#they all know each other in my head and all hang out and stuff 🙂
selfiesforalgernon · 1 month
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Fr this is me looking at my beloved cooler t4t blogs I follow parasocially and seeing posts @ 'ing each other while I watch and know nothing lol (tone: 💖)
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yumiblogs · 1 year
can you do a jisung childhood friends to lovers where the reader and him lose contact but find each other when they’re both a little older & have children (both are separated) 🙂🙂 ? I’m not sure if this makes sense lol
Stray Kids Han Jisung //
Hot Chocolate
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“No, Kim I already bought you one last week, why do you need another one…” pleading to your little one that sat on the seat of the cart then you grabbed the toy car that was in their hand gently taking it away.
Gently putting it on the shelf as your hand rubbed your head from the headache that flowed through it. “Kids right? Always wanting everything that caughts their eyes” following the voice a familiar smell meets your nose to the warmth of sweet warm hot chocolate…
“Come on man, can’t you see she’s practically freezing” Changbin for dear life holding to the flash drive that contained a couple unfinished and completed tracks, he hit Hans chest with the other hand gesturing across the road where you stood waiting for the bus to arrive.
It had just finished raining. The fog covered the road, puddles of water surrounded the roads and on top of the sidewalks making it even colder considering it was cloudy and somewhat windy. You heard the bickering across the street, not really knowing what they were talking about but you could slightly hear the “why’d you hit me then!” “Dude sh- leave if w- im not rea-” it all was cut from the passing cars.
“Dude come on, who knows when you’ll see her again, were leaving after the concert ends tomorrow” Changbin insists one last time, Han looks ahead of the road and spots bus stopping about 5 roads ahead for the stop it’s assigned to pick up pedestrians.
“Shit” looking around Han spots a little coffee shop just behind where you stood, booking it he crosses the road and enters the coffee shop in a breeze. Comes out and sighs is relief when he sees you standing in the same spot rubbing your hands together to decrease the cold.
Looking across the road you spot Changbin alone browsing his phone but no sign of Han, feeling the cold breeze stop you sign in relief “Hold this” turning your head you spot the reason the cold stoped. Looking down you notice him handing you a red cup of hot chocolate with a big cookie “ surprise…” you smiled and grabbed the hot chocolate instantly feeling the warmth through your gloves.
Looking up at him you see the small smile that warmed you more than the hot chocolate could. “I missed you” you said as you brought the drink to your face and smelled the hot chocolate. “Me too” looking up you see the bus opening the doors “please call me or text me once in awhile at least” you said at Han as you started to head toward the bus “i will!” Han waved…
This was a couple of months before schedules got in the way of the relationship, naturally without both of us thinking that it wouldn’t work, slowly dying down as we both went our separate ways in good terms.
“Omg hey!” A smile formed on Hans lips as he was pleased to hear she remembered him “thought you forgot about me for a second there” you both hugged “how could i forget you, all the times we went to karaoke with our friends and all the sleepovers in fact i should be the one surprised you remember me!” A chuckle left Hans lips as he looked over your shoulder “and who’s this little guy” Kim stopped jumping and looked at Han and back at you in a confused look “he’s an old friend of mine” you said as Kim just ignored you and turned the other way still mad that you said no to the toy car he wanted.
“How’s life? Are you here by yourself?” You looked over his shoulder “ah yes, i just came for some formula, we ran out and i didn’t want my fiancé to go out so I volunteered and here I am” Han gestured at the basket he was holding with the formula and some snacks inside.
“We should hang out, you know… have some family cook outs and stuff” you suggested “Thats a great idea! You know Chan and the others will be pleased to hear about you, we can all hang out like we used to, it’ll be like a big party” excited by the idea you both exchanged numbers “I’d love that!”
Its been awhile since I’ve posted :) i lowkey forgot I had Tumblr lol but I am DEDICATED on posting once (maybe if I have time then more than once) a week and get these requests out for yall :)
So shoot some requests and I’ll try my best to get through them as soon as possible :)
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
“It takes great deal of courage to see the world in all its tainted glory, and still learn to love it.”— Oscar Wilde
I need a moment after that fight. Hold on a sec. I swear I'm not crying 😭😭😭
A warlock was using magic – the second most beautiful thing in the world – to hurt David – the first most beautiful thing in the world. Unbelievable for me too honey...
YESS!!! David finally realized!!! He's so smart and sexy for it, now there is only the sliiight problem of Max not believing him....
Max!! Open your eyes!!! She's a phsyco!!
“That’s not what this is about. This isn’t about Mallory.”
“No, it isn’t,” David shook his head. “This is about your inability to be alone.”
Ok, that was a reaaaally shitty thing to say🙂
Miscommunication: 123
Talking and figuring stuff out: 0
I loved his dreadlocks so much😭😭 like, good for him if this is what he wants but I'll still mourn them smh
Camilla speaking facts and Gigi kicking ass😎 god I love women❤️
Sometimes people wanting to help felt better than them actually helping you. I support Lovehollow above all else🥺🥺 if they don't support me and are glad for my accomplishments and want to help me in whatever way they can then I don't want it. Expectations have been set!!
Honesty, the only one who doesn't know now about the wedding it's Anjali, and I'm not even sure about that anymore 😂
He is going to make her a fucking dress😭😭 Lovehollow>>>> anyone else rn
I hope that dress has pockets....
Anjali 🤝 Gigi
Respecting each other and being badass together. Love the way Anjali smiled at her 🥺
Fuck you, Marcus!!!
I just feel the warlock issue is going to get really big really fast and I am not prepared...
Literally my reaction:
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Jace be like: I'm a mavid Stan first, shadowhunter second😎
Yeah, Alec! Call him out!!!
