to teleport after the other, Heelies had used several portals through a half-dozen AUs, and Ink couldn’t track the other.
Ink had managed to find his wayward, manipulated son. Heliotrope was, of course, in the timeline that Nightmare had set up his main base - or at least one of them. It was the base that Nightmare held Dream hostage on numerous occasions, and trying to get into that timeline was always a pain, as the very magic of the AU seemed to resist his presence entering it. Ink was fairly sure that NIghtmare had somehow woven spells into the base code of the timeline itself so that he couldn’t enter timelines with liquids in them somehow.
But for now, the creative guardian wasn’t wondering how that was fucking possible. He had decided on a course of action. Venus was the one who had stolen his precious’ son’s heart, and as long as they were alive, they would have a pull on his heart, as Heelies was an intensely loyal and caring person (much like his papa, Blue)… So Ink was going to kill Venus and take his son back. He was well aware of the fact that killing them would hurt Heelies, but it would be for the best. Heelies would eventually forgive him, especially after the other forgot about Venus - as Heelies did have some of Ink’s own forgetfulness tendencies, needing to keep a pad of paper and something to write with in his inventory to keep track of important things.
He and Blue had argued about what to do for months and months. But Ink was certain that the longer that they hesitated and delayed, the more deeply brainwashed and darker Heelies would become, and the longer it would take for his son to recover from the awful misery that Nightmare was doubtlessly putting their son through. He wrote a note to Blue and Dream - in case either one of them stopped by the house before he was back.
I’m going to go get Heelies back! And make sure that the one who took him from us is permanently dealt with. See you later! ~Ink
With a roll of his shoulders, Ink concentrated hard on Nightmare’s castle, intending to appear on the roof, rather than inside one of the rooms, where someone could be in and then alert the rest of the castle to his presence. It took a solid ten minutes of focusing, but Ink felt his magic shift and twist.
He activated his eye lights and sure enough, the rust-red sky was overhead, the miserable bare dirt fields that extended in rolling waves all around the spikey, intimidating looking castle. Ink closed his eyes, a small smirk playing on his lips as he sensed Venus’s magic. They were alone from what he could tell. Good, that would make things easier. He teleported directly outside of the younger skeleton’s room, broom in hand. He activated a bit of his magic, the magical paint beginning to drip from the tip of broomy’s brush as he walked in.
Venus turned towards him, the smile on their face falling somewhat as they recognized him “I… Oh… Hello?” They looked a little cautious but confused. “Uhm… Why are you here?”
“To see you and Heelies, of course. It’s been months since I’ve seen my son, and I’m worried about him… You are in possession of his heart. He’s’ a gentle soul. Sweet, cheerful… Oh, he can pretend to be scary and bluster all he likes… But you and I both know that he couldn’t hurt a fly.”
“Haha… Yeah. Heelies is such a pacifist. It’s really endearing to see him try to spar against a couple of the others though. He tries really hard. He just… He’s wonderful.” The vile villain hummed, an amused smirk playing on their lips, a cruel parody of a loving tone in their voice. “He misses you and Blue. He won’t admit it easily, but I can sense that he does. He’d be so happy to hear that you’re in the castle ‘cause you want to talk to him.”
“Actually, I wanted to speak to you, first. As I previously stated, you hold my son’s rather fragile soul in your hands… And I just…” Ink sighs, shaking his head as he takes his brush from behind his back, beginning to lean on it, faux-casually “I’m just not convinced that you’re the right person for him. How many have you killed? How many AUs have fallen into NIghtmare’s control because of the intel that you gather? Dozens? Hundreds? I know that your LV is comparable to Dust or Killers, and they’ve both slaughtered their entire timeline - and that was before Nightmare got his hands on them.”
Venus flinched, looking away from him, shifting uncomfortably, their wings partially wrapping around themself in a gesture that would be a subconscious attempt at soothing themself if Ink didn’t know that they were a master manipulator - just like their boss, Nightmare. “I… I’d rather not think about how many people I’ve killed. I-I’ve killed many of them in s-self defense. Besides we’ve… We’ve been doing things differently in the past decade or two. Less murder and more negotiation. It helps that Papa and Sat drop by and visit. Their nagging helps Dad think things through a bit more logically. I… I know that I have blood and dust on my hands… But… Mr. Ink, sir. I… I really, truly love Heelies. He’s the light of my life, and I… I’ve never realized what it was like to be in love until Heelies came crashing into my life. I… I know that I’m not what you’d hope for in a partner for Heelies, but I try to be worthy of him. I… I know that I’ve become a better person, since I’ve gotten to know him.”
Hmmm… Venus had definitely been taught how to persuade others by Nightmare - that same silver tongue… Wait - dad. Papa. Whoever the fuck Sat was. Ink’s eye lights swirl in a chaotic swirl of colors and shapes as something that he’d been just about to connect for a while now finally slid into place “Wait… You’re Nightmare’s child? Not someone who he picked up in a timeline because he found you to be useful?”
“Yes. I’m his oldest child. Saturn is my younger brother… Did you not know that?” Venus responded, a startled frown appearing on their face.
By the creators, that added another layer of twistedness to all of this! It also explained why Dream was so… Strange when it came to Venus. He had a tangled past with Nightmare, and would of course be aware of Venus’s parentage. Why Dream knew so much about Nightmare, the positive guardian never said. But this… Perhaps with Venus’s death, it would give the dark and destructive lord of negativity a bit of pause to grieve, and give him and the other Star Sanses time to breathe and plan how to deal with the other’s charm offensive. “No, I did not. Is Saturn in the castle as well?” Killing both of Nightmare’s children would surely be a benefit to the multiverse - but he’d settle for the one who had stolen his son’s soul for now.
“No, Sat is usually with papa, or hidden away in some timeline that dad and I can’t get to, due to being negative beings. But papa’s gotten better about that as dad’s calmed down and the two of them have started talking instead of just fighting.” Venus responded.
Ink squinted at the other for a moment, before deciding that they were telling him the truth. He knew that Nightmare didn’t lie with every breath, though the creative guardian didn’t trust the bastard at all. He sent the other a warm smile “Well, this has been a very enlightening talk.  It’s just… It’s a pity that you are Nightmare’s child, haha. I was almost convinced that you actually love my son. Goodbye.” He struck as confusion filled the younger being, their movements slowed to the point where Ink was able to strike them down.
Venus had managed to dodge just enough to avoid a completely fatal blow, and the other screamed, their magic reverberating around the castle as a wave of pure negativity hit Ink hard, sending the creative guardian staggering backwards and falling to his knees.
Nightmare himself teleported in, confusion and fear on the other’s face at the gaping, paint-splattered wound, hissing as a couple of tentacles wrapped protectively around his child. “Ink-” The other growled, lunging for the creative guardian.
“Pfhaha… Good luck keeping your child from dusting, Nightmare. Perhaps now you will know the pain that you have inflicted on countless others. Ciao~!” Ink purred, a feral grin on his face as he teleported out of the room, reappearing next to Heelies - who was running towards the dying Venus. “Heeelies, my darling son! Time to come home!” Ink ordered, flicking his magic over his son, even as the other tried and failed to dodge, the other’s form losing cohesion as he turned into a purple puddle, the other’s soul floating on top. He scooped the other up and gently put him in a magically protected mason jar. “You be a good boy now and try not to reform. Papa’s got you. I’ll make sure that you’ll be all better. Besides, the wicked creature who stole your heart won’t be distracting you any more. Papa made sure of that.” With that, he teleported out of the AU, dodging several different bone and blaster attacks from Nightmare’s furious lieutenants.
Heelies was safely ensconced in his arms, bubbling and shifting in the jar in great distress, but the other would settle down soon enough. Ink was sure of that “Shhh… It’s okay… Papa’s got you… Shhh… Things will get better, I promise…”
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killjoy-loveit · 6 years
Flower Emergency
A/N: I would like to clarify that everything written in this story is complete fiction and isn’t to be taken as a true portrayal of reality. Apparently Astro can make me write fluff... MJ made my heart soft, what can I say? Also, it probably doesn’t help that I’ve watched the new M/V upwards of thirty times...
