#they all need some kind of stitching on themselves ..... yknow.
mrmosseater · 7 months
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i got a bit sad the last couple of days (things happened on twitter) so i lost my ability to draw. until NOW!!!!!!!!
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koshicoast · 4 years
Randomly thought of but MHA except Bakugou’s hatred for Deku isnt because he’s quirkless. Bakugou doesn’t hate or is prejudice towards quirkless people, he hates weak people
AU where Bakugou is still somewhat the same as in canon but his feelings and thoughts come from a different mindset
Growing up his parents taught him that a quirk doesn’t make a person stronger, the person makes a quirk strong
This leads him to train in not only with his quirk but also in various areas that could potentially come up during hero work (lock picking, reading body language, shit like that) bc if he’s weak then so is his quirk
If you’re wondering how a child is learning all of this, this is Bakugou-fucking-Katsuki. If he wants something, he’s gonna get it even if it means he has to go through hell.
Luckily in this AU, his parents aren’t neglectful or shitty!! they indulged in his whims more of them than not!!
They’re both famous fashion designers and have a lot of connections when it comes to ‘high end society’ so if katsuki wants to learn how to dress to kill or something like that, they already have it set up for him!
The Bakugou’s teach their little victory all of their tricks and tips about how to theoretically make clothes that have extra space for weapons (they know his desire to be a hero and while they’re a little worried they’re just happy he’s being prepared for the long run.) They don’t actually make clothes for him to hide weapons, they verbally tell him how to do something and tips but they leave it up to him to complete the task to a proficient level
They also let their coworkers teach Bakugou stuff, anything their kid would find important or somewhat interesting (taking pictures is boring but learning how to take clear pictures of a loving target is interesting)
Many models, photographers and people who know the Bakugous have basically adopted Katsuki as their feral child since many of them are unable to have their own kids due to their work
Now, Bakugou has learned things about body language (how to read it), how to fake his confidence, sewing, stitching, how to dress for any situation, etc from his parents and their coworkers
However while those skills are important for him (he has a plan to be the best and he can’t be the best if he’s lacking in skills) he needs to know how to fight hand to hand without a quirk or how to pick locks or how to pickpocket (who knows, maybe he’ll have to steal something from a villain!!)
He doesn’t tell his parents what his specific plans are but he does tell him he’s gonna do training on his own
Now normal parents would be worried but for the sake of the AU let’s just say that katsuki’s parents work on the mentality that ‘their child is strong and even if he gets knocked down, he’ll be right back up. He’s a Bakugou.’
Bakugou’s never give up, it’s not in their blood to give up.
So, Bakugou, feral child, goes off on his own to experience a real fight with people who won’t care if they hurt him or to find someone to teach him how to pick a lock or pickpocket
Most of the adults he’s met are just amused by this kid so they too indulge him and his demands
Especially those who spar with him, Bakugou has made it clear that if he feels like they’re holding back he’ll make it so they can’t afford to anymore
(Yes this isn’t always a good thing but what matters is that he’s survived and somewhat friends with a bunch of shady people)
(They’ll tell you that they’re friends, Bakugou thinks that they’re worthy opponents)
Now this leads me to his relationship with deku
Originally he didn’t actually hate Deku when it’s announced that he’s quirkless, why would he? The nerd just has to get strong and it’ll be fine!
Deku isnt weak because he doesn’t have a quirk just like how Bakugou isn’t strong just because he has a quirk
That mentality lasts for 3 seconds
he starts to hate how the green boy lets that determine his future of being a hero or not
Deku being quirkless isn’t a problem. Deku allowing himself to be weak because he’s quirkless is a problem.
He just gets so frustrated with deku that he eventually just pulls away. He doesn’t want to hang out with someone who doesn’t work towards a goal, blood, sweat, tears and all that.
