#they also cancelled manifest btw so i'm really living it up
nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
For the Character Bingo Game!! Please feel free to mix and match and disregard as you please:
Milligan, Isaac the Messenger, Susan Pevensie, and Toph Beifong
Hope you are having an amazing day, and that the Tasks go smoothly :)
Done! Sorry the highlights on this look so terrible, I'm bad at filling these out. But I very much appreciate the ask! 🥰🥰🥰
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I don't know if Milligan and I would be friends irl (I suppose it depends if you're talking about my fic's version, canon, and whether he has memories or not), but assuming there's nothing crazy going on, then yeah, I could see us getting along. Not a big sports fan though. As you know from my fic, I have a lot of head canons, and rotating 24/7, and all MBS characters need therapy let's be real. They also all need more screen time, had wasted potential, and canon did them all dirty by cancelling the show, but I highlighted these for Milligan specifically because he never got closure and answers as to what Curtain did to him and why he was working there. As for my half filled in "my opinions are unpopular", that's mostly because of SOS: people either love it, or it's not for them. So I'm not sure what to call that. I relate to him (positive) because I head canon him as having ADHD (even though I have ADHD-I and I head canon him as having ADHD-HI, but close enough).
Isaac the Messenger:
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I feel like Isaac and I would be friends irl since I have a lot of friends doing STEM things. All MBS characters go to therapy, and I clicked canon did him dirty and wasted potential because... did he just wait in the woods forever? I feel like they could have done something with that. I wasn't sure whether to click "needed more screen time" because I feel like it wouldn't be a lot more screen time, just enough to give a little closure on that. I say my opinions are unpopular because I haven't seen any other fics with him as a main or even major side character (if they exist lmk) and I half filled in "so many head canons" because...I do expand on his character a bit in SOS, but I don't know if I'd say I have a ton of head canons for him.
Susan Pevensie:
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Ohhh....the problem of Susan. That's what all these highlights are based off of btw. I understand Lewis was using her to reflect his own issues, but why couldn't he have lived to write her story? The arrow over rotating is because when Narnia was my primary childhood hyperfixation, Susan's story was one I was really interested in. (Spoilers Ahead for The Last Battle). She has to live with all her friends and family dying, and figure out how to get back on the right path without them. I would have loved to read a story about Susan and her husband and kids where Susan tells them about her time in Narnia and her younger kids and her husband believe her, but other relatives think it's a manifestation of her grief, and even her older kids are like "mom, seriously?" but then either someone who used to live in Narnia but found a portal to our world or another world shows up, or Susan and her family get sucked through a portal to another world that still exists (not Narnia or Charn because those worlds were destroyed but maybe someplace else), and you could have them go on this whole new adventure and I would love to see that happen. However, I am worried about how people would handle the story, hence the half filled boxes for "the fandom is wrong" and "my opinions are unpopular", because I do see the occasional posts that are like "Lewis was just being sexist and hates Susan because she likes boys and lipstick" or "Lewis was 100% right about girls who like boys and lipstick being terrible" which...respectfully, no to both of these. If I remember correctly, Susan wasn't on the train and is still alive, she can have a redemption arc, and she was always described as pretty and liking stereotypical girly things, that itself was never the issue. The issue was her becoming materialistic and caring too much about what other's think of her and mocking her siblings for not acting otherwise. Look, I never related to Susan very much, and I'm not sure that I'd be friends with her irl, based on interests and personality, maybe not, but she's not a bad person just because she's stereotypically feminine and she's certainly not irredeemable. Would have loved to see a sequel where she goes on other adventures and shows off her awesome archery skills and we get to meet a bunch of new fun characters, but I'm so worried that someone who focuses on the wrong aspects of her character would try to make the message of her story about how Lewis was wrong about something he never said or about how Susan was terrible for something that was never a problem in the first place. Sorry to rant, but these are my thoughts.
Toph Beifong:
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She's not the ATLA character I rotate the most, but I do love her. She's insane, but I love her. For this, I kept it ATLA (I know some people would put "wasted potential" or "canon did them dirty" for stuff that happens in Korra, but I'm gonna put that on hold for now). I would love to adopt child her because I have a younger sibling like her and as for the irl we'd be friends, that would 100% depend on whether Toph decided she liked me, and I have no control over that. She needs therapy, but so do all those war surviving children and she has never done anything wrong ever (was using her earth bending to scam people).
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meetmeatthecoda · 3 years
I am shocked. And devastated. And just... deeply saddened.
Firstly, I have no ill will toward Megan. It has never seemed like she’s had a 100% fabulous experience on the show, for a variety of reasons, but we certainly don’t know all the facts, and it’s really none of our business. Of course, she has the absolute right to pick whatever projects she wants to work on & when. And who knows, she could want to spend more time with or perhaps grow her family. Regardless, I wish her the best.