Summary: A gloomy day is made better by a flower shop.
Word Count: 1,270
Genre: Fluff
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    This morning was unusual, what with fog making it difficult to see five feet in front of you. But as they say the show must go on, or rather, in your case, work must go on. Which is why you were rushing to a new flower shop you’d been recommended, rather than being curled up in bed with a warm cup of tea like you’d very much prefer. Even now you could smell the smooth citrus tones of your favorite brand of tea just by thinking of it. That kind of warmth and relaxation is exactly what such a gloomy day such as this calls for. Maybe tonight, after you cross off all the items on your list, you can curl up and enjoy the tea as you want.
    Through the fog, a mere few feet away, you could make out the sign of the flower shop. Your feet sped up accordingly, the inside of the building would come as a welcome reprieve. The heels you wore clicked on the tile as you stepped through the door. A small, tinkling bell signaled your entrance to the store. Immediately, you could tell why this shop came highly recommended. Flowers ranging from dahlia’s to iris’ to lilies and so much more spanned the area. The bright colors standing out in your vision, each one calling out to you: rich blues, pale pastels, vibrant purples, and deep magentas.
    Your mind went into overdrive, working through different combinations of the flowers that would match the party you were planning. Delphinium and foxglove might make a nice pairing, but so could glory of the snow and heliotrope. With such an overload your mind even starting to think of different combinations that didn’t match the vibe of the party. It was easy to do in a place like this, it seemed like the store housed flowers you didn’t even know the names of.
    “Can I help you?” A voice came from the left of you, snapping you from the whirlwind of arrangements in your head.
    A bright smile shone on your face. “Yes, I believe you can!” You replied, spinning to face the person.
    In front of you stood a man, his hair was of a lighter sandy shade and just a tad curly. He had on a dark brown sweater, jeans, and a light green apron. The nametag on his apron read “MJ”, and when you looked back up at his face he was giving you this cheerful grin that had your heart skip a beat.
    “That’s great, were you looking for something specific?”
    You giggled softly. “You could say that.”
    Track of time was lost rather easily, the two of you getting caught up in creating the perfect arrangement within the designated budget. MJ was extremely helpful, running around picking out different flowers and putting them together. Every so often he’d crack a joke and make himself laugh, which in turn made you laugh even if you didn’t find the joke particularly funny. There was just something about his personality, he seemed to ooze a kind of cheerfulness that made you want to smile and have fun with him. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d had fun arranging flowers for a party like this. In fact, you couldn’t recall the last time the job you once loved gave you this much joy.
    “Well, I think I found a new place to get all my flowers from.” You say with a smile.
    “Here, let me get you a business card.” MJ states, rushing off.
    You watch as he maneuvers through the shop, and the clutter the two of you made while planning the arrangement. A minute after he disappears in to the back of the store he returns with his hand held up and a triumphant grin on his face.
    “Found it! Here, let me just add something.” He pauses, grabbing a pen and jotting something down on the back of the card.
    “Thanks.” You murmur as he hands you the card. “Um, well, I guess this is my cue. I really have to get at least a couple more things done for this party today or my boss will have my head.”
    “Bye, be careful out there and have a good day!”
    The rest of the day went by rather uneventful. You managed to get a caterer, get some decorations to help the design process, and get a list of dressmakers. This party is particularly important, seeing as it’s your boss’ sister’s eighteenth birthday. Apparently it’s tradition in their family to make a huge affair out of turning eighteen. She’d never let you live it down if her sister’s party wasn’t perfect. It was still four months away, so with the rate at which you were going you were ahead of schedule.
    Finally you were at home, freshly changed into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. A hot mug of citrus tea was sat in front of you, the steam billowing up and hitting your face. In the background you had some modern instrumental music playing, aiding in your relaxation. To you, it was important to have an unwinding ritual, as a means to destress from the day. Tea, music, and a good book were the main parts of that ritual. Though as you were reading, a line mentioning flowers sent your mind flying back to the flower shop you’d visited earlier. And in particular, to a certain man that worked there.
    These thoughts had you darting from your chair to find the card he’d given you. It was slipped in a small pocket in your purse, and you freed it from its confines eagerly. The script on the front of the card was elegant, managing to make the address and phone number appear regal. You clutched the card to your chest as your eyes fell shut, recalling the smile that had been almost ever-present on MJ’s face throughout your interaction. Wait, didn’t he write something on the back of the card? Eyes snapping open, you flipped the card over and sure enough there was something there.
    Here’s my personal number in case you have a flower emergency, call anytime- MJ
    You looked over at the clock sitting on your kitchen counter, the blinking numbers told you it was only a quarter past nine. Did he mean only flower emergencies? Or was it just a smooth way of him giving you his number? Either way, it might be too late to call him. A lot of people don’t like to be disturbed late at night. Though is nine even technically late at night? Before you knew what you were doing, his number was typed in your phone and you’d hit call. The line was ringing. Crap, it was ringing. Briefly you considered hanging up as your heart hammered in your chest, but before you could decide what to do, he picked up.
    You froze for a split second, trying to formulate something to say. Anything.
    “Hello?” He repeated, sounding confused.
    “H-hi, I was at your store earlier, you um… Gave me a card.”
    “Oh, it’s you! I was wondering if you’d call.”
    “Yeah, well you did say if I had a flower emergency I could call you.” You whispered.
    He chuckled at your words. “I did say that.”
    “Well, um, I have a flower emergency.”
    “You do?”
    “Yeah…” You trailed off, mind racing. “I was just wondering, I mean, well… I don’t know as much about flowers as you, maybe you could teach me sometime?”
    The smile in his tone was audible. “I would love to teach you more about flowers.”
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LFRP: L’yhta Mahre (Balmung)
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Character Name: L’yhta Mahre
The Basics ––– –
Age: Somewhere in her early to mid-20s (thanks, time bubble)
Birthday: 12th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon (May 12th)
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo’te
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual. Prefers women romantically, prefers men sexually.
Marital Status: In a poly pod. By mutual agreement, the pod has certain open characteristics.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Elemental Affinity: Astral, Wind over Fire
What I’m Looking For ––– –
Adventure, including IC dungeons
Fellow mages to talk shop with
People with problems that need Magic! to solve
An apprentice
Possibly, romance?
What I’m Not Looking For ––– –
Unpleasant or abusive rivalries
Villains (got enough of those already...)
Mean, demanding, or uncommunicative RP partners
Other OOC Notes ––– –
Hi! I’ve decided to put this out there to see about expanding my RP circle. L’yhta’s a fairly easy to get along with character, as long as you don’t mind (or if you’re especially interested in) adventuring and magic theory. She has other interests, but being somewhat of an awkward sort at heart, she tends to fall back on what she knows -- and gets quite excited about it, to boot.
I’m usually in XIV during the evenings US Central Time (after 8pm or so), but I’m also available on Tumblr and Discord much more. Please don’t hesitate to message me if you’d like to interact! I swear I’m not scary.
More under the cut!
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Highly variable, but naturally purple.
Eyes: Bright heliotrope.
Height: 5 fulms, 5 ilms
Build: Lanky, rangy, bony, and muscular, without many curves. She looks rather like a runner who eats far less than she should.
Distinguishing Marks: One thin white scar across her throat. What’s most distinguishing is her utter lack of distinguishing marks; outside of that scar, her skin looks eerily perfect and almost painted on, as if it were magicked to be such by some obsessed with flawlessness.
Common Accessories: L’yhta typically carries a pouch of candied fruits with her, along with a small ritual kit. She wears a linkpearl stud in her right ear that looks like a rainbow-colored flower. Her constant companion is Astrea, one of the Stardust Rods from the age of Mhach that she’s carefully restored over the years. When she can’t carry that artifact with her, she keeps a small mythrite scepter with a ruby focusing gem in a garter on her upper thigh.