Deku wanting to be a hero is funny to Bakugou because deku is weak, the nerd let’s people step all over him especially Bakugou
To Bakugou, if deku just stood up for himself for once then he’d respect him
For obvious reasons, Midoriya does not know this and everyone including him assumes Bakugou just hates him because he’s quirkless
(The only exceptions is Bakugou’s parents because they have the same mindset and Inko because her and Mitski are best friends so she’s more than aware of their thought process)
For reasons, Bakugou’s ‘bullying’ is more like taunts and if he does use his quirk he never directly harms Midoriya (he just wants to push the kid to act not kill him) this also means he never tells deku to kill himself
Midoriya firmly believes Bakugou hates him and acts more or less the same as he does in canon
However he doesn’t see how the blonde will text inko to let her know when Midoriya is having a really bad day or how Bakugou wards off students who want to seriously harm him
Is this an excuse to write about Bakugou acting as a ‘reluctant older sibling who just wants the best for the younger but doesn’t know how to verbalize it so their actions come off as bullying or the likes’ and Midoriya being the ‘younger sibling who is terrified of their older sibling but still admires them greatly yet will never say that out loud because they’re convinced said older sibling hates them’? Maybe
Needless to say, this leads to an interesting conversation when the topic of quirkless people comes up during class
Bakugou scowls as he feels his classmates’ stares burn into his skull. He turns around with sneer, his palms popping. “What?” He manages to ask through gritted teeth. All without blowing up too.
His dad is gonna be so proud.
“W-well..” Shitty hair stammers, looking uncomfortable as he shifts in his chair. (The only reason why he doesn’t immediately get blown up is because Bakugou likes him. He’s man enough to admit he’s got a crush but like hell is he gonna do anything about. What he’s not gonna do though? Blow up said crush.)
“Y’know how you are!” Dunce Face blurts out, Tape Face elbowing his stomach harshly as Pinky hisses a not so quiet ‘not cool dude!’ . Now the others are exchanging shifty glances and from how reluctant they are to meet his eyes, he already has a good idea what this is about.
“Yeah yknow we’re just
“Yeah?” His eyes narrow with disdain as his ugly scowl softens into a calculating frown and he tilts his head just slightly. His arms crossed across his chest while he forces his body to relax. It takes just a few seconds but his aura changes from the ‘typical bad boy delinquent’ vibe he usually has going on and turns into something much more. It works wonders and he has a brief flashback from a conversation he had as a kid.
“You want to be intimadating? Don’t shout, don’t fire off your explosions, don’t give any reaction. Be cold, be caculating. Be dangerous little one. Being quiet is the most dangerous one can get.”
He has the electric blonde pinned under his look and faintly he can hear a ‘oh shit’ from a few seats away. He knows what he looks like, practiced the fuck out of this particular stare that a Russian model taught him all those years ago when he went on a fashion trip with his parents.
“I’ll teach you how to be scary little firecracker. Make us proud, you’re our little victory.”
Models, he muses privately as he watches the boy sweat bullets, are as dangerous as they are pretty. It takes a few moments of tense silence before someone eventually breaks and unsurprisingly it’s fucking half-n-half. He doesn’t have a real issue with daddy issues but he’s got a bone to pick with the tea kettle lover after the whole incident at the sports festival. The thought of fighting him is enough to get his blood going.
“They thought you’d hate quirkless people.” Hot Water fucker says, face void of any emotion and voice monotone. Ever since being friends with the nerd, IcyHot has gotten a lot better at speaking up when normally he’d just ignore everything. (Now if only shitty deku could pound some emotion that’d be great.)
Even though he’d expect it, he can’t help but laugh.“Why would I hate quirkless people?” He questions, raising a perfect brow. He drops his arms, an elbow perched up on Midoriya’s desk as his cheek rests on his open palm. He watches them falter, hesitation in their eyes. He decides to add fuel to fire, “One of my favorite people in this world is quirkless. She works for my parents as a secretary, I visit her every time I go.”
