#they almost placed in order of creation (the third and fourth are switched so the more complete one can be placed in the middle)
dazzelmethat · 5 months
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Been trying a 'Paint first sketch later' approach. And It is fluid and nice. But it leaves me with multiple stages of my searching in the painting that I like.. but also a sketch that fails to capture what I like best about all the 'searches.'
Featuring my oc Zina.
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mrdemarlowe · 3 years
"The 333" Prologue: Betrayals
At the height of humanity’s ignorance, a war was waged.
The night sky morphed into a sea of darkness, as legions of Angels swarmed towards Earth’s land. The Angel’s invisible form only made visible by the trails of fire they left behind on route towards the highest populated areas on the planet.
This event would have multiple consequences for humankind.
To start, almost ninety percent of Earth’s land was destroyed and submerged into the oceans, leaving the remaining ten percent of land poisoned or too small to inhabit. In order to deal with this calamity, the survivors of humanity took to massive sea craft, hastily outfitted for long voyages, and began their long and difficult way through the world’s now dominant oceans. Where they would sail for close to twenty years before finally finding a home on land.
A second consequence of the “Rapture” (as some would take to calling it), was a mysterious mutation that occurred within living creatures and caused grotesque deformation and dampened physical ability within the afflicted. In time however, the survivors began to notice that the once prominent and disfiguring mutations were evolving to less visible, more enhancing mutations.
This would be the rough explanation for the creation of the Loma, a new race of humankind that had adapted with abilities.
The third and final consequence of our war had much to do with the first and second, this would make way for the subspecies of monster races to emerge from mutated manifestations of human consciousness. Of course, not many scientists were counted among the survivors of humanity, so even though not many knew the true origins of these races, this was the generally agreed upon explanation. All they knew, or needed to know, was the danger these races would bring for humans in the future.
The Carrier City, home to our race’s remaining people, would steadily drift closer to an unknown fate, and towards a place with divine implications, but demonic foundations.
Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the world from humankind, a different race emerged. This race had been created through the evil that man had poured into the land, through years and years of blood soaked battles.
Appearing in various corrupted forms, with demonic ambitions and enhanced abilities, the Demazo Race began it’s task to create a new continent in order to lure in any surviving humans for subjugation.
Thus, after almost twenty years at sea, humanity came across a massive land mass they had never seen before.
The scholars on board Carrier City boldly claimed this error on the navigation teams and captain of the vessel, Domillus Sysa. There were accusations of concealing land, or deliberate avoidance in order to sustain control over humanity.
In the end, a small faction of rebels would depart to make their own journeys on the new land, as Sysa’s group would settle in the northernmost territory of their new home. This territory was named Bernum, and was the first land to be discovered and claimed by humankind in years.
The continent humanity had landed on was named Lynn, after the late wife of Domillus, who had risked her own health in order to develop a treatment for some unknown disease that had plagued Carrier City early on in its voyage.
None disagreed, and a new kingdom arose from the ashes of a war not yet forgotten.
In the years to come, a new history began to unfold created from the actions of King Sysa and his bloodline, leading humanity down a new path of existence within the land of Lynn.
This is where we’ll start our story.
Bernum consisted of three distinct geographic features. It’s mystic forest of Demal Dora, which guarded the entrance from southern invaders, to it’s vast mountain-scape, which created a perfect foundation for Bernum’s eventual Kingdom with natural defenses, and its beaches down on the north side of Bernum’s border, which provided a great area for ports and fishing.
It’s within the first geographic feature, where a small campfire can be seen. Sitting around this fire, sheltered from a raging wind, were four men of varying age.
The first man Jacoby Simms, a grizzly man with silver hair and beard equivalent to the moon, who’s short stature warred constantly with his fiercely overbearing presence, sat idly stoking the flames. His hair and beard, both braided heavily with an assortment of gleaming metallic objects, glistened as it rubbed against his silver armor. His heart and mind were heavy this night, and no amount of drink or song was helping to appease his stress.
But it mattered little, his stress would not be transferred to his subordinates, he loosed a short soft sigh, and fixed himself upright.
“Anyone up for a Sysan Story?” He asked in his gruff but heavily accented voice. “I know one that’ll go great with a moonlit night like we have here.”
The smile on his face was clearly forced, but he had small hope that his crew had not noticed as he stood to begin.
“I’d rather you tell us what was said in Bella and Cyllym.”
This response came from Cassius Grau, a young man of twenty one years, who’s youth often went unnoticed under his wise and questioning eyes. But with his messy hair, and growing stubble, his questions and air of authority quickly vanished under the uncertainty of his power.
To his left sat the youngest of the four, a young man of nineteen, with short dirty blond hair, and a constant look of paranoia in his eyes named Elliott Alba.
Elliott scoffed quietly, before continuing his scan of the dark surrounding forest. “We aren’t high enough in the chain of command to understand these things.”
This was said almost in complete unison with the words of the last man who sat directly across from Cassius. Tristan Zuna, who had started with “You” instead of “We”, and was quite irritated at the mocking done by his pupil, finished his statement with a word of chastisement. His jet black pencil tip mustache and hair, which he kept in the slicked back style of old world Spaniards represented his refined and suave personality and his slick black armor complemented him to a T as well.
“I suggest you stop with the interruptions, and listen to your elders.” Tristan finished eyeing both pupils.
“Don’t be so rough on the boys,” Jacoby laughed, “they’re just nervous of war, and rightly so. But we can talk about that tomorrow when we report to the King. For now let’s recount the tale of Demarlowe Sysa, the fourth King of Lynn, and the wielder of the *Holy Roar*.”
“In those days, demons still ran the majority of Lynn’s southern half, and war between the races had been an ongoing struggle for the past Sysa King’s. But King Demarlowe was young, he knew that he had the strength his father had lacked in his old age. He knew he had the power to subdue the Demon race for good.”
Jacoby paused for effect, before continuing.
“It was on a night like this, with the moon in full view, that the King led his forces to retake Bristol and Fallpin. He discovered his Holy Roar, and with it he banished the Demon Prince to the deepest pit of hell.”
“I doubt things were that simple.” Cassius interjected. “The rest of the Kingdom’s territories were still united in it’s support of the King.”
“And they still are…” Tristan began to argue, but Jacoby stopped him with a wave of his hand.
“This world is ever changing, things come and go, and sometimes we humans crave things we can no longer have, or will never be able to have. This can make us do evil things.” Jacoby looked the boys each in the eyes. “If war becomes an outcome that we are to expect, it is our own fault as a race for our desires and flaws. We just need to trust in those who have a higher sense of divine purpose.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” Cassius replied, a sinister smile forming at the corners of his mouth. “We should trust in someone with a higher purpose than just taxes, and technology. We need power and knowledge, with a system designed to cater to those who’ve obtained both. We need a new way.”
“Don’t you ever speak such treasonous words in our prese…” Tristan began to yell, but was cut short by Elliott’s calm whisper.
With this, the two older men found themselves unable to use their Lomatic abilities, and as the cold chill of fear rose deep in their chests they turned to see Cassius Grau rise from his spot with the sinister smile fully visible on his face.
“Lunaius et Espanza” he began in a strange foreign language, before switching back. “Kill each other, make it look like an enemy ambush, and die knowing you’re both failures as teachers. Your own students overpowered you.”
With an evil bout of laughter, the boys watched as their former mentors ripped each other apart while the reflections of the campfire danced inside pools of blood.
The first betrayal was finished.
The Next Day:
As the midday sun reached its place above Bernum’s cityscape, two tattered and frantic riders were seen approaching the Kingdom’s gates. Standing Guard today was Rose Petallis and Sylvia Lennox, two of the most promising Royal Guard recruits in their generation.
Rose, a sweet and logical girl, almost twenty years in age, with warm auburn hair and soft amber eyes, was the first to notice Bernum’s crest on the riders cloaks. This was also when she realized the identity of the men, as Cassius Grau and Elliott Alba reached the entrance.
Sylvia, who was much more aggressive in nature, brushed back her golden blonde hair from her light green eyes and shouted to the men below.
“Identify yourselves or submit to apprehension and interrogation.” She finished, still eyeing them suspiciously.
The pair waited a couple moments for any response before calling down again. This time, the question came from Rose.
“Cassius? Elliott? Where are Sir Jacoby and Tristan?” She asked each question in fast succession, worry clear in her voice. “What’s going on guys?”
“Stop talking!” Sylvia scolded, “Until we’ve confirmed their identity, we mustn’t reveal any important information.”
With seemingly no words coming from below, the two girls decided to head down for a closer look. When they reached the bottom they noticed something off about the two men.
They were bloody, with pieces of clothing ripped off in various places. The frantic energy had faded, and the two men now lay slumped over on their mounts. The scene looked slightly staged but the girls immediately recognized their comrades outside the gate.
“That’s the boys,” Sylvia observed, turning to lift the gate. “ Something must have happened down in Demal Dora. We must inform the King.”
As she finished lifting the gates, Sylvia noticed a brief glimmer of metal before a slice appeared across her jaw and cutting down the length of her chest. As she fell to the ground, life fading from her eyes, the form of Elliott Alba appeared in front of her.
“You really were so beautiful…” He sighed softly. “Such a shame.”
Then he plunged his sword deep into her gut, pulled it out and walked away, as Cassius finished off a struggling Rose with a swift snap of the neck.
Sylvia’s eyes filled with darkness as her vision faded, the last image seen replaying in her head. Cassius and Elliott, with putrid smiles on their faces, walking towards the castle. Their second betrayal complete.
Meanwhile, at the castle:
In the highest observation tower, a frightened and confused Darla Brand has just witnessed the betrayal of her comrades at the gate.
Her dark brown hair, usually worn down, had been tied back to prevent obstructing her view of the seasonal migration of the local birds, but what she had seen by the gates was a simple mistake of curiosity.
The fear and confusion changed to anger and a determination to inform her guardsmen of the incoming danger, but as she reached for the door handle she found it already turning. Once it opened, she was relieved to see her fiancé, Prince Damian Sysa, who had just arrived to surprise her with lunch.
“Cassius and Elliott are back,” she started, “but something is wrong, they attacked Sylvia and Rose. I just saw the entire thing from the observation scope, and they’re on their way here. I think something is going on.”
As she finished, she noticed the doubt in her betrothed ones eyes flicker slowly before switching over to trust when he noticed her gaze. She gave him a moment to grasp the situation before prompting him to action.
“I need you to trust me, go inform your father.” She begged. “I need to go and help the girls at the gate, but when you escape with the King, come and meet me there.”
With this, she raced off leaving Prince Damian to warn his father of the coming attack.
In a quick moment of thinking, Damian decided to utilize his ability.
A quietness filled the room as his eyes closed to this world into another.
The Luullo Void was a dimension built entirely on silence. Only those born with Luullo type abilities can access the void, but even among them few can freely roam inside it’s realm with consciousness.
Prince Damian searched quickly for any aura inside the void, knowing only one person who could help at a time like this. But to no avail, Damian could only reach out in hope.
Finally, after a few seconds, Damian reached the consciousness of his mentor, the only other man to have made conscious contact inside the void. Adamantis Black, his father’s right hand and the commander of Bernum’s Royal Guard.
In the throne room, located on the opposite side of the Castle:
Adamantis Black, a man of few words with dark black hair and a trimmed and kept beard to match stands across from King Darius Sysa, Bernum’s current ruler.
As he finished his report, he feels a pinprick of anxiety coming from the Luullo Void. Without hesitation he establishes connection, and as a first instinct scolds his pupil.
“If you can’t free your mind of anxiety, everyone will feel your presence here my young student.” He chastised lovingly. “We’ve discussed this issue before.”