Usual Attire: In public, L’yhta is often found wearing the robes of a mage with a taste for the historical (leaning towards Mhachi or late Allagan styles), along with short skirts or tights, ring guards, and ankle boots. In more casual situations, she prefers light skirts and sleeveless tops or Doman-style attire.
Personal ––– –
Profession: ~ Adventuring mage: L’yhta is a member of the Adventurers’ Guild of Eorzea and holds an honorary commission in the Maelstrom’s Foreign Levy for magical services rendered. She is known to actively practice all four Eorzean Disciplines of Magic and then some, with her primary adventuring praxis being thaumaturgy augmented with arcanima. ~ Researcher of esoterica: She’s also relatively well-known at the four magic guilds (though their opinions of her vary) as a researcher and once student. She has a reputation for devising new spells and trying to explore areas of magic that don’t neatly fit into the Eorzean Disciplines of Magic.
Hobbies: Reading, exploring dark places, listening to ribald music, writing questionable poetry, drinking to excess, musing about grand schemes to improve the world, swimming
Languages: Eorzean Common. She can read Belah’dian, Mhachi, and Nymian, and has a passing familiarity with Allagan script. Beyond that, she knows a few phrases in Doman. She does not know huntspeak.
Residence: An apartment in the Ivory Tower in Shirogane. She also has a small apartment in Fisherman’s Bottom in Limsa Lominsa.
Birthplace: A small coastal village in Vylbrand, about 100 malms north of Limsa Lominsa.
Religion: Worship of the Mothercrystal
Patron Deity: She would say the Mothercrystal, for all that matters.
Fears: Losing friends and family; the disintegration of her poly pod; an ignoble and irrelevant death; being unable to help someone she finds in need; the Empire steamrolling over Eorzea, Doma, or Hingaishi; being hated for no reason. Oddly, she doesn’t really fear death, and a part of her wants to die as a martyr.
Nicknames: Lyta, Y-hta, Lady Sorceress, Mistress Lyta
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: Divorced. She is part of (and quite committed) to a poly pod, but none of them would describe it as a “spouse-type” relationship.
Children: None
Parents: Deceased
Siblings: Six sisters and one brother, all of whom reside in the tribe where she grew up.
Other Relatives: She has about ten nephews and nieces at this point, as well as several cousins. One of her nephews followed her back to Limsa Lominsa and is a newly minted Yellowjacket.
Pets: None
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Personality: L’yhta is impulsive, but largely good-natured, as long as she doesn’t view someone as Evil (which usually requires they demonstrate a desire or intent to harm others for their own benefit). She has an unfortunate tendency to speak her mind and to accidentally flirt with people, and while she’s often quiet at first when in a large social situation, she’ll quickly engage with anyone who interacts with her. Those who get to know her will discover that she can sometimes be dryly snarky, cares for others quickly, is often impatient, loves and trusts her friends deeply, and can have a very nasty temper.
Recreational Substances: L’yhta has a very high alcohol tolerance and tends to drink to excess. She also partakes in recreational herbs, but only ones she considers “mind-opening,” such as hallucinogens and empathogens. She very assiduously avoids drugs like somnus.
Favorite Foods: Sweets, fish, miqa’bobs, and most Doman fare.
Likes: Adventurers, people who don’t take themselves too seriously, open-minded mages, battle, surviving nearly getting killed, helping others, the sense of a spell well-executed
Dislikes: Religious zealots, most nobility (knights she can be okay with, depending on their behavior), boredom, abusive individuals, being alone
Virtues: Loyal, trusting, defends others without hesitation, playful
Vices: Drinks to excess, lustful, holds grudges, temper
RP Hooks ––– –
Mistress of Magic: Whether you’ve got a magical problem that needs fixing, a desire to learn new magicks, a drive to talk shop about magic, or just an interest in the Art, L’yhta can range from anything from sounding board to plot device dispenser, drinking buddy to teacher, research friend to spellcrafter. She knows a lot about magic and I enjoy sharing the lore.
Adventuring Buddies: Need someone to blow things up for you? Maybe some combat healing magic? As a member of the Adventurers’ Guild, L’yhta can pick up leves that can put her just about anywhere in the world. Maybe she gets assigned to your adventuring party, maybe you end up investigating the same ruins, or maybe you’re looking for adventurers for a job.
Anything else! We can come up with lots of reasons, I suspect, for our characters to interact!
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artificialqueens · 6 years
The Language of Flowers, Chapter 3 (Multi) - Albatross
AN: First off; thanks to everyone for the feedback on ‘We’d Be Good Together’. I love reading everyone’s thoughts on my new stories. You all are the sweetest <3
So this new chapter is out a bit early so I can focus on finishing up 'We’d Be Good Together’ in the next two-three weeks. The plan for the next two months is ideally to finish up this story (5 more chapters to go), put out at least the first chapter of a new AAA Girls fic (tentatively titled 'Where We Left Off’ but it will not be a sequel to the last AAA story), and a holiday fic in mid-to-late Dec (which I am 99% certain I’ll be calling it 'I’m Not Lazy’ and it’ll feature a new pairing I have yet to see anywhere. Not say its not out there, I just can’t recall if I’ve ever come across it before). Final note for the next chapter of this story; it will finally have a bit of smut :)
If it were at all possible at this point, Jinkx’s passion for reading increased several times over after Sharon had given her the book. Of course, it was her favorite novel to return to but beyond that she found a deep interest in reading similar books on the subject of floriography. Every time she found a particularly interesting passage or historical account in her books, she found herself sharing it with her coworkers. Courtney and Ivy also developed an interest in the forgotten form of communication, though theirs was much more subdued, and occasionally discussed amongst themselves what a sight some of the bouquets must have been. Sharon and Violet had less of an enthusiasm for the subject but each listened politely whenever Jinkx would go off on her latest tangent. More than once during their morning chats, Jinkx found herself trailing off in embarrassment after realizing she was dominating the conversation with her relentless gushing over the topic. For her part, Sharon always sat across the table with a small amused smile painted on her lips and repeatedly assured the redhead that she didn’t mind listening.
“It’s nice to see you so passionate about something. I wish I was more like that,” Sharon told her honestly after the most recent outburst.
Jinkx found herself flushing at the compliment and took a deep swig from her mug to give herself time to come up with an non-flustered response.
“I do need to tone it down more,” she said in a guilty voice, “I know you guys must be getting tired of hearing me talk about it all the time.”
“Not at all. They might not be as into it as you are, but Ivy and Courtney love to hear the stories you tell them…And who cares if Violet doesn’t? No one likes hearing about her hook ups yet she still runs her mouth every time she gets laid.”
It was true. Sometimes nothing short of a ball-gag could silence the youngest owner as she gossiped about her most recent liaisons. As of late there was one consistent partner she met with but other than explicitly describing what they did in bed, Violet was unusually tight-lipped about any further details. Jinkx always thought she’d be the only one to blush at Violet’s stories but frequently Courtney could also be seen with a red face after listening to some of the most recent inane chatter regarding Violet’s sex life. Often times Jinkx looked over during the conversations to find Violet with a taunting smirk on her face and Courtney with her head hung low to hide her fiery cheeks. It came as a relief to both women that Violet’s stories gradually began to revolve around new partners.
“It’s just so fascinating…” Jinkx continued on as she took short sips from her coffee. “For so long people used flowers or other plants to express the emotions they couldn’t say otherwise. If you were too shy to admit you liked someone, you could give them a gardenia or acacia. If you didn’t know how say you sympathized with someone’s loss, you’d send a bouquet of stargazer lilies…And if you wanted to insult someone, just leave a geranium for them…It’s such a lost art form…” she lamented with a heavy sigh.
“Then why don’t you help people find it again?” Sharon asked casually as she leant forward in her seat.
Cocking her head to the side, Jinkx asked, “What do you mean?”
“Start creating bouquets with flowers that hold a special meaning…You always try to make each arrangement as unique as you can already, so why not add another little flair of your own to it?”