He doesn’t bother to listen to the responses, snapping his head and making direct eye contact with the nerd. “I hate people who have potential but let others tell them where they belong. It’s pathetic and sad. They should go get some fucking dignity, you think having a quirk is any better than not having one? It’s like having an arm, it’s the norm but if you don’t got it doesn’t mean you’re broken.” His words come out even despite the frustration building under his skin, he sees how Deku’s eyes widen in some kind of realization so he forces himself to pull his gaze away before landing onto Pony Tail. He doesn’t have an issue with her and actually likes her a lot better than the others but her confidence is so low it offends him, especially since he sees her as an opponent. Her eyes grow big and he can tell she’s nervous but before he can change his mind, his mouth opens. Oops.
The idiots practically brought this upon themselves. Reap what you sow dumbasses.
He just goes off and everyone is just stunned because they had this idea of him but that completely crumbled as soon as he started to reveal some of his thoughts and opinions
(Kirishima always kinda knew Bakugou was like this just bc I say so)
I know where this was going but now I do not lmao
Anyways he said his peace and it’s all quiet as people take in what he said and Ofc mineta decides to say something
“I don’t wanna hear that from a villain!” The diaper baby shrieks loudly, the grape fucker’s finger shaking as he points at him. Now usually, Bakugou has no problem with blasting the little pervert and calling it a day but he’s not quite done giving the literal talk down of a century just yet.
“Listen here you sex offender in training” He sneers and he takes great pleasure in seeing the other tremble in fear. “Wanna know why people shut the fuck up when I talk? Why people bother to take my advice? Why compared to me, you’re just a coward that no one besides the class’s resident sunshine trio will ever look at twice?” He asks, getting up slowly. No one stops him as he takes a step forward.
“Because I say actually fucking matters.” Step. “What I say is based off of experience and talent.” Step. “If you’re lucky then maybe the shit you spew will be worth something because it’s not worth anything here.” He finally makes it to his desk, towering over the other.
“You don’t like what I gotta say? Deal with it. I’ll continue to talk my shit to everyone and anyone because I can back it up. Can you? You fought any villains recently like teach over there? You go through some sudden growth and expand your moral compass like glasses? You fight and protect a little girl from the yakuza recently like Deku and Shitty hair? How bout deal with a shitty dad or shitty parenrs like IcyHot and Eyebags? What? Piss baby too scared now? Yeah, where were you when we were fighting for our lives? Were you there when Pikachu and Tape Face and Racoon Eyes fought against the villains in USJ?” He questions but everyone knows he’s not asking for an answer. “You there when birdbrain almost got kidnapped? You there when I got kidnapped? No? Then do everyone a fucking favor and shut the fuck up or I swear to whatever god you believe in, I’ll shove my fist down your throat and into your pathetic body and explode you so badly they’ll be scrapping off your guts for days.”
Needless to say, it was an interesting class
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Can we please have some Toby x Jeff or Nina x Jeff head canons? ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
YES YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN. you have EXCELLENT taste these 2 ships r some of my favorites
Ticci toby x Jeff the killer
While most of the major injury is handled by ej, or in extreme cases slenderman himself, tending to each other wounds is a sort of tender bonding thing for the both of them
gently cleaning and bandaging a cut or picking glass out of each other or doing some very small stitching for each other after a tough job is part of their typical routine now . they mostly do this while sitting together quietly, just as a de-stress thing. its actually very nice yknow. having someone you love take care of you . and after its taken care of, giving it a kiss to make it feel better…
jeff kind of gets on tobys case for no caring if he gets injured. i mean he cant feel it anyway so he doesn’t give a fuck, but jeff does . and toby calls him out for being a hypocrite, because he’s not exactly the most careful person either. they both get mad and kiss each other about it 
toby is usually known to be more…friendly? normal? than the others. more upbeat. but being with jeff brings out his bitchy cruel side . he’s still not as bad ! but he definitely has this sarcastic mean bite to him now. when they team up to get on someones case theyre pretty much insufferable LOL, but they love it . real teamwork .
they sit outside at night and talk to each other about whatever. from a distance it doesn’t even look that romantic. tobys probably carving a stick into a sharp point, jeffs smoking his lungs out, or sharpening one of his knives. theyre both sipping from the same bottle of stolen beer, but theres something very calm about them you don’t really see from either any other time. it feels toned down . no harsh words other than the occasional biting joke , always said with a smile followed by them both laughing of course, maybe one of them grabs the others shoulder for emphasis on something they said and it lingers there for a few seconds longer. 