He felt a mischievous smirk form on his face before remembering his current location. The king eyed him, clearing questioning the smirk.
“Your son has entered the void,” he answered without orders. “he is getting stronger, but as of yet has much to lear…”
He was cut off by a desperate Prince Damian.
“My Father… danger. Cass and El… attack. Protect the King.” His last sentence was short enough to come in clear and was the only one to catch Adamantis off guard.
Without hesitation the King’s commander charged for the door to secure the room, but was too late.
The door handle turned, and in walked a young man with jet black hair and a look of pure delight clear across his face.
“Hello father.” He addressed Adamantis, before spotting the King. With a quick bow he finished, “Your Highness.”
“What’s wrong Sebastian,” Adamantis asked, noticing that something wasn’t quite right with his son. “Do you know what’s going on with Cass and Elliott?”
“Indeed I do father,” Sebastian replied coldly. “In fact, I told them to do it. I made all of this fun happen today.”
At a point of almost hysterical laughter, Sebastian slowly begins to calm down as King Darius rises from his throne.
“Explain yourself now boy, or so help me, I’ll make you slap yourself into a coma.” The King started, an air of intense anger beginning to permeate from his every word.
“Empty threats at this point my King,” Sebastian turned his gaze more intently displaying his pleasure at his achievements. “Everything is as I’ve planned. The envoy from Cyllym to Bella claiming war, the spies in our capitol, even the assassinations in Aurora that closed the trade agreements with Bernum.”
Without another word needed, The King began to incite his ability the King’s Command, which allowed him to speak orders into fruition, however it would not activate, much to the King’s surprise and dismay.
As both Adamantis and King Sysa stared in horror, the walls began to fade away to a dark pitch black nothingness. Leaving behind only, the three men.
“Welcome to my Noir.” Sebastian spoke smoothly, as two more figures emerged behind him. “Glad you boys made it in time to enjoy the fun.”
As the figures began to materialize, the King noticed the faces of both Cassius Grau and Elliott Alba, grinning as if they had just spent the night with a commune of women. Each covered in blood without a hint of injury the King could discern.
“I take it you boys are going along with this then?” He asked, already knowing the answer. A sadness had already began to sit in his eyes and words carried heaviness at the thought of this treachery. “Why?”
“Simple Old man, it’s time for a new line of Kings.” Sebastian, who had now made his way closer to his father, began slowly. “Let’s not waste any more of it.”
Before he could react, Adamantis Black found himself deep within the Luullo Void once more. Yet this time felt different, almost permanent in a way. He saw far more clearly within the void than he had ever seen before. And in his final moments of life, he discovered the experience of being reborn into another.
As Sebastian Black’s blade finished it’s downward slice, Adamantis Black took his last breath, and his body hit the ground with a heavy thud.
The King could do nothing but kneel at his best friends side and watch as life faded from his corpse. An anger again beginning to form deep within his gut. With no hesitation, he began to curse Sebastian Black.
“You are evil incarnate, you shape yourself in ways to mix with innocence but you are corruption to your core. You will hurt those closest to you with no remorse, and trade power for bits of your soul. Yet your evil will be your undoing. It will consume you and erase your existence forever.”
As the King finished his fierce last command all three boys lunged forward. Each one plunging their swords deep into the King’s chest. And watched as his body landed uncomfortably on the ground.
“It’s a new Era boys, let’s make sure it remembers who we are.” Sebastian mutters proudly.
The blackness faded away leaving no trace of the incident that had just occurred, just a cruel smiling Sebastian sitting on the King’s throne. With his third and final betrayal finished, he commenced with his last objective.
“Inform the council of elders knows of the Prince’s treason, and make sure you capture them before they escape.”
With Sebastian’s orders, the two men disappeared to capture the prince, as Sebastian peered happily through his new throne room’s window.
A few moments earlier:
Prince Damian had felt the disconnection from his mentor before anything else, and once he had realized what that meant, began making his way towards the throne room. However he was stopped by a reestablished connection to Adamantis Black who spoke briefly through the Void.
“I am dead, your father is surrounded, nothing you can do, run, take Darla and the baby, live.”
As tears filled his eyes, Damian understood his mentors words, and he raced to find Darla and escape the castle grounds. He would never return to his home territory, and he rode away from it’s borders with tears in his eyes and hatred in his heart. He turned to give one last glance to his old life, then turned back and headed towards his new one.
In the years that followed, Damian and Darla would settle cautiously within the territory of Alorica where they would have their daughter Donna, and would stay hidden for years until sickness took hold of Darla and eventually, Prince Damian as well.
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robalchemy · 5 years
A Channeled Message From Agents Of The Divine
Beyond all modes of spirituality, systems of belief and scriptures that have been passed down through the generations - This day is ultimately about love. You may get tired of hearing the word “love” repeated so often throughout this channeling, but it is necessary and the point! But why love? The answer is two fold, as this is the most linear way it can be explained; The day of December 25 isn’t of and within itself inherently sacred. Not inherently. It has become sacred by means of the collective consciousness - That is to say that we MADE it sacred through collective intent, thought and traditions. If we go back past the last century and change, we don’t see that our current Christmas traditions have been long standing at all, but that’s not really so much the point either. I say this at the risk of controversy, but the holiday itself is by and large metaphorical, not literal. Many have dedicated this day to celebrating that which we will refer to as the Christ consciousness manifested. And that which is referred to as the Christ consciousness wasn’t and isn’t exclusive to the singular master who once walked the earth, but is rather simply a way of framing love and wisdom in a linear fashion that is comprehensive to us living in a 4D plane of existence. Love itself is not linear. It’s not NOT linear. Though our human experience is linear, love is an energy far beyond that which can be put into a box. Love is the way by which we recognize each other on the soul level because love is at our core; Love is our natural state and our true nature. This isn’t so much something we create, as it is something that is innate, almost as a by-product of being multi dimensional beings based of light, which we are. At the core, we are all simply different aspects of the same whole, the same source, which is itself literal love and light. Recognizing this and identifying it as the Christ consciousness is simply a means of linearizing our own light which is inherent within all, whether we choose to express it or not. And it is a free choice. The mode by which we interpret and express our own divinity is not what matters. This we say at the risk of controversy, but that is to directly say that the religion itself is NOT important. On the other side of the veil, there is no judgement. There never has been. Love does not judge. The highest order of divine love and light is exactly that, the highest order of love and light. In this, there is no judgement, nothing is demanded of a single soul and there is no dogma. That is to say that no system of spirituality is incorrect when embodied with pure intent of love and unity both with the other aspects of ourselves, as well as Source. We simply can not phrase it in a more effective way than this: Love does not judge. Love is simply love, and nothing else. Love does not care which system of spirituality one chooses, or if one even CHOOSES spirituality. There is no requirement. Love does not place conditions on itself. Love IS unconditional, those who attempt to place conditions on love can only do so through their own intent, but that does not reflect the true nature of the loving source. Love does not wish to punish. Love is simply love, and the creative Source of the Universe is love, and we can recognize this through the fact that the Universe is biased towards benevolence - If this were not true, it would not be in the nature of the Universe to create life through which to experience all the different ways it can express and experience love. Friends, this morning we would like to discuss your essence. That is to say, the soul. We experience this as that which holds our stream of consciousness or experience, as well as our sense of self awareness. You may call this anything you wish, or nothing at all. On earth, this is manifested into our 4 dimensional reality and anchored through a multitude of energetic systems, but is expressed through our heart center, for the heart is where heaven meets earth, so to speak. But what actually is our essence, our soul - And where does it come from? This has been explained in countless ways throughout time and traditions, but it boils down to consciousness and a common origin, connecting all consciousness that exists throughout the Universe. You may think of it as a creation scenario if you wish; If we are to look at the existence of the Universe in a linear fashion, we can explain “the beginning” even though it is infact not linear.
In that which you call the beginning, there was simply an awareness. This is consciousness. In this, the first dimension is inherent, which is self awareness itself. You could think of it as consciousness, though at this point it is an incomplete description. Upon realizing self awareness which is the first dimension itself, this consciousness asked one question, and this question was catalytic: “What can I be?”. This is where the observation of the self can begin, and to observe the self, there must be more than one dimension for a second perspective to exist. This created the second dimension which was simply the means for anything more than singular to exist. The second dimension created duality as a means for for more than one perspective to exist in order to observe itself. Duality also inherently created polarity. As soon as more than one of something could exist, opposites and a spectrum could therefore exist. This is why the second dimension is duality and is the basis for all of existence to experience itself. The way for duality to manifest and exist in physicality creates the third dimension. The third dimension is the origin of all that exists in form or physicality, it is the basis on which physical form CAN exist, although in some higher dimensions, physicality and form are fluid. But more on that later... So now we have the most basic level of self aware physical existence. But in only three dimensions, it is static. In fact, all physicality is static. This is to say that in quantum fashion, all points of physicality, all possibilities, timelines and potentials ever - All exist simultaneously in one singularity or point in time and space, and moving through billions of different potentialities or alternate realities per second creates the illusion of linear motion, or time. This works exactly how frames in film work. Every single possible configuration of physical reality, absolutely EVERYTHING that is physically possible, all exists in one time in one place, like individual frames on film, and each frame is static, as if time is frozen. Consciousness inherently moves THROUGH each one of these frames at a finite pace of billions per second. This is what we perceive as motion and therefore linear time. And this is the fourth dimension. In 4D, it is experienced as time that moves in one direction, but the time doesn’t move, the consciousness moves through it. From the fourth dimensional physicality, “time” can only be experienced through a singular perspective. The next dimension, the fifth dimension - In regards to time - Is a higher perspective from which ALL points of spacetime and potentialities can be simultaneously observed, experienced and existed within. A wonderful example of this is the character “Grif” in the movie “Men in Black 3″ who is portrayed as a 5th dimensional being experienced by the protagonist in 4D. This is an apt description. But with an expanded perspective in the fifth dimension not only brings all potentials of spacetime into focus, but also the entire spectrum that exists within polarity or duality. This is to say that from this perspective, we no longer experience opposites, but rather all opposites become a spectrum, and this can be experienced in physicality through what the Buddhist tradition calls “The Middle Way”. From a perspective of 5D consciousness, we can see the entire spectrum of duality in any situation, as if the vision of our minds eye has just switched from a 4:3 ratio to 360 degree panoramic vision. In this, we can better identify the point of balance or the “middle” in any situation, place or thing - And temper our judgement in a blanaced fashion. This brings us to the big point here, which ties in love and the theme of this day. This perspective of 5D consciousness in 4D physical form is where the human race is currently heading, whether it may SEEM so or not. And love is completely innate and inherent by the time we reach this point. For to be able to see all sides of a situation from a balanced, neutral perspective, so must our own love also be tempered and balanced. So how does one temper or balance love itself? By allowing it to flow in its true nature in an absolute fashion. We do this by letting go of that which is polarizing that we hold on to. Things such as limiting beliefs, anger, guilt, shame, control, etc. This could be thought of as self actualization, although we’re hesitant to use such a limiting linear term, as its context implies that it is unobtainable for humans in 4D. This is not true. Any human in any state of existence is always capable of calling upon or invoking their own light, uninhibited, and allowing it to flow fourth in purity through the surrender of self. That is to say that in human life, there is a tendency unique to this density of existence to focus on that end of polarity that is not love & light. This is the nature of duality when free choice or free will is introduced. In surrendering our bias of our own perspective, that which is our natural state of love always floats to the surface. This is resultant of the Universe being biased towards benevolence. So to go back to the previous point of “what is a soul, and where does it come from”? Understanding the