Shocked at the proposal, the redhead began haltingly, “I…I’d love to but…”
“But?” Sharon asked with a challenge in her voice.
Reluctantly, Jinkx admitted, “A lot of the flowers that I read about…we don’t have them here…like heliotrope. I think I’ve only seen one other shop that’s used them before and that was only for a wedding, not for their casual arrangements.”
“That’s what’ll make yours so different; using flowers and plants no one else thinks to use…Jinkx, trust me; I’ve seen your work improve so much from when you first started here. If anyone could make this work; it’d be you.”
“You think so?” Jinkx asked shyly.
“I do. I really do,” Sharon assured her, even going so far as to hold her hand as she gazed into the younger woman’s eyes. “And as far as finding all those other flowers goes; let me and Violet handle that. We know how to shop around. Just give me a list of what you want, and I can take it from there.”
Jinkx stared at her boss for a moment completely stunned and overwhelmed. Sharon seemed to be telling her the truth; she really thought Jinkx could make good go of this. After a moment’s thought, a bright grin broke out across the redhead’s lips as she accepted the offer with a cheerful, “Thank you!”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s nothing,” the blonde replied with a shrug. A smile was still present on her lips but she bit the interior of her cheek to keep it from spreading as wide as she’d like it to. Just something about seeing Jinkx so happy made her a little less cynical about the world but she’d be damned if she’d let anyone else know that.
“It’s really not, Sharon,” Jinkx replied gratefully as she scooted her seat closer the blonde’s. “Thank you so much. I promise I’ll do my best.”
Before Sharon could think of a response, she found herself engulfed by the redhead once again but this time there was zero chance of someone walking in on them again. Melting into the embrace, she murmured again that it really wasn’t a big of a deal but Jinkx just shook her head in disagreement. Even through her hair muffling the contact, she could feel the redhead’s smile against the skin of her near bare shoulders. This time around, the hug ran its course until Jinkx broke away but all Sharon could really think of was how much she hoped her racing heartbeat wasn’t as noticeable to the redhead as it was to her.
Although it seemed like it would be easy enough at first to introduce the idea; it actually took a few weeks before things really got off the ground. One of the first obstacles of course was finding some of the more unique flowers and plants but while Sharon and Violet tracked down suppliers, Jinkx made due with the flowers she had on hand. It was a bit of a struggle in the beginning to bring up the idea with the customers; most just cared about a bouquet that looked good, never mind the meaning of the flowers within it. But with some persistence, Jinkx found a good segue into presenting her ideas without seeming pushy. She began with customers that didn’t really have a solid idea in mind of what they wanted. Once she picked up on that, she asked in a very sweet and understanding voice what emotion were trying to convey with the arrangement. After listening to the reason for the bouquet and what the client was trying to communicate, she gave them a brief education on some of the flowers she thought would work best, as well as what they meant. Before long she created a customized insert listing the flowers and their general meanings and included one with each of the arrangements she designed. Much to everyone’s surprise, that was all it took before customers began requesting personalized bouquets from her. She even developed her own opening tagline after thinking back to when she was first interviewed; 'What would you like your bouquet to say?’
She wasn’t sure if Sharon ever caught on to it or if she even remembered what inspired her new slogan, but Jinkx loved seeing the slight curling of her lips as she rang up yet another one of Jinkx’s signature bouquets at the register. All the girls had been so supportive as she tried out this new venture, she even swore her heart was close to bursting once Ivy congratulated her after selling her first one, but Sharon’s support meant something special to her. It wasn’t just that she was one of the owners; she had seen Jinkx’s talent and encouraged it even when Jinkx herself felt less than confident. She always knew just the right way to nudge the redhead into showing more conviction with her decisions. Although Jinkx genuinely did love Ivy (only as a friend, she came to realize shortly after), she was a bit pushy even though she never did anything without Jinkx’s best interests in mind.
She meant well, Jinkx knew that, but Sharon seemed to understand Jinkx’s needs more deeply than Ivy did and that revelation came as quite a shock. Sharon knew when to back off with the pressure, when to call her on a bullshit excuse, and most importantly; never made Jinkx feel like she needed to rush into making a decision. If anything, she helped the redhead to see exactly what she wanted and allowed her move forward at her own pace as she worked to achieve it. Ivy would just drag her along for the ride, sometimes doing the work for her, and Jinkx had to admit; that wasn’t really what she needed or wanted. She still loved her best friend more than anything…but she came to understand it should only ever remain a friendship.
Slowly but surely, Jinkx’s bouquets became the main attraction of the shop and the demand was so high that she had to give Courtney and Ivy a quick tutorial so that either could make similar arrangements on these days she was not around. Not that the girls weren’t begging to learn anyway. She also left a long cheat sheet at the work benches just in case they ever got stuck. It wasn’t nearly as in depth as it could have been but Jinkx felt it covered the basics pretty well.
Aside from the happy customers, the owners were also rather pleased. Business was given a boost once more and they were well on their way to being considered one of the top shops in the area and not just among the floristry community. Some days there was hardly a chance to rest between the orders to be filled and helping the customers that walked in off the street. Violet even joked every now and then that they might need to hire Willam to cover the slack. Immediately, Sharon would shoot down the idea with a terrified look, undoubtedly imaging the personal hell she would have to live in should Willam and Violet ever work together. Despite her reluctance to allow both women in the shop while she was also working, she begrudgingly accepted Willam’s ever increasing presence, particularly during Courtney’s shifts. By this time Willam was practically an honorary employee with how often she came by the shop to harass Courtney…and of course the other girls as well once she remembered they were also there. It was getting harder to deny that she was almost a permanent fixture at this point, stopping by nearly every day after she got off work. Her frequent visits had become so blatantly obvious that Sharon even commented on it one Saturday during their one of their rare breaks between customers.
“That’s…interesting,” she noted in a surprised voice as the bell above the front door rang.
Looking up from the invoice for their most recent shipment of flowers, Violet asked distractedly, “What?”
Motioning towards the door, Sharon subtly pointed out the pair of blondes walking in together, oblivious to most everything around them as they made their way towards the work benches. With a slight grin on her lips, Violet agreed, “Oh, yeah…That.”
Somewhat amused herself, Sharon inquired with her own smile, “How long has that been going on?” referring of course to the fact that they had arrived together, rather than Willam’s usual delay in visiting until after she had woken up much later in the day.
“About a month, I’d say,” Violet answered, unabashedly staring at the two women sitting close together while Courtney got to work on the day’s orders.
Though Courtney was dressed in typical work attire plus her green apron, Willam herself looked as though she spent quite a bit of extra effort that morning getting ready. Her makeup was clean and polished, unlike her usual messy chic and her hair was perfectly styled to frame her face. Even her outfit seemed to have been chosen specifically to draw in attention. Her skirt was just long enough to cover what was needed but still flouncy enough to catch someone’s eye as she walked and her top was of course tight and low cut to show off the body she was so proud of. In all, she looked very much like a peacock on display but her focus was strictly on the woman next to her. Even with the distance from the front counter to the alcove, the owners could tell that Willam and Courtney were engaged in their usual game of teasing one another but while Courtney’s posture was relaxed and at peace, Willam’s was showy and practically demanding Courtney’s attention remain steadily on her.
“She’s really been laying it on heavy the last two weeks,” Violet mentioned casually as she returned to reviewing the paper in front of her.
Still watching the younger women, Sharon asked absently, “Why’s that?”
Violet’s smile turned into a mischievous smirk as she answered with a knowing tone, “Courtney’s got a new roommate…”
Intrigued, the older blonde mused, “Oh?”
Unable to contain herself, Violet added in, “Cute little thing too. Name’s Katya…blonde, toned, hideous laugh.”
“100% Courtney’s type it seems,” Sharon commented with a full blown grin as she raised up her phone to capture a quick picture of the pair across the room.
Rolling her eyes at her friend, Violet further explained, “And 100% platonic, too. Willam will figure that out…eventually. Katya’s type tends to be more…bitchy.”
