#hoping to post more Pokémon oc stuff in the future
missnobodymadness · 7 months
I'm so damn bored and feeling such a strong desire to share some OC stuff so I decided to share some of my favorite quotes from my characters because why not? I feel like it also helps me finding some motivation to finally start writing again.
Feel free to share this or make a similar post with your OC's quotes as well, I'd love to read them. :3 (English is not my first language btw, sorry about any possible errors)
Anyway, I'm starting with my favorite girl, Myline.
Myline (Naruto and Boruto)
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"Don't give me the privilege speech when you are all living up there exploiting those who stand below you, not once did I felt any privilege or pleasure in serving your opressive system and I will never bow to it. Take my words as you wish, they will only feel like a threat if you perceive them as such, so, how it's gonna be?" - To Darui and A during the invasion of Amegakure arc (not a canon arc).
Aisha (MCU)
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"Whenever a scientist finds a cure to something, companies will take advantage of them and sell it to you for the price of your soul, lives weren't meant to have a price tag, you can't play God and decide who is gonna live based on who is wearing Prada and that's what motivates me to keep fighting for a world where science and technology will become a right instead of a luxury"
Evelyn (AOT)
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"Dang, this sucks...I've been told that I always make bad decisions all my life, maybe I should've listened before it became an habit, guess this is gonna be the last time I make one...Sasha must be feeling really lonely up there though..." - She thinks to herself as Jean and Pieck run in the opposite direction, both looking confuse on why she wasn't doing the same, she then looks at the sky one last time and run towards Reiner and the warhammer titans.
Masha (TWD)
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"While most people hate what is left of this world, I've finally found myself in it and I am enjoying every second of it"
Mybuza (Boruto)
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"I hope that someday people will look at me as a ninja ready to sacrifice my life for them instead of just the daughter of a terrorist"
Luna (Pokémon)
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"Power is fame and fame is made of power"
Now the ferals from my original story, Cursed Scars.
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“If you can’t stand the meaning of a true scar, then you can’t stand life” 
Dakarai (This son of a... >.>)
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"You can’t expect to be a good fighter if you can’t even leave a mark on that rock, maybe I should scratch that precious face to exemplify how it is done"
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"I believe in second chances when regret is present, we are more complex than we think, our minds are capable of constant development but such thing is only possible when we finally learn how to recognize and embrace the wrongs of our past and move on for a better future"
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"You once said that stars shine brighter to those who are worthy but lately they all look the same to me, does that mean that the Gods have given up on me?"
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"Greediness brings more misery than accomplishments" - To Ushiva, about Rastakah.
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"Some call me greedy, others a tyrant but what I really like to hear them call me is mercy"
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"Never underestimate the things a broken heart would do"
Matimba (The one lying down)
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"Sometimes you just have to understand when the best option is to get out of your comfort zone and face what is holding you back so you can finally be the best version of yourself"
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"War doesn't interest me, what is truly important to me is the well-being of my pride sisters, however, don't take me for a fool, my claws have been immersed in blood before"
Satahka (Lazy, lazy boy)
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"This world has yet to prove me what a good nap can't fix"
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"Don't spend the rest of your life stuck to your past, maybe it taught you how to hate, but the present can also teach you tolerance and if you try really hard, future may reward you with love"
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paradoxalhope · 2 months
paradoxalhope's roleplay lore-post📖✏️
Welcome to the lore masterpost! Here, you'll find everything about this world. If anything I'd added, changed, or updated; this post will be reblogged to let people know things have been added/changed/updated.✨️
Click the read more to read more about the lore of the Paradoxal Hope AU!✨️
What timeframe is Paradoxal Hope set?: This AU is set 150 years after the events of Pokémon Violet (or scarlet, doesn't matter much). In this world, a company known as Shardlife Corporation, or ShardCo., rules over the world and its government, which is now called "The United Poké-Regions," or the UPR.
What is 'Shardlife Corporation,'?: After the events of Era Violet (what it's called in-AU), a war occurred where a race to harness the Tera Shards within Area Zero caused mass uproar and unrest, and many corporations and companies raced to be the first ones to figure out how to use the power. Gregory Bailey, the founder of Shardlife, discovered many different properties for the shards, even a way to end the war that raged within area zero. Today, Area Zero is heavily guarded by drones and soldiers, and anyone caught trying to sneak in will be executed, according to rumor. No one really knows how they ended the war, many theories were created, but none confirmed nor denied.
What are some conflicts in this AU?: Man versus Nature, Man versus Technology, Society versus Technology, Society versus Corporations.
What pokémon are present in this world?: Some paradoxal fakemon exist, however they have OC names and descriptions. I'm unsure if they actually exist or were created by other creators; because to tell you the honest truth I don't actually view a lot of other creators stuff. I see things in passing at times, but it's not like I go out and seek it. It's not my thing. That said, if I do accidentally copy someone, let me know so I can change it or at the very least ask them to review it to see their thoughts on the subject.