They talk about work, sometimes jeff will pull up his sleeve and show off a new particularly gnarly scar to toby, and you can just see him soak up the attention . toby will do the same sometimes, but his never seem to get as messed up looking. he talks about masky and hoody and the things he sees out in the human world, as he’s sometimes sent out on day jobs, and jeff only ever steps out at night. about what it’s like up there during the day. 
theres a lot of moments of stretched out silence. it feels very nice. very calm and friendly and natural . then they both lay down in the grass and maybe….hold hands. or lean over and kiss a little …or a lot
theyre both pretty highly respected as guys who are good at their jobs in their own way . they go on jobs together Sometimes, but they tend to fight over who gets the actual final kill on a place . jeff is a lot more brutal and show-y with it, and tobys more of a ‘just get the job done’ guy. they both…admire each others work and technique. both are a little shy about admitting it though  
They both would die protecting the other for sure if they had to, so i guess its good they can both handle themselves pretty well. its nice to have someone ride or die for you like that though, when theyve both felt totally solo for most of their lives.
rough mean beat up boyfriends. theyre both rude bitches love each other and it really shows
Jeff the killer x Nina the killer
Jeff loves his baby so fucking much. he’s absolutely like, her guard dog basically lololol and she absolutely soaks up the protective bad boy boyfriend thing 100% even though she really doesn’t need it 
she’s very cutesy and sweet with him, and is always reeling him back and gently telling him to calm down , which he does…reluctantly, and she really doesn’t mind she just doesn’t want him all worked up all the time even if she does love and appreciate it and everything hehe :)
nina loves to go into demon city and party!!! and jeff goes with her as often as she wants him to, which is most of the time . she drags him around and makes him dance with her . and he keeps weirdos away from her, very forcefully and harshly might i add. every time he scares off some creepy loser she’s all over him being all “oh my sweet protective jeffy baby!!!” giving him kisses and praising him for keeping her safe and you know he loves that :’) 
Theres been a few times she’s gotta a little protective over him as well though . he pretty much shuts down anyone who approaches him with , bad or overtly romantic intentions, but a couple times shes had to pull him away and snap at someone getting a little too friendly. once they get out of there he laughs a bit and pets her head lovingly a little, reassuring her its fine and to not get stressed about it. but yknow, he doesn’t mind being on the receiving end of having a protective s/o once in a while. he kind of likes that his girlfriends got a backbone and a strong spirit like that. theyre both pretty mutually defensive and protective of each other, which happens to work out perfectly for each other!
he’s much more of a “DIY frat house” party guy than a nightclub or private party guy but …he doesn’t mind it that much, and really up for whatever nina wants. besides he loves playing body guard for her . he loves how much she dresses up to go to a party and how pretty she always looks. it makes him kinda blushy hehehehe. she also helps him get ready a lot :)! just wants her boyfriend to look good too, but to her he always looks good. she likes that they both have cut in smiles. its like a matching couple accessory in her eyes. sometimes she outlines hers in red and pink eye shadow and asks to do the same with his, which he msotly agrees to when she asks
theyre both high profile Killer Employees Of Slenderman so theyre always getting attention and special privileges wherever they go in the city they’re a very glamorous almost celebrity-couple type pair . nina loves it so much, it’s everything she’s ever wanted !!!! jeff can’t say he doesn’t like the attention and the constant ego boosting . theyre kind of made for this lifestyle . the scary evil underworld killer version of socialites if you want to think about it that way 
besides that though, theyre still very sweet and cutesy at home, though jeff gives her a little more space. but he definitely doesn’t have to since she follows him around all day at home mostly! shes a bit clingy, but he doesn’t mind at all. he loves having his sweet girl by his side as much as she wants. and she’s always all over him. she likes sitting next to him and holding onto his arm, or brushing his hair and putting little clips in it when she’s bored, or sitting on his lap, or laying on it, or making him sit on her lap, you get the picture
she asks to do his makeup sometimes, and he usually agrees though it’s not normally his thing. he has to admit, he does look pretty good whenever she does !
they both love each other very much and are a very cutesy loving pda couple. he’s so loving and protective with his sweet gentle pretty girlfriend and she absolutely adores her sweet loving and patient boyfriend so much!!