Smirking deviously as she typed away on her phone, Sharon asked, “And how do you know so much about this?”
Violet paused for a moment, seemingly debating if she should disclose the next piece of information, before ultimately giving in with a teasing tone, “How do you think?”
Sharon’s fingers halted in their clicking against the touch screen as the dots connected in her mind. “And that’s how you found Courtney?” she asked, already guessing the answer.
“Mh-mm, Katy’s her neighbor…was, I should say,” Violet confirmed proudly.
Though she didn’t have all the details, she finally knew how two people as different as Violet and Courtney came to know one another, and that was good enough for Sharon. Resuming her texting, Sharon sent the picture off and quickly changed the subject, “How long do you give them?”
Violet’s interest returned to the pair of blondes as Willam checked her buzzing phone and immediately turned a light pink. Noticing her reaction, Courtney appeared to be asking what was wrong while trying to sneak a peak at the screen. Hastily, Willam turned her phone over and locked the screen before Courtney was able to catch a glimpse of the image. Glaring over at the front counter, she flipped off Sharon, who was sending a taunting wave to the pair, before turning back to Courtney to assure her that nothing was wrong and under no circumstances would she be allowed to look at what was just sent.
Always one for fair play, Violet said mildly, “I imagine she’ll make a move before you do,” and promptly shut down any further teasing as a bright-faced Sharon angrily excused herself for an early smoke break.
In the midst of business picking up once again in the shop, Jinkx somehow found herself becoming entangled of one the customer’s private affairs. Under normal circumstances, Jinkx would never allow herself to become involved with a client’s personal life but this wasn’t just any customer…it was Courtney’s roommate…and the way Courtney practically begged for her help, well…Jinkx is a sucker for sad puppy eyes. And adding in how Katya genuinely seemed willing to listen to any advice Jinkx could offer her?
Damn her motherly instincts. She knew this had the potential to blow up in all of their faces but a part of her was reminded of all the romantic stories she had fed Courtney and Ivy and undoubtedly that sparked this whole idea. Even though she knew she shouldn’t; she did feel somewhat responsible and wanted to at least give the idea a fair shot…and maybe she just wanted to a modern day reenactment of all those tales she had read about. How badly could things be screwed up anyway?
Her introduction to Katya ought to have provided some clue regarding that…
The first time Katya came into the shop, it was…eventful, to say the least. In less than ten minutes, she had scared off Sharon, inadvertently pissed off Willam, embarrassed Courtney, and made Jinkx herself long for the days she was a barista…things were so much simpler back then…
It was a pretty typical Wednesday to begin with; same amount of orders to be filled, same predictable rush of customers. Jinkx was working the afternoon shift with Sharon and Willam had just arrived about half an hour earlier. It was a little unusual as of late for her to be there when Courtney wasn’t working but Jinkx didn’t mind at all; she was good company and her and Sharon’s teasing of one another always brought a smile to her face. They were all gathered around the work benches for the usual late afternoon lag between waves of customers when Courtney of all people walked in…with a new friend in tow.
Sharon had been the first to notice them as her head instinctively popped up once the bell above the door rang. Almost immediately she greeted the pair, making sure to use Courtney’s name just to get a reaction from Willam…and she didn’t disappoint. Despite the very light hint of a blush, the dirty blonde solidly refused to take the bait, strongly disbelieving that Courtney would come by on her day off. However, once Courtney returned the greeting she immediately spun around in her seat only to be met with quite a surprise. Her joyful smile was quickly replaced by a shocked expression and then a pensive stare as she tried to figure out who the unknown woman was that was hanging around so close to her friend’s side. Her lips curled downward ever so slightly once she realized that Courtney had acknowledged everyone in the room but her. In fact, she was studiously refusing to look anywhere close to Willam’s direction, something that certainly didn’t escape Jinkx or Sharon’s notice.
As Willam’s fingernails drummed along table’s surface in an subtle effort to at least catch Courtney’s eye, Sharon inquired as to what Courtney was doing here yet again on her day off.
“We’re actually here to see Jinkx,” she explained as she turned her smile to the redhead in question.
Caught off-guard, Jinkx’s eyes flickered over to Willam for a brief second before she regained enough composure to ask what it is that the pair needed.
“Well, first,” Courtney began cheerfully, “I’d like to introduce you to-”
“Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova…” the mystery blonde interrupted with a heavy Russian accent.
Jinkx sat stunned for a moment before said woman broke out in a grin and added without a trace of a foreign accent, Russian or otherwise, “Or you can just call me Katya, which ever’s easier.”
Jinkx was unsure of what to say to that as she had no clue which of the accents, Russian or American, was real. But while the redhead remained silent, Sharon’s eyes narrowed as she gave the beaming woman a once-over before finally declaring in a deadpan tone, “There’s not an ounce of Russian in you, is there?”
Giving the older blonde a thoughtful look, Katya replied, “Could be…if you’re offering.”
Choking a little at the audacity of this woman’s behavior, Jinkx felt herself flush as her eyes darted back and forth between the two women. Unfazed, Sharon kept her unamused expression firmly in place and stated coldly, “I’m not Russian.”
“I’m not picky,” Katya insisted as she leant closer to the older woman with a flirty smile.
Jinkx’s heart was racing in her chest at the exchange by the time Courtney finally found the brain power to cut through the banter and scold her friend harshly, “Katya!”
Turning towards Courtney, the younger blonde gave her a disarming smile and argued sweetly, “There’s room in my heart for both of you!”
“Katya,” Courtney groaned in exasperation as she rubbed her temple with her fingers.
Still with a joyful grin, Katya enclosed her arms around Courtney’s waist and reassured her, “Don’t worry, принцесса; you’re still my favorite.”
Courtney’s cheeks filled with a moderate pink but that was nothing compared to the heavy flush of Willam’s as she let out a noise of indignation. Her hand was clenched into a tight fist as she glared unlovingly at the pair across from her. She seemed ready to storm out but pride held her in place.
“You are definitely Violet’s friend,” Sharon stated in an entirely uncomplimentary manner. Nevertheless it earned a proud smile from the pseudo-Russian.
Directing her full attention to her employee, Sharon asked in long-suffering tone, “What is she here for?”
Explaining quickly to get the situation back on track, Courtney began with, “There’s a woman Katya likes-”
“That poor girl,” Sharon muttered.
“-So I suggested buying a gift to test the waters a little.”
“A court order wouldn’t work instead?” the older blonde asked sincerely.
Courtney shot her a mildly scolding look at the comment but even though it was one of her better attempts, Sharon couldn’t help but to grin at how ineffective it was against her.
“So one of Jinkx’s then?” she asked with an arched brow, already knowing the answer.
Grinning brightly, Courtney nodded as she replied, “Mh-mm!”
“I’ll ring it up awhile,” Sharon stated with a fond smile for the younger blonde before walking up to the front counter to prepare for the upcoming purchase.
With Sharon’s approval, Jinkx was ready to begin working but as soon as she was about to begin with her usual tagline, Willam cut her off with a thoroughly unfriendly, “I think it’s safe to assume this isn’t for Violet?”
Somewhat guiltily, Katya shook her head and gave an apologetic smile.
Willam wasn’t even attempting to hide the hostility in her voice as she asked, “Does she know?”
“She does,” Katya replied back calmly. Despite the composed exterior, Jinkx could see the anxiety slowly building up behind the young woman’s eyes as Willam scowled at her with a silent attitude that seemed to promise 'I’ll make sure of that.’
Having enough of the overt aggression, Courtney butted in with a stern warning, “Bill.”
Jinkx would swear to Ivy later that night that she practically heard the mental conversation the two held as they glared openly at one another as though no one else were in the room.
'Be nice,’ Courtney seemed to say.
'This is as nice as she’ll get.’
Fed up with her unwarranted attitude, Courtney asked through clenched teeth, “Can I speak with you…in the back.”