What's the deal with fallers?: This world is heavy on multiverses. In this world, that means multi fandom universes. Anyone from any universe is welcome within this one, however humanoid creatures will be fully human and fit the human society and world of this one, and those who appear as creatures become Pokémon with their own typing based on Canon types (or you can make one up idc get creative). For example, one of my friends/rp partners has an illager oc that turned into a pokémon. This is because illagers & villagers, and creatures like them, turn into pokémon within this world, and players (like the Steve dude) turn into trainers/humans respectively. Fursonas would turn into Pokéhuman hybrid type creatures. The point is, you wouldn't look at all how you did in your world and you would turn into whatever would suit you best in this worlds au. If you need help with creating a starter or making an oc for this au, do not hesitate to ask questions or dm me!
As I draft more stories, create arcs, and more, the lore may be updated and/or changed, things added to it, etc. Thank you for reading!
What is the genre, theme and/or aesthetic of the AU?: The theme explores how corporate influence on an otherwise natural world can corrupt the natural balance. The future Paradox Pokémon in violet gave me inspiration to create this AU, to explain in my own thoughts and headcanon essentially, how Paradox Pokémon came to be. This AU touches heavily on the idea of a Holocene Extinction, which pretty much is the concept where human activity has caused many of our natural Flora and fauna to go extinct, causing food drought, civil unrest, and more. In this world, drones & heavily armed soldiers exist. In a way, it mixes elements of cyberpunk 2077 with Pokémon, turning it into a rated T-M for teen-mature story-arc that involves a lot of conversation about environmental destruction, technology consumption, and more.
What is Eden?: Eden is the main protagonist team founded by faller!turo 15 years prior to the set of the story. Eserine joined the group at 18 years old after her family abandoned her for undisclosed reasons (may be revealed in roleplays). She doesn't talk much about her life before, but it is unusual how she seems to be vastly educated in sciences and technology. She spends hours each day tinkering with computers and Lab equipment, creating new inventions in the process. At age 20, she developed the Musharna Machine, a way that feeds Musharna good dreams through people or pokémon using its mist, that can also study and research anomalies and strange objects. Eden's goal is to return the pokémon world to its former, natural state; where people coincided with pokémon instead of attempting to harness and rule their energy and power often to the brink of extinction. Eden does secret research, creates groundbreaking technology, and has branches all over the world. (If you'd like to be a branch of Eden in a specific region, do let me know so I can help you, all I ask is you give me credit and, interact with this blog from time to time! I'll do the same for you!)
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sforspoot · 1 year
Not a full art post, but some cool things I’m working on. And info!
Hiya! I won’t be done with what I’m working on today! But post will come tomorrow! Working on a Submas inspired oc pair(left one is mine, right one is a verrrry close friend of mine!!!), and lore with a close friend of mine! The two of them aren’t brothers but still co own something or the other <3(more info will be coming soon as well as concept art for the idea!)
if you’re curious about the future of this tumblr and it’s content, please read past the line!
-Happy regards, Spootie boi!
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I’ll most likely start posting in my more ‘simplified’ style, this makes it so I’m able to free up more time for myself, do more art, and maybe even have enough time to open commissions for those that may want to commission me, as I’ve been asked about that. (Also I’m going to two schools, and art studies- as well as looking into college- so a lot of stuff-) I will as well be sticking to my every other day posting schedule from now on. No more posting every day and breaking my own rule *Sweats nervously-*
The chibi style doesn’t mean super simple and uninteresting, I feel as though I’m better able to make dynamic posing with this. And not spend 14-16 hours making one piece. I’ll still post with my more realistic looking sometimes, and draw with it sometimes. But it’ll more likey stay supplemental art, for commissions, or something I feel fits more in that style. It’s not going away! It’s just taking a back seat as I figure out my own time! (But if you want to interact with me!!! You can always send asks! I’ll keep saying this at nauseam, I truly wanna interact with all you all! :) )
I’ll still be posting Submas content, but it will not be every single post. I have ideas that are Pokémon that don’t have specifically to do with Submas(although I very much love Submas and I WILL continue much art for it)
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Thank you, all of you, for all the support I’ve gotten with this Tumblr <3 I appreciate every single one of you. I hope that as I grow as artist, and further this path I’ll be able to reach even higher than before :)
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callmegkiddo · 3 years
Ayo! Hi!
Requests: Closed
Requests in Inbox: 28
Requests being worked on in Drafts: 3
Welcome + Rules:
Welcome to my blog!
Write occasionally here. I draw and reblog a lot of stuff. You may check my description to see if requests are open or not.
Also refer to here if you want to know anything about me! I may add there some stuff in the future.
I write for fun, and it is my hobby, do not pressure me, please. Do not send any writer I support hate, they are all very hard working and fenominal people who are talented at their work. Hate sent my way will be posted as the post of shame, and will be used against you with comedy.
Everything is under the cut!