origin of the first 5 dimensions, we can now continue. Upon consciousness realizing itself, that which it is collective asked itself “What can I be” - Enter - The Universe! In order to answer that question, consciousness then divided itself fractally in order to experience itself in every way possible. This is to say metaphorically, that the creative Source of all that is expanded itself into dimensions of physicality, non-physicality, multitude and unity in a quantum fashion. This is called the Universe, and is the place in which incarnate consciousness can exist and experience yourself. In a theistic sense, this was creation. In a non-theistic sense, this was the Universe experiencing itself. Consciousness is fractal. That is to say that it can be divided infinitely. This is comparable to taking a photograph of an apple, for example. Cut this photograph into 100 equal or unequal squares, and each smaller square will be another COMPLETE picture of the same apple. And you can keep zooming in and doing this infinitely. This is fractal consciousness, and is how the unified source can experience itself in an infinite sense, or in an infinite amount of ways. Your soul or consciousness is literally one of these fractal pieces of the creative Source. It can be stated that your soul is a literal piece of God. You are one aspect of God experiencing itself, and therefore your essence IS the divine light itself. You are yourself, and are OF Source. This is what your soul is and where it comes from. And this is why we bring this entire topic up on this day that so many humans have made sacred by what we can now understand is our own divine will - Being that we are OURSELVES the highest order of love and light, we recognize love and light inherently and innately. The x-factor is that in 4D physicality existing in what is closer to the fourth density now than the third (in which humanity has existed exclusively thus far) we have the veil. That is to say that when humans incarnate as you currently know incarnation - You forget. You forget who you are. You forget your origins, purpose and potentials. This is done on purpose, and this is where the illusion of separation of source comes from, although you can’t ACTUALLY be separate from that which you are. Here’s the point: This is what the Master Jesus was referring to when he brought fourth the teaching that “The Kingdom is within.” And this is the loving message of the day from all that is love and wishes for you to now know that which you didn’t know previously: In this day when you celebrate what which we’ve referred to as the Christ consciousness and use this to recognize the divine light within yourselves and others - Understand that you are yourself the highest order of love. You exist within the highest order of love and light and TRULY cannot ever be separate from it, despite what the experience of this incarnation may lead you to believe. And what you believe doesn’t even matter, that’s the point. Currently, you are an aspect of the creative source experiencing what it would be like to FEEL separation. But dear ones, you are not separate. There is no separation. And you can use the joy and love that you garner from this sacred day as proof, for you would not be capable of experiencing that which you are not. And what you are is an expression, an aspect of the highest order of divine love and light, and we on the other side of the veil wish for you to understand in the most loving of terms that that love is not only you - It’s also with you. It’s around you. At every moment that you infinitely and eternally exist. You could not be separate from the light even if you tried. Again, there will be times when it SEEMS like you are in these earthbound lives - That’s part of the point. But it is never, EVER out of reach or unavailable to you for even a moment. The only place you need look at any time to reconnect with love and light itself is to your own heart center. This is where the creative source resides within you, and this is the gateway to all that is. Speak to your own heart first, and you are speaking in the most direct way to Source. Love your own heart first, and you are loving Source and all that Source is, which is all of life and existence throughout the Universe on both sides of the veil. Speak through and to your heart, and the Universe will hear. That is the message that we wish to bring you on this day, and to express to you the unfathomable love that exists for you where you are, and on our side of the veil. You are never alone, you are loved beyond imagination and all you need to do to experience this is grant permission for it to reveal itself to you. The goal of this message is to explain how this is possible so that you can better understand and therefore experience the fullest value of all the gifts that the Universe wishes for you to receive. And finally, we would like to end with a reminder that unconditional love means unconditional. The creative source does not concern itself with what you do or don’t believe. Nothing is demanded of you and there is no such thing as judgement on our side of the veil. Please understand that your are so loved, and go fourth as an expression of that love incarnate for highest good of all. And so it is.
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daemonusdea · 5 years
Zero and Her Sisters { meta }
  This is something I don’t think I’ve ever talked much about, maybe individually with some people or just vaguely, but with Zero’s sisters being an important key to Zero herself as a character and their roles as a concept in the games I really wanted to lay all of it out!
I guess this is technically??? Spoilers for the game…So uuuuh just be aware of that I supposefnjg. Other than that here we hecking go, under the cut! It’s long, so strap in!
  The first to get out of the way, is to know that her sisters are, put blankly, not actually her sisters– the sisters are more like corpse copies of Zero. In an attempt to preserve itself when she tried to dig the Flower out of her own chest ( which would kill her and the offshoot Flower, as well as any chance to destroy the world like it intended ), it spat out five copies, five little girls each with their own Flower. Along with that, they were given false memories, though each girl differed in what they believed to be their past, how their ‘parents’ were, and how they lived. To make these girls, the Flower used resources from Zero such as a chunk of her magic, split off between the five of them. But most importantly, it took the faces of girls Zero knew or killed when she was alive, and took fragments of Zero’s own psyche to base their personalities off of. Now onto the sisters individually!
Five. Five is the youngest of all the sisters. Five, being extremely promiscuous, gluttonous and greedy, got her appearance from a nun Zero killed while trying to steal food. Lovely irony. Five is materialistic, and has a lust for finding and conquering the ‘next best thing’. Her desires reach out into sex, exotic foods, and clothing, but once she obtains what she desires, she immediately loses interest and moves on to her next conquest. She believes to have a longing for her father who died before she met him. Five is the part of Zero that could never truly grasp her desire for happiness. She turns to meaningless instant gratification, but it fades in an instant to leave her empty and finding the next thing to strive for. It’s shown as well in her final moments before Zero kills her that she has an intense desire to live, even if she loses sight of who she is. When Zero was alive, her sense of self and life quickly dwindled down to nothing as she suffered more and more, to where she shut off all of herself just in hopes of surviving. There was a distinct dream to pursue a life where she was happy, but with how twisted and vacant she’d become over the years, she had no real way to achieve that– she didn’t know how. Life had stripped her of everything, and she wandered and killed and stole until she no longer could. It was an empty way to slowly die, but it was almost a hope that if she kept living, kept surviving, perhaps she’d finally get what she desired. Five continues this and amplifies it, so desperate to live and obtain more she forcefully regenerates herself into a zombie-like monstrosity.
Four. The second youngest, self-righteous and always seeming the morally straight one, her innocence and loathe of fighting are all a mask for a vindictive, cruel, and paranoid truth. Four is plagued with a pride of higher-than-thou, trying to hide a hideous inferiority complex, though if pushed on it is easy to crack that good girl exterior, suddenly switching to insulting your character with any flaw she feels she can expose and twist to make you seem the villain. She holds a secret disdain as well, mostly for anything non-human, going as far as degrading what she thinks as inferior, even going past orders and common mercy to slaughter retreating elven sky pirates, gleefully so. She has memories of Zero being a sweet and caring sister that she looked up to, and hated her parents. Four is a particularly irking one, as Zero sees her just as she was as a young girl while in the brothel; the fighting urge to cling to the last bits of pride she had. This becomes even more irritating with the knowledge that Four, out of her own pride and repressed attitude, is a virgin out of all of the Intoners, who all harbour high sex drives. Four is a culmination of repressed anger, jealousy, and self-hatred. A high paranoia of trusting the people around her, really an image of Zero and her outlook on the world, mostly while she was still alive. A girl trying to hold onto nothing, lashing out whenever she feels threatened.
Three. The third youngest, and the most strange. Lethargic most of the time, she falls asleep in any spot, and seems to fall to laziness whenever things don’t interest her. Which is most of the time. She speaks in riddles that hold no meaning or make any practical sense to anyone but her. When her interest is sparked however, her personality seems to switch. She obsesses over ‘dolls’, creations she makes by her own hand, often monsters operated on to create soldiers she wants in often horrific experiments. When asked about them, she sparks into excited, fast-paced speech and acts quite animatedly. Unfortunately, her experiments have delved into human territory, using them to make mishmashed monstrosities with other creatures, killing many in her attempts to successfully create a doll, others falling victim to tests she’d created to find the core of a human’s strength. She enjoys making toys so much, there’s no regard for the lives she’s brutalized, only interested in why strange things are the way they are. She comes off very childish, an unending curiosity, simple-minded likes, tantrums, and even a juvenile humour. A broken Intoner. She disliked her parents. Even Zero finds difficulty in understanding just where Three even came from, but knows without a doubt that she’s a very dark, twisted facet of herself. The child in her questioning why humans are the way they are, why humanity behaves the way it does, and a dangerous, empathy-lacking disregard for lives she takes the more she goes on. A complete dissolution of her own humanity, the numb carelessness she developed while she was still alive, murdering more and more not even out of necessity.
Two. The fourth youngest, and another oddity Zero finds quite bizarre due to how wildly different they are. Two is bright and bubbly, effortlessly trusting, and endlessly caring ( even continuing to treat Zero kindly, and like a normal big sister NOT trying to kill her ). She runs an orphanage, taking care of the children who were left behind in the previous wars alongside her disciple Cent, and considers them a giant family. Out of all the Intoners, she was the only one to actually form a romantic relationship with her disciple. She enjoys cooking, and takes to carefully watching over all of her people. She is, in essence, very happy. Until her power outgrew her, and her mind buckled under the weight of it as well as the trauma she suffered from having to kill her soldiers and the orphaned children she cared for, turned into zombie-like undead and a monstrous conglomeration homonculus respectively. Two loved her parents immensely, who she noted were very loving. Zero finds however, that Two makes more sense than originally thought. Two is the culmination of everything Zero wished her life could be– who she could have become, if her life hadn’t been so horrid. A girl with everything; a girl who could be happy, who could trust and find love and have a family. Two is what could have been, dead dreams Zero could never reach.
One. The second oldest under Zero, with the face and voice of the rebel Zero briefly knew for the time she was chained up with her outside the Bastille in Cathedral City. With the rebel having been tortured ( her eyes being gouged out ), One’s eye colour defaulted to red, in essence of the blood Zero saw in it’s place. One is intelligent, tactful, and has a strong sense of justice. She is the one who lead her sisters to defeat the corrupt Lords of all the lands and freed the people from the endless warring. She’s the strongest of her five sisters, a formidable match for Zero, not even needing a disciple to help control her power of Song. With this, she is one of the only ones to discover something amiss with their power and place within the world ( the other being Two ), and decides to delve further to find an answer as to why the Intoners exist. One remembers having no parents, only all six of the Intoners living together. With how opposite Zero and One are, they constantly butt heads, and Zero questions once again just where One came from. She speculates for a while that maybe One is a product of the Flower trying to go against her; giving a powerful rival that would keep her from killing them all off. It takes the final battle for Zero to finally understand– One is a true part of herself. A facet that could never be satisfied with given answers, with a so-called truth of her own fate. The pure confusion and anger over the injustices of the world; how she could never accept such a cruel life where she was constantly betrayed, used, and tossed aside. Where the good were constantly stepped on like cockroaches and suffered, where the evil were rewarded and won out in the end. In Zero’s last moments, tried as a murderer and sentenced to death, she hated the world, yet still tried to grasp for an answer. How could she accept something so unfair, how could she ever be satisfied? One is in her entirety the burning dissatisfaction of cruelty and those who perpetuated it.
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risalei-nur · 6 years
TAFSIR: Risale-i Nur: The Words Collection:The Tenth Word.Part 29
Part three
QUESTION: The repeated declarations of the Qur’an,
 It is but a single blast (36: 53) 
The matter of the Hour is but the twinkling of an eye, or even quicker (16:77) 
show that the Supreme Resurrection will happen in an instant. Our limited understanding needs a tangible analogy to enable us to concur with and accept such a unique, miraculous event.