For a moment it seemed as if Willam were going to refuse or simply ignore the demand outright, but to Jinkx’s astonishment, Willam shrugged her shoulders and followed the older blonde towards the break room. It was only as they disappeared past the door frame that Jinkx realized she was itching for a fight.
A slightly worried expression had begun to pass over her face before Katya interrupted her thoughts with a surprising question, “That’s Willam?”
“Yeah,” she replied in a shocked voice as muffled squabbling slowly penetrated the room. How had Katya known her name?
Smiling immensely, Katya glanced towards the area the pair had disappeared into and noted in an amused tone, “Aw, she’s cute. Good for Courtney.”
With her brow furrowing at the unusual comment, Jinkx started to question what she meant by that statement when Sharon walked back up to the benches and stated, “While they’re having their…discussion, how about we let Jinkx get started on your bouquet?”
Nodding her head, Katya turned towards the youngest assistant with an off-putting eager expression.
Forgoing her typical opening spiel for time’s sake, Jinkx instead inquired, “Do you know anything about flowers already?”
Falling back into her former mischievous mood, Katya offered teasingly, “Mm…Violets?…Or maybe just the one.”
Smiling awkwardly, Jinkx began to mumble, “Um, that’s not quite-”
“But I’d have to say I know her as less of a shrinking Violet and more of a screaming one,” Katya quipped with lascivious wink thrown in.
Feeling her cheeks beginning to burn, Jinkx’s eyes darted down to her hands as her mind began recalling all the tales Violet had been sharing up until late of her one very consistent, very explorative partner. It suddenly made sense why Violet always made it a point to look directly at Courtney as she recounted all the things she had done in bed the previous night…No wonder the blonde became so embarrassed she could barely make eye contact with anyone following most of those stories.
Though she didn’t dare to look up just yet, Jinkx could easily picture Sharon glaring daggers towards the younger woman as she boasted of her sexual history with as many plant based jokes as she could think of on the spot. It was clear by now where Violet must have gotten most, if not all, of the puns she had used to annoy Sharon over the past couple of months. And now the source was standing directly in front of her with her unique 'skill’ at full blast…
Either fortunately or unfortunately, Jinkx was unable to hear most of the one-side conversation over the sound of blood pounding in her ears. When it finally began to die down, she was able to tune in for the tail end of the joking spree.
“Ooh, that stare’s giving me sweaty palms,” Katya laughed as her ruby lips stretched from ear to ear.
Her focus was strictly on Sharon at the moment who now held a look of horrified helplessness as the onslaught of puns ceased to let up. There was a slight twitch in her cheek as Katya’s shit-eating grin grew ever wider with each passing comment. Jinkx felt she should step in and divert Katya’s attention away from the older blonde, but between the relentless jokes spewing from Katya’s mouth and the undeniably louder argument filtering in from the back room, she wasn’t sure which situation she ought to address first.
It was almost a relief when Katya exclaimed unexpectedly, “Oh, I do know something!”
“Yeah?” Jinkx asked with a cautious optimism in her voice.
“I know how to make tulips part!” the blonde declared proudly.
“That’s it! I’m done!” Sharon yelled in an entirely harassed tone as she bolted towards the break room. “I need a fucking drink!”
Calling after her, Katya laughed, “What? I didn’t even get to say 'My floral skills are amazing-’”
“Katya!” Courtney interrupted, sounding completely fed up with everything around her. Jinkx had never seen or even imagined that someone normally so calm could look so pissed off as when she stormed in from the break room. It was a small guess to say things had not gone well with Willam.
She was halfway across the room as Sharon rushed towards her own sanctuary in the back. Almost at the same moment when she was about to cross the threshold, Willam burst through with a near murderous look in her eye. Her gaze connected with Sharon’s and scarcely a second passed before she turned around with Sharon following closely behind and slipped her hand comfortingly into the younger woman’s lower back. Jinkx watched somewhat sadly as the two left, undoubtedly disappearing into Sharon’s apartment for a much needed venting session. She wished she could follow after the women as well, but she knew it would be better for Willam with as few other people around as she got her frustrations off her chest.
Although Willam and Courtney had fought in front of her before, this most recent argument seemed to be on an entirely different level. She vaguely wondered how long it would take before the two made up but Courtney’s voice broke her train of thought.
“…Last one,” she consented with heavy reluctance.
“I’ll leaf it alone,” Katya said with small, consoling smile for her unhappy friend.
Both of the other women let out a groan at the final pun and Jinkx finally found the confidence to take back control of the conversation. Very patiently, she asked Katya, “So do you know anything about flowers? Genuinely?”
Behaving much more like a typical customer, the blonde replied in a slightly shamed manner, “Sorry, no…Pretty much all of my experience with any kind of plant consists of knowing which ones I like to eat. I could probably tell you more about 'A rose by any other name’ than an actual rose.”
“Not a problem at all,” Jinkx assured her with a forgiving smile. “Most everyone that comes into the shop is in the same boat as you…So, when I’m working on a bouquet for someone and they aren’t sure of what they’d like, I try to find out what inspired them to pick flowers as a gift in the first place…Do you feel comfortable sharing that with me?”
Katya nodded silently as she picked at her nail beds whilst trying to decide where was the best place for her to start. Jinkx recognized the nervous habit and felt a sort of kinship with the young woman. Occasionally she was known to pluck at the skin around her nails or chew them absently if she were alone. It wouldn’t surprise her if Katya’s tireless spouting of jokes was another manifestation of that anxiety. She probably felt more than her fair share under Willam’s venomous gaze, along with whatever reason she must have for coming here with Courtney to begin with.
Taking a quick breath, Katya began to vaguely describe her situation to the younger woman, “Well…there’s a girl who I…I guess I want to thank her first of all, but I also want to know if maybe…she likes me back? I mean, she’s really confusing most of the time. Like sometimes she’s all nice and talks to me for hours and helps me find books and then other times she just looks so done with me! Like glaring at me or slamming her apartment door in my face, kicking me out of the library-”
“Maybe you shouldn’t tease her so much,” Courtney mumbled mostly to herself.
“But she puts up with it!” Katya argued passionately. “Not a lot of people do…”
Courtney’s gaze turned incredibly sympathetic at the statement but before she could offer a counterpoint, Katya continued on, “I know I can be annoying, and I’m really trying to work on it, but she…she doesn’t really say anything about it. I mean, yeah, she gets frustrated but she never really tells me off for it or like, tries to change me. She usually just rolls her eyes and groans, or you know, walks away…She’s different…and I guess, I really like that…But that’s what’s got me so confused! I don’t know if she actually likes me, or hates me or just…tolerates me.”
Understandingly, Jinkx nodded her head and questioned the blonde gently, “So you want a way to put yourself out there but not too much…just in case?”
“Yes!” Katya groaned dramatically. The relief of being understood was clearly painted on her face as she threw herself comically into the nearest chair.
Throwing in an empathetic smile of her own, the redhead stated confidently, “I think I can help you with that.”
Courtney and Katya turned to each with matching grins and thanked Jinkx repeatedly for taking on the cause.
“I knew you’d be the right person to ask,” Courtney mentioned sincerely. It seems this had been a point of debate as the older blonde informed her much later on. Katya had been reluctant to involve anyone she didn’t know into this affair but Courtney had been adamant that Jinkx was the most knowledgeable on the topic and Violet had agreed as well, once asked.
Flushing a little at the praise, Jinkx began once more with her signature opener, “So what would you like your bouquet to say?”
Pausing for a moment in thought, Katya offered, “'Marry me’?”
Both women shot the blonde a mildly scolding look but Jinkx was exceptionally indulgent as she suggested, “That might be a little ambitious for now…”
“Yeah…” Katya agreed absently, “Should save that for the second date…Mm…How about 'Fuck me’?”
“No,” Courtney insisted in a deadpan manner.
“'Date me’?”
“Try again,” the blonde replied sternly.
Katya shot a pleading look towards Jinkx but the redhead refused to answer for her. She simply smiled sweetly and waited patiently for Katya to arrive at a happy medium by herself. Groaning softly, Katya put forth one final guess, “Um…'Thank you…and I think I kinda like you?’”