- Transformers (TFP, Bayverse, RID15, RB15)
- TMNT (I do 2012, 2014-16 bayerse movie, and possibly ROTTMNT if I am not familiar, please fill me in via DM or in a separate ask)
- Wish Dragon (I also do the goons)
- Ghost BC (Papa’s, Ghouls, and Ghoulettes)
- Cooking Companions (Karin, Anatoly, Mariah, and Gregor only)
- Cookie run (Kingdom)
- The Boys (Juicy fruit snacks, Your Narrator, EddieVR, Josh Dub, Mully)
- Creepypasta
- I do Undertale, and it's au's + BHC
- Slashers
- Poppy Playtime (especially for Rowan Stoll-)
- I do Boneheads
- I do Roblox (piggy, bacon, Ronald)
- I do anime: Assassination classroom, BNHA, Danganropa, Pokémon, AOT
- Spider-Man into the: spider-verse + Spider-Man No way home + Toby Maguire Spider-Man movies + Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies
- Potionomics
- Night At The Museum (don’t let it all be for Ahkmanrah-)
- Blush Blush (MY BABYS)
- Dream Daddy (and only the daddies... Maybe even Mary-)
- Spooky Month (4-5 for now)
- Guardian the Chinese BL series
- I do hello puppets (character x character is exemplary, specify)
- puss in boots (don't judge me pls-)
- ROTG movie
- Some Shrek movie
- Babysitter's guide to monster hunting movie
- Cuphead (I also follow the Casino Cups lore)
- TF2 game
- Overwatch game
- Disney
- Pixar (Underrated movies are encouraged)
- Youtuber Ego's (ISWM, AHWM, ADWM, WHM, etc.)
- Alice In Wonderland Tim burton movie
- Hamilton the Musical (give me Lafayette or Jefferson and I will be so happy-)
and that's about it! I'd add more if I forgot any of grew attached to newer things!
What I will do:
- fluff
- Smut (on rare occasions, but not requested... Maybe-)
- Things relating to trauma will be reviewed before being approved.
- Angst
- I do one-shots, scenario, and HC's
- platonic relationships
- Poly
What I don't do:
- pedophilia, incest (dem nasty)
- Certain kinks (piss play, coom play or whatever it's called, candle kinks, blood kinks, knife play)
- I don't do matchups
- Oc x character or reader x OC (unless your big buz apparantly-l
- pregnancy
- anything too heavy on drugs and abuse (tell, and I'll see if I'm comfy with it)
- Ships, however, if I tag it as "Ship exeptions" that means it is a ship I will make an exception for, and will thus make a fic for it.
- I might not post often, so I hope you all are patient
- Expect delayed requests. I have school and other things to do.
- PLEASE be considerate and don't push me to write. Writing is my hobby, not my job.
Character limits: This is per request you make
HC's - 6
Scenarios - 3
One shots - 1
Here are things I think you should check out!
- Masterlist
- fandomclutter ideas/requests
- Ask/Drawing request rules (for any curios people/anons)
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janishacolors · 4 years
Janishacolors’ Art Goals
Happy MONDAY! I hope everyone’s doing alright! I will say last week was very productive but when the weekend hit I got super LAZY! I grilled some things for my family (I don’t comfort bake I comfort grill XDDD)My brother gifted my Desktop with Phantasy Star online 2 and it was first time in a while relaxed and played a game ;;;;w;;; It was honestly much needed because I tend to get wrapped up in my work but also feel that I’m not doing enough ^^;
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(Baby’s first bullet journallll XDD wish I would have done this sooner LOL)
This week I’m going to do a little accountability check on my goals for this year and beyond. If you’re just tuning in definitely check out last weeks art blog about Managing Big Goals so you know what’s going on in this blog!
OKAY! Let me start by highlighting my BIG Goals in my Art journey
1. Complete My Graphic Design Major
2. Work on my Original Webcomic Series
3. Work for the Game Freak Company as a Graphic Designer
4. Social Media Shenanigans!
So right now these are my Major goals for the next few years in my art career. And looking at these as they are they look so crazy. But these goals have be chopped up into so many mini goals that there’s so much to keep me motivated and passionate about this journey! So here’s a general rundown!
1: Complete My Graphic Design Major
So aside from just graduating in this major I really want to take advantage of everything that we learned in this major at my university especially when it comes to web design and user interface so interestingly enough all my Pokémon related projects fall under this big goal.
- [ ] Study UI/UX (user interface/ user experience)
- [ ] Web design
- [ ] Continue search for Ux/Ui internships
- [ ] Improve on Simplified logo work
- [ ] PKMN Logo project (Eve’s Story)
- [x] Finalize Eve’s design
- [ ] Draft at least 10 PKMN logo designs from the sinnoh region
- [ ] Create at least 3-5 side characters and create character sheets ()
- [ ] Fall semester 2020(please stay remote lol)
- [ ] Typography,
- [ ] Pre Press Production,
- [ ] Illustration
- [ ] Spring 2021 classes (n/a)
- [ ] Make Senior Project my original webcomic series
2: Work on my Original Webcomic Series
So this has been a story in my head for 10 years now. it’s change so much but now I think I’m ready to finally share it! I’m sure most of you guys of seen my OC Astrid floating around X3 the story revolves around her and many others like her and their beautiful multiverse and the many theories about the cosmos that I have studied. Some things from this story will be featured in my future portfolio for the Game Freak Company.
- [ ] Original Story Stuff(Untitled Infinity)1st chapter
- [ ] Pick a name for Original Story (I’ve changed it so many time It doesn’t have a name anymore.)