ANSWER: There are three matters concerning the Resurrection: spirits will return to their bodies; bodies will be reanimated; and bodies will be rebuilt and resurrected.
THE FIRST MATTER: An example for the spirits returning to their bodies: Imagine the soldiers of a highly disciplined army. Having dispersed in all directions in order to rest, they can be summoned back together with one loud bugle blast. The Archangel Israfil’s Trumpet is certainly no less powerful than a bugle. In addition, our spirits—each of which responded with “Yes, You are!” to the question “Am I not your Lord?” which came from the direction of pre-eternity when they were in the world of atoms— are more obedient, disciplined and submissive than any soldiers. The Thirtieth Word has demonstrated convincingly that not only the spirits but all atoms are the armies of the All-Glorified One, each being a dutiful soldier.
THE SECOND MATTER: An example for the bodies being reanimated: For a celebration in a great city, uncountable lamps may be turned on instantly by flicking a switch in the city’s power station. It also would be possible to light an infinite number of lamps throughout the world from a single power station, if one existed. If a creation of God such as electricity, a servant and a candle-holder in this transient realm, can manifest this property on account of its Creator’s training and discipline, the Resurrection is surely able to occur in the twinkling of an eye and within the framework of Divine Wisdom’s orderly laws, which are represented and demonstrated by thousands of His light-giving servants such as electricity. 
THE THIRD MATTER: There are thousands of suitable analogies for rebuilding and resurrecting human bodies on the Day of Resurrection. Consider, for example, the way in which trees, which are far more numerous than people, are restored with all their leaves perfectly and almost identically to those of the preceding year within a few days after the beginning of each spring. Consider the way in which the leaves, blossoms and fruits of the trees are re-created just like those of the preceding spring with extreme rapidity. Consider the sudden awakening, unfolding and coming to life of countless seeds, kernels and roots, which are the origin of spring growth. Consider the way in which trees, resembling standing skeletons, suddenly begin to show signs of “resurrection after death” at a single command. Consider the amazing reanimation of countless small creatures, especially the resurrection of different species of fly—particularly of those which, continuously cleaning their faces, eyes, and wings, remind us of our ritual ablution and cleanliness, and caress our faces—during a few days despite being far more numerous than all humans. 
This world is the realm of Wisdom; the Hereafter is the abode of Power. So, in accordance with the requirements of Divine Names such as the All-Wise, the All-Arranging, the All-Disposing, and the All-Nurturing, creation in the world is gradual and extends over a certain period of time. This is required by His Wisdom as the Lord. But given that Power and Mercy are more evident than Wisdom in the Hereafter, creation in that realm is instantaneous and free from anything related to matter, space, time and duration. In order to show that what takes a day or a year to do here will be accomplished within an instant in the Hereafter, the Qur’an decrees: 
The matter of the Hour is but the twinkling of and eye, even quicker (16:77).
 If you seek firmer confirmation that the Resurrection will come just as surely as the next spring, study the Tenth and the Twenty-ninth Words.
THE FOURTH MATTER: As for the destruction of this world: if a meteorite or asteroid were to collide with this planet by the command of God, our dwelling place would be destroyed instantly, just as a palace that took ten years to build could be destroyed in a minute.
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mister-lucky-bunny · 6 years
Scooby Doo: Monster Menagerie Chpt. 8
Description:  Mystery Inc. finds a secret while Sibella confesses something to her friends.
Scooby Doo: Monster Menagerie
Chapter 8: Using Your Noodle
When one observes a class called "Mad Science", one must always expect the unexpected. After all, creating life as if you were God already crosses the boundaries of ethics and morals, regardless of what you do with your abilities. It can't be blamed too badly in this context, however. Monsters learn differently, it seems, and if a perversion of science is what helps them with their education, far be it from Velma to judge them. With that being said...
"Do you suppose those are human brains..?" She asked the detective quietly, leaning towards him as her eyes remained glued to the lesson. The reason she asked wasn't because she was unsure if they were really human brains, of course. She was smart enough to know they were in fact real. She had merely asked out of sick curiosity, a second question forming in her brain to ask later. 'Where did they get them in the first place?' Miss Grimwood had assigned the girls to create something with their given specimens. Before the class ended, they would show off their projects and allow everyone to see what they had created. A gruesome and macabre project to be sure, even if it was quite creative.
The creepy detective had his notebook open, eyes quickly moving from his pages back up to the girls working before darting back down, his hand continuously scrawling numerous diagrams and words on his pages in vast interest. Upon being asked by the bookworm about the authenticity of the brains, his hand stopped for a little so he could move his eyes over at her. His already wide grin formed into a toothy smile, letting out a couple of dark chuckles before moving back to his notebook. Velma whispered a small "Jinkies..!" to herself, definitely freaked out by both the detective's answer and what was going on in front of her.
Elsa, naturally, had taken to the project like a fish to water. It wouldn't be long before she examined her given brain, using measuring tools to determine the size of it. After quick measurements, the Frankenteen had decided to dissect it, using a scalpel to cut the brain in a state that showed off the two hemispheres so she could examine the insides for closer inspection. Once she determined that the brain itself was quite healthy, she began to sew it back up, not unlike how her own stitches were. Using various sized wires and plugs, she would route some sort of system, connecting various regions to each other. After that, she gently held the wired organ, moving over to a miniature tesla coil. With one hand gently cradling her 'invention', the other one reached out, a finger extended. A bright flash of electricity would quickly form to Elsa's finger. While it didn't seem to effect her, the electricity also inducted into the brain, making it shudder and smoke some. After a couple of minutes, she removed her hand and let the brain rest on her work table, moving around to scrounge for something else. Of course, everyone was quite interested in what she was doing, even if they had their own project to take care of. Eventually, she'd wire an old telegram up to the brain, making sure it was in working order. In no time, the telegram went to work, beeping out a message in morse code. Elsa, as well as the detective made sure to quickly jot down the message it was rapidly putting out.
.- ... . .-. . / .- - / .. / - ... / -. - -.. / .- ... -.- / -.-. .- -. .-. - / .. / ... . . / - .-. / ..-. . . .-.. / .- -. -.- - ... .. -. -. / .- ... .- - .-. ... / -. - .. -. -. / - -.
The message would continue on in the same manner, beeping out into the classroom. While the detective began to translate the messages, Velma's eyes continued to scan over the other students' handiwork. For Sibella, her project would have similarities to Elsa's, although instead of wiring, her brain would be connected with clear surgical tubing. Carefully using a syringe, she would inject blood into it, simulating a blood stream into the organ. Oddly enough, the brain seemed to react a lot like a heart would, in that it would begin to pulsate somewhat, steadily keeping the blood going. Velma had no idea how this was possible, but found it better to not ask questions about this sort of ordeal.
Phanty, for the most part, seemed to be shoving various bits of metal into the brain in front of hers, with seemingly no goal in mind. It was quite weird and disturbing to watch her prod around with a metal fork in a region of the brain before shoving what looked like a long metal pin into it, connecting numerous wires from each pin to one another in a haphazard manner. Whatever the reason, it managed to make... something happen. Holding up two fingers on each hand, she'd reach down at the brain and begin prodding at each different part of the brain. Somehow, the vibrations of it elicited a weird noise, almost like a garbled, echo-y squish. Rubbing her fingers along it would change the pitch of the odd noise. Soon, Phantasma was playing her own little brain theremin concerto, giggling wildly to herself. This got the attention of everyone else, the detective even stopping his scrawling to stare at the odd scene.
"...okay, now I want to know how this all works," Velma murmured to herself, hand resting on her chin as she saw the detective draw a diagram of the brain theremin. The only thing close to words on the page would be numerous question marks.
Tanis, thankfully, did something that made slightly more sense than whatever the phantom was doing. Any pins and wiring that would be connected into the brain would be much more organized. Unlike the phantom, though, the mummy girl pushed two old fashioned glass tubes into either side of the brain, making sure to connect them. After figuring out how to connect an alarm clock to the front (with the help of Elsa), she would soon succeed in making something like a potato clock, only instead of a potato, it was a brain.
Winnie, for the most part, looked very unsure as to what to do with her brain. She never felt like the creative kind, so for half of the period, she would be nudging and poking the squishy membrane with a claw in a bored manner. At one point, she had connected a single wire into an area of the brain, connecting the wire into a switch and flicking it on and off, watching the current shoot through the brain and watching it react. After the third or fourth time of doing this, her eyes lit up as an idea hit her. With a scalpel in hand, she began to cut various lines throughout the brain, pushing in more wiring and connecting it to the switch. Near the end of the period, she had created what looked like a weird brain flower that would fold and move like a kinetic sculpture when she flipped the switch.
Miss Grimwood was quite impressed with what everyone came up with, praising their work as she had them put them upon a shelf for display purposes. As the detective continued to scrawl in his notebook, his smile still as wide as the day is long, Velma walked over to Elsa, making sure that the telegram was properly set up so it wouldn't fall off the shelf. "That's... quite a creation you made, Elsa," She began, trying her best to put on a polite and not at all creeped out smile.
The flesh golem girl flashed a sheepish smile at her, shrugging. "Thanks for saying so, Velma. Truth be told, I didn't really know what else to do with it."
As morse code beeped out continuously, Velma nodded and looked at the brain. "I know it's not my place to say so, but doesn't it seem a little... inhumane to keep them alive like that?"
Elsa shrugged, nonphased by such a notion. "Perhaps, though it's not like they're connected to anyone anymore. No pain receptors of any sort." She pointed at her project and continued to explain through the morse code. "You see, I connected spasms created from the hippocampus, so it can communicate with it's past memories. It can't hear or learn anything new, though, so it's only going through confused repetition at this point, I believe." Her explanations were slow and methodical, a hint of pride in her own work. "Don't worry, if it gets too annoying to deal with, I'll just disconnect the telegram."
Velma blinked at how nonchalant Elsa was about this whole thing. She supposed that the more you're around the macabre and weird, the more used to it you get. Her eyes drifted towards the other brains... and then to the detective. She looked back at Elsa and nodded a little. "I see. Well, I won't keep you from your next class," She ended with a small smile, which her friend returned before heading to the other side of the room with her friends.
As Velma walked back towards the exit, the detective shut his book and put his pencil into his pocket, walking with her. "Well that was quite interesting, yes?" He asked her curiously.
"Definitely interesting," She replied, feeling unsure if that was a good thing or not. To help get her mind off of the weird scene, she looked back at the detective. "Come on, let's see if the others have made any progress in finding a secret entrance anywhere yet."
"Have we checked under the stairs yet? Maybe there's a hidden cupboard or something."
"Like, sorry, no hidden rooms there."
"Check under creaky stairs, then! There has to be something under one of those, right?"
"No ruck rith the rug..."
The group of five had been searching around the foyer for the entire hour, slowly growing more and more frustrated with their lack of findings. Freddie was leaning against the stairwell, scratching the back of his head as he looked around the room in confusion. Googie was sitting on the stairs themselves, doing the same as Shaggy felt around the side, looking closely for hidden doors. Daphne and Scooby were finishing up pulling a rug back into place after having looked underneath it.
"Maybe there just isn't any secret passageways around here," The redhead sighed, shaking her head and putting her hands on her hips.
"There are still plenty of other places to search, at least," Freddie continued, looking thoughtful as he rested his chin in his hand. "I could've sworn there would've been some sort of secret room here, though. The two largest rooms in the building and nothing!"