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bloomvroom · 4 years
vent poetry
anger issue stuff/vindictive fantasies due to cptsd regarding abuser
trigger warning for violence & gore I guess _ Youve been hanging around for a while now, its been some years since you raped me Its been some years since you begged me not to leave you since you asked me “Do you really want to throw all we are away over this?” right in the same day that you raped me
And I hoped id never see your face again after I cut you out of my life and I tried to heal but you wouldnt leave me alone Dragged you inside my mind to school cuz you stalked me outside my house always in presence, moved on my fucking street and you dont like letting go of me And you tore into my family, but yknow they already hated me cuz they didnt wanna believe my dad sexually abused me they already desperately wanted to call me a liar for sure, all to keep their blissfull facade of things being all fine, they just couldnt bring it over themselves to call a 13 year old little girl a liar right back when I cut my dad out of my life too cuz he tried to fucking rape me that one weekend in his new flat after mom left him Yeah youve been the chance they waited for, if it happened more than once, surely the girl is fucking lying right? You gave them the push they needed so they finally could set themselves free from pretending like they give a damn, so they called 16 year old me a liar, oh and you told them you raped me on accident, oh but like theyd have prefered it if you had that left part out but they made do with what you gave, I did some sorta roleplays with you, so you couldnt differniate, right? Doesnt matter that they never asked for my version of the events, or that you raped me out of nowhere, no sexual activity prior to it at all, no roleplay, nothing at all, they took it from there and came up with more excuses to explain away how obviously traumatized I am, my aunts husband said my mom didnt stop me from watching violent manga porn in my childhood and thats why im so fucked up now, I have no fucking clue where he got that from, for sure, but its quite of concerning that he knew I saw that sort of media in my childhood, but for real, my dad was the one actively telling me to go look up this sort of porn, after hes been showing me lolicon anime cuz he tried to groom me with it, after he instructed me to masturbate to hentai cuz he liked watching me, ah but whatever, they dont care abt that, do they?
Cuz they only care about the way youve came into their life and gave them the blessing of finally getting to call me a liar out loud, oh youve given them what they wanted, youre so buddy buddy now, and they never wanted to question how fucking creepy it is for a guy to actively befriend the family of a girl that has claimed shes been raped by the guy, how fucking weird it is that this girl went to a lawyer to get help cuz the guys been stalking her, and how they might be part of that stalking too, oh but why would ever question anything? anyhow? why would they?