- [ ] Create at least 10 different environment designs
- [ ] Create 20 creature designs
- [ ] Complete 5 unique Character Designs (sketches completed now to render them)
- [ ] Find more space related podcasts
- [ ] Watch animal documentaries (sea life specifically)
- [ ] Opening chapter pages for Original Story in July (final sketch work in progress)
- [ ] Webtoon setup
- [ ] Launch Webcomic pt1 July 25th
- [ ] Pinterest adssss
3: Work for the Game Freak Company as a UI/UX Graphic Designer
After doing some super homework on the requirements that the Game Freak company, I’ve learned What they’re not looking for is a portfolio full of art that is Pokémon XD they’re looking for all kinds of unique designs to see how creative and original you can get. Game Freak just finished up doing interviews at the end of June for new graphic designers and it seems like they do this every 2-3 years so I’ll be working my ass off during that time frame.
- [ ] Study/ brush back up on additional languages
- [ ] Japanese
- [ ] ASL
- [ ] Portuguese/spanish
- [ ] Portfolio Set Up
- [ ] character/Creature Design (in progress)
- [ ] Illustration (needs updating)
- [ ] Ux/Ui
- [ ] Written Works (TBA)
4: Social Media Shenanigans!
I’m trying to rebuild my social media and it’s been a fun learning experience. My main plan right now is to diversify my social media so you don’t get the exact same thing between all of them. May seem crazy to some but it keeps me very motivated to post! Feedback on how I’m doing on any of my social media is always appreciated. I’m just a shy kid trying to do my best LOL
- [ ] Diversify Social Media’s
- [ ] Facebook
- [ ] Character/Creature Design/Environment Design >w<
- [ ] Twitter
- [ ] Talk/share about fanart and original projects owo
- [ ] Instagram
- [ ] Focus on the day to day struggles of an artist XD
- [ ] Tumblr
- [ ] Artistic thoughts, process, and Art advice :D
- [ ] Pinterest
- [ ] Advertisement for Webcomic x3
I know it’s laundry list of goals but when I am hell-bent/determined to do something I will pursue it to the bitter end! It’s a gift and a curse LOL! But I can’t thank you guys enough for joining in on this journey with me!If you’d like to share your goals or need help with you art goals feel free to reach out or jump in on the colorful circle forum!
Since I am trying to meet a deadline for my webcomic I will not be updating my Weekly art blog for the next few weeks so definitely visit the forum I’ll be at least posting some motivational stuff while I finish up the first couple of pages
Till then stay tuned!
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jar-of-stars-kin · 4 years
regarding the edit of your sylveon character... could you tell us more about her?
hewwo Ghostie! you made a really big mistake asking me about her tbh, now I’m gonna ramble for hours. ehe. I’m just kidding! (maybe.) Tbh this might also just turn into a dump of my edits for her.
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Her name is Derpy (which is literally just my usual online persona for those who don’t know me away from the blog), but that isn’t her real name. She has amnesia from hitting her head too hard, and can’t remember a lot of her life before that point, including her own name. But the name Derpy was a really clear memory! Possibly an old nickname or something. I call her Dwepy or Dwep a lot, just so I know if people are talking about me or her. She’s also the pokéfied version of another OC of the same name, who I kin, and who has my favourite canon,,, Chiaki is a close second. Anyway, this isn’t about her so I should stop before I ramble for hours.
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So uh. She’s a shiny Sylveon but with golden eyes. But that’s not all that’s different about her. She wears a witch hat with a crescent moon on it (see picture below), which her ears stick out of. She also seems to glow like a star, but it’s just that she’s covered in tiny glitter particles that never come off! Derpy wears fairy lights across her body, which isn’t the best idea since she’s extremely clumsy and trips on them a lot. She sometimes wears little plush wings that she can control, but not fly with. She’s really babey,, Oh! And she has a scar on her neck that looks similar to a paper tear. I didn’t edit a lot of that stuff on mostly because I’m very bad at art stuff currently,, And also because her design isn’t really complete! Myself and Mod Churro are working on it,,
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(amazing art by Mod Churro vhvhc)
Uhh. I can’t really think of much stuff about her without direct questions of it fhgh,, Um. She’s gonna be in a Danganronpa AU roleplay? So I’m kinda excited to see how that goes. Since the last time I was in one was when I first got into Danganronpa and had no real clue what I was doing,, Her talent is Ultimate Gravity Distortionist, which I should most definitely explain.
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So uh. The original character is a species that us mods created for uh. Mostly fun? But also possibly for a future book?? I don’t know, it’s a really fun thing to talk about, though. (ask me questions about them if you want,, I adore talking about them.) They’re called the Ikimeikiri, or simply Ikis for short. Essentially, they’re similar to humans in most aspects, but they live in a cloud civilisation! And they have animal ears and/or tails! I’m pretty sure they get it genetically, but we haven’t really discussed everything about it. We don’t even really have a name for their home, we just call it Not Skyloft lmao. We started to make it in Minecraft, too,, A-Anyway! Not only are they similar to animals, but they gain strange magical powers at a young age! Almost all Ikis already have the ability of flight, with wings that they’re born with, but they also gain a random power once they reach a certain age. It can be pretty much anything? For example, two other Ikis that we’ve developed-twins named Fofo and Féfé-have the ability to control plasma and to talk to animals respectively. Derpy happened to get the short straw in her life, her wings not growing (they’re there, just very small, which is why she covers them with plush wings. I’d talk about them more but they’re more related to the Iki character, rather than the Sylveon) and her not being able to fly with them. But! Her random ability happened to be the ability to control gravity, and make herself and others float.