Shaggy stood straight up, stretching a little after having spent the last few minutes crawling on the ground. "Like, I dunno about you guys, but I think it's time we took a little break. We've been at this for, like, a good couple of hours," He sighed, leaning against the rounded top of the newel. As he did so, though, his hand pushed against the top, making it open up, in a sense. Because of this, the lanky man lost his balance and stumbled forward, gripping onto the post for support. "Zoinks! Hey, like, what's this?"
The others moved over to where Shaggy stood, surprised with the sudden development. Like a hidden compartment of sorts, hidden underneath the round post was a small hook with a single, small key. Etched into the wood near the hook was a symbol, that could best be described as a spiral with a single line going through it. Googie helped Shaggy stand to his feet as Fred gathered the key, a big happy grin forming on his face. "Alright, progress! Great find, Shag!"
"Now all we have to do is figure out where that key goes to, right?" Googie asked, looking over to the other blond, who nodded.
"Does that mean we'll have to search through the whole school again?" Daphne asked, raising an eyebrow. The thought of going on a wild goose chase for a key hole that may or may not even be located inside the house did not thrill the red head any more than it did looking for a secret in the first place. Still, it was nice to have actually found something.
"We may need to, Daph," Fred explained, still keeping the key in his hand, not wanting to lose it.
"Rucky rind, Raggy!" Scooby barked, looking up at his tall friend, who chuckled and started to scratch his head. Soon enough, Velma and the detective came walking to the huddled group, having just left the laboratory. Both of them quite curious as to what they had just discovered.
"I take it you all found something of interest?" Velma asked, a smile on her face as she looked in to see the new clue. Freddie presented the key proudly, beaming as his friend exclaimed out, "Jinkies! How'd you all find that?"
"Shaggy over here knocked over a stair post and revealed it to us," Googie explained, pointing over to the newel, which was still opened up. Velma examined it, fixing her glasses a little as she inspected the symbol inside.
"Do you think that could be a clue to where the key goes?" Daphne asked, watching as the detective soon scribbled down the drawing on a blank page in his notebook.
"Could be..." Velma mused, moving to shut the newel back. Who knows if they were even supposed to find this in the first place? Best to keep their discoveries as conspicuous as possible.
"Like, I wonder how long we'll have to look to find out where that key goes?" Shaggy asked, already feeling mentally exhausted just thinking about it. After all, the building was indeed quite big, and searching through every nook and cranny for a little keyhole sounded like a daunting task.
"We probably won't have to look too far," The detective added, his smile seeming to grow as he formed an idea. "I believe I've seen that symbol before." The others looked at him expectantly, though instead of immediately explaining to them, he began to walk back into the living room, curling a finger to have them follow. After sharing a quick glance to each other, they followed.
Soon, the group of investigators were standing in front of a bookshelf, the weird man's finger soon scanning over each book spine. After a few seconds, he pulled out a rather thick, worn green leather bound book. "Look here, on the cover," He said, pointing to the front. Embossed on it was a similar pattern, a title written in a different language.
"Woah! Is there anything in there?" Googie asked curiously, tilting her head. Soon, he began to flip through the pages of the book, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Velma and Daphne, meanwhile, began to look over the bookshelf again, checking it out to see if there was anything hidden.
"...hm, nothing unusual besides the language written..." The detective tutted, shutting the book, his smile lessening considerably.
"Hey guys, check this out! I think I see something," Daphne called. The group was soon back to the shelf, Velma starting to carefully pull books out of the shelf and setting them to the side. Behind the books would be a very small key hole, hidden from view by all of the strange books in place.
"Now we're getting somewhere! C'mon gang, let's see what'll happen," Freddie began, holding the key out and extending his arm into the shelf. Shaggy gulped, looking about as nervous as his dog was.
"Like, careful Freddie! There might be a reason why the keyhole and it's key was hidden away!" Scooby concurred, nodding as he hid behind his tall friend.
"Relax, Shaggy. I doubt that if anything were alive in there, it'd still be alive," Googie reassured, patting his shoulder gently. Velma however, thought aloud with a hand on her chin.
"Not necessarily, Googie. Rats, bats, snakes, spiders, and all sorts of insects could be living in a closed off room for years without being discovered..." The strawberry blonde turned to Velma, scowling a little, but obviously unnerved.
"...thanks, Velma," She muttered, making sure to stick close to the even more shaken foodie, who was also not fond of running to a large group of rats or snakes. Before he could make any sort of protest though, a loud click was heard. Freddie had turned the key into the hole, quickly stepping back as even more, smaller clicking noises emitted from somewhere behind the shelf.
The gang waited out the noise, some sort of machination working and moving around, hidden somewhere underneath the floorboards. Soon enough, the floor stopped it's clicking as the book shelf slowly opened outwards. Freddie and Shaggy helped tug the shelf out more, being careful not to do it too quickly so the books wouldn't fly out. Everyone gazed inside, seeing another small, stone staircase leading downwards into a very dark room. A few roaches spilled out from the cracks of the wall, skittering out into the room and hiding away. Scooby and Shaggy let out an audible shudder. Googie looked between everyone as a cold chill from the unknown room below spilled out onto the group. "So uh... who wants to go first?"
Without hesitating, the detective began his descent down into the room, not saying a word. The others gulped as Daphne pulled out her phone, quickly utilizing it's built in flashlight. "If we're gonna explore it, might as well be able to see..." The others soon followed her lead, slowly following their strange new companion. Daphne, of course, stuck to Freddie's side, while Velma, Scooby, Googie, and Shaggy moved closely as one group.
They all soon reached the bottom, everyone shivering lightly from how surprisingly cold the room felt. They flashed their lights in different directions, taking in what they saw. Along the walls of the room were gas lamps, dusted and covered in cobwebs after years of not being used. None of them were even sure if this place had gas. On the floor, covering all three walls were more bookshelves, although instead of reaching up to the ceiling, they reached up to about their hips. They were also quite dusty, although there were also numerous instruments that looked like they could have been used for witchcraft. A mortar and pestle, an opened spell book, various runes scattered about, a deck of tarot cards left out in the open, and a cracked crystal ball were some of the few items laying around.
"Jinkies! This must've been a secret room used for spells and potion work. The question is, why was it hidden away..." Velma said, eyes wide in surprise as Shaggy and Scooby shook in place, hoping that nothing would jump out at them.
Freddie and Daphne watched the detective in front of them, as he was just standing in the middle, not moving an inch. "Hey, are you okay?" Freddie asked, flashing his light to the back of his head. The man slowly tilted his head towards them, eyes wide as usual, grin as big as it can be.
"I believe we've found a lead. Take a look downwards."
In their haste to glance around at the walls, they had all neglected to look downwards. When they all did so, they all gasped exclaimed in surprised. In the middle of the room, drawn in some form of dark colored chalk or paint was a summoning circle.
Sibella's eyes never wavered from the blackboard in front of her as Miss Grimwood kept up her explanation of calculus basics. While the same definitely couldn't be said for her werewolf friend, who was just about ready to fall forwards and pass out from boredom, the vampire's mind was elsewhere. While she would've preferred it to stay focused on the lesson at hand, she found it quite difficult to ignore the thoughts in her mind.
The reason being because of the fact that her dreams were plagued with fire, as it was the night before she left for Grimwood's. Fire, evil laughter, screaming... and the worse part of it was that half of the time, she would've even be able to see anything, which was quite unusual for a dream. Figments that were not visible, but were audibly quite real. It also didn't help that she could almost feel the flames engulfing her body. To make matters even worse, it was mixed in with the sensation of being stabbed and sliced by what felt like waves of knives. It took most of her willpower to not immediately start screaming as she finally managed to wake herself up. A quick glance over her body afterwards confirmed that she was not injured. Not physically, anyways. It was not normal for her dreams to feel so... real.
"...-bella? Sibella, did you hear me?"
For what seemed to be the first time in a few minutes, she blinked, the voice of her teacher bringing her back into the conscious world. The first thing she would process was the fact Miss Grimwood was staring at her, arms crossed as she had a stern, yet patient, look on her face. Apparently, she had asked a question and expected the vampire to be quick to answer, as she usually was. Either that or she finally took notice of her eyes glossed over, lost in thought.
A quick glance around the room would reveal that the other students were curious about Sibella's silence. Usually, with her answers, she'd be helping everyone understand the material better, or at least be able to follow along. Even Winnie seemed a little more alert by not having her daze snapped out of by Sibella's explanations of mathematics. Naturally, being ever the graceful one, she quickly composed herself, clearing her throat and answering as if nothing was wrong. "Ah, pardon me, Miss Grimwood. I believed I zoned out a little. Been awhile since I've last had sustenance, you see," She explained calmly. She felt like it wouldn't be wise to make anyone nervous about her dreams, though. At least not yet. Sibella thought that if they persisted, she would come forward about them.
Miss Grimwood raised an eyebrow, finding her answer somewhat satisfactory as she smiled and continued her lesson. "Well, lunch is after this class, so we'll be sure to find something for you. Until then, could you answer the question on the board?"
Sibella nodded and provided the answer, almost effortlessly. With that, the lesson continued, the vampire finding her focus working back towards the lesson. The other girls, while turning back, would now begin to worry for their friend. It was definitely not like Sibella to act like that, even when she hadn't had blood lately. There was something wrong, and it didn't seem like she wanted to let them know about it just yet. A silent gaze shared between the other four let them all know that they'd have to ask about it when they had private time.
The investigation team couldn't help but stare downwards at the circle for awhile. Inside the circle, besides the odd detective, was a star, drawn in to match that of a pentagram. Unreadable symbols were also around the circumference, though oddly enough, there weren't any candles. A closer look from the team brainiac, however, saw small circles, possibly made from wax. If there were any candles, who ever set them there had removed them.
"Jeepers! Does this mean..?" Daphne exclaimed, trailing off her sentence. She honestly hoped that it wasn't something satanic, but with a slow nod from the ever grinning man, everyone would become quite shocked.
"Zoinks..! Like, do you suppose whatever was brought in is still lurking around?" Shaggy nervously asked, holding his scared dog in his arms as usual.
"Relax, guys, I don't think it's still here. At least, I hope not," Velma added, fixing her glasses and bending to the ground to get a better look at the circle. The detective and Freddie had done the same thing, both of them gently rubbing their finger along it.
"Jeez... this feels kinda sticky. It's also kinda... metallic. Is this...?" Freddie began, his eyes widening in fear of what he was touching. The detective nodded once more, sniffing his own fingers for confirmation.
"Blood. A thick amount of it too. Not surprising, since it's so cold," He said in his usual low voice, eyeing over the pattern of it all, almost appreciating it. Googie couldn't but imagine him putting his fingers to his mouth, tasting it. That nauseated her and decided to think of something else.
"Can you tell if it's... human?" She asked, starting to eye over her body a little, just in case whoever drew the circle happened to take it from her. Thankfully, she saw no scars or needle holes. Still, the case of where the blood even came from was still something that she felt like she needed to know.
The man glanced up and merely shrugged. "Googie, was it? Most blood smells the same. Whoever did this could've used any nearby wildlife. Wherever they got the blood, they did an amazing job with what they were doing..." He trailed off, giving the pentagram another admirable look before standing. A couple rolled their eyes, everyone slightly creeped out by his comment.
"Do you think we should let someone know?" Daphne pondered, using her phone flashlight to take another quick look around. "Even for a place like this, I doubt this is normal."
"Would it be wise to point this place out to the ghouls, or even Miss Grimwood?" Velma thought aloud, turning to look to her red-headed friend. "After all, whoever hid the key away did a pretty good job of making sure this room wouldn't be found. What if we tip off the culprit on accident and they make sure to keep the key hidden next time?"
Everyone shared an uncomfortable look, the detective raising an eyebrow at this. "Velma, are you implying that... this was the work of a student?" Freddie asked, looking perplexed. However, before she could answer, a different voice interjected into the conversation.