The GROWTH of this man!! He went from wanting to take Magnus' inmortality away, to now understanding this will always be a part from him and respecting that there isn't something he can say and just wanting to be there for him or give him space to talk to someone else who gets it🥺🥺
“Because my biggest fear that is that I won’t get to see them grow up,” Alec said in response. “You know shadowhunters live short lives. So, to see them grow up, it’s a blessing.”
Max needed to be dragged to study math. To attend nephilim events that were ‘too boring’. To go play with children whose name wasn’t David. Right where it hurts my mavid heart🙂
Alec be like: Yeah, you are my kid and I love you, but I can and I will drag your ass up to apologize to my husband bc you made him sad🔪
“You’re assuming we’d still be hanging out in 500 years,” he is an asshole sometimes 😂😂
“But I’m not just a warlock,” Max said with a soft smile. “I’m Magnus Bane’s son.” HE SAID IT!!! HE SAID THE LINE!!!
Not me ignoring all the mavid angst for the sake of Lovehollow and Gabrielina ❤️😎
Sometimes you needed to run away. It was self-care. She's so wise and so right about this
“The Clave is made up of hot, respectable people,” Gabriel told her, kissing her finger.
“You’re talking about Rafael and Anjali?”
“Who else?”
Hundreds of languages, and he decided to seal with the truth 😎
“Did it fall?” Selena asked.
“No,” he replied. “I smashed it."
“Maybe I should have. I deserve to get hurt for hurting Max.”
Love me some feral David, bit now I'm getting concerned lmaooo
That shit wasn't a mistake!! Something is happening to Selena's powers!! Ahhh😭
Gotta go bc I didn't pay attention to class and now idk wtf to do😂😂
Pleases have this tiktok of Ruel I found as compensation for the pain caused.
Feral David rights only 😎
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dragodina · 2 years
Da bin ich wieder 🙃 Wenn du noch Lust hast:
3, 51, 56, 67 („Queerschläger“)
Boah, hab ich gerade eine halbe Ewigkeit gebraucht, um diese Frage wieder zu finden, ich sollte dann nachher ins Bett gehen 😅
Aber klaro, hab mega Lust drauf und immer wieder gerne 🥰❤️ Here we go again 🙂🙃✌🏼
3. Do you share your fic ideas, or do you keep them to yourself?
For the majority of my life I have kept them to myself. Just wrote them down to get rid of them and clear my head. And eventually I had stopped writing for quite sometime.
But since seeing german crime show "Tatort" episode "Schattenleben" in July this year with currently my most favourite tv character Julia Grosz sparked something in me and I started writing again. And even uploaded it on AO3, scary as hell 🙈. So far, that journey continues and its a lot of fun 🥰❤️. For WIP's and ideas that I have mostly planned out but not yet shared, I find it really hard to not spill or spoil anything 😅😂🤭. I'm just so excited to upload new stuff and maybe see/hear what readers might feel or think about it.
51. Does what you like to write differ from what you like to read?
No, not really. In general, I like all things related to Julia Grosz and Tine Geissler. Then it can all vary from fluff to humor to crime to angst fics. In my writings, I try to find a nice mix of it all. So far I found my hang with some angsty/suspensy and emotional writing, that I like and enjoy to read very much 😊😅.
56. Are there any fics that you would change or rewrite if given the chance?
As I tend to polish stories or chapters up anyway after publishing it, yes, all of them at one point 😅🙈. But after that, no, then I stick with the versions published.
That said, I'm a bit torn about the thought or lets say I think about writing maybe a version of "Last Chance" that stays closer to Julia Grosz original family backstory ... I haven't come to a decision yet though ... and how I would do that in the end ... but I have found myself thinking about that once in a while.
Would be interesting (from a readers point of view) to know if someone would be interested in that or if LC should just stay the way it is 😊 I'm not sure how, especially chapter 4, was taken by the readers, given the fact that I strayed so much from Julias original backstory. At the beginning I didn't really gave it much thought and didn't know much of her history than was known by what was shown of Julia through the episodes.
So I just thought for the story and since I wanted to also share another story that concentrates completely on the episodes and mostly canon facts, I just came up with her backstory on my own.
After I wrote and uploaded chapter 4 though I found an interview with FW where she said Julia grew up only with her father. So ever since then I'm wondering if LC would be different had I known that fact before, had I changed anything or something differently, had I stayed closer to that and would that change anything about LC. Or maybe I'm just really overthinking that way too much 😅😊.
67. If a fic was titled "Queerschläger", what would this story be about/how would you write it?
Phew, erm, nice of you to put further hints and ideas in my head. As if I hadn't yet enough of them. Without any particular ideas it's a bit hard to tell.
The way I know myself though, it would absolutely be a Tinia story, I would probably make it a bit of a fluff and humour one. About them meeting, spending time together, finding their way to each other. And bring in Falke just to mix it up a bit. And let him team up with Tine "against" Julia just to annoy her a bit more 😅 (I might have to come back to you about this questions when I had time to give it more thought 😅).
Oooor, in another universe, when Falke somehow somewhen has to retire, I would team up Julia with another young female superintendant with skills in profiling and forensics, who is also queer and who really likes to tease her with Tine (because in her heart she is a really big fan of Tinia herself 😅😂). The title would definitely be appropriate then ✌🏼.
(Well, whatever version, that screams for a story with exactly that title, doesn't it 😅🙈?)
Like always, that was really much fun 🙃🙂❤️ If you're not tired of this and your interested in some of the still unanswered questions feel free to ask some more 😊
I'm going to pick some new ones too soon 🙂
For now, have a wobderful sunday sind read you soon 🥰❤️
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