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When transferring this over to Pokémon, I pretty much stuck the power to the move Psychic, but made it stronger. Though, there are drawbacks, such as her being super exhausted after using it for anything other than just levitating herself slightly above the ground. And she’s already exhausted 24/7, so she tends to be lazy and not use her powers too often.
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Um. I haven’t talked about her personality at all, whoop. It’s kind of? Maybe triggering?? Since she’s very traumatised,, But essentially, she’s anxious but tends to be really nice to everyone! Though, she doesn’t really trust anyone until they earn it, once they do, she’ll be attached to them and trust them with everything. If you wanna know more, uh?? Send an ask, I guess. This post is getting pretty long already,,
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Oh! I haven’t touched on her backstory all too much, either. It’s, uh... long, and not even really finished yet. Because I have writer’s block and no motivation to get through one specific part. But uh.. I can talk about it, if you’re interested.
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I hope you enjoyed my ramblings, aha. I love her very much,, She’s not really all too complicated, but she’s what I have. Thank you so much for asking!!
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- Mod Chalk ♡ (Mukuro Shift)
One (1) more edit:
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primatechnosynthpop · 4 years
Oh yeah btw I'm looking back at some of my old writing that I never published anywhere, which includes such timeless classics as:
Two (2) different attempts at a Calvin and Hobbes/Yotsuba crossover, which I still think is a very cute and good idea
A "potential ending" for a fic I'd been working on at the time but also never published anywhere, in which Naraku from Inuyasha meets Opal Koboi from Artemis Fowl and they have a hot villainous enemies-to-lovers romance. It's kinda gratuitously angsty though
Pokémon creepypasta except it has an overbearing environmental message and is also WAY too autobiographical (ie "I popped my mom's Plants vs. Zombies cartridge out of the DS" before putting in the creepy one my friend gave to me)
Two zany Animorphs one-shots, the first of which stars Rachel and is heavily inspired by the new year's dream segments from Azumanga Daioh
The other one is about Ax and Tobias watching Glee. I cringed even just typing that out but it sure was a thing I wrote back in the day
Warriors/Doctor Who crossover wherein Half Moon meets the Doctor and he allows her to travel to the future and see Jayfeather one more time
Pokespe Sinnoh trio fic where a girl shows up from the future claiming to be the daughter of Platinum and either Diamond OR Pearl, and they have to figure out who the father's gonna be. This one is unfinished and I can't remember where I was going with it, but I can only hope it was supposed to end with entourageshipping
Actually several of these are unfinished, such as a backstory piece for two of my Warriors ocs but not ones I've ever talked about on here. They're from a real zany comedic fic I wrote but also never published, but if you must know, they're a pair of siblings who were originally kittypets named Splat and Melon. They eventually become warriors, taking the names Splatterpelt and Melonstripe. It's all very zany
Another unfinished one is a Pokémon/Star Trek crossover (can you tell that I have a thing for crossovers and always have? Can you fucking tell???)
(This is another real embarrassing one but) Peanutbuttergamer rpf only the moral was intended to be "shipping real people is actually bad". Because of the way I had events unfold, though, the moral came across more like "don't kidnap a youtuber's wife and then cast a spell on him with your magic powers"
And a third real embarrassing one: another zany Warriors fic, but this time it's a Supernatural crossover. Sam and Dean (but as cats) infiltrate the Clans to do some snooping around
One of those Warriors AUs (or, well, not even AUs necessarily so much as potential offscreen scenarios) where Snowkit lives. In this one, he joins the Tribe of Rushing Water and gets together with an very overpowered original character (as in, she literally has godlike magical powers for no apparent reason) named Cap of Snow on Mountaintop
SUPER ULTRA NICHE postcanon fic for this one Pokémon Mystery Dungeon manga called "Ginji's Rescue Team". This one actually isn't bad in terms of writing--it's short and to the point. Too bad about how immensely niche the subject matter is, though
A couple quickly abandoned works of original fiction, including "Soul Searchers" starring Shir and Dö, who I've talked a bit about before; "Saala of the Stars", in which a boy meets an alien girl and they fall in love; and "aiBot", which is based on that Cleverbot thing that the internet fell in love with a few years ago
DS9 Pokespe AU in which Odo was one of the masked children like Blue and Silver. Again, not a bad premise, but why so niche??
Quodo sonnet (I may post this sometime)
A piece of really angsty writing that cuts between the perspectives of three different characters when they're about to (at least potentially) lose the men they love, and showing the parallels between the situations. Decent writing, but oops! I made it way too niche again--the three men whose perspectives I alternated between were Benvolio from Romeo and Juliet (fretting over Mercutio), Quark from DS9 (fretting over Odo), and Ando from Heroes (fretting over Hiro). Whomst the fuck is the target audience for that other than myself???