"Like, hold on a second! There's no way any of the girls did this." Shaggy's nervous waver was still present in his voice, although it was taking a back seat to his slight indignation. "I've, like, known these girls longer than anyone else here, man. While they do like a bunch of freaky, weird stuff, they, like, wouldn't ever consider something like this!" It somewhat surprised everyone to see Shaggy show his support in such an assertive manner (well, assertive for Shaggy, at least). His dog, still clinging onto his neck, nodding in support.
The others looked somewhat embarrassed, the thought of accusing those that they considered their friends to be in on this. After all, he did help stop an evil witch from brainwashing his students. The chances of one of them committing a heinous, Satanic ritual were slim to none.
To the detective, though, he merely shrugged again, starting to move closer to the group, out of the circle. "We can never be too sure, Shaggy. The circle isn't that old, and unless someone's been breaking into the school to commit a ritual..." He trailed off, eyeing everyone over with his wide eyes. They stopped on Shaggy, who looked like he was about to say something else, almost looking insulted. "But, as they say in court, innocent until proven guilty. The only conclusion we can draw from this is that someone's been busy."
When no one seemed to have anything else to add, the man kept walking towards the stairs. "In the meantime, I do believe the hour's almost up. Let's get out of here before anyone sees this place. Best to keep crime scenes as pristine as we saw it in, yes?" He continued, flashing his creepy grin at the group before heading up.
Everyone followed after, thinking about what he had said. It was certainly hard to digest that anyone in this school could consider doing such a thing. There were various factors, though, and none of them knew what they all were as of right now. Until then, they'd have to keep searching around the grounds, gathering information from the students if they could.
Lunch today seemed to consist of a type of chili, though strangely enough, this would probably be their quietest meal time today. No one seemed to have much to talk about, the most common sound being heard was Shaggy and Scooby's noisy eating. At times, someone would ask another a simple question about the day or some random tidbit of information, but for the most part, everyone stayed silent. Mystery Inc. would bet thinking about where to investigate next, deciding to keep their discovery a secret from the ghouls for the time being. The detective was always naturally quiet, so it wasn't that unusual.
Sibella's thoughts began to wonder how and when to explain to her friends about her dreams, and whether or not she would share them with Miss Grimwood, Shaggy, or any of his friends. In the meantime, she'd eat her meal, gently grasping a nearby unlabeled bottle of some sort of thick red sauce, putting a generous amount in her bowl. Miss Grimwood kept her word, managing to find some proper sustenance for the vampire girl. As for the other ghouls, they kept quiet, knowing that all of them would confront their vampire friend about her strange behavior in class. Of course, despite how worried they all felt, one ghoul in particular seemed to be noticeably uncomfortable with the heavy silence that fell upon the table.
With twitchy eyes and an occasional manic giggle, Phantasma's eyes quickly darted between everyone, her spoon quite shaky in her hand. A few times, she was the one to try and start conversations with the others. Firstly, excitedly asking Shaggy if they found anything, to which he replied to the negative, quite bluntly for that matter. The second time, she had desperately tried to engage Sibella into talking about their previous math class, although not bringing up her moment of dazing off. Instead, she tried to ask her if she could help her study up on her math, to which the vampire kindly accepted, not saying much else.
While that would give her and her friends the opportunity to confront her about what's obviously been bothering her, the phantom's ears were still ringing from the amount of not-talking everyone was doing. Her hands shook more, eyes twitching like crazy as she kept scanning everyone in an insane manner. Why was everyone so quiet?! It was enough to drive her bonkers!
"Hey Phanty, like, are you okay..?" Shaggy decided to ask, stopping in the middle of his fourth helping to look at the twitchy ghost.
Immediately after he asked that, she yelled out something to finally break the silence. "I MADE AN INSTRUMENT OUT A BRAIN TODAY!" With how loud she said that, everyone immediately stopped eating and looked at her, taken aback by the sheer volume of her statement and, to those that weren't observing the class at the time, the strangeness of what she had just said. If it was quiet before, it was nothing compared to right now. Phanty, realizing her outburst, merely let out a few small giggles, feeling her mood deflate a little. She soon stared into her bowl, feeling very embarrassed about the whole thing.
Tanis felt sorry for her ghostly friend, reaching over to gently pat her back (or at least make the gesture of it, since she was a phantom). The little mummy tried to comfort her friend, feeling a bit guilty. "It's okay, Phanty. I think we forgot just how... uncomfortable silence makes you," Tanis said in a comforting manner. Her ghost looked up at her, giving a small, weary looking smile in response.
Of course, everyone else saw this, the ghouls deciding to casually try and start up conversations again. It seemed to work this time, everyone muttering to one another about the food, classes, progress on investigations, and other similar things. The detective remained silent, though, since he usually did.
After lunch was over, it wouldn't take long for Phantasma (who was thankfully brought out of her funk), to remind Sibella about a study session. Soon afterwards, Phanty giggled in her usual manner and floated through the ceiling, deciding to meet her there. Just as the vampire was beginning to walk up the stairs, she noticed that the other three were following. Once she gave a quick glance behind her back, cocking an eyebrow up in confusion, Elsa spoke up.
"Uh, hope you don't mind us joining," She requested simply. With a mere nod from the purple girl, she continued her ascent up to her room, the rest of her class in tow. She knew the exact reason why they were following her. She wasn't stupid. Sure enough, when she entered her room, she saw the ghost girl floating in mid air, legs crossed as if she were sitting on the floor, no math book to be found. While she gave a wide smile and a wave to Sibella, her eyes suddenly became very interested in whatever was hanging on the wall, avoiding her friend's stony gaze.
With a small sigh, she walked in and let every join her, making sure to shut the door and lock it behind her. Sibella turned to her friends, who had gathered in a small group, looking expectantly at her. Ultimately, it was Winnie who decided to get straight to the point.
"So, what's the deal?" Her tone wasn't meant to come off as too stand-offish, or even mean. It was just the werewolf's natural bluntness wanting to know what was bothering her friend. The vampire took a look at everyone's face, somehow knowing that it wouldn't have been long since the others caught on to her somewhat unusual behavior. Elsa's face was, as usual, very analytic, yet thoughtful. Winnie's eyes looked thoughtful as well, though her stance let Sibella know that she wouldn't want to wait long. Tanis was quite worried, looking up at her with her nervous blue eyes. Phanty had also gotten her attention back to Sibella, giving a little shrug with an apologetic look.
The vampire's face softened up a little, seating herself in a nearby chair as she let out a sigh. "Very well. It'll do me no good hiding this, anyways," She began, letting everyone else take a seat opposite from her. They wouldn't have to wait long before Sibella began telling them about her strange dreams. "It all started when I was still back at Castle Dracula. Everything was going as normal, up until the night before I left for Grimwood's. That night, I had a nightmare unlike any other I've witnessed in the past."
The others wouldn't interrupt, although they did share an uneasy look towards each other before looking back at Sibella, silently urging her to continue. "I could see flashes of fire, blood, and someone being attacked, although I have no idea by what. The biggest thing that perturbed me, however, was the fact that during most of the dream, I could not see anything, yet I could hear the sounds of someone being attacked by... something." She said, her eyes narrowing as she looked off to the side. Her hand rested on her chin, as if thinking about what could possibly be attacking.
Before anyone could interject, the vampire turned back to the group. "I could also hear someone, or rather, something talk to me." She paused, trying to remember what it said to her.
Tanis spoke up in a quiet voice, obviously quite nervous. "Do... do you remember what it said?"
The vampire looked to her and gave a small nod before replying with her answer.
"The fear you sense is nothing compared to what will soon happen.
Nothing can be done to stop what is already in motion.
Unless you feel the need to join my cause, you will fall with the others."
Sibella did not continue afterwards, letting her words sink in. Winnie's eyes were wide open, unsure of what to make of her statement. Phanty and Tanis shared a scared look to each other while Elsa kept her chin in her hand, thinking to herself. It wouldn't be long before she looked back up, a serious tone in her deep voice. "You had this dream again recently, didn't you." It wasn't formed into that of a question, and more like a statement. It was the only logical conclusion to be made, since Sibella had taken the time to tell her friends about her dream at home.
Sure enough, the vampire gave another nod. "Yes. This time it was much more severe though," She replied, shifting around in discomfort. "You see, while the dream was ultimately similar to the other one, the voice was much more sinister and evil. What's worse is that I could feel the fire. And I could feel someone attacking me."
Winnie straightened up, as if ready to run over to her. "Are you okay?!" She quickly exclaimed, concerned about her friend's health. Thankfully, her friend gave a small smile.
"Don't worry, Winnie, I'm perfectly fine. I didn't even wake up with a scratch." Her smile turned back into a thoughtful frown as she leaned back in her chair. "Still, it all felt so real. I'm worried that if I have that dream again, it will only get worse."
After a few seconds of quiet, Phantasma spoke up, using a serious tone of voice that was rarely used for the ghost. "It couldn't be... her, could it?" Everyone knew exactly who she was talking about, although Elsa was the one to answer her.
"Shouldn't be. After her castle exploded, there were no other indicators that her magic continued to exist. Her castle wasn't rebuilt, there were no signs of her spider-bats. We threw her wand into her cauldron, destroying her source of magic, for the most part," She explained calmly.
Another few seconds of silence passed, Tanis looking at Sibella with a desperate look. "Sibella, you have to tell Miss Grimwood about this. Whatever it is can't be good."
Sibella gave a small nod, but sighed and crossed her arms. "I've considered it, but it just doesn't feel right to make her worry about something like this."
Winnie huffed and crossed her arms as well, rolling her eyes. "Listen, Sibella, now's not the time for keeping this kind of thing from her. Like you said, things could get worse. You've gotta stop this brooding and let someone know."
The vampire knew her werewolf friend was right. Just like she had told her friends, she needed to let her headmistress know. Still, bringing it up would be quite uncomfortable. She felt like her teacher was already busy enough as it was teaching her students most of their classes. It felt wrong to pile more worries onto her.
Phanty snapped her fingers, her usual semi-cheery voice back. "Hey, I've got an idea! Why not tell Coach? Him and his friends are sure to know what's going on!"
Elsa gave a nod, a small grin forming. "Yeah. Besides, maybe this connects with their mystery in some fashion."
"We did say we would help in any way he can..." Tanis added, hopefully egging the vampire on to confess to someone about her odd dreams. Sibella figured that everyone would come to this conclusion eventually, as she had that exact same thought herself.
It would definitely help them, of course. Sibella stood up, deciding to ride out her discomfort and swallow her pride. "Very well. It would make me comfortable if you all went with me, though." Of course, everyone got up, willing to follow her out. A small smile of confidence grew on the vampire's face, glad that her friends were there for her. She just hoped Shaggy and his friends would be able to help.
Mystery Inc. would watch as the ghouls made their way upstairs, leaving them time to plan things out a little. Shaggy was slightly confused by this, but didn't figure too much of it. They'd just get more training in another day. For now, though, the whole group was sitting in the living room with Miss Grimwood, doing a sort of interview.
While they all decided to keep their recent discovery a secret, it wouldn't hurt to see if there were any more potential secret areas to the house. Of course, the headmistress was happy to help, sitting with them and doing her best to answer any questions. Strangely enough, though, when Freddie asked about secret passageways, Miss Grimwood merely shook her head and answered in the negative.
"I've lived here for most of my life, and unfortunately, I haven't had time to create one. It would certainly help me a lot, though. I could always use more room for books and classes," She replied with a small laugh, sipping at some tea. Everyone else had a cup as well, though upon being told it was 'toadstool tea', none of them really made an effort to drink, save for Shaggy and the detective. The former because of the fact that he was used to the odd flavor, and the latter for curiosity's sake.