Nodding her head approvingly, Jinkx replied, “That’ll work.”
Grateful to have finally found the correct answer, Katya scooted her chair closer to the work benches to watch as Jinkx rushed around gathering the appropriate flowers. As she would with most other customers, Jinkx explained each species of plant life she selected and what they represented.
Holding up a series of small bluish-purple flowers, Jinkx began with, “To create a base layer for the bouquet, I’m going to start by adding in a flower that signifies 'gratitude’; the bellflower. Unfortunately it’s not quite big enough to use as a focal point but it does work as a perfect accent flower for this arrangement. And it also makes sense to include it since you said you wanted to thank the person you’re giving this to…”
Pulling closer the next handful to add in, Jinkx separated the individual stems and carefully placed four medium-blue plants between the bellflower clusters.
“The second flower I’m going to use,” she explained, “is a bit more eye-catching and will also help draw the line of sight towards the center of the piece where the main flower will go…These are called delphinium. They’re a bit longer than any of the other plants I’ll be adding so they’ll just be in here sparingly. This flower has a few meanings, but in this instance they’ll be symbolizing 'attachment’, fitting for how you feel, and also a 'big heart’, which is how you described this woman.”
“Trixie,” Katya supplied with a hint of shyness. “Her name’s Trixie.”
“Trixie,” Jinkx repeated with a soft smile. “It’s cute.”
The blonde’s eyes darted to Courtney’s, who sent back an encouraging smile and enclosed her hand around Katya’s for a comforting squeeze. Pretending not to notice for Katya’s peace of mind, Jinkx continued on to describe the final flower, “This is the last flower I’ll be using with any true meaning…It’s one that’s not usually used in professional bouquets but it is found in a lot of people’s gardens because of the look and fragrance. Care to guess what it is?”
Leaning closer to sniff the purple flower held in front of her, Katya paused to try and remember the name before it finally struck her, “Lilac?”
Smiling in affirmation, Jinkx explained, “This one also has a few different meanings, mostly depending on the color of the flower given. It can be pretty important to double check that the flower’s symbolism doesn’t change with the color being used. In this case, we’re adding in the traditional light purple lilac…not just because it matches the other flowers, but also because of what it’ll mean as the focus point of the bouquet; 'the first emotions of love’…That’s justbold enough for now, don’t you think?”
Katya let out an appreciative laugh and agreed wholeheartedly to the question.
Wrapping up the mini tutorial, Jinkx stated, “Now the final touch for this arrangement is to break up all this blue and purple some additional colors. If the delphinium wasn’t so tall, I’d suggest using pink stock to add some height but I think for this bouquet, that might be a little overpowering. Instead, I’m going to use a little bit of this pale pink heather and just a few springs of baby’s breath. Last thing is a touch more of green…”
Holding up two samples of ferns, Jinkx asked the young woman, “Do you like the sword fern or the feather fern more?”
Surprised at the question, Katya stared intensely at the two plants for almost a full minute before deciding on the feather fern. Secretly, Jinkx had hoped she would pick that one but she wanted to offer Katya a choice and allow her to feel like she helped contribute more to the creation of the bouquet.
Once everything was moved into place and a bow wrapped snugly around the neck of the vase, Jinkx stood back to let Katya take a good long look at what she had prepared. Although she never got tired of seeing her customers’ elated faces when they first see the finished product; Katya’s smile was certainly one that would forever remain special in her memory.
Katya hardly seemed able to control the joyful grin as she declared, “Trixie is going to love it.”
Before Jinkx could say anything else, she found herself engulfed by a pair of strong, unyielding arms and was being thanked once again for all her help. Jinkx let out an amused chuckled and returned the embrace for a moment before leading her up to the front counter to complete the transaction. Sharon had left everything set up for the check out so all that was left to do was swipe Katya’s card for payment and include an insert with the flowers and their meaning. As they waited for the receipt to print, Katya held the bouquet much in the same manner as one would hold a child and glanced down every so often with a pleased smile on her face.
The three chatted casually for a few moments before the pair of blondes took their leave. As Courtney held the door open for her friend, she called out another quick 'Thank you’ and promised to tell Jinkx how things go once Trixie receives the bouquet. Jinkx had a tentative smile on her face at the thought, somewhat grateful that she wouldn’t have to be there to see the reaction, yet curious about it all the same. With a shake of her head and silent wish of luck for her new friend, she returned to the work benches to clean up the mess and wait for the next customer to appear. Everything was nearly spotless once more when Sharon reappeared to poke her head in cautiously from the break room.
“She’s gone, right?” she asked with a hint of nervousness.
Lips curling once more, Jinkx assured her that both blondes had left for the day.
“Thank god,” Sharon commented with a relieved sigh. “I don’t think handle any more of those god-awful puns right now…I’m sorry I left you with that.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Jinkx replied with a good-natured smile. “She really isn’t that bad.”
Unconvinced, the blonde remarked, “I’ll take your word for it.”
“How’s Willam?” Jinkx asked timidly. She wanted to check on her friend’s state of being but wasn’t quite sure where the limit was. She hoped Sharon could provide some insight before she tried texting her later that night.
“She’s…frustrated,” Sharon said mildly. “Still in my apartment calming down but it’s better than ten minutes ago…she’s got some shit to work out.”
“With Courtney?” the redhead supplied, already guessing the answer.
“With and about,” Sharon replied vaguely.
The answer definitely piqued Jinkx’s interest but she knew it wasn’t her place to ask anything further. Instead she simply gave Sharon a brief summary of what had happened after she had left. For her part, Sharon listened patiently but Jinkx couldn’t help but to get the feeling she had some differing opinions from Courtney on how the situation should be handled. She held her tongue though and only expressed a desire to have seen the bouquet before the women left.
The pair finished out the day as they normally would and as promised, as soon Courtney arrived for her shift the next day, she rushed over to tell Jinkx how the gift was received. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to see Trixie’s reaction for herself; she promised to wait outside while Katya delivered the bouquet, but it seems the smile on Katya’s face told her all that she needed to know.
Things quieted down until about two weeks later when Katya burst through the front door and walked purposefully up to the front counter with yet another bright smile. Sharon and Violet had been discussing new advertising plans when she arrived but the conversation stopped dead in its tracks the instant Sharon recognized the woman. Her gazed darted between the women, Violet now mirroring Katya’s teasing grin, and immediately excused herself far, far away from the pair. Willam and Violet were bad enough, but these two together?
Hell, no.
Violet laughed openly at Sharon’s less than subtle attempt at fleeing and granted Katya permission to wander directly in the alcove to speak with Courtney and Jinkx. It was a short guess to figure out what she was here for but Jinkx still waited until Katya had asked for another bouquet herself before bringing up the subject. Usually it made no difference to her what a person intended to do with one her arrangements once they were out of the shop, but Sharon’s silent reservations from earlier caused her to pause and think for moment before ultimately agreeing. It didn’t hurt Katya’s cause that Courtney also directed one of her best set of puppy eyes towards the redhead the second she showed a hint of hesitation.
Much like before, Jinkx wheedled out the emotions Katya was trying to express and selected flowers that matched as closely to the sentiments as they had in stock. The entire arrangement took at most fifteen minutes to complete and soon Katya was sent on her way with a new bouquet and insert. Courtney left the shop a few hours later once her shift ended and to Jinkx’s relief, mentioned she was picking up Willam from her work to grab a bite to eat before heading to yet another club. It was strange to Jinkx’s mind that neither Courtney or Willam acknowledged the rather public fight they had had two weeks ago; Willam just ignored the subject entirely while Courtney danced around it with incomplete or vague answers, but she was glad the two were able to to make up. Things did seem to be…different between them though. They still hung around each other as often as before and teased one another endlessly but it all just seemed…off. Not quite forced but definitely not as natural as it had been before…almost like each were hiding something…Well, it wasn’t her place to question it if they didn’t want to share.