And, last but not least, an epic five-part hirando fic I wrote while I was watching Heroes for the first time. You can tell I was only just getting a feel for them with lines like "on most days, Ando seemed to tolerate [Hiro] at best". Like, there's being oblivious, and then there's thinking that your best friend since childhood doesn't like you because he's not actively flinging himself at you and professing his love (yet). Also, for some reason I made them way too horny on main??? There's straight-up a scene where they start making out in a busy restaurant and then take it personally when an employee seems disgruntled. This series did have some cute stuff in it though so I might tidy it up sometime and actually post it. Who can say?
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kamidoodles · 5 years
Housekeeping! - 14 June 2019
Hi everyone! Now that things have finally settled down in my personal life, it’s time for a little housekeeping!
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I promise, I haven’t forgotten that I have quite an extensive backlog. I should have my new commission spreadsheet / tracker finished by tomorrow, and will get started this weekend. I’ll be prioritising the smaller pieces that will be faster for me to finish, so if you’re waiting for a bigger piece from me it’ll be a little while yet.
Commissions will also be CLOSED for the foreseeable future, but I do intend on taking them again later. (Please see Art Prompts & Requests) Additionally, because I now have both a full-time and a part-time job, the types of commission offers I do in the future will change. They will be smaller in scope, faster to finish, and definitely not ready for print. I haven’t 100% decided on specifics, but because of my daytime obligations I will be unable to do any larger orders. 
I’ve already contacted my Patreon supporters separately, but I will be reverting the status of my Patreon to a regular user account. Anyone that was charged for the months of May and June have been refunded, and the page itself will close down within the next couple of weeks.
That said, my Ko-Fi will remain up. I do fully intend to resume non-commission artwork once my backlog is clear, whenever my schedule allows or the urge strikes. Folks are welcome to support me via Ko-Fi, if they want, but obviously there’s no obligation to do so.
I will probably keep these closed for now, at the very least until I’m through with this backlog. It has been a very long time since I’ve drawn things for myself, just because I wanted to draw them, and once the backlog is through I’d like to enjoy that for a bit. I’ve been doing commissions almost non-stop since 2010, and (no offence to anyone) I am very, very tired of drawing exclusively for others.
If you’re following this blog in the hopes of seeing more Bioware-related artwork, then I am really sorry but I don’t intend on doing more Bioware stuff indefinitely. I still love my OCs and the companion characters, but it kind of sucks to only be known as a Bioware fanartist.
To that end, you’ll probably see a lot of League of Legends and Pokémon from me, along with whatever other fandoms I happen to be in at the time (as of this post, Good Omens and Fruits Basket 2019). I also want to do more original content when the mood strikes.
So yeah, just a heads up if you’re only following me for Bioware content!
I think that’s it! Thanks to everyone who has stuck with me over the years, through one crisis after another. Y’all have been amazing, and quite frankly I would not have managed to survive to the point I am today without your help and support.
xo, Kami
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For everyone who has any kind of expectation for this blog, please read:
I heard there’s something new revealed about the World of Departed in the 8th season. I had a conversation about this with someone, and during it I felt a cold fear creeping into my guts.
People seem to go crazy with the new season (and I’m frustrated for not being able to watch it before folks make the Finn-dub for it, before that I can’t even watch it in English with decent quality), and now I’m afraid you guys are expecting me to include Sons of Garmadon into Pokéninjago. That… will never happen.
I have stated this many times, but since I have new followers and many might have not noticed anyway, I say this yet again:
The story of Pokéninjago will part from Lego Ninjago after the Day of Departed special episode.
Originally, I was about to leave this there. No season 7, no nothing. The dudes would just live their life happily ever after, end of story. But then, I couldn’t stop my brains, I started thinking about stuff, things happened, and suddenly I had a new season in my hands. And then another one. And yet another. And… another.
The story has developed on its own so far that I can’t fit the new Lego Ninjago seasons into it anymore. (there’s at least two original seasons: 7th – Blast from the Past, and 8th but I don’t have a name for it yet. I might have to fuse s8 and 9 together since 8 doesn’t really have an adventure in it. if I ever get so far that I’d draw s10, I would have to make a separate blog for it since it contains very strong material. it’s more like a spin-off season and doesn’t include in the pokéninjago series anyway)
Ditch my own seasons you say? No. Even if I’m sure I’ll love SoG to the moon and back, I could never ditch the seasons I’ve made, because I’ve spent so much time imagining them, creating and developing characters, having heartache and raised my children (referring to the characters lol), and I couldn’t dump that down the toilet. Never. Never will I ditch the things I’ve created with such passion, and now I must make sure you know this:
This world hasn’t been just a Pokémon-fied Ninjago for years. It is its own world now, it has been that for a long time.
I have been developing my own things into this ever since I saw all the first five seasons (back then, season six wasn’t out yet), filling holes that Hagemans had left open, and woven big tapestries of the threads the Hagman bros had given to us. Now we get back to the World of Departed thing I started with: For I’ve developed my world ever since 2015 autumn, it has grown into such dimensions its clearly separate from Lego Ninjago. Whatever will be revealed of things like the World of Departed, Zane’s soul, the future or past of Ninjago or the characters, will most likely not be compatible with my adaptations.