Secondly, I am... confused & appalled at the writers. Not only for all their previous poor decisions (which I suppose are, after all, a matter of opinion & more importantly, I’m not interested in going into them right now/again) but for the way they handled this. Just... they obviously knew this was coming - these things have to be decided in advance - & this is how they chose to write their final season with their lead? I’m... aghast. She was straight-up gone for a portion (though we don’t know the truth behind that, to be fair), villianized for most of it, & pretty much hated for all of it. They knew she was leaving & they couldn’t be bothered to at least try to redeem her character & wrap up her arc in a positive way? Not to mention repair her relationship with the other main character, WHICH IS BY THE WAY THE ENTIRE PREMISE OF THE SHOW. I’m just... baffled. Granted, who knows what they’ll pull out of their rears for these last two eps but... I’m not fooling myself into expecting anything good.
Thirdly, all that “real life” business said... personally? I’m so upset. I saw the headline on my phone first thing when I woke up & the most awful horror spread through my chest. I know that sounds dramatic but... listen. This show means a lot to me. For all that I bitch about it (which I know is a lot), this show has been a constant in my life for over 8 years &... that’s a long-ass time. It’s seen me through the end of high school, undergraduate school, graduate school, AND a world-wide pandemic. I made this tumblr specifically to join the Lizzington community, I’ve made such incredible friends through it, & I started writing just for this ship. My time here has been a rock in tough times, a guilty pleasure, & a place to escape. I’ve met amazing people all over the world - some of the loveliest & purest relationships I’ve ever had - and even actual physical penpals, none of which I would have had the opportunity to do without this show. Watching the fandom slowly shrink as friends & acquaintances move on to bigger & better things has been so sad to see & I’m afraid of that just being compounded with the few of us left. I don’t want to lose the friends I’ve made because the show is effectively over. Maybe I’m being overly-sentimental because this is my first active fandom experience but... I don’t care. That’s how I feel. I’m not even sure what I’ll blog about anymore with no show to theorize about, no gifs to cry over, no crappy plots to bitch about. And in terms of fic... I don’t know. I’d certainly like to finish what I have in my line-up, but I’m not sure about after that. I’d love to finish my WIPs & write the vision I’ve always had for my final Lizzington fic. It makes me so sad to think of not writing anymore but if there’s no show? What else can I do? I won’t be stopping immediately but, as I suppose it’s always been, the conclusion of the show is tied to the lifespan of my fics & when one ends... I think so does the other. And that thought makes me so unbelievably sad.
I think I’m mostly gutted because I just wasn’t expecting this. I NEVER thought either Megan or James leaving before the natural conclusion of the show was EVER a possibility. And, more importantly, I thought we had at least one more season. Ever since renewals came into real question around season seven or so, it occurred to me that I should try to prepare for the eventual end. And I was mentally preparing for it! But, since the news that there will be a season 9, I was counting on at least one more year. Would it be bad? Probably. Would it be worth watching? Probably not. Would there be any Lizzington? Unlikely. But would I be able to liveblog & scream about it with my friends? Yes. Would there be inspiration for new fics? You bet. Would there be the smallest, tiniest, little glimmer of hope for Lizzington? .....Yes. Some may argue there was never any hope to begin with (& we would obviously disagree) but that’s the thing about hope: as long as there’s a little, there’s some. But there’s not anymore. Because without Megan, there’s no Liz, & without Liz, there’s no possibility for Lizzington. At least for me. So, to go from counting on at least one more season before it was time to prepare for the end of this whole experience, to suddenly just two episodes is... so painful. Just one week left. After eight seasons. And more than eight years. Usually you have so much more build-up before series finales, which is effectively what this is for me. To not have that just makes everything feel so... pointless. I know it’s not &, despite the shit show this all turned out to be, I WILL have fond memories of this time. And I WILL eventually get over it. It just... feels like a huge loss. Because it is. It’s unexpected. And devastating. And while it’s super dramatic & way over-the-top to say it... I feel like I’m grieving right now. This show - & more so this ship - meant so much to me. And I feel like we lost that today. Who knows what they’ll do in these next 2 episodes - if they’ll chose to retcon the mythology or if they’ll successfully tie up all the loose ends? If they’ll end with Red & Liz on good terms or friends (or more?) or if they’ll OOC tf out of the relationship in an attempt to set things up for season 9 & whatever their weird plans are...
But, I’m sorry, no matter what they’re planning? I won’t be watching season 9. The Blacklist has always - from the first promo - been about Red & Liz & their relationship. TPTB seem to have forgotten that. And to quote Megan... “I think it’s a love story.”
It’s a shame we never got to see it.
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