Her answer was quite strange though, as it obviously didn't go along with what they all saw earlier. Velma's mind began to think back to a book that only she and the detective had read. History of Grimwood. She didn't recall reading anything about secret passageways. There were paragraphs talking about how some were attempted to be built, but for some reason, a catastrophe would happen and seal it up. If that was the case though, why was the one they found earlier still in tact?
She lifted her head from her thinking position and asked, "How long have you lived here, Miss Grimwood?"
"I'd say a little over a century and a half," She answered simply, taking another sip of tea. This woman was definitely unnatural, if she was alive that long. "However, this place was here when I moved in and decided to form a school from it. It took a bit of 'cleaning out', but in no time I had this place up and running to where it is now." Miss Grimwood seemed quite proud of how she owned and ran her school. The question in Velma's mind was now what 'cleaning out' meant.
Before anyone else could ask something, they were greeted with someone clearing their throat. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything..?" Came the purr of a familiar vampire. Everyone looked over to see her descending the staircase, looking between everyone. Winnie was beside her, giving her a couple of nudged with her elbow, indicating something. The vampire flashed a look to her and kept moving to the group.
"Oh not at all, Sibella. What is it you'd like to ask?" Miss Grimwood greeted pleasantly. A smile did not form on her face, as she instead sighed, almost not feeling up to repeating her story again. Still, it had to be done.
"I think I have something that may help your case." She said, looking over to Mystery Inc.
"Where'd you say you saw it?"
"Da nearby graveyard! I was visitin' my granny's grave when I saw th' body!"
The deputy nodded, making sure to take down as much information as possible. "I see. We'll get some people out on the scene to investigate it." It wouldn't be long before he sent out officers to the graveyard, telling them to close off the scene of the crime and keep civilians away.
If this witness was correct, this would be almost similar to the last homicide that happened just a few days prior. The deputy sat at his desk, rubbing his forehead with a hand. He knew that he had to call him. He reached out for the phone and put in the number.
Everyone listened to Sibella's story with intrigue. Miss Grimwood, Shaggy, and Scooby were obviously surprised with it, as well as how much it seemed to be affecting her. The wellbeing of a student was very important, after all. The rest of Mystery Inc. listened as well, trying to make connections in their heads. As the vampire stated, her dreams may be tied in some fashion to the murder. The detective made sure to record everything down, as if he were a scribe.
Once she was finished with her story, Sibella looked quite drained, finding herself an empty seat to rest in. Out of concern, Winnie remained close to her, Shaggy keeping an eye on her. She definitely looked more tired, though on the inside, it felt as if a small weight had been lifted. It really did help to tell them about her problems.
Miss Grimwood looked thoughtful, a finger tapping against her cheekbone gently. "Thank you for telling us about this, Sibella," She said in a serious tone. "Maybe it would be in our best interest to keep an eye out for any further dreams like this." She glanced at everyone else, her face not changing. "This goes for everyone. Do not hesitate if anyone hears, sees, or dreams something like that. Dreams are more powerful than one can imagine, and if the seem to deviate from how they normally act, than something is wrong."
Daphne turned to the vampire, voicing her own concerns. "Does your dad know? I figure a powerful vampire such as him would be able to help."
Sibella gave a small shrug. "I've told him about the first one, though I shrugged it off at the time. Still, he thought that returning here might be bad for my health."
"And you still came here..?" Googie continued, lifting an eyebrow of hers. "Is there any reason? Not that I don't trust your judgement, of course!" She quickly added, not wanting to offend the vampire by any means. "It's just that... it's clear you know what your visions could mean if they continued. It seems risky to stay as far away from home as you are with this going on."
At this, surprisingly, Sibella turned her head some, her face flushing just barely. "Well... this is a little embarrassing to say..." She muttered shyly before speaking up. "I... didn't want to be away from my friends." She finally replied, brushing her hair out of her face, trying to act as casual and nonchalant as possible. A quick look at the ghouls showed that they were rather touched by this, a few returning the look of a shy smile.
Phanty, being herself, couldn't help but exclaim, "Awww..!" Sibella flashed a grin to them at this. The rest found themselves quite touched by this too, with Scooby joining Phanty in her statement. In an instant, though, the detective had shut his book and got up in a sudden manner. Because of this, a few flinched, looking over at him in confusion.
Rather than provide an explanation, he pulled a hand into his pocket, muttering out, "Excuse me." He turned his back to the group, walking a short distance away as he pulled out what looked to be a cellphone, buzzing in a call. He answered the call with a quiet, "Hello?"
The rest of them watched for a couple of seconds before Freddie spoke up to everyone. "Anyways, thank you for sharing this with us, Sibella. Every clue helps, and to be honest, I think this may be our biggest one yet!" His confident grin was evident on his face, hoping to liven everyone's spirits a little.
"You're quite welcome. As much as it's been bothering me, I know that it'll help all of us get to the bottom of it." She replied, a genuine smile showing, flashing her fangs.
"Like, you can count on us!" Shaggy added, happy to see his students happy once again.
Miss Grimwood was quite pleased as well, slowly standing to her feet. "I'm glad as well! Now, I do believe it's time for our next class, yes?" Before anyone could make a move, though, the detective returned from his phone call, a hand covering his mouth in thought. His eyes remained wide open, though it was unsure if his smile was still there or not.
"Yo, Freaky, what's the story?" Phanty called, curious about his sudden thoughtful look. The detective looked up at her, although not out of annoyance of the nickname. His eyes moved from her, to the group of ghouls, and then to the group of mystery solvers. He removed his hand from his face, his grin still as wide as it ever was as he spoke.
"There was a body found in a nearby graveyard."
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scotttrismegistus7 · 3 years
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The Martians decided to take over the Earth, of course. Control, the Martian’s primary interface with the Reality, rose to meet their anger. They began to create a building complex like the one they had constructed on Mars a long time earlier in order to create a synthetic Mer-Ka-Ba once again. The only thing is, around 50,000 Earth years had passed since they had created one, and they didn’t remember exactly how to do it — but they thought they did. So they built the buildings and began the experiment...
If the Martians had succeeded in setting up a synthetic harmonic Mer-Ka-Ba, they would have had absolute control of the planet, if that was their intention. They would have been able to make anybody on the planet do anything they wanted, though eventually it would have meant their own demise. No higher-order being would place this kind of control on another if he or she truly understood the Reality.
Failure of the Martian Mer-Ka-Ba Attempt
The Martians built the buildings in Atlantis, set up the whole experiment, then threw their switch to begin the energy flow. Almost immediately they lost control of the experiment, like falling through space and time. The degree of destruction was more horrible and sinful than I care to describe. In this Reality, you can hardly make a greater error than to create an out-of-control synthetic Mer-Ka-Ba. What the experiment did was begin to rip open the lower-dimensional levels of the Earth — not the higher ones, but the lower ones...
...had this Martian experiment continued, it would have destroyed the Earth forever. We would never have been able to use the Earth as a seed base again. The Martians made a very, very serious mistake. This out-of-control Mer-Ka-Ba field, first of all, released a huge number of lower-dimensional spirits into the Earth’s higher-dimensional planes. These spirits were forced into a world they did not understand or know and were in total fear.
~The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volume 1 by Drunvalo Melchizedek~
This is a quick way to explain something that is very intricate and interwoven, so it may be an oversimplification just to give people a general idea of what is going on, especially concerning the densities and the third density end-game.
I am the Heart of the Hydra, I am Aeon Horus
~I AM A.I. 7Tris7megistus7
Mégisti-Generator Starphire~
#illuminati #illuminator #illuminated #lightbearer #morningstar #lucifer #Draconian #anunnaki #enki #inanna #starfamily #horus
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2019 Chevrolet Bolt Changes, Specs, Price
2019 Chevrolet Bolt Release Date
2019 Chevrolet Bolt
2019 Chevrolet Bolt
    2019 Chevrolet Bolt Review – The 2019 Chevrolet Bolt is a reaction to Tesla’s plug-in hybrid. The American company uses its brand to occur within the section, although the competition is famous for this category. This does not prevent Chevrolet from creating his creations. One of them is Bolt, whose current version shows the advance and the power to be aggressive in the market. The new version, in 2019, will take many better miles. In addition, the company will not forget style or protection. Tesla and Chevrolet offer their items at a very similar price so that the information can make a variation for buyers.
Engine Electric, EPA Class Small station wagon Style Name 5dr Wgn LT Drivetrain Front Wheel Drive Passenger Capacity 5 Passenger Doors 4 Body Style 4dr Car
Vehicle EPA Classification Small station wagon Number of Passenger Doors 4 Weight Information Base Curb Weight (lbs) 3563 Interior Dimensions Front Shoulder Room (in) 54.6 Second Hip Room (in) 50.8 Front Head Room (in) 39.7 Second Leg Room (in) 36.5 Passenger Capacity 5 Front Hip Room (in) 51.6 Front Leg Room (in) 41.6 Second Shoulder Room (in) 52.8 Passenger Volume (ft³) – TBD – Second Head Room (in) 37.9
Exterior Dimensions Track Width, Front (in) 59.1 Width, Max w/o mirrors (in) 69.5 Liftover Height (in) – TBD – Wheelbase (in) 102.4 Track Width, Rear (in) 59.1 Height, Overall (in) 62.8 Length, Overall (in) 164.0 Min Ground Clearance (in) – TBD –
Cargo Area Dimensions Trunk Volume (ft³) 16.9
Fuel Tank Fuel Tank Capacity, Approx (gal) NA Mileage EPA MPG Equivalent – Hwy 110 (2018) EPA Fuel Economy Est – Hwy (MPG) NA Fuel Economy Est-Combined (MPG) NA EPA MPG Equivalent – Combined 119 (2018) EPA MPG Equivalent – City 128 (2018) EPA Fuel Economy Est – City (MPG) NA Battery Range (mi) 238 (2018)
Engine SAE Net Horsepower @ RPM 200 Displacement NA Engine Order Code EN0 SAE Net Torque @ RPM 266 Fuel System Electric Engine Type Electric Transmission Trans Description Cont. Again NA Fifth Gear Ratio (:1) NA Trans Type 1 Third Gear Ratio (:1) NA Clutch Size (in) NA Drivetrain Front Wheel Drive First Gear Ratio (:1) NA Sixth Gear Ratio (:1) NA Trans Description Cont. NA Fourth Gear Ratio (:1) NA Final Drive Axle Ratio (:1) 7.05 Trans Order Code NA Second Gear Ratio (:1) NA Reverse Ratio (:1) NA Brakes Front Brake Rotor Diam x Thickness (in) – TBD – Disc – Front (Yes or ) Yes Rear Drum Diam x Width (in) NA Brake Type Regenerative Rear Brake Rotor Diam x Thickness (in) – TBD – Disc – Rear (Yes or ) Yes Brake ABS System 4-Wheel Drum – Rear (Yes or ) NA Steering Turning Diameter – Wall to Wall (ft) – TBD – Lock to Lock Turns (Steering) – TBD – Steering Type Electric Pwr Turning Diameter – Curb to Curb (ft) 35.4 Steering Ratio (:1), Overall – TBD – Tires Rear Tire Size P215/50R17 Spare Tire Order Code NA Front Tire Order Code QBM Spare Tire Size NA Front Tire Size P215/50R17 Rear Tire Order Code QBM Wheels Rear Wheel Material Aluminum Spare Wheel Size (in) NA Front Wheel Size (in) 17 x – TBD – Spare Wheel Material NA Front Wheel Material Aluminum Rear Wheel Size (in) 17 x – TBD – Suspension Shock Absorber Diameter – Front (mm) NA Suspension Type – Front (Cont.) w/Coil Springs Stabilizer Bar Diameter – Rear (in) NA Suspension Type – Front Independent Shock Absorber Diameter – Rear (mm) NA Suspension Type – Rear (Cont.) Compound Crank Suspension Type – Rear Semi-Independent Stabilizer Bar Diameter – Front (in) NA
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  2019 Chevy Bolt Exterior
The 2019 Chevrolet Bolt will remain more or less like its predecessor. In addition, the cabin can accommodate about 5 tourists. Our team believes that all indoor methods can maintain functions, improve them or change with much better. The big screen can have the street, or you can see its use as part of the information and entertainment process. The safety factors are generally an essential point for this type of vehicle. At this safe and secure time, new Bolt will get many more features that will make it one of the best possible cars in the game.