However, I am willing to take what I can from the canon and adding it into Pokéninjago, if I can do it without doing violence to my creations. Minor things are perfectly fine for me, and I have huge plot holes in my stories too, so if the canon can help me to patch those, I’ll be happy. Also, I will watch the coming seasons with love and care AND add everything I can fit to PNGo from them. It just won’t be very much, I’m afraid. Also, if people are curious to see the characters like Harumi etc. in my Pokémon style, I can come up with some illustrations if they are asked, but those designs will be non-canon in this world.
I hope you understand. I’m not asking anyone to like what I do. I have created this place for my own entertainment, and the only reason I post my ideas and things about this world is that I’m personally excited about them. Call me selfish, but I love this world, and I want to share it in case someone would find it interesting too. But I’m not trying to please anyone. What I do, I do mainly for myself and only cast a faint hope that maybe someone would like what I do. But I don’t demand that. You don’t have to like my stuff, and you can blacklist my tags (pokéninjago, PNGo!, pokeninjago) if you feel it would make you feel better.
Sometimes I think that maybe it would be better to just delete this account. I’m afraid I’ll get hate for having a story that goes so drastically astray from the canon Ninjago and things are so different here.. So far, there haven’t been any hate, but I’m afraid I will let you all down and make you disappointed in me. It’s my constant fear. But for now, I’ll keep this up, since things will obey more or less the timeline and events of Lego Ninjago until the end of the Day of Departed. (I have some scenes from between the episodes and sometimes I add lines and other stuff in the actual eps, but otherwise it’s pretty much the same.) After that, we’ll see.
I feel a bit bad about myself because of this all atm. So, I’ll keep a short break from PNGo for a short while and think things over. I’ve been neglecting my main blog and I should finally be designing some of my OCs and draw things I’ve meant to draw for too long.
I’m sorry, this was mostly just a rant because I’m feeling terrified. Perhapse for no reason but that’s how I am. I’m terribly inclined to please people and when I feel like I’m disappointing someone I feel terrible. I’m trying to remember this is meant to be fun for myself and others who happen to like this and it’s okay if some people don’t like this, but I still feel anxious.
I have scheduled the Rise of Snakes pages to be published every Monday and Thursday until the end of this month and I’ll ask you then if it’s okay pace or would you like to have them more often or less often. I’ll also post some pokédex data for Soileon this weekend (it’s about time).
             Yours, Hiippo K.
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gomisart · 6 years
Random personal musings about digimon (and my personal experience as someone who has made fanmade digimon and digimon OCs for a long time) under cut!
Hmm, just something that came to mind last night when I was going to sleep, so I thought I’d write some of my thoughts down.
So, as most people who have followed my work for a while know, I used to draw - and still occasionally draw - a lot of digimon, especially fanmade digimon. Ever since Digimon Adventure started airing in Finland when I was a tiny child of 9 years of age, Digimon as a phenomenon has been super important to me, especially when I was younger. I love the whole concept, the monsters, most of the anime seasons I’ve seen despite their corniness. Like Pokémon, it’s just something that has been dear to me all through my childhood, and I will defenitely hold dear and think fondly all my life.
However, to my own sadness, I’ve noticed my relationship with digimon getting kinda strained over the course of few recent years. Back in the day when I started actually putting my art online, some 13 or so years ago, I drew a lot more digimon art, and it’s no wonder a lot of people started following my art to see more digimans. Digimon is a notorious fandom, especially back then, for sexualising childrens media (much like a lot of other fandoms these days, but let’s not go there right now), but I, fortunately have had the pleasure to mostly deal with really nice digimon fans, and have made some amazing online friends originally through digimon fanart! That’s another reason it’ll always be dear to me as a franchise.
When I finally felt like it’d be awesome to be known in the internet for my original content - which had been my dream for a while, planning webcomics and such - I started to shift focus in my art away from digimon, not because I liked it any less, but simply because I wanted to start drawing more of other things and even back then (as in like, 5 or so years ago) I didn’t have the time to constantly draw a whole lot of different things. Still drew digimon occasionally, and of course I still love the little digital monsters, but as you have probably noticed, I draw them less and less nowadays. (Of course, for the last year or so, I’ve drawn less stuff alltogether, but that’s because of different reasons which I’m not talking about here.)
So I guess I just wanted to write about why I’ve drawn less digimon lately? Even if I still like them. Well, first off, the shift in what I draw has generally been... Uh, shifted, to my original stories. I don’t really have original digimon stories, not after Eden which ended miserably, and I just haven’t had the time to join new digimon groups and create stories that way. Time is of course another reason, I just don’t have the time to draw everything I’d want to. ;w; And then there’s also the reason that at some point it just... Started to kinda annoy me that my digimon art would always get so much more attention than anything else I drew. Of course I understand why, fanart always does that! But I guess I just kinda got sad about the idea that I would always be “Gomis, that kid who draws digimon” and never be “Gomis, that person who draws comics and has cool OCs.” Then there’s the whole delay with DXT3 - which is a whole different monster we won’t touch there - which made me kinda scared to post digimon stuff? Like I created this mental block of posting digimon stuff that’s not related to DXT. I do have a long history of creating mental blocks out of thin air.