Once she was sure Courtney was gone, Sharon made her way over to Jinkx’s side to inquire about the most recent bouquet. She listened with a pensive expression on her face before staring off into the distance. Jinkx could tell she was having an internal debate as whether or not she should say something but Jinkx encouraged her to speak her mind. Reluctantly, the older blonde gave a heavy sigh and informed her youngest assistant of her opinion on the subject, “I can’t really see this ending well for Katya…She needs to talk to this girl…If she starts relying on the bouquets, then something’s bound to go wrong. They’re just meant to be a gift, not the primary means of communication…”
Jinkx certainly could understand Sharon’s concerns but to her they seemed a bit premature…It was only two bouquets thus far and Jinkx doubted this was the only way the two women would talk to one another…Trixie just happened to like the first bouquet so much that Katya thought it was a good idea to give her a second…That didn’t seem to indicate any lack of communication. But all the same, Jinkx reassured Sharon that she wouldn’t allow Katya to become too reliant on her bouquets; if she came in a third time, she would be sure to sit her down and make that point very clearly to her.
Sharon seemed unconvinced but let subject die anyway. She only offered one more piece of advice, “Just be careful with this…There’s no shame in calling it quits. And don’t be afraid to say 'no’ if things start getting out of hand, okay?”
Jinkx thanked her for the concern but assured her nothing was going to go wrong; she wouldn’t let things go that far…As it turns out; Sharon’s trepidation was right on the money as everyone found out just a few short weeks later.
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cpxjunjie · 6 years
October 24th; 03:00AM
continue reading if you wanna see the adventures of Junjie o bruxo de martim moniz..
Junjie fidgeted a bit in his spot, something felt odd.
It had been quite the task to sneak out of the Slytherin common room so late in the night without waking Elio up, every step of Junjie’s matching Elio’s light snore for that purpose. Lately the pink-haired boy had been far too attentive to Junjie’s every move.
Nevertheless he made it out and from the dungeons it was a nothing but a quick sprint towards the divination classroom in the North Tower, Junjie had done that same route far too many times in his early years to know which portraits to avoid to remain as stealthy as possible.
He’d held the small, black velvet pouch tightly against his chest, only letting go of it once he made sure to close the trap door that gave access to the old, dusty classroom - seriously would it kill someone to clean that place once in a while? it did none to help with the popularity of Divination among students.
The space was being lit by the full moon, the sheer curtains thankfully doing nothing to cover it, and it was the source Junjie needed to be able to see his cards and map.
He carefully pulled the deck of worn out cards from the pouch as well as a folded paper and a pendulum - a thin silver string that had a ring on one end and a downwards pointing pyramid made out of heliotrope on the other. 
The pendulum had been a more recent “toy” of sorts, given to him by an old lady back in Diagon Alley who’d warned him about his sixth sense and talent with premonitions and whatnot. She hadn’t told him more beyond that though, leaving Junjie to fend for himself. 
He’d badgered the divination’s professor who mumbled she’d never been too good with that due to a complete dissociation from the magical artefacts built from and for the muggle world - a comment that had made Junjie finally feel happy for his half-blood status.
In the end, he found everything he needed in the restricted section of the library, the home of everything divination that would go beyond tasseomancy.
Junjie had learned about pendulums and how they’d work with wizards and witches - they could do so much more than just answering ‘yes’ or ‘no’ - and how what they were made of could influence it even more. 
Turned out that just like the wands, the pendulums picked their guardians, and the old witch at Diagon Alley had done a better job than the guy at Ollivander’s.
The stone his pendulum held at the end was a dark shade of green with a few dots and streaks of vivid crimson, which had earned it a cool muggle name of ‘Bloodstone’ (well, at least he found it cool). It supposedly helped with energy blockage (he was still to see about that) and it went with a lot of stuff he vaguely remembered hearing Jihyuck ramble about once but had tuned off.
Junjie slipped the ring of the pendulum on his middle finger and held the stone between his thumb with his arm stretched over the small map. “Will this fog ever clear out of our heads?” he mumbled. It was a question he’d tried to get from the cards which had obviously failed since his deck was incomplete. 
He released the pendulum and watched the dark stone wiggle around a little bit before starting to move in a clockwise motion - a yes. That was reassuring at least.
Junjie picked up the stone once again, it seemed silly to flat out ask who killed the professor - he knew better after having failed with the ball and the complete deck - he had however suspicions that needed to be cleared out.
It was easy to see why divination was a widely detested subject by most, sometimes you could get clear answers from obvious questions, other times you’d have to beat around all the bushes to get a hint of an answer. You just needed to broaden your senses and learn to interpret the vibe from your tools, just like a wand, the cards, for example, would occasionally refuse to cooperate.
He looked at the map as he tried to figure out the best way to ask the next question.
The piece of paper had a wide circle with all sorts of markings, lines and symbols, however twelve of them caught his eye more than the others. Promptly the question left his lips: “Who should i look out for?”
The pendulum once again wiggled shortly upon release and after a few uncertain sways in no particular direction it came to an abrupt halt over one of the symbols - the one circle with a semi-circle on top.
Junjie stopped, nevertheless still keeping him arm outstretched over the map. “This is taurus, right?” he asked out loud since talking to himself was an old habit. “Who the fuck in our group is a taurus?”
Perhaps paying more attention to birthdays would be a thing he would benefit from.
However, before he could reach for his phone in search of the birthdays on the calendar, the pendulum started moving once again, this time to trace several ellipses over the symbol of the circle with a squiggly line to its right - Leo.
“Ok i know who that is... maybe, Elio is a leo, right? And Vincent?” he mumbled with a small frown. “But why ellipses, what do those mean?” 
It was like the stone was mocking him for his ignorance.
“You know, an ouija board can at least spell stuff out,” he sighs in frustration, finally putting down the pendulum.
It was time to bring out the big guns.
Junjie quickly shuffled his cards before displaying them face down in a cross figure, the two in the centre overlapping one another on a cross of their own. He placed down the remaining deck before deftly picking up the first card with his left hand - the one in the centre below the other.
The hanged man.
He could feel his soul scoff, some exquisite level of transcendence in the light of current circumstances. He didn’t even need to read too much into the “interpretational” meaning of that card, it would be silly to do so, this card simply meant none other than Vincent. 
Vincent who had found said card. Vincent who had retrieved it to Junjie. Vincent who sought enlightenment more than anyone and could potentially stumble into messy situations for it.
He turned the card that was on top of it - The Knight of Swords. It was as if the cards were making sure he’d understand this reading was about Vincent, as if he was very daft.
His hand then moved to the card on the top of the cross, the one that would determine what could be achieved in the current circumstances - The Seven of Pentacles. Basically the card that predicted a long wait and patience for his actions to bear fruits, a result that got Junjie intrigued.
Moving onto the card at the bottom of the cross the turned over he found The Two of Wands, a card that told Junjie the reason for his reading was related to assessing one’s life direction.
The card that would expose Vincent’s past was the one on the left and Junjie had done readings for Vincent enough times to just know the card he’d turn over was The Moon, a card that reflected the obscure veil that took over his past but also how shining a light on it could bring more to Vincent’s life than he could foresee.
Finally, Junjie moved his hand over to the last card, letting it hover it for a bit as his sixth sense suddenly kicked in, warning him that perhaps whatever the cards had to tell him about Vincent’s future might not please him.
Junjie trapped his lip between his teeth, he could even hear his own heartbeat suddenly speed up.
It had to be like ripping up a band-aid, like his mother used to tell him when he was a kid.
In a swift movement he turned the card over.
The Two of Cups.
A full minute must’ve gone by before Junjie finally found it in himself to react, promptly packing his cards, map and pendulum back into the satchel before numbly making his way down to the dungeons and into his bed.
It was with half a mind he told Elio to go back to sleep with the reassurance he had only gone to take a piss when the other Slytherin woke up with him slipping under covers.
‘Two of cups,’ he thought to himself ‘more like two fuck ups.’
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