They even let you move in with them, yeah why would the guy that shes accused of having raped her and stalking her wanna move in with her family after shes refused any sort of contact with him no matter how much he pushed for it? What kind of guy would do this knowing its gonna hurt her? its gonna devastate her? Yeah, what sort of powerhungry guy would - hey what again is rape most of the time motivated by? A hunger for power? A thirst for control? Mh, I wonder - I wonder how long you can hold your breath wasting your life creeping on me, over your inability to get over that I had the audacity to leave your ass after you raped me, thinking that id just move on and not leave u for it, oh for someone that obsessed about me for such a long time its like you barely even knew me,
And I know I should feel like crying when I think of it but all I feel is the shivering in my arms and legs from the adrenaline, and the waves of rage and violent urges that wash over me when I remember what the world let you get away with, when I remember my pathetic family and their farce when I remember how much of a dissapointment youve turned out to be, You should have really known so much fucking better than that, your own mother liked to get to close to you for comfort in your own childhood, you know what it feels like to be preyed on, yet you continued the cycle of abuse its pathetic, cuz I trusted you so much, trusted you in a world where barely anybody understands what its like if a parent sexually abuses you as a child, and you knew what its like, cuz it happened to you too, I trusted you to want to be better than that, I trusted that you wanted to heal and recover just like me, but boy was I wrong
You acted out on me, got triggered for sure, but you cant heal from what you refuse to see yourself as victimized of, you never liked accepting that what your mom did to you is really that bad, you held me so tightly and told me youd never let me go now that you know that I wont judge you for what youve been through, you cried in my arms that day, when we still were a couple, and you said somewhere you know what your mom did really counted as sexual abuse but you just cant let go of the illusion that she loves you, cant let go of the illusion that it wasnt even that bad, that it didnt count cuz only women can get victimized but that it feels so good to finally get to feel vulnerable, and youd never let go of me, and you do everything to make sure what happened to me never repeats
few months later you raped me’ and now youre crying out loud for gods sake just leave me the fuck alone, I cant cope with the amount of urges to murder you I get, but sadly enough I know thats sorta what youre getting at here, I know deep inside you just hope I snap and kill you cuz you cant get what you did out of you, cant get what she did to you out of you and now youre turning it around on me, and you hate me so vehemently hate me for leaving you, hate me for having been kind to you before, yeah, hate me cuz you cant have me, hate me cause you hate yourself, hate me cause youd like to end your miserable life cuz you know you cant take back what you did, well ive no sympathy for you You can beg, and you can threaten and all I do is fantasize about gutting you like a fish, I wanna cut the skin on your back open and unfold it so you can be the angel youve always wanted to be, I wanna stitch that lying mouth of yours shut, I wanna break all your fingers so you regret having ever touched me with them in those ways, I want to step on your body as its bleeding out, I wanna crush your bones with heavy shoes, I wanna hear you break like you tried to break me that day, I wanna stuff your throat full of white feathers so you can know what it felt like to be called “purity in person” too, try coughing up how you really feel, Id like to see you try, put you on a pedastal like you put me with a noose round your neck so you can know how graceful this fall is’
Purity isnt something you can steal, you shouldnt have tried to from me, Purity is something thats not as real as people pretend it is, the childhood innocence you miss, you should admit to why you feel that way, but im out of patience to give advice, youll only obsess over, like you used to, Im saying it now, the only fantasies ive got with you anymore are those in which I torture and kill you for every day you overstayed, for every day you sabotaged me and my life, when you came into my life, and when you left me bruised and more broken than ive ever been before, sabotaged the way I tried to go to school and graduate, stalking me like you did, I tried my best to succeed in life even as you kept trying to drag me down, I kept going anyway, and I did good in my own way, I kept going slower, slower, slower, but I still went my way you could slow me down, but you could never get me to stop never get me to give up, This is one hell of a sick game youve been playing with me, why cant you just accept it? You raped me and theres no second chance after that, You can deny it, try to act like you didnt, but I know you hate yourself for it, dont make it my issue, it makes me so sick when you think I could ever feel anything more for you at this point, more than the urge to grab a knife and slice your throat just to finally put an end to this, an end to this you and me havent been a thing since we’ve been sixteen, but you feel me with such violent shine when my mind goes dark cuz youve been trying to trap me in my own room full of fear cuz you keep reminding me of the way you raped me, oh and I feel like a tiger in a cage, like a tiger in a cage and im about to rip you open with my teeth, But theyd never understand the amount of damage youve dealt to me, would they? Id be the “bad one” So why dont you do me a favour and just kill yourself? You keep clinging to a possible future you had envisioned with me, but I never agreed to that, I always told you if you do something that hurts me, ill leave ya’ and you didnt even think id really do it, I promised you to stay with you for life unless you do something thatll hurt me real bad, you promised you never would, looks like you broke our promise and yet your the one crying out loud feeling the need to make me feel just how angry you are cuz I had the audacity not to stay in an relationship with my rapist
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