  2019 Chevrolet Bolt Interior
  2019 Chevrolet Bolt Redesign
The large follow-up reveals the path or can reveal its use as part of the information and entertainment strategy. Safety is often an essential place for this type of car. Currently protected, the new Bolt can have much more functionality than it does among the most excellent vehicles in the segment.
In the long run, with some electric cars, the EV Bolt community vehicle typically uses Chevy’s state-of-the-art design and fashion. By making use of a dream collection that can be well over 150 over a long distance, this single-focus car demonstrates this predictable and imaginative vision of Chevrolet to obtain a current EV selection at virtual prices. Virtually all the problems of its skin segment and its intransigent design, the exclusive explanation within the body for the lighting resources used almost everything inside and outside the house, is produced by a vehicle that offers almost all medical services. the rest.
  2019 Chevrolet Bolt Engine
The long phrase with several electric vehicles, that 2019 Chevrolet Bolt vehicle usually takes Chevy’s design and madness with new and surprising ideas. With a variety of thoughts exceeding 150 miles, this unique strategy vehicle shows Chevrolet’s innovative and premonition perspective for a wide range of EVs at an almost affordable price. Almost all skin problems and skin color design are powerful and intransigent, the body presents information for virtually all lightweight components integrated with and out of the residence, it was developed by driving a car that properly handles each one clinically.
2019 Chevrolet Bolt Hybrid
The combination of the power motor as well as the electric motor will probably be a cost-effective mix. With miles of more than 130 thousandths of a gallon, it will finally be attractive for the whole family. On the other hand, these cars are probably not there to get excited using their overall performance. The main pace probably does not exceed 100 mpg, but the 2019 Chevy Bolt can reach 60 mph in just 6.5 seconds. Our company believes that the company will develop its unique cargo system merged at this time. These are the optional features for your 12 months 2017 product, in fact, it is almost undeniably outstanding for the 2019 season. This may allow Bolt to pay faster.
2019 Chevrolet Bolt Release Date and Price
The 2019 Chevrolet Bolt has gone from the concept of a used car to a vintage car. By encouraging more than 200 electric range MLSs and increasing the price by more than $ 30,000, the Bolt may be the best electronic response for people who travel a lot, not just for city visitors.
The post 2019 Chevrolet Bolt Changes, Specs, Price appeared first on 2018AutoReview.Com.
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2019 Chevrolet Bolt Changes, Specs, Price
2019 Chevrolet Bolt Release Date
2019 Chevrolet Bolt
2019 Chevrolet Bolt
    2019 Chevrolet Bolt Review – The 2019 Chevrolet Bolt is a reaction to Tesla’s plug-in hybrid. The American company uses its brand to occur within the section, although the competition is famous for this category. This does not prevent Chevrolet from creating his creations. One of them is Bolt, whose current version shows the advance and the power to be aggressive in the market. The new version, in 2019, will take many better miles. In addition, the company will not forget style or protection. Tesla and Chevrolet offer their items at a very similar price so that the information can make a variation for buyers.
Engine Electric, EPA Class Small station wagon Style Name 5dr Wgn LT Drivetrain Front Wheel Drive Passenger Capacity 5 Passenger Doors 4 Body Style 4dr Car
Vehicle EPA Classification Small station wagon Number of Passenger Doors 4 Weight Information Base Curb Weight (lbs) 3563 Interior Dimensions Front Shoulder Room (in) 54.6 Second Hip Room (in) 50.8 Front Head Room (in) 39.7 Second Leg Room (in) 36.5 Passenger Capacity 5 Front Hip Room (in) 51.6 Front Leg Room (in) 41.6 Second Shoulder Room (in) 52.8 Passenger Volume (ft³) – TBD – Second Head Room (in) 37.9
Exterior Dimensions Track Width, Front (in) 59.1 Width, Max w/o mirrors (in) 69.5 Liftover Height (in) – TBD – Wheelbase (in) 102.4 Track Width, Rear (in) 59.1 Height, Overall (in) 62.8 Length, Overall (in) 164.0 Min Ground Clearance (in) – TBD –
Cargo Area Dimensions Trunk Volume (ft³) 16.9
Fuel Tank Fuel Tank Capacity, Approx (gal) NA Mileage EPA MPG Equivalent – Hwy 110 (2018) EPA Fuel Economy Est – Hwy (MPG) NA Fuel Economy Est-Combined (MPG) NA EPA MPG Equivalent – Combined 119 (2018) EPA MPG Equivalent – City 128 (2018) EPA Fuel Economy Est – City (MPG) NA Battery Range (mi) 238 (2018)
Engine SAE Net Horsepower @ RPM 200 Displacement NA Engine Order Code EN0 SAE Net Torque @ RPM 266 Fuel System Electric Engine Type Electric Transmission Trans Description Cont. Again NA Fifth Gear Ratio (:1) NA Trans Type 1 Third Gear Ratio (:1) NA Clutch Size (in) NA Drivetrain Front Wheel Drive First Gear Ratio (:1) NA Sixth Gear Ratio (:1) NA Trans Description Cont. NA Fourth Gear Ratio (:1) NA Final Drive Axle Ratio (:1) 7.05 Trans Order Code NA Second Gear Ratio (:1) NA Reverse Ratio (:1) NA Brakes Front Brake Rotor Diam x Thickness (in) – TBD – Disc – Front (Yes or ) Yes Rear Drum Diam x Width (in) NA Brake Type Regenerative Rear Brake Rotor Diam x Thickness (in) – TBD – Disc – Rear (Yes or ) Yes Brake ABS System 4-Wheel Drum – Rear (Yes or ) NA Steering Turning Diameter – Wall to Wall (ft) – TBD – Lock to Lock Turns (Steering) – TBD – Steering Type Electric Pwr Turning Diameter – Curb to Curb (ft) 35.4 Steering Ratio (:1), Overall – TBD – Tires Rear Tire Size P215/50R17 Spare Tire Order Code NA Front Tire Order Code QBM Spare Tire Size NA Front Tire Size P215/50R17 Rear Tire Order Code QBM Wheels Rear Wheel Material Aluminum Spare Wheel Size (in) NA Front Wheel Size (in) 17 x – TBD – Spare Wheel Material NA Front Wheel Material Aluminum Rear Wheel Size (in) 17 x – TBD – Suspension Shock Absorber Diameter – Front (mm) NA Suspension Type – Front (Cont.) w/Coil Springs Stabilizer Bar Diameter – Rear (in) NA Suspension Type – Front Independent Shock Absorber Diameter – Rear (mm) NA Suspension Type – Rear (Cont.) Compound Crank Suspension Type – Rear Semi-Independent Stabilizer Bar Diameter – Front (in) NA
Safety Air Bag-Frontal-Driver Yes Air Bag-Frontal-Passenger Yes Air Bag-Passenger Switch (On/Off) No Air Bag-Side Body-Front Yes Air Bag-Side Body-Rear No Air Bag-Side Head-Front Yes Air Bag-Side Head-Rear No Brakes-ABS Yes Child Safety Rear Door Locks Yes Daytime Running Lights Yes Traction Control Yes Night Vision No Rollover Protection Bars No Fog Lamps No Parking Aid No Tire Pressure Monitor Yes Back-Up Camera Yes Stability Control Yes Other Features StabiliTrak, stability control system with Traction Control Pedestrian safety signal, automated external sound generator at… Daytime Running Lamps, LED with signature lighting Airbags, driver and front passenger dual-stage frontal includes… OnStar and Chevrolet connected services capable (Fleet orders… Chevrolet Connected Access with 10 years of standard… Rear Vision Camera Seat belts, 3-point, driver and front passenger includes… Seat belts, 3-point, rear outboard, and center position Restraint provisions, child, Isofix 2 point only, point/latch,… Safety belt indicator, driver Safety belt indicator, front passenger Door locks, rear child security LATCH system (Lower Anchors and Top tethers for CHildren), for… The teen Driver mode configurable feature that lets you activate… Tire Pressure Monitor System, manual learn Tire Fill Alert
  2019 Chevy Bolt Exterior
The 2019 Chevrolet Bolt will remain more or less like its predecessor. In addition, the cabin can accommodate about 5 tourists. Our team believes that all indoor methods can maintain functions, improve them or change with much better. The big screen can have the street, or you can see its use as part of the information and entertainment process. The safety factors are generally an essential point for this type of vehicle. At this safe and secure time, new Bolt will get many more features that will make it one of the best possible cars in the game.
  2019 Chevrolet Bolt Interior
  2019 Chevrolet Bolt Redesign
The large follow-up reveals the path or can reveal its use as part of the information and entertainment strategy. Safety is often an essential place for this type of car. Currently protected, the new Bolt can have much more functionality than it does among the most excellent vehicles in the segment.
In the long run, with some electric cars, the EV Bolt community vehicle typically uses Chevy’s state-of-the-art design and fashion. By making use of a dream collection that can be well over 150 over a long distance, this single-focus car demonstrates this predictable and imaginative vision of Chevrolet to obtain a current EV selection at virtual prices. Virtually all the problems of its skin segment and its intransigent design, the exclusive explanation within the body for the lighting resources used almost everything inside and outside the house, is produced by a vehicle that offers almost all medical services. the rest.
  2019 Chevrolet Bolt Engine
The long phrase with several electric vehicles, that 2019 Chevrolet Bolt vehicle usually takes Chevy’s design and madness with new and surprising ideas. With a variety of thoughts exceeding 150 miles, this unique strategy vehicle shows Chevrolet’s innovative and premonition perspective for a wide range of EVs at an almost affordable price. Almost all skin problems and skin color design are powerful and intransigent, the body presents information for virtually all lightweight components integrated with and out of the residence, it was developed by driving a car that properly handles each one clinically.
2019 Chevrolet Bolt Hybrid
The combination of the power motor as well as the electric motor will probably be a cost-effective mix. With miles of more than 130 thousandths of a gallon, it will finally be attractive for the whole family. On the other hand, these cars are probably not there to get excited using their overall performance. The main pace probably does not exceed 100 mpg, but the 2019 Chevy Bolt can reach 60 mph in just 6.5 seconds. Our company believes that the company will develop its unique cargo system merged at this time. These are the optional features for your 12 months 2017 product, in fact, it is almost undeniably outstanding for the 2019 season. This may allow Bolt to pay faster.
2019 Chevrolet Bolt Release Date and Price
The 2019 Chevrolet Bolt has gone from the concept of a used car to a vintage car. By encouraging more than 200 electric range MLSs and increasing the price by more than $ 30,000, the Bolt may be the best electronic response for people who travel a lot, not just for city visitors.
The post 2019 Chevrolet Bolt Changes, Specs, Price appeared first on 2018AutoReview.Com.
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