But where am I going with this text? Nowhere much, I guess. Just saying I still enjoy digimon, like my digimon OCs, and will probably draw and write about them when time permits, and hey, maybe even join some groups in the future when I have time and brain power! But I guess mostly it’s a thing I nowadays draw for my own pleasure (and of course commissions), and will always enjoy. But I guess if someone was hoping for my art focus to shift back to mainly digimon at some point? I guess nowadays it’s tightly lodged in original story content territory. But maybe I’ll be brave enough to start doodling my digi-dudes for my own amusement again at some point.
Sometimes you gotta have OCs that might not have great ongoing story lines but are just fun, after all.
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thescarcade-blog · 7 years
Hey There, Welcome!
Hey there! I’m Flamescar, but you can call me Noah. Or Flame. Or Scar. Or even Flamescarosaurs. Really, you can call me whatever you’d like. Just don’t call me late for breakfast (Laugh track)
Anyways, welcome to my Tumblr! This is where I’ll be posting all of my art and art-related content! I’ll also be posting a variety of things, but, mainly this is for art.
Also working on setting up a YouTube channel.
————————————–(A little ‘bout Mii)——————————————–
Well, I’m a 15-year-old goofball of a high school student, who loves art and pop culture. I’m an amateur artist that’s looking to put his art out into the world, and pick up some helpful tips along the way!
I’m very energetic, I’m loud, I’m cheerful (most of the time), I have strong opinions, but I’m very shy around new people.
I’m a big collector, and I really like trading cards, and I collect video games. I collect everything. I’m actually just a hoarder.
I have a rad girlfriend named Kenzie. I could not find her Tumblr but i’ll find it again
There’s not a lot to talk about me, I mean, I live in my room.
I really like ants, and I like reptiles (other than snakes) and I have two shar-peis. I also love dinosaurs, and I have my whole life. I draw dinos a lot.
That’s.. it. Feel free to ask me about anything about anything else
———————(Things I Like [AKA Conversation Topics])————————–
I like stuff.
I watch a bit of anime every now and again, I play video games, I watch a bit of YouTube, and I like TCGs
Here’s some short lists in their respective orders
Anime- Gurren Lagann, Soul Eater, Dragon Ball Super, My Hero Academia, Attack On Titan, Blue Exorcist. (There’s probably more i just can’t think of them)
Also I’ve been watching a lot of American Dad and now I can’t stop watching it
Video games- Kingdom Hearts, Luigi’s Mansion, Pokémon, Skullgirls, Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, Splatoon, Overwatch, Paladins, Fallout, Destiny, Dragon Ball games. I have a lot, just can’t think of any more.
YouTube Channels- I watch a lot of Game Grumps, BdoubleO, I sometimes watch Generikb. I love watching AntsCanada. I want an ant farm
I also like Pokémon TCG, Cardfight!! Vanguard, and Yu-Gi-Oh is okay.
I don’t like Minecraft but Bdubs is therapeutic
——————————–(My Characters & Stories)————————————–
One of my favorite things to do is write stories. I love creating interesting worlds that can be expanded infinitely. I love writing interesting characters, and creating scenarios, and knowing how they’d act in those scenarios
I have tons of stories, which I will probably post about in the future, but, here are some of my favourite “OCs” from my stories, in a nutshell
i hate the term “OCs”
Pluto- A purple cat connected to the Moon
Beelzé- A purple sperm-looking ghost dragon. Pluto’s friend
Lucas- a curly-haired swordsman
Alicia (Elise)- An adventurous, stubborn girl. Lucas’ lifelong friend.
Carmine- A dragonoid swordsman (Known as a Dragon Knight) that has a dead dad
Flamescar- My persona, and how I got my name. a cocky redhead with a purple shirt
You’ll notice I doodle an orange T-rex a lot. He’s not a character, really, but I call him PBWDI-Rex
I’ll probably post drawing and doodles of all the characters listed above, there’s a lot more but they’ll come with time.
———————————————(My Projects)——————————————-
I have tons and tons of projects I’m working on, and I’ll probably post about all of them, but here are the few I will mainly talk about
Project: Pretzels- Now, not to burst your bubble, Project: Pretzels has nothing to do with pretzels. Project: Pretzels is a strategy-based TCG that works on a grid board. Your units, are dinosaurs, players enter battles with their dinosaurs, trying to score points to win. If you’d like to follow this project a little closer, there’s a Google Doc for it. Which you can access here. and if you’d like to see the site it will be released on, you can go right here
I really like making TCGs, and you’ll probably see me talking about them a lot.
My friend and I are in the midst of writing a comic (With the characters I talked about) nothing to really say there.
I’ve been working on a project I’ve named “Pokémon But With Dinosaurs Instead” or “PBWDI” which is paying homage to the series, “Pokemon But With Animals Instead” by TheHamWallet. It’s a ROM hack of Pokémon Red, or FireRed, but every Pokémon is a different dinosaur. I’ll show off a bit of that.
I’ll show off more as they come along, but that’s it for now, I guess.
Well, that’s just about it! I hope you all look forward to seeing more from me! And if you ever feel like chatting with me, don’t be afraid to! I’ll also answer just about any question asked!
